
Showing posts from March, 2013

python - How do I make gmpy array operations faster? -

I am having trouble with speed while trying to use the GMP module. Import NMP as GMP 2 GM = N = 1000 A = Range (N)% Time [for Gmcene (X)) Import as GMP 2 in the 100 # Loop; Most Good 3: 7.3 9 ms per loop% time np esin (a) # 10000 loops, best 3: 198 us per loop I was thinking that I somehow speed up this calculation Can I give I was thinking that JIT or multi-processing can help, but I do not know how to do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated if you want to post me more information, please let me know. I was curious to see how much performance increase would be possible, so gmpy2 , which completely calculates sin of a list in C. Unfortunately, there was not much improvement. For the% timeit [gmpy2.sin (x)) 100 loops, the best 3: 4.85 ms per loop% timeit map (gmpy2.sin, a) 100 loops, best 3: 4.59 ms per loop% timeit gmpy2.vector (a) 100 loops, best 3: 4.44 ms per loop gmpy2 does not issue Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) Threading will not help Multiprocessing c

How can buyer details be shown on paypal's order summary page? -

Is the second information in the PayPal Order Summary page different from the product name and price only? I have a form that submits to PayPal and contains the buyer's email address and their name, I would like to show it on the summary page. Can someone please post a small snippet of that button code that will appear for it ? When the buyer login to your PayPal account during checkout, buyers will be able to see their email and shipping. Using Adobe Checkout Integration, you can use the API to obtain buyer information You can and can display on the Order Summary page. Your website (no, in PayPal checkout page)

c++ - how to delete the last line in a text file with 100M lines without having to rewrite the whole file? -

Let's say I actually have a large text file, say 100 million lines or 1 GB and I want to delete the last line. Is there any way to do 99.999 99 99 to rewrite the lines in the new file and do this to remove the old one? Suppose that the file is really big that the rewriting option is extremely expensive, what would you do to remove the last line? Thank you You can open the file, as long as you have the first line delimiter (normally LF or CR / LF, depending on the platform), calculate the offset file at that point, and.

python - How to "switch to one of the Agg backends"? -

I have the same problem, that is, when using matplotlib and networkx on Mac OS X 10.8.5, labels are not displayed Are there. The solution to that thread should "switch one of the AGG based backend" @ TCswell "should solve the problem by avoiding it" Can anyone tell me what it means / how it is To do? I'm sorry to start a new thread, but I do not have enough reputation to comment on the previous post or to ask any questions! If someone can merge this post and the last, it would be best thanks Bobby This should work (note that use should be called before importing a pipeline): import matplotlib matplotlib.use ('AG') Import as matplotlib.pyplot plt If you search for "agre" or "backend" then other questions have more details, e.g. EDIT: Sorry, maybe I did not understand what you are trying to do. As Sebix explains, Agg has a backend (i.e. non-participating plot) to plot a file, and if you want an interactive plot

python - Point Cython to C source files -

मेरे पास Python, Cython और C को मिलाकर एक परियोजना है, जैसे: root | - स्रोत | - foo foo.c | - नाम name.pxd name.pyx | - शामिल करें | - foo foo.h बहुत सरल सामग्री के साथ: < P> foo.h: शून्य जोड़ें (इंट, डबल *, डबल *, डबल *); "एफू / एफूएचएच" शून्य शामिल जोड़ें (इंट एन, डबल * ए, डबल * बी, डबल * सी) {के लिए (इंट आई = 0; आई & lt; एन; आई ++) सी [आई] = ए [आई] + बी [आई]; } name.pxd: "foo / foo.h" से cdef extern: शून्य जोड़ें (इंट, डबल *, डबल *, डबल * ) name.pyx: np cipport numpy के रूप में np cpdef cython_add (np.ndarray [np.double_t, ndim = 1] के रूप में numpy आयात करें , Np.ndarray [np.double_t, ndim = 1] B): cdef int N = min (एशप [0], बीशप [0]) सीडीएफ एनपी.एंडरेरे सी = एनपी.एंड्ररेय ([एन], Dtype = np.double) जोड़ (एन, & lt; डबल * & gt;, & lt; डबल * & gt;, & lt; डबल * & gt; वापस सी Cython से distutils.core आयात सेटअप से। आयात साइथोनिक सेटअप (ext_modules = cythonize

angularjs - Add textarea control dynamically in Angular JS -

Please help me at the need with angle JS code below, The ADD button should be, when we click on ADD, I should add texture controls. I should be able to add unlimited number of texture controls by clicking on this ADD button. You can do this. This is the easiest way: plunker html: & lt; Div ng-repeat = "textArea in textAreas" & gt; & Lt; Textarea id = "maxlength_textarea" class = "form-control" maxlength = "225" rows = "2" ng-model = "textA.textbox" placeholder = "text box" & gt; & Lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button class = "btn btn-info" ng-click = "additional ()" & gt; Add more & lt; / Button & gt; In the admin : $ scope.textAreas = []; $ Scope.addMore = function () {$ scope.textAreas.push ({textBox: ""}}}}

node.js - Multiple requests asynchronously with same callback function -

var parseedUrl = req.body.parsedUrl; console.log (parsedUrl); Var विकल्प = {url: '' + पार्स्ड युल, हेडर: {'उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट': 'अनुरोध'}}; Var विकल्प 2 = {url: '' + पार्स्ड युल + '/ रीडमे', हेडर: {'उपयोगकर्ता-एजेंट': 'अनुरोध'}}; फ़ंक्शन कॉलबैक (त्रुटि, प्रतिक्रिया, शरीर) {यदि (! त्रुटि और amp; response.statusCode == 200) {var info = JSON.parse (body); Thing.create (info, function (err, thing) {//console.log(info); if (err) {return handle error (res, err);} return res.json (201, बात);}); } Else {console.log ('github अनुरोध त्रुटि'); }} अनुरोध (विकल्प, कॉलबैक); अनुरोध (विकल्प 2, कॉलबैक); असल में, मुझे दो अनुरोध करने की आवश्यकता है ताकि मेरे प्रश्न निम्न हैं: 1. मैं उन दो अनुरोधों को कैसे एसिंक्रोनस async मॉड्यूल का उपयोग कर सकता हूँ। मैंने async.parallel का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है लेकिन सिंटैक्स अनुरोध के वाक्यविन्यास के साथ अच्छी तरह से नहीं खेलता है क्योंकि

excel - Rolling Time LookBack Calculation -

I'm sorry if this has been answered I'm searching for a while. I have a series of datasets, which I need to calculate based on the previous X time (last hour, day, etc.). My problem is that I do not know how to run these calculations, delta is not standardized over time. Example: column A - time (say in second) column B - value time value Results (5) 01 3 02 02 5 3 04 4 8 07 8 9 9 12 13 4 6 14 4 10 15 1 8 6 9 0 33 7 0 I have a (example) (Not included in it) results by the sum of 5 seconds from an example (line) (5) How can I return the call? Thank you. Edit: What I'm trying to do to clear it: 1) Find the data of the last 5 seconds using column A 3) The output in the column C (formula) / Div> You should see the following formula (Paste and drag down in C2): = SUMIFS ($ B $ 2: $ B $ 11, $ A $ 2: $ A $ 11, "& gt; =" & A2-5, $ A $ 2: $ A $ 11, "& lt;" & amp; 2) Where is your time the time for the

c# - How can I call a SOAP Web Service without Adding Web Reference -

I need to develop a .NET 4.5 client for SOAP based web service. The problem is that the company that has these SOAP Based services, they do not provide WSDL. Although they provide the Request Response Schema (XSD files) since there are no WSDLs, I am unable to add a web context and self-induce the client proxy code. Is there any .NET 4.5 library from which I can use to make these SOAP base service calls? It also needs to support SOAP 1.1 and SOAP attachements. If for some reason you do not want to create WSDL file, the example given below is manually a SOAP Can be used to create an HTTP request: var url = Settings.Default.URL; // 'Web service URL' var verb = settings. default.SoAPAction; // SOAP Method / Action Name var soapEnvelopeXml = CreateSoapEnvelope (); Var soapRequest = CreateSoapRequest (url, action); InsertSoapEnvelopeIntoSoapRequest (soapEnvelopeXml, SOAP); (Using the word stringWriter = new stringwriter ()) ({var xmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create (stringWri

java 7 - net.sf.hibernate.PropertyValueException: not-null property references a null or transient value -

I am trying to set the 'level' with some values ​​but I get an exception. Below is the version and code. Hibernate Version: 2.1 Server: Weblogic 11g Mapping Document: & lt; Property name = "level" type = "java.lang.Integer" & gt; & Lt; Meta attribute = "default-value" & gt; New java.lang.Integer (0) & lt; / Meta & gt; & Lt; Column name = "level" no-null = "true" length = "3" /> & Lt; / Property & gt; Code: Public poll filled (throws as a result) throws SQLException {POL p = new pol (); P.setLevel (new integer (rs.getInt ("setLevel")); If (rs.IsNull ()) {p.SetLevel (null); } Return p; } Exception I get by: net.sf.hibernate.PropertyValueException: Not-null property references a blank or transient value Please help. That's because you have DB < -> Java DataTip Mismatch To fix this check: DB column if it is allowed for zero val

android - VTS AT command only works once (sends dtmf tone only once) on sony ericson xperia Neo V -

I have roots in Xperia Neo V (very old Android running - 2.3.4) AT command at I / dev / smd0 Most of the things work fine, except that I am only able to send a DTMF tone, after that there is no effect of the VTS command, even ordinary AT commands or other commands work. Turn off I echo -e "AT \ r"> / dev / smd0; Cat / dev / smd0 AT OK Call / Receive via UI or ATD / ATA Test The AT command is working: echo-A "at \ r"> / dev / smd0; Send DTMF: (I can hear the tone at the other end) echo -e "AT_VTS = 3 \"> At this point, all orders (AT + VTS = 4, AT, ATI, etc.) stop working till the reboot, the phone. I am not able to listen to any further DTMT tones with the VTS command. Remarks: 1. To understand how I am sending android, also using a code of Maliran to do a Terminal Mate Although the DTMF tonnage of the trick is done correctly, MITM does not work (no output in injector.log) Please note that when I send the AT command manually

python - Why does os.path.getsize give me the wrong size? -

I have a small HTML file named home.html that I'm serving , And I found out that the os.path.getsize ('home.html') returns a different number from len (open ('home.html'). Read ()) . The number given by os.path.getsize is 925, while the number given by lane is 910. I know 910 is the correct number and not 925 because the page will not show the use of chrome using 925, but it uses 910 completely. Can anyone tell me what is going wrong? inb4 I do not think this is a unicode thing, because I'm on windows, I'm using Python 2.7, the result of / Code> not a unicode object, and all the characters in my HTML are ASCIII here is the content of home.html : & Lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Body style = "text-align: center;" & Gt; & Lt; A href = "" & gt; & Lt; Img style = "position: full; top: 0; right: 0; range: 0;&qu

Can I use web project file in windows console c# -

I am very new to Windows software development. I have created a web site using VS Express 2013. It reads an XML file, connects to 4 different databases, it brings data from these databases according to the XML file and displays new data on the screen. / P> The problem is: Reading data from XML and background should be in the background. Users should only see the output. So I decided to make a console application and used the windows task scheduler which will call the console application every hour. My question is: Do I have the same code (Asp.Net Web) on the C # console application without making too much changes? I am currently downloading Visual Studio 2013 and I do not know what to do. It depends on the referenced assemblies that you are using in your code, but generally If your dependency is referenced, then your C # code can be used for both web and console applications. To do it correctly, it is better to put your code into third-party class library which can

ruby - Continous loading of resources after routing in rails -

Hello I'm a beggar with rail and English is not my main language, so please support me with this medium. I am just trying out some routes in my train app, using the resource: Name and allocate rail routes I have these routes. RB Rails.application.routes.draw do # is based on the order of priority creation: first created - & gt; Highest priority. # See if all your routes exit with "Rake Routes" to get "signup": "User #New", such as: "Signup" Get "Session" for "Login #", such as: " Login: Get "Logout" as: "Session # deleted", as: "Dashboard" resource: Site Resource: Page Resources: Sitemap Nom place: API, "Dashboard": "Session #" 'Session': Default = & gt; ; {: Format = & gt; 'Json'} Name: v1 resource: session, only: [: create, show, delete] resource: password, only: [: create, update] resource: user, only: [: create, show <<

customization - abap badi customer_add_data: how to process user input in custom fields? -

I should know what is the process (save and display) with user input in custom fields. My setup: - New subscript for transaction XD .. (eg XD02) - Using badi customer_add_data and customer_add_data_cs - Some custom fields have been added to the table, e.g. . KAA1 Transaction created a function group with dynpros for XD .. - New customer fields are displayed in XD .. However, in my new areas Nothing seems to be processed, processed I do not know how to continue my implementation What I tried to do in the window: "wokrs saves data input method IF_EX_CUSTOMER_ADD_DATA_CS ~ GET_DATA." SAPLZSD_FOO_CUSTOMER = My Function Group Constants: c_foo (50) VALUE '(SAPLZSD_FOO_CUSTOMER) KNA1-ZZFOO' Field-symbols: & lt; Fs & gt; Type Any ASSIGN (c_foo) TO & lt; Fs & gt; IF sy-subrc = 0. s_kna1-ZZFOO = & lt; Fs & gt; end if. Endmethod What I did try in PBO to display the custom field value "does not work, stored values ​​do not dis

playframework 2.0 - Slow startup in Play Framework -

While making changes to a Play Framework 2.2.3 application, the first page load takes 34 seconds after compiling (afterwards loading Are fast). It is worth noting that the computer is not connected to the Internet, what could be the cause of the problem?

wpf - Text Wrap in<Run> tag in TextBlock . -

`& lt; टेक्स्टब्लॉक & gt; & Lt; रन टेक्स्ट = "साई" & gt; & lt; / Run & gt; & Lt; रन टेक्स्ट = "एएएआए" & gt; & lt; / Run & gt; & Lt; रन टेक्स्ट = "बीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबीबी" & gt; & lt; / Run & gt; & Lt; रन टेक्स्ट = "ज़ज़ेज़" & gt; & lt; / Run & gt; & Lt; / TextBlock & gt; ` कोड के ऊपर, मैं सिर्फ तंतु के लिए पाठ लपेट करना चाहता हूं टैग टेक्स्टबोल का केवल एक रन टैग लपेट करना संभव है

java - How to compare existing numbers from a file with with a random number? -

I am doing a practice where I have to do a lotto game. We have 6 random numbers ( rand1 , rand2 , rand3 , rand4 , Rand5 generated, rand6 ), and now I want to compare those my current numbers, which are saved in the file f . This is what I have so far: public square lottoEx {public static zero main (string [] args) exceptions {userNumbers (4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 19) throws; DrawNumbers (); } Public static zero user number (int no 1, int number 2, int number 3, int number 4, int number 5, int number 6) exception {// USER NUMBERS file F = new file ("lotto") throws ; Printstream output = new printstream (f); Output.println (num1 + "+ + num2 +" "+ num3 +" "+ num4 +" "+ num5 +" "+ num6); read scanner = new scanner (f); System.out.print (" Your number : "); While (read.hasNext ()) {System.out.print (read.nextInt () +" ");}} Public static zero draw () throws an exception {// Random Number Random Rand = New R

excel - Copying an array is swapping days/months in (seemingly) random cells -

I am very new to VBA (e.g., about 2 weeks). I is defining an array in a sheet and then making it another moving copy (which after this I want to do with it, this code is just to check that it is Works properly). , my array is copied, but many (seemingly random) cells are switched around day / month in E.G. 06/01/1984 has been 01/06/1984 This code is: Sub Defined_Areaz () Dim Wsh Worksheet Demet FTSE 100 (1 to 1592 , 1 to 5) String dim row_A integer dim column_A integer as defined as' FTSE 100 array row_A = Set for LBound (FTSE100, WSH = Sheet2 Wsh.Activate row_A = 1 column_A = 1 1) To do UBound (FTSE100, 1) for column_A = LBound (FTSE100, 2) UBound (FTSE100, 2) = FTSE100 (row_A, column_A) = cells (row_A, column_A) Next column_A Next row_A 'print FTSE Set 100 array WSH = sheet1 Wsh.Activ Ate row_A = LBound (for FTSE100, 1) UBound (FTSE100, 1) column_A = LBound (for FTSE100, 2) UBound (FTSE100, 2) cells (row_A, column_A) = FTSE100 (row_A, column_A) Next column_A next

google api php client - Gmail API - Users.labels get with a date range specified -

मुझे एक जीमेल सेवा चल रही है: $ client = नया Google_Client (); $ ग्राहक & gt; setClientId ( '{{CLIENT_ID}}।'); $ ग्राहक & gt; setRedirectUri ( '{{रीयडायरेक्ट}}'); $ ग्राहक & gt; setClientSecret ( '{{CLIENT_SECRET}'); $ ग्राहक & gt; setScopes (सरणी ( '')); $ ग्राहक & gt; setAccessToken ($ साख); मैं फिर एक विशिष्ट आईडी से मिलान किए गए सभी लेबल्स ( प्राप्त करें -) प्राप्त करें: $ service = new Google_Service_Gmail ($ client ); $ लेबल = $ सेवा- & gt; उपयोगकर्ता_लैबेल- & gt; प्राप्त करें ("{{EMAIL}}", $ gmail_label_id); जो पूरी तरह से काम करता है मैं एक निश्चित दिनांक सीमा के बीच केवल मिलना थ्रेड को एक पैरामीटर कैसे निर्दिष्ट कर सकता हूँ? एपीआई एक्सप्लोरर को देखना मैं केवल निर्दिष्ट करने की क्षमता देखता हूं: userId आईडी फ़ील्ड इनमें से कोई भी मैं क्या करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। मैंने Google_Service_Gmail_UsersLabels_Reso

sorcery - Ruby on rails, deactivation of a user -

I am using sorcery gem for user authentication. My model is: create_table "users" ,: force = & gt; Is true T | T.string "email" ,: null = & gt; Wrong t.string "crypted_password" t.string "salt" t.datetime "created_at" ,: null = & gt; Incorrect t.datetime "updated_at" ,: null = & gt; Wrong t.string "remember_me_token" t.datetime "remember_me_token_expires_at" t.string "Skriyn_stet" t.string "activation_token" t.datetime "activation_token_expires_at" end I could not get in that a user is a built-in function to disable what it would be safer to find the user and can change only parameter activation_state to disable? You can call user.setup_activation the activation_state will set to "pending" and the new Skriyn_tokn . Or you can manually set activation_state to "pending" This is all.

ios - Does UIPageViewController has to be full screen? -

What should be UIPageViewController full screen? Is it embedded in a small rectangle of other visual containers like UIView , UINavigationController or UITabBarController No, this is not a full screen, in fact it can be used by any other UIViewController Can be done in the form of. If you want to embed it in a small rectangle, you can use it. Let's assume that you want to embed it into a basic controller that is a UIViewController subclass then define page view controller Add a child as controller in code> viewDidLoad : self.pageViewController = [[UIPageViewController alloc] initWithTransitionStyle: UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll Navigation Orientation: UIPageViewControllerNavigationOrientationHorizontal Option: Zero]; Self.pageViewController.view.frame = ... // set frames or autolayout barriers [auto addChildViewController: self.pageViewController]; [Self.view addSubview: self.pageViewController.view]; [Self.pageViewController didMoveToPa

html - Creating perfectly fitted header and footer elements inside div element -

I am trying to create a header and footer in CSS. The following is my code: HTML & lt; Div id = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "header" & gt; Cobum! & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "footer" & gt; Cobum! & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS #header {background color: orange; Width: 500px; Height: 20px; Border: 3px solid blue; Border-left-style: none; Border-right-style: none; List-style-type: none; Border-top-style: none; Text-align: center; } #footer {margin-top: 455px; Background color: pink; Width: 500px; Height: 20px; Border: 3px solid blue; Border-left-style: none; Border-right-style: none; List-style-type: none; Border-bottom-style: none; Text-align: center; } # Container {margin: auto; Background color: #addadd; Width: 500px; Height: 500px; Border: 5px solid blue; Border-radius: 5px; } Although my code is working fine, which is located at the top, at the top and below the f

Xpages - Java - How to start writing code -

I'm new to Java but not Lotus Notes. Here are some of my questions: The main method in the Java class - can I run a simple in excise? Do I use Java? Create design classes or Java classes in Project Explorer? Would it be better to uninstall other JVM before DDE starts working in Java? Thanks Arun If you want to play with java (No XPages Part) Create Java Project in Domino Designer Java Perspective) and then use the key to write code. When you run it as a Java program it will be output to the console. You can still use domino objects. For example, how does this code indicate that ... I did this to test some data models and concepts and then after realizing my concept, to be used as a genuine real genuine Copyed to NSF. It is so easy to use and test your code as a Java program and to view the output in the browser. Howard public static zero main (string [] args) {try {newsThread.sinitThread ()} // start thread session s = NotesFactory.create sess

build - How to add a large number of source files to an IAR .eww -

We debug our binary using an IAR workspace (.ww) which was not used to make binary It was made using the command line Make the Make files created by a build system (actually lost in the mists of time). After creating the source, do you automatically use the source file directory structure and add the same source? Due to the copying of some slopes, there are several copies of some sources in the structure; Pasteing the same file, 2 copies, possibly identical, different directories. Project files (.app) just XML files source files & Lt; File & gt; & Lt; Name & gt; Path \ to \ source.c < / Name & gt; & Lt; / File & gt; Are listed as. & lt; Project & gt; node You can create a script (for example Python) that searches for files or gives them the script as a parameter, then filter the duplicates and update the IAR project file accordingly. Could. But if you are using the IAR Compiler to create and create a workspace for debugging, th

mysql - Group by query with max column -

I want to ask the last chat group grouped by a certain user's chat partner. My current query works, though it chooses the user's own message according to the order stemmed by the timestamp. But I want to send the previous messages to other users to order this specific user timestamp Here is my bella:. Expected Result: 2 rows ... messages -------------------- ... r for me last ... I finally I have created chat messages and message with the greatest timestamp " x last called " My current question is: sELECT a *, DU.user username,,, DU.year, DU.month, Join an intermediate from db_chats (selection max (timestamp) ts, user, companion du State db_chats Group partner) A.timestamp = T.ts and A.user = T.user include db_users T T.partner = Left which DU where A.user = 'order timestamp Dis by RGXiLkVpKGc4FSU7SeyMlZ7z' A < / code> you can use the query to get the query ULT: select a *, DU.user username, DU

javascript - Uploading image using Canvas HTML5, how to send file name and file size with the same post action? -

I have a problem solving with my custom image uploader (HTML canvas based). Trying to send an image by using asp.NET MVC 4 in the server side and posting ajax (because I have a formadata post agax + base64 string me toDataURL () canvas.toDataURL ('image / jpeg', 0.7) Using the base64 string to get the canvas. To save this image, I send the Base 64 string to the server, but I do not have the file name and file size as normal I can get a form post, (in the general post I get a http posted filebase ) So, someone knows I can add additional data with the image (base 64 string) How can I send it?

java - More than one keystore or truststore in a machine -

Java JVM keystore can be set using system property System. SetProperty ("javax .net.ssl.trustStore", & lt; ... & gt;) I just want to understand, if I use another keystore on some other way I want to do this, just to set up a new provinterity, or to restart the JVM? If not, there is another easy way to set a reliable way, something like "refresh SSL", so changes can be dynamic dynamically? thanks

Can a single IOS app connect to multiple apps? -

I am currently developing an iOS application for a business customer. They have branches at 7 different places and I'm building a single iOS app for 7 branches. Each user initially selects his business. I want to create 7 different pars backend apps for all branches. My question is, does allow the single iOS app to access the Multip backend app? No answer - the purpose of the database is to represent the whole group of data for a given app Using many databases is dangerous and unnecessary as your security solution. If you have a gym client with 7 branches owned by 7 different people, then here's the right and safe solution that connects your back end to the database and only Shows appropriate data to each customer. For more information, see this post by a administrator:

Paypal canceling recurring profile buyer email notification -

I am using the PayPal Express Checkout API. I want to cancel the recurring profile. Due to cancellation I add a note canceled the recurring profile successfully and the buyer sets the setup on the profile history page. But the note shows the buyer's email notification. Can you tell anyone how can I show user reasons to cancel the e-mail notification? Thanks Advance That note is considered as internal use, and This is not shown to the buyer. What you can do, however, a solution is set up which will be hit if the profile is canceled. Within this you can update a custom, branded email notification, update your database, point to 3rd party web services. This is a very useful tool that allows you to automate all kinds of things based on different transaction types.

Rails attributes to show different values -

I have a model where I store the parameters in the database as an integer, no segment = 0, Section 1 = 1 and Section 2 = 2. I want the user to be able to select the section under his name, not the stored value, that is, I want to select the form, 'no section, section 1, section 2' Show as an option, but then store the same value in database 0,1 or 2. .form-group = f.label: section, 'Select a section' = section, (Show 'No section, Section 1, Section 2' on store 0, 1,2) You must pass an array with options = section, [["no section", 0], ["section 1", 1], ["section 2"]] < P> The appropriate element will be selected according to the value, so if your object is a value for section = 2, then "section 2" will be selected when you will load the page. You can do more to see more

mysql - I only want one row from my tables. Is it better to do a JOIN or just make two select calls -

I get two tables. All columns in Table 1 and only one column in Table 2 require one line. () Range 0,1; Obtaining the row using the order; I think it is more efficient to select all the columns in Table 1, then make another call from table 2 to get that additional column. Because I only need a record, I'm worried that it is doing extra work in the background to join tables when I only need one line. I am still developing locally and my computer is fast so I 'tell the difference', but when it goes live, payment server will have multiple calls per second, so the resource is valuable. There is no efficiency by the RAND boundary 0,1; It will not be well on the scale. This is a design flaw outside the gate. If you insist on this, you definitely would not want to include it, because it will be again on every line in the table. At a minimum, you should choose a small sample of rows to draw some random ones: $ row = SELECT table_rows * contact Rand () informatics. T

java - What references the <id> value of a Maven plugin execution? -

एक मेवेन & lt; प्लगइन & gt; तत्व में एक & lt; executions & gt; < / कोड> तत्व जिसमें एकाधिक & lt; निष्पादन & gt; तत्व शामिल हैं प्रत्येक & lt; निष्पादन & gt; तत्व में एक स्ट्रिंग युक्त एक & lt; id & gt; तत्व हो सकता है & lt; id & gt; ... & lt; / id & gt; तत्वों का क्या संदर्भ है? उस तत्व को छोड़ने का क्या अर्थ है? & lt; id & gt; तत्व का अर्थ क्या हैं? उदाहरण के लिए: & lt; परियोजना & gt; [...] & lt; बिल्ड & gt; & LT; प्लगइन्स & gt; & LT; प्लगइन & gt; & LT; ग्रुप & gt; org.apache.maven.plugins & lt; / ग्रुप & gt; & LT; artifactId & gt; Maven-जार-प्लगइन & lt; / artifactId & gt; & LT; फांसी & gt; & LT; निष्पादन & gt; & LT; आईडी & gt; डिफ़ॉल्ट-जार-निष्पादन & lt; / आईडी & gt; & LT; विन्यास & gt; & LT; finalName & gt; mainjar & lt; / finalName & gt; & Lt; / विन्यास & gt; &

c# - Saving Attachments from mail item to Database -

I want to read the content of mail such as CC, topic, body, mail, and store it in the database table. . I am using code below. EmailMessage msg = (email message) item; Forchach (var call in msg.CcRecipients) {ccList + = col.Address.ToString () + ";"; } Foreach (performer in msg). } In this way I can read body and subject. There is a problem reading the attachment, how to read the attachment and store it in the database. I can use msg.Attachments. But what type of object should be, please suggest some better ways to store attachments in the database. You will need at least one table to store two columns the actual file (byte []) For the second column of varchar (string) to store a verbarini and miter type.

r - Correlation of subsets in a data frame -

I am trying to calculate the relationship of two variables of a data frame subset and here are the data samples: < / P> participants & lt; -c ("A01", "A01", "A01", "A01", "A01", "A01", "A02", "A02", "A02", "A02", A02 "," A2 2 " ) Technical qualification & lt; -c (4.20, 2.25, 2.75, 1.67, 1.50, 4.11, 2.50, 2.00, 2.50, 2.40, 3.25, 3.10) Grandmany & lt; -c (2.7375, 2.7375, 2.3300, 2.3300, 2.9900, 2.9900, 2.7375, 2.7375, 2.3300, 2.3300, 2.9900, 2.99, 00) Master = Data. Frame (Participant, Technical Quality, Grandman) The relationship between grandma and technical competence The calculation requires that each participant, in the sample, they are A01 and A02, and for further processing, the correlation result in a new data frame. Just want to hedge. Just wondering what is a good way to do this in R? Because I have 30 participants and my original data

Google Analytics custom dimension vs new users -

We have several e-learning modules under one domain We want to know that each module How many start new users training> 4 new start> 2 new starters on a set period of time Training Domain / Module 03> 5 New Start The metric which is the best in the new beginning is the new user module We have tried many ways, but have not had any success yet. I suspect that we consider some concepts wrong. Each page in a module saves the module IDs for a custom dimension I.e. Click on the scope if we create a custom report as the primary dimension of Metro and ModuleID with new users, then only the first module visits registers in the report. Does anyone have a better way to suggest that we have a way to improve it or to work the current approach? Many thanks! Actually, the custom dimension for your purpose is redundant with one of your modules then create new users Together, create a custom report as a metric, filter

excel vba - VBA code to delete a row based on a non empty cell in a column -

I am running a report of employees who take time on different codes In the report, I get the following columns: < If the employee has been left / p> Emp # / amp name / rate / termaid , then there is a value in the Term Dat column. Because the value in the cell can be any date, I want to write a macro that will be able to search the list and delete the row in which the value of the fourth column is not empty. I 'on the basis of empty cells, how to delete a line, or on the basis of certain values, but many instances of none at any blank value have been found. Each report will also contain a different number of rows, depending on the value of the last column, I need help selecting the range in the range and removing the rows. Fastest way. Use the .ofofofter no need for loop ... sub-sample () Dim LRow with this working book Long Dim Dellange in the form of. Sheet ("Sheet1") '~~ & gt; Remove any filter. AutoFilterMode = False LRow =. ("

Using forio contour to plot points on a sphere -

Can be used for plots at circular point so that the sphere can be rotated and zoomed? Or do I need to do it in d3.js? Or maybe some mixed package? I want to integrate it into a FioOpticular project and interact with the underlying data. I'm not sure what you are saying with 'plot points on any area' Even in the case, 'round chart' is not part of the contour base functionality, but you can write an extension that you want. One important point is that contour (and D3 in general) has basic support for 2d shapes, but there is no 3D shape, so you have to project the area in 2D screen space. If you can tell me what you are trying to do, something else about it, maybe I can help more. Meanwhile, here is a simple example of an extension that points to plots a 2D circle (the angle in this case is the case) Contour.export ('round', function ( Data, layers, options) {var r = 100; var theta = 2 * Math.pi / 180; var center area = option chart.width / 2; va

json - Custom filter not working in objects -

How to use my custom filter to bind? Not working: JSON: {"name": "Adrian"} HTML: & lt; Template Bind = "{{User}}" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; {{Name | Filter}} & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Template & gt; But it works normally when I use repeat. Tasks: JSON: [{"Name": "Adrian 1"}, {" Name ":" Adrian 2 "}] HTML: & lt; Repeat template = "{{user in user}}" & gt; & Lt; P & gt; {{ | Filter}} & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Template & gt; If you defined the filename as a function under the prototype of the element ... polymers ('my-element', {filterName: function (value) {return value.toUpperCase ()}}); When we do & lt; Templates & gt; {{ | FilterName}} & lt; Templates & gt; You have the user ',' user '' and 'filter' callback of your element and its proper

python - Successful pandas install but tests fail (and cannot use) -

In some way, the pandals have stopped working properly: crashing the python without warning I Pd.DataFrame (data, index) was not able to work properly, the test suite could not be run. Returns: Ponds successfully installed Cleaning ... I import pandas OK, some functions work, others (many of them) crash without python warning I can not do nosetests pandas , it can crash the python. Other libraries run test tests without their problems. I am running Python 2.7.5, Panda 0.15. 0 Win Win under 32 bit. How can I fix this?

How to update meteor to 1.0rc.11 -

My meteor current version is 0.9.4, and I want to try the latest version "1.0-rc11", I did Have tried the Meteor Update - Raleigh 1.0-RC11 and Meteor Update --release 1.0-rc.11 , and I always get this message "Your package is on their latest compatible versions Are. " You have packages that are not compatible with RC. Meteorite 1.0 Out You can try that with meteor update . To see which of the packages you have and their barriers, whether they are compatible with 1.0 or not. If you have older packages, you can stop them from updating them. You can see in your code using the meteor list . >

android - savedInstanceState.getParcelableArrayList() return empty list -

If the screen rotates, then I want to save the list of my items, so I applied my object as Done: Public category video equipment serials qualified, parcelable { private string emittal; Private string mvideoID; Private string mThumbUrl; Public video (string title, string id, string thumb url) {this.mTitle = title; This.mvideoID = ID; This.mThumbUrl = thumbUrl; } @ Override Public Int Consultants () {// Tudo Auto-Generated Method Stub Returns 0; } @ Override Public Voice List Topparle (Parcel Dest, Int Flag) {// Todo Auto-Generated Strobe Dist.LiteString (MT); Dest.writeString (mVideoID); Dest.writeString (mThumbUrl); } Public Video (Parcel In) {// TODO Auto-generated Controller Stub mTitle = in.readString (); MVideoID = in.readString (); MThumbUrl = in.readString (); } Public stable final parcelable Manufacturer & lt; Video & gt; Manufacturer = New parcel worthy Manufacturer & lt; Video & gt; () {@ Override public video] Newerre (integer shape) {// Tudo auto-gen

sql server - combine multiple tables by adding columns -

I have a table key s amount of hours 84554 0 32789.87 0.00 84717 0 18273.64 0.00 85077 0 201.84 0.00 85081 0 186.53 0.00 and table 2 Item of key 1 84554 0 11.11 84717 0 22.22 85077 33 333 85081 0 44.44 How can I get the table The key of the key is hour 1 item 84554 0 32789.87 0.00 11.11 84717 0 18273.64 0.00 22.22 85077 0 201.84 0.00 33.33 85081 0 186.53 0.00 44.44 Thanks a lot < Code> Choose from one * INNER Join one on two. = Two amp; nbsp; & A. K = two

c# - FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie doesn't [Authorize] in MVC 5 -

मैंने [authorize] विशेषता का परीक्षण करने के लिए एक नया एएसपी.NET MVC 5 प्रोजेक्ट बनाया है FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie । मैं बस एक क्रिया में एक कुकी सेट करता हूं (मेरे होम कंट्रोलर में): सार्वजनिक कार्यवाही के बारे में () {FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie ("someUser", गलत); और मैं किसी अन्य तक पहुंच को सीमित करता हूं: [प्राधिकृत] सार्वजनिक कार्यवाही संपर्क () { जब मैं मेरा वेब पेज लॉन्च करें और / home / contact पर नेविगेट करें, मुझे एक लॉगिन पृष्ठ पर ठीक से रीडायरेक्ट कर दिया गया है। फिर मैं / घर / के बारे में पर जाता हूं, मेरी कुकी प्राप्त करता हूं, और संपर्क पृष्ठ पर वापस जाना चाहता हूं। लेकिन मुझे अब भी लॉगिन पृष्ठ पर पुनर्निर्देशित कर रहा हूं - कुकी मुझे प्रमाणीकरण / प्राधिकृत नहीं करती है। डीबगर में, एचटीटीपी कॉन्टैक्स। उपयोगकर्ता.आईडेंटिटी.आईएसअप्रमाणित == गलत जब मैं पृष्ठ के बारे में कई बार लोड करता हूं (जो कहने के लिए है, यह एक प्रमाणिक कुकी सेट करने के बाद भी मुझे प्रमाणित नहीं है)। क्या कुछ अतिरिक्त कदम यहां होना चाहिए? मुझे मूल

java - What type is bit shift operator output? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) { // 32 बिट पूर्णांक int का पता लगाएं = a = 0x6348987C; एक = एक & gt; & gt; 31; इंट एक = ए और 1; यदि (एक == 0) {System.out.println ("सकारात्मक"); } Else {System.out.println ("नकारात्मक"); }} यदि मैं के साथ तुलनात्मक रेखा को बदलता हूं (यदि एक (& amp; 1 == 0) संकलन ऑपरेटर के साथ विफल रहता है & amp; इंटेल, बूलियन पर लागू नहीं किया जा सकता है, मुझे आश्चर्य है कि बदलाव ऑपरेटर के परिणामस्वरूप प्रकार क्या है I == समानता ऑपरेटर ऑपरेटर के मामले में bitwise और operator से पहले होता है प्राथमिकता (देखें) आपको बाद के अग्रसारण को बनाने के लिए कोष्ठकों को रखना चाहिए: यदि ((ए और amp; 1) == 0) { ध्यान दें कि का परिणाम a & amp; 1 मूल कोड ( int ) में एक ही प्रकार का एक है।

How can I cache data returned from an ANgularJS $http call? -

I have some fingers JavaScript code that is called web service and creates an array array of objects: < Pre> this. $ Http ({url: '/ api / action / getActions', method: "GET"}). Sevas ((data) => {self.ctions = data;}) < P> Is there any way I can cash it so that I do not need to access the server? I'm not sure that it makes a difference, but I use the protractor for my E2E tests. So I'm looking for a solution that will work with the controller. Ideally I would like to do this only with the AngularJS code and do not use an external library, unless really need it. Here's a localStorage . var app = angular Module ('app', []); App.controller ('appCtrl', function ($ radius, $ http) {$ scope.getData = function () (if! LocalStorage.getItem ('ip')) {$ http.get ('http: // ip / ') .success (function) {localStorage.setItem (' ip ', json.stringify (feedback)); $ = response

Does anyone know how to convert an ordinal to a cardinal number in PHP? -

I know that there is a way of making a gradual number in sequentially, though I can use it for this, I I would like to go in the other direction. Current, (I do not have a very good solution in the opinion) I have to do the following convert functionordial cardinal ($ word) {$ ordinals = array (); {$ Ordinals [NumberFormatter :: Format ($ i, NumberFormatter :: ORDINAL)] = $ i; for $ (= $ I = 1; $ i & lt; = 100; $ i ++) } $ Ordering $ [$ word]; }

c - How would I convert a char array to a float and check its range? -

I am creating an application in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and I have a function that takes four arrays and It has to return a single precision floating point number. My job: token aa_func08 (four lexem []) {token t; / * Return of the literal token of the floating point * / double temp; / * Floating point value of character array * / temp = atof (lexeme); / * Floating point value * / if the character convert array ((FLT_MAX - floating the & lt; = FLT_EPSILON) || (temporary - FLT_MIN & lt; = FLT_EPSILON)) / * floating point value limit * / return aa_table Is out [es] (literally); / * An error token * / t.code = FPL_T; / * Set token code * / t.attribute.flt_value = (float) temporary; / * Set token integer value floating point literal value * / return t; / Floating Point Laikl Tokn return * /} I would like to see the float value than the maximum and minimum values ​​for the float data type, and I'd have to check the length. If I pass: 1,999999999999999911111

loops - Arduino interupt a delay function -

In my next project, I use 4 leodes (10000) with delay. I need a function to cancel this loop and start over with the new transaction value. 100. I have enabled the interrupt and when I pressed a button, the delay changed to 100 after one round. I have to wait 10 seconds .. Is it possible to restart the loop function with new values? Wow, the rude Ignaceo was the least helpful. You can do this but as you have not applied. It is not good to use delays in this situation. One better way to implement is to use a loop like this: int delayLED = 10000; Int StartMillis = Miles (); While (Millise (Start) - Start Milice & Lt; William) {// Enter the code for your "Handicap" here like // but if (button pressed) {delayLED = 100; break; }} This is not just a template, there is a complete answer. Let me know if you have more questions. Happy coding!

osx - UIWebView in IOS 8 tables are not showing correctly -

We recently upgraded to iOS 8 (and compiled applications). We looked at the tables with the text and are not displaying well (we use UIWebView). Did anyone encounter this? Is this a known issue or a bug? This code is: #import "ViewController.h" @ interface view controller () @ property (weak, non-optic) ibotlet UIWebView * viewWeb; @end @implementation ViewController - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; // Setup an additional after loading the view, usually from a nib Nssting * fullpath = @ "/ user / deployment / download / table-2.ppt"; [_viewWeb load data: [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile: fullPath] MIMEType: @ "Application /" text encoding name: zero baseURL: zero]; } - (void) has received a Memoriarning {[super Ddraeswimamomi warning]; // Any resource settlement which can be reproduced } @end Thank you! Do you try this code ...? UIWebView * webView = [[UIWebView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (1

wordpress - WP ajax always returns 0 even when using die -

I am trying to use AJAX in WP mode and I can not get back any feedback. If I manually use AJAX and include the url in a php file then it works fine but I want to use AJAX in "proper" way in wp. What do I have here add_action ('wp_ajax_get_data', 'get_data'); Function get_data () {$ group = $ _GET ['option_group']; $ Data_table = 'tablename'; $ BigArray = array () to capture // array data; // variable for determining select clause $ query = "SELECT * $ data_table WHERE group = $ group"; $ Datas = $ wpdb- & gt; Get_results ($ query); Forex currency ($ data as $ data) {array_push ($ bigArray, $ data); Echo json_encode ($ bigArray); // Always do not forget to exit the AJAX function. Die (); } then request jQuery ('# new_service #service_option_group'). ('Change', function () {// Ajax query to get results: jQuery.ajax ({type: 'GET', url: ajaxurl, data: {action: 'get_data', data: jQuery (&#

matplotlib - Spherical polar surface plot in python -

I have to illustrate the antenna reaction pattern in the spherical polar plot. I first create theta ( t ) and phi ( p ) values. Then, for each of F.C. and F_s, each theta [i] and PHI [i] . T = NP is calculated for. For xrange (x) linspace (-math.pi / 2, math.pi / 2, num = x) p = np.linspace (-math.pi, math.pi, num = x): in xrange For x (x): i am in xrange (n): F_c = F_c_F_s.F_c (live [ii], PHI [i], t [j], p [k]) f_s = f_ c_f_ Sum_f_c [j] [k] = sum_f_c [j] [k] + f_c sum_f_s [j] [k] = sum_f_s [j] sum_f_c [the] [fa] of F_s (theta [i], fi [i], t [j], p [ [K] + f_s mod_f [J] [k] = math.log ((math.plog (sum_f_c [j] [k], 2) + math.pow (sum_f_s [j] [k], 2)), 10 ) We now have a value of mod_F for each t and p . I have calculated the Cartesian coordinates for each value of Fia and accordingly, I have the following to create the plot of the surface: fig = p.figure () ax = Axes3d (fig) ax.plot_wireframe (x, y, z) ax .plot_surface (x, y, z, rstride = 1, cstride = 1, cmap = cm

Replacing part of the strtotime function in PHP with a variable -

I was just thinking that it is possible to change a portion of the strtotime function line with a variable? What do I mean when I have the following stringotype function: $ _ expiry date = ('dm, y g: i', strotomium ('+ 12 days')) ; Is it possible to change the '+ 12 days' to make it possible to use a line that generates different dates in the future - it is possible to change the part with a variable is? Something like this: $ _ variable1 = "+ 9 days"; $ _Experius = Date ('D, Y g: i', strotom ('$ _ variable 1')); If it is not, then there is no big deal, just writing a huge piece of code. Just wondering because it became a little angry when I tried to remove it so far. If you need more information, please let me know thank you! Yes, just leave quotation marks within stratotime. $ _ variable1 = "+ 9 days"; $ _Experius = Date ('D, Y g: i', stratotem ($ _ variable 1));

regex - Syntax for definition -

What is syntax in MSDN for definition and how should it be interpreted? connection-string :: = empty string [;] | Attribute [.] | Specialty; Connection string string string :: = attribute :: = attribute-keyword = attribute-value | Driver = [{] attribute-value [}] attribute-keyword :: = DSN | UID | PWD | Driver-defined-attribute-keyword attribute-value: = character-string driver-defined-attribute-keyword :: = identifier Is this some type of regular expression? This is a meta-language which is appropriate for describing language presentations.

c# - Binding multiple ComboBoxes to the same ItemsSource causes problems -

मेरे पास 2 ComboBoxes जिसका ItemsSource उसी के लिए बाध्य है < कोड> निरीक्षणणीय कलेक्शन : सार्वजनिक पर्यवेक्षणसंपादित करें & lt; MyType & gt; MyTypeCollection {प्राप्त करें; सेट; } मैंने 2 भिन्न SelectedItem गुणों को परिभाषित किया है जो बदले में सही ComboBox से जुड़ी हैं। सार्वजनिक MyType MySelectedItem1 {get; सेट; } सार्वजनिक MyType MySelectedItem2 {get; सेट; } जब भी मैं ComboBoxes में से किसी एक आइटम का चयन करता हूं, मेरे वर्ग में परिभाषित दोनों SelectedItem गुण उस चयन के लिए सेट होते हैं कॉम्बो बॉक्स भी उस मान के लिए नेत्रहीन रूप से सेट हैं। यह क्यों है? मैंने कई चीजों की कोशिश की जैसे mode = OneWay आदि, लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है। यहां मेरा एक्सएएमएल (प्रश्न के लिए छंटनी) है: & lt; कॉम्बो बॉक्स चयनितआइटम = "{बाध्यकारी माइस्लेक्ट आईटम 1}" आइटमस्सोर्स = "{ बाध्यकारी मायटाइप कलेक्शन, मोड = वनवेज़} "/ & gt; & Lt; कॉम्बोबॉक्स चयनितआइटम = "{बाईड माइस्लेक्ट इटैम् 2}" आइटम्स सोर्स = "{माइस

linux - How to control execution of parent process after execl() call in C program? -

मेरे पास साधारण सी प्रोग्राम है जो फोर्क () और execl () का उपयोग कर एक अनुप्रयोग को निष्पादित करता है। अगर execl () अनुप्रयोग को चलाने में विफल रहता है, तो मुझे मूल प्रक्रिया में फ़ंक्शन कॉल करना होगा और बाल प्रक्रिया से बाहर निकलना होगा यदि execl () सफलतापूर्वक अनुप्रयोग चलाता है, तो मैं अभिभावक प्रक्रिया से एक सफलता लॉग दिखाया है। इसलिए, माता-पिता की प्रक्रिया को बच्चे के एक्सकेड () कॉल के लिए इंतजार करना चाहिए (केवल कॉल, आवेदन के निष्पादन के अंत तक नहीं), इसके बारे में कुछ जानकारी प्राप्त करें, और फिर निर्णय लें और अपना स्वयं का निष्पादन जारी रखें। यहां मेरा कोड है। int main () {int iExecRetVal, pid; Pid = fork (); If (pid == -1) {} else if (pid & gt; 0) {} और {iExecRetVal = execl ("। / Flute-static", "./flute-static", "-send", "-a192 .168.190.1 / 6666 "," जेएफलिट .1.2.tar.gz ", नल); यदि (iExecRetVal == -1) {/ * execl () विफल हुआ, तो मूल प्रक्रिया * /} _exit (0) में कुछ त्रुटि हैंडलिंग की आवश्यकता है; } / * अभिभावक के सामा

sql server - Aggregating SQL Data and concatenating strings / combining records -

I am trying to gather data from one table to another. I inherited this project; I did not design this database nor can I change its format. [RawData] The table will have 1 record per channel, per ChannelCodeID. The table (where is currently the data) has the following fields: [account] int [channelcode id] int [channelcode] varchar (10) [Integrated Data] will have 1 record per account in the table. This table contains the following fields (where I need to insert data): [account] int [calculation] int [channel1] int [channel 2] int [channel 3] int [ Name] varchar For example, I can have the following records in the [ródata] table: account ChannelCodeID ChannelCode 12345 2 ABC 12345 4 DEF 12345 6 GI 54321 2 ABC 54321 6 GHI 99 999 2 ABC And, after collecting them, let me create the following records in my [Collected Data] table Mr.'ll need: Account numbers Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Name 12345 3 2 4 6 ABC. DEF.GHI 54321 2 2 6 0 ABC. As you can see, how many

linux - Haproxy not logging with rsyslog -

I want to set up HTTP logging in HAPRCC and I'm having some problems which are correctly output requests . Here is the HAProxy contextual configuration: global log / dev / log local0 log / dev / log local1 notice maxconn 200000 tune.ssl.default-dh- the ultimate 2048 user Haproxy group haproxy daemon stats socket / tmp / sock1 user root group root mode 777 level administrator defaults global mode http options people these httplog options dontlognull option httpclose 3 retry the option maxconn redispatch 200000 backlog connect 20000 timeout time 5s customer expiry time of 50s Server 180000 balance roundrobin cookie timeout SERVERID Typing Here is the /etc/rsyslog.d/haproxy.conf file: Allowing in order to create an additional socket in the chroot of # haproxy Log in to chroot'ed to login via # / dev / haproxy processes $ addUnixListenSocket / var / lib / haproxy / dev / log # HAProxy message to a dedicated logfile if $ programname startswith 'haproxy' then /

javascript - Highcharts Graph Blank Using JSON Data -

I am new to using HighCharts and JSON. I am pulling data from my database and it is producing the following JSON {"Data_date": - 528656400, "value": 2.83}, {"data_date": - + 526064400, "value": 3.05}, {{GS10}: {/ p> "Data_date": - 523,386,000, "value": 3.11}, {"data_date": - 520,794,000, "value": 2.93}, {"data_date": - 518,115,600, "value": 2.95}, {"data_date": - 515,437,200, "value_": 2.87}, {"data_date": - 512,845,200, "value": 2.66}, {"data_date": - 510,166,800, "value": 2.68}, {"data_date": - 507574800, "value" : 2.59}, {"data_date": - 504,896,400, "value": 2.48}, {"data_date": - 502,218,000, " Value ": 2.47}, {" data_date ": - + 4 99 7 8800," value ": 2.37}, {" data_date ": - 497,120,400," value ": 2.29}, {" data_

Backbone.js : a Simple render function -

I am learning Backbone.js, I can not find this code that what is wrong with this code: NView = Backbone.View.extend ({tagname: 'span', render: function () {$ (this.el) .html ('& lt; h3 & gt;' + this.model .get ('comments') + This.model.get ('min') + ' ');}}); NewView = New NView ({Model: NModelo}); NewView.render (); Console.log (newView.el); I think this is supposed to be logged in: & lt; Span & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; .... & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; But this is just a & lt; Span & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; , nothing between tags, why? L property is a DOM element, string is not obtained to get full HTML string To do this, you can use the external HTML property: console.log (newView.el.outerHTML);

c - Efficient mapping of hardware I/O space into Linux virtual space -

I am working with embedded ARM and hard-wired IP blocks on a SOC. Each hardware block is a mapped memory in the ARM space, i.e. in place of the 32-bit address of the registrar ARM CPU controlling the hardware block. I have Linux running on this CPU. To access the hardware blocks, I use the MAMAP in the app which can be run as root: fd = open ("/ dev / Mem ", O_RDWR | O_SYNC); Mptr = mmap (zero, mem_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, phy_addr); Before developing BSP for other software engineers to develop the code, I want to understand some things: Is MAP_SHARED correct Have to work or do I need MAP_NORESERVE? Basically, I'm reaching the hardware registers so I do not have to assign swap space, right? How do I make sure that the virtual space (MPTR) does not go through the cache? The volatile keyword is only for compiler optimization. The entire hardware space is really huge - 16 MB (many SRAM and many registers) Whether the lamp paramete

image processing - Bitwise color filter in MATLAB -

Is there a MATLAB function that does the following: For an image input, it tells me The ratio of bits is deeper than any particular color of my selection So if I enter an image of the chess board and use the color gray, the output will be roughly half (the way I need to process it in such a way that the image is not straightforward, though) compare the function map = bitwise computer ('file name', c)% c = [r, g, b]; A = imed ('filename'); Compare = map = (zero (size, A), shape (A, 2)]); Map = (A (:,,,, 1) & lt; c (1)). * (A (:,:,, 2) & lt; c (2)). * (A (:,:,, 3) & lt; c (3)); For example Compare = MapWithCompare ('filename', [220 100 120]); returns, < P> and compare = BitWiseCompare ('filename', [220 130 150]);

java - Why == for Integer.valueOf(500) returns false but true for 5? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब System.out .println (पूर्णांक.वल्यूउफ़ (5) == पूर्णांक.वल्यूओफ़ (5)); System.out.println (पूर्णांक.वल्यूओफ़ (500) == पूर्णांक.वल्यूओफ़ (500)); आउटपुट है true false पहली पंक्ति क्यों सच रिटर्न करती है, लेकिन दूसरी पंक्ति झूठी वापसी करती है ? यहाँ क्या चाल है क्योंकि दोनों कॉलिंग valueOf () पर पूर्णांक वर्ग कर रहे हैं। कम संख्या वाली पूर्णांक ऑब्जेक्ट्स के कैश्ड उदाहरण हैं, लेकिन उच्च मूल्य वाले पूर्णांक ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं हैं। यदि आपने पहले नोटिस नहीं किया है, तो आप वस्तुओं की तुलना कर रहे हैं, नहीं ints।