
Showing posts from April, 2014

Context sensitive help in XCODE IDE for Swift Framework Documentation -

First of all, this is my first post, and I apologize if this is a simple question but I swift for some Learning week and week tutorials and YouTube / WWDC videos are trying to get some coding traction without a constant eyeing. Consider the following code snippet. How can I find out which properties, methods and functions I can provide for NSTextField from XCODE IDE? I miss the old Microsoft Visual Studio CTRL + F1 reference sensitive help. @Iboutlet Weakre Textfield: NSTextField! @Iboutlet weak label: NSTextField! // Actions or Events @ Icon Funk Click Button (Sender: AnyObject) {var name = textField.stringValue label.stringValue = "Hi" (name)! "} If I use Jump, then in the Execody IDE, it opens a class that inherits from one group of other classes and there is no reference to .stringValue. NSTextField: NSControl, NSUserInterfaceValidations, NSAccessibilityNavigableStaticText, NSAccessibilityStaticText, NSAccessibilityElementProtocol, NSObjectProtocol {I can

mysql - set two fields as primary key -

मैं निम्नलिखित एसक्यूएल क्वेरी को दिखाता हूं। ALTER TABLE dbo.YourTableNameHere जोड़ें CONSTRAINT PK_YourTableNameHere प्राथमिक कुंजी (मद_आईडी, खरीद_आईडी) "PK_YourTableNameHere" से इसका क्या अर्थ है? क्या यह टेबल की वर्तमान प्राथमिक कुंजी है? प्राथमिक कुंजी बाधा का नाम वैकल्पिक है (देखें)। इसे आप क्या कहते हैं या इसे पूरी तरह से न छोड़ें - इसमें कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता।

php - Fatal error: Cannot access parent:: when current class scope has no parent in -

सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन __construct () {मूल :: __ निर्माण (); $ इस- & gt; load- & gt; config ( "मास्टर"); $ इस- & gt; उफ़ (); $ इस- & gt; डेटाबेस (); $ इस- & gt; load- & gt; config ( "लैंग"); $ इस- & gt; load- & gt; मॉडल ( "कार्यों"); } कोड में क्या गलत है? मुझे पता नहीं क्या गलत है! क्या कोई मेरी सहायता कर सकता है? मेरे अंग्रेजी के लिए क्षमा करें, मैं जर्मनी से आया हूँ! < P> मूल :: एक विधि के मूल वर्ग कार्यान्वयन तक पहुंचने के लिए है आपकी कक्षा के पास कोई अभिभावक नहीं है, क्योंकि यह विस्तार नहीं करता है कोई भी वर्ग इसलिए त्रुटि। वर्ग फ़ू {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन बार () {गूंज 'बार'; }} वर्ग बाज़ फू {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन बार ()) को बढ़ाता है (माता पिता :: बार (); गूंज 'बज़'; }} यहां मूल समझ में आता है, क्योंकि एक अभिभावक वर्ग है। वर्ग फ़ू {सार्वजनिक फ़ंक्शन बार () {मूल :: बार (); }} यहां मूल कोई मतलब नहीं है, क्योंकि कोई माता पिता नहीं है, इसलिए त्रुटि चूंकि यह कोई मतलब नहीं है और कोई

CSS animation not working in firefox and IE -

Animated header image does not work in Firefox and IE when there is no problem in Chrome I have added - Animation - Animation in CSS #headerimg {text-align: center; Height: 500px; Width: 100%; Status: Relative; Margin-down: 15px; Background: URL (images / 1.jpg) no-repeat; Background size: cover; -WebKit-Animation: IP25S Linear 0S Infinite Alternative Running; -MOZ Animation: IP 25S Linear 0S Infinite Alternative is Running; Animation: IP 25S linear 0s infinite alternative; Webkit-Infection: Height 1 S; -MOZ-Infection: Height 1 S; Infection: height 1 S; } and this animation @keyframes imag {0% {background: url (images / 1.jpg) fixed any repeat center center; Background size: cover; } 20% {Background: URL (images / 2.jpg) fixed no-double center center; Background size: cover; } 40% {Background: URL (images / 3.jpg) No repeat center center was fixed; Background size: cover; } 60% {background: URLs (images / 4.jipi) fixed non-repeat center center; Background size: cover; } 80% {B

php - display profile page after login using PDO -

I am using code to create login page, but after login, I will be redirected to home page To see the I dashboard, but with this I am also receiving these 2 errors 1) Warning: PDOStatement :: execute () [pdostatement.execute]: SQLSTATE [HY093]: invalid Parameter number: parameter was not defined 2) Warning: header information can not be modified - header initiatives The only sent Sessions page, these errors are coming. session.php & lt ;? Php $ dbhost = "localhost"; $ Dbname = "abc"; $ Dbuser = "abc"; $ Dbpass = "PWD"; $ Conn = new PDO ("mysql: host = $ dbhost; dbname = $ dbname", $ dbuser, $ dbpass); Session_start (); $ User_check = $ _ session ['login_user']; $ Result = $ conn- & gt; Prepare ("Select SELECT * FROM WHERE Email =: user_check"); $ Result-> Execute (array (": usercheck" => $ user_check)); $ Line = $ result- & gt; Obtain (PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC); $ Login_session = $

math - What is the total number of nodes in a full k-ary tree, in terms of the number of leaves? -

I am making a unique form of encoding encoding, and I am creating a karri (in this special case , 3-Arri) The tree that is full (there will be 0 or Kashmir children in each node), and I know that before I create it, how many leaves will it have. How do I calculate the total nodes in the tree in terms of the number of leaves? I know that in the case of a complete binary tree (2-saw), its formula is 2 L - 1, where L is the number of leaves I have this principle in the case of a K-Arya tree I would like to expand. Think about how results for a complete binary tree prove, and you will see that How to do it in general. For the complete binary tree, the height h says, the number of nodes is N N = 2 ^ {h + 1} - 1 Why? Because the first level has 2 ^ 0 nodes, the second level has 2 ^ 1 nodes, and, in general, k th level < Code> 2 ^ {k-1} nodes adds them all to h + 1 level (so high h ) N = 1 + 2 + 2 ^ 2 + 2 ^ 3 + ... + 2 ^ h = (2 ^ {h + 1} - 1) / (2 - 1) =

Why does SessionAuthentication in Django REST Framework Never Return HTTP401 -

Looking at Django REST Framework and, I think that sessionAuthentication returns only one HTTP 403 Codes while the other authentication square 401 will be returned. What is the reason for this? Surely there are so many cases where the. This problem is particularly problematic because "the first authentication class is set to the scene when determining the type of response." And session authentication by default is the first authentication class. follows the Django REST framework, and 401 does not return feedback when authentication class WWW-authentication header can not be used. The HTTP 401 responses should always contain a WWW-authentication header, which provides instructions to the client to authenticate. The HTTP 403 responses do not contain the WWW-authentication header. - Because session disbursement class can not be used in a WWW-authenticated header, Django REST Framework can not return 401 responses and still can follow the

php - Will this eat up alot of DB resources? How can i measure of prevent issues? -

I am re-developing my online business There are several things that I would like to check or update on page load. For example $ db-> Update ('Update Staff Set Status = 2 Where Expiration Exists;' .time ()); $ Db- & gt; Update ('UPDATE loginTokens set status = 2 timed out & lt;' .time ()); $ Db- & gt; Update ('Update matches set status = 2 where expire;' .time ()); e.t.c. (About 10 other updates so far) There is no problem with the code, I am trying to make sure that it does not affect the load bar or load times less Less is done. I am using PDOs and all these more checks / DB updates in my site's global file. I would like to know if there is a specific way that it should be done. I have read that when users submit the form, such updates should be made, for example, the user's membership ends when the user logs in. But I have many pages that display all the premium members for various reasons and I am up to date until possible w

c# - Unable to use BsonIgnoreIfDefault for property of type long -

[बीएसएनडीफ़ॉल्ट वैल्यू (0)] [बीएसएनआईओएनआईओएनआरआईआईएफडीईफ़ॉल्ट] सार्वजनिक लंबे कुलआईटीम्स {प्राप्त; सेट; } विशेषता [BsonDefaultValue (0)] पूरा दस्तावेज़ मोंगो में डाला जा रहा है, जबकि मैं केवल TotalItems भंडारण को रोकने के लिए चाहता हूँ यदि इसका मान शून्य है । यदि मैं विशेषताओं [BsonDefaultValue (0)], [BsonIgnoreIfDefault] का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं, तो दस्तावेज को ठीक से डीटी में डाला जाता है जिसमें कुल आईटीम्स को दस्तावेज़ में " " TotalItems ": NumberLong (0)" जो वास्तव में मैं डीबी में अपने शून्य की ओर झुकना नहीं चाहता। मेरा सवाल है कि क्यों [बीएसएनडीफ़ॉल्ट वैल्यू (0)], [बीएसएनआईओएनओएरइफ डीफॉल्ट] पूर्ण दस्तावेज को सम्मिलित करने से रोकते हैं। नोट: मैं सक्षम हूं वहां कम से कम त्रुटि के गुणों के साथ उपरोक्त दो विशेषताओं का उपयोग करने के लिए, आपको एक लंबे समय तक डिफ़ॉल्ट मान: [बीएसएक्सिफ़ॉल्ट वैल्यू (लंबे) 0)] [बीएसएनआईएनओएनआईआरआईआईएफडीईफ़ॉल्ट] सार्वजनिक लंबे कुलआईटीम्स {get; set;} < / html>

How to implement in-app purchase of application Android? -

I have created an Android application subscription free. Although I have placed an ad inside the ads, now I want to provide an option within the app where people can buy ad-free versions. And also provides the option to restore the purchase. I went through the Android docs, which did not understand anything. Please provide a good tutorial. I recently worked on InApp shopping and I've successfully integrated into my existing app And when I started doing this initially to make it live, I downloaded the GoogleInApp Billing example as "Trivulous Drive". But this did not help me as much problems and bugs, so I took it from scratch using the new v3 api, which you can get. There is a clear explanation in this tutorial which will help you and if you have the time, watch the YouTube video, where the Google employee has clearly explained how to integrate it. In addition, if you want a quick example, then I have a sample app that you can download from. The followin

How to update one Javascript object array without updating the other -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 51 जवाब मैंने एक ऑब्जेक्ट ऑरेंज को बनाया है कुछ मूल्य फिर मैंने एक और ऑब्जेक्ट अरै बनाया और इसे पहले एक के साथ आरंभ किया। फिर मैंने एक सरणी को दूसरे सरणी में धकेल दिया, और दोनों सरणियों को सांत्वना दिलाया। दोनों सरणियों का समान मूल्य था। ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है और हम इसे कैसे रोक सकते हैं? मेरा कोड: var a = {"filters": []}; // 1 ऑब्जेक्ट सरणी var की वैल्यू = {}; // "ए" सरणी कुंजी में 2 मानों को धकेल दिया गया है वेल्यू ["एबीसी"] = "123"; a.filters.push (keyValue); कुंजी वैल्यू ["डीफ"] = "456"; a.filters.push (keyValue); Var बी = ए; // बनाया एक और वस्तु सरणी & amp; इसे "a" सरणी के साथ आरंभ किया key keyValue1 = {}; // "बी" सरणी कुंजी में 1 मान को धक्का दिया वैल्यू 1 ["जी"] = "78 9"; b.filters.push (keyValue1); console.log (क); console.log (ख); यह a और b के लिए समान मूल्यों को प्रिंट करता है। मैं पहले एक को अद्यतन किए बिना

php - .htaccess is not working in codeigniter -

I started working with codeigniter and in the URL the index.php Wants to remove /testing_palace/index.php/home / testing_palace / home , working in the local host. I tried google'ed this problem and suggested the solution but was not '. T worked for me I changed the base_url in the config and index page to $ config ['base_url'] = 'http: / / Local host / testing_palace / '; $ Config ['index_page'] = ""; and check mod_rewrite is Apache enabled on windows. Here is my .htaccess code RewriteBase / testing_palace RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} on RewriteEngine! -f RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ Index.php / $ 1 [L] All these solutions are not getting the error for me. > /testing_palace/.htaccess like this:! RewriteBase / testing_palace / RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME on RewriteEngine} -f RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^ (*) $ / endex.php/$1 [L] < / Pre> Then in

Binding an Event to Child of ListView and Changing the ListView based on the Click action in android -

I have a ListView and an Adapter that controls ListView. I want to pair the child to the event click (let's say 'button') ListView. Whenever a button is clicked, I need to apply the changes to the view of the list view. For example, Activity: Classroom activity activity {ListView listView; Sample Adapter Adapter; & Lt; SampleObject & gt; SampleObjects; OnCreate () {sampleObjects = New ArrayList & lt; SampleObject & gt ;; ListView = findViewById (; Sample Adapter Adapter = New Sample Adapter (Reference, R.Lay Out.list_view_item, Sample Object); ListView.setAdapter (adapter)}} Layout of ListViewItem & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "http: / /" Android: Layout_width = "Match_parent" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: orientation = "horizontal" android: padding = "5k0dip "& Gt; & Lt; TextView android: id = "@ +

c - Passing values to an function -

I miss a fundamental point on passing the values. In my code, I have this prototype / function: zero droft (four A [], unsigned four lengths, four x1, four y1, uint16 FGcolor); I call the function using a call like this: Drafton ("William", 7, 15, 25, Yale, 0) ; or Drafton ("W", 1,15,25, Yale, 0); Both of these functions are correct in code. If I check the A [0] in the function, then I will see the value of the '57' representing the ASCII 'W'. All right and good My question / problem is this: My code fails when I try to use 'W' instead of string representation of ASCII values ​​Example: < Code> Droff (57,1,15,25, YEL, 0); The value of A [0] in the code is: 0, but the address of A is 57. So somehow the compiler believes that I want to pass a pointer? I am confused, why this string passed fine, but not worth it? Thanks in advance from a novice C programmer. Prototype for your function declares that the

magento - TypeError: source is not an object properties = Object.keys(source); -

Let me prototype Js is getting this error in the console TypeError: source is not an object property = Object.keys (source); What could be the reason for this problem? Any assistance with this will be greatly appreciated.

shell - How to rename files without changing extension in Linux 102221.pdf to 102221_name.pdf -

How to rename files without changing the extension in Linux <10 p> 102221.pdf I think 102221_name.pdf This is what you want me to think: `Ls` for x MV $ x $ {x% *} _ Name. $ {X ## *.}; $ {x% } will name the file without extension - $ {x ## }.

java - I am working on a custom Listview for android that holds togglebutton (working on an alarm application) -

The problem I am having is that if I scroll, and switches randomly, then Calling On Checked Change Listener Toggle state for other items in the list. I have done one of the things for this now (loading the state from a database field to the toggle button), but I want an explanation as to why uncheck change listener for the toggle button Time is active, so I do not go into problems later, I am doing all this with the code to test it. btnToggle.setOnCheckedChangeListener (New On Checked Change Listener) {@CheckedChanged Override Public Wide (compound button button view, boolean isChecked) {Log.d ("", "" + Model .getId ());}});

java - hibernate - disables MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException -

There is a way to disable this during insert / delete status: I have a masterDB And a library 1 db and library 2 db Library 1 DB and Library 2 DB are two separate databases but there is only one schema because each library should have its own database. Now we have a masterDB, it has all the data in all the libraries (library1DB and library2DB ), Is still an integrated version of taking notes of their own IDs and mapping them to their library IDs. Is the structure here in my book model in MasterDB? @ ID @ Generated Values ​​(strategy = generation type AOTO) Private long master ID; @ Column Private Long ID; @column private string title; @OneToMany (Cascade = Cascade TypeL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mapped = "book") Personal list & amp;; Bookcur history & gt; BookCoverHistory; @ManyToOne (fetch = FetchType.LAZY) @JoinColumn (name = "LIBRARY_ID") Private Library Library; This is all good and good. However, when I am putting a data in

javascript - Executing async functions with a callback? -

I am a little confused about how to create and use callback functions while working with async requests. All examples are online as an async function. Want to use the SetTimeout function to copy, but I want an example which uses only a real world API. I have an async function that takes a zip code and returns a JSON like this: {"post code": "90210", "country": "United States": "State": "America", "Location": [["Location name": "Beverly Hills", "Longitude": "-118.4065", "State": "California", "State abbreviation Name ":" CA "," Latitude ":" 34.0901 "}}} These functions go to the Async function API and give up JSON. Just takes JSON in the sync function and returns the city's string to the upper seas // async Function var ReturnLocationInfoByZip = function (zip) {var client = new XMLHttpRequest (); Misc

yammer - OAuth Approval Page won't fit on iPhone 4 -

यमोर बटन के साथ लॉग इन का उपयोग करते समय / डायलॉग / oauth पर एक तीसरे pary ऐप को स्वीकृति देने के लिए उपयोग किया गया पृष्ठ कहा जाता है । जब एक आईफोन 4 स्क्रीन पर देखा जाता है तो स्वीकृत और अस्वीकार बटन स्क्रीन के नीचे हैं, और पृष्ठ स्क्रॉल नहीं है, इसलिए आप उन्हें कभी नहीं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। > क्या हम कुछ भूल गए हैं, या क्या इस प्रस्ताव के एक ब्राउज़र में यह प्रक्रिया पूरी तरह से असंभव है किसी भी काम करनेवाले? हमने हाल ही में एक प्रोजेक्ट पर एक ही समस्या का सामना किया है जो कि यैमर को एक ऑथ प्रदाता के रूप में उपयोग करता है छोटे स्क्रीन हाइट्स स्वीकृत बटन पर क्लिक नहीं कर सकते हैं। हमने इन उपयोगकर्ताओं को कस्टम ब्राउज़र संदेश भेजने के लिए जावास्क्रिप्ट क्लाइंट का पता लगाने का विकल्प चुना है, कस्टम संदेश उपयोगकर्ताओं को एक बार केवल आधार पर अपने डेस्कटॉप से ​​पृष्ठ पर जाने की सलाह देता है। अगली बार जब वे अपने मोबाइल डिवाइस से पृष्ठ पर जाते हैं, तो वे खाली हो जाएंगे और अगले चरण में जा सकते हैं। सबसे कम आकार की स्क्रीन जो कि यमदर मूल रूप से 460 की एक खिड़की थी। इसलिए

java - Javascript: Form element values to a Collection -

I have an HTML page in which the number of selection elements varies. & lt; Script & gt; Function getValues ​​() {var select = document.getElementsByTagName (select '), arr = (select), selectValues ​​= (function (select) {return select. Value;}); Select return value; } & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' & gt; Work more selection () (for (i = 0; i & lt; num; i ++) {// Attach a node with a random text container. AppendChild (document.createTextNode ("name" + (i + 1) + ":")); // Set a & lt; Input & gt; element, its type and name attribute var input = document.createElement ("select"); = "name" + ( I + 1); container.appendChild (input); // Attach a line break container. AppendChild (document.createElement ("br");} & lt; / script & gt; & gt; form action = "action More options (9 max): "method =&

java - CardBuilder Layout.AUTHOR switch order of elements -

I am working on a Google Glass application and I CardBuilder (previously the card, but Now deprecated) class. There are several different layouts proposed with the arrival of the Cardbilder, and the ones I am interested in layout.Author I was thinking that What was "possible to change" sequence of elements, and if so, what would be the best way? Such as footnote has been replaced with the title (made of icon, title and subtitle ..). Here's what I am doing: CardBuilder C = new cardbilder (getApplicationContext (), layout.authore) .setHeading (title) .setSubheading (period) .setText (Summary) .setFootnote (authors); This is what I would like to do, but I can not do it since I am currently unable to change the order. (The sequence will be the text, and after that there will be no footnote). Cardbinder C = new cardbilder (getApplicationContext (), layout.php) .setHeading (authors) .setSubheading (period) SetText (title + "\ n \ n" + summary

text mining - How to remove the numbers in the file in java -

This is my code ... Help me remove the number before commas and print both words < Pre> for (int y = 0; y and lt; nso.length; y ++) {file e = new file (nso [y]); Bufferreader ho = new buffitter (new flamerdidder (e)); String St, T; While ((st = be.readline ())! = Null ({if (St. Konin ("ns")} {int offset = st.indexOf ("("); st = st.substring (offset + 1, St .length () - 3); System.out.println (st); ap.write (st); ap.println ("\ n");}} ap.close (); be.close (); In the file phone-6, this address-8, I see -5, you have phone -14, this-graphics-2, is - You st.replaceAll (regex, "") string result = St.replaceAll ("[0-9] +", ""); System.out.println (as a result of " );

C# data to Java -

I want to know whether a Windows workstation is logged on or off in C # A solution has been found: Public class CheckForWorkstationLocking: IDisposable {Private session SewitchEventHandler sseh; Zero SysEventsCheck (Object Sender, SessionSwitchEventArgs E) {switch (e.Reson) {session session switch. Session Lock: Console. WrightLine ("Lock Exports"); break; Case session switch Unlock session: console.print line ("unlock combat"); break; }} Public runs zero () {sseh = new session in particular SysEventsCheck; SystemEvents.SessionSwitch + = sseh; } #region IDisposable members dispose of public zeros () {SystemEvents.SessionSwitch - = sseh; } #endregion} But at the end I'll need Boolean in the java program . I already tried the following: I started both programs and write in C # in a file from where the data has changed or not Java (No need to say that this solution is slow and inadequate) Another solution would be: Java C # .exe that wa mvc 4 - How to upload the data from excel sheet to database using asp .net mvc 4 -

Hello friends This is my biometric present attendance letter. I want to upload this sheet value to the database. My table field names are EmpName EmpId, Status, Intime, Outtime, Working Time D: Day, S: Status, I: Intime, O: Outtime, W: Working Time A: Absent, P: Present, Ho : Holidays, L: Leaves, wo: Weekly Off - TDA: Total Day Current, HD: Huffle, O: Hours of Overtime! [Enter image details here] [2] How can I do data in a database using mvc 4using c # Uploading

How to use Jackson JsonSubTypes annotation in Kotlin -

I'm trying to change some Java code which uses Jackson's @Jespenspace annotation to manage polymorphism. is. Here is the Java code working: @JsonTypeInfo (experiment = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME included = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type") @ JsonSubTypes ({@ JsonSubTypes.Type (value = Comment.class, name = "CommentNote"), @ JsonSubTypes.Type (value = Photo.class, name = "PhotoNote"), @ JsonSubTypes.Type (value = Document.class, Name = "DocumentNote")}) Public abstract class notes enforceable identification [{...] Codein code here I think would be equivalent: JsonTypeInfo (use = JsonTypeInfo, JsonSubTypes.Type (value = javaClass & lt; photo & gt, = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = " ); JsonSubTypes (; Comment & gt;), name = "CommentNote", JsonSubTypes.Type (value = javaClass & lt); (), name = "photo note"), jasonsubtips.tap e (value = javaClass & Intuitive class

python - TclError: bad geometry specifier -

I tried to use the following script using the geometry for the tininker GUI using the Dragon Tanker: < Pre> to Tkinter import * root = Tk () w = 300 h = 200 ws = root.winfo_screenwidth () hs = root.winfo_screenheight () x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2) y = ( Hs / 2) - (H / 2) Rooted ('% dx% d +% d +% d'% (w, h, x, y)) root.mainloop () ` I get the following error: TclError: Bad geometry specifier "1920 * 1200 + 150 + 100". The error appears that you will be '% d *% d +% d Instead of '% dx% d +% d +% d'% (w, h, x, y) +% d '% (w, h, x, y) Are you sure you use x and not * ?

Use javascript to search page for link text -

मेरे पास निम्न जावास्क्रिप्ट है $ (document) .ready (function () { $ ('A [href * = "प्रोफ़ाइल"]: इसमें ("डेविड")' .closest ('td')। ('। Fightmobster')। क्लिक करें ();}); यह 'डेविड' शब्द के लिए पृष्ठ की सामग्री की खोज करता है और लिंक पर क्लिक करता है। मैं यह प्रगति करना चाहता हूं। पृष्ठ की सामग्री को खोजने के बजाय, मैं LINK टेक्स्ट को खोजना चाहता हूं। उदाहरण के लिए, 'डेविड' का लिंक हो सकता है इसलिए मैं पृष्ठ खोजना चाहता हूं इसके बजाय, 164522 के लिए। इसके अलावा, मैं एक ऐसे फॉर्म को लागू करना चाहता हूं जहां आप उस पाठ को निर्दिष्ट कर सकते हैं जिसे आप खोज रहे हैं। एक टेक्स्ट बॉक्स को छांटें जहां आप 164522 टाइप कर सकते हैं और एक बटन जो खोज प्रक्रिया को शुरू और बंद हो जाता है। आपके मामले में आपको $ ('a: इसमें (डेविड)')

java - executing multiple processing class with Spring batch processing -

I'm new to spring batch processing. Just wanted some suggestions so that I can join while reading about spring batch. My scenario is as follows: I wrote 4 Java classes that read and modify data in Oracle. For example: Class 1 and Class 2 will modify Table 1, Class 3 and Class 4 to modify Table 2. With spring batch processes, how can we parallel the execution of classes there? Without knowing what each class does, I can provide a great range of advice, is. It is being said that, if you want to do all, then each class has to execute parallel using the spring batch, the spring batch provides some tools to help with this: < Li> Split - Split split flux in spring batch so that the steps can be executed in parallel. In your case, I expected that either two or four flows would be implemented in parallel (if you need to execute class 1 -> class 2 in sequence, but in the same order with class 3 -> class 4 Sequence is required, or if you can just walk all four squa

Ionic which is faster ng-click or on-tap -

Ionic on Tap or ng-click on a mobile device is fast in meicon, they look very similar to me but onClick is very slow & lt; Button class = "Button Button-Light Button-Dark" On-Tap = "OnTap ()" & gt; Tap & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; Button class = "Button Button-Light Button-Dark" ng-click = "Onclick ()" & gt; & Lt; / Button & gt; Click; Both should be pretty, because one tap should be set based on just how long. The touch event occurs I did something like the following and console.log the methods when they removed the callback. I think the tap is going first, but my test is being clicked at the same time. & lt; Button class = "button" on-tap = "onTap ()" ng-click = "OnClick ()" & gt; Hit me & lt; / Button & gt;

javascript - Complex Adobe Acrobat calculation -

I have a complex pricing form that I use for all my citations Excel , Although quoted is becoming more and more time consuming and I want to create a PDF version that people can change options to fit their budget. I have tried to know this Javascript but the formatting is foreign and I am not getting anybody who has calculated the same, is anyone able to help? There will be many 'squares' where each section will be calculated in a grand total, but each 'section' is basically the same. But the trick is that I would like to keep each 'section' a basic cost which is shown only after a valid quantity (eg 25+). Each radio button 'choice' should also have a unique value, such as like . SizeChoice1 = 1, SizeChoice2 = 2, SizeChoice3 = 3. - So the content is the excel style: If the volume> 25 (250+ (Size Change (1,2 -3)) * QTY) + (Color Option (1,2) And 3) * quantity) + stockchay (1,2 and 3) * quantity), if qty and lieutenant; 25 = 0 More

c# - Getting a NullpointerException on my code -

मुझे इस कोड पर एक Nullpointer मिल रहा है: सार्वजनिक शून्य InsertImportantMsg (स्ट्रिंग msg, डेटटाइम टूडे, इंट दृश्य) {connection.Open (); स्ट्रिंग क्वेरी = "अपडेट करें IMPORTANTMESSAGE SET MESSAGES = ': msg', DATETIME = ': toDay'," + "LABELVISIBILITY = ': दृश्यमान'"; Connection.CreateCommand (); Cmd.CommandText = query; Cmd.Parameters.Add (": msg", msg); Cmd.Parameters.Add (": toDay", आज); Cmd.Parameters.Add (": दिखाई", दृश्यमान); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); } विशेष रूप से इस रेखा पर: cmd.CommandText = query; मैं पैरामीटर सही पास कर रहा हूँ क्या मेरे अपडेट स्टेटमेंट में कुछ गड़बड़ है, मुझे पता नहीं है? (मुझे पता है कि कोड को पकड़ने की कोशिश में होना चाहिए, लेकिन यह अभी भी उद्देश्य पर है, इसलिए इसे न देखें) < / P> धन्यवाद अपवाद का तत्काल कारण यह है कि आप haven ' टी असाइन किया गया सीएमडी मान। कार्यान्वयन ऐसा हो सकता है कि सार्वजनिक शून्य InsertImportantMsg (स्ट्रिंग msg, दिनांकट

css - Angular nested directive ordering -

I am having difficulty finding any information on instructions and updating the CSS properties. app.directive ('fullscreenElement', function () {return {restrict: "a", link: function (scope, element) at (function () ($ (this). Css ('altitude', $ (window)). ();});}};}); {}: "A", link: function (scope, element, ethers) {var height = $ (element) Height (); var padmount = (parentheit / 2) - (height / 2); $ (element) .css ('padding-top', padmount );}};}); Both of them work independently, the trouble occurs when they are nested, the alignment-vertical instructions do not work, assuming that CSS height is not yet determined ? How do I make sure that this alignVertical Directive is set before the run? This works: & lt; Header style = "height: 800px" & gt; & Lt; Div alignment-vertical & gt; This content is vertically centered & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Header & gt; This does not work (content

MySQL not inserting data -

The table has been created and for executing the commands to enter previously entered data reset mysql, still it does ... Welcome to MySQL Monitor Order End with; Or your MySQL connection ID1 server version: 5.6.20 MySQL Community Server (GPL) Copyright (C) 2000, 2014, Oracle and / or its affiliates All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and / or its affiliates names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' Or '\ c' to clear the current input statement for help, type '\ c' mysql & gt; Use X32334732 database in MySQL and gt; Include the product (name, image, type, description, sales_pris) in the value S ("FIFA 15", "Picture / Game / FIFA .JPG", "Game - PS4", "Soccer Sports Game", 44.95); Thanks for any help. Thanks 2 Codebird, I was using "No" .... I'm guessing the fraudulent mistake.TY The console says">, that means that yo

Java BufferedImage setRGB, getRGB error -

I am editing a buffard image. After changing the pixel in the picture, I make a check to ensure that the new value is that I expect it, however, they have not changed in the specified pixel color ! I thought it might be something with alpha values, so I recently added a step which removes the alpha value from the original pixel, and ensures that the new color is inserted back into the image. For that value is used. System.out.println (newColors [0] + "," + newColors [1] + "," + new collar [2]); Color old color = new color (image.getRGB (x, y)); Color new color = new color (new color [0], new color [1], new color [2], old collar. Gatealfa ()); // Create a new color with RGB values; Image.setRGB (x, y, newColor.getRGB ()); // Set RGB of pixels in the image. For (int cola: gate rgb (x, y)) {System.out.println (col); method getRGBs () returns an array where index is 0 red value Index 1 is green The index is blue 2. Output looks: 206, 207, 2

web services - Could not find a base address that matches scheme https for the endpoint with binding WSHttpBinding. Registered base address schemes are [http]. -

I have the following configuration for YSHTP bindings inside the configuration file and with transport protection. Meta Data Exchange, Base Address & amp; Bindings are all set to HPPS but it is still giving this problem & Lt; / Safety & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; / WsHttpBinding & gt; & Lt; / Binding & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt; Service transaction support = "WCFWindowsBasicHttpBinding.Service1Behavior" name = "WCFWindowsBasicHttpBinding.Service1" & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "" binding = "wsHttpBinding" binding configuration = "WsHttpEndpointBinding" name = "WsHttpEndpoint" contract = "WCFWindowsBasicHttpBinding.IService1" & gt; & Lt; Identity & gt; & Lt; Dns value = "localhost" /> & Lt; / Identification & gt; & Lt; / Endpoint & gt; & Lt; Endpoint address = "Max" binding = "Max H

php - Roles assignement in Symfony 2 -

I tried to play the role of the user in your controller. For example in the database I'm getting this result one: 1: {I: 0; S: 11: "ROLE_DRIVER";} , but when you are not anywhere in my application where I try to do it if ($ securityContext- & gt; isGranted ( 'ROLE_DRIVER ')) { I always get liars. I profiler that the current user is ROE__USER instead of _DRIVER . Where's my problem? Here's my role assigned: $ user-> SetRoles (array (1 = & gt; 'ROLE_DRIVER')); User config: # FOSUserBundle configuration fos_user: db_driver: ORM # other valid values ​​'MongoDB', 'CouchDB' and 'Propel' firewall_name: main user_class: Vputi \ UserBundle \ unit \ user Registration: Appearance: type: vputi_user_registration profile: Appearance: type: vputi_user_profile change_password: Appearance: type: vputi_user_change_password name: vputi_user_change_password I do twig when: {% user.roles [0] == 'ROLE_D

How to insert markup into a table using javascript -

I have a table row with four cells. I am trying to use JavaScript to insert: & lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; Between the two cells which basically make one to two rows (at certain screen sizes). I need to change it: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; In: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Accessories & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; This is

Magento extend getCssJsHtml() -

I'm not sure what I'm doing: I'm running this: ap / code / local / company / etc / confix.xml: & lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; Config & gt; & Lt; Module & gt; & Lt; Company_Core & gt; & Lt; Version & gt; 0.1.0 & lt; / Edition & gt; & Lt; / Company_Core & gt; & Lt; / Module & gt; & Lt; Global & gt; & Lt; Model & gt; & Lt; Core & gt; & Lt; Rewrite & gt; & Lt; Shop & gt; Company_Page_block_Html_Head & lt; / Store & gt; & Lt; / Rewrite & gt; & Lt; / Core & gt; & Lt; / Model & gt; & Lt; / Global & gt; & Lt; / Config & gt; Include and app / code / local / company / page / block / html / head.php: ('mage / page / block / Html / head.php '); Class Company_Page_block_Html_Head Expands Mage_Catalog_Model_Product {/ ** * Get Head HTML with CSS / JS / RSS Definitions * (Actually it also presents

Android: setText("Loading...") inside AsyncTask -

I should know how to create a textview in a non-functional task: Start Do: setText ("Loading."); 1 second: setText ("Loading .."); 2 seconds: set text ("Loading ..."); Restart: setText ("Loading."); Thank you during the real time of doInBackground's actions Secure vs. Create (Bundle Saved InstantState) {Super.New (Saved Instantstate); This.requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); SetContentView (R.layout.inicio); TareaAsincInicio = new tareaAsincronaInicio (); TareaAsincInicio.execute (); } Private class Taria Asynconynioni Async Task & LT; Wide, integer, boolean & gt; {Protected void onPreExecute () {...} Protected Boolean doInBackground (Zero ... parameter) {... methods (); } Secure zero (boolean result) on PetExactech {intent I = new intent (Inicio.this, MainActivity.class); StartActivity (i); End(); } Protected void onProgressUpdate (integer ... value) {...}} In fact, if you have to update your text

c# - How to know the number of Threads created and limit the Tasks accordingly -

It is very clear that with task as async / await Instead of calling the asynchronous call threads , my question is: Is there a way to monitor threads while completing these tasks? This is because I can decide an optimal number of times for the thread that the thread does not eat too many CPU cycles at the same time (the CPU is intensive to handle the work). We take an example below (output is also mentioned) Although the program is completed in 5 seconds, but it has two threads (id = 1,4 ) if I increase the number of 6 instead of 2, then it creates 4 threads I know that this is the CLR thread OS thread (which is 4 in my machine Are), but I would like to know how they are mapped O (with actions) and use the same CPU. Is there any way to get it? Test code Fixed zero main (string [] args) {RunTasksWithDelays (). ); } Static async Task Run Task with Dislay () {Stopwatch S = Stopwatch. Startup (); Console.light line ("thread id =" +

c# - Apply CancellationToken in dataflowblock -

मेरे निर्माता-उपभोक्ता आवेदन में मेरे पास है: CancellationTokenSource cTokenSource = नए CancellationTokenSource (); रद्दकरण टोकन cToken = नया रद्द टोकन (); CToken = cTokenSource.Token; बटन शुरू करते हैं, आवेदन चल रहा है क्लिक करें निजी async शून्य Start_Click (वस्तु प्रेषक, RoutedEventArgs ई) {var निर्माता = निर्माता ()।; Var उपभोक्ता = उपभोक्ता (); कार्य का इंतजार। जब सभी (निर्माता, उपभोक्ता); } उपभोक्ता में, मैं इस्तेमाल किया TPL। async कार्य उपभोक्ता () {कोशिश {var executionDataflowBlockOptions = नए ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions {MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 50, CancellationToken = CToken}; वर consumerBlock = नए ActionBlock & LT; AppointmentReminder & gt; (शेष = & gt; {// blah लंबी चलने वाली प्रक्रियाओं के लिए blah और यूआई वर परिणाम को अद्यतन करने के = रन (अनुस्मारक);}, executionDataflowBlockOptions); bufferBlock.LinkTo (consumerBlock, नई DataflowLinkOptions {PropagateCompletion = true}); कार्य का इंतजार। डेले (500); } अब मेरे पास एक रद्द बटन है, मैं इस

c# - How do I capture PrintScreen in a Hot Key Control in Windows Forms? -

I am working on a screen capture program and I want to allow users to set custom hotkeys. I have tried to use the Windows msctls_hotkey32 control class in custom control using the CreateParams . However, it does not accept PrintScr as the key, which is not acceptable due to the nature of my program. I have tried to create a custom control that system.Windows.Forms.TextBox to override the keyboard input and override however ProcessCmdKey , The function is never called for the print-screen key, and it does not contain keys associated with the key (like Ctrl + PrintScr only me ControlKey Gives, control ). After some research I came to know that only one WM_KEYUP message has been sent for the print screen, but for a hot key control, only the bottom key is acceptable because you have enabled Must enter key combinations Is there any way to allow me to capture key combinations that contain a print screen? If not, how can I design my user interface to allow such key

ios - Renewing provisioning profile for private app -

I have an app that is available only to some users through an enterprise distribution program. Basically, users get our download links and they can download the app with their device. The provisional profile (not certificate) has expired, so I clicked "Generate" and made it a new one after downloading it with the same name, I created it in my Provision Profile list Looked at the top and added it to your project in the xcode under "Distribution / Release" lines. I .ipa and technically re-stored and uploaded, users should not notice any difference I was so happy that no app can start (the next day) and I want to make sure that I used the correct step to renew my provision It may be related I do not remember anything Li> Has anyone exposed me about this? Did I do something wrong? Crichistic does not report any casualties (at least not in the previous month), so I really have uncertainty where I want to see, and since this profile is the only chang

Product of subset of numbers in python -

I am going through a project over, and I'm stuck on this question. I am posting my code with comments, so everyone can follow my thinking and see where I went wrong. All suggestions are appreciated :) # series needs to find the largest product in import time # The code initially brings time. From time to time () # code creates Start time list = [] # I go multipules is # 'takes \ Grid and converted into a large number of "Num =' \ 73l67l7653l3306249l9225ll9674426574742355349l94934 \ 969835203l27745063262395783l80l698480l86947885l843 \ 8586l560789ll294949545950l73795833l9528532088055ll \ L2540698747l585238630507l5693290963295227443043557 \ 66896648950445244523l6l73l8564030987lll2l722383ll3 \ 62229893423380308l353362766l4282806444486645238749 \ 30358907296290491560440772390713810515859307960866 \ 70172427121883998797908792274921901699720888093776 \ 65727333001053367881220235421809751254540594752243 \ store I am going to 5258490771167055601360483958644670632441572

c# - Speed of property dictionary slower than using a switch statement -

I currently have a class 'rising visual model' on which it has approximately 20-30 properties, which is 10,000+ Bar. I am generating various data. Initially, I had a way of getting the property values ​​arising from an XML string: public object GetArisingPropertyValue (string propertyName) {Switch (Property Name) {Case "name_1": return name 1; Case "another_name": return anotherName; // etc}} But in relation to other parts of the project, things were customized to simplify things and use a property dictionary to make life easier. So I have set my property dictionary as: Private static readonly IDictionary & lt; String, string & gt; PropertyMap; Fixed ArisingViewModel () {PropertyMap = New Dictionary & lt; String, string & gt; (); Var myType = typeof (Emerging View Model); Foreach (MyType.GetProperties on in PropertyInfo (BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)) {if (propertyInfo.GetGetMethod () = Null!) {Var attr = propert

Save ppt as pdf via applescript with -

hibernate - JPA / JTA / @Transactional Spring annotation -

I'm reading transaction management using Spring Framework. In the first assembly I used Spring + Hibernant and used the Hibernate API to control the transaction (HBINET API). After this, I wanted to test using the @transaction annotation, and it used to work. I am confused: Two JPA, JTA, being in Hibernation is the "own" way of managing your transactions. For example, if I use Spring + Hibernate, think about whether you will use "JPA" transaction? As we have JA, is it true that we can use spring and jta to control the transaction? @transaction annotation, is it specific for the Spring Framework? What I explained, this interpretation is Spring Framework, if it is correct, then what is the transaction by using the JPA / JTA to control @transactional I read online to clear my doubts, although some do not get me a direct answer. Any information will be very helpful. @ In case of behavior spring-> hibernate using JPA or. @tr

javascript - Scroll function does not fire an animation properly -

मेरे पास कोई साधारण .scroll () फ़ंक्शन एक ईवेंट आग है, अगर .scrollTop () एक विशिष्ट मूल्य से अधिक है: $ (window) .scroll (function () {if ($ ('body, html') .scrollTop () & gt; 250) {console.log ("high"); $ ('# navbar')। एनिमेट ({पैडिंगटॉप: 5, पैडिंगबॉटम: 5}, 'धीमी');} else {console.log ( "कम"); $ ('# navbar')। चेतन ({पैडिंगटॉप: 25, पैडिंगबॉटम: 25}, 'धीमी')}}}); मेरे पास समस्या है, यह प्रत्येक स्क्रॉल पिक्सेल के लिए फ़ंक्शन को निकालती है scrollTop मान के आधार पर मैं एनीमेशन को आग्रह करना चाहता हूं। मैं इसे कैसे सबसे अच्छा तरीका हल कर सकता हूं? धन्यवाद यह कोशिश करें var _top, _last_top = -1; $ (विंडो) .scroll (function () {_top = $ ('body, html')। ScrollTop (); अगर (_top & gt; 250 & amp; _last_top & lt; 250) {_last_top = _top; $ ('# एमीमेट ({पैडिंगटॉप: 5, पैडिंगबॉटम: 5}, 'धीमी');} अगर (_top और lt; 250 & amp; amp; _last_top & gt; 250) {_last_top = _top; $ (&#

regex - Split line by +-*/() (as delimeters) without omitting them in python -

Good day. I'm trying to split (tokenize) like a string (22 + 33) * 44/300 < P> and output such as ['' ('22', '+', '33', ')', '*', '44', '/', '300 So far I tried to use infix = input ("infix notation:") infix = re.split (r '[ + - / * ()] ', infix) But it omits the delimiter and creates an element in the list. Instead of dividing the string on the delimiter, I recommend searching only for token. & gt; & Gt; & Gt; ('22', '+', '33', ')', '*', '44', 'review' '/', '300'] Html>

xcode6 - ios7 change data in tab1 from tab2 -

I created a test app to debug this issue, so it's only 2 views, tabs and controllers Using the Storyboard layout xcode6 My tab is a label on 1 view and when I hit tab 2, I would like to change it, e.g. It now reads 'foo' and when I tab back, it says 'bar'. ViewController.h @interface ViewController: UIViewController @ Property (strong, non-monomitive) IBotलेट UILLabel * Tab 1 label; @end ViewController2.m #import "ViewController.h" ... - (zero) viewDidload {Super Viewedload]; ViewController * myVC = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "ViewController" bundle: zero]; NSLog (@ "% @", myVC.tab1Label.text); MyVC & gt; Tab1Label.text = @ "" bar "; } It may just be that I'm calling the other view controller wrongly but I'm not sure that the correct way. The log outlume is empty while raising the current text of the label. Thank you in advance! UITabBarController * Tabbar contro

Apache Virtual Host with path -

I am deploying a rail app with Fusion passenger and Apache HTTPD, so that I have to make a virtual host in Apache Associate the root of my app and this process is successful, my app is running effectively, but my problem is that I want to run this path in the path of my domain like "" Tried and all failed. ** Configuration 1 server admin admin@mydomain.comServernName RailsEnv Production RailsBaseURI / App DocumentRoot / var / www / Rails / app / public & lt; Directory / var / www / rails / app / public & gt; Allow all options - Multi Views # Need all provided & lt; / Directory & gt; Error $ {APACHE_LOG_DIR} /error.log Custom Log $ {APACHE_LOG_DIR} /access.log composite Configuration 2 server admin server serverpath / railwaywaywith railwaynew production railwayservice / app document / var / www / rail / app / public & lt; Directory / var / www / train / app

ruby on rails - Scope or instance variable -

I've read using a scope in the rail, which, for example, to query directly as opposed The more efficient the model goes through the controller (how does it see how I see?) Then I have this query in my controller @animal_location = (: city) .map (& amp; city) .Nok ["Cardiff", "Newport"] And then in my model this scope < Pre> area: uniq_town S (- "city") group ("city")} # and active framework: relations [# & lt; User ID: Zero, City: "Cardiff">, & lt; User ID: Zero, City: "Newport"> gt]] In my opinion, to reach the value of the city using the @animal_location = (: city) .map (& amp; city). > I can access such as & lt;% @ animal_location.each do | Loc | & Gt%; & Lt;% = loc% & gt; & Lt;% end% & gt; Or if I used the scope and went with @animal_location = User.uniq_towns , in my opinion I & Lt;% @ animal_location.each do

android - Disable zoom when user press input -

How to disable zoom when pressing input in the webview? Subscribe the following line, but it still increases when entering a password mWebView.getSettings (). SetDefaultZoom (WebSettings.ZoomDensity.CLOSE); // This is my code mWebView.getSettings (). SetLoadsImagesAutomatically (wrong); . MWebView.getSettings () setLoadWithOverviewMode (wrong); . MWebView.getSettings () setUseWideViewPort (false); MWebView.setWebViewClient (new hellowebviewclient); . MWebView.getSettings () setBuiltInZoomControls (wrong); . MWebView.getSettings () setSupportZoom (wrong); MWebView.getSettings () setDefaultZoom (WebSettings.ZoomDensity.CLOSE). MWebView.setInitialScale (180);

wamp - Apache timing out -

I'm running the wampserver and today I'm reinstalling the latest version Apache is reportedly running (though in fact Process list appears twice ??) But when I go to a basic HTML or PHP page the page can not load yet. It spins round and round and then crashes. I was looking for this for the last hour and could not understand it. I have restored it, imitated the ICU. * Files in Apache \ bin If I look in the Resource Monitor, then I have httpd.exe as well as an entry - such as the image and the pid? Apache may be running but not serving webpages - even basic?

angularjs - Sending data form ng-repeat -

I create a form using ng-repeating modules: Form - {{$ Index}} - ID Form - {{$ index}} - value This is HTML of the form: & lt ; Input type = "text" id = "form-0-id" /> & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "form-0-value /"; input type = "text" id = "form-1-id" /> input type = "text" id = "form -1-value / & gt; I need to send the input text values ​​as form data, not as a query string. I have to use AngularJS to do this, I can not use the old classic button and refresh POST. form data-0-id: "x" form-0-value: "Y" form-1-id: "a" form-1-value: "b" exc ... How can I get it? I already have a function that changes the data from the query string to create the data: app.config (function ($ httpProvider) {// use x-www-form -rlencoded Content-Type $ ['Content-Type'] = 'App / X-www-Form-URLXD; Charset