
Showing posts from January, 2014

java - Selenium: How to prompt user input and use the input value? -

I have a condition (during selenium testing), in which the user will receive a security code. The security code must be input before allowing the user to continue. I am not sure how I can get the value of user input. I browsed around and came with this. Unfortunately, this does not work much. JavaScript Explorer JS = (JavaScript Extractor) driver; Js.executeScript ("window.promptResponse = sign ('Please enter security code')"); If (isAlertPresent ()) {// switch alert alert warning = driver. SwitchTo (). Warning (); // user input text thread, sleep (10000); // This code = (string) js.executeScript ("return window.promptResponse") does not seem to work; Alert.accept (); Can someone tell me in the right direction? It seems that before you store and use the value, accept the prompt first and Close alert.accept (); Code = (string) js.executeScript ("return window.promptResponse");

Unhashable type list python -

When I run my program (Angram Solver) I get an error Unhashable type: list, thats Turning to Tupal but I still get the error. There is a bunch of words in word.txt, such as word.txt sudden fluctuation belly abscam code here (Main): lenWord = 4 wordList = readMatrix () Length Word (lenWord) Def readMatrix (): wordList = [] strFile = open ("words.txt", " R ") lines = strfile.readlines () for line in line: word = line Rstrip () Short () wordList.append (word) return tuple (wordList) def length word (lenWord): wordList = readMatrix for word in word: if LAN (word) == Lane word: sortword = sorted (word) set Word = Set (word) SortDict = ({Sortword: Set Word}) Return sort main () You can roll back the list to a string ( str ) sortWord = ''. Include (sorted (word)) Other suitable options can be Tupal or frozenset This next line is a bug, though - it's just a set of characters setWord = set Want to create a set? For example.

jquery - Bootstrap theme and button events -

I am using wrap bootstrap topics in an web project project and none of my buttons have fire I will get a few replies on Google but none of them works. Is there a solution to this? I tried to add UseSubmitBehavior = "False" and ValidateRequestMode = "Disabled" in my buttons but still not firing. It seems like a big problem, I really do not want to call AJAX all my buttons . You can change that html button by accessing the CSS with the ASP.NET Server Control Button . This can solve your problem.

c - Using a register in a struct -

I am trying to set up a structure that has a register, pin number, and ADC value. I want to change the value of the register by using a function called setLED. However, I am getting errors saying this. Expression should have an expression of integral type should be type of indicator This is my structure LED_X and the ports have been defined above. typedef struct {const uint32_t pins; Unstable uint32_t * const reg; Uint32_t adcValue; } LED_LUT; #define LED_LUT_DEF {{LED_0, (volatile uint32_t *) GPIO_PORTC_DATA_R, 0}, \ {LED_1, (volatile uint32_t *) GPIO_PORTC_DATA_R, 0}, \ {LED_2, (volatile uint32_t *) GPIO_PORTC_DATA_R, 0}, \ {LED_3, ( GPIO_PORTC_DATA_R, {} LED_4, (unstable uint32_t *) GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R, 0}, \ {LED_5, (volatile uint32_t *) GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R, 0}, \ {LED_6, (volatile uint32_t *) GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R, 0}, \ {LED_7 (volatile uint32_t *) GPIO_PORTF_DATA_R, 0},} and here function receives errors collection that is: void setLEDs (LED_LUT Leading LUT [NUM_OF_LE

java - How to write log to file using slf4j -

I have decided to use slf4j instead of very logging of Java. I'm successfully logging to the console to use slf4j but I do not know how to write it in the log file. The log file will help us to gather potential errors with runtime. I am implementing Slough 4G by doing this, private static last org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = org .slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger (Class1.class ); Then I am starting the log4j properties, PropertyConfigurator.configure (New FileInputStream (" slf4j is the only API, you need to add a logger engine (And switching between them is easy). You have to select one (logback for exmaple) and configure the configuration file to be written in the file. As told on the slf4j site Is: Law for Simple Java (SLF4J) The Ging Mask acts as a simple mask or abstract for various logging frameworks (such as java.util.logging, logback, log4j), which allows the end user to plug in the desired logging framework at the time of deployment.

Is there a sorting algorithm available which has time complexity of O(N)? -

अधिकांश सॉर्टिंग एल्गोरिदम में O (N N) या O (N logN ) परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए। हालांकि, वहाँ एल्गोरिदम हैं जो इनपुट के विशिष्ट सेट के लिए ओ (एन) की जटिलता है। मुझे यह जानना चाहिए कि यदि कोई सॉर्टिंग एल्गोरिदम उपलब्ध है जो सभी मामलों में ओ (एन) की जटिलता है। यदि आप केवल तुलना कर सकते हैं (जांचें कि दो आइटम हैं तो ;,>, ==) मान सॉर्ट किया जा रहा है, तो आप ओ (एन लॉग (एन)) से बेहतर नहीं कर सकते यह एल्गोरिदम पर कुछ सिद्ध सीमाओं में से एक है। यह सबूत बहुत जटिल नहीं है (विवरण के लिए विकिपीडिया पर तुलना सॉर्ट देखें), लेकिन यहां दोबारा नहीं करना काफी है। यदि आप तुलनात्मक रूप से अन्य चीजों को अधिक लचीलेपन के साथ कर सकते हैं, यदि आपके पास संख्याएं हैं, तो आप बाल्टी सॉर्ट (एक प्रकार का रेडिक्स सॉर्ट) जांचते हैं, यह ओ (एन) सॉर्टिंग संभव बनाता है।

Compiling Unity3d for IOS error -

I use mono compilation for Android works well but gives an error for iOS complete error Text: Cross compilation job assembly- CSharp.dll failed. UnityEngine.UnityException: Failed AOT cross compiler: /Applications/Unity/ --aot = full, asmonly, nodebug, stable, outfile = "Assembly- CSharp. dll.s "" Assembly- CSharp.dll "current directory: / users / Hexgrim / document / BottleRepository / Bottle_Unity_IPad / temp / StagingArea / data / managed environment: Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render = '/ tmp / Lanc- CZPXth / render' LOGNAME = 'hexgrim '__CHECKFIX1436934 =' 1 'MONO_PATH =' / user / heximm / document / bottle repository / bottle_uttiiped / tape / staging area / data / p Bound 'tmpdir =' / var / folders / FW / 3 HKFV7J 49xgk_tfq7kxx3ym0000gn / t / 'pwd =' / user / hexagim / document / bottleRepository / bottle_Unity 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK =' / tmp / la

jquery - How to recognize user inputted websites as link tags using HTML or Javascript? -

यदि उपयोगकर्ता निम्न में से कोई भी इनपुट करता है: फिर स्क्रिप्ट स्वचालित रूप से इन्हें लिंक के रूप में पहचानने के लिए स्वत: बना देगा व्यावहारिक रूप से हर ईमेल सेवा यह और सबसे अधिक व्यावसायिक गतिशील साइटों को भी करती है, इसलिए मैं सोच रहा हूं कि यह कैसे कोडित है। धन्यवाद:) मैंने आपके प्रश्न के लिए यहां एक डेमो लिखा था: असल में कुंजी यूआरएल स्ट्रिंग की जगह नीचे की तरह regExp कर रही है: < पूर्व> $ ('textarea')। परिवर्तन (कार्य () {var tmp = $ (this) .val (); var url_reg = / (https?: \ / \ /)? ([\ Da-z \ .-] +) \। ([एज़।] {2,6}) ([\ / \ w \ .-] *) * / g; var परिणाम = tmp.replace (url_reg, function (link) { वापसी '& lt; a href = "' + link + '" & gt;' + link + '& lt; / a & gt;';}); $ ('p')। पाठ (परिणाम);});

python 3.x - Issue while running infinite Loop -

var = 1 जबकि var == 1: num = इनपुट ("एक संख्या दर्ज करें:") प्रिंट (" 1 दर्ज करने के बाद लूप को जारी रखना चाहिए, लेकिन इसके बाद उसे समाप्त कर दिया जा रहा है। / P> कृपया इस के लिए कोई सुझाव है। क्या आप इसे पूर्णांक में डालने की कोशिश करते हैं? ऐसा इसलिए: num = int (इनपुट ("एक संख्या दर्ज करें:")) यदि यह काम नहीं करता है तो आप इसके बदले बूलियंस के साथ प्रयास कर सकते हैं ।

c++ - How to run SFML in CLion, Error undefined reference to? -

I am new to C ++ and am trying to learn game programming, I choose SFML and JLRN Run on Jetren and using the Ubuntu machine. I am following this tutorial of my code: #include & lt; Sfml / graphics HP & gt; Using namespace sf; Int main () {Render window window (SF :: VideoDoode (200, 200), "SFML Work!"); Circle size figure (100.F); Shape.setFillColor (Color: Green); While (window.isOpen ()) {event event; While (window.pollEvent (event)) {if (event.type == event :: off) {window.close (); }} Window.clear (); Window.draw (size); window display(); } Return 0; } When I run an error on CLion CMakeFiles / SFMLBasic.dir / main.cpp.o: function in `main ': undefined reference` SF :: String :: String (Four Constant *, STD :: LocalCont & amp;;) SF :: Video: :: For the SF :: for the undefined reference to the Video Mode (unsigned int, unsigned integer, unsigned ind) Undetermined Reference RenderWindow :: RenderWindow (sf :: VideoMode, sf :: String Contest & Uns

SQL Server, selecting from 2 columns from different tables -

I have 2 tables from these tables Table 1 Table 2 Code ID code ID A1a1b1b1c1c1d1e1 my query: select, a.code, b Cod table 1a, table 2b where = '1' and = what I expected Code code 1 aa1b1 1 c 1d tap 1e null what i found id code code 1 aa1bah1cA1dA 1 EA1 AB1BB1 CB .... Any ideas? OK, both the IDs are in both tables by joining on the ID to 1, then you have both tables The Cartesian product will be found. Instead, you will need to insert a left exterior based on Table1.Code . : Select, a.code, b code from Table1, to a left OUTER on Table2b on a cod = b.code where = '1';

magento - Ioncube encoding error while installing udropship extension in local server -

I have tried setting up udropship extensions on my local server. The following error occurs Fatal error: File F: \ xampp \ htdocs \ xxxx \ app \ code \ community \ unirgy \ DropshipMicrosite \ Helper \ Protected.php for PHP 5 by IonCube Encoder Was encoded and can not be run under PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6. Please ask the script's provider to provide an encoded version with an Icons encoder for PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5. Unknown in line <0 I updated the latest version of the Ioncube loader, though the same error is repeated. The screenshot of the loader was successfully installed. Can anyone help? I did not know what was happening. Message from the loader will surely too Exact: [Your file] can not run under PHP 5.5 or PHP 5.6 Please ask the script's provider to provide an encoded version with ionCube encoder for PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5. Then, you should ... "to provide an encoded version with AONCube encoder for the script, either for PHP

cookies - Delphi : application to download the files using the authentication -

I want to create a device to download files from the website in the following order: Keep the session cookies Download the file and enter the username and password. So far, to work up, I use 'wget' with the script: wget --user-agent = "Mozilla 5.0 (Windows NT 5.2; Rv: 2.0.1) Gecko / 20100101 Firefox / 4.0.1 "--post-data =" users Class Name =% ID% and p =% password% & sublogin = login "--save-cookies =" deactivated \ cookies.txt "- How do I do with Delphi? Class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> For this indy TIdHTTP component can be used: IdHTTP1.Request.UserAgent: = 'Mozilla / 5.0 (windows NT 5.2; RV: 2.0.1) Gecho / 20100101 Firefox / 4.0.1 '; PostData: TStringList.Create; Try PostData.Add ('username' = '+ username'); PostData.Add ('password =' ​​+ password); PostData.Add ('sublogin = login'); IdHTTP1.Post ('http: //' + app + '/ login / log

javascript - distinguish scope method of custom directives angularjs -

So I have that you can see, you can see that I The methods I use on Link has an NG-click function on it and I have defined the = function () {} inside the 'myDirective' custom command. The question is, when I click on the link, why it always refers to the second element of the custom instruction, why can not it mention both elements? How can I get it and how to separate both the elements inside the 'myDirective' Custom Directive within the function? The problem is that you do not have any separate scope in your instructions. This means that both instructions share the scope with the controller. As you are using your instructions twice, you define the event twice, so you overwrite the of the first element Are there. In addition to this you can & lt; A & gt; overwrite the ng-click of the tag. var app = angular. Module ('myApp', []); App.controller ('MainCtrl',

c++ - how to use string variable in RcppEigen -

I'm new to RCPP and RQPegen. If this question is naive then apologize. "Eigen :: MatrixXd; using the Eigen :: map; constants map & lt; MatrixXd & gt;; here the code is compiled in R., is required ( RcppEigen is required (inline) body & lt (as & lt; map & lt; matrixxd> gt; & gt; (x 0); constant map & lt; matrixxd & gt; y (& lt In the form, the map is & gt; MatrixXd & gt; & gt; (Y0)); Integer N = X.rows (); Integer P = X.cols (); ET NY = Vicol (); Matrix Add I , N); ISET IDT (N, N); Double SSE = ( Y. Transges (* * * Ix * (X. Transws) * X) * X (transitions) * Y) Return Op (N * Log (SSE / N) + Log (N) * P) ; "IC & Lt; - Sifaksfnkshn (sign (x 0 = "matrix", Y0 = "Matrix"), body, plugin = "Arseepiiijen") IC (x 1, y) where X and Y respectively Are, X1 < - Matrix (c (1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0 , 2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,1, 0,2,0,1,0,0,3,1, 0,0 , 3,1,0,0,3,1,

c# - How can we delete table items from redis? -

मैं चाहता हूँ कि सभी idbclients, क्या यह स्क्रिप्ट फॉर्म को फिर से बदलता है? " post-text "itemprop =" text "> < P> इस पर नज़र डालें कि आप सभी आज्ञाओं को कहां मिलेंगे। एक जीयूआई प्रयोग करने से पहले उनके लिए यह अच्छी लगन है एक पैटर्न के साथ कई चाबियाँ चुनना इस पर प्रलेखित है। तो अपने मामले में बस CLI (या में कुंजियाँ: idbclients: * कॉल करें यदि आप पटकथा कर रहे हैं तो इस कमान को अपनी क्लाइंट लाइब्रेरी का उपयोग करके अपनी स्क्रिप्ट के अंदर से चलाएं)।

angularjs - Jasmine date expect always returning false -

I have a test written in the Jasmine Test runner: this ("expected" 'Due date is 14 days from now ", function () {var dateNow = new date (); scope.dateOfService (dateNow); expected (scope date == New date (dateNow.setDate (dateNow.getDate () <14>) ToBeTruthy ();}); Although it always lies? Is there something that I'm doing wrong? I also ran to debug ': Hope (scope) fixed date. TB (New Date) (DateNow.setDate (DateNow.getDate (+ + 14))); and this return: Expected date (Sue 11 November 2014 08: 20:23 GMT + 0000 (GMT Standard Time)) To date (Tuesday 11 November 2014 08:20:23 GMT + 0000 (GMT Standard Time)) date new date (new); scope.dateOfService (dateNow); var dateReturned = new date (scope.DueDate); var dateAdd = New date (dateNow.setDate (dateNow.getDate (+ + 14)); Hope (dateReturned) .toEqual (DATEADD); The main point was to make sure .toBe instead of .toEqual .

javascript - Scroll vertically 100% on click with jQuery -

I need an animated scrolling effect that pushes the site to 100%, it basically a website Multipage and every 100% is a different site, I think there are many plugins for this, but I want to get it to work manually. I tried to use the anchor and the ID to stimulate the 100% scrolling effect, but I can not think of a pure solution that leaves the page without any help of other id or sections 100 % Leads down. Any help would be highly appreciated. OK, it's very simple, use the snippet below to find what you're looking for They are helping you in achieving it. To prevent the default action of $ ("HTML, body") $ ("a") On ("click", function (event) {event.preventDefault ();) .mate ({scrollTop: $ (document). Height () // get height of document}, "slow"); // scrolling / / * also animated 3000, 4000 i.e. 3 seconds, 4 seconds to scroll to use); Tag the here onclick and tags, we first prevent the default action of the anchor t

Android: memory leaks due to member variables? -

I have developed an Android application that has a fragmented activity and several pieces on the tab's change. Each fragment is associated with a sequence, the logic of the section has been explained in different classes. The results of those calculations are displayed in several text scenes of the scene of the pieces that classes perform some complex calculations. There is a stop button in the view of the next piece, and the calculation of the class happens after clicking the stop button. My question is now to protect the variables associated with each text view as the member variable of the related class within those visible members (text scenes and stop buttons) classes? Here I use the related code. Class Class AFragment spreads the piece {class A class A; ... Creatives on public view (...) {button stopbutton = (button) this.getActivity () FindViewById (; TextView timeLabel = (TextView) this.getActivity (). FindViewById (; This.classA = new

C# Schedule a window service -

I have a window service and I am using System.Timers.Timer To schedule service protected override zero on start (string [] arg) {timer_ = new system. Timers Timer (Interval Time * 1000); Timer_.Elapsed + = New system. Timers.ElapsedEventHandler (TimerEvvant); Timer_.Enabled = true; } Private Zero Timer Event (Object Sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) {DoSth (); } I think that, the friendship () function does not work properly when I start the service, but intervalTimer seconds After that I want to run it properly after starting the service, so I before the friendship () statement timer_.Enabled = true; I call. But I have another problem which is not exactly the distance between the first and second process, interval , but the code does not have the basis at the processing time of DoSth () function. How can I solve it?

objective c - IOS NSString decode not working -

I am getting a string from the internet but I can find a way to convert special characters and warn them Can be shown on cans This string is: @ "Sorry, your search has no results" I know that I work around to do something like this I can [response string bearer's executions offstring: @ "\ u0027" with string: @ "'"]; But I wanted a solution that would work for any character I have already tried several solutions but for some seam work I do not know why You can do it like this: < NSString * escapedStr = @ "Sorry, your search \" has no results "; NSString * unescapedStr = [NSString string withCString: [saved ctrringUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] Encoding: NSNonLossyASCIIStringEncoding]; NSLog (@" Yoon Scascstadt =% @ ", unsecured STR);

ORA-21535 error - oracle timeout issue -

I get an ORA-21535 error in the Oracle warning log file. My application is working fine in the first few hours. After that I am expiring time. TNS-1235: TNS: Operation timed out secondary error code: 12560 NT main error code: 505 TNS -00505: Operation timed out. Error code: 110 NT OS Error code: 0 Customer address: XXXXXXXXX Note: I have no other logs except the "Alert Log". You probably resolve your problem by setting the SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter in your Oracle server's sqlnet.ora can do. With this parameter the database will check the application server in every number where n is the setting number.

shell - To Compare two space delimited files -

I have two files below. I want to compare and know whether two lines are the same or not in both files < / P> file1.txt: 4162 8171.0 2.00 F Noel Faucet 25.630 05-05-2015 256 45.2 5.00 N Faucet 16.098 2011-11-20 file2.txt: 4162 8171.0 2.00 F Noall Faucet 25.630 05-05-2015 561 41.0 10.00 En Nail Number 16.098 2011-11-20 I used the code below using the awk command. rownum = 1 cat file1.txt | While reading-R line || [[N $ line]]; Do not enter "line $ rownum" if "[$ $ row_same"], then "line $ rownum does not match" if the line_same = `educ '/ $ LINE / {print;}" file2.txt; if [["" $ row_same "=' ']] = "$ LINE"]], then "line $ rownum is not matched" $ ((Rownum + 1)) expected output: < Code> line 2 is not matched actual output " line 1 is not matched, row 2 is not matched. Please help me why this is not working. diff < / Code> It is a good to do this,

android - keycode for "hide keyboard button" -

I'm trying to block "hide keyboard button" (in many phones to hide a keyboard in the edit) I searched everywhere but did not get the right keycode for that I think it is similar to the back button (as the same button changes). But it does not work. < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> This code can hide soft keyboard. InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) activity.getSystemService (Activity.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); InputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow (getActivity (). GetCurrentFocus (). GetWindowToken (), 0);

weblogic12c - Connect to webLogic from ant task? -

Hi, I'm trying to connect to the build script from the weblogic server. This is my script. & lt; Target name = "all" & gt; & Lt; Task name = "wldeploy" classpathref = "wlappc.classpath" classname = "" /> & Lt; Echo message = "it is fast swapping" /> & Lt; Fast-swap user = "weblogic" password = "prime 123 veera" admin = "t3: // localhost: 7001" server = "adminover" application = "premier" /> & Lt; Task name = "wlserver" classpathref = "wlappc.classpath" classname = "" & gt; & Lt; / Taskdef> & Lt; / Target & gt; but I have to face ** unsupported protocol: t3 ** on newJMXConnector (

Generating report (invoice) in ASP.NET C# -

Then I have a gridview to fill the order. On the edge of each line I have set up a link button that says "Invoice generated". I have defined the command name "GenerateInvoiceCommand" and Command Debian OrderID so that I can get all the data about that order. Now my question is ... is there any way that I can generate a PDF report and once it is generated it is starting to download automatically? Is there any way I can do PDF report without inserting the database for the first time? What are other ways to make such reports? Any help is appreciated! Thank you! I can see that there are two ways: generate PDF Type your code to generate a PDF, Because you have tagged the crystal report, you want to use earlier. But to get more control over the presence of your report, the second option looks better.

How to delete data from an RDBMS using Talend ELT jobs? -

What is the best way to remove tabs using the table? I currently with a TELTJDBCoutput removal action. It seems that Talend is always a delete ... where it exists (& lt; your generated query & gt;) query. So I'm thinking that we have to use the values ​​of the field or just put a fixed price of 1 (in only one area) in the teltap map mapping. For me, by putting the actual value, it looks like useless, just where it is where it is just a matter of where it is. Is there a better way to use ELT components? My current job is this: The TELTMAP component with the actual data values ​​looks like this: But I can also do the same thing with the following configuration: Should I put something in the fields? The following is a demonstration of how to use ETL operations, from which data is extracted from database, read in memory, Turned up and then fed back into the database. After the clarification, opi specially wants to know how it will be differe

html,php,sql form with table -

I have html form with PHP; MySQL queries that select data from a database and display it in a table, I am now struggling to split that table into pages if its too long, and the first row of the table is clickable And to sort that header is pressed. I managed to do this, but with a classic table, not one that is inside the form and submit the button. Here's a part of my code. & lt; Form id = "form6" name = "form6" method = "post" action = "user.php" & gt; & Lt; P class = 'p1' id = 'pall' & gt; Display of all data & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'div1' & gt; & Lt; Input type = "submit" name = "display_all_data" id = "display_all_data" value = "display all data" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; If (isset ($ _ POST ['display_all_data'])) {echo "& lt; script> window.location.href = '# pAll'; "; Echo "&am

xpages - onClick Event Banner in Application Layout -

I found an app layout with an image as a banner. Is it possible to pair the event handler with an onclick event in the banner? & lt; Xe: applicationLayout id = "applicationLayout1" & gt; & Lt; Xp: this.facets & gt; & Lt; / XP: this.facets & gt; & Lt; Xp: callback facetName = "facetMiddle" id = "facetmiddle" & gt; & Lt; / Xp: callback & gt; & Lt; XE: this.configuration & gt; & Lt; Xe: AQU Product Logo = "/ ISI Logo Page" Product LogoHigh = "70 Pixel" Product Logue = "250px" & gt; & Lt; XE: this.bannerUtilityLinks & gt; & Lt; / XE: this.bannerUtilityLinks & gt; & Lt; XE: this.titleBarTabs & gt; & Lt; / XE: this.titleBarTabs & gt; & Lt; XE: this.footerLinks & gt; & Lt; / XE: this.footerLinks & gt; & Lt; / XE: oneuiApplication & gt; & Lt; / XE: this.configuration & gt; & Lt; / XE: applicationLayout &am

ios - XCode: Expected identifier or '(' -

We created an iOS app a while back which works perfectly on Mac on which it was developed, But which throws errors when we try to compile it on a different mac. To move it to another Mac, we used to copy the entire source directory to the USB stick. If this is the reason for my issues, then someone has told me a better way to transfer projects. There are several dependencies that pull through the cocaadodes in this project. The pods project / target is correctly prepared on the Mac. Legacy compatibility reasons are compiled for both Mac Runnag XCode 5.0.2 and iOS 6.1. The main project, we get many errors of this type: • Expected identifier or '(' • Unexpected '@' in the program • Expected method body This is an example of compilation errors on one of my header files (note that once again The code is exactly the same as that which is compiled correctly on other mac): #import & lt; UIKit / UIKit.h> @interface DiagnosticViewCont Program: Unexp

c# - Using .NET library in Windows Phone 8.1 application -

I want to create a Windows Phone 8.1 application in C #. I have a commercial NET library that I need to use in accordance with the documentation, which is compatible with Windows and Windows Mobile operating systems. When I add a reference to this library in my project and compile, I get the following error: Type system can not be found. Collabations. Selection module module mscorlib.dll . Any way to use this library in the Windows Phone 8.1 application?

ember.js - Ember Cannot read property 'shouldSupercede' of undefined with a new route -

I've just added a new route for my application and when I change it, Amber "did not read the merits" () -> gt; This is my router: @ source 'page', - & gt; @ Source 'page', {path: ': page_id'}, - & gt; # There are lots of paths here, all work @ root 'design' # new route which is caused by error when transitioning to I started searching for the router code but I Not sure what is going on but hopefully something is clear that I am missing. If I add some logging inside amber then it is actually thrown away, when this page is searching something on the path, but then that path works fine. In addition to this, it does not matter if I do page path or not, if I reload it with the page already on the design route, then I get the same error: infected in 'design' ember.js? Body = 1: 14464 Uncheck TypeError: Disorganized One reason for this problem is that Property 'can not be read' {{li

javascript - Create a session when i select any option in select box using PHP? -

I am trying to create a session while selecting an option in a selection box but it is not working I can not even get the value from the selection box. I am using isset ($ _ POST ['SelectBoxName']) , is there a choice? I am trying to code below, but it is not working. I already have one more session in the same program, will it be a problem? This is used for any other process, and I want to make another session for any other process, but both should be in the same program. Another session is working perfectly, but it is not. & lt ;? Php echo " Select the name = 'Cart' attribute style = 'width: 50px;' Onchange = 'ajaxQuantityChange ()' "; {Foreach ($ value as $ key2 = & gt; $ value2) for {$ Q = 1; $ q "; // Make a session if (project $ ($ _ POST ['cartquantity'])) {$ _SESSION ['cartrint'] = $ _ POST ['cartrint']; }? & Gt; This is the "ajaxquantitychange" function: & lt; S

css - Transition effect on parent element when destroying child elements within it -

मैं transition को parent < / Em> div जब एक बच्चे तत्व इसके भीतर नष्ट हो जाता है मैं बच्चे तत्व को निकालने के लिए फ़ेडऑट () का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और संक्रमण: ऊंचाई 2 एस को माता-पिता div में लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, लेकिन जब मैं बाल तत्व को नष्ट कर देता हूं तो ऐसा लगता नहीं लगता है कि मैंने भी संक्रमण: सभी 2s की कोशिश की है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि या तो काम नहीं करता। मुझे कोई और प्रश्न नहीं मिल सका जिसका जवाब मैं संतुष्ट हूं जो मैं देख रहा हूं। पैरेंट डिवि 'ऑप्शन' क्लास का है .. यहां पेरेंट डिवेल पर सीएसएस है: । Option {color: # 052101; पृष्ठभूमि रंग: सफेद; बॉक्स-छाया: 2px 2px 5px काले; चौड़ाई: 20%; पैडिंग: 10px; पाठ संरेखित करें: केंद्र; मार्जिन: 0 ऑटो; संक्रमण: सभी 2s; }

java - ResourceBundle.getBundle(class,locale) don't get default Bundle -

My machine (Windows 7 64 bit) is a very strange behavior with ResourceBundle.getBundle on both Java 7 and Java 8 and I am confused. . I try to get the Myraterreser bundle (which spreads the Ressar Bundle) to the selected locale. Here is the general code (Shortline and Simplified): Default RessourceBundle class: Public class MyRessource ResourceBundle Extended {@ Override Object Handgate Object (Last String Key) {if ( Key.equals ("Submit")) Return "Submit"; Return tap; German RessourceBundle class: public class MyRessource_de MyRessource Extended {@Override Safe Object Handgate Object (Last String Key) {if (key.equals ("Deposit Do ")) Return" Absent "; Return tap; }} Then I want to retrieve the German bundle: last resource bundle bundle_de = ResourceBundle.getBundle (MyRessource.class.getName () ), Locel Germany); LOG.debug ("bundle {}", bundle_de); LOG.debug (bundle_DE.getString ("Submit")); Output is:

button - How to set a listener in a RadioButton - Android -

I have 3 radio buttons in 3 different linear layouts. I, I can not have a radio group. How do I set up listeners? I try with the On-Check Listener: RadioButton Badchauge = (Radio Button) SearchVBIID (RID.badokiz); badChoise.setOnCheckedChangeListener (New OnCheckedChangeListener () {@Override public void onCheckedChanged (CompoundButton buttonView, Boolean isChecked) {// TODO Auto-not manufactured method stub // I need to determine what I buttonView, and isChecked} < / Code> If I have set onClickListener on my radio button, then I have this error: 10-28 13: 06: 10.893: E / Android time (29179) ): FATAL Exceptions: Main 10-28 13: 06: 10.893: E / AndroidRuntime (29179): java.lang.NullPointerException 10-28 13: 06: 10.893: E / AndroidRuntime (29179): com.example.survey.Survey At $ 1. OnClick ( 10-28 13: 06: 10.893: E / Android Rentaim (29179) on Android. View.View.performClick (see. Java: 4377) 10-28 13: 06: 10.893: E / AndroidRuntime (29179):

javascript - Directive not able to access ng-repeated children until after a digest -

I am writing a guide on the UL elements, often with the children stamped using NG-repeat Are there. I need access to these children to make some copies, but in my postlink function, if I call iElement.children (), I will get an empty list! Even stranger is that if I use Dome property, i.e.lelegance [0]. Children, I get a real list. I can fix it by wrapping everything in $ timeout, but it creates a flicker because I manipulate some DOM in my code. I tried to use the scope. $ EvalAsync, but then the children are not there, as any ideas as what is happening before? I am most curious why DOM works children's property but jqLite Children () is not the method. Perhaps what happens here that instructions are bound and fire before ng revision Finished eliminating elements on the scene You can solve this with your $ 1 broadcast event from your controller and hold it inside the director with $ at the event listener. if ($ radius. $$ last === true) {$ radius. $ Broadcast (

xml - Value based conditional restriction in XSD 1.0 -

नीचे मेरा नमूना XML है: & lt; रूट एलेमेंट विशेषतानाम = "मान 1" & gt; & LT; ChildElement & gt; 0 & lt; / ChildElement & gt; & LT; ChildElement & gt; 1 & lt; / ChildElement & gt; & LT; ChildElement & gt; 2 & lt; / ChildElement & gt; & LT; ChildElement & gt; 3 & lt; / ChildElement & gt; & Lt; / RootElement & gt; मैं attributeName के मूल्य के आधार पर प्रतिबंध जोड़ना चाहता हूं। विशेषता का मान Value1 | Value2 | Value3 हो सकता है यदि विशेषता नाम का मान Value1 या Value2 है तो कोई भी बच्चा तत्व मौजूद नहीं होना चाहिए। यदि गुण नाम का मान मान 3 है तो वहां न्यूनतम 1 और अधिकतम 15 बाल-एलेमेंट उपस्थित होना चाहिए। मैं इसे XSD v1.0 के साथ हासिल करना चाहता हूं। मुझे एक्सएसडी v1.1 के साथ कुछ समाधान मिले, लेकिन मैं उनका उपयोग नहीं कर सकता क्योंकि मैं इसे XSD v1.0 में प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। मुझे सार और पसंद के साथ कुछ समाधान मिल गए हैं लेकिन इसके साथ ही यह अलग-अलग बाल तत्व नाम प्रदान करता है। मैं केवल "

headless - PhantomJS freezes -

I am trying to open a website using PhantomJS using the capture example < Code> var page = ('webpage') is required create () ('', function () {page.render ('github.png'); phantom.exit ();}); This code works fine on my local machine, using Ubuntu 14.04. But when I run the code on the virtual server, callback never calls and the script does not exit the server and my local machine exact same setup is in progress. I tried to virtualize it with VMWare and on 2 different servers with Virtuozzo. This does not appear to be a network error because all requests are successful. Actually UserAgent caused all the hassle @ Kalam-B asked me about this question Told. The only difference is that the image file for me was never created with the UserAgent setting page.settings.userAgent = 'Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 6.3 ; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 37.0.2049.0 Safari / 537.36 '; Re

Unable to click on the bootstrap editor -

I have implemented the code for the bootstrap editor by referencing the code I am able to write the editor Code in But when I select a text and click to change any control in bold, italic or some other control, then it is not changing. Can you please help me to solve this problem? When you select text, I work with you, you want to edit.

How to convert object data into json string in PHP? -

I am getting results in the object and I have to change it in Jason and I do not understand that doing this I need help << p> << p> << p> << p>] = & gt; Chang Sindelar) [1] = & gt; Study Class Object ([user_id] = & gt; 84 [username]] = Sylvester Hillebrand)) and I convert to json string Want to I want some results in this way: {"85": "Chang Sindelar", "84": "Ezekiel Watersson", "83": "Sylvester Hillebrand"} No Idea Thank you. Using this function, your object will return to the array of properties of that object. array get_object_vars (object $ object) returns get_object_vars ($ your_object_variable_here)

Mysql SUM CASE with unique IDs only -

The easiest explained by an example. A father has children running children How many fathers dynasty live in the race and in the total number of castes a father's descendants (winners and wins) I can easily find the sum total of victory But sometimes a child gets more than one race so that I need only the sum to explain the winners, if the child has won, it has not been won every time. I can not use separately to exclude from a query, so it does not work SUM (case when r.finish = '1' and different H. Runnersaid 1 1 ELSE 0 END) As a winner, this will not work too SUM (select DISTINCT r.runnersid runs by R WHERE r.finish = '1') Winner This works when I should get the total amount of victory. SUM (case when Rfinish = '1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) wins, here is a sqlfiddle Let's take action from this step. You have two pieces of information that you are seeing: who has won a race, and how many castes they are. / P> By taking

Undo checkin in TFS using visual studio 2012: rollback will not give me my pending changes back -

When I had a list of all my pending changes (in many solutions) open (and I) confirmed confirmation a few years ago Had been disabled, although it has restored it now). I know that I can rollback one of the specific changes, but it will not return my checkout item because it only overwrites the changes of the changes with the new changes. Does anyone know how to undo a checkin and receive my check-out items and make changes back? There is probably an extension to rollback, to keep the changes locally and check those files again. Or to keep other changes and to check the files (automatically each file is to work a lot). Edit Nobody seems right. The best solution for me was described in 'rollback rollback'

objective c - variable becomes nil in numberOfRowsInTableView after being set in another method -

My class looks like this: @interface ApplicantPickerController: AppPage & LT; NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate & gt; {School * school; __wake IBOutlet NSTableView * tableView; NSMutableArray * Family List; __weak IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator * Progress Indicator; } - (IBAction) Alphabet ButtonPressed: (ID) Sender; @end in alphabetButtonPressed method, I'm while getting a json array from a web service and to familyList Describe. After doing this, I do [reload the tableView]; control passes to - (NSInteger) numberOfRowsInTableView: (NSTableView *) tableView method, familyList null . Why is this happening and how can I fix it? I am using ARC for this project. Cocoa / Objective C Newbie here Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you updated - on the implementation of the class: @interface ApplicantPickerController () @end @implementation ApplicantPickerController - (IBAction) alphabetButtonPressed :( ID) Sender {{Progress Indicator ini

xml - XSLT: insert elements if they are not present -

I have to update a lot of XML files with a simple configuration. The problem I have in my XML files - the config element is optional and they may have some configuration. So what do I do: if it is missing insert element in the element element in the element from and element if they were already there - then leave it . First : & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Config & gt; & Lt ;! - This option is not exactly defined - & gt; & Lt; Element2 attr = "c" /> & Lt; / Config & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; What do I do : & lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Config & gt; & Lt; Element1 attr = "a" /> & Lt; Element2 attr = "b" / & gt; & Lt ;! - This is not an override, but insert if missing - & gt; & Lt; Element3 attr = "c" /> & Lt; / Config & gt; & Lt; / Root & gt; So there are many templates in my thoughts and if it is not so, apply the firs

windows - how to save data/records from html form to DB2 database -

यह मेरा html फ़ॉर्म है & lt; form class = "form-horizontal" id = "MyCredantials" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" & gt; & Lt; label class = "col-sm-2-control-label" & gt; उपयोगकर्ता नाम: & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-sm-10 col-md-2" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "फ़ॉर्म-नियंत्रण" id = "tbUsername" प्लेसहोल्डर = "उपयोगकर्ता नाम" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "फॉर्म-समूह" & gt; & Lt; label class = "col-sm-2-control-label" & gt; ईमेल: & lt; / label & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "col-sm-10 col-md-2" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "फ़ॉर्म-नियंत्रण" id = "tbEmail" प्लेसहोल्डर = "ईमेल" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग =

weblogic - Java ClassLoader Issue or Concurrency Error? -

After a weblog app, I'm suddenly getting an exception for some weeks: & lt; October 25, 2014 9:31:11 PM EDT & gt; & Lt; Error & gt; & Lt; HTTP & gt; & Lt; BEA-101,020 & gt; & Lt; [ServletContext @ 60724164 [AP: J 3000 Module: J 3000] Road: Speak-Edition: 2.5]] Servlet failed with java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError After which application Completely ends up with NoClassDefFoundError until the app server is restarted. The full stack trace shows that the problem arises from a concurrent correction in a stable initial. Particularly the equivalent / least code is as follows: package a; Import b; Whatever the public class (cancel) () {password p = new password (); }} Package b; Applying Public Final Category Password Serializable {Personal Static Final Integer PARAM1 = CommonStuff.someStaticMethod (); ...} Import java.util.Properties; Public class commonstaff {personal static properties PRP = new properties (); Stable {normalsto

sql - Oracle Apex column link from LOV values -

Would you please advise if possible even below. Using Oracle 11G and APEX 4.2.6 I have a data grid that brings all functions from the master table. But show the work name via LOV I am trying to add the link through the column link. But I have to stop LOV to do this work. That would give me the link but it is not very useful. Examples below. & lt; A href = "f? P = 103: 5: 790725 9112753: no: P5_MAST_ID: 44,193" & gt; 44,193 & lt; / A & gt; Is there a way, so I can still use LOV. That's why the return value gives me an ID for the link, but the display value gives me anchor text example below & lt; A href = "f? P = 103: 5: 790725 9112753 :: NO :: P5_MAST_ID: 44193" & gt; Weekend & lt; / A & gt; Many thanks mostly Apex 4.1, but this approach Should work. You do not need LOV. Your report query should include both MAST_ID and TASK_NAME columns. Hide the TASK_NAME columns and set MAST_ID as th

CSS styling methodology: From inside to outside or vice versa -

When I'm styling a webpage, it is better to start with external external elements and to move inwards or in other ways. Close, out of the outside? For example & lt; Div class = outer & gt; & Lt; Div class = inner & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; .ter {width: 170px; ... ...}. Player {height: 170px; ... ...} What is sensible? Style first combines more specific instructions for external class and inner class or vice versa? If this is a very common question, I apologize, but I always end up doing it randomly without any proper order, so I was curious to see that Have some suggestions and / or guidelines. This allows me to create a pattern and layout first, and after that on the details of Go ahead.

High Level Consumer Failure in Kafka -

मेरे पास निम्न कफ़ा सेटअप है निर्माता की संख्या: 1 विषयों की संख्या: 1 विभाजन की संख्या: 2 उपभोक्ताओं की संख्या: 3 (एक ही समूह आईडी के साथ) काफ़का क्लस्टर की संख्या: कोई नहीं (एकल कफका सर्वर) ज़ूकिपीर सत्र। टाइमआउट: 1000 उपभोक्ता प्रकार: हाई लेवल उपभोक्ता निर्माता बिना किसी विशिष्ट विभाजन तर्क (डिफ़ॉल्ट विभाजन तर्क) के संदेश बनाता है उपभोक्ता 1 को लगातार संदेश खपटा जाता है मैं अचानक उपभोक्ता को मार रहा हूं 1 और मैं उपभोक्ता 2 या उपभोक्ता 3 को छोड़कर उपभोक्ता 1 की विफलता के बाद संदेशों का उपभोग करना चाहता हूं। कुछ मामलों में पुन: संतुलन होता है और उपभोक्ता 2 संदेशों को उपभोग करना शुरू करते हैं यह बिल्कुल ठीक है लेकिन कुछ मामलों में उपभोक्ता 2 या उपभोक्ता 3 सभी उपभोक्ता नहीं हैं मुझे सभी उपभोक्ताओं को मैन्युअल रूप से मारना होगा और सभी तीन उपभोक्ताओं को फिर से शुरू करना होगा। उपभोक्ता 1 को पुन: प्रारंभ करने के बाद ही फिर से उपभोग शुरू होता है। कुछ मामलों में ठीक से पुन: संतुलन सफल होता है, जबकि कुछ मामलों में पुन: संतुलन सफल नहीं होता है। क्या कोई भी कॉन्फ़िगरेशन है जो मुझे

r - simplify multiple one to one paired aggregation -

I want to calculate the mean for one coupled one by one. For example, I have data. The frame is below I column I b1 to sym & amp; I want to calculate the mean; a1 , and b2 by sym & amp; a2 together sym a1 a2 b1 b2 1 a 1 2 1 1 2 a 2 2 2 2 3 a1 2 3 3 4 a 2 2 4 4 5 b 1 1 5 5 6 b 2 1 6 6 7b 1 7 7 8b 2 1 8 8 This is my code that repeats the lapply more than every couple what else than this Is there a more efficient way? df < - data.frame (sym = c (representative ('a', 4), representative ('b', 4)), a1 = representative (1: 2, 4), a2 = representative (2: 1, each) = 4), B1 = Representative (1: 8), B2 = Representative (1: 8)) TMP < - ddply (df, "sym", function (x) {} - lapply (1: 2, function (i) {t2 & lt; - total (x = x [3 + i], by = X [1 + i], (= a), "b" t2}) temp.all text after dplyr makes it very simple: library (dplyr) inner_join (df% & gt;% group_by (symbol, A1)% & gt;% short (b1.mean =

plot array from matrix matlab -

मेरे पास इस तरह MATLAB में एक मैट्रिक्स है: day1 = 1 964 1 893 2 15 2 14 3 882 2 15 2 15 1 9 42 2 16 3 17 4 1993 प्रथम स्तंभ में मेरे पास एक गतिविधि का लेबल होता है और स्तंभ 2 में गतिविधि की लंबाई होती है ( सेकंड में); मेरा लक्ष्य अनुक्रमिक समय के दौरान इन गतिविधियों को साजिश करना है (एक्स अक्ष का समय और वाई अक्ष का कार्य होगा)। मैं इसे Matlab में कैसे कर सकता हूं? < / Div> यदि मैं आपको सही कहता हूं, तो इसे मूल रूप से दिखना चाहिए day1 = [1 9 64 ; 1 893; 2 15; 2 14; 3 882; 2 15; 2 15; 1 9 42; 2 16; 3 17; 4 1993]; X = cumsum (दिन 1 (:, 2)); Y = day1 (:, 1); साजिश (एक्स, वाई);

jquery - Bootstrap, WordPress & NavWalker - Top Level Nav Links not working -

I know that this issue has been addressed in other postings, however, not working on top NAV link There is a problem. This is a WordPress site built on Bootstrap 3 and is to integrate WordPress navigation into bootstrap structure. Here is the navigation code: & lt; Div class = "navbar navbar-default col-md-9" role = "navigation" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar-header" & gt; & Lt; Button type = "button" class = "navbar-toggle short" data-toggle = "collapse" data-target = ". Navbar-collapse" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "sr-only" & gt; Toggle Navigation & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "icon-bar" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "icon-bar" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Span class = "icon-bar" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; &

javascript - .Net c# webbrowser fill input without id or classname -

I need to fill an input in webbrover but it does not work. I think it should be done with the name property but how? {Enter (login.GetAttribute ("name") == "user name") {login.SetAttribute ("The user name") in the foreach (WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName ("Input") { Value "," xyz "); }} For this data: & lt; Input class = "lfFieldInput" type = "text" name = "username" maxlength = "30" autocapitalize = "false" autocorrect = "false" value = "" data-response = "" & gt; But the code is not filling data (xyz). Have you tried the following: IHTMLElementCollection Input Elements = WebBrowser1 (Document). Entry ("name"}}

flash - changing the shape of a jpeg -

I want to convert a photo from a cross or rectangular to a trapezoid so that I can play it as part of a sequence It can be used by opening a card or a hard-cover book that I consider myself a newbie using Adobe software so that you can translate your answer according to the phrase, which is very useful Thanks a lot. What you want to do is called "masking", which is one of the important things to know, Which version of Flash are you using? If you are using an older version of Flash, it might be slightly different with current versions I can point you to a tutorial for this, but without knowing the exact version you are using. , The instructions can not be precise In fact what you have to do with two layers, one with the image, and the second shape, you make the shape layer a masking layer, and then the image will only show that you do not have to do it through the shape / mask can see. In addition, it can help you:

c# - Scrolling Troubles -

I have a window form and a flow layout panel on the form. I'm dynamically adding text boxes to the flow layout panel and correcting the auto scroll for the flow. Dynamic text boxes in the panel show very wrong. Can there be a vertical scroll bar that will scroll the data in the flow layout panels along with the form of windows? I have tried to correct scrolling property with auto-wrap, and wrap the consultants wrong, but only adds the scroll bar to the flow layout panel, not the whole form. I also tried the code to add a scrollbar, which is successful, but it will not just show the form layout panel, a way to use 1 scroll bar on the right side of the form to scroll form and flow layout panel is? In this way, the code I used to create the scroll bar is as follows. VScrollBar scrollbar 1 = new VScrollBar (); Scrollbar 1 Doc = DocStyle. Right; Controls.Add (scrollbar1); Edit # 1 ---- I also tried to add the scroll bar as both forms along with the form layout panel and it di