
Showing posts from August, 2012

backgroundworker - Background worker within a function in c# wpf -

I have made a simple GUI in C # YPF (sorry I can not show a GUI because my reputation is below 10). This includes rich text boxes and some other controls umm ... read this application a file When reading the file while using a background worker, the file content will appear in the Rich Textbox line from the line. The function that reads the file is like this: public int parse_persoFile2 (string fname, backgroundWorker worker, DoWorkEventArgs e) {if (fname == null) return -1; System.IO.StreamReader ifs; Ifs = new system. IO.StreamRender (FNN); Int max = (int) e.Argument; Int p = 0; While (ifs.Peek ()! = -1) {string tempData = ifs.ReadLine (); If (tempData.Contains ("CMD = 5107") || tempData.Contains ("CMD = 5106") || tempData.Contains ("CMD = 5102")) {//field.AppendText (tempData.Remove (tempData final Index ('\\'). Remove (0, 4) + "\ r \ n"); //field.AppendText("--------\r\n "); //System.Threading .hread.Sleep (500); St

css - How to change visibility on an html button before rendering the html it is in? Rails -

मैं एक html बटन & lt; button style = 'display: none' & gt; clear & lt; / button & gt ; = true । देखें & lt; बटन शैली = 'प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं' & gt; स्पष्ट & lt; / button & gt; नियंत्रक $ शो = गलत डीएफ़ प्रिंट अगर $ शो # बटन बटन अंत की समाप्ति इस तरह से सरल? & lt; बटन शैली = 'प्रदर्शन: & lt;% = $ शो? "इनलाइन": "कोई नहीं" & gt; '& gt; स्पष्ट & lt; / button & gt;

javascript - XMLHttpRequest doesn't work asynchronously -

यह मेरा JS var req = new XMLHttpRequest (); ( 'पोस्ट', '/ कुछ-स्थान', true); Req.send ("सर्वर-पक्ष संसाधित करने के लिए एक स्ट्रिंग"); Var resp = req.responseText; समस्या यह है कि यह काम नहीं करती। जब भी मैं प्रतिक्रिया देखने के लिए console.log (resp) का उपयोग करता हूं, यह एक खाली स्ट्रिंग है। लेकिन जब मैं दूसरी पंक्ति को ('POST', '/ some-location', गलत) में परिवर्तित कर देता हूं; , resp संसाधित परिणाम मैं async को झूठे में सेट नहीं करना चाहता, हालांकि। क्या मुझे यह देखकर एक योजना जावास्क्रिप्ट है कि मैं क्या गलत कर रहा हूं? यह काम नहीं करता क्योंकि यह एक AJAX अनुरोध नहीं है आपको AJAX का उपयोग करना चाहिए यह बहुत जटिल नहीं है और आप पर निर्देश पा सकते हैं।

ios - Associate Facebook Account With Multiple Users in Parse -

In my application, I use the services of pars to connect users to Facebook. Attempts to connect to the account which are already connected to another user, an error has been given and the user is not allowed to connect. Since I am using an anonymous user in my app, this is a special problem, if the user deletes the app and installs again, because their old accounts are still present in the database connected to their Facebook account, but Now they have a new anonymous user account, and can not link the new account to Facebook. What is the best way to fix this problem for me? If I am not mistaken, then any user says that when your app is deleted, I will not be able to remove the old user from the database when I delete the app. I need to either log out the old user and log in to the new user when a new user tries to connect with Facebook or allows multiple users to link to the same Facebook account. Or I think the new anonymous user account is merged into the old account that is l

build context for docker image very large -

I have created some different directories on the host machine because I try to know about the dock so that my dockfire is organized Able to My dockerfiles look just like this: My actual RPM is only 1 GB but when I try to do sudo docker build -t = "crystal / test". , I send buildconfig for Docker Daemon 3.5 GB. Is there anything else that I am unaware of as you continue to build Docker images? Is my storage being deposited, as I create more images in my other directories on my host machine? The Docker Client sends the entire "build context" to the Docker Daemon. That context (by default) is the complete code in the Dockerfile (hence, the entire rpms tree). You can set up a file to ignore the Docker files, you may want to experiment with it. Alternatively, you can move your rpms folder to a directory level above your Dockerfile , and only symlink Test. Enter rpm in the directory of the Dockerfile .

playframework - How to pass session values to different methods in play and slick? -

I have a recognized method in one of my playing form model objects: Def validateForm (form: form [forms.RegisterForm.registerFormData]). = {Val Name = form ("name") value.get Val test = TableQuery [UsersTable] .filter (. _ Name === name) .firstOption. Do if (test == something) {blah} else {blah}}} The actual implementation of the controller: Def Register Submit = DBAPN {root RS = & gt; RegisterForm.registerForm.bindFromRequest.fold (formWithErrors = & gt; {BadRequest (views.html.user.register (formWithErrors))}, formData = & gt; {Wall Valform = RegisterForm.validateForm (RegisterForm.registerForm.fill (formData) ) if (valForm.hasErrors) {BadRequest (views.html.user.register (valForm))} else {stuff}})} I can pass slick session validateForm method Are you At the moment I can not query for form validation because there is no session to use queries. I know that some of these references do not look beautiful, but since this post they have bee

html - How to apply multiple css radial gradients to a single element -

मेरे पास मेरे div तत्व पर निम्न शैली लागू है: < कोड> पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: -मोझ-रेडियल-ग्रेडिएंट (50% -10%, अंडाकार निकटतम-कोने, आरजीबीए (5, 5, 5, 0.7), आरजीबीए (0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); इसका वांछित प्रभाव ( div के शीर्ष पर केवल आंतरिक ड्रॉप छाया है) मैं div के तल पर एक ही प्रभाव को लागू करना चाहूंगा निम्नलिखित पंक्ति अच्छी तरह से करती है, लेकिन यह पहले ओवरराइड करने लगता है, इसलिए मैं केवल एक या दूसरे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं। पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: -मोज-रेडियल-ग्रेडिएंट (50% 110% , अंडाकार निकटतम-कोने, आरजीबीए (5, 5, 5, 0.7), आरजीबीए (0, 0, 0, 0) 100%); क्या कोई मुझे दिखा सकता है कि प्रति तत्व कितने रेडियल ग्रेडिएंट पृष्ठभूमि हो सकते हैं? मुझे पता है कि वेबकिट यह आसानी से कर सकता है, लेकिन मैं एक क्रॉस ब्राउज़र कार्यान्वयन / वैकल्पिक की तलाश कर रहा हूं। धन्यवाद पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: यूआरएल (), यूआरएल (), यूआरएल (), यूआरएल (), यूआरएल (); यूआरएल के बजाय पाठ्यक्रम आप ढाल डाल सकते हैं। और सभी आधुनिक ब्राउज़रों ने इस सुविधा का समर्थन किया है (अर्थात् आईई नहीं)। क्रम में इसे IE में

c - Why is pthread_join not returning? -

I think pthread_join should always return one value and then allow the main thread to process the code after that . In my previous experience, this will work, but now I am stuck with it. Somehow it does not just return and blocks the main thread. Or this is the main thread that executes the work. I do not know why in the code below, I can not reach the "made thread" until I can finish the client. Any ideas? int main (int argc, char * argv []) {int sockfd, port; / * Listen to Sock_fd, new_fd * / struct sockaddr_in new connection on my_addr; / * My address information * / struct sockaddr_in their_addr; / * Connector address information * / socklen_t sin_size; If (signet, sigintEvent == SIG_ERR) printf ("can not hold SIGINT!"); / * Generate socket / if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {glitch ("socket"); Exit (1); } If (argc> 1) {port = atoi (argv [1]); } And {port = MYPORT; } / * End point * / my_addr.sin_family = generate AF_INE

authentication - How to configure squid to pass client ip to authenticate program? -

After the I want to use my own certified program in squid like the following. auth_param basic program / usr / bin / dragon python_script_location auth_param Basic children 20 auth_param basic scope user name and password auth_param basic credentialsttl 5 hours but default Satire only pass the username and password for python_script_location (see example here). Is it possible to pass values ​​built into something as additional logic? Like the client IP, the IP of the squid server (I want to know which IP client is reaching, there are many outgoing IP addresses) It looks like Squid 3.5 will add this new feature :. Key_extras for auth_param % LA: Local IP addresses where the request was accepted Then we have a certified program command line You can add "Local IP Addresses" to the following: digest key_extras auth_param "% la"

visual studio 2013 - Manually specify wpf application installation path -

After publishing my WPF application through Visual Studio 2013 for windows, install the same application in my system. The application is being installed under the path. C: \ Users \ AppData \ Local \ Application \ 2.0 -------- We want to install the application in the path below Are there. C: \ program files -------- We did not find any solution by online search. Once the deployment does not allow you to do this, they always have the AppData folder and the click-on cache , Then it will be cleaned. By setting the assembly information correctly in the project properties, determine where they will appear in the Start menu. To be able to install a custom location or to make changes to the machine, you need to use a more in-depth installer, a free example but be warned It is very complicated that D requires a lot of work than on clicking, you will get the festival to see the document once

ajax - How to get value of row if checkbox in that row is clicked in jquery -

If the same line check box is checked then I would like to get the value of the whole row, for example & lt; Table id = "tbl" border = "1" & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" id = "selectall" /> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" /> & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; 2 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 3 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 4 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" /> & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; 2 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 3 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 4 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" /> & Lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; 2 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt;

java - Is it possible to call a method from running application -

मेरे पास एक ऐसा आवेदन है, सार्वजनिक वर्ग OpenApp {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {if (args.length & gt; 0) System.out.println ("हाय" + आर्ग्स [0]); (); } सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग कहते हैं () {"हाय"; }} तो OpenApp चल रहा होगा। मेरे पास कुछ अन्य तरीके हैं क्या मैं कक्षा के नए उदाहरण को बनाने के बिना, किसी अन्य एप्लिकेशन से हाई विधि कह सकता हूँ? क्योंकि मेरे पास OpenApp चलाने पर कुछ डेटा बाधाएं हैं। कृपया मुझे सही करें यदि मेरा प्रश्न गलत है बस मैं 2 जेवीएम के बीच संवाद करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। तो, मैंने पढ़ा, संचार करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका आरएमआई है तो क्या कोई अन्य तरीका है। संवाद के दो अनुप्रयोगों के लिए, आपको कुछ फार्म की आवश्यकता है, बहुत ज्यादा परिभाषा के अनुसार। तो आपको कुछ प्रकार की प्रोटोकॉल की आवश्यकता है तो, आपके प्रश्न का संक्षिप्त जवाब यह है कि: आरएमआई एकमात्र तरीका नहीं है, लेकिन अन्य सभी तरीके समान, संचार और प्रत्यक्ष तरीके से कॉल नहीं हैं। यदि आप किसी अन्य एप्लिकेशन के कोड में विधि कॉल करना चाहते

playframework 2.0 - Browserify/CommonJS with Play Framework -

I was wondering how to use the CommonJS module with Pledge Framework 2.3+? I think a browser plugin can be written in a way similar to the SBT-less plugin, but before starting it, I want to know how others are handling it. Is there a way to use browserwork already inside the game framework process? Perhaps something like inclination: or I am also interfering, In fact I'm on the other shell on the grunt.

php - To fetch another database content in my wp site -

I have a php site and a WordPress site. I want to connect php site DB to my WordPress site. I have tried like this define ('dbinn', 'maidibam'); Define ('DB_USER', 'myusername'); Define ('DB_PASSWORD', 'mypassword'); Define ('db_host', 'my-host'); $ Second_db = new wpdb (DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME, DB_HOST); $ Your_query = "Select Doctors"; $ Result = $ sec_db- & gt; Get_results ($ your_query); Print_r ($ result); array () Warning: header information can not be modified - already sent headers I need to display table data in my subject how is possible? Please help me Try without defined variables or rename your variable try it < / P> Define ('DB_NAME_1', 'mydbname'); Define ('DB_USER_1', 'myusername'); Define ('DB_PASSWORD_1', 'mypassword'); Define ('DB_HOST_1', 'my-host'); $ Second_db = new wpdb (DB_USER_1, DB_PASS

android - I'm trying to make a simple salary counting program. But i cant recieve the data from the other class to the main activity -

itemprop = "text"> This is my main activity is new to Android i know some basics of java now but onclick listener i manupulate data can not do. package com.examp.emp; Import; Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.view.Menu; Import android.view.MenuItem; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.EditText; Public class main activity actionbusiness activity (employee employee); @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); Button BT = (button) Find VVBID (R.B.ton1); Find the last editTextAd = (edit text) VVBIID (RID Edit Text 1); Last editTextEd1 = (EditText) findViewById (; Last editTextEX2 = find (edit text) VVBIID (RIDAdetect 3); Click on Bt.setOnClickListener (New OnClickListener) {@Override Public Zero (click V) {// TODO auto-defined method stub int sa mvc - SQL server error when creating an ActionLink visible to certain roles -

What do I want to do, only to show the ActionLink in my page for some roles (in this case the "Administrator" role ). When I add this code to my layout page ... @if (Request.IsAuthenticated) {if (HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole ("Admin ")) {& Lt; Li & gt; @html.exelink ("select roles", "index", "selectionrolls") & lt; / Li & gt; }} The following SQL Server error appears: A network related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the example name is correct and SQL Server is configured to allow remote connection. (Provider: SQL Network Interfaces, Error: 26 - Error specifying server / instance) What is the problem? I have seen that I can not use classes such as membership, roles or attributes because this issue is officially seen. This is a pure SQL connection error, this error has nothing to do wit

angularjs - how to get more items if page doesn't have scroll -

I call for more items by infinite scrolling, but it fails if initially loaded Items do not fill the screen. In this case, it means: document.body.scrollHeight == document.body.clientHeight on page The instructions work fine when the scroll bar works: app.directive ('infinitescroll', function ($ rootsecope, $ http, $ window) {return function ($ radius, $ element) { Angular.element ($ window) .bind (f To trigger the Ritchie client, scroll 'in the bottom of the page', function () {// 100 pixels gap hight = html.scrollHeight - 100; scrollHyat = html.scrollTop + document.query selector ('body'). ClientHigh;; (Client Height & Lt; = scrollHeight) {FEATURE ();}}); Function Fetcher () {// Get Last Item ID> + '/ Item /' + last id) then (function (feedback) // // pushing new item now $ sc scope}); }}}); I can see in the controller if document.body.scrollHeight> gt; Call for other items, but this is a poor practice to check scrollhead in

python - catch the exception of a subprocess called by another function -

I want to automate a script execution on a subprocess, so I use subprocess lib I am doing thread and schedule lib to schedule it to be created. I would like to verify that the script executed remotely is working without issues when I give script 1 (error) or when script_file is absent Whoever was trying does not print any error (and if I am not mistaken, by adding exception casing, kills subprocess and its work) import import import Upprosas Import Multiprocessing Import import schedule import time Functools class MyClass: def catch_exceptions Job_func): @ functools.wraps (job_func) def wrapper (* args, ** kwargs): try: excluding job_func (* args, ** kwargs): Import Traceback Print ("Error") Print (traceback.format_exc ()) Return Cover @catch_exceptions def run (auto, user, host, command): subprocesses. Def (defined by user, host, script_path): schedule.every 0.01) (, user, host, script_path) All tips are welcome, we do not have INP wrappe

qt - emit qml signal on start application -

Is there a way to emit or is there a signal that emits in the beginning of an application in qml? My purpose is to check the weather that some values ​​are in the list and when, I want to enable a button Something like this: < Code> rectangle {id: main button {id: myButton checkable: false onClicked: {/ * something}} // first version connection: {target: myClass onSignalEmit () {myButton.checkable = true}} / / second Start the Wursat emission ()} As @ rated ninja said that you Can use components. Then complete in this case rectangle {id: main .... element. : start up(); }

javascript - Simple solution to share modules loaded via NPM across multiple Browserify or Webpack bundles -

The solution simple to share a code by dragging my hair here, through NPM It is necessary to think of multiple browsers or webpack bundles, is there a thing like "bridge"? This time is not due to being compiled (I have been aware of caution) but in my desire to remove specific lbs from all vendors vendor.js therefore my app In addition to keeping js organized and crashing the browser with a massive source map, I think the way cleaners need to see the compiled JS. And so: // vendor.js is required ('response'); ('Lodash') is required; ('Other- NPM Module') is required; ('Another- NPM module') is required; It is very important that NOPM can be loaded in code against the BOVERS, or some 'vendor' to import through the relative path and identify through Shim. 'Is saved in the directory. I want to keep every library reference drawn through NPM except for each actual reference source. In app.js I place all of my source co

android: how to retrieve data from sql server using web service -

How to save and retrieve data from a database Can someone give me a little help that the web service is from the database and How to connect to the app, what will be the first step to get started? Thank you. Create a web server that is sending Jason object for you < Li> Then use the http call to get this Jason in this way: throws the public string httpGet (string URL) IOException {HttpGet get = New HttpGet (URL); DefaultHttpClient () _httpClient = New DefaultHttpClient (); Original HttpContext httpContext = New BasicHttpContext (); HttpResponse response = null; Response = httpClient Execute (Mill, httpContext); Threaded Positions = Response .getStatusLine (); Int statusCode = statusLine.getStatusCode (); Return EntityUtils.toString (response.getEntity ()); } For more information, please leave me a message, please.

PHP __DIR__ Down folder "ROOT PATH" -

/home/dev/109/websits/htdocs/proyect/config/index.php जब मैं " डीआईसी "मुझे एक पथ दे" / होम / देव / 109 / websits / htdocs / proyect / config / "लेकिन मैं एक फ़ोल्डर डाउनलोड करना चाहता हूं लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि परियोजना फ़ोल्डर या "/ home / dev / 109 / websits / htdocs / another / config /" आदि। मैं सब कुछ निम्न रास्ते में समाप्त करना चाहता हूं / home / dev / 109 / websits / htdocs / another / क्या आप कृपया थोड़ा और अधिक स्पष्ट, जो आप वास्तव में प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं ऐसा कहने पर, डायनाम नाम (__ फाइल__) सहायक हो सकता है।

SSL enabled URL (https://localhost:44301/) not working for ASP.Net MVC site -

मुझे SSL सक्षम ASP.Net MVC साइट को चलाने में समस्या हो रही है I मैंने एक आधारित MVC वेबपेज बनाने की कोशिश की। मैंने निम्नलिखित चरणों का पालन किया: मैंने एसएसएल प्रॉपर्टी को ट्रू के लिए सक्षम किया है। एसएसएल यूआरएल को कॉपी किया (मेरे मामले में यह स्थानीयहोस्ट था : 44301)। समाधान एक्सप्लोरर में, SSLMVCTestApp पर राइट क्लिक किया और गुण चुनें। वेब टैब का चयन करें। प्रोजेक्ट यूआरएल में एसएसएल यूआरएल पेस्ट करें बॉक्स, फिर वर्चुअल निर्देशिका बनाएं पर क्लिक करें। प्रोजेक्ट को सहेजा और प्रोजेक्ट को चलाएं। ब्राउज़र में यूआरएल युक्त यूआरएल खोला गया है, हालांकि कोई पेज नहीं दिखाया गया है यह संदेश दिखाता है: "यह वेबपृष्ठ उपलब्ध नहीं है"। हालांकि, गैर HTTPS url के लिए यह काम कर रहा है क्या कोई मुझे इस मुद्दे को सुलझाने के लिए मार्गदर्शन कर सकता है? मुझे अपने ऐप्स से एचटीपीपीएस सक्षम यूआरएल को चलाने की जरूरत है। धन्यवाद & amp; सबसे अच्छा संबंध, अहमद मुझे लगता है कि आपको ऐसा करने की ज़रूरत नहीं है चरण 3 से 5। बस प्रोजेक्ट चलाएं और अपने यूआरएल htt

Restful web services unit testing/mocking in java 1.5 version -

I have a Java code that is hosted in Java 1.5 environment, which acts like a client that is another Calling third-party tireless webservices. Now I want to write a unit test case in my application to duplicate the behavior of the third party's cool web services. Any ideas about doing this? With the Internet, I could see many tools available to do this, but they need Java> 1.6. For example: rest assured, comfort etc ... I have a strict limit to use Java 1.5 because the main classes depend on version 1.5. My collection / order version 1.5 only Please share your thoughts You can write a stub service, so the client can also call. Depending on the interaction required of the client / test code with the stub, your interface will be defined for the stub, but with its ease it can return the canned response for any set of inputs. If you have control where the stub is running and running with you, you do not have to limit yourself to Java 1.5 Is there any reason that

c# - Read chosen line from CSV -

I have a large CSV file with approximately 1,000,000 lines and it takes about 500 MB of memory to read all the files. I do not need to read every hundred lines from the file. I try to do this through ReadLines , but it's really slow, fast ReadAllLines . My code: I read about some readers: Has anyone got the solution? I want to read only a few lines from CSV, not a complete file. readline does not slow down The problem is that you can make the file every instance are rereading to the desired line (when I read = 0, you line 0-100 ... when I = 2, you read the line 0-200, etc.) > You should refrain from calling file.ReadLines many times in other words, just open a file once and filter the rows you use where Do not want to b Means try it: var filteredLines = File.ReadLines ( "TestCSV.csv"). Select ((text, index) = & gt; new {text, index}). = & Gt; X.index% 100 == 0); Forchach (diversified line in filtered line) {table offstre

python - Transfering from Beautiful Soup to LXML -

अगर मेरे पास बीएस 4 में कोड है: shopping_bag_body = html_tree.find ('table' ('टीडी', एट्रर्स = {'क्लास': 'कॉलम- 5 '})। (' Span ', attrs = {' class ':' price '}) ऐसे मामलों में बजाय एलएक्सएमएल xpath का उपयोग कैसे करें?

javascript - Redirection authentication form in PHP when preventDefault is used -

I have an authorization form in an HTML page and to check that the user / password are correct or not. I want to call my PHP script with jquery ajax and use preventDefautlt to avoid reloaded page effects. What do I have to do: User / password redirects the right user to the authorized page, if not the error message is not displayed. My question is, should the user have to redirect the header function from my PHP script or from javascript when the user / password is correct? What is safe to redirect form JS? $ ("#signin"). Submit (function) {event.preventDefault (); var $ form = $ (this), url = $ Form.attr ("verb"); console.log ($ form.serialize ()); var posting = $ .post (url, $ form.serialize ()); posting.done (function) {if (data == "LOGGED-IN") {// redirection;} and if (data == "USER-PASSWORD- KO ") {// display error message} console.log (data); // $ (" # login-dialog ") .append (data);});}); You have to do it like jav

javascript - jQuery - slideDown on mouseenter > delay > SlideUp on mouseleave -

I have created a very simple jQuery sliding function, but need improvement, the original timeline of the function is required: < / P> Slide down on the mousester Unless the mouse moves Be visible ^^ This works, But if you slide up and down several times, the function stops working for a few seconds. Can someone please suggest solutions? JS FIDDLE Attached JSFIDDLE: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ hover = true; $ ("#slide") .mouseenter (function ($ Hover = hidden) {$ (".slide - hidden") .Sliddown ('sharp');}}); $ ("#slide") .mouseleave (function () {$ hover = false; $ ( ".slide - hidden") .delay (2000) .slideUp ('fast'). Queue (function () {enableHover (); $ (this) .dequeue ();});}); function enabled () { $ Hover = true;}}); Change your javascript with this if I If you understand your problem properly, then it works very well. $ (document). Ready (function () {var (the timeout; $ ('# slide&#

winforms - Change the color of the arrow near the menuitem in c# -

I have an application that contains a lot of Menuitms I changed the background Menuitm in dark brown and text in white But the arrow near the text is still black. I want to change the color of this arrow in white I have found exlanation in this document. And the same question on stackoverflow: In an easy way, it is possible to change the color of the arrow next to a menu ? (This is the arrow that allows you to display submenu). I mean using something like ProfessionalColorTable was inspired by this. Form load or like the manufacturer offers a custom renderer for your menu bar: < / P> this.menuStrip.Renderer = new WhiteArrowRenderer (); and arrow color override: public class WhiteArrowRenderer: ToolStripProfessionalRenderer {protected override void OnRenderArrow (ToolStripArrowRenderEventArgs e) {var tsMenuItem = e.Item ToolStripMenuItem In ; If (tsMenuItem! = Null) e.ArrowColor = Color.White; Base.OnRenderArrow (E); }}

python - GTK focus-out-event -

I am showing a user a popup menu when they click OK. According to the popup behavior, when I lose focus, I want to delete the popup (when the user clicks outside the popup window). For this, I tried to connect the " Focus-out Event " to the popup window using the glade. But for some reason, he is not removing the incident. I tried to print something on the terminal when the incident is removed, but nothing touches. I am new to Python and GTK, and now I have no clue how to move forward. #handler Focus Out to capture import DF on_popup_menu_add_attachment_focus_out_event (auto, * args): print ("delete popup .....") Focus out-signal and its handler I just changed the type as the top level and it worked!

xcode - Failable och non-failable initializers prevents me to extend NSView and implement NSCoding -

मुझे उपवर्ग को NSView को लागू करने में समस्या आ रही है जो कि लागू करता है NSCoding init (सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलनेवाला: NSCoder) की घोषणाओं की तरह लगता है। में परस्पर विरोधी हैं NSView और NSCoding । NSView आजकल कहता है कि यह फ़्यूज़ेबल है, लेकिन NSCoding अभी भी कहता है कि यह गैर-फ़्यूज़ल है जब मैं init (सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलनेवाला: NSCoder) ओवरराइड करने के लिए कोशिश और अपने कस्टम initialisation करते हैं, Xcode 6.1 मुझे एक त्रुटि संदेश देता है: गैर-फ़्लेम्याबल इनिशियलाइज़र फंलाइंटर आरिलाइज़र 'इनिट (कॉडर)' के साथ लिखे गए 'इनट?' के लिए चेन नहीं कर सकता है मुझे मेरे क्लास के कस्टम इनटैट को कैसे करना चाहिए? यहाँ एक मूर्खतापूर्ण उदाहरण है जहां मैं एक दृश्य विस्तारित करता हूं और मैं अपने दृश्य के लिए एक अतिरिक्त क्लिक काउंटर जारी रखना चाहता हूं। आयात कोको आयात फाउंडेशन वर्ग MyView: NSView, NSCoding {var clickCounter: इंट = 0 आवश्यक init (सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलनेवाला: NSCoder) {super.init (सांकेतिक शब्दों में बदलनेवाला: सांकेतिक शब्दों में

java - JSON jackson creator: Default Value and nice to have values -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> I have mandatory fields, to construct a json with default areas (if the value is not set), and Optional (not mandatory) farm. This class is used for D- and serialization. The last Jason should look different, if the example no mandatory field is set or a mandatory value is set, but should be missed. @JsonSnakeCase @JsonIgnoreProperties (ignoreUnknown = true) Public square TryoutJson {@JsonCreator Public TryoutJson (@NotBlank @JsonProperty ("Mandatory") Final String Essentials, Setting to Default ... @ What is it for? @Jasonproporty ("valueDefaultedTo5IfNotSet") The last string value DefaultedTo5IfNotSet, @ ... if the value is given, then what's there to set it here? @Jasonproperty "ThisFieldIsNotMAndatory") Final String Itfield IS Notification, Illegal Methods Executes from For example, this Jason String should be created in the constructor used: {" Compulsory ":"

windows - How set affinity running java from console -

Since I do not have a hyper threading option in the BIOS, I am disabling it from launching Like / 01010101 The problem is that I would like to run a Java program with that option, but I can not make it C: \ Users \ gbarbieri & gt; Start / Affinity 01010101 "C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jdk1.7.0_71 \ j \ bin \ java.exe" -generator: \ Documents \ NetBin's project \ EC_400_BETA \ dist \ EC_400_BETA. -Jar "Kann nicht gifuden verden." (= -jar not found) I have tried to include the server in '' , but nothing .. < P> How do I install a jar from the console? It should be marked as a duplicate However, I only found out that the command line of OP Knowing this, there was another question with the right solution after knowing it. The problem is that the Windows start command first considers the argument in a double quote, which it considers as a title to show in the command prompt window. (See) Before providing a command name, a

android studio - Adding remote repo in Gradle - Manifest merger failed -

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

restructuredtext - Insert figure directive in table in docutils -

I am trying to create a table with some shape inside. I am asking whether there is the possibility of doing this in Dokutils or in some other markup languages. I was trying this type of table: + ----------------- + -------- + - ------------------------------------------- + | Prova | Prova | Sela Molto Lunga | + ----------------- + -------- + ---------------------- ---------------------- + | Vizieszazion | Picture | .. Data: ~ / Dropbox / RST / Pix / Plantum | | | : Alt: Prova | + ----------------- + -------- + ---------------------- ---------------------- + Result Yes, this is possible. The only one issue you could do it right is that your image path may be wrong (thus broken image icon).

python - Simplest way to open a file in tkinter -

Trying to create a GUI with an 'open file' button When I run the code shown below, the open file dialogue opens directly, and when I press the button, how do I do it? Is it an easy way to decide that using classes is not included? (I currently do not know anything about classrooms and are working on time-pressing projects) to tkinter import * interface = Tk () def openfile (): return Filedog.askopenfilename () button = ttk.Button (interface, text = "open", command = openfile ()) button. The grid (column = 1, line = 1) interface.mainloup () code < Code> openfile function is passing the return value of the call, not just the function. Call the function by removing the trunking () , which causes the call. Ticker Import Import from Tiketter Import to Ticketer Import FileAlage Interface = TC () DEF OpenFile (): Return fileialog.askopenfilename () button = ttk.Button (interface, text = "Open", Command = openfile) #and Lt; ------ button.grid

compilation - How to get "WebKit for GTK+3 1.3.7" headers for ubuntu? -

I am trying to compile pidgin on Ubuntu (minus 17, in fact). ./configure says: "You must have WebKit for GTK + 3 1.3.7 or newer development headers" But is this version in the Ubuntu package? I have several packages named "WebKit" or "gtk", and I have tried to find and install other versions but could not find it. I've downloaded pidgin and webkit sources, (pidgin support registration seems offline -> therefore, here.) I have a Debian system but maybe you can do that) First, see what you get with this command at the terminal: aptitude search Webkit | Grep gtk This will show you all the packages installed on your system (or have already been installed), webkit and gtk Then you need the package: libwebkitgt k-3.0-dev (in Debian) in your case Hope this help, you see!

c# - Adding where clause to index method of scaffolded controller ASP.NET MVC with EF -

I have a project model and an actor model - a project can include many artists for my actor controller Trying to modify lofty scenes so that an ID can be sent to the index and to make the method so that only the actor (index) can be added for the current project or (create) Here I start for the index method and I'm not sure where to add the clause. N.B. I am passing in the id as the parameter of the index from the URL. (Sorry, this is a basic question, I am goggling, but no answer can be found). Thank you! Private JustSpecItAppContext db = New JustSpecItAppContext (); // GET: Actors 1 Public Performance Index () {Return View (db.Actors.ToList ()); } try this: - public actions Index (int award id) {return view (db.actors.firstor default (a => an id == actor id)); }

python - Return JSON object problems -

मेरे पास ये पंक्तियाँ हैं: r = (url, data = json मुझे इस प्रतिक्रिया के लिए कहां मिलता है: < / P> [[u'sort ': [1414496113003], यू'टाइप': u'syslog ', u'_index': u'logstash-2014.10.28 ', u'_score': कोई नहीं , यू 'फ़ील्ड': {u '@ टाइमस्टैम्प': यू'2014-10-28 टी 11: 35: 13.003, 'यू'सिसॉग_होस्टनाम': यू'होस्टनाम '}, यू'आईडी': यू'केक 9 डीएचवीआरसीएसएमएमटीआरएसआर 9 वीजेन्रा '}] < / कोड> मुझे केवल "@स्टिमस्टैम्प" प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है मैं कैसे प्रबंधित करूं? मुझे लगता है कि मुझे प्रिंट (json_output ["हिट"] ["हिट"]) के लिए और करना होगा ? प्रिंट json_output [0] ['फ़ील्ड'] ['@ टाइमस्टैम्प']

Radio button unchecked from javascript does not reset selectedIndex on C# -

How it should work: The user starts typing in a text box if the text box is populated from something, then I I show a division with 3 radio boots. If a user postbacks one of the radioboots to a server and we retrieve some data, if the user clears the text box, then we should uncheck the radioboots and hide their containers. In the next step, the user types another value in the textbox and the radiobootins appear on the screen, none of which is selected. Unfortunately, if the user selects the radio already selected, the postback (selective handler) on the server is not removed, probably because I have not unchecked the radio button properly. Do you have any ideas for doing this work? I can not modify the c # source code because the website is generated by CMS tl; How do DR to inform us that we do not have any selected index from Javascript in # in a RadioBeton group?

c++ - extracting a byte from memory by bit address -

I am working with data in which there are many odd quantities of bits in its values ​​(like 3 bit or 71, you Imagine what you can do), all tightly sorted together. To remove the data, I thought I would first create a function that would retrieve a byte through the bit address and then I can tie them together for more than 8 bits. Now I am very confused, what I am doing: Unsigned four data [=] {0, 255, 2, 255, 4, 5, 6 , 7}; UInt64 biton = 64; // test data UInt64 byteleen = bitton% 8 == 0? Bitolon / 8: bit lane / 8 + 1; ... unsigned char gateUse (UInt64 bitmdx) {UInt64 bioteidx = BITIDX / 8; UInt16 bulk = byteleen - 1 == bytexx? Data [byteidx]: * (UInt16 *) and data [byteidx]; Return Bulk & gt; & Gt; (8- (BITIDX - Byte IDx))% 8; } The idea is that if the bittext containing a byte in the dataset is last, then get the value as the value, otherwise in the form of UInt16 (which should be received byte and the next one ). Then Bitoffet = BITIDX - Byte IDX * 8 8 - Bitof

java ee - login and logout jsf -

I am using JavaEE form login, and when I send my URL for the first time, there is a login: < Code> http: // localhost: 8080 / mice and able to login properly. And the code when I log out is: public string logout (FacesContext faces CONTENT = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance (); ExternalContext externalContext = facesContext.getExternalContext (); ExternalContext.invalidateSession (); Return "/login.xhtml?faces-redirect=true"; } and it appears on the browser: http: // localhost: 8080 / mysite / faces / login.xhtml here If I try to log in again, I get the HTC 404 and the URL looks like this: http: // localhost: 8080 / mysite / faces / j_security_check Here is web.xml & lt; Login-config & gt; & Lt; Auth-Method & gt; Form & lt; / Auth-method & gt; & Lt; Radius name & gt; Mysite & lt; / Circle-name & gt; & Lt; Form login-config & gt; & Lt; Form login page & gt; /login.xhtml< / Farm Login Page &

Get link anchor out of url with jquery -

मेरे पास एक लिंक है & lt; a href = " # exampleId & gt ; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; मुझे एक वैर में "#exampleId" मान प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूँ? मैं सिर्फ # के बिना समाधान पाया। < P> आपकी मदद के लिए धन्यवाद और सबसे अच्छा संबंध यह ऑब्जेक्ट में एंकर लिंक पार्ट्स प्राप्त करने के लिए अच्छी चाल है, कृपया इस कोड की कोशिश करें & lt; a href = " # exampleId" & gt; लिंक & lt; / a & gt; & lt; script & gt; var parse = document.createElement ('a'); parse .href = document.getElementsByTagName ("a") [0]; चेतावनी (parse.hash); & lt; / script & gt;

PHP multidimensional array value replace with another value -

मेरे पास नीचे एक सरणी है Array ([0] = & gt; Array [0] = & gt; वंशावली सूखी [1] = & gt; एन / ए [2] = & gt; एन / ए [3] = & gt; एन / ए) [1] = & gt; अरे ([0] = & gt; व्यावसायिक श्रेणी [1] = & gt; एन / ए [2] = & gt; एन / ए [3] = & gt; एन / ए) [2] = & gt; ऐरे ([0] = & gt; वंशावली गीले [1] = & Gt; एन / ए [2] = & gt; एन / ए [3] = & gt; एन / ए) [3] = & gt; अरे ([0] = & gt; पीएमएम [1] = & gt; एन / ए [2 ] = & Gt; एन / ए [3] = & gt; एन / ए) [4] = & gt; अरे ([0] = & gt; चपी [1] = & gt; एन / ए [2] = & gt; एन / ए [3] = & gt; एन / ए) [5] = & gt; ऐरे ([0] = & gt; देखभाल एवं व्यवहार [1] = & gt; एन / ए [2] = & gt; एन / ए [3 ] = & Gt; एन / ए) [6] = & gt; अर्रे ([0] = & gt; शेबा [1] = & gt; एन / ए [2] = & gt; एन / ए [3] = & gt; एन / ए) [7] = & gt; ऐरे ([0] = & gt; व्हिस्साज ड्राई [1] = & gt; एन / ए [2] = & gt; एन / ए [3] = & gt; एन / ए) [8] =

javascript - How to destroy session on clicking back button of browser using jquery -

After logging in, if I click on the back button of the browser, then I direct it to a php page using jquery I want to delete the session. Here is my Juke Code which is working fine for Mozilla. But Chrome is not working on. I want the browser to be free. Thanks in advance & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {ifof history.pushState === "function") {history.pushState ("bbs", null, null); Window.onpopstate = function () {history.pushState () 'Newbbs', blank, zero);} $ (Place) .attr ('href', 'backbuttonsessiondeactivation.php');}}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Here's my Back Encounters activation Php content is: & lt ;? Php session_start (); Extract ($ _ request); Session_destroy (); Header ("location: login.php"); ? & Gt; How can I get it? You can consider making an Ajax call instead at backbuttonsessiondeactivation.php. $ Ajax (function () {url: "http://yourwebisteu

java ee - how to create a generic table linked with multiple others using jpa -

There are several institutions in a database, so the same table, users, customers, companies, each with like etc. Address Each unit is deposited these qualities phones such assets under their specific table, such as addresses, respectively phone I know that for each unit of rapid approach usersAddresses, customersAddresses and so on " Deputy Board may make ", but I keep in mind a set of like a table approach :. `@Entity implements public class user Serializable {@Id private int userId; @JoinColumns ({@JoinColumn (name = the "userId", referencedColumnName = "connectedToTableId"), @JoinColumn (name = "addresses.connectedToTableName", referencedColumnName = " 'them'")}) @OneToMany personal inventory & lt; Addresses & gt; AdressesList; } @ Antiti implements public class customer Siriyljhebl {@Id personal integer customer ID; @JoinColumns ({@JoinColumn (name = the "userId", referencedColumnName = "conn

removing a multislot variable in JESS -

I have a deftemplate in which JESS has a multisplot and if the rule is removed, then I use a variable in the multiplex Want to remove For example: (deftemplate person (name of slot) (Multistolate friend)) (emphasis (person (name John) (friend Jimmy Joe Jessica))) Now I want to remove Jimmy from the friends slot. Thank you very much I have made some mistake in your question assuming that the template name is person . This rule ends with all the friends of all individuals. (reject Kilmimmy? P & lt; - (person (friend $? One jimmy $? B)) => (modify? P (friends ($ $? A $ ? B))))

matlab - display elements of matrix by disp() is showing error that there are too many output arguments -

I have 512x512 uint8 image, I want to display the matrix elements of the image, I used Disp , But error using error (too many output arguments.) How should I display the elements of the matrix of the image. The program is Z = imread ('C: \ Documents and Settings \ ms polichand \ My Documents \ Downloads \ brodatz.tiff'); the figure (); Imshow (jade); An = disp (z); error disp Error using multiple output arguments. Error in ImageMatics (line 6) A = disp (Z); What should I do? The error indicates that you have too many output logic your code was A = Disp (Z); Output arguments are at the left of = , in this case A . Since you only have one single output argument * and the error says that it is too high then logically it means that the disp function accepts only zero output arguments . In other words, you can call it like this: disp (z) * Note: The example is [m, n] = size (z)

php - "cannot assemble. reversed route is not specified" -

I had a problem with error from Zend Framework 1.9, when the router for friendly URL was created. The error was incorrect: can not be collected, the specified path is not specified The solution was not so easy to find, so I want to share if someone will struggle with me As he wrote in the Zend Manual:" Since the Rex Patterns are not easily reversed, if you have to collect url helper or a method of this class then you The reverse url must be generated.The path is represented by the parrot by sprintf () and it is defined as the fourth construction parameter: " $ route = new Zend_Controller_Router_Route_Regex ('archive / (\ D +) ', array (..), array (' year '=> 1,' archive /% s'); So basically you have to do this 'archive /% s' line is to be added Your router parameter I found a solution in this thread

debugging - bash storing the output of set -x to log file -

I have a simple download script and I use set -x which works great Does; I can see each step and I can identify errors in the script or in the download: #! / Bin / bash set -x #short_date = $ (/ bin / date +% M% d% y) short_date = $ (/ bin / date -d "8 days ago" +% m% d% y) # long_date = $ (/ Bin / date +% Y% m% d) long_date = $ (/ bin / date -d "8 days ago '+% Y% m% d) SCP -v-p 1332 I / home / casper /. Ssh / id_rsa_BANK friendly @ / home / friendly / transfer / out / EXCHANGE_ $ short_date.csv /local/casper3/dailymetrics/BANK_$long_date.csv Is there a way to automate that I can save the set -x output to the log file? Probably a log file - or a different log file for every day. I do not know What's the best thing to do? The sample below is set -x output from the script ++ / bin / date +% m% D% y + short_date = 102814 ++ / bin / date +% y% m% d + tall_data = 20141028 + scp -v -p 1332 I /home/casper/.ssh/id_rsa_BANK friendly @ 19

How to find sum of n number using clojure for loop macro? -

मैं क्लोज़र में लूप मैक्रो का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: (defmacro for- लूप [[sym initial check-exp post-exp] & amp; steps] `(loop [~ sym ~ initial] (अगर ~ चेक-एपी (~ ~ कदम (फिर से करें पोस्ट के बाद)))) मैं एन नंबर की राशि को खोजने के लिए एक साधारण कार्य लिखना चाहता हूं: के लिए (int i = 1; i & lt; n; i ++) sum = sum + मैं; मैं लूप मेक्रो के लिए क्लोजर में यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? (def sum (atom 0)) (def n 100) (for-loop [i 0 (& lt; in) (inc i)] (स्वैप! Sum # (+% i))) < / कोड>

bash - Failure with creating custom alias in ubuntu 14.04 -

I am running Ubuntu 14.04 on my computer and I am trying to create a custom nickname so that I can get the ghc (Haskell Compiler ). I tried to edit the .bash_aliases file and added the commands: alias ghci1 = 'ghc_home = $ HOME / development / bin / ghc' alias ghci2 = 'path = $ ghc_home / bin : $ {PATH} 'nickname ghcis =' ghci ' This is the whole thing to do because I installed 7.8.0 GH and every time I want to open the GHC, let me first The command is to write, otherwise I get this error that ghc is not installed on my computer. When I open a terminal after editing the .bash_aliases file, I get the message: Bash: alias: =: not found bash: alias: = : Not found bash: alias: ghci2: did not find bash: alias: =: not found bash: alias: ghcis: bash: alias: =: did not find bash: nickname: GB: did not find bash: alias: ghci1: did not get bash : Alias: =: not found What am I doing wrong? I also tried the command: ~ / .bashrc Just the .bash_aliases f

Java HttpServlet how to download excel file -

I am trying to add a function to my web app that lets users download the excel file. I am trying to get it with the following code: @Override Public Zero doPost (HTTPProvinceRequest request request, HTTPPreserve response) (file file = new file ("D: /test/test.xls"); response.setContentType ("application / xls"); Response.addHeader ("content-dispute", "attachment; file name = test.xls"); Response.setContentLength (Int) file.length ()); {FileInputStream fileInputStream = Try New FileInputStream (File); OutputStream ResponseOperatusStream = Response.GetOutputStart Reim (); int bytes; while ((byte = ())! = -1) {responseOutputStream.write (bytes);} FileInputStream.close (); responseOutputStream.close ();} hold (FileNotFoundException e) {// TODO Automatic Holding Block e.printStackTrace ();} Hold (IOException E) {// TODO Auto-Generated Catch Block e.printStackTrace ();}} I I am able to download the excel file with the a

android - available space in sd card and internal memory -

I want to get the available space in the SD card and internal memory I used the following code Available space in internal storage StatFs stat = new StatFs (Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.). GetPath ()); Double sdAvailSize = (double) stat.getAvailableBlocks () * (double) stat.getBlockSize (); // A binary gigabyte equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes Double Giga Available = sdAvailSize / 1073741824; But by any means I can get the available space in the SD card, I know that I can not use the SD card on kit-ket, but if I'm jelly beans I use it anyway, I can access the SD card available location Device 4.1.2 There is no way to know the path of external SD card on pre-KitKat devices, API only in KitKat is available. You can use various hacks to estimate the SD card path, for example read as described / proc / mounts

sorting - How to set first click sort to descending in google charts table -

I have a Google chart table full of data just when a user tries to solve the table (top of any column Clicking on) data is being sorted ascending, and the second click changes the data again, this time descending I want to reverse this behavior, and on a descending sort on a 'no-pre-sorted' column Want to click for the first time, and the second ascending order Click. For example, in this http: // first click on "Pay" header, $ 12,500 will appear at the top. First click on the "Name" header, the mic should appear at the top. I tried to look at the sorted event, but although I can hold it, I do not want to sort the data myself, just want to make it the right action trigger I have an API But with no fate, is sorted only works for the initial type (before the data show), not later. Unfortunately this behavior is not an easy way to reverse. However, here is a workaround using sort events: var sorting = {}; Function drawT

Query is not defined error jquery-ui.min.js -

मुझे क्रोम कंसोल jQuery परिभाषित नहीं है त्रुटि jquery-ui.min.js के लिए मेरी साइट में मैंने नीचे jquery कॉल डाल दिया: & lt; script src = "// /jquery-ui.min.js "प्रकार =" टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट "& gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt;! - JScript आईफ्रेम बनाने के लिए आईई में स्क्रॉलिंग पर पाद लेख एनएवी के पीछे जाएं - & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; Var $ j = jQuery.noConflict (); ($ J (this)) () () () () () () () .attr ("src")। IndexOf ("?")> Gt; {$ j (यह) .attr ({"src": url + "& amp; wmode = transparent", "wmode": "अपारदर्शी"} );} और {$ जे (यह) .attr ({"src": url + "? Wmode = transparent", "wmode": "अपारदर्शी"})}}});}); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; यह पृष्ठ है: jQuery-UI केवल है JQuery के लिए एक प्लगइन आपको इसके बजाय जोड़ने की

Two jQuery/JavaScript functions not being called -

I have a working MVC application that lists two catalog boxes and buttons for different things in the listbase. Execute jQuery functions correctly, except the levups and movements which are never called (set breakpoints). F12 console is clean and there are no JavaScript errors. I have two buttons in question: & lt; Button type = "button" id = "upclick =" moveUp () "& gt; above & lt; / button & gt; button type =" button "id =" bottom "onclick =" hootdown () "& Gt; Below & lt; / button & gt; Below is the jQuery code. Should the layout and movements function be within the "global" function? < Code> & lt; script src = "~ / scripts / jquery-2.1.1.js" & gt; & lt; / script> gt; & lt; script & gt; each (function () {$ (this). Click on the value of $ ("function") ($ {"(" function ") ($ {" ("# add") (function () {$

java - Pane always on top - JavaFX -

My stage is in the form of nodes, a boderpan with 2 kids, one at the top, one below (like graphics for game, on the top big screen and on the menu below). The idea is that "menus" should always be on top. We say that the screen size will be 500x400, the top children will be 800x400 and the children below will be 100x400. I want the user to appear above half of the top-chillers and thanks !! "text"> Welcome to the stack overflow! Please make sure to travel a little bit on how this works by navigating to this site. To achieve the GUI design you are looking for, you may want to play with other built-in layout panes of JavaFX. My first suggestion is [pseudo code] & lt; VBox & gt; & Lt; ScrollPane VBox.Vgrow = "Always" & gt; & Lt; Large screen pane / & gt; & Lt; / Scrollpane & gt; & Lt; Menu pane / & gt; & Lt; / VBox & gt; The second suggestion is to use anchpana , where "menu pane

c++ - how does readyRead() work in Qt? -

This is my first question on this website! I have a problem reading a dump from a comm port, I send a complete message from another com port, and when I get it from Qt, it is always cut in many subpages . Zero SerialPortReader :: init () {connect (m_serialPort, SIGNAL (readyRead ()), this, slot (readData ())); } Zero SerialPortReader :: readData () {// m_serialPort-> Waiter Reid (200); QByteArray Byte = m_serialPort-> ReadAll (); QDebug () & lt; & Lt; Bytearray; If (Baitarekstartsvith (Sof) and amp; Baitareyreds (Aofaiels) and Baitareaijh () & gt; = MIN_SIZE_DATA) {Dikoddeta (Baitare. Constdeta ()); } And {qDebug () & lt; & Lt; "LIB SWCom: Invalid Tram!"; }} Sent messages are 25 or 27 bytes long, if I use a hybrid to read or read them, then I have no problem. If I use 2 emulated serial port to use COM, then I do not have this problem ... It only happens with the QT reading system and 2 physical COM portes ... It seems that I'm not r

jquery - MVC unobtrusive attibutes based validation requires more than one click -

I am using controversial features with MVC 4. I have a fairly standard input form. I have all the fields empty at the beginning. I have a problem with the selection (drop down list). This is a required field and the failure status is as follows: Click on (Verification message and turns on red frame) Choose value in the drop down list (verification message and frame still showing; hidden after clicking outside the drop down message But fr In no). Click the submit button. If the user does not click outside after selection, the value from the drop down list will not be valid until the value is repeated twice, although the first click is not a click, but the drop Only "Focus" has been lost in the down list. Is there any other way to force with any type of force with jQuery? I tried to click on the submit button and execute valid validation of jQuery on the selection event on the drop down list, both with no results. My partial view looks like the following: ed

ruby - I don't know how to call a random method from an existing method -

For example, I have a class with 4 methods. In the fourth method, I want to call a random method: class test df for the first time "1" end DEP seconds "2" End DEP third "3" end DEF some end-end tests = test.some < Pre> class test df first puts "define" DEF "second" end DEF returns some public_send (self.class.instance_methods (false) - [__method __]). Sample End End Test = test.some # & gt; & Gt; 1

c++ - Boost mapped_file_source, alignment and page size -

I am trying to parse some text files in a reference up to a few hundred megabytes where performance is important, so I Parser hopes that the source will be terminated with a blank byte, so I want to see that the file size is an exact multiple of the page size (and if so, then slow, non- Memory mapped method And come back). I thought I could do this with: if (mf.size () & amp; (mf.alignment () - 1)) < P> But this size turns out to be a test file with 20480, alignment is 65536 (on Windows 7, 64 bit) and the program is crashing, I guess what's happening is that the page size is really small by alignment, so My test is not working. How do I get a page size? Or should I do something else instead? (I need a solution for both Windows and Linux, if necessary, write system specific code, but if possible, prefer portable code.) < The simplest thing to do is to find fixing (not really very outrageous) to take the parsers to account at the end of the input. Next:

javascript - Generated SVG image doesn't display -

I am developing JavaScript class to show all SVG objects, but when I create an element "image" , The browser does not display it, although I am copying the generated code and putting it in another document, the image is displayed. When I search for an image using the firebug inspector, the object is visible but the image is not displayed. By using appendChild () , setAttribute () and setAttributeNS () Object is created This is generated code: What am I doing? The problem was the namespace. This is the correct form for dynamically creating images: image.setAttributeNS ('', 'xlink: href', 'flower .png '); Can be found on more shapes.