ruby - How to write a POST request with SSL version = TLS, I got SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 -
In the Ruby I want to rewrite this curl script Putting some data on the server Uses POST for SSL curl -k https: // This curl script works, but the following ruby script does not work. I use the rest of the client libraries error me # & lt; OpenSSL :: SSL :: SSLError has been found: SSL_connect SYSCALL = 5 errno = 0 state = SSLv3 Read server hello A & gt; header = {"accept" => "App / Jason", "Content-type" = & gt; RestClient is the default for SSLv3, which you should not use for security reasons. To change something more modern: Rest client :: ('https: // & lt; SERVER_ADDRESS & gt;: 443 / service' ,: ssl_version = & gt; ; 'TLSv1'). Post (: json_key = & gt; "json_value")