
Showing posts from February, 2013

Bootstrap Grid System implicit behavior -

I'm a Bootstrap Grid System Newbie and by now, it has come to know that you can define a line so that one The fourth column is For such category, their amount is 12 (LG, SM or MD). In the following division, the second does not specify the width for the 'LG' category. However, in the browser it spreads out of 12 out of 12 columns. What's the rule here? & lt; Div class = & quot; Line & quot; & Gt; & lt; Div class = & quot; Col-sm-9 col-lg-6 text-danger & quot; & Gt; I am the main content. & lt; / Div & gt; & lt; Div class = & quot; Colonel-SAM-3 text-alert & quot; & Gt; I'm the main sidebar. & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = & quot; Col-lg-3 visible gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; An old question revived here .. But, it is okay to cross 12 units in one line. This causes the column to be wrapped up, and it does. If 12 columns are placed in more than one line, then each group

javascript regex match all occurrences of substring? -

How do I remove all the patent nodes in the format / ([AZ] {2,4}) ([0 - 9] {4,}) ([0- 9a-zed] {1,2})? / the list of families below CN302434403A_, CN302434403A_20320433,2032-04 -33, Meistrik Jhednek S, Google System Inc., dedicated rocker arm engine brake, EP 2425305 A3 , EP 2425305 A 320202020307, ​​2032-03-07, Meistrik Jeddek S, Google system Inc., dedicated rocker arm engine brake, EP 2425305 A4, EP 2425305 A 420,323,328, 2032-33- 28, Meistrik Jhedenk S, Google system Inc., dedicated rocker ARM engine brake, EP 2425305 B3, EP 2425305b 320340723, 2034-07-23, Maestric Jededek S, Google S Stm Inc., dedicated rocker arm engine brake, JP 05508520 B2, JP 05508520 B 220340604,2034-06-04, GOOGLE Systems Inc., JP 2032525523 A_, JP 2032525523 A_20323022, 2032-30-22, KR 2032033333 A_, KR 2032033333 A_20320207 2032 -02-07, Meistrik Jhdneke S, Google system Inc., dedicated rocker arm engine brake, ru 20,303,368 99 A, ru 20,303,368 99 A_20333330, 2033-33-30, Mastrik Adenkk S, Jacobs Weekl

jquery - Create and Post an Array[ Array[] ] to PHP - fputcsv() -

I am struggling with it ... To create me posted on a php page The problem is a CSV file is this, I can not understand how to create a proper array and then post it to php to process it. My php page has a function that repeats through the posted value and writes in CSV. Function Output CSC ($ data) {$ Output = FOPN ("php: // output", "w"); Forex Currency ($ data as $ line) {fputcsv ($ output, $ line); } Fclose ($ output); } I'm getting $ data via a post like this ... $ csvdata = $ _POST ['csvData']; Then the function is running ... Output CSV ($ csvData); When I post, I get an error Warning: Invalid argument for foreach () I know That's something to do with my origin in the original (posts from the page) page, or how am I sending it. How should the array be formatted here (which works if I set it to php page then run the function) Output CSV (" Array ("name 3", "age 3", "city 3"),

ibm mobilefirst - Worklight - getUserPref doesn't persist/load back? -

I am trying to keep some data for the user in this WL App: < Code> WL.Client.setUserPref ('foo', 'bar'); Retrieve it using and WL.Client.getUserPref ('key'); My goal is Windows 8.1 with the latest workstation studio ( With a user logging in, I have tested it in: < Set up a user pref ... Logged out Close the window Re-logged in Return user prefix (zero) < / Ul> Using Developer I can see the console in Chrome that was called to save the priority, and confirmed that it was set by getUserPref calling it. I have done a lot of testing with Visual Studio 2013 by previewing the app and in this situation commands are being executed from the JS console. Am I missing here? I knew that connecting before getting authenticity and getting priorities means connecting Is, i.e.: WL.Cient.connect ({onSuccess: successFunction, onFailure: failureFunction}); Var myPref = WL.Client.getUserPref ("myPref&q

html - background image is repeating, cant code it to stop -

Let me show the code only once, not again, and centered on this page, and below the 500 pixels page I corrected the code I am unable to write in the manner I know that it is something like "background image: Norpat", checked the WC3 page, he gave me some things, but it only broke the picture and it did not show at all. Here is the CSS part: #wrapper {width: 700px; Margin: 0 auto; Background color: # d7fdc9; Padding-top: 20px; Padding-bottom: 20px; Background-image: url (../ images / bkgd-image.gif); } I'm sure if you need full HTML and CSS, then I'm just posting tidbit small, because I think you need more. If you need all this, LMK, and Ill post it Ty! background: # d7fdc9 url (../images/bkgd-image.gif) No -Double press center 500px; or long way background-image: url (../images/bkgd-image.gif); Background repeat: do not repeat; Background-position: center 500px; Background color: # d7fdc9; And if you do not have anything in it then heighte

What is the Difference between Microsoft dynamics CRM 2013 and Microsoft dynamics CRM online -

Can someone help me to understand the difference? Is Mobility CRM 2013 On-Premises? There are two versions of MS Dynamics CRM Online and on the basis. CRM Online is hosted by Microsoft. See also

ios - Using NSNumberFormatter to generate number with trailing zeros after decimal -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> In SWIFT, how would you create a NSNumberFormatter that will protect zero follower after a decimal ( Go Formatare = NSNumberFormatter () formatter.numberStyle = .DecimalStyle Formatter . Locale = NSLocale.currentLocale () formatter.maximumFractionDigits = 10 doubleNumString = "12.0" println (formatter.numberFromString (doubleNumString)) // In this print in English 12, it is 12.0 doubleNumString = "12.000" println (formattar want to print Printf (print number), numberFromString (doubleNumString)) // Print 12, want to print 12.125 print print ("formatter.numberFromString (doubleNumString)"), double.NumString = "12.125" to print 12.000 twice as doubleNumString = "1234" Println (formatter.numberFromString (doubleNumString)) // print as expected in print 1,234 print I already coded it If ng is finished in a decimal ( "12." ) then it will use this formate

javascript - Eclipse - How do I publish non-Java resources without a web.xml file? -

webapp servlet (@WebServlet) uses java annotations to map URLs and I do not have file I want to forward the request for an HTML file and I liked it so much. request.getRequestDispatcher ("/ web-INF / test / testpage.html") forward (request, response); This works, but I can not get additional resources (javascript) from the server. & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "testsuite.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; is located in testuite.js /WEB-INF/test/testsuite.js, the folder as a single testpage.html. I get 404 when requesting testuite.js. How can I configure tomcos to serve all the resources of my work tree without webcam? The worst case I will just embed JS In addition, I will install the Web server on my local machine, so I do not know how they are deployed. You must transfer resources outside of your WEB-INF folder There is a special folder for compiled Java code, jar, configuration files etc. The web

objective c - IOS - Hit web service in background for a specific time when a push notification comes -

I have an application in IOS in which I have push notifications. Now I have a scenario I do not face can. I get a push notification for the order, and it seems that my app is in the background now what I have to do, it is to say that the push notification is to start a timer for one minute, which After informing the web service, after one minute, the order will automatically hit the web service that the order is bad. Now if the app arrives in the foreground and the order is accepted or rejected within one minute from that push notification (or timer) the timer should be canceled. Thanks in advance.

ant - Could not execute jacoco on jenkins -

When I'm trying to cover GN Sonar code coverage of my project through Jenkins, I am getting the following error : Definitions can not be loaded from the resource organization / jacoco / ant / antlib.xml could not be found. But when I am executing it with eclipse it does not show any error. The code is similar in both cases and I have examined that jacocoant.jar is included in the case of Jenkins. Here's my code: & lt; Taskdef uri = "Antibyl: Org.jacoco.ant" resource = "org / jacoco / ant / antlib.xml" & gt; & Lt; Class path path = "../monet-main / lib / dev / sonar / jacocoant.jar" /> & Lt; / Taskdef> & Lt; Property Name = "Sonar." Value = "test" /> & Lt; Property Name = "Sonar DynamicAlalysis" value = "Reeves Reports" /> & Lt; Property name = "sonar.firefire.reportsPath" value = "output / site / jacoco" /> & Lt; Property name = &qu

android - Unable to add the Wikitude SDK to the project by installing the Wikitude PhoneGap Plugin -

मैं Wikitude PhoneGap प्लगइन को स्थापित करके प्रोजेक्ट में Wikitude SDK को जोड़ने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं कमांड मैंने कंसोल में दिया जी: \ AUG \ टेस्ट प्रोजेक्ट 02 \ आग्नेटेड रिएलिटी प्रोजेक्ट> कॉर्डोवा प्लगइन https: // github .com / Wikitude / wikitude-phonegap.git < / Pre> लेकिन यह निम्न त्रुटि देता है। त्रुटि: कमांड विफल: 'C: \ Users \ Nadeesha \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ plugma n \ git \ 1414480358426' में क्लोन करना ' ... घातक: शुरुआती ईओएफ घातक: दूरदराज के अंत में अप्रत्याशित रूप से घातक लटका दिया गया: सूचकांक पैक असफल त्रुटि: RPC विफल; नतीजतन = 56, एचटीटीपी कोड = 200 पर ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js: 648: 15) ChildProcess.emit पर (events.js: 98: 17) हो सकता है पर बंद करें (child_process.js: 756: 16) सॉकेट पर। & Lt; अनाम & gt; (Net.js: 465: 12) पर सॉकेट.इमेट (events.js: 95: 17) पर (child_process.js: 969: 11) बस मैं 10 मिनट के लिए अपने वायरस गार्ड को अक्षम कर देता हूं, त्रुटि के बिना परियोजना में सभी सामग्री डाउनलोड। मुझे ल

php - jqGrid. How to change the list of dropdownlist based on a present value in a row in edit mode? -

I am using jqgrid to display data from a MySQL database to add or edit a del Which I display in jqgrid: {name: 'proj_id', index: 'proj_id', width: 30, editable: correct, edittype: "select", editing options : {DataUrl: 'ddl / ddl_projet.php',} // end editing options}, and my query ddl_projet.php: (" ../dbconfig.php "); $ Sql ​​= "select" to t_projet WHERE proj_id IN (4,5 9, 21, 22, 23, 24) ORDER BY proj_projet ASC "; echo & lt; select & gt; '$ result = $ dbh- & gt; Ready ($ SQL); $ Result-> Executed (); while ($ line = $ result-> Fetch ()) {echo '& lt; option value =' '. $ Line ['proj_id']. "& Gt; '. $ Line [' proj_projet '].' I had to limit the number of my DDLs in the list because I now have to limit them to all those L & I used to do this in my query: WHERE proj_id IN (4,5,9,21,22,23,24) But when I wanted to edit the row with a value

angularjs - ngTable updates ngClass result in error -

I'm using 'ngTable' to display a large collection of data But when I try to add an NG-Class (FN) the first time it works (displays the information class), but when I manipulate the data (as i Change attribute winner on ( ng-click = "(togglewinner (user))" ), it throws an error instead of updating the class. ngTable: tr style = "cursor: pointer;" ng-click = "togglewinner (User); "ng-rss =" getclass (user) "and gt; & lt; td data-title =" 'burger' "sort =" 'name "" & gt; ; {{}} & lt; / td & gt; & lt; td Data-Title = "'Email' '=' 'Email' '& gt; {{}} & lt; / Td> & lt; td data-title = "form '' sortable =" 'company "" & gt; {{}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td data-title = "'mobil'" sort = "'mobile'" & gt; {{UserMob

dependency injection - Ioc/DI - Why do I have to reference all layers/assemblies in entry application? -

(related to this question). I'm new to D. So bear with me .. I think that the container is in charge of making all my registered types instantaneously, but to do so, my solution and all of them References of DLL are required. If I use the TD container, I will not have to mention the EntityFramework library in my MVC3 app, only my business layer which will reference my DAL / repo layer. I know that at the end of the day all the DLLs are included in the bin folder but my problem is VS. In the context of "Add Reference" is to be explicitly referenced so that one can publish all the necessary files .... " If I was not using the container, then I do not have to refer to the Entiteworkwork Library in my MVC 3 app, only my business layer that refers to my DAL / repo layer. Yes, this situation is very difficult to avoid De :) With tightly coupled codes, each library can have only a few references, but They again get other references, such as creating a deepe

php - MPDF trying to stretch table to fit remaining height -

I want the table to fit the rest of the page on the page. This is the table I am using: I want the last item to be expanded so that the remaining space is filled (as explained above). I tried to reproduce it in normal HTML, but it worked. I have tried to use the last-baby to spread the last element, as mentioned above, it has worked without MPDF, but when the MPDF If you use it does not stretch. Does anyone know how this can be accomplished using MPDF? It is not possible to use this last child in an element in MPDF, even so That height and width are not allowed to be used on the table. You have to find another way to do this!

PHP Check the checkbox if the data is same with database -

Let me know how to check the check box, if I have checked before that the patient has already checked For example, when I connect the patient, I checked 1 and 2. When I want to edit the patient's information, check the 1 and 2 checkboxes. Please help me solve the problem Thank you. Create table "tblmedicalhistory" (id varchar (12) faucet primary key, blood type char (3), diseases varchar (30)), "create table", tblmedicalrecord (ID) It Not Atangment, Primary Key (ID), Medical Records Type varchar (20)), "//form1.php" lt ;? Php $ data = array (); $ Disease: all = $ medicare ['disease']; $ Array = explosion (",", $ disease split); Forex Currency ($ array as $ item) {$ data [$ item] = true; }? & Gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt ;? Php $ query = "SELECT * FROM tblmedicalrecord"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ query); Look for "label class = 'q' = 'q1' & gt; & lt; / label & gt;"; While (

printf - same line print in c -

नीचे का पालन कोड: शून्य दिन (int d); शून्य राशि (डबल आई); # शामिल करें & lt; stdio.h & gt; Int मुख्य (शून्य) {int x = 1; पहला दिन); दोहरी राशि = .01; amountOwed (राशि); } शून्य दिन (इंट ड) {printf ("दिन की राशि कुल भुगतान की गई"); Printf ("\ n --- ------------------------ ------------------ ------ "); } शून्य राशि (डबल आई) {int a; फ्लोट डी; (डी = 1; डी & lt; 64; d ++) के लिए {printf ("\ n% 2f", डी); } के लिए (ए = 0; एक & lt; 64; a ++) {i * = 2; Printf ("\ n% 30.2f", i); } Printf ("\ n"); } का पालन करता है: दिन की राशि कुल भुगतान --- ----------------- -------- ------------------------ 1.000000 2.000000 3.000000 5.000000 6.000000 7.000000 8.000000 9.000000 10.000000 11.000000 12.000000 13.000000 14.000000 15.000000 16.000000 17.000000 18.000000 19.000000 20.000000 21.000000 22.000000 23.000000 24.000000 25.000000 26.000000 27.000000 28.000000 29.000000 30.000000 31.000000 32.000000 33.000000 34.000000 35.00000

yii - Start and stopping workers in gearman php -

I have successfully configured and used Gearman and its pecl php extension. I'm using it to perform a long process in a background about long SQL queries. I am using Yeti Beat, if this explanation helps. How it is used here: Public function function process specialist () {$ output = shell_exec ('gnome-terminal -e' php workers / worker.php " & Gt; / dev / null 2 ​​& gt; / dev / null & amp; ';); $ Client = new gearman client (); $ Customer & gt; AddServer (); $ Result = $ client- & gt; DoBackground ('executeJob', // parameter); } Some details: If you believe that I gnome-terminal php command , I / dev / null so that it will not wait for a response now. And then the worker is awake and runs the job. Problem: This action occurs when this operation is performed multiple times or executed by many users in different clients. , and as a result, many terminals running worker.php are being given instantaneously.

android - Emulating a public Wifi hotspot -

I have already read and I create a public WiFi network without any encryption or authentication I want to find the cheapest way to emulate a public hotspot for Android development purposes. While Windows provides a way to host a infrastructure network, it seems that a public Make network It seems unlikely that I can buy cheap router / soapbox *, but I'm looking at a software method. Windows may be free to use Then I can play with Apache and some DNS tricks with my own captive portal emulation. * WIFI-3G Modem

FileMaker Pro: <no values defined> -

Therefore IM is working on a hardware inventory and there is a problem with my relationships. I would like to select one of my "Item_view" layouts and then a brand that matches the unique type (i.e. if I type "smartphones" then I should show all the brands for the smartphone) . The specialty "type" is defined in its table (seen in the picture below), such as brand (models and designations, but I only tried type-brand first - "test db") . / P> My problem is that if I try to access the "Type" table in the "item_view" layout, then I can select a type but not a related brand (). I created a "pop-up menu" in the "item_brand" field and gave it the value from "brand :: brand", which includes "only: related values ​​starting from" (actually its "type", but for this type German - so do not ignore it) I think that should work, but I do not. So i need help thx item_view

ios - How to pass two parameters to the next ViewController? -

This is my position. I'm using NSTimer, which calculates 15 seconds but I also have a button, Which I want to stop this timer first And this button takes me to the next table ViewController. The second parameter is the date - the current time in the center European. If I click on a button, then I need to go to the next tableview controller, and put two parameters to control this table value. This is my code: ** FirstViewController: ** importing UIKit class FirstViewController: UIViewController {var timer = NSTimer () @IBOutlet weak bridesmaid labelCounter: UILabel! ViewDidLoad () override {super.viewDidLoad (function) timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval (: self selector: 1, target selector ( "Update"), userInfo: repeats zero, true)} function Update () {timer. invalidate ()} function override prepareForSegue (segue: UIStoryboardSegue!, this :! AnyObject) {if (segue.identifier == "segueTest") {var transfer = segue .destinationViewController as Se

sql server 2008 - fetching data from combobox list in vaadin -

Please correct this code; I have a combo box that has been developed in the Wideen framework and an SQL Server. There are 3 stable prices in the order of 3,3,1 years respectively, please help me connect the audience for these 3 options and tell me that when the value (X = 5 years) is chosen, it has been in the last 5 years Must show all the values ​​like 3 years and 1 year wise, please help me. comboDateOrigine.addListener (new property. Value Change Listener) {Change the public zero value (value variable event) {if (event.getProperty () GetValue ()! = Null) {If ( Event.getProperty (.) GetValue (). ToString () == "5 Answers") { (ListOptions.get (0)); WebProject's SELECT DateOrigine where dateOrigine = (current date - (5 years)) and If (ogargin = (current date - (3 years)) and (if) date (ogren =) (to date) (to 3 years); combo (date 3) "(3 years") combo dateoffin.accept (listoptis. Gate (1)); If (com Bodetagrine.get Value (). ToStri

jquery - How to update ViewModel ni PartialView then post the updated ViewModel from View? -

I do not know what my title means anyway, but let me explain what I was trying to do I am I see a product with a ProductViewModel and a Html.BeginFrom ("AddToCart Like", "Cart") Add Product to Cart for. Productview: @ Model Website. VisualModels.ProductViewModel @ {HTMLRenderPartial ("_textEditor", model); } @using (Html.BeginForm ("like addToCart", "cart")) {@ Html.HiddenFor (model = & gt; model.EditorImageUrl) & lt; Input type = "number" id = "volume" name = "volume" value = "@ model.product.minimum" minimum = "1" max = "99 99" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "add to basket" / & gt; } In the product view, I also present a partial view which takes ProductViewModel the same. (; Model.EditorHtml Model = & gt) In partial view, I like a CKEditor then is bound to @ Html.TextAreaFor my ProductViewModel.EditorHtm

mule - Unable to find DB2 connector in Anypoint Studio -

I am trying to install the DB2 connector in the villain studio. I am releasing the October 2013 release. I tried to follow the instructions given here: but I am unable to find the connector in any of the available sites. How do I install it? You should use the database building block and generic database configuration with the DB2 JDBC connector. Download DB2 JDBC Connector Download DB2 JDBC Connector Add DB2 JDBC Connector (.z) to your project Add a database building block to your flow and use a common database configuration

java - Connection of c3p0 throws exception after MySQL timeout expired -

I use the library c3p0 of version to create a connection pool in the web application. After MySQL timeout I get exception: "HTTP Status 500 - Last successfully received from the server packet was 627,301 milliseconds before. The last packet was sent successfully to the server 627 302 milliseconds before. 'Wait_timeout' is the server more than configured value. you enlarge the configured client timeout values ​​or connector / J connection property using 'autoReconnect = true, your application Should end and / or test the validity of connection prior to use. "To avoid this problem." I tried adding JDBC URL to an auto-reconnect parameters but there is no effect I therefore, the way I use the connection pool in your application: for the test I have set wait_timeout of MySQL 180 seconds set @@ global.wait_timeout = 180; Show global variables like "Wait_timeout"; + --------------- + ------- + | Variable_name | Price | + ------------

eclipse - Android 5.0 is not supporting for lower versions -

Please help me get this error resolved for more than 3 days I Did not make the proper resolution I updated my eclipse to run Android 5.0. I created a simple Android application using the minimum version 16 and the target version 21 to run Android 5.0 Content Themes. The theme is added in styles.xml I followed the link to add support libraries appcompatv7. But I'm getting the error stating that can not be resolved for R variable whenever I add this project to my project please give me a suggestion Please and also participate in your lower version of Android 5.0 project Use more than 21 themes for API less. Android instead of AppCompat: Theme. Content Please read here

jboss - Prevent deployment to entry node, only deploy to other nodes -

I have a free OpenShift account with default 3 gear, on this I installed WildFly 8.1 image using the OpenShift Web Console Have done I set the minimum and maximum scaling to 3. What happens now is that OpenSoft 3 JBs will create wildfile example: One on the login node (whatever is going on on a helper node On another helpful node The strange thing is that the Jabs Wildfile example is disabled by default in Load Balancer Config (haproxy.conf) on the login node but, Whenever I work in the affiliate GIT repo, OpenSoft is still deploying war archives for it. It What is an additional problem because the incredibly low number of user processes (250 UIIIIMIT -U), this Jebus wildfle example, can not even startup on the entry node. During the startup, Jebus wildfield random "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError" Will be thrown: Unable to create new original threads (' and no, memory is OK, this is OS process limit ). As a result, the deployment process will hang. To s

silent - Get Scilab to calculate without printing result -

It sounds like a silly question, but I really can not find an answer. I am using Scilab to evaluate two methods in terms of success, however, every time I tell Scilab to calculate anything, this result will print. Since I am using large matrix, it spends too much time in printing results compared to calculations, so I have a hard time stating that how long each method is actually taking. Do I Calculate Scilab Without Printing the Results? That is, instead of -> B = A '* AA = 1. 2. 3. 2. 4. 6. 3. 6. 9 - & gt; I have to do this -> B = A '* A -> Also add a semicolon works - - & gt; B = A 'A *; - & gt;

javascript - HTML5 can't create video element on Chromium 38 -

क्रोमियम तक 37, var videoElement = document.createElement ('video') एक वीडियो बनायेगा तत्व, लेकिन क्रोमियम 38 के साथ यह अब मामला नहीं है। संपादित करें यदि आप इसे जांचना चाहते हैं, तो कंसोल और प्रकार खोलें: var videoElement = document.createElement ('video') videoElement.toString () इसे वापस करना चाहिए "[वस्तु HTMLVideoElement] " साबित वीडियो एलेमेंट एक वीडियो तत्व है क्रोमियम 38 में मुझे मिल रहा है: "[ऑब्जेक्ट HTMLUnknownElement]" क्या यह तय करने का कोई तरीका है? PS: मैंने क्रोमियम के मुद्दों पर एक मुद्दा बनाया:

org.w3c.dom.Document conversion to not read properly by SAXParser -

I use the following code to parse a org.w3c.dom.Document I am javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser . Try {// --- prepare our suction parser --- SACPERSER Factor factory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance (); Factory.setValidating (true); SAXParser Parser = Factory NASAXpers (); // (xmlfile, xmldidate); / * Does not validate unsaved changes / / / --- Create a stream our already predicted XML document --- BitReon OutputStream Output Stream = New Bytereon OutputStream (); Source xmlSource = new DOMSource (xmlDocument); Results Output Target = New Stream Result (OutputStream); Transformerfacture.New Instance (). New Transformer (). Transform (XMLSOS, output tag); // --- XMLDCasting --- (new bytereinputstream (outputstream.Tibetre ()), XMLWidator; } Grip (parser configuration exception | SAXException | TransformerException | TransformForm configuration error | IOException e) {E.PintstacksTrace (); } I get an error message when the document is parsed Line 1: Docume

c++ - How to provide a given symbol using Clang and MacOSX -

itemprop = "text"> I have an issue when launching my app: dyld: Icon not found : Required in /usr/local/lib/libcrails-mongodb.dylib referred to from __ZN5mongo2LTE: flat name space /usr/local/lib/libcrails-mongodb.dylib in if I symbol Using the search __ZN5mongo2LTE nm, I find these matches: $: nm-a /usr/local/lib/libcrails-mongodb.dylib | Grape __ZN5mongo2LTE /usr/local/lib/libcrails-mongodb.dylib :. U __ZN5mongo2LTE If my understanding is correct, then it means the symbol is referenced, but not resolved Now if I look at this second library which is my The project is also linked to: $: nm -a /usr/lib/libmongoclient.a | Grape __ZN5mongo2LTE /usr/lib/libmongoclient.a:jsobj.o :. 00000000000eca00 S __ZN5mongo2LTE Again, in my understanding, it means symbol is present in the same library at the given address Am I wrong somewhere? If not, why is the symbol "not found"? It seems that an accessible libmongoclient.dylib or libmongocl

In xcode 6.1 and os x yosemite is not supporting ios 7.1 and below version? -

I have recently updated to Xcode 6.1 and OS X Yosemite but xcode does not support ios 7.1 and below version So, please help me. If I select iPad 7.1 or iPhone 5s under the version then this image is shown below. By default, the iOS 7.1 simulator has not been downloaded, Go to Preferences - & gt; Download - & gt; Click to download

jquery - Moving Up and Down list objects -

I'm creating a simple list (under heading + text) This section looks like a normal question. I want to increase the objects above and below the list. When I click on the last object, then it goes up etc. tried with rollup (); but was not working How can I do this? My code: $ (function () {$ ('.opis'). Hide (); $ ('li.'). Function () {$ ('opis'). ($); $ (This) .nextAll ('. Opis: first') toggle ();});}); The currently clicked item is in its original container ul var $ ul = $ ('ul'); Hide $ ('description') ().; $ ('Li .nazwa). Click (function (). $ ('Opis'). Skip (); $ (this) .nextAll ('opis: first') Toggle (); $ (this) .Parent (). PrependTo ($ Ul);}); Demo:

javascript - Validate form with Jquery what's wrong? -

& lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; script src = 'jquery.validate.js' प्रकार = 'टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट' & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "jquery.min.js" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "valid.js" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; & lt; / script & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; form id = "myform" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "फ़ील्ड 1" /> & lt; / br & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" नाम = "फ़ील्ड 2" /> & lt; / br & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "सबमिट करें" / & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; JS फ़ाइल: $ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {$ ('# myform')। मान्य कर

Populate Excel Range using COM object in php -

I would like to extend the excel generation on the server using the range I know that 1 cell heating one after the other Is hot for For example: $ ExcelApp = new COM ("excel.application") or die ("unable to start MS Excel"); $ ExcelWordbook = $ ExcelApp- & gt; Workbooks-> Add (); $ ExcelSheet = $ ExcelWordbook- & gt; Worksheets (1); $ ExcelSheet- & gt; Active; $ ExcelSheet- & gt; Room (1, 1) - & gt; Value = "id"; $ ExcelSheet- & gt; Room (1, 2) - & gt; Value = "user"; $ ExcelSheet- & gt; Room (1, 3) - & gt; Value = "pn"; But how can I create it in a shot using range? Certainly such a thing is not working. $ ExcelSheet-> Category ("A1: A3") - & gt; Value = array ("id", "user", "pn"); Any ideas? Do you try with phpexcel settings

scala - What does HList#foldLeft() return? -

I want to play unconscious with HList. This is my first attempt: attribute column [t] {val name: string} case class cv [t] (call: column [t], value: T) Object CV {Object column Cortex poly2 extended DF isolation [A] = ([string, string, string], cv [a]] {case ((suffix, separator, esula), cv) ⇒ (suffix, separator, if (SQL == "" + Suffix another sql + separator + + suffix)}} def alliance [a & lt;: HList] (column: A, suffix: string, separator: String = "and") (difference Inferior L: Left Folder [A, (String, String, String), ColumnMinator.product]): String = Column. Fold Lift ((suffix, separator, "")) (column coordinator). 3) The problem is I do not know that foldLeft returns in this example. I hope that this will return (string, string, string) , but the compiler says I return that l.ut . l.ut is The source code is a little complicated to estimate. There is more information about this in the web. P

c# - Error: The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine not getting fixed -

'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' प्रदाता स्थानीय मशीन पर पंजीकृत नहीं है। वर्णन: मौजूदा वेब अनुरोध के निष्पादन के दौरान एक अनियंत्रित अपवाद उत्पन्न हुआ। त्रुटि के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए स्टैक ट्रेस की समीक्षा करने और जहां यह कोड में जन्म लिया है अपवाद विवरण दें:। System.InvalidOperationException: 'माइक्रोसॉफ्ट .Jet.OLEDB.4.0 'प्रदाता स्थानीय मशीन पर पंजीकृत नहीं है स्रोत त्रुटि:। एक बिना क्रिया का अपवाद के निष्पादन के दौरान उत्पन्न की गई वर्तमान वेब अनुरोध मूल और अपवाद के स्थान के बारे में जानकारी नीचे अपवाद स्टैक ट्रेस का उपयोग कर पहचाना जा सकता है स्टैक ट्रेस:। [InvalidOperationException: 'माइक्रोसॉफ्ट। Jet.OLEDB.4.0 'प्रदाता स्थानीय मशीन पर पंजीकृत नहीं है।] System.Data.OleDb.OleDbServicesWrapper.GetDataSource (OleDbConnectionString constr, DataSourceWrapper और datasrcWrapper) +1818591 सिस्टम.डेटा.ऑलडीबी.ओलेडीबीकॉन्वेनइनएर्नएयर..ट्रेटर (OleDbConnectionString constr, OleDbConnection कनेक्शन) +148 सिस्टम.डेटा.ऑलडिब.ऑलडीबीकॉन्नेक्शनफै

sql server 2008 r2 - SQL statement runs fine in TEST, breaks on PROD -

I am performing the following queries on my test db, all work well: Select as the name TABLE_NAME, select TOP 1 value from (Fn_listextendedproperty (NULL, 'schema', 'dbo', 'table', [TABLE_NAME], DEFAULT, NULL) where name = 'description' ) AS [Details] from info_schema.tables TB INNER JON Fn_listextendedproperty (NULL, 'schema', 'dbo', 'table', default, faucet, tap) call on prop.objname COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT = tb.TABLE_NAME COLLATE DATABASE_DEFAULT and prop .name = 'SettingTable' and prop.value my answer When executing on execution DB, I get the following error: Message 102, level 15, state1 , line 3 near 'TABLE_NAME' Wrong syntax Test DB version: 10.50.1617.0 Prod DB version: 10.50.2550.0 Any ideas? The PROD DB turns on in SQL Server 2000 compatibility mode. Setting it to 2008 The problem has been solved, and thank you for answering my discretion!

uml - Actors in the use case digram -

I have a question about the use case diagram, I started by identifying the actors, but I have some subsystems Came in those who confuse me whether to take them as actors or not.I know that an actor can be human, system and anything that aims in the system, but I want to point this point to the right cast To target T he wants. Thanks The system can change the state, whatever is in the form of an actor .

java - How to read data line by line from String buffer and match with another String -

itemprop = "text"> I write code public class keys {personal constant last string} keyss = { "HGDLV-KLLQC-DM3ON-MAUOX-FNQK5", "HQKLD-NYRDL-NJXCV-BVCKF-NRKLC", "LDFCV-BDJCQ-VMFQV-FNRKC-NFCFL" // and many more}; Public static string getKey (string key) {boolean B = Arrays.asList (keyss) .contains (key); If (b == true) {key = "accepted"; } Other {key = "unapproved"; } Return key; } and all strings are accepted even if the user specified string Use parallel to the strings Additionally, the implementation of GetKeys () is very complex and redundant. Consider changing it: Public square key {Private Static Last String [key = {"HGDLV-KLWC-DM3-NMUOX -FNQK5 "," HQKLD-NYRDL-NJXCV-BVCKF-NRKLC "," LDFCV-BDJCQ-VMFQV-FNRKC-NFCFL "// and many more}; Public static string getKey {string (current key: {key} {if (current.equals (key)) {return "approved"; }} Return "Disapproved&quo

c# - Setting the same font size across multiple viewboxes -

Assume that I have two view boxes, which have two textlines inside them. Both have the same width and height, but the text will not have the same length. Example of code: & lt; Viewbox x: name = "vb1" & gt; How do I create them the same font size? & Lt; Text block text = "some text" /> & Lt; / Viewbox & gt; & Lt; Viewbox x: name = "vb2" & gt; & Lt; Text block text = "some big text" /> & Lt; / Viewbox & gt; What do I want to do here: Mike Strobel makes sense; I'm not sure if you want to overlap the text or not not So, to get the effect like this, replace grid with StackPanel : & Lt; Column width = "300" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; Text block text = "some text" /> & Lt; TextBlock Text = "Some Big Text" Grid Column = "1" /> & Lt; / Grid & gt; & Lt; / Viewbox & gt;

xmlhttprequest - XHR requests fail when an ADFS authenticated session expires -

We have a site that relies on federated authentication using Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and WSFAducationEntification Module. A set of XHR requests in this site has also been removed at user interaction. A special example is a drop-down menu that lets the user impersonate other users. Another site-wide search page has a mask functionality. The problem is that the session expires when the user remains idle on the page for some time. In general HTTP requests, when the user clicks on the link, for example, this is not a problem. At the end of the session, the user is redirected to the STS and the user is never taken into account - it is very fast. But XHR requests fail. There is a real error message in the console: XMLHttpRequest https: // ... can not load 'Access control-permission-origin' header requested The source is present on the resource '' therefore the entry is not allowed It seems that

objective c - How to update the content for NCWidgetListViewController -

I was trying to use my first Mac OS extension extension widget Xcode 6. Somehow I came to know how to show the content the way I want to. Here's the problem: I was trying to refresh the data displayed in today-expansion. But I could not find an example of doing this (especially for purpose-C). Can someone give me an objective-cod example? Update: I was seeing the reload for a solution similar to the data that is used on UITableView Just exampleListViewController.contents is slightly different than before. It seems that NCWidgetListViewController checks whether you set it up again, and then do not refresh its view.

Java - Rotating array -

So the target elements are to rotate the right a bar in the example; If a == 2 , then the array = {0,2,2,3,4} will become array = {3,4,0,1, 2} Here I have: for (int x = 0; x & lt; = array.length-1; x ++ ) {Array [x + a] = array [x]; } However, it fails to account for when [x + a] is greater than the length of the array I have read that those people Should be stored which are more in a different array, but seeing as a variable I'm not sure that this is the best solution to add a modulo array length to your code: Create a new array before the same size for //, copy the array // copy (Int x = 0; x & lt; = array.length-1; x ++) {newArray [(x + a)% array.length] = array [x]; } You should also create a new array to copy, so that you do not overwrite prices, which you will need later.

java - Displaying dynamic UTC clock time on JSP screen -

I want to use string variables in run () method and display values ​​on jsp screen. Please note that the value, which is a string variable in the run () method, changes every 1 second according to the code given below. Therefore my requirement is to display the value on the screen and change the speed dynamically. (OR) To make it simpler, I am trying to all the display UTC clock time, which is every one on the JSP screen Modifies in seconds. Applies the public square clock Runnable {JLabel jb; // Constructor Clock takes JLabel Public Clock (JLabel JB) {this.jb = jb; } Public Zero Run () {While (true) {try {// Thread Sleep & amp; Ever updates 1 second, so the clock changes every 1 second to jb.setText (timeNow ()); String dynaStr = timeNow (); Thread.Sleep (1000); } Grip (blocked predefined) {System.out.println (ex); }}} Public string timen () {calendar c = Calendar.getInstance (); Timezone z = C.Getimjon (); Int offset = z.frooffet (); If (z.inDaylightTime (new date (

Add local file url to allowed domains Firefox : about:config -

I am creating a screen sharing addon in Firefox and need to use it: media.getusermedia.screensharing "Convenience. But when I am using addOn SDK locally, my URL for the opened HTML file is: Resources: // jid1-q3wuqdulcvnnrq-at-jetpack / toolbar_button /data/index.html Now, I get an error on this link: About: config, please enable media. Gatusermedia.screensharing.enabled And domain of this site Add media.getusermedia.screensharing to the gamer about: config_domains Additionally it requires an https connection, while the same webRTC works fine in Chrome extensions How can someone add a local file url to a domain? Screensharing For a search on mxr: who inspired this white list: Then I have already done this. The domain of inquiry If, first:, *., associate dot com, *. So when I did this: ('', null, null) Found this: So it seems that what is going on in host There is

java - Apply image/pattern to pie section instead of normal color -

Instead of using the normal plot.setSectionPaint () method to fill the pie section It is possible to add a pattern or an image as shown below. I have received this requirement because it is difficult to differentiate the color when it is printed in black; White printer Most cases, if not possible, I will have to use 2 different colors which can easily vary on B / W printers Allows any implementation to pass the interface color is a class that implements paint , but there are some others, such as This code is a TexturePaint like blue line pattern in your example: BufferedImage texture = new BufferedImage (1, 30, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB ); Graphics2D G = texture.createGraphics (); G.setColor (Color.white); G.fillRect (0, 0, 1, 30); G.setColor (new color (0x26A2D6)); G.fillRect (0, 0, 1, 20); G.dispose (); Texture Paint Pattern Paint = New Texture (Texture, Texture. Gastre). Get (); You can pass that code to texturePaint as the argument of setSectionPa

Displaying spacial characters in combobox on select extjs4 -

I want to display Spanish Spanish characters such as, AA, A, A, A, combobox. SO, I wrote the code for it in the local file, Inkl & # xE9; Sapa & # xF1; Ol, etc. When I open the dropdown, it shows the correct word, but when I select it, it shows the code in the box. This is what happens with the box labels, it shows the code instead of the special character. Can anyone recommend me a solution for this? Thank you. The problem occurs because the list The present element is provided as divs (hence html entities work), whereas price box is provided as input (institutions do not work). It is easiest to display national characters to replace entities with genuine Unicode characters. You can override this setRawValue method: Ext.define ('Ext.ux.form.ComboBox', {extend: 'Ext.form.ComboBox ', SetRawValue: function (value) {this.callParent ([decodeEntities (value)]);}}); Object:

android - Unbinding drawables from view on onDestroy() -

I've read a lot about memory leaks in the last few days, and came in some interesting stuff. I saw a basic Android bitmap memory leak question (since 2011) and I was thinking that this is still the case. If I am using scenes that contain bitmaps in my activity (image view, text view ...), do I need to break my own designs to destroy the activity? Is it only in some cases or always? It is no longer required as 4.0 because callback is now a WeakReference . : Public Final Zero Set Callback (Callback CB) {mCallback = cb; } and: public final zero set callback (callback CB) {mCallback = new WeakReference & lt; Callback & gt; (CB); }

java - Leave small space between buttons when using GridLayout -

I'm trying to create a toolbar that will go to the top of all the pages of my java swing application. I am creating a JPNL that has a series of separate JPNLs (Container) Each JPNL (container) has a North and South component or just one answer component, which is set using GridLayout. My problem is, I want a small gap between the components of the North and the South, but I ' one of the following for the one of the containers Example: public static zero subscriber () {last JFrame frame = new JFrame ("nested layout example"); Frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); Japanese container 1 = new zpn (); Container 1. Set Layout (New Grid Layout (2,1)); Jebton ButtonDierre = New Jebton ("Diary"); ButtonDi .Set Refitted Size (New Dimension (140, 25)); Pocket button case = new pocket ("car"); ButtonCars.setprofile size (new dimension (140, 25)); Container 1. Ad (Buttony, Border Layout, North); Container1.add (Button, Border Layou

r - How to split a complex string into its components so inorder to form groups -

How to divide a string SU000062941195709TMAX which contains all the information SAI 000062941 1 9 57 9 9 A data in a column of TMX In frame, so that I can use tappi on these groups? itemprop = "text"> If the string is of fixed width, then you read.fwf can read.fwf (file = "filefw.txt", widths = c (11)., 4,2,4)) # V1V2V3V4 # 1SUI00006294119 7 9 TMX

ember.js - Ember-rails: function returning 'undefined' for my computed value -

Both functions are 'undefined' here I can not understand what the problem is. It seems that straight-forward What is it ?? In the controller I have set some properties to present the user with an empty text field so that they can be sure to type in their data. Amber. Product Controller = Amber Object Controller Extension ({quantity_property: "", location_property: "", employee_name_property: "", // quantity substrate: function () {// Return to 'get' ('quantity') - = this.get ('quantity_property' );;} .property ('quantity', 'quantity_property') Quantity subtrace: Ember.computed ('quantity', 'quantity_property', function () {return this.get ('quantity') - this.get (' Quantity_property ');});}); Enter the route, setting both employee name and location ... Amber Projects Deduct-Route = Ember.Route.extend ({Model: Functions (Parameters) { ('produc

proxy - Does Microsoft have a definitive list of URLs that are associated with OneDrive that we should allow through our proxies? -

Is there a definite list of Microsoft's URL that is linked to OneDrive that we should allow it through our proxy? We are trying to allow the use of OneDrive in Windows 8.1 and higher, but our BlueCoet Proxy has rules that block it OneDrive Individual to work in Windows 8.1 and higher To allow us, we need to open all the URLs on our proxy. Based on our own troubleshooting and blue links on the following link, we have already identified the following list of URLs. * * * * * .office365 Com * * * .gfx .ms * * * * *

How to create method which be executed by cron (Yii) -

I'm completely lost I followed many tutorials about Cron and Y but all failed (,). In addition, this project is not mine and the protected folder is not present. I want to execute one in my DB, after control, update every 10 minutes . I already know how to make a cron, but ... in fact it does not know how to deal with this. I need the connection to the DB and access to the model .. Thank you for your help Renewed: Thanks for the @ crafter response I am able to execute 'Yiic AutoCron but I get an error: "PHP error [2]: Include (User. Php): Failed to open the stream: No such file or directory " I can not use config / console.php because the project's standard architecture Does not respect. How can I import all the models to avoid this error? I have the same problem as this post !! I also have a cronconfig.php (in which I import the model) No response yet. Refer to WIKI Post > Class TestComConsoleCommand Extended {Publi