
Showing posts from September, 2014

How to pass paramater to ajax jquery to call action from another Controller -

I have a drop down list size, I need to take action from an administrator when clicking the button: How do I call to edit the action using AJAX jquery and use value ddlsize using AJAX jquery. You can attach events by clicking on the event (or on-change) and thus an AJAX request Send: & lt; Script & gt; $ ('# Yourcomboboxid') Click (function () {// create model according to the edition criteria var model = {selected index: "2", selected value: "2014"}; $ .ajax ({url: ' Type: 'Post', Data Type: 'HTML', Data: JSN Stringhey (Model), 'url' ("Edit", "Home"), Content Type: 'Application / Jason; Carset = UTF-8', Type: }}. Success (work (results) {});}); & Lt; / Script & gt;

logging - Standard way to implement a Logger across classes in Java? -

I am creating a JavaFix application with many classes. I want to use Java logging from all classes. But all options come with excessive or repetitive code. These are the ones I can think of: Announce the wood as a personal stable last field in each class Personal Static Last Logger LOGGER = Logger .GetLogger (MyClass.class.getName ()); This option is disturbed by doing this in every category. Take the logger from the main category to each manufacturer Do not feel elegant again Logger, and then call the steady ways on that square for each log item It looks like there is too much to make an additional class for logger. How do you fight with this situation? Is it the case of choosing the least bad option? I disagree about "excess". Third option: the "wrapper" option is actually quite elegant Because there is a dedicated class for logger () and it allows you to switch the rest of the code without any "hood" implementation (, etc.)

Azure Website - configure SSL Bindings with PowerShell or cross-platform CLI -

Our position is that we often want to add new custom sub-domains for many Azure websites and we need it process So that we can reduce any need for manual intervention and reduce the risk of screwing up some things. Esure cross-platform CLI tools and powershief CMDlet provide me the scripts with sufficient functionality for everyone, with the obvious exception of SSL binding ... Websites are all HTTPS-only, and which domains We add that SNI SSL binding is required. Azure Management Portals Allows you to configure SSL binding manually How can I use PowerShell cmdlets or cross-platform CLI tools for the domain of the website? If it is not possible to use any of those devices, then what are some other ways, when we can script the process to add / remove domains to sites? I have finally managed it successfully using Azure Web Sites Management REST API. The original documentation on which I gave my example below is no longer available 2014, but the EzuR resource explorer Joe

Nodejs Websocket image upload not working on CentOS -

I implemented the websocket file upload implementation as described above: This is my Ubuntu VM But works great on But when I uploaded the code to a CentOS 6 server, the picture did not work when I uploaded it. I tried uploading a large text file, and it was okay. I then tried a zip, and it still did not work on the file on the server and the uploaded file has the same file size, so it works fine. Can I just accept some kind of encoding encryption? But basically I really got stuck. Anyone got any ideas? If I have not made any progress in the next day or 2 then I will have to try using Ajax to do this work. I got the solution I had to implement new chain rules for iptables, and the server had to listen on the custom ports for web sockets. After that, everything works great. I had to make it permanent.

How can I sum the second digit to the last digit in an integer on java? -

Can you tell me how "sumSecTolastD" operator can fix this program to do the following: < Second digit in the last digit in the integer (for example: 324 + 1) since (1 + 4) + (6 + 4) + (8 + 7 + 6) = 1 (1 + 2) = 1 564 + 9876 = 2) 29) 2 - If I include only one digit, it is still capable of giving me the amount (for example: 1 + 3 + 4 = 8). Import java.util. *; Public square pr66 {public static zero main (string [] args) {scanner scan = new scanner (; Int number 1; Int number 2; Int number 3; Int sumLastD; Int sumSecTolastD; System.out.print ("Please type an integer:"); Num1 = scan.nextInt (); System.out.print ("Please type an integer:"); Num2 = scan.nextInt (); System.out.print ("Please type an integer:"); Num3 = scan.nextInt (); SumLastD = num1% 10 + num2% 10 + num3% 10; Println (); System.out.println ("- LastDigitSum:" + num1% 10 + "+" + 2 + 10 + "+ + + 3 + 10 +" = "+ + sumLastD); if (su

ios - NSData only has class method "NSData.dataWithContentsOfMappedFile(<#path: String#>)" -

Whenever I try to enter NSData.dataWithContentsOfURL () , Xcode does not recognize it is. Only one identifies this NSData.dataWithContentsOfMappedFile (& lt; # path: string # & gt;) Here it looks like: When the OBJC has a SWIFT import interface, then it considers the methods of the factory category that use the coca naming conventions in the initial form. In general, the column method on nSThing is changed to thingWithNumber: initiator init (number :) and you Beginner with the syntax and class name says: NSThing (number: 42) . In the case of those who have a item number: -style class method and an initWithNumber: -style instance method that does the same thing, for the same swift initiator Both maps In this case, dataWithContentsOfURL: and initWithContentsOfURL: become init? (Content of URL) . You can find more of these conversions Swift interface in Xcode (command-click on class name) or in class

html - CSS vertical align inside a FIXED position div -

मेरे पास एक शीर्ष है: फिक्स्ड स्थिति। यहां सीएसएस है: #header {position: fixed; ऊंचाई: 6 एएम; प्रदर्शन क्षेत्र; चौड़ाई: 100%; पृष्ठभूमि: आरजीबीए (255, 255, 255, 1); z- सूचकांक: 9; text-align: केंद्र; रंग: # 000000; } और अंदर, मैं बीच का मध्य और ऊर्ध्वाधर मध्य मध्य केंद्र चाहता हूँ। यहां तक ​​कि मेरे पास अभी तक है, लेकिन यह काम नहीं कर रहा है सभी उदाहरण ऑनलाइन कंटेनर के रूप में एक पूर्ण स्थिति के साथ दिखाता है, लेकिन यह निश्चित एक के साथ काम नहीं कर रहा है। HTML: & lt; div id = "header" & gt; & Lt; div id = "bandname" & gt; बीवॉल्फ फोटोग्राफ़ी & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "insta" & gt; & lt; img src = "imgs / insta.png" width = "40" alt = "टैबलेट" / & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div id = "bandname" & gt; बीवॉल्फ फोटोग्राफ़ी & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; पाठ और छवि के लिए सीएसएस: #bandname {display: inline-block; फ़

Import Bulk Json to Firebase -

How to import bulk json files to firebug using the reverse API. Is every search query string saved as a file in the firebase. Consult FireBus and how to upload / import JSON and interact with JSON. Store.

ruby - Preprocessing markup files in jekyll -

I would like to write a preprocessor before being processed by HTML in HTML before being run on the border of markup languages. Ideally, the user will only create a file called _posts /, and I'll preprose it in by giving it a plugin, and after that it will process it in HTML in general. It seems that the converter structure of Jacobine does not allow it because the output_ext function is only given the last extension "wmd", for ".md.wmd" Prevents ".md" from returning, ".textile.wmd" for ".textile", etc. Is there a way to implement a series of processing steps in this way? Edit: Grammar Maybe you use one of your wmd converter You can try to use: "yourWmdConverter" module Jquell Class Convertmood & lt; Jakele :: Generator Def initialization (config) config ['convert_wmd'] || = True end DRAF generated (site) @ site = site site. {| Posted in | Convert WMD Pos

python - Not able to understand the code in Matplot lib -

I know that the following code is a scattered plot, with its own markers. I am not able to understand the converter function. The normal defunition of the converter function: A mapping for a function is the column number that will change that column to float. For example, if column 0 is a date string: converters = {0: datestr2num}. Converters can also be used to provide a default value for wrong data (but also see genomom): converters = {3: lambda s: float (s. Crypt) or 0)}. Default: None. But I am not able to understand what it does in the following code; Does read_label function? NMP import as import matplotlib.pyplot plt label_list = (b'Iris-setosa ', b'Iris-versicolor', b'Iris-virginica ',), Read_label (Label): return_label.index (label) data = np.loadtxt ('', delimiter = ',', converters = {4: read_label}) marker_set = ('^', 'X', ' .), For calculating (marker_set) in the marker: data_subset = numpy.

Java Memory Leak in FIFO queue implementation -

I read some material about Java memory leak, it implements the FIFO queue to leak memory with sticks is. But I do not understand why this will create memory leakage. Is it because he removed the unused slot in the 'pop' operation? Can anyone explain me? queue [head] = null The implementation of FIFO queue is as follows: public class FIFOQueue {personal Object [] queue; Private integer size = 0, head = 0, tail = 0; Private static final full INITIAL_CAPACITY = 16; Public FIFOQueue () {Qi = New Item [INITIAL_CAPACITY]; } Public Zero Push (object e) {confirmCapacity (); Queue [tail] = e; Size ++; Tail = increase in salary (tail); } Public Object Pop () throws EmptyStackException {if (size == 0) New empty stack exception (); Shape-; Object return value = queue [head]; Head = increment (head); Return return value; } / ** Each time the array needs to be increased to double the capacity. * / Private ability to ensure zero () {if (qi length == size) queue = arrays.copyOf (q

html - How to add a mailto to a sentence without extra spacing? -

मेरे पास एक साधारण वाक्य है। - अधिक जानकारी के लिए, ईमेल । मुझे उस वाक्य को नियमित रूप से पाठ करने की आवश्यकता है, बिना क्लिक करने योग्य, जब तक मैं "" प्राप्त नहीं करता हूं, तब मुझे क्लिक करने योग्य और आपके ईमेल को खोलने की आवश्यकता है। मैंने ऐसा कोडिंग करने की कोशिश की: & lt; p id = "email" & gt; अधिक जानकारी के लिए, ईमेल & lt; a href = "" & gt ;< / a & gt;। & lt; / p & gt; समस्या यह है कि जब मैं साइट को खोलता हूं, तब "ईमेल" और "" के बीच एक बड़ा अंतर है और यह केवल अच्छा नहीं दिखता है। क्या यह कुछ मैं सीएसएस में करूँगा? धन्यवाद फिर से! & lt; style = "" post-text "itemprop =" text "> मार्जिन-बाएं: 0 पिक्सेल; पैडिंग-बाएं: 0 पिक्सेल; " href = "" & gt;< / a & gt; यह आपके पेज / एप्लिकेशन में

segmentation fault - Rust: Segfault when executing specific line of code from a dynamically loaded library -

I used a simple plug-in based system in Roost to gain some skills and gain experience to use the language I'm writing. My system loads libraries to start each plugin dynamically and executes them at runtime This code is for loading and running the plugin input function: (This bit works fine ) pub fn register_plugins & lt; 'Rp & gt; (& Amp; 'rp mut self) {p1 = match DynamicLibrary :: open (some ("")) {fine (Lib) = & gt; Lib, error (error) = & gt; Unsuccessful! ("Could not load library: {}", error)}; Let s1: extern "rust" fn (& PluginSystem) = unsafe {match p1.symbol ("init") {error (error) = & gt; Unsuccessful! ("Function init could not be loaded: {}", error), ok (init) = & gt; Mem :: transmute :: & lt; * Mut u8, _ & gt; (Init)}}; S1 (&; } This plugin has an init function within the Library: # [no_mangle] pub fn init (ps: and plug-in system

sql - How to combine different queries results into a single query result table -

Here's one thing. I'm trying to find a query that can include all 3 results. But second only how to query for one of them. Question: At least 200 members participate: Provide the following information for each survey: 1) survey ID and survey details 2) Number of members starting the survey 3) Number. Find survey_id, Survey_desc, Tbl_survey, Tbl_member_participation from TOTALNUMBER where tbl-survey.member_id = Tbl_member_participation.member_id survey_id, being Survey_desc being TOTALNUMBER & gt as Group (Tbl_survey.member_id); = 200 2) Queries for the number of subscribers started but did not end. Select count (select_id) from Tbl_survey, where survey_id exists (Survey_ID, survey_desk, count (Tbl_survey.member_id) Select Tbl_survey, Tbl_member_participation as the total number where tbl-survey Member_id = Tbl_member_participation.member_id survey_id, Survey_desc being group by TOTALNUMBER & gt; = 200) and finishi_date is ** null ** survey_id by g - search for a word in entire table - MySQL -

Currently using the following code to search for a word in the entire table, String = "sample" as a slow search string as mysql = "SELECT * FROM myTable" & amp; _ "Where '%' as the call 1 & amp; Search & amp; "% '" & Amp; _ "Or '%' like call 2 & amp; Search & amp; "% '" & Amp; Like "_" or 3 as'% '& amp; Search & amp; "%'" & Amp; _ "or call 4 & quot; & quot; & amp;"% & quot; " but increases the number of columns but if the query becomes more difficult, then anyone can suggest some alternative methods to do this. Use a loop to make your string a program In this example, you only need to add your column to the array. forms of retarded form In the form of the string = = "sample" = dimension (string) = {"col1", "col2", "col3", "col4"} as blurted bo

ms dos - How to rename multiple file names through Ms-dos command -

How to add a string (100000) to multiple file names through MS-DOS commands. I have multiple files stored in a single file (customer, address, post_array..etc) etc. I want to add 100000 string for these file names below. 100000_customer.txt 100000_address.txt 100000_posrtal_area.txt How to do this single dos command? Is this possible? Many thanks for your help. Sunitha. Try this command ren "* .txt" "100000 _ *. Txt"

php - Laravel - Change created_at to use unix timestamp -

I am working on the Laravel 4 application and would like to save Unix timestamps for the create_at and updated_at fields instead of default timestamps < / P> "post-text" itemprop = "text"> You can only receive a timestamp property, such as: $ Timestamp = $ model-> Made_at-> Timestamp; Or, you can override, and create a migration of required fields, such as: $ table-> Integer ('created_at'); $ Table & gt; Integer ('updated_at');

c# - SetView in Windows Phone map with desired locations, margin and center point -

I've added a map to my Windows Phone 8 app. Now I want one with a focal point on the map. To see the point. XAM: & lt; Grid X: Name = "ContentPanel" grid. Rowspan = "2" & gt; & Lt; Grid.RowDefinitions & gt; & Lt; RowDefinition Height = "68" /> & Lt; RowDefinition Height = "1" /> & Lt; Roadfinish height = "65" /> & Lt; RowDefinition Height = "1" /> & Lt; Roadfinion height = "*" /> & Lt; /Grid.RowDefinitions> & Lt; Map: map x: name = "map" grid. Line = "5" height = "800" /> & Lt; Image source = "/ property / images / pin" width = "35" height = "55" workspaceElement = "center" horizontal alignment = "center" grid. Rowspan = "5" canvas.jndex = "15" /> & Lt; Button grid Rows = "0" content = "search" /> & Lt;

git - Libgit2Sharp: How to update symbolic ref "HEAD" on remote repo? -

I need to update the head on the remote to point to some other branch so that I can remove the branch on the remote I am a repo for removing the master branch on the remote .Network I'm using Push (Remote, "Riffs / Head / Master") call. Is there any way to do this in Libgit2Sharp? This allows remote, but most do not, because it is so little that you actually Want to. The active branch on a repository can only be changed from the repository Pushing will not help you here. You have to go to the repository on the server and replace the existing branch, or use whatever administrative interface you have on the server. On the command line, it will be something like git symbolic-ref -m "switch active branch" HEAD refs / heads / some-other-branch But if you want to do, remove the master branch on the server and do not take birth git update-ref -d refs / head / master You'll find there.

c# - Unit test not using derived object -

I am trying to test a function that implements a number of tables, I have taken a formula, and I am currently writing a set of test cases to check the normal operation, and then to exclude two logic matters from the boundary outcomes. The function is being tested public static int getNumberOfStars (Dice ourDice, int mod = 0) {int roll = ourDice.gurpsRoll () + mod; Int numerator = (int) (Math Floor ((roll-0.0) / 5.0); // Fix some possible logic bug if (numStars & lt; 1) numStars = 1; Else if (numStars> 3) numStars = 3; Return numbers; } Dice is something that acts as an interface with a PRGG. The work in the question roll is 3d 6 counterfeit object: public class counterfeit drugs: dice {public ant die roll; Public New Intimate Gurgaon Roll () {Return Dasura Roll; } ...} And finally, the case of the trial [TestMethod] Public Zero VerifyMaxNumberOfStars () {FakeDice ourDice = new FakeDice (); OurDice.diceRoll = 18; Int numDice = StarReference.getNumberOfStars (

php - PDO(?) -- :variable -

I found this code. How is it possible to use a variable (delete command) before defining it? My understanding, at least - is that: ID for the value of $ id. $ this-> Db- & gt; Query ('ID = ID: in Sessions with Sentence'); $ This- & gt; Db- & gt; Tie (': id', $ id); here, : id is not a variable, it A named placeholder. In the second statement, you can tie PDF to the value of $ id with the : id placeholder. See.

ios - Getting JsonData in UITableView -

मेरे पास एक JSON डेटा है LearnerNotes = (({notes = "Neely डाउन "; नोट्सडेट =" 2014-10-27 13:53:47 "; नोटआईआईडी = 15;}, {नोट्स = प्रेरणा; नोट्सडेट =" 2014-10-27 13:22:28 "; नोटआईआईडी = 14;}) ); अवधि = "2014-11-04 टी 10"; पीरियोडआईडी = 58127; PersonID = 12735; SubjectName = अंग्रेजी; TeacherNotes = "मेरी सीखना पसंद: यह नोट कुछ पाठ को सम्मिलित करता है क्योंकि शिक्षक इसे बुकिंग करते समय शिक्षक के लिए प्रदान करता है और हमेशा दिखाया जाएगा"; } अब मुझे केवल LearnerNotes जैसे मिल रहा है ... NSArray * notesArray = [[[jsondata valueForKey: @ "LearnerNotes"] objectAtIndex: 0] valueForKey: @ "नोट्स"]; कंसोल उद्देश्य में ऐसा हो रहा है नोटर्रे (("Neely down", Imposition)) अब मैं इसे UITableView में प्रदर्शित करना चाहता हूं लेकिन यह केवल अंतिम मूल्य आ रहा नहीं है (प्रक्रमण) आ रहा है। IOS के लिए नया Iam कृपया .... एक JSON डेटा प्राप्त करने और एक NSArray < / कोड> सभी नोटों के साथ कुछ संपत्ति

html email - <a href="//" >a</a> link reffer to mail protocol in android -

I am sending emails from my application I have found that the default Android mail application protocol (http / https) webview that protocol email Therefore will direct me to: email: // Now my question is, if The mail application is already opening a webview, why is it using that email as the default protocol?

How to save a file in hadoop with python -

Question: I am starting to learn the hop, however, I need to save a lot of files by using Python. I am unable to understand what I'm doing wrong. Can anyone help me with it? Below is my code. I think that HDFS_PATH is correct because I did not change it in settings while installing it. pythonfile.txt is on my desktop (it is also that the Python code running through the command line). Code: Import Thaiopi import OS hdfs_path = 'hdfs: // localhost: 9000 / python' def main (): Hesopi . Vitatb (hdfs_path, [('pythonfile.txt', Open ('Pythonfile.txt'). ()))] Main () Output If I run the code above, then I get a directory in Python. IMac-van-Brian: Desktop Brian $ $ HADOOP_HOME / bin / hasoop dfs -ls / python Disclaimer: The use of this script has been removed to execute the hdfs command. Instead, use the hdfs command for this 14/10/28 11:30:05 Warne util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load the original-al-Badid library for its platform ... whe

php - Logic exception when using formfield in symfony -

I try to use this type code in my twig DatePicker I am> Form: jquery widget is used here: Like it: {% Block headassets%} {% stylesheets bundle / itozer / css / *. Css 'filter =' cssrewrite '%}' & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "{{asset_url}}" /> {% Endstylesheets%} {{form_datetime_css (form)}} {{form_datetime_js_asset (form)}} {{form_datetime_js (form)}} {% endblock%} But I'm getting It does not have any of the following blocks, in presenting the form: form_datetime_css (form) logic on logic exposure Unable to: "_itw_userbundle_user_css", "Itw_userbundle_user_css", "form_css" What's the problem? Update: I added the subject: {% form_theme form> Mozébharadet timebundle :: form_filz_m.tug '%} but still the only exception is! It appears to me that the form theme is missing. I think this bundle came with a written subject, which increases the fundament

How to pipe I/Q data in Linux -

I am starting my project which can be used as input to read I / Q data from GNU Radio such as SDR Radio software I have thought about using the pipe command to do this for my own application, but in reality how it is not used in this case. Another idea is to get the I / Q data directly from the sound card To do. I would like to ask you what is the most effective way to get these figures. Thank you. Named pipes are a very common way of doing this. The concept is simple First of all, you make a named pipe using the mkfifo command: $ mkfifo my_name_pipe $ ls -l prw-rw-r-- 1 user user 0 Dec 10:04 My_named_pipe As you can see, there is something like a new file with a 'P' flag. Next, configure your GNU Radio app to write this pipe (i.e. a file sync or file descriptor sync) after that, all you have to do is configure your app to read from this file has been done. Note that the GNU Radio app and your app need to be run at the same time. Of course, you can simply co

c# - Illegal characters in path error in XML Deserilation -

I have received XML feedback from my clients, I can not dynamize XML as a string, this is a path Illegal characters in throws an error, so now I save the file to the temporary folder and retrieve it. Is it possible to deserialize without saving the XML file? string xml = post (); XmlSerializer deserializer = New XmlSerializer (typef (envelope)); TextReader Reader = New Stream Reader (XML); & Lt; - Invalid character in path error - & gt; Object obj = deserializer Dairyialize (Reader); Envelope xmldata = (envelope) obj; Reader.Close (); Edit 1 - XML serializer serial lizard = new XML CERTILIZER (typef (envelope)); (Using TextWriter author = new streamer (xml)) & lt; - StringWriter is possible here? - & gt; {Serializer.Serialize (Author, XmlData); } Instead of a streamReader , use one , Which takes. TextReader Reader = New StringRadder (XML); To write, use it: string output; XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer (typef (envelope)); (

android - Scheduled Execution of Process -

As a requirement in the Android OS phone, I am developing an app that will clean up a particular folder in a special interval of time. , say every 30 minutes. I have tried to use this service, check my other postings I am trying to find the best way to execute file cleanup operations. Should I use a service with Broadcasting (or Handlers)? Should I do it within the app without the use of the service? The app can hide itself and works in the background. Is this approach good? I have to say that if the service is only sleeping for a specific time, why should I use the service, why can not it be found in the app itself? Is there any other method through which can I get it? I do not want to wake up the screen, so I do not want to use the alarm manager. So please help me with the best solution Thanks in advance.

extjs5 - Extjs 5 data model - has many association -

I am trying to understand the new association concept in EXTGE 5 data models. I found the following model // user Ext.define ('App.model.User', {extend: 'App.model.Base', field: [ {Name: 'id', type: 'string'}, {name: 'name', type: 'string'},], manyToMany: {Categories: {type: 'categories', role: 'categories', field: 'Categories', true: true}}}); // Category Ext.define ('App.model.Category', {extension: 'App.model.Base', constructor: function () {...}, field: [{name: 'id', type: ' String '}, {name:' categoryName ', type:' string '},]}); I have found the following json for the user: {"user": {"id": "1", "name": "Foo "," Categories ": [1, 2, 3]}} When the user model is loaded, then the data store with the categories store Should start. (My category model knows to change the number in the id a

javascript - Angular filter list without ng-repeat -

NG- Is there a good way to use angular to filter a list without repeating? I do not want to use javascript for the first time to attract the list, but I want to use angular to filter it later. Example: < Pre class = "snippet-code-html lang-html prettyprint-override"> & lt; Input type = "search" ng-model = "search" placeholder = "search for fruits!" / & Gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Banana & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Apple & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; Orange & lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; I want to use the search box to filter the existing HTML. (Please do not give any examples with ng-repeat or jQuery in general) You can write a simple command to handle / show: app.directive ('filterList', function ($ timeout) {return} {link: function (scope) , Element, attrs) {var li = Array.prototype.slice call (element [0]. Child); fil

Java - Conflicting interface type parameters -

I am working on a project that includes reading in the structures from string / I tried to make anything with these lines: The talk of the public square; Public category special tying thing; Public Class Shine Expands Tying Thing; Public intangible class uses ThingsdeviceLiser Iterable & lt; Thing>; Public Intangible Class GenericThingDeserialiser & lt; T extends Thing & gt; The special type of diresializer of the public category expanded the generic typing deciriolizer; Special typing; The public square expands to Shiney Typing Dissolysis GenericThingDeserialiser and lt; & Lt; T & gt; ; Thingsdeveloper implementation Iterable & Lt; Thing & gt; and Trying to apply GenericThingDeserialiser Iterable & lt; T & gt; I'm able to create a set up in a C # like this, why I do it in Java Can not I? Is there no way like this? I also considered removing ThingDeserialiser in the hope that ShinyThi

unit testing - Python mock: mock object not updated when running multiple tests -

I'm trying to duplicate a function calling a remote_pia: Def get_remote_value (): Ret = make_distant_call () Return Rate & gt; 0 This function is said in another function: import_remote_value def_remote_value (): remote_value = get_remote_value () # actually calculates some This does not return the problem. This is my test: @ mock.patch ('another_file.get_remote_value') class MyTest ( TestCase): Def first_test (self, mock_get_remote_value): mock_get_remote_value.return_value = true self.assertEqual (check_remote_value (), True) def second_test (self, mock_get_remote_value): mock_get_remote_value.return_value = wrong self.assertEqual (check_remote_value (), False) / Code> When I test every If I run into the exam, then it works fine. When I run the entire class, the second test fails because get_remote_value returns true and false not. I think check_remote_value function is still using the old fake and that's what's causing the pr

RJDBC limiting rows from Netezza -

I have an RJDBC connection with Nejeda, the query to be exceeded 256 rows is being cut in 256 rows. I have tested the queries in esquirell and they work fine (correct number of rows back - 600+) I have also tried the following: dbFetch (res, N = 1) dbFetch (res, n = 1000) dbSendQuery (conn, "select ... ", BelieNRows = FALSE) All of these return only the first 256 rows. I am on Mac therefore the Odyssey is not an option. Upgrading the JDBC driver from version 5 to version 7 solved the problem.

java - Constructor with same name, but different signatures does not run -

मेरे पास उन 2 कन्स्ट्रक्टर हैं: सार्वजनिक स्टॉक आईटम (लांग आईडी, स्ट्रिंग का नाम, स्ट्रिंग Desc, डबल कीमत) { = id; = name; This.description = desc; यह। मूल्य = मूल्य; } सार्वजनिक स्टॉक आईटम (लांग आईडी, स्ट्रिंग का नाम, स्ट्रिंग डिस, डबल प्राइस, इंट मात्रा) { = id; = name; This.description = desc; यह। मूल्य = मूल्य; This.quantity = मात्रा; } इसे किसी अन्य वर्ग में कर रहा है: स्टॉकआईटम आइटम 2 = नया स्टॉकआईटम (); item2.setId (Long.parseLong (idField.getText ())); item2.setName (nameField.getText ()); item2.setDescription (descField.getText ()); Item2.setprice ((डबल) मठ मैदान (डबल। पीआरडीएडबल (प्राइसफील्ड.गेटटेक्स्ट ()) * 10) / 10); item2.setQuantity (Integer.parseInt (quantityField.getText ())); Println (ITEM2); आउटपुट है: id, name, desc, price यह मात्रा क्यों नहीं लेते आइटम 2 में ??? यदि मैं करता हूं: System.out.println (पूर्णांक। पैरासेन्ट (quantityField.getText ())); यह मुझे मात्रा देता है। क्या कोई मुझे बता सकता है कि दूस

java - Transaction error with Ibm-was and spring -

मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है: java.lang.VerifyError: com / Ibm / websphere / uow / UOWSynchronizationRegistry.registerInterposedSynchronization। मैं उपयोग कर रहा हूं: बीन आईडी = "transactionManager" class = "org.springframework.transaction.jta .WebSphereUowTransactionManager "/> और & lt; गुण & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class" value = "org.hibernate.transaction.WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup" / & gt; & Lt; संपत्ति नाम = "hibernate.transaction.factory_class" मान = "org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory" / & gt; & Lt; / गुण & gt; स्टैक: द्वारा किया गया: java.lang.VerifyError: com / ibm / websphere / uow / ( पर UOWSynchronizationRegistry.registerInterposedSynchronization (Ljavax / लेनदेन / सिंक्र

ASP.NET and jQuery Remote Validation: Validation function not called -

मेरे पास यह क्लाइंट फ़ंक्शन है: $ (document) .ready (function () {Var मान्य = $ ("# & lt;% = Page.Form.ClientID% & gt;")। मान्य करें ({errorElement: 'span', नियम: {& lt;% = txtMemberShipNumber.ClientID% & gt;: {आवश्यक: सत्य , रिमोट: फ़ंक्शन () {रिटर्न: यूआरएल: "/ टेस्टफॉर्म.एस्पक्स / आईएसएमएमबीबीएम्बरवालिड", टाइप करें: "पोस्ट", कंटेंट टाइप: "एप्लिकेशन / जेसन; कैरसेट = यूटीएफ -8", डेटा टाइप: "जेसन", डेटा: जेएसओएन। स्ट्रिंग ({value: $ ('# & lt;% = txtMemberShipNumber.ClientID% & gt;')। Val ()}), डेटाफ़िल्टर: फ़ंक्शन (डेटा) {var msg = JSON.parse (डेटा); if (msg.hasOwnProperty ( ' डी ')) वापसी msg.d; दूसरा संदेश वापस; }}},},}, संदेश: {& lt;% = txtMemberShipNumber.ClientID% & gt; : {आवश्यक: "खाता संख्या आवश्यक है", रिमोट: "अमान्य",},}, onkeyup: false, onblur: true, onfocusout: फ़ंक्शन (तत्व) {$ (तत्व) .valid ()}}); }) ... जो इस नियंत्रण को मान्य करता है:

Clob or Blob support for Neo4j -

Does Neo4j support Clab or Blob datatype? I reviewed the documentation, but found that Neo4j supports only primitive datatages in the form of nodes or properties of relationships. Do we have any restrictions for the number of properties, can be node or relative? What is the optimum size for this? You can get it, it addresses many scalability issues. An important quote, which gets your question: Neo4j is currently not suitable for storing Blobs / CLOB. I nodes, relation, and property disks But are not co-located. This can be presented in the future. Now, you can use on a node to store a byte [] or string . , So in this sense you can store arbitrary binary objects or strings. But archiving very large objects like above a certain size might not really be a good idea. What is the limit of that size? Unfortunately I do not know if someone else can jump there with some advice or guidance. Probably, at some point, performance may start to degrade in some way, and defin

javascript - Missing requests from phantomjs network monitoring results -

The I have built a web application that AngularJS I sniffing all the requests coming from the web page load I am using phatomaz network monitoring. I receive the following list of requests: "https: ... / assets / application bf61473a35661d960c262995b314b0af.css" "https: ... / assets / lib / modernizr-c569e351684c78953f5f6298b4e1e485.js" "https: ... / assets / application -04936 fc61dbebda777c3f816afa39726.js" "" "" " https: ... / assets / app_install_page_header-a4b182016c1769bad626d1409b6c95f1.png "" https: ... / assets / app_install_page_landing_text-14a162dca43a9a84b9fe0a7a77472fad.png " the problem is not included in the list Request for photos follow the dye backend Th is; ... I've used a waitFor method for taking the time to wait for the order phantomjs delay requests, but it Did not help I have

c# - Resolving manual references on a large MongoDB document -

What would be the best strategy to solve manual references in large (millions of records) mongodb documents? < db.test.insert ({_ id :: ObjectId ( '5447e59575a404a81e34df01'), named p> ​​I mostly denormalized document but such manual references in this example use containing some generalized areas: 'Hockey', teamSport: true}) db.test.insert ({_ id: ObjectId ( '5446648ea1851287e7090c25'), name: 'Reading'}) db.test.insert ({_ id : ObjectId ('5447e59575a404a81e34df0a', name: 'charisma'}) db.test.insert ({_id: ObjectId ('5447e59575a404a81e34df02'), Name: 'Alfred', Hobbies: [Object ID ('5447e59575a404a81e34df01'), Object ID (' 5446648ea1851287e7090c25 ')]}} db.test .Insert ({_ id: ObjectId (' 5447e59575a404a81e34df07 '), Name: Boris "Hobbies: [ObjectId ( '5446648ea1851287e7090c25')]}) db.test.insert ({_ id: ObjectId ( '5447e5b175a404a81e34fa66'), the name 'Chang'

java - why this synchronized method is not working as expected? -

Does anyone give me two reasons that the code does not have the output difference (the difference between the two codes is only in the run ) Method:? NB: The first code is not locking any! First Code: Expand the square LetterThread thread {Private stringbuff letter; Public static zero main (string [] args) {stringbuffer sbltr = new stringbuffer ("A"); LetterThreadAd = New LetterTrad (SLLTR); LetterThread two = new lettertread (SLLTR); LetterThread three = new LetterThread (sbltr); One.setName ("Thread One"); Two .setName ("thread to"); Three .setName ("Thread Three"); One.start (); Two.start (); Three.start (); } LetterThread (stringbuff letter) {this.letter = letter; } Public synchronized run () ({int x = 0; x & lt; 100; x ++} {System.out.println (Thread.currentThread (). GetName () + "(" + + x + ") =" + Letter); } Letter.setCharAt (0, (four) (letter.charAt (0) + 1)); }}} Second Code: This code is workin

python - Generating a certain amount random words from an external file -

This is probably really easy but no solution can be found. I have a text file that contains 10 5-characters There are words, what I want to do is randomly choose 9 out of 9 words and print them. Currently I have found: import random randomword = [line.strip () for open in line ('10 .txt ')] Print ( Random choice (random word)) This generates a random word from the list of 10 - but I want to generate it in 9 out of 10 without any repetition . Can anyone give me a simple solution? You use a certain number of specific elements to populate a population: random.sample (randomword, 9) You probably do not read the entire file, but I continue to think that this is a different one.

Excel 2010 Text File Import Fixed Column Width -

I need to automate import of .txt file and set column width for specific criteria. I know that it is possible to do this with the delimited data, but I just have to get a source for the fixed width. Any suggestions? I have found this article that gives it out. - by Valli · May 18, 2013 Just to know what the actual width should be and you should be good to go. The columns taken from the article to protect you from these code samples are Width = 25 End sub sub sbChangeColumnWidthMulti () Columns ("B: E") column Width = 25 End sub is also here. Columns Etofit There are more resources about this: EDIT: link added below

sap - How to navigate from launchpad to Fiori apps and then back? -

In our company, we have established the Fiori Launchpad, in which we have configured a tile that is related to custom The SAPUI 5 app has been developed, which has been deployed on the server as a BSP. It took us a long time, still using the router pattern within that app, we managed to get the custom UI5 application from Navigation to Launchpad tile. We are struggling with this, these are 2 other navigation paths: From the application Ideally, this application will be able to use UI5 ​​with a transition outside of the navigation. Back to Fiori Launchpad (back home) In other applications (tiles for tiles) In the manner, so there is not only one window in JS. . After a long search, the only indication I found in support for this scenario is in this class: However, I do not understand how to use it . Examples are also not correct and there are syntax errors. I am getting 2 forum posts and asked about using it, but they do not have any meaningful answer. Assu

Jmeter HTTPS Test Script recorder - Could not initialise key store -

I get an error while trying to star OS - Mac OS X 10.9 Java version Java version "1.6.0_65" Java (TM) SE runtime environment (build 1.6.0_65-b14-462-11M4609) Java Hotspot (TM) 64-bit server VM (built 20.65-b04-462, mixed Mode) for installation of Java home export "JAVA_HOME = \ $ (/ usr / libexec / java_home)" & gt; & Gt; ~ / .bash_profile When trying to echo $ JAVA_HOME $ (/ usr / libexec / JAVA_HOME) $ Java Keytool < /p> "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: due to keytool keytool I added Java home on the way < / P> $ PATH -bash: $ (/ usr / libexec / java_home) / bin: / usr / bin: / bin: / usr / sbin: / sbin: / usr / local / bin: such None File or Directory 014/10/27 16:11:21 Error - jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.ProxyControl: key archive could not be started: Command: 'keytool -genkeypair -alias: root_ca : -dname "cn = _ not installed O do unless your ce

java - Where should I save TestNG configuration test files -

I have a question about testNG configuration files and Maven project structure, let me know best practices for saving configuration files Will happen . Example I've used a test.xml a file that uses several sections to create suits. If I use this, then where is the best place to save XML file ( test.xml )? I have taken a look, but I did not find anything about this issue. source / test / resource You can create folder test-suit here And here is a separate suit XML.

java - DDD: Can anyone explain the diffrences between DTO, Aggregate Root and Detached Entity? -

I am a bit worried about the differences between these three, I have considered being a customer -> Address Relations (JPA ) Will be equally near a different unit (curious loading is estimated). Where is the need for additional routes? Where is the need for DTO? Is it all the same or the same? One reason may be that there is some information in the J.P.A. Compliance Entity, the customer has no interest in the bus, e.g. @Entity , @ ID , @OneToMany . I can easily convert JSAX / XML using JAX-RS / -Wes and almost every customer can deal with it, so where is it needed to be? Is it all alike or does I miss something important? You gross root If you follow the DDD principles, Are using or not This is one of the very basic building blocks in DDD. From Eric Evans's DDD Book Book: Overall the scope of the mark, in which it is necessary for the life therapist to maintain irreversibility at all levels. Work on the following patterns, factories and treasures, aggregates

json - The operator r#""# in Rust -

I saw operator r # "" in the war but I do not know what it does . It was easy to make JSON: let var1 = "test1"; Let json = r # "{" type ":" type1 "," type2 ": var1}" #; Println! ("{}", Json) // = & gt; {"Type 2": "Type 1", "Type2": var1} what is the name of the operator r # "" and how do I Var1 I do not know what it does It is to do with string literals and raw strings. I think it has been explained very well, which is posted in the code block, you can see what it does: "foo"; R "foo"; // foo "\" foo \ ""; R # "" foo "" #; // "foo" "Foo # \" #bar "; r ## "EFU #" #bar "##; // foo # "#bar" \ x52 ";" R "; r" r "; // r" \\ x52 "; r" \ x52 "; // \ x52 to avoid special characters inside this str

ErrorCollector in Jbehave story -

The error controller rule allows the execution of a test after the first problem (for example, all the wrong rows are collected To report in a table, and all of them at one time) I try to use org.junit.rules.ErrorCollector with Jbehave story, but after execution, JBHOW says that "all tests passed" even if some failures and error collectors () Collected them Zabahave should say that some steps have failed. In JUnit this is correct: Public static class UsesErrorCollectorTwice {@Rule Public error organizer collector = new errorman (;); @Test Public Zero Example () {string x = [..] collector.checkThat (x, no (string ("a")); Collector.checkThat (y, included string ("B")); }} But in jb heave: Scenario: Some looking at S-1 ... . @ ("Check Some") Public Zero Check Login () {loginSteps.check_that (); } ...... import org.hamcrest.matchers; Import org.junit.rules.ErrorCollector; Import org.junit.Rule; .... @ rules public e

SQL Server 2000 - Stored procedure parameter values with a SELECT statement -

I'm trying to call a stored procedure with any other stored procedure, from a table I value my parameters I want to select, however SQL Server rejects it. EXEC sp_MyStoredProcedure @ ipParm01 = (SELECT value1 to Table 1 WHERE condition1), @ ipParm02 = ( The error I am getting is has the right syntax near '('.) Can it be done, or should I declare a bunch of variables, the selected statements Filling the values ​​with them, should they be used in ECCP? Thanx guys! First of all you should upgrade your RDBMS Resolve SELECT @ ipParm01 = value1F ROM Table 1 WHERE condition1 SELECT @ ipParm02 = value2 Where is the position of 2 table 2 SELECT @ ipParm03 = value3 Table 3 where 3 position 3 < / Pre> and then EXEC sp_MyStoredProcedure @ ipParm01, @ ipParm02, @ ipParm03

c - posix_spawn Linux: How to make children processes not enter zombie state when terminating -

I have a process that raises the other process with posix_spawn (). When children are in the process of self-termination, they enter zombie state, as is the default expected behavior. I want to finish them altogether but I can not get it through the use of Pausx_spontra_setfag (). Maybe I'm not using the correct flag Who knows how to do this? Initially, I would like to have a complete separation of children and procedures for separation from the original process. By default, either exit () or _exit To change the status of the calling process to call () , you can use the sigaction () to change its parent if they are still alive: #include & lt; Signal.h & gt; Struct sigaction arg = {.sa_handler = SIG_IGN, .sa_flags = SA_NOCLDWAIT // Never wait for the end of hair process}; Signation (SIGLLD, and AGR, Faucet); After writing the above code in the maternal process, it will never wait for a child, and after the child is finished, they will go to the terminat

c# - Using LINQ to get a distinct list of Parameters from a list of objects -

Then I have a list of reports, and each report object has parameter collection (which is < Code> archive ) containing each parameter in that collection. I would like to get unique parameters in all reports. I have already had to work through long-lasting (potentially incompetent) way through looping through each report in the list and then looping through each parameter in the collection in a temp list and Then using . Distinct () On that, but I thought LINQ was a better way but I can not find it at all. Select () and SelectMany () . Any ideas? Thanks! The original code var reportParam = Selected Reports.Ougination (RPT = & gt; RPT .name, RPT = & gt; RPT. Parameter); Var uniqueParams = New Dictionary & lt; String, Parameter & gt; (); Foreach (Var Collection in Report.Parsams.Values) {foreach (Paramator Ultimate in the Collection) {If (! Unique Param Containssequi (Ultimate. Name)) Exclusive Mercury Add (param.Name, param); }} Var Last Collecti

windows installer - WIX Burn Bootstrapper not asking for admin rights for my MSI -

I created MIIS with WIX, which requires high permissions to work properly In the MSI Project, I'll give it to & lt; Specified via package [...] InstallPrivileges = "elevated" /> Now I had included this MSI in a custom bootstrap project, which is based on that. As I understand it, BootStrapper should not change the position of the machine and thus higher privileges should not be required. Now I hope that bootstrapper will automatically launch the privileges raised with advanced MSI, so that the user is still unsuccessful, if the UAC dialog is necessary, but not necessarily, the installation fails right now. This works though, when I run as bootstrapper executable clearly as administrator. How do I ask for bootstrapper for higher permissions when installing MSI? Now in your case, you are the author of MSI and it was quite easy for you to add InstallScope to the package element. If you are not the author of MSI, then still offers a bootstrapper prop

javascript - FullCalendar select all dates in array/list? -

I have data for specific dates, and I have to select those dates on the full calendar. I am having problems in selecting those dates, although I have already formatted my upcoming dates to match the calendar's data-date TD characteristics. Therefore - for every date (class .fc-day), if this .fc-day attribute is equal to the date of date of data-date dates, then select that day. var dates = ["2014-10-20", "2014-10-21"]; $ ('.fc-day'). Each (function () {var thisdate = $ (this) .attr ('data-date'); var td = $ (this) .closest ('td'); if (Itdate == "2014-10-20" ) {// if (thisdate == date) {// if ($ .inArray ($ (this) .attr ('data-date'), date)! == - 1) {// if (dates.indexOf (Thisdate)> = 0) {td.addClass ('fc-state-highlight');} and {td.removeClass ('fc-state-highlight');}});

Python 3.x.x one variable spread across multiple .py files -

This is not a problem with my code, but there is a general question about dragon 3. Say you had a game with 4 parts, and the first part ( ) declares a variable that says Part 2 needs to run itself Will you be able to declare that variable, then import part2 (it needs a variable to run smoothly) and the variable in the Code> part2 to in after importing .py . If you want to use the variable after doing this once. Define (print): print (voice) # import part2 if __name __ == "__ main__": part2.sound = "Yoooo" part2.scream ( ) #Output: Yoooo If you want to be able to make variable changes later or just do this: # # Gvars def defream (): print (gvars.sound) # imports part2 class gamereality: if pass __name__ == "__ main__": gvars = gameVariables () part2.gvars = gvars gvars.sound = "Yooo" part2 .scream () gvars.sound = "wow" part2.scream () #output Yo

sql server - Compare dates in MS SQL using Convert -

I make the right way to get a date from @ parameter I want which includes full daytime, that user gets a calendar from the TFS file . I want to use something like convert (varchar (10), @ FechaHasta.Value, 120) as DATE01 and then type in To get time out just by date, parameter. For the next step, I would like to compare it with the second date in the WHERE section, this code: Then, I want to make this work in order to see between two dates and the last one Thanks, From time to time Thank you. I'm assuming @FetchHasta a datetime < Convert / code> (VARCHAR (10), @thetahasta, 101) Do you get the date now? That means the code will be 10/28/2014 1:10 pm just 10/28/2014 . Edit: Alternatively,

javascript - How can I pause a jQuery .each() loop, while waiting for user input? -

Before I continue to get a jQuery .each loop to wait for user input There is a problem in repeatedly repeating This is my code (I have commented on what I would like to do): & lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "common_components.css" /> & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "slider.css" & gt; & Lt ;? Php include_once 'common_components.php'; $ Query = $ dbh- & gt; Queries ("SELECT movies_dir FROM settings"); $ Line = $ query- & gt; Obtain (PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC); Date_default_timezone_set ('UTC'); Echo "& lt; title & gt; movie scanner & lt; / title & gt;"; ? & Gt; & Lt; Script src = "jquery.min.js" & gt; &am

functional programming - How to change all the values in an Elixir map -

I know that there is one in the Dick module, but a update_all method that changes to all Values? I tried to do it with but changed the type: iex (6)> (% {: a = & gt; 2}, fn {k, v} - & gt; {k, v + 1} end) [a: 3] You can pipe in Enum.into (% {}} or / Code> can be understood, ie: iex> {k, v} and lt; -% {a: 1, b: 2}, in:% { }, Do this: {k, v + 1}% {a: 2, b: 3}

php - Escape characters appearing in MySQL -

I am taking an HTML form for production from the development (localhost) and with a problem with escape characters in the initial test Identity is the production MySQL database which does not appear in the localhost database. I am using mysql_real_escape_string to avoid characters in the form processing file and to avoid characters in the localhost database, it is saved correctly and all you see There are exceptions or quotation marks. Once gone into production, the form is still running correctly, but the database record has a backslash escape character in front of the apostrophe or quotation marks when the record is printed and the back zodiac is visible and This will not be acceptable. Nothing looks except local host and production, and running different versions of MySQL (localhost 5.5.24-logs running and output 5.0.95-log running) My output There is no control over the version because it is managed by ISP, so I hope this is not a problem. Hope this makes sense? Any h

c# - How to run LINQ 'let' statements in parallel? -

मेरे पास ऐसा कोड है: var list = new list & lt; int & gt; {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; Var परिणाम = एक्स में सूची में। एस्पेरेलल () एक = लंगरिंगकैल्को 1 (एक्स) दें बी = लंगरिंगकैल्को 2 (एक्स) नया {a, b} चुनें; हम कहते हैं कि लोंगरलिंगकैकल तरीके प्रत्येक को 1 सेकंड लेते हैं। ऊपर दिए गए कोड को चलाने के लिए लगभग 2 सेकंड लगते हैं, क्योंकि 5 तत्वों की सूची समानांतर पर संचालित होती है, क्योंकि चलो स्टेटमेंट से बुलाए गए दो तरीकों को क्रमिक रूप से कहा जाता है। हालांकि , इन विधियों को सुरक्षित रूप से समानांतर में भी बुलाया जा सकता है। उन्हें स्पष्ट रूप से चुनें के लिए मर्ज करने की आवश्यकता है, लेकिन तब तक समानांतर में चलना चाहिए - चुनें उनके लिए इंतजार करना चाहिए। क्या कोई तरीका है आप क्वेरी सिंटैक्स या का उपयोग करने में सक्षम नहीं होंगे ऑपरेशन, लेकिन आप समानांतर में प्रत्येक आइटम के लिए कई कार्रवाइयां करने के लिए एक विधि लिख सकते हैं: सार्वजनिक स्थिर समानांतरता & lt; TFinal & gt; चयन करेंसभी & lt; टी, TResult1, TResult2, TFinal & gt; (यह ParallelQuery