
Showing posts from August, 2011

Android Studio is giving me a weird error when I attempt to create a drawable resource file -

क्या किसी को पता है कि ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है? मैंने डायरेक्टरी पर chown का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की, और वह अभी भी काम नहीं कर रहा है। त्रुटि पढ़ी: "केवल पढ़ने के लिए निर्देशिका में संशोधन नहीं किया जा सकता है" / opt / android-sdk / platform / android-21 / android जार! / एंड्रॉइड / ग्राफिक्स ''। कोई भी पृष्ठभूमि फ़ाइल नहीं है res में और यह अजीब लगता है कि ic_launcher.png एक निर्देशिका के रूप में दिख रहा है।

c# - Get the value of array in multidimensional-array in array -

How can I get the value of an array in a multidimensional array ... in another array? I want to get the value of the test in ascending order in the following code. I have a for and foreach loop, but when it comes to referencing an element of a multi-dimensional array then there are problems. [,] [] test string , New string [] {"test4", "test6", "test6"}}, {new string} ["test7", "test7", "test9"}, new string [] {"test10", "test11 "," Test12 "}}}, new string [] {{new string} [" test13 "," test14 "," test15 "}, new string [] {" test16 "," test17 "," test18 "} }, {New string} ["test19", "test20", "test21"}, new string [] {"test22", "test23", "test24"}}}}; (Int a = 0; a & lt; test.Count (); a ++) {foreach (var test [a]) {for (int ama = 0; ama & lt; am; count ();

winapi - How to read multi line multi string registry entry in Visual C++? -

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 I'm working in VC ++ MFC application I know how to read multi-line string values ​​registry.Here type REG_MULTI_SZ indicates a sequence of null-terminated strings, ends with an empty string (\ 0). By now I'm only able to read the first line. Let me know how I can read more than one string at a time. thanks I tried to do something like this < / P> HKEY hKey; CString RegPath = _T ("Software \\ ... \\ ... \\"); // path if (ERROR_SUCCESS == :: RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegPath, 0, KEY_READ | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_WOW64_64KEY, & amp; HKEY)) {DWORD nBytes, dwType = REG_MULTI_SZ; CString version; If (ERROR_SUCCESS == :: RegQueryValueEx (HKEY, _T ( "Options"), void, & amp; dwType, 0, & amp; nBytes)) {ASSERT (REG_MULTI_SZ == dwType); LPTIRR buffer = version Getbuffer (NBEIT / Size (TCHAR)); Verify (ERROR_SUCCESS == :: RegQueryValueEx (HKEY, _T ("options"), zero

jquery - fnGetData() undefined is not a function error -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: var jobtable = $ ('# editjobtable') ।विवरण सारणी(); $ ('Tr')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {var JobKey = jobtable.fnGetData (this); $ ('# mykey')। Val (JobKey [1]);}); मैं निम्नलिखित पुस्तकालयों का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: & lt; script src = "// .js "& gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = '//'></script> & Lt; script src = "//"></script> & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "//"></script> & Lt; script src = "/ javascript / mainscript.js" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट /

telerik - Kendo UI treemap json binding -

I am not trying to create a very simple Tremap (a hierarchy) using Datio UI, it's a datasource Providing some JSN data in It should be very straightforward and simple because it is a general use-case. & lt; Body & gt I tried this: I tried to do it: ; & Lt; Div id = "treemap" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Var data = [{name: "foo123", value: 10}, {name: "foo234", value: 20}]; $ ("# Treemap"). Candomenim map ({Datasource data, whale field: "value", textfield: "name"}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; What am I missing? As stated in "Trepap is a sequence of hierarchies": Tremapping is a sequence of hierarchical data that uses a nested rectangle related to the size and color of each rectangle structure, so that you can easily identify trends and patterns < / Blockquote> Try adding a "root" level that wraps up

c# - How to generate a treeview with group format? ( Letter that indicate the starting word ) -

I am developing an ASP.NET website and there is a previewview to display countries that are stored in MYSQL DB Are there. I am using this code to bind the data in the tree view. dt_Record is a datat. Private Zero get_Countries () {try {dt_Record.Clear (); Dt_Record = objCommonMethods_Bll.Get_Countries (); If (dt_Record.Rows.Count! = 0) {foreach (DataRow dr in dt_record.rows) {TreeNode node = new triode (); Node Text = dr ["name"]. ToString (); Node Value = dr ["country_id"]. Toasting (); TvCountries.Nodes.Add (node); }}} Hold (exception) {throw; }} then it displays such countries But I want to display such countries. Can not click with group letter to easily identify initial letter. Do I get the format Can i do I did it using LINQ query but in my case I have a user Datasractor is but you can use the database in your scenario. This is my code: 1) I have created a class to use it as a table. public class country {public string name {ge

hadoop - Error in loading hive -

I am new to pigeon and when I started the hive from the command prompt in windows ... I got the follwing error (Customer has no necessary privileges) Can anyone tell me why? Try sudo and try restarting the program

ios - libPoads.a file is missing in CocoaLumberjack pod install -

मैं pod install का उपयोग करके कोकोलंबरजैक को स्थापित करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। इंस्टॉलेशन सफलतापूर्वक पूरा हो गया परंतु मेरी परियोजना में libPods.a फ़ाइल गुम है इस लिबरटी फ़ाइल के बिना मुझे यह निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है, ld: -lPods-cocoaLumberjack के लिए पुस्तकालय नहीं मिला क्लैग: त्रुटि: लिंकर कमांड विफलता कोड 1 के साथ विफल (निमंत्रण देखने के लिए -V का उपयोग करें) मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि यह फाइल क्यों गायब है I इसके लिए कोई समाधान नहीं मिल सका। किसी भी सहायता की सराहना की जाएगी। धन्यवाद अग्रिम है। क्या आपने xworkspace खोल दिया है जो कोकोपोड्स बनाया, xcodeproj के बजाय? या जांचें कि क्या आप सही निर्देशिका में पॉड इंस्टॉल करते हैं मेरा मतलब है आपकी प्रोजेक्ट की निर्देशिका में: cd myProject pod install

scikit-learn AgglomerativeClustering and connectivity -

I'm trying to use AgglomerativeClustering with scikit- Learn the cluster points in one place to coordinate the digits ( X, Y) is directed at _XY. The cluster is limited to some neighbors via connectivity matrix defined by C = kneighbors_graph (_XY, n_neighbors = 20) . I want that some points are not part of the same cluster, even if they are neighbors, so I modified the connectivity matrix to put 0 between these points. The algorithm runs smoothly, but in the end, in some groups there are such numbers which should not be together, that is, some pairs for which I imposed _C = 0. From children, I can see that the problem occurs when a cluster two points (i, j) have already been created and that Kashmir joins (i, j) even if _C [i , K] = 0 So I was wondering how the connectivity barrier spread when the size of some groups is larger than 2, in that case, _C is not defined. Thank you! So what is happening in your case is that despite your active separation you are n

javascript - ajax controller call not working properly -

मुझे नियंत्रक MVC 4 के लिए एजेक्स कैल के साथ समस्या का सामना करना पड़ रहा है, मुझे एक < मजबूत> ड्रॉपडाउन मान । मैं एक जेएस फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करता हूं और एजेक्स का उपयोग कर नियंत्रक पास करता हूं। यह ठीक से गुजर रहा है लेकिन कार्रवाई चलाता है के बाद, यह सफलता या त्रुटि संदेश पर नहीं आ सकता है यहां मेरा कोड है। देखें @model SCT.Models.ReportModel @ {ViewBag.Title = "टिकट एडरर्स रिपोर्ट"; } & Lt; h2 & gt; टिकट योजक रिपोर्ट & lt; / h2 & gt; & Lt; div शैली = "पैडिंग: 10px; सीमा: 1 पीएक्स ठोस काला" & gt; & LT; तालिका & gt; & LT; टीआर & gt; & LT; टीडी & gt; स्टोर आईडी: @ {सूची & lt; SelectListItem & gt; ListItems = नई सूची & lt; SelectListItem & gt; (); ListItems.Add (नई SelectListItem {Text = "101", मान = "101"}); ListItems.Add (नई SelectListItem {Text = "102", मान = "102",}); ListItems.Add (नई SelectListItem {text = "103", मान = "1

java - Large table and SQL between operator: performance issue with Spring Data -

I am using spring data at the top of hibernation. I have intangible class A and some implementations, two of which are linked to a large number of records in the database, suppose that 200k I am using a TABLE_PER_CLASS legacy strategy, there are links to the second class of Class A, in which two There are two numbers, D1 and D2. Now, I want to execute a question like findByCD1BetweenAndCD2Between (double minD1, double maxD1, double minD2, double maxD2): @Repository Public Interface Arepository extends JpaRepository & lt; A, long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor & lt; A & gt; {FindByCD1BetweenAndCD2Between (double minD1, double maxD1, double minD2, double maxD2):} My class C is embedded and an index is defined: @ Entity @Configurable @Embeddable @Table (index = {@ index (columnist = "D1, D2")}) Public category C {Private double D1; Private double d2:} Class A embeds it: @Entity @Inheritance (strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS) @Configurable

mutex - Atomicity guaranteed on "lock" methods in Linux? -

We know that the following kernel methods in Linux are allowed to apply different locking mechanisms on shared data. But, does Linux guarantee its atomicity in its own way? With the exception of general and reader-author spin lock methods, who can not sleep, will not it be tuberculosis if there is a thread of execution previously, whereas it has been partially executed in other ways described below? Spin Lock Methods spin_lock (); Spin_lock_irq (); Spin_lock_irqsave (); Spin_unlock (); Spin_unlock_irq (); Spin_unlock_irqrestore (); Spin_lock_init (); Spin_trylock (); Spin_is_locked (); Reader-author spin lock methods read_lock (); Read_lock_irq (); Read_lock_irqsave (); Read_unlock (); Read_unlock_irq (); Read_unlock_ irqrestore (); Write_lock (); Write_lock_irq (); Write_lock_irqsave (); Write_unlock (); Write_unlock_irq (); Write_unlock_irqrestore (); Write_trylock (); Rwlock_init (); Semaphore methods sema_init (); Init_MUTEX (); Init_MUTEX_LOCKED (); Down

osx - No known instance method for selector 'myWindowController' -

I have the following code in an app (which was written in 2011). [[[NSAPP representative] my window controller] ...] ..]; The following error occurs after upgrading to Xcode 6.1: - No known example method for ARC semantic issue selector 'myWindowController' Replacing it generates the following error. id ttt = [NSApp representative]; [[[TTT My Windows Controller] ...] ...]; The psxcode looks like typing 'id & lt; NSFileManagerDelegate> ' What's going on here? I fought with cocoa and xcode very much, I am sure that I can fix it by the appropriate artists, but it seems unnecessary, and why am I trying to understand. More Information My AppDelegate .h IBOutlet Myvando Controller * myWindowController; and AppDelegate.m @mywindowController; - (blank) ApplicationDiffinish Launching: (NSNextification *) An Information {myWindowController = [[Myvando Controller Alloco] IntuitwindonNBN: @ "Main Wandow"]; I solved i

Assign a color to every value in Javascript using HighCharts -

I have to make a chart for a list of components (on the y axis). I am using hiccorts. When I'm trying to prepare charts, a part of my JavaScript code looks like this: series: $ .map (data, function (line) {return ({name: component) , Data: Color: getRandomColor ()}} getRandomColor is OK, it gets a random hexcode.Some works well. I want to decide with the component. One way to hardcode a map, but I'm lazy, try to avoid it. Second, the hash component is string and it is used as a seed in my getRandomColor function components are actually very similar strings (both forward and reverse), therefore, the color range is very low. Great way or 'high card' in which I can fix the color with one component? As Rhine pointed out, multiply hash by expanding two or three boundaries Received and he worked for me.

How to optimize proc sql join in SAS? -

I have 2 datasets: TA with lines of 390 and 1 variable and T.B. With 60 million rows and 350 variables. I need to quickly get into this dataset, but my query is very slow How can I optimize queries? My query: proc sql; Select as a table a.REP_CLID, b.REP_DATE, and Score_Column, b.REP_AGE as AGE one (IDXWar = Yes), and amp; Select b (idxhair = yes) where a.rep_clid = b.rep_clid Since your large In the table, you already have an index on rep_clid, it seems like a good candidate is more important for a data phase key merge that you are simply keeping the variable of interest: Data c; Set; Set B key = rep_clid; / * Requires a unique index at rep_clid to work properly * / if _IORC_ again; _ERROR_ = 0; remove; End; Run; This will return Records with rep_clid present in both A and B. You can then display with the nodupkey option through the output sort. If you have a non-unique index on B, it can still be done to work, but the syntax is a bit more complicated: C; Se

python - Django Template does not exist error, although it shows 'file exists' -

I'm not able to present any HTML pages in Django 1.7. My 'index.html' is in the " project / seatalloc / templates / index.html and in my project / seatalloc / looks like this: < project / project / DEF index (request): return submission (request, 'index.html', dirs = ('templates', ) Settings are set to the following set of templates: TEMPLATE_DIRS = ('/ user / spinach / desktop / academic / cm3 / cs251 / lab11 / project / seahawalk / template') < / Code> urlpatterns = pattern ('', url (r) Include '^ cietalloc /', (''), url (r '^ admin /', include (, < Img src = "" alt = "template loader"> I have tried to follow the document strictly, still understand it Can not find the Django file that detects, why am I getting TemplateDoesNotExist / seatalloc / error? I'm new

Preview PDF from a source PDF file PHP -

If possible, some advice here is needed. Upload a large 60 page + PDF to a user and create a 16 page preview PDF from it. So a PDF from the uploaded PDF I want to create it in PHP and after some time I am struggling to find a solution. I am able to create images without any problem and the solution I have seen is making PDF from the set of pictures, but is definitely a better way? Anyway some guidance will be great thanks I 'php pdf reader library' Googled and found these links: and so on. Is there no library that suits your needs? The first person looks very good.

ios - Worklight-based Dojo app not supporting click events -

We have developed a mobile app using the varkalites and dojo working on Android. We are trying to port it on iOS The development is done on the Mac. We have installed Vertical 6.2 and tried to run the app using the Xcode 6 and Xcode 5 on the iOS simulator, in which iOS 8 and iOS 7 SDKs. But the app is not working (events are not clicked from doozo components) It seems that the dojo is supported only up to iOS 6. Supported in iOS 6Xcode 4.x, but the app is not compiled using Execution 4.2 using Execode 4. It also appears on Mac OS 10.9.4 (Mavericks). There is no other version of Kashmiri which can support encode 4. So I am currently unable to block and make progress. Since we have already used the dojo, it will take a long time for us to get rid of dojo. Vernon 6.0.0.x does not support the Vertical Xcode 4; You must use Xcode 5 or 6. For Dojo support in IOS8, you will need to upgrade your vistle installation to a version that adds Dojo support for IOS8. See

floating video player (like youtube player ) in android -

In my app I have to implement the floating video player (such as YouTube Player). I went through the URL below but was not able to solve my problem. I do not know where to start from and what to use. Please help me Yes, you can get it by using the service with Window Manager, there is a great sample application available on Gitobb, it will guide you to meet your needs < / Html>

ios - Publish enterprise app as a contractor, which certificates and provisioning profiles -

As a contractor I am working for a company and my job is to create an iOS app and publish it for enterprise distribution. Now the problem is that the company that employs me settles on my certificates. An enterprise distribution certificate (not a private key) I think it is not enough to publish an app for enterprise delivery. What else do I need? The problem is that they are very intolerable (this is a big company and I guess the IT department is not happy that it was given to an outsider), I do not even have direct contact with them. . 1) If they want you to create an app, they will give you a personalized distribution certificate Enter the key. 2) Another option would be to check the code in your repository (you are probably doing anyway) and they upload and upload the app themselves. 3) Or they give you access to a Xcode running machine, with the proper certificates and keys already installed. If they are worried about the safety of the certificate, then 2) Perhaps th

amazon web services - What's AMI ImageType? -

The description-picture filter has an image-type, and an image type in the response, although there is no information about it , And no information can be found by googling. There are three types: machine, kernel, RAMdisk, what do they mean? If you use the AMI images provided by someone else only If you are, you can ignore them - you will only need to use the AMI identifier, for example. A slightly more detailed answer: RAMDisk image (ARI) and kernel image (AKI) are used as part of the boot sequence of the Linux instance. More Correct: Hardware virtualized (HVM) examples include ARI or AKI Is not used at all. All boot sequence AMI is part of itself. It includes both the EBS and the Instance Store backed instance image. Paraverchualized (running on XN like PV) EBS supported versions require an AKI, and the paravirtized instance-backed instance requires both AKI and ARI. AMI is always unique, while AKI / ARIs can be reused. For example, 5413 AMI and ramdisk ari-

windows - How to secure SAM file -

Is there any way to secure a SAM (Security Account Manager) file from any Windows, if someone is on our PC Use physical access Ubuntu Live CD to boot from CD and then copy our SAM file? your encrypting file is a good choice, as you said That you can not use Bitler so that you can go for a boot time password that prevents users from changing the boot order and using an alternate platform to boot and access windows resources.

android - Creating activity with 3 fragments -

I currently have an application for my phone that uses a tab navigation taskbar to navigate between three pieces Does. Now I want to make the tablet equivalent of this app, but instead of using the proceedings, I want the three pieces that are next to each other so that each piece filled with 1/3 of the screen. Will go The problem is, how can I understand how to contact it. I have thought about using the design section of Android Studio to create placeholders, then use the onCreate () method to fill those placeholders with pieces in it You can create 3 placeholders of one third of the screen, Can fill with Of course you only have to make them in the layout for tablets. piece slice 1 = new firstfragment (); Piece volume 2 = new seconds fragment (); Piece volume 3 = new third paragraph (); GetSupportFragmentManager () .beginTransaction () .replace (Rid.placeholder1, fragment1) .replace (Rid.placeholder2, fragment2) .replace (Rid.placeholder3, fragment3) .commit ();

javascript - Saving event in Fullcallendar using Ajax -

I am using fullcalendar and I would like to save events when I click on the calendar. What is it to me yet, which is working with the form presented with the form but not with the calendar, for example I can not get the start date. $ ('# calendar') Full calendar ({... select: function (start, end, all day, event, resource id) {$ ('# add_appt'). (); // openthemodal $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('error (0); $ .ajax (' loading ', 1); avenue (f) ({Type: "POST", url: "", // If I try, I get all the elements of the form but for the beginning, no value seems to be that it is my syntax which is the wrong data: $ ('# EventAdd '). Serialize (), start Start: // If I try this, I get the start date, but I do not know the eventad data: 'start =' + start, dataType: "json", success: function (msg) {if (ParseInt (msg.status) == 1) {$ ('# add_appt'). Modal ('hide'); //window.locati

java - Adding child node to parent node of JTree -

मैंने स्विंग नियंत्रण का उपयोग करके एक JTree बनाया और नामित treeWorld । इसका जड़ नोड जड़ होता है और बच्चे अर्थात् स्तनधारी, पक्षी, सरीसृप, उभयचर, कीड़े। अब मैं चिराग, कोयल से पक्षियों को प्रोग्रामेटिक रूप से जोड़ना चाहता हूं। लेकिन मैं गौरैया, पक्षी को पक्षियों में जोड़ नहीं सकता। यह मेरा टुकड़ा कोड का टुकड़ा है: DefaultTreeModel मॉडल = (DefaultTreeModel) treeWorld.getModel (); DefaultMutableTreeNode रूट = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) model.getRoot (); DefaultMutableTreeNode पक्षी = नया DefaultMutableTreeNode ("पक्षी"); DefaultMutableTreeNode sparrow = नया DefaultMutableTreeNode ("sparrow"); DefaultMutableTreeNode कोयल = नया DefaultMutableTreeNode ("कोयल"); bird.add (गौरैया); bird.add (कोयल); this.pack (); this.setVisible (सही); समस्या यह है कि आप कभी भी bird नोड को अपने JTree , root.add (bird); का उपयोग करें। यदि आपका रूट नोड पहले से ही पक्षी नोड रखता है, तो आपको इसे root में खोजना होगा और कोई नया नहीं बनाना होगा। इसके अलावा मॉ

javascript - AngularJS Not able to pass model data to server model appears as empty string -

I am trying to send some simple data to the server. I dynamically create server data received I used to clean up unnecessary keys by quickly using deleted formatta ['not_needed'], and then I wanted to add that model that was created before posting on the server, but when I The key to the data objects model that I want to add I am trying to always have an empty string. I can either send one or the other, but can not add one object to another as a value-price pair. // aligned version var formadata = $ scope.responseData; / / Form data ['config_data'] to delete the original server data form format; // Remove unnecessary keys = $ scope.formModel; // Add Model key $ ('/ restful / api', formData). Then (function (success) {...}, function (error) {...}); The output of the passed data from the server looks like this: {id: "1", type: "type_of_form", name: "name_of_package ", Model:" "} // Mode

php - Offset not contained in string & Allowed memory size exhausted -

I am getting an error when I try to pass the following code using the function.php of WordPress I am I'm getting the error mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: mb_stros (): Offset is not included in the string in / var / www / clients / client62 / web322 / web / wp-content / themes / ateo / Functions.fpp line 1063 For codes now: 1059 <? Php 1060 $ img_id = getIdByGuid ($ Picture [0]); $ 1061 img1_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src ($ img_id, 'big_picture'); 1062? & Gt; 1063 & lt; Img src = "& lt ;? php echo $ img1_url [0] ;? & gt;" Id = "big_picture" alt = "& lt; php echo get_post_meta ($ img_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', is true)? & Gt; / & gt; </code> </pre> <p> I remove the mistake I want to, but there is no luck looking for Google. </p> <p> I also get the following error, but I'm not sure they are related to some of the following ways: </p> <p> mod_fcgid

Access a instance method from other model in ruby on rails? -

I have a user model in my application. Now I want to avoid more number of code in a model model, module Under the users 2 categories of potential employed and RBB and customers Want to change some user model coding in RBG After creating the user I want to use send_mail in a method in customer.rb. user.rb after_create: send_msg_on_order def send_msg_on_order user :: customer. Send_mail end user / customer.rb def send_mail mailer. Send_mail_to_customer.deliver end and I'm getting an undefined method to 'send_mail' for user: Customer: module error. You method in the form of the send_mail customer model and call it. Make the method a class method: def self .send_mail Mailer.send_mail_to_customer.deliver end If you have an example Call it this way: after_create: send_msg_on_order def send_msg_on_order user :: end hh

outlook - How to identify the item when using a script -

I have created a rule, after which an SCRIPT does the action. I want to get the details from the e-mail message - that is, the body is in the file that can be read anywhere else. My argument works but I am currently recovering the content of selected or highlighted email instead of the emails identified by the rule. The information is exclusively foreign exchange signals [specifically email-defining subject. I then want to get the contents of this email in a file which can be read later by an expert advisor running on the MetaTrader 4 platform) struggled to accept meaningful tags - that is Script or outlook algorithm You pass mailtem as a parameter. For example, if you pass an item, the process items . Sub-custommail message rules (Outlook.MailItem as the item) MsgBox "mail message has arrived:" & amp; item. Subject ending sub

javascript - Removing an Ajax loader image after sometime -

I have an AJAX loader that appears after clicking a button with the following code: JQuery (document) .ready (function ($) {{$ .getElementById ('form') .Onsubmit = function () {$ .getElementById ('submit'). Style.display = 'block '; $ .getElementById (' Loading2 '). Style.display =' block ';};} (document)); }); HTML: & lt; Input type = "submit" class = "button alt" onclick = "$ (\ '# loading)'. Show ();" Name = "woocommerce_checkout_place_order" /> ' I have to leave the AJAX loader after 10 seconds. Please tell me You can use it to hide your loader after 10 seconds can do. setTimeout (function () {$ ('# loading'). (); // I was not sure that you wanted to hide $ ('# loading2'). Hide () ;}, 10000); It is also not sure if it is looking at your code, if it will work anyway. Apart from this, if you are using jQuery, you do not really need to use van

android - add bottom bar with function type onclicklistener -

I have created an XML for the bar below, along with this line of code, the other activity applies the following in xml: & lt; Layout = "@ layout / bottom_bar" /> Where the bottom bar of the file xml is named bottom_bar. I created a MainActivity and when I launch the app I see the mainActivity content with the bottom times. How to set an onclicklistener in a button of the bottom bar and do it work in every activity of my app? This bottom_bar.xml & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; & Lt; / HorizontalScrollView & gt; this the public class spreads MainActivity activity {protected Zero OnCreate (bundled savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); LayoutInflater LayoutAffler = (Layout Inflator) getApplicationContext (). GetSystemService (References LAOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); Enter Linear Layout Point = (Linear Layout) Find VViBID (RID List View = New Arrayist); // A Dynami

SSIS 2008 R2 - Convert Oracle Character set data (with french accent) -

I am trying to extract data from an Oracle database, which is configured as follows: NLS_CHARACTERSET EE8ISO8859P2 Anels_ansiacaar_caraktiarset AL16UTF16 < / P> I am working with SSIS 2008 R2 standard (to install Oracle 11G client). Some to have been properly interpreted (eg: é), but some is obtained as a funny character and I could not find a way to convert them properly :( Oracle database used by our ERP That works in many countries around the world, which probably tell the character set likes (I'm not debating if this is good or not, I am the man of a SQL server, Oracle No). I have tried different approaches to extract data from Oracle, no I thought I could use it as just a few: without convert (FIELDNAME, 'UTF8', 'EE8ISO8859P2') xxx without success .. my ERP I can see the following values: "model" that through SSIS "Model" is read with the previous query. I kind of feel that there is no way I am right Thank you. Al

sql - Roll back Update or delete data Through Flashback query -

I made some changes and committed, but I want to roll those changes through the flashback query. Can you please help me how to do this? I'm using the Oracle 11G version. I have deleted the data from the tables below. Now I want to return those records. Customer, address, employee, alignment Many thanks for your help. Sunitha. Flashback by SCN Select SELECT column_list from the table_name as SCN scn_number; 2. Flashback by TIMESTAMP from SELECT column_list as TIMESTAMP TO_TIMESTAMP ('timestamp value'); To obtain current_scn and systimestamp, query: select current_scn, from SYSTIMESTAMP V $ database; Example Update as an example requested by OP. To flash the table in the old scan, use flashbook .. then the SCN section. SQL & gt; Drop table string_ex PURGE; Table Dropped SQL & gt; Create table string_x (sl_ps_code VARCHAR2 (20)); The table was created in SQL & gt; Include string_x (sl_ps_code) values ​​('AR14A

python - What does h = httplib2.Http('.cache') mean? -

लाइन 2 ( h = httplib2.Http ('। कैश') ) इसका मतलब क्या है ? & gt; & gt; & gt; Import httplib2 & gt; & gt; & gt; H = httplib2.Http ('। कैश') से: यदि 'कैश' एक स्ट्रिंग है तो इसे डिस्क कैश के लिए निर्देशिका नाम के रूप में प्रयोग किया जाता है। अन्यथा यह एक ऐसा ऑब्जेक्ट होना चाहिए जो फ़ाइल कैचेस के समान इंटरफ़ेस का समर्थन करता है। लाइन HTTP () वर्ग का एक उदाहरण बनाता है, और सेट करता है कैश पैरामीटर से .cache , जिसका अर्थ है कि वर्तमान कार्य निर्देशिका में एक .cache निर्देशिका कैश्ड डेटा के लिए उपयोग की जाती है। प्रोजेक्ट प्रलेखन का आप देख सकते हैं कि कैश का उपयोग HTTP कैशिंग नियमों के अनुसार प्रतिक्रिया कैश करने के लिए किया जाता है; कैश प्रतिक्रिया पर सेट कैश हेडर का सम्मान करेगी जब तक कि आप उन हेडर को संबंधित अनुरोध शीर्षलेखों के साथ ओवरराइड नहीं करेंगे।

debugging - Java Fatal Run time error -

Hi all I get an error when I run a Java program in a Linux terminal. I have not seen it before and do not know how to debug it. Does anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone know whether this is an installation or a problem in the program? Java Runtime Environment: ## SIGSEGV (0xb) pc = 0x00007f604e1c3bad, pid = 2320, tid = 140053630809856 ## GRE version: OpenGDK found # 1 critical error. Runtime Entertainment (7.0_65-B32) (Build 1.7.0_65-B32) # Java VM: OpenZK's 64-bit server VM (24.65-B-024 mixed mode Linux-AMD 64 Compact Opps) # Derivative: IcedTea 2.5.3 # Distribution: Ubuntu 14.04 lts, ​​package 7u71-2.5.3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 # Problematic frame: # c [ + 0x85bad] XkbSetDetectableAutoRepeat + 0xd # #Correct failed to write core dump. Core dump has been disabled To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before resuming Java # # An error report file has been saved with more information: # / Srv / harvester / dist / hs_err_pid2320.log # # If you want

ruby on rails - how create object from query with includes -

Platforms and platforms are associated with the Caribbean as_to has_many I have such a query for my DB I want to use every ID of the platform associated with the p-variable and want to add it: p = platform_category.where (Params [: platform_category_ids]). In the new object, like this: p.each {| Plat_cat | Campaign.create (..., some_id:} But PlatformCategory has many platforms and here I want to call everyone at block with I do not think it's like Ruby. UPD Everything is fine when I just array [1,2,3,4] like the array, but with the array in the parameter 'NoMethodError: The 'included' method for the array Are you searching for this? p = platform_category.where (id: [1,2,3,4]). () Join platforms Selection ('Platform.) And then: p.each {| Plat_cat | | Campaign.create (..., some_id:} UPDATE : Since find to contain method because it returns an array after the query (if you pass an

mpi - sending and receiving multiple elements via MPI_Send/recv -

I am starting to learn MPI I'm just starting to make simple examples: I have a rectangle that is divided into two sub- The box is divided into i. I tell the N / 2 particles in each box (summarizing whole N particles). I'm using two processes / core to do this work. The first core handles the first sub-box and the other core is the second sub-box. During the time, the particles cross from one sub-box to the other. I am sure that I will have to use MPI_Send and MPI_Recv to do this work. But what I can not understand if I have to cross multiple particles at all times (from one core to the other), how do I use MPI_Send / Recv or MPI_Sendrecv efficiently? I forgot to say that I do not know the number of particles every time. Sorry if the question is very simple / silly. There are a number of options: In all the sub-boxes To exchange a number of particles you can do a bit easier to use a MPI_ALLTOALL then use point-to-point communication to communicate about real partic

Is it possible to load a runtime shared library into JavaScript and use it -

Is it possible to load runtime shared libraries in JavaScript and to use it? Is there a safety concern about allowing loading of a .so file? In a web browser? I think it is impossible. Server-side programming (eg node.js) is probably possible. Not sure about this Well Java can sth like this ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager (); ScriptEngine Engine = manager.getEngineByName ("JavaScript"); String js = "var t =" + someJNIMethod () + ";" Engine.eval (js); This is not practical, but possible.

windows phone 8 - How to copy files from sdcard to isolated Storage in Wp8? -

I have a file that says image.jpg or file.txt .. call wipdows in my SDCD 8 / 8.1 < / P> Now I want to copy that file into separate memory of my app. Can this be done? If yes, how are you? You can simply use files from your SD card to use. / P> Here are some samples: You use MemoryStream to file the separate storage and then load it from there.

HTML form set as POST but method GET performed -

I have a problem posting an HTML form on a webshop I've created. In nearly every case (99, 99 %) Is working as expected, but in some specific cases it goes wrong. And I do not really have any clue, so I am posting my question here. My HTML form looks like this: & lt; Form id = "gegevens" class = "form-horizontal margin-bot-15" method = "post" action = "& lt;? = HOST? & Gt; / winkelmand / gegevens-controleren /" role = "form" automatically Complete = "off" & gt; // some input forms and lots of HTML & lt; Input type = "submit" class = "btn btn-shopping-cart" value = "order" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Now page / winkelmand / gegevens-controleren / should be accessed with a POST , no obtain Code>. In 99.9% cases this is expected as a post but in other cases, this is a GET and no data has been posted on this page. I can see it in the log entry

How can I disable animation in a reactjs component first time -

I have a component with the list of items. I want to add or remove any item in the list for the animation . var React CS String group group = React.addance. CSSTransitionGroup; Var hello = rect.ct class ({getInitialState: function} {return} {}: {}:}; addColor: function () {this.setState ({items: this.state.items.concat ('new color' }}}}; ComponentDidMount: function () {var items = ['blue', 'red', 'green']; this.setState ({items: items})}, render: function () {var contentList = IT (function (i, k) {return ( );}); return ( gt; hello & lt; Button onClick = {this.addColor} & gt; Add & lt; / button & gt; Rect CS Station Group TransitionName = "Example" & gt; {Content List} & lt; / ReactCSSTransitionGroup & gt; & lt; / div & gt; ;)}}); Reaction (& lt; hello name = "world" />, document.body); So, I can change the animation only when the list changes and Not the first se

excel - Qt QSqlDatabase -

After searching all day, I did not find the answer to my question. My question is, why does the ODBC driver return the second value, not the first, the code was taken from , while in the first phase loop considers me two values, but in excellence I have 1. why ? Any help is appreciated The code is: srcdb.setDatabaseName ("driver = {Microsoft Excel driver (* .xls, * .xlsx, * .xlsm, * .xlsb)}; DBQ = "+++" (getSettings ("folderpath") + '/' + file); if ( ()) {QSqlQuery query ("SELECT * FROM [ "+ QString (" Sheet1 ") +" $ A1: A3] "); // Selection Category, Place A1: $ 5 after B5 ( ()) {QString column = query.value (0). ToString (); QDebug () & lt; column;}} Found it in the wiki: By default, the first row in the form of the name of the OBDC column If you do yoga, you can change this setting in the 'First Name Name' option in Settings. Keep in mind that you are using a database

udp - NumberFormatException in Java for a string that is a number -

I am implementing socket programming using Java. I get this error. My code is: Public category UDPServer {public static zero main (string [] args throws exceptions {byte [] data = new byte [1024]; Byte [] SendData = New Byte [1024]; Byte [] no 1b = new byte [1024]; String number 1 string; Datagram recipient packet; String sndmsg; Int port; Datagram Socket ServerSat = New Datagram Socket (9 676); System.out.println ("UDP server is running"); Byte [] buffer = new byte [65536]; While (true) {Receive pack = new datagram packet (num1b, num1b.length); ServerSocket.receive (recievePacket); Num1String = new string (Receive packet.get data ()); Println (num1String); Println (num1String.length ()); Int number 2 = integer. Percionant (number 1 string); I run my own UDP client: Enter the number: Enter the number 2: 5 Enter the number 3: 4 Enter the number 4: Enter number 3: Select 1 protocol: 1. UPU 2. Data sent to TCP1 server My server shows this: $ Java UDPS server

angularjs - All karma test fails after a while -

I am testing an angular service in Karma and it works first, but after some time the test failed And I need to restart Karma. I get the error message: Error: [$ Injector: unp] Unknown Provider: Score 2 Provider & lt; - Score 2 I run the karma with the following conf: module.exports = function (config) {config.set ({basepath: './', Files: ['bower_components / angular / angular.js',' bower_components / lodash / dist / lodash] js', 'bowar_component / connular-root / connector-root.js',' bower_component / connular-socks / conjunction-max. ['Karma-chrome-launcher', 'Karma-chashma',], '' ['Jams', 'Test / Mac -Jake', 'Client / JS / Score 2.js' ['Chrome'], Plugins: Chrome '],' Test '* * JS', AutoWatch: True, Frameworks: ['Chameli'], Browser:}); }; I'm running it on a Windows 8.1 machine. And as I said, this works for the first time, but after a few minutes

How to select date from drop down menu using selenium webdriver? -

I have a date picker where I can select a date range like 3 months, 7 days or this year. . How do I select "this year" from the drop down menu? Here is the code: & lt; Div class = "full" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "range-preset" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "date-limit-selector" & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Date range: & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; Select class = "full" style = "width: 230px;" & Gt; & Lt; Option value = "custom" & gt; Custom & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "tomorrow" & gt; Yesterday & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "7 days" & gt; 7 days & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "30 days" & gt; 30 days & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "90 days" & gt; 90 days & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "th

android - No performance gain using LIMIT on SQLite query? -

I have a SQLite database, in which 460,000 words are alphabetical, and I want to check whether a particular letter or Prefix Select the word where the word like 't%' LIMIT 1 I hope this query will start to return the first letter. The problem is that on the Android OS, this query is slow. If I change it to: Select word from where word1 like "move%" it runs very fast. The difference is that there are 27,300 words that begin with "T" and there are only 60 words starting with "move". I expected LIMIT 1 to stop the search and will return the first hit. But apparently it is not how it works. Database is properly indexed: create table "n" ("word" lesson (12,0) No, tap calllet encase, primary key ("word")); I am stuck in this problem. Any advice? Query executed code is written in Unity: Public Butt CheckIford listCountainAddartTestStars (string word) {string query = "where to pick a word from&qu

javascript - How to get the code in promise object success function to execute before the code after that call? -

I have a named handhold in the function. In the I function I call any other function InsertBlankWidget, which is a definite return on the return of the promised object The function implements. The problem is that BlankWidget is being executed before code in the promised object after calling the code to insert the Widget WidgetDrop in the handle code. After inserting the call, after the success of the promise object to execute the code before BlankWidget (), how can I undo it and execute the code in the function. Handliddreaddrop: Function () {// Some lines this.insertBlankWidget (); // lines after insertBlankWidget call} insertBlankWidget: function () {var promise = this.getWidgetModel (); Promise .Done (function () {// code which must be executed before the rows after insertBlankWidget}); } To do this, you must return the promise from the insertBlankWidget : insertBlankWidget: function () {var prompts on code> .done function. Promise = this.getWidgetModel ();

Java project runs properly in command line (exported jar), but not using Eclipse -

I work on awt / swing project (not of my property) I am Solaris . The source code and the jar file I have given is the problem when I run it on eclipse: getting an error related to string parsing (a string hex parsing in the whole) However, when I run it from jar, there is no error. In fact, when I export the project as a new runner jar file, it runs properly. I have already tried to mess with the Java version used in this project. I have configured Eclipse to work with only 1.6.0_31-b04 version. System properties showing that the Java runtime version is similar to Eclipse and Console. Error message on Eclipse: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Java.lang.Integer.decode for input java.lang.Integer.valueOf (unknown source) On java.lang.Integer.parseInt (Unknown Source) java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString (unknown source): "7003fffd03" unknown source) ... I tell : No errors occur and when I run the exported juice on the console, everything works f

javascript - Extending a 3rd party angular directive and changing its template -

I'm using Daniel Christ's fingerprints range slider and would like to direct and modify the template. His direction looks like this (small for space): Angular Module ('ui-rangeSlider', []). Directive ('rangeslider', [function ()) Gt; ',' & Quot; Div class = "ngrs-runner" & gt; ',' & Lt; Div class = "nrgs-handle nggs-handle-min"> gt; & Gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ',' & Lt; Div class = "ngrs-handle ngrs-handle-max" & gt; & Lt; I & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ',' & Lt; Div class = "ngrs-join" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; ',' & Lt; / Div & gt; ',' & Lt; Div class = "ngrs -web-runner" & gt; ',' & Lt; Div class = "nrds-value nrgs-value-min" ng-show = "appearances" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; {{FilteredModelMin}} &

c# - how read and write to stylesheet in mvc? -

I want to let my users edit CSS files So I need to load one (load), save your stylesheets in a texterea and then save it in the same stylesheet, how can I do it? This is just a file that has plain text just load its contents and then save it back .. The simplest file methods should be fine, possibly any type of highlighter should allow better editing.

php - CakePHP: Getting Validation errors for nonexistant fields -

I have some strange problems with a form in CakePHP. I am trying to save the form that I Found on the model booking Some contact data, a message, a phone number, and an email address, standard accessories. The data has been posted and I want to do this $ this-> booking-> I am trying to save through Save ($ this-> Request-> Data); But as I am trying to save, two fields do not pass verification and stop the saving process: phone_buyer and carsign . The strange thing is that these two fields are not part of the form that I am trying to save. They are $ this-> Data do not appear in , as expected: $ this-> request-> Data: array ('reservation' = & gt; , array ( 'question' = & gt; '.?. Lieber Vermieter, Ich wurde gerne im angegebenen Zeitraum auf deinem Parkplatz Parken first slave möglich ish freue Mich auf deine Rückmeldung Liebe Grüße', 'start_date' = & gt; '30. '10.2014', 'end_date'

uvm - Specman e vr_ad: How to use read_reg_field? -

में UVM e संदर्भ दस्तावेज़ लिखा है: आप रजिस्टरों के लिए read_reg_field या write_reg_field कॉल कर सकते हैं जिनके फ़ील्ड को single_field_access के रूप में परिभाषित किया जाता है ("vr_ad_port_unit सिंटैक्स और उदाहरण" देखें)। ... उदाहरण के लिए: write_reg_fields tx_mode_reg {.resv = 4; .dest = 2}; लेकिन read_reg_field का उपयोग करने के लिए कोई उदाहरण नहीं है ... क्या आप कृपया इसकी व्याख्या कर सकते हैं कि इसका उपयोग कैसे किया जाना चाहिए? (I अगले कोड की कोशिश की, लेकिन यह संकलन त्रुटि देता है: some_var = read_reg_field my_reg_file.my_reg {.my_reg_field} ) आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद। जहां तक ​​मुझे पता है कि कोई भी read_reg_fieds मैक्रो नहीं है यदि आप एक रजिस्टर में पढ़ना चाहते हैं और फिर एक निश्चित फ़ील्ड के मूल्य को सहेजना चाहते हैं, तो ऐसा करें: read_reg my_reg; मान = my_reg.my_reg_field; आम तौर पर, जब आप रजिस्टर पढ़ते हैं, तो आप उन्हें पूरी तरह से पढ़ते हैं। केवल व्यक्तिगत फ़ील्ड पढ़ना समझ में आता है अगर आपकी बस प्रोटोकॉल को संकीर्ण स्थानान्तरण की अनुमति

html - check number of digits onchange javascript -

Hi I have a number input, so it works well in Explorer because there is no arrow in it and Chrome and new browsers It does not take into account the maximum length. & lt; Input type = "text" id = "amount2" name = "quantity2" class = "amountBox" value = "0" onchange = "changecountmount (this.value)" maxlength = "4" onkeypress = "return / / dd.test (String.fromCharCode ((event || window.event) .which || (event || window .event) .which))); "/> Maybe I can change the onkeypress function to check the quantity of digits? Thank you very much. Use the 'maximum' attribute to specify the length.

php - JOIN in MySQL and relational tables error -

itemprop = "text"> I have three tables, "food", "member" and "member_food". I'm trying to create an updated user page, where a collection of tags are populated based on the data of "member_food". I want to query debug the last page which is being sent from the login page which allows me to choose, then id: 4 Select $ query = "* food` food.entityid = member_food.food_id Where to join member_id at member_food`. = '$ Id'"; // breakfast $ breakfastresult1 = $ mysqli- & gt; Query ($ query); Echo '& lt; Select name = "breakfast 1" & gt; '; While ($ BreakfastData1 = mysqli_fetch_array ($ breakfastresult1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {echo '& lt; P & gt; & Lt; Option value = "'. Html_specialchars ($ BreakfastData1 [' member_food.food_id ']).' '& Gt;' htmlspecialchars ($ BreakfastData1 ['member_food.food_name']). '& Lt; / option

python - fetching values out of multiple brackets -

मेरे पास यह स्ट्रिंग है mod = 'ketobutyric_arp_rm (12); ऑक्सीकरण +% 28hw% 29 (1 9) ' और संख्याओं को कोष्ठकों में प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, जैसा कि किसी प्रकार की सूची है: mod_pos = [' 12 ' '19'] स्प्लिट का उपयोग थोड़ी चक्करदार लगता है, और मुझे नहीं पता कि इस पर एक विधि कैसे उपयोग करें। कोई सुझाव कैसे मैं ऐसा कर सकते हैं? यहां एक तरीका है: & gt; & gt; & gt; आयात पुनः & gt; & gt; & gt; Mod = 'ketobutyric_arp_rm (12); ऑक्सीकरण +% 28hw% 29 (19)' & gt; & gt; & gt; Re.findall (r '\ ((\ d +) \)', mod) ['12', '19']

SAS macro convert integer to hexidecimal string -

मान लीजिए मेरे पास निम्न मैक्रो वैरिएबल असाइनमेंट है: % x = 42165; मैं संबंधित हेक्स स्ट्रिंग प्रतिनिधित्व कैसे प्राप्त करूं? यही है, मैं & amp; x को कैसे रूपांतरित कर सकता / सकती हूं और उसे & amp; y में संग्रहीत कर सकता / सकती हूं % put y = & amp; y ; लिखते हैं y = A4B5 ? इस तरह से: % y =% sysfunc (putn (& amp; x, hex4।)); [मुझे लगता है कि % put मैक्रो स्टेटमेंट के साथ confustion से बचने के लिए % put () मैक्रो फ़ंक्शन नहीं है।]

regex - Replace a word based on a pattern in Javascript -

I am converting SVG to PNG and I need to remove the angle attributes in my SVG. & lt; Rect fill = "# F9B24F" ry = "5" rx = "5" ng-entry-y = "{{node.rectY}}" ng-at-x = "{{node.actex}}}" Ng- Attr-height = "{{chart.height}}" ng-entry-width = "{{chart.width}}" y = "10" x = "20" height = "80" width = "160" & gt; ; Let me output the and lt; Rect fill = "# f9b24f" ry = "5" rx = "5" y = "10" x is required = "20" height = "80" width = "160" & gt; I am trying to convert to javascript using string replay method. I have tried the following in the console, but it is not working If you can trust the conglomerate features always form ng-xyz = "..." , you can do this: str = str.replace (/ \ Bng - [^ \ s] + = "[^"] * "/ g, ''); If some are in a si

osx - OS X. How to get TISInputSourceRef (keyboard layout) of current active window of all system in daemon? -

Is I want to get the keyboard layout in Windows like GetKeyboardLayout (threadId) Thread id application with the active window I I I want to describe the virtual key code around the current language. Now I use the TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource () function, but it does not have the criteria and it is only "U.S." Returns Language I think this is the layout of the daemon. Besides, I can not change the code with TISInputSourceRef of the TISCopyInputSourceForLanguage (language) function. It only returns US characters. Update When: Okay I found a solution to change the key code I with 0 equal to Zest call function UCKeyTranslate parameter modifier. But how can I not get the active source of the active window or just any running app? Update 2: is the plist path / library / launch events & Lt; / Dict & gt; & Lt; / Plist & gt; whenever you want to use the status of a user session from a daemon You are doing this wrong ™ it can not be done to

java - Returning object name with object values -

I really do not know how to say the word to this question. But I'm going to try my best here to stay with me, if you can :) :) I have a database with three tables (I'm dealing with it now). Fortunately they all have the same amount of columns. Trying to input values ​​into them using a "popup" form I (to make sure how to do this, but IM is using it as a guideline, and hopefully this work ) Even for that method I have written for that method so far. Public form (int option, string val 1, string val 2, string val 3, string val 4, string val 5) {val1 = null; Val2 = null; Val3 = null; Val4 = null; Val5 = null; JTextField val1Field = new JTextField (20); JTextField val2Field = new JTextField (20); JTextField val3Field = new JTextField (20); JTextField val4Field = new JTextField (20); JTextField val5Field = new JTextField (20); String name; String lbl1 = null; String lbl2 = null; String lbl3 = faucet; String lbl4 = null; String lbl5 = null; Switch (Option) {Case