
Showing posts from September, 2015

cocoa touch - How to make changes to a component added via Cocoapods -

I am using a component that is working well, but I want to make a change (Padding to add something so that the pop-up could not touch the edge of the screen). In Setup Function - I can see where to change the code in setup - but of course I do not want to overwrite the changes while updating my pods. I can make a subclass, but the change is right in the middle of a huge function, so overriding is that the whole function does not look like a great idea. Is there a better way? Many thanks.

objective c - How do I add a UIView to a scrollview that doesn't move? -

I have a scrollview that scrolls vertically through a large UIView. I want to add another small UIVV to the place that lives in the same place (floating), no matter where you go. Why do not you add small UIIVOs to the supervision of ScrollView? Say your view hierarchy is as follows: UIView (main) ScrollView UIView (big) Resize your small UIView and fix UIView (main) ScrollView UIView (large) UIView (main) short)

c - The joining operator ";" in my shell isn't working properly -

I have written a simple shell in C, and I ""; The operator is working properly, the user typing command will be 1; Command2 and Shell execute the first command in the command line followed by the second command. However, it seems that, for whatever reason, it is executing only the second order. Why does anyone have an idea? This special section of my code is: four * next = strchr (cmd, ';'); While (next! = Null) {/ * 'next' number ';' * / * Next = '\ 0'; Input = run (CMD, input, first, 0); CMD = next + 1; Next = strchr (CMD, ';'); First = 0; } Your code is working for me just to handle the corner case The condition is added. Please check the code below. four * next = strchr (cmd, ';'); While (next! = Null) {/ * 'next' number ';' * / * Next = '\ 0'; Input = run (CMD, input, first, 0); Printf ("% s \ n", CMD); CMD = next + 1; Next = strchr (CMD, ';'); If (NULL == Next) {i

python - Calculate STD manually using Groupby Pandas DataFrame -

I was trying to write a solution, which is a different and a manual for calculating a mean and STD The way. I have created a = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Apple"] B = [3,4,7,3] C = [5,4,1,4] D = [7,8,3,7] Pd DF = PD to import pandals DataFrame (index = class (4), column = list ("ABCD")) DF ["A"] = A DF ["B"] = BDF ["C"] = C DF ["D"] = D Again, I made a list of A duplication. Then I went through the group all the time of the objects and calculated the solution. import as np l = list (set (df.A)) df.groupby ('A', As_index = False) listMean = [0] * len (df.C) ListSTD = [0] * L in the LAN (df.C) X: s = np.mean (df [df ['A'] == x] for C =.) = Z = [index for index, enumerate In the object (df ['a']. Value] x == item i for z: listMean [i] = s in: s = np.std (df [df ['a'] == X] .cvalues) z = index for index, enumerate item (df ['a']. Value) if x ==

java - @PluginTarget(Node.class) not registering as neo4j plugin -

Simple class below will not show as a plugin package com.danmacias neoneoteplugin ; Import java.util.ArrayList; Import java.util.list; Import org.neo4j.graphdb. *; Import org.neo4j.server.plugins *; Import org.neo4j.graphalgo *; // import org.neo4j.tooling.GlobalGraphOperations; @ Description (expansion of Neo4j server to achieve all nodes or relationships) Public class GetPaths expanded the server plugin {@ name ("breadth_first_paths") @ Description ("first wide travel traversal of specific node"). @plugin target (node ​​class) public shaky & lt; Path & gt; GetPaths (@ Source Node Graphidi) {ArrayList & lt; Path & gt; Path = new arreelist & lt; & Gt; (); Return path; }} curl return {"extension": {"GetAll": {"get_all_nodes": "http: // localhost: 7474 / db / ext / GetAll / graphdb / get_all_nodes "} ...}, But when I Node.class both conditions GraphDatabaseService I change with Class ,

java - Can't add JTree to JPanel of a JInternalFrame -

There are two panels in my JInternalframe. I want to add TopPanel to Jtree to nominate another. But I can not add Jaitari to the top of the panel. Please help me in this piece of code: DefaultMutableTreeNode root = new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("deck"); DefaultMutableTreeNode Item Clubs = New DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Club"); AddAllCard (itemClubs); Root.add (itemClubs); DefaultMutableTreeNode item = New DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Diamonds"); AddAllCard (itemDiamonds); Root.add (itemDiamonds); DefaultMutableTreeNode Itemspads = New DefaultMutableTreeNode ("Spades"); AddAllCard (itemSpades); Root.add (itemSpades); DefaultMutableTreeNode item increases = new DefaultMutableTreeNode ("heart"); AddAllCard (itemHearts); Root.add (itemHearts); Default Trimodel Tree Model = New DefaultTreeModel (Route); Tree = new jetty (tree modal); ScrollPane = new JScrollPane (tree); // scrollPane.setViewportView (tree); . ScrollPane.getViewport () add (tr

ajax - How to crawl asynchronized content by Java? -

I need to crawl a site by java, while one stream of content is loaded by ajax. Does anyone have the experience of finding that material? Thank you! You can use it. This is an uninterrupted browser. For example, with the html unit you can press the button on the page, wait for the content loaded by AJAX and catch it.

java - How to configure the path of files inside a folder in Struts config file -

I created a folder named Customer and I have put the following JSP files in. < Code> edit .jsp , editsuccess.jsp . My String Config & Lt; / Action & gt; This has the edit.jsp input page and the output page for the editsuccess.jsp controller (the entire one) the auditrator and the controller has a path edit . Here I am JSP & lt; Form action = "" method = "post" & gt; I am calling the servlet in front of the front. When I submit the form it shows the following error HTTP status 404 - Invalid path requested I tried some possible ways to change but still I could not be able to fix it. If you are using html form tags, then you should properly map the action. & lt; Form action = "$ {pageContext.request.contextpath} /" method = "post" & gt; or use html taglib & lt;% @ taglib prefix = "html" uri = " / Tags- Html "%

arrays - how to display the date between the from and to range of date in php -

मैं 28-10-2014 से 01 तक की एक श्रेणी की तारीख कैसे दिखाऊं? -11-2014 ? 28-10-2014 29-10-2014 30-10-2014 31-10-2014 01-11-2014 इसे आज़माएं: & lt;? Php $ begin = नया दिनांकटाइम ( '28 -10-2014 '); $ अंत = नया दिनांक समय ('01 -11-2014 '); $ Daterange = नया दिनांक पीरियड ($ शुरू, नया दिनांक अंतर ('पी 1 डी'), $ अंत); विदेशी मुद्रा (डॉलर की तारीख $ $) {echo $ date- & gt; प्रारूप ("एम-डी-वाई"); }? & Gt;

javascript - jQuery UI dialog reloads the page when you click on close button. What is wrong? -

I have two buttons in my dialog if I click on the close button, the dialog box closes and the page reloads goes. How to turn off the dialog without reloading the page? My code: add_bankday.dialog ({autoOpen: wrong, width: 400, button: [id: 'submit', text: & lt ;? php echo json_encode ('add' );; & Gt;, click: function (event) {if ($ ('$ password'). Val ()! = Calendar.resource.password) {$ ('# error'). Text (& lt; ? Php echo json_encode ('wrong password');;> CSS ('visibility', 'visible'); return;} $ .ajax ({type: 'POST', url: 'ajax.php', async: False, data: {Op: 'add_bankday', day: $ ('# new_bank_day'). Val (), password: $ ('# ab_password'). Val ()}, success: function (res) {}}) ;}}, {Id: 'bank_close', text: & lt ;? php echo json_encode ('closed');? & Gt ;, click on: function () {$ ('# new_bank_d ('');. Val ('');. $ ('# Add_ban

jquery - HOW TO Call field from database if the value same name with form of checkbox in php code -

There is a problem. I have many checkboxes and now the value of the checkbox has been successfully entered in the database. Here is my checkbox form: & lt; Form method = "post" action = "" & gt; & Lt; Div align = "left" & gt; & Lt; P align = "left" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "bmk 81a" value = "bmk 81a" & gt; 1. BMK81A & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "BMK81" value = "BMK 81" & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; 2. BMK81 & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "DL3" value = "DL3" & gt; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; & Amp; Nbsp; 3. JPN-DL-3 / JPN-DL-4 & lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "DL2" value = "DL2" &

opengl - Find the vertices on the outline of a 3d model -

I have got several materials on the frame attract around a model with a stencil buffer Like However, this time I need to find the headlines on the outline to get their coordinates, but there is not a great way to do this. I have once come in a method that can solve my problem for simple models like cube or shells. This triangle suggests to examine two triangles that share the triangle, if the normal of both the triangles points in the direction of the camera in the opposite directions, they share the share from the edge, The above method fields Or works like a simple model like a cube, but not for complex models, because it can lift those edges that also take inside the framework from the camera's view. In the conclusion, my purpose is to find the coordinates of the corner on the outline, for example, on the red line in the image which you can find. BTW, I'm doing this using Ogre

wso2 - Default endpoint in esb -

I am using wso2esb 4.7.0 and wso2dss 3.0.0. When I started with these servers, it was less loaded on the server because they are not in a small number of services. But now the situation changes. They have no service on the server and each proxy has the end point of the special address of DSS. After calling the end point of this address, he navigates to that endpoint and receives information and gives feedback. This is the general scenario of all services. The number of services increases day by day and because of the slow loading of the server, this is the reason why I want to make a special default endpoint where I can easily call the service. Address Endpoint and no need to call everyone. Is this possible? How can I apply it? For balance balancing, I have used the Amazon AWS Lowestyl Load Balancer. The question is unclear whether your endpoint for different proxy services is different or not? I mean, all different end points are called the same dataset or different if they

Why git doesn't ask how to merge some of the files? -

I am trying to merge the two branches. Suppose I have three files in three, A, B and C, A, B and C. And in the branch 'new' I have A and C and I have removed B. C is different from A and AC in 'Master' Now I am merging 'Master' with 'new' and what GIT does, it changes with the 'new' version of 'C' instead of 'Master' version of C, It keeps B (which I really want to delete) and asks me to manually merge it. What is happening? I thought it would ask me about all the changes! But! If I compare the two branches, then it shows all the differences correctly. As you are saying that Geeta is working to work, as you are saying. Let's say I have a b and c files with your content, following the following commands: You can test: git init git ABC GIT commit - Add "initial commitment" to then create branch < Code> git checkout-b branch 1 & lt; Edit A, C & gt; Then merge the branch from 1st

log4j - Output log of single class to file in Grails -

I am trying to redirect the log4j output of a package to a file. My configuration is as follows: log4j = {appenders {console name: 'stdout' appender new delhi rolling file adapter (name: 'audit', datepantern: "'.' Yayam-mm-dd ') File name: "$ {userHome} / $ {applicationName}. Log ", layout: pattern (conversion pattern: '% d [% t]% -5p% c {2}% x -% m% n'))} root {error 'stdout'} error 'org.codehaus.groovy. Grails.web.servlet ', // Controller' org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages ', // GSP' org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web .sitemesh ', // layout' org.codehaus.groovy .grails.web.mapping.filter ', // URL Mapping' org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.mapping ', // URL Mapping' org.codehaus.Groovy.grails.commons ', // core / classlogging' Org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins ', // plugins' org.codehaus.groovy .grails.orm.hibernate ', // Hibernate integration' org.spring

C# label and goto -

This is my entire program. Obviously I am starting a new problem I am facing is that if age is zero If there is less then some rows come back, but the user has to ask for a PIN again. :( What can I do to fix this? using system namespace example {class program {static zero main (string [] args) {string name; string city ; Int age; int pin; // \ n is used for the line-break console. Type ("Enter your name:"); name = console.ReadLine (); console. Enter: "); city = console.ReadLine (); Age: Console. (" Enter \ N your age: "); age = int 32.exe (console.readline ()); console (" \ n Your p Enter: "); pin = int 32.perse (console) .ReadLine (); if (age> lie> 0> age> = 110) {goto age;} // printing message console / formatting output Consol E.WriteLine ("=============="); console.print line ("your full address:"); Console.WriteLine ("========== Console = brightness ("name = {0}", name); console.light line (&q

webserver - 404 Error In AngularJS on a hosted server -

I know that my problem is similar to this one: I understand why there is an error Tutorial, I also followed this, but for a different project I tried to do the same thing and I hosted my website with my website: Can not display the browser content because Can not Do .Json Find Files Do You Know How I Do It Can i fix Thank you very much for your help.

winforms - Is it somewhere documented how the Windows energy profile influences .NET performance? -

While I disabled the winforms control, I had already asked a question about poor performance, where I found out that There was a problem when we got another issue this week to balance the energy profile set up. Our one of our customers NET was complaining about poor performance in the application. I remember my experience with humble control and we asked him to check it. The result: In some scenarios, the application was only two to six times faster, just by balancing the profile for higher performance! This is very strange because this application is a business where the client communicates with one using the Remoting application server application server connects to the Oracle server. You are watching: spend a lot of time with communication needed. First we examined our Oracle questions, then our communication layer and finally the energy profile was the cost of most of the time. This is a huge difference because the laptop was connected to the power supply and is there a doc

javascript - Very high responsetime after 3 min inactivity Web API -

I have a strange problem in the reproduction and production environment (but not in the god). I is a website that performs some actions on a web API hosted in the same IIS. Typically, a specific post takes it under a second to make a request, but after 3 minutes of inactivity, the same post request 10 -30 seconds. (According to Google Chrome Network tab) The list of requested requests is not the first request for a post request. The request Ajax is used. I found out that the database queries were running slow but SQL Profiler has gone to see if all this is performing well, and it seems that the post request is only delayed. All SQL queries are performed directly, and when this is done, there is nothing for 10-30 seconds. Do you have any idea why the reaction time is too high? The problem is resolved! The problem was that the email was sent using the SMTPClient in the request. The SMTP client is not ASINCC in a web application and therefore had to be sent before

oracle - SQL attribute variant within the same statement -

Having the following statement gives me 4 columns (location, description, guardian, count) depending on the situation: SELECT KINCIDENT.Location, LOCATIONS DESCRIPTION, LOCHIERARCHY PEPPER, CURRICULAR LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCHIERARCHY WHERE CANCER. Location = LOCATIONS.location and LOCATIONS.location = LOCHIERARCHY.location and Kinder. Status = Cancer by the 'ECCAPR' group. Location, LOCATIONS details, LOCHIERARCHY. Order by guardian; However, I want a 5th column that counts to me, but when I can specify KINCIDENT.status = 'FSAPR' instead, in which situation each counting column takes place ? Do you want conditional aggregation? Select the obvious join s: k.location, l.description, h.parent, SUM (case when using k.status = 'ECCAPR To learn how to do 'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END' join the cnt_ECCAPR, SUM (case when K.State = 'FSAPR' then 1 ELSE 0 END) from cnt_FSAPR to KINDICENT K. k.location = l. Location JOIN LOCHIERARCHY at l.location = h.loc

php - View single post from list of posts in certain category Wordpress -

I have a script that generates all the positions, which have a special category tag (see below). and 6, Category_name '= & gt; $ range); Query_posts ($ args); ? & Gt; & Lt ;? Php while (is_pos ()): the_post (); ? & Gt; & Lt; Hour / & gt; & Lt; Article class = "item" & gt; & Lt; A href = "& lt ;? php the_permalink () ;? & gt;" & Gt; & Lt; H3 class = "headline-news" & gt; & Lt ;? Php the_title (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt ;? Php the_excerpt (); ? & Gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; A class = "btn btn btn-primary" href = " However, when I posted a particular post on the_permalink (); I click on the link provided by the method then my website throws a 404 error. I believe I need a template file that will pull the content from personal post. Does anyone know how this is done?

SharePoint Online: XsltListViewWebPart does not show up correctly -

I SharePoint is deployed SharePoint hosted app online server I have a custom page, which displays a list view of my custom list which app is built using stored on the web list view "XsltListViewWebPart" and added my aspx app page. Here is the list view Web Part code: & lt; Asp: Content ContentPlaceHolderId = "PlaceholderMan" Runat = "Server" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "listUsers" class = "listView" & gt; & Lt; WebPartPages: WebPartZone runat = "server" Fremtaip = "Taitlbar only" id = "Vebprtijh 1" & gt; & Lt; WebPartPages: XsltListViewWebPart id = "UsersListWebPart_AppWeb" runat = "server" ListUrl = "lists / user" isIncluded = "True" NoDefaultStyle = "True" Title = "Users" PageType = "PAGE_NORMALVIEW" default = "False" ViewContentTypeId = "0x" & Gt; & Lt; / WebPartPages: XsltListV

Is iOS UIWebView based on Safari implementations like Android WebView on Chromium? -

Now I am searching for a while but I have a solid explanation about an underlying implementation on an Apple developer site Not found Apple has introduced WKWebView in IOS8 This implementation replaces UIWebView and brings with it the same JavaScript engine that uses a Safari on IOS. The old UIWebView was not as responsive Safari because the old implementation and memory of the JavaScript engine was leaked. About this is a great article on NSHPister,

java - Will GC happen when a TLAB(Thread Local Allocation Buffer) is full? -

TLBIDS is allocated in AED, a bag needs an item, one is allocated to TLAB , So when a TLAB happens (or maybe almost full)? If Edin has enough room or if it only triggers GC, then will another TLB be allocated for the thread? When the current TLL fills, another TLAB will be assigned. There is no need to do Eden GC until Aden reaches an occupancy limit.

ios - Post multiple images using SLComposeViewController on Facebook/ Twitter? -

I am using SLComposeViewController to share'm an iOS developer and I am currently a post on Facebook / Twitter. My problem is that I have to post multiple images in a post. I thus have: SLComposeViewController * mySLComposerSheet = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType: SLServiceTypeTwitter]; [MySLComposerSheet Set InitialText: textTobeShared]; MySLComposer Sheet addURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]; (; Count of & lt; imageArray.count; int count = 0 count ++) if ([mySLComposerSheet addImage: [UIImage imageWithData: [imageArray objectAtIndex: count]]]) In the above code, ImageArray is the array of images that I want to post. When I am doing this on Facebook, all the images are posted as a separate post. In the case of Twitter, the addimage method gives the actual returns only for the first images, while in the case of other images, it incorrectly only because only one image has been posted. So I want to kn

Yodlee soap service How to get accountNumber and routingNumber from getItemSummaries method -

I am integrating yodlee soap service for debt management system. To verify, I need to get the account number and routing number from the bank account. On my bank account web site, I can see the account number, but the 'x' symbol gives something like xxxx7-50 in the Yodli mask and getItemSummaries response outside the account numbers. Apart from this, some accounts have empty routing numbers. Is there a king of security limits or could it be due to the fact that I am currently using the test? Thanks Itemprop = "text"> < P> This aggregation is due to the safety limit of the product. If you want an unauthorized account of the account, you will have to go through some tests from Yodlee's security team and then optimize the API for Yodlee. You have to keep in touch with the sales representatives for the account number. In addition to this, if you are building a solution for the US market then you can try the data service API, if you are intere

windows - How do I find last updated files since 1 week? -

I have a directory and it has ~ 1000 files in it. I want to get the filenames of the last 7 days Updated after? And write this file name in another file. I am using Windows 2012 and I want to do this with a batch script. How can I do this? UPDATE: I tried @echo closed sitelock enabled extension disabled the expansion set "folder = c: \ some \ where" (for / f "token = * "%% a in (" robocopy "% folder%" "% folder%" * / l / nocopy / is / maxage: 7 / njh / njs / nc / ns / ndl ') What is echo (%% A) & However, I get this error: Error: No destination directory specified. Accessibility: Robocopy Source Destination / Gt; Output File. Txt MIR Source :: Source Directory (Draw : \ Path or \\ server \ share \ path) Destination :: Destination Directory (drive: \ path or \\ server \ share \ path) ./MIR :: Mirror is a complete directory tree. More Information Information Robocopy / / Code> **** / remove MIR files and can copy th

html - width for <td> in GMail has no effect -

After I have a design for HTML email which should be displayed | Image'a'here & lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; & Lt; space >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Image 'B' here | & lt; Table class = "wrapper" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td square = "header" style = "padding: 15px 15px 0;" & Gt; & Lt; Table class = "max-width" cytoplast = "0" cellpadding = "0" style = "width: 100%;" & Gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt ;! - RB logo - & gt; ** & lt; TD style = "width: 93% important; vertical-align: top;" & Gt; ** & lt; Table cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; A class = "link-style" href = "" target = "_ blank&

Getting the logical path in VIM when there's a symlink -

मेरे पास निम्न सेटअप है: mkdir / 1 mkdir / 1/2 mkdir / 1/2/3 ln -s / 1/2/3/1/3 अगर मैं सीडी / 1/3 करता हूं, और फिर पीडब्ल्यूडी , मुझे / 1/3 मिलता है। यदि मैं pwd-P का उपयोग करता हूं, तो मुझे / 1 / / / 1/2/3 , या pwd -L 3 । वीआईएम में, मैं / 1/3 प्राप्त करने का एक तरीका देख रहा हूं। अगर मैं / 1/3 / foo में एक फ़ाइल खोलता हूं , और मैं fnamemodify (bufname (winbufnr (0)), ': p: h') की तरह कुछ का उपयोग करता हूं, यह / 1/2/3 । मैं इसे कैसे बता सकता हूं कि मुझे pwd देना होगा? ऐसा लगता है कि आप, प्रणाली ('पीडब्ल्यूडी-एल') के अलावा अन्य नहीं कर सकते हैं । वीम के मुताबिक आजकल सिमुलेशन को हल कर लेता है। तर्क के लिए : h E773 के आसपास का टेक्स्ट देखें; यदि विम को हल किया गया फ़ाइल नाम के बजाय सिम्प्लिंक द्वारा चलाया गया था, तो दो बफ़र्स में दो अलग-अलग नामों के तहत एक ही फाइल को खोलना संभव होगा, और विम को यह पता लगाने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए कि स्वैप फ़ाइल कहाँ होना चाहिए। : h संस्करण 7.txt : यूनिक्स: जब एक सिमलिंक के माध्यम से एक फ़ाइल का सं - How to get Data to show side-by-side when using a <asp:PlaceHolder> -

Can you help me with my search page using Visual Studio 2013 and I have a simple text box and a button that can search for a database for the user name and what I am trying to do when the search button is clicked, the result is the same page If you do a search at this time, it looks like one below each other. > <30> James Men Programming but I am trying to show it .. James 3 0 male programming Can someone advise me where I am wrong? New table in the form of new table as dim tr new table as dim tcc new table as dim dc as new PDT lb If new label as DT HasRows = Do True, While DT Read t = new tablero tc = new tableclay lb = new labels lab Text = DT. Item ("name"). Toaster () tc Control. Add LB) tr.Controls.Add (tc) TB Control. Add (tr) tr = new tableware tc = new tableclick lb = new label lb.Text = dt.Item ("age"). ToString (TC) Add Controls (LB) tr.Controls.Add (tc) tb.Controls.Add (tr) tr = New TableRow TC = New Tablecale LB = Ne

WIX - Executing a batch file during uninstall -

I need to execute the batch file during uninstall. Can anyone help me with it? This is my code that is still not working: & lt; Custom Action ID = "Install" fileKey = "test.bat" ExeCommand = "" return = "execute asyncNoWait" = "deferred" impersonation = "no" /> & Lt; InstallExecuteSequence & gt; & Lt; Custom Action = "Uninstall" before "RemoveFiles" & gt; Installed & lt; / Custom & gt; & Lt; / InstallExecuteSequence & gt;

ui automation - UIAutomation c# textbox disappears with mouse click or losing focus -

iiuutomation to use in visual c # express 2010, i try to input text boxes in UI applicton automatically am, I need me input data succsuffully selected window but if I change or shrinks windows Forward file is changed, then what happens Apiyr data I Accessibility accesskey: "" AcceleratorKey: " "IsKeyboardFocusable:" Right "LabeledBy:" (Zero) "HelpText:" IsEnabled "State:" Right "HasKeyboardFocus:" Wrong "identity className:" Edit "ControlType:" ControlType.Edit "culture" (null) "AutomationId:" 100 "LocalizedControlType:" edit "Name:" "ProcessID:" 5172 (Winpoint) "RuntimeId:" 42 267,278 "IsPassword:" wrong "IsControlElement" right "IsContentElement" right "visibility Boundingrektengl:" (611, 286, 90, 20) "clickable point:" (null) "Aisofskrin:" false "ControlPatterns text Docum

django - geoDjango point geom field -

I do not understand how the image below shows all my records in postgreSQL how long the geo area is Is it possible that I can not make heads or tail of numbers, is it a binary representation? < WKB is a string of forms bytes. The type of geometry is stored in WPK (well-known binary) form within PostGIS. Changing information about this geometry in symbolic terms, such information is kept in such a way that what kind of geometry is described (point, line, polygon, etc.) as well as representation of geometry Real information required to do The identity of the first byte in the stream is a byte order in the NDR (Network Data Rendition or XDR (Accidental Data Representation): Binary Order, both encoding. The NDR is slightly Endian, which means that one Signed integer - 32 bit data type encodes a non-integer integer - initially stores the least important byte, while one double - a 64 bit double precise data type Rakor, which encodes a double exact number using the IEEE

How to copy files with a specific pattern? -

I have some folders that contain at least one zip file, though there may be more zip files in this folder. Looks like: Parents | + - X7G 000738512 | | | `- | + - X7G000843295 | | | + - | | | `- | + - x7 g 000482756 | | | + - | | | `- X7G000482756_20141028_1210_UGLUT.ZIP | `- X7G000285672 | + - | + - | `- Now I want to copy the zip-files that do not end in" _old "or" _ungueltig "root directory. How can I accomplish this task? @echo off setlocal enableextensions Disabled expense set "target = c: \" somewhere Also \ "for \" / f "delims =" %% a in ('dir / s / b / ad'% target% * * zip) ^ | SearchR / R / I / C: "% Target: \" = \\% \\ [^ \\] * \\. %% ("%% ~ A" "%% ~

How doing dropdown menu in Wordpress? -

How do I dropdown menus for pages and child pages on WordPress 4.0, but wp_page_menu is not working, Wp_list_pages ('title_li =')?> Show the menu but do not show the child page Please help? Try it out: {list-list: Nobody is out; Padding: 0; Margins: 0 10px; Swim left; Font size: 13px;} ul.Menu Li {float: left; Margin: 0; Padding: 0-15px 0 0; Status: Relative; } Ul.Menu Li a {padding: 9px 5px; Color: RGB (255, 255, 255); Display area; Text-decoration: None; Swim left; Exhibit: Block;} U.Menu Lee: Hover {Background: # A6CB1B; } .Court-Cat {background: # 8BBF47; } li span {width: 11px; Height: 10px; Swim left; Background: URL (write '/ * url or color color * * /' of your background) -561px -78px No-repeat; Margin: 11px 0 0 0;} li ul.children {z-index: 99; List style: None is out; Status: Completed; Left: 0; Top: 31px; Background: Any repeatable scrolls 0% 0% RGB (51, 51, 51); Margin: 0; Padding: 0; display none; Swim left; Width: 170p

To Do List in JavaScript/HTML -

I have prepared the list to do this and almost everything is working right. However, if I delete everything in the list, it will not add me a new entry and I can not seem to know why Thanks very much for any help. & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; / * & Lt ;! [CDATA [* / function addTask () {if (document.forms [0] .newtask.value == "") window.alert ("You must enter a value in the new workspace."); Else {if (document.forms [0] .task option [0] .value == "work") document.forms [0]. Tasks.options [0] = null; Var newTask = new option (); NewTask.value = document.forms [0] .newtask.value; NewTask.text = document.forms [0] .newtask.value; Var numTasks = document.forms [0]. Tasks. Options.length; Document.forms [0]. Tasks. Option [numTasks] = newTask; Document.forms [0] .newtask.value = ""; }} Function deleteTask () {var selectedTask = 0; Var WorkSocial = False; While (Selected Tasks

prolog variable not exist -

In Swi prolog, I have a simple program to test this in other and function calls. What is wrong with the code given below Which says rule does not exist call_rule (roll): - (member (roll, [123]), writing ('inside call rule') , Nb_getval (rule, 'this is the rule')). Print_roll (roll): - (roll and lieutenne; 2 -> rightlane ('not a roll'); (roll> 1243 -> written ('no one roll'), righten ('this second option (Rolls =: = 12 -> Writelan ('boxers'); (call_arl (roll) -> NB_GATEVAL (RULES, RULES), RITELLAN (' Snake eyes'); Nb_gatewall (rule, SUBJECT, RETLAN (SUBJECT))))). Error: nb_getval / 2: variable `rule 'does not exist Before you can get a price from the non-baktakable store, you will be given a nb_setval key is required: Example : ? - NB_GATEVAL (A, X) ERROR: nb_getval / 2: variable `A 'does not exist? - nb_setval (a, foo). truth. ? - NB_GATEVAL (A, X) X = FU

How to reorder a list in Python based on its content -

मेरे पास इस तरह अजगर में शब्दकोशों की एक सूची है; l = [{'name': 'John', 'age': 23}, {'name': 'स्टीव', 'उम्र': 35}, {'name': 'हेलेन'}, {'नाम': 'जॉर्ज'}, {'नाम': 'जेसिका', 'उम्र': 23}] मैं यहां क्या हासिल करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं एल के तत्वों को इस तरह पुन: क्रमबद्ध करें कि प्रत्येक प्रविष्टि में कुंजी आयु इस तरह से सूची के अंत में चली जाए; अंतिम परिणाम: l = [['' नाम ':' हेलेन '}, {' नाम ':' जॉर्ज '}, {' नाम ':' जेसिका ',' उम्र ': 23}, { 'नाम': 'जॉन', 'उम्र': 23}, {'नाम': 'स्टीव', 'उम्र': 35}] मुझे यह कैसे करना चाहिए? आप सूची को सॉर्ट कर सकते हैं: l.sort (key = lambda डी: 'आयु' में डी) कुंजी true या गलत , की उपस्थिति के आधार पर देता है 'उम्र' कुंजी; सत्य को गलत के बाद सॉर्ट किया गया है। अजगर का प्रकार स्थिर है, शेष शेष क्र

boxplot - R box plot using factors in multiple columns -

I'm trying to see my data using R box plot and got stuck. My data looks as follows: id var.1 var.2 ... var.n Price 0 0 ... 2 1.7b2 1 ... 0 1.4 .... .. ... ... ... ... a 1 2 ... 2 5.3 b1 2 ... 1 2.4 Now, I have a series of Boxplots: Value ~ var.1, value ~ var.2, ..., value ~ var.n preferably a ggplot2 aspect type plot. I think the data should be redone again: a var.1 0 1.7 a var.2 1 1.7 ... b var .1 2 1.4 b var.2 1 1.4 ... so that I can see the usage dialogue column 2 & amp; 3 ... You can also use the melting function: < Code> library (Reshape2) melt value (dat, id = 'value') value value 1 -0.11978146 var.1 1 2 -0.78996525 var.1 1 3 0.54246428 var.1 1 4 0.09325227 var.1 1 5 0.63954407 var.1 1 6 1.48611802 Var.1 1 ...

ajax - DOM reloads when using Jquery drag and drop -

We are making an interactive story for our school project. But we get a problem, when you reach the stage where you have to build Lego-Man when you drag any part of the gray area, it resets the DOM, or refreshes it Is anyone watching what is happening? You can see "Game" on this link. ------ Sorry for no code !!! ----- I do not know which part I should post, and it is also not sure if it resets. I see my DOM element redrawing, Win7 / Chrome, your code buried in pieces of AJX It takes a while to track down this for some time, but I think what is happening is that when you leave items successfully - it is also registered as a click event, and click on that page Event: // Level 2 handler $ ("# level-2"). Click (function () (if ($ (this) .hasClass ("active") {$ $ ("#level_holder") .Fedhat ("slow"); $ ("# loader"). FadeIn (); $ ("#content_holder") .load ('content / content-2.html'); $ ("#c

dataimporthandler - How to do multiple replacements with Solr DIH RegexTransformer? -

With RegexTransformer I am using a Solr DataImportHandler and for a certain field, I want to change different patterns with different values. I <<> Say, replacing Smith with Miller and John. A single replacement is easy: & lt; Field column = "text" regex = "Smith" replace = "miller" /> But how to do the second part, replace John with? Note that this is not asking for fancy reggaeks but how to implement more than one replacement is a single field. I believe you use groupNames to specify Replacement can From the example: & lt; Field column = "fullName" regex = "Mr (\ w *) \ b (. *)" GroupNames = "see firstName, lastName" />

pdf generation - SharePoint Hosted App - PDF conversion -

I have a custom ASPX form in SP 2010. After form submission, the form field value is captured in string builder and saved as a PDF using third party pdf converter I am migrating this form online in SharePoint and To do this, I am using a SharePoint Host app. Since we can not use SSOM in an SP-hosted app, there is no way to get it. Thank you Surely I found your question at all. The PDF Share Form provides solutions for Office 365. You can install PDF Share Form for Office 365 via SharePoint Store. This is PDF form filler and document viewer.

python - Make all objects of a model available to another model -

अगर मेरे पास निम्न मॉडल हैं: वर्ग प्लेयर (models.Model): खेल क्लास गेम (models.Model): score = models.IntegerField (डिफ़ॉल्ट = 0) इस तरह, यदि मेरे पास कई प्रकार के टाइप गेम, पीजीएम (जहां पी एक प्लेयर प्लेयर है) हमेशा कोई नहीं होगा यदि मैं गेम प्रकार के n ऑब्जेक्ट जोड़ता हूं, तो मैं उन्हें सभी खिलाड़ियों के लिए उपलब्ध होना चाहता हूं, लेकिन प्रत्येक खिलाड़ी का अपना स्कोर होना चाहिए। इसे कैसे प्राप्त किया जा सकता है? Django 1.4.2 अगर यह मायने रखता है मुझे लगता है कि Django ManyToManyField जवाब है: अपडेट करें: स्कोर यहां एम 2 एम में अतिरिक्त फ़ील्ड हो सकता है:

mysql - How to display same picture on new php page when clicked on the picture? -

This is my code to show pictures from MySQL. echo & lt; Table & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Tr & gt; '; Echo '& lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "imagedisplay.php" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "galleryshow.php? Id = '. $ Line [' id '].' 'Width =" 300 "height =" 250 "/> gt; & lt; / td & gt;'; write; & lt; ; Li & gt; Species: '. $ Line [' Species]]. '& Lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; Age:'. $ Line ['age']. '& Lt; / Li & gt; & lt; li & gt; Gender: '$ line [' gender '].' & Lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; Date: '$ line [' date '].' & Lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; Time: & lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; Location: '. $ Line [' location '].' & Lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; Note: '. $ Row [' comment '].' &am

ios 8 - MPMoviePlayerController Video not rotating accordingly -

In my application, I am trying to run video in both landscape and portrait mode using MPMoviePlayerController. I wrote a piece of code to play the video & amp; Handling its rotation My current code is working perfectly well in iOS 7 but in iOS 8 this issue is to change the scenario of the IPAD, the video is also running in portrait mode in relation to that situation. Can anyone suggest me in a way so that I can get out of this issue. My current code is: NSURL * videoURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: urlFromPrevious]; MoviePlayerController = [[MP3 MPV Player Controller Alok] initWithContentURL: videoURL]; Movie Player Controller. ScalingMode = MPVsklingModEsquareFit; MoviePlayerController.fullscreen = Yes; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: Self Selector: @Sillector (Playback Finnish Callback :) Name: MP4 Player Player Object: Movie Player Controller;) MP4PlayerPlaybackDefinition Item; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: Self Selector: @Sillector

Date to String in VB.Net MS Access 2013 -

I have a field in the table that contains dates and strings like 04Jan_lole . I want to generate this field in Visual Basic, date + "_" + thename me unmatched error I try to convert the date part into a string: StrField = theDate.ToString ("ddMMM") Let me < Em> invalid qualifier returns error . What should I do to create this format: 04Jan_lole ? Seeing that! If I want to define the date as a datetime then gives me an error Automation type is not supported by Visual Basic. This is not clear from your question why it is that you invalid Qualifications error are probably because you are trying to use VB.NET syntax in VBA? However, if you are actually using VB.NET, then the following code should work for you: Public function formatData and name (date as date, in the form of a string Name) return as a string. Trostring ("ddMMMM") & amp; Then, you can call it like this: New date (2004, 1, 1) "Date_lole" mvc 4 - CSS Dashboard with tab-content causes main area to display below navigation -

Using the VS 2012, the ASP MVC 4/5 project was received. Added bootstrap 3.2 is I saw some other people who had problems with the Twitter Bootstrap dashboard example, but they did not enable me to solve the problem. I have a dashboard, and I used tab-content and tab-pan CSS classes to show different pages. Although the main area ends and the right side of the navigation ends. Other similar questions refer to line-fluid, which is not the latest bootstrap. This is my code: & lt; Div class = "container-fluid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-sm-3 col-md-2 sidebar" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "nav nav sidebar" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "active" & gt; & Lt; A href = "#" & gt; Overview & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "#client" data-toggle = "tab" & gt; Customers & lt; /

jsp - How to change url in address bar through java -

How can I change the URL in the address bar via java code in the browser (via JavaScript or any front end languages Not from)? I have a URL in the address bar, such as "" but I have to change that URL to "Java code". I am using JSP to watch. Can anyone help? If the URL with request parameters comes from the page on which you have no control (or if This is a link), you can do the following: Use the servlet at that URL If it finds the request parameters in the query string, And stores them in the session, then a query does not redirect itself with the string if any If there is no query string, get the parameters from the session, remove them from the session accidentally to avoid reusing and process the query If the parameters If the query is present in the string, then change the form to post the method to pass the parameter in the request body instead of the query string due to the form using the GET method.

c# - Class template in ReSharper 9 -

I am now trying R 9 EAP I have defined a test class live template The first parameter is $ some $ , which is a type of reference that works well. But the second parameter is $ member $ . If I substitute the position in # xml doctor comment, and there are some parameters in the member method, then the test method includes some trash in the name of the act statement is very optional, but I have the class and method name properly filled . I think R # 8 was not very smart here and just added a member's name here. How to complete this now? Which parameter macro is suitable for that? /// & lt; Summary & gt; Test for & lt; Cref = "$ Some $" / & gt; & Lt; / Summary & gt; [Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestClassAttribute] Public Square $ Some $ Trial {/// & lt; Summary & gt; Test for & lt; See cref = "$ some $. $ Member $" /> & Lt; / Summary & gt; [Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.Test

jquery - Download file by form PHP -

I am trying to download JSN data via PHP. The file is being downloaded, but the DSN name does not get what I define, even in the file, prints only two letters from my JSN data. The file appears inside: [{ When JSON data is visible: [{"SIZE": [16,16]}] that is code: var data est text = JSON.stringify (data); Var filename = $ ("# menu-save-text") Val (); Var _content = DataAsText; Jquery ('& lt; form action = "download.php" method = "post" & gt; Input gt; & lt; / form & gt; '). Attachment (' body '). Submit (). < / Code> PHP: & lt;? $ File name = $ post ["file name"]; header ("content-type: text / plain Header ("Pasteum: 0"); Header ("Cache-Control: Header (" Pasteum: Public "); Header (" Cache-Control:Required-modified, post check = 0, pre-check = 0 "); header (" cache-control: private ", incorrect); echo $ _POST ["

number formatting - Reading code from RFID card -

I have a problem reading the code from the RFID card. Is there a conversion algorithm? Examples of code: 04006d0ba0 - & gt; 00008596950352 0d001c59b3 - & gt; 00047253268956 0d001c5134 - & gt; 00047253268674 0d001c9317 - & gt; 00047253265550 0d001c93ed - & gt; 00047253265531 0d001c1b12 - & gt; 00047253261700 0d001c1b1d - & gt; 00047253261707 e800ef0aac - & gt; 00485339628883 The same RFID card, different output from different readers ... I know that the subject is still present, but I think it is a Not the only problem .. The conversion looks quite simple: Let's assume Take that you want to change from "04006d0ba0" to "000085 9 6950352". "0", then "0", then "6", ...) Hexadecimal number "04006d0ba0" (i.e. "0", then "4", each take a pigeon) / P> Reverse bits of each moth (at least the critical bit becomes the most important bit, the second bit

isUnique Validation in CakePHP hasMany association -

डेटाबेस संरचना मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं, उपयोगकर्ता < / Em> और निकस उपयोगकर्ता तालिका में मेरे पास एक फ़ील्ड उपयोगकर्ता नाम और nicks तालिका में मेरे पास एक फ़ील्ड है nick_name < उपयोगकर्ता और nicks सार्वजनिक $ में हैमॉनी = सरणी ('निक '= & Gt; सरणी (' क्लासनाम '= & gt;' निक ',' विदेशीकी '= & gt;' यूज़र_आईडी ',' आश्रित '= & gt; सच है)); उपयोगकर्ता मॉडल में मैं पंजीकरण के दौरान केवल अनन्य उपयोगकर्ता नाम की अनुमति के लिए मान्य हूं 'उपयोगकर्ता नाम अद्वितीय होना चाहिए' = & gt; सरणी ('नियम' = & gt; 'isUnique', 'message' = & gt; 'उपयोगकर्ता नाम पहले से ही लिया गया है') लेकिन मैं यह भी नहीं चाहता कि उपयोगकर्ताओं को पहले किसी भी अपने उपयोगकर्ता नाम के रूप में निक नामों का इस्तेमाल किया इसके लिए। 'कोई व्यक्ति उस नाम को उपनाम के रूप में प्रयोग करता है' = & gt; सरणी ('नियम' = & gt; 'चेकनामनाम', 'संदेश

c# - Where does this quality loss on Images come from? -

Is linked to a database through SQL clinic which I Vinform application I save images (always * .png) table that looks like this:. CREATE TABLE [dbo] [Images] ([ID] INT identity (1, 1) No NULL, [build] image, zero primary key cluster ([ID] ASC)); Before I can store a picture, it has to be changed to byte [] and this is how I do it: < pre> public static byte [] ImageToByteArray (System.Drawing.Image imageIn) (MemoryStream ms = using {new MemoryStream ()) {imageIn.Save (MS, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); Return to MS. ToArray (); }} After this, if I want to load the same picture in my picture in a picture box, then I will replace it with this method: public static image Baitarereoijej (byte [] Baitarein in) ((Memoristrym ms = new Memoristrym (Baitarein in)) (image Mapper = image. Fomstrym (MS); return back Ayej;}} It actually works, only one problem occurs when I see I try to display an image from the database in the box. So when I get this image i

mysql - Single Cloud SQL or multiple databases? -

How to definitely ask this question, but as I think Google Cloud SQL supports the idea of ​​examples , Which is the entire global infrastructure ... so I can spread a single database across the world in many instances. My APs are in some geographic areas ... Data is not really needed to fully collect and accordingly it can be stored separately on separate databases in areas. Is it understandable to serve all the fields with a database / multiple instances? Or should I separate each area into my database and host the data in the old fashioned way? If "scaling" by you means memory size, then you get a small example (low RAM) But if you have more operation per second, the maximum number of which can support a certain maximum size and a cloud SQL example. You can not raise an example infinitely Internally for an example, the data is actually stored on the majority of machines, but it relates more to reliability and stability, and does not scale throughput over a certa

Adding Contact to InfusionSoft DB Fails using Ruby Gem -

I am using Infusionsoft Ruby API wrapper. I put gem 'Infusionoft' in my Gmail. I added the environment variable to your API key and URL are loaded into an initializer: Infusionsoft.configure do | Config | Config.api_url = ENV [ 'INFUSIONSOFT_URL'] # example config.api_key = ENV [ 'INFUSIONSOFT_API_KEY'] config.api_logger = Lkdharakni ( "# {Rails.root} /log/infusionsoft_api.log") # optional Lojr file end but when I tested Add your rail then I get the error: socket error: getaddrinfo : Nodnames and neither pronouns have been provided, or / user / jasts /. Arbiaan / Versions / 2.1 / lib / ruby ​​/ 2.1.0 / net / http.rb: 879: In the 'Start' is not known Does anyone have a fix for it is aware of? / root / config / initializers / Infusionsoft.rb Infusionsoft .configure do Config | Config.api_url = '' config.api_key = '6rytrt7c4035aeeee7895d2c45fe4595' config.

How to define an input for python multiprocessing function to take all the files in a directory? -

This question sounds basic because I do not know much about multiprocessing, I'm just learning. I have a Pyro code that processes a bunch of files in a directory. with bridge (process = core) as PP: (function, list) Here's my code: path = '/ data / personal' print ("running with PID:% d"% getpid ()) psl = publicsuffixList () d = defaultdict (set) start = time ( ) # Files_list = glob (path) for file name in file: print (filename) for f = open (filename, 'r') n, enumerate the line (f): line = line [: - 1] ip , Reversed_domain_1 = line.split ('|') reversed_domain_2 = Reversed_domain_1.split ('.') Reversed_domain_3 = list (reverse (reversed_domain_2)) domain = ('.joined (reversed_domain_3)) domain = psl.get_public_suffix (Domain) d [IP] .add (domain) ### For domains in domain for IP domain: print (IP, domain) I will call it in a multiprocessing pool How can i You can process each file in a different process

html - how to remove default border/outline from image -

Hey guys, I want to know how to remove the border / framework from the image tag, it includes the image of For example, HTML & lt; Img src = "" class = "testclass" & gt; CSS .testClass {width: 100%; Margin-left: 0%; Height: 150px; Border: 0 pixels; Profile: None; } You see that the browser's "broken image URL" image is that The thing is that the browser can not load the image. There is no limit; The browser just renders something so you can see how big the missing image is. Therefore, you can not influence the result with CSS. What you can do display: any is not to completely hide the image. If you want empty space, then it's a Wrap in div .