Ruby on Rails Gem or Plugin Rails Version -
I am doing. The problem I am facing is an exception to this: c: \ zoo \ workers \ ruby \ lib \ app.rb Where the following exception is raised on the line ~ 32: STDER [TID-2107944] Only Rail 2.3.x and Rail 3.x are currently supported. (RuntimeError) C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/app.rb: 33: In C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/app.rb: `build_app ': 16:` Initially' C: / Zoo / Worker / Ruby / Lib / Worker RB: 4: In `NEW ': C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/worker.rb: 4:` Initially' C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/zoorack.rb: 30: `New 'in C : / Zoo / Workers / Ruby / Zurack RB: 30 This is a problem for me because this app was running Rail version on the first 2.3. 4. I am going to work hypothesis that in any way can the train run plugins in a legacy mode? Does it have any meaning? I am thinking that Helicon Zoo does not support rolling back in this legacy mode before 2.3.4. I've reserved the app, is asking: Rails.version.to_s I'm getting: 2.2.2 '2.2.2 Lo...