
Showing posts from January, 2015

swift - dismiss keyboard with a uiTextView -

I'm sure it is not difficult, but I key using back / a textview a keyboard, not textfield Even I have tried so far (which works with a textfield.) Thank you very much for any help! // PostTravelQuestion.swift class PostTravelQuestion: UIViewController, UITextViewDelegate {@IBAction func closepostpage (Sender: AnyObject) {dismissViewControllerAnimated (true perfection: zero)} @Iboutlet var postquestion: UITextView! Override funk viewDidload () {super.viewDidLoad () // Setup an additional after loading the view. Postquestion.delegate = self} self addDoneToolBarToKeyboard: self.textView / * func textViewShouldEndEditing (Text View: UITextView) - & gt; Bool {textView.resignFirstResponder () return true} * / / * TouchesBegan function overrides (touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {postquestion.resignFirstResponder () self.view.endEditing (right)} * / override function didReceiveMemoryWarning () { Super.didReceiveMemoryWarning () / any resources that can be reproduced.

playframework - Use @JsonView to exclude (like @JsonIgnore) with play frameworks default json writer? -

It seems that you can not join @JsonIgnore and @JsonView. I want to hide a field by default, but show it in some cases. Actually I've got this setup: - Expands class parent model {public long id; Public child child; } Class Child Model {Public Long Id; @JasonView (full class) public string secret; Public stable class full {}; } and play.libs.Json.toJson (parent) to render without child.secret, and < Pre> To render with the child. Secret Is there any way of doing it. That is, there is a way to set a field to ignore by default, but can it be included with a special JasonView? At this time both calls include the secret. Thank you! Once you create an object mapper, you can use it effectively As you are currently using play So whenever you were using play.libs.Json.toJson (parent) first , just use the new ObjectMapper (). WriteValueAsString () and you will not get your secret.

loops - BASH Palindrome Checker -

This is my first posting, so please bear with me I received a Bash Assignment but my professors are totally baseless and have their notes too. Our assignment is to filter the slopes and print from a file. In this case, the directory is: / usr / share / dict / words The word length is from 3 to 45 and only considered this Filter lowercase letters (the given dictionary has letters and uppercase, as well as lowercase letters). That is, "kas-das" can be counted as something like "q-evvavve-q" as a palate but I should not get it as a proper result. Anyway, I can get it to filter the volume and return of the x word (though not only the lowercase filter). grep "^ ... $" / usr / share / dict / words | Grep "\ (. \). 1" And I can use the following lines for words of 5 letters and 7 and above: grep "^ ..... $" / usr / share / words / words | Grep "\ (. \) \ (. \.). \ 2 \ 1" But the professor does not want tha

java - Alphabets validation of jtextfield -

I just though pressed another key JTextField should not display them try to display characters jtextfield.Even Only characters are to be displayed. Please help me with this .. one import Java.awt.EventQueue; Import javax.swing.JFrame; Import javax.swing.JTextField; Import javax.swing.UIManager; Import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException; Import javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument; Import javax.swing.text.AttributeSet; Import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException; Import javax.swing.text.DocumentFilter; Public category testfilter {public static zero main (string [] args) {new test filter (); } Public testfilter () {EventQueuekinvokeLater (new Rnnabl) {@ Override public Boyd run () {{UIManagerksetLookAndFeel ()}} catch (Exception Clasnotfound | Instentiaasn Apoksekshn | illegal Aksesaksepshn | unsupported lock and Eiffel Akspeshment ex) {ex .printStackTrace ();} JTextField area = new JTextField (10), ((AbstractDocument) field.getDocument ()) setDocumentFilter (new CharF

java - How to avoid Concurreny from front end -

We have a requiremnt where log in to the manager site and see the list of user records in the table format. When he clicks on some record, he receives information about the user and calls the user to solve his issue. Now it is possible that two manager login and click on the same record and the same user Call at the same time. We want to avoid it. POSITION 1: At the same time two manager login is available for both in normal color Click on green manager 1 record and start editing / calling user. In this case there should be some type lock so that the manager 2 tries to open the same record, then he will get the message 'in progress'. Status 2: View manager 1 login and records in green. Then log into Manager2 and see the same record in gray. Now he should not be able to click on that record ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Click on the record for and update the statu

mysql - Laravel Group By Date -

I am trying to create a supernatural query for the following SQL, sum In the form of 'w_created_at' as `` sales_flat_orders` in the form of `` w` group `` ````` `` ``` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` `` ` ` And I have tried to do this $ orderbydate = DB :: table ('sales_flat_orders w') - & gt; Select (Array (DB :: Raw (as' sum (w.total_item_count)), dB :: Raw ('DATE (w.created_at created)')) - & gt; GroupB ('w.created_at') - & gt; Order By ('w.created_at') - & gt; (); I am getting the correct output in the SQL query but not in the optical query, please help, thank you. So friends, I got the answer, thanks for reading my question. datebydate = DB :: table ('sales_flat_orders w' db :: raw ('DATE (w.created_at)')))))) - & gt; GroupB (Select 'Day' (ARE (DB :: Raw 'Deckount' as 'zodiac (w.total_item_count)') -> Order By ('w.created_at') -> Received ( );

java - Trouble with getting area of figure -

आयात करें java.util.Scanner; सार्वजनिक वर्ग Hw4Problem1 {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {स्कैनर इनपुट = नया स्कैनर (; डबल एक्स -1 = 35.227086 9; डबल Y1 = -80.8431267; डबल एक्स 2 = 32.0835407; डबल Y2 = -81.0998342; डबल एक्स 3 = 28.5383355; डबल Y3 = -81.3792365; डबल एक्स 4 = 33.748 99 54; डबल Y4 = -84.3879824; // त्रिज्या ********************) डबल त्रिज्या = 6731.01; // दूरी = (दायरा) ARccOS (पाप (x1) पाप (x2) + cos (x 1) cos (x2) cos (y1-y2)) डबल charlotteToSavannah = (त्रिज्या) * Math.acos (गणित.पाप (एक्स 1) * गणित.sin (x2) + मैथकोस (एक्स 1) * मैथ काओस (एक्स 2) * मैथ कोस (वाई 1 - वाई 2)); डबल savannahToAtlanta = (त्रिज्या) * Math.acos (गणित.पाप (X2) * गणित.पाप (X4) + गणित.क्योंकि (X2) * गणित.क्योंकि (X4) * गणित.क्योंकि (Y2 - Y4)); // दूरी // दूरी = (दायरा) ARccOS (पाप (x1) पाप (x2) + cos (x 1) cos (x2) cos (y1-y2)) डबल atlantaToCharlotte = (त्रिज्या) * Math.acos (गणित प्राप्त करें। पाप (एक्स 4) * गणित। (एक्स 1) + मैथोस (एक्स 4) * मैथ कोस (एक्स 1) * मैथ

performance - Subresource server hint header doesn't work -

The sub-source server is trying to use the signal, but it seems that it does not work. At the bottom of the screen you can see the main page with the "link" header and both resources are retrieved later. And as you see, instead of getting the header before parsing any content, the manager has parsers. So the result is the same as we were before using this header: ( Why any thoughts? Full size: Full size: This is an open bug in the Chromium project since 2010. The link HTML element is the equivalent of a response header. This follows the form: link: We should support this header, especially for relay type prefetch, sub-resources and DNS prefetch. At the time of writing, the last update of this issue was 2 days ago, 2014-10-28. Extension of the issue: According to, The link unit-header field provides a means to serial one or more links in the HTTP header. This is semantically eq It states that HTTP link header, in fact the questi

php - CodeIgniter error pages show in popup mode -

How can we display all kinds of error messages without redirecting error pages application \ errors \ * Error_pages * Here, we will be in the same page and if any error occurs on the action, it will appear in popup mode. Can anyone help me with code example? Although the question is not clear, you can check the availability of a 404-Not Found page like this. : - The first open routes in the App / Config folder Set php and a custom controller name. $ route ['404_override'] = 'my404 / 404_page'; // is the name of my404 class. Create a new administrator and type the following code into it. & lt ;? Php class my404 CI_Controller {public function __construct () {parent:: __ generation (); } Public Function 404_page () {// Instead of loading any view, simply handle this response via AJAX call from your client side $ error = array (); $ Error ['ERROR_CODE'] = '404'; $ Error ['error_message'] = 'This URL was not found';

php - How to increase MySQL INSERT performances? -

I have a program to gather information from many traders. Every request from the merchant, my program is an INSERT query: INSERT stands for `good '(id, code, merchant, netcoast, ip) value (' ',' GC898 ',' Merchant Name ',' 581000 ',' '); There are many requests from merchants at one time (more than 500 requests), so the MYSQL 500+ Insert query. Is this a problem and how can I solve it with MYSQL? This should not be a problem unless you are strapped for hardware (in this case its answer "Fast disk, more RAM, faster CPU" once you can verify which of the three obstacles on average ). If you use MyISAM tables, then using syntax, you can do "paper over" peaks (this is probably not worth it; syntax has been removed). If you are doing this in batches (i.e. not putting a different customer at a line) then multiple INSERT s or even load data INFILE There will be a great help in a pinch, you c

android - Retrieve Dropbox File URL after file uploaded -

I am developing an Android application using the Dropbox Core API. I am uploading files to Dropbox and I want to programmatically retrieve the exact URL of the file after uploading. If you are using the official Dropbox Android Core SDK, you Using the "Share" method, you can get a shareable link for a file: This core uses the end point of the HTTP API / Shape: < / P>

android - Which is better either Viewgroup or Layout -

Creating a grid in Android is now ready to use ViewGroup or Layouts (Frame Layout / Linear Layout) or So it will be helpful if the container in which the cells will be loaded and provided with a link to the detailed learning process. Thanks in advance. Use your requirement or

sql server - Dynamic child nodes in xml to columns in sql -

itemprop = "text"> I have a programming condition, where I have to select dynamic child nodes in XML in the individual columns in the SQL Server query. For the East. & lt; Individuals & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; 1 & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; Person & gt; & Lt; FirstName & gt; John & lt; / FirstName & gt; & Lt; LastName & gt; Johnson & lt; / LastName & gt; & Lt; / Person & gt; & Lt; Person & gt; & Lt; FirstName & gt; Cathy & lt; / FirstName & gt; & Lt; LastName & gt; Carter & lt; / LastName & gt; & Lt; / Person & gt; & Lt; Person & gt; & Lt; FirstName & gt; Bob & lt; / FirstName & gt; & Lt; LastName & gt; Burns & lt; / LastName & gt; & Lt; / Person & gt; & Lt; / Individuals & gt; should be selected, id First name Last name First name Last name First name Last name 1 John Johnson Cathy Carter Bob Bur

javascript - Stop dropdown width from expanding -

I have two dynamic dropdown lists depending on whether the option displayed on the second dropdown is selected in the first dropdown. There are 2 options in the first dropdown. If the second option is selected, the values ​​displayed on the second dropdown in the response are very long strings (be exact URL). Is there a way that I can stop the width of the dropdown in detail? Here JSFiddle results are: & lt; Select id = "kategorie_oder_seite" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "auswahl" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; Var data = {"category": ["craft", "starship", "insurance", "risk",], "site": ["", " Https:// "],}; Var $ kategorien = $ ("# kategorie_oder_seite") ("Change", function () {var seiten = $ .map (data [this.value],

android - how to align button at the bottom of the screen in LinearLayout -

I am using LinerLout as Paris and inside it I have two hair linear layouts. I have a previous linear layout I want to align the button at the bottom of the screen. Bottom of the buttons should match the margins below the main liner layout Android: Android: Android: Android: layout_width = "0dp" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: layout_weight = "1" Android: text = "submit" /> Android: Android: Android: Android: Layout_Wind = "0 DP" Android: Layout_height = "wrap_ content" Android: layout_weight = "1" Android: text = "cancel" /> Android: Android: Android: Android: Layout_Wind = "0 DP" Android: Layout_Height = "Wrap-content" Android: Layout_Vet = "1" Android: Text = "Delete" /> Android: Android: Android: Android: layout_width = "0dp" Android: layout_height = "wrap_ content" Android: layout_weight = "1" Android

javascript - Force clear cache in OpenUI5 -

I created an OpenUI 5 app and I want to release a new version every day. But I found some problems: The customer's browser does not always load the final version of Javascript (I have a label that shows the version and to see that the final number is manual Refresh is required F5) I have a JSON file that I use to bind the menu. If I modify it, the client stays in the cache on the browser and does not load the new version. The solution is clear data from the browser (...) Now I have this meta-tag on my index page: & lt; Meta http-Equiv = "Finished" content = "0" /> & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "cache-control" content = "no-cache" /> & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "pragma" content = "no-cache" /> Is there always a way to reload all types of content? (Or when do I modify the version number?) This is actually used by you to Depending on which server the content is being used and whether you can

jquery - Hide TR when TR contains a keyword -

मैं एक tr को छिपाना चाहता हूं जब इसमें से एक td होता है "Aufruestung" कीवर्ड का एक हिस्सा। उदाहरण एक टीडी में पाठ "एपीएल औफ़्रूस्टुंग 10" है, मुझे इसे ढूंढना है और पूरा tr छुपाना है - परन्तु सिर्फ सबसे पहले, सभी माता-पिता नहीं। मेरी पहली कोशिश बिल्कुल काम नहीं करती है, मुझे लगता है कि मुझे "एफ़ुरूस्टुंग" के साथ सभी ट्रे को खोजने के लिए रेगएक्स के साथ कुछ करना होगा? मुझे यकीन नहीं है और jQuery के लिए एक नौसिखिया ... jQuery ('td: ("aufruestung") शामिल है) निकटतम (' tr ')। Hide () इसे आज़माएं $ ("td")। प्रत्येक (फ़ंक्शन () {var str = 'Aufruestung'; var txt = $ (this) .html (); अलर्ट (txt); // पार करने के लिए सत्यापित करें कि (/Aufruestung/i.test(txt)) {चेतावनी ( 'स्ट्रिंग वर्ड शामिल है');} else {alert ('स्ट्रिंग में शब्द शामिल नहीं है');}});

swift - Iterating over an NSOrderedSet -

I am trying to repeat on an example of NSOrderedSet something like this: func myFunc () {var ordered ordered = NSOrderedSet (array: [42, 43, 44]) ... However, this compiler error is generated for the loop line: is not a member of 'NSOrderedSet' 'Generator' Now I can convert it to an array: respectively set.array {NSLog ("% i", n)} . But i hope Wonder what was a better solution? I am also curious to understand why it is not possible to repeat on a set, but there is no order set? NSOrderedSet implies NSFastEnumeration , so should it work right? You ordered order = NSOrderedSet ( Array: [42, 43, 44]) ordered. Set.enumerateObjectsUsingBlock {(elem, idx, stop) -> Update: Update: as the SWIFT 1.2 (Xcode 6.3), the > NSOrderedSet correspond to type sequence and to ... in ... : respectively = NSOrderedSet Array: [42, 43, 44]) for command elem {println (elem)}

c++ - Qt-how to convert a QByteArray to struct -

I need to convert a QByteArray into a structure. I have such a structure: struct mavlink_attitude_t {/// & lt; Summary & gt; Timestamp (millisecond from system boot) & lt; / Summary & gt; Quint 32 Time_boot_ms; /// & lt; Summary & gt; Roll angle (rad, -pi .. + pi) & lt; / Summary & gt; Float roll; /// & lt; Summary & gt; Pitch angle (red, -p + + pi) & lt; / Summary & gt; Boat pitch; /// & lt; Summary & gt; Angle of O (Red, -P. + Pi) & lt; / Summary & gt; Float yao; /// & lt; Summary & gt; Angular Speed ​​Roll (Rod / S) & lt; / Summary & gt; Float rollspeed; /// & lt; Summary & gt; Pitch angular momentum (rad / s) & lt; / Summary & gt; Float pitchspid; /// & lt; Summary & gt; Yoga's angular momentum (RD / S) & lt; / Summary & gt; Float Yspeed; }; And I come from a Quetbeat Serial Port. I was already using the union but I think it can not be used for QByteArray, i

c# - Web API not compressing response content? -

I have a WebAPI and I configure Compression in WebApiConfig: config .messageHandlers.Add (new server compressor handler (new gizip compressor), new deflector ()); In my winforms client, I use a HTTP client like this: WebRequestHandler handler = New WebRequestHandler () {AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate,}; Client = HttpClientFactory.Create (New Client Component Handler (Handler, New GizP Compressor), New DeflectCompressor ())); Client.BaseAddress = new URI (serverUrl); Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptEncoding.Add (New StringWithQualityHeaderValue ("gzip")); Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.AcceptEncoding.Add (new stringwidth quality header value ("deflate")); Client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add (New MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue ("App / Jason")); Both server and client project references: When I request an API, the length of the content is always the same without compression or without.

python - RIDE.. Getting [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified when using Robot framework for Android library -

I'm trying to build automation test cases using the robot framework for Android devices. I have installed Python on the Android library and on my system. My code is as follows: *** Settings *** Library Operating System Library Selenium Library Library Android Library *** Test Case *** Case 1 Start Emulator avd_name = 'AVD_for_Nexus_5_by_Google', no_window = False, language = en, country = wait for device timeout = 120 press menu button stop emulator when I try to execute In a test case, I get an error: Command : Pybot.bat --argumentfile c: \ users \ kesav \ appdata \ local \ temp \ RIDEnhapet.d \ argfile.txt --listener C: \ Python27 \ lib \ site-packages \ robotframework_ride-1.3-py2.7-win32 .egg \ robotide \ contrib \ testrunner \ 52956: Incorrect C: \ user \ kesav \ test [Error 2] The system can not find the specified file. I have checked the path environment, Ent variable, it also includes C: \ Python27 and C: \ Python27 \ Scripts.

Enable user sign up in Omnibus GitLab -

After following the instructions I have installed gitlab-omnibus on the Ubuntu server, it works fine, but now I I want to give permission to sign up Each result mentions editing the gitlab.yml file, the problem is that my file is not at all, I only try Gitlab.rb I try to add Key: > gitlab_rails ['gitlab_signup_enabled'] = true but that was not working In the admin dashboard I Listed between incompetent facilities, what should I do How can I enable it in this matter? I do not regenerate what I see. verb: gitlab_rails ['gitlab_signup_enabled'] = true to /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb Run P > Sudo GRP signup /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/etc/gitlab.yml is called signup_enabled: true . Let me file this by looking at the output of gitlab-ctl reconfigure , or locate . What does this mean for you? If you edit it in signup_enabled: true and run sudo gitlab-ctl restart then does it not work?

URL for public Amazon S3 bucket -

I have an Amazon S3 bucket that I make public with this policy < Code: {"version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [{"Sid": "Allow all objects to public access", "effect": "Allow", "Principal": " "", "Action": "S3: GetObject", "resource": "arn: aws: s3 ::: bucket / *"}]} as my bucket now Seeing I see others in my bucket I like the other URL But it gives an admission prohibition. How can I change my policy to allow another policy? Note: Since this reply was originally written, S3, using the new hostnames, leaving existing hostnames in place, Dual-base support has begun at end points. It has now been integrated into the information given below. If your bucket is actually in the AWS K-East-1 area - then http: // The bucket / is not the right form for that endpoint, even if it seems that it should be. Th

javascript - How to split the div structure in ng repeat using ng-class-even and ng-class-odd? -

मैं छवि में दिखाए गए आइटमों को दोहराना चाहता हूं। मैंने एनजी-दोहराने का उपयोग करके दोहराया है सभी सामग्री को दोहराया जाता है लेकिन छवि में दिखाए जाने वाले संरचना में नहीं। कैसे इस तरह की सामग्री को विभाजित करने के लिए .. ??? & lt; div class = "activityCon" एनजी-दोहराने = "गतिविधि 1 में गतिविधि" & gt; & Lt; -! छवि - & gt; & Lt; div class = "n-col erpSub" & gt; & Lt; एक वर्ग = "लिंक ब्रांड एआरपी-डिस्प्ले-ब्लॉक एफके-अपरकेस एआरपी-टेक्स्ट-सेंटर" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "बीजी-ढाल" & gt; & Lt; span class = "fa fa-chevron-down" & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; p वर्ग = "शीर्षक एआरपी-फ़ॉन्ट -15" & gt; {{गतिविधि}} & lt; br & gt; & LT; अवधि & gt; & lt; / span & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; -! छवि - & gt; & Lt; div class =

Automatic post to my facebook page from Node.js server -

I have a node running a social network site. Is a js server and i have a facebook page for that site. For some of the tasks executed by users on my site, I want to post details on my app's Facebook page. I mentioned the Thuzzi Facebook node SDK about posting on the Facebook wall. However, it requires an app id, ape secure and a temporary access token. The secret of the app id and app is steady, so I can put them in my config file elsewhere and I can use it from there. But how do I get access tokens without contact with front tokens? All posts will be published by our app and they will also be published on our own page. I just want to start it with the end user's actions. Any help? I am using the Sails.js Framework Bit. You need to use an extended page token for that, you only create it once Is required and it will remain valid forever. And you'll post with a page token as "page". How to get an expanded page token: Create an app Use the user acces

C - cache line and processes performances? -

context I'm doing some testing with memory caching. Read a lot of papers The problem is not how to make cache friendly codes per process, I almost got it. My main concern is that when the cache's behavior goes, where, hundreds of processes running L1 cash will be killed? Since the size of L1 is rare, should I understand that there will be many cash withdrawals which will slow down other processes because all the processes will fight for the L1 cache? With 64-bit word size on CPU with 64-bit cache line and 64 bit L1 cache. This is the point I do not understand. Edit: There are hundreds of copies per core First of all, you probably will use a multicore CPU. This means that you have very few procedures per core. Trying to keep the modern OSAS core and also do some process related to it. But he said, when your program is out, you actually lose L1 cache. It also does not mean that it does not have the same content in the second process of addressing address

javascript - backbone collection get list of single attributes -

I want to get a list from my collection, the list will be selected to add an option to the selection list. I want to use it to store it, for example, for example, I want to filter my collection with group attributes, first I need to get all the different groups from my collection, i.e. no repetition No, I know that I can do something like this, this.collection.where ({group: "group name"}); But there is no way to return a list of properties of the model in an archive without asking a key word? What I want in the end, is something like this, Is this also possible? I think you need it chess () with < Code> _ Uniq () : _. Uniq (this.collection.pluck ('group'))

windows installer - Wix component won't update when patched -

I am creating a patch that will update my MSI built in YSX. I have a component in which there is only one sqlupdatescript which handles all my database changes When I need to update my DB, I will add another < Code> scllscript will add the problem that if I create a patch that contains only one pair scllscript in that component, the patch will not do anything if I make a change in a file ( In the same feature), I'll also run sqlscript . Is this expected behavior in YX? Changes by the changes in the resource marked as Windows Installer KeyPath Detects. This can be a file or registry key, for example. I think your component has a file, which automatically creates an important path. Thus, when you change only one script, the file does not change, and Windows Installer does not know that something was changed. Otherwise, it correctly detects the change and applies patches.

c# - Nuget version not correct? -

I have a project that I can not compile. When I try to do this, I get the following error: Package 'Microsoft.Bcl.Build 1.0.14' NuGet client version '2.8.1' or above , But the current NuGet version is '2.7.41115.310' Normally it will be simple after searching, I found this guide: This explains How can I upgrade my Nug subscriber version However, when I follow those steps, I think I'm already using the latest version of Nuget: 2.8.5 However, for some reasons, Visual Studio 2013 final one Using the old version, There is a new installation to install my Visual Studio Ultimate 2013, after uninstalling Visual Studio for Web Explorer 2012. In the previous version, I was given a lot of problems and so I removed it and moved till 2013. I was surprised that some cofig files were passed through, but I can not believe it. How can I fix this problem? to device → extensions and updates Kbd> installed , uninstall "NuGet package m

matlab - Multiplication of corresponding 2d slices of two arrays and inversion of array slices -

मेरे पास दो आयाम हैं a और b उसी आयाम का < कोड> 1000 x 3 x 20 x 20 । मैं एक तीसरे सरणी C आयाम का 3 x 3 x 20 x 20 उत्पन्न करना चाहता हूं जो कि A और बी , यानी सी (:,:, i, j) = ए (:,:, i, j) '* बी (:,:, i, j) । फिर मुझे एआरए C को संगत 3 x 3 मैट्रिक्स, यानी डी (:, inverting द्वारा नए सरणी डी में बदलने की जरूरत है I :, I, j) = inv (सी (:,:, i, j)) । फिर, यह स्पष्ट है कि यह लूप के साथ कैसे करें। 400 वस्तुओं पर लूपिंग करने का एक तरीका है? संपादित करें: विभिन्न समाधानों के प्रदर्शन की तुलना करने के लिए बेंचमार्किंग कोड होगा - % // इनपुट N1 = 50; एन 2 = 200; ए = रैंड (एन 1, 3, एन 2, एन 2); बी = रैंड (एन 1, 3, एन 2, एन 2); % // ए। सीपीयू लोकी कोड टिक सी = शून्य (3,3, एन 2, एन 2); आईआई = 1: एन 2 के लिए जे जे = 1: एन 2 सी (:,:, आईआई, जे जे) = ए (:,:, आईआई, जे जे) 'बी (:,:, आईआई, जे जे); % // 'एंड एंड टूक% // बी। वेक्साइज्ड कोड (स्क्वीज़ का प्रयोग करें) टिक सी 1 = निचोड़ (राशि (बीएसएक्सफ़न (@ बार, पर्म्यूट (ए, [2 1 5 3 4]), परमिट (बी, [5 1] 2 3 4])),

Javascript/ Jquery: Get element from string -

I have to remove an HTML element from the string. Any suggestions, please leave it below. < substr () Var mystring = "smth and lt; table & gt; asdasdasd & lt; / table & gt; smth else"; Var firstPart = myString.substr (0, myString.indexOf ('& lt; Table & gt;')); Var secondPart = myString.substr (myString.lastIndexOf ('& lt; / table & gt;' 8); Mystring = First Part + Second Part; UPD And I use the jQuery method to delete the table from the DOM: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# tableId'). Remove () ;}) or pure js: Var table = document.getElementById (tableId); table.parentNode.removeChild (table); < / Code>

php - Passing posted values from one controller to another in symfony -

I have two controllers. I get a problem from transmitting from one controller to another. This is a quick view, This function is 1 Public function setroll (request $ request) {This-> Forwarded (path, array (role = & gt; $ role)); This- & gt; Redirect (path of the second controller); } This function is 2. public function getRole (request $ request) {$ role = $ request- & gt; ); // When printing this $ role, I'm able to get the value of $ role $ Sql ​​= "Select from table where id = $ role"; // I can not get a value in this curie, besides, I can not give the price to submit a fourth file return ... (filename, array ('role' = & gt; $ role)); } The problem is that I can use the variable "role" in my Twitter file of another controller, it always remains empty. Is anything bad here? You public function index ($ name) {$ response = $ this- & gt; Next ('AcmeHello bundle: hello: fancy', array ('role' - How to pass multiple server values to the web method when using AJAX Toolkit CascadingDropDowns -

I have to go through multiple server values ​​for the web method. If I value a single ContextKey, like this: ContextKey = '<% # this.someValue.ToString ()%> & gt; " I get value, no problem But as soon as I try to cross several variables, such as: < Code> ContextKey = 'someKey1: & lt;% # this.someValue1.ToString ()%>; someKey2: & lt;% # this.someValue2.ToString ()% & gt;' I'm really getting the string. I have used this post to get the syntax to pass several posts: string.Format : ContextKey = '& lt;% # string.Format (Say "SomeKey1: {0}; someKey2: {1}", some .Value1, this.someValue2)%> < / Code>

getLeft() not working for TextView in android -

I have a custom control (button) is built in Android which left image and center the text and right arrow image. When using this custom control I have to pull the upper limit and lower limit for this button. & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = " Android" Android: Leaut_vidth = "Mac_perent" Android: Leaut_heit = "Mac_perent" android: background = "@ color / white" android: orientation = "Vertical" & gt; & Lt; View Android: id = "@ + ID / VivPlline" style = "@ style / BSF_withline" /> & Lt; RelativeLayout android: id = "@ + id / lytcontrollayout" Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: PaddingLeft = "L2dp" Android: PaddingRight = "L2dp" Android: layout_height = "38dip" Android: layout_margin = "5dip" & gt; & Lt; imageView android: id = "@ + id / imgrightimage" Android: layout

Java: Rotate image towards mouse position? -

तो मुझे यह आदमी हो रहा है: चलो उसे बॉब कहते हैं। मैं उसे अपने माउस की स्थिति की ओर घुमाएगा। मैंने पहले ही सोचा है कि बॉब और माउस के बीच एक रेखा खींचकर और इस रेखा के कोण को ढूंढकर, मैं यह पता कर सकता हूँ कि कोण क्या है, ताकि माउस की तरफ 'बिंदु' करने के लिए बॉब को सामना करना पड़े। हालांकि मुझे अभी भी यह काम पूरा करने के बारे में नहीं पता है। धन्यवाद अग्रिम! आपको छवि को JLabel में शामिल नहीं करना चाहिए। यह बस बहुत लचीलेपन की पेशकश नहीं करता है स्थिति अजीब हो सकती है, और आप चित्र को घुमाएंगे नहीं खींच सकते। (आप केवल घुमाए गए छवि बना सकते हैं और इसे लेबल में डाल सकते हैं, लेकिन यह अक्षम होगा, और आकार और स्थिति के मुद्दों से आपको पागल हो जाएगा।) इसके बजाय, आपको अपनी छवि मैन्युअल रूप से पेंट करनी चाहिए Overridden paintComponent विधि का JPanel । अभी भी विचार करने के लिए कुछ विवरण हैं उदाहरण के लिए, छवि की निश्चित रूप से एक निश्चित स्थिति होनी चाहिए, और स्थिति को छवि का केंद्र संदर्भित करना चाहिए - अर्थात्, इंगित करें कि इसके बारे में घुमाया जाएगा। हालां

angularjs - Angular UI date-picker bind on demand -

[ & lt; span class = "input-group" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "फॉर्म-नियंत्रण" एनजी-मॉडल = "छेद डेटेट" / & gt; & Lt;! - datepicker-popup = "yyyy-MM-dd" show-button-bar = "false" है-खुला = "खोला" - & gt; & Lt; span class = "इनपुट-समूह-बीटीएन" & gt; & Lt; बटन प्रकार = "बटन" वर्ग = "बीटीएन बीटीएन-डिफ़ाल्ट" एनजी-क्लिक = "शोडेट पिक्चर ();" & gt; & Lt; i वर्ग = "ग्लाइफिकॉन ग्लाइफिकॉन-कैलेंडर" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & Lt; / बटन & gt; & Lt; / span & gt; & Lt; / span & gt; मैं एक गतिशील / ऑन-डिमांड डेट पिकर बनाने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। स्पष्टीकरण: मैं एक एकल निर्देश या नियंत्रक कार्य करना चाहूंगा जो कॉल या दिखा सकता है एक तिथि पिकर लेकिन बाइंडिंग केवल उन फ़ील्ड्स पर होने चाहिए जो कैलेंडरों के आइकॉन पर क्लिक किए गए थे। अर्थात। यह इन इनपुट फ़ील्ड को किसी डेट पिकर आदि से बाँध

ios - 24 hour time not formatting date properly -

नीचे मेरे पास वाला कोड है। mmDD = [[केटररसक्लायरे ऑब्जेक्टऐटइंडएक्स: i] valueForKey: @ "mmdateNTime"]; एनएसएलॉग (@ "एमएमडीडीएमडीडीएमएमडीडीएमएमडीडी ===% @", एमएमडीडी); NSDateFormatter * dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; DateFormatter.dateFormat = @ "ईई डीडी MMM yyyy hh: mm aa"; NSDate * yourDate = [dateFormatter dateFromString: mmDD]; एनएसएलॉग (@ "yourDate ==% @", yourDate); DateFormatter.dateFormat = @ "yyyy-MM-dd एचएच: मिमी"; मिमीडीडी = [तिथिफ़ॉर्मर स्ट्रिंगफ़ॉर्मडेट: आपकाडेट]; एनएसएलॉग (@ "एमएमडीडीएमएमडीडी ==% @", एमएमडीडी); एमएमडीडी के लिए इनपुट है शुक्र 31 अक्टूबर 2014 04:00 PM जब मैं कोड में ऊपर चलाता हूँ 12-घंटा प्रारूप मैं नीचे आता हूं। 12-घंटा प्रारूप mmDDmmDDmmDDmmDD === शुक्र 31 अक्टूबर 2014 04:00 अपराह्न आपका दिनांक == 2014-10-31 13 : 00: 000000 mmDDmmDD == 2014-10-31 16:00 जब मैं 24 घंटे के प्रारूप में कोड को ऊपर चलाता हूं, तो मुझे नीचे मिलता है। 24 -आप प्रारूप mmDDmmDDmmD

javascript - Kendo UI Button - on click event -

I'm trying to find a way to set up a click event for the Kendo Button. The default action is to refresh the page that I'm getting rid of. When I press the button, I want to close the current window. I am working on ASP.NET MVC and using HTML Assistant to add buttons. @ (Html.Kendo (.) Button () .name ("closeFormBtn") .Smart ("Close") .Events (events => Events. Unfortunately, the above click event does not work, and the default refresh action is applied every time the button is pressed, the passphrase script works properly because it is already working. Have checked. Also, I am also trying to find a way to not use a script to insert code inside the click ("") event. It should work . function closeForm (e) {e.preventDefault (); // If that does not work, try adding: e.stopPropogation (); // your code}

c# - How to use more than one verb when starting a process? -

Currently I'm printing a doctor file using the following code: < Code> System.Diagnostics processing p = new system Diagnostics Process (); P.StartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo () {CreateNoWindow = false, Verb = "print", fileName = fileName // Put the right path here}; P.Start (); What can I do that I can keep files open after printing or else it can be printed around other files and then print it. Can I use another verb with a process? You can not Works are implemented as a full command line: Each action corresponds to a full command line, which is defined in the registry. Thus, each new action will start an entirely different process, with only one executable binary going on (usually) with different command-line arguments. To control an application in more detail, you can read more about it:

Install vagrant plugin from source other than rubygems -

We have an internal RubyGames repository that we want to use to host the warranty plugin. But, I can not understand how to use 'my passionate plugin install' to use my repository instead of itemprop = "text"> me vagrant plugin install documented for - plugin-source Not missed

ftp - php imagejpeg(): Unable to open '/pic/upload/123.jpg' for writing: No such file or directory -

I was looking for a few days to find out how to solve this problem and I found everyone here. I'm not very good in PHP, so I hope that helps anyone with the problem faster than me here :) Upload / TMP Permissions picture / PC 777 ... and I Also tried to change / upload to Pic all there is no problem ... .... only if I want to do something with imagejpeg () Thanks for the help! (Some efforts are already there with a //trt .... but I try all) 670) {catalog ($ width, $ height) = Groessenberechnung ($ width, $ height, 670); } If ($ height> 500) {resonates "and lieutenant 2.1 oat:". $ Width "" hoehe: "height." & Lt; / P & gt; "List ($ height, $ width) = Groessenberechnung ($ height, $ width, 500);} $ Image_old = imagecreatefromjpeg ($ alterPfad); $ Image_new = imagecreatetruecolor ($ width, $ height); Imagecopyresampled ($ image_new, $ image_old, 0, 0, 0, 0, $ width, $ height, $ width old, $ height); //tp_rename($conn_id,$desti

php - How to add extra conditions to the authentication query in Laravel using HTTP Basic authentication? -

I found a route: root :: find ('/', array ('First' = & gt; auth.basic ', function () {return response :: Jason (array (' name '=' gt; 'John Smith', 'age' => 42)); )); What do I need to add active = 1 to the authentication query? I know that I op :: effort () but I do not know how to use Auth :: basic () . There are two ways to do this. Modify 1 filter and use Ath :: Attempts () This is an easy way to go to app / filter.php and on auth.basic change the entry root :: filter ('auth.basic', function () {if (Auth :: check ()) return; // Already logged in (AUTH :: Attempt (array ('email' = & gt; Request :: getUser (), 'password' = & gt; Request :: getPassword (), 'active' => ; 1))} {return;} $ headers = array ('WWW-authentication' = & gt; 'basic'); return response :: forming ('invalid credentials.', 401, $ header);); This is basical

java - How to register custom rules in a plugin for SonarQube 4.5? -

सोनारक्यूब संस्करण: 4.5 मैंने एक जावा प्रोजेक्ट बनाया है । फिर मैंने एक साधारण नियम जोड़ा जो BaseTreeVisitor प्राप्त करता है और हमेशा एक समस्या उठाती है में visitMethod (MethodTree) । मैंने @Rule (key = "x1") के साथ वर्ग को एनोटेट किया था और उसमें एक ही कुंजी को कक्षा में MyRulesDefinition का उपयोग करते समय रिपॉजिटरी में नया नियम बनाते हैं। मैंने परियोजना का निर्माण किया, जार फ़ाइल को प्लगिन फ़ोल्डर में डाल दिया और सोनार सर्वर शुरू किया। प्लगइन लोड किया गया था और नियम अस्तित्व में है। मैंने इसे चयनित गुणवत्ता प्रोफ़ाइल के लिए सक्रिय किया और एक विश्लेषण चलाया लेकिन नियम से कोई समस्या नहीं मिली। मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत? MyRulesDefinition नियम के तर्क में मैप किए गए नियम टेम्पलेट कैसा है? नवीनतम एपीआई का इस्तेमाल करते हुए सोनारक्यूब प्लगइन्स के लिए कोई अन्य उदाहरण मौजूद हैं? नवीनतम एपीआई का इस्तेमाल करते हुए सोनारक्यूब प्लग इन के लिए कोई अन्य उदाहरण मौजूद हैं? नहीं, आज मैं उसी मुद्दे का सामना करना पड़ा और मुझे कोई भी नहीं मिला। लेकिन यहां समाध

database - extract data from multiple text files in a folder into excel worksheet -

I have several "datasheet" text files that are used on the job with a program and to harvest prices from them And it needs to be combined in all the spreadsheets. Text files are formatted like this: [file] DescText = "1756-IF16H 16 Channel Heart Analog Input Module"; CreateDate = 04-07-10; CreateTime = 10:29; Modification = 1.1; HomeURL = ""; [Device] Vendode = 1; VendName = "Allen-Bradley"; ProdType = 10; ProdTypeStr = "with Multi-Channel Analog I / O Heart"; Prododod = 163; MajarR = 1; Minerv = 1; Prodenam = "1756-IF 16H / A"; List = "1756-IF 16H / A"; Icon = "io_brown.ico"; Tags are consistent with all files and each line ends with a semicolon [; ] So I'm assuming it should be very easy. I need to pull "Destext", "Vend Code", "ProdType", "MajorRave", "Minerv" and "Prodenam" in

python 2.7 - Using dict like C switch -

वर्ग checkevent: डीईएफ़ __init __ (स्वयं, fromuser): self.fromuser = fromuser अंतिम openid_check (स्वयं): # का उपयोग sqlalchemy exist_user = User.query.filter_by (openid = self.fromuser) प्रथम () exist_user यदि है कोई नहीं: पाठ = यू '请 绑定 后 在 使用 "पाठ अंतिम ग्रेड (स्वयं) वापसी: openid_check () = Expropriate user exits_user .query.filter_by (openid = self.fromuser) प्रथम () = getURp URP (exist_user.username, exist_user.password_urp) पाठ key_check (स्वयं, एक्स) as the default is #Return #The name of the sentence: # उपयोग dict की तरह {स्विच 'ग्रेड': self.grade}. सामग्री = check event ('ozvT4jlLObJWzz2JQ9EFsWSkdM9U') key_check ('ग्रेड') प्रिंट सामग्री यह संबंधित नहीं है कि तुम सकते हैं, मैं एक मूल्य प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं और यहोवा नहीं करने के लिए. तरीका है? नहीं है कोई वापसी में बयान key_check , इसलिए स्वाभाविक रूप से यह एक वापस नहीं करता है ything. You can set up a new one to get the most out of your computer: You can set up a list of new

kettle - Pentaho keetle - Create file depending on values -

I have a database in which I have to export different files depending on the specific name (say scientific_name - given below Example) In my table, I would like to do the following for each scientific name: Create a related file, e.g. ab.txt , ac.txt Enter all relevant values ​​in this file. ab.txt : ID for example , Value 1, 2 3, 3 ac.txt : id, value 2, 5 4, 4 for example my id | Scientific_name Name | Price 1 | Now | Aa | 2 2 | AC | Cc | 5 3 Now | Aa | 3 4 | AC | Cc | 4 Do you have any idea how can I do this? Thank you very much Arnaud text file output There is an option in the step that allows you to specify a field in the dataset, in which the name of the file is being made. Check out this example: It creates 2 separate files based on the column name in the dataset. It is very easy, but it shows you the necessary functionality. Keep in mind, this change will directly output files to kettle's installation folder.

ios - Accessing UITableViewCell subview via tag? -

I am adding a UI display view for table cells: UITableViewCell * cell = [ VideoTable CellForArendexpath: [NSINXXPath IndexPathfire: (Long) Topic in VideoOndex: 0]]; UIProgressView * prg = [[UIProgressView alloc] initWithProgressViewStyle: UIProgressViewStyleDefault]; Prg.tag = (long) video index + 1000; [Cell ads sbueview: prg]; I am trying to use this progress bar later (in AppDelegate.m): UITableView * table = (UITableView *) [Self.videosTableController.viewView DescriptionTags: 8888]; UITableViewCell * cell = [table cellform and endpath: [NSINX XPath IndexPathForRO: Index Injection: 0]]; UIProgressView * progressBar = (UIProgressView *) [cell view: tags: index + 1000]; Progress of return; // It's always zero ..... What's going on? I've verified that the table and cell are not returning to zero, but the UIProgressView does not appear in the cell. I have stopped through the reviews of the cell, but can not see the progress bar. You get the Prg.tag

node.js - install bcrypt on ubuntu ec2 -

gyp ERR! त्रुटि गिप्प ERR बनाएँ! स्टैक त्रुटि: निकास कोड में `करें` असफल: 2 जीआईपी ERR! ChildProcess.onExit पर स्टैक (/ usr / local / lib / node_modules / npm / node_modules / node- gyp / lib / build.js: 267: 23) gyp ERR! ChildProcess.EventEmitter.emit पर स्टैक (events.js: 107: 17) gyp ERR! प्रक्रिया पर स्टैक। चाइल्डप्रक्रिया._handle.onexit (child_process.js: 1045: 12) gyp ERR! सिस्टम लिनक्स 3.2.0-40-वर्चुअल जीप ERR! कमांड "नोड" "/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js" "पुनर्निर्माण" gyp ERR! Cwd / home / ubuntu / grooform / fungroo / node_modules / bcrypt gyp ERR! नोड-वी v0.11.12 जीआईपी ERR! नोड-जीप-वी v0.12.2 जीआईपी ERR! ठीक नहीं एनपीएम ERR! Bcrypt@0.8.0 इंस्टॉल: `नोड-जीआईपी पुनर्निर्माण 'एनएमपी ERR! बाहर निकलने की स्थिति 1 एनएमआर ERR! एनपीएम ERR! Bcrypt@0.8.0 इंस्टॉल स्क्रिप्ट पर विफल। एनपीएम ERR! यह सबसे अधिक संभावना है bcrypt पैकेज, एनपीएम ERR! नहीं खुद एनपीएम के साथ एनपीएम ERR! लेखक को बताएं कि यह आपके सिस्टम प

How to get the json message from url using xamarin cross platform development? -

How to get JSN data from URL using JMRen Cross Platform development Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> personal prong string URL = " Acromine / sf = {0} "; Public async works & lt; List & lt; RootObject & gt; & Gt; GetResult (String SearchString) {try {var client = new HttpClient ()} Var json = Wait for the client. Getstring asynchronous (string format (url, searchstring)); Return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; List & lt; RootObject & gt; & Gt; (Json.ToString ()); } Hold (system exception exception) {return tap; }} To get the string from the URL, using the http client call url and getStrinAsyncc . Use DeserializeObject to convert the string into Jason format. See more to see the full program in Zamorin

repo file formatting with puppet yumrepo resource type -

I use puppet to manage my /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo file I am trying to The built-in puppet yumrepo resource type is adding a base value, which is expected, but this file is keeping the line after the comment for the next repo, [Update]. How do I format puppet [Base] repo more beauty? Ideally, I would like a puppet to change the basural entry with the comment after "#released updates" below, as seen below. [base] name = CentOS- $ releasever - Base # baseurl = http: //$releasever/os/$basearch/ gpgcheck = 1gpgkey = file : /// etc / pki / rpm-gpg / RPM-GPG-Key-CentOS-6 # Release Updates baseurl = http: // SERVERXXX / distros / CentOS / $ releasever / os / $ basearch / [updates] Here is the puppet code snippet: class repos { Case $ operating system {"CentOS", "RedHat": {yumrepo {"base": baseurl = Gt; 'Http: // SERVERXXX / distros / CentOS / $ releasever / os / $ basearch /', gpgcheck = & gt;

hadoop - Fail to write SequenceFile with Pig -

I want to store some pig variables in Hadoop SequenceFile so that we can remove jobs to run an external map. Assume that my data has a charrray (int) schema: (Hello, 1) (test, 2) (example, 3) I wrote this storage work: import; Import java.util.logging.Level; Import java.util.logging.Logger; Import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; Import; Import; Import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; Import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.OutputFormat; Import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordWriter; Import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat; Import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.SequenceFileOutputFormat; Import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.TextOutputFormat; Import org.apache.pig.StoreFunc; Import; Public Square StoreTest StoreFunc {extends private string store location; Private recordware author; Private job job; Public StoreTest () {} @ Override public

How do I detect if an Android device has built-in haptic capacities? -

In my application settings, I would like the following options for important feedback: Anyone Otherwise, the option should be: If the device has underlying haptic capabilities, otherwise, the option should be: None, sound How do I do this? The way I am asking for no is whether the user is currently enabled or disabled in his device, but does his device have haptic capabilities. New to Android but I guess the old / inexpensive device does not have any HPC capabilities. Note: My API API Level> = 8 Try: vibrator v = (Thunderbird) getSystemService (reference .dbBRATOR_SERVICE); If (v! = Null & amp; v.hasVibrator ()) {// add haptic feedback option}

arrays - Function similar to head() in Matlab -

I'm just trying to figure out that head in Matlab < / Code> to r ? It should display / print the top 5 rows of an array. Therefore, given the following table var1 = transpose (1: 6); Var2 = Transges (2: 7); Aa = table (var1, var2); I'm searching for a funtion xx which generates as soon as: aa (1: 5) , :) ans = var1 var2 _________ 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 Something like this: xx (aa) I can definitely use the above indexed, but it would be more convenient with a function. I head () broadly R . If you want all the top rows, then just mydata [ 1: 5,] . I use the following toys from a certain person: -) cgwtools package, which allows you to specify how many items to display and if desired elements The option to leave is as soon as possible, I decided not to maintain the dimension to make it easy to check a list object feel free to take this code & amp; Modify your needs (for example, if you only want "head" of your data,

javascript - Scroll not working on Android Chrome only -

For any reason, scrolling on Android devices does not work in Chrome browser. You can see the site at I have tried: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('Body'). CSS ('touch-verb', 'auto');}); I do not understand ... any help would be greatly appreciated Do you mean by dragging the page with your finger on mobile? You have -webkit-user-drag: none; is set to This is a WebKit-specific asset: CSS property: -webkit-user-drag < / H2> Description Specifies that its entire element should be pullable rather than content. Syntax -webkit -User-drag: Auto | Element | No one; value Auto default puller behavior is used. Any element can not be dragged on it all. This is supported by Chrome 1-17 and Safari 3-5.1:

java - How to play sound order by order? -

I need to play sound file sequence by order with the media player. If I use the setOnCompletionListener, then the code is going to be such a long time: one.start (); One.setOnCompletionListener (New MediaPlayer.OncompletionListener) {Ending at Public Zero (Media Player MP) {Two. Start (), two .Seton expiration listener (new media player.oncompletion listener) {end at public zero (media player MP) {two start (); ... three four ...}}); }}); Is this a more practical way? The only change is the player's source in the next media. one.start (); One.setOnCompletionListener (New MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener) {Ending at Public Zero (Media Player MP) {one.setDataSource (loopthroughSources); // The list of an array or path path can be one.start ();}}); }});

matlab - Multivariate Gaussian distribution formula implementation -

I have a definite problem when implementing multivariate Gaussian distribution for discrepancy detection. I have given reference to the formula from Andrew NG < P> Below is the problem I have Suppose I have a data set with two attributes and the number of training numbers is n = 2 and my polygonal probability p. (X; mu; Sigma) which should be [m * 1] matrix because it has to face the problem I have to face the problem of matrix [M * ​​1] I am unable to use the formula to produce. I am using Octave as IDE to develop algorithms. Below is a snapshot of my problem showing Please help me understand that I am wrong thanks < / Div> I think you have wrong dimensions. Assume that you have a 2-dimensional ( n = 2 ) data for the m examples. We will call this data in MATLAB a N-by-m can be stored in the form of matrix (columns are data instances, rows represent the feature / dimension) in th