
Showing posts from April, 2010

java - Why does the priority from getPriority inside a new thread differ from the priority in the calling thread? -

For example, why do the following codes produce a priority of 7? public class test {public static zero main (string [] args) {thread thread = new thread (new A ()); Thread.setPriority (7); System.out.println ("in main:" + thread.getPriority ()); Thread.start (); }} Class A Extended Thread {@Override Public Zero () {System.out.println ("in thread:" + this.getPriority ()); }} Output: In main: 7: 5 in thread new thread (new A ()); You are treating new A () as the Runnable and assign it to a different thread Examples. does not affect the new threads example threads based on its runnabel . > You should use new A () directly.

cordova - Facebook app settings on PhoneGap application -

I have a phonegap application that uses the main to connect. I am using PhoneGap Build to get APK / IPA without generating Android / iOS projects. For developers, inside Facebook, however, I need to complete some settings for my application, more than the simple PhoneGap build I needed to see some tutorials in making the hash key for the Android app, But, what should I do in the "Class Name" field (which is what Facebook will launch) because I have no class in my Javascript-PhoneGrap code? I have provided the screenshot and configuration of the config.xml path where you will find the package id. If you are using Cordova from the command line, then the default activity class for the Cordova Android application is CordovaAPEP. So in this situation your configuration should be such that in the Facebook developer. Package name: com.phonegap.helloworld Default activity class name: com.phonegap.helloworld.CordovaApp You can update the package name You need entr

ruby - Cannot print newline with newline character in a string -

p "\ n \ n \ n रूबी बेकार! \ N" लेकिन, यह प्रिंट करता है: "\ n \ n \ n रूबी बेकार! \ N" मेरी गलती क्या है? < / Div> आपकी गलती का उपयोग कर रहा है, जो निहित तौर पर इसके तर्क पर कॉल करता है उपयोग करें और आप ठीक हो जाएंगे। & gt; & gt; पी "\ n \ n \ n रेबी बेकार! \ N" "\ n \ n \ n रेबी बेकार! \ N" = & gt; "\ N \ n \ n रेबी बेकार! \ N" & gt; & gt; डालता है \ "\ n \ n \ n रब्बी बेकार! \ N" रुबी बेकार! = & Gt; शून्य

sql - PostgreSQL creating enum of enums -

I'm thinking that for example in postgresql there is a way to create an enum enum: An animation of animation ('stop-motion', 'CGI', 'motion-capture') is and is a moviegener With this method, I can include something like: Ambience (animation, 'fantasy', 'SCAI', 'horror') films ( Name, style) values ​​('donation of planetary planets', 'motion-capture'), ('annabel', 'horror') and may ltree the data type will be forwarded, see the documentation. ltree Data type In your case there is an elegant hierarchical structure for label type information. Your label path will be: animation animation. Stop-motion animation. CGI Animation. Motion-Capture Fancy Sci-fi horror and your related INSERT statement: Movie (name, style ) Include in values ​​('Don' of Planes Planet ',' Animation. Motion-Capture '), (' Annabelle, '' Horror '); and

How to allow paypal payments via my custom API -

I have created a custom XML API in our Rail applications to enable customers to buy and manage their items. But how can I enable payment methods for my domain through my custom API? I would like to send a request "Pay" and their PayPal credentials with the method to pay for a particular item. / P> Please help me. With all the respect, your APIs do not need to be called to call you your PayPal certificate can give. No one should give their identity to any given site / service (such as PayPal in this case) for any third party (i.e. you). If you want to add PayPal support, read and follow PayPal's API docs, samples, etc. on your site.

javascript - How to assign a value to a a JS variable in a web site depending if it's running locally or in production? -

I work on a web project on my laptop. When I am doing, I can upload my files to production. Every time I upload to the output, I have to make sure that I change the URL of the product URL into my URL URL. For example: var ping_url = 'http: /' // locally // var ping_url = '' // in production I have 3 urls in different parts of the code, I often forget to change the output before uploading it, and as a result I break the production website. Is there any way to check that I am running a website in a laptop or production? I want to write: If (local) {var ping_url = '' // locally} and {var ping_url = 'Http://' // In Production} Any ideas? You can always check and compare it 'localhost' or whatever You also use hostnames on your laptop, for example var ping_url = ~ location.hostname.indexOf ('localhost')? 'Http://': 'ht

json - DocumentDb, how can I reduce the source to a smaller subset and output in a different shape when original document has no field names -

I have to follow the JSON string which is obtained from an external party stored in Windows Azure DocumentDb: < "12345", "Lines": [["20140925", "762", "12345", "Profile ID:" "12345", "Account Id": ">" ], ["20140 9 26", "552"],]} I want to reduce the source to a small set and output in a different shape. < P> "SELECT * FROM" yield yield: [["20140 925", "762"], ["20140 9 26", "552"],]] < / Code> the question is why I do not have field names, how can I modify the output as mentioned in the document document document as "SELECT {date": "," "value":}} syntax? < P> I think you are looking to see your data in such a way: < In that case, you can get the join / Code> Use to repeat through section Use the VALUE keyword to draw the date and value values

angularjs - How to send JSON from clinet and get DTO-Object on server? -

मेरे पास ग्राहक: के लिए (var i = 0; i & lt; $ Files.length; i ++) {var फ़ाइल = $ फ़ाइलें [i]; Var डेटा = {f_name: 'test1', s_name: 'test2'}; Var एफडी = नया फॉर्मडाटा (); Fd.append ('डेटा', कोणीय। टू जेसन (डेटा)); Fd.append ("फ़ाइल", फ़ाइल); $ Http ({method: 'POST', url: 'कर्मचारी सेवा / कर्मचारी / अपलोड', हेडर: {'सामग्री-प्रकार': अपरिभाषित}, डेटा: fd, transformRequest: angular.identity}) .success (फ़ंक्शन (डेटा, स्थिति) {चेतावनी ("सफलता");}); } और सर्वर पर (स्प्रिंग): @ResponseBody @RequestMapping (मान = "/ अपलोड", विधि = RequestMethod.POST) सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग पोस्टफ़ाइल MultipartFile फ़ाइल, @RequestParam (मान = "डेटा") ऑब्जेक्ट डेटा) अपवाद {System.out.println ("डेटा =" + डेटा) फेंकता है (@RequestParam (मान = "फ़ाइल", आवश्यक = गलत) MultipartFile फ़ाइल, @RequestParam; वापसी "ठीक है!"; } लेकिन डेटा स्ट्रिंग है: "{" f_name ":" test

java - trying to generate a JAX-WS response and getting an exception -

मैं एक JAX-WS प्रतिक्रिया उत्पन्न करने और निम्नलिखित अपवाद प्राप्त करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं: & Lt; साबुन: लिफाफा xmlns: साबुन = "" & gt; & LT; साबुन: शरीर & gt; XML स्ट्रीम उत्पन्न नहीं कर सका: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: अस्वीकृत नामस्थान उपसर्ग "tns" & amp; #xd ;. [पंक्ति, कोला (अज्ञात-स्रोत)] पर: [20,26]। & Lt; / faultstring & gt; & lt; / साबुन: दोष & gt; & Lt; / वापसी & gt; & Lt; / साबुन: शरीर & gt; & lt; / साबुन: लिफाफा & gt; यह मेरी स्कीमा है: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt; xs: स्कीमा तत्वफार्मडिफ़ॉल्ट = "योग्य" xmlns: xs = "" targetNamespace = "http: // url" xmlns: tns = "http: // url" & gt ; & Lt; xs: तत्व का नाम = "संदर्भ" निलाबल = "सच" प्रकार = "टीएनएस: संदर्भ"

php - iOS: Issue in response time of two urls hitting same server -

I am facing a problem with two separate web API calls, both of which collide with the same server Returns the same data (beta and live url). When I press my reply to live URL well, for example, if response is made after 5 to 8 seconds, after 20 to 35 seconds the beta URL gets hit with the return. I saw other related questions on StackHowfortflow, but did not get success or its issue on the server side? Can someone recommend me the right solution? Thank you

android - getting error while adding spinner to the right of action bar -

निम्न त्रुटि हो रही है प्रकार बेमेल: से एंड्रॉइड। ActionBar.LayoutParams लेआउटइफलटर इन्फ्लेटर = (लेआउटइनफ्लाटर) getActionBar ()। GetThemedContext ()। GetSystemService (LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); अंतिम देखें spinnerView = inflater.inflate (आर। लेट। लेआउटस्पिनर, रिक्त); स्पिनर स्पिनर = स्पिनर spinnerView.findViewById (आरआईडी.एमआईस्पिनर); ArrayAdapter & LT; CharSequence & gt; एडेप्टर = अर्रेएडैप्टर.क्रेटेफ्रोम संसाधन (यह, आर.रात्र। स्थान, आर। लेट। स्पिनर_आईटेम); adapter.setDropDownViewResource (R.layout.spinner_dropdown_item); spinner.setAdapter (अनुकूलक); // spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener (new OnItemSelectedListener) (// // @Override // सार्वजनिक शून्य पर ITemSelected (एडाप्टरव्यू & lt;? & Gt; माता पिता, दृश्य देखें, पूर्णांक स्थिति, लंबी आईडी) {// // जो भी आप चाहते हैं चयनित आइटम। आप इसे इस रूप में प्राप्त कर सकते हैं: parent.getItemAtPosition (स्थिति); //} // // @Override // सार्वजनिक शून्य पर कुछ भी नहीं चुने गए (ए

How to add a Button in kendo pop up -

! [Cando Popup] [1] How to Add a Button to View Details in the Cando Popup UI like Update, Cancel button. I want to add another button to that popup This is HTML for a confirmation modal dialog & lt; Div data-role = "modalview" id = "confirmationView" data-init = "app.confirmationView.onInit" style = "display: none;" & Gt; & Lt; P class = "message" data-bound = "text: confirmation text" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Hour & gt; & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; A data-role = "button" square = "button yes" data-bind = "click: on yickle" & gt; Yes & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A data-role = "button" class = "no button" data-bind = "click: on noclic" & gt; No & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; and this is a view model for it (a required J module) / * global defined * / define

Created nodes don't appear to be added to the neo4j database -

I have created some nodes in a neo4j database from within a groovy app, but when I connect to the database by using databases I'm a shell client who does not look there. I am creating what is described in the database: def graphDb = new GraphDatabaseFactory (). NewEmbeddedDatabase () "/tmp/foo.db"); Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx () def firstNode = graphDb.createNode (); FirstNode.setProperty ("Message", "Hello,"); Def secondNode = graphDb.createNode (); SecondNode.setProperty ("Message", "World!"); Tx.success (); System.err.print (firstNode.getProperty ("Message")); System.err.print (relationship.getProperty ("Message")); System.err.print (secondNode.getProperty ("Message")); After running the app, I can see that the database is built on the filesystem, although when I connect to the shell client, it seems that there is no node in the database: $ ./neo4j-community-2.1.5/bin/neo4j-shell-path/t

javascript - possible to embed Github list of issues (with specific tag) on website? -

Do anyone know an easy way to embed a list of issues with tags specific to the Gitub on the website? This is to embed a list of open bugs on a project website. You will need to create a query (as "" "). You will then generate the HTML section of your website page that will display the results of that query. Use it received / user / issues use your account, or an account that only Looks at the repo that you want to list problems with. And you can specify a label label string: A list of label names separated by commas. Example: bug, UI, @ high

Java io using read() -

I was trying this code snippet - import *; Class Demo {Public Static Zero Key (String Array []) Throws IOException {BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader (New InputStreamReader (; Int c; Do {c = (char) (); Println (c); } While (c = 'q'!); }} Now when I give input -22 output - 50 50 13 10 I understand the output 50, 50, but why compiler is printing 13 ? Please help Thanks! I think there are 13 and 10 CR / LF: the end of the line. mvc - CSS styling not working when running the MVC application through IIS -

I am developing a website inasp.Net MVC 5. I want to test it in local IIS (version 8). But when I browse / browse the published site, CSS styling did not work. I did not use bundles in my _layout.cshtml file, instead I used a direct link tag. & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "~ / assets / plugins / bootstrap / css / bootstrap.min.css" & gt; any help Many thanks. This problem is resolved by checking the static content option in the "General HTTP features" group of IIS configurations. < P>.

java - Am I using packages incorrectly? -

I am creating an Android chat app I'm using the package to store the same squares together, But I'm not sure it's okay now. I'm doing this: com.myApp.adapters // - All my list adapters (Friendlt Adapters, Message ListEditor) com.myApp.fragments // - All my pieces (Friends Fragment, Communication Fragment) com .myApp.database // - All my database classes (database support, message data source, etc ...) com.myApp.models // - All my models (friends, messages, conversations) com.myApp.communications / / - All my comics classes (GCM classes, Facebook classes, etc ...) What is the matter? Or it should be more: com.myApp.Conversations // - Everything for the conversation (Message List Adapter, Conversation Fragment, MessageData) com.myApp .Friends // - Everything for friends (Friends listederator, Friends Fragment, FriendsDataSource) // ... and so on. I suspect that this is a function or a feature of itself, rather than sharing classes with each other, if i

excel - Forcing SUMPRODUCT to ignore text values -

I have a list list from which I want to remove a certain value. The dates in the table are as headers, and each cell in the first column shows a different product type. Using the SUMPRODUCT formula as shown below instead of HLOOKUP , I would like to get the amount of units available for a specific product. My problem is that I do not know in advance how many columns will be required, because I am importing the number of units for every product every month. Therefore, I have to use whole lines instead of cell names in the form shown in the formula given below. However, the line headers in line 1: 5 include the data along with the result and #VALUE! Error How to ignore the text values ​​of SUMPRODUCT A.: Calculate the remaining cells by placing rows in the form of rows instead of cell names? Formula: = SUMPRODUCT (- ("Product 1" = $ A $ 2: $ A $ 4) * - (DATE (YEAR (today ()) , Month (today () ()), 1) = 1: 1) * (2: 4)) returns #VALUE! (For October 1,

sql - Select highest season and episode (mysql) -

मेरे पास एपिसोड की एक तालिका है जो इस तरह दिखती है: मैं सबसे ज्यादा सीज़न लेना चाहता हूं और तब उच्चतम उदाहरण के लिए उच्चतम सीज़न से श्रृंखला 1 एपिसोड उदाहरण (WHERE श्रृंखला = 1)। आउटपुट हो सकता है: आईडी | प्रकरण | मौसम | श्रृंखला 8 3 1 1 मैं यह कैसे कर सकता हूं? ऐसा कुछ करने की कोशिश करें: SELECT * से Tablename जहां श्रृंखला = 1 आदेश सीजन डीईएससी द्वारा, एपिसोड डीईएससी सीमा 1; एक और संभावितता "चुनें MAX (...) ..." होगी और इसका उपयोग WHERE-clause में होगा।

javascript - Use Camera in Cordova? -

I'm building the Cordoba app, it supports two platforms (Ios and Android) in this app. The camera is shown in the frame. I will have a button called "Click" under the camera frame, when I click on this button, then presently show things in the camera and be saved in the gallery. Also there should be a slide bar on the left side of the camera. Using this slider, a camera can zoom in or out. I have currently tried "". But, I do not know how to present a camera in a given frame. This is bringing the default camera app and opening the camera in full screen. Please suggest me some other plugin or any method. Thank you. After I'm not sure about displaying in a frame, but usually when you plug in the camera Use it to leave the fire in the native camera effectively, either the user exits until you are applying or takes a picture. It is at that level, you can handle feedback data For example, you will have a button, link or any

ios - How to break lines In UILabel? -

मैं UILabel में UIViewController में एक टेक्स्ट आवंटित करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं और मेरा पाठ है: जैसे ही आप कर सकते हैं उतने ही सवाल उठाएं! प्रश्नन गलत हो जाओ और आप एक जीवन खो देंगे! सभी तीन जीवन खो दें और यह खेल खत्म हो गया! लेकिन जब मैं इसे लेबल में डालता हूं तो ऐसा दिखता है: मैं रेखाएं = 4 इस तरह से सेट करने का प्रयास करता हूं: लेकिन इसका काम नहीं करना और मेरा आउटपुट ऐसा दिखना चाहिए: मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? क्या ऐसा करने का कोई अन्य तरीका है? धन्यवाद अग्रिम में। विकल्प 1: - इसे यूआईएलबल के बजाय एक TextView में जोड़ें विकल्प 2: - अपने यूआईएलएबल में 0 की पंक्तियों की संख्या बदलें, सेट करें ऑटो लेआउट बाधाओं को ठीक से और पसंदीदा माक्सलेआउटविड्थ को निम्न प्रकार से सेट करें: - lbl.preferredMaxLayoutWidth = self.view.bounds.width

php - cakephp error 512 invalid salt for blowfish -

Using some code from the tutorial to create a blog, I managed to add users ... The problem is that I try to log in and fatal 512 error pop up any idea if this is coming from my core.php file or what happened with my code? Here's the case when you are thinking See: Form- & gt; Input ('account_type', array ('option' = & gt; array ('admin', 'user'), 'empty' = & gt; '(choose one)'? & Gt; & lt; / field & gt; ; & Lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; form-> end (__ ('submit'));? & Gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; div class = "verb" & Gt; & lt; h3 & gt; & lt ;? Php Echo __ ('Action');? & Gt; & lt; / h3 & gt; & lt; ul & gt; & lt; LE & gt; Lt ;? php echo $ this- & gt; HTML- & gt; link (__ ('list users model ARE (' action '=' gt; 'index' : Pre> first sir Save the generic functio mvc - C# ASP MVC: How to create a variable to execute this method -

Visual Studio shows an error The method group for an inherent-type local variable can not be assigned Do you want me Can help solve the problem? Here's the code: Show public performance All Products () {var allProducts = repository.FindAllProducts; See Return (All Products); } Add () at the end of the line Line: var All Products = The repository Fund Alprodt ();

c# - What does "@" mean before a string? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 10 उत्तर क्या "@" का अर्थ है स्ट्रिंग से पहले? मैंने पथ के साथ इस नोटेशन को देखा: string myfolder = @ "C: \ users \"; लेकिन सामान्य स्ट्रिंग्स के साथ भी। इसका अर्थ यह है कि शाब्दिक स्ट्रिंग, इसलिए किसी एस्केप वर्ण के रूप में \ का इलाज नहीं करेगा, उदाहरण के लिए। आपको इसे बेहतर समझने में मदद करनी चाहिए।

sqlite - giving a select of strings that only contain strings from another table -

I have to write the correct SQLite query to get the following difficulties. I have 2 tables: words and sounds example: content table word: ** word name ** app base house step round hat hoot Hot Content table sounds: ** SoundNote ** ** SonicActive ** 1BO O1UUUUU1S1H1T 1 EFP1 I would like to write a question that gives me the word back in which only active sounds are notices ou o with u . Therefore the result should be in this case: hat I came up with: words Choose the word from the word. '%' Like Word_name || Sounds. Normal name || '%' Where sounds.soundActive = 1 group by words.wordName; But it also gives me words that the voices are not active. As soon as it has an active sound, the word is given. I tried 'code' words.wordName not like '%' || Sounds || Sound || '%' Where sounds sounds.sctive = 0 UPDATE: Yohanes Khosiawan works on the second solution sqlite. Join the word as a word with the word '.'

javascript - How to embed an iframe with custom styled xml content? -

I am creating a website and the customer needs some news from the BBC. I saw on the Internet how to do this for 3 hours without any success, I want to use an IFrame and style it to insert an XML BCC file. What have I tried so far: & lt; Iframe src = "http: /"></iframe> And when I try to edit it in any way, it does not seem to work. I understand that the file is not local, so it's really hard to edit, but is there any way to do it? URL of the XML file: Any help would be greatly appreciated

Reading TEXT column into a TEXT variable in SQL Server 2000 -

I am trying to read an XML file through a stored procedure that looks something like this: Creating table # temp (temp TEXT) DECLARE @sql_bulk with NVARCHAR (500), @ path NVHAR (500) SET @sql_bulk = 'bulk INSERT # sem' '+ + path @' ' (Fieldman = '' | '' '', ROWTERMINATOR = '' | \ n '') 'EXEC (@sql_bulk) DECLARE @HDoc AS INT, @ xml_text #temp as AS VARCHAR (8000) @ xml_text = temp selection Do EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @xml_text This works fine until that time Right XML is small to handle the large XML, I intend to define the variable @xml_text as the TEXT (the form of a parameter for the stored procedure But now the challenge I am now is how to specify the column value for the TEXT variable. Obviously I can not use the SET or SELECT to assign a value to the TEXT variable I also have READTEXT Has not taken any advantage

dns - Service to validate if url has valid toplevel domain -

I am serving for a service where I can certify if a given URL has a valid domain Since the list of toplavdomomains is constantly using a textile file, it is no longer better, so I want to use a web service. Apart from this, the use of a txt file does not obtain country-code top-level domains, such as "Code." Etc. ... List of upper domains from the best thing that I have found so far , But it is not said when it is updated (link :) If you can not direct it to URL, then checking it to use the most obvious service valid top-level domain is DNS. Send a query from Hwar and see what RCODE NERROR or NXDOMAIN.

gps - What kind of NoSQL storage should we use? -

We are an IOT company providing services for transportation and logistics companies. As a basic service provider, we offer GPS tracking devices to our customer. However the format of GPS tracking data is quite clear (GPSID, longitude, latitude, speed, direction, report time, etc.), but it is huge. Each device reports GPS tracking information per 10 seconds, and we have 100k devices, thus 60 * 60 * 24 * 100000/10 = 864 M lines of new data generated each day Using data collected by GPS tracking, the equipment of a particular vehicle, the client has a fixed time period (for example, in the last 10 days, 60 * 60 * 24 * 10/10 = 86.4K of data Rows) will review this vehicle's mark within. We currently use MySQL as a storage medium, and take advantage of its prickly and table split (based on GPSID). But since the data is so large and inquiries about this happen so often, I wonder if we can use a NoSQL storage to better fit this scenario? Historical data is also useful for data

java - Check permissions in all the URIs imported from a module in Play -

I'm writing Play 2.3.2 application in Java. I use a module in which there are some routes for which my application is required. In my root file, I include them with the following statement: -> / Recommendation / recommendations system Root I need to check the permissions on all the URIs that start with / recommendation if the user is authenticated, the request is executed Otherwise it is sent to the home page. I already have an annotation applying the action to check permissions. How can I You can possibly do everything Global request and check whether authentication is required for specific resources. Import play.GlobalSettings; Import play.libs.F; Import play.mvc.Action; Import; Import play.mvc.Result; Import java.lang.reflect.Method; Public class Global Global Assets {@ Override Expands Public Action Online (HTP Request Request, Method Action Method) {if (request.path ()) starts ("/ recommendation") & amp; Do not anticipate

java - FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 84: FileNotFoundException Android logcat errors -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: < / P> 3 जवाब मेरा खेल सही ढंग से चलता है जब मैं डेस्कटॉप संस्करण की जांच करें, लेकिन जब मैं एक एंड्रॉयड एमुलेटर लॉन्च करता हूं और गेम को एमुलेटर पर चलाने की कोशिश करता हूं तो गेम बंद हो जाता है और मुझे लॉककैट त्रुटियां मिलती हैं: 10-28 08: 00: 53.528 : ई / एंड्रॉइड रेंटाइम (1203): घातक अपवाद: जीएल रीथ 84 10-28 08: 00: 53.528: ई / एंड्रॉइड रेंटाइम (1203): प्रक्रिया:, पीआईडी: 1203 10-28 08: 00: 53.528 : E / AndroidRuntime (1203): com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: फ़ाइल लोड नहीं की जा सकी: playButton2.png 10-28 08: 00: 53.528: E / AndroidRuntime (1203): com.badlogic.gdx पर। ग्राफिक्स। पिक्समैप। & Lt; init & gt; (पिक्समैप। जावा 140) 10-28 08: 00: 53.528: ई / एंड्रॉइडरेंटिम ई (1203): पर (फ़ाइल परिभाषाडेटा.जावा: 64) 10-28 08: 00: 53.528: ई / एंड्रॉइडरेंटाइम (1203): पर .एक्स्टेक्शन.लोड (बनावट। जावा 30) 10-28 08:

printf - C Programming - integer value printing incorrectly -

I am using Borreland C v3.1 (DOS version) This is my code P> contains # lt; Stdio.h & gt; #to & lt include, conio.h & gt; Zero WTF () {int array [15], i; Int. WTF_NUMBER = 12345; For (i = 0; i & lt; 16; i ++) array [i] = 0; Printf ("% d", WTF_NUMBER); } Zero main () {clrscr (); WTF (); Getch (); } I should get 12345 as output, but I'm getting 0 instead. help. Your code is incorrect for < For the code> (i = 0; i Because you have only 15 elements in your array I for (i = 0; i <-15; i ++) array [ I] = 0;

php - Generated posts from Wordpress-Plugin show empty links in menu -

My colleague and I'm working on the WordPress plugin which generates a post using a custom post type. By the time you do not see the posts, all this work is fine. Generated pages look good and Themes use single.php template. The only problem is that the menus that work on all other pages of the site on the pages generated by the plugin are empty. By emptying I mean that there is a structure with links, just go to & lt; A & gt; The text inside the tag. The generated menu on the post generated by the plugin looks like this & lt; Nav id = "primary-navigation" category = "site navigation primary-navigation" role = "navigation" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "nav-menu" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li class = "page_image page-item -1763" & gt; & Lt; A href = "? Page_ id = 1763" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "page_item page-item -

MySql workbench query history ( last executed query / queries ) i.e. create / alter table, select, insert update queries -

MySQL wants to see the last execution of queries in the workspace, whether its create / query Table query selection / insert / update query or any query list. In short, you want to see the history of all the questions Alternatively, the SQL statement is stored in the history text files in two places: sql_history / yyyy-mm-dd example For, sql_history / 2015-04-01: Full Vertical SQL History MySQL connection for all log / sql_actions _ .log *: SQL history performance results, but data Without a, and per MySQL connection, The location of these files depends on your system. For additional details, see In both cases, you will see the query history.

android - Getting notification in system bar for an update in a webpage -

I am new to Android programming. I am preparing an Android app for my college. I've created a webview that loads a webpage called events.html how can I do that whenever a new event is attached to a webpage, one in the app's system bar Notice will appear About the event that the user is connected to the Internet, please help me. Many thanks in advance. Store the HTML file in your app's database / sharing preference / file (Java object The latter in the form would be more useful for comparison). Check a new file from time to time (at some interval), temporarily storing results. This is probably stored in an Android service One can be compared to a temporary file. If two files are different, then use it Notification Manager create a new notification It seems that you will need a server with push notifications (or Google Cloud Messaging) available which will send a notice to your college app users whenever this is a new event. This is an expensive (m

java - Accessing properties file in Spring Expression Language -

I have created a simple web application with Themelif using Spring Boot I have applied the file as a configuration I use What I would like to do is add new properties such as name and version to that file and get the values ​​of thimmelaf. I am able to get it by creating a new Java configuration class and highlighting a spring Bean: @configment Application for Public Category {@Value ("$ {Name} ") private string name; @bean public string name () {return name; }} Then I can display it in a template using Thymeleaf: & lt; Span th: text = "$ {@ name}" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; This is a lot more functional and complex for me. If possible, I would like to avoid using XML configuration. You can get it through the environment eg .: < / P> $ {@ environment.getProperty ('name')}

python - ROS CvBridge on gray image not working because of channel information -

what do i want I want to resize a gray image and publish it so that I can use it another ROS node, though I have a problem in channel information, which is OpenCV or CVBridge. Error When Learner is on a camera (Webcam / Connect) and converts it to 'Mono 8' Gray) You get the following information (row, column, Channel) in which channels = 1. For some reasons if you save this image and read it again, then suddenly the channel 3. Why is it important? If you use cv2.resize (image, x, y) on an image with 3 channels (x, y, channel = 3), but only having 1 channel, this information is lost and your output (x, why). The problem with this is that the CV Bridge channel will not work without the information. The following code works because cv2.resize is done on 3 channels: #! / Usr / bin / env dragon pkg = 'import' some roslib; Def __init __ (self): cv_bridge import CvBridge, CvBridgeError class Test sensor_msgs.msg import image roslib.load_manifest (PKG) import ros

quantlib - RQuantLib - AsianOption("arithmetic"... crashes R [r] -

Hi, I'm trying to use RQuantLib to evaluate arithmetic Asian options on the Windows 64-bit platform. The geometric printer uses the code correctly, but arithmetic accidents are used. In Rstudie and with R-term both have tried x86 and x64 with executable. Library ('Required Lib') Geooption & LT; - Asianoption ("geometrical", "put", underlying = 80, strike = 85, div = 0, risk free = 0.005, maturation = 1.25, volume = 0.2) Arithption & lt; - I have tried to create quantibib, "egionication" ("arithmetic", "put", underlying = 80, strike = 85, div = 0, risk free = 0.005 , Maturation = 1.25, Volume = 0.2) VS2010 but it does not matter as expected because RQuantLib is not required on Windows. Looking for this site, R-SIG-Finance and Quatt Lib did not give any answers to me, so I should guess that there is a local problem. Can you help guide me? Yes, Michelle and I recently discovered this debug it if you can

javascript - Passing a link via viewbag MVC RAZOR &amp appearing -

I'm trying to pass from my view to see a view from my controller, link to form of source To be used in an iframe however & amp; It appears that LNK does not work Controller link = ""; ViewBag.Answer3 = link; View & lt; Iframe height = "30" id = "audio" src = "" & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Show Function () {var listen = document.getElementById ("Audio"); Listen.src = "@ ViewBag.Answer3"; ... However this does not work and when I look at the debugger, I see it listen.src = "http: // example? .com / index aa = a & amp; q = q = bb "; Your help tom The razor automatically for HTML Thanks you can output to any string. You can stop it with Html.Raw () . However, you must javascript-encode for quotation marks instead.

jQuery ui Drag&Drop in mouse position -

I have managed to drag and drop an object into the div container , however, The object is always placed in the left corner. I would like to know how I can keep the object where the user has a cursor pointer. Can be seen in the problem. I understand that the solution may be the following part of the code: $ clone. RemoveClass ('label-item') .removeClass ('UI-draggable' ) .addClass ('dragIt'). Css ('height', 'auto'). CSS ('width', 'auto'); and I must add left and top terms according to ui.offset . Solve. var positionX = Ui.offset.left - $ container.offset () left; Var position Y = - $ container.offset () Top; $ Clone.css ('left', positionX + 'px'). Css ('top', positionY + 'px');

coldfusion - Creating stored procedure using cfstoredproc -

Is it possible to create a stored procedure that uses cfstoredproc? When I run the following, I get the wrong syntax with the 'GO' myFile.sql If OBJECIDID ('mill midata', 'P') tap drop Pros get MADADA go go ANSI_LDLS Go Start QUOTED_IDENTIFIER on set as MacDayData @ Sommy_AR AR NVRAR (200); DECLARE @sql AS NVARCHAR (max) SET @sql = N'SELECT * myTable where id = '' '@some_war +' '' excic spave extension sql @ sql ed & lt; Seqquo name = "make gate madatata" datasource = "# milleratatus () #" & gt; #PersvercingLquites (sp_1) # & lt; / Cfquery & gt; Try it out: & lf; Cffile action = "read" file = "mypath / myFile.sql" variable = "sp_1" & gt; & Lt; Cfstoredproc process = "sp_executesql" data source = "#end (data #) #" & gt; & Lt; Cfprocparam type = "in" cfsqltype = "cf_sql_varchar" value

c# - Serialize and deserialize HttpRequestMessage objects -

Do anyone have the experience of serializing HTTPPequest message objects? Trying from and it works partially. That said, JsonConvert.DeserializeObject fails due to structure issues StringContent: Unable to find a constructor to use for "System.Net.Http.StringContent". Here is a brief in case of use that I want to save var request = new HttpRequestMessage (web request) Later, issue it in case of temporary network issues or in the case of service non-availability. HttpMethod.POST, ""); Request.Headers.Date = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow; Request.Headers.AcceptLanguage.Add (New System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue ("en-US")); Request.Content = new StringContent ("Hello World!"); Request.Content.Headers.Add ("X-something", "Cheese"); Var result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject (request, new JsonSerializer settings {TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.Objects, TypeNameAssemblyFormat

javascript - How to trigger a modal view with Highcharts, when zoom is also enabled? -

I have a webpage that shows a high chart, with zoom type 'x' enabled. The chart div is wrapped in a container device such as: & lt; Div class = 'chart-container' & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'chart_0' square = 'chart' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; There is also an event handler attached to the "mouseoverpe" event on the chart-container, which toggle the Modalchart CSS class to switch to a model view: .modalChart {status: fixed; Width: 100%; Height: 100%; Top: 0; Left: 0; Background: RGBA (0, 0, 0, 0.7); Z-index: 99 99 99; }. Chart {height: 300px; } .Modelchart. Chart {height: 90%; Width: 90%; Max-width: None; Margin: 1 AM Auto; } The event handler is defined: $ ("body"). ("Mouseup", ".chart-container", function () {$ (this) .toggleClass "modalChart" $ (".chart", this). Highchurch (.) Reflow ()}); The problem I am facing is that the mousev

swift - iOS:is that available to control or choose the way to receive message from network? -

For example, I want to force the device to get data from the network with 3G / 4G service when WiFi is connected. What is the permissions / APIs of developers that which network device should be used? Is there any document about this in the Apple Developer Library? Use the richness class to search Google. Richability * Accessibility = [Reachability Possibility for Internet Connection]; [Accessibility StartNotifier]; NetworkStats position = [reachability current resheability credits]; If (position == ReachableViaWiFi) {}

javascript - Dynamically delete multiple columns in html table -

I am trying to delete several columns from the html table using javascript. Argument is using it to search for the tag in the top row and then deletes that column. The problem is that only one cell is going to be in the top row, then this column fixes, but if there are multiple columns it throws the error. This is my code & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Table style = "width: 100%" range = '1' id = 'just_for_california' & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; S & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Eve & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Jackson & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; 94 & lt

.htaccess - Laravel and opencart htaccess rule -

I have a larval site that the customer now wants opencart at the same domain, but running in Is the directory. I've put opencart in the public folder, but I'm having trouble with creating the htaccess file redirect. This is what I have done so far but it is not just going to Laravel with routes route instead of OpenCart folder to run at WAMP at this moment, laravel works fine < / P> # if not another platform (opencart) then load laravel & lt;. IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; # Redirection rear slash RewriteEngine on ... RewriteRule ^ (. *) / $ / $ 1 [L, R = 301] # Handle Front Controller ... RewriteCond% {REQUEST_URI}! ^ / ShopRewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d RewriteCond% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rivieraith ^ ^ index.php [L] & lt; / IfModule & gt; # Redirect to open the directory of the cart & lt; Ifmodule mod_rewrite.c & gt; # Redirection rear slash RewriteEngine on ... RewriteRule ^ (. *) / $ / $ 1 [L, R = 301] # Handle

python + pandas: convert class to json, but ignore dataframe member -

[This issue was able to reproduce, so being updated ..] I have a Jason JSON I'm using Jason to change in The object contains a member property which is the type of pandal. Dataframe (which does not care to serialize me, but want to have a reference). The following snippet indicates the problem that first serialization works for JSN, but the second produces an error: Import JSN Import Ponds as PP Imports as NP Class myClass : Def __init __ (self, df, title, description, some_arr): Self.title = title self.descr = description self .ar = some_arr self.df = df if __name__ == "__main__": df = pd.DataFrame ( Np.random.randn (10, 5), column = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']) MC1 = Myllus (DF, 'Title', 'Dod' [1,2,3,4]) json_data = json.dumps ( Mc1, default = lambda o: o .__ dict__) #Works Fine df = df [['A']] mc2 = MyClass (df, 'title', 'descr', [1,2,3,4]) json_data = The second case (after filtering

google admin sdk - How much time does it take for an audit export job to finish? -

I have a fixed job many days ago and the situation is still pending, is there any way of knowing anyway that Almost one needs to wait? Or what is the position of a queue for estimating progress? The request ID is 505334862. Thank you, Dennis. Assume that you are talking about the Google Email Audit API, I do not think that's progressing There is a way to check. The only thing you can do is to get the status of this to see if it has been completed.

angularjs - Failed to instantiate module when using ES6 let with firefox and angular -

I try to use ES6's let keyword in my AngularJs module. I work with AngularJS 1.3 and FF 34. In Chrome (39) It works in FF I get "failed to do module institute" To use the ES6 features in Firefox, you must have the version & lt; Script type = "app / javascript; version = 1.7" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; ;

c - Pointer to a struct -

I'm trying to understand more points and I'm having trouble with this example. Typedef struct {int areaCode; Int street number; } Address; Address * Extra; Addr-> Field code = 10000; Printf ("% d \ n", addr-> field codes); I get a segmentation fault and it does not understand why addr is an indicator for a address structure, so I also tried it : * addr-> Area code = 10000; Even more "indirection requires pointer operator", any thoughts? address * addr; You have declared only one indicator addr , but it points to something unknown here. You have not allocated memory space for it. To fix this, change address * addr = malloc (sizeof (address));

filter - Remove specific query parameters from URL in Nginx -

I have a URL that is similar to the following I want to Let's remove the "Remove" and "and Invalid" argument from the Url and after deleting it should look like the following Is it possible to implement it in NGNX? Yes, you can use, for example, each argument is accessible by special attributes: $ Arg_jeff, $ Arg_remove: location = /index.html {rewrite ^$is_args$arg_jeff&ass;garg_test; }

Cannot list array in alfresco freemarker template -

There are major problems with working on my WordScript. The best part is that everything in the Alfresco JavaScript console is working. If I do not implement the webpit javascript: try {var node ruff = args [0] .split ('& amp;'); Var path = []; For (nodesofs in var n) {var doc = search.findNode (nodeRefs [n]); Var path = doc.displayPath + "/" +; Var host = header ['host']; Path = path.replace ('/ Firmen-Home / Sites', ''); Path = path.replace ('/ companyhome / sites', ''); Path = path. Location (/ \ g), '\\'); Paths.push ("\\\" + + + + + 7070 \\ alfresco "+ path);} Model.paths = path; Model.nodeRefs = nodefaces;} hold (e) {} freemarker template: & lt; #scape x as jsonUtils.encodeJSONString (x) & gt; & lt; # Signal node reefs = node reefs & gt; {& Lt ; # Assign N = 0> & gt; path as path path & gt; "$ {noderphs [n]}": "$ {path}" &

Can not understand java statement with new operator -

Generally, use the new ObjClass (args) to create a new object how to understand? import org.jzy3d.plot3d.builder.Mapper; ...... mapper mapper = new mapper (public) {public double F (double x, double y) {return 10 * math. (X / 10) * Math Kos (Y / 20) * x; }}; If mapper is a class, then this is an anonymous class Which increases it if the mapper is a final class, then this code will not be compiled. If the mapper is the interface, then it creates an anonymous class that implements it. More info:

mysql - while and foreach correct php -

Need help correcting the code $ aaa = do_mysql_query ("ticket Select the ticket from the number WHERE ticketed = ''. $ Coin ['ticket']. "'Order via SAC') or SQLR (__ file__, __LINE__); $ Rows = array (); While ($ line = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($ aaa)) {$ rows [] = $ line ['number']; } $ Array_numbers = Explosion ("|", $ coin ['result']); // 31 | 22 | 65 | 9 | 5 | 10 | 55 | 51 | 21 | 63 33 | 67 | 4 | 45 50 | 19. 62 foreign currency ($ array_nank as $ kannom) {foreach ($ rows as dollar r) {// 7, 8 or 9 nums if ($ r == $ keno_num) {resonates & lt; Td class = \ "table_my_tickets \" & gt; & Gt; Font color = \ "red \" & gt; & Lt; B & gt; ". $ R." & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Font & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; ";} Else {echo" & lt; Td class = \ "table_my_tickets \" & gt; "$ r." & Lt; / Td> ";}}} The problem that p

angularjs - How can I mock a service that gets immediately invoked when the controller loads? -

I have a controller that quickly captures some data from a service when loaded. Angular.module ('app'). Controller ("microcontroller", function (MySwive) {var project id =;}); This data is set in the previous action in the application. So when the Karma / Jasmin has loaded this controller in a fresh state, then this service does not have this data. I had ridiculed this service before, every block, but no fate has happened. first each (function () {var myService = {project: {id: 'thadsfkasj'}}}); What am I missing? You can duplicate your service by using angular.value After this, you should allow in your controller to inject myService . angular.module ('myServiceMock', []) .value ('myService', {project: {Id: 'thadsfkasj'}}); First of all (modules ('myServiceMock' // other modules to include or mocks ...));

jquery - dataTable.js, Print plugin, prevent fading out of info box -

datatable.js के लिए सीवीएस, पीडीएफ, प्रिंट प्लगइन ( tabletools ) में < / कोड>, जब आप प्रिंट पर क्लिक करते हैं, तो संक्षिप्त जानकारी के लिए एक जानकारी बॉक्स प्रिंट डेटा के साथ प्रदर्शित होता है, साथ ही सामान्य दृश्य पर वापस जाने के लिए ईएससी का उपयोग करता है। आप उस जानकारी को कैसे नियंत्रित कर सकते हैं जो कि जानकारी बॉक्स में प्रदर्शित होता है, लेकिन अधिक महत्वपूर्ण बात यह है कि मैं कैसे लुप्त हो जाने से रोक सकता हूं? या शायद कम से कम समय की मात्रा को बदलने से पहले यह फ़ेड हो जाता है? तो मेरे सह-कार्यकर्ता ने ' टी यहाँ उत्तर पोस्ट करने के लिए समय लेना चाहते हैं, लेकिन मुझे लगा कि मैं इसे साझा करता हूं अगर किसी और को जानकारी उपयोगी पाई: ऐसा लगता है कि समय की मात्रा के लिए कोई सेटिंग नहीं है यदि आप उस फ़ाइल को 1779 पर देख रहे हैं, तो आप देखेंगे कि यह 3 सेकंड तक कठिन है। क्योंकि tabletools < / कोड> का उपयोग पूरी तरह से किया जा रहा था, मैं स्रोत कोड को बदलना और अन्य सभी उपयोगों को प्रभावित नहीं करना चाहता था इसके बजाय मैंने ऐसा किया: $ ("# myTable&q

c# - Double enter press for reading data socket -

I am using this code (with minimal telnet) to do a telnet session with a sample server, Problems I have to press twice to read / send the output from the server, how is this possible? Do I have to use some async reading systems? "Telnet Connection Connection" New Telnet Connection ("Gobelizan", 23); // Create a new Telnet connection for the hostname "Gobelization" on "23"; Login with "user root", password "rootpassword", 100 mms, time of time, and to show the output string of the server = "" tc.login ("root", "rootpassword", 100); Console.Write (s); // server output "$" or "&"; Should end with, otherwise connection fail string signal = s.TrimEnd (); Quick = s.Substring (Speedy Lange 1 -1); If (prompt! = "$" & Amp; sign! = "& Gt;") Throw new exceptions ("Connection failed"); Soon = ""; // When connecting (TC. IC connecte

c++ - Why can't I read some BMP files? -

I am writing an application with a very simple purpose: select a bitmap directory and create an AVI video. I am using Rene Nefenegger's "AV CPP / AVIH" source code to add the BAP frame to the avi file. I am using the title "dirent.h" to "stream" the file names in my application. So far and with some small bugs, this application works very well, except that when there are several thousand bitmap files in a directory, the bitmap names and pixels are identical except for content, so I'm a bit confused. Here is the code snippet from inside the loop, which writes bitmaps in the AVI file. debews section; Bitmap BMP (bmpFileName.c_str ()); // bitmap object file is created with name int sbm = :: GetObject (BMP, size, and dibs); // If the size of the BMP object (SB! = Psychophage (debasection))) {// Writing error / bitmap file // To exit from writing code / file / file will be an error in writing in AII file if this case I have a coat in the console,

windows - How can I pass batch arguments with dots into a powershell script? -

I have a batch script that will be run by an external process that is not in my control arguments for external process batch script Can provide a variable amount of Then I want to pass these variables in PowerShell Script. The problem is that some of these variables appear: = baz For any reason the powers are broken into two arguments on the command line, I just arg You can add quotation around and call it a day. But how do I pass batches like this? This is my script: @echo off SET CMD = C: \ Scripts \ foo.ps1 PowerShell.Exe -Command "% CMD%"% * < P> I saw that this question is very similar. Here he is avoiding the $ character I tried to do something similar to dot and / or dash four, but there is no luck. Anyone have any ideas? Something like this can work: @hoho of set "CMD = C: \ script \ foo.ps1" set "ARGS =% *" set "ARGS =% ARGS: = ''%" PowerShell Ex-Commands "% CMD%" '% ARGS%'

ios - UINavigationController Presenting Modal View Controller Displays Grey Screen While Loading -

The following code sets my UIWindow and UINavigationController, from which I want to present the model view controllers: self.window = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame: [[UIScreen main screen] border]]; ViewController * Controller = [[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @ "ViewController" bundle: zero]; Self.navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: Controller]; Self.window.rootViewController = self.navController; [Self. Windows Sethead: Fails]; Once I set it, I display a controller that is provided by a third party library: [Self.navigationController presentViewController: self.presentedViewController animated: not complete: zero]; Modal View Controller is loading, while a gray screen is showing, wondering how I can hide it during model controller load.

Javascript - factor 2 numbers -

I have a program on which I am working but need some help. User and maximum number I have a loop that will loop through the numbers of screens and display on the screen. I also need to find factors for each number. I have a loop at the same time for loop, but I'm getting the "allocation size overflow" error That's what I have yet Done: function getFactors (lower, high number) {var results = "" low + "+" and "+ high number +" & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Br /> (; var x = lowNum; x & lt; = highNum; x ++) {Results + = "& lt; B & gt; "+ X +": & lt; Loop conditions for loop from "; // abortus = 2; while (factor and lieutenant; = lower number) {if (lower minimum frame == 0) {result + = factor +", In your time-lapse you increase lowNum instead of factor , then the loop will run forever to work it in my browser while changing it Just see that users do not have too many numbers a

xml - How to append a counter to element names using XSLT -

I'm trying to use XSLT to change it: Lt; Parents & gt; & Lt; Parent & gt; & Lt; Child val = "bill" /> & Lt; ChildB val = "tom" /> & Lt; / Parent & gt; & Lt; Parent & gt; & Lt; Child Val = "Jake" /> & Lt; ChildB val = "sue" /> & Lt; / Parent & gt; & Lt; / Parent & gt; In: & lt; Parents & gt; & Lt; ChildA1 val = "Bill" /> & Lt; ChildB1 val = "tom" /> & Lt; Childa 2 Val = "Jake" /> & Lt; ChildB2 val = "sue" /> & Lt; / Parent & gt; & lt; Disclaimer> Target XML, I do not have to choose for any purpose, except for the integration with the system designed by Goodwill Troll. Unfortunately, now I am facing one of them (a system, which is not a troll). & lt; / Disclaimer> I am starting with complex valuable elements, and I need to merge my children in a long list

ios8 - How to release memory in Spritekit game after SKScene ends -

I am trying to create a game with 10 levels. Every time I load the page and its associated SCEN, memory usage increases, while I leave the page; View, I visual = zero, still the memory gets a little less, not completely. Level 10 consume high memory and if I run all the levels, then, due to memory pressure the app may crash. How can I leave all the storage immediately after leaving the scene? Use this when the scene ends: [manually All removal actions]; [Remove all children]; I found that it helps with strange problems that may occur on visual changes and memory problems.

browser - adding .value stops flow of javascript -

I'm in the middle of creating a program in the browser which defines the user's choice by using pre-objects Holidays I Tried to create an object to use in comparison to the selections of and selected the most matching holidays, although when I try to select the value (add .value) it starts breaking the flow of java , And Do not read the code even after reading. var ClimateWare = document.getElementById ('climate') /. Value \ var accVar = document.getElementById ('Insert Selection') /. Value \ var durationVar = document.getElementById ('period') /. Value \ var user input = new input (climate / value, \ accVar / .value \, duration / .value \); (Var key in user input) {var woo = userInput [key]; Document.getElementById ('some DIV'). InnerHTML + = woo / .value \; } without any .value / s, this [object HTMLSelectElement] null [object HTMLSelectElement] prints - (I have changed "getElementById" to "query selector" "Na