
Showing posts from September, 2011

ruby - How to write a POST request with SSL version = TLS, I got SSL_connect SYSCALL returned=5 errno=0 -

In the Ruby I want to rewrite this curl script Putting some data on the server Uses POST for SSL curl -k https: // This curl script works, but the following ruby ​​script does not work. I use the rest of the client libraries error me # & lt; OpenSSL :: SSL :: SSLError has been found: SSL_connect SYSCALL = 5 errno = 0 state = SSLv3 Read server hello A & gt; header = {"accept" => "App / Jason", "Content-type" = & gt; RestClient is the default for SSLv3, which you should not use for security reasons. To change something more modern: Rest client :: ('https: // & lt; SERVER_ADDRESS & gt;: 443 / service' ,: ssl_version = & gt; ; 'TLSv1'). Post (: json_key = & gt; "json_value")

r - Make scatter plots for multiple subsets of data -

I should present my data set and my initial results to better understand your question. My dataset looks like this: place species size Conc BT 24 0.2 AST 76 1.4 ... B BT 45 1.2 BST 21 0.7 ... every species against each location against size me. For . What I've done uses ggplot2 to create a graph as below: scatterplot However, in different groups of this graph, It summarizes all the data in the dataset and fails to plot for different locations. I think the code below scatterplot just place Work for plotting A And I can do it for different places one by one. However, in my actual dataset, there are many different places in the location variable, and I can not type them all manually one by one. In this way my question is actually how to automatically make those plots for different places once? Try: ggplot (ddf) + geom_point (AES size, conc.) ) + Facet_grid (Place ~ Species) Or, in a graph: ggplot (ddf) + geom_point (AES (size, conc.,

Launch an openstack instance with two NIC -

After I want to launch an example with two vnic cards. On a vnic I have private networks and other vNic public networks, we can do so how to use for use in OpenStack? itemprop = "text" after Logic -> You need to image twice with to boot> Nova boot --image cirros-0.3.3-x86_64 --flv tiny_ram_small_disk --nicnet ID = B7ab2080-A7la-44f6-9f66-Fde526bb73d3 --nic net ID = 120a6fde-7e2d-4856-90ee-5609a5f3035f - Security group default --key name Bob-key CIRROSone Here is the result root @ colombo: ~ #Nova list + - --------------------------- --------- + ----------- + - -------- + ------------ + ----- -------- + -------------- --------------------------- ------ + | ID | Name | Position | Task State Power State | Network | + -------------------------------------- + ---------- - + --------- + ------------ + ------------- + ----------- ------------------------------------ + | D75ef5b3-060d-4ec0-9ddf-a3685a7f1199 | Sirosone | Active | - | Is running SecondVl

language agnostic - Should I provide consistency checks in the Huffman tree building algorithm for DEFLATE? -

RFC-511 is a simple algorithm that restores the Huffman tree from the list of code length, which is described in the following manner: 1) Calculate the number of codes for each code length Bl_count [N] length N, N & gt; = 1 Enter the number of codes. 2) Find the numerical value of the minimum code for each code length: code = 0; Bl_count [0] = 0; (Bits = 1; bits & lt; = MAX_BITS; bits ++) {code = (code + bl_count [bits -1]) & lt; & Lt; 1; Next_code [bits] = code; } 3) Assign numeric values ​​for all the codes, use constant values ​​for all the codes of the same length with the base values ​​set in step 2. The code that is never to be used (which is a bit of zero length) should not be specified as a value. {Len = tree [n] for (N = 0; n & lt; = max_code; n ++) Lane; If (lane! = 0) {tree [n]. Puzzle = napolax [lane]; Next_code [lane] ++; } But there is no data compatibility check in the algorithm. On the other hand, it is clear that the length list may be inval

ios - Reskit - callback on the same thread instead of UI thread -

I am displaying getObjectsAtPath in a background thread. However, success / failure blocks are called on UI threads. Is there any way to force the resetkit to call success and failure blocks on the same thread instead of the UI thread? "itemprop =" text "> Restkit does not provide this functionality, but you can do this archive. RKObjectRequestOperation class has two properties successClallQQueue & amp; failureClallQQueue , which allows you to set the call back queue RKObjectManager Overwrite the class and return RKObjectRequestOperation so you can set the callback queue < / P> - (RKObjectRequestOperation *) getObjectsAtPath :. (NSString *) path parameters: (NSDictionary *) success parameters: (void (^) (RKObjectRequestOperation * operation, RKMappingResult * mappingResult)) success or failure: (void (^) (RKObjectRequestOperation * operation, NSError * error)) failure {NSParameterAssert (Path); RKObjectRequestOperation * operation =

jquery - Bootstrap tabs don't work with Firebug -

Here's a small jQuery test program using the Bootstrap 2.0 tab. The strange thing is that if you run it in Firefox, then it works as expected, even if you turn on Firebug, the tab stops working! Is there any event handling which I am missing? As you can imagine, this is debugging my project by making it very challenging! (If you want to run it - copy the file to your web root and modify the path to jQuery and Bootstrap files - this is an example I found on JSFiddle. Then, the HTML file in Firefox Use.) tab-test.html section A li class =" dropdown "> & lt; ul class =" dropdown-menu " & Lt; li & gt; & lt; a href = "# Dropdown 1" & gt; Dropdown 1 dropdown 2 << Lt; & lt; / l & gt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Div class = "tab-content" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "sectionA" class = "tab-pen fade in active" & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Sect

php - failing to move uploaded video file -

I am uploading a video through an online form. Here's the piece of code: $ path = "../user_uploads/user_media/" $ UID "/"; $ Videofile = $ _FILES ['files'] ['tmp_name']; $ ImageFile = $ uid '_' pah (). '.jpg'; If (move_uploaded_file ($ videofile, $ path. $ VideoFile)) {$ getFromSecond = 5; $ Size = "350x200"; $ CMD = "$ FFMPEG-I $ videofile-a-s-s-$$ getFromSecond -s $ size $ imageFile"; If (shell_exec ($ CMD)) {$ picres = "y"; } And {$ picres = ""; } Can you tell me why is it going to be taken away? Upload_file?

html5 - HTML wildcard character -

I have pictures that are inserted into a jQuery slide show. All these images have been added using image src . I was wondering if there is a wildcard character that I can use to add images automatically instead of manually adding paths for each image. For example: & lt; Div class = "frame" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "picture / IMG_1.jpg" /> & Lt; Img src = "picture / IMG_2.jpg" /> & Lt; Img src = "picture / IMG_3.jpg" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; Is there any way I can add images automatically without typing the source for each image or there I can use wildcard characters in a way that automatically name IMG_ * ? Assume that your names contain img0.jpg > img4 .jpg If you add this code, the output will be 5 IMGs. & lt ;? Php for $ ($ I = 0; $ i & lt; 5; $ i ++) {Echo "

rattle, rapidminer in R vs SPSS -

I am recently launching R programming and I find it very interesting. I got R for the package Rattle which can control the statistical model without coding. Apart from this, the rapidminar r Can be integrated with - I'm not a coder advancing. Is it possible to use RAT tools like rattle and fast moving equipment to do all the tasks? Cheers. I have recently started using R and R Has found a good gateway R rattle for coding in. Whatever you want to do, you can load data, visualize, clean, model, etc. The best part is the Ratal, which saves you all the underlying R code that you are using in the GUI's logs tab, in this way you can learn the basic commands that you can use for your own R script You may need to learn and save as a starting point for building. To install: install.packages ("rattle", repos = "", type = "source") Edit: To run a GUI: Library ("Rattle") Rattle () . There

javascript - PHP-Jquery-AJAX, show popup message -

I lost my way to finding a solution and need help immediately i have a php page called list.php which is Shows a list of products on each product with the purchased icon. After clicking the BUY button, it will direct action.php (which contains the script to add to the database) and then return to the same page using the header (location: list.php? Id = $ r [id_product]) will come. After coming back to the list, I want to show a popup message "The product has been added to the cart". How to do this? You can do cookies and check back only after returning If the cookie is specified and if there is, show the message. However, if you use AJAX , you do not need cookies, just add pop-up functions in the AJAX parsing function, something like this function addToBasket (itemId) {var x = new XMLHttpRequest (); ('GET', '/ AJAX / activity.php? Add ='; Item ID is true); X.onreadystatechange = function () {if (x.readyState == 4) & amp; Amp; (X.s

dart - How retrive function that marks with metadata -

निम्न कोड स्निपेट को देखें। आयात "डार्ट: दर्पण"; कक्षा मेटा {अंतिम स्ट्रिंग डेटा; कॉन्स्ट मेटा (; } @ मेटा ("टैग") doSomething () = & gt; प्रिंट ("आपको कुछ करना होगा"); शून्य मुख्य () {doSomething (); } मैं फ़ंक्शन कैसे प्राप्त करूं, जो कि मेटाडेटा टैग के साथ बाज़ार है? मेरे उदाहरण में, मुझे पता लगाना है, जो विधि मेटा टैग के साथ चिह्नित है। आप कर सकते हैं ऐसा कुछ: शून्य मुख्य () {doSomething (); getMetaData (); } शून्य getMetaData () {LibraryMirror currentLib = currentMirrorSystem ()। पुस्तकालयों। मूल्य। CurrentLib.declarations.forEach ((प्रतीक, घोषणाएं मिरर दर्पण) {if (mirror.metadata.length & gt; 0) {प्रिंट ('प्रतीक $ s में मेटाडेटा है: "$ {}"' );}}); } यह आपको देना चाहिए: आपको कुछ करना है प्रतीक प्रतीक ("doSomething") मेटाडेटा: "टैग" आप अपनी फ़ाइलों को किसी अन्य प्रोजेक्ट से भी विश्लेषण कर सकते हैं और वर्तमान पुस्तकालय का निरीक्षण करने

Android detect keyboard hide in landscape mode -

Using the method shown in this thread - I know when the keyboard hides in portrait mode If the keyboard is fullscreen in landscape mode, then changes in layout are not triggered and therefore I can not see it in OnGlobalLayoutListener in the landscape mode, where the keyboard is not in fullscreen! Please help me out? Is there no easy way to locate the keyboard hiding? Note: I do not want to change anything in the manifest file. All this should be done dynamically through the code! Thank you!

How do you prevent Visual studio code analysis from running on a dll? -

एक प्रोजेक्ट में एक कॉम डीएलएल से उत्पन्न रनटाइम कॉल करने योग्य आवरण होता है। मेरे पास इस परियोजना पर कोड विश्लेषण का नियम है। समस्या यह है कि वीएस आरसीडब्लू डीएल पर भी कोड विश्लेषण चलाता है! मैं केवल उस डीएलएल के लिए कोड विश्लेषण चलाने से कैसे वीएस रोकूं? यह मुड़ता है कि मुझे बहुत मुश्किल नहीं लग रहा था। उत्पन्न कोड पर कोड विश्लेषण अक्षम करने के लिए, प्रोजेक्ट गुण पृष्ठ खोलें, कोड पर जाएं विश्लेषण टैब और उत्पन्न कोड (केवल प्रबंधित) चेक बॉक्स से परिणामों को दबाएं।

.net - Workaround for lack of 'nameof' operator in C# for type-safe databinding? -

There are many emotions to include a nameof operator in C #. An example of how this operator will work will return name (customer name) string "name" . I have a domain object. And I have to pair it. And I need the names of properties to be strings I and I want them to be type-safe. I remember that the workaround is coming to NAT 3.5 which provides functionality of nameof and includes lambda expressions. However, I am unable to locate this solution. Can someone provide this solution for me? If possible, then. I am also interested in implementing the functionality of the nameof in NET 2.0. This code basically does this: class programs {Static void main () {var propName = Nameof & lt; SampleClass & gt; Property (E => E. Name); Console.WriteLine (propName); }} Name of the public class & lt; T & gt; {Static String property & lt; TProp & gt; (Expression & lt; funk & lt; t, tprop & gt; & gt; expression) {var body =

jsp - Struts2 propertytag -

I'm trying to use the Struts2 property tag to display values ​​from a bean As follows: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; S: Been name = "com.section.entity.SectionOrder" var = "section order" /> & lt; Th colspan = "4" class = "head" & gt; & Lt; S: property value = "#" /> & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; Although there is no output hope is someone can give thanks. You do not need to declare work, if your action is for Gator and A for that variable Setter, with the same name, you can just & lt; S: property value = "" /> gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; The Java class should have a setter and a waiter with the same name public yourTypeOfObject getSectionOrder () {return.sectionOrder; } Public Zero Set Sections Order (YourTypeOfObject section order) {thi

javascript - How to add index and value to a object? -

How to add an index and value to an object, below is my code, I tried to add index and value to the loop , But this error shows is not an undefined object ($ data.file_list_image.i.sequence) , why and how to fix it? $ data = {file_list_image: {0: {sequence: 1, introduction: 1: {sequence: 1, intro:},}} JS var $ el = $ content_list.find ('List of content-gallery-file-list'); Var file_length = $ el.length; Var file_image_length = 0; Var file_embed_youtube_length = 0; {If ($ el.eq (i) .attr ('data-type') == 0) {// console.log ('img for Var i = 0; i & lt; file_length; i ++) '); File_image_length ++; } And if ($ el.eq (i) .attr ('data-type') == 1) {// console.log ('video'); File_embed_youtube_length ++; }} Var $ data = {}; (Var i = 0; i & lt; file_image_length; i ++) {var $ file_list = $ el.filter (function () {return $ (this) .attr ('data-type') == 0 & amp; $ (This) .attr ('data-tmp-id') == i;}); Var sequence

centos - MRTG Graph and Bandwidth more than > 120 Mbps -

h i, I'm experiencing with MRTG .. bandwidth is not bigger at 120 Mbps , MRTG will not display it correctly / the speed of my server 1 GB port, and I am downloading and uploading at this speed, but the MRT graph is not covering more than 120m traffic do anybody Have this experience done? Can anyone help? Thanks. This is a common problem due to a 16-bit counter rollover. If you are voting on your device using every 5min (default) SNMPv1, traffic over 120Mbps will cause this to wrap the 16-bit counter in the window at this time. Therefore, MRTG shows only low traffic because it can not tell how often the counter will rotate. You have two options: Use SNMPv2 This is the best option, if your device supports it (mostly). If using SNMPv2, you can use the 64 bit counter, which will not wrap around. To do this, add '::::: 2' as a suffix in your target definition to specify SNMPv2. Eg: target [ezwf]: 1: community @ router ::::: 2 Increasing the frequen

c++ - How to compile Libsass 3.0 in windows? -

I want to create a DLL for libsass 3.0. I already fix the 2.0 version, which I created using visual-c ++ 2012 . However, I can not do this with the new version (I'm guessing that this is due to the compulsorily compulsive libsum). The only solution I can think of is to manually correct every compilation error, or to upgrade Visual Studio in the 2013 version. Would you know that there is a better (faster / cheaper) option for creating libsass3.0 on windows? You can create libsass with MinGW That's free, which is free. You can see the instructions given on.

c# - What does Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder.UrlPathEncode do? -

I found an HTML sensitizer using HTMLAgilitiePack. In the code, the Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder class is used: // AntiXss a.Value = Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder.UrlPathEncode (One price); I can not find assembly of this class, I do not want to have any other dependencies in my project, and without this line the sanitizer works. However removing this call can leave the security breach in the code. In order to use or make decisions against this Assembly, I would like to know: What exactly does this method? You can view from the source code of the < / P> // / & lt; Summary & gt; The /// URL-encoded path path of a URL string and gives the encoded string. /// & lt; / Summary & gt; /// & lt; Ultimate name = "Input" & gt; URL path text & lt; / Param & gt; /// & lt; Returns & gt; URL path encoded text. & Lt; / Returns & gt; [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage ("Microsof

soap - Error on authentication with ADFS server -

The following error has been reacted to anyone while authenticating a user from the ADFS server. I am using Java SOAP server service to authenticate with ADFS server. I used the adfs / services / trust / 13 / username for authentication. The problem is that the end customer is not able to obtain the error log originating from the ADFS server 2014 -10-28 TT 02: 21: 52.926Z2014-10-28 TT 02 : 26: 52.926Z: Receiver: Internal Service Service Unable to take action on server request due to internal error, for more information about the error, to return the exception information to the client or to initiate tracing according to Microsoft Include on the server for Exception Deliver Install (either servicebeautifultribbet or service service; from configuration behavior) Check framework SDK documentation and trace log of server . Any insights or help will be highly appreciated? Finally, the original reason was found, the issue was sent to the ADFS user for the author. Was the way, was

ios - Read specific data in table -

बहुत ही बुनियादी IOS प्रश्न मेरे पास सबव्यूज़ ( काउंटर , दिनांक , दिनांक , नाम m_historytable ) >, और परिणाम )। जब भी ऐप एक नई पंक्ति को चलाता है, तब तालिका के शीर्ष पर जोड़ा जाता है। मुझे सबसे हाल ही के नाम को पढ़ने की जरूरत है और उसे एक UILabel पर भेजना है। मुझे उम्मीद है कि कथन की तरह कुछ होना चाहिए: m_last_name.text = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% d", ??? ]; मेरा प्रश्न बदलने की क्या ज़रूरत है ??? के साथ। आपको अधिक विवरणों में कोरडेटा का अध्ययन करने की आवश्यकता है। । अपने मूल डेटा प्रविष्टियों से डेटा प्राप्त करने के लिए निम्नलिखित कोड का उपयोग अपने कक्षा में एक समारोह बनाएं प्राप्त करने के लिए संदर्भ - (NSManagedObjectContext *) managedObjectContext {NSManagedObjectContext * संदर्भ = शून्य; आईडी प्रतिनिधि = [[UIApplication साझा किया गया एप्लिकेशन] प्रतिनिधि]; यदि ((प्रतिनिधि प्रतिनिधि चयनकर्ता: @selector (प्रबंधित ऑब्जेक्ट कॉन्टैक्ट)]) {संदर्भ = [प्रतिनिधि प्रबंधित ऑब्जेक्ट कॉन्टैक्सक्स्ट]; } वापसी संदर्भ; } अब कोर डेटा संस्थाओं से डे

java - How to quickly drop a database table content using Spring? -

मैं Spring-data-jpa के साथ CrudRepository का उपयोग कर रहा हूं एक पोस्टग्रेज़ डीबी में डेटा जारी रहती है। दैनिक आधार पर मैं पूर्ण डीबी सामग्री को नवीनीकृत करना चाहता हूं, जिसका अर्थ है कि किसी विशिष्ट तालिका में सभी डेटा को पहले से हटा देना। < P> रिपॉजिटरी एक विधि dao.deleteAll () प्रदान करता है, लेकिन यह बहुत लंबे समय तक रहता है क्योंकि मेरे पास लगभग 500k प्रविष्टियां हैं। मैं इसे कैसे सुधार सकता हूं? < / Div> आप इकाई प्रबंधक पर मूल एसक्यूएल क्वेरी निष्पादित कर सकते हैं, और अपने डेटाबेस को छोटा कर सकते हैं स्ट्रिंग एसक्यूएल = "TRUNCATE tbl_name;"; entityManager.createNativeQuery (SQL) .executeUpdate ();

php - Exporting Custom Magento Field via Export Customers -

I created an extension that adds an extra area to the customer's account, it works great - data is saved - All good. But ... We need to use Systems -> Import / Export -> Export when I select the dropdown list "Customer", then gives me the following error: My attribute has been added because it is in the eav_attribute table Appears only one more question which I could get a lot about it, just to see me said: \ ap \ code \ core \ mega \ customer \ Model \ Convert \ Pars \ Customer.fp I think this point creates a grid in the Magento admin panel, which allows you to select which fields to export - but this \ Parser \ Customer.php in invisible () function - or elsewhere? Thanks to Magento IRC, the root cause of the problem has been found. My attribute was in the eav_attribute table, however the field 'source_model' had the '(NULL)' value on that row. To resolve this I just specified this cell was empty Model or zero value was spe

php - Why is preg_match_all returning two matches? -

I am trying to identify that between double quotes using string in the string using preg_match_all There is a word, but it is either a double quote of repeating results and two sets of first result, either on either side, where the string is being searched, there is only one set. Here is my code: $ Str = 'test start' test match this "Test End. '; $ Groups = array (); and generates var dumps: [2] {<0 array (2) {[0] = & Gt; Array (1) {[0] = & gt; String (17) "" matches this ""} [1] = & gt; Array (1) {[0] = & gt; String (15) "test this match"}} As you can see the first array is wrong, why preg_match_all is coming back If you are using print_r instead of vardump, then you will be able to see the difference better. array ([0] => array ([0] = & gt; "Test match From ") [1] => Array (match [0] => test) The first string is the first and the second is your match.

javascript - Regular polygon with different height and width -

I want to create a polygon with Kinetic.js and give me width , Height for polygon , rotation and number of digits . I thought it would be possible using regular multilevel, but for this, I have to set a value for radius. A triangle will be created like this: Var hexagon = new kinetic Regular polygon ({x: stage.width () / 2, y: stage.height () / 2, side: 3, radius: 70, fill: 'red',}); The same polygon is being created here: The result will look something like this: But what if I want to make a triangle whose width should be twice the height? Looking at something like this: As long as I understand, it is not possible to adjust the radius. How can I get this for a polygon? Note that I do not know the values ​​of the starting points (although they can be calculated). I think it may be possible to use scaleX and scaleY, but is it possible to achieve it in a simple way? I just want to set the width and height directly. kineticjs polygon regular pol

Parse Android - custom push notification with JSON -

I want to send push notifications with parameters. I have a custom broadcast receiver and I declared it in my AndroidManifest.xml & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; / Receiver & gt; Now if I send the JSON notification by what's key action and my BroadcastReceiver capture notification com.myapp.CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION Sample JSON: {"action": "com.myapp.CUSTOM_NOTIFICATION", "alert": "my custom title", "cheyede": "123456789"} I replace: PushService.setDefaultPushCallback (this, MyFirstActivity.class); to PushService.startServiceIfRequired (this); With the key warning JSON default parsed broadcast is not processed by the receiver and avoids getting information twice. But now my app does not receive notifications now with just text. I see that the only solution is to completely replace the default Broadcast receiver like this: & Lt; Action Android: n

spring - How to perform my own authentication (checking username and password typed by the user) -

मैंने UserDetailsService इंटरफ़ेस कार्यान्वित किया है और loadUserByUsername विधि को ओवरराइड कर दिया है। < / P> मैंने सोचा कि, अंदर loadUserByUsername , मुझे उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड मिल सकता है, यह जांचने के लिए कि वे डीबी पर उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड का मिलान करते हैं। शायद, मैं गलत इंटरफ़ेस को कार्यान्वित कर रहा हूं। क्या UserDetailsService पर्याप्त करने के लिए मैं क्या करना चाहता हूं या मुझे कुछ और को लागू करना या विस्तार करना है? UserDetailsService.loadUserByUsername () केवल लोड करने के लिए (पुनः प्राप्त करें) डेटाबेस से उपयोगकर्ता का विवरण है - यह पासवर्ड तुलना करना नहीं है। इसकी तुलना उपयोगकर्ता नाम में होती हैशब्दप्रमाणनफ़िल्टर .attemptAuthentication ()। यूज़रनेम PasswordAuthenticationFilter कोड>, अपने आप से पूछें कि आपका उपयोग कैसा है? आप क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं कि डिफ़ॉल्ट कार्यान्वयन नहीं है? शायद आपको इसे बदलने की ज़रूरत नहीं है ... फिर भी, आप देख सकते हैं कि इसे कैसे करें एचएच

model view controller - Server.MapPath check for folder and create -

I am uploading an image to one of the image images, it's working fine. But what I really want, Look at that folder name (the name of the folder I have), if that folder is not found and name it. This can happen? This is what I have done so far: string image name = system IO.Path.GetFileName (file.FileName); String physicalPath = Server.MapPath ("~ / images /" + ImageName); Instead of images, I should have a folder name. Full View : @ {ViewBag. Title = "index"; } Using @using (Html.BeginForm ("FileUpload", "datum", FormMethod.Post, new {enctype = "multipart / form-data"})) {& lt; Div & gt; Category & lt; Br / & gt; @ Html.DropDownList ("Category", see Bag.Roles as a selector) & lt; Br / & gt; Details & lt; Br / & gt; @html Textbox ("Details") & lt; Br / & gt; Image & lt; Br / & gt; & Lt; Input type = "file" name = "file" id =

node.js - npm command not found after updating to Mac OSX 10.9.4 -

I can not command npm on the terminal after updating my OS to Mavericks. When I try this: node / usr / local / lib / node_module / npm / bean / npm -cl.js-v it is working and version 1.4 Showing .3 to t what's happening here, can someone help me? Thanks Try reloading the bin: ln -s / usr /local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js/user/bin/npm You may need to run as root.

c# - Handling Button Clicks from a different Class -

I have a form with a button button. And I have a class that takes a button through it, the constructor then manages its events: public class handling class {//. ...... go to the button; Public Handling Class (Button BTN) {this.go = BTN; This.go.Click + = new event heredollar (this.go_Click); } // .. Public Zero go_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {// logic here} What I'm doing is wrong, and why not the event is being lifted when I Press the button in the caller form? This code works for me public class handling class {Go to the button; Public HandlingClass (Button BTN) {go = btn; Go.Click + = go_Click; } Zero go_Click (object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) {new NotImplementedException throw); }} and you just add the code below button in your loaded event zero MainWindow_Loaded (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HandlingClass HC = New HandlingClass (** Mibutan **); } MyButton should reference your button.

android - how you can move a view on a google map? -

I want to make an activity like Google Maps. There should be a map and a scene above that it can move the finger up and down

java - NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.SessionFactory.openSession() -

I have hibernated 3.jar and hibernate-core-4.2.0. CR1.jar is in my cellosphere and I have the spring 3.1. Using version 3. The code has been compiled successfully, but at the runtime I am getting the error 2014-10-28 10: 51: 25,174 dBUG [RMI TCP connection (2) -] - Target method failed for remote invocation: Method name 'GetPriceByKeys'; Parameter type [java.util.List, java.util.Date] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hibernate.SessionFactory.openSession () Lorg / Hibernate / Session; I did not find any solution for this but please note: my project requires hibernate 3.jar, but my project relies on any other third party jar, Those who want to use the hibernet4.2.0 jar. Any help Pls ?? You must remove several hibernate JAR files from your classpath . Despite this, your application will not work as expected; Which means that you need to move the hibernate version from 3 to 4.1. Although Spring 3.1 uses 3 jar files to be in hibernation, you can stil

sublimetext3 - Set working directory to location of active script in SublimeREPL -

I use SublimeREPL with Sublime Text 3 whenever I booted SublimeREPL for commands in both my R and Python It contains the current working directory, which is set to the subtitle text installation directory. It is both on Windows and Mac OSX Often, I need to run code from r or Python, which opens a file that is in the R or py file Running is under normal circumstances (i.e. not using sublime text), it works fine, because the script is located to see the R or Python interpreter in the same directory. However, with SublimeREPL, 'SublimaryPPL as a text, hence the RPL does not know where the program came from. Consequently, I must clearly specify the location of the file trying to use in each of my programs, which is very low, especially if my programs run (which they do). If SublimeREPL is the current working directory to boot, is there a way to set the existing active script file in the same directory? This would be a good success, because this would mean that I have to res

sql server - SQL Command not working in C# Windows Form Application -

I add a new column to a table in a table through my Windows Forms application (created using C #) I am trying to / P> I have created a method CreateFieldNameInTableData (String Field Name, String TableName), which passes through the name of the 'field name' variable, which is the column to be added to the table, the 'tablename' Can be specified by. The code of this method, which is trying to add columns to the table, is as follows: Private Zero CreateFieldNameInTableData (String Field Name, String Assertip Cod) {SqlConnection conn = New SqlConnection (SQLConnectionString); SqlCommand Com = Null; Try {try} {comm = conn.CreateCommand ()} Comm.CommandText = "Optional Table [ASDL + + Table Name +" _DATA] Add "+ FieldName +" VARCHAR (30) "; Comm.CommandType = CommandType.Text; Comm.CommandTimeout = 30; // 30 seconds conn.Open ();} Hold (SqlException err) {message box. Show ("SqlException error:" + err.Message.ToString ());}} Ho

jquery - Select Menu onChange DIV element with Javascript -

I want to display the english1 div if 'english' is selected and & amp; If French is selected then French div. How do I get it using Javascript? & lt; Form method = "get" action = "/" & gt; & Lt; Fieldset & gt; & Lt; Select name = 'cat' id = 'cat' class = 'postform' & gt; & Lt; Option value = '0' selected = 'selected' & gt; Select one & amp; # 8230; & Lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option class = "level-0" value = "english1" & gt; English & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option class = "level-0" value = "french1" & gt; French & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; & Lt ;! - var dropdown = document.getElementById ("cat"); Cat change on function (if (dropdown.options [dropdown.selectedIndex] .value! = '0')

ios - Information about current date as Label -

I have problem with NSDate "write in current println" is easy to write current date how do I keep my current date as labels Can i This is my code: var timer = NSTimer () override func viewDidLoad () {super.viewDidLoad () timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval (1, target: auto, selector: selector ("Update "), UserInfo: Zero, Repeats: True) Date = NSDT () println (NSDate)} let formatter = NSDateFormatter formatter.dateFormat =" yyyy-MM-dd "// Set the date some labels.

android - ListView does not update anymore after deletion of the first ListView child -

I'm having trouble developing my ListView i. If I remove the child before my ListView all other children are now updating Do not do it. If I remove the last child, then the child stays in the middle updating. But as soon as I remove the child before ListView, every child stops updating. ListView is still clickable. List view creation: listView.setAdapter (mAdapter = new ArrayAdapter (getActivity (), R. Layout.progressbar_list,, a) {@ override public view getView (int position, seeviewview, ViewGroup maternal) {see v = super.getView (status, convertview, parent); upadteRow (getItem (status) V, position, 500); Return v;}}}; Add element: Public static zero addItems ( See V, reference CTX) {mAdapter.add (new progression)); MAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged (); Ctx.stopService (intent); Intent = new intent (CTX, downloading service). Intent.putExtra ("files", mAdapter.getCount ()); Ctx.startService (intent); } Remove items: act.runOnUi

AngularJS transcluded nested directive -

I'm trying to create an angle command like this: The main goals are being reused and each & lt; Input type = "radio" ng-model = "myModel.attribute"> gt; and code repeats in general. I have written the following: formjs.js Var franz module = angular Modules ('HP Forms', []); // Director: formjsModule.directive ('radioButtonGroup', function () {return {restricted: 'e', ​​passed: true, scope: {dataModel: '@', group: '@', label: '@?'}, TemplateUrl: function (amm, atri) {return 'formjs / radio / radio-group-tpl.html';}}}) Instructions ('radio button', function () {return {restricted: 'e', ​​requirement: [ '^ Radio Baitan Group'], Translact: True, Scope: {Value: '@', Datamodel: '@', Group: '@'}, TemplateUurl: Function (AMM, Attri) {Return 'Forms / Radio / Radio -item -tpl.html ';}}}); formjs / radio / radio-item-tpl.html

oracle10g - SQL Group By error ORA-00979 -

I'm trying to give this query: select s_name, course Absolutely from the student group; But I get an error (ORA-09 9 7, not from Expression Group). I want to list the names of all the students of the same type. Is there another way to do this? If not, then what is the right way to implement this question? I appreciate if someone can give me exact code. one type (Oracle 11G): through the course Select the curriculum, list (SName, ',') within the group from the student group (s_name in order); Oracle 10G (Unwanted secret work wm_concat ) Select curriculum, by student group by course group wm_concat ( S_name);

powershell - How van I get 2 matches in a regex? -

मेरे पास एक्सएमएल फाइलें हैं, जैसे कि: & lt; user & gt; & Lt; फर्स्टनेम & gt; फ़ू बार & lt; / प्रथम नाम & gt; & LT; CompanyName & gt; फू & lt; / CompanyName & gt; & LT; EmailAddress & gt;< / EmailAddress & gt; & Lt; / उपयोगकर्ता & gt; & LT; उपयोगकर्ता & gt; ... मैं आउटपुट & lt; CompanyName & gt;, & lt; ईमेल पता & gt; के रूप में बना, सभी XML फ़ाइलों के माध्यम से पढ़ना चाहता हूं: < पूर्व> फू, बार @ उपयोगकर्ता 2, उपयोगकर्ता @ ब्लाह, ब्ला @ ब्लैहॉक मैं निम्नलिखित स्निपेट का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: $ directory = "\\ PC001 \ blah" फ़ंक्शन GetFiles ($ पथ) {foreach (Get-ChildItem $ पथ में $ आइटम) {यदि (टेस्ट-पथ $ item.FullName -PathType कंटेनर) {GetFiles ($ ($ File.extension -eq '.test') {$ content = Get-content $ file.fullname $ pattern = '(? Si) & lt; CompanyName & gt; (। *?) & Lt; / CompanyName & gt; \ n & lt; ईमेल

javascript - Youtube iframe embed loading flash player instead of HTML5 player -

When I try to use iframe embedding for YouTube videos, this is sometimes the HTML5 player and sometimes Flash Player loads. Specifically, this & lt; Iframe src = ""> & Lt; / Iframe & gt; will load the Flash Player while & lt; Iframe src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; HTML5 player will load. When I open both videos in the YouTube website, both of them load into HTML5 players. I can not understand why different video loads in different players. This video is sound like comparability to how YouTube videos are stored in your server so that they are different Players provide the video so that the video is played correctly I think it happened with the old video and there is nothing here that you can do about it. Note: This is the person who only estimates this issue.

c# - Mediator Helper class in -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 जवाब मैं कोशिश कर रहा हूँ स्थिर सार्वजनिक वर्ग मध्यस्थ {स्थैतिक IDictionary & lt; स्ट्रिंग, सूची & lt; निम्न में से शुरू होने वाली सी # के साथ शुरू करना। कार्रवाई के & lt; वस्तु & gt; & gt; & gt; Pl_dict = नया शब्दकोश & lt; स्ट्रिंग, सूची & lt; क्रिया & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; & gt; & gt; (); स्थिर सार्वजनिक शून्य रजिस्टर (स्ट्रिंग टोकन, एक्शन & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; कॉलबैक) {यदि (! Pl_dict.ContainsKey (टोकन)) {var list = new list & lt; कार्रवाई & lt; object & gt; & gt; (); list.Add (कॉलबैक); Pl_dict.Add (टोकन, सूची); } और {बूल मिला = गलत; विदेशी मुद्रा (pl_dict [टोकन में] var आइटम) यदि (item.Method.ToString () == callback.Method.ToString ()) पाया = सच; अगर (! मिला) pl_dict [टोकन]। जोड़ें (कॉलबैक); }} स्थिर सार्वजनिक शून्य अनर्जस्टर (स्ट्रिंग टोकन, एक्शन & lt; ऑब्जेक्ट & gt; कॉलबैक) {यदि (pl_dict.ContainsKey (टोकन)) pl_dict [टोकन]। दूर (कॉलबैक);

sql - Schema & Data Comparison from visual studio 2010 -

Is it possible that we can compare schemas and data from 2 different servers, note the fact that this Probably 2 different window servers. Yes, in Visual Studio 2010, you can compare schema and database data to two servers. / P>

linux - rpmbuild and signed executable files -

I am working in that project, I need to make a signature from one of my output executable (ELF) files. Is the private key (the signature form of one of the files in RPM, the private key to this ever leaves the construction machine). It is currently done outside of the RPM system as part of the "make", "setting up" process within my makeup file. However, it seems that after building RPM using RPMBIIL,% Build and% install is going to modify it's executable (for some reason the content from .strtab and .symtab Is being removed). This means that after installing RPM later I am unifying other software, due to a change in my executable file, my signature data has been rejected ... Is there any way I can stop RPMbild from modifying my files, or at least some ways to move my% build part, and such a change has occurred even after the% installation I can re-create the signature file).

php - How to make next/prev links by increment? -

I want the next link on my page to see the next episode. I want to do this with increment. I have this but it does not work. & lt; P & gt; & Lt; An id = "asdf" href = "sample-1" & gt; Next & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Document.getElementById ('asdf'). AddEventListener ('click', function (e) {var n = ('-') [1] * 1 + 1; if (n> 4) N = 1; Href = ('-') [0] + '-' + n + ".php";}, false); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div class = "div3" & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "sample -1.php" & gt; Anahana AP1 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "sample-2.php" & gt; Anahana AP2 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "sample-3 php" &

email - add footer/signature to mail in Java -

I have to forward the e-mail to one of my Java applications. Therefore, I get e-mail (plain text or multilateral) with any content (maybe attachments). I edit my subject, to- and to-headers and send them via SMTP. I have already applied it, but now I have to attach a footnote / signature to the contents of each email. Can I even get it with Mime4j? would be great! how? If not, is there any other way? EDIT: Details after Wolfgang Fahl's comment: Maybe I am using the library incorrectly, but I am parsing the message as follows: < / P> messbilder message creator = new DefaultMessageBuilder (); InputStream = In ... Message Me = Message Maker. The ultimate message (in); Now I have an example of a message and I can set it up topic, sender, etc. But this does not provide a method setText () or something like that, getBody () but then I do not know how to manipulate.

eclipse - How do I include references (import XY) in a java class file? -

I am very new to Java, in fact it has started using today because we have an Oracle database We are developing and we need it to run the Java code. I am adding a simple project without problems: public class test {public static string result () {Return "Successful Trials!"; }} I can load it into the database and can access it with PL / SQL. However, when I upload a class, I really need it, it is marked as "INVALID" in Oracle. I think this is due to the missing references in Java, for example, I have these imports: import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; Import java.util.Date; I think the problem is that the required DLL (actually Java equivalent to that) is missing in my Oracle database. Now, is there any way for me to compile my Java class and include all the references mentioned in the definition of my class? Thanks a lot! All Java compiler added the import statement to the .class file. You do not need to do anything for this. But they do not

java - restart a thread after exception is caught -

I am reading a UDP feed and I want to try to restart the thread if its failure. I think I have written my class correctly, but someone has to see and see if something is wrong or I have written something that will not work. In my catch-up section, I try to restart every 6 second thread for 10 attempts. Is this a good solution, will it work? class UDPReader thread {Private thread t; Private finals string ip, socket, queue, threads; Private string error message; Private Final JTextArea Screen; UDPReader (string IP, string socket, string queue, string thread name, JTextArea screen) {this.ip = ip; this. Socket = socket; This.queue = queue; This.threadName = threadName; This.screen = Screen; } Public Zero Run () {try {byte [i] = null; IpaddrConnection ipaddr = new ipaddrConnection (IP, Socket); ParseUDP P = new parseUDP (); Screen.append ("Thread" + Thread name + "Running \ n"); While (true) {i = ipaddr.getPacket (); P.parseUDP (i); //Thread.sleep(0); }} Hold (IOE

java - Making line color seperate from points in JFreeChart -

This should be a quick question, but I was wondering how I would separate the line color from the number in the JFree chart. I'm using an XYLineAndShapeRenderer and I want to create the getItemPaint (int, int) custom to set the color of each point to see a list, however when I make it, all the points start with the same color It makes it so that the line is the same color as all the points (color green), but I should have it blue (color. Thank you in advance. Edit: I have just seen That when i If I update a single point, then before that color should be, which I do not want to do. How do I keep line and point color different? By using the seriespaint by default, Is prepared, but two flags are useFillPaint and useOutlinePaint that you can set to fill the size and for the fill and outline There is some information in the Javadox with the defined colors:

prompt - Cognos Scheduling Multiple Parameter job -

I have to schedule a CSV report for each organization to run every organization, then this report will be Specially my file system for the directory Save organization. Although there may be more than 100 different organizations, is there any way to go through any organization to prompt only one schedule and loop? > Or will I have to create a scheduled job for every organization (probably 100s) and give the prompt screen variables for each organization? Thank you You will need a query to draw the list of the object. You can use the list of organizations to set up bustings, where the reports will create separate copies of each for each recurrence of a list. File-> Burst Options In the list of organizations to include in bust, you can enter your main code in your organization code (or name, unique ID, whichever database of organizations Are used to identify) will set the burst query to feed. Every time you run an organization in your bust, it will filter the main q

swift - Change Spacing Between UIBarButtonItems in iOS 8 -

I have UINavigationItem on my view controller , and I am Trying to reduce the space between my two rightbuttton button . Here are some of my code: // lets create two UIBarButton item1: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem (customView: view1) to Item 2: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem (customView: view2) var certain space: UIBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem (BarButtonSystemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItem.FixedSpace, goal: zero action: zero) fixedSpace.width = -20.0 // navigation bar add the burn button right on the scene. Controller NavigationalTime Raitbrtontam = [Item 2, the lower the space, item 1] As can be seen, I am using a Fiksdspes UIBarButtonItem , but it The difference is not changing for any reason. I or I can do UINavigationItem or UIBarButtonItem thought about subclassing I set accordingly to that space, but I can override to change me Space between items Any information about solving this problem would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for the help of Fogmester

JQuery - Method equals to c# All()-method -

If I use C #, then to check that any element in the list is equal to propery value of objects , And if it does, do not add it to the list. c # public class user {public string user {get}} set; }} . Private Static List & lt; Users & gt; UserList = new list & lt; Users & gt; (); . string current user = context. the user. Identity; name; If (userList.All (o = & gt; OUUS! = Current user)) {userList.Add (new user {user = current user}); } JQuery attempt ... I am trying to add items to a list. If the item is already in the list, then do not add it. This is never added to my poor contempt ... is a list of items with the property named userUserName / userUser user name string string (user, current username) {var CurrentUser = currentUserName; Var i = 0; (I = 0; i & lt; users.length; i ++) {if (user [i] .Uz!! = Current user) {$ ("#manim magas") .andand ('& lt; li & Gt; '+ User [i] .User +' & lt; / li & gt;

node.js - Why is 0 less than Number.MIN_VALUE in JavaScript? -

Node.js का उपयोग कर, मैं अभिव्यक्ति का मूल्यांकन कर रहा हूं: 0 & lt; संख्या। MIN_VALUE मेरे आश्चर्य करने के लिए, यह सत्य देता है। ऐसा क्यों है? और: मैं सबसे छोटी संख्या कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं जिसके लिए अपेक्षा अपेक्षा के अनुरूप काम करती है? संख्या। MIN_VALUE है 5e-324 , अर्थात् न्यूनतम सकारात्मक संख्या जो कि फ्लोट परिशुद्धता के भीतर प्रदर्शित की जा सकती है, अर्थात यह जितना करीब हो सकता है जितना आप शून्य पर प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। यह परिभाषित करता है कि सबसे अच्छा रिज़ॉल्यूशन आपको देता है। अब सबसे छोटा मूल्य संख्या.NEGATIVE_INFINITY है, हालांकि यह सख्त अर्थों में वास्तव में संख्यात्मक नहीं है।

Xcode 6.1 OSX apps using storyboard does not render window or menubar -

I recently installed an OSX Swift-based app that was using xib for storyboard. Compile and deployed for 10 .10 works fine on machine with Yosemite, window weight, however, 10.9 is targeted and after it has been installed on VAM in which the movers have been installed, the window and the menu bar for the app load . To separate this issue further, I created a blank new Xcode project with Storyboard enabled, ran an app for compiled 10.9 and VM running at 10.9, the same behavior is observed. Is this an application running 10.9 using storyboard? Do I miss some extra runtime to execute the storyboard app on 10.9? Storybars are new to Yosemite, they do not work with Mavericks if you create compatibility with 10.9 Need to keep, so stay with plain old xibs for now.

ruby on rails - Dynamically created method? _one_time_conditions_valid_718? -

I'm new to ROR and am jumping into a big ROR project. I used the railroad to make the diagram of all models and controllers. I have seen that as many controllers form start up in five ways _one_time_conditions_valid_XXX? from XXX to 200 to 1116 However, these methods do not appear in the actual code. Are these methods generated automatically from some gem? I can not find any reference for it anywhere. OK, you have these methods ActiveSupport :: callback :: callback A method is called in #_compile_per_key_options line 159 looks like this Defining def in _compile_per_key_options key_options = _compile_options (@per_key) @ klass .class_eval & lt; & Lt; -RUBY_EVAL, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1def_one_time_conditions_valid _ # {@ callback_id}? If true # {key_options} end of RUBY_EVAL end it is used first to supply data for , after Filters and #start via 2 different methods named code> and #start and #end Code> Both> Code> #end Check for

python - Indentation error -

I got an indentation error, which is why I can not understand the reason. error ( 'unexpected indent', ( 'C: /Hamid/',15,1,' \ tSDV2 = xyList [0] \ n ')). Importing abaqsConstants from my code * from ODB Access import * from view import * # ------------ - ------------------------------------------------- - ------------ out_file = 'C: \ Hamid \ Stochastic \ Python_script_for_Monte_Carlo_simulation \ Microtensile / Failure_index.dat' fid = open (out_file, 'w') to the range (1,50) : Odb_path = 'C: \ Hamid \ Stochastic \ Python_script_for_Monte_Carlo_simulation \ Microtensile / Microtens -' + str (i) + '_ xs.odb' session.openOdb (name = odb_path) odb = session.odbs [odb_path] session.viewports [ 'Viewport: 1']. Set values ​​(displayed object = Odibi) xyList = session.xyDataListFromField (odb = odb, outputPosition = INTEGRATION_POINT, variable = (( 'SDV2', INTEGRATION_POINT),), Ttwset = ( &

excel - vba check value in column then check month and year of date in another column? -

I am looking for a value in sheet 2 in column A. The code below works fine, and if the value is found it shows the message and it does not get found if the value is not found. Private Sub-Worksheet_SelectionChange (Range as Target byVal) then target.Address = "$ A $ 1" then find the string as the FindString string as the Range Range Range = Range ("B1"). If the price is trim (searchstring) & lt; & Gt; "" Then the sheet ("Sheet2") range. ("A: A") 'All of the search columns are RNG = .find (followed by: = FindString, _: = cells (.Cells.Count), _ watching: = xlValues, _ lookAt: = xlWhole , _ SearchOrder: = xlByRows, _SearchDirection: = xlNext, _MatchCase: = false) not RNG is nothing then MsgBox is "found" while 'value is not found; otherwise MsgBox' nothing found "value 'not found If the end is finished then the end what I want to do is add this code so that column A also searches for column

java - JAVAFX, Countdown doesn't work -

The countdown does not work below, I'm triggering it through a button. Public Zero Startdowndowndown () {timer.schedule {New TimerTask} {@Override Public Zero Run} {Platform.runLater (New Runnabel) {Public Zero Run () {countdown- ; CountDownText.setText ("Time remaining:" + countdown); if (countdown <0) timer.cancel ();}});}}, 1000); // every 1 second} Countdown variable is set to 60, so the countdown starts at 60 EDIT: Countdown gets stuck in 59 seconds Countdowns do not have an int errors. And countdown text is declared as text. @ FXML private text countdown text; 1 is more than a timer class, but I think you used java.util We do. The probe of the API shows that you have used this method: Specified work for execution after specified zeros (timer task work, long delay) Scheduling Parameter: Task - The task is to be determined. Delay - There is a delay in milliseconds before the execution of the work. Throws: Invalid archer exception - if the

html - Positioning over image and under image -

अच्छा दिन मेरे पास एक कोड है: & lt; div शैली = \ "स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; ऊंचाई: ऑटो; पैडिंग: 5px; फ्लोट: बायां; \" & gt; & Lt; img id = \ "avimg \" src = "। $ Uinfo [" avatar_url "]।" & Gt; & lt; p id = \ "कार्य-प्रतीक्षा \" शैली = 'स्थिति: पूर्ण; शीर्ष: 13 पीएक्स; छोड़ दिया: 24px; '& gt; & lt; i id = "। $ Uinfo [' आईडी ']।" वर्ग = \ "आइकन-चेकमार्क \" onclick = \ "accfr (; \" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & lt; br & gt; & lt; i id = "। $ Uinfo ['आईडी']।" Onclick = \ "decfr (; \" class = \ "icon-cancel-2 \" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & lt; / p & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सीएसएस: # avimg: होवर {अस्पष्टता: 0.3; -moz-अस्पष्टता: 0.3; फिल्टर: अल्फा (अस्पष्टता = 40); } # कार्य-प्रतीक्षा {प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं; } # एविम: हॉवर + # कार्य-इंतजार {प्रदर्शन: ब्लॉक; } सभी कार्य लेक