
Showing posts from February, 2011

Is there a comprehensive list of special macros in Julia? -

Discusses macros in Julia, which usually starts with @ , but There are two special macros, Code> text_str , and cmd , which handle text "string" and `shell command` respectively . Is there a comprehensive list of these special macros supported by Julia? Is it possible to define your own? then all macros , strings are literally inside, including macros. If you are asking about these particular syntax changes like normal syntax macros, then I think a question is not easily responsive: there are many informal syntax translations such as that you do not do in the user To change the syntax without using a code (using a @ without a macro). Most julia macro-or-functions are not magic-visible, but string literals, ccall , and maybe there are things like A'c and this Kind qualification is obtained. / P>

ios - Correct Certification but provisioning profile invalid -

Is there a bug in Xcode 6.1 because it is now 2 times? My provisional profile has suddenly become invalid but it has a valid certification. In this way I update the provision profile prepare a new certificate Create new distribution / development certificate Edit: These first 2 steps are executed only once. Update the newly created old provision profile Edit: This step is important because the deadline for my old certificate Has ended. Open Xcode 6.1 And then when I compile my app it's just fine But after that it is compiled, select Xcode> Preferences> Account> View Details> Refresh Open the iPhone Configuration Tool In 24 hours and in the Member Center Again, this is invalid but the correct proof is Additional information: We have 2 delivery certificates 19.2.2015 and a October 20,2015 and I am using oct 20,2015 because my certificate is confirmed in it I am still investigating but the problem is so far that when I can

upload - Use MD5 or random for file naming? -

Which method is better for file naming? Method 1: MD5 A string / file (whatever), we use the [0- 9A-Z] letters with 32 string perpendiculars (10 + 26) ^ 32 combination Method 2: To generate a set of random characters Use PHP [0-9-zA-Z] 32 string length characters (10 + 26 + 26) ^ 32 combination Obviously method 2 There is more combination and randomness, but why people do not use method 2, but Use Method 1? I can think of two reasons: something File systems (such as VFAT, FAT32) do not support case-sensitive file names. MD5 is the value beyond being random in the hash, meaning that the file can serve fingerprint / checksum. It can help you: Verify that the contents of the file have not been changed since it was created; Prevent duplicated content from being stored.

How to change Eclipse declining tool windows headers -

I'm not sure that I have described my problem well in the title of this post, but please do it more If you have a better nomenclature, but my problem is that, I really do not like how the boundaries of the eclipse tool window header container are displayed: There is a gradual decline limit May include wish that this vertical limit. I tried many topics but they did not like it too. Can someone say how to change them in the vertical row? Preferences -> General -> Appearance and select "Show the traditional style tab". Check it out:

Spring mvc : Access properties file value in controller without @Value -

I have a property file for the message in my spring application. I want to access these values ​​directly in the controller. How can I do this? Note: I do not want to use the @Value annotation to store the data in any other variable. You can refer to this question and answer directly about accessing files inside the controller. can give. This is mine which I applied.

shell - bash while loop to explode variables from text file -

मूल की सामग्री $ var1 $ var4 $ var3 $ var2 < / Pre> सामग्री की #! / Bin / bash var1 = "स्मिथ ^ जॉन" var2 = "998877" var3 = "सदस्य" var4 = "12" बिल्ली / Dev / null & gt; फ़ाइल को पढ़ने के दौरान file.txt फ़ाइल नाम = उत्पत्ति; करो $ लाइन & gt; & gt; File.txt किया & lt; "$ Filename" मुझे चाहिए file.txt: स्मिथ ^ जॉन 12 सदस्य 998877 मुझे मिल रहा है file.txt $ var1 $ var4 $ var3 $ var2 तो पाश को देखने के लिए पाश को पाने के लिए वाक्यविन्यास क्या है प्रीलोडेड चर के रूप में पाठ? आपके समय के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। आपको eval का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता है: #! / Bin / bash var1 = "स्मिथ ^ जॉन" var2 = "998877" var3 = "सदस्य" var4 = "12" बिल्ली / dev / null & gt ; फ़ाइल को पढ़ने के दौरान file.txt फ़ाइल नाम = उत्पत्ति; करो eval गूंज $ पंक्ति & gt; & gt; File.txt किया & lt; "$ फाइलनाम"

How does ADB in Android talks to device over USB? -

If I disable access to USB devices via USB, MSC or UMS, MTP, and PPT. Can I still debug and debug Android devices using ADB? For security reasons I may have to close UMS, PPT, and MTP. Does anybody know that Android works with ADB USB? What protocol does it use? Need to mount the device? ADB for UMS / PTP / MTP ADB Bilateral handles all by itself.

javascript - jquery.Jcrop.js not properly working in chrome -

I am using jquery.Jcrop.js for photo crop. I have three images and images that are coming in a loop and need different crop. My code is working fine in Firefox, but when I crop the second image in Chrome, the control goes to the third image (in the first image it is working fine) I do not know why I have examined everything but No issues were found. I am using the function under function countTest () {$ (".HM_img_cotent .preview") .each (function (index) {var HM_index = index + 1; jcrop_api = This; $ ('#cropbox _' + HM_index) .Jecrop ({aspectRatio: 1, dragEdges: false, // createHandles: ['n', 's', 'e', ​​'w', 'nw' Selection on: 'ne', 'to', 'self'], parallel: function () {clear coars (hm_index);}: function (coars) {update cores (coors, hm_ index);}}} ); } Function Update Cores (C, Hm_ Indicate) {$ ('# x_' + HM_Index) .val (c. X); $ ('# Y_' + HM_index) .val (c.y); $ ('# W_'

apache - How to display the contents of the server in HTTPS protocol -

I am using an Apache HTTP server, I display the content of the server in the HTTP protocol (via browser) But capable of displaying similar content in the HTTPS protocol. I tried changing the listening port from 80XX to 443. But nothing has happened positively in the browser should any thing (specific to the HTTPS protocol) be made to open it?

scala - How can I remove an RDD from a DStream in Spark Streaming? -

I would like to leave NDO before a DSTream. I tried to use the following function with the change, but it does not work (Error OneForOneStrategy: org.apache.spark.SparkContext, and I do not think it will fulfill my real goal of removing RDDs because it will return empty spaces. var num = 0 def dropNrdds (myRDD: RDD [(string, ante]], drop-nim: ITD: RDD [(string, int)] = {if (num & lt ; DropNum) {num = num + 1 myRDD} Other {return sc.makeRDD (Seq ())} error is because your function refers to your var num and containing the class serialjob your function should be called by different nodes of the cluster So, depending on who it is, the Serializable , and you can not share a variable between different invocations of your function (since it may be running on different cluster nodes). It seems that you want to drop a specific number of RDD s from Dstream , just like a special dev / s Is split up, it's an implementation extensi

ios - KVO : message was received but not handled -

मैं ResultDataClass और स्व के बीच काम कर रहा हूं। मैं xxx ResultData की संपत्ति का निरीक्षण करना चाहता हूं और मैंने निम्नलिखित ( viewDidLoad में) कोशिश की। ResultDataClass * परिणाम डेटा = [ResultDataClass getInstance]; [परिणामडेटा addObserver: के लिए स्वयं केपैथ: @ "xxx" विकल्प: NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew संदर्भ: NULL]; मैंने निम्न के रूप में अवलोकन का परीक्षण किया है। - (शून्य) निरीक्षण वैल्यूफ़ोरकेपपथ: (NSString *) कीपैब का ऑब्जेक्ट: (आईडी) वस्तु परिवर्तन: (NSDictionary * ) संदर्भ बदलें: (शून्य *) संदर्भ {self.showText.text = @ "test1"; अगर ([केपैथ है एक्वलटॉस्ट्रिंग: @ "xxx"]) {self.showText.text = @ "test2"; }} लेकिन मुझे यह मिलता है एक -बॉस्बेरवाल्वफोरकेपथ: ऑफ ऑब्जेक्ट: परिवर्तन: प्रसंग: संदेश प्राप्त हुआ था, लेकिन इसका संचालन नहीं किया गया था। कुंजी पथ: toCalDouble ऑब्जेक्ट ऑब्जेक्ट: & lt; ResultDataClass: 0x1093845e0 & gt; मैं कुछ googled लेकिन अभी भी इसे बाहर नहीं कर सकते कोई भी जानता है कि मैंने

android - Sound not ringing on load of The Intent -

I'm calling this class from the other class using intent and I think this song "song.ogg" class .. Please help me The public square expands DetlsActivity activity {@Override Creates Secure Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); SetContentView (R.layout.detls_layout); GetActionBar () setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled (true). Soundpool soundpull; Int soundID; Soundpull = new soundpool (10, audio manager. STREAM_MUSIC, 0); SoundID = soundPool.load (this,, 1); Audio Manager AudioManager = (Audio Manager) getSystemService (AUDIO_SERVICE); //,1f,1f,1,0,1f); Toast. Make Text (this, "Ringing Song", Toast. LNNHH_LOG). Show (); {AssetFileDescriptor assetFileDescriptor = this.getAssets (). Try OpenFd ("song.ogg"); SoundPool.load (assetFileDescriptor, 1); Toast.makeText (this, "played", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) .show (); } Hold (exception e) {log d. ("LOGCAT", "Exception song")

machine learning - How to find out the size of a sklearn decision tree in python? -

I am adding some specialty with decision trees and in terms of the number of nodes, I want to know the size of the tree. How can I do this in a dragon? Using stock example from Schenene's website, x = [[0,0], [0,1]] y = [0,1] sklearn RandomForestClassifier clf = RandomForestClassifer (n_estimators = 10) clf = (x, y) from .esemble import I can do something like clf to individual trees [1], clf [...], but how can I determine the size of each tree in terms of the total node number? A sklearn.tree._tree.Tree object has a 'node_count' property: Scalean import from tree X = [[0, 0], [1, 1]] Y = [0, 1] clf = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier () clf = (x, y) tree Obz = clf.tree_ print tree obz.node_ count

ios8 - Xcode 6 - "universal storyboard" projects will support iOS 7? -

यदि कोई नया प्रोजेक्ट Xcode 6 - सार्वभौमिक कहानी बोर्ड का उपयोग करके विकसित किया गया है, तो क्या इससे पहले उसका समर्थन होगा आईओएस संस्करण ( iOS 7 ) आप iOS 7 पर एक सार्वभौमिक स्टोरीबोर्ड का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, लेकिन आपको आकार वर्गों और विशेषता संग्रहों तक पहुंच नहीं होगी

android - File Cleaning Service -

As a requirement in the Android OS phone, I am developing an app that will clean up a specific folder in a particular interval of time. Speak up every 30 minutes. I can run a service and clean the folder every 30 minutes. I have some questions on this, 1. The server is onstart commm, which will be executed upon the service start, can I call the function here, which is a 30-minute handler running? Example public int onStartCommand (intention intent, int-flags, int startId) {cleanUpData (); Return START_REDELIVER_INTENT; } Public Zero cleanUpData () {handler handler = new handler (); Handler. PostDelayed (New Runnabel) {@Override public void run ()} // Function again cleanedData ();}}, "30 minutes"); } This code repeats CleanUpData every 30 minutes. a. is this correct? B. Will this affect performance? C. Should I use a different thread mentioned in several tutorials? D. Should I Use All After Service? Or is there any other way? Alarm Manager provides Scheduled

Push notifications are not working in updated version from ios7 to ios8.1 -

I updated my device from ios7 to ios8.1. Push notifications are not working in the updated version. I did this procedure for push notifications which are done in ios7. The code has also been updated #ifdef __IPHONE_8_0 // True, this point is UIUserNotificationSettings * settings = [UIUserNotificationSettings SettingsForTypes: (UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound | UIUserNotificationTypeAlert) categories: zero]; [[UIApplication shared application] Register User Notification Settings: Settings]; # Register to receive information / registration UIRemoteNotificationType myTypes = UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge | UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert | UIRemoteNotificationTypeSound; [[UIApplication shared applicant] registerfororemote notification type: Maites]; # Code I did not receive the notification using the above code. Please help me for push notifications in ios8.1. Thanks inadvance - (zero) application: div> itemprop = "text"> (UIAppli

dart - How do I get query parameters in the URL -

I am working on a web game in Dart. In this I need a function where I can get data from the URL, in the same way that you will get it in PHP. How do i do this For example, when I load my web game: ? Id = 15 & randomNumber = 3.14 , for example, add the following to your URL. How can I get them into a raw string (favorite) in Dart or any other format? You can use ur class from dart: core I.e.: main () {print (URI.base.toString ()); // http: // localhost: 8082 / game.html? Id = 15 & randomNumber = 3.14 print (Uri.base.query); // id = 15 & randomNumber = 3.14 print (Uri.base.queryParameters ['randomNumber']); // 3.14}

javascript - How can I create a function that can be used to filter out rows in an array that match arguments? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब मेरे पास यह जावास्क्रिप्ट ऑब्जेक्ट है: ["स्क्रीन": 1, "भूमिका नाम": "एडमिन", "चालू": 0, "नया": 1, "क्रिया": "खरीद"}, {"स्क्रीन "," भूमिका ":" व्यवस्थापक "," वर्तमान ": 1," नया ": 2," क्रिया ":" प्रारंभ "}, {" स्क्रीन ": 2," भूमिका नाम ":" छात्र "," वर्तमान ": 1," नया ": 7," क्रिया ":" पुरालेख "}] मैं सभी नवीनतम ब्राउज़रों का उपयोग कर रहा हूं मैं एक ऐसा कार्य कैसे कर सकता हूं जो इस सरणी को वर्तमान , स्क्रीन और roleName से फ़िल्टर करेगा? मैं क्या करना चाहूँगा एक ऐसा फ़ंक्शन होता है जो तर्क वर्तमान , स्क्रीन , roleName लेता है और उसके बाद यह एक आउटपुट के रूप में उत्पादन करता है जिसमें सरणी में केवल दो फ़ील्ड, नई और क्रियाएं होती हैं, जो सिर्फ तर्कों से मेल खाने वाली पंक्तियों के लिए होती हैं?

javascript - get client time zone from browser -

Is there a reliable way to get time zone from the client browser? I have seen the following links but I want a much stronger solution This repository See it's useful Download jstz.min.js and add functions to your html page & lt; Script language = "javascript" & gt; Function getTimezoneName () {timezone = jstz.determine () return (); } & Lt; / Script & gt; And call this function with your display tag

c# - Edit value in DataRowView -

I am currently using VS 2008 for my development (ASP.Net C #). I am facing a problem with Gridview at present: I am binding data with gridview datasource using dataset (database query), then I have a checkbox that allows the user to hide or display columns using the following method: if (chkPhone.Checked == true) {strSQL + = ", recruitment_ Websites as "Website"; } Okay now the problem I am experiencing is, how do I wrap this specific column lines with anchor tags? Therefore user users can go directly to the website concerned, although Gridview. So to use my first method was to use the 'RwDataBound' event and do something like this: e. Ro Seals [7]. Text = "& lt; a href = '" e. Ro Seals [7]. Text + '' & gt; Click me & lt; / A & gt; "; But then the problem occurs, if the user does not want to display this column, then the column index will be different. (The user has more options to hide columns, So,

javascript - Response.Write function not working when I pass the main function throught -

मेरे पास एक निर्यात ExportToExcel है जो HTML डेटा को प्रतिक्रिया का उपयोग करते हुए उत्कृष्टता देता है। मैं jquery विधि पोस्ट का उपयोग कर बटन पर इस फ़ंक्शन को चलाता हूं। फ़ंक्शन ExportToExcel () {ShowNotification ('एक्सेल करने के लिए निर्यात', गलत); $। पोस्ट (निर्यात युल, नल, फ़ंक्शन (जेएसएऑनस्पेंस) {छिपाना नोटिफिकेशन ();}); समस्या यह है कि यदि पोस्ट विधि का उपयोग करते हैं तो Excel फ़ाइल डाउनलोड नहीं की जाती है। अगर मैं Jquery के माध्यम से इसे चलाने के बिना इस समारोह का उपयोग यह ठीक चलाता है और फ़ाइल को डाउनलोड करता है क्या मुझसे कोई चूक हो रही है ? उस मामले में jquery का उपयोग करने की कोई आवश्यकता नहीं है। बस एक लिंक का उपयोग करें या एक फॉर्म पोस्ट करें। "डाउनलोड पीडीएफ jquery .post" के लिए खोजें और आपको कई स्पष्टीकरण और वैकल्पिक समाधान मिलते हैं।

php - Code working on Local but not working on Server -

I am trying to get data from a form and sending it to my database which is phpmyadmin. The code is working properly on local but is not working on uploading to the server. I used the local host as my hostname on the server to connect to my database, because I used to (Linux) I am doing The code is as follows: & lt; Php if (isset ($ _ POST ['name'])) {$ senior star = mysql_connect ("localhost", "username", "password"); If (! $ Senior star) {dead ("Can not connect:". Mysql_error ()); } $ Name = $ _ POST ['name']; $ Testimony = $ _ post ['testimony']; Mysql_select_db ("seniorstarsdb", $ seniorstar); $ Sql ​​= "Include Testimonials (name, testimony) values ​​('$ name', '$ testimony')"; $ Result = mysql_query ($ sql, $ seniorstar); Mysql_close ($ seniorstar); Header ('location: thank you-you.html'); }? & Gt; The data is being received from the form but not being in

Get current title from MP3 Stream on infomaniak -

I post here, because I'm working on a new Webber's new website and I have a problem, I want Get information about MP3 stream information (like current title) of radio. But I do not know how to do this ... Streaming by Infomenic This URL: < P> Can you help me? PS: Sorry for my English, I'm French.

algorithm - Covering all the numbers with the given intervals -

This algorithm is a question for the gurus: -) Command / code> There may be a set of natural numbers interval which can overlap and be a list of N numbers. I call the smallest subset of S. (Let's P), for example, there is at least one interval in our list N, P for each number which is included in the p over the allowance overlap is. Trivial Example: S = {[1..4], [2..7], [3 .. 5], [8..15] , [9 .13]} N = [1, 4, 5] // so P = {[1..4], [2.7]} I think a dynamic The algorithm can not always work, so if someone is aware of the solution to this problem (or anybody who can be changed), then it would be good. Thank you! You can do this with a greedy algorithm. Points in the order in N For each point, if it is already covered by an interval then leave it. Otherwise, consider the interval in which the point is involved, from these intervals, choose one that covers the most overlooked points. (This will be the interval with the highest end point.) Example Th

grails - Member variable becomes null, spuriously? -

I follow a claim failure which I have tried to sketch down. In short, an initial class member becomes zero When I call the override method. Abstract class A & lt; T & gt; {T target def (some) {target aim! = Null / Sanitation check - fails when it is returned below}}} in Class B, A & lt; Some & gt; {Fixed B Macab () {DEF B = NEW B (B) target = new ();! = Null return b)} // package test / test code // DRF b = bmkb () // I'm having trouble creating a minimum test case - on (with some in the long run) Runs successfully on our machines with our code If I re-apply the some method in sub-code B, the problem gets resolved. Has anyone seen a similar effect? I'm already quite disappointed. Problems found: A mixer uses the same member name By taking a step through the medium and carefully checking the local stack variable, we found that is a variable variable target that was receiving the assignment message. Pr

javascript - Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token - JSON character encoding -

In my controller I handle post requests with AJAX and request directly that receives data from JS-code mycontroller.php $ sServiceNumber = isset ($ _ POST ['service number'])? $ _POST ['service number']: $ _GET ['service number']; // Here I call a db for sServiceNumber and get some data as array $ asAlrows $ aResponse ['ServiceNumber'] = $ sServiceNumber; $ AResponse ['data'] = $ alo; $ SJson = json_encode (auto :: Convert ToStrictUtf8 ($ aResponse)); If (isset ($ _ POST ['service number'])) {$ sJson echo; Go out; } And {$ sJs = '$ (document) .ready (function () {var sData = \' .. $ SJson. '\'; HandleResponseData (sData);}); '; MyHtmlHead :: addExtraJsCode ($ SJS); Continue presenting the // html page.} When I call it with AJAX everything works fine, but when I handleResponseData () , I get it directly Uncaught syntax error:. Unexpected token on special characters My javascript function handleRespon

backbone.js - Backbone validation of complex object property (momentjs) -

मैं अपने मॉडल में momentjs ऑब्जेक्ट का उपयोग कर रहा हूं: var MyModel = Backbone Model.extend ({defaults: {iamString: "नमस्ते", iamDate: moment ()}, सत्यापन: {iamString: {अपेक्षित: सत्य, fn: function (value, attr, computed state) {चेतावनी ('iamString का सत्यापन ! ');}}, IamDate: {अपेक्षित: सत्य, फ़ेन्ने: फ़ंक्शन (मूल्य, एट्रि, कम्प्यूटेटेड स्टेट) {चेतावनी (' आईमैडेट की मान्यकरण को बुलाया जाता है! ')}}}}, प्रिंट: फ़ंक्शन () {इसे वापस करें ('IamString') + '' + this.get ('iamDate') प्रारूप प्राप्त करें ('YYYY-MM-DD hh: mm: ss');}}); अगर मैं मॉडल को अपडेट करता हूं, तो iamString सत्यापन को बुलाया जा रहा है, लेकिन iamDate सत्यापन को कभी कॉल नहीं किया जा रहा है। > यहाँ है मैं iamDate सत्यापन कैसे संभव बना सकता हूं? यदि आप क्षण कॉल करते हैं ) फ़ंक्शन, आपको प्रारूप को जोड़ना होगा। $ ('# मान्य') क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () (mymodel.set ({iamString: 'bye', iamDate: पल (' प्रारूप ('YYYY-MM-DD h

ios - NSNotificationCenter calling methods from super class or subclass? -

मेरे पास एक दृश्य नियंत्रक है B जो A का उप-वर्ग है ए के देखें वेलअपेर में [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] में नामित एक अधिसूचना के लिए मैंने पंजीकृत किया है I AddObserver: स्वयं चयनकर्ता: @ सिलेक्टर (MyNotificaitonNameHandler :) नाम: kMyNotificaitonName ऑब्जेक्ट: शून्य]; मैंने MyNotificaitonNameHandler को देखने नियंत्रक A और B में लागू किया है जिसे विधि कहा जाएगा? यह विशेष ऑब्जेक्ट पर निर्भर करता है। अगर आपने ए का एक उदाहरण बनाया है तो यह ए होगा और अन्यथा। चूंकि आपका बी क्लास MyNotificaitonNameHandler का कार्यान्वयन करता है और आपके पास B का उदाहरण है, तो यह बी शुद्ध OOP

java - Uploaded files gets deleted automatically? -

I wrote a servlet to upload a file using a form. Before I used a full path: string path = "c: \\ folder \\ subfolder \\"; And I used this upload to upload this file and it worked fine. I've changed the path to upload: string path = request.getServletContext (). GetRealPath ("") + "\\ Folder \\ subfolder \\" and now I think the files will be automatically deleted shortly after. My question is, is it considered a temporary file and is removed after some time or is it for some other reason? Here is my code: uploadFile file = new upload file (); // Upload file! Boolean Checker = Wrong; String uploadpath = request.getServletContext (). GetRealPath ("") + "\\ upload \\ riparazione \\"; Investigator = file.domainport (IDRiparion, request, feedback, sourcefile, uploadpath); doImport is the following function: public boolean doImport string uploadpath) {Disfile ITEM Factory Factory = New Disk File Iatamfactureri (); Fac

ios - Change font in navigation bar in Swift -

I want to change the font in the navigation bar, though the following code is not working, this causes the application to crash . func application (application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) - & gt; Bull {UINavigationBar.appearance (). TitleTextAttributes = [NSFontAttributeName: UIFont (name: "Lato-Light.ttf", Size: 34)!] Return true} I get the following error: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found zero during opening an optional value (LLDB) I have actually added the font Lato-Light Has been sent to its project, so it should be able to find it. UIFont () is a fusible intiLiizer, it fails for several reasons Could. ! A forced opening crashes your app using . Start it better separately and check success: if font = UIFont (name: "Lato-Light.ttf", size: 34) {UINavigationBar.appearance (). TitleTextAttributes = [NSFontAttributeName: font]} and check whether your font file is included i

android - will "adb reboot" command saves the state of the device before rebooting -

Whenever we reboot the power off or the device's position will be saved. ADB Reboot -> Reboot Device ADB Reboot-P -> Power ADB reboots does not work on the device directly. It tells the OS to reboot or shut down the power process. See. Therefore, this will not result in the removal of the battery from your device. It should normally be the same as rebooting your device.

how to know software/tool is in which package in opensuse 13.1 -

For example, I want to compile openstvv with gstreamer support, and call it Package 'Gstreamer-app-0.10' was not found I have tried sudo zypper gstreamer-app-0.10 But I'm getting: package 'gstreamer-app-0.10' was not found. Finally I solved it in sudo zypper in gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel How can I provide "gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel" to "gstreamer-app-0.10"? Is there a command or a search method to which library does the library provide? Thank you. This should work: zypper search --provides gstreamer -app-0.10

DNS setup for using shopify and you own server/hosting -

To install DSN for a domain, there is some help needed to run a shop with the hosting of our current server / hosting Also for Example: or (will show our shopify store) But we need to keep our current server (the domain pointing to a record , And this is what shopify recommends to remove and replace it with its IP, which is: ~ As our current server has some images / files to keep us Needed, so we need to do it as soon as we can. So basically running our current server with side shopify, is it possible to basically run two servers with the same domain name, but with different content? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers The answer is no. If it is possible, then use the subdomain. Indicates your main domain like to shopify server. Create a subdomain eg , which can be pointing to your hosting server. Reference:

javascript - Get form data at node server side on Ajax call -

I am trying to submit form data using Ajax calls. The relevant form becomes like a code . & Lt; Form target = "_ blank" id = "addCaseForm" class = "form horizontal call-MD-12" action = "" method = "post" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "col-md-3-control-label" & gt; Patient's name & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-md-9" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" id = "patientName" name = "patientName" placeholder = "" required & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; .. .. .. .. .. .. & lt; Button type = "submit" class = "btn btn-primary btn-x" & gt; Save & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; Click the Submit button The following event is being called where I have to submit the form da

Send Email in SharePoint Hosted App without using VS workflow -

I created a SharePoint hosted app that uses the Visual Studio workflow to send emails within the same domain. Since I am in the process of migrating custom ASPX forms in SharePoint Online in SP2010, each form has been redesigned as an SP hosted app and I want to send emails every time. Do not want to include the workflow. Any other workaround for handling email in SP's hosted app? Thank you! You can use the Javascript Rest API to send emails from the hosted app. See the code below: var urlTemplate = SPAppWebUrl + "/_api/SP.Utilities.Utility.SendEmail"; $ .Azax ({contentType: 'application / json', url: url template, type: "post", data: JSON.stringify ({'properties': {' __metadata ': {' type ':' SP.Utilities. EmailProperties' 'from: to, from': '' 'Results': [to]},' body ': email body,' subject ': subject}}), header: {"accept": "Application / Jason ("

python - Heroku foreman start command stuck in virtualenv while attempting to run Django project -

मैं Django Heroku ट्यूटोरियल को लागू करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं अजगर runerver वर्चुअलएन्वय के बाहर और अंदर दोनों ठीक काम करता है फ़ोरमैन प्रारंभ virtualenv के बाहर ठीक काम करता है फ़ोरमैन प्रारंभ आभासी कमांड के अंदर या तो कमांड पहली पंक्ति पर या कोड 1 के साथ समाप्त होता है 13:29:08 web.1 | Pid 4231 13:29:13 वेब के साथ शुरू किया | कोड 1 13:29:13 से बाहर निकलता है | सभी प्रक्रियाओं को SIGTERM भेजना अपडेट करें: Procfile वेब: गैन्कोर्न सेल_मॉडेलिंग_साइट.वsgi मुझे धीमी समस्या का सामना करना पड़ा था और मैंने इसे गनोचोर्न == 0.16.1 पीआईपी का इस्तेमाल करके इसे हल किया। आशा है कि यह आपकी समस्या को भी हल करेगा .... gunicorn द्वारा मौजूदा gunicorn == 0.16.1

javascript - how to change font of text in confirm navigation popup? -

I just want to change the font of a text that is written on this popup like text size like font - Size: 16px; How is this possible? & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {Return 'you have not submitted the application form yet.'; }; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt;

php - remove_menu_page() not getting initialized within if condition -

I am trying to delete some menu pages based on the user role, but when I if condition < / Code> It does nothing. function contributor_posts_action () {if ($ role == 'contributor_posts') {// contributor_posts - custom role // resonance 'here'; For purposes of testing and testing, it therefore goes under the condition of adding condition ('admin_menu', 'remove_menus_contrib'); Function remove_menus_contrib () {remove_menu_page ('edit-comments.php'); Remove_menu_page ('tools.php'); Remove_menu_page ('edit.php? Post_type = directory'); Remove_menu_page ('edit.php? Post_type = city'); } // This function does not get associated with the add_action ('admin_bar_menu', 'remove_admin_bar_items', 999); Function remove_admin_bar_items ($ wp_admin_bar) {$ wp_admin_bar- & gt; Remove_node ('new-directory'); $ Wp_admin_bar- & gt; Remove_node ('new-city'); } // It works properly This is

How can I interpret the results of a simulation of ARX process in Matlab? -

मैंने निम्न कमांड को सिम्युलेटेड किया है: process_arx = idpoly ([1 -0.5] , [0 0 0.6 -0.2], 1,1,1, 'नोविस व्हरिअस', 0.05, 'टी', 1); ब्रिटेन = आईडीिनपुट (2555, 'पीआरबीएस', [0 0.2], [-1 1]); yk = सिम (process_arx, ब्रिटेन, 'शोर'); और यूके और वाईकी के पहले 10 हैं: [uk (1:10) yk (1:10)] ans = -1.0000 0.1202 -1.0000 0.4702 -1.0000 -0.8700 -1.0000 -0.6422 -1.0000 -0.6498 -1.0000 -1.0173 -1.0000 -1.0056 -1.0000 -0.8262 -1.0000 -0.0129 -1.0000 0.2128 जहां तक ​​मैं समझता हूँ मैं क्या कर रहा हूं निम्नलिखित समीकरण का अनुकरण कर रहा है: y (t) = 0.5 * y (t-1) + 0.6 * u (t-2) -0.2 * u (टी -3 ) उदाहरण के लिए, यदि मुझे y (4) चाहिए, तो मुझे गणना करना है: y (4) = 0.5 * y (3) + 0.6 * u (2) -0.2 * यू (1) मानों से: y (3) = -0.87; यू (2) = -1 और यू (1) = -1 y (4) -0.835 होना चाहिए और सिमुलेशन ने मुझे -0.6422 दिया! मैं सही ढंग से व्याख्या कैसे कर सकता हूं सिमुलेशन परिणाम? मुझे लगता है कि आप इस बात पर ध्यान नहीं देते हैं कि मॉडल नवाचार ई (टी) Stoch

android - keep the keystore while changing computer -

Then I have an app on the play store and I'm changing my computer. This is new me and I have to ask anyone that it is here: To update my app from a new computer, only the kitor file (which I used to get old Is the computer built on) any other file / processes needed right? Yes I did before I used them on windows and then when I moved to Mac Google Play But to update your work, it is necessary to maintain the keystore file (private key). It is known that who you are and unless you have a good hacker, if you lose it, then you will get a new Need to start with the page. It is necessary that I keep them on the cloud and whenever I need it I use them.

How to get the name of class where an object is initialized c# -

मेरे पास कुछ कक्षाएं हैं I कहते हैं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग ए {सार्वजनिक शून्य कुछ एक्शन () {Debug.Write ("मुझे कक्षा में घोषित किया गया था: और मेरा नाम है:"); }} और सार्वजनिक वर्ग बी {सार्वजनिक स्थिर एक MyClass = new A (); } सार्वजनिक वर्ग सी {सार्वजनिक स्थिर एक myClass = नया ए (); } सार्वजनिक वर्ग डी {सार्वजनिक स्थिर एक myClass = नया ए (); } कक्षा ए में मैं कुछ "एक्शन" चाहता हूं, यह प्रिंट करना है कि किस कक्षा को इसे आरंभ किया गया था। उदाहरण के लिए, C.myClass.SomeAction (); यह प्रिंट होगा "मुझे कक्षा C में नामित किया गया था मेरा नाम myClass " < पी> मुझे आशा है कि यह समझदारी है। यह करने के कारण ये है स्वचालित परीक्षण के दौरान डीबगिंग। मैं समझता हूं कि यह काम करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका नहीं है, लेकिन यह व्यवसाय की एक आवश्यकता है। यह आवश्यकताएं विरासत के बिना संतुष्ट हो या वस्तु को पारित करना; हम उस वर्ग का नाम प्राप्त कर सकते हैं जो रचनाकार को स्टैक की जांच करके निर्माता के शरीर के भीतर से कॉल करता है। सार्वजनिक वर्ग A {निजी स

solr - Relevancy score based on term order and text index -

मेरे पास ऐसे दस्तावेज हैं: (1) 3825051 3835055 ए 14 051 (2 ) 3833013 3834034 ए 2 013 (3) 4537002 4637021 ए 38 002 (4) 4537002 4537002 एम 38 002 (5) 4537002 4537002 एम 381 002 मेरी सोलर क्वेरी है: q डेटा + टाइप करें "+ +" a "AND +" 38 " डेटाटाइप कॉन्फ़िग: & lt; fieldType name =" text_wildcard "class =" solr.TextField " & gt; & Lt; विश्लेषक प्रकार = "सूचकांक" & gt; & Lt; टोकनेइज़र वर्ग = "solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" / & gt; & Lt; फिल्टर वर्ग = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory" / & gt; & Lt; फिल्टर वर्ग = "solr.EnggeramFilterFactory" minGramSize = "1" maxGramSize = "25" पक्ष = "सामने" / & gt; & Lt; / विश्लेषक & gt; & Lt; विश्लेषक प्रकार = "क्वेरी" & gt; & Lt; टोकनेइज़र वर्ग = "solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory" / & gt; & Lt; फिल्टर वर्ग = "solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory&q

android - How to make ImageView larger than screen width and scroll with Animation -

I have something that is more than the width of my ImageView screen. After scrolling the image using an animation like this: animationet animationSet = new animation set (true); AnimationSet.setFillAfter (true); Translation Translation Translation Animation = New Translation Permission (-1 * (curruntFragment * 40), -1 * ((curruntFragment + 1) * 40), 0, 0); TranslateAnimation.setStartOffset (400); TranslateAnimation.setDuration (200); TranslateAnimation.setFillAfter (true); AnimationSet.addAnimation (translateAnimation); ImgBackground.setAnimation (animationSet); ImgBackground.startAnimation (animationSet); This will not cut like this image " If this is the case, then how to do it: ==> Configuring immersive mode Open the GMD to access the settings, then the normal subsection Go and enable notification You can decide that you do not have an app pending in the status bar Want an invisible icon Ifikeshn, as well as you want to start to make boot and activ

java - Problems while using relative path in order to make a link to another file -

I am trying to write a program that will file a PDF with the link using iText, the following code Snippet is the program: Private Chapter Generated PDF (string text, string path) {Phrase phrase = new phrase (text); Paragraph paragraph = new paragraph (); Paragraph.add (phrase); Chapter chapter = new chapter (paragraph, 1); Chapter.setNumberDepth (0); Chuck test = null; String name = path.svg substring (path.lastIndexOf ("\\") + 1, path.length ()); {Test = new part (i + "." + Name) for (int i = 1; i & lt; 3; i ++); Trial.setAnchor (path); Paragraph para = new paragraph (); Para.add (test); Chapter.add (paragraph); } Return Chapter; } holds the value of the name of the file text in the above method and is the absolute path in the path , but only for a file The relative path must be used. > You have been using Java 7: < Code> final string filename = path. Gate (path) .getFileName (). ToString ();

windows - How to have powershell script execute batch command in same terminal -

I have a Porschell2 script which I am trying to develop. The purpose of this script is to wrap around a batch script and choose wisely how to execute the batch script. Either I have some arguments with the lines of my code that runs like this: & amp; $ MyCommand $ args $ myCommand is the fully-qualified file name of the batch file that I want to run. $ ELGS This is the ELGS which works in this script, it works, besides this, $ myCommand opens a command window when I run, how do I stop it, so that the output is within the same noise shell? What's odd is that if I execute the direct command, then it shows the way I want it. So something like this: C: \ myCommand.bat $ args Given that I need to choose which order to run on runtime I want to, how do I make it so that when I '& amp; To execute the command in the variable? Thanks! using initiation Parameters instead of code> and : Start-up - FilePath C: \ myCommand.bat -logumentList @ ("a

sitecore - Disable designing role programmatically -

I was thinking that there was any way to turn on / disable the designer role from code. Desired effect from command: WebEdit: Toggleness capabilities . Image of the command in the Page Editor: I How do I toggle designing capabilities with code? Toggles the status given below to the current user's status. It should work for you or at least tell you in the right direction. I did not have the time to test it, so you have to do it on your own. Remember to refresh the page after executing the code: string key = "/ current_uppress / page editor / ability / design"; If (Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Registry.GetString (key, "on") == "ON") {Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Registry.SetString (key, "off"); } And (if (WebEditUtil.CanDesignItem (Sitecore.Context.Item)) {Sitecore.Web.UI.HtmlControls.Registry.SetString (key, "on");}}

java - JPA\Hibernate: Persisted list of entities in Singleton -

After I manage a singleton that lists a list of some of my DB units. Public Class Schedule Quai {List & lt; MyEntity & gt; Institutions; } I need to store this list in my database. So I want a table from only entities where my singleton could grab all the data. Tables defined (ENTITY_queue character separated ENTITY_ID (32), schedulled_queue foreign key (ENTITY_ID) reference tbl_my_entity constraint (ENTITY_ID) match) Is there a way to map my singleton ScheduledQueue in Hibernate to achieve this goal? Or should I bother with this kind of thing? If you have more than one ScheduledQueue objects then this makes sense for many between ScheduledQueue and MyEntity One for relation Since your ScheduledQueue in Singleton. I do not see the benefit of making a unit of this.

php - FOSRestBundle - POST went fine, but when use PUT/PATCH $request is null -

I was following this tutorial and then I've added a new unit, author. Using GET, Post and Delete everything goes as expected, but when I use PUT or Patch, it results in: < Code> ["message": "Exception occurred when executing 'author (id, name), password) [16, blank, blank] with parameters (?,?,?)' Parameter: \ n \ nSQLSTATE [23502 ]: Not an empty violation: (...) I get this header: Allow +, keep, patch, cache -Remove control No-cache connection → live-content content-type → app / jason date → Tuesday, October 28, 2014 14:30:10 GMT server → nginx / 1.1.19 transfer-encoding → selected X-Debug-Token → 6d899c X- Debug-token-link → / api / _profiler/6d899cx-power-by → PHP / 5.4.33-2 + ~ exact + 1 This is my PHP code Public function putAuthorAction (Request $ request, $ id) {Try {if (! ($ Author = $ this-> Container-> (' Handler ') -> Get ($ ID)) {$ statusCode = Codes :: HTTP_CREATED; $ Author =

How to create dynamically polymer element\simple tag -

मेरे पास एक बहुलक तत्व है: & lt; बहुलक-तत्व का नाम = "एक्स-ब्लॉक" विशेषताओं = "डेटा" & gt; & LT; टेम्पलेट & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "ब्लॉक-आवरण" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "प्लस-बटन" ऑन-क्लिक = "{{showMdl}}" & gt; + & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div छुपा? = "{{ShowModal}}" आईडी = "मोडल" & gt; मॉडल & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; सामग्री का चयन करें = "हैडर" & gt; & lt; / content & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / टेम्पलेट & gt; / * पॉलिमर * / & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; पॉलिमर ({तैयार: कार्य ()} {this.showModal = false;}, showMdl: फ़ंक्शन (ई, विस्तार, प्रेषक) {this.showModal = true; this। $। = e.layerY + 'px' ;। $। = e.layerX + 'px'; var newElement = document.createElement ('div') newElement.innerHTML = 'गतिशीलताएलेमेंट'; newElement.setAttribute ('ऑन-क्लिक', '

ios - NSPredicate to Search Collection -

I have a tableview with a search bar when I add the item to another array, then I search the table Was able to use NSPredicate: head (head in objects) {[desc addObject: head.DEC]; [Category addObject: head.CATEGORY]; } - (zero) filterContentForSearchText: (NSString *) searchText scope: (NSString *) scope {NSPredicate * resultPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat: @ "Self included [CD]% @", searchText]; SearchResults = [desc filteredArrayUsingPredicate: results provided]; } Now I want to keep the archive together so that a tableView will be able to use the object that has the SelectionRowAtIndexPath item I like my table view Load:. for (int i = 0; i & lt; [item count]; i ++) {head = [item object endx:]; LabelName.text = head.DESC; How can I find the archive for my NSPredicate head. DESC #pragma mark search results - (zero) filterContentForSearchText: (NSString *) searchText scope: (NSString *) scope {NSPredicate * resultPredicate = [

Setting up multiple user account types in django running mezzanine -

I'm beating my head against a wall here for a while and therefore I want to ask you guys Out to I am creating an application that has many user account types, assume that there are 3 types that look like something like my model: class UserProfile ( User): # This user is auth.User Model USER_TYPE_CHOICES = (('Artist', 'Artist'), ('Site', 'Location'), ('spl', 'sound / power / lights'), (' Promoter Category 'A' (UserProfile): #stuff Category B (UserProfile): #stuff Category C (UserProfile): #stuff / Code> I created USERProfile in AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE Settings Added. And I have revised the forms and ideas in the accounts of mejenain, on whom I have worked with those models I have mentioned. The way I thought it was supposed to work, it is that I will have the starting page where the auth.User field will be provided (user name, first name, etc.) and the account_type field option takes the user to the next form For

ios - Can DMG installer support Scripts? -

I want to make a Mac installer and would like to know which installer is appropriate for my needs? I have a bash script that performs the following operations Get some details related to the hardware ID and hardware < / Li> Creating XML Launch APP inside DMG. Generate PLIST Download a DMG file from the internet (use curl) Mount DMG Can you please suggest me if I can go to DMG or use the packagemaker to create a PKG file? Thanksgiving About triggering a script when I am growing DMG There is no information. But here you have a solution by creating a PKG with pre-install / post install scripts. Your Bash script can be added as PKG pre-installed or post-install script. It does not really matter that you are adding it as a pre / post install script, because your PKG is going to execute the script now and no one is copying the file. If necessary, then PKG in a DMG, so that it becomes a mount disk. Apart from this DMG can show license files if nec

Java - getting error with audio input stream for opening mp3 file -

I am trying to change the WAV file from MP3 and be able to proceed with the conversion post I get an error when opening an MP3 file is required - audio file format input file format = audio system. GetAudio file format (new file ("C: / dg. Mp3")); AudioInputStream ais = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream (new file ("C: /dg.mp3")); Error: javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException: File is not a supported file type on javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat (unknown source) MP3toWav .main (MP3toWav.java10) Any help on this is appreciated? I have searched a lot but unable to find any answers for my problem! You can not open the MP3 file The default Java Audio API lets you access an external API such as

mysql - How to put single quotes around variables in a dynamic query -

I am trying to create a dynamic query. Initially, the query query is set to string and then I want to add the WHERE clause dynamically. This works, except that in this case the single quotes around the string are not @valval due to an error. SET @Query = @Query + 'WHERE' + How do I include a single quotation mark, so that it can be added correctly? '' + Palalam + '' + operator + '+' '+ @val +';; Thanks! You must keep a quote between quotes but avoid, so it can not break your code. This will look like the following: SET @Query = @Query + 'WHERE' + '' @param + '+ @operator +' '+' \ '+ + val +' \ ' '; Edit P>

python - Attach User to Django ModelForm / FormView after submit -

I have a form VVS CBV (shows model form) which is working fine. However, now when I save it to the database, I want to add the "created" attribute in the form. This "created" field should be the current, logged-in user, who has filled out the form. I have tried to delay the () , Request.user and then save everything ... but the page itself Redirects to, and the model data is not added. idea? Relevant : class events (models.Model): title = model.ccarfield (max_length = 255) submit_det = models .DateField (auto_now = true, verbose_name = 'date submitted') by built_by = model. Phoenis (user) event_date = models.DateField () contextual : class PostEventView (form view): Form_class = EventForm template_name = "event-submit.html" def form_valid (self, form): form = (commit = False) Form.created_by = self.reated.user () messages.success (self. Thank you for taking the time to add this o

javascript - Fill t-shirt with color and change text color accordingly on HTML canvas -

I have pulled a T-shirt on the canvas and I am currently trying to fill it when the user chooses the color above Besides the menu, I would like the text on T-shirt accordingly (for example, if the color is black then the T-shirt text color should be white). Is this possible? The snippet of code so far: & lt; Body & gt; T-shirt color & lt; Br> & Lt; Canvas ID = "Toolscanvas" width = 300 height = 53> gt; & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; Br> & Lt; P & gt; & Lt; Canvas id = "drawingcanvas" width = "520" height = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; Canvas id = "item convection" width = "520" height = "42 9" & gt; & Lt; / Canvas & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; It would be easy to demonstrate what I am saying, JSFDial here: You must use the ctx.fillStyle = color and ctx.fill () methods to fill that code. But somehow the shirt is

android - Titanium Studio: Application Installer abnormal process termination. Process exit value was 1 -

I have tried to run a wheel on titanium studio with genomotion after these guides: titanium studio, Before establishing titanium studios, installing something else, and installing them automatically) Genymotion) I have installed Android SDK through titanium studio (I have used various combinationshave tried). I have tried to run a restraint that is error free (the whole team can run it completely) and I have also tried to run the default classic preacquette on Ti Studio, and alloy Default template also But whenever I run it, I get this message: [Error] Application installer abnormal process termination. Process exhaust value was 1 [Error]: Application package failed: Every once. I have tried to set up different ways in different ways, and yet I am unable to solve this issue. I have also researched online, but I have not found any solution yet, I have been stuck with this for 3 days. I have two separate laptops with two separate OS Windows 7 and Windows 8). There was an issu

ruby on rails - Seeing 500 error page but no errors can be find in log -

My Ruby app starts successfully but when I go to the local host: 3000 I see this page: Checking the production.log file There is only one line: # logfile October 28 10:47:41 -0500 2014luser @ luser-VirtualBox is built on: ~ / repo / amm $ Mongrel.log indicates that the application successfully started: ** demonized, any open Files are closed Log / Mongel.PID View and log / Mongel.log for information. ** ** Starting to listen to Mongrel ** Rails starting with production environment ... /home/luser/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-head/gems/rails-2.3 .5 / lib / rails /gem_dependency.rb:119: Warning: GEM: Dependency # version_jection has been removed and will be removed on or after August 2010. Use #requirement ** Loaded Rails ** Load any Rail Specific GemPlugins ** Signals Ready. TERM = & gt; Stop. USR2 = & gt; restart. INT = & gt; Stop (no resume). ** Registered Railway Signals HUP = & gt; Reload (without restarting) it can not work well ** available

c# - Add foreach loop around Webclient resulting in error -

After adding a foreach loop around a webclant function, it closes the following error Foreach (string rssFeed in lstRSSFeeds) {// Our Web Downloader WebClient Downloader = New WebClient (); // To download our web address, see Urikind. Absolute Uri Uri = New Uri (RSSFid, Uricand.Assolute); // We need to wait for the file to be completely downloaded, so hook the DownloadComplete Event Downloader. Download DownloadStringCompleted + = New DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler (FileDownloadComplete); // Download Downloader Start. DownloadloadingSync (Yuri); } Public Zero FileDownloadComplete (Object Sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs E) {// E. The result will include file byte for byte // your settings XmlReaderSettings Settings = New XmlReaderSettings (); Settings.DtdProcessing = DtdProcessing.Ignore; // Create a memory stream for us to use by downloading the file memorystream ms = new memorystream (systemtext.keyword.utf 8.gatebayit ( ;? "" ")); Create your

multiplication - Swift - Multiply two NSDecimal Numbers -

I am currently trying to multiply two NSDecimal numbers, this Swift ? I have found the method ' matching the decimal number on the Apple Dev pages but I have used it as below and I get' poor access' 'error In the item category, both the price and quantity are NSDecimalNumbers and of course the population (with purchase price of 35.99 and 30 quantities) Var one = item.purchasePrice var two = item.quantity Give two: NSDecimalNumber = one.decimalNumberByMultiplyingby (two) I have tried it in many ways but all the tutorial objectives. Thanks This works perfectly. var number one: Ansdisimlnanbr = Ansdisimlnanbr (Float: 35.9 9) var number two: Ansdisimlnanbr = Ansdisiaielmel (Int 30) l At number three: Ansdisimlnanbr = Snkyaoadisiaielelbibiaflipifaing (number two) Print (No. Three) The output on the console is: 1079.7000503540041728 Note: Your var The type of ( three ) no can be NSDecimalNumber example, this is the reason that t

php - 1054 Unknown Column in Full Join, but not other Joins -

Why am I getting "1054 unknown column error" from the following mysql syntax: select attorney_first_name, attorney_last_name, att_school, including att_degree_obtained full jos_legalally_attorneys which jos_legalally_attorneys.user_id = on jos_legalally_attorney_education jos_legalally_attorney_education.user_id; This results in error: # 1054 - '' jos_legalally_attorneys.user_id on segment Unknown column ' I get this error when anybody tries to complete zone . When using this exact syntax, all others are added (inner, right, left) are successful (I've tried join the full external variation). After the reporting does not support MySQL include the following in full form < / code>, then your query interpretation: to select taken as attorney_first_name, attorney_last_name, att_school, full #FULL as att_degree_obtained table jos_legalally_attorneys aka !! Inner Jones Josh_Galley_arty_school on educationJos_legalally_attorneys.user_

algorithm - KissFFT and Power of Two -

I have read in many different places, that an FFT algorithm requires input array size, which is two Has the power, like 512 or 1024. I found a number of different algorithms that calculate FFT such as Quli-Tucci and BlueSteen (also works with numbers that follow key factors like 2,3,5,7). Well, I'm using KissFFT and I'm entering an array of length 200. Why is this working? Does anyone know what is happening in this case? Is it minimizing 128 (2 ^ 7) size, or maybe using another algorithm? If it is using other algorithms, does it still give the correct answer, but just takes longer to calculate? (In this case, time is not really a problem for me.) Here, here it goes: First, the Koli and Tuke algorithms Second, MATLAB: "Next to the pad You can use the Strip 2 signal that passes through FFT, by doing so, the calculation of FFT can accelerate when the signal length does not have the exact power of 2. " All of you Thanks

In Windows shell, How do I echo the date of the oldest file in a directory? -

I have the following directory (which works well) with a file card for each directory for the directory In the batch file for the recursive list, but besides what I already have, I need to know the date of the old file in the current directory, where it says I_NEED_YEAR_HERE , how do I do it Can i @echo off setlocal disableDelayedExpansion if "% ~ 1" = "" (call: recurs. ") And call: exit the recursion% 1 / b: from the recurs to the Settleoscal Set filecant = 0 Set / set for / d %% D ("% ~ 1 \ *") ("Dyre / b / ad"% ~ 1 \ * "2 ^> null ^ | search / v / c" '') ) Is a fileCnt + = %% F)% echo %%% fileCnt% files, and the oldest file is from the year I_NEED_YEAR_HERE (Endocultial Set / A File Cnt + %% File Content%) / b class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> AECO of setlockluck set "sourcedir = U: \ sourcedir" PUSHD "% sourcedir % "Setloca L Disable Replacement Setup / AG R

php - why laravel blade @yield adds a new line (line break) -

मैं blade templating के साथ laravel 4.2 मुझे @yield फ़ंक्शन जो @section फ़ंक्शन के साथ काम करता है के साथ एक छोटी सी समस्या है। मेरे लेआउट टेम्प्लेट में कहते हैं < Code> layout.blade.php मेरे पास निम्न कथन है: & lt; मेटा नाम = "विवरण" सामग्री = "@ उपज ('विवरण')" & gt; और contact.blade.php जो layout.blade.php का विस्तार करता है मेरे पास यह है: @section ('description') यह संपर्क पृष्ठ है @stop आउटपुट यह है: & lt; मेटा नाम = "विवरण "Content =" यह संपर्क पृष्ठ है "& gt; समस्या यह है कि लाइन ब्रेक अनुभाग रेंडरिंग के अंत में स्वचालित रूप से जोड़ा गया। क्या आपको यह पता चल गया है कि इस अवांछित से कैसे बचें व्यवहार मुझे पूरा यकीन है कि @yield और @ यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि आप या तो अपने ब्लेड में एक पैरामीटर पास करें देखें से नियंत्रक जैसा: & lt; मेटा नाम = "विवरण" सामग्री = "{{$ page_description}}" & gt; या उस पृष्ठ के पूरे म

sql - Postgresql Update using Inner Join set -

I have two tables that they share two fields (Marfeld 1, Marfield 2) and two tables Interested in 2 other fields in one What I want to do here: 1. Join the internal two tables 2. Update a table (field 1) on the table based on another field (field or other field) field, No. The code below runs fine but the Target set field (Field 1) does not update anything. update table 2 set field 1 = (case when os.afield is not zero (os.afield) Els os.anotherfield termination) Internal table 2 FD ON Fd.myfield1 = Os myfield1 and fd.myfield2 = os.myfield2; update table 2 fd set fd.field1 = (select case When the OS is not far away, the zero (OSAFILD) other OSAuthor field ends with 1 table where fd.myfield1 = os.myfield1 and fd.myfield2 = os.myfield2); This is called a correlated subquery, which is executed for each row in Table 2. But you should make sure that the subquery returns one or zero rows This query will update all the rows in Table 2 if you want to update only those ro

How to disable java out-of-date ActiveX control blocking feature in Internet Explorer -

IE recently introduced a new security feature old ActiveX blocking . If your app uses any ActiveX control and while loading it in IE it checks whether it is still or not. If it is not, it indicates with a message and blocks loading. For example, if your system has lower version Jre (Estimate 1.7.0_55) and if you try to load an applet in IE it indicates this way because there is an update available for Java. Is there a way to disable this feature? I have checked the following link from Microsoft, They have given two solutions for this problem. 1. Modifying Group Policy Settings Using Administrative Templates 2. Modifying group policy settings using registry commands. This solution is system level and is more confusing for the user. There is no simpler and better solution. This security block does not work in the trusted sites zone. Therefore, to disable this feature, add the site to Trusted Sites and keep the security level as medium. If it's still blocked, del

php - Clickable row with link -

How can I make every row clickable without repetition This is an example that shows the problem, Parameter may be code: & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Thead & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Code & lt; / Th & gt; & Lt; Th & gt; Users & lt; / Th & gt; ... & lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; / Thead & gt; & Lt; Tbody & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "page / 123" & gt; 123 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "page / 123" & gt; User A & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> ... & lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "page / 456" & gt; 456 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; A href = "page / 456" & gt; User B & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Td> ... & lt; / Tr & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt;

c# - Refresh data from stored procedure -

I have the application of a c # unit framework I'm trying to run an stored procedure with code (a problem with it) Not long) its long haul, about 30 minutes I write each transaction in the form of a log in a SQL table because the process runs. I'm trying to start the process from the app, but then shows the last 10 records of the log on the screen, maybe every 10 seconds is interrogating. This will show progress. Private Zero Window_Loaded_1 (Object Sender, RoutedEventArgs E) {Task.Run ((=) => _serviceProduct.RefreshAllAsync ()); _cvsLog = (collection chronology) (Search Resource ("CVSOog"); Var Dispatcher timer = New system. Windows threading. Dispatcher Timer (); Sender Timer. Tick ​​+ = new event heredollar (sender timerTicket); Sender Timer. Interval = timespan; framesconds (10); DispatcherTimer.Start (); } Private zero sender timer (Object Sender, EventEurge E) {_cvslog.Source = _serviceProduct.GetRefreshLog (); } I changed the code to simplify Dispa