
Showing posts from July, 2012

algebraic data types - In Agda is it possible to define a datatype that has equations? -

I want to describe the integer: set the data integer: Z: Integer succ: integer - & gt; Integer Completed: Integer - & gt; Maximum Marks ?? Do not define the above integers and we need Succ (Pred x) = x and Pred (Succ x) = x, however, spReduce: (m: integer) - & gt; Succ (Pred m) = m psReduce: (m: integer) - & gt; Pred (Succ m) = m Can not be added to the data type A better definition of integer is most definitely, Data Integers: set Pauses: Net - & gt; Integer negative: Net - & gt; Integers But I'm curious if there is a way to add equations to datat. It looks like what you want to do, your Integers equivalence relationship Type as a quotient type which recognizes m with Succ (Pred M) and so on. Now Agda does not support - an experimental library had tried to do this (it was defined through an auxiliary work to force all actions on the basis of a subsidiary, for which proof of the reciprocal invariance required ), But then someone

java - How to programmingly specify the file name for RollingFileAppender in log4j? -

पृष्ठभूमि: मेरा अनुप्रयोग दो ऑपरेटिंग मोड को चुना जा सकता है जिसे चुना जा सकता है जीयूआई से। अगर यह एक सर्वर के रूप में काम करता है, तो मैं लॉग को server.log फाइल में निर्देशित करना चाहता हूं। अगर यह एक ग्राहक के रूप में काम करता है, तो मैं लॉग को निर्देशित करना चाहता हूं client.log फ़ाइल में प्रश्न: Log4j में रोलिंगफ़ाइलअपैडर के लिए अलग-अलग मोडों के लिए अलग-अलग नामों को कैसे परिभाषित करना है? जोड़ा गया (10-29-2014): @ मनेश्शे महेश्वरी का वर्तमान जवाब मेरे लिए काम नहीं करता है। यह चेतावनी log4j: वॉर्न फाइल विकल्प को ऐडेंडर [फाइल] के लिए सेट नहीं करता है और यह फाइल में लॉग नहीं लिखता है। मेरा प्रयास: rollSpecificRollingFileAppender वर्ग को परिभाषित करता है जो RollingFileAppender को बढ़ाता है और setFile () विधि को ओवरराइड करता है। पूर्व> सार्वजनिक वर्ग RoleSpecificRollingFileAppender RollingFileAppender को विस्तारित करता है {@ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक शून्य सेटफ़ाइल (स्ट्रिंग फ़ाइलनाम) {सुपर .सेटफ़ाइल (फ़ाइलनाम); }} मेरा RollingFileAppender इस प

javascript - Adding multiple functions on <body onload> -

मैं एकाधिक ओलोड कार्यों को अपने & lt; body & gt; P> मेरा वर्तमान कोड: & lt; body onload = "_ googWcmGet (संख्या, '1800 000 000'); प्रारंभ करें ()" & gt; _googWcmGet काम कर रहा है लेकिन दूसरा फ़ंक्शन काम नहीं कर रहा है ... कृपया मदद करें! document.body.addEventListener ('लोड', कार्य 1, गलत); Document.body.addEventListener ('लोड', कार्य 2, गलत); // आदि। या, यदि आप jQuery का उपयोग कर रहे हैं, तो आपको इनमें से बहुत से उपयोग की आवश्यकता है: $ (function () { ...}); $ (फ़ंक्शन () {...}); $ (फ़ंक्शन () {...});

no effect in browser when modify code using angularjs -

I am using angularjs, when I modify the page content, it will not be effective in the browser, but when I Close the browser and open it again. It works again. You develop with angles. Can anyone have a shared solution? Ctrl + R or F5 code> Page Refresh and solve your problem.

logging - Jmeter logs within the Test object/application logs are not logged -

I test.ex. These are junior tests and are executed with JmeterSamler. There are no login statements inside the junit test method or dependent jar where should be seen. I have a statement in my examination method like ("simple log"); Simple log should not be seen anywhere. I have tried different things of the settings of log_level with categories in but nothing does help. I also need to use slf4j with log4j, so I redirected the Commons logging log using the following jars, jcl-over-slf4j slf4j-log4j12 and Log 4j-1.2.7 / Li> Logkit and excalibor-logging removed from classpath Added log4j.configuration = file: /path/to/log4j.xmlApenders to parse and Raised on startup. A logger was added to the test class with the standout appender but there is nowhere to be seen logs from the test class jmeter.propeties # log_config = logkit.xml Commented on and lockkit file is not fully present in the bin. Logkit and excalibur

sql - Insert Process via OpenRowSet cant done on second time -

मैं [TestTest] नामक एचवी टेबल और इसके कॉलम को संख्या फिर मैं [spTestTest] नामक स्पंदन करता हूं। इसमें मैंने testtest तालिका में डेटा डालने की कोशिश की एसपी कोड बनाने की प्रक्रिया [डीबीओ]। [SpTestTest] के रूप में परीक्षण टेस्ट (संख्या) मूल्यों में शामिल करें (1) चुनें 'सफलता' END फिर मेरे पास openrowset इस स्पैम को निष्पादित करने के लिए और क्वेरी SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET ('SQLNCLI', 'servername'; 'उपयोगकर्ता नाम'; 'पासवर्ड', 'SET NOCOUNT ON; SET FMTONLY OFF; EXEC Falcon.dbo.spTestTest ') इस क्वेरी को पहली बार अपनी कार्यक्षमता को testtest तालिका में पहली बार निष्पादित करते हुए दूसरी बार क्रियान्वित करता है। < / P> मैं समझ नहीं सकता कि यहाँ क्या हो रहा है ...

c++ - How to access array of structure in another file -

How to access an array of structures in another file. I have 3 files 1.h 2.cpp 3.cpp is down 1.h # include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Struct st {Int i; Four f [10]; }; Straight Street Verb [10]; 2.cpp #include "1.h" int main {int s; // Here I hve scannd value of IRM user callotherfile (); } i 3.cpp #include "1.h int p; zero callotherfile (zero) {for (p = 1; p & lt ; = 10; P ++) COAT & lt; & lt; var.i [P] Here are the P and S class types, please help me fix it I G ++ 2.COP 3.QP 1.hpp . Remove #include & lt; stdio.h & gt; It is not needed. An announcement for the array Provide no definition. St {int i; // You were int, not int. I think this typo was described [10];}; external straight string [10]; Change to 2.cpp . Before using it for callotherfile Provide an announcement. #include "1.h" zero callphrase (zero); int main () {int s; // This is an unused variable it can be removed from calloth

python - How to set a time out in web crawler? -

I am very new to Python and am trying to develop a very simple web crawler. My web crawler works well, but it sticks on a link for a long time. How do I set a timeout function? How to handle urllib2.HTTPError? Is my statement correct? Start = page.find ('& lt; a href =') if start == - 1: return no, 0 startp = page ('' '' 'Startup + 1) url = Page [startp + 1: endp] return URL, endp def get_all_link (page): allurl = [] while true: url, endp = Get_link (page) if url: page = page [endp:] allurl.append (url) other: return allurl break def get_page (page, tocrawl): import urllib2 try: page_source = urllib2.urlopen (page) valid back == - 1: Return 0 Returns 1 DRP crawler (seed): tocrawl = [beed] crawl = [] I = 0 while torawrawl: page = tocrawl.pop () Valid = Validate (page) is valid: if page crawls Is not: tocrawl = se (tocrawl) | Set (get_all_link (get_page (page, tocroll))) crawl. Append (page) i = i + 1 f = open ("crawled.txt", "a")

arrays - how can set parameter values for params string[] parameter -

मुझे निम्न पते का निर्माण करने की आवश्यकता है सामग्री / विवरण सीआइडी = 34 & amp;? क्वेरी =% D8% ए.ए.% D8% ई & amp; पदों% 5B0% 5D = सच में & amp; पदों% 5B0% 5D = false & amp; पदों% 5B1% 5D = false & amp; पदों% 5B2% 5D = false डीकोड के बाद यह यूआरएल है: تحلیل और पदों [0 ] = सही और पद [0] = झूठे और पदों [1] = झूठे और पदों [2] = झूठी कोड> सार्वजनिक कार्यवाही विवरण (स्ट्रिंग सीड, स्ट्रिंग क्वेरी, इंट? पेज, इंट आईडी = 0, पैरामीटर स्ट्रिंग [] पद) {if (positions! = Null) {ViewBag.Title = positions [0]; ViewBag.Description = पदों [1]; ViewBag.KeyWord = स्थिति [2]; }} लेकिन जब मैं पैरामीटर के लिए अपेक्षित पैरामीटर सेट करता हूं मुझे एक त्रुटि मिलती है: वास्तव में मैं पदों [0] का उपयोग नहीं कर सकता, पद [1] और पदों [2] !!! मेरा सीएसएसटीएम पृष्ठ: @ {शीर्षक & amp; nbsp; @ एचटीएमएल। चेकबॉक्स ("पद [0]", स्ट्रिंग के रूप में देखेंबैग.Title) & amp; nbsp; विवरण @ Html.

ios - [tableView setBackgroundColor:[UIColor clearColor]] is not working only on iPad with iOS8 -

कथन: [tableView setBackgroundColor: [UIColor clearColor]]; में आईपैड पर केवल मेरे मौजूदा ऐप के साथ आईओएस 8 के साथ कोई प्रभाव नहीं है बस परीक्षण के शेक के लिए मैंने एक नया टेस्ट ऐप बनाया है, बस समस्या को इंगित करने के लिए लेकिन यह काम करता है मैंने इस तरह से एक UIViewController वर्ग बनाया है: @implementation TestViewController - (शून्य) दृश्यडिडलोड {[सुपर व्यूडिडलोड]; // दृश्य लोड करने के बाद कोई अतिरिक्त सेटअप करें [Self.view setBackgroundColor: [UIColor purpleColor]]; UITableView * aTableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0, 100, 300, 300) शैली: UITableViewStylePlain]; [ATableView setBackgroundColor: [UIColor स्पष्ट कॉलर]]; [Self.view addSubview: aTableView]; } @end और निम्नलिखित कथन के साथ इशारा करें: [self.navigationController pushViewController: [TestViewController new] एनिमेटेड: हाँ]; नए टेस्ट ऐप परिणामों से इस तरह से (जैसे मैं चाहता हूँ) धक्का: लेकिन मेरे मौजूदा ऐप से (असली ऐप्लिकेशन में जहां मुझे कार्यान्वित करना होगा) इस तरह

download - Getting exception "unexpected end of stream" while downloading video in android -

I tried to download a video server that is larger video about 250MB in my Android app to 300mb. My code works fine from around 30 MB to 40 MB, but when I download large video I get an exception. Unexpected end of exceptions have been: 10-28 10: 11: 57.222: D / error .... (4617): Stream 10-28 10: 11: 57.227: W / Systems. Er (4617): Unexpected End Stream 10-28 10: 11: 57.232: W / Systems. Er (4617): On Http.FixedLengthInputStream .read ( 10-28 10: 11: 57.232: W / System.err (4617): On ( 10-28 10: 11: 57.237: W / Systems. Er (4617): at ( 10-28 10: 11: 57.237: W / Systems. Er (4617): at PreviewVideo.DownloadFile ( 10-28 10: 11: 57.237: W / System.err (4617): $ DownLoadVideoFile.doInBackground ( 10-28 on

ios - Add invisible tab Item to App -

I have a tab tab tab, all the links from the tab view controller tab bar controller. However, I do not necessarily need a 5th tab, but I need a hidden view that the app is loading for the first time (Note: do not click any button ..) . How should I go about doing this? Usually, I create a view controller and make the connection to tab bar controller and view controller class. Although I do not want to see a fifth tab for the hidden scene. Note that the fifth scene should also be shown when it is loaded and visible. Thanks

swift - NSLayoutConstraints crashing on ios7 but not on ios8 -

I have a lack of layout in a UIViewController that works fine on ios8. But as soon as I iOS7 I went on got the following error: pre> *** assertion failure - [UIView layoutSublayersOfLayer:], /SourceCache/UIKit_Sim/UIKit-2935.137/UIView m: 8803 here is my code: class DatacenterIndicatorViewController: UIViewController {to sideMargins: float = 12.0 bridesmaid dataCenterPollingLabel: UILabel = UILabel () var dataCenterAlarmLabel : UILabel = UILabel () // Mark: - viewDidLoad function life cycle overrides () {super.viewDidLoad () self.view.addSubview (dataCenterPollingLabel) self.view.addSubview (dataCenterAlarmLabel)} override function viewDidLayoutSubviews () {super. viewDidLayoutSubviews () self.reloadData ()} reloadData function () {self.setupAlarmLabel () self.setupPollingLabel () self.generateConstraints ()} function setupPollingLabel () {// Some graphic setup} function setupAlarmLabel () {// Some graphic Setup} func generated consultants () {self.dataCenterPollingLabel

c# - The same autocomplete works in one solution, but not in the other one -

I have tried everything and it is driving me crazy. I gave an autocomplete solution that works in a solution , But when I export it (copy and paste) in my main solution it no longer works and I get the following error: "Unable to retrieve the property length of the undefined or zero" reference. It can not be jquery version and stuff, as it works in other solutions. aspx: CodiceFiscale.aspx & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" href = "" /> & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Function () {$ ("# MainContent_provatxt"). Autocomplete ({source: function (request, response) {var para

ios - Fixing a UITextView inside a UIScrollView -

I have a scroll called "scroll 1". Under i scroll 1, I am using UIImage with images wrapped in UTIIL views. Loaded. So my architecture scrolls 1-> subview-> is the imageview. The purpose of my application is that the user scrolls the scroll scroll scroll (scroll 1) and when it scrolls the UI image changes - with UIImageViews, a UITextView appears with text data when the user scrolls the text The value of the change occurs, while the user scrolls. When the user scrolls, I want to stay at the top of UITextView at the top of UIImageVIE as if the text view is embedded inside the ImageView. Similar to scrolling the pages of a story book, when you scroll the image, the image is fixed until the image disappears. I am using the following code: CGSize imageSize; ImageSize.height = 693; ImageSize.width = 512; Self.scroll1.minimumZoomScale = 1.0; Self.scroll1.maximumZoomScale = 1.0; Self.scroll1.frame = CGRectMake (0,0, imageSize.width, imageSize.height); Self.scroll1.scr

jquery - is there any plugin that can transform input type file based on user media to capture photos? -

Good idea, I want to upload the user to the pictures. Photo source webcam / mobile camera / mobile gallery / simple desktop file upload. And I have to choose multiple photos along with the option :) -Gready Hume - I'm currently using getUserMedia to capture webcams available. Other intelligent original old code & lt; Input type = 'file' / & gt; And in case it is a mobile i accept = "image / *" capture = "camera" in the input file. Now I have a question that is there a mature and stable jquery plugin available that can do this? I mean to identify all the tools associated with getUserMedia and to select a source (webcam / mobile camera / mobile gallery / simple desktop file upload) dialog? This will be very useful because it will save time for coding and debugging it. And a universal Smart Photo Upload plugin will be :) thanks

php - Codeigniter 404_override not working in routes -

I try almost everything to fix my problem, but I can not This is the file in my paths CodeIgniter $ route ['default_controller'] = "main"; $ Route ['404_override'] = 'my_error_page'; $ Route ['(: any)'] = 'page / index / $ 1 /'; My website works well in general but does not redirect to my_error_page 404. On top, I see the standart codeigniter 404 page as an image When I delete the previous row as follows; $ route ['default_controller'] = "main"; $ Route ['404_override'] = 'my_error_page'; 404_updirect redirect to my error page and of course the web site is not running properly. This is probably a simple problem but I am confused. sorry bad english please help Thank you.

cygwin - Incorrect behaviour of arrow keys using SBT on Windows 7 -

I'm using 0.13.6 on Windows 7, and I'm running it using a sigwin (bash shell) I am I have a problem with arrow keys: The arrow-up moves the cursor over, while I want it to go through command history (and I think it should be done by default). The problem appears in what is printed in the terminal. When I press: [Enter the arrow] [Enter], it does executes the previous command. But what I see in the terminal is the cursor which takes a line up, and after entering it, it prints the previous command and executes it. It must, of course, do not take the cursor after it hit the previous order immediately (at least not standing) Command line in the SBT Is controlled. Running a jelly in trace mode I can see that it recognizes key-press and it has been mapped for "past history", but the terminal is not properly updated. I also had the problem that I had to put an end-of-line character for the command to be manually entered, which was decided by adding the followin

report - How to calculate current page number and the last page number in birt -

Is there a way to compute the current page number and final page number as expression in Birt? I need the last page number but without using the auto text variable in the "master page" section I need this for the visibility portion of "layout part" in BIRT.

Why is Visual Studio creating two DLLs with the same name in the bin folder? -

For some of my Visual Studio solutions, this bin is creating two DLL files in the folder, both of which are exactly identical names But when I look at their properties, there is an 'app extension (.dl)' and the other is a 'config file (.config)' why both have the same name and why ' Do not have a config called ProjectName.config? The file names created by VS are ProjectName.dll and ProjectName.dll.config. If you are using Windows, then it is likely to hide common file extensions. From this it appears that the files are the same name. To see the real name: Open the folder in Explorer Navigate to View -> Folder Options -> Advanced Clear the Checkbox for it Options "Hide extensions for known file types" You should now be able to see the full name of the file with any extension. More information is available on the following page:. For more information about .config files, see.

elasticsearch - Elastic search data aggregation -

इंडेक्स में निम्न उदाहरण का प्रकार होने: {"_index": "aggs_20141028" , "_type": "एगॉग्ज", "_id": "4 एएनपीडी 7zlR5eTdA7o2I898A", "_version": 1, "_score": 1, "_source": {"यूज़रआईड": 4, "बनाया": "2014-10-28 टी 0 9 : 40: 22.0652362 +02: 00 "," पथ ":" पथ 0 "," इंटप्रॉप 1 ": 1," इंटप्रॉप 2 ": 87," इंटप्रॉप 3 ": 903," बूलप्रॉप 1 ": गलत," बूलप्रॉप 2 ": सच है," बूलप्रॉप 3 ": स्ट्रिंगप्राप 1": "स्ट्रिंगप्राइप_6", "स्ट्रिंगप्राप 2": "स्ट्रिंगप्राइप_6", "स्ट्रिंगप्राप 3": "स्ट्रिंगप्रोप_3"}} निम्न उपयोग के लिए इसमें डेटा को कैसे एकत्र करें कुल मिलाकर बुलप्राप (गिनती) समूह टाइलपीरियोड (उदाहरण के दिन, दिन, महीना), स्टार्टडेट पर फ़िल्टर सकल इंटप्राप (समर) ग्रो (प्रारंभिक महीना), स्टार्टडैट पर फ़िल्टर, यूजरआइड सामग्रीप्रॉपर्टी, टाइलपे

c++ - Button control takes some time to disable in dialog box -

I'm trying to take some long action in the dialog box from my mainthread. During that time I wanted to disable some control. I used EnableWindow (FALSE) for each control to disable it. But all other control except button control (such as slider control, CMFCIDitbro control, combo box control) are fully disabled before processing. But buttons are taking more time to disable control, they are almost finished when the operation is finished. As soon as I call EnableWindow (FALSE), were not disabling button controls? Why is it taking time to disable it? You need to completely perform background tasks in another thread, and UI / control can be used by another thread You should use PostMessage , if the call does not work directly on EnableWindow Setfocus , for example, does not work with a different thread

file - PHP Create New Folder Dynamically After Thousand Images In Folder -

I want to dynamically create a new folder for images, when there are 1000 images in a directory, PHP, To achieve the object? :) Thanks To calculate the number of files in a folder, let me see you on this. Then you will use the function to create a new directory. Then you'll have something like this: $ directory = 'images'; $ Files = globe ($ directory. '* .jpg'); If ($ files! == incorrect) {$ filecount = count ($ files); If ($ filecount> = 1000) {MKD ('images_2'); }}

Notification not received in Android 2.3 -

I am implementing an information service and I have a problem obtaining messages in Android 2.3. I get the message in version 4.0 and new, but not in 2.3. The following errors are displayed in the logack: The class '' could not be found, the method referred to as Nina . Cloud ' Notificication $ Builder', can not be referenced in What could be the problem? This is my method of sending notifications: sending private zones (string msg) {mainActivity.notificationClicked = true; Int icon = R.drawable.ic_launcher; Long time = System.currentTimeMillis (); Notification Manager Information Manager = (Notification Manager) .getSystemService (Reference.NETIFICATION_SERVICE); String strmessage = loadPreferences (); String Newmessage = ""; If (! StrMessage.isEmpty ()) newMessage = strmessage + "& lt; br & gt; + Msg; Else newMessag

Android Synchronous Javascript with WebView on Lollipop -

Using the borrowed technology, we have successfully implemented many features within our app that can synchronize our Android app with data Gives permission to receive A webview. Here is an example from GarterBurling: Import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; Import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; Import android.content.Context; Import android.util.log; Import android.webkit.WebView; / ** * Synchronous JavaScript provides an interface for receiving calls * @author btate * * / public class SynchronousJavascriptInterface {/ ** tagging for logging * / personal static final string TAG = "Synchronous JavaScript Interface"; / ** Name of the JavaScript interface to add to the web view. * / Private Final String InterfaceName = "SinkJS"; / ** Used for waiting for the countdown latch result. * / Private countdown to Latch = Null; Return the wait value for ** * / Private string return value; / ** * Base Constructor * / Public Synchronous JavaScript Interface () {} /

Using xamarin to retrieve JSON message from URl and show in table view -

I'm starting to develop development in Zamine Cross Platform development in Visual Studio. I want to know how to get JSON message from url to show details in table view. Here I give a sample url, how to retrieve the names of all cities in the JSN data and show in the table Help me url: As a UD, your question is too broad. But because of that, I give comprehensive answers. First of all, use HTType client to get data from your URL. Second, use to waste your reactions in your institutions / models. string url = @ " / api / 02e5dd8c34e3e657 / geolookup / conditions / forecast / q / Dhaka, Bangladesh .json "; {Var is waiting for the result = customer using the client = new HTTP client ()). GetStrineSync (URL); Return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject & lt; YourModelForTheResponse & gt; (result); } Third, to display my data, I am leaving or suggesting that it makes use of tables easier. I have a sample app that I hav

scala - add a tuple to listBuffer -

I want to add a three-integer tool in a ListBuffer. Intuitively, my first try is the code snippet 1, which is a syntax error, according to the compiler. Then, I tried Snippet 2 and 3, both would work, can someone explain to me why the code syntax is incorrect in Snippet 1 Snippet 1 Import Scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer val b: ListBuffer [(Int, Int, Int) ListBuffer () b + = (1, 1,1) snippet 2 import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer val b: ListBuffer [(Int, Int, Int)] ListBuffer () B + = ((1,1,1)) snippet 3 import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer val b: ListBuffer [(Int, Int, Int)] = ListBuffer () val I = (1,1 , 1) b + = i b + = (1,1,1) is interpreted as b. = = (1, 1, 1) which looks like a function call Adding another connected leg Means it means b. = ((1,1,1)) which is passing the expected tuple. Declaring the argument separately val i = (1,1,1) is also not interpreted as a problem That's fine too.

javascript - .change() not work after .append() -

I have to identify all the changes on the input and choose I have a function to do this: $ ('input, select'). ("Change", function () {addSelect (); // This function adds a selection when the second selection is done // some other functions ...}); When I select the first select addSelect () function and the second selection is already created below. But when I clicked on this second, select the function. On ("change") is not working If I work on the first function ... Can you help me? Thank You. You need to use .on () dynamically Prepared Elements // This will assign changes to all input events and select under document $ (document) .on ("change ", 'Input, selection', function () {addSelect (); // This function adds a selection when another selection is clicked // some other functions ...});

keystore - Trusted Certificate and Key Store generation -

Please certify reliable for each ECDSA keypair in each project, authenticate one (self-signed) key and Store it In a keystore, I already gear the keypair with the Basil Palace and now I want to prepare the certificate and store it. How can I do this? Can somebody help me in comparison to tutorials? You can see the bouncy castle document to create a certificate. In case of your use, you should see the Create Version 3 Certificate . To store more certificates in one, you must KeyStore.setCertificateEntry (alias, signed certificate);

Spring controller - send html as response -

I have a jsp page loaded with products and add links against it. I am trying to show the cart in a div in the same page. I want to send html as feedback. This is what I have done. This is just the string & lt; Div & gt; Output & lt; / Div & gt; returns. Someone can show me how I should do it. controller @RequestMapping (value = "/ addtocart {id}"), produces = "text / plain; charset = UTF -8 ") @ Risponsbodi public string Adtoart (@ Path variable (" ID ") Int ID, @ model attribute (" carriage ") train carts, models) {product product = Utpadsewa. ProductivityIID; If (product! = Null) {cartline line = new cartline (); Line.setProduct (product); Line.setQuantity (1); ProductService.updateProduct (product); } Return " Output "; } JSP & lt; Td> & Lt; An id = "demo4" href = "addtocart $ {product. Id}" & gt; Add to Cart & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; Clic

linux - The PID/Program name of netstat is dash even with sudo -

डेवलपर @ लिनक्स कर्नेल: ~ & gt; Sudo netstat -lnopt डेवलपर का पासवर्ड: सक्रिय इंटरनेट कनेक्शन (केवल सर्वर) प्रोटो रिक-क्यू भेजें- क स्थानीय पता विदेश पता राज्य उपयोगकर्ता इनोड पीआईडी ​​/ कार्यक्रम का नाम टाइमर टीसीपी 0 0* LISTEN 1003 3061421021 - मेरे अनुभव के बारे में, मेरे पास एसडीओ के साथ नेटस्टेट के पीआईडी ​​/ प्रोग्राम का नाम जांचने का अधिकार है, यह कैसे समझाया जाए, कर्नेल 2.6 है। 16.60, नेट-टूल्स 1.6, नेटस्टेट 1.42 एक डैश दिया जाता है जब कर्नेल स्वयं होता है सुनना, परिणामस्वरूप दिखाने के लिए कोई भी संबद्ध प्रक्रिया नहीं है। मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि कौन सा कर्नेल थ्रेड टीसीपी / 10080 उपयोग कर रहा है।

java - How do CDI beans behave when accessed by a JAX-WS web service? -

मैं SOAP आधारित @WebService का उपयोग करके अपने मौजूदा जेईई 7 वेब अनुप्रयोग की कुछ कार्यक्षमता का पर्दाफाश करना चाहता हूं। क्या यह सेवा मेरे ऐप के सीडीआई बीन्स को इंजेक्ट कर सकती है? कैसे @RequestScoped , @ सत्रसैक्ड , और @ApplicationScoped सीडीआई सेम व्यवहार करते हैं, यह देखते हुए कि कोई HttpServletRequest पहचानने के लिए नहीं है वर्तमान सत्र या अनुरोध? अर्थात। मेरी टिप्पणियां: @ अनुप्रयोग साइक्ड अपेक्षित रूप में काम करने लगता है सत्र सत्र से जुड़े अनुरोध की गुंजाइश की तरह लगता है कि हर बार वेब सेवा को बुलाया जाता है, लेकिन यह तब तक अन्य बीन्स तक पहुंच जाता है जब तक सर्विस पूरा नहीं हो जाती @ReequestScoped सेम की संपत्ति को देखा नहीं जा सकता - उदा। यदि मेरी webservice दो @RejectScoped सेम में इंजेक्ट करता है, तो उनमें से एक दूसरे को इंजेक्ट करता है, एक इंसेंट करने वाले पहले इंसेंट की बजाय एक नया इंस्टाल्ट बनाया जाता है My मेरा सत्र बीन्स का अनुरोध बीन्स की तरह व्यवहार करने के लिए @WebService में इंजेक्शन बनाने के लिए @Dependent एनोटेशन का उपयोग करना थ

ms access - sharing database .mdb file over LAN -

I have a desktop application using the Microsoft Access database, its (PC) is already associated with LAN (Home Network, Small LAN). Full access control data Now I want to share this application with another network (large network) and the user wants to get live updates, read-only permission is required. The user wants to ask the database, wants to retrieve data for reading. How is this possible? Is it possible to share only the database? Thanks advance .. I will run the user level security wizard which simplifies setup of user level security. I will keep the MDB (or ACCDB) file where it is, and only the new user (on large networks) is created with the wizard account.

How to insert DBnull to nullable DateTime field c# -

Do I need to insert null in a square field date time? This is the class: Public time data for the public {public int TD_ID {get; Set; } Public Full UD_ID {get; Set; } Public Date Time? TD_start {get; Set; } Public Date Time? TD_end {get; Set; } Public Date Time? Timestamp {receive; Set; } Enter public Zero (Int TD_ID, int UD_ID, datetime? Td_start, datetime? Td_end, datetime? Timestamp) {this.TD_ID = TD_ID; This.UD_ID = UD_ID; This.TD_start = TD_start; This.TD_end = TD_end; This.timestemp = Timestamp; }} I have accessed SQL Server using the stored procedures from a page. Some returns values ​​in the datetime field are empty and return as DBANL, which can not be stored in the timetable? I can see the return value with lots but I like to find it more elegant way to work. SQL Server Connection: Try {string strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["Achi"]. ConnectionString; System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection SQLCon = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConne

access modifiers - How can classes be made to be accessible from different package but not accessible from different library/ jar in java? -

I want my library / jar in Java so that only its behavior (exposed interface) can be made public and the other - I want to use different packages to be able to moderate the public code for the outside world. How can I make classes accessible to each other from different packages within a single jar, but can not reach any customer outside the jar? You can not do this easily in normal Java, though OSGI makes it possible. Generally, to create a separate API library with the interface and its "private" classes are a better way to implement those interfaces. Then the client code can use the interface to interact with your library, but there is no need to know about the details.

javascript - C3 js Cannot read property 'width' of undefined -

For the first time I am trying to set up C3 charts. I get an example of their official website and the following HTML: & lt; Section class = "panel-panel-default" & gt; & Lt; Header class = "panel-title font-bold" & gt; C3 Test & lt; / Header & gt; & Lt; Section class = "panel-entity" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "chart" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; & Lt; / Section & gt; For this, I have the following javascript: var chart = c3.generate ({byte: '#chart', data: {column: [ ['Data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250], ['data2', 50, 20, 10, 40, 15, 25]], axis: {data2: 'y2'}, type: { Data:: 'Format: D3 format ("$,') / 2: 'bar'}}, axis: {y: {label: {text: 'label': '', labeled '' position: 'external-medium'} / ADD}}, Y2: {show: true, label: {text: 'labels Y2', position: 'exter

javascript OOP concept issue -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 5 जवाब मेरे पास यह सरल कोड है: // आप या तो PIXI.WebGLRenderer या PIXI.CanvasRenderer var renderer का उपयोग कर सकते हैं; Var मंच; Var बनी फैक्टिस; Var बनी; Var गेम = {}; Game.Init = समारोह () {}; Game.Init.prototype = {init: function () {renderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer (800, 600); document.body.appendChild (renderer.view); मंच = नया PIXI.Stage; बनी कपड़ा- PIXI.Texture.fromImage ("img / ninja.png"); बनी = नया PIXI.Sprite (बनी कपड़ा); Bunny.position.x = 400; Bunny.position.y = 300; stage.addChild (बनी); }, चेतन: फ़ंक्शन () {बनी। रोटेशन + = 0.01; renderer.render (मंच); requestAnimationFrame (this.animate); }} RequestAnimationFrame (Game.Init.animate); मैं इस तरह से फ़ंक्शन बुला रहा हूँ: window.onload = function () {Game.Init (); }; एक जावास्क्रिप्ट त्रुटि कह रही है: Window.requestAnimationFrame का तर्क 1 कोई ऑब्जेक्ट नहीं है। चूंकि Game.Init एक कन्स्ट्रक्टर फ़ंक्शन है जिसे आपको new कीवर्ड से ठीक

web scraping - prevent loading shadobox selenium -

Is there a way to stop loading Shadobox when using selenium? I want to stop loading Shadobox for this website when selenium is used BusSromani.Cl./Site/ You can Word-Box: < P> Code> & lt; Div id = "shadobox" & gt; Some modal & lt; / Div & gt; Use JavaScriptExecutor: "document.findElementById ('shadobox'). Style.display = 'none';" If that does not work, you have to use the actual javascript function to close it, and then have to execute it. For example: & lt; Div id = "shadobox" & gt; & Lt; Span class = "right" onclick = "closeShadobox ()" & gt; X & lt; / Span & gt; Some modal & lt; / Div & gt; Use JavaScriptExecutor: "Close Shadobox ();"

asynchronous - Want some clarification on async javascript code versus sync code -

After The normal synchronous kind of work is good and simple. A function takes turns in the inputs. The function performs an action with those information. Function gives one value (one value) The value that can be isolated is stored in a variable, the synchronous code is used directly in other parts, etc. But async does not seem capable of doing this. Let's say that I have a service that I want to sell. The price of the service varies from place to place I have a user: Enter in the zip code when returning to the city's name The PIN code is sent to the API. I use the name of the city to run a super huge function which returns the price. I want to use Price in other parts of the synchronous code; and the synchronous code are spread over a long time and it is all done value < / Strong> depending on the price. Code: var CalcPrice = function (city) {// Runs the return value of the goods; }; // Async function, derived from

java - What is best way of injecting values from environment variables? -

इस उदाहरण पर विचार करें @Stateless सार्वजनिक वर्ग UniqueIdGenerator {निजी स्थिर अंतिम स्ट्रिंग COLON = " : "; निजी स्ट्रिंग सर्वर निजीकि; @SuppressWarnings ("अप्रयुक्त विकोडण") सार्वजनिक अनूठीआईडी ​​जनरेटर () {} सार्वजनिक अनूठीआईडीजीनरेटर (@ नॉनल अंतिम अंतिम स्ट्रिंग सर्वर निजीकि) इंजेक्ट करें {this.serverPrivateKey = serverPrivateKey; } ...} मुझे @Inject के मान की तरह serverPrivateKey विभिन्न वातावरणों में उपलब्ध परिवेश चर के आधार पर होगा। इसे इंजेक्षन करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? से मूल्यों को इंजेक्षन करने के लिए पर्यावरण, अपने खुद के निर्माता तरीकों को लिखने के बजाय, आप अपाचे डेल्टास्पकी की तरफ देख सकते हैं। क्वालिफायर का एक @ कॉन्फ़िगपीप्रोटीटी का प्रयोग करके, आप विभिन्न गुणों के गुणों जैसे सिस्टम गुणों, पर्यावरण चर या जेएनडीआई के मूल्यों को इंजेक्षन कर सकते हैं। उदाहरण: @ इंजेक्ट @ कॉन्फ़िग प्रॉपर्टी (नाम = "SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY") निजी स्ट्रिंग सर्वर निजीकि;

How to share link via twitter in android? -

In my app I need to share the link to the promo site via Facebook and Twitter; Request Request = New Request (session.getActivisation (), "me / feeds", bundle, http, new request, callback () {@ Override public zero-zero (response) {...}}); But there is no Twitter SDK for the Android (the Trily I use Twitter 4g) and there is no way to post the bundle then Twitter How to tweet through? If you send text from the link like "our link is:" - Twitter will understand and Get information from the link and show it - as I think you need to see your recognized link in Twitter feed. To post a link, you can create intentions like Adrian Seekro or create your own custom dialogue using asynctask as you mentioned: @Override protected bundle doInBackground ( Bundle ... parameter) {bundle arguments = counseling [0]; Bundle result = new bundle (); String Paramazaze = Argus String (message); String Paralink = Arggget String (LINK); Configuration Builder B

html - Toggleclass on several div ids/classes in Jquery + Jquery-Mobile -

प्रिय देवियो और सज्जनो, मेरे पास जेक्जरी लाइब्रेरी के टॉगलक्लास फ़ंक्शन के प्रति एक प्रश्न है। मैं वर्तमान में सूचियों और सामग्री लेखों के साथ एक jquery-mobile ऐप पर काम कर रहा हूं। इस आलेख के भीतर मैं "रात का यंत्र" को लागू करना चाहता हूं रात्रि का बटन बटन प्रत्येक लेख को छूने के बाद, एक ही कक्षा के साथ लेकिन एक !! अलग आईडी !! मैं आपको अपने लेख HTML संरचना, मेरी सीएसएस और इसके लिए jquery स्क्रिप्ट दिखाऊंगा। तो यह मेरा कोड-संरचना है: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('# nightmode_article1')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# article1')। Toggleclass ('night');}); $ ('# नाईटमोड_टार्क 2')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {$ ('# article2')। ToggleClass ('रात');});}); .day {background-image: url (images / background.jpg); पृष्ठभूमि दोहराने: दोहराने; पाठ संरेखित करें: केंद्र; }। रात {पृष्ठभूमि-छवि: यूआरएल (चित्र / पृष्ठभूमि-रात.जेपीजी); पृष्ठभूमि दोहराने: दोहराने; पाठ संरेखित करें: केंद्र; रंग: # F0F0F0; पाठ-छाया: कोई नहीं;

Why does Ctrl-J and Ctrl-M return 10 in c programming on OSX? -

इस थ्रेड पर विचार करें जवाब था कि EOF (Ctrl-D) ) में परिणाम है कि getchar रिटर्न -1 मेरा सवाल है कि क्या Ctrl-J और Ctrl-M OSX में ग में प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और क्यों getchar < / Code> ऊपर दिए गए लिंक के समान कोड का उपयोग करने के लिए दोनों के लिए 10> वापसी 10? उस getchar में जो अन्य शॉर्टकट्स परिणाम (Ctrl-somthing / Cmd-something) एक स्थिर पूर्वनिर्धारित हो जाता है संख्या stdin आमतौर पर पाठ मोड में है पाठ प्रतिलिपि में पढ़ने / लिखने पर लाइन अंत से संबंधित प्रत्येक ओएस के अनुसार विभिन्न रूपांतरण होते हैं। सीटीएल-एम उनमें से एक है - इसे 10 में बदल दिया गया है। यदि आईओ बायनरी मोड में था, तो कोई रूपांतरण की उम्मीद नहीं की जाएगी। डिज़ाइन विभिन्न कुंजीपटल संयोजनों को विभिन्न char और क्रियाओं (जैसे- Ctrl-D -> EOF) में संग्रहीत करता है। विभिन्न char में निश्चित रूप से अधिकतम 0 से 127 मान शामिल हैं। जैसा कि इन मानों को आम तौर पर मैप किया जाता है, पहले 32 मान (Ctrl- @, CTRL-A, CTRl-B, ... Ctrl -_), उनके पास कोई ग्राफिकल प्रस्तुति नहीं हो सकती है नोट:

Managing Laravel migrations in Git branches -

I have two main branches in my GIT repo, owner and developed . Since then Developed I make more branches while developing new features. Once I get finished with development then merge and deploy me into developed in master . I also keep track of my DB migration in GIT. Now my problem was to do some hot-fixes in master , which included DB schema modifications (= migration). So I myself have the structure of DB ( master ) in production and a different structure ( evolving ) in development, and some of developed In the Master must be the first to be injected before the final migration, which will be injected before the final migration in developed should be there. One more thing is that I think rollback should not be implemented in production (any production data can be lost). I will find a way in this situation, but I am surprised that there is a standard approach to managing such scenarios, especially when you have an app in production. Update: I

android - Updating parent Fragment from DialogFragment raises NullPointerException -

I try to update from section with a DialogFragment piece program is added to a activity . Picks up a NullPointerException while clicking on the positive button in the dialog, because the parent section was not found. (I do not use SupportFragments .) Any suggestions? Parent Activity : extends the results of the public category activity {@ Override Protected Zero (Creates Bundle Instantstate) {Super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); If (savedinstancestate == empty) {getFragmentManager () BeginTransaction (). Add (RID. Activism_Demographics, ResultDetailsOneFragment.newInstance ()). Commit (); Layout of 'ResultActivity': & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; ; & Lt; FrameLayout xmlns: Android = "" xmlns: tools = "" Android: id = "@ + id / Activity_result" Tools: Reference = "com.myApp.view.ResultActivity&

python - Is list(set(...)) guaranteed to make the same list? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब अजगर में मेरे पास संख्याओं के साथ सूची, जो पुनरावृत्ति हो सकती है, यदि मैं निम्नलिखित करता हूं तो क्या मुझे उसी परिणाम प्राप्त करने की गारंटी है? l = #some list ... new_list = list (set (l)) मैंने कई बार कोशिश की है और उसने मुझे हर बार एक ही परिणाम दिया है लेकिन मैं सोच रहा हूं कि क्या इसकी गारंटी है। उसी सूची में मेरा मतलब उसी क्रम में एक ही तत्व है अच्छा, अगर आपके पास डुप्लिकेट हैं, तो नहीं : में [= 1]: l = [1,1,1] में [2]: प्रिंट सूची (सेट (एल)) [1] < P> और यह क्रम भी बदल सकता है: में [5]: l = [3,2,1] में [6]: प्रिंट सूची (सेट (एल)) [1, 2, 3]

Access Java Web application running on a server by Android device thru wifi -

I searched a solution on this but did not get one. If it has already been answered, sorry, please direct me to it. My problem is that I have a Java web application running on a local intranet (Tomcat 7, Java 6, MySQL). Within the intranet, all desktops are connected through the LAN and specific servers access the application using IP, such as some Now, I want to access it through my Android mobile phone too. The whole building is Wifi enabled and I am able to access this web application, if I have an IP address and it has been entered in the mobile browser, but I would like to automate this mobile access and wrap it in an app that is automatic Changed the IP with access to clicks as well. We have dynamic IP. You can use the component to display a web page inside your application. As an alternative, you can use co-HTTP requests and posts in your web application. You can configure the local DNS server about dynamic IP or assign a steady IP to the server. A

Problems to detect arrays in JSON files using YAJL trees in C -

I try to parse JSON file using jajl 2.0.4 (using yajl_tree.h) , But I have a problem finding out whether the value found is an array or not (even if I use YAJL_IS_ARRAY, it seems that the type field is not set. Here is my JSON file: <">" device ": [" name ":" minoid "," type ":" node "," attribute ": [{" name ":" cpu_available "," Value ":" 8 "}, {" name ":" in this code : const char * path [] = {"tool", (const char *)}; yajl_val v = yajl_tree_get (node, path, yajl_t_array); if (v & amp; YAJL_IS_ARRAY (v)) {for (i = 0; i & lt; v- & gt; u.array.len; i ++) {yajl_val obj = v-> u.array.values ​​[i] ; If (obj & amp; yajl_IS_ARRAY (obje)) {for (j = 0; j & lt; obj-> u.object.len; j ++) {yajl_val obj2 = obj-> .array.values ​​[j]; if (obj2 & amp; yaajl_IS_ARRAY (obj2)) {for (k = 0; k & lt; obj2- & gt; U.array.le

c# - save row in one table to another table using linq -

Did you know that when you drag and drop a user from the data source window? Visual Studio automatically creates a DataContext (in view of the XAML) page to.This DataContext is set to a CollectionViewSource on to force the new elements and the CollectionViewSource it draws went informed of a dataset. The same datasets take you to the table by dragging and dropping. In my scenario this is what it has been created: & Lt; TextBox x: Name = "Paswardtekstboks" Text = "{Binding password mode = Dowa, NotifyOnValidationError = true, ValidatesOnExceptions = true, UpdateSourceTrigger = PropertyChanged}" / & gt; & Lt; / Grid & gt; This is considered as a very simple signup page, using an administrator simply scrolling, clicking on the approval button, or clicking on the Reject button to accept and reject the registration. Could. This is the thing that I am using the MVVM pattern. This means that the Properties boxes are bound to upwards, the Coll

java - Hibernate doesn't use the name argument for @JoinTable -

I have a small problem, I have a superclass that defines the unit in a root table in PostGraySQL. @Entity @Inheritance (strategy = InheritanceType: p> This class 2 inherits table / square unit, where I have a @OneToOne table union is to add to join. TABLE_PER_CLASS) @Table (name = "equipement") public abstract class Equipement {....} @ entity @Table (name = "nod") public class node Equipement extended {safety Cross; @OneToOne (cascade = CascadeTypekALL, optional = true, bringing = FetchType.EAGER) @JoinTable (name = "assoc_nod_cross", joinColumns = @JoinColumn (name = "nod_id", referencedColumnName = "ID"), inverseJoinColumns = @ JoinColumn (name = "cross_id", referenced column name = "id")) public cross mill cross () {return cross; } ...} @ Entity @Table (name = "cross") public class cross equipment extended {secure sanction; @OneToOne (cascade = CascadeTypekALL, optional = true, bringing = Fetc

java - DAO factory pattern createConnection from datasource -

DAO factory pattern is referring to this article, I have CloudscapeDAOFactory , There is a connection to making a public static connection () method. I'm using DriverManager.registerDriver () and DriverManager.getConnection () to create a connection. // DriverManager.registerDriver (new OracleDriver ()); // conn = DriverManager.getConnection (CONNECTION_URL); Individual DAO classes such as CloudscapeCustomerDAO [example 9.4] Call CloudscapeDAOFactory.createConnection () to get connection as needed. Public class CloudscapeCustomerDAO applies Customer DAO {Public CloudscapeCustomerDAO () {// initialization} // Methods in Class // Using CloudscapeDAOFactory.createConnection () // Getting the Connection Required Question: Now I am enforcing connection pooling and my problem ' static Keeping the keyword 'in the createConnection () in CloudscapeDAOFactory Private Data Source Datasource; Private fixed connection