
Showing posts from May, 2014

postgresql - How to restart some progress which is stopped by "ctrl+z"? -

जब मैं postgres -D / usr / local / pgsql / डेटा का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ < / Code> शुरू करने के लिए postgresql प्रगति, मैं इसे रोकने के लिए एक ctrl + z संकेत भेजता हूं। और अब जब मैं createuser और psql , इसका कोई जवाब नहीं है। मैं क्या कर सकता हूं? आप ctrl + z को दबाए जाने के बाद यह वर्तमान प्रक्रिया के निष्पादन को रोक देगा और इसे पृष्ठभूमि में स्थानांतरित कर देगा यदि आप इसे पृष्ठभूमि में चलना शुरू करना चाहते हैं, तो bg दबाकर ctrl-z टाइप करें। यदि आप चाहते हैं कि यह अग्रभूमि (और प्रांप्ट में नई कमांडों को दर्ज करने की आपकी क्षमता को हटा दें), fg टाइप करने के बाद ctrl-z टाइप करें यदि आप इसे चलाने के लिए चाहते हैं शुरुआत से ही पृष्ठभूमि में अपने आदेश के अंत में & amp; उपयोग करें। पोस्टग्रेज़-डी / यूएसआर / स्थानीय / pgsql / डेटा & amp;

Sequence in MATLAB -

निम्न क्रम के पहले 100 शब्द वाले वेक्टर उत्पन्न करने के लिए एक एकल MATLAB अभिव्यक्ति लिखें: 2, -4, 8, -16, 32, ... मेरा प्रयास: i = 1 के लिए n = -1: 100 N = n * 2 disp (n) अंत समस्या यह है कि n के सभी मान एकल (1 x 100) वेक्टर में प्रदर्शित नहीं होते हैं। न तो वैकल्पिक सकारात्मक और नकारात्मक शब्दों को दिखाया गया है उसको कैसे करे ? आप एक ज्यामितीय श्रृंखला हो रही है जहां r = -2। उत्पादन करने के लिए 2, -4, 8, -16, 32, इसे टाइप करें: & gt; - (- 2)। ^ [1: 5] 2, -4, 8, -16 , 32 आप तदनुसार 5 के मान को बदल सकते हैं।

Generics and ArrayLists -

मेरे पास यह ArrayList : ArrayList & lt; फल & gt; फल सूची = फलों.गेटनाम (); मुझे अब प्रिंट करना है, सरणी सूची के सूचकांक 2 में मान दें। मैंने अपनी विधि में निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की सार्वजनिक ऐरे लिस्ट & lt; फल & gt; GetFruitList () {fruitList = fruitList.get (2); वापसी फल सूची; } दुर्भाग्य से मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है असंगत प्रकार की आवश्यकता: ArrayList & lt; फल & gt; पाया: फलों यह विधि एक स्ट्रश 2 एक्शन क्लास में है, मैं मूल रूप से fruitList भेज रहा हूं। एक समस्या के बिना निम्नलिखित कार्य करता है, यह पूरी सरणी देता है सार्वजनिक ऐरेएलआईटी & lt; फल & gt; GetFruitList () {वापसी फल सूची; } लेकिन मुझे जो कुछ चाहिए, वह केवल एक विशेष सूचकांक से मान है आशा है कि कोई मदद कर सकता है धन्यवाद। चूंकि फलसूची प्रकार की है ArrayList & lt; Fruits & gt ; , fruitList.get (2) का मान फल का हो जाएगा। आप इसे वापस फ़्रीड लिस्ट पर नहीं आवंटित कर सकते हैं और आप इसे किसी प्रकार की विधि से नहीं लौट सकते ArrayList & lt; फल &

python - Explanation of pysftp.Connection.walktree() parameters -

I've just started using Python of Python and I'm confused about how to do this Walktree function I have found some code (found) that helps me better understand how my parameters look like Def walktree (self, remotepath, fcallback, dcallback, ucallback, recurse = True): '' 'recursive down, depth first, directory tree contained in RemotePep, each regular file, Call for thoughtful callback function for directory and unknown file type. : Param str remotepath: The route of the remote directory to descend, '.' To get started: Atri: `.pwd`: Ultimate Liable Fiscalback: Callback function to call for a regular file. (Form: `` Funk (ARR) ``): The most cost-effective DC-lock: Callback function to call for a directory. (Form: `` Funk (ARR) ``): Absolute cornerable ucallback: callback function to call for an unknown file type. (Form: `` Funk (ARR) ``): Ultimate Balls Recurs: * Default: True * - It should be Recored: Returns: None But I'm still absolutely

c# - Show Hidden Form from anywhere in the application -

मेरे पास कुछ रूप हैं। चलिए उन्हें indexForm कहते हैं, formOne , formTwo , formThree और इतने पर। indexForm पर, एक ऐसा बटन है जो formOne पर जाता है और उस बटन के पास कोड का यह कोड है: निजी शून्य बटन ओपनफॉर्मऑन_क्लिक (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, इवेंटएरग्स ई) {formOne displayformOne = नया फॉर्मऑन (); displayformOne.Show (); this.Hide (); } और indexForm से formOne पर लौटने के लिए, मैं बस ऐसा करता हूं: निजी शून्य बटन GoBack_Click (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {indexForm displayIndexForm = new indexForm (); displayIndexForm.Show (); this.Close (); } अब यह पूरी तरह से काम करता है अगर मैं indexForm से formOne से चला गया हूं। इसलिए वापस indexForm पर स्विच करना एक हवा है लेकिन अगर मैं formOne से formTwo चला गया, उदाहरण के लिए, बटन क्लिक होने पर indexForm दिखाई नहीं देता। मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि मैं ऐसा कैसे कर सकता हूँ कि विश्व स्तर पर indexForm पर वापस जाने के लिए आवेदन में कहीं से भी एक रास्ता है या प्रारंभ में छुपा indexForm एप्लिकेशन में कहीं से भी? इ

html - Python, Limiting search at a specific hyperlink on webpage -

I'm getting a way to download .pdf file through a hyperlink to a webpage. The way is: import lxml.html, urllib2, urlparse base_url = '' Res = urllib2.urlopen (base_url) tree = Lxml.html .fromstring ( ()) ns = {'re': ''} tree.xpath for node ( '// a [re: test (@hrref,' \ .pdf $ ',' i ')]', namespace = ns): print urlparse.urljoin (base_url, node.attrib ['href']) The question is, instead of listing all the PDFs on the webpage, how can I get a PDF only under specific hyperlinks? There is a way, like: 'CA-Personal PDF' in the node: But if the .pdf file is renamed What's going on? Or do I just want to limit the search to the webpage on the "app" hyperlink? Thank you. OK, not the best way, but no harm: Import beautiful soup from BS 4 import urllib2 domain = '' url = ' - How to disable caching of single page application HTML file served through IIS? -

I have a single page application (angle-JS) which is served through IIS. How do I stop caching of HTML files? Any index or web content Convergence must be solved, because access to IIS through the management console is not possible. Some options which I am currently investigating: web.config caching profile - web.config client cache - Meta Tags - IIS version is 7.5 with .NET Framework 4 the web. In the configured solution, work in Chrome, IE, Firefox, and Safari: & Lt; / CustomHeaders & gt; & Lt; / HttpProtocol & gt; & Lt; /system.webServer> & Lt; / Location & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt; will ensure that the cache-control header is set to no-cache when the request index.html .

Is it possible in git to just push 4 out of 5 commits? -

There are five commitments in my local GIT repo: I want to push 4 commitments from five of the five commitments and the last commitment Is not it possible to move forward? use Refspec: git push generates HEAD ^: master < / Code>

java - TextView will not update from a loop in Android -

I have a simple app that updates a TextView with values ​​generated in a loop When I click on a button But when I run the app, it only shows the last number in the TextView . I added Thread.sleep () to slow the loop but it does not work, yet what is wrong with me here? Thanks in advance public class mainstred actionbusiness activity (button btnshow; textview txtSee; @ override protected minus creatives (bundle saved instenstate) {super. Knight (saved instenstate); setContentView (R.layout.activity_main_thread); BtnShow = (button) findViewById (; TxtSee = (TextView) Find ViewById (; BtnShow.setOnClickListener (new OnClickListener) {@Override Public void onClick (see v) {try (for int i = 0; i & lt; = 5; i ++) {string lesson 1 = "no change" + i + "" "; TxtSee . SetText (text1); thread (2000);}} Catch (Interrupted Expression E) {}}});} ....} > txtSee.setText (text1); Your loop is performing very fast so that

Arduino c++ classes, How to make instance variables of another class/library -

I am working with an Arduino UNO in my first attempt to use OO in the cables, I only have one The question with which I need help with I am using a class for filtration of DHT 22 sensor from filtransics, found here. Say that I have a class called sensor, where the DHT is a library for Fretrix sensor, and DHT DHT (5, DHT22) starts the sensor on pin 5 (which can be a digital pin): #include "arduino.h" # Include & lt; DHT.h & gt; DHT DHT (1, DHT 22); Class sensor {public: sensor (int); }; Sensor :: sensor (int pin) (dht dht (pin, dht22);} This is the only way to start a DHT that does not throw away the compilation of errors, even if This variability is restarting, but if I do DHT dht () it does not work as a private variable. But my question is, if I If you create two objects, will they use the same object reference dht or the 'code' for the first one? Is the code in the correct area of ​​the code to work within the scope of the examples? Please

html - CSS overlapping transparent arrow elements -

Is it possible with CSS? I have tried through before / after the proxy elements, and when I can do some work for solid colors, I have a problem in doing this with transparency. Any suggestions? If you do not need a black border around each item (as seen in the posted image You can still create the required size by Limit as follows: .timeline-unit: first, .timeline-unit: after {top : 0; Border: Solid transparent; Border width: 1.65 m; Height: 0; Width: 0; Status: Completed; Pointer-phenomena: none; } .timeline-unit: {content: ""; Left: 100%; Border-left-color: RGBA (51, 51, 51, 0.8); } .timeline-unit {status: relative; Display: Inline-block; Background: RGBA (51,51,51, .8); Padding: 1am; Line-height: 1.25em; Color: #fff; } .timeline-unit: {content: none; before; } .timeline-unit + .timeline-unit: {content: ""; before; Border color: RGBA (51, 51, 51, 0.8); Border-left-color: transparent; Border-right: 0; Correct: 100%; } .timeline-unit + .timelin

html - calculate radius of a circle using javascript -

I am trying to calculate the radius of a circle using javascript. .circle {position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100 pixels; border-radius: 70px; background: red;} < Pre class = "snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"> section class = "circle"> The width and height of this circle is 100x100. How do I calculate my radius?

if statement - F#: if-else as an expression (returning values)? -

Suppose i am trying to write a clone of xxd command in f code in it There are two operation modes; To convert a binary file to hex dump, and another (selected by -r ) to convert the hex dump to a binary file. Some languages ​​allow me to write something like this: let's (input file, hr passage) = if args [0] == "-R" then (args. [1], true) and (args. [0], false) ... if wrong == then proceed to the headline input file and reverse mode input file but it does not seem compiled under F #, are there any idiomatic ways to write in F #? I'm not a big fan of riff or unstable , though I know that I will be able to write something like this with him: Let's reverse = ref false false filename = RF args. [0] If! Args. [0] == "-R" is then Arvar: = true filename: = Args. [1] ... if false ==! Then the mood ahead! Input file and reverse modes! Input File Note: I am not interested in good command line parser libraries, that I newsletter . it s

c# - Task.Delay not returning to main thread -

I'm checking the async / wait and here's the problem. I am starting two tasks asynchronous and are waiting to complete their execution. I hope wait for two work-related delays and then print out the total milliseconds. But the program only starts with 1 + "current time and 2 starts" + current time but after that nothing. How can I return to delays and how can I reach the end result? Fixed zero main (string [] arg) {RunTasksWithDelays (); } Static async Zero Run Task with Dellies () {Stopwatch S = Stopwatch. Startup (); Console.WriteLine (Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); Task Task 1 = LonglingTask 1 (); Task Task 2 = LonglingTask2 (); Awaiting work When All (Job 1, Work 2); Console.print line ("total milliseconds elapsed:" + s.Elapsed millisecond / 1000); } Fixed async work LongRunningTask1 () {Console.WriteLine ("1 start" + date time.NEW); Awaiting work Daley (5000); Console.WriteLine (Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); Console

javascript - JqueryMobile (SPA) Disable Browser backbutton and Refresh? -

Hello, I'm using the jqueryMobile SPA template for my Phone-gap app. My requirement for web frequency is to disable or show the warning message to the user on the click of a browser back button I speeded up my need but I did not find any desired solution. Please guide me Thank you. To disable the browser's backback, I $ ( Window). ("Navigate", function (event) {event.preventDefault (); window.history.forward (1);}); But pressing F5 was causing this error and redirecting me to the login page. So I disable the f5, ctrl + r button. var ctrlKeyDown = false; $ (Document) .on ("pagecreate", function () {$ (document) .on ("keydown", keydown); $ (document) .on ("keyup", keyup);}); Function Pred Down (E) {if ((e.wich || e.keyCode) == 116 || ((e.wich || e.keyCode) == 82 and ctrlKeyDown)) // Press F5 or Ctrl + R e.preventDefault (); } And if ((e.which || e.keyCode) == 17) {// just press Ctrl and ctrlKeyDown = true; }} Function ke

flash - Destroying embed objects using javascript -

I have a video that automatically shows in the lower left corner of the user when a page loads. The user can press a button to destroy the joint, unfortunately it does not completely destroy it. Flash options are still available to play that can be problematic if their pages (like buttons) have functional elements and the ad is blocking the user's use of elements. Additional information: The video ad is being used as part of the embedded tag, and clients are using a Javascript to include the video in your page. I also have to do this work using an iframe for this flash part, but its behavior is not compatible between each browser, so I want to stay away from putting it in an iframe. I do not know the flash and do not even have a flash source. You can use JQuery: $ (' Ads'). Deletion (); This should completely remove this part from the HTML code. In pure javascript, you should know the original tag, you certainly do not know. (And parents will not be remov

javascript - How to get the calender info of the candidate inside an orgainzation with google business app using google app script -

I am using the Googl HT web app script, from where I have to input the index and that information should be in Form Create a gif file as an object where it uses the start time and end time of candidates and some user ids in ABC dot com organization. Now I have to clear the calendar time to use all the e-mail id. var user1_Cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById (' '); Var user2_Cal = CalendarApp.getCalendarById (' '); & Lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Form id = "myform" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "user1" name = "user1" id = "user1" placeholder = "Enter your ID" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "user2" name = "user2" id = "user2" placeholder = "Enter your ID" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "start" name = "start" id = "start" placeholder = "start" & gt; &

android - Universal-Image-Loader Custom FileNameGenerator based on local file name -

I am using a Universal Image Loader to display images downloaded from the URI or the first in the disk cache implementation Available from. I want to display the music album cover, but there can be only one URI for the cover in more than one track (i.e. track from the same album). I want that even if the image is the same, each time it is stored for each track with the name of the track, because I want the users to be able to change the default armor with a custom one, even so That's for each single track. For example 01 - Track 01.M.E 02 - Track 02.mpi The same album and cover is from the URI http: //something/img.jpg , I have to be on the disk cache 01 - Track 01.jpg 02 - Track 02.jpg Even if it is the same image. So I have coded a filename generator that stores set for hash for each URI , where The full path of the hash file is SHA-1. Here's my implementation: Public MyFileNameGenerator {string} {super}; This.ext = ext } Hashmap & lt

javascript - Find in IE not looking in DIV set with innerHTML -

I have a page with 3 DIV, one title, one selection list and the third will be in the selection list Once something is selected, filled with data When something is selected, code such as document. InnerHTML = '& lt; Object type = "text / html" data = "'+ field page +'" style = "width: 70%; height: 90%" & gt; & Lt; / Object & gt; '; is executed, fill the DIV with the content of the second (generated) page. I can see the page in Chrome and IE, but ... ... ... When I search for something, Chrome also finds it in the DIV filled with internal HRM, but IE does not. IE is in search of header and selection list DIV only. Find the entire page to get any suggestions ie? Try it out: var node = document.createElement (" Object "); Node Type = "text / html"; = fieldsPage; = "70%"; = "90%"; Document.getElementById ("Fields"

SQL Server 2008 R2 Upgrade / Server Move to SQL Server 2014 -

I have a new server and want to install SQL Server 2014 standard and migrate from my old server to SQL Server Runs 2008 R2 (10.50.1600.1) I have upgraded locally, but transferring servers to my production environment makes matters complicated, so I thought I could make my position progress Ask for the best way. I can think of various options to upgrade, but I'm not sure who will be the best option: Does this upgrade my existing SQL Server 2008 R2 box with Service Pack 2? would be better? Upgrading, or will it not be a difference if I'm upgrading? If I do, what's the best option below? 1) Install SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 on the current server, upgrade to SQL Server 2014 with-in-backup backup. Restore the SQL Server 2014 backup on the new server. 2) To install SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2 on the current server, perform a backup on the SQL Server 2008 server on the new server to restore SQL Server 2008 R2. I understand that SQL Server 2014 inclu

css - is there any way to achive growing div animation with transform properties? -

I have developed an animation in which a div grows using the following styles: Permission-start {overflow: hidden; Height: 0; }. Animation-End {Height: 100px; } But the problem with this approach is that it is not easily provided on mobile devices. Currently, only the animation that is sung on mobile is the only people who use the transform property to completely change the properties (without the use of high assets), any way of increasing animation is? An infection and transform property should be able to handle it for you Transition: All 0.5 seconds easy; Consequently, scale (2); // or target different axes that you want to convert to conversion: scaleX (2); Consequently, scale Y (2); works as a scale multiplier, but I'm not sure that you need a fixed pixel height

iphone - How to change height and width of camera view(UIImagePickerViewController) iOS? -

To show the camera in rectangular shape as a part of UItableViewCell to scan the number Want to How to change the size of UIImagePickerViewController and how to add it as subview You can either add UIImagePickerViewController as a childViewController and add your view as a subview in your cell ( Make sure you repeat it; re using it again), or you can do your scanner with AVFoundation , and AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer on the layer of your view. Add as target I had to choose the latter.

How to increment a hexadecimal loop in expect -

How can I create a loop which is to increase the hexadecimal variable in expected ? Like something like while minimizing & lt; Maximize print hexwolice hex value ++ this: #! / Usr / bin / expect -f set minimum 0x0000; Set up maximum 0xFFFF; While {$ minutes & lt; $ Max} {puts [format% 04X $ min] sleep 1; Set min [xp $ min + 1]; } will be output: debian @ debian: ~ / Desktop $ ./ 0000 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 000 A 000 B 000C 000D 000E 000F 0010

Haskell substring testing -

When I use the sub_string ("abberr", "habberyry") It is, obviously, it should be wrong. The point of the function is to search for the first argument within the second one. What is a wrong idea? sub-string :: (string, string) - & gt; Boole sub-string (_, []) = incorrect sub-string ([], _) = true sub string (a: x, b: y). A / = b = sub_string (a: x, y). Otherwise, you must first switch to the = sub-string (x, y) _ match [] and when you are matching, say, substring "abc" "abc" second, this Is idiomatic Haskell, which is to write a function with two arguments instead of one with one argument. So your code should start: substring :: string -> String - & gt; Bool substring [] _ ​​= true substring _ [] = wrong substring needle (h: aystack) | ... Now we get to the toughest case, where both of these lists are not empty, there is a problem with the recurring substring as bs The result of the substrings of code> &quo

python - fastest way to count the number of differences among rows in 2d-array -

I need to calculate the difference (~ score) of all the rows against all the other 2d-array (figures) Here's a simple example, but I need to do this on the huge 2d-arrays of ~ 100 000 rows and thousands of rows, so I got my inexhaustible code I'm looking to speed up: a = numpy.array (x [x] [[1,2] , [1,2], [1,3], [2,3], [3,3]] score = 0 scorer = 0 in the xrange (lane (a)): in the range for j (i + 1, Lane (a)): scoretime = 0 if any [i, 0]! = A [j, 0] and a [i, 1]! = A [j, 0]] and a [i, 1]! = A [J, 1] and one [i, 0]! = A [J, 1]: # compares two separate items = 2 alif (one [i] == a [ja]). ): ScoreTime = 0 and: ScoreTime = 1 print [i], a [j], scoottump, (a [i] == a [ja]). (All), (a [i] == a [j] ). Any () score + = ScoreTump scoresAir = = (ScoreTimePoint * ScoreType) Runt score, scorecore a [0] is similar [1] so much the score (number of differences) = 0, but [2] with a difference and [3] There are two differences with To calculate such distance (data), I need an intermediat

jquery - Hidding one li items when clicked on another li item -

I used the jquery toggle function to hide drop-down menus, but if a menu is opened and I I try to open the second one, the last one is not hiding me. $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("ul.subnav"). Parent (). Append ("& lt (span & gt; & lt; / span Click here (function () {$ (this) .Parent (.) Find ("ul.subnav") Toggle ('Medium'); }. Hover (function () {$ (this) .addClass ("subhover");}, function () {$ (this) .removeClass ("subhover");})}}); & lt; ul class Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; Genology & lt; / a & gt; & lt; ul class = "subnav" & gt; & lt; Li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & gt; Scheme & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "#" & Gt; Leg View & lt; / li & gt; & lt; / ul & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = &quo

vagrantfile - Vagrant passing args from command line into provisioned file -

उग्रट के साथ, क्या यह तर्क है कि vagrant up {args} से प्रावधान में फाइल? मैं चाहता हूं कि लोग अपने गिटौब खाते के नाम में पास कर सकें ताकि मैं इसे प्रावधान फाइल में भेज सकूं - ऐसा कुछ: संभ्रांत अप आईवेनियो और iwayneo को प्रावधान फाइल में भेज दिया जाता है - क्या यह संभव है? अगर मैं निम्नलिखित स्क्रिप्ट में निम्नलिखित करता हूं जो कि < कोड> संभ्रांत अप : गूंज "कृपया स्थानीय उपयोगकर्ता नाम दर्ज करें - भटकाव वाले बॉक्स के लिए आवेश दर्ज करें:" निर्यात निर्यात को पढ़ें "LOCALUSER = $ uname echo" "& gt; & gt; ~ / .bashrc गूंज "LOCALUSER = $ uname" & gt; & gt; ~ / .bashrc echo "कृपया बिटबाकेट उपयोगकर्ता नाम दर्ज करें:" bbuname निर्यात पढ़ें BITBUCKETUSER = $ bbuname echo "" & gt; & gt; ~ / .bashrc गूंज "बिटबुकेटोटर्स = $ bbuname" & gt; & gt; ~ / .bashrc गूंज "कृपया बिटबाकेट पासवर्ड दर्ज करें:" बीबीपीएस निर्यात पढ़ें BITBUCKETPASS = $ bbpass echo "" &

excel - Coloring Rows Based On Conditions in Two Columns -

कॉलम बी और कॉलम सीआई में 11 , 22 और 33 विभिन्न कक्षों में। यदि कॉलम बी या कॉलम सी में किसी भी पंक्ति में 11 , 22 या 33 में किसी भी पंक्ति में हैं, तो मैं पंक्तियों के रंगों के लिए रंग चाहता हूं। मैंने सशर्त स्वरूपण का प्रयास किया है लेकिन सूत्र को सही ढंग से काम करने के लिए नहीं मिल सकता है। या तो VBA या सशर्त स्वरूपण ठीक है। फ़ॉर्मेट किए जाने वाले कॉलम का चयन करें और निम्नलिखित CF सूत्र नियम लागू करें: = या ($ B1 = 11, $ B1 = 22, $ B1 = 33, $ C1 = 11, $ C1 = 22, $ C1 = 33 )

Why can't Google Sheets find reverseGeocode method from Maps API? -

I am using a Google Sheet function which reverses a list lat / long coordinate. It looks like: function getAdd (lat, lng) {if (lat == "") {return "You have to provide the coordinates of latitude for space"} if (LNG == "") {Return "You must provide longitudinal coordinates for the place"} var response = maps.newGeocoder (). ReverseGeocode (lat, lng); (Var i = 0; i & lt; response.results.length; i ++) {var results = response Results [i]; Utilities.sleep (1000); Return result. Formatted; }}; <1> <1> Q1: Why is Google Sheet giving me the following error: "Can not find the method reverse ject (object, (class))"? Question 2: Once I fix this, how can I get the name of the country from the results array instead of the full address? You are trying to return a result for each result in the response result. Instead, you have to choose one: function getAdd (lat, lng) {if (lat == "") {return "You

tags - Questions about spring reference statement and application context -

I have two primary doubts about spring: By receiving references, we should use methods like this: context = new classpathxmlApplicationContext ("applicationContext.xml"); Should it be called simply through a clear way? I was thinking about this that the spring config file should also be read when the website starts. When we use tags of other packages like Spring or JSTL, etc. We should give the reference statement as before: & lt;% @ taglib prefix = "SF" Yuri = ""%> I was curious about that when the page is being parsed, the web server downloads this uriy and uses it in this page? But without the Internet, it also works. How it works, or why we should add it to the body of the file. Obtaining a bean from the spring reference It is actually possible, but this purpose of being with bean containers can be considered defeated. The goal of the container is to provide beans in your c

How to write to a named file descriptor in Bash? -

मैंने एक नामित फाइल डिस्क्रिप्टर बनाया है {out} : $ Exec {out}> बाहर लेकिन जब मैं नामांकित फाइल डिस्क्रिप्टर को लिखने की कोशिश करता हूं तो एक नई फ़ाइल फ़ाइल डिस्क्रिप्टर के नाम से बनाई जाती है: $ echo> & {out} } $ ढूंढें -नाम {आउट} ./{out} बैश कहते हैं: प्रत्येक पुननिर्देशन जो कि एक फ़ाइल डिस्क्रिप्टर संख्या से पहले हो सकता है, इसके बजाय एक शब्द से पहले किया जा सकता है प्रपत्र {varname}। अगर मैं इसे किसी अंक के साथ करता हूँ तो यह ठीक काम करता है: $ exec 3> $ echo test> & 3 $ cat out test नामित फाइल डिस्क्रिप्टर के साथ ऐसा कैसे करें स्ट्रिंग के अंदर ब्रेसिज़ केवल वेरिएबल का नाम है, जो आपके लिए शेल सेट करेगा, जिसका मान फाइल डिस्क्रिप्टर है और शेल आबंटित होता है। ब्रेसिज़ नाम का हिस्सा नहीं हैं। इसका उपयोग करने के लिए, बस उचित संदर्भ में वेरिएबल का विस्तार करें। $ exec {out} & gt; बाहर $ इको फोबोर्स & amp; $ out $ cat फ़ोरबर आपके उदाहरण में, फ़ाइल {out} इको & gt; और शुरुआती exec जिसका पुनर्निर्देशन फ़ाइल बाहर को

Silverlight Evaluated Permission in Browser -

I am programming a civilWelcome application which is a FTP manager like file district. This is my app image. using the left part of my application Directory.Exist ('x') method is that when my application started because it did not evaluate the permission, my left part application does not work. I searched the web and found that I had to sign my application and change the key of a register but my users understand it and can not do it.

python - Indexing data by string -

I have a large CSV file that encodes the name and indicator of the array given below. Example: Time, dataset 1 [0], dataset 1 [1], dataset 1 [2], dataset 2 [0], dataset 2 [1], dataset 2 [2] N 0, 43, 35, think (obviously there is too much data in the array), 29, 21, 59, 39 \ n 1, 21, 59, 39, 43, 35, 29 \ n ). How can I easily parse / strip any ideas into an efficient data frame? [edit] Ideally I am after a structure like this: time dataset 1 dataset 2 0 [43.35 , 29] [21,59,39] 1 1 [21,59,39] [43,35,29] Where the index was stripped from the label and changed to the Nepariya index code> < P> output as: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Time Dataset 1 [0] Dataset 1 [1] Dataset 1 [2] Dataset 2 [0] Datasets 2 [1] \ 0 0 43 35 29 21 59 1 1 21 59 39 43 35 Datasets 2 [2] 0 39 1 2

swing - Java: Create global graphics object -

I have increased the JPanel class to attract the graph. The problem I have encountered is that I have a global graphics The object is needed so that it can be called in many ways ... For example, I am trying to: public class graph, jpnell {personal graphics 2d G2D; Public Zero Paint Component (Graphics G) {g2d = (Graphics2D) G; } Public Zero Drawline (int horror, int verte) {g2d.someLogicToDrawMyGridLines (Sompram); }} This gives a null pointer exception - so my question is: How do I create a global graphics object? What is the best practice in this situation? My suggestion would be: Public Class Graph, JPNL ( Public Zero Paint Commonant (Graphics G) {SuperPaintConant (G); G2D = (Graphics 2D) G; Dagridd Lines (G2D, ......);} Private Zero Drawgrid Line (Graphics 2DG2 Keep all the use of your graphics reference inside the code, ie, d, int horror, int verb. {G2d.someLogicToDrawMyGridLines (someperm);}} ie ColorComponent

python - Pruning dendrogram at levels in Scipy Hierarchical Clustering -

I have a lot of data points which, using Scipy hierarchical clustering in the following way There are clusters. Suppose I want to sort out dendroog at the '1500' level? How to do it (I have tried to use the 'P' parameter and this is not what I am hoping for) Z = dendrag (linkmatrix, truncate_mode = 'last' ', color_thylhold = 1, label = DF Session.tolist (), distance_sort = 'ascending') plt.title ("Hieratic clustering") () Specified, if a cluster node is under color_thresthold , then all its descendants are equal to (Not blue) will be. The links linking the nodes above to color_threshold will be blue. In your example, color_threshold = 1 . Since all nodes are above 1 , all links are blue. Instead of Z = denroidog (linkage_matrix, color_thold = 1500, distance_sort = 'ascending')

jquery - Grails controller sending weird JSON back to browser -

मेरे पास एक Grails (2.3.6) ऐप है जिसमें एक HTML फार्म दो & lt; select / & gt; / कोड> उसमें तत्व: एक है जो उपयोगकर्ताओं को एक देश चुनने की अनुमति देता है और उसके बाद, एक राज्य जब उपयोगकर्ता एक नया देश का चयन करता है, तो मैं राज्य तत्व का चयन करें। ऐसा करने के लिए, देश परिवर्तन () पर, मुझे राज्य के साथ राज्य के विकल्प को बदलने के लिए नई विकल्पों के लिए पूछने की आवश्यकता है: < / P> & lt; div class = "blah" & gt; & Lt; लेबल = "राज्य" & gt; राज्य & lt; / label & gt; & lt; br / & gt; & Lt; g: चुनें आईडी = "राज्य" नाम = "राज्य" से = "$ {states}" / & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; JQuery ('# देश')। परिवर्तन (फ़ंक्शन () {var देशनाम = $ ('# विकल्प: चयनित')। Val (); jQuery.ajax ({url: "getStateListByCountry", प्रकार: "मिलना", डेटा प्रकार : 'जेसन', डेटा: {दे

c# - SqlBulkCopy Converting string to datetime with US Format -

I am transferring an application database from an unknown source (can be a CSV / SQL server), as I do not know where the data is coming from, I first have a holding table of data (all column ), Then I consider the value in the test column what it should be and importing the database or flagging the data error. To transfer the data, If I am loading into C #, then use SqlBulkCopy to insert the data in the holding table. It's all working, but I'm having a problem with the Data Time column. In the C # datatable, the date value is in the YMD format and stored as a string, the column in column is a varchar (255) in the holing table, but at some point the transfer process is being converted to DMY format, making it one When I try to validate the dates in the Holding Table. I do this to load the datatable: cmd.CommandText = string.Format ("SET DATEFORMAT YMD; {0}", CMD. Commands) ; SqlDataAdapter Data Editor = New SQL DataAdapter (CMD); DataTable ReturnTable = New Data

signal processing - How to use a DSP Slice in FPGAs (Artix7) -

I've recently started programming the FPGAs and I have to work with DSP slices onboard. I immediately went to copy the user's guide, but I do not know how to do part of its behavior. There is also code for a little work, but I know that please help me to combine them :( People I'm quite desperate ... btw I VHDL Library UNISIM use not; UNISIM use develloping use .vcomponents.all; library UNIMACRO; unimacro.Vcomponents.all; ADDMACC_MACRO_inst: ADDMACC_MACRO general map (device = & gt; "7SERIES", - the target device: "7SERIES", " VIRTEX6 "," SPARTAN6 "lATENCY = & gt; 4, - desired clock cycle latency, 1-4 WIDTH_PREADD = & gt; 25, - pre-adder input bus width, 1-25 WIDTH_MULTIPLIER = & gt; 18, - Unk input bus width, 1-18 WIDTH_PRODUCT = & gt; 48) - MACC production width, 1-48 port map (product = & gt; product, - MACC results produced, defined by the width WIDTH_PRODUCT general MULTIPLIER = & gt; multiplier

java - Scanner hasNext(String pattern) falsely returns true -

I wrote a scanner utility to parse a template. Consider the code snippet: string input = FileUtils.readFileToString (new file ("input file path")); Scanner scanner = new scanner (input); Scanner.useDelimiter (System.getProperty ("line.separator")); Println ("checking"); While (scanner.hasNext ()) {System.out.print (scanner.hasNext ("\\ s * # [^ \\ n] *")); System.out.println (":" + scanner.nextLine ()); } Input file contents: # line 1 ##################### ## # Check # matched with houses # # End of file Note: The end of the file line is not present in the input. Production Production: Checking the truth: # Line 1 is true: ################ ###### True: True: # Be True: With #pinned spaces: # false: Wrong: My question is why is the third line The next () return is correct when it does not start with '#'? Any help would be appreciated. because: The return is true if the next token is specified by t

mysql - PHP define() function not work with unicode utf-8 characters -

I defined php (); I work with the function and add value to MySQL database like this: $ options = DataAccess :: FETCHLOAD ("Select Sign FROM" option. "Where 1" ); Define ('_ in_', $ option ['0'] ['mark']); Echo _SIGN_; is now in ouuput: ??????????????????????? Without defining : $ option ['0'] ['sign'] echo; Output worked: تواصل معنا all mysql results utf-8 Ouput, but when I define my result, how do I fix it in utf-8 not ? This should work for you: In addition to this, *. Php file? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Title & gt; Trial & lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ option ['0'] ['sign'] = "تواصل معنا"; Define ('_ in_', $ option ['0'] ['mark']); Echo _SIGN_; ? & Gt; & Lt; / Body

java - Adding to a TableView -

I have a TableView and some POJOs and want to pair with the property from one of them to TableView. However, this property is also a POJO and should have a property to show it in the tableview. Here's my code: & lt; TableView fx: id = "ListaDeudores" layoutx = "85.0" layoutA = "7.0" preflight = "200.0" prefWidth = "200.0" & gt; & Lt; Columns & gt; & Lt; Table column prefWidth = "75.0" text = "archivo" & gt; & Lt; CellValueFactory & gt; & Lt; Property Valuation Property = "Archive" /> & Lt; / CellValueFactory & gt; & Lt; CellFactory & gt; & Lt; Formatted Tablesleachieur Alignment = "center" /> & Lt; / CellFactory & gt; & Lt; / TableColumn & gt; & Lt; Table column prefWidth = "299.0" text = "Nombres" & gt; & Lt; CellValueFactory & gt; & Lt; Property value factor = &quo

html - How can I fix a div floating behind another div when it isn't meant to? (CSS included below) -

I am creating a very noob-eye website with the rules of CSS (never see blank rules), But somehow heading behind the Cadrops-Top Navbar is limited to how I display the header and the rest of the content. Help me fix this (please!) html, body {} # page-container {} #content {} Codrops-top {line-height: 24px; Font-size: 16px; Background: # 262525; Background: RGBA (0,0,0,0,5,5); Text-transform: uppercase; Status: Completed; Width: 100%; Top: 0; Left: 0; Font-family: 'Open Sense', without Serif; Box-shadow: 1 px 0 px 2 px rgba (0,0,0,0.2); }. Codrops-top {padding: 0px 20px; Letter-spacing: 1px; Color: #F3FFF; Display: Inline-block; Text-decoration: None; }. Codrops-top a: hover {background: rgba (255,255,255,0.4); }. Codrops-top span.right {} Codrops-top span.right A {display: block; }. Selected {background: RGBA (255,255,255,0.4); }. Interpersonal style (background color: #ffffff; Opacity: .4; }. Hidden {display: none; } Below are HTML code, this is a real mess but I rem

How to get a list of all loaded libraries in dart? -

Is it possible to make some calls from the main to get all loaded libraries at runtime? main () {intereabel & lt; LibraryMar & gt; Libraries = matching allloaded libraries (); } I think there is a type library mirror in the mirror package but I do not think how you get a library mirror, because you do not refer to them in the code just like a top level Function / Variable or Class Name import 'dart: mirrors`; CurrentMirrorSystem () libraries.

wdk - Viewing DbgPrint messages in Windows 8.1 -

I am trying to write a minifilter driver. I've got Visual Studio 2013 Update 3 and WDK and are running on my Windows 8.1 box, as well as the template of MS "Filter Filter Drivers: File System Mini-Filters". I have created a new project with this template, from which built-in driver installer on Remote (on my LAN) 8.1 VM with a remote batch file (which I think is not yet supported) In this template, there are several debug statements that are typed to call DBGrint. I would really be able to see them in the debit view from the SysInternals suite, apparently I needed to do this, A DWORD service is set under DEFAULT in the geostry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ session manager \ debug print filter . But still, in DebugView some I did not even see it launch as an administrator on VM, and Captured Win32 captures. I think the deployment tool from the WDK would have installed kernel debugging properly (this is my A second user on VM Which w

c# - WCF netNamedPipeBinding message level security, is this possible? -

I am still learning new to WCF. I want to use Net Nipp Banning for IPC, and it needs to be as secure as possible. I already had a practice service for wsHttpBinding, where I used the certificates, so I covered the part (by message level security). As I can see, designated pipes can only use the safety of transport level, at least only in the Transportation Visual Studio Auto-Complete.) Is there any kind of encryption of the message possible, let's say a machine key or something? If yes, where can I find some documents or examples on it, I am searching the whole internet for 2 days :) thanks There is absolutely no point in encrypting messages on WCF named pipes connections: see. If you want only Android-and message security which includes more than WCF connections (for example, if a process persists on disk in the message; or there is no reason to know only media content ), You can develop a mechanism to encrypt / decrypt them using the functionality in System.Sec

ios - Style of table view like on app LiveScore -

I'm trying to find an open source style for table view that is shown on the app LiveScore () , The meaning of the current header is fixed and only replaced by the next heading when we scroll all the rows of the current section. I tried to search but did not get success Can anyone tell me? Any comment is appreciated!

php - Packaging files for iOs development in adobe air application -

I'm working on an ordinary iOS app in the Adobe Flash CS6 AIR application in I There is a registration and login form which communicates on your server using PHP and MYSQL databases and packs in the form of iOS Have been.) Now I have a misleading question: Do I have to include PHP files while uploading the APP in Flash? All this is misleading because whatever you do on a common server / domain holds the Flash file and PHP in the same directory or folder on the same server and it will work on an iPhone APP, no server And I'm not sure how MYSQL connection will work in PHP! Can anyone shed light on this? In advance thank you When you create your iOS application, There is a need to include those which are going straight to the device (i.e. extra SWC and images). Since the PHP file it is being transmitted elsewhere, it will not need to be added. Be sure to compile a single word of the device, compile the iOS app with the latest version of AIR, or the apple w

ruby - Iterate over array whilst amending the same array -

The following array repetition works fine data = [17, 22, 12, 24] Data. Items | "Number: # {item}" end I would like to insert a new array in the same array instead of puts I fail to believe that it is making an infinite loop. Data = [17, 22, 12, 24] Data. Items | Data & lt; & Lt; I tried to do instead of But the same problem comes along. If you want to add new items to the array, do so: data = [17, 22, 12, 24] data.cunk data data.collect {| i | "number: # {i}"} # data => [17, 22 If you just want to change with the new items, 12, 24, "number: 17", "number: 22", "number: 12", "number: 24"] Data content: data = date .collect {| i | "number: # {i}"}

c# - invoke WCF service method from web browser -

I would like to run my service from a web browser: http: // localhost: 443 / TestService // RunTest / Data / Test This does not work for me This page can not be displayed • Make sure the web address is http: // localhost: 443 correct. • Find pages with your search engine • Refresh the page in a few minutes. How to solve it - Redefine the end point - How? WCF Service: // TestService.svc.cs Public Class TestService: ITestService {Public String RunTest (String Data) {Return String. Format ("You entered: {0}", data); }} // iTunes Service. C [Operation Contract] [WebGet (Response format = Web messform .Jason, EuryTemplate = "/ Runtest / Data / {data}")) String runtext (string data) {Return string.format ("You inserted: {0}", Proxydomain); } //Web.config & lt; System.serviceModel & gt; & Lt; Services & gt; & Lt ;! - This section is optional with default configuration that is included in the .NET Framework 4.5.1 - & gt; &

PHP: xml_parser "Mismatched tag"-error when parsing HTML (auto-closing tags as <img>)? -

I want to parse the HTML using PHP I have used xml_parser for this, but this is and lt; Img & gt; As the can not cope with the auto-completion tag. For example, the following HTML snippet is a 'mismatched tag' when this closing tag & lt; / A & gt; : & lt; A & gt; & Lt; Img src = "url" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; / A & gt; Obviosly, the reason for this is: xml_parser () does not know the tag & lt; Img & gt; and & lt; Br> I know that I get the HTML to & lt; Img src = "URL" /> I can rewrite for HTML; Br / & gt; To make the parser happy, however, I want the parsets to correctly process those HTMLs because the above differences will be valid HTML. So I need to tell the parser either within the opening tag - if this tag is automatically closing, is it possible in some way? Parsers can be an option to give a list of self-closing tag names. However, I did not find any function for

C# Null Exception using HTML Agility Pack -

I have a function where I'm trying to get some text from this webpage: public static string get_webpage (string url) {HtmlWeb web = new HTML web (); HtmlDocument Doc = web.Load (url); String date = doc.DocumentNode.InnerText; String lotto_winning_numbers = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes ("// [@ id = \" main \ "] / div / strong / div / div [2] / div [1] / div [1]"). ToString (); Returned Lotto_Viving_number; } When I run the function, I get an exception. Is my xpath correct? You can not own XPath (like [@ id = 'main'] ). You need to apply a filter to the collection of nodes like div or * . Note that you also want to add value elements to the collection as a result, the collection itself does not have to be converted into a string. Something like this: // "lot" \ "] / Div / strong / div / div [2] / div [1] / div [1]"); // lotto_winning_numbers Here is the collection of nodes. Return Lotto_winning_numbers == Tap

java - How to download an image on Android wear? -

I have an ArrayList of the serialization objects on my handheel. < Send me to your wearable device Found a solution for Can I download the image in wearable? (I do not think so). Should I download all images of Ariel in elephants and put them in the form of property in a datamap? You can not download images directly from images, because there is no direct internet access . However, you are on the right track by downloading images on mobile (like using Picasso), then wear them through a property . There is a tutorial on how to send an image using an asset in the Android training section, all the code needed for it:

angularjs - mySQL authoritative database - combined with Firebase -

We have created a LAMP-stack API via PHP Laravel. It currently uses a local mySQL example we have mostly considered in AngularJS. In order to use Firebase, we need to synchronize data between official stores in our SSQL, which is anything relevant to the firebase, as close to the real time as possible. This means that other parts of the app that are not real time and do not use firebase, they can present fresh content that has recently been registered in the system. I know that Firebase is basically a database in a noSQL cloud. My question is how can I write a cover for synchronizing the canonical version of my firebug into my database of records - mySQL? Updates to answer - our final decision - an option We have decided against it, because we can easily access a socket .io example, which has a very low latency connection to mySQL, so that both can stay in sync. There is no need to go to the web when resources and finishing points can exist on the localhost. It also gives

ios - How to Add search bar in table view -

Actually I have collected a lot of data in the table view and now I have to get my data easily, so I search bar Does anyone need some solution to me? - (NSInteger) table view: (UITableView *) table view numberoffrose injection: (NSInteger) section {return [array number]; } - (UITableViewCell *) TableView: (UITableView *) Table View CellForArendAppath: (NSINxpath *) Index Path {Fixed NSString * cellIdentifire = @ "Cell Identifier"; UITableViewCell * cell = [TablesView decomputer reusableWelcome Identifier: SimpleTable Identifier]; If (cell == blue) {cell = [[UITABLE DOCKEY alloc] initWithStyle: UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier: cellIdentifire]; } Cell.textLabel.text = [Array ObjectItendex:]; Return cell; } Follow these steps: Drag and set a representative for the search bar for your view controller Use the following code for search: - (Zero) SearchbarIDDidBabins Edit: (UISearchBar *) Search Bar {[Search Bar SetsNationalBell butto

javascript - ExtJs 5: Loading Mask in GridView -

My exclusions 5 app has a floating window, which has a grid, I have hidden column in Gird, where I have a user-image Display me To avoid waste traffic, images are only received by an additional store when the user sets the column visible. The code is loaded into the "pre-existing" event to load the images and when the loading is complete, the grid will be refreshed. Because shipments can take a few seconds, I want to use the mask overlay component. But Wen I want to add a mask, the following error occure: Uncustom TypeError: Can not set property 'component' of the faucet Renderable.js? _dc = 1414507483010: 938 I think the reason for this problem is an event or an anonymous function listeners: {first cadre: function (column, metadata) ) {Var store = Ext.getStore ('Member ImageStore'); Var grid = this.up ('grid'); Var view = grid.getView (); View.setMasked (right); Store.loadMemberImages ({Scope: Grid, Callback: Function (Records, Operations,

Number of connections to RabbitMQ when using Django with Celery on Heroku -

I understand what's happening between web-dyons, work-dyes and rabbitmq on my Heroki-hosted backend I am trying. I have noted that I have more than 10 connections, although I am still using a web-dino and a woker-dino. I am using greenthreads (eventlet) and expect a connection to every web- or worker- Dyno. This my methodology starts with Procfile: Celery-A-A-Prose Worker -B-L-Info -MaxCasperChild = 1000 In my case I can have more than 10 open connections: here Also my list is being queued using qi ( celery , not sure what the other two are): I have tried to play with BROKER_POOL_LIMIT and it is not able to help. Now, BROKER_POOL_LIMIT = 1 and the number of connections is 10. Can this be due to an eventlet instead of normal owners?

ruby - How do I get MIN in Postgres to play nice with Rails? -

Right now, I have a very big query that I am running in the rail: @foo_collection = some_aggregate in the form of ', array_agg () - 20 of these, but they are not issues MIN (bars.some_date), - Returning the wrong type - this is the problem'). Jones ('inner join bars ... - there is a lot - but there is no problem'). Where ('some_conditions'). Group ('') This query pulls the data I want according to PGAdmin. I do not have the rail is well translated. Trying to create a time difference result as an DateTime object as @ foo_collection.some_date : is undefined To give the railway a date time to my PG output Is there any way to coax string , or do I have to tell the rail to purse all some_date s as string s? So far, the railroad has changed all @ foo_collection.some_date s to_datetime , then to_f It has managed so that I can make a mistake in the time between them. But there is a lot of overhead - if I can

csplit - Split a batch of text files using pattern -

I have a directory of about one thousand HTML files. Depending on the recurring pattern (a title), each file has multiple text Files must be split into. I'm on a window machine using the GnuWin32 tool. I have found a way to do this for a file: csplit 1.html -b "% 04d.txt" / "In the word headline" / {*} But I do not know how to completely repeat this operation on a set of HTML files. This: csplit * .html -b "% 04d.txt" / "word title" / {*} is not working , And this does not do the same: for in% i (* .html) csplit * .html -b "% 04d.txt" / "in word title" / { *} Both the result of an invalid pattern error will be greatly appreciated! option / logic is important with the command csplit . And it will not accept multiple files This helps you get there: % csplit --help Usage: csplit [options] ... file pattern ... me It is a surprise that your first example works for a single file, it must be cha

html5 - Flexbox: space-between issue in my list -

I have this list as ol items with li The style is styled as follows: ol {display: flex; Flex Flow: Wrap the Line; Appropriate Material: Space-Between; Width: 400px; } Li {Width: 120px; Height: 120px; } As you can see 3 items fit in a row because I use the justify-content: space-between The first line looks right as I want though, is not the second line (because there are only two items in it). I want them to make the situation such as the 6th element (there is no difference between them and the left alliance) Anyway, I can get it from Flex Box, or I'm an invisible 6 elements should be introduced? Display: Using Flex, there's no way you're asking for it > And justify-content: space-between; See more details here: I justify-content: center;

java - Using a timer to fade an image in and out -

In this way I am making this type of identity for a game and I have to create some small image logos and then out But whatever I have tried to do, I have kept an infinite loop in the background, which will crash at some point, it does not execute properly, or it fades and fades out Happen. Also, getAlpha () are using the set alpha () methods, which is greatly appreciated. timer. Scheduling (New Timer Task) {@Override Public Zero () ({(Opening 1.getAlpha ()} 1) {System.out.println (opening1.getAlpha ()); opening1.setAlpha (Float) ( Opening 1.getAlpha () + 0.00005));} {{timer.purge ()}}}}}}}, 1 * 1100); } You have tried to use java.lang.math class. I would recommend to use the "exp (double A)" method with System.currentTimeMillis () or System.nanoTime () you can call it inside a loop, and this "Euler's number E is double value Is brought into power. " Exponential function gradually increases gradually, so I will use a multi of some constants to mani