
Showing posts from July, 2015

arrays - Problems with Javascript Recursion -

I am currently trying to write a script that you want to get back to set the minimum number of "jumps" For an initial array of initial numbers, the initial number is always the largest number in the array. For example, if the array [2, 3, 5, 6, 1] then the starting number will be 6 because it is the largest then you can either go to 6 positions either left or You can bounce right (you can choose) and where you end it is your next number we say that we went right, we will end up on 1 because we loop back in the beginning of the array will do. You can then go to 1 left and then return to 6 . Therefore, the minimum number of jump is 2 . I have written the functions below to take these input array and to determine the minimum number, however, every search function calls 2 times (Once left, and once for the right), still continuously increasing count the variable gets "confused" once the line of repetition ends (when Count> arr.length ) I hope to

Less files not converted to css when publishing the project in ASP.NET -

Unable to compile my problem. I installed random package using Newsgate in Viewed Studio 2010. It works well at the local level MyProjectFolder / Content / Styles? V = "rel =" stylesheet "> and no content is displayed when clicking on the above link, because the file has not been generated. Anyone can help me in solving this issue. Update 1: The mention of the approach by which fewer files are calling Bundle of the following files is being used in the config.cs file using the following code: - Bundle Include (New Style Bundle ("~ / Content / General"). ("~ / Content / General. Unless")); In the header section in my HTML page I call it using @ styles.Render ("~ / content / common") Importing into my normal file. There are also two other files using reference, so common would like a file: - @import "variables.less"; @import url ( Css? Family = Roboto); Body {b

python - How to Make Status bar widget clickable and read only openerp 7.0 -

यह मेरा फ़ॉर्म दृश्य है & lt; form string = "meeting information" version = "7.0" & gt; & LT; हैडर & gt; & Lt; फ़ील्ड नाम = "स्थिति" विजेट = "स्थितिबार" क्लिक करने योग्य = "1" / & gt; & Lt; / हैडर & gt; & LT; चादर & gt; & LT; समूह & gt; & Lt; समूह स्ट्रिंग = "विवरण" & gt; & Lt; क्षेत्र का नाम = "नाम" / & gt; & Lt; फ़ील्ड का नाम = "pro_date" / & gt; & Lt; क्षेत्र का नाम = "प्रकार" / & gt; & Lt; / समूह & gt; & Lt; समूह स्ट्रिंग = "अधिक विवरण" & gt; & Lt; फ़ील्ड नाम = "नोट्स" / & gt; & Lt; क्षेत्र का नाम = "pro_assign_to" / & gt; & Lt; फ़ील्ड नाम = "उपयोगकर्ता_सस्ता" / & gt; & Lt; / समूह & gt; & Lt; / समूह & gt; & Lt; / चादर & gt; & Lt; / प्रपत्र & gt; जब स्थिति पट्टी आइटम done क्लिक किया जाता है, तो

regex - Regular Expression for Text Area for validating Range -

I want a regular expression for the text area that will not valid for more than 200 characters in the text field, because we know the maximum length @ "^ ([\ w] | [| | \ W] | [\ n]) {0,200} $" @ "([\ s] | [\ S] | [\ n]) {0,200} $" @ " ^ ([\ W] | [\ W] | [\ r \ n]) {0,200} $ " @" ^ ([\ s] | | [\ ] | [\ R \ n]) {0,200} $ " tried all the validator, but still not working to register Please help me Please. If your language is a dot-tag, a simple workaround is to use the opposite pair in a class class. It should work in all regedx flavors: ^ [\ s \ S] {0,200} $ windows To enter the ad on a "character": ^ (\ r \ n |.) {0,200} $ Regex alternation left- To-right, so that the new line of windows will be used as a word and will be allowed out of 1 in 200.

rails : return the two different joined results -

Research based on "role" for role in my user model = 4 I need to return two combined results, But this only returns the end result (User.tempexaminee_users) how can I get involved in these results. If role == 4 def (search, role) If role == 3 Users . Questionetter_users.where (like [login] or like a name? Or as an email? And end If the role == 4 user .examinee_users.where ((like 'login or like a name or email like? And role_id =?', '% # {Search}% ","% # {search}% ","% # {search}% ", role]) users .tempexaminee_users.where ([like login? ? Or like email? ', "% # {Search}%", "% # {search}%", "% # {search}%"]) end End returned to the Combined Result Step Should go if role == 4.

groovy - Grails: Facing difficulty to create list using Ajax -

I'm new in Grails. The four basic domain classes are A, B, Q, T and second transaction class Tr. The name of a controller named trinkolar is the class and the controller are as follows: class A {string aName string aID constant constraints = {aName (nullable: false, empty: false)} static belongsTo = [tr] String B) String B (String B) String B (String S & TO = [Q: Q]} Class Q {String Q String Qtype Fixed Constraints = {} Static Attach = 1} Stent getname () {userName} string getname () {UserName} [B: B]} class T {string t static barriers = {} Fixed Hammany = [Q: Q]} class triple A.BB QQ QType TT static barriers = {}} class TrController {DEF index} {} DEP dropdown () {} DEF userlight = (parameters) ID)} Now I want to create a simple drop down list from class A in a DD GS. The page page code is as follows: & lt; G: = "$ {userinstance.toString ()}" value = "$ {userinstance.toString ()} select name =" User_name "}" /> The c

Python: merge csv files with different column subsets -

I have several large CSV files which I would like to merge in, even though not all the CSV files contain all the columns. So I need to merge by column name, not the position of the column. In the merged CSV, the value for the cell coming from a cell must be empty, which did not have a column of that cell. I can not use the Panda module because it runs me out of memory. Is there a module that can code something easy? I am giving code below to generate 2 CSV files, what would I like to do tempdf1.csv and tempdf2.csv in such a way that I get tempdf3.csv. Imported pandas as pd df1 = pd.DataFrame ([["location": "A", "temperature": 20, "weather": "clean", "wind": " "," "Space": "b", "temperature": "", "weather" "", "temperature": 14, "weather": "", "bad", "wind ":" "," Latitude " - How to use tesseract 3.02 trained data in C#? -

Through a command prompt, I can get the proper OCR output using newly trained tessedata (version 3.02), but I Want the same output with the C # code DLL referee. I have tried with the tessnet2_32.dll reference, but it is throwing exceptions using the tesseract 3.02 version using the DLL reference via the C # code trained tessedata or how to use it? It was for Tasker 2.04 You will need .NET compatible with version 3.02.

subsetting matrix observations in R -

मेरे पास एक मैट्रिक्स एक्स 1 है, जो निम्नानुसार है 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 63 64 65 66 67 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

javascript - How to change width of a barcode in html -

I need to customize the width of the barcode. I have tried to use it, I jquery-barcode I am using the js plugin. () $ ("# barcodeView") barcode ("123456789023F", // value barcode (depending on barcode type) "code128", // type (string) {barwidth: 1 , Twelvehit: 50}); But it was customizing the width and height of the single bar. I need to adjust the width and height of a full barcode. It is my html & lt; Div class = "col-xs-12 col-md-6" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "barcode view" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; I was just going to the plugin that you are using. The bar code is composed of many divs represent the individual bar and therefore the entire container i.e. With the code "barcodeTarget" can not be just shaped according to your needs. You can explicitly set it to width , but it will not be able to resize the entire barcode like you. Although the barwidth and b

javascript - Variable name and restrict operators in math.js -

मैं गुम समापन कोष्ठक या डुप्लिकेट ऑपरेटर्स आदि से गणितीय समीकरण को मान्य करने के लिए उपयोग कर रहा हूं, ताकि निम्नलिखित को ग़लत समीकरण: 9 + ((5 * 6) // 12 यह ठीक काम करता है। मैं ऐसा करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं कि यह समीकरण में एक वैरिएबल नाम की अनुमति देता है, जैसे: 9 + (variableName * 6) / 12 वैरिएबल नाम भी एक जैसा होना चाहिए। इसलिए, सत्यापनकर्ता को यह जानना होगा कि यह अभिव्यक्ति में "व्हेरिएबल" नाम की खोज में ठीक है। मैं भी चाहता हूं अनुमोदित समीकरण ऑपरेटर को केवल निम्नलिखित पर रोकें: () - + / * मैंने दस्तावेज में उन सवालों के जवाब खोजने की कोशिश की लेकिन कोई भाग्य नहीं। क्या किसी को पता है कि यह कैसे गणित.जेएस में किया जा रहा है? < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आप math.js के साथ क्या कर सकते हैं एक नोड पेड़ में एक अभिव्यक्ति पार्स है: var tree = math.parse ('9 + (चर नाम * 6) / 12'); math.js के वर्तमान संस्करण के साथ आप फ़ंक्शन ढूंढें (undocumented, देखें) फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके पेड़ का विश्लेष

javascript - Autocomplete Jquery UI... Bug with json -

I have a problem with my own full script ... if I use my json file then all my Data are displayed but do not work completely. On the contrary, if I use table NPA, then it works ... Can anyone help me with this problem ? Thanks! My auto integer.fp var NPA = 'NPA. Jason '; Var NPA 2 = [{"Value": "1700", "Label": "New York City"}, {"Value": "1701", "Label": "Chicago"}]; $ ('# Tag') Autocomplete ({Source: NPA2, Minnamban: 1}); ["Price": "1700", "label": "New York City"}, {"value" [ng.json] : "1701", "label": "Chicago "}] Your content NPA to Npa.json should be the string of . And not the content of this file. This should: var NPA = 'npa.json'; $ .getJSON (NPA, Function (data) {$ ('# tag'). Autocomplete ({source: data, minlanta: 1});});

spring - Thymeleaf: Use the text content as default if the message resolver fails -

I recently started using i18n with Thimmelef and Spring 4, like: < Pre> & lt; Span th: text = "# {}" & gt; Foo Bar & lt; / Span & gt; Is there a way to display thymelef actually "foo bar" if the user is not having the key for the location? This is the current configuration I have: @bean public message processing message source () {reloadable resourcebundled message source message source = new reloadable resourcebundle Message Source (); MessageSource.setBasenames ("/ web-INF / messages / messages"); MessageSource.setUseCodeAsDefaultMessage (true); // something equal? MessageSource.setDefaultEncoding ("UTF-8"); MessageSource.setCacheSeconds (0); Return messages source; } The message source is the last resort to prevent CODEAsDefaultMessage properties an exception code Mapping Infidelity (If MessageSource can not find your code mapping, then this Noose Message throws an exception). This is

Java: Comparing two lists -

मेरे पास दो सूचियां हैं उदाहरण के लिए: ए = {21, 41, 96, 02} बी = {21, 96, 32, 952, 1835} क्या मैं इच्छित परिणामस्वरूप यह है: आर = {32, 952, 1835} इसे पसंद करें: इसके बाद मैं परिणाम R से ए : ए = {21, 41, 96, 02, 32, 952, 1835} यह आसान है:) सूची & lt; पूर्णांक & gt; ए = नया अर्रेलिस्ट & lt; & gt; (Arrays.asList (21, 41, 96, 02)); सूची के & lt; पूर्णांक & gt; बी = नया अर्रे लिस्ट & lt; & gt; (Arrays.asList (21, 96, 32, 952, 1835)); B.removeAll (a) // अब सूची बी में शामिल हैं (32, 952, 1835) a.addAll (b); // अब इसमें शामिल सूची (21, 41, 96, 02, 32, 9 52, 1835)

Proc IMPORT - csv files - avoid variables names as VARx -

After using PROC import, I sometimes have dataset variable names in the form of VAR2 or VAR3 ... (Based on previous column reading). In the CSV file, there is a name in the column that is not "VARx". How to import variable "VARx" into SAM import from SAS? proc import file = "location_of_file \ file.csv" out = csv; DBMS = CSV replaced; Guessingrows = 32767; Getnames = yes; Run; Proc Print Data = CSV; Run; ============================================ AUAG ID NAME VAR3 1 1 Xxx yyy 2 2 zzz aaa The column names in the CSV file are named as the ID name and password thanks rbrt If the column names in the first record are not valid in the input file then class = "post-text" itemprop = "text" > The SAS name, then the import process uses the default variable names.

ios - How to show google admob from 2 accounts? -

I have an iOS app that is integrated with Google Admob. Now I want to show the admin from two accounts. Such as 50% from one account and another 50% with another account. What is the most appropriate way to do this? Please help me Thanks Use two different ad-ids and randomly a Select App on Startup.

c# - Binding issue MVVM -

I have a listbox that has a population through a view model and a datatamate in which I also have the binding. The problem is binding in the DataTemplate is not working here. My code is: ViewModel: Private Zero Notified Installed (String Properties Name) {PropertyChangedEventHandler Handler = property changed; If (empty! = Handler) {handler (this, new property change event event (property name)); }} #thandriven personal strings strHeaderText; Public String HeaderText {get (if! = This.Trips) {if (null! = {; }} Return trip ";} Set {this.strHeaderText = value;}} Public TripTypeViewModel () {this.TripTypeViewModelDataSource.Clear () TripTipsTespeTypeViewModelDataSource.FirstOrDefault () trip in tripps} {This. TripTypeViewModelDataSource.Add (tt) ;}} ... private observable collection & amp; lieutenant; TripType & gt; tripTypeViewModelDataSource; Public Supervisory Collection & amp; TripType & gt; TripTypeViewModelDataSource

c - Trigonometric functions are not working in LPC Xpresso IDE -

I am using LPCXpresso IDE for programming LPC1769, because Core Library CMSISv2p00_LPC17xx is being used. And I chose REDLIB by default. The problem is facing, that, trigonometry functions are not working, I have included the calculator, it is not showing any errors or warnings, such as sin, cos , Tan and etc. gives zero value always. Any suggestions and help will be highly appreciated!

php - symfony2 auth in formbuillder -

I need to modify a form field attribute, when it is the user's specific user role. I saw something similar to one asking: -> Addition ('description') if ($ user.hasRole (ROLE_SUPERADMIN)) - gt; ; ('Created') This will be enough for me because I need to do it once, but I am the one-builder. When a user has a specific user-role, then what is the way to be able to modify the properties? The part I want to modify is the cashback tracehold field. In addition, it is a continuous form type and I can not put it in a different type of type // payment panel $ manufacturer-> create ('payment', 'form' Array ('virtual' = & gt; true, 'entry' => array ('class' => 'form-section'))) - & gt; Plus ('commission', 'integer') - & gt; ('CashbackThreshold', 'Integer') Edit I have found a way to do this. I have in my type: Private $ securityContax; Public func

android - How to properly read nfc tag -

I am correctly setting up an NFC environment: Technology Filter & lt; Resource xmlns: xliff = "vase: oasis: name: tc: xliff: document: 1.2" & gt; & Lt; Technology list & gt; & Lt; Technology & gt; & lt; / Tech & gt; & Lt; Technology & gt; & lt; / Tech & gt; & Lt; / Tech list & gt; & Lt; / Resources & gt; Manifest & lt; Use-permission Android: name = "android.permission.NFC" /> & lt; Accessibility Android: name = "android.hardware.nfc" /> & Lt; Activity Android: name = ".ui.ScanActivity" & gt; & Lt; Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Action Android: name = "android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" /> & Lt; Category android: name = "android.intent.category.DEFAULT" /> & Lt; / Intent-Filter & gt; & Lt; Meta-Data Android: name = "android.nfc.action.T

angularjs - Firebase setting user data on registration -

I want to create a new user in my firebase. This code is using I: function createUser (email, password, username) {ref.createUser ({email: email, password: password}, ​​function (error) {If (error === faucet) {$ Activity indicator.stopenimating (); $ scope.padding_error = null; $ scope.error = null; logUserIn (email, password);} and {$ activity indicator.stopenimating (); Console.log (error .code); switch (error code) {case "INVALID_EMAIL": $ scope.padding_error = "10"; $ scope.error = "fail e-mail address order falls passport"; $ radius. $ Applicable (); Case "INVALID_PASSWORD": $ scope.paddi $ Scope.error = "False email address order fails passport"; $ scope $ apply; E-mail address ST registrar "; $ scope $ apply ().}}}}); } I also want to store the username in my firebug besides the email and password. How is this possible immediately after user registration? If registration is successful, then you can simply push

bash - Shell Script to display menu -

I have a problem with my shell script, I have written a very small example but I can not find the expected output. if status case statement, but some failure .. .. Well, my question is: when I 2 , then the user paths to the first file and if there is any other way then i will look in the default path as i mentioned Or should to search, but I could not get here this function, anyone concerned can help me? I would be grateful for your help :) My code is: #! / Bin / bash trap '' 2 reality clear eco-e "T. ******************************** ************************************************** ************************************ "echo -e" \ t ********* ********** Test-Menu ** ****************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************ ************************************************************************************************** "Echo

How to convert a char array to a char pointer in C -

I have a piece of code that will give me a character array. I want to give this array in a function that expects a character indicator. When I enter this array in the function, I give the result of a partition fault in trying to run the program. This works fine. char * buffer = "& gt; XML version = \" 1.0 \ "encoding = \" UTF-8 \ "? Gt; gt; & gt; sum & gt; & lt; section <55> 6 gt; part & gt; * & lt; / part & gt; & lt; / yoga & gt; & lt; / part & gt; Gt; "; Long output = calxaxml (buffer); When I try to create an array it will give me a split error char buffer [] = " gt; & lt; part & gt; 55 & lt; / part & gt; & lt; section & gt; 6 & Lt; / part & gt; & lt; part & gt; * & lt; / part & gt; & lt; / yoga & gt; "; Long output = calxaxml (buffer); In addition, when I try to create an indicator from the array, then the fault of t

ruby on rails - add a record to has_many model without saving -

A customer has many orders, so the customer.order gives me all the orders. I want to add an order to my order but for internal investigation, I do not want this order to be actually added to the data base. But while doing so: customer.orders & lt; & Lt; Test_order It is being saved and committed to the data base. How can I add it to my use without saving it? You can use Build, which will initialize the order object without saving it. test_order = customer (order_params)

javascript - How to change google maps Drawing Manager toolbar tooltip? -

I have a status with the Google Maps drawing manager, I want to change the Drawing Manager toolbar default tooltip. When we mouse over the drawing manager toolbar (marker moves the mouse over the circle), then we see that "add a marker", "create a circle" tooltip. I want to change Toolbar Tooltip as "Add new location", "Draw area". Is it possible to change Google Map API version 3? Thanks in advance Nodes for buttons are not available through the API < / P> Another approach (using jQuery, but it would also be possible without the framework): $ (map.getDiv ()). A ('mouseover', 'img [src = ""]', function (e) {$ (E.delegateTarget) .find ('img [src = "Https://"] '). Each (function () {$ (this) .closest (' div [title] '' atr '(' title ', function () {Switch (this title)} {'Add a ma

c - Understanding XDR specification to create a *.x file -

I am looking through many websites on the Internet and really want to know that we X for the RPC file . C to create equivalent work in the file *. In the X file program ADD_PROG {version ADD_VERS {int ADD (intpair) = 1, I visited each site to use the following types of specification. } = 1; } = 0x23451111; Therefore, to understand practically, I have obtained an open-source project known as ganglia and uses RPCGN to produce the equivalent C source code () and C header file (). $ [Rohit @ Ganglia-Server RPC] $ 24-RV-RW [Rohit] Ganglia-Server RPC $ rpcgen -C gm_protocol.x [Rohit @ Ganglia-Server RPC] -R-1 1 Rohit Rohit 5786 28 October 17:52 GM_PROTOTAL H-R-R-R-1-Rohit Rohit 3485 28 Oct. 15:04 GM_Prootrol.XRRRR-1 Rohit Rohit 8213 28 Oct 17:52 gm_protocol_xdr.c I have learned, which I have learned and understood, in any GMC RP.C. The code is not shown as, but it can also generate many functions in the file gm_protocol_xdr.c It is very convinced that I do not understand X mvc - Should I follow specific naming pattern for my foreign key, if I want to map my database tables using Entity Framework? -

I'm reading the following tutorials about the entity framework that uses code-first approach < P> and mentioned that EF has to use the following 2 naming patterns or rules to interpret the FK between these two classes: - public class enrollment {Receive {Public Ent Enrollment ID}; Set; } Public mandatory course ID {Receive; Set; } Receive public enterprise scholarship; Set; } Public grade? Grade {get; Set; } Public Virtual Course Course {get; Set; } Public Virtual Student Student {Received; Set; }} Public class student {public ID} {get; Set; } Public String LastName {get; Set; } Public string FirstMidName {get; Set; } Date of Public Date Date Received; Set; } Public virtual iconging & lt; Nomination & gt; Nomination {Received; Set; }} The entity framework then defines a property as a foreign key asset: rule 1 If its name is & lt; Navigation Properties Name & gt; & Lt; Primary key property name & gt; (for example, StudentID for stu

javascript - booststrap popover left position not working -

Then I have a popover that shows comments made in a certain information shown on a website. This is the code I got, which creates a popover. var popover option = {placement: element.position (). Left & gt; 550? "Left": "right", trigger: "hover", html: 'true'}; Element.removeClass ('icon white'); Element.attr ('title', $ .i18n ._ ('msg_comment')); Element.attr ('Data-content', comment. Location (/ \ n / g, ' This is my html & lt; Span class = "icon-comment budget comment action" data-id = "date = 2014-09-01 & amp; country code = AR & sports ID = 12 & amp; channel ID = 2" data -content = "2014-10-10 11:00:02 Masalanka: Examination 2 2014-10-06 16:54:09 Masalanka: Test" Data- Original-title = "comment" title = "" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; The thing is that when popover appears, it appears on the element on which I am h

Select rows with second minimum rank in SQL Server -

I have a table with customer number, order number, and amp; Rank field Each customer number can have multiple orders with different rank values. East. Customer # Order # Rank 1 12 1 1 13 3 1 14 2 2 15 2 2 16 1 3 17 3 3 18 4 3 19 1 3 20 2 I am using this table to populate another table that looks like this. cust order1 order2 order3 order4 1 12 14 13 2 16 15 3 19 20 17 18 Then, i order2, order3, order4 < / Code> How to select the second, third minimum rank to populate the field? EDIT: I do not want to be classed as 1,2,3, because sometimes there can be no RAN 2, so the order 2 field will be empty, but the order 3 field will be populated. Will go. I want to be from the lowest rank. Second lowest rank in order of 1 minimum rank, order 2 etc. Use a combination of ROW_NUMBER () and PIVOT < / Code>, like this: Declaration @tump table (Customer INT, OrderNumber INT, Ranking INT) @tmp Enter (Customer, Serial Number, Ranking) Selection 1, 12, 1 Union Selec

jaxb - Using EclipseLink (MOXy) in Eclipse -

I am writing a Java program that uses JACAB to create an XML file from an XSD and for the first time eclipse is using . I also downloaded the Eclipse link to be used within Eclipse because I want to use MOC as my jackbase provider. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'm using it correctly. I have read various documents, blogs and forums which refer to various techniques but as I am new to this, I am not sure that my understanding is correct. Can anybody understand me? I understand that Moxi is an optional JACB implementation for contextual implementation, and in this way there are such features which may be useful in the context of the above mentioned implementations. Keeping this in mind, I downloaded the Eclipse link and placed EclipselliLocker in my classpath and added the file to my package. Another folder under the Eclipseelch \ jlib folder contains 6 jar files named Maxi, what are they for and do I need to include them in my class? JAXB classes generated

c# - How to wait some seconds before doing something in OnMouseUp Event -

I am writing a game with some animation, and when users click on a button then use those animations . I would like to show the animation to the user, and not just call "new" a new level with "just" application.loadLevel. I thought I could use the time. Add the onMouseUp method to DeltaTime and add it to a predefined 0f value, then check that it is larger than 1f (for example), but it will not work as the onMouseUp method is only "this is your time" as the delta time < / P> My script now looks like this: Public class ClickScriptAnim: MonobeHawk {Pressed Public Sprite; Public Sprite BTN; Public Game Object Target; Public string message; Public transit network; Private bull anime = true; Private animator animator; Private float in these gaming = 0f; Use it for initialization zero start () (animator = mesh.GetComponent & lt; Animator & gt; ();} // update is called once per line zero (update) () zero} OnMouseDown () {animator.SetBool (&quo

wordpress - Apache config problems for + Capistrano -

I'm new with Rutsioo / Bidrok, so please ask forgive me if im stupid so present in my Using Bedrock + Capistrano to deploy WordPress site. The Capistrain part is working fine. My only problem is Apache config. How should I define DocumentRoot to do bedroom work? Directory structure: / var / www / - & gt; /war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/releases/20l4l028ll5909 /war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/releases/war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/repo /war/www/meedomankcom/teszt/ravisions .log /var/www/ My current Vhost file: & lt; VirtualHost *: 81 & gt; SuPHP_Engine at suPHP_ConfigPath /etc/php5/vhosts/ suPHP_UserGroup devsunnywebhu vhostusers addHandler x-httpd-php .php .php3 .php4 .php5 .html suPHP_AddHandler x-httpd-php Server's name serverAlive www.mydomain com Srhwaradmin AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 Dastavejhrut /var/www/ & lt; Directory /var/ww

Spring Batch read/write count does not match with the actual number of records executed -

Using quartz scheduler and running spring batches. The number of threads is 5 and the shorter interval is 20. If there are 100 records to be taken by the batch and when this is going on, then I stop the execution of the batch .. The number of reading and the counting of the BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION table says' n '.. But there are records of BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION_CONTEXT' Count N '+/-, but this is not the same. Usually these tables There is a mismatch between It is also seen that sometimes the number of recorded records is high but in these tables the number of counts is very low .. no one can explain .. We really need to see your configuration ItemReader S, you use a simple perspective, to provide accurate answers These two tables serve two different objectives. May include, so that there is a different number. BATCH_STEP_EXECUTION Store Metadata for Phase Normally The steps given in the reading count will be the actual number of read items during execution.

requirejs - sbt-rjs: Exclude files from uglification -

I want to minimize and add my javascript in the process of creation with pipeline. A part of it is useless using files that are controlled by RJ with the default uglify2 adapter I want to find out if I can exclude files from the Uugrification I can still include them in the insert module? Especially I want to skip the minified files already, so that the time of construction can be minimized.

Form a edge list from a matrix-python -

I have a matrix that looks like the following: matrix = [[ 0, 0,1], [1,0,1], [0,1,0]] I want to create an edge list that looks like the following: Edge_list = {0: [2], 1: [0, 2], 2: [1]} The first column nodes in the Edge_list and the next column Identify those nodes that have the edge (matrix value of 1). Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. and with: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Matrix = [... [0,0,1], ... [1,0,1], ... [0,1,0], ...]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; {I: [For J, for enumerate x] I, enumerate the row (matrix)} {0: [2], 1: [0, 2], 2: [1] }

SQL Server 2008 pulling in timestamps from postgres -

I am trying, but I have been stuck on it for a few days. At first I was just dragging all of our main postgres into the timestamps from the database, now I'm pulling them into transformed text strings and using them as a data conversion step to convert them to a date Want to If there is a better way of doing this, then I should be put in the right direction. The main problem I am coming now is I have a question as follows: select, max (case when to_id = 4 then stamp Otherwise, as the date_pending (case when to_id = 4 then and zero end tickets) first_date_pending, max (case when to_id = 5 then and zero end tickets) date_sent, max (as the case) When to_id = 11 then any other zero ticket idd is acceptable as the date my_table WHERE to_id IN (4, 5, 11) Group by id ** Full disclosure: The above query can not be a difference to a driver from a subquery or what I have read The issue is coming to me can not change my data conversion steps . Thes

C# Edit XML, I am totally lost -

I have an XML file to load this code which I do not know is complete. This is my code. Public void updateXML (string xmlFile, string selection node, string selectsing node, string little volume, string selected content) {XmlDocument xml = New XmlDocument (); Xml.load (xmlFile); (XML element element xml.SelectNodes (selectNode)) {foreach (Element element in XmlElement element1) {if (element.SelectSingleNode (selectNode) .intertext == selected category) {XmlNode newvalue = xml.CreateElement (newNode); Newvalue.InnerText = "modified"; Element.ReplaceChild (newvalue, element1); Xml.Save (xmlFile); }}} Below is the method I use at the end, where I set the xmlfile and this is the (UpdateXML method "data.cs", which is called on the repository Is in public zero editCategory (string newNode) {string xmlFile = "Category.xml"; string selectNodes = "ArrayOfCategory / category", string selectSingleNode = "// name", string SelectedCategory

html - Google PageSpeed suggests to remove meta charset tag -

मैं वर्ण एन्कोडिंग के लिए HTML5 मेटा टैग का उपयोग करता हूं: & lt; meta charset = "utf -8 "& gt; जब मैं परीक्षण चलाता हूं, तो मुझे निम्नलिखित सुझाव देता है: निम्न संसाधनों में मेटा टैग में निर्दिष्ट एक वर्ण सेट है। मेटा टैग में एक वर्ण सेट निर्दिष्ट करना IE8 में lookahead डाउनलोडर को अक्षम करता है। संसाधन डाउनलोड parallelization में सुधार करने के लिए, प्रायोगिक नियमों मेनू के अंतर्गत HTTP सामग्री-प्रकार रिस्पांस हेडर। वर्ण सेट करें। मुझे पता है कि यह कहना है कि मैं बेहतर PHP संस्करण का उपयोग कर रहा हूं और मैं करता हूं: हैडर ('सामग्री-प्रकार: पाठ / html; वर्णसेट = यूटीएफ -8'); लेकिन क्या मुझे मेटा टैग को पूरी तरह से हटा देना चाहिए? लेकिन क्या यह अन्य ब्राउज़रों या उपकरणों के लिए अन्य मुद्दों को मजबूर नहीं करेगा? क्या किसी के पास इस बारे में कोई विचार है? क्या केवल या केवल प्रसिद्ध कोड निष्पादन अभ्यास के लिए मुद्दा है? एक ब्लॉग पोस्ट है जो लगभग से एक साल पहले, उसको सभी श्रेय, यहाँ तुम जाओ यह .htaccess फ़ाइल में एक नियम जोड़ने का सु

cmusphinx - Android pocketsphinx & Fsg model -

reference I am currently creating an SDK / service that allows applications to have voice-based commands For the moment, I'm using Android Pocketsfunx (which is "awake") to find a keyword for the moment, and then analyze the entire speech with Google Voice recognition, but my problem is That I want to make it offline! So I'm on my way to changing Google Voice recognition by using PocketSetfunx completely ... My problem User defines what word to find out , And first I said - the word was compared and what the Google voice-to-text has given me ... so I know that I want to update grammar, using pocket spinks only with the word given by the user. goes, Which is problematic because (of Android pocket spinks after Java) it can only take grammar files! Question Can I update Android Pocketfinx grammar when I fly anyway? Edit I forgot to talk about this method: Public Zero addFsgSearch (string search name, FsgModel fsgModel) (in) It seems that not taking

python - Defining a binary matplotlib colormap -

I tried to plot a boolean 2D array using matplotlib.imshow D / D wants to be able to choose two colors (one for a true and false ) It seems that the logic of imshow To be passed as a colormap, but in my case it seems a bit of an overkill as I do not need continuous and more important, I do not know how to Tm defines Klrmap to (matplotlib doctor did not help me with it).

db2 - Export SQL query results into a multi tabbed Excel spreadsheet -

I want to write a set of query selects 100 DB2 10.1 to return all the rows in each table in the database And the result is exported to Excel spreadsheets with a new tab for each result set Is this possible and if so, how can I do this? At the moment I only way to do that, I do think that is exported to set each result and then manually copying each tab multi-tab spreadsheet Thank you After You can use APIs for Excel with scripting languages ​​like VB scripts. 'class that used to export Excel file set xls = CreateObject (result set "square format" EasyXLS.ExcelDocument "): VBS this with a code XlsAutoFormat = CreateObject ("EasyXLS.ExcelAutoFormat") for xlsAutoFormat.InitAs (AUTOFORMAT_EASYXLS1) query = 1 to 100 'Add a new sheet xls.easy_addWorksheet_2 ("Sheet" and query) Set xlsSheet = xls to be same as cells should be similar XlsAutoFormat set. easy_getSheetAt (Q - 1) "Create record set object dim objResultSet set objR

PHP Not Reading Session Data (Solved) -

This code word is fine on my local host. However, Godaddy does not live with shared hosting. I have not researched problems well with any luck It seems that the data is correctly stored in the / tmp folder (I see That new files are shown in the directory, because I click on the page from the page) However, there is no luck in reading the data on the following page. I have given full access to the read / write / tmp folder. And I said GoDaddy and he said that everything is working properly on the server. Here is the code. The user for the first time on this site, and definitely not my last :) Your help is highly appreciated. Page 1 (test1.php) & lt; Php session_save_path ("/ tmp"); Session_start (); $ _SESSION ['name'] = "test"; The echo ("You should see" $ _ session ['name'] "on the next page."); Echo ("<<" & lt; a href = 'test2.php' & gt; Geo & page 2 (test2.php) &

Sqlite database file caching issue -

I have demo.db3 file in 2 places i have a C drive & amp; In the D drive used another SQLite expert to modify the file on the D drive. I removed some tables; Added rows then I deleted the file from the C drive and the amp; Copy the D drive file paste into the C drive. Now if I open the C drive file in the secure Expert then it still does not show me the old database structure, which does not have any row. I used the Winmerge tool to compare both files & amp; I did not get any difference when I pasted the drive drive with a different name to the C drive location, so that I got the new tables & amp; Rows in the tables then I removed the old file and changed the name of the new files with the old name. Then I went to open the DB3 file and now it shows me 2 files present in one place. I am able to open both files File with old name does not show me new table & amp; Displays the rows with the new file name. I used some other tools (SQLStudio, SQL Administrator) to open

jquery - Elements not displaying until hovered over -

I am working on a site for a customer and facing some types of bugs in Chrome. If you switch to the "grid" view, then refresh the page, you will see how the page should be displayed. If you switch to the "list" view, then go to the "grid" view, most of the "Add to basket" buttons disappear ... unless you start moving on others, they slow down -They start appearing again !? This bug appears only in Chrome, I tested it in Firefox, Safari and IE8 and it looks fine in those browsers. I've updated jQuery and fixed some JavaScript errors, but it has not helped. Any thoughts? You need to remove the situation: the way your HTML structure is. CSS: .product-grid .cart {padding: 10px; Display area; } .product-grid .wishlist, .product-grid .compare {bottom: 70px; Z-index: 999; } JS (downward carriage): html + = '

javascript - Using data values rather than percentages for gradient stops -

I have searched many and have not found any answer and therefore got trapped. I just want to know whether it is possible to define a gradient stop from our data rather than percentage. As my graph changes with user input at all times I also tried to use for example, but none of the following changes. (<{Offset: "0%", color: "# B81B1B"}, {Offset: function (d) {return d.yaxisvalue [5];}, color: "# B 81b1b"}, {offset: function (d) {return d.exequale [5];}, color: "# 4294DE"}, {offset: "100%", color: "# 15992a "}] ** ** Updated ** I have added an image of the graph which I want to conspirate using the shield. So as you can see, whenever y values ​​match the value of X axis at 5, 2 and 1, then I want to change. This plot varies depending on user input. Therefore 5, 2 and 1 are never in the same condition. Is there no way that I can change the changes in positions to shield or can I create 3 different area paths with

android - wso2 emm mysql devices table empty -

MySQL के साथ डेबियन JAVA6 64 बिट्स पर डब्ल्यूएसओ 2 ईएमएम पर कार्य करना। डेटासर्स सही तरीके से कॉन्फ़िगर किया गया है, I WSO2CARBON_DB में उपयोगकर्ताओं को देख सकते हैं मैं एक उपयोगकर्ता बना रहा हूं, एजेंट को एंड्रॉइड पर डाउनलोड कर सर्वर पर पंजीकरण करवाता हूं इंटरफ़ेस पर, मैं एंड्रॉइड फोन देख सकता हूं, लेकिन यह मेरीएसएलएल डब्लूएसओ 2 एएमएमडीबी में टेबल डिवाइस में नहीं है। अन्य, मेरे पास इंटरफ़ेस में एप्लिकेशन सूची नहीं है कंसोल में कोई त्रुटि संदेश नहीं है, यह विचित्र है और कुछ समय बाद, फोन अब सूचना अपडेट नहीं करता है। कोई भी विचार? एंटोनी शायद डेटा डेटाबेस के लिए प्रतिबद्ध नहीं है कृपया नीचे दिए गए दस्तावेज़ का पालन करें और विषय देखें 'कैसे एच 2 से MySQL को माइग्रेट करें' और देखें कि आपने इसे सही ढंग से कॉन्फ़िगर किया है या नहीं।

javascript - Infinite Scroll and Image Hover plugin don't really like each other -

After incredible effort, I finally worked with my topic Infinite Scroll . Now I get this little puzzle for you for Sherlon and Watts, which I hope you can solve: Infinite Scroll works, but adds infinite scroll to the pages While scrolling down, my is no longer visible (and image hover is important for my site !!) When you use your browser's Dev Tool If you use, you will see at least the class wp.imagehoverlite to < However, does not have any social hover button ... In this < Infinite Scroll plugin's setting Then I searched for this box called callback : screenshot This is a hot lead! I did my research and found which describes the function. "Since the endless scroll adds new content to the page dynamically, sometimes you have to execute additional code to resume those plugins." In this way I add the hovering effect inside the WordPress loop: & Lt; / Div & gt; Now we need to know, why do I need to enter th

Asp.Net routing to action with parameters -

I have a routing config file, which has the following routing settings routes.MapRoute (Name: "login", url: "account / login / {user}} / {password}", default: new {controller = "account", verb = "login"}); and I have a login action in the account administrator [http post] Public ActionList Login (string username, string password) {// something Do}} [HTPGet] Public Action Result Log In () {// Something} I just want to call the first action, the parameter is not with the other Can you help me fix this problem? The first is a post and the second one gets. Therefore, the HTTP action you use to call you will decide what is said.

javascript - ExternalInterface return to AS3 not working consistently in IE -

So, I'm having trouble returning a value from an external interface call, I have a piece of code that Looks like: var a: string = string (external interface. Call ("function () {var returnTest = 'test'; warning (return test); return returnTest;}") ); ("Warning", A); The first warning (in an anonymous function on line 1) is correct (clearly). However, warning on line 2 is returning empty 90% in IE10. It works in Firefox at all times. To understand a little bit about working 90%, it seems as if I can roll Pais again, whether it will work by adding or removing a rough meaningless alert. For example: Suppose it is not working, I can add a warning and it will start working. Or, say that it is working, I could add a warning to debugging, and it stops working, removes alerts, still does not work, adds back the alert, and it again It starts working, I know that it is not what is happening, but it behaves as if the warning is ad

Syntacts error in mysql query -

Someone asked me to remove community from database on my server using phpMyAdmin It worked, when he used it, I asked him to send me, but I got an error MySQL said: Documentation # 1064 - The error in your SQL is syntax - configuration; To use the closest "SELECT * FROM 'connection' WHERE 1 ', check the manual associated with your MySQL server version for the correct syntax: Delete from connection where 1) Communication' ' P> I was searching on error but could not understand it. 'SELECT * FROM' connection to 'WHERE 1': Removal from connection where community = "XYZ" < / Pre> The error you are displaying is because this line is incorrect: community = "XYZ" is also a problem, it should read: Second, you do not have any condition for your statement, you should remember something like NG: Code> WHERE columnname = 1; If you were trying to select everything from the connection, then you

Polymer - Don't load app until geolocation isn't set -

I am currently working on a webpad with polymorph-framework. However, the whole application depends on the geolocation of the device. I'm setting the location in the app-global file globally, but it takes some time (about 500 mms). My question is now, how can I tell for the polymer that he should work, after the geographical location is set? Thank you! I think it depends on the particular behavior you are looking for. In some cases: Any time the page loads, anything loads, maybe some app UI is also included and you have a loading icon Similar to that the app is still starting, waiting for the place. You do not want to show the app unless you have a place. You probably do not want to load app resources at this time. You do not want to load the polymer until you have the space. There are many options & amp; They can be a bit dependent on your app architecture, but for a general structure: Show the loader icon on startup & amp; Wait until you

ios - Changing the tint color for only the selected segment in swift -

I am doing one of my projects faster than Objective-C and I have a function that I -I use that I can not translate properly This object is C code - (zero) Segment action: (UISegmentedControl *) Sender {NSLog (@ "Segment"); For (int e = 0; e & lt; [counter.subview count]; e ++) {if ([[sender.subviews objectAtIndex: e] isSelected]) {[[sender.subviews objectAtIndex: e] setTintColor: [UIColor colorWithPatternImage [UIImage imageNamed: @ "gradient.png"]]]; } Other {[[Sender subviews itemAddindex: E] SettentColor: zero]; }}} And this is where I am fast func segChanged (Sender: UISegmentedControl) {println ("Value changed") var E: Int = 0 var countOfSeg = sender.subviews.count (e = 0; e & lt; countOfSeg; e ++) {} print (sender.svviews [e])} For this statement put .selected at the end of sender.subviews [E] . "text" itemprop = "text"> subviews is an array of anyObjects, then you have to cast each item to

sql - Missing parenthesis error when creating Function Based Index -

I am trying to create a function based index on which there is a high cost (oracle). I want to create an index at the column TIME_ID in the A4ORDERS table which brings the value back for the month of December: SELECT * to A4ORDER where TRIM (TO_CHAR (time_id , 'Month')) in December '); Creating FBI: (4) Create an index on Times (TRIM (TO_CHAR (Time_ID, 'Month') on 'A' order (' December')); I get a "lost right bracket" error and I can not understand why? Any guidance you provide will be appreciated Solution from the reaction of Alex Bridge to that work: order a quarter (TRIM (TO_CHAR ( Time_id, 'month')); Build your index The statement should not contain ('December') in the section, it is only in the query if you create the index in this form: Create TIME_FIDX at A4ORDER ( TRIM (TO_CHAR (time_id, 'Month')); < / Code> ... then that pointer can be used by your query: to cho

position - calling a procedure when a button is pressed -

I thought it would be easy, but I'm here! I say a process button is pressed and the results display results on the label DSFRSapp (app): Def build (self): self.root = FloatLayout () i = Image (source = 'DSFRSLogo.png', Allow_stretch = true, pos_hint = ({ 'center_x': 0.5, 'y': .25})) = spinner spinner (text = "Choose a station, Value = ('Applied', 'Exmster', 'Bampton', 'Bernstein', 'Bayer Alston', 'Buddyford', 'Bouvey Tracy', 'Bournton', 'Bridgewater', 'Brewham', 'Bakfastal', ' Badley Salterton ',' 'Carnation', 'Cormon', 'Coulton', 'Crohn Corner', 'Crawford', 'Chord', 'Shader', 'Chooted', 'Colton', 'Combe Martin', 'Crohnen', 'Crownhill' ',' Clompton ',' Dartmouth ',' Desalish ',' Exeter Dan's Castle ',' Exeter

ruby on rails - Find and fill in input field by data attribute -

I want to find the elements with the "test" data attribute and fill them in the following: The button works fine, but the inputs put the following error: field # & lt; Capebara :: element tag = "input" & gt; (Capebara :: element notfand) Is there any way to do this in Capibara? Thanks in advance for the help. fill_in ID of the element element, or accepts the name label, Therefore, this result may not work with return search method. Try the set method in your case: find ("input [data-trial = 'email']"). Set (@

How do I define a list/vector of functions in R? -

I have a function that takes another function as an input variable, like wrapperfunction & lt; - Function (x, basefunction) {y & lt; - cor (x) basefunction (y)} Now I want to input various basefonts in this drawing function, output it, but how do I define a list of functions so that Instead of plugging in the hands by each function, I can automate the process for the loop: for (in i 1: n) {output [i] & lt; - Rapperfunction (X, FunctionList [i])} I have tried to define Functionalist & lt; - list () functionalist [1] = function1, etc .... , which does not work. Not defined Functionalist & lt; - c ("Function1", "Function2", ...) If you want a list of functions, you can do something like this: myFuns & lt; - List (mean, SD) and then you can lapply from this list, or use for loop As if you wanted to if you use the loop for loop , make sure that you use the [[ syntax, because it ensures that you Retrievi

php - how to remove all header() in yii2 -

मैं yii2 का उपयोग मैं कोशिश करता हूं: - header_remove (); - & lt;? Php हेडर ('X- Powered-By:') का उपयोग करें; ? & Gt; - सेट ini_set का उपयोग करें expose_php = off (मुझे मेजबान में php.ini तक पहुंच नहीं है) कैसे निकालें X-Powered-by header? कैसे अन्य हेडर जैसे ओएस, वेब सर्वर को हटाने के लिए? जैसा कि आप यहां से देख सकते हैं -, यह विकल्प केवल php.ini फ़ाइल में बदला जा सकता है, कोई दूसरा रास्ता नहीं (मैं प्रतिस्थापन के बारे में बात नहीं कर रहा हूँ कैशिंग फ़्रंट-एंड या mod_headers क्षमता के रूप में)।

Does anyone know how to space out console text for java in Eclipse -

I'm sorry if I'm ignorant somehow. This is my first day learning Java and I have a problem every time I run a program. This happens: While reading my program, it reads "53308.0's Drew Brace 'pass yards distance 533.08 footballball field." I do not know how to put spaces between numbers "53308.08" and "K" and "533.08" and football, how is the console text considered? Can i fix it Public Sector BreesPassingYardsFields {Public Fixed Zero Main (String AGR []) { Double Passed; // Career pass number is the Draw Bruns. Double field lane; // Number of yards in a football field double footballfield; // Number of football areas has been thrown for the Drew Brashche passhead = 53308; // Start with Draw Breeze 'Pass Yard Field Long = 100; // The length of a football field is footballfield = pass yard / field lang; // How many football fields Drew Brash has been thrown out to System.out.printlean (Passwords + "Yards near Dr