
Showing posts from June, 2011

php - mysqli_data_seek Function Returns Username Result, When Username Not in Database -

I have a function in which a named user is in my database, I have a message on my screen string value , Which just says my function works. However, when I do not exist in the database, the name changes, I still get a string output that says that the function works. So I am trying to figure out how my argument in question has been messed up. What do I have: users.php file: & lt; Php function user_exists ($ user name) {$ db = "adult"; $ DbH = "localhost"; $ DbU = "root"; $ DbP = "Jeffrey 9"; // $ dbCon = mysqli_connect ($ dbH, $ dbU, $ dbp, $ db) connection to; $ Username = sanitize ($ username); // $ query = mysqli_query ($ dbCon, "SELECT COUNT (` user_id`) WHERE 'user name' = '$ user name' from `users`); return (mysqli_data_seek (mysqli_query ($ dbCon," SELECT COUNT (`user_id `) WHERE 'username' = '$ user name' from` users`), 0) == 1)? right wrong; }? & Gt; Now here is the login pa

moovweb - How to remove a label in <li> element and add image using tritium? -

Using a tritium How to remove a label in the element and add the image to the same place I have a sprint image How can I element & lt; Div id = "TopMenu" & gt; & Lt; Ul style = "display:" & gt; & Lt; Li style = "display:" class = "first" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" data-transition = "slide" class = "ui-link" & gt; My Account & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li style = "display:" category = "carlink" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" data-transition = "slide" class = "ui-link" & gt; View Cart & lt; Period & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; First of all there is no label element in your snippet ... but to an element Remove use the 'Remove' function ie Remove ('label') // This wi

android - xCode build how to determine git branch? -

Suppose I'm working on a regular xCode project on which GIT has tracked files. For the purposes of internal use, I want to know (seeing in the iOS app running on iOS) some debugging information, such as how the developer GIT branch was on Android < / P> How this can be done, you can modify the build script to see the person's .git directory from where they have been created and refs / heads / Feature_branch_2 such as /. Git / HEAD to see something in the file. On xCode I do not know if any device is being used to create, let alone modify the creation script or ... do I need to modify the creation script? (I.e., there is an easy way?) You can manage it through the Source Tree Mac App And can change the guitars, the path to manage the conflict. You can change the guitgn path - SourceTree-> Preferences-> Git-> Global ignore list-> Edit file. You can manage different commands and all through its GUI.

python - reorder column in pandas pivot table -

How do I reorder the land use column in this data frame: field answers using South land corn 2005 L49l02k3744 2078875.0976 2010 201977.2160 2303998.5024 developed 2005 1248.4416 10225.5552 2010 707.4816 7619.8528 forest / Wetlands 2005 26511.4304 69629.8624 2010 23433.7600 48124.4288 open land 2005 232290.1056 271714.9568 2010 45845.8112 131696.3200 other AG 2005 125527.1808 638010.4192 2010 257439.8848 635332.9024 soybean 2005 50799.1232 1791342.1568 2010 66271.2064 1811186.4512 Currently, 'land use' is organized alphabeticallyI want to put it in the following order: lst = ['openlands', 'one / lake', 'developed', 'corn', 'soybean', 'other ag'] You can df = df.loc [lst] To reorder the index.

javascript - form validation not working, for gettting submitted without being validated -

I can not understand what I'm doing wrong here .... without being presented for verification All forms are still being tried. I do not know that this problem is working on it for the last four hours, every time I click the submit button and submit the successful page directly ... can anyone help me with it? & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Validate the function () (if (document.orderForm.firstName.value == "") {document.getElementById ('Errors'). InnerHTML = "Please enter a first name"; document.orderForm.fistName.focus () ; return false); } If (document.orderForm.lastName.value == "") {document.getElementById ('Errors'). InnerHTML = "Please enter a last name"; Document.orderForm.lastName.focus (); return false); } If (document.orderForm.address.value == "") {document.getElementById ('Errors'). InnerHTML = "Please enter an address"); Document.orderForm.address.f

computer vision - Out of memory error in trainCascadeObjectDetector in MATLAB -

After the The following errors are being encountered during the training: Using the ocvTrainCascade error in C Error: \ Temporary \ a3p0_3607_2384 \ Win32 \ opencv \ Module \ core \ src \ alloc.cpp:. Insufficient memory Error in trainCascadeObjectDetector (line 265) ocvTrainCascade (filenameParams, trainerParams, cascadeParams, boostParams ... Error in CascadeTrainGUI / trainDetector (line 1965) trainCascadeObjectDetector ([CTS Error code uicontrol callback during '.xml'], ...

c# - Constructing a SOAP envelope using LINQ to XML -

मुझे एक XML दस्तावेज़ का निर्माण करना है, जिसमें सोएप लिफाफा है: & lt ; SOAP-ENV: लिफ़ाफ़ा xmlns: SOAP-ENV = "" & gt; & LT; सोप-ENV: शरीर & gt; सोप- ENV एक एक्सईलेमेंट भी है, इसलिए इस तरह की कोशिश की: XNamespace साबुन = " साबुन / लिफाफा / "; XElement साबुनएफ़्लैंक = नया एक्सएलेमेंट (साबुन + "SOAP-ENV: लिफाफा", नया एक्सएट्रीब्यूट (XNamespace.Xmlns + "xmlns: SOAP-ENV", साबुन। नामस्थान नाम), नया XElement ("SOAP-ENV: बॉडी")); यह त्रुटि देता है: ':' वर्ण, हेक्साडेसिमल मान 0x3A, एक नाम में शामिल नहीं किया जा सकता। कोई सुराग? अग्रिम धन्यवाद। इसे आज़माएं XNamespace साबुन = ""; एक्सईलेमेंट तत्व = नया एक्सएलेमेंट (साबुन + "लिफाफा", नया एक्सएट्रीब्यूट (XNamespace.Xmlns + "SOAP-ENV", साबुन), नया XElement (साबुन + "बॉडी"));

Short GUID-128 with length of 16 base64 symbols? -

Here's the online GUID generator that offers 16-symbol-long GUIDs:. They say that their short GUID-128 A 128-bit GUID is shown as base 64 string. Small GUID Example: Z6y83ED2i0_mJ7i - . I have tried to implement base 64 encoding for GUID and I have the best result 22 (the result listed in a great article). Does anyone have an idea that they () produce such a small GUID (I mean 16 base64 symbols are 12bytes and they are missing 4 bytes of standart 16byte GUID specificity :))? I will write it as a comment, but I do not have enough reputation to do so. There was a bug in it code. it's fixed. Thanks for looking at this. If you do not mind, I will place a thank you note on the site

java - Parsing abstract objects without container tag with JAXB -

I JAXB to generate very specific XML schema and then the match schema XML parsing documents Want to do I have a summary class which is the basis for everything that will appear in XML. After that there are layout classes and widgets: abstractViewElement {Private list in the public category & lt; AbstractViewElement & gt; children; ...} Public Square TextField AbstractViewElement {...} Expands Public Category Button AbstractViewElement {...} Now, I want to be able to parse XML documents which More or less like this: & lt; Ucl: Layout & gt; & Lt; UCL: Buttons & gt; & Lt; UCL: TextField / & gt; & Lt; / UCL: Layout & gt; So, basically I "children" would get rid of the tag, which is normally required by the layout of Class I is I'm not sure how to set the XML namespace in Jeajiabi , Either ... help? you can replace @XmlElementRef on the children property Comment, then annotate all your subclasses of SarviveAvilm

Envelope detection in Matlab -

I am trying to get an envelope for a measured spectrum. I used the hilbert function in MATLAB which I wrote for a dummy function, but it does not give the right result for my spectrum is. (I got the right curve back). I am thinking that the oscillation of my spectrum is very fast, but it is not certain about this. Hope someone can tell me what is wrong here. A = xlsread ('test.xls'); Y = one (,, 2); H1 = imag (Hilbert (y)); E = sqrt (y ^ 2 + h1 ^ 2 ..);

php - GuzzleHttp Asynchronous Request Exception -

I do not understand how I can remove exceptions from the ghazle future response handler here My code is: & lt ;? Php is required 'vendor / autoload.php'; $ Client = new \ GoalHappy \ Customer (); $ Req = $ client- & gt; CreateRequest ('GET', '', array ('future' = & gt; true;)); Echo "request is being sent \ n"; $ Response = $ client- & gt; Send ($ req); {$ Response-> gt; Then try (function ($ data) {echo "response received \ n"; throw a new exception ('test');}) -> Then (function () {// success handler}, function (exception exception =) {echo "error handler applied \ n"; throw $ exception;}); } Catch (exception $ e) {echo "exception catched \ n"; } "Finish \ n"; hold blocks never reached in this case. You are working with the promise using asynchronous ghazal requests. By using , the closed function of a futurrespons will create a pro

xcode - iOS: event is not saved. Need help debug -

निम्नलिखित addEvent क्रिया के लिए पूर्ण कोड है। - (IBAction) addEventBtnPressed: (आईडी) प्रेषक {EKEvent * myEvent = [EKEvent घटना के साथऐवेंटस्टोर: self.eventStore]; MyEvent.title = self.eventTitle.text; MyEvent.startDate = self.eventStartDate; MyEvent.endDate = self.eventEndDate; MyEvent.allDay = नहीं; NSDateFormatter * dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [DateFormatter setDateFormat: @ "एमएमएमएम डीडी एच एच: एमएमए"]; NSString * startTestDate = [dateFormatter stringFromDate: self.eventStartDate]; NSString * endTestDate = [dateFormatter stringFromDate: self.eventEndDate]; NSLog (@ "टेस्ट शीर्षक स्ट्रिंग:% @", myEvent.title); एनएसएलॉग (@ "टेस्ट स्टार्ट तिथि स्ट्रिंग:% @", स्टार्टटास्टडेट); एनएसएलॉग (@ "टेस्ट स्टार्ट तिथि स्ट्रिंग:% @", एंडटेस्टडेट); [MyEvent setCalendar: [self.eventStore defaultCalendarForNewEvents]]; NSError * err; [Self.eventStore saveEvent: myEvent span: EKSpanThisEvent त्रुटि: & amp; err]; If (err == noEr

css - How to get menu text vertically aligned with inherited height -

I have a pretty standard bootstrap nav menu with some custom modifications, with an issue running with NAV both: The hover selector and vertical-alignment property should be one of me: the hover selector fills 100% of the height of the menu bar, but as soon as I do this work, my vertical alignment effect (and vice versa) stops working. How can I meet both requirements? (For clarity, see my comment in the CSS code) Thanks & lt; Div class = " container" & gt; & Lt; Nav class = "navbar navbar-inverse" role = "navigation" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt ;! - Brand and toggle are grouped for better mobile display - & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar-header" & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" class = "navbar-toggle short" data-toggle = "collapse" data-target = "# secondary-menu-fall" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "sr-only&q

java - Junit for MessageBoxProvider -

I have the code below if (MessageBoxProvider.questionMessageBox (shell, title, message )) {Overwrite to return (file); } How often I wanted to test (jeunit), how often the ordering method (file) method is called, I know that I can use the verification method to check My problem is MessageBoxProvider.questionMessageBox (shell < P> User-interface code is mixed with it, then Unit Testing Business Logic becomes very complicated Ideally, Eine pattern, such as MVC or MVP, should be adopted, which completely blocks it. If you can not go through that route or not, define an interface in which your message box Eg. Public Interface Message Provider {Boolean Pause Question (title, message); // ...} In your class constructor, this Accept the type of object and store it. Switch to, you can control the control can duplicate the object and can be tested by the use of user. In your production code, use a solid implementation of this interface that will be u

apache2 - mod_proxy Getting 200 OK response instead of 206/406 -

Instead of taking the file into chunks, I'm getting 200 responses instead of 206/406 after the first part is over , And the download is finished with a partial file. What could be the reason? Garbage in the cash? File Size: 90MB - Apache Version: 2.2.24

single node hadoop installation on ubuntu 14.0.4 -

I have installed Java and the houp, but when I created nominated formatting and start , I get the following error: : ~ $ hadoop namenode -format error: main class org.apache.hadoop.util.PlatformName did not find the error or could not load: Error loading main Class org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.NameNode

Does Peewee support Elasticsearch? -

People with a simple question, I am very new to the ElasticShark and I only know about the payeeeeee package, me Know that I'm interested PEV supports elastic search because the product I'm working on needs support for different types of data sources. Any help or suggestion is highly appreciated. Which makes sense, as the data storage is different from regular DBMS like ElasticSearch. P> This is not relational as MySQL or PostGreSQL (supported by PEV), there is no transaction, no authentication (i.e. no underlying security). On the one hand, ORM means that the object - relational mapping, which is related to flexibleness, does not mean it.

Layout width css -

I can not fit all the images in a row Images are 210px wide, no margins, no limit padding and containers 1050px is wide. If there is no margin, no padding, no limit, then 210x5 = 1050px, should fit? & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Egerichio 9 & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Style & gt; Body {margin: 0; White-space: Abrop; } #bolas {margin: auto auto; Width: 1050px; } .bolas_billar {margin: 0; Padding: 0; / * Display: inline; Status: Relative; Top: 50%; Margin-top: -85px; * /} & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "bolas" & gt; & Lt; Img id = "bola7" class = "bolas_billar" src = "./images/bola7.jpeg" alt = "speak biller 7" width = "210" height = "170" & gt; & Lt; Img id = "bola8" class = datagrid on mouse over specific column cell display DIV with hyperlink derived from cell content -

I have an ASP.NET datagrid. On the mouse on a specific column cell when I should be able to display a DIV. A hyperlink in the div should be with the cell contents contained in the end . I do not know how to do this because my code is: & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / ItemTemplate & gt; Code Javascript: function displayDiv (textCell) {$ ('# content'). Text (textile); $ ('# Content'). CSS ("Visibility", "Visible"); } Hope it helps

Websphere HttpClient java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/apache/http/conn/ssl/SSLSocketFactory.<init> -

I have a need to set the webpage that Vebsfeyr 8.5 (it works fine in mint 7). This app calls the rest of the other web site, and uses the HTTP client for it. When I start the application, I get the following error: due to: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError :. Org / Apache / http / con / ssl / SSLSocketFactory & lt; Init & gt; Org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.ResteasyClientBuilder.initDefaultEngine ( Ljavax / Pure / ssl / SSLContext; Lorg / Apache / http / con / ssl / X509HostnameVerifier;) at org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs 418 V) PS ( on ( Client Builder .build ( on com.qmino.matrix.calculation.engine.EngineInstance or & lt ;. Init>. ( com.qmino.matrix.calculation.engine.CalculationEngine at & lt; Init & gt; (CalculationEngine.j

MySQL Select where value = 9 'and' value =3 -

मैं इस तालिका से चयन करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: group_id user_id 3 3 9 3 3 18 9 18 9 39 7 39 यूज़र_आईडी जहां इसमें 3 और 9 दोनों मान हैं: मुझे क्या चाहिए: Group_id user_id 3 3 9 3 3 18 9 18 मैंने जो कोशिश की: चुनें * से prlg_pp_group_members जहां group_id IN (3 9); मैंने पहली बार एक प्रश्न लिखा था जो 3 या 9 के समूह_आईड के साथ सभी पंक्तियों को खींच लिया और उन्हें group_id और user_id द्वारा समूहीकृत किया। यह सुनिश्चित किया गया कि कोई डुप्लिकेट पंक्तियाँ नहीं थीं (जैसे 3,3 बार दो बार प्रदर्शित हो।) इससे हमें यह दिया गया: SELECT * myTable WHERE group_id = 9 या group_id = समूह ग्रुप द्वारा 3 समूह, user_id; उसके बाद, आप उस क्वेरी पर user_id द्वारा उस क्वेरी को समूहित कर सकते हैं जिसे user_id दो बार दिखाई देता है (जिसका अर्थ है कि इसमें 3 और 9 का समूह_आईड है क्योंकि हम पहले से ही उन स्थितियों पर फ़िल्टर कर चुके हैं।) इस विशिष्ट उदाहरण में, (9, 3 9) अंतिम परिणाम सेट में नहीं दिखाई देगा क्योंकि 39 दो बार नहीं होते हैं। क्वेरी इस प्रकार दिखती है: SELECT User_

deleting the displayed key from database in php -

So this key is the cheap script to me, now I want to get deleted keys from the database. How do I give it to work within the code written? So $ is the key key that will be sent to you and displayed in the browser, but I want this key to be removed from the database after it is sent and displayed, it can not be shown second time to another user. . & lt ;? Mail Php // fill email "& lt; form method = 'post' action =". $ _SERVER ['PHP_SELF'] "Email: & lt; input name = 'email' & gt; & lt; / input & gt; & lt; br & gt; & lt; input type = 'submit' Value = 'get your key' name = 'submit'> "; If (empty ($ _ POST ["email"])) {resonant "Please enter an email address"; } Else {// Get key from database $ key = dispres (); $ Mail = $ = $ _POST for input input input ["email"]; $ Theme = 'your exam key'; $ Message = 'your key is:' $ Key; $

json - Elasticsearch search templates -

I tried to use ES's search template, as specified in a conditional clause. I am sending my request to / [my_index] / _ search / template endpoint Request JSON fails due to parsing issues, which makes sense because after adding conditional clause the payload is no longer valid JSON. How do I feel about using search templates? Is there a named endpoint for non-Jasonan templates? You need to avoid the template in stripping wrapping. From the same link you are referring to: It has been written above, this template is not valid JSON because it contains section markers like {{#line_no}}. For this reason, the template must be stored in a file (see section "Pre-Registered Template Edit") or when used through the REST API, it should be written as string: {\ "Query \": {\ "match \": {\ "line \": \ "{{text}} \" "{}}", \ "Filter \": {{# LINE_NO}} \ "border \": {\ "LINE_NO \": {{{begin}} \ &

c# - VS SDK ContentType does not work -

I am trying to include custom language support for Visual Studio. To start with, I need to support GoToDefinition and I am struggling to get the context menu to include this order. I have defined a ContentTypeDefinition and has included FileExtensionToContentTypeDefinition like this: Internal sealed square gaugefile Content type {[Export] [name ("gauge")] [basidifier ("code")] internal fixed content type Definition gauge content type definition = zero; [Export] [File Extension (". Spec")] [Content Type ("Gauge")] Internal Fixed File ExtensionTontent Disposition GaugeFile ExtensionsDefinition = Faucet; } Now, despite this, on debugging, I think that DTE.ActiveDocument.Type is text , my [BaseDefinition ('code')] attribute I'm using Visual Studio 2013 end. I was using an experimental example for debugging, and it did not clear and restored the extension, and in this way Visual Studio, ContentType forms of &

c++ - Improving accuracy OpenCV HOG people detector -

I am working in a project. One part of the project integrates the OPCV camera detector with camera streaming. Currently the camera and the original Hog detector (CPP detector Multi-Sky ->) is working. But do not work very well ... These salvagees are not very much and the algorithms are not very accurate ... Why? My camera image is 640 x 480 pixels. The snippet code I'm using is: std :: vector & lt; Cv :: rect & gt; Found, found_filters; CV :: HOGDescriptor hog; Hog.setSVMDetector (cv :: HOGDescriptor :: getDefaultPeopleDetector ()); Hog.detectMultiScale (image, found, 0, cv :: size (8,8), cv :: size (32,32), 1.05, 2); Why not work properly? What is the need to improve accuracy? Is some image size particularly necessary? PS: Do you find some exact people's algorithms in CPP, fast and evolve ?? The default people detector size is 64x128, which means that the people you want to know Must be at least 64x128. For the resolution of your camera it

android - detect iBeacon using altbeacon library -

I use'm developing project iBeacons Library This is the code that I beacon identity? beaconManager.startMonitoringBeaconsInRegion (new area ( "D1B024CB-A02D-4650-9C6A-BAEDA8A31F0E", null, null, null)); I have UUID major and minor, how to use it? Hope this will help you public class colors Enhance the implementation of activity activity of BeaconConsumer {static final string tag = "activity of color"; Private static final string UUID = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; Personal BeaconManager BeaconManager = BeaconManager.getInstanceForApplication (this); @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_ranging); BeaconManager.bind (this); } @ Overhaired Protected Zero Destroy () {Super. Onesteroy (); BeaconManager.unbind (this); } @Override public void onBeaconServiceConnect () {beaconManager.setRangeNotifier (New RangeNotifier () {@Override public void didRangeBeaconsInR

mandrill - Mezzanine CMS Django contact us form returns POST 500 error -

I have installed the mezzanine cms and all are working except that when we are contacted by us, then post me 500 Receives error and no email is received. I send emails and DDRIL () I am using Mandil in my settings: MANDRILL_API_KEY = "& lt ; Mandrill api key & gt; "EMAIL_BACKEND =" djrill.mail.backends.djrill.DjrillBackend "EMAIL_FILE_PATH =" /var/www/ "SERVER_EMAIL =" "DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL =" x @ " Of course, DSIRL has also been added to my INSTALLED_APPS. I have also tried to use SMTP settings for the mandrel and I get this. Why am I getting this problem but any suggestions? This is running on Debian 7.4 / nginx / uwsgi setup. Let me know any questions I have solved my problem. Having had my app installed on a linode VPS. I did not have postfix setup and was configured to act as a relay. Once I did the following: All things

Laravel: Proper way to use Where and orWhere in query -

There is currently a query running in Laravel but the expected output is not correct. Therefore, it seems that I still do not know the proper way to use where / or somewhere I have these two questions below; QUERY 1 (A) // Total Friend $ user = Friend :: Select ('friend_sender (' Friend_receiver ') - Where ('friend_sender', input :: get ("user_id")) - gt; or where ('friend_receiver', input :: find ("user_id")) -> ('friendship_status', 'Friends') - & gt; Count (); QUERY 1 (b) // Total Friends $ User = Friend :: Select ('friend_sender', '(' Friend_receiver ') -> where (' friendship_status', 'friends') -> where (' friend_sender ', get input :: ("user_id ")) - or (where 'friend_receiver', input :: get (" user_id ")) - & gt; count (); These two questions produce different results. QUERY 1 (a) result is 0 , which i

java - Mysql create table sql multiple -

क्या एक आउटपुट जैसे dbName tableName createSql test t1 बनाने तालिका T1 बनाने संभव है (Id इंट नल) टेस्ट टी 2 बनाओ टेबल टी 2 बनाइए (id इंट नल) प्रोड टी 9 बनाओ टेबल टी 9 (आईडी इंट नल) बनाओ mysql में एक साधारण एसक्यूएल क्वेरी का उपयोग करें। आप या तो information_schema (दुःस्वप्न लेकिन किसी ने शायद यह किया है) से बयान बनाने की कोशिश कर सकते हैं; आप बस सभी मेज पर लूप कर सकते हैं, एक शो बनाते हैं और उसके अनुसार उसके अनुसार संक्षेप करें; या आप ऐसा करने के लिए एक सपा लिख ​​सकते हैं। एक अन्य विकल्प mysqldump -d होगा।

c# - ScaleY not work when using a Slider to Zoom in a Canvas WPF -

Need help understanding that why my code does not work XAML (no code behind) & lt; Window x: Class = "Chapter 02. ScaleInCustomSystem" xmlns = "" xmlns: x = " Winfx / 2006 / Xaml "title =" scale in custom system "height =" 310 "width =" 260 "& gt; & Lt; StackPanel Height = "280" width = "250" & gt; & Lt; Border borderbrush = "black" bordercutic = "1" height = "200" width = "200" margin = "20" & gt; & Lt; Canvas height = "200" width = "200" & gt; & Lt; Canvas.RenderTransform & gt; & Lt; TransformGroup & gt; & Lt; Scale Transform Scale Y = "- 1" /> & Lt; Translation Transform Y = "200" /> & Lt; / TransformGroup & gt; & Lt; /Canvas.RenderTransform> &

sapui5 - UI5: Add Tree to IconTabFilter Content -

I have an icon tab filter that when I select the user, I want to show a tree. I handle how the user selects the icon it has been argued here I do not have a problem with my JS which will create the tree node . It is argued below: - var oModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel ({ "idocs1": [{ "Dokinm": "00063463" "Mestipp" "Matas", "status": "53", "Sdiaran": "EXTSYSl", "direct": "inbound", "message": "content 00,002,342 made", "message": [{ "message" "material 00002342 created"}], "section": [{ "segment": "ElMARAM", "fields": [{ "FieldName": "MATNR"}]}}}]}}); . Sap.ui.getCore () setModel (oModel); Var tgtPath = "/ idocs1 / 0 / segment"; Var oTree = new sap.ui.commons.Tree ("tree"); OTreekbindAggregation ( "nodes", Tijiteepath, f

ios - Box: Getting image url for sharing -

वर्तमान में एक फ़ाइल के लिए साझा लिंक यूआरएल html प्रकार का है।

performance - Retrieve N most relevant objects in Java TreeMap -

According to I have ordered Java map , as follows: ValueComparator bvc = new standardmapper (originalmap); Click the & lt; String, integer & gt; Sorted map = new trendmark & ​​lt; String, integer & gt; (BBC); SortedMap.putAll (originalMap); Now, I want to remove the most relevant values ​​from the map, what is a highly efficient way of working without a map in the top fashion? is? PS, some similar questions (e.g.,) ask for the solution of Top-1 recovery problem. No, if you use map You have to do it again. Did you consider using the priority question ? This is the implementation of Java of a heap. It is efficient operation to insert arbitrary elements and remove "minimum". You can think of doing this here. Instead of a map , you can place them according to the relevance in a priority question , along with the most relevant route. After this, to remove the most relevant of , you can pop the elements from priority question . If yo

Java or Spring: two-way encryption with salt? -

I am doing a web project with spring. I hope to encryption in two ways (and decryption). I do not need very strong encryption for some URL parameters I googled but found that there are many ways to encrypt password encryption Related, which is not desired. Can a specialist speak out to me in the right place? Thank you! I can recommend a really good library called bouncy palace, some good examples on your homepage Another possibility is that of the Java crypto API and something like secret keySpec = new SECRET of SPEC (keybites, "AES"); AlgorithmParametersPP ivSpec = new IVPM (ivBytes); Cipher AESCBC = cipher Get Instances ("AES / CBC / No Padding"); AesCbc.init (cipher NCRYP_MODE, KeySPEC, ivSpec); Byte [] Encrypted Bows = AESCBCDoneFinal (Plain Text); Return Base64.encodeBase64String (encrypted bits);

JavaFX: Disable multiple rows in TableView based on other TableView -

I'm creating an application in JavaFx Now I have two tableviews next to each other: ----------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------------- | Table view 1 | Table view 2 | | | | | | Entry 1 | | | Entry 2 | | | Entry 3 | | | Entry ... | | | Entry en | -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- I want to copy table from table 2 to table view Also 1, but the entries required to be copied from Table Entry 2 need to be disabled (disable the set desable or some similar row). I know how to copy another item of a tableview The problem is that I do not know how to disable multiple rows, when one or many entries are copied to Table View 1. I tried to do it with RowFactory like this: productsInTransaction.setRowFactory (tv -> {TableRow gt; line = new tablero & lt; & gt; (); Line.projectProperty () .bind (???); return line;}); Any help is appreciated! I'm not sure you're very sure about the a

tfs2013 - TFS 2013 after build does not run the unit tests, no errors -

I am working on a web app, with many projects in solution in VS 2013, using one of these unit tests - MS Unit Examination Structure After each check we have TFS 2013 to prepare the solution after each test. For some reason the unit is not executed after the tests are done, but it is also not indicating that something is broken or not found many things about editing the definition of build Tried to - To change the 'Test assembly file specification' to 'test * .dll', use the correct DLL name, change the target platform ... etc. If I look in the log file then I can see: Run VS Test Runner 00:00:15 Inputs TestSpecs: BuildPamator [] Array Enabled: True ConfigurationsTest: Outdir: Runscentness was applied to the platform or the value of the value without the value of any CPU and debug was used. Test run complete. 0 Execution of tests. What should I see, or what can be the problem?

Vector of functions in Rust -

I am currently learning war and I am struggling with life span while making a simple supervisor who is an arbitrary Kind of callback will be stored. I started with an original structure struct signals & lt; T & gt; {Slot: VACA & lt; | T | & Gt; } I got an error for the initial lifetime 7:19 Error: clear lifestyle bound 7 slots: VACA & lt; | T | & Gt; ^ ~ Error: Abortion due to previous error So next I try to add some lifetime specifiers. struct signals & lt; 'R, T & gt; {Slot: VACA & lt; 'R | T | & Gt; } I get some new errors 7:23 Error: Wrong number of lifetime parameters: expected 0, 1 [E0107] 7 slots: Vec & lt; 'R | T | & Gt; ^ ~~~~~~~~~~ 7:22 Error: Required bound for clear lifetime: 7 slots: VACA & lt; 'R | T | & Gt; I can not find enough receipt lifetime documentation to

javascript - Colorbox not resizing to the correct height -

I am trying to load inline HTML in one colorbox which is working fine, except the colorbox adjustment at the right height Not Inline HTML content is very long in height (about 15,000 pixels), but only 900 pixels are being loaded. So I started using the color box .resize () function to fix the problem like: $ ('.inline-html'). Color box ({succeed: work () {$ (this). Colorbox.resize ();}}); But the resize function only works up to 11,000 pixels (not necessarily 15,000 pixels). However, if I refresh the page twice, it completes 15,000 pixels. Can anyone suggest solutions? Thanks < Thoughts: I have seen that when there will be images in colorboxes Which are not loaded but full fire, then the color box changes the height of the material except the images, then the picture is loaded and a scrollbar is created. If you can set the height for images of fluctuation, then the problem may be missing because the colorbox will know what size it is immediately be

Rapid desktop screen capture on Windows -

I want to capture desktop screen image on Windows. I know about CreateCompatibleDC and CreateCompatibleBitmap. .. works in C ++ but they are very slow I need a more intense method that captures a screen for real-time updates. In Linux I can use Xlib functions, for example. Are there any high speed or system-level screencaps for Windows? Windows 8 (and later) is the basic API: Windows For 7 (and earlier) you might consider using a mirror driver. For example,

c# - Unit Test OData in Web API Using Moq -

I am trying to test unit a GET method in a Web API controller method A ODataQueryOptions parameter. I need to verify the OData filter result and I do not know how to argue what I say? Am i checking it properly I am using this as an inspiration: edit : Do I have to assure this for a valid test? It is returned with my TryGetContentValue call. If so, how do I do it? {system.clalls. Generic List 1 [CSR.Service.Models.CSRRole]. Where ($ it => ($ it RoleName == value (system linchpremeter container + typed linakpamator Container '1 [system.STRING]). Property typed)) } Unit Test [TestMethod] Public Zero GetTestWithOData () {// Win Request = New HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Get, "http: // Localhost: 21584 / api / test? $ Filter = RoleName% 20eq% 20 'user' "); Odata ModelBuilder Modelbilder = New ODataConventionModelBuilder (); ModelBuilder.EntitySet & LT; CSRRole & gt; ("CSRRoles"); Var opts =

android - Duplicate strings in ArrayList of object -

I have seen some examples and my head can not be found around it. I have a list of objects and some objects have some duplicate IDs (wire). What I am trying to do, go through that list, select an ID, and remove the object from duplicate ID And to keep one of them, I'm dump at this time. You can try: list & lt; String & gt; List; & Lt; String & gt; NewList = New Arrestist & lt; String & gt; (New Linked HSATset & lt; String & gt; (List));

angularjs - Can't upload a file with protractor -

I have no luck with uploading a file with launcher. I just fill out a simple form and have a submit button, Which then needs to click the form post for a different URL: this can upload the file (, function () '{var fileToUpload =' .example.txt ', absolutePath = Path.resolve (__dirname, fileToUpload); file = element (by.css ('input [type =' file "] ')) element (by.css (' input [type = '" file "];' .)) Click () then (function () {console.log ('')) SendKeys (absoluteP Ath) element (by.css) clicked the button [type = "submit"] button ');});}); The form is a markup here: & lt; Form enctype = "multipurpose / farm-data" method = "post" action = "/ upload" class = "upload ng-pristinet ng-valid" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "file" class = "file" & gt; & Lt; Button type = "submit" value = "import&q

curl - request for bitbucket -

I have to make problems with bittetack and I use curls for it: Curl --user {accountname}: {password}{accountname}/{repo_slug}/issues/ - Data "title = some title" But I can not understand how I send a request in, such as when I (https: // / Api / 1.0 / repositories / {accountname} / {repo_slug} / issues /, {auth: {accountname}: {password}, ​​data: "title = some title"}, function (error, result) {console. Log (on Nam);}); I get an error error: unsuccessful [400] Please tell me in the right direction how can I write a curl in the meteor form. Call: (https: //, {auth: {accountname}: {password}, ​​data: {title: "some title"}, function (error, result) {console.log (results);}); I think you have set a wrong Setup Data field.

c# - How can i update DB with associations with EF -

मेरे पास यह डीबी मॉडल है: और मैं GROUP तालिका को अपडेट करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। यह मेरा कोड है: का उपयोग करते हुए (var ctx = नया TestModelContainer ()) {ctx.GROUP.Add (नया समूह}, {name = "Group 1", TEACHER = new teacher} {FIO = "123 ", ईमेल =" "}}); ctx.SaveChanges (); } और लाइन के बाद ctx.SaveChanges () मुझे एक अपवाद मिलता है मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूं? कृपया मेरी मदद करें। त्रुटि: 'System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.DbUpdateException' प्रकार के एक अप्रतिबंधित अपवाद EntityFramework.dll में हुआ अतिरिक्त जानकारी: प्रविष्टियां अपडेट करते समय एक त्रुटि हुई विवरण के लिए आंतरिक अपवाद देखें। इनर अपवाद: कॉलम 'एफआईओ' में मूल्य नल सम्मिलित नहीं किया जा सकता, तालिका 'u399991.dbo.TEACHER'; स्तंभ नल की अनुमति नहीं देता INSERT विफल रहता है आपने जो प्रदान किया है, आप निम्न प्रयास कर सकते हैं: स्तंभ के लिए एक गैर-रिक्त मान डालें, या आप यह सुनिश्चित कर सकते हैं कि आपका कॉलम एक शून्य मान स्वीकार क

android - Gradle: Multi-Dimension Flavor ApplicationId -

I have a relatively complex project that requires two taste dimensions for each app. {Green flavorDimension "color"} {green flavorDimension "color"} {green flavorDimension: I think it's more just again in the example given below: Write "color"} class {flavorDimension "size"} circle {flavorDimension "size"} I want to be able to install a different applicationId for each type, like : The squareblue is a different application for the circle. I can not set the application in the color dimension because it is in the shape of each size To be similar. In the above example, I will need 6 different application IDs. These IDs do not follow any pattern, they can be anything. I have seen the answer here: but this would mean that I have to set it manually, which is not possible for my project, because of the number of 1000s (1000s). What I really want to do is, two dimensions are set on the color dimension, then it makes right on th

php - validate data from url without api -

Hello Stack Overlay Fellow, I am trying to create a PHP based forum for CA . I want the forum to be exclusive to CA Now, on the sign-up page, their membership number will be asked. This membership number should be valid from the other URL. Now, the problem is that the second site does not provide an API for it, and someone has to manually enter the membership number and submit the subscription details. The site's URL can check where a status is: Sample membership number: 4066 9 < / P> The site uses post data so no logic can be passed through the URL. Can it be automated anyway? Or do I need to accept all the registrations manually? You can create a script that scraps the contents of that link. The problem is that if you update the website, then you have to maintain that script. There is no CAPTCHA or mechanism to prevent automatic capture in this form, you can set up a few simple steps. You can use the curl of the post r

selenium - Unable to establish a connection with the SafariDriver extension -

Testing on Chrome and Firefox, I'm running an E2A test in an AngularJS web app using the launcher. On adding a safari to my array, the following appears: "Unable to establish a connection with the Safari driver extension" I found a way to resolve it locally but As we are using CodeShip to automate our build, I need a method of manually adding it to Selenium and instead of being able to safari, it needs a way to solve it. I am using Selenium 2.43.1 config: exports.config = {baseurl: 'Http: // localhost: 9001', multiCapabilities: [{'browserName': 'chrome'} {'browser name': 'firefox'}, {'browser name': 'safari'}], specs: ['e2e / App.js']}; package.json: {"name": "livingthevalues", "version": "0.0.0" , "Dependency": {"express": "^ 4.9.7", "zippo": "^ 0.2.0", "loan": "^ 1.3.8", &qu

github - git checkout a version before a specific commit -

Before I commit specific commitments, I want to check out a version of a branch of git repository. Thinking about syntax. I know how to check a branch of 'development' (as opposed to master) using the following syntax: git remote add -t Basically developed - f Basic Just wondering how I can check it out but a few weeks ago a specific Was committed. After you clone the repository, run a git log and command Find the hash You only need the first 6 characters of committed commitment to checkout, so it will be like a93fh67 . From there, run git checkout {hash} is {hash} that you've found. This will give you a position in the Detected Head position, where you can review the code. If you want to make changes, then check a new branch using git checkout -b MyNewBranchName .

Camel - which pattern to use in order to complete xml with values from other services -

I have an XML, which is similar to the following, in which some elements have been created by the URL. That url is another webservice in which another XML is what I need to do, my XML is to complete with information from the webservice, and I want to achieve it with camel. Example goes here: Initial xml & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Level11 & gt; Level1.txt & lt; / Level1 & gt; & Lt; Level12 & gt; & Lt; Level21 & gt; Http: // someservice / 11 & lt; / Level21 & gt; & Lt; Level21 & gt; Http: // someservice / 12 & lt; / Level21 & gt; & Lt; / Level12 & gt; & Lt; Level13 & gt; & Lt; Level22 & gt; Http: // someservice / 21 & lt; / Level22 & gt; & Lt; Level22 & gt; Http: // someservice / 22 & lt; / Level22 & gt; & Lt; / Level13> & Lt; / Root & gt; http: // someservice is returning an XML that I need to convert to the original XML, for example Http: // somese

cvs - How do I get maven to modify the version in my pom.xml to a SNAPSHOT? -

I am trying to migrate my legacy build system to Maven. I have been successful in successfully tagging something in CVS, using the release: ready and released: do the work. I'm new to Maven, and I have a little bit of the tag in CVS Smoke, so please bear with me. Our code contains a series of modules, and each module uses tags in CVS. For example, the version of the module ER_api_test is 0.18.0, 0.19.0, etc., similar to the tag in each CVS (such as ER_api_test_0-18). Now I want to do some branches. So I have to take an old version of the module, and give it a branch if I use version 0.8.0, then when I commit and promote (create a CVS tag using our build system), which I call 0-8 -1 will give Now when I check the code 0-8-0, the version of pom.xml is 0.8.0. I believe that in order to branch this module, I would need to modify it in 0.8.1-SNAPSHOT. Actually, when I am doing manual modification, I can use my Maven release: Command to create 0.8.1. I would like to run a

python flask not creating cookie when setting expiration -

I have this python-flask project and I need logic, if cookie does not exist, then cookie creates. After creating cookies, I need to store cookies in a database for tracking purposes among other standards. Here is partial of my current code: import from import import code from render_template, request, make_response def load_cookie_config (reference): #context is a dictionary passed Gone key = 'some_key' template_name = 'some_template' cookie = request.cookies.get (key, none) if the cookie is not: guid = str (uuid.uuid4 ()) reference ['cookie_quid'] = gund rsp = make_response (Render_template (template_name, ** references)) rsp.set_cookie (key, guid) # ... insert some value in some method call db other: result = '' # .. some method call db reference ['co Okie_quid '] = Cookie RSP = Make-Repence (raidar_tamp) to get value from late (template_name, ** reference)) Return RSP code above the task and expected Appears as cookie, although

c# - String array not serialized to json properly? -

Some JSON passes in my view. In the Controller: var array = new string [] {"123", "AAA"}; String jsonArray = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (array); ViewBag.JsonDataLabels = jsonArray; In the script of the view: var jLabels = '@ ViewBag.JsonDataLabels'; But this JSON seems to be somewhat unlawful if I do this in the script: var jLabels = 'ViewBag.JsonDataLabels'; Warning (jLabels); // Output to: [& amp; Quot; 123 & amp; Quot ;, & amp; Quot; AAA & amp; Quot;] var jLabels2 = ["AAA", "123"]; Warning (jLabels2); // OKPUTUS is OK: AAA, 123 Why is my JSON invalid? Analyze this (sample from NewtonSoft website) Products Product = new product (); Product.Name = "Apple"; Product.Expiry = New DateTime (2008, 12, 28); Product. Size = new string [] {"small"}; String json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (product); // {// "name": "Apple", // "end": "

java - Parse Anonymous Utils: How to only create one user? -

I have a quick question that I am trying to enable automatic user creation in my app so that when you Open it for the first time, then only one user will be created. I read the user docs well and found that the user session is persisted on parsing disk, and when you save the object to that object, then that user is saved in the cloud. However, I have seen two problems with it: 1) When I save an object and the owner makes the user an indicator, then the user object is not present in the cloud. > 2) If I check that the current user is linked using ParseAnonUtils.isLinked (), then it sometimes returns the correct amount, as the current user is linked, or is false, There is no link as the current user, the same exact parseUser was cached on the session. I am using this method to create and define users: private zero getUser () (if (!! ParseAnonymousUtils.isLinked (ParseUser.getCurrentUser ( ) {Log .V ("Miles", "New User"); ParseAnonymousUtils.logIn (New L

c# - How to return a string from an async method? -

I want to return the string value to an async method. how can I do this? The method "getPlayerName" is now using async but the user of this method is expecting a string value. Public DataTable ToDataTable (list & lt; auction info & data; data) {property descriptor collection property = type descriptor GetProperties (typeform (auctioned information)); Datatyal table = new datatelle (); // loop propon = "player name" in all columns; Table Columns Add (Propanem, Propn. GateType ()); Foreach (prophylactic property properties) {table.Column.Add (prop.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType (prop.PropertyType) ?? prop.PropertyType); } // todo All auction / advertenties add Columns PlayerName // Loop in foreach (Auction information auction in data) {DataRow row = table.NewRow (); Line ["player name"] = getPlayerName (auction information); // Loop in all the columns and set value foreach (support in property descriptor properties) {// column row set Val [P