
Showing posts from March, 2015

java - Algorithm with O(n) to find min and max of triple product in subsets -

The problem is that the minimum and maximum triple product (product of 3 numbers) that can be created is the number. I did a code that did the right thing but got its complexity (N ^ 2) . I need some help in reducing it O (N) if possible EDIT: The numbers can be both positive and negative. Here's my code: import java.util. *; Class results {public static int min = 50000000; Public static max = max - 50000000; Public static int solution (integer, integer, profound depth) {if (depth == 3) {check (currPro); } Else {for (int i = 1; i & lt; =; i ++) {if (pos + i & lt; {Hull (pos + i, currPro * [Position + I], Depth + 1); }} 0 return 0; } Public static zero check (int.) {If (crop> max) {max = currPro; } If (currPro try it Find three With the quick sort division in O (n) time, the smallest and the three largest numbers (whether negative or positive ones) Apply your O (N ^ 2) solution to the 6-digit

Convert twitter api example from objective-c to swift -

I'm new to Objective C and fast , and I I have chosen the Fast Way I am trying to change this objective example fast and fail. Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong? // obj-c - (zero) doneTapButton {[[Digital Share Sharing} with certification: ^ (Digitization * Session, nsERR * error) {if (session) {// inspecting session / error objects} // fast @ ebbc func LoginTouched (From: AnyObject) {var dg = digits.sharedInstance () dg.authenticatewithCompletion {(session: digitization !, error: NSError!) // code}} I am doing something completely wrong, and appreciate any help here is the error 2014-10-28 00: 29: 11.754 Testin [49 9 47: 180 9207] - [testign.ViewController login touch]: Unknown message sent to example 0x7fba9a542190 2014-10-28 00 : 29: 11.757 [49 9 47: 180 9 207] *** 'NSI Validation Agreement Exception' due to the cancellation of 'FIS' without any exception, reason: '- [testign.ViewController loginTouched]: For example, th mvc 4 - Query Case Sensitive with FirstOrDefault C# mvc4 -

I am trying to evaluate a user and password but if I use capital or lower case, then I The same result was found, the database case sensitive, but it keeps ignoring the configuration. This is my code: public function login (model user) {bool isValid = false; Var user = db.users.FirstOrDefault (u = & gt; u.user == user.user and u.password == user.password) if (user! = Null) {isValid = true; }} What am I doing? Try it out: - var query = users.FirstOrDefault ( U = & gt; u.UserName == user.UserName & String.Compare (U.Password, User Password, False) == 0); Working. According to OP question (for DB based): - var query = db.Users.ToList (). Where (x => (string compar (xusername, user id, false) == 0) & amp; (string password (x password, user password, falls) == 0)) .FirstOrDefault ();

linux - How do I find the latest date folder in a directory and then construct the command in a shell script? -

I have a directory in which I will have some folders with the date format (YYYYMMDD) shown below - David @ Machine X: / Database / Batch / Snapshot $ ls -lt drwxr-xr-x 2 ap kit 86016 25 Oct 05:19 20141023 DroxsR-XR-X2 App Kit 73728 18 October 00 : 21 20141016 Dracoxer -xr-x2 app kyte 73728 9 October 22:23 20141009 drwxr-xr-x 2 ap kyte 81920 4 October 03:11 20141002 Now I need to remove the latest date folder Create the command in the / Database / Batch / Snapshot directory and then in my shell script - ./ file_checker --directory / database / batch / snapshot / 20141023 / --regx ". * Data." & Gt; Shardfile_20141023.log Below is my shell script - #! / Bin / bash ./file_checker --directory / database / batch / snapshot / 20141023 / --regax ". * Data." & Gt; Shardfile_20141023.log # Now I need the gard shardfile_20141023.log after executing the above command How do I get the latest date folder and by creating the above command in a shell s

algorithm - Recursion with accumulators that are not reversed - is it possible? -

I have recently been playing with Haskel with a reasonable amount, and I can search for n I came with this function th prime: nthPrime 1 = 2 nthPrime 2 = 3 nthPrime n = aux [2, 3] 3 5 n where aux is known to be the first suspect suspect In the case of current currentPrime = foldl (\ ln -> & gt; l & amp; amp; amp; suspicious` mod`n / = 0) the first known (current IsPrime, soughtNth == currentNth) (True, True) - & Gt; Suspicious (right, wrong) - & gt; Aux (Suspect: known light) (current no + 1) (questionable +2) Demand mother _ - & gt; My question is, there is no reversal of a consolidated parameter (in this case knownprom ) which is not reversed. (As (suspected: knownprimes) ) is passed on I have tried to use the known light ++ [suspicion] But it also seems incapable. I hope that if I can pass the known prime in order, then I can shortcut some priority checks. In Haskell, if you are using an accumulator to create a list, At the end of it, it

normalization - Postal code database normalisation -

In the context of areas and postal codes Each postal code can have another area in each area In one or more postal codes, Accordingly, it should be created in the form of an M: M scenario with an M3 being included in the "areas"? The postal code table should contain only one column in the postal code and the locality table will contain only one column that is the name of the locality. Alternate is a table, which contains both, but its repeated data will result. Thank you in advance ... The question you asked is mostly opinion There are several factors that can help you reduce the generalization based on the goal, how you ask for data. Traditional normalization generally suggests M-M scenario, but this application consistently relates to 3 table information, and this can not be the most effective, if this application is high frequency Be in The option of a table with repeated data can be optimal if well-designed non-cluster indexing can be added to reduce

css - how to make the sides (left bottom and right bottom) with different height? -

I have a design that I would like to achieve and I find it difficult to describe my problem I have tried to see the change, but it is not there since I need to change, because the diagonal rotates rather than diagonally ending. Is it also possible to use other functions? You can use the positive values ​​for parent and negative values ​​for the CSS3 result skewY () function to achieve the effect Hair cover element View this demo or use the transform: rotate (45 degrees);

amazon web services - Authenticate users to view files from AWS S3 -

Good day everyone, I am fairly new to AWS, and I have a problem right now . I'm not even sure that this is something that is possible with S3. I have tried to googling it, but there was no proper response (possibly because I do not understand the search for keywords;)) So my problem is, I have a node app that uploads S3 user images I also do not want to know how to properly use front-facing images (some straightforward Link). But at the same time, I should be able to restrict users who can access the image. For example: If user XIs uploads an image then the user should be able to see it Another user says that ABC tries to open a direct link, it says that access is accessible or something similar. Or if this is not possible, at least I will be able to put an encrypted timestamp on the URL, so that the image is accessible only through that particular URL for a limited time. Thanks in advance. This is a general use case for S3 pre-signed URLs. In S3, you are able to

awk - bash: How to modify a string within a field -

मेरे पास निम्न पंक्तियां हैं: field1 1-23_4_5 फ़ील्ड 3 फ़ील्ड 1 2-40_5_7 फ़ील्ड 3 फ़ील्ड 1 3-43_7_ 9 फ़ील्ड 3 । । मैं दूसरे क्षेत्र को संशोधित करना चाहूंगा ताकि 1-23_4_5 हो जाता है 1-23 < / P> मैं awk के संयोजन को सोच रहा हूं और कट चाल को करना होगा क्या इस बारे में जाने का एक आसान तरीका है? अग्रिम में आपकी मदद के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद awk के माध्यम से, $ awk 'sub (/ _ [ ^ _] * _ [^ _] * $ /, "$ 2) 1 'फ़ाइल फ़ील्ड 1 1-23 फ़ील्ड 3 फ़ील्ड 1 2-40 फ़ील्ड 3 फ़ील्ड 1 3-43 फ़ील्ड 3 sed के जरिए, $ sed 's / ^ \ ([^] \ + \ * [^ _] \ + \) [^] \ + / \ 1 / g' फ़ाइल फ़ील्ड 1 1-23 फ़ील्ड 3 फ़ील्ड 1 2-40 फ़ील्ड 3 फ़ील्ड 1 3-43 फ़ील्ड 3

ios - Apple Mac-O linker Error -

I am at a point where I do not know how to solve this issue. I'm getting 9 Apple Mac-O linker errors Of course this error is a bunch of code that I do not understand. Take a look at screenshots to better tackle the problem. As You There I can see that I am using paras as my backend, (user, notifications, push notifications ... etc) I already have parse / parse.h. AppDelegate.m, AppDelegate.h, ViewController M and imported into main.m file that sits in the helper files folder in your project. itemprop = "text"> You need to add dependencies - see from step 3: Undefined symbols contain SCNetworkReachabilityxxx, which is part of system configuration. Frame, which is the last library in the list. Pars all need them.

C++ Expanding a dynamic array and deleting a pointer -

I know that I do not have all the codes here, but this is a very large code that throws an error when I run my client, in fact, this is not my choice delete [] old list; And I'm not sure why the code block here, thank you in advance for any comments. Ask whether you need more than me, I'm just trying to figure out whether I'm using the wrong signals Thanks! Zero OrdListClass :: Expand () {int tempLength = 0; Type the item type * Old List = GetListPtr (); Type the item type * newList; SetSize (EXPANSION_FACTOR * GetSize ()); NewList = new item type [GetSize ()]; SetListPtr (newList); For (Int i = 0; I & lt; GetLength (); i ++) {Nullast [i] = Old List [i]; TempLength = tempLength ++; } Setlanda (Temple Lamp); Delete old list [] OldList = NULL; } // end Expand Editing 1: Error only appears when you run debugging without debugging if I debug it, it never throws a break on me "Delete [] Old list is on line with "; If I ask it where it's broken w

Build Playframework 2.3.5 from source -

I am a newbie for Playframework and also building from source Due to restrictions in our network, Can not download files, so git took the source of the playframe and followed the instructions. build was able to run and got installed under the Publish-Local command and local directory of the repository. But after that, I'm not sure how to move forward. I do not see any activator launch or similar jar in the repository. Can we run play applications without the activator? I searched the net, but all the links point to an activator for me. Then, the activator has been downloaded as a zip and so is restricted to me It would be great if you can guide me how to move from here. Thank you very much earlier. PS: Test and Runstust are just so if necessary.

jquery - Knockout: edited input fields are not updated -

I keep a list of users, whose expansions have been shown in the Bootstrap dialog. The list is properly populated and the details data is shown correctly. But as soon as I update one or more input fields, I will close the dialog and open the details of another user, I will see the edit value instead of the other user's value. If I open the details without editing anything, then I always see the correct value. Problem: In the case of editing an input field, the selected user (shown in detail) is not overwritten has been done. View modell: function UserViewModel () {// init var self = this; Self.userList = ko.observableArray ([]); Self.selectedUser = ko.observable ([]); Self.availableGroups = ko.observableArray ([]); Self. Errs = Ko. Ossebel Ere ([]); Self.loadUserList = function ($ .ajax ({type: "POST", url: "/user/loadUserList.htm", success: function (response) {var parsedJSON = $ .parseJSON (feedback); self.userList (Ko.mapping.fromJS (parsedJSON));},

python - Reset ipython kernel -

I was wondering if there is a way to restart the ipython kernel without closing it, such as the kernel restart task That reminder book I tried to reset % but it does not seem to clean up the import. However it would be easy if % reset namespace and cache for import ( In the notebook), then anyone can reload the previously imported module using the importlib.reload . In Python3.0-3.3, code> python3.4 or imp.reload (and if necessary, reset the kernel in the second step).

c# - ListDictionary data retrieving cannot be possible -

मैं एक ListDictionary ListDictionary का उपयोग कर रहा हूं lstTime = new ListDictionary (); जिसमें दो प्रकार के डेटा शामिल हैं ( int और समय )। lstTime.Add (1, datetime.time)); इस पद्धति के माध्यम से मैं ListDictionary में डेटा जोड़ सकता हूं। लेकिन मैं कैसे ListDictionary < / Code>? यह मेरे लिए काम करता है: ListDictionary lstTime = नई ListDictionary (); lstTime.Add (1, DateTime.Today); विदेशी मुद्रा (शब्दकोश में प्रवेश करें lstTime) कंसोल। Wrightite ("{0}: {1}", डी। के, डी। वेल); मुझे मिल रहा है: 1: 28/10/2014 00.00.00 एकल मान retrivied जा सकता है इस तरह दिनांकटाइम डीटी = (दिनांक समय) lstTime [1]; ध्यान दें: मैंने datetime.time से DateTime.Today बदल दिया है क्योंकि मुझे नहीं पता है कि datetime.time है।

Exporting blender file with textures -

Can someone give me an idea of ​​how I can export / share a .blend file in Blender with textures Am I Baking texture is a way but I want to export a non-baked file and all texture. thanx It's easy, Blender has a packing option, all of which Packages resources into .blend files. "file" -> "external data" -> "pack in all .blend" sample link

linux - How to use shm_open to open an existing Shared Memory object -

If I do not exit, then I do not want to create a new shared memory object but return an error in this situation. I want to be open only if it already exists. Read & amp; . If shm_open is not given this O_CREAT flag will fail if the name does not exist, as does it. If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are given, it may also fail if the name exists that is said to be what happens with this failure : ENOENT shm_open () A name was attempted that did not exist, and O_CREAT was not specified. EEXIST both O_CREAT and O_EXCL were specified for shm_open () and the named memory object specified by name already exists. On some Linux systems, you will learn about / dev / shm / current POSIX shared memory segment.

sql - How to add rows in BigQuery -

I have data in this large table + ------- + --------- + ------ + ------ + | Chrome | Start | Stop it. Opposition | + ------- + --------- + ------ + ------ + | Chr1 | 1 | 5 | 0.3 | | Chr1 | 5 | 7 | 0.7 | | Chr2 | 1 | 3 | 0.2 | + ------- + --------- + ------ + ------ + Where "value in value" To stop from the beginning, it is true for each number (though the number in the block is excluded). Now I want to get data in a non-collected way, so the table will look like this + ------- + --------- + - ---- + ------ + | Chrome | Start | Stop it. Opposition | + ------- + --------- + ------ + ------ + | Chr1 | 1 | 2 | 0.3 | | Chr1 | 2 | 3 | 0.3 | | Chr1 | 3 | 4 | 0.3 | | Chr1 | 4 | 5 | 0.3 | | Chr1 | 5 | 6 | 0.7 | | Chr1 | 6 | 7 | 0.7 | | Chr2 | 1 | 2 | 0.2 | | Chr2 | 2 | 3 | 0.2 | + ------- + --------- + ------ + ------ + INSERT The command is not supported by BigQuery Any suggestions for an alternate solution? Create a help table called "number" and

sprite kit - setFillColor with patternImage cocos2d not working -

I am trying to fill SKShapeNode with an image. I've tried a lot but it can not get the game load to work, but nothing appears on the screen. Here is my recent code. = [[SShipNode Alloc] init]; UIBezierPath * bezier = [UIBezierPath bezierPathWithArcCenter: CGPointMake (size.width / 2.0, 220.0) Radius: 8.0Startangle: 0.0Andangle: 2.0 * MOPI clockwise direction: yes]; [Self. Criccle Setpeth: Bezier CGPith]; [ setFillColor: [SKColor colorWithPatternImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @ "raceCar.png"]]] ;; [ setStrokeColor: [SKColor blueColor]]; [Self. Criccle Set Status: CGPointMake (0.0, 0.0)]; [Self. Cclecle set-up: 1000.0]; SKF PhysicsBody * Circle Physics = [Sack Physics Body with Polygon Fraum Path: Bijier. CGPath]; [Divisional Physics Set Country Mask: 16]; [Circle physical set settingbit mask: 0]; [Set Documentary ParticipantContextTitBit Mask: 2]; [Circle Physics Setennik: No]; [Circle Physics Set: Precise Colise Dissection: Yes]; [Sel

Iterate through a range of dates in Javascript -

For the last few days I was struggling with recurrence through the range of dates. I was using the following code for the exam: var current_date = new date ("2014-08-01"); Var End_Data = New Date ("2014-10-31"); Var end_date_time = end_date.getTime (); While (current_date.getTime () & lt; = END_DATE_TIME) {document.write (CURRENT_DATE + ' ;); Current_date.setDate (current_date.getDate () +1); } This looks right for me, but there is a problem. This is missing on the last day. I was changing this code around, used for-loop, defined a new date within the loop, and all the things you can imagine. One thing was the same! Missed the last day The curriculum used to create my dates with curiosity: at CURRENT_DATE = new date ("2014/08/01"); Var End_Data = New Date ("10/31/2014"); And my surprise is, it worked as expected now I'm wondering if this is a normal behavior or a bug in date? I may be thankfull if someone can enlig

c++ - std::map initialization with a std::vector -

I want to initialize the object std :: map with the key contained in std Am :: vector object std :: vector & lt; Char & gt; Marquez {'A', 'B', 'C']; Std :: map & lt; Char, int & gt; MyMap; How can I do this without any loop? And can I add a default value to my int ? without clear loop: Std :: transform (std :: start (mykeys), std :: end (mykeys), std :: inserter (myMap, myMap.end ()), [] (four c) {return std :: make_pair (c, 0);}); . For a loop, a category-based, however, will be more sexy, so if it is possible, use it: for (Auto C: Michez) myMap.emplace (c, 0);

Eclipse won't save settings and data -

My problem is weird and I think it's easy to solve, but I can not find any solution for this. is! Eclipse will not be able to save the settings set by me. For example, "Save save before build" and "Save dirty editors before build" is chosen, but for some reasons eclipse Will not save before build. If I change something in the file then I have to manually save the file with "cmd + s" so that I can see the changes after creation. In addition to this, the subject of color has always been a subject of some strange colorful themes (after every resume of the eclipse) I did not select the event, when my subject is chosen when my preferences are opened. Is anyone going to do this? It seems like Eclipse has trouble configuring its own config files or some things, I do not know ... but it's really upset.

php - CI routing issue -

I am currently learning CI and I have come to an issue which I can not solve. I am setting up my own VIMP server in Drive and inside the www (root) folder I have removed the codeigniter files! [Example] [1] [1]: Then I created my PHP files for visual / model and controller and set the default route in config / routes.php Now when If I go to my browser and type the local host, then post me. Php is displayed in no way. But I am unable to access any view from here. For example, I have a new_post.php view and when I type in the address bar localhost / new_post.fpp, I did not "found" The requested URL /new_post.php was not found on this server. " Error. Am I doing wrong? Below I posted the code that I posted in the .php controller with an image named file structure / name. posts.php - Administrator & lt ;? Expand Php class mail CI_Controller {function __ composition () {origin: __ creation (); $ This- & gt; Load-> Model ('post'); // loa mvc 4 - Types of Action Filters in MVC? -

In an interview, interviewer asked me the type of action filter but I never heard or read the type of action filters I know, there are 4 filters in ASP.NET MVC, i.e. Authorized Filter, Action Filter, Resultfilter and Exception Filter. But what types of action filters are there in ASP.MVC? to:, ASP.NET MVC framework includes several action filters : Output Cache - This action filter caches the output of the controller action to a specified volume. Handle error - This action filters handles when a controller action is executed. Authorized - This action filter enables you to restrict access to a particular user or role.

visual studio - Clean repository for every configuration when running multiple configurations in one build definition -

I am trying to run multiple configurations under TFS build definition on Visual Studio 2013. Is it possible to specify that I want a clean repository before the creation of each configuration? Thanks Yes it is when you are in the build configuration setting (build Right-click on and select 'Edit Builder Definition') You should see the "Clean repository" option with "False". Change it to "true"

Is passing username and password via secure URL (SSL) safe from a 'Man in the Middle' attack? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब मेरे पास कुछ आरएसएस फ़ीड हैं कि मैं करने के लिए सदस्यता लिया मेरी समस्या यह है कि मेरा फ़ीड रीडर उपयोगकर्ता नाम या पासवर्ड के लिए संकेत नहीं देता है, इसलिए मेरा फ़ीड डेटा प्राप्त करने के लिए मुझे https: // {username}: {password} @ / rss / feed का इस्तेमाल करना है । क्या मेरा उपयोगकर्ता नाम और पासवर्ड सुरक्षित है? क्या आपका आरएसएस फ़ीड क्लाइंट सत्यापित करता है सर्वर प्रमाणपत्र? यदि क्लाइंट विशेष प्रमाणपत्र की पुष्टि करता है, तो आप सुरक्षित हैं। यदि ग्राहक केवल पुष्टि करता है कि प्रमाण पत्र में एक वैध हस्ताक्षर श्रृंखला है, तो आप एक तरह से सुरक्षित हैं यदि जवाब नहीं है, तो आप सुरक्षित नहीं हैं

scala - Partial definition of generic abstract function -

It is possible to declare a common abstract function in a base class in scale, and then to provide different concrete implementations in different derivative classes such as It: Abstract class B {def foo [T, V] (u: T): V} square D expanded {def foo (u: T_0) = {...} def Foo (u: T_1) = {...} ....} and similarly the classes derived from B for D1, D2, ... (potentially T-J with different concrete types) The question in short is: A class is To use the OBAB. FU (U) and the compiler flag to cross the square D_J, when FU is used for any type of argument. At least one concrete type is taken from concrete taken from BB defined for T? For example, you can type U and T If you can not be an expert in D , you need to match the parameters from the base class. You can not even partially provide special cases of override within a subclass, such as a partial function - a solid square will have to cover all the parameters, implementing each abstract method. I think what you really

change letter to lowercast with haskell issue -

itemprop = "text"> I have this question: "Write the Haskell function blackmindrom :: [four] -> Identify the hair as madness, like" Madam, I \ 'm Adam "notice, you need to throw all the capital letters in lower case and throw punctuation before comparing it." I write this code in Hackel: import char less :: string -> String less xs = [tolow ch | Ch & lt; -xs] tolow :: char - & gt; Four Toulouse's | IsUpper ch = chr (ord ch + 32). Otherwise = CE and Andromont :: [Four] - & gt; Main> ImageDial "DSD" P> Main> iPialidrome "DSD" The truth is Why is it not that I lie with capital letters? You are low - The case is just the opposite of the comparison, while you should have both low-case .

multipage - Multiple pages in the same PDF reporting with PDFsharp -

I am getting values ​​from the database and the collection of all the values ​​is larger than the single page. The number of pages is unknown and may vary according to the report's report. Currently, only 1 page of multiple pages is being printed, but every page has this information. I do not have the same information in every page that needs constant information in the page. How can I do this with PDFsharp? Here I am giving my code to understand ... document document = new document (); // Create the table var sec = doc.AddSection (); Var Table = Second. AdTable (); Table. Format.font Size = 6; Table. Borders. Distance = 0; Table. Borders. Color = MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Colors.DarkGray; Var Renderer = New Document Handler (Doctor); Renderer.PrepareDocument (); Int total = Renderer. Format Documents Page count; For (Int i = 1; I & lt; = Total page; ++ i) {PDF page PDF page = PDF. Edit page (); XGraphics GFX = XGraphics. FMPDF page (PDF page); Renderer.RenderObject

indesign - Footnotes created via script appear in a strange location -

I am writing a script to handle some layouts and I have found some strange behaviors while making footnotes. Whenever I make footnotes with the script, they see the next paragraph before which is a different style for the footnote containing the paragraph. Unless he reaches the end of the story, he will appear in the lower part of the page. I would like to treat it in the same way as when you insert a footnote through the menu, I. E. Put the footnote together at the bottom of the page. Here's the first and the following: Here is the related code that creates a footnote Reference is an array in which the text contains superscript references (as the category of the character or character objects). Footnote is an array that contains photosnotes in the form of #FootnoteB and #FootnoteE tags as paragraphs objects . > For < (var i = 0; i It seems that does not matter where I add footnotes, whether it adds them to paragraphs, stories or text

Unable to retrieve data in django -

I am writing a weblog application in the digengo. As part of this, I have a visual function that brings the object from the database corresponding to a blog post. The field that I am using to query the database is the published date (pub_date) that is the date time (python). I have a MySQL database and the type of column for this field is datetime but I can not get the object from the database, although I am passing the correct date attributes. I'm getting a 404 error. The following is my visual function: def entry_data (request, year, month, day, slug): import date time, time date_stamp = time.strptime (year + month + day, "% Y % B% d ") PUB_DATE = (* date_stamp [: 3]) entry = get_object_or_404 (entry, pub_date__year = pub_date.year, pub_date__month = pub_date.month, pub_date__day =, slug = slug) returns render_to_response 'Coltrane / entry_detail.html', {'Entry': Entry}) Below is the URL of the individual post I wan

javascript - Hello.js - getting Flickr album and authorising failed -

I am currently using Hello.js to establish a connection with Flickr and get photo albums from there; However, the response I received through error object is "User Not Found" . I'm not completely sure what I'm missing out here: hello.init (CLIENT_IDS_ALL, {scope: "files, photos", redirect_ory: "/ dashboard", oauth_proxy: OAUTH_PROXY_URL }); Function getAlbums (network) {hello (network). Login ({force: true}, function (auth) {hello.api (network + ': m / album', function (r) {if (! R || r.error) {// caught here: "user Not found "message (list," error: "+ r.error.message); return;} and if (! || === 0) {message (list," this user's There are no albums in the account. "); Return}})}}; } I have checked the configuration for the Flickr API and it's all good: the key is correct and the app is enabled for public use. Here are my app's API call statistics, apparently no user is

python - Splitting a list with a separator -

I wrote a function that receives two arguments: a list and one Value is present in the given list The objective of the sep function is to split the given list without the specified value in the second argument of written form and return many lists to the list. Therefore def split_list ([1,2,3,2,1], 2) ---> the result will be [[1], [3], [1]]. The spliting functionality is good, but the result holds the second value of the function in another list (SEP). I could think of the way to solve this problem. Thanks in advance def split_list (l, sep): occurence = [i, enumerate in x (l) if x == sep] newlist = [] newlist.append (l [: Event for [0]]) in range (0, lane (incident)): j = i + 1 if j & lt; << Code> ] in L: LL == SEP: nl.append ([]) and: # Add to last list nl [-1] .append (el) return nl Or with your method, using the list of occurences: Def split_list (L, sep): # occurences o = [i for i, calculation in n (l) if x == sep] nl = [] # first piece nl.appe

jquery - Change value on success, but not changing -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < 22 जवाब मुझे < कोड> var राज्य सफलता पर, लेकिन जेएस कोड डीबग करना, यह सफलता समारोह को बिल्कुल भी कॉल नहीं करता है, भले ही सफलता हो। राज्य चर अपरिभाषित है। मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि वह क्यों नहीं बदलता। फायरबग का उपयोग कर नेटवर्क को देखते हुए, प्रतिक्रिया {"d": 1} है, जो कि राज्य के पास होने वाला मूल्य होना चाहिए। किसी भी मदद की सराहना की है var राज्य; $। एजेक्स ({url: "isoServe.asmx / getstatus", प्रकार: "GET", contentType: "application / json; charset = utf-8", डेटा प्रकार: "json", सफलता: फ़ंक्शन (msg) {state = Msg.d;}, त्रुटि: कार्य () {चेतावनी ("त्रुटि");}}); वापसी स्थिति; आपको वापस the राज्य AJAX कॉल के अंदर: var राज्य; $। Ajax ({url: "isoServe.asmx / GetStatus", प्रकार: "GET", contentType: "अनुप्रयोग / जेसन; वर्णसंकेत = यूटीएफ -8", डेटाप्रकार: "जेसन", सफलता: कार्य (संदेश) {state = msg.d; वापसी स्थिति;}, त्रुटि: क

jenkins build fail due to ambiguous java interface -

मेरे पास निम्न जावा वर्ग / इंटरफेस हैं: फ़ोल्डर के अंतर्गत ./common: 1. com Xyz.hrdept.common.dao.DatabaseUtilsDAO (इंटरफ़ेस) 2. (कक्षा, उपरोक्त अंतरफलक लागू करता है)। फ़ोल्डर के अंतर्गत ./WebApplication/src 3. // अमूर्त वर्ग {DatabaseUtilsDAO getDatabaseUtilsDAO (); } 4 DAOFactory फैलता है (DatabaseUtilsDAO getDatabaseUtilsDAO) (नया डेटाबेस UtilsDAOHibernate वापस); }} वे मेरे स्थानीय इंटेलिज वातावरण में सफलतापूर्वक संकलित करते हैं, लेकिन जेनकिन्स सर्वर पर निम्न त्रुटि संदेश के साथ असफल रहे हैं: /WebApplication/src/com/xyz/hrdept/dao/hibernate/ त्रुटि: DatabaseUtilsDAO का संदर्भ अस्पष्ट है, दोनों अंतरफलक और इंटरफ़ेस में मैच कोई इंटरफ़ेस नह

objective c - UIMenuController tap and hold zoom bubble fails in landscape mode -

आईओएस 7. (गैर-ऑटोलायआउट) का समर्थन आईफोन 6 चल रहा है (आईओएस 8.1) UIMenuController लैंडस्केप मोड में नहीं दिखाया जाता है , अपने उपयोगकर्ताओं के लिए यूआई को तोड़ने में असर। यह तोड़ने के कारण क्या है? < P> हो सकता है कि मेरे पास यही समस्या है: मेरे लिए समाधान आईओएस एसडीके 7.1 के खिलाफ संकलित करना है। सभी दूसरों ने कोशिश नहीं की।

osx - Rails wkhtmltopdf not working on Yosemite MAC -

I upgraded my Mac to Yosemite and now wkhtmltopdf is not working in a rail app. With the browser's time "Data Not Received" I am using PDFkit - config.wktmltopdf = Rails.root.join ('bin', 'Wkhtmltopdf') in it. To_s if Rails.env.development? I have 2 files: wkhtmltopdf wkhtmltopdf-amd64 I tried to add: Mani 'wkhtmltopdf-binary' I get the same result I do not find any errors in the rail log Browser it shows "Load the webpage Unable to do because the server did not send any data. Error code: ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE " Thanks for the help! UPDATE 1 I tried: brew install wkhtmltopdf - But first, I had to reinstall Bru. Get the same results.

postgresql - How to get the local port of a jdbc connection? -

As far as I know that more than one connection objects through JDBC If the database is installed in the database, then each connection places a separate port on the machine where connection is installed (they all connect to a port on the server, where DBMS is running). I tried to remove the port. Connection corresponds to the objects. Unfortunately I have not found any way to do this. Background: I am doing performance analysis where I establish several clients who issue questions on DB. I am logging the execution time of the query on the database server. I have the resultant log - between others - information about connections, who started the query, e.g. localhost.localdomain: 44760 I hope that this information can be used to map the customer to each query or for a more accurate connection object, (Which is my final goal and works in the analysis objectives). Simply select through this JDBC connection: inet_client_port () Select in more ways like this:

java - why is Immutable Objects safe in Double-Checked Locking? -

Below this, it says: Double-checked Locking irreversible objects If the helper is an irreversible thing, then all the fields in Helper are final, then double check-locking will work without using unstable areas. The idea is that the context of an immutable object (such as string or integer) should behave like a similar or float; Reading and writing contexts of temporary objects are atoms. The sample and explanation of volatility is as follows: // broken multithread version // "double-check locking" idiom class Foo {Private Helper Assistant = Zero; Public Helper getHelper () (if synchronized (helper == zero) {if (helpful == zero) helper = new helper ();} return assistant;} // other work and member ...} The first reason why it does not work The most obvious reason for this is that 'it works that writes helper object starting and helper Writing in the field can be done out of order or is considered. Thus, a thread that meets Helper () assistant You can

database design, Is this one to one relationship? -

स्थिति वक्तव्य: हमारी प्रयोगशाला विभिन्न स्रोतों से नमूनों को प्राप्त करती है। प्राप्त करने पर, हम उन्हें प्रयोगशाला आईडी संख्या असाइन करते हैं जो प्रत्येक नमूने के लिए अद्वितीय है। हम प्रत्येक नमूनों पर विभिन्न प्रकार के परीक्षण करते हैं, कहते हैं, टेस्ट 1, टेस्ट 2, टेस्ट 3 .... और इस परीक्षण के परिणाम अक्सर कई मान में होते हैं। अब तक मुझे क्या लगता है: नमूने सारणी: लैबिड (पीके) नमूना विवरण स्रोत आईडी (एफके) स्रोत तालिका: SourceID (पीके-ऑटोगेंनेटेड) स्रोत जाहिर है, सूत्रों के बीच एक से कई रिश्तों में से एक हो क्योंकि एक स्रोत में कई प्रयोगशालाएं भेजी जा सकती हैं। अब, मेरी समस्या शुरू होती है प्रत्येक टेस्ट से डेटा संग्रहीत करने वाली तालिका बनाने के साथ मैं सोच रहा हूं कि मुझे प्रत्येक परीक्षा के परिणामों को अलग-अलग टेबल में रखना चाहिए। प्रत्येक नमूना को एक या कई परीक्षणों के अधीन किया जा सकता है। उदाहरण के लिए, test1 तालिका इस तरह से हो सकती है: टेस्ट 1 तालिका: < Ul> लैबिड (पीके) टेस्ट 1_डेटा_1 टेस्ट 1_डेटा_2 ....... इसी तरह, अ

html - hover is not working on child element -

मेरे पास div के नीचे div है & lt; div id = "places" & gt; & Lt; div id = "h- dragbar" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; और नीचे के रूप में सीएसएस #locations {ऊंचाई: 50px; चौड़ाई: 100%; स्थिति: रिश्तेदार; Z- इंडेक्स: -1; } # H- dragbar {पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: काला; चौड़ाई: 100%; ऊंचाई: 3px; स्थिति: पूर्ण; कर्सर: पंक्ति-आकार बदलना; नीचे: 0; Z- इंडेक्स: 99 9; } # एच-ड्रैगरबार: होवर {पृष्ठभूमि-रंग: नीला; } लेकिन आईडी h-dragbar के साथ div पर होवर नहीं चल रहा है आप यहां कोड का परीक्षण कर सकते हैं। मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत? अग्रिम धन्यवाद। नया उदाहरण jsFiddle में जो आपने प्रदान किया है, आप < कोड> z- अनुक्रमणिका का -1 मूल पैर यानी #locations के लिए है, इसलिए आप अपने बच्चे div पर होवर फ़ंक्शन को करने में असमर्थ हैं # ज-dragbar । आपको नकारात्मक z- अनुक्रमणिका को #locations पर निकालना होगा और फिर यह ठीक काम करेगा। अपडेट: मैंने आपके नवीनतम बेला की जांच की है और # v-dragbar zlinks के लिए एक नकारात्मक

html - Margin 0 auto to a span within div not working -

I call a span within a div, takes its margin but margin: 0 auto is not working anybody Also suggest? html & lt; Div & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; & Lt; H3 & gt; Paris Eurostar Breaks & lt; / H3 & gt; & Lt; P & gt; Curitur Fingilla Maurice Interdham Nek Magna & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; CSS div {width: 465px; Minute-height: 201px; } Div span {display: inline-block; Color: #fff; Border Bottom: 1 Px # FFF Solid; Border-top: 1px #fff concrete; Margin: 0 auto; } Output Required with center horizontal The code> margin element should have a fixed width . Since you are using inline-block try this: div {text-align: center; }

quickbooks online - bug with IEntity.toString()? -

There is a bug with calls .toString () created on the unit created by theQueryEntity if you use it in a query Let's have some garbage string "tring" in it. Generate IERTTE Query Entity = (IERTY). Quarterly (Vendor Class); QueryEntity.toString (); Calendar Start = Calendar.Justation (); Start.add (calendar.YEAR, -1); Seller vendor = (Seller) queryEntity; Select Return ($ (Vendor)) (Where ($ (vendor .getMetaData). GetLastUpdatedTime ()) .gte (start) .where ($ (vendor. Active). Eq (wrong)). Skip (1) .Tak (1000). Generate (); This will be the result of some of the "Selecting Trot." * "Has anyone seen this? Finally put it Apparently you can not call any method on the query entity given by createQueryEntity before calling callout (). This means that string () or (vendor) query entity). This active () should not be called before selection ($ (vendor)). Select the solution ($ (seller ($ seller))) before calling these methods before. Be careful wh

algorithm - How to create a uniform distribution over non-power-of-2 elements from n bits? -

Assuming that I can generate random bytes of data, I choose an element from an array of How can I use N Elements If I have 256 elements then I can generate 1 byte of entropy (8 bits), and then select it for my element I can choose to convert to an integer. If I have 2 elements, then I can generate 1 byte, I can leave 7 bit and use the remaining bit to select my element. But what if I have 3 elements? 1 bit is very low and 2 is too much, how do I randomly select 1 of 3 elements with the same elements? You can generate from the proper distribution, just lay down in the required range if you have N elements Generate random bits of roof (log) (n) = <. This is disabled, but still works until the bits are generated randomly In your example where you have N = 3, you need at least K = 2 bit , You have the same likelihood [00, 01, 10, 11] the same probability. To map it to the appropriate category, ignore any one result, such as creating a new joint probability distribut

Couchdb: OS process timed out -

I am suffering from an intermittent but serious couchdb error. This error is in the form of "OS process timed out." As shown in My current troubleshooting is as follows: There is no big document, there is no heavy burden on the server and there are some requests on couchdb . "query_server_config / os_process_limit" and "couchdb / os_process_timeout" do not help setting up, the problem is elsewhere. The bug happened in version 1.2, I came to 1.6 and the bug is still there. Restart couchdb does not resolve the error How to diagnose and fix a clue on the problem? This was because the query server could not even start. The query server was not executable The same error message "Couchdb: Timeout of the OS process expired" used very different errors: query server crashes at startup > query server is hanging query Server Trash Answer query invalid query execution too long view

django - Looping over two lists in a template -

In a DJ ango template, I want to access elements in a list, while looping on elements in another list, I am passing the list mylist1 and mylist2 (the same number of both elements) in the template as the hidden variable, and give me the mylist1 element Display, and still display the related element of mylist2 This will look something like this: My suggestion The results of 1%} {<%} & lt; P & gt; Results & lt; / P & gt; & Lt; P & gt; {{Mylist2.forloop.counter}} & lt; / P & gt; {% Endfor%} What is the correct solution?

winapi - Win32API DefWindowProc not processing line feed and carriage return -

I am upgrading a program that uses MFCs from V6 to VS 2010 and partially proportionally partially With the exception, it displays any character with the exception of the carriage return and line feed on the CRichEditBox. Anyone have any ideas? Is there a better job to call? I did not write this code bit. Diff Windproof (WPARAM) 0x0D, 0); - Nothing DiffwondoPicric (WM_CHAR, (VARAM) 'B', 0); - Works Thanks in advance. Forget the addition of PS - it worked in VS6

android - how can i send data from mobile phone to sony watch not in on resume because if watch is already open then it will not work -

I am currently developing a simple application in which I need to send data from mobile which is working perfectly It is ... I have done this by using the method of preference. But the problem occurs when the device is not in the sleep state, it will show the previous data, so I have to take some steps and call the method again. If so, then it will be completely ... so what do i basically The Smart Clock is getting triggered (show the screen lightly) when I click on the Android app button and whatever I want leaves the app when I leave the app from mobile .... This code is Which is working on restarting me for the event @override resume at public zero (log). ("On On On", "On Resume"); SetScreenState (Control.Intents.SCREEN_STATE_ON); Shared references pref = mContext.getSharedPreferences ("text", reference.MODE_PRIVATE); String text = pref.getString ("textdowndream", "test"); Bundle bundle 1 = new bundle (); Bundle 1. Input (Cont

javascript - jQchart multiple information with title of the graph -

I'm using jQchart to display a graph. However, the property of the title only appears to display a line of text. The graph currently displays the following title: text: chartTypeText + ':' + chart title + "," + $ ('# Base line reassessial location location option: selected'). Text () + ',' + $ ("#Baselline reassessal location location option: selected"). Val () + '' + $ ('# Baseline Reassign Standard Standard Option: Selected'). Text () + '' BaselinePerified + 'Year' However, I need to basically display each variable on a separate line (hopefully using line breaks each piece To separate information). I tried to use "" but it shows the string literally Is there any way that I can display each variable in different fonts, under the heading of the graph? If you are looking for series title optimization, then this is the tooltipFormat event Can be customized with. [Use some separat

ldap - Looping through each item in a ListBox control with VB.NET -

I wrote down the program to see a LDAP user and return a property. The way I need to work, is as follows: I will first load the list of user IDs in ListBox1 , then when I click on a button, a property (such as DisplayName) To ListBox2 . Now I want to click on an item in ListBox1 and then click on the button and it works, but I want to loop it through every ID in ListBox1 And write properties for them without having to click on each of my user IDs for ListBox2 How can I add it to each loop? New directory in the form of Dim D: Central ("LDAP: //,DC=com") Dim LdapFilter as String = "(SAMAccountName =" & ListBox1 .txt & amp; ")" Search Researcher as a New Searcher (D, LDAPFilter) search result as search result = searcher FundOn () ListBox2.Items.Add (Results Properties ("displayName") (0) .ostring ()) Update I tried to use the ListView to display two columns, as suggested, this is not working, though. I

Unable to call thrust on CUDA memory -

I am trying to find an array (already present in CUDA memory) using the emphasis library. Here are some answers, have said that this emphasis is possible by wrapping: using device_ptr, but it is throwing an error for me. initial code cudaMemcpy ((* Zero *) (data + rotation), (zero *) d_output, size (unsigned int) * rows * cols, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); Thrust: Device_Vector & lt; Unsigned Inter & gt; Vec (data + curved), (data + + + + strips + rows * cols); Sum = thrust :: less (vec.begin (), vec.end ()); < P> The above code works perfectly well, but if I do it, thrust :: device_ptr unsigned int> outputPtrBegin (d_output); thrust: device_ptr < Unsigned int & gt; Outputprint ((d_output + stride + (rows * cols)); Sum = thrust :: less (outputPtrBegin, outputPtrEnd); This throws me the following error. / P> Finish after throwing an example of 'thrust :: system :: system_error' (): An invalid memory access was encountered, the canceled

objective c - Quickblox iOS download chat message attachment -

I am working with Quickblox iOS SDK for instant messaging. My app images and other files as attachments Can send and receive The following method is used in the document given at the following link: - [QBContent TDownloadFileWithBlobID: [attachment.ID integerValue] Rep: self] That method is currently I've been deprecated, I am using the recommended method + [QBRequest *] downloadFileWithUID: (NSString *) UID ...] In the attachment ID as a UID I pass It downloads some data, but I hope that image data is not there. The document of that method uses the Blob ID of a QBCBlob object, not an attachment id. I agree that I am getting invalid data. Docs do not tell which ID has been used here or how to get it. How do I get an attachment, and what is the easiest / best way to download attachment data? Documentation: is the correct link it is Download attachments using IOS SDK 2.0 Set up a Redirect Previous one

python - Difference between wx.TextCtrl .write / .WriteText / .AppendText -

I am new to Python and therefore I'm new to wxPython too. I was just thinking that there is a difference in these wx.TextCtrl functions. This mini code shows three times the same output. If there is no difference then is there any historical reason for these actions? import wx class testUI (wx.Panel): textCtrl = 'def __init __ (self, guardian, name): super (TestUI, self) .__ init __ (parent, name = Name) self.Show (True) self.textCtrl.write ('bli \ n') self.textCtrl.WriteText ('bla \ n') itself .textCtrl.AppendText ('blub \ n') def buildUI (self): self.textCtrl = wx.TextCtrl (self style = wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY) box = wx.boxSizer (wx.VERTICAL) Bokskjoden (Self.textCtrl, ratio = 1, the flag = Wx.EXPAND) Def main (): AP = wx.App (wrong) root = wx.Frame (original = none, title = 'testUI') testUI (parent = root, name = 'testUI') root.Show ( True) app.MainLoop () # Standard boilerplate for calling the main function If __name__

security - perl open() injection prevention -

I read that open () command with 2 arguments is weak for injection, while 3 arguments I is not injection-enabled I have a directory where all my files have a normal prefix, that is, "file-" therefore an example file name would be, file-SomeSourceCode.txt How < $ fileextension can be of any kind, which can be of any type. The name of the file name 'I say, it will not be vulnerable to a file name such as | open (my $ FH, "some / random / dir / file-" $ user_text) is completely weak, it is impossible to unzip the inappropriate injection this name a file called some / random / dir / file-foo. This can be used to execute arbitrary commands $ perl -e'open (my $ FH, "file -". $ ARGV [0]) ''; Echo 0wned & gt; And 2 'Sh: 1: file-: not found 0wned

ios - Xcode 6 auto layout flexible width -

मेरे पास एक यूआईटीईफ़ेस्ट फिल्ड है जो Xcode 6 एस ऑटो लेआउट अंतरफलक का उपयोग कर रहा है I ने 400 अंक की चौड़ाई निर्धारित की है। यह बड़े स्क्रीन उपकरणों पर ठीक लग रहा है परन्तु आईफोन 5 पर ये बक्से युक्त देखने के बाहर गायब हो जाते हैं। इस से संपर्क करने का सही तरीका क्या है? क्या एक बाधा तय करने का कोई तरीका है जो यूआईटीextField चौड़ाई 400 अंक बना देगा यदि स्क्रीन इस से बड़ी है या कंटेनर दृश्य को भरने के बजाय, दृश्य के बाहर बह निकला हुआ है या क्या मैं आकार वर्गों का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, ताकि यूआईटीईफ़िक्फिल्ड को कॉम्पैक्ट दृश्यों पर उसके पैरेंट व्यू के समान चौड़ाई मिल सके। UITextField पर चौड़ाई बाधा को स्थापित करने के बजाय, क्षैतिज अंतरिक्ष की बाधाओं को बाएं और दाएं को जोड़ें इस तरह से UITextField स्वतः स्क्रीन के साथ आकार जाएगा।

c++ - How to update single pixels efficiently on SDL 1.2 surface? -

I am writing a small item that calculates RGB values ​​for each pixel of the image. I want to display each after the calculation. The problem is that I did not know how to make it faster, it takes a few seconds to calculate the entire image and then display it, where each pixel takes a few minutes to appear. It is important that I can see progress on the image count. Is there any way to solve this task efficiently in SDL 1.2? My code now looks like this: SDL_Surface * screen = NULL; SDL_Surface * image = NULL; SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); // Set screen screen = SDL_SetVideoMode (img.width), img.height (), 32, SDL_SWSURFACE); // Create the surface with the image of the basic values ​​= SDL_CreateRGBSurface (SDL_SWSURFACE, img.width), img.height (), 32,0,0,0,0,0,0); If (image == faucet) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "SDL failed to form surface"; } // Create an array for pixels Uint32 * pixel = (Uint32 *) image- & gt; Pixels; // Apply the image to the SDL_

Use Maven Cargo to install Wildfly with Keycloak -

I am trying to use a wildfire container to use Maven cargo and the key clock on it I am here. I have been on this for a while and the way I see it there are two ways about it. I can either use an Artifact Installer for Wildfly and then try to employ the keyclose to do it, or I can use a ZIP installer and install it in the Keychalk's device build I am I have the basics of both solutions, although none of them work. They both look downwards. If you use the Artifender installer, you have another stable installer, but take a little bit of the low level configuration of wildfire for wild deployment. (). On the other hand, the zip installer needs to find a place to download a distribution, and then it should take a little bit before the cargo recognizes it, because zip structure is not such that cargo is expected. I I did a way to do this and the relevant palm The snippet attached here only ends up with one obbball fragment file section, it is being used to deploy a database

How do I convert a List in Java 8? -

In Java 8, I can write list & lt; String & gt; StrList = Arrays.asList ("1", "2", "3"); & Lt; Integer & gt; IntList = (). Map (S -> integer.value (s)). Collections (collectors list); And it is very less than before, but I have these conversions and I wonder why the following is not possible, that is why the conversion / conversion method is not there? // will not work because there is no conversion in the list () or conversion () method: list & lt; Integer & gt; IntList = strList.convert (s -> integer.whouf (s)); If the implementation of convert will be clever, it may also be lazy, so that the conversion is done only when the elements are actually requested. Will go / P> Alternatively, I can definitely write it myself, but does anyone know of a library that provides a method? // Any ideas that this experiment provides? & Lt; Integer & gt; IntList = SomeLibraryUtil.convert (strLis

c# - How do I call codebehind method from another ASP.NET app? -

I have a scenario where I have a login page on a webform app, after the user entered The Separte app both apps share similar login information but live on two separate servers. I want to call the following web form method that resides within a codebehind file within an ASP.NET web form app, But do this so quietly so that the user Doers do not need to be in the second log with the same credentials. Protected Zero btnLogin_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {} Do not btnLogin_Click URL link or any other method without modifying web form app Is it possible to call through a medium so that I do not need to manually login through the login page related to the page? My caller function will be in an app with a separate login page where it will be the app where BTNLogin_clicks reside. I would like to try logging in with the caller and quietly login to the app where codebehind resides so that the user only has to sign in once. How can I get this desired solution? You can acce

Do XSLT processors validate input and output XML files if XSD is present? -

Imagine I have some XSLT changes. It converts one XML to another, has valid XML schemas in input and output Will the XSLT processor validate the input and output and what if it fails? If you want to apply the input and / or output validation with XSLT, you have a schema-aware XSLT Requires the use of Saxon 9EE like 2.0 or 3.0 processors.

Django Rest Framework Postman Token Authentication -

मैं Django Rest Framework टोकन प्रमाणीकरण का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और अगर मैं curl http: // localhost: 8000 / api / V1 / users /? Format = json -H 'प्राधिकरण: टोकन 0a813fdcd3f8846d6fa376f2592bbc678b0b8e85' सबकुछ ठीक काम करता है। लेकिन जब मैं पोस्टमन क्रोम क्लाइंट के साथ इसे प्राप्त करने का प्रयास करता हूं, ऐसा कुछ नहीं होता। क्या मैं गलत कर रहा हूं ?? आप प्राधिकरण: टोकन के लिए हेडर सेट कर रहे हैं, जब यह वास्तव में होना चाहिए प्राधिकरण < / code>। शीर्ष लेख वास्तव में बस प्राधिकरण है, लेकिन मान है टोकन [token_string] , जहां [token_string] वह प्राधिकरण टोकन है जिसे आपने प्राप्त किया है।

Next Business day from a date including US Holidays in Oracle SQL - no pl/sql code -

After reading and trying several SQL code, is still facing the problem. I need to calculate it from the date of 5th business day I need to remove on 'Saturday' Sunday and the US Holidays My Have a table with US vacations but my SQL is not able to properly join BDT WEEKDAY_INDI ---------- ------- ------- 1 6/1/2014 Week ends 2 6/2/2014 Week 3 3/3/2014 WEEKDAY 4 6/4/2014 WEEKDAY 5 6/5/2014 WEEKDAY 6 6/6/2014 WEEKDAY 7 6/7/2014 WEEKEND 8 6/8/2014 End of Week BUD Like I can get weekly and holidays in a table / different tables I have a query from < / Pre> returns NAME DOB DOB_MONTH DOJ UPDATED_DATE ---------- ---------------- ------ --- ----------- -------------- 1 Afternoon 9/14/2000 September 2/20/2012 6/12 / 2014 2 Angel 10/9/2000 Oct 5/5/2014 6/10/2014 3 Ashvini 5/17/2000 May 4/6/2011 6/02/2014 I I want to calculate the next business d UPDATED_DATE for I included in the holiday table with team table It is a habit of being, but it did not

c# - Updating large amounts of data in an EF Migration -

I have a SQL table in which there are hundred million lines or in it, and its schema is managed by EF migration. I want to change the values ​​in the enim connected to that table, so I will have to update all the values ​​in the DB into the new values. Something like the bottom this.SQL ("MyTable set MyEnum = 0 where MyEnum = -1"); It would be nice to have a small table, but this is not true due to the size of the table to run such a big update at a time (I have connection timeout, tempi Meet the issue of space, transfer log space issues ect). It would be much better to do this in batches example: while (ctx.MyTable.Any (m => m.MyEnum == -1) {this.SQL (" UPDATE TOP (100000000) MyTable SET MyEnum = 0 WHERE MyEnum = -1 "); } Unfortunately, I can prepare a way to read from the table during a migration (for example, you use migration ctx.MyTable.Any (m => M .MyEnum == -1) ). There is a way to do this so that I can batch in my EF Migration update