
Showing posts from August, 2015

ascii - Trouble making a heart symbol in Lua? -

I was wondering how to do in the heart sign or "♥" lu, I tried Is \ 003 because it is the ASCII code for it, but it does not print. There is nothing to do with Lua You have to find out that Which character sets and encodings are used in your environment and select the font that supports ♥ in that encoding. Then you need to use an editor for your Leah script which saves it in that encoding. If that part is not possible, then you can determine the required byte sequence, it can save the code as a numerical escape in a literal string and in the corresponding encoding like CP437. For example, if you are output to the UTF-8 processor, "\ xE2 \ x99 \ xA5" Keep in mind that the string sequence is calculated by the string string bytes. It is up to you and your editor to insert the correct bytes in the file, depending on your environment (such as the console), to interpret those bytes in those special character encoding, and the font to display the glyph.

php - Writing to a file adds weird content at the end of the line -

I am working on a program that parses a text file by a user and then parsed the XML file on the server However, when I write an XML file, I get some text & amp; #xD; At the end of each line This text is not in my original text file. I did not even notice it until I opened it to verify the new XML file unless it all Was the material to fix? Has anyone participated before this and if you can tell me whether I am creating and writing my file? fileUpload.php - These are 3 rows when the user uploads the file. $ fileName = basename ($ _files ['fileaddress'] ['name']); $ FileContents = file_get_contents ($ _files ['fileaddress'] ['tmp_name']); $ Xml = $ parse-> ParseUnformattedText ($ fileContents); $ ParseedFileName = pathinfo ($ fileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME) ".xml"; File_put_contents ($ parseedFileName, $ xml); parser.php function pars unprocessed text ($ InputTest, $ book name = "") {// create book , Volume,

php - Wordpress ACF field into a stylesheet -

Therefore, I have set a custom post type for the theme settings, and edit a custom field from there for the background color. The script reads style.php styles, as long as I'm not trying to get the field value. Here is a piece of code that I am trying to work on html, body {background-color: Source, background color value is only empty. When you work with the ACF options page, you will see a string "option" function For the parameter get_field () and the_field () try html, body {background-color: & lt; Php the_field ('page_background_color', 'option') ;; & Gt ;;}

unity3d - unity2d instantiate prefab animator working partly -

OK, so my enemies are being urged in my main.js but the animator is connected to this prefab of the enemy (This is a phantom animation) For example it definitely works on enemies 0 will work 1 will not work 1,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,0 and so this random happens even to my enemies between 6 and 9 seconds I can not understand this problem after each other. :( (This seems to be an early game dev) almost done. Thank you for your help. Stackoverflow community. / P> #pragma Hard version enemy: GameAbject; Vari Speed : Float = 1.0; er animeime: animator; var isdying: boolean = foal; function start () {this.transform.position.x = 8.325;); Ennimanam = GetComponent (Animator); Enenim .Setflat ("ISEDAD", 0);} Function On Collision2D (coll.gameObject.CompareTag ("distroy")) {Destroy (enemy. GameObject);} (coll.gameObject. CompareTag ("player") and main.jumped == true) {isdying = true;}} function updates () {this.transform. Translation (vector 3

Procs From "Understanding Ruby Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas" Article -

OK, through this review of process, lumber, and block. Question on this code: Repeat square array DET! Self.each_with_index do | N, i | Itself [i] = yield (n) end end end array = [1, 2, 3, 4] array.iterate! Do N | N ** 2 puts the end array. Inspect Conceptually, I consider almost everything except one thing: itself [i] = yield (n) I think that in this line it will be written by itself self.each_with_index do. N, i. means that this is a class method, is not it? But why do we need to allocate parameters in the yield (n) to my [i] ? Please explain in a super basic way if you can. (In other words, please be nice - those who are usually for the most part here - just a bit extra nervous that I can not find what I'm feeling stupid) method iterative! , which is an example method, is the receiver of self.each_with_index method in itself because the current code is array ( [1,2,3,4] in your example), self is not required; That is, you (and IMO, shou

caching - angularjs data binding with cache factory not working -

Take a look at this (data binding name is being in list but not in movie list) Click on a name on the list of names: Details are shown below: If you edit the data in the description, the list is updated with data binding (as expected) Do the same with the list, click on a movie, and edit the data in the details below. The list is not updated The only difference in 2 factories is that "name" is from a static JSN file and "movies" from the movie API. This is my factory of movies: app.factory ('moviesFactory', function ($ http) {var cached Data; function getData (callback) {if ( Cached data {callback (cache data);} and {$ http.get ('', {params: {quality: "3D", range: 3}}). (Get data, callback) {getData (function) {var movie = Data.filter (return entry) movie id === item id;}) [0]; callback (movie);});}};}); The only difference in the name factory is: $ http.get ('foo.json'). Success (work (da

php - Multiple firewalls Symfony security -

Do not get the time I get an error using 2 firewall for my symphony app I I have a firewall for regular members And for other vendors. Error "Unable to locate the controller of the path" / Seller / login-check may be "." Maybe you forgot to add matching route to your routing configuration? The " When I login and any hit member_secured_area the log routes that works perfectly fine, but it does not work for vendor_secured_area routes. I / Seller Go to / dashboard route. This redirect fails with the above error to post to me / vendor / login but / vendor / login check thanks Firewall: Dev: Pattern: ^ / (_ (Profiler | WDT) | CSS | Image A. | js) / Security: False vendor_secured_area: Pattern: ^ / vendor / dashboard provider: anonymous member: false form_login: login_path: Know-English check_path: Know-login check log: Path: Know-logout target: / mem ber_secured_area: Pattern: ^ / provider: anonymous member: ~ form_login: login_path: subscribers: Log

sql - How to set projection for concatenated result of two columns in Hibernate Criteria -

I have trouble bringing the consensual result of two columns to the Hibernate criteria in a single result. SQL query: choose first name {||] '' || How to set the projection for the inclusion of two columns in the hibernation criteria? post-text "itemprop =" text "> / benchmarking option (eg expression (coxet ( First name, '', last name), input); // a SQL-like function? Criteria. ("Context (first name, 'last name)", input); / perhaps a database-dependent concatenator? ("First name +" + "last name"); criteria ("first name" 'last name ");

unable to login from curl from console -

I'm trying to log in to a website. curl -o abcd.html - K-L-U "Anonymous: PSWD"; Firefox abcd.html I am passing the URL and password to BT in the curl command, yet it gets stuck on the login page. Any help would be commendable. Thanks !!!

javascript - How pass data from parent page to popup? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: पैरेंट पृष्ठ: & lt ;; DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; a href = # onclick = 'showMap ()' & gt; नक्शा दिखाएँ & lt; a & gt; & Lt; div id = "map-canvas" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & LT; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; फ़ंक्शन शोमैप () { ('map.html', 'नक्शा', 'चौड़ाई = 600, ऊंचाई = 400'); } & Lt; / script & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; map.html: & lt;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & LT; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; मेटा नाम = "व्यूपोर्ट" सामग्री = "प्रारंभिक-पैमाने = 1.0, उपयोगकर्ता-स्केलेबल = नहीं" & gt; & Lt; मेटा वर्णसेट = "यूटीएफ -8" & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; सूचना खिड़कियां & lt; / title & gt; & LT; शैली & gt; Html, body, # map-canvas {ऊंचाई: 100%; म

mysql - why index is not using in order by (foreign key) -

When I use the ID (primary key) in order with the sequence, it uses the primary name index, But when I use the country code (foreign key) it does not use the index with the order in order to minimize my output. mysql> Create Table City; + ------- + ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- + | Table | Create a table. + ------- + ----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------

java - Feed Shader Program with World Units instead of (0f,1f) values -

I am using a simple rectangular trap using libgdx, and other geometric elements which are similar to simplicity. Are going to interact with the sprites set in The state of prestats and other properties are set up in units of the world and before each phantom draw session I set up the camera like this: camera.update (); Batch.setProjectionMatrix (camera.combined); All this works well, but I need to make a table to use world units. Instead of replacing (0f, 1f) instead, how can I feed the shadowy program World Coordinator (12.5 F, 30F, etc.) based on the world statistics of my game? I want to draw several textures mess, so I need coordinates in relation to other elements in the game. Here's how to draw a simple rectangle: trap = new mesh (true, 4, 6, new vertex attribute (use composition, 3, "a_position" ), New Vertex AutoTit (Usage Function Coordinates, 2, "Atext Cord")); Mesh.setVertices (new float [] {-1.0 F, -1.0 f, 0, 0,1, 0.0 f, -1.0 f, 0,1,1,

Cannot reopen session after launching startx on UBUNTU -

I had a problem with XG, so I launched the startup on Ubuntu from my terminal, it is not working well (My screen was on screen only after launching my order). Then I force to shut down. My real problem is that I can not open my session again. When I turn on my computer, Ubuntu's opening screen appears and when I enter my password, this screen is funneled and I ask to re-enter my password. This is not a password problem, as I have given the wrong password, I have been asked to dismiss my password again. Can anyone know what the problem is? Thank you in advance for your help.

java - How to achieve type safety with generics? -

I am currently trying to expand a large project. Some things have been given in the project and I have some problems in securing the type of extension. I will make the example code more common. Public abstract class garage {public & lt; T car spreads & gt; Zero Parkcars (T ... cars) {// combines cars in a list}} Abstract class garage and many given classes are given Expand with Garage . Like SportCarGarage or SUVCarGarage . Those garages behave differently in some manner but there is definitely park carriage function in every garage car in car There are some different children like SUVire , they are also given. Now I want to park only in a SportCarGarage in SportCars . I was hoping this would do something like this: public-class sportspersons < Expansion of T Sports Car & gt; Expansion of garage {} ... sportscars & lt; GameCard & gt; SportsGeorge = newportcargage (); // would be great if I & gt; GameCard & gt; SUVA

php - Magento - OnePage Checkout - Hide Payment method depending on Shipping Method -

I have asked this question without any success, so now I am asking here. I am using Magento Community version and have correctly created and registered my modules, but I do not seem to find out the ships. Actually, I want to hide cash on delivery , if flat rate or free shipping is selected here code for my supervisor class Is: class Kol_PaymentToggle_Model_Observer {public function payment methodEsActive (Varien_Event_Observer $ observer) {$ event = $ observer- & gt; GetEvent (); $ Method = $ event- & gt; GetMethodInstance (); $ Result = $ event- & gt; GetResult (); $ Quote = $ observer-> GetEvent () - & gt; GetQuote (); $ Shipping method = $ coat- & gt; GetShippingAddress () - & gt; GetShippingMethod (); If ($ shippingMethod == "Standardization" = $ shippingMethod == "Free") {If ($ method-> getCode () == 'Cash Payment') {$ Result-> Available = Available; }}} I think I have not used the correct shipp mvc 5 - how to display the column names as default search textbox text in mvcjqgrid -

This means that if I have a column company name, then in the search text I need to display text such as company name Set (true) .set Search (wrong) .set search (true) .adkum (New column ("company name") set aligns (MvcJqGrid.Enums. Align.Cent! [Enter image details here] [1] Er .Set Search (true). SetTable (false) .Setvidth (65) .SetAdatable (wrong)) Aided column (New column ("E-Mail"). Set Alliance (MvcJqGrid.Enums.Align.Center) .SetEdit Able (wrong) .set search (right)) The text "itemprop =" text "> Here's an example of how a default search value can be set: Something like this: < Code>. AddColumn (New column ("name") .SetSearchType (Searchtype.Text) .SetDefaultSearchValue ("Orland"))

nuget - Get TFS to ignore my packages folder -

I was trying to get TFS (2013) to ignore my package folder I am I do not want to completely control the source because I am using Nugget and this is great! I have tried cloaking (does not seem to work), I have tried to add . Tfignore files - nothing is ignored Why do not the TFS team add an option to just ignore a folder or file like subversion clients do ?! This is the deal: let us exchange packages for NuGet and TFS To ignore, the NuGet source-control is trying to do related content, which should not be done at all (bad form, Microsoft!) Then you have to do two things. First of all, add a file named .tfignore in the Solutions folder ( s after the deficiency of tf Please). This content should be as follows: \ packages This tells TFS to ignore your package folder. Now, you will think that it will also ignore the repositories.config file. But this will not happen. Why? Who knows, Microsoft's methods are weird and mysterious. In fact, I think this ne

sql - Update top N rows with N specific for each row from other table -

I would like to display the update front row of some external table with its external update specific values ​​and update it on top Forcing (n) using the lines, use the line from the external table, CountToUpdate Update Top (q.CountToUpdate) dbo.TableName SET SomeId = NULL FROM @Quantities q where TableName.Status = 960 and TableName.SomeId = q.SomeId; Is it possible to update this way or should I re-write it in something else? DB on SBL Server 2012, thanks I call it row_number ( ) and joining : update from SETNIFIER = NULL (SELECT t. *, ROW_NUMBER () on (t. By SEIID order by T. SIID) SEQNUM FROM dbo.TableName t WHERE t.Status = 960) T zone @ probabilities q qomeome = ie.SomeId;

Failing to see how ambassador pattern enhances modularity / simplicty of container architecture in Docker -

I have not been able to see how implementing ambassador patterns allows us to simplify / modularize the design of our container architecture. Will help. Assume that I have database container db on host A and is used by a program db-client which sits on host B , Which is connected through the ambassador containers on a network DB-Ambassador and DB-Foreign-Ambassador : [Host A (DB) - & gt; (DB-Ambassador)] & lt; - ... - & gt; [Host B (DB-Foam-AMBSDR) - & gt; (DB-Client)] Connection between the container in the same machine, e.g. From db to db-ambassador , and db-foreign-ambassador to db-client of the Dock - Link parameter while talking on DB-Ambassador and DB-Foreign-Ambassador network. However, - link is a great way to insert IP addresses, ports, and other information from one container to another when a container fails, then the other container Is linked, it is not informed, nor will it be known to the new IP address of the crashing c

sql - remove ON DELETE CASCADE -

I have a child table No records are either in the child or parent table . I want the primary key, the foreign key as if it is , but the child just wants to remove the cascading option from the table. Anyway, I can change the table of that child. Thank you. at DELETE {no action} Cascade | Set faucet |

java - Spring security remember me failing on IE10 -

Spring security was working fine in all the terms except for the remembering feature (ordinary I do not use continuous approach Remember to). If I log in as a user who remembers me and if I close the browser (chrome) and open it again and go to it, then app login Which was sent to the screen My config xml bus for spring protection & lt; Security: Remember me & gt; Initially. Then later I joined the & lt; Security: Remember me-safe-cookie-cookie = "false" /> And it works like a magic in CHROME. Now if the user remembers me and closes the browser and reopens the browser, the app is redirected to the home page with logged on is. But now the same part of the code does not work in IE10. And I need to get it from 9 (IE9 and above versions). Trying a lot of scenarios but can not get the original reasons Any help would be appreciated.

python - Split a string by backslash -

I am trying to divide a path to get the name of the file, in the last part of the string, and I I am working with a problem I can not solve with: My string: to = 'c: \ user \ desktop \ test \ excel_ports \ 1837.xlsx' I did this: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Te.split ('\\') ['C:', 'User', 'Desktop', 'Test', 'Excel_Reports xx837.xlsx'] & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Te.split ('\\') [-] 'Excel_Reports \ x01837.xlsx' I do not know what is the problem with \ 0 or \ number .... Is this a special Python character? Here's what I want: ['c:', 'user', 'desktop', 'exam', 'excel_ports', '1837.xlsx' ] But I can not do this at all. PD: There is no valid solution such as file_name = te [-5: -1] because the name of the excel file can be different at any time, although the usual number. Edit None, how to find "Load Excel") in the Oslistdir

javascript - What's the difference between and window.location.href = url on Firefox? -

I'm trying to create a bookmark, I want to present the current URL as a parameter to another URL. Although I have found out that it is javascript: (function () ( ("http: //www.somesi.te/some/thing ? Url = "+ encodeurIComponent (window .location.href))}) () does not work, while it javascript: (function () {Window.location.href = "http: //www.somesi.te/some/thing? url =" + encodeurIComponent (window.location.href)}) () Apart from the apparent difference, that opens a new window, and window.location.href changes the location, why does the latter work, while the former Just open another window in Is the original location? It's fun on Firefox, working on Chrome works fine. Is this a safety object? The difference between () and window.location.href Is that there is a property of open () a method window class> and window.location window category . 1. () is the method on the window

javascript - offset().top not working in Safari -

issue offset (). Top Safari does not work but works fine on all other browsers but there is no suggestion to break into Safari? $ (window) .scroll (function () {collapseNav ();}); Function name () (if ($ (".navbar") offset (). Top & gt; 50) {// code here} other {// code here}} You can fix this problem like this < Code> // 1.4.2 as the mobile safari offset () // reports bad values ​​on // Once it is fixed it is removed (/webkit.*mobile/i.test(navigator UserAgent)) {(function ($) {$ .fn.offsetOld = $ .fn.offset; $ .fn.offset = function () {var results = this. OffsetOld (); - = window.scrollY; result Left - = window.scrollX; return result;};}) (jQuery);}

javascript - Regexp for css font declaration -

This is a font declaration in CSS: Font: bold italic small caps 1em / 1.5mm standard, non-serif; This is a regexp working to get value in px: value.match (/ (normal | italic)? \ S * (normal | small caps) \ s * (normal | bold | bolder | light | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900) \ s * (\ d +) pixels (?? \ /(normal[[dd.[+))?ss+(.*)/); and helps me to get it: var fontStyle = match [1], // font variant // fontVariant = match not used [2], FontWeight = Match [3], fontSize = Match [4], LineHight = Match [5], FontFamily = Match [6]; I would like to parse any value for font size or linehead not just px, but [px | Cm | Mm | Em | Pt | Pc In] But I am not able to modify it. Can anyone help? The end result: (normal | italic)? \ S * (normal | small-caps)? \ S * (normal | bold | boulder | light | 100 | 200 | 30 | 400 | 500 | 600 | 700 | 800 | 900 |) * (\ d + (?: | Pixels | cm | mm | to | pt | | In PC |)? *) (?: \ / (General | [\ d.] +))? \ S + (. *)

How to remove left indent in input[type=date] in Chrome (Android, iOS) -

I left the input indent with date type in Chrome in iOS and Android which I can not remove. Android 4.4.4, iOS 7, Google Chrome HTML & lt; Input type = "text" value = "text input" & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; Input type = "date" value = "2014-02-01" & gt; css input {border: 0; Background: 0; Padding: 0; Profile: 0; } demo User Agent Stylesheet Input for Chrome / Android Input [type = "date" i], input [type = "day-time-local" i], input [type = "month" i], input [type = "time" i], input [type = "week" "I] {align-items: center; -WebKit-Attendance: MenuList; Background color: buttonfase; Border: 1px solid # A9A9A9; Exhibit: -WebKit-Inline-Flex; Hidden flurry; Width: 10 AM; } If this is a flexbox, please display: inline-block; .

sql server - How to get records from SQL -

तालिका ए / P> ID int नल (प्राथमिक आईडी) नहीं अंतर शून्य मान int null flag nchar (10) NULL तालिका बी < / P> ID int नल (प्राथमिक आईडी) नहीं अंतराल शून्य मान int null flag nchar (10) NULL और मेरे पास तालिका ए में डेटा नीचे है आईडी नहीं वैल्यू फ्लैग 1 1 12 1 2 1 12 1 3 1 25 1 4 2 120 1 5 3 36 2 6 2 120 2 7 6 1 1 8 2 10 1 9 6 10 2 10 1 25 2 11 2 120 1 और वहां कोई रिकॉर्ड नहीं है ब्ली बी जब मैं कथन नीचे लिखता हूं SELECT dbo.A.No, SUM (dbo.A.Value) के रूप में [IN], SUM (ISNULL (dbo.B.Value, 0)) डीसीए.ए.ए.ओ = डीबीओ.बी.एन.ओ. (डीबीए ए फ्लैग = एन' 1 ') ग्रुप द्वारा डीओओए.ए.ए मैं नीचे परिणाम प्राप्त कर रहा हूँ नहीं में 1 49 0 2 250 0 6 1 0 जब मैं WHERE को जोड़ता हूं (Dbo.A.Flag = N'1 ') और (dbo.B.Flag = N'1') कुछ भी नहीं आ रहा है .. मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि टेबल बी के 0 से रिकॉर्ड कैसे प्राप्त करें जब बी में रिकॉर्ड नहीं होता है या नहीं बीआईडी ​​ अद्यतन करें: जब मेरे पास तालिका में डेटा होता है तो रिकॉर्ड आ रहे हैं। &l

javascript - Change table row color on hover (jQuery or CSS) -

My problem is that I have already received some 'Highlights' (meaning that they have to publish their The background color of my own has been found) The cells of my desk which do not change my background color when I change the color of the code completely, when the mouse is hovering over it. Rotation on a line only changes the background color of those cells which are not I have found this HTML table: $ (window) . $ (This) .removeClass ('hover') ($ ('$'));});}; #infotable td {padding: 0.7em; Limit: # 969696 1 px solid; }. Highlight {background: # DAFFD6; }. Still {background: yellow; } & lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; & Lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Column 1 & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Column 2 & lt

Getting ProtoBuf.ProtoException using OsmSharp in Xamarin Android -

I'm trying to test a sample project called Android. Routing Offline in Github. After the two tap on the screen (for the first time just become Geo Coordinate) I get a protoof. Protoco router c. s. In Private Static Ibsic Router Data Soros & Lt; Tsaggedda & gt; _graph; Public static zero start () {var routing serializer = new CHEdgeDataSourceSerializer (); _graph = routingSerializer.Deserialize (Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly (). GetManifestResourceStream (@ "Android. Routing Offline.Campaign-Big Contracts. Mobile Rowing")); } Public static root count (GeoCoordinate, from GeoCoordinate) {try {lock (_graph) {var router = router.createfom (_graph, new CHRouter), new osmuruting interruptor ()); // The exception is below the var Modified = Router. Resol (vehicle. Car); To solve var = router Resolve (vehicle, car); If (from resuscit! = Empty & amp; resonated! = Null) {return router.quality (vehicle, car, resold, resoluge); }}} Hold (exception before) {OsmSha

java - User input length and members of array, two arrays -

यह प्रश्न एक सटीक डुप्लिकेट है: < / P> 1 उत्तर मुझे दो 1 प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है कंसोल से एक तुलना व्यायाम के लिए -D arrays उपयोगकर्ता द्वारा पहली संख्या इनपुट एरे की लंबाई के रूप में नामित किया गया है। जब मैं दूसरी सरणी के लिए संख्याएं सबमिट करने का प्रयास करता हूं तो मेरा कोड एक त्रुटि फेंकता है। धन्यवाद! सार्वजनिक स्थिर बूलियन बराबर (int [] list1, int [] list2) {यदि (list1.length! = List2.length) वापसी झूठी; के लिए (इंट i = 0; i & lt; list1.length; ++ i) यदि (list1 [i]! = List2 [i]) वापसी झूठी; वापस सच; } सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] args) {स्कैनर इनपुट = नया स्कैनर (; // इनपुट इंट के लिए प्रॉम्प्ट उपयोगकर्ता [] list1 = null, list2 = null; System.out.print ("सूची 1 दर्ज करें:"); Int x = input.nextInt (); Int [] लंबाई = नए int [x]; के लिए (इंट i = 0; i & lt; list1.length; i ++) {x + = सूची 1 [i]; System.out.print ("सूची 2 दर्ज करें:"); के लिए (इंट जे = 0; जे एंड एलटी; लिस्ट 2. लैंगथ; जे ++) {x + = सूची 2 [

javascript - Iterate over nested objects and concatenate to string using Lodash -

I am using a lot of objects to make the object easier. I have an object with three nested objects inside. I I want to repeat through, connect all my children together in all related combinations, while using only one copy list. My object looks like this: {"List_1": {"1": ".cat-3", "2": ".cat-5 "," 3 ":" .cat-7 "}," list_2 ": {" 1 ":". "," 3 ":" .eyes-brown "}," list_3 ": {" 1 ":" Jazz "," 2 ":" commercial. "," 3 ":" .- hop "}} The output I want to get is: .cat-3.eyes-blue.jazz .cat-3 eyes- blue.commercial .cat-3.eyes-blue.hip-hop order is not important What is important is that if only one value from each list_ object is used in the string then, for example, it will be fine: .eyes-blue T-3 commercial -3 and some other examp

lua - Non numeral indeces and the # never counts? -

मिश्रित अनुक्रमित सारणी के साथ तालिका को देखते हुए: table = {foo = 'bar' [1] = 'फोबार'} मेरा प्रश्न # के बारे में है, जो अंतिम इंडेक्स देता है जो तालिका के माध्यम से चलने के दौरान एक अंतराल से अलग नहीं होता है। प्रिंट (#table) आउटपुट 1 देगा। तालिका = {Foo = 'bar', lol = 'rofl', [1] = 'कुछ', [2] = 'वस्तु', [3] = 'कुछ भी', [4] = 'else'} प्रिंट (#table ) को 4 प्रिंट कर सकता हूँ क्या मैं 100% सुनिश्चित कर सकता हूं कि # कभी भी विचलित नहीं होगा गैर अंक अनुक्रमित? क्या ये अनुक्रमित वास्तव में हर बार अनग्रेन्ड हैं? हाँ, आप उस पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं (lua 5.1 में) । लुआ से: लम्बाई ऑपरेटर को यूनरी ऑपरेटर द्वारा दर्शाया गया है #। स्ट्रिंग की लंबाई इसकी बाइट्स की संख्या है (यानी, स्ट्रिंग लम्बाई का सामान्य अर्थ है जब प्रत्येक कैरेक्टर एक बाइट होता है)। तालिका की लंबाई किसी भी पूर्णांक सूचकांक को परिभाषित की जाती है कि टी [एन] शून्य और टी [एन + 1] शून्य नहीं है; इसके अलावा, यदि टी [1] शून्य है, शू

animation - Moving Images In Swift -

I want to move an image from x, y to x, y and want to animate this step. I know how to change an X / Y coedidin during the period of time, how to do animate to walk in the swift. My question is how can I get a straight line distance between the two points and decide how the image How to adjust X and Y to move straight into the line? Or is there something in Swift that I can start it and finish coordination and it will take action for me? see this

lifecycle - Using a RenderController to stack container -

What do I think of, the lifecycle of a randomable is managed by the structure and as a result we render Remove the node from the tree. I have found that the render controller is responsible for showing or hiding the elements. The problem with the RenderController or even the lightbox is that I can not pile up the ideas as soon as I (SurfaceA); (surfaceB); The surface is not faded and is no longer visible. How do I create a type of stacked layout where I can manage the appearance of each layer? Render Controller Implements a control over a node in the render tree. Add a render controller to control each node. A simple example of the code link above shows how RenderController is used along with swap surfaces They can be hidden from seeing them. Two render controllers: var rendererOne = new RenderController (); Var renderer = new render controller (); MainContext.add (modTop) (rendererOne) .add; MainC

Sorting Elements based on Attribute Value in Java -

I am trying to sort the node in the nodelist based on the item id. Looks like XML & lt; Order & gt; & Lt; Lines & gt; & Lt; Line line not = "1" & gt; & Lt; Item ID = "Item 1" /> & Lt; / Line & gt; & Lt; Line Line = "2" & gt; & Lt; Item ID = "Item A4" /> & Lt; / Line & gt; & Lt; Line Line = "3" & gt; & Lt; Item ID = "ItemA7" /> & Lt; / Line & gt; & Lt; Line Line = "4" & gt; & Lt; Item id = "itembie 3" /> & Lt; / Line & gt; & Lt; Line Line = "5" & gt; & Lt; Item ID = "Item C1" /> & Lt; / Line & gt; & Lt; / Lines & gt; & Lt; / Order & gt; So after sorting XML, & Lt; / Line & gt; & Lt; Line Line = "5" & gt; & Lt; Item ID = "Item A4" /> & Lt; / Line & gt; & Lt; Line Line = "4

wordpress - WP-JSON API request doesn't accept query parameters -

I'm really using great WP-API () to retrieve posts from my site. It works perfectly on my local dev environment (Apache) and Apache server but with nginx it does not have on my future production server. This query provides the only test post, which is the correct behavior, but the questions below will not work, all the query parameters are ignored and this is the same result Lets back up The expected behavior is that it gives examples of 'About' and 'Contact' pages to the page. You can see the right query results here: As I said the difference is only the webserver here my nginx config The file is my nginx version nginx / 1.1.19 server {# and from server_name 2013.thomastraum Will match. com; # Root server at the server level is best for routing, and location level # Any location block path will be relative to this root. Root /var/www/; It's always good to set up # logs, but you

memory - creating different objects or the same depending on the type(basic python) -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब मैंने पढ़ा है कि कैसे अजगर ऑब्जेक्ट बनाता है और उन लोगों के लिए "टैग" डालता है जो उस आवंटित चर के रूप में होते हैं। हालांकि, मुझे लगता है कि अगर दो स्ट्रिंग या पूर्णांक समान मूल्यों के साथ हैं, तो यह केवल एक मेमोरी स्थान को आवंटित करता है, सूचियों, ट्यूपल्स, डीआईसीएस के विपरीत। क्या कोई नियम या प्रकार की सूची होती है जब एक मामला होता है लेकिन दूसरा नहीं? विशेष रूप से, अगर मैं > gt; & gt; & gt; एक्स, वाई = 'ए', 'ए' & gt; & gt; & gt; एक्स है y सत्य है & gt; & gt; X, y = 1,1> gt; & gt; & gt; एक्स सच है लेकिन दूसरी ओर, अगर मैं करता हूं > gt; & gt; X, y = {'a': 1}, {'a': 1}> & gt; & gt; X है y झूठी और gt; & gt; & gt; X, y = (1,), (1,) & gt; & gt; & gt; X है y झूठी और gt; & gt; & gt; X, y = [1], [1]> gt; & gt; & gt; पायथन में स्ट्रिंग्स अपरिवर्तनीय हैं और पुन: उपयोग किए जा रहे है

select HQL with possible NULL Values -

I have a class transaction that is a sender in the transaction Sender has a field 'test' Transaction.Sender is redundant Or maybe not. I am trying to get all the transactions from sender = zero or sender. Test = true I tried HQL from transaction t> select where ((tcender is empty) or (t is true)) * transaction t Select * from where ((TCunder is empty) or (TS & RTEET) (TRUE)) Select * Transaction from T where ((t.sender is zero) or (t.sender.test = true)) < / Pre> And I'm only getting the transaction with 't.sender.test true', I'm not getting the transaction with 't.sender is zero. If I only try: select from the transaction T where t. The sender is zero. The sender is empty ' Can anyone help me? Thanks Edit: My code stringbuilder q = new stringbilder ("Transaction T where MONTH (t.dateTransfered) = = months Year (T.dateTransfered) =: year "); If (test.getParameter ("test")); if (test) {q.appen

android - Is it possible to get list of OpenGL ES 2.0 methods which are vendor-specific? -

Little Bastorry - I'm working on Android application with OpenGL ES2.0, and sometime I had to face a problem with the width of the lines. Finally, it came to know that the glLineWidth () implementation is vendor-specific, and the range of possible values ​​is not guaranteed. For example, for Adreno200 it is 1-18 and the emulator got me 1-100. I am thinking that it is possible to get a list of such methods. The list of boundaries with the seller specific values ​​is mentioned in the specific document. To know: (The Khronos Consortium is responsible for the OpenGL ES standard) Click on the "OpenGL ESE" page in the top pane of the page. Click on "Glasses and Headers" at the bottom of the pane, it will bring you. Find the "OpenGL ES 2.0 Specifications and Documents" section, and click on "Full Specification". Or better yet, download the PDF file for future use to download it. In this PDF file, see section "6.2 Stat T

How to migrate old images saved by Paperclip to new styles and save it to s3 (and not saving the new files locally) ? (Rails) -

I used to use Rail (4.0.1) with paperclip (4.2.0) to save some images in S3 I am here. I used to have a model property image: class property image & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_attached_file: painting, storage :: s3, s3_credentials: CONFIG [ 's3'], s3_protocol: (Rails.env.development? "Http": "https") end Now I want to transfer old images to new sizes, so I updated the model: class PropertyImage & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has_attached_file: painting, storage :: s3, s3_credentials: CONFIG [ 's3'], s3_protocol: (Rails.env.development? "Http": "https"), Style: {thumb: '100x100 & gt; ' , Large: '633x460 & gt;', Medium: '301x240 & gt;' } RAILS_ENV = D Bundle Exec rack paperclip refresh Class = property Image And when I see the logs do, I get : (0.2ms) BEGIN Property Load (0.7 ms) "Select" from "Properties" (where hidden I is hidden or I have hidde

c# - Client for SOAP (ASMX) web-service without proxy -

I have two clients that are auto-generated proxy for the first time: [ System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute ("System.Web.Services", "4.0.30319.18408")] [System.Diagnostics. Contributing through Debugger Phase ()] [System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute ("Code")] [System.Web.Services.WebServiceBindingAttribute (name = "Service1", Namespace = "") ] Public Partial Service Service1: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol {[System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapDocumentMethodAttribute ("", RequestNamespace = " ", Answer Namespace =" http: // ", Use = Systems.Web Services.Description Swapboarding Article Parameter Staley = System.web Services.protocol.SopPamerator Style, Closed)] Form on data [] get (int x) {Object [] result = this.Invoke ( "InMotion_Wholesaler_FromTimestampAdv", new Object [] {lo

perl - Regex: extract a number from a string and place it in a new string -

I want to replace a part of the text in PDF using - Search and replace all PDF pages. This device requires two regex strings: replacement and what a replacement code is. Here's the code I'd like to change: if (this.hostContainer) {try {this.hostContainer.postMessage (['newpage', 'pp_322', 1525 9]); } Hold (e) {console.println (e); }}; part pp_322 is different and number 322 is an example. After (s) the character (s) of PP_ is an Arabic numeral (0-9), only the regex should match. I would like to extract this number and put it in this code: this.zoomType = zoomtype.pref; This.pageNum = ExtractedNumber-16; Edit: I think I'm a bit closer this code works but maybe it's small. (? & Lt; = pp_) \ d + (?: \ '\ D +)? I want that number to be found (possibly buggy code), but how to keep this extractedNumber? this.pageNum = ExtractedNumber-16; Thanks for the help.

css - HTML Can't Change Height of Div -

So I'm working on a Tic Tac toe, but for some reason my devices will not change their height. html {background color: black; White color; Text-align: center; } .cel {border: 1px solid white; Margin: 1px; Width: 30%; Height: 30%; } & lt; Header & gt; Tic Tech Toe & lt; / Header & gt; & Lt; Div id = 'board' & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'cell' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'cell' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = 'cell' & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; The width of the divs is changing well, but for the height (which is going to be 30%) each of the screen) practical Forms are lines. EDIT: This is probably not necessary but I feel bad, if you help, thank you for taking your time. :) That's why you do not have the height of the board and about 30% is 0. 0. Add some height in the div with the board id. Add it to your CSS: html {background c

.net - Marshalling IntRef with P/Invoke -

When I am using the IntPtr to reserve memory and a dynamic range of the original code, the memory After managing at the C # / Managed side and pass it on to my original DLL, is this piece of memory ticked or copied? To wit. If I modify the array within my original code, will I see an amendment in my managed code? I know that it is not necessary to use IntPtr, but since the array is embedded in a complex structure, it seems more convenient. There are only valid methods for receiving an IntPtr for memory allocations in a .net program: / P> Using one of the Marshal.AllocXxx () methods. It is not a pinned memory, it is obsolete memory, which is allocated to one of the operating system heap. Generally, the operating system does not support the notion of changing the address of an allocation, once it is made, it is always stuck at the same address. Only garbage collectors have the necessary magic, they can find pointers behind the memory blocks and how to update them. Using

How to escape the character \ in PHP and Javascript? -

I have this line of code and is causing the problem (at least in the highlighting of the excellent text. Can this escape? text = text.replace (": \", "lg; img src = 'picture / smileys_08.png' class = 'smiley' / & gt; ); Text = Text.replace (": - \", "& lt; img src = 'images / smilleys_08.png' class = 'smilley' / & gt;"); $ tempText = str_replace (": \", " "$ TempText); $ tempText = str_replace (": - \ "," & lt; img src = 'Picture / Smileys_08.png' class = 'smiley' / '', $ tempText); Like you avoid any other characters: a \ Add: text = text.replace (": \\", "& lt; img src = 'image / smileys_08.png' class = 'smiley' / & Gt; "); This is counted as both for php ja avaScript. Task example: warning (": \\ bla bla: \\ test" .replace (": \\", "& lt

wpf - Binding by ElementName in Resources failing when being used with DynamicResource but works with StaticResource -

एक WPF UserControl में मैं एक SolidColorBrush की Color कोड> यूएससी नियंत्रण पर निर्भरता संपत्ति के लिए संसाधन भाग में अगर मैं SolidColorBrush को StaticResource के साथ उपयोग करता है तो सब कुछ ठीक है, लेकिन अगर मैं DynamicResource का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता हूं तो बाध्यकारी त्रुटि के साथ विफल हो जाती है मैं इस मुद्दे के आसपास कम से कम एक StaticResource का उपयोग कर का उल्लेख करने से काम कर सकते हैं जबकि SolidColorBrush मुझे पता है क्यों यह WPF की मेरी समझ में सुधार के लिए इस तरह से व्यवहार कर रहा है चाहता हूँ। यहां है UserControl XAML, codebehind, और त्रुटि ... & lt; UserControl x: कक्षा = "TestUserControl" एक्स: नाम = "MyUserControl" xmlns = " Http:// "xmlns: x =" "& gt; & LT; UserControl.Resources & gt; & LT; SolidColorBrush x: कुंजी = "BrushKey" रंग = "{बाइंडिंग ElementName = MyUserControl, पथ

Magento product visibility search not working in enterprise edition 1.14 -

I was using Magento Enterprise 1.14 I've added a product with visibility list, search when I want to find the product at the front end, the product is included in the search results, but when I try to change the visibility to search and search, So it does not get included in the search results. Can anyone help in this as I have already spent hours in it? Whether you have indexed or partial indexing is running on your site and indexing is complete . Is your search index being derived from the Solar or Magrons database? In the case of Solar, you need to make sure that the solar was updated with changes that are usually partially indexing the indexed products in question. If you ensure that the partial index is working properly and everything is indexed (you may have to check the CL tables to confirm it), this problem should be terminated.

linux - Error with Poky bs on vserver -

I try to create an image with yoctos poky on my vserver (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS at least - Vserver 64bit) With my own PC with the same Ubuntu version, I have no problem creating the image, but on my werner I get many such errors: Error: Execution event controller fails 'run_buildstats' traceback (most recent call final): run_buildstats file "run_buildstats (e)", line 85 , The object has arrived at (e = & lt; 0x7f5f79df6c10;) the file "buildstats.bbclass", line2, get_device (e = & lt; object at object 0x7f5f79df6c10) IOError: [Errno 2] There are no such files or directories: '/ home / yocto / yocto / poky / build-hd / tmp / buildstats / / device' What can I do ? This is not your system error. But it was generated by bitbake and somewhere Python scripting execution had been failed by bitback.

c# - Is it possible to launch system/third party app using an NDEFLaunchApp record to get the URI and by using LaunchUriAsync without NFC Tags? -

So I'm feeling like a zombie all night, trying to know how the OS handles an NFC null Is doing an NDEFLaunchApp record and I know the following. I am sure that there is an alternative solution that lets you launch system app / third party app (if you know the product Id / GUID) from your app There are apps in the Windows Phone Store like I have somehow come to know what I am trying to do. I came with the following code: NdefLaunchAppRecord appLaunchRecord = New NdefLaunchAppRecord (); AppLaunchRecord.AddPlatformAppId ("WindowsPhone", "{App GUID}"); AppLaunchRecord.Arguments = "_default"; // Creating a new NDEfase from the above record. Var Message = New NdefMessage {appLaunchRecord}; // Receive the record from the message that we just created (NDF Launch App Record in Message) {var Special Type = Record Czech special language (wrong); If (special type == type (NdefLaunchAppRecord)) {var x = String.Join ("", record.Payload); // Ge

c# - Get entity navigation properties after insert -

मेरे पास निम्न 2 वर्ग हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग पुरस्कार {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी} ; सेट; } सार्वजनिक इंक CampaignId {get; सेट; सार्वजनिक आभासी अभियान अभियान {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} सार्वजनिक वर्ग अभियान {सार्वजनिक इन्ट आईडी (प्राप्त करें; सेट; } सार्वजनिक आभासी आइकलिंग & lt; रिवार्ड & gt; पुरस्कार {प्राप्त करें; सेट; }} इस के साथ मुझे सभी स्पष्ट आवश्यक सामान हैं जैसे डीबीसीटीन्टेक्स और मैपिंग्स अब हम कहते हैं कि मैं एक पुरस्कृत इकाई बना रहा हूं और इसे इस तरह डालें: var इनाम = नया पुरस्कार {CampaignId = 1}; context.Set & LT; पुरस्कृत करें & gt;। () जोड़ें (इनाम); context.SaveChanges (); इनाम = संदर्भ .सेट & lt; रिवार्ड & gt; ()। सिंगलऑर डीफॉल्ट (ए = & gt; एक.आईडी == इनाम। आईडी); //reward.Campaign is empty मुझे स्पष्ट रूप से आईडी 1 के साथ एक अभियान है, इसलिए एफके बाधा खुश है इस सम्मिलित करने के बाद, मेरे इनाम इकाई में यह नया पहचान आईडी सेट है। अब समस्या ये है कि इनाम अभी भी सिर्फ पुरस्कार इनाम मैंने बनाया है। और इसके साथ, इनाम। अभियान संपत्ति शून्य है।