
Showing posts from June, 2013

Ruby on Rails Gem or Plugin Rails Version -

I am doing. The problem I am facing is an exception to this: c: \ zoo \ workers \ ruby ​​\ lib \ app.rb Where the following exception is raised on the line ~ 32: STDER [TID-2107944] Only Rail 2.3.x and Rail 3.x are currently supported. (RuntimeError) C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/app.rb: 33: In C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/app.rb: `build_app ': 16:` Initially' C: / Zoo / Worker / Ruby / Lib / Worker RB: 4: In `NEW ': C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/lib/worker.rb: 4:` Initially' C: /Zoo/Workers/ruby/zoorack.rb: 30: `New 'in C : / Zoo / Workers / Ruby / Zurack RB: 30 This is a problem for me because this app was running Rail version on the first 2.3. 4. I am going to work hypothesis that in any way can the train run plugins in a legacy mode? Does it have any meaning? I am thinking that Helicon Zoo does not support rolling back in this legacy mode before 2.3.4. I've reserved the app, is asking: Rails.version.to_s I'm getting: 2.2.2 '2.2.2 Lo

Why do string macros in Julia use ...? -

I was looking for a r_str macro in julia, which parses r Regex ("text") in "text" . The second argument is flag ... , which flags pass in regex, such as insensitive to the i case, and so on. I was playing it with myself and found: Julia & gt; Macro a_str (p, flags ...) print (flags) p & julia & gt; It seems that iii has been passed as the first flag, it seems that "ABC" iii ("iii", "abc" In that case, why is the code on the flag ... ? Is it possible to pass macro into more than one element of the flag ? When this question was originally asked, a macro spreader - that is, defined with the macro keyword , Which is a macro in an output expression. Changed expressions are said to change - this was not normal function, but rather an anonymous function, which had a different type of function in Julia 0.4 and earlier versions. At that point, the only way to write an anonymous function signature is to O

python - Is it possible to tell if a function is recursive? -

Function loop versus that there is no shortage of reading and parsing a file to see. Answer? Suppose it can only be one or the other, that does not increase the function, and that it is guaranteed to end the work. < Pre> dig test (x): return exam (x) exam .__ code__ test in co_name_________________________________________________________________=================================================== = True but name can be changed It checks whether the function is in the global names mentioned by the function. I say " "Because some kind of ways may be around it, Lambda has no name, so they will not match the global names for which they were bound. The function can be renamed, for a separate code for the internal code function Can reference the name.The function can call a second function, which is the actual recursive function and on and on ... Actually, there is no way to make sure Land that function is recursive.

java - Need to get the weblogic server username and password at runtime -

My application is posted in weblogic server. From within my application, I am starting a secure comfort service using HttpURLConnection . To safely invite the rest of the service, I have to pass a weblogic username and password. How do I get a weblogic username and password from inside my Java code? You have to make a weblogic "references" and if you are a customer, then your user name / Set the password server side, a local reference is used: weblogic.jndy Environmental environment = new weblogic Jandy. environment (); Environment.setInitialContextFactory (weblogic.jndi.Environment.DEFAULT_INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY); Environment.setProviderURL ("t3: // myhost: 7001"); Environment.setSecurityPrincipal ("weblogic"); Environment.setSecurityCrendentials ("weblogic1"); Initial Content CTX = Environmental You can access your & lt; Domain & gt; / Servers / & lt; Server name & gt; / Security can get the u

javascript - How to show view on button click? -

I have web resources (HTML + Javascript) in which there is a button. I wanted to show on the button click Can I use Odata to filter the content of Views and show it? To be more specific, click I click on the button that I created, or the filter in the current view (preferably Odata) and click on it button. I want to open the view of the Contact organization I used the following code to show the unit form, but what did I use with the view? var parameter = {}; Parameter ["ContactID"] = Gide; Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm ("Contact", parameter); Please tell how to get a Dynamics CRM? Thanks You can dynamically create a URL. The views are shown on the main page, and the query string parameters determine what is displayed. First of all, to see how the URL looks, you know what you are making. Use Xrm.Page.getClientUrl to retrieve the base URL and create the remaining query string using the correct parameters, such as the id's ID. Something

objective c - Making App default handler on OSX 10.10 with sandbox enabled -

I could not find anything online about this, but if the sandbox is enabled, LSSetDefaultHandlerForURLScheme -54 will return. I'm not sure how the entitlement should be turned on to work for it, as it happens without the sandbox. To view it in effect, prepare a new project with: - (zero) Application especially launching: (NSNetification *) Notification {// Default Handler CF Strings Reef Bundle ID = (CF Stringerf) CFBringing Line ([[NSBindel Main Bundle] Bundle Identifier); OSStatus result = LSSetDefaultHandlerForURLScheme (CFRT ("max"), bundle ID); If (result! = 0) {emphasis (0); }} This will work with the next turn on the sandbox with result -54, it will fail. OSX 10.10 According to the developer forums created on Yosemite, you can not do it anymore. Sandbox - The behavior you see is expected. This is really moving, because there is no alternative API to implement this functionality, there is a lack of exiting the sandbox.

javascript - PhoneGap Back Button exit the Application -

I am currently working on mobile app using PhoneGap (Cordoba 2.2), JQuery and Javascript. Landing page is a login page so when I enter the dashboard page using login credentials, when I click on the back button , its return does not remain on the dashboard page on the launch page. What can i do ??? Suggestions are welcome. I have tried, SCRIPT & lt; Head & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" charset = "utf-8" src = "cordova-2.2.0.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" charset = "UTF-8" & gt; When the Cordoba loads, // create the device on the call // // At this point, the document has been loaded but not Cordova-2.2.0.js. // When the Cordoba is loading and talking with the native device, // this event will call `deviceready` // function onload () {document.addEventListener (" DeviceRedi ", OnDevice Read, False); } // Cordova is loaded and it is

java - Can you run JVM on a computer with no operating system? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 8 जवाब मैंने हाल ही में पढ़ा है कि जावा था बनाया तो यह कहीं भी के बारे में चला सकता है, जैसे एक टोस्टर पर उदाहरण के लिए तो इस सवाल को ध्यान में रखा गया है, क्या आप जावा वर्चुअल मशीन और जावा प्रोग्राम्स को एक नए कंप्यूटर / लैपटॉप पर चला सकते हैं जिसमें डिस्क या यूएसबी से कोई ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम नहीं है? यदि ऐसा है, तो क्या मेरे ओएस कम्प्यूटर पर जीवीएम पर चलने वाला जावा प्रोग्राम जावा ओएस कंप्यूटर पर भी चला सकता है? मैंने गूगल पर खोज करने की कोशिश की, लेकिन मुझे संबंधित कुछ भी नहीं मिला धन्यवाद जावा विनिर्देशों को एक ओएस के शीर्ष पर चलाने के लिए JVM की आवश्यकता नहीं है; चश्मा में सावधान शब्दों के पीछे बहुत सारे कारण हैं। एक ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम के बिना हार्डवेयर पर सीधे चलाने के लिए एक जेवीएम प्रयास था, और वह एक जेवीएम विकसित कर रहा है जो एक हाइपरविजर पर चलाया जा सकता है, लेकिन पारंपरिक ओएस की आवश्यकता के बिना। इसके अतिरिक्त, एम्बेडेड जावा कार्यान्वयन जैसे कि स्मार्ट कार्ड में, आम तौर पर एक रनटाइम जेवीएम का उपयोग नहीं करते है

relational database - mysql: Find first father by single query in father son relation table -

I have a relational table of father and son ID, it has many relational tables and many users Here is the table, the original format of the table is here: .......................... | Father_ID | Son_id ........................... | A. B .......................... | B C. .......................... | C. D | .......................... | D | E Now I have to find the eldest grand father of any one of the sons I can achieve this goal by a MySQL query, or I have to use PHP Loop ? itemprop = "text"> Your question is not clear, but if you are father_id of every father, who is a great grandfather: Your table is the rows where "person [father_ID] person's father [son_id]" is. Write it in shortcode as as_father_of (father_id, son_id). Note that the short story is like a SQL table declaration. Aka FS, GS, GGG is in the original table_path_of If you want rows (ggs.is_father_id) where is_father_of (fs.father_id, fs.son_id) and is_father_of (gs.father_id

c# - Why can't I use a Partial Class in a VSTO Ribbon? -

I am trying to break too many VSTO IRibbonExtensibility classes into several smaller sections so that things can be more manageable . I tried to make it a partial class with all its visibility callbacks. Code compile fine but MS Word does not work in. ERROR: Call GetCustomUI () for Ribbon ID 'Microsoft.Word.Document' fail. Why is not any idea working ?? Public partial class ribbon: ORBIBEN expansibility {..} Public partial square ribbon {..} < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Sorry, my bad .. I got the ribbon. The XML file was moved to a new folder and due to the problem

python - Update and select in one operation in MSSQL -

मेरे पास एक स्तंभ आईडी varchar (255) और एक done < / कोड> बिट मुझे पहले आईडी प्राप्त करना चाहते हैं, जहां बिट सेट नहीं है और फ़ेचिंग करते समय बिट भी सेट करते हैं ताकि स्क्रिप्ट का कोई अन्य उदाहरण एक ही आईडी का उपयोग न करे और दौड़ की स्थिति संभव न हो। import _mssql con = _mssql.connect (server = 'server', उपयोगकर्ता = 'यूजर', पासवर्ड = 'पासवर्ड', डाटाबेस = 'डिफॉल्ट') # इन दोनों में एक कमांड कॉन। एक्सईक्यूट_क्वेरी ('टॉप 1 आईडी से तालिका ए से किया गया है, जो = 0') con.execute_query ('UPDATE tableA SET पंक्ति में के लिए किया = 1 जहां आईडी = \ '' + id_from_above + '\' '): #row [' आईडी '] में कुछ भी नहीं है जैसा कि इसे अंतिम अद्यतन के साथ प्रयोग किया जाता है, नहीं SELECT start_function (पंक्ति [' आईडी ']) संपादित करें (वेव्हेमेनमेनस के सुझाव सहित): [...] con.execute_query ('अपडेट तालिकाए सेट किया = 1 जहां आईडी = ( पंक्ति के लिए शीर्ष पर 1 आईडी का चयन करें, जहां से किया गया = 1) '&

osx - Permission denied when trying to run C program in terminal -

I'm totally new to programming. I'm actually learning from iStunes U from Harvard Class. When I participated in a problem, I got myself in the terminal. C program can not run I have tried sudo commands, and I have searched with Google and I can not find any answer, probably because I am so new to programming. Maybe it is possible that I have overlooked or I am still unable to understand. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) {printf ("Temperature in F:"); Float f = GetFloat (); Float C = F / 9.0 * (F-32); I am using the Sublime Text Editor on MacBook with Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.x), if IF c = \ n, f, c) ). Your compiler should warn you of some errors: < Add code> // string c # & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main (zero) // should be a return statement {printf ("temperature in F:"); Float f = GetFloat (); Float C = F / 9.0 * (F-32); Printf ("% f if F =% f if c \ n", f, c); // Missing ';' The most common

Insert record to multiple tables which are dependent on each other in c# with Transaction -

I'm new to C # I got two tables: Employee Table (E_ID (PK) , First_Name, Last_Name, Address, DOB, Email) Bank Database Table (ID (PK), Bank_Name, ACDO, E_ID (FK)) Both PK auto increments are. The problem now is, I need to put both the tables together, but if the employee ID (e-ID) is generated during the increment, then I will put the details of the bank on that operation in E_id How do I get that value? There is a need to use the transaction here for database concentration. I Can anyone explain in a very easy way? thank you in advanced. The best way I'm thinking of getting it is to have a stored procedure. You can use to get the identification of previously added records and to make sure that both the inserted queries are executed or none. BEGIN transfer; Include the first employee (first_name, last_name, address, dob, email) values ​​(@funam, lam, etc.) - get the final identification value for entering the identification column SET @E_Id = SCOPE_IDENTITY in t

How do I run only certain tests in karma? -

I have Karma configuration installed correctly, config file, running in the background, just great. As soon as I change a file and save it, it runs the test again .... All of the unit tests are 750. I just want to be able to run something, manually hacking the config file or commenting hundreds of tests in many files, is there any easier way to do this? e.g. When a test of command line server says that using Mocha, I only use regexp: Mocha-g 'only test which I want' makes it easy to debug and check quickly . So now I feel stupid. Mocha regexp supports a very narrow version of Milan . This test runs Description ('all test', function) {description ('first test', function () {}); Description ('second test', function () {});}); This only runs the 'first test' Description ('all tests', function) (description only ('first test', function) } {}); Description ('second test', function () {});}); You can a

How to get Wordpress attachments to work for existing images inside the Media Library? -

I want to display images from each Wordpress post on a separate page. When using get_children (or get_posts ), 'post_type' = & gt; 'Attachment' only works when I uploaded that image (files uploaded through 'aded media' (via WP)) If I have an existing image in one I add to the post which is already in my WP Media Library, it does not work.) Does anyone have the 'attachment' (already uploaded) Done) to work for images? View my test function: function echo_first_image ($ postID) {$ args = array ('post_type' = & gt; 'attachment', 'post_perrent' = & Gt; $ postID); $ Attachments = get ($ args); If ($ enclosure) {echo'YES '; // test answer} and {echo 'nO'; // test answer}} EDIT: Each 'post-type' one 'attachment' has a 'post_perrent' - does it mean that only an attachment Can i be a father

ios - Sorting an array with AnyObjects in Swift -

I have a code that is being extracted from a dictionary with .allKeys and I I want to sort it by using the function such as sorted () function function (s1: Int, s2: int) - & gt; Bull {Return s1 & lt; S2} array = sorted (dictionary.allKeys, order) However, type .allKeys yields AnyObject and I get an error since I int < Code> order () function. Any ideas? sir array = AllKeys.sorted () {(Int $ 0) & lt; ($ 1 as the Internet)} is more concise and it should work properly

meteor - override reset password with accounts-ui installed -

I want to override the reset password and want to use my own form I After setting up the account, I have the following router.rout ('/ reset-password', {path: '/ # / reset-password /: slug', name: 'forgot password ', Template:' reset password ', wait: function () {console.log ("reset link";}, controller: main route controller}); In HTML {{#if reset password}} & lt; Form id = "resetPasswordForm" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "resetPasswordPassword" name = "password" placeholder = "new password" type = "password" & gt; & Lt; Input id = "resetPasswordPasswordConfirm" name = "password-confirmation" placeholder = "confirm" type = "password" & gt; & Lt; Input class = "btn-deposit" type = "submit" value = "reset" & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; {{/ If}} & lt; /

Change view template by API version on Grape and Rails -

I am creating web APIs with grape gem on Ruby 4.1 on Rails 4.1 with my 'version' function. Sample code here. # app / api / api.rb class API < Grapher :: API Prefix 'API' Format: Jason Formatter: Jason, Grap :: Format :: RAL Default Format: Jason Mount V1 :: Root and #AP / API / V1 / Root. RB Module V1 Class Root & LT ; Grapes :: API version 'v1' resource: user, rabl: get "user" / / @username = user All End & End & # config / routes.rb mount API = & gt; "Code"> With these codes, App / View / API / Users Use RL for http: // localhost: 3000 / api / v1 / users>. I want to use the template in the app / scene / API / V1 for the request v1 . Is there any way to do this? current / api / v1 / user -> app / view / api / users.rabl < / Li> / api / v2 / user -> app / view / API / users Rb like / api / v1 / user -> app / view / API / V1 / users.rabl / api / v2 / user

css - How do I define grid layouts in bootstrap with less? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब यदि हम बिना बूटस्ट्रैप का उपयोग करते हैं प्रीप्रोसेसर हम अपने शुरुआती टैगों में वर्गों को इस तरह जोड़ते हैं: & lt; div id = "el" class = "col-md-1" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; मुझे बोस के साथ साफ करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाता है, इस मामले में मैं अपने तत्वों के लिए नियमों के भीतर मसलन आयात कर सकता हूं। जिस स्थिति में मैं इस तरह से काम कर सकता हूं: # myEl @import span-column (6) यहां बूटस्ट्रैप के लिए कम दस्तावेज देख रहे हैं: ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि बूटस्ट्रॉप्स ग्रिड सिस्टम के लिए कोई मिश्रित उपलब्ध नहीं है। वे विक्रेता उपसर्गों, संक्रमण, ग्रेडिएंट्स और अन्य चीजों के लिए सुविधा मिक्सिक्स प्राप्त कर लेते हैं, लेकिन अपनी ग्रिड प्रणाली के लिए कुछ भी नहीं। इसलिए मेरे पास कुछ प्रश्न हैं: कैसे क्या मैं बूटस्ट्रैप का उपयोग कर अपने ग्रिड को परिभाषित करने के लिए कम उपयोग कर सकता हूं? और, अगर मैं वास्तव में ऐसा करना चाहता हूं, तो क्या मैं उपकरण के खिलाफ काम कर रहा हूं? मैं सोच रहा

Excel VBA: Late binding reference -

I'm trying to write some code for some add-ins in Excel, which takes some data from a SQL Server is. This code is working perfectly, but somehow something has become corrupt. It looks like the code will work properly and then suddenly there will be an excel-crash trigger. After a long time I have come to be something of contexts, such as changes crashes I refer to something else "Microsoft Aktivak Data Objects 2.8 Library" on me, and then back again, add-these will work To Seeing the add-in as a rebuilding does not work, I'm beginning to find out the option of late bondage. I can not understand how to do this. private sub RetrieveToWorksheet (SQL string, WriteTo as range, optional WriteColumnNames Boolean = true as) GetStatus = in "True" Then MsgBox ( "database currently update being. Later, try again. ") Exit sub end if Application.ScreenUpdating = false dim connection ADODB.Connection dim RecordSet as ADODB.Recordset long as dim RowOff

html - Issue in displaying Dropdown Menu on top of the webpage -

I have a drop down menu that I want to show on the top of the div but it is displayed below. Fidel links and CSS have been used here. .menman menu {width: 100%; Margin-left: 182px; } Please help me solve it. & lt; Div id = "verticalDiv" class = "verticalDiv" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "img / hotelAwadh.png" alt = "logo" style = "float: left" /> & Lt; Div id = "header menu" class = "header menu" & gt; & Lt; Choose name = "menu" style = "font-family: 'courier new', color: #ffffff; background color: # ff 8900; font-weight: bold; font-size: 14pt;" & Gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; Front desk & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; Google & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Label name = &qu

hadoop - Does Spark SQL (version 1.1.0) supports hive index? -

I have used Spark SQL connect hive, the basic query is OK, but unable to create index, SQL support indicator? drop table test_tabe; Table Test_Tabe (...., Area STRING ...) ROO format formatted areas set according to the timetable set by '\ t' \ n 'installed as RCFILE-SEQUENCEFILE; Index idx_compact_index on the current tab as test_tabe (field) with 'simultaneous' defrand reboot # !!!! Always execute, no error, SPARC web page is not the same thing !!!! Restart test_tabe on optional index idx_compact_index; Enter the overwritten table test.test_tabe * test.new_mkt_browse_label_10m thanks. Select The hive index is not supported in spark, they are less important because the memory of spark is in computation. By any chance, do you run parallels between similar questions similar to indexed question questions? You can check more information on the implementation of the indexing

html - Apply style to the first element of a dynamic list -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 जवाब मेरी एक सूची है डेटाबेस से उत्पन्न होने के कारण मेरे पास विशिष्ट लंबाई नहीं है और मेरे पास प्रत्येक पंक्ति का html कोड नहीं है .. लेकिन मुझे सूची की पहली पंक्ति में एक विशेष शैली सेट करने की आवश्यकता है I तो मैं पूछूंगा कि क्या सीएसएस को केवल पहले तत्व को ही एक शैली लागू करने के लिए बता देना संभव है, अगर यह सूची गतिशील है। & lt; tr & gt; & Lt; td वर्ग = "संरेखित-केंद्र" & gt; & lt ;? गूंज $ myvariable; ? & Gt; & lt; / टीडी & gt; & Lt; / टीआर & gt; यदि इस टीडी को उदाहरण के तौर पर 40 बार जनरेट किया गया है, केवल पहले में एक निश्चित शैली होनी चाहिए। यह संभव है? सलाह में धन्यवाद। यदि आप पहले tr को लक्षित करना चाहते हैं तो < / P> तालिका tr: प्रथम-बाल {/ * शैलियाँ यहाँ जाती हैं /} और अगर आप पहले टीडी को लक्षित करना चाहते हैं पहले tr का उपयोग करें तालिका tr: first-child td: first-child {/ * शैलियाँ यहाँ जाती है / / और अगर आप पहले टीडी को हर

fortify - Unable to determine value for user.home: No error -

I have firm up and when I run below the CLI, I get an error below: < P> C: SOURCATIONALIZER Unable to set the value for user.home: no error Someone may please suggest. Thanks giant When you receive this error, able to obtain the path to the Firefox desktop folder is not. Instead of using the proper method of viewing it, it's a excluded method, looking for either power or available JRE HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Shell Folders \ Desktop path And it should not be used. Fix is ​​to properly populate the above registry key. Once you do this, Fortiff will start working.

angularjs - Firebase angularfire child.$asObject give properties undefined -

मुझे यह कोड मिला है: कारखाना app.factory ('आइटम', फ़ंक्शन ($ firebase, FIREBASE_URL) {var ref = new Firebase (FIREBASE_URL); var आइटम = $ firebase (ref.child ('आइटम'))। $ AsArray ( ); Var मद = {सभी: फ़ंक्शन () {वापसी आइटम;}, बनाएं: फ़ंक्शन (आइटम) {रिटर्न आइटम। $ Add (item);}, प्राप्त करें: फ़ंक्शन (आइटम आईडी) {वापसी $ firebase (ref.child ( बच्चे (आइटम आईडी))। (आइज़ आईडीआईडी)। $ AsObject ();}, अपडेट करें: फंक्शन (आइटम आईडी, आइटम) {रिटर्न डॉलर फायरबसे (रिफ। चाइल्ड ('आइटम')। ;}, हटाएं: फ़ंक्शन (आइटम) {रिटर्न आइटम। $ निकालें (आइटम);}}; वापसी आइटम;}); मार्ग app.config (फ़ंक्शन ($ राज्य प्रदाता) {$ stateProvider .state ('items_update', {url : 'आइटम / अद्यतन /: आईडी', टेम्पलेटउरेल: 'दृश्य / आइटम / फॉर्म-एचएमएस', नियंत्रक: 'आइटम्सअपडेट कंट्रोलर', हल करें: {आइटम: फ़ंक्शन (आइटम, $ स्टेटपरैम) {वापसी आइटम.गेट ($ राज्यपरम। आईडी);}}})}); नियंत्रक app.controller ('ItemsUpdateController', फ़ंक्शन ($ दायरा, आइटम,

dataframe - reshape data frame in R -

I have a data frame that I need to change, replacing duplicated values ​​in single columns in a row with multiple columns. is . I know this should be simple, but I do not understand how to do it, and I need to use which innovation / cast function is available. The share of my data looks like this: In the source ID information 1 842701 1 2 out 842701 1 3 218465 9 2 2 4 Out 218465 9 2 2 22181760 3 6 In 39338740 4 7 Out 9428 5 I want to show it like this: Information in ID 1 842701 1 1 2 2 21846591 1 1 2 3 22181760 1 3 4 39338740 1 0 4 5 9428 1 1 5 And so on, preserving all the remaining columns (which are similar to a given entry). I really appreciate some help TIA Here's a way reshape2 Library (reshape2) res & lt; - dcast (transform (df, index = 1, id = factor (id, level = unique (id)), id ~ source, value.var = "indx", fill = 0) res # ID out # 1 842701 1 1 # 2 21846591 1 1 # 3 22181760 1 0 # 4 39338740 1 0 # 5 9428 0 1 or res1 and lt; -

java - org.hibernate.exception.LockAcquisitionException -

I know this question has been asked many times on the StackoverVarFfl but I see how it would be in my code is? Where should I look for a change in my code? Ignore the fancy declaration of the session and the hibernate configuration I know how to create a database connection. Public Zero column (MyClass m) {MyClass updated MyClass = MyMethod (m); Session session = session (); Transaction Transactions = session.beginTransaction (); Session.saveOrUpdate (updatedMyClass); Transaction.commit (); Session.close (); } Public MyClass MyMethod (MyClass m) {session session = sessionFactory.openSession (); MyClass objMyClass = (MyClass) session.get (MyClass.class, m.getId ()); ..... objMyClass.setSomething (...); ..... session.close (); Return objMyClass; } I'm interested in ... Why is this happening? session .get uses that lock mode? session.close () Issue all the lock for that database connection session? Reference:

is there a way to derectly save camera pictures in NV21 format android -

I want to know a way to save a camera photo directly on the yuv (NV21) format (on SD card or buffer) processing . I can save it in jpeg format already, but I think it is slow to convert to NV 21. In my application, it is unnecessary to show the picture taken back to the user. Here's the part where I save the photo as JPEG. Obviously I'm missing something here. shuttercollback shuttercollback = new shuttercollback () {public zero} on shutter {log d. (Tag, "onshooted"); }}; / ** Handles data for raw image / / imagebackback rawcolbackback = new imagecollegeback () {portraying at public zero (byte [] data, camera camera) {log d. ("On the tag" - "raw");}}; / ** JPEG handles the data for the picture / imageCollectionbackJPGColbackBack = new imageColBlock () {picturecute (byte [] data, camera camera at public zero {FileOutputStream Outstream = null; Try {// Directory String Status = Environment.GetxAnalStorage Directory (). GetPath () + "/ Cam

Javascript Class, var undefined in event listener -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 उत्तर var Foo = (Function () {function Foo ()} {this._s = "string"; this.setButton ();}; Foo.prototype.setButton = function () {document.getElementById ('id')। AddEventListener ('पर क्लिक करें' , फ़ंक्शन (इवेंट) {चेतावनी (यह._एस);});}; फ़ू.प्रोटीटिप.एमएफ़ = फ़ंक्शन () {अलर्ट (यह._एस);}; फ़ुट फू;}) (); Var fo = new Foo (); fo.method (); मैं एक बटन को एक बटन से बाँधना चाहता हूं, और एक फ़ंक्शन निष्पादित करना चाहता हूं, जो एक 'निजी' var का उपयोग करता है, जब मैं बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं फ़ंक्शन ठीक से कहा जाता है, लेकिन इसे देख नहीं सकता Var this._s (यह 'अपरिभाषित' लिखता है) यदि मैं fo.method () लिखता हूं तो स्ट्रिंग सही ढंग से मुद्रित है I यहां जेएसफ़िल्ड है: आपको इसे पारित करने से पहले फ़ंक्शन मैन्युअल का संदर्भ (यह) सेट करना है । Foo.prototype.setButton = function () {var tmpFunc = function (evt) {चेतावनी (this._s); } // स्टोर की सुविधा var boundFunction = tmpFunc.bind (this)

java - web.servlet.PageNotFound ,Request method 'GET' not supported,Spring -

I have to face a strange problem in my Spring MVC controller. There are four pages in my webpage folder Now page, this page worked fine to find http: // localhost: 8080 / pages / webwelcome.html , but now my There is a near error that the browser says: was an unexpected error (type = method not allowed, status = 405). I read But this is not my case as ever since I am using the "GET" method. Below is my application. To boot the Spring app @configment @ EnableAutoConfiguration @ComponentScan ({"Hello", "wodinow.weixin.jaskey"}) Public square application {public static zero major (string [] arg) {ApplicationContext ctx = (application.class, args); System.out.println ("Check the beans provided by Spring Boot:"); String [] beanNames = ctx.getBeanDefinitionNames (); Arrays.sort (beanNames); For (string beamname: alias) {System.out.println (beanName); }} @Public Commands Services Command Service () {back Com

python - Escaping keywords with a slash in my grammar -

I am trying to parse a small subset of Doxygen. In Doxygen you can avoid commands, then for prepaid \ commands, then there is a short command and \ abbreviate Appears in the text. But I am having trouble finding the escape sequence. I have defined my rules as follows: beginSlash = combine ((~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \\) .Pressing () | WordStart ()) + Liberal ('\\' '(' '' '' '' ')) + indexed (anof (r' \ '')) starting = combine (~ limited ('\\'). Pressing () + '@') Start = marker = (start | start slash) .setName ('BeginMarker') It does not work when trying to match now assures body .parseString ('this is \ abbreviate') body == 'this is @ short' it returns & Gt; Body.parseStrin Claim the g ('this is a \\ @ short') Body == 'This is @ short' E emphasizes that this is a \\ '==' this is a 'short' e - it's a \\ E what does it provide me with s

sql server - Updated SQL query returns no data, even with cross joins -

After Then, I have replaced all the old queries in my application to remove * = Is operator In either of these questions, I have a lot of difficulty in finding out why my output is different This old query was: SELECT URMS_User_Name AS FE_Name, URMS_User_ID as FE_Code, COUNT (MRFS_FE_Code) aS No_Of_Jobs, as well as SCRM_Service_Center_Name Service_Center_Name, CSMSDVLP.fnGetExtertise (URMS_User_ID) TBL_User_Master, TBL_Service_Center_Master, TBL_User_Role, TBL_MR_FE_Schedule where USRL_Role_Code expertise = 'EF' and URMS_User_ID = USRL_User_ID and SCRM_Service_Center_ID = URMS_Service_Center_ID and URMS_User_ID * = MRFS_FE_Code and MRFS_Scheduled_Date & gt; = '28 -Oct-2014 00:00:00 'and MRFS_Scheduled_Date & lt; = '04 -Nov-2014 00:00:00 'SCRM_Service_Center_Name, URMS_User_Name, URMS_User_ID by group URMS_User_ID, and the following is the query: as URMS_User_Name FE_Name, on URMS_User_ID join select FE_Code, COUNT (MRFS_FE_Code) No_Of_Jobs

java - Display Loop Results In TextArea -

I have programmed a device to check PDF files. I PDF files go through a check method: if If there is an error, it will be displayed on which page it is on. PDF files are listed in the JTable . When I right-click on a PDF file in the table, a text box will appear with an error message. I use the textArea.append (text) . But it shows me all the errors of all PDF files. I just want to see the error of selected PDFs. for (int page number = 1; pg; p; pdf.getPages (); pageNo ++) {try {PCProperty content = pdf.getContent (no page, content configuration option. NON); If (content == zero) {error = "error"; }} Hold (PDFDocumentException exception) {error = "Error"; TextArea.append ("Failed to read content on page" + Page no + "\ n"); }} For each new document, you empty Or for an empty string Alternatively, attachments () checks the name of the document in order to maintain a visual separator and running history of documents: textA

Lotus Notes script "Alarms": check status -

I want to know if there is a method or field if the user "appointment" in the postal database if an alarm is over Is not it or not ... I know that the "$ alarm" folder contains only alarms that have not yet been displayed, but there is another way in the lotus notes script to determine the status of each alarm? Unfortunately there are no items to show, if an alarm is "pending", then thanks to If the item has a $ alarm in a document, then an alarm is enabled. If you check the column in the $ alarm-folder, you can see how much alarms-date-time is: @If (@Is available ($ alarmtime); $ AlarmTime; form = "Task"; @ Adjusted (fixed time; 0; 0; 0; 0; $ alarm offset; 0); @Adjust (calendarData; 0; 0; 0; 0; $ alarm offset; 0)) Either an item is used to calculate the alarm for the $ alarmtime or an $ alarm offset . But: If there are items, but for one reason, the document is not in the $ alarm-folder, then no alarm will occur. There is

camera - DSC-H300/DSC-H400 supported by Remote API beta -

I know that the page with supported devices for Camera Remote API Beta But I wonder if using remote api beta with DSC-H300 / DSC-H 400 is possible, even if they have not been declared as supporting APIs. Thank you for your help. / P> Camera DSC-H300 & amp; DSC-H 400 camera does not support Remote API Beta. DSC-HX 60 and both; DSC-HX 400 long zoom camera supports remote API. More info: Best Regards, Love, Developer World

php - Access global parameters from route condition expressions in Symfony -

I'm trying to reach an app-wide simulation parameters (defined by app / config / parameter.imple) in an expression Am a way bet () I tried to put my destiny in the parameter within percent signals and the function "Parameters" (described for DI), both have no effect. Example with parameter function: example_route: path: / example / {_ locale} condition: "in the request.getLocale () parameter ('locales_array')" Default: _controller: "AcmeExampleBundle: Example: Index" _locale:% locales_default% I'm getting: < Strong> Syntax Error - The status "parameter" is not present around position 24. Is there a way to access parameters from routing condition expressions? I opened a PR for version 2.7, as long as it has been sent and sent you to your project In order to use UrlMatcher, you will need to use your own extended version in which you will need to add the container function provider and in the "va mvc - MVC4 should i use HttpUtility for validating input -

I was surprised that I should validate input for all I have validated data < / Code> not attaching the default framework it handles, so I should add some extra security like HttpUtility.HtmlEncode to input values ​​in symbolic terms. Is there no risk? You are defining the data annotation verifier, it is rendering from there.

concurrency - Interleaving Watch Multi/exec on a single Redis connection. Expected or weird behavior? -

View the front of the app where every request shares the same reads connection, which I believe is Recommended method (?). In this situation, I believe that I am seeing some weird clock multi / exec behavior, I hope optimistic locking failure (ie: clock guard) fails in one of the two transactions due to it, but both start throwing without the charge of an angry, but as a result the final final value is found. / P> To see the approximate scenario described below. It is in the node, but I believe this is a normal thing. It runs 2 processes in parallel, which both update to a counter. (It basically implements the canonical example of the clock seen as. The expected result is 1 result of the first process in a increment of 1, while the second is for updating and returns Null Instead, the result is that both processes update the counter with 1. Although a stale is based on the counter, it eventually increases with 1 instead of counter 2. // note: db The node is the prom

F# cast invalid -

मेरे पास एक विधि है: सदस्य यह। प्राप्त करें & lt; 'IAMSOMETHING कब' IAMSOMETHING: नहीं संरचना & gt; ([& lt; ParamArray & gt; पैरामीटर: obj []): 'IAMSOMETHING = if typeof & lt;' IamsOMETHING & gt; = टाइपफ & lt; IProvideAbilities & gt; तो यह है। उभरे:? & Gt; 'IAMSOMETHTHING और अधिक बढ़ा (System.NotImplementedException ()) this.Issues एक सदस्य है। मेरे पास एक त्रुटि है: सदस्य 'जाओ & lt;' IAMSOMETHING जब 'IAMSOMETHING: नहीं संरचना और' IAMSOMETHING:> मुद्दे>: obj [] -> 'IAMSOMETHING कब' IAMSOMETHING: नहीं संरचना और 'IamsOMETHING:> मुद्दों' के अनुरूप सार विधि को ओवरराइड करने के लिए सही प्रकार नहीं है IAMSOMETHING: not struct>: obj [] -> 'IAMSOMETHING कब' IAMSOMETHING: not struct '। मैं कैसे डाली जा सकती हूं I यह बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है। मुझे लगता है कि आपको obj के बजाय obj [] के रूप में अपने "पैरामीटर" पैरामीटर को घोषित करना होगा विशेषता अंत

javascript - TypeScript: the variable is defined on the MVC page -

How can I make TypeScript aware that the variable is defined in cshtml file? Can I add a reference inside the TS file? You can do this in a typewrite file or in one. D.ts file: var to MVC: declare string; It does not produce any code, but it conveys to the compiler that a variable named "fromMvc" exists. After declaring that you can use it as a normal variable.

electronics - How does a NOT logic gate work? -

As I know, if there is electricity in computer architecture, the value is 1, otherwise 0. I will do everything with it I do not want to leave this gate, I do not want to ask how it works, but I want to know if the input is 0, then how will it return 1. If we do not give electricity in our input, how does it produce electricity? Is there something special in the gate that generates electricity? In general, yes, a logic gate would have different power supply than its logic input thus if any Gate does not have input of 0, so it can provide its positive power supply (VCC) as an output, which would be 1 argument. A NOT Gate is designed with only one input, to simplify the logic diagram, Wikipedia has a good collection of pictures of actual circuit design on the page.

How to alter Domain redirection in Codeigniter -

I am using Codeigniter. I just need a URL, look like this instead My installation structure is like "public_html / myCodefolder", where I can change. method 1 MyCodeFolder can move all the files in the public_html folder. Here you myCodefolder . Change as url base_url () Method 2 < / Strong> .htaccess file in myCodefolder and enter the code, & lt; IfModule mod_rewrite.c & gt; Option + rewrite on follow-up linkengine rewrite,% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f Rewrite Convert% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D rewriteable ^ (. *) $ / My codefolder / index.ftp / 1] [L] this can help you

How to echo #!/ using shell or bash -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब मैं प्रिंट करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं < कोड> #! / बैश के माध्यम से, लेकिन यह प्रिंट नहीं करता है और इसके बजाय निम्नलिखित को प्रिंट करता है। parth @ parth-ubuntu64: $ गूंज "#! \ /" Bash:! \ /: ईवेंट नहीं मिला संपादित करें: मुझे अनुमति दें एक और अपडेट आप निम्न कार्य कैसे करते हैं? मुझे लगता है कि मुझे सिर्फ बैश के बजाए अजगर का उपयोग करना चाहिए। इसका कारण यह है कि मैं ऐसा करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, क्योंकि मैं इसे एक फाइल में पाइप करना चाहता हूं जिसके लिए सुडो अनुमति की आवश्यकता होती है। यह एकमात्र तरीका है मैं sudo => sudo sh -c "echo something> file" sh -c 'echo \' #! / Bin / bash \ '/ < दोहरे उद्धरण चिह्नों के भीतर (और इतिहास के साथ विस्तार सक्षम), ! विशेष अर्थ है उन वर्णों को शाब्दिक रूप से मुद्रित करने के लिए, डबल के बजाय एकल उद्धरणों का उपयोग करें: $ इको '#! \ /' #! \ / इतिहास विस्तार हो सकता है set + H का उपयोग करके इंटरेक्टिव शेल में अक्ष

Displaying all the Odd number between 1 - 99 in java using Nested For Loop -

Currently I'm only able to display the odd number of 1 3 5 7 9. However, I would like to show everyone how funny I am with 9 rows and 5 colors from 1-99 odd numbers that I know how to display 9 of the 3 3 7 7 rather than 9 lines. I'm stuck with the code below. public static zero principal (string algos []) {for (int i = 1; i & lt; = 9; i ++) {for (int j = 1; j & lt ; = 10; j ++) {if (j% 2! = 0) System.out.print (j + ""); } System.out.println (); }} First you need to calculate your number, ( But for this problem you can solve with a loop for (int i = 1; i ; = 99 ; I ++) {if (number% 2! = 0) System.out.print (number + ""); If (number% 10 == 0) System.out.println (); }

angularjs - Angular: update ng-include on CRUD event -

In my index.html file there is a continuous sidebar that lists projects using ng-included. When a project is created, or updated. I would like to update the Sidebar with you I'm not sure which part of my code to provide, as it is expected that this is a fundamental question that is easy to answer, even though the solution has redeemed me Edit: Looks like I'm almost there, but it does not seem to take the controller's property: & lt; Div class = "col col-md-4" data-ng-controller = "project controller" data-ng-include src = "'{{sidebar url}}'" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; In my project controller: // Update existing project $ scope.update = function () {var project = $ scope.project; Project. $ Update (function () ($ location.path ('project /' + project._id); $ scope. $ Broadcast ('project updated');}, function (error repons) {$ scope.error = .message; }); }; $ Scope.sid

c# - Download profile photo from Facebook, Linkedin and Google+ in Asp.Net project -

मेरे पास कुछ यूआरएल है, उदाहरण के लिए: var जैकीकैंसफैसबुक पृष्ठ = "https: // "; या var जेसनथैथमफैसबुक पृष्ठ = ""; या var बिलगेट्स लिंक्डइनपेज = ""; या var JonSkeetGooglePlusPage = "" < P> मैं ऊपर दिए गए सभी लिंक से प्रोफाइल फोटो कैसे निकाल सकता हूं आप प्रोफ़ाइल को नहीं निकाल सकते एक लिंक से तस्वीर फेसबुक के डेटा को हेरफेर करने के लिए आपको फेसबुक एपीआईएस का उपयोग करना होगा।

c# 4.0 - How to show loading image when to send an email in wpf application -

Actually I send an email by clicking the send button. When clicking the Send button, I want to show a loading image and hide it automatically after sending it to the email (email). There is an article about this, I think it works for you, mail and its completion Change the visibility of progress bar as well.

java - How to invoke a method in @SessionScoped bean from @ApplicationScoped bean -

Is there a way that I can get a context for the session @ session bean and an @ Can I call a method? BeanManager.getContext () works during a request, but it seems that it is not outside of a request. I keep a list of active HttpsSessions in the GlobalHttpSessionController , but it does not seem to be of any help Thanks to your comments. @ Application public class MyAppScopedClass {@ Injection GlobalHttpSessionController globalHttpSessionController; @beenmanager bean manager; Public Zero updateSessions () {// List of active user sessions list & lt; Http session & gt; Session = global HTCController (.); Set up & lt; Bean & lt ;? & Gt; & Gt; Set = Bean Manager. Gatebens (User Bean Class); (Bean Bean: Set) ((User Session) Bean Manager.Tettext (Bean Getscope ()). (Bean, Bean Manager. Content Consortal Contex (Bean))). Method (); }}} You can try to mimic Spring MVC when you have a In singleton scod bean inject a session squanded , it injects a prox

oracle - Use of AVG function to determine percentages in a SQL query -

I know what percentage of the records are given values, where the percentage is defined as the number of records Which corresponds to the value divided by the total number of records i.e. 100 records, 10 of which have a zero value for student_id and 20 is 999999, then percent_999999 should be 20%. Can I use the average function to determine this? Option 1: SELECT year, college_name, sum (case when student_id IN ( '999999999') again as count_id_999999999, count_id_999999999 / total_id as percent_id_999999999, the amount ( case when student_id number of zeros after the 1) as count_id_NULL, as count_id_NULL / total_id by percent_id_NULL count (Kul_aidi Enrolment_data ad group as *) year Colej_nam by year Colej_nam option 2: < pre> SELECT year, college_name, sum (case when student_id iN ( '999999999') and 1 and 0 end) as count_id_999999999, average (case when student_id iN ( '999999999') then 1.0_id_999999999 as W As Ratist_ id_999999999, sum (case

psycopg: can't copy from csv to postgresql with python, no results -

I have simple postgresql db OID, the number of columns and their names are similar to the headers in the CSV file. I am trying to use the copy command: def db_copy_images (auto, file): try my_file = open (file): self.process_file ('images_original', my_file) Finally: DEF process_file pass (self, table, CSV_file): dbname = 'v' user = 'on' password = 'on' host = 'ip' port = 5432 SQL_STATEMENT = "copy% s from STDIN DELIMITER AS ' | ' CSV header "" print ("OK") Conn = psycopg2.connect (database = dbname, user = user, password = password, host = host, port = port) cursor = conn.cursor () for line in csv_file: Print (line) # cursor.copy_expert (sql = SQL_STATEMENT% table, file = csv_file) with cursor.copy_expert ("copy images_original delimiter from stdin as '|' CSV header '', file = csv_file) with cursor.execute ( "COMMIT,") I have found a list of rows in the form of output and

c# - Save Individual Torrents with Libtorrent save_state()? -

I am currently working with a CLI Libtorrent wrapper. I got a brick wall. Perhaps this is an implementation flaw of the wrapper I am using, or I misunderstood the Liborant API documentation, but I do not understand how the current session status data can be saved / loaded. . My current goal, as I can tell it in the best position, is to save all torrent_handle in the current session so that when I run Torrent client, then I work I am able to load them automatically at startup and start downloading / resizing. I am still unsure whether or not I should do this to save the session. According to the words: The saved_state can be used to filter the arguments of the passes that are used to save part of the session. By default, all state is saved (for individual torrent). but I can not see a flag related to enum save_state_flags_t {save_settings = 0x001, save_dht_settings = 0x002, save_dht_state = 0x004, save_proxy = 0x008, save_i2p_proxy = 0x010, save_encryption_settin

MongoDb select different object types in collection -

I have a MongoDB archive that the user says I do not know the type of object in advance, at least 3 of the objects in this collection There are different types of structured. For example: Type 1: {"_id": "9e1736d4-f3a1-47ed-bb51-3318129664f0", "UserID": 6711, "Register Date ":" 2014-10-28 T 14: 42: 06 "," Final Legend ":" 2014-10-28 T 14: 42: 06 ",} Type 2: {"_id": "9e1736d4-f3a1-47ed-bb51-3318129664f1", "userid": 6712, "email": "", "username": "John Doe", Type 3: {"_id": "9e1736d4-f3a1-47ed-bb51-3318129664f2", "userid": 63713, "City": "How can I get different types (or the top 1 object of each type) from my collection?" Orange "," state ":" new york "," "If you have 1 million users and 3 different structures, then I have to

logging - Why does importing browser_logging_handler from Dart Logging_handler package fails here? -

Here is my PSPCL file. I have run the pub several times. Name: LogTest Description: A sample polymer application dependency: logging: any logging_handlers: any polymer: '& gt; = 0.12.0 & lt; 0.13 0 Transformers: - Polymers: Entry Points: Web / LogStest. Html However, when I try to run my app it fails in the following message: Failed to load resource: The server responded with a status of 404 (not found) http: // localhost: 8081 / packages / logging_handlers / browser_logging_handlers.dart Loading an error file: Package: Logging_handlers / browser_logging_handlers.dart My dart file (logtest.dart): import package: p Imr / Polymer Dart's polymers; Import 'package: logging / logging dart'; Import 'package: logging_handlers / browser_logging_handlers.dart'; Zero main () {polymer.initPolymer (). Run (() {polymer.Polymer.onReady.then ((_) {// loggie.attachXLoggerUi ();});}); } and html file (logtest.html): & lt ;! DOCTYPE html &

c++ - Global CBT hook is never called -

I am trying to create an application that is informed about the creation and destruction of top-level windows , System-wide I have created a code to take advantage of the CBT hook, the solution includes two projects, DLL and XE are the references to the DLL project in the EXE project. The hook is being set from a DLL EXE project has a message loop in the problem that the CBT hook is not working VS With the help of debugger, I think the hook has got out Callback is never called , while the return code from SetWindowsHookEx is non-zero which means the hook is set up I went. What's wrong How can I fix this? Here's a minimum example. DLL, main.cpp: #include & lt; Windows.h & gt; Typefiff Zero (* DECODERPROC) (Int Code, WARADAM Y PARAM, LPARAM lParam); Hinstes hInst = nullptr; HHOOK hHook = nullptr; DECODERPROC fpDecoder = nullptr; (Code & gt; 0 & amp; amp; fpDecoder) {fpDecoder (code, wParam, lParam), LRESULT callback cbtProc (integer code, wParam wParam

angularjs - Angular ui-router, how do I cancel the following resolves, after one of them triggers an error - reject? -

I am using a UI router in the following code and I have two solutions. I check if there is an authentication token. I get some data from the server. If there is no token, then I reject the resolution and redirect the user to the login page. The problem is, the "Movie List" solution is still happening - how can I cancel the resolution? Any thoughts? <$ ($ State provider), function ($ state provider) {$ stateProvider.state ('code', {url: '/ code', TemplateUrl: 'app / sections / code / code.tpl.html', Controller: 'CodeCtrl', solve: {/ ** * Athlete Middleware. * / UserData: ['$ q', 'session', function ($ Q, session) {var userData = session .getUserData (); if (userData. Token) {UserData back;} Return $ Q.reject ('Login')}, // If I point the trigger above, how can I fix it? Movie List: [' $ Q ',' movie service ', function ($ q, movies services) {var deferred = $ q.defer (); MoviesService.

microcontroller - 68HC05 assembly - 't' after integer literal -

I am in the middle of writing a few assembly code written for a 68HC05 Motorola / Freescale series microcontroller. My goal is to rewrite the assembly code as C so that I can try to recreate this project with an Atom ARR. I have found in some codes that some integer texts such as a 'T', as seen in the instructions of this example: <<> cmp # 12t I can not find any mention of t in any document. My question is: what does t mean, or does not it have one?

How to send LinkedIn Invitation in android -

I'm using this jar (custom-linkedin-jay Android .Jenner) for an invitation on LinkedIn for Android and My code is below which I am using client.sendInviteById (pp.getId (), "app", "invitation", toekn.toString ()); But it is not working, anyone knows how I can send invitations to Android on Android. Please help! Thanks

sqlcommand - Basic Syntax vs SQL Command -- Formula Crystal Reports -

I am trying to change this statement in SQL command - for testing and learning purposes < P> In the original syntax, code if IsNumeric (middle (trim (x), 1)) then formula = UCASE (TRIM (MID (X, instead of Formula in the SLL command I What I am using and it should be. (SXTE (X, "1, 1) 1)))) ELSE formula = X. Used for efficiency in SQL command Is here If I do not want to, then I would like to know how to write it in the sql command. So far I have case ezraic (middle (trim ( X),) 1)) then [blank] = UCASE (TRIM (MID (X, (fourx x (x, "", 1) +1))))) ELSE [BLANK] = X EPV Sample the data so when I import / link the data from the back end, my X field looks different: 1. 'zzabc123 - The Red Car '2.' ABC 123 - The Black Car '3 'Green car' I want If it is numeric, then cut the front part - where the place starts and only to catch the 'red car' For using the churnedx, If it is not numeric, simply clear the data portion

c# - Simple way to add foreach loop around WebClient -

मैंने WebClient कार्य के चारों ओर एक foreach पाश जोड़ने का प्रयास किया है , लेकिन यह काम करने के लिए प्रतीत नहीं होता मैंने कुछ शोध किए हैं और पाया कि सिस्टम को एक सेकंड के लिए सोने के भेजने की तरह इसे ठीक करने के लिए कुछ साफ गंदे तरीके हैं, मैं एक अधिक संरचित समाधान चाहूंगा अगर कोई समाधान नहीं है तो मैं W8 फोन के साथ इंटरनेट से एक आरएसएस फ़ीड कैसे पढ़ सकता हूं। foreach (स्ट्रिंग rssFeed in lstRSSFeeds) {// हमारे वेब डाउनलोडर WebClient downloader = new WebClient () ; // हमारे वेब पते को डाउनलोड करने के लिए, उरीकिंड को देखें। एबसोल्यूट उरी उड़ी = नया उरी (आरएसएसएफिड, उरीकिंड। एएसएसओल्यूट); // हमें पूरी तरह से डाउनलोड करने के लिए फ़ाइल की प्रतीक्षा करने की आवश्यकता है, इसलिए DownloadComplete Event Downloader को हुक कर दें। Download DownloadStringCompleted + = New DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler (FileDownloadComplete); // डाउनलोड डाउनलोडर प्रारंभ करें। डाउनलोडलोडिंगएसिंक (यूरी); } यदि आप एकाधिक फ़ाइलों को डाउनलोड करना चाहते हैं, तो कुछ प्रकार के क्रियान्वयन के लिए सबस