
Showing posts from September, 2012

python - populate table where each column comes from a different line of a text file -

I have a txt file where some lines contain strings and some other rows have a value. According to the values ​​"related" are the last line. For example: + aaa '+' bbb '* value 1 * value 2 +' ccc '* value 3 +' ddd ' etc. . I am trying to create a table where the first column is wired and in the second column there are rows in which there are values. My problem is that if I consider the value of the string, then the string and value (list) must be on the same line. If there is no related value of the string, then I want to put it in the same line with NULL. Something like this: Column 1 | Column 2 ----------------------------- + 'aaa' | Tap + 'BBB' | [* Value1, * value2] + 'ccc' | [* Value 3] + 'Deed' | NULL etc. I tried to do something like this: import sqlite3db = sqlite3.connect ('mydatabase.db') cur = db.cursor ('Myfile.txt') as opened (): ():. () '' For line for f.readlin

html - Javascript Validation Save Data to MySql not working -

This case, I want to validate the form. First of all, it will check the data in MySQL if there is a similar value, the validation will be seen 'data can not be entered' verification has been run but, if I click on the submit button, the data will still be available to MySQL data Saves, however the data is wrong. Therefore, the data can not be stored in mysql before filling out the form with the correct price. Thanks for helping me. This is my PHP script. & lt; Form class = "form-horizontal" action = 'upload_data.php' method = "POST" enactie = "multipart / form-data" name = "" id = "" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "control-group" & gt; & Lt; = "Data" for label class = "control-label" & gt; ID Couple & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Div class = "control" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" id = "id_kapal" name = "id_kapal&q

jquery - Limit with Chosen.js dropdown -

I used selected.js and has multiple selection dropdowns. I want to limit selection of 4 options with Alert Message. I tried with the normal dropdown but this is fine but selected. This is not working with JS. Inbuilt option (<. Chzn-select ") selected ({max_selected_options: 4}); But warning message is not delivered when maximum warning is reached. How to set the limit of maximum 4 options with Select.js? There is an incident that triggers when you arrive at max_selected_options when you can use it $ ('.zz-select'). ( 'Selected: Maximum Selected', Function (obj) {Some ();}); I Tested.

batch script to edit file names -

मेरी फ़ाइल नाम पैटर्न a_AA-A.txt या a_11-1.txt है । मुझे फ़ाइल नाम से " एक _ " निकालने की आवश्यकता है। क्या बैच आदेशों के द्वारा फ़ाइल नाम से " एक _ " को संपादित / निकालना संभव है मैं 7 विंडोज का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ धन्यवाद अग्रिम! < P> यदि आपको केवल पहले दो अक्षरों को निकालने की आवश्यकता है तो @echo off setlocal सक्षम किए गए एक्सपेंशन के लिए / f %% A में ('dir / b a _ *। Txt') (सेट करें old_filename = %% ~ एक सेट new_filename =! Old_filename =!! नाम बदलें! Old_filename!! New_filename!) यदि आप अक्षर एक _ निकालना चाहते हैं, @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion के लिए / f %% A में ('dir / b a _ * .txt') (सेट करें old_filename = %% ~ एक सेट new_filename =! Old_filename: a_ =! Rename! Old_filename!! New_filename!) < / कोड>

android - Change the sub (Nested) PreferenceScreen Title color -

मैं इस्तेमाल किया यह: सार्वजनिक शून्य OnCreate (बंडल बंडल) {super.onCreate ( बंडल); addPreferencesFromResource (R.xml.prefs); अंतिम वरीयता स्क्रीन पसंद (स्क्रीन) = (वरीयता स्क्रीन) खोज ("बच्चे"); preferenceScreen.setOnPreferenceClickListener (नई OnPreferenceClickListener () {@Override सार्वजनिक बूलियन onPreferenceClick (पसंद वरीयता) {// TODO स्वत: निर्मित विधि ठूंठ PreferenceScreen एक = (PreferenceScreen) वरीयता;।। a.getDialog () GetWindow () setTitle ( "NewTitle" ); (।।) GetWindow () setTitleColor (getResources () a.getDialog getColor (;।।। preferenceScreen.getDialog () getActionBar () setDisplayShowHomeEnabled (गलत); preferenceScreen.getDialog () getActionBar। () .setBackgroundDrawable (रिक्त); वापस लौटें;}}); } और यह सिर्फ NewTitle के शीर्षक को बदलें और titlecolor बदले बिना ActionBar शीर्षक के नीचे नीली रेखा छुपाता है। किसी भी सुझाव? इसे आज़माएं सार्वजनिक बूलियन परपरिरीफ़्रेंसट्री क्लिक करें (वरीयता स्क्रीन पसंद स्क्रीन , वरीयता

javascript - passing a function within itself -

I have a javascript function called "update data" which I use in another function "process" as a parameter I am passing the function "updateData" itself. var updateData = function () {var bean = {"name": $ ("# name"). Val (), "sort": $ ('#sort'). Val (), "Reference": "Sample"}; Var Param = {'Bean': Been, 'Reference': "Sample", 'Ajtext': 'POST', 'url': 'samp.json', 'valFn': Valid data, 'updateFn': UpdateData, 'Populaphane ': PopulateData}; Process (ultimate); }; I am doing this because I need to force "updateData" to create a button in the process () Does this cause any problem Will happen? Is it true? (I have not encountered any problems so far, but I'm new to functional programming, and I want to make sure that there is no problem doing so.) This will work because the reason for doing

java - Resultset can not be traversed -

मैं का उपयोग करना चाहता हूँ जबकि ( ()) को यूज़र इनफॉर्फ़ तालिका UserInfo तालिका में सात रिकॉर्ड हैं, लेकिन मुझे केवल पहले रिकॉर्ड मिला है। rs.getRow (); के कोड में शामिल हो जाने के बाद, मुझे परिणाम प्राप्त हुआ जो मुझे चाहिए। try {स्टेटमेंट stmt = conn.createStatement (); स्ट्रिंग क्वेरीसट्रेट = "चयन करें- उपयोगकर्ता इंटरफ़ेस से"; परिणामसेट rs = stmt.executeQuery (queryStr); जबकि (rsnext ()) {स्ट्रिंग strName = "नाम है" + rsgetstring (3) + ";"; स्ट्रिंग एटएज = "एज है" + rs.getInt (5) + ";"; स्ट्रिंग स्ट्रकंपनी = "कंपनी है" + rsgetstring (4) + "। & Lt; br & gt;"; // इंट पंक्तिमैं = आर.जेडआरओ (); out.println (strName + intAge + strCompany); } Out.println ("UserInfo तालिका में आने में सफल"); } पकड़ (एसक्लेक्सेप्शन ई) {out.println ("क्वेरी में विफल।"); } मैं rs.getRow (); का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता। मुझे इस समस्या से कैसे निपटना चाहिए? आपका कोड स्ट्रिंग भाग को छोड़

java - expect static call with some certain result -

I have found some steady calls from system functions in my system long current data Milliseconds How to test this call and set some specific results to use the powermaker? I mean something like System.currentTimeMillis (); . ExpectLastCall () andReturn (leftBound); // I hope to return a certain amount of milliseconds Good ... I ' Done this way fake (System.class); Hope (System.currentTimeMillis ()) andReturn (rightBound.getTime ()) replay all(); AssertTrue (DateUtils.isInRange (Leftbound, Rightbound)); VerifyAll ();

Ruby posting field as JSON is empty in before_validation -

संपादित करें: यहां पोस्ट डेटा और रूबी लॉग है: रुबी लॉग: PUT "/ things / 1" के लिए 2014-10-28 10:54:32 -0700 में थिंगकंट्रोलर # द्वारा प्रसंस्करण JSON पैरामीटर के रूप में अपडेट: {"name" = 'Gtc: {"Name" = & gt; "नाम"}} पोस्ट किए गए JSON डेटा: {"name": "name", "image_data": "डेटा: छवि / पीएनजी; बेस 64, आईवीबीओआरकेडीएफजेआई"} क्यों रूबी लॉग पूर्ण डेटा दिखाता है, तो बस थिंग मेरे द्वारा भेजे गए अतिरिक्त फ़ील्ड से गुम है ? अद्यतन करने के लिए मेरा नियंत्रक इस नामित फ़ाइल को image_data : वर्ग थिंगकंट्रोलर & lt; ApplicationController response_to: html,: json def update @ thingdupdate (thing_params) response_with (@thing) end def thing_params params.require (: thing) .permit (: name,: image_data) # इसे अंत अंत करने की अनुमति दें फ़ील्ड वास्तव में मॉडल पर नहीं है लेकिन इसके लिए मैं एक accesor बनाता हूं: class Thing & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस attr_accessor: imag

compilation - How to compile and run a java file that contain weka libraries in dos? -

I am not very familiar with Java, but I know that we are saving the normal file is a Java file < / P> path = c: \ program files \ java \ jdk1.8.0_25 \ bin Java main but when I try that weka The library is not working. I am using JK 1.7 for my program. Please do anyone please highlight me how to include UCLA libraries and compiling Java code. You have to know two things. How to direct a class path to the directory. Where are your weka.jar and / or weka-src.jar files Now, compile the STEP 1 code To compile the code you need to give the following command. javac-classpath "path / to / lib1: path / to / lib2" main .java This line is compiled by javac '' And libraries are required to use. STEP 2. Cancel code You need the same thing as above to run the code, but path / to / libs You should also add the path / in / your current editor / as the only protected side because some may be additional. The compilation

css - Setting last cell right aligned in a row -

I set my div display to table-like this way. HTML & lt; Div id = "parent" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; 1 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; 2 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "hair" & gt; 3 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "last hour" & gt; 4 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; css .child {background: red; Width: 20px; Exhibit: Table-Cell; } .lastchild {background: blue; Width: 20px; Exhibit: Table-Cell; Margin-right: 0; }. Parent {width: 200px; } I wonder if in any way can I align the rightmost right? Change CSS to: .lastchild {background: blue; Width: 20px; Exhibit: Table-Cell; Margin-right: 0; float right; } .child {background: none repeat scroll 0 0 red; Exhibit: Table-Cell; Swim left; Width: 20px; }

mysql - Inverse SQL: SELECT column_name WHERE value -

मान लें कि हमारे पास टेबल लॉग इन हैं: id | नाम | अंतिम नाम --------------------- 1 | निशान | जॉन्सन 2 | जैक | गौरैया 3 | ब्रुनो | हम सभी जानते हैं, कि हम एसक्यूएल से क्वेरी कर सकते हैं: SELECT name from where login id = 1; और वापसी में mark । मैं इस तरह से क्वेरी की तलाश कर रहा हूँ: SELECT column_name लॉग इन से WHERE value = 'mark'; जिसके परिणामस्वरूप नाम, अंतिम नाम या यहां तक ​​कि का चयन करें column_name लॉग इन से कहां मान = 'चिह्न' और आईडी = 1; जिसके परिणामस्वरूप नाम होगा। संपादित करें: दिए गए सरल उत्तरों से सवाल अधिक जटिल है। वास्तविक समस्या यह है कि जब हम अनुमानित मान जानते हैं, तो 100 + कॉलम से कॉलम नाम का चयन कैसे करें। उदाहरण के लिए हम जानते हैं कि तालिका में कहीं वैल्यू 17,58 है, लेकिन हम कॉलम नाम ढूंढना चाहते हैं। कॉलम का नाम सीधे प्राप्त करना संभव नहीं है, लेकिन मामले का विवरण का उपयोग करते हुए आप क्वेरी का निर्माण कर सकते हैं ताकि मिलानित मूल्य के लिए कॉलम नाम को आईडी चुनें < / P>

java - How to check if directory contains file which name contains certain string? -

I want to get the ard12333.txt file, but the number is part variable, so I should check that the string in the file is "addicted" and Then extrapolate the number part How to do this Steps for your work: 1) Get the file name from. 2) Check if there is ard in it or not. 3) If so, change the rest of the filename without extensions, either integer or long, or whatever number, if not, go to step 1 to check the next file. 4) If the value of variable and converting numbers matches you, you're doing. Break the loop and do whatever you want.

F# stream of armstrong numbers -

I am looking for help, mainly because I am very new to the F # environment to generate infinite stream of Armstrong numbers I need to use the F # stream. Anyone can help with this one I have done a few mombo jumbo but I have no clue where I am going. type 'a stream = | In spite of 'a * (unit -> a stream), take rec (bracket (x, xsf)) = if n = 0 then [] and x :: le (n -1) (x -f) () ); ; // To test if two integers are equal then test x y = with match (x, y). (X, Y) when X & lt; Y - & gt; Wrong | (X, y) when x & gt; Y - & gt; Wrong | _ - & gt; Let's check to check the correct // armstrong number n = let's move unstable m = n volatile r = 0 let's shaky s = 0 while m & lt; & Gt; 0 do r & lt; - m% 10 s & lt; - s + r * r * rm & lt; - m / 10 If test (ns) then correct and wrong REC Armstrong N = opposition (n, funny () -> if check (N + 1) then Armstrong (N + 1) and Armstrong (N + 2)) Paus = armstrong 0 take 5 paus Hon

codeigniter - Get rows where field equal value in grocery crud -

$ crud- & gt; सेट_table ('पृष्ठ', "जहां अनुमति = 1"); & Lt; ---------------------- यह सही तरीके से कैसे करें $ crud- & gt; set_relation ('पृष्ठ टाइप करें', 'थीम', 'नाम' ); $ Crud- & gt; set_rules ('systemTTL', 'सिस्टम शीर्षक', 'ट्रिम | आवश्यक | मिनी_लाँग [4] | xss_clean | alpha_dash'); $ Crud- & gt; callback_add_field ( 'शीर्षक', सरणी ($ इस 'edit_field_callback')); Div> कहां विधि का उपयोग करें: $ crud- & gt; जहां ('अनुमति', 1 ); संपादित करें: दस्तावेज़ीकरण है।

java - eclipselink auto generated key : sql server last_insert_id' is not a recognized built-in function name -

I migrated from mysql to mysql in sql server 2008 and now I am trying to configure my ORM, But when it attempts to insert a new item in the table I have tested it without identifying the 2 tables and without identification card and GeneretionType.AUTO and GeneretionType.INDITY My The unit is in it but it does not work I have the id field itself with the help of esclasselic How can I insert in SQL Server 2008? @ id @ generatedValue (strategy = GenerationType.INDNTITY) @basic (optional = false) @not tap @column (name = "SEC_USERS") private integer IDUser; Internal Exception: 'LAST_INSERT_ID' is not a recognized underlying function name. Error code: 195 call: SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID () Query: ValueReadQuery (name = "SEQ_GEN_IDENTITY" sql = "SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID ()")

batch file - Make cmd window on top of others -

I am working on simple batch scripts so that the user can hide the password. Its solution is to create a popup and change the text-color for that popup. The following is the code and it works properly @echo off Echo Please enter your password in the popup window and then set Tempbat = "% temp% \ p.cmd" to REM Temporarily Create batch password 'masked' echo mode 20.1 & gt;% tempbat% echo color 01 & gt; File & gt;% tempbat% echo setlocal enabled xpation & gt; to create a popup window for entering enter password enter the% tempbat% echo. & Gt;%% Tempbat% echo set / p pass = & gt; & Gt;% tempbat% echo echo! Pass ^ ^ "% temp% \ pass.txt" gt; & Gt;% tempbat% Exit Acquire & gt; & Gt;% tempbat% start / wait ""% tempbat% del% tempbat% 2 & gt; NUL Set / P PWD = & lt; "% Temp% \ pass.txt" del "% temp% \ pass.txt" 2> My only concern is when a popup occurs, I can always set it at the

javascript - Change element's ID multiple times -

So what I'm triying to get is that I add some other elements to an element div and its id attribute Want to change (or something like that) I have tried to do something like $ ('# add3'). Click (function () ($ ('# add3') .attr ("id", "add4"); $ ('third_row1'). Attachment ('something to add');}); And tried to do anything like this: $ ('# add'). Click (function () {var vari = $ ("& lt; $ ('. Third_row1'). Add (different); $ ('third_orrow'); $ ('. Third_oro' & gt; add another user & lt ; / Div & gt; "); $ ('# add') .append ('something to add');}); So click on a button (like That second example) has no effect on the third, fourth ... click on the same thing with the second example Thanks in advance for help < Strong> UPD OK, so how do I choose here, which I add & lt; jsp: useBean id = "obj1" class = "com.Users

ruby - Rails enumerize with dynamic options -

I have a model to control different app settings. The value_type of each setting is string, integer, bullion and enum, if one setting is defined as an antum, then there are several anonymous_points in it (only saved as a key, with values ​​in the context of the settings in the database) these I want to use the gem to handle energy. I tried a lot but I can not set the enum option from the database. Here's my code that how do I try to define different anonym options. Enumerate: enum_values, in: - & gt; {EnumOption.where (functional_parameter_id: .map (& amp ;: value.to_sym)} After this I try to call Setting.find ( 1) .enum_values ​​ and I got zero . If I call on Setting.enum_values.values ​​ to call all the available options, then just call me ["# & lt ; Proc: 0x007fd7e78e9218@/Users/path/to/app/app/models/setting.rb: 31 (lambda) & gt; "] Is it possible to enum the option To set form? I do not think you should enumerate t

ruby on rails - Best way to get a list of parent IDs -

मेरे रेल एप्लिकेशन में इन मॉडलों हैं: वर्ग कोर्स & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस has_many: विषयों के अंत वर्ग विषय & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस है has_many: भागों belong_to: पाठ्यक्रम अंत वर्ग भाग & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस has_many: क्विज़ संबंधित_तो: विषय के अंत वर्ग प्रश्नोत्तरी & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस has_many: quiz_submissions belong_to: भाग अंत वर्ग QuizSubmission & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस is_to: quiz end अब मुझे सभी क्विज़शूमिशन कोर्स आईडी प्राप्त करना है, अर्थात के लिए प्रत्येक क्विज_समिशन। मेरा वर्तमान कोड है {| qs |} जो बेहद धीमी है, मैंने भी शामिल होने की कोशिश की है , फिर भी प्रदर्शन में सुधार नहीं हुआ है शायद मैंने शामिल हो गलत तरीके से उपयोग किया। कोई सुझाव? क्या मुझे प्रश्नोत्तरी सबमिट करना चाहिए: पाठ्यक्रम ? धन्यवाद! आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं: QuizSubmission.joins (: प्रश्नोत्तरी = & gt; {: भाग = & gt; {: topic = & gt;: कोर्स}})। चय

java - What is the difference between @Entity in Hibernate and JPA -

When I am sampling the hibernate standalone program, my mind was confused with the use of @notity annotations Was there. My question here is, I have a class with JavaEx with @Entity, so it's working fine, but when I change Entity Annotations with the Hibernate API (i.e. Org.hibernate.MappingException: unknown entity: com.jetti.test.Employee Give some more explanations It is highly appreciated. @ javax.preistence.Entity is mandatory, @ org.hibernate.annotations.Entity A There is no replacement. Then, the code of the hibernate completes @ just javax.preistence.Entity , and Gives some better tuning options. / P>

jquery - when another tab is selected ;preveously selected tab style is remaining activated -

I'm using simple tabs; Created using CSS. I have an existing active tab. I am using jquery $ ("tabs"). Click (function () {$ (this) .addClass ('current');}); This works fine but it does not remove the square from the first active tab. Please use You can use the following code: $ (". Tabs") (function () {$ (this) .addClass ('current'); $ (".tables"). ($ (This)). RemoveClass ('current';}) ;

Mac osx terminal proccess completed -

Last login: Tuesday October 28 10: On 2924, after opening the terminal (console) in OSX Ttys000 login (14773,0x7fff7572f300) malloc: * Error for object 0x7fd4bb715110: pointer was not released * to set debit breakpoint in malloc_error_break [complete the process Hui] To be honest, I do not know what I have done or is hot to fix it. After 2 hours or the research I decide to ask a question ..

.htaccess - Password protect Laravel subfolder with htaccess -

It seems that I can not override just a bit while trying for a password, then a subfolder with HTACACS Protect. I place it in the and .htpasswd file folder, for which I want to make authentication, but with no effect. For this, I have "clients' eyes only" folders for work in progress projects, e.g. "". These folders should contain only static content I tried to add a folder tree to the public, but it did not seem like (I think public content needs to be announced to avoid being rooted?). I neither keep these client pages as ideas. thoughts? Laravel 4.2 is running on Apache. The way Laravel routing, all the URIs are actually virtual URIs, so any directory Can not insert the .htaccess file in, because they are not really. However, you can use the athal system of larval to protect your routes (either using original proof or a more traditional entry form system). If you do not intend to justify a database to secure so

javascript - Get current clicked element id -

Is it possible to get current input element ID by clicking function from the many input fields, all input fields have the same class name but IDs are specific. Like: type = "checkbox" name = "myCheckboxes []" class = "chkTag" id = chkBox1 "value =" 1 "/> input type =" checkbox "name =" myCheckboxes [] " Class = "chkTag" id = chkBox2 "value =" 2 "/> & lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "myCheckboxes []" class = "chkTag" id = chkBox3 "value =" 3 "/> gt; input type =" checkbox "name =" myCheckboxes [] "class =" chkTag "id = ChkBox4 "value =" 4 "/> & Lt; Input type = "checkbox" name = "myCheckboxes [class =" chkTag "id = chkBox5" value = "5" /> & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ (Document). (Function () ($ ('in

php - Zf2 + Doctrine 2 Authentication Adapter restrict to fetch delete flag is equal to true row -

I have a problem, delete the table in my account is the flag column so if I delete a user, then it is 1 Will be set as. And I can make new users with the same mail id. At that time the code fails, there are two records with the same mail id. There is also a way to delete flag like email, my module Config.php: 'Principle' = & gt; Array ('driver' = & gt; array (__NAMESPACE__ '_driver' = & gt; array ('class' = & gt; 'principle \ ORM \ mapping \ driver \ lecture driver', 'cache' => Array ',' path '= & gt; array (__DIR__.' /../src/ '__NAMESPACE__.' / Entity ')),' orm_default '= & gt; array (' driver '= & gt; array _nameSPACE__ '' unit = '_deSPACE__.' _driver '))),' authentication '=> array (' orm_default '= & gt; array (' object_manager '= & gt;' principle \ ORM 'unit Manager ',' identity-clas

ios - Swift enum operator overloading -

I have defined an enum, and I want to use it as a key for a dictionary when I I am trying to use the value as a key, then I get an error about anmut, which is the dictionaryIndex & lt; Constants.PieceValue, Array & lt; String & gt; & Gt; , where constants. PieceValue is an enum that looks like this: public enum pseuway: int {case blank = 0, wking = 16, wquan = 15, WRK = 14, W.Bishap = 13, Wkrite = 12, WPOn = 11, beating = 26, Bequinn = 25, brow = 24, BBShop = 23, BK NIGHT = 22, BPN = 21} < / Pre> I read some threads, but I got no clear answer. I have also declared the operator overloading function for the enum outside the constants category. func == (left: constant. Pse.value, right: constant. ਪੀਸਵੀਅਲ) - & gt; Boole {return int (left) == int (right)} This is the line which encodes complaint: self.label1.text = Constants.pieceMapping [self.pieceValue] [0] Constants.pieceMapping contains the following types: dictionary & lt; PeaceWell,

c# - How can I order this simple .NET list by two properties? -

Looking at the list of location 's, I need 2 ordering steps. Order Location type ascending The type of order for each location is the result of the name ascending order. Sample data: location type | name 2 | tempstowe lower 2 | tempstowe 1 | melbourne Expected Result: 1 melbourne 2. Templestowe 3. Templestowe low ... And here is the main code (that has been copied from Bela) .. Private class space {public location (string of Name, int location type) {name = name; LocationType = locationType;} public string Gm {get; private set;} Public Ink location type {get; private set;}} Public static zero main () {var location = new list & location> location & gt; {new location ("templosto lower", 2) , New location ("Templosto", 2), New location ("Melbourne", 1)}; // TODO: Sort by a list, location type and name. Var results = xxxxx; foreign currency (different locations in result } {Console.WriteLine (location.Name);}}

Maven: Lifecycle vs. Phase vs. Plugin vs. Goal -

A relatively new developer here, though I've been using it for a while, hoping to strengthen my maven Fundamental things One part of my problem is that I have a no experience with ant, from where many explanations reveal. I am reading and watching the tutorial, and I keep hearing the same terms: Lifecycle Step Plugin Target What I have learned is that lifecycle is the largest part of the bunch, and is composed of steps (steps), plugins and / or targets. / P> Question : Can you provide any information about the most common examples related to these terms? More clear and basic, better! Its not perfect in its fulfillment. Specifically: Each of these steps can be the goal of running a step after the pre- or post- For example: • Pre-install - ... • Post-package - ... If you want you can see the targets as additional "inserted" steps . [Wrong stereotypes of myths.] A Maven life cycle one (abstract) The concept is that

error Use of unassigned local variable (switch) in C# -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 4 जवाब मुझे नीचे वर्णित मिल रहा है मेरे कोड के लिए त्रुटि त्रुटि unassigned स्थानीय वेरिएबल (स्विच) का उपयोग सी # के लिए strFavoriteColor मेरे कोड: निजी शून्य lstData_SelectedIndexChanged (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {string strName; स्ट्रिंग strFavoriteColor; StrName = lstData.Items [lstData.SelectedIndex] .ओस्ट्रिंग (); स्विच (strName) {मामला "अमीर": strFavoritecolor = "abi"; टूटना; मामला "महदी": strFavoriteColor = "सबज़"; टूटना; मामले "मीसाम": strFavoriteColor = "Siah"; टूटना; मामले "अमीन": strFavoriteColor = "zard"; टूटना; मामले "रजा": strFavoriteColor = "बाना"; टूटना; } MessageBox.Show (strName + "का पसंदीदा रंग" + strFavoriteColor, "चुनें डेमो"); क्या समस्या हो सकती है? इसके बजाय स्ट्रिंग strFavoriteColor; लिखें स्ट्रिंग strFavoriteColor = ""; आपने इसे प्रारं

How do I set the correct $PATH for Python in zsh? -

Today I made zash switch from bash. In addition to other things, I created a ~ / .zshrc file though some were hiccups, although one of them is that whenever I can run the Python program before output to the shell, I get the following error: new-host-3% Python zsh: / usr / bin / python: bad interpreter: / library / frames / python.framework / version-2.7 / bin / python2. File or Directory This is my current, very basic ~ / .zshrc: $ PATH Export PATH = "/ usr / local / bin: $ PATH" Export to Export # Export = "vim" bindkey -v ## vi Style Incremental Search Bindkey '^ R' History-Incremental-Search-Previous Bondi '^ S 'history-incremental-search-forward bindkey' p 'History-search-previous bondy' ^ 'History-search-forward ## Inside a directory Easy setopt AUTO_CD I what is missing? I have installed Python, Zash, Virtual, and C via Homebra on OS X 10.6.8. I'm running Python 2.7.6. Everything worked with Bash

nsarray - string convert in array Ios , get by webservices -

In iOS I am using XML soap parsing. This is my response & Lt; InsertResponse xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; InsertResult & gt; [{"Results": "Success", "AccessToken": "f60da1f1-40d7-483d-880a-82348dc20934", "AppUserId": "35"}] Then I am using this code to get the response - (zero) parser: (NSXMPP * *) Parser has been found. : (NSString *) string {if (ElementFound) {// NSLog (@ "% @", soap result); [Soap: waste string: string]; If ([Type excelstostring: @ "Insert Response"]) {// --- Recovering the text of an element that is found --- NSLog (@ "% @", string); NSString * str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: string encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSArray * allData = [str JSONValue]; // NSString * loginID = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", string]; // NSLog (@ "login service is returned from web service:% @", loginID); }}}

javascript - AngularJS - how to create deferred object from image object -

I am trying to create a deferred object from simple image creation like below: Var image = new image (); Image.src = 'Some URL'; Image.onload = function () {// some code} Now ... how to make a deferred object using the $ q library inside AngularJS? Is this possible? I think there is some factory, where you are planning to put this function. Then: .factory ('utils', function ($ q) {return} {createimage: function (src) {var deferred = $ q.defer (), image = new Image ( ); Image.onload = function () {deferred.resolve (image);}; image.src = src; refund retro.promis;}};}); Then you'll use it as usual: utils.createImage ('/ assets / images / big-logo.png'). Then (function (imgobb) {console.log (imgObj);}); New syntax is similar to the original creator from Angular 1.3 Anjor 1.3 version word service $ q . Again the above function can be rewritten: createImage: function (src) {return $ q (function (cancellation, reject) {var image =

I can't access a video after download it in android -

I have a code to download a video from my server and save it to an SD card. I use this code: string videoURL = "" + key + "/"+key+".avi"; String PATHSdcard = getSDFile (); {// Set Download URL, a URL that points to the file on the Internet // This is the URL url = file downloading new URL (video url); // Create new connection HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection (); // Set up some things on the connection urlConnection.setRequestMethod ("GET"); UrlConnection.setDoOutput (true); // Connect! UrlConnection.connect (); Set // where we want to save the file to // in this case, to save it to the root directory of the // sd card. File SDCardRoot = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory (); // Create a new file, specifying the path, and the file name // which we want to save the file. File file = new file (PATHSdcard, key + ".avi"); // It will be used to write the downloaded data t

sitecore - Save to Database action missing in Web Forms for Marketers 2.5 -

I have installed a web form for Marketers 2.5 in the new frequency of Sitcom 7.5 and in the "Save to database" new version Also there is no MDF file in the version, I believe that because this new version uses mangodibi, a WFFM_Analytics.sql is not sure which I need to use to run this file. "Reporting" database is not connected to DB server by default when you initially install Sitcom 7.5 (Not least with SIM). Per - volume 6.2: Configuring the Reporting Database - SQL Server Sitecore.Analytics.mdf Attach the database. This database is used for reporting. In the ConnectionStrings.config file, customize the following string: & lt; Add name = "reporting" connectionString = "user id = _username_; password = _password_; data source = _server_; database = cycler_anilinetics" /> Note: You can find a sitcom-analytics database under [site root] \ database folder . Updated the connection string, you must compile the instal

ruby on rails - How to create { x = y | y = z | z = 0 } block dynamically from hash? -

Although the context is probably irrelevant, I am using Chewy gem to filter elastic search results using this code Send me (property_ads [0],: or) == (and: to_i)): scope = scope.filter {(Send ('facet_properties'). Send ('facet_properties'). Send (Property_Ads [1],:) or == (and: to_i))} I'm looking for a way , property_ids [1] , etc., separate from and loop through each element in property_ids Or will not be a fixed length in the actual use of property_ids in real use. Definitely not at all what your structure looks like or exactly what you are trying to achieve Are you trying to do something like this? vals = (and: to_i) prop_hash = hash [ {| Prop | [Sahara, vals]}] # Optionally by prop_hash = property_ids.each_with_object ({}) {| Sahara, obj | Obj [prop] = vals} scope.filter (facet_properties: {prop_hash}). Since filter_mode (: or) Since chewy is a #filter_mode method for setting conditions suc

c++ - How do you compile your entire game into an installer -

So I have created a test game that I want to open to someone else on another computer. I used Flexera's limited edition installsil (I'm on Visual Studio 2012). So I've successfully made it with London. MSI In the file contained in Flexiara Assistant (I just tried to include the primary output, but I get some sort of error), I use the vc_redist file, .exe file and all the .dlls This thing is for the second person getting a missing error looking for MSVCP110D P110D I told that person to install vc_redist but it was still the same output. (But I tried to install it on my laptop and it worked) So I'm here to ask (How to do the work) How did you make your launcher? (I do not consider it as direct .exe without at least the launcher) I need to do this work. In the end it has decided thanks for the comments of some supporters. Obviously, I have to switch from configuration to mode OK and go to property Go to configuration properties then the configuration a

java - Checking whether there is a logger set to DEBUG in Log4J -

I have a code that is called multiple times which also calls the logger. The debug enabled () cost is too high I can store the isDebugEnabled () value in a constant variable on the class, but then I can loosen the option to enable debug while running the server. All of my calls on Log4J are now done by custom wrappers. One solution I want to implement is that if a logger is not set to debug, then I will be able to return ASAP by checking some global boolean variables and only if calling one or more loggers to call the rapper The call will be forwarded to Log4J. Is there a way to ask Log4J configuration if there are one or more loggers set to debug? In this way, I can see it every 5 seconds and will turn a global bullion on / off which will be used by my rapper. If you are having problems working with log-in then I would advise you. If you need to stick with the log-in then you can do one of the following. The following code will check the logging level of the root logger

angularjs - set selected values in amitava82/angular-multiselect -

I'm new to angular and I need a multilevel box in my search form, I have to multiselect.js But there is a problem that I have that when I want to load a saved item, I can not find the value selected in it. This code is Multiselectbox & lt; Multiselect class = "Input-normal" multi = "true" ng-model = "year list" option = "List of year data as year." List for years. YYListYearList in data "change =" and "selected ()" Gt; & Lt; / Select multiple & gt; I use this line of code to reset it $ scope.yearlist [0]. Checked = wrong; this works fine and this is the code that I try to use to set the values ​​selected but it does not work $ scope.yearlist = [{data: 2009, checked: true} {data: 2011, checked: true}]; How can I load this form with the predefined values ​​selected? I do not know that it also works in conjunction with 'amitava82 / angular-multiselect' But do I know that if

c# - PredicateBuilder ignored in LinqToSQL -

I have found a query for my service sorted in a group of classes. This object defines the conditions in a tree such as Structure support and / oring data up to an infinite depth. I am using LinqToSQL again to change this class to a SQL query, however my conditions (defined by using PredicateBuilder) are ignored! Predicatebuilder looks like a clear solution, my recursive functions expressions & lt; To support this, IQueryable & lt; Error & gt; Error instead of , Bullet & gt; & Gt; & Lt; Error , I repeat it on the tree repeatedly and appropriately and / or add conditions. I say the recurring filter as follows, when I can see the recursive function returning filter correctly - my problem is that these conditions are being ignored and output is SQL (please See below), someone can tell why this can happen? Please tell me whether any additional information is necessary or if you think this approach should work. if (harmony) {result Where (recursive hand

gnuplot - Set point size independent of line weight -

मेरे पास gnuplot में परिभाषित निम्नलिखित पंक्ति शैली हैं: सेट लिनटाइप 1 एलसी आरजीबी " लाल "एलडब्लू 3 पीटी 7 सेट लिनटाइप 3 एलसी आरजीबी" लाल "एलडब्ल्यू 1 पीटी 7 ऐसा लगता है जैसे अंक रेखा के आकार से उनके आकार का हिस्सा लेते हैं। मैं एक सीस्प्लिन और इसी अंक के लिए एक ही शैली का उपयोग करके प्लॉट के लिए लाइटटाइप चक्र के अंदर इन शैलियों का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, इसलिए मुझे कोई आसान तरीका नहीं दिख रहा है अंक के लिए एक अलग शैली को परिभाषित करने के लिए। मुझे इस तरह से परिणाम मिलते हैं: लीनटाइज़ 5-8 साइकिल चालन द्वारा निर्धारित हो जाता है और प्लॉटिंग के आखिरी भाग द्वारा उपयोग किया जाता है आदेश। ऐसा करने के लिए किसी अन्य तरीके पर अनुशंसाएं हो सकती हैं!

php - Undefined variable $e -

[28-Oct-2014 15:46:22 यूरोप / बुखारेस्ट] PHP नोटिस: अपरिभाषित चर: ई में } कैच (अपवाद $ ई) {गूंज "\ r \" \ / \ / \ / \ / N & lt; h3 & gt; प्लाटा वाउचर प्रिज़ कार्ड & lt; / h3 & gt; \ r \ n "; यदि (! ($ ई उदाहरण के अपवाद)) गूंज "& lt; p & gt; \ r \ n \ t & lt; फ़ॉर्म का नाम = \" frmPaymentRedirect \ "method = \" post \ "क्रिया = \" "; प्रतिपूर्ति $ भुगतान यूआरएल; \ "& Gt; \ r \ n \ t & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = \" छिपी \ "नाम = \" env_key \ "मान = \" "; $ objPmReqCard- & echo; getEnvKey (); गूंज" \ "/ & gt; \ आर \ n \ t & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = \ "छिपी \" नाम = \ "डेटा \" मान = \ ""; $ objPmReqCard- & gt; getEncData (); गूंज "\" / & gt; \ r \ n \ t & lt ; P & gt; \ r \ n \ t \ t एक अंतिम चरण में एक मोबाइल पेज को सुरक्षित करने के लिए एक मोबाइलपेज। R \ n \ t & lt; / p & gt; \ r \ n \ t &am

VirtualHost in Apache 2.4 replaces DocumentRoot when using http://localhost -

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

php - Access to CodeIgniter app from desktop application -

I have written a PHP application based on CodeIgniter. This app manager allows software license. The user can purchase a software license and the administrator can control it. Now I want to check licesne details (saved on the server) from my software To do this, I need to contact my codeigniter application from my software: If my license user license If the data is valid then my software calls the Callignator application; My codeigner checks on DB and Sen are a response to my software; So I need post or GET data for codeigner application URLs, but how can I avoid authentication? When my URL calls the Code Igniter application, then I call User Certification, that's fine but in this case I want to avoid it. What is the best solution?

database - Querying large amount of data processed by Hive -

Say that I have about 10-20 GB of data in HDFS, which is in the form of a hive table, reducing many maps And after joining on two different datasets it has been received. I need to make the user eligible for this query. What options do I have? Use to transfer data from HDFS to RGS such as Post GRSL. But I want to spend so much time on data transfers. I have tested HDFS-> RDS only using Sqoop in the same SWS area, and takes 4-8 minutes to 800 MB of data. So you can imagine that ~ 60GB data will be very ineffective. This will be my last resort. Ask questions directly to my webserver according to user request. I have never used such a hive so I I am doubting about this. It struck me because I just got to know that you can ask a bee table remotely after some port forwarding on the EMR cluster. But being new to the large (ISH) data, I am not sure about the risks associated with this, is it common to do this? Some other solutions - how do people generally do this kind of thing?

How to apply multiple condition in same column in excel -

Here I want to apply muptialial status to the same column but using counting is not getting the proper output Excel value : - column 1 column 2 y one YBYC YDN SNB tried formula: = SM (COUNTIFS (B) Expected Output: - 2 Answer: - In addition to this, I want to "Y" in column 1 and "B", "A", "B"})) Expected Output: Column 2 Fill with "A", "B" More output should come in the file: - 2 This function is for many categories that is where Columns a = 'a' and column b = 'a' can never be followed by 'a' and 'b', as a result 0 Try it instead. = COUNTIF (A: A, "A") + (COUNTIF (A: A, "B")) Or at the same limit Can do this for many situations. = COUNTIFS (A: A, {"A", "B"}) but it produces 2 arrays for each condition "A" and "b" therefore need to express them. = SUM (COUNTIFS (A: A, {"a", "b"}))

javascript - Call object property from within a callback -

I have an async.series () function calling from another javascript object: Main.js var object 1 = Required ('./ object1'); Var object 1 = requirement ('./ object2'); Async.series ([object1.myfunction1, object2.anotherFunction]); object1.js module.exports = {function1: function (callback) {async.each (someArray, function (Item, CB) {function2 (item);}, function (mistake) {if (mistake) return callback (mistake); callback ();}); }, Function 2: function (item, callback) {// something}}; This code does not work because function2 is undefined within the callback. I have tried to put var refToFunction2 = this.function2 at the beginning of function 1. It works if we call function 1 directly, but function 1 is called async and for some reasons: this = undefined. Is there a clean way to do this? You can set up your object1.js file as follows : var Async = require ('async'); Function function1 (callback) {async.each (someArray, funct


I want to modify the AODV protocol. It is an idea that I want to take different routing decisions to AODV. I have prepared my own protocol based on AODV in Python. It uses game theory for the weakest and least route in terms of safety and energy consumption. My question is: Can I create an agent in Python for routing decision and then continue with routing in Omnat ++. Can we see that the INET framework can be interfaced with Python? Regards, Perhaps this wrapper class will help you:

php - How to establish a HTTPS connection between Java 7 and an OpenShift application? -

OpenShift addressed the rapidly 'SSL' Poodle vulnerability around October 16, 2014. E-commerce provider I can work from then on Now establish a secure HTTPS connection with my OpenShift PHP application. I suspect that this is in the least part because SSL3 is no longer available protocol. The e-commerce provider is finally logged in error: javax Net.ssl.SSLException java.lang.RuntimeException: DH Keypair could not be generated Here's what I've tried and searched for: On the online SSL Testing Tool, this indicates that my SSL certificate is installed correctly (OpenSoft Installed via WebConsole), and it receives 'A' grade. HTTPS works fine when connecting to my OpenSSIP PHP application in a normal web browser, usually SSL certificates and amp; The installation itself seems fine. As a test, I have tried to use OpenShift's shared SSL certificate instead of my own, with the exact same result. Java 7 Remote e-commerce platform, which uses Java 7,

javascript - cant sort collection in a descending fashion -

I am trying to sort my collection using .sort () But I am only collecting the archive in ascending way by code for collection, var ProjectCollection = Backbone.collection.extend ({url: '/ projects', model: app.Project, Sort_key: "Finish_date", comparator: function (item) {return item.get (this.sort_key);}, sortbuffed: function (field name, order type) {console.log (field name, order type); .sort_key = fieldName; if (order type == "accredited (This form (function (A, B) {returns AB});} and if (order type == "descending") {this source (function (a, b) {return ba});}}} ); The sortbufffilled function is removed from view on a selection menu change, and it removes this function, sortCollection: function (e) {This Collection.sortByField ($ ('. Sort') .val (), $ ('. Command'). Val ()); Console.log (this.collection); } Why can not I be able to sort in a descending order? The parameters to be sent to the archive parameter are co

java - How do I call a NTLM secured webservice using Camel-cxf? -

I want my camel (2.13) flow, I use Uml-Siaksf call a webservice. Web service was revealed to me to have been secured using NTLM that Siaksf supports itself NTLM, but I could find nothing on camel-Siaksf I tried parameters username and password, but it works Was not doing The IC seems like Camel-CXF does not support it. div class = "post-text" Itemprop = "text"> & lt; cxf: cxfEndpoint id = "sharepointQueryEndpoint" address = "http: //yourhostwithpathtowsdl/_vti_bin/search.asmx" serviceClass = "com Somewhere.special.generated.QueryServiceSoap" endpointName = "SSP: Sikyorknekshn" xmlns: ssp = "http: / / "& gt; & Lt; CXF: Properties & gt; & Lt; Entry key = "data format" value = "POJO" /> & Lt; Entry key = "logging feature enabled" value = "true" /> & Lt; / CXF: Properties &

sql - Using Order By in Oracle 11g but the list is not orderred -

I have an order ID column and values ​​are a mixture of digits such as 1,2,3 to 4 digits like 3456 When I ask and order the order and order order using the Order ID, OrderId is not ordered by the order. Instead of showing: 1,8,10,20,70,111,2345,4567 This is showing: 1,111,20,2345,4567,70,8 etc. < / P> Is there a way to properly arrange this ID? My simple query is like this: from table order This is sorting the lycological, which means that column type varchar2 allows you to convert varchar2 to number and order TO_NUMBER (Ordid) Select table sequence from

swift - Change Border Width of UISegmentedControl in iOS 8 -

How do I change the boundary width of a UISegmentedControl in iOS 8? Currently, the border width is 2px, and I would like to set it to 1px. CALayer did not work to determine border width. I can not find anything about it Thanks in advance for any help! I recommend you to use custom splitter images based on your needs: [mySegmentedControl setDividerImage: Image 1 forLeftSegmentState: UIControlStateNormal rightSegmentState: UIControlStateNormal barMetrics: barMetrics]; [MySegmentedControl setDividerImage: Image 2 forLeftSegmentState: UIControlStateSelected rightSegmentState: UIControlStateNormal barMetrics: barMetrics]; [MySegmentedControl setDividerImage: Image 3 forLeftSegmentState: UIControlStateNormal rightSegmentState: UIControlState Selected Barometrics: Barometrics]; Check the document here

graphics - R histogram with multiple populations -

I am interested in creating a histogram in R, in which two (or more) populations will be at the top of each other, which means - I do not want a two histogram that shares a similar graph, but once there are two colors or more. Below the picture found - this is what I want to accomplish. Any ideas? This is actually the annoying default in ggplot2: pre> Library (GG Plot 2) Gigplot (Iris, AES (X = SepelLange, Phil = Species)) + GOM_Histogram () - VB to C# conversion of Byte -

Some codes were taking from vb and converting it to c #. I have this line: dim foo byte () = {155, 253, 147, 202, 22, 59, 228, 6, 61, 16, 158, 60, 47, 138 , 40, 178} and I want to convert it into a C # code. But I know: Byte Fu = {155, 253, 147, 202, 22, 59, 228, 6, 61, 16, 158, 60, 47, 138 , 40, 178}; Not right Do you think someone gives me some insight on this and explains what is the correct answer? This is an array that starts it like this: Byte [] foo = {155, 253, 147, 202, 22, 59, 228, 6, 61, 16, 158, 60, 47, 138, 40, 178}; Before you go ahead, you should read, or even a good text book. If you try to code in a language without basic syntax, then you will essentially write a very bad code.

How to copy a file name in a directory to a flat file using shell script -

I have a directory that has a file named oracle.txt. I need to copy a file file to try to use the CAC command but it tells me that I am copying a directory. I tried the cat order, but it does not have copies of the content. is. Is there any command to copy oracle .txt (name not content) into a flat file? Therefore, after completion, it will be a file called process.txt and its content will be oracle.txt You can get the names of files using the ls command. Then you will see that output as & gt; You must be redirected to a file using The required command is shown below. ls> Process.txt

Grails update 2.3.11-> 2.4.3 ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.cache.access.AccessType -

grails अद्यतन के बाद मुझे अपवाद निम्न मिला: 2014-10-28 17:12 : 27,651 [लोकलहोस्ट-स्टार्टसटॉप -1] त्रुटि संदर्भ .ग्रेल्स कॉन्टैक्स लोडर लिस्टनर - एप्लिकेशन को शुरू करने में त्रुटि: नाम 'लेनदेन के साथ बीन बनाने में त्रुटि' प्रबंधकजीपीप्रोसेसर ': बीन का आरंभ विफल रहा; नेस्टेड अपवाद org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: नाम 'transactionManager' से बीन बनाने में त्रुटि: बीन प्रॉपर्टी 'sessionFactory' सेट करते समय बीन 'sessionFactory' के संदर्भ को हल नहीं किया जा सकता; नेस्टेड अपवाद org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: नाम 'sessionFactory' के साथ बीन बनाने में त्रुटि: init विधि का आमंत्रण विफल; नेस्टेड अपवाद नहीं है java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / हाइबरनेट / कैश / पहुँच / AccessType org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: 'transactionManagerPostProcessor' नाम के साथ सेम बनाने में त्रुटि: सेम के सक्रियण असफल; नेस्टेड अपवाद org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExcep

Updating many json files in Azure blob storage? -

I have ~ 1,000,000 JSON files, I would like to update every 30 minutes. Update is only enclosing a new array at the end of the existing content. Uses the same code as a single update: CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference (blobName); Jobbject jObject = null; // If the blob is present, then we may need to update it. If (blockBlob.Exists ()) {MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream (); BlockBlob.DownloadToStream (MemoryStream); JObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject (encoding.UTF8.GetString (MemoryStream. ToArray ()) functioning; } // End of Blease is present if (null == jObject) {jObject = new Jobbject (); JObject.Add (new JProperty ("identifier", identifier)); } // Closing of the block did not exist JArray jsonArray = new JArray (); JObject.Add (New JProperty (string.Format ("Entries {0}", Timestamp. ToString ()), jsonArray); Foreign Currency (Miscellaneous Entries in New Entry) {JSNARRA.ed (new JobTech (new JPPrint ("Some ID