
Showing posts from August, 2014

css background-position - png images not displayed as positioned in css -

Background condition is not working for some reason I am trying to install several planetary systems filled with PNGs so that I can do some other coding, but the images are all standing on top of each other and some of them are cut into the div. CSS: body {background-image}: URL ('../ img / para2 / space_bg.jpg'); } # Planetary {background: url ('../img/para2/ planet_1.png'); Height: 200px; Width: 200px; Status: Completed; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; Display area; Background-position: 400px 400px; } # Planet 2 {background: url ('../ img / para2 / planet_2.png'); Height: 200px; Width: 200px; Status: Completed; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; Display area; Background-position: 800px 600px; } # Planet_3 {background: url ('../ img / para2 / planet_3.png'); Height: 200px; Width: 200px; Status: Completed; Margin: 0; Padding: 0; Display area; Background-position: 450px 700px; } # Planet_4 {background: url ('../ img / para2 / planet_4.png'); Height: 200px; Wi

javascript - cannot find amount of days until next birthday for the user input -

The quantity of days will be given below the birthday of the persons, if the birthday has already happened, you will give it on the first day when your Had a birthday I'm still thinking the weather is possible to calculate the day till the next birthday, it will be required last December and will be calculated from January. I can not seem right about this. // Birthday and form form of month Birth Birthday Mouth = Doc. GateAllmentBiID ('Cellont'). value; Var birthday day = document. GetElementById ('selDay'). Values; // parsing birthday and month of birthday = persian (birthday month); Birthday = day = (date of birthdate); // setting date object today = new date (); // set today's date birthdays = new date (); // Set up Birthday Object Birthday. SetMonth (Month of Birthday); // Set Birthday Birthday December Birthday Birthday (birthdays); // set birthday date on 15th day (if today's birthday) // // It gets to the next birthday - diff = Math.abs (Birt

java - Why does this code not return just "S" but instead the whole String MINUS the "S" -

I am new to APCS and I am practicing for my test. After analyzing this code with step-by-step analysis, I believe the answer is not listed below, but instead it is "S". However, my teacher says that the answer is "D" < P> Can you explain this question to me? Looking at the following method: public static string WhatsUp (string str1, string strings 2) {int index = straw.andexoff (straw2); If (index! = -1) str1 = str1.substring (0, index) + str1.substring (index + str2.length ()); Return str1; } What is this line of code output? System.out.print (WhatsUp ("SpongeBobSquarePants", "S")); P> (E) Patrick index index = str1.indexOf (Str2); Index is set to 0 str1.substring (0, index) This returns nothing (Index is zero, ending point is exclusive (not included) public string object (int startIndex, int and index) a new String gives a substring of this string. The start of the object starts w

ember.js - how to get the id of the object when using toggleProperty -

I would like to get the story object ID in the following templates so that I can comment but I am not sure how to do it. I would think that in the action there is a reference to that object which was called upon. I have: {{#each}} & lt; Div & gt; {{Date}} & lt; / Div & gt; {{#each stories}} & lt; Div {{action 'toggleproperty' comments displayed '}} & gt; {{Headline}} {{url}} {{id}} & lt; / Div & gt; {{/ Each}} Finally {{/ every}} & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br / & gt; {{#if areCommentsDisplayed}} Comments {{id}} {{else}} are displayed with comments {{id}} {{/ if}} are not displayed Action ID is not the reason for writing. In the Commands Display Block below. How do I get a reference to write that ID? thx This is because id now Each is not in the area outside the block. You need to assign an id to a variable, then show it. For example, I will change your action on this: {{togglecomments' id}} Then im

UIWebView can't load pdf files after adding missing constraints -

My app works fine before adding obstacles to UIWebView. However, there is an error: DiskImageCache: The full path to the old directory could not be resolved. The app still works and shows the PDF file after adding some constraints, it will not show the PDF file (it appears empty), and the error code is still there . Here are some pictures: PIC 1: PIC 2: This is my code: {NSString * tutorialView = [ NSString stringWithFormat: @ "Chapter% i", Tutorial number]; NSDRAUL * PathTouch = [NSUF file URLTHTH Path: [[NSBindel Main Bundle] Pathfortsource: Tutorial ViewType: @ "PDF"]]; [_webView2 loadRequest: [NSRR request request with url: pathwive]]; } Is there a better way to view PDF files? I'm new to iOS programming. Sorry for the stupid question Try it with the following work The way is fine with me :) UIWebView * pdf = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame: CGM (0,0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame .size.height)]; NSStr

javascript - Static API Documentation with embedded API key -

I am setting up an API document for a project, and want to know what is the best tool for a job .. The site is completely stable Skip for API keys , which I would like to include in code examples based on user (if the user receives their own API key Is' logged in again). How can I get it while maintaining a static site (I'm using a static-site generator). I would recommend to include small AJAX scripts on all pages, which search through the page -and-replace On a static page, you will have a code like this: & lt ;! - Empty span in page template - & gt; & Lt; Span class = 'api-key' & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; Everywhere you want to embed the API key The script will execute the simple task of search-and-replace (pseudocode is like this, assuming that jQuery is on your page): $ (document) .ready (function () {$ .get ("/ Api / key", function (data) {/ * if necessary, supply certificate * / $ ('.api-key') .html

umbraco7 - How do I unhide a section in the Umbraco admin panel? -

and member sections are no longer visible in the admin section, the member and users are not visible. I'm logged in using the master / admin account. How do I look at these classes? I want to bring them back and show them in the Admin section. In your backoffice, click left to reach your user settings on the circle round the circle there You should be able to edit your profile settings by pressing the green "Edit" button. In your profile settings, there should be a group called "class" Verify that your "user" and "member" sections have a checkmark.

javascript - while creating cordova project: incorrect header check at Zlib._binding.onerror (zlib.js) -

When I am creating a Cordova project via CMD on Windows 7, I am getting the following error. ERROR: Incorrect header checks on zlib._binding.error (zlib.js: 295: 17) We are using the cordova version of 3.6.3-0.2.13

c# - [ASP MVC]: Loose list values of view model on submit -

मेरे पास एक व्यू मॉोडल वर्ग है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग सूचकांक देखेंमॉडेल {सार्वजनिक सूचकांक देखेंमॉडेल () {GridList = नई सूची & lt; GridModel & gt; (); } सार्वजनिक सूची & lt; Models.GridModel & gt; ग्रिडसूची {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ATempProperty {get; सेट; }} मैं इसे मेरे दृश्य में सफलतापूर्वक पास करता हूं सबमिट करें पर मैं इसे वर्तमान ViewModel के साथ एक कार्रवाई में वापस करना चाहता हूं। लेकिन ग्रिड सूची खाली है! सूची से सूची प्राप्त करने के लिए मुझे क्या करना चाहिए? मेरा दृश्य इस तरह से कुछ है: @using (Html.BeginForm ("संपादित करें", "होम", FormMethod.Post)) {& lt; div id = "lll" & gt; @ Html.TextBoxFor (m = & gt; m.ATempProperty) @ Html.HiddenFor (m = & gt; m.GridList) & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" मान = "सबमिट करें" / & gt; } आपको इस पर पुनरावृति करना होगा और गुणों के लिए छिपे हुए फ़ील्ड बनाना होगा: & lt; div id = "lll&

stored procedures - Return data to from multiple queries in a single structure in Oracle -

I have to create a screen, which contains data from many different tables using complex additions and so on. Call the UI to get only one service data, which will be returned in JSON. These are the approaches to my mind. Perform many queries at the service level and populate an object and return the JSON object. Create a template table, populate the data needed to update the original data, and query the floating table when the screen above appears. Both approaches for me are not concrete I do not want to call many database calls at the level of service or want to create a temporary table for this purpose. Instead, I'm thinking of performing a stored procedure that will execute more than one question and return a custom structure, which can be mapped to a Java object which will be returned to the UI layer in return. Is this possible? You have several options, depending on the capabilities of your service layer, your DB layer and your DB Developer ... Create a

variables - How do I find Constructors and needed inputs for JAVA class? -

I am trying to see that the constructor and input execution needed to start the Java object properly. I do not use plain text. Java file only compiled class. I have tried the code below but when I run the order of any example. Outside or I get a bunch of exceptions. Exception can be thrown because nothing was found. import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; Import java.lang.reflect.Type; Static import java.lang.System.out; Public Square ConstructorSift {Public Stable Zero Main (String ... Args) {{class I'm not a Java programmer. You can use commands in the Java tool set.

c# - Cannot convert type 'SkinnedModel.SkinnedSphere[]' to SkinnedSphere[].An explicit conversion exist -

मेरे पास ऐसा बयान है: स्किन स्फ़ीरस = सामग्री। लोड करें & lt; स्किनस्पेयर [] & gt; ( "CollisionSpheres"); और यहां परिभाषा दी गई है: स्किन्जस्पेयर [] स्किन स्फेरेस; मैंने डालने की कोशिश की लेकिन काम नहीं किया। मैं इस समस्या को कैसे संभाल सकता हूं? मुझे लगता है कि स्किनस्फेयर की दो परिभाषाएं हैं, एक SkinnedModel नाम स्थान में या SkinnedModel वर्ग और वर्तमान नाम स्थान में एक और का उपयोग के साथ संदर्भित अन्य नामस्थान। यह अनुमति है, लेकिन उन्हें पक्ष द्वारा किनारे का उपयोग करते समय टक्कर का कारण होगा।

mql - write a script in mql4 to edit symbol window -

I am trying to write my first script in MQL4 and hopefully there are some basic questions I < P> 1) I know that I can write a script and drag and drop it on a symbol window to execute the script. I was wondering if there was any way of referencing the symbol window through code? Is it like the code below, windowhandy ("EURUSD", PERIOD_M1) 2) symbols window There is no way to specify the horizon at the time of For example, say I want to show EURUSD 1 minute data from 4 March 2012 10:10 to 4 December 2012 at 4 o'clock in the symbol window? Can you also specify the number of times to show on the chart at any time? 3) Can you draw a line on the chart using a script? I think I have read that you can not - do you have to write a custom indicator? I understand using a script that you can note the chart with a chart object. A3: Yes, you can not A2: Any code is pre-set MT 4. Graph prefixed for , in other words, your code (any MQL4 (well valid as far as

perl - chain array operations in PHP -

How do I work with chain operations to work on lists in PHP? In Perl, I can write print included " N ", the map {$ _. = '& Lt; Td> $ _ '& Lt; / Td & gt; '} sort_are_frame_db (); Is there a skilled production in modern PHP? I read about array_map but this is a normal task and is not very powerful. You have to be more clear with php, and will create your own sort function which is actually Returns sorted array & lt ;? Php function get_sorted ($ Arr) {sort ($ arr); Return $ arr; } Function get_array_from_db () {return array (7,5,3,2,9); } Print included ("\ n", array_map (function ($ _) {return " $ _ ";}, get_sorted (get_array_from_db ())));

google cloud storage - gsutil stop notification error with 'NotFoundException: 404' -

I am trying to stop one of the two channel notifications, I got an error after I entered this command. C: \ Python 27> Python D: \ gsutil \ gsutil Information Stopchannel 99467068-B556-4664-A32A-F 593 CF1D50DF WTGOVA4WIFX SSGCCC_7-G3Arro Channel Removal 99467068-B556 -4664-a32a-f593cf1d50df Resource Identifier With W TgOzw4yFEJQxhSZqCq_7-g3Rro ... ** NotFoundException: 404 ** Anyone would suggest correcting it. Regards,

python - While mssql query returns an affected ID use it in a while loop -

यह एक अनुवर्ती प्रश्न है () मेरे पास एक स्तंभ है आईडी varchar (255) और एक किया बिट मैं एक आईडी लाता हूं जहां किया बिट सेट नहीं होता है और सेट एक ही चरण में कहा जाता है। फिर मैं आईडी को संसाधित करूँगा और आगे चलूंगा .. मैं ऐसा करना चाहता हूं जब तक आईडी को done बिट सेट के बिना छोड़ दिया जाता है । कोड कुछ ऐसा दिखता है: आयात _mssql con = _mssql.connect (सर्वर = 'सर्वर', उपयोगकर्ता = 'उपयोगकर्ता', पासवर्ड = 'पासवर्ड' , डाटाबेस = 'डिफॉल्ट') con.execute_query ('अपडेट टेबल एसेट किया गया = 1 आउटपुट INIDED.ID जहां आईडी = (ऊपर से तालिका 1 से SELECT SELECT I आईडी '] बिल्कुल एक आईडी है जहां पूरा किया गया बिट नहीं था, लेकिन अब यह है। Current_id = row ['आईडी'] जबकि current_id: start_function (current_id) अन्य: प्रिंट ("सभी किया गया") मैं कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता है, ऊपर दिए गए क्वेरी को असाइन और < कोड> जबकि [...] ? जैसे छद्म कोड में: जबकि (current_id = पंक्ति ['आईडी'] con.execute_query में पंक्ति के लिए

javascript - Positioning of an image relative to a div within a div -

I am trying to create a page that shows time The font I am using is ':' ugly so I want to replace it with an image. However, when the time between 9:59 to 10:00 is in the example, then there are vacancies. Here are some of my codes: .image {position: absolute; Width: 30px; Height: Multiplied 90px; Background-image: url ("2dots.png"); Repeat Background: No Repetition; Background size: 50%; Margin top: 30px; Left: 50%; Margin-left: -49px; Z-index: -1; } # Timings {font-size: 99px; Width: 300px; Left: 50%; Margin top: 0px; Margin-left: -40px; } & Lt; Div id = "time" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "image" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Function updateClock () // update time within # seconds second second Do not want to juggle with such a positioning. You should just set .image to display: inline-block , then place it between hours and minutes: < Previous> .image {width: 30px; Height: Multipl

c - Dereference Pointer to MxArray -

I'm confused with some indicators: I have some (numerical recipes) C function FITEXI (IN, AND OUT) that I As Max file, I would like to compile it to call from Mattelb. However, I can not get the gateway routine to reach pointer to outside so that it is near plhs [0] , how do I I can (at least in the sense of misleading error message) is: Zero Max function (FNLHS, MXARE * PLHS [], int NRHS, CONST MXERE * PHS []) {Float * in; float out; In = (float *) mxgatedata (phh [0]); PLH [0] = Mxcreate enumeric matrix (1,1, Mxsingle_CLASS, MXRAL); Out = (float *) MX gedata (PLH [0]); Fitaceae (in, and out); Printf ("out =% lf", & amp; amp; out); / * Prints the correct result on the screen * /} An error message is found when compiling it: Error: to type incompatible types While specifying for 'float' type 'float *' which is not very surprising for me, but very useful, I have mxGetData (plhs [0]) , Out = (float end) MXGetData (PLH [0]);

cookies - How to set and use session variables in shopify liquid file? -

I need to set session variables in shopify but no documents found for it. When the user logs into the shopify app, this session creates a session (or cookie), so how can it be done manually My needs Some input data on a particular page can be used on another page It is intended to be achieved by the session variable. Please be sure to shopify or not, please reply if possible, please try pasting some code. If not, how can I do it in Shopify? Thank you. Not sure that you have ever thought of it, but here's how I used javascript Has tracked the referral landing page: I added a landing page with the code () that redirects to the main shop page after collecting the cookie. & lt; Script & gt; Function getParameterByName (name, url) {if (! Url) {url = window.location.href; } Name = name.replace (/ [\ [\]] / g, "\\ $ & amp;"); Var regex = New RegExp ("[? & Amp;]" + name + "(= ([^ & amp; #] *) | | | | | | | | $)"), r

Generate static docs with swagger -

Is there a way to create stable documents for swagger 2.0? Maybe like the 'preview' on the editor I need static HTML files, so I can include them in some static documents. So far I have not found a way to do this; I see that white-collation is static-docs but it only works for self-employed & lt; = 1.2. 2.0 has been implemented for static-Docs 2.0. See here ./bin/

jquery - How to simulate a "Page Down" button press every 2 seconds? -

I want to simulate a scroll down with a "page down" button in a page. I have a function called every 2 seconds, but it does not have to connect to the keyboard buttons (how to press a keyboard button?). var interval = null; JQuery (function () {interval = set interval (callfuck, 2000);}); Function callFunc () {jQuery ('link1, .link2, .link 3'). Triggers ('Clicks'); } Thanks! **** EDITING **** It starts working, which means that when it is inserted in the console it calls the callFunc function at every 500ms, But I can not fix the part inside the function to simulate the button press. (The keycode for the "Page Down" button is 34) var interval = null; $ (Function () {interval = set interval (callfunk, 500);}); Function callFunc () {var event = $ .vent ('keypress'); Event.which = 34; Event.keyCode = 34; $ (This) .trigger (event); } Anyone? Finally what I wanted to do was to gain a "page down" to simulate a ke

php - How to access Google Analytics API from a serverside background service? -

I want to get the user to drag Google Analytics data into my database without any background cron jobs every time. I know as I had asked before. Using OAuth will not work, as it requires user interaction. According to Oath, an access token can also be used to access page statistics per session basis. Although I am looking for a continuous way to implement it in a background service. How can I use Google Analytics without the user's authentication or end time for an access token? You can do the same as you consider the account in question. Make sure that you read the service account email address in the Google Analytics account to read at the account level and it will be able to read your data. & lt ;? Php session_start (); Need_once 'Google / Client.php'; Need_once 'Google / Service / Analytics.php'; / *************************************************************************************************** **********************************************

sql server - Migrate data from non Normalized database to a well Design database -

I am migrating from a bad design table to a new general in sqlserver 2008. My goal here is to find the total number of records in the source table store in a variable, enter each row through the loop and the destination table. I've done many searches on similar posts: : and but was able to modify a code - now get this error: Message 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 5 Invalid column name 'Num_Row_in_table' Code: entry @ INT DECLARE @Num_Row_in_table int SET @ I = 1 WHILE (@ and & lt; = Num_Row_in_table) Insert into the destination table (first name, last name, photo, SN) (MyDB.dbo.sourcetable from FirstName, LASTNAME, Photo, SN) SET @ I = @ I + 1 END Forget the sign; Just do this: Insert in the destination location (first name, last name, photo, SN) MyDB.dbo.sourcetable before name, LASTNAME, Photo, SN Select < / Pre>

Using common header to declare script src to be shared by different html files in AngularJS -

I have a folder with several HTML files; Each HTML file uses AngularJS and it was announced as below is; & lt; Script src = "lib / angular / angular.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "lib / angular / angular-route.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / app.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / services.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / controllers.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / filters.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "js / directives.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "vendor / ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.11.0.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "vendor / underscore-min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; &a

php - Can JS files be included in PHPUnit tests? -

I am working on making multilingual test cases. To obtain this, I have to use JS files to be used by the application. Is there any way to load those files in my PHPUnit script? To fully ensure that what you are trying to do is assume that you Just want to take an existing JS file and execute its contents in Selenium. You can use the file_get_contents () function for this. $ script = file_get_contents ('/ path / to / your / script.js'); $ This- & gt; Execute (['script' = & gt; $ script, 'args' = & gt; []]);

permissions - PHP: Check if script is being ran with sudo or if user is not using `php` -

How to find out how the script is running with sudo access or not using PHP? Note: this question would probably be more appropriate on stack overflow, though it can be used on Unix & amp; Refers to PHP; Linux system (privilege upgrades, permissions, etc.) You can use PHP's POSIX functions: To get effective user IDs. To get user information from the UID. Here is a short example: & lt; Php $ userinfo = posix_getpwuid (posix_geteuid)); Echo "This script is running" $ Userinfo ["name"] "'Privileges.'"; ? & Gt; test ... $ php myfile.php This script runs with the privileges of my user. $ Sudo php myfile.php This script runs with the privileges of the root Anyway, because the root is always UID 0, you can simply posix_geteuid () == 0 . You now want that the user is using CLI (command line) or going through a web server, but have a look and function. Another note: I'm pretty sure that running PHP

How to make array of unique android ids? -

I tried to declare the array with the objects which are the property type = "id" & lt; Item name = "viewupger_id_base" type = "id" /> & Lt; Integer-array name = "viewpager_dates" type = "id" & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 0 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 1 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 2 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 3 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 4 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 5 & ​​lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 6 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 7 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" & gt; 8 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item type = "id" &

java - String objects creation -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब मान लें कि निम्नलिखित का टुकड़ा है कोड, कितने स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट बनाए जाते हैं और जहां (स्ट्रिंगपूल या हेप मेमोरी) उपयुक्त ऑब्जेक्ट की ओर इशारा करते संदर्भों का उल्लेख करते हैं। स्ट्रिंग s1 = "abc"; स्ट्रिंग s2 = s1; स्ट्रिंग s3 = नया स्ट्रिंग ("abc"); स्ट्रिंग s4 = s3; स्ट्रिंग s1 = "abc"; वेरिएबल s1 स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रेटियल हाई को देखेंगे जो स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रिल पूल से संदर्भित है और अगर हम स्ट्रिंग s2 = s1 के बारे में बात करते हैं; वे दोनों स्ट्रिंग पूल में संग्रहीत वही मान की बात कर रहे हैं। स्ट्रिंग s3 = नया स्ट्रिंग ("abc"); यह रनटाइम पर एक नया स्ट्रिंग तैयार करेगा। पहले अक्षर में, सभी स्ट्रिंग लीटरल निर्मित होते हैं जब वर्ग JVM में लोड होता है, सेकंड के मामले में, स्ट्रिंग ऑब्जेक्ट्स जब नया स्ट्रिंग () निष्पादित किया जाता है तब बनाया गया। स्ट्रिंग s4 = s3; वे दोनों एक ही ऑब्जेक्ट को ढेर पर संग्रहीत करते हुए संदर्भित कर रहे हैं। आपको निम्न लिंक पर स

text - Java-Chars can rotate left but can't rotate to the right? -

कहां: Roteer = Rotate, Links = Left, Rechts = right .... ऐसा लगता है कि यदि आप इनपुट "ओलिबोल", 3 रास्टर नायर लिंक्स में हैं, तो आउटपुट 'बोलोलि' होगा, जो होना चाहिए था। लेकिन अगर आप इनपुट "ओलीबोल", 1 को रास्टर नायर रर्ट्स में, आउटपुट 'एलओलिबो' होगा, लेकिन यह 'लाईबोबो' बनना चाहिए, मैं इसे कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं? :) पब्लिक क्लास राटर {सार्वजनिक स्टेटिक स्ट्रिंग रास्टर नायर लिंक्स (स्ट्रिंग इनवोयर, इंट एन) {स्ट्रिंग इन = इनवॉयर; Int aantal = n; के लिए (int i = 0; i & lt; aantal; i ++) {char first लिटर = in.charAt (0); In = in.substring (1); In = in + firstLetter; } में वापसी; } सार्वजनिक स्थिर स्ट्रिंग roteerNaarRechts (स्ट्रिंग इनवॉयर, इंट एन) {स्ट्रिंग इन = इनवॉयर; Int aantal = n; के लिए (int y = n; y & gt; aantal; y -) {char lastLetter = in.charAt (in.length () - 1); In = in.substring (1); में = अंतिम लेटर + इन; } में वापसी; }} के लिए roteerNaarRechts । आपने aantal = n और फिर y = n को सेट किया है और फिर आप कहते हैं

c# - Which type of exception should I use in ExpectedExceptionAttribute while unit testing ? -

I am working on unit testing. I want to use ExpectedExceptionAttribute. I have an employee class that has a username property on which I have used indexing, so the user name must be unique. The code is given below Transfer of Public Class Employee: EntityTypeConfiguration & lt; Employee & gt; {Public Employee Convention () Property (x = & gt; x.FirstName) .IsRequired (). HasMaxLength (50); this. Property (T = & gt; T. Usernam). Column annotation (index annotation.NotationName, new index annotation ("IX_UserName", 1) {iicune = true}); }} Now, consider the unit testing code below. [TestMethod] [Expected Exception (Typfix (System.Data. SQLLient.SqlException), "Username Duplication is not allowed")] Public Zero Insert_EmployeeWithSameUsername_Fails () {... ... .. ..} I have used SqlException, but it does not work, it still throws an error ... what type of exception to me in the unit test code needed? From : If the thrown exception

Error while inserting ? as a value in mysql using Perl -

I am putting a URL in mysql . URL to ? , then when it is inserted using Perl, it is being reported as an error. Error 1064 (42000): There is an error in your SQL syntax; Question: Insert TEST_DB values ​​(1, 'http: // website), manual related to your MySQL server version for correct syntax Check it out. .com / hfsda / xxx-xxx-XX / XXXX = cccd '); I have tried to avoid with \? too, but did not work Any thoughts? I do not believe what you say is true. I believe that in fact you have asked to perform a different query. Find out exactly what you have executed. Tested. Use strict; Use warnings; Use DBI Cue (); My $ host = 'localhost'; My $ db = '...'; My $ user = '...'; My $ passwd = '...'; My $ dbh = dbi- & gt; Connect ("dbi: mysql: host = $ host; database = $ db", $ user, $ passwd, {PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1},); $ Dbh- & gt; Do (q {create temporary table template (id INT, url VARCHAR (

.net - RhinoMocks: override a stubbed property -

Unfortunately, the following pattern does not work in rhinomox: [setup] Public void Setup () {Obj.Stub (s = & gt; s.Prop). Returns ("a suitable default for all tests"); } [Test] Public Zero VerySpecificTest () {obj.Stub (s => s.Prop). Returns ("Valid values, only valid for a single test"); } It also does not make an exception (which is particularly bad), the user does not know why there is no one in the second stub () call Effect anything However, is there a way to do this work? How to "overwrite" a single property return? IIRC, the supported way of overriding the behavior that was already entered is either the stub or the duplicate Rhino Max The old API is back: You can use BackToRecord because the stub can forget its previously recorded behavior, then use replay to go back playback Again in the mode again press Enter: [setup] Public zero setup () {obj.Stub (s => s.Prop). ("A suitable default test for everyone"

ruby on rails - Elasticsearch – combine ids query with must_not clause -

I want to add the id query to the must_not section I am using the tire gem with the rail application (again). I am doing something like this: query id ["foo", "bar", "test"] < P> Which works though, when I'm trying to combine it with the must_not section, I get an error - must_not only boolean , which does not include the id query is there any way to combine two questions? The query that needs to be used is: "{": {"" " : "{" Value ": [" foo "," "" "bar", "test"]}}], "should_note": [{"match": {"name": "whatever"}}] Therefore, you need a Boolean scope, a with your id and must_not Code> should not match your questions. - VisualBasic (.net) richtextbox? -

First of all, my English is not good, so do not hate, sorry about it, I'm not English: ( I have a question about the richxbox jump-in. When I press tab, the cursor should be moved to tab space (jumping) such as Notepad ++ programming CSS or html What do I want to say: gt; & lt; body & gt; see this place / jam & lt; / body & gt; & lt ; / Html & gt; & lt ; Html> gt; body & gt; this is not & lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt; Is there a clue? Finding a lot, I do not even know that this break has been given the name. Your honesty, You can accept the tab property to true . By default, the tab button will take focus on the next control but AcceptptsTab property will be set to true instead when pressing the tab button, Rich Tech Place a tab character in the box . If you are using Winforms or WPF but the relevant document is not:

excel - OLAP Calculated Member with hierarchy -

My company uses OLAP for our sales data, and more recently, Business Units and Divisions, but it was not reflected on the OLAP Cube . I am trying to reflect this new hierarchy on the client side for the report, and is able to collect the group / group in new business units, but with this method I am not in the following levels Can not drill, pivot table to open in "+" categories. Is it possible to be such a group and able to drill down? Diagram of pivot table: 10 - ALIMENTAR 03 - soft drink 03 - Hard drink 03 - BEBIDAS 0300 - MOVIMENTOS À UN 03 0301 - Somo E Neckers 0302 - Refrigerants 0303 - CERVJAS 0304 - ÁGUAS 0305 - V. Classifier NAC / ESTINE 0306 - VINOSS CORRENTS 0307 - ESPIIT / ASAPAM / FORTIF OLAP PivotTable Using the extension , I created the calculated members. Member1: Name: [Comrake]. [Cometrial Standard]. [Comerciais as Dersakoshias] [10 - ALIMENTAR]. [CATEGORIA]. [0301], [COMBRASTRATIC] [COMMOTERATOR] [AND] [0302],

java - Running javaCV on NetBeans -

Simple (and probably stupid) Question: Do I need to install OpenCV to use a Java user? I have already downloaded and imported my Netbeans on MacDOS, after running Java Java Libraries project, I found many errors. Yes, you need OpenCV in OpenCV C / C ++, the Java Library The rapper is.

c - Storing negative int value in an unsigned bit and subtracting from it -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 6 उत्तर सबसे पहले मैंने किया है एक अहस्ताक्षरित int में एक नकारात्मक इनपुट के परिणाम के लिए खोज कर रहा था लेकिन पता नहीं कैसे यह परिवर्तित हो सकता है। उदाहरण -3 की तरह कैसे दिखता है -3 और ऐसा कैसे हुआ? इससे कैसे घटाना है? क्या होगा? #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int main () {अहस्ताक्षरित int num1 = 3, num2 = -2; Printf ("num1 का प्रारंभिक मान% u है। \ N", num1); Printf ("num2 का प्रारंभिक मान% u है। \ N", num2); Num1 = num1 + 1; Num2 = num2 - 1; Printf ("num1 का मान अब% u है। \ N", num1); Printf ("num2 का मान अब% u है। \ N", num2); संख्या 1 = 2147483647; Num2 = -2147483648; Printf ("num1 का मान अब% u है। \ N", num1); Printf ("num2 का मान अब% u है। \ N", num2); Num1 = num1 + 1; Num2 = num2 - 1; Printf ("num1 का मान अब% u है। \ N", num1); Printf ("num2 का मान अब% u है। \ N", num2); वापसी 0; ठीक है, लाइन से लाइन चलें .. 1 अहस्त

perl - Hash contains a key even though a key was not set -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब मेरे कोड में मैं एक हैश और फिर इसे किसी फ़ंक्शन पर पास करें। मेरी% profile_hash = (); GetProfileInfo (\% प्रोफाइल_हेश, $ प्रोफ़ाइल_पथ); फ़ंक्शन में, मैं निम्नलिखित करता हूं: उप getProfileInfo {my% profile_hash = shift; मेरी $ profile_path = shift; मेरी $ कुंजी (कुंजी (% profile_hash) को प्राथमिकता दें {प्रिंट $ कुंजी; }} मुझे लगता है कि जब मैं चाबियाँ मुद्रित करता हूं, तो मुझे मिलता है: HASH (0x1b64448) क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि ऐसा क्यों हो सकता है? Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आपको अपने पाश के अंदर एक स्केलर का उपयोग करने के लिए पारित हैश रेफरी को पकड़ने की आवश्यकता है, फिर इसे अपने लूप में हारना: उप getProfileInfo {my $ profile_hash_ref = shift; मेरी $ profile_path = shift; मेरी $ कुंजी (कुंजी (% {$ profile_hash_ref}) को प्राथमिकता दें {प्रिंट $ कुंजी; }}

nested - python - list all inner functions of a function? -

In the python you can fname .__ code __. To retrieve the list of co_names function and global items that reference a function if I fname .__ code __. Co_varnames , it contains internal functions, I believe. Essentially the internal .__ code __. Co_names ? 'inner' looks like starting with a string, as co_vara name I do not think you can inspect the code object because the internal functions are lazy, and their code-objects are created only in time. You probably want to see the ast module. This is a quick example: , check # this test is the scenario def function 1 (): f1_var1 = 42 def function 2 (): f2_var1 = 42 f2_var2 = 42 def function 3 (): F3_var1 = 42 # Get the source code for the top-level function src = inspect.getsource (function1) # top-level function node = ast.parse (src) # Substitution Syntax Tree # All of the difficulty of the method is out of the tree in Ast.walk (node) for our tree-traversal: #functions are named, whereas Variables have IDs, #Ne

stripe payments - init problems with PTKView in Swift -

I'm trying to add an init (fast) so I allocated PTKView at the top of the square I can use it throughout my code I can create var PATMTVVe: PTKView in a fashion and it works fine but is not clearly global So I created this on top of the square: class PaymentViewController: UIViewController, PTKViewDelegate {var PaymentView: PTKView Button = UIButton {Self.PaymentView = PaymentView self.button = button} as the buttonWithType (UIButtonType.System) UIButton init (: PTKView, Button: PaymentView UIButton) I get this time a horrible The error is saying: Required initialiser 'init (coder)' must be provided by the subclass of UIViewController. Any ideas at all would be great. Add it to your vc: required init (encode In aDecoder: NSCoder) {FatalError ("Init (encoder :) is not implemented")} You need to apply this initializer (thus' required 'Keyword) If you do not want to support it, just leave FatalError then people know init. (Pa

Find minimum and maximum value of an array using ARM NEON instructions -

I have the following code that I would like to optimize using ARM Neon instructions. How can I apply it? Thanks for the reply Unsigned characters some vector [] = {1, 2, 4, 1, 2, 0, 8, 100}; Unsigned four maximum voltage = 0, minwell = 255; For (int i = 0; i & lt; size (some vector); i ++) {if (some vector [i] & lt; min veal) {minwall = some vector [ii]; } And if (some vectors [i]> Maxville) {maxVal = someVector [i]; Below is a highly customized example of how large a array is. Function only when size is smaller than 128: / * * minmax.S * * Created: 2014. 10. 29. * Author: Jake Lee * / // Unsigned integer Minmax (unsigned char * psc, unsigned full size); Ktext Karm Kglobal Minmax PSRC Kreq R0 size .req r1 qmin1 .req Q0 dmina .req D0 dminb .req d1 qmax1 .req q1 dmaxa .req d2 dmaxb .req d3 qmin2 .req q2 qmax2 .req Q3 .align 5 Kfunc Minmax: Subs shapes, sizes, # 128 bxmi LR vmov.i8 qmin1, # 0xff vmov.i8 qmax1, # 0 vmov.i8 qmin2, # 0xff vmov.i8 qmax2, # 0 .align 5 1: v

java - Selenium Hub incorrectly believes CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION has happened -

After I'm running a parallel automated test against a selenium grid Sometimes, with failed With a test. Session [c1d99cc1-c689-4053-b68d-51c3682c13c4] Due to CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION (org.openqa.grid.common.exception.GridException) [remote server] org.openqa.grid terminated . Internal.ActiveTestSessions ( 105: `getExistingSession 'in' Selenium Documentation is called; CLIENT_STOPPED_SESSION session A simple call usage was stopped For the client to stop / leave, why are you using it again ?? However, I know that the client has not tried to shut down / quit I am using parallel rspec so that each thread is actually a Ruby example by itself, so there is a problem There is no test side Also, if I query directly using http node: // {node_ip}: 5556 / wd /hub/static/resource/hub.html, I can see that the session is still open. If the quitting / stops have been issued then this session would have been removed. It seems that this only Sele

php - regex \p{L} problems -

is using it for my validation: $ space = "[: Blank:] "; $ Number = "0-9"; $ Letters = "\ p {l}"; $ Specially = "-_.::='\/& amp; *% +, ()"; ... $ default = "/^[".$space.$number.$letter.$specialchar."]*$/"; If (! Preg_match ($ all, $ input)) {$ error = true; } I have a problem: all the "ü" are working except ... "Ü", but "ü" is not and I do not know why? \ P {L} should accept all letters and special characters ... Why do not I get why she does not do the job :( Is anyone an idea that I can do? The data I validate is the POST value of a registration form // ps if im is using \ p {L} ü I get an error like this: Compilation Failed: Out of the order in the offset class in offset 23 ... Avoid dashes: $ specialchar = "\ -_.:! = '\ / & Amp; *% +, ()"; # here __ ^ besides add / u Modifier for Unicode Match: $ default = "/^[".$space.$number

math - Incremental Numbers from list, Excel -

I am trying to write a formula in Excel which checks the list of non-numbers and for incremental amount Gives a value, so if I have a list of three items: cups, mugs, the glasses will return: 6 (1 + 2 + 3) If I have eight items: cup, mug , Glasses, plates, coaster, chairs, tables, laptops will return: 36 (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8) I am trying to do this This one single Use returns the value of x to = Kountena, of course, but something was different things stuck after I tried a math specialist there? So you want? The formula is (n * (n + 1)) / 2, where n is the number of objects.

Compute the frequency of objects over time in Matlab -

I have two metrics, "status" and "track", each of which is 1000 to 402. 1000 represents 1000 objects, more than 402 time step "track" takes the integer 0-5, and the location moves from 0-200 to floating-point numbers. Track off-track of 0 is supposed to be used by Alt-object Objects: indt = 1: ntimes plot (pos (indt, :), track (indt) , :), 'o', 'markerize', 18); Title (['t =' num2str (T (indt))]) axis ([0,200,0,5,5]) break (p) end where ntimes = 402 , And starts at 0.5 cut off off-track objects located on axis 0. The problem is, I want to see a histogram of off-track objects, the position of the axes (so they need to bind) versus the frequency I am facing such a problem! Any suggestions would be appreciated. Does this mean you? % Some Random Data: Pos = Rand (402,1000) * 200; Track = randie (6402,1000) -1; % Find all tracks: offtrack = track == 0; Get the position of% off tracks: positionOfOffTracks = pos (offTrack)

java - Oracle BPEL fault selectionFailure -

I have an Oracle SOA composite that is generating BPL gull in weblog 11g. I see a mistake and message in the Enterprise Manager: & lt; Bpelfault & gt; & Lt; FaultType & gt; 0 & lt; / FaultType & gt; & Lt; Selection Faber xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; / SelectionFailure & gt; & Lt; / BpelFault & gt; When I drill in the example, I see the following message listed on an assignment: Error in evaluating expression on error "493". The result is empty for XPath expression: "/ ns27: user selection / ns27: user / ns27: id" I see the following error WLS-SOA1-diagnostic.log: faultName: {{ -process /} selectionFailure} messageType: {{}RuntimeFaultMessage} com.collaxa.cube.engine.ext.bpel.common.BPELWMPHelper.evalFromValue (on BPELWMPHelp

c# - Transparent, Click-Through Forms but can move byTitle bar -

I was raised a code, apply a Topmost, click through transparent and code-although form: public enum GWL {ExStyle = -20} public enum WS_EX {transparent = 0x20, layered = 0x80000} public enum LWA {ColorKey = 0x1, alpha = 0x2} [DllImport ( "user32.dll", EntryPoint = "GetWindowLong")] public static extern int GetWindowLong (IntPtr hWnd, GWL nIndex); [DllImport ( "user32.dll", EntryPoint = "SetWindowLong")] public static extern int SetWindowLong (IntPtr hWnd, GWL nIndex Int dwNewLong); [DllImport ( "user32.dll", Antrypoint = "Setleyerd Vindoattyubets")] public static bool Akstrn Setleyerdvindoattivets (Intpet Acdbludblyuend, Int Krki, byte alpha, Eldblyue Divflags); Protected Override Zero Oceans (EventArgues E) {Base.On Showa (E); Integer WL = GetWindowLong (this.Handle, GWL.ExStyle); Wl = wl | 0x80000 | 0x20; Setwindo Long (This. Handle, GWL.exstyle, WL); SetLayeredWindowAttributes (this.Handle, 0, 128, LWA.Alpha); } Th

What's this linux structure -

#define GPIO_CHIP (_bank) {\ .irq_base = IRQ_GPIO_BASE_ ## _bank, \ .gpio_chip = {\। लेबल = "बैंक" # _bank, \ .owner = THIS_MODULE, \ .Set = gpio_set_value, \ .Get = gpio_get_value, \ .direction_output = gpio_direction_output, \ .direction_input = gpio_direction_input, \ .base = GPIO_BASE_ ## _bank, \ .ngpio = GPIO_NUM_ ## _bank, \}, \} इस .label और .Set और दूसरों के साथ परिभाषित क्या है? static void gpio_set_value (struct gpio_chip * चिप, अहस्ताक्षरित जीपीआईओ, इंट वैल्यू) {uint32_t __iomem * reg = CHIP_TO_REG (चिप, REG_GPIO_DATA_SET); Reg + =! मान; लेख (बिट (जीपीआईओ), रेग); } लेख, __iomen, बिट () के साथ यह कार्य, जहां वे लिनक्स में से संदर्भित हैं? GPIO_CHIP GPIO के एक बैंक के लिए एक struct प्रारंभ करने में प्रयोग किया जाता है (सामान्य उद्देश्य I / O) यदि आपके पास स्ट्रेट्स {int a, b, c; चार * डी; } तो आप की तरह एक चर को प्रारंभ कर सकते हैं struct रों उदाहरण = {ए = 1, .b = 2, ग = 3,। डी = "हैलो!" }; आप ऐसा भी कर सकते हैं struct उ

r - label y axis in one week increments ggplot2 -

I want to produce a graph which is available every year from April to June by y code to ggplot2 . Here's my data: df < - structure (list (year = structure (1:11, .label = C ("2000", "2001", "2003", "2004", "2005", "2006", "2007", "2008" "2009", "2010"), class = "factor"), greenups_mean = c (107, 106, 124, 107, 119, 112, 103, 113, 133, 127, 109), greenups.dtime = structure (11063, 11428, 11811, 12159, 12536, 128 9, 13251, 13626, 14011, 14371, 14718), class = "date"), GMD = C ("04-16", "04-16", "05-04", "04-17", "04-28", "04-22", "04-13", "04-23", "05-12", "05-07", "04 -19 "), line.Name = C (NA, -11L), class =" data.frame ", .name = c (" year "," greenhops_men "," greenups dictate "," GMD "))

memory - Android base64.decode() into existing byte array -

On Android, I'm using the Base64.decode () method. It has many variations, but decodes all of the given base 64 inputs into a newly created byte array. Since I need to call it with too much input, it allocates a lot of memory and often causes GCs. So I'm thinking that the method, or alternate techniques, is a way of passing the existing byte array, so that it keeps the result inside the current byte array and avoiding memory allocation for a new one . >

mysql - `ORDER BY` before `GROUP BY` in a request with INNER JOIN? -

In the beginning, create a query to get sites from a table sorted by the date of the latest code Required for `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ``> I think that SELECT and INNER JOIN all posts Receive and associate the site for each one by entering ORDER BY the result posted GROUP BY Each site and me The necessary results will be found. But I get the MySQL error # 1064 - there is an error in your SQL syntax; Close group BY sites . To use ID LIMIT 0, 30 ', check the manual related to your MySQL server version for the correct syntax. <7> / P> If I am working with GROUP BY before ORDER BY statement, but I The latest for the site Instead, the result will be sorted after followed by which I do not need (in fact I may prefer to order after the group in another way). I have many very similar questions but they all are related to the data stored in a single table, making it possible to use the MAX and MIN functions is. What I

ios - iPhone simulators don't match Xcode preview -

UILB wrapped my words as expected in the new preview feature of Xcode. However, word wrapping always occurs at one point when launching different sized iPhone simulators: Why not start with the preview in this simulator? The reason for this is that you have not "enabled" for iPhone 6 and 6+ device sizes App You will notice that when you start the app on the iPhone 6+ simulator, the status bar at the time of the home screen is very large in your app. This is because it uses the interface for a small device and measures the size of the larger device. To enable this, you need to add a launch image for the iPhone 6 and 6 + size. You can do this with your asset list or by using a launch interface file.

How can I extract data from multiple webpage using one connector? -

I need to remove data from multiple pages on the website. Is I able to do it with a connector or I get data Will you have to make several connectors for the group and later? As an example I am trying to collect data for the stock but it has spread on many pages. From these different pages? If there are different URLs for pages, then it will be best to use it and the URL Paste this way, you can get live data at the click of a button. Thank you! This would be really good to get some of the URL,

.net - How do I get burndown information from my iteration -

I am playing with .NET api for the rest of the webservices. I have seen a repetition, and now I need some data to create a Burgan chart, I can get all the work, and see the estimation and Todo for the current image, but how do I get past "snapshots"? Like yesterday's trumpet The reason for doing this is that the only way I can get the "download" burgordon charts in the form of images, it is limited to a very low resolution and I need to present They have a big info on them Historical data is available from here. The LookbackAPI language is an agnostic, but there is currently no underlying support for it is still running.

javascript - BBC EMP (Embedded Media Player) "Content appears not to be working..." -

background We are embedding EMP in a quadrilateral with our BSP on MI wall boards Some months successfully code uses a div to host an iframe: & lt; Div id = "emp1" class = "player" style = "float: left; width: 100%; height: 100%;" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; To see this content, both of you & lt; A href = "" title = "article about enabling BBC WebWorld Javascript" & gt; JavaScript & lt; / A & gt; Enabled & lt; A href = "" title = "BBC Web browser article about downloading" & gt; Flash & lt; / A & gt; Established. & Lt; A href = "" & gt; BBC & amp; Nbsp; Webwari & lt; / A & gt; For complete instructions & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; and

javascript - Insert object into multidimensional array in Meteor MongoDB -

I am learning the meteor and I find it difficult to understand MongoDB. I have a collection that has been named as the menu: id: 123, cat: 'beginning', description: {[item: 'nachos', value: '3.99', desc: 'chips & queso']} I I want to add another item to that collection: id: 123, cat: 'starters', Description: {[Item:' nachos', price: '3.99', desc: 'chips and My code looks like this: / P> , which looks like this: ['item:' '4.99', 'descended' Enukaprsrt (_ {id: '123'}, {$ Push: {Description: [[before 'Kailami'}, {value: '4.99'}, {desc: 'fried calamari'}]}}); I also tried to use "update" but I get an error for "non-array $ Push Modfire can not be applied" error UPDATE Thank you Sindis, you were right and I was able to do this job. I have created a new collection named Menu 2 in this way. 54, cat: 'Beginner, Description: [[

php - Pass XML node as parameter on object instantiation and then calling subnodes from it -

I know that after passing the XML node and then using a method, it has a legal syntax in PHP. I tried to convert to string, but it was not working. What am I doing wrong? What would be the best / simple option? XML & lt; Users & gt; & Lt; Widgets & gt; & Lt; Widgets & gt; Widget 1 & lt; / Widget & gt; & Lt; Accessories & gt; & Lt; Morestuff & gt; Things & lt; / Morestuff & gt; & Lt; / Luggage & gt; & Lt; Accessories & gt; & Lt; Morestuff & gt; Things & lt; / Morestuff & gt; & Lt; / Luggage & gt; & Lt; Widgets & gt; Widget 2 & lt; / Widget & gt; & Lt; / Widgets & gt; & Lt; / User & gt; PHP & lt ;? Php $ xmlfile = 'widgets / widgets_file / widgets Xml '; $ Widget = array (); $ User = New SimpleXMlelement ($ xmlfile, NULL, true); $ Dom = new DOMDocument ('1.0'); $ Dom- & gt; Protected WhiteSpace = false; $ Dom- & gt; Fo

ios - How to get PayloadUUID by server in MDM -

We are trying to send some commands to MDM in the IDS device. We have tested basic commands such as device lock etc. For example, for other commands such as an app that was being made as a kiosk app, that command was expected by PellodeUID, how was that payloadaid received? Normal "," credentials "," mobile device management "payload. Please find the command given below by the server, public stable string getAppLockPList () {stringbuffer backstring = new stringbuffer (); BackString.append ("& lt;? Xml version = \" 1.0 \ "encoding = \" UTF-8 \ "?;);); BackString.append ("& lt;! DOCTYPE plist public" - // Apple Computer / / DTI PLIST 1.0 // n \ ""); BackString.append ("\" http: // \ "& gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; plist version = \" 1.0 \ "& gt;"); BackString.append ("& lt; dict & gt;"); Bac

linux - What the considerations to be taken when using and extending `errno` as default error handling pattern in user code? -

उपयोगकर्ता कोड में पॉसिक्स ' त्रुटि नहीं त्रुटि प्रबंधन प्रणाली का उपयोग करते समय क्या विचार किया जाना चाहिए? सबसे पोर्टेबल तरीके से अस्तित्व त्रुटि मैक्रोज़ का विस्तार कैसे करें? क्या यह उसी त्रुटि कोड नामकरण का उपयोग करने की अनुमति है: ई ... ? धागा सुरक्षितता के बारे में क्या विचार हैं? क्या कोई अन्य समस्या है जो कि errno को डिफ़ॉल्ट त्रुटि हैंडलिंग पैटर्न के रूप में उपयोग करते समय प्रासंगिक है?

javascript - passing defined object to another custom directive angularjs -

So I have these custom instructions that you can see below. MyDirective ('MyDirective', function (testService) {return {restrict: 'EA', link: function (scope, element, attr) {// object var object = new Object () is defined; testService.setObject (object);}}}); MyApp.directive ('mySecondDirective', function (testService) {return: {ECA, link: function (radius, element, et)) // Call variable from previous custom-direct console.log (testService.getobject ()); - & gt; Always back uncredited}}}); And this is html structure where I used the above instructions. & lt; My-directive & gt; & Lt; / My-directive & gt; & Lt; My-second instructions & gt; & Lt; / My-second instructions & gt; There I want to get rid of object containing the new item () from the previous custom command, but it is always a Undefined I wonder how can I do this without using Needs and a separate scope . Can you help me? Update I create a