
Showing posts from July, 2013

http - Java Sun HttpServer not serving data -

Some text should be served on the following localhost: 8080 / Nothing happens, however. It does not trigger any exceptions, makes fine, does not crash, etc. ... But the handler is never called. I'm using mint linux. import; Import; Import; Import *; Public Segment MySase {@SuppressWarnings ("Ban") The implementation of the public-class Mehndler HTH Handler {@ Override Public Wide Handle (HTTT Exchange Exchange) throws IOException {System.out.println ("Request Received"); String response = " gt; body> Hello World! & Lt; / body & gt; & lt; / html & gt;"; Exchange. SendResponseHeaders (200, response.length ()); . Exchange.getResponseBody () write (response.getBytes ()); Exchange.close (); }} @SuppressWarnings ("ban") private http server server; @SuppressWarnings ("ban") Public MySource () IOException {server = HttpServe

php - Making a button that opens a website, starts a redirect countdown but only redirects when coming from a specific refer -

Creating a button that opens a website, a redirect countdown starts, but only when it comes from a specific context is the only redirect , Yes it is the mouth again explained: User Land on my site (Site B) from previous site A He got a button here. The user clicks the button, immediately loads the site C in a new window. Site B now checks that he came from Site A and started a countdown on the website. D. I think there is a lot to ask, but I think it can be done! After the last few hours, I looked at different options and searched ways to create a countdown of redirects, but this is not enough. I really thank you for taking the time to read it, I hope you can help! / div>

jquery - FlatUI Checkbox Table - multiple tables not checking automatically -

This is a problem that I am struggling for some time, and I can not find any mention I am also using FlatIi Pro online. My reference is that I am making an application with a large Eordian, and there is a flat UI checkbox table inside each segment Now, generally when a single regular Make the checkbox table, the 'Toggle-All' checkbox at the top of the table automatically checks when all table lines are manually checked by a user. However, when more than one table is present on one page (regardless of the given ID to the checkbox element), the 'Toggle-All' checkbox on any table will be checked automatically only When all the check boxes are checked in all the tables. I am trying to work each table independently from each other, because it is to open every Italian segment and there is no point in checking each table to update a table. Any ideas / suggestions will be highly appreciated - I am sure that it will be possible to create custom JS function to solv

javascript - file does not load properly according to visitor location -

I just have to ask the small parties, can you take a look at this code and what's the problem because it only The ph.php file also is from User America, which assumes that us.php : & lt; Script language = 'javascript' & gt; Hostile country = Goplugin countdown (); Switch (country) {case (country = "UK"): 1 Javascript - Reload the related file on related countries This is actually a file that is inside index.php called offer.php which is dynamically Calling other files depends on which country the user is, for example if a union is from UK then offer- uk.php must load and replace the variable in index.php 2 ) PHP - I have to load this page as normal URL url : using the $ _ request dynamically via the noclid variable Need to pass or whatever works as to make it Inside the index.php file, I $ _ GET ['clid'] = '[[clid]]'; , but it'

Python CSV needs to be re-read in before each "dict" operation -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 जवाब मैं csv का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ DictReader को एक सीएसवी फ़ाइल में पढ़ना और इसके साथ डिक्ट ऑपरेशन करना। अजीब बात ये है कि प्रत्येक ऑपरेशन से पहले मुझे सीएसवी फ़ाइल पढ़नी होगी। क्यों ऐसा मामला है? आयात सीएसवी रीडिन = ओपन ("न्यूनतम सीसीवी", "आर") dict = csv.DictReader (रीडिन, डेलीमीटर = ",", कोटेशन = "\ "" '' 'एक', 'शीर्षक 2': 'दो', 'दो', '' 'शीर्षक 3': 'तीन'} {'शीर्षक 1': 'चार', 'शीर्षक 2': 'पांच', 'शीर्षक 3': 'छः'} अगर मैं प्रिंट ऑपरेशन करता हूं दूसरी बार: शब्दकोशों में पंक्तियों के लिए: प्रिंट पंक्तियों यह कुछ भी नहीं लौटाता है, यहां तक ​​कि कोई त्रुटि भी नहीं। मुझे एक और दो चरणों का पालन करने की ज़रूरत है ( "ओपन" और "सीएसवी। डेकट रीडर") फिर से प्रिंट आउट आउट प्राप्त करने के लिए। यह क्यों है? इसे दूसरी बार काम नहीं करने का कारण यह ह

javascript - Ajax Data response data not alert -

I want to alert some data using AJAX callback, but not alerts. & lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' src = '//'></script> & Lt; Script & gt; Var mainObject = {myFunction: function () {$ .ajax ('ajax.php', function (data) {warning (data); // $ ('# test123'). Html (data);}); }}; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Div id = "test123" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; A href = "javascript: mainObject.myfunction ();" & Gt; Click here & lt; / A & gt; ajax.php & lt; Php echo "Hello World !!!"; ? & Gt; I get the answer Hello World !!! But there is no alert. Please check the code above $ Post instead of instead of $ .ajax code: var mainObject = {myFunction: function () { $ .post ('ajax.php', function (data) {warning (data); // $ ('# test123'). Html (data);}); }};

regex - Dart RegExp: single pass with multiple patterns? -

If I have a consortium of two or more sub-reggaxens, then search for a string of matches for a raggeon, So there is no way For example, if I have the code: var regExp = new RegExp ('ab | cd)'); Var matches = regExp.allMatches ('absolutely fantastic'); Search returns to two matches - but for me there is no way to know which sub-regeses match? to find the answer for the branch. var regExp = new RegExp ('(ab) | (cd)'); // bracket important var matches = regExp.allmatches ('absolutely fantastic'); Var M1 = Match. Fast; Print ( (1)); // 'ab' print ( (2)); // tap, has not been matched since the second term (cd) var m2 = match.last; Print ( (1)); // tap, as the previous pattern is not printed ( (2)): // 'AC' Other useful information

Haskell - Illegal literal in type error in a function definition -

मेरे पास निम्न फ़ंक्शन हैं: बदलें :: a - & gt; इंट - & gt; [ए] - & gt; [ए] एम्स की जगह 0 x: xs = elem: xs को elem ix बदलता है: xs = x ++ elem (i-1) xs और जीएचसीआई मुझे बताता है कि मुझे एक अवैध शाब्दिक प्रकार की त्रुटि, विशेष रूप से पहली परिभाषा में शाब्दिक 0 पर। अब, मुझे पता है कि यदि मैं एक सूची में मनमाना वस्तु को बदलने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं, तो मुझे सूची डेटा संरचना का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहिए। यह ठीक है, क्योंकि जैसे ही मैं अपने कार्यक्रम को रिफैक्टर करने की योजना बना रहा हूं, जैसे ही मैं काम करना चाहता हूं। जहां तक ​​कंपाइलर शिकायत है, मुझे वाकई यकीन नहीं है कि हास्केल का मानना ​​है कि मैं क्यों हूं यहाँ एक प्रकार को परिभाषित करने की कोशिश कर रहा है इसके साथ कोई भी मदद की बहुत सराहना की जाएगी। जैसा कि यूज़र 2407038 ने बताया कि आपके कोड में दो सीधा समस्याएं हैं - आप पैरों को बदल रहे हैं और आप (++) के बजाय (:) का उपयोग कर सकते हैं - आप इसे इस तरह से हल कर सकते हैं: replace: : ए - & gt; इंट - & gt; [ए] - & gt; [ए] एएम 0 (एक्स: एक्सएस) = एएमए

javascript - Chrome Crashing with whitespaces in Textarea on using onClick=";" -

I am using Chrome version 38.0.2125.104 (64-bit). Which is crashed with white spots in this textarea on it. Selection () & lt; Style & gt; .custom-input {font-size: 12px; Width: 100%; Color: # 555555; }. Parent-div {white-space: nowrap; }. Child-Div Textarea {White Location: Heir; } & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Div class = "parent-div" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "child-div" & gt; & Lt; Textarea class = "md-input ng-binding" type = "text" readonly = "" onclick = " ();" Rows = "4" & gt; & Amp; Lt; Img src = "" alt = "my homepage IT, see" height = "1" width = "1" /> & Lt; / Text field & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Check for JS Bedle I know some resolution for that but I am interested in knowing the reason. Please suggest t

Python, string slicing (getting file names from a list of file locations) -

I am trying to get the file name from the list of file locations I L = ['C: \\ Design \ dw \ file4.doc', 'C: It is that the string involves skiing. \\ light \ pdf \ download \ list.doc ',' c: \\ design \ dq \ file4g.doc ',' c: \\ design \ dq \ file4r.doc ',' c : \\ Design \ Dq \ File4k.doc ',' C: \\ Design \ Dq \ ole.doc ',' C: \\ GE \ easy \ file \ os_references (9) .doc ',' C: \\ For friend \ KLO \ Market \ BIZ \ C L: B = a.split ('\') for B in \: \ cPrint ('.doc'): c.replace ('.doc', '') LL.append (c) print LL Question 1: Output is still '.doc' Question 2: What's the better way to get a file name? Thank you. The first question is that the wire is irreversible, .replace () does not modify the string in place , That is: blaize @ bolt ~ $ python> & Gt; & Gt; S = "foobar"> gt; & Gt; & Gt; S2 = s.replace ("o", "x&q

java - Spring-MVC with JSP. How to access a singleton-scoped object from a JSP page? -

A custom format bean was found in the singletons area. And want to use it in JSP page The first path: Insert the @Autowired (or @ injection) in an administrator Put the bean in the JSP context == Code == @RequestMapping (Method = RequestMethod.GET) Get Public ModelAndView () {ModelAndView Results = New ModelAndView (see " "); Result.addObject ("format", format); Return result; } The easiest way, but when this bean is needed in almost every page, it hurts. Second way: Take session-scope from bean Controller (or @ injection) controller Bean has now been stored in the semester session and we can find it in session session == code == < Code> & lt; Div & gt; $ {SessionScope.format.doSmth ()} & lt; / Div & gt; First of all, there is a need to inject beans - bean is formed only when it is injected with spring reference. Otherwise the bean will not be made and put in session. Second, my IDE does not provide syntax

yii - PHP Assign php variable into another php condition -

I know this question can be simple ... Im currently in development Yii is using the framework. My coding is: In Administrator: $ gamecat = GamesDevelopersApp :: model () - & gt; Find ($ API); $ Cat = CHtml :: Encoding ($ gamecat-> gamecat); $ Gametypeid = 'id ='; $ Gametype = GamesType :: model () - & gt; Search ($ gametypeid); I tried $ gametypeid = 'id =' $ Cat '; How can I specify $ cat to $ gametypeid = 'id = $ cat' ? Is this possible? $ gametypeid = 'id =' $ cat; $ Gametypeid = "id = $ cat"; Does it get what you want to do?

c++ - Initialisation, Copy constructor and assignment -

मेरे पास एक जटिल वर्ग है और मुख्य बात यह है: int main () {जटिल सी 1; जटिल सी 2 = सी 1; जटिल सी 3 (सी 1); जटिल सी 4; सी 4 = c1; } काम करने के लिए या सभी इन स्टेटमेंटों को जटिल कक्षा में किस कंस्ट्रक्चर की आवश्यकता होगी? और, अतिभारित असाइनमेंट या कॉपी कन्स्ट्रक्टर का उपयोग निम्न में किया जाएगा: जटिल c2 = c1; जटिल सी 3 (सी 1); जटिल c1; डिफ़ॉल्ट c-tor। जटिल c2 = c1; कॉपी c-tor। जटिल c3 (c1); कॉपी c-tor। जटिल c4; डिफ़ॉल्ट c-tor। c4 = c1; असाइनमेंट ऑपरेटर। डिफॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर को कंपाइलर द्वारा परिभाषित किया गया है, अगर आपके पास कोई अन्य कन्स्ट्रक्टर परिभाषित नहीं है (या आप बिना मापदंडों वाले कन्स्ट्रक्टर को परिभाषित कर सकते हैं)। < पी> प्रतिलिपि कन्स्ट्रक्टर और असाइनमेंट ऑपरेटर को संकलक द्वारा परिभाषित किया जाता है, यदि आप परिभाषित नहीं करते हैं।

Elasticsearch : Difference between "Range filter" and "Numeric range Filter" -

Apart from the fact that one is specifically for numerical values, how docs are executed internally : : ... Works by loading all related fields in memory and checking related docs, if they meet the boundary requirements More storage is required. : 2 performance options are: (i) index (reverse) Indicator) (ii) field data (load field data question: what's the fielddata option Range filter treats similar to numerical category filter Why is there no index option in numerical category filter ? Documents say that index performance for small categories is fast : what small was considered here If someone can explain it with an example, then actually help numeric range filter is excluded, "This filter performance mode will be removed at some point in time in favor of the range filter with the mode data." I think that " Small "is relative to the whole range of values ​​for him. "Small" means you have to define yourself thr

java - product Comparison for Affiliate site -

I am planning to create an affiliate site (price comparison site). As you all know, data (products and their information.) From different types of sites (eCom sites) plays an important role in these types of price comparison sites. I have already written scripts to scrap the data of products from the sites of my interests and work as expected. In more detail, I am ending the general parameters and am storing them in my DB. Problems here: I want a group product [similar product] from different sources that I removed from these sites. To clarify my search: Say XYZ product is sold when there are 5 different sites with some changes in its product title. I have finished data from these 5 sites and saved it in my DB, now how should I group these products in a single group effectively. So that I can show 5 different sources on one page of my site. I do not have any clue how I should move on in this. [String comparison first thought that comes to my mind but I do not

c# - Customize binaries folder in tfs 2013 - Adding configuration -

How can I force TFS 2013 to drop files in different folders based on the configuration? I want to get something like: \\ MyPath \ Release \ My Files In 2012, I wanted to add the platformConfiguration.configuration to the binaries folder in MSBuild Activity. In my 2012 MyPath \ Debug \ My Files It was possible because these activities were in a each activity, so I was able to use the existing build configuration from each , but default template in TFS 2013 For each, it is wrapped in only one parent activity. If you configure your build, in build configuration, to create one or more specific configurations, it will work similarly to 2012. mvc - Check website for IIS6 compatibility -

IIS 7.5 is installed on my local machine. I have developed and hosted an mvc 4 site and This is working fine even though IIS 6 has been installed on my server in my clients, how can I test if the site is compatible with IIS 6. Any help is appreciated.

html - Is escaping image url ok? -

I (not so) accidentally migrating my image URL for a while, and I have never Have not seen browsers For example, changing it: & lt; Img src = "" /> In: & lt; Img src = "http: & amp; # x2F; & amp; # x2f; example .com & # x2f; image.jpg" /> But I was thinking that there could be problems with it. I have left this place so far because where the image URL came from due to concern of XSS, but I can see the validity again and can not save them too .. This page is slightly Makes it more serious. . Is there any experienced problem with avoiding the image URL ..? "Avoid" you are doing that is purely at XML / HTML level, and By the time the document has been read and understood that the XML / HTML Parser is going to be avoided - before any "URL-NES" then no, there should not be any problem, but probably many There are also advantages :)

html - wordpress flat theme sidebar from left to right -

I'm using flat theme from I tried editing style.css: < Code> #page: first, .sebar-offcanvas, #secondary {float: right! Important;} But take not only on the sidebar / sidebar full on the partial and right side of the sidebar. What should I do? Add it to your CSS: #page :: First {True: 0; } and your sidebar will float on the right

standards - The alias for "Europe/Moscow" timezone is "W-SU". What does it stands for? -

जंगली अनुमान: a) "SU" सोवियत संघ के लिए है; बी) "डब्ल्यू" का मतलब पश्चिमी पूरी तरह से इंटरनेट खोज में मदद नहीं मिली।

powershell - -match several $vars in if statement -

I have this, which does not work: $ var1 = "6.0 6001 "$ var2 =" 6.1.7001 "$ var3 =" 6.2.8074 "$ var4 =" 6.3.8074 "if ($ var1 -mail" 6.1? "-or" 6.2.? "-or" 6.3. "" } {Write-host "1"} and {write-host "2"} No problem, 1 is returned thanks Thanks Run this code: "6.2.?" -or "6.3.?") {Write-host "1"} and {write-host "2"} this will also return 1 regardless of . Change your status to: if ($ v Ar1-mail "6.1 ??" or $ var1-match "6.2 ??" -or $ var1-match "6.3.?") or better than: if ($ var1 -match "6. [1-3].?")

c# - how to generate wsdl with SvcUtil? -

क्या एसएसवीसीयूटीएल या किसी अन्य उपकरण के उपयोग के साथ डब्ल्यूएसडीएल उत्पन्न करना संभव है मुझे पता है मैं सर्विस में चलने के दौरान ब्राउज़र में डब्लूएसडीएल को देख सकता हूं लेकिन मुझे एक वाईएसडीएल फाइल की आवश्यकता है जिसमें एक्सएसडी: आयात डायरेक्टिव नहीं है बल्कि इस फ़ाइल में सभी सूचनाओं को निर्दिष्ट करता है। यदि यह एक है तो आप मैन्युअल रूप से एकल WSDL फ़ाइल का निर्माण कर सकते हैं। लेकिन यह कोई मज़ा नहीं है। :) एक अन्य तरीका एक समापन बिंदु व्यवहार बनाने के लिए है पूर्ण विवरण देखें।

Adding Specific XML tags using XSLT code -

I want to add value to this input XML at the COMS level for each CDS / CD node. Grip I want this yoga to be done only for tags with id 'A' or 'B'. Under 'C' the price should not be calculated in the sum. & lt ;? XML version = "1.0"? & Gt; & Lt; Root & gt; & Lt; Cds & gt; & Lt; CD & gt; & Lt; COMS & gt; & Lt; Comp & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; & Lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; VAL & gt; 1.220 & lt; / VAL & gt; & Lt; / Comp> & Lt; Comp & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; B & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; VAL & gt; 2.220 & lt; / VAL & gt; & Lt; / Comp> & Lt; Comp & gt; & Lt; ID & gt; C & lt; / Id & gt; & Lt; VAL & gt; 5.220 & lt; / VAL & gt; & Lt; / Comp> & Lt; / COMS & gt; & Lt; / CD & gt; & Lt; / CDS & gt; & Lt; Cds & gt; & Lt; CD & gt; & Lt; COMS & gt; & Lt; C

Inno Setup - How to read from and write to an ini file? -

I am fairly new to nanotechnology and am now trying to read values ​​from .i file. I need to read the values ​​for the checked state (first true / false events in that line). AddCheckBox ('Global', '', 0, true, true, true, true, TStringList.Create); AddCheckBox ('Option1', '', 1, False, True, False, True, Testing List. Creat); AddCheckBox ('Option 2', '', 1, Truth, Truth, False, Truth, TStringList.Create); And store new values ​​after installation. Can anyone show me a snippet of code or an example, how to do it? Here's the full code: [Setup] AppName = My program is AppVerName = My program version 1.5 DefaultDirName = {pf} \ My program [files] Source: ReadMe1. Rtf; Flags: Dontakopy Source: Reed ME2. RTF; Flags: Dontakopy Source: Reed ME3. RTF; Flags: Dontakopy Source: Image1.bmp; Flags: Dontakopy Source: Image2.bmp; Flags: Dontakopy Source: Image3.bmp; Flags: Dontakopy Source: Files * DestDir: {app} \ add; Flags: Repeat

c++ - VC++ - application crashed -

I have a problem with VC ++ 2010. What do I do: Copy the new project from the debug folder Start debugging Start the debug folder Copy .exe from the debug folder Run it in XP with 3 computers - it's all right. Next: Add to Form1.h: #include ('#pragma once' under comment) - nothing else Start the debug Copy the .exe from the debug folder Run it in XP in 3 computers - it runs only on one. Net Framework is installed on every PC 4. Errors when crashes: ModName: kernel32.dll ModVer: 5.1.2600.3541 Modestamp: 49c4f7e4 fDebug: 0 Offset: 00012A6 B What could be wrong? Thanks and Regards. Check that the VC 2010 has been installed on the Radiaribetables system on which it is crashing

ios - Changing/Adding the key/parent name of a dictionary in plist -

I am trying to add a new dictionary to my plist with many names set by me in my plast (Instead of 'item 0', 'item 1' etc.) I am currently unable to work out to add a new dictionary that with name / key I want to set with an array information I pull back from server As well as the characteristics of that dictionary (string Is it possible the same information)? if so, how? thanks a lot. Edit: This is my plast, I want to insert a completely new dictionary, in the same format, as with the other dictionaries of the Plist, key / name I am pulling back from the dictionary taken from the information and also setting some of the features of this information. Sorry, I need 10 reps to add images. Resolve this problem and use the dictionary with objects and keys By the end, it was quite straight forward: NSMutableDictionary * nameDictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; [NameDictionary setValue: build for appDelegate.Key: @ "location"]; [Nomination

php - How to make links in Search bar go to a different page? -

I currently have a somewhat active search bar and it works the way I want, I Was thinking that it is possible to add links to different items? Anything else in redirect is still in 'session.php'. I am able to illustrate if someone searches for 'Home', then I am able to display the results and then the user can click on 'Home.php' ? Thanks! Search.php code: & lt ;? Php // --- Authentication code starts here --- session_start (); // Check if login session is true (!! ($ _ session ['ass_user']) (header ("location: index.php");} $ Username = $ _SESSION ['sess_user']; // --- The certification code ends here ---? & Gt; link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "../css / style1.css" & gt; & lt; php mysql_connect ("Localhost", "root", "") or die ("error connecting to database:". Mysql_error ()); mysql_select_db ("aha") or die (mysql

Shared Libs on Linux: why does the dynamic linker run in user context? -

Reading I was strange (for my understanding) that the applications using shared libraries are loaded in two steps. <<> "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Firstly Kernel loads the image of applications, then it adds the dynamic link-loader binary to the address space and gives control to it. The dynamic linkar loader runs in user space, it is believed that it is within the time frame of the application and pulls it into the rest of the code or links the context of the preloaded shared object. Was this idea (i.e. to restrict runtime consumption), why such a complex plan was chosen? Why was such a complex plan chosen? Because it is less complex than the option. Specifically, it allows the development of GLIBC and Dynamic Loader without rebooting, allowing it to keep more than one version of the GLIBC loader simultaneously on the same system, and it will allow GLIBC to Stay together with other libc implementations (which will have their own dynamic

c# - Is it possible to give an attribute a variable text? -

मेरे पास एक वैकल्पिक त्रुटि पाठ के साथ एक विशेषता है जैसे: [DoubleRangeCheck (2.0 , 10.0, त्रुटि संदेश = "त्रुटि पर दिखाए गए पाठ")] अब मैं त्रुटि संदेश को स्थानीय बनाना चाहता हूं, इसलिए मैंने कोशिश की [DoubleRangeCheck (2.0 , 10.0, ErrorMessage = Properties.Resources.MsgLocalisedError]] लेकिन मुझे एक कंपाइलर त्रुटि मिलती है जिसमें कहा गया है कि विशेषता स्थिर होना चाहिए। त्रुटि CS0182: एक विशेषता तर्क एक निरंतर अभिव्यक्ति, प्रकार की अभिव्यक्ति या एक विशेषता पैरामीटर प्रकार की सरणी निर्माण अभिव्यक्ति होना चाहिए क्या यह संभव नहीं है, या क्या मुझे कुछ याद आ रही है? मैं एक विशेषता के लिए एक पाठ पैरामीटर को कैसे स्थानांतरित कर सकता हूं? गुणक, संकलक राज्यों के रूप में, केवल निरंतर मानों के संदर्भ में व्यक्त किया जा सकता है - वे अनिवार्य रूप से सीरियल किए गए हैं और मेटाडेटा में संग्रहीत हैं। हालांकि, उन्हें उप-वर्गीकरण के द्वारा उन्हें स्थानांतरित करने के लिए अक्सर संभव है, और उपवर्ग को उस बहुत उद्देश्य के लिए उजागर कुछ आभासी विधि को ओवरराइड कर रहा है।

Ansible loop over variables -

I am using the responsible for updating the configuration of the newly added NIC for which I have different yml file Some variables are defined in /tmp/ip.yml # Interface Interface 1: Ath 1 bootproof1: Fixed IP address 1 : 1982.168.211.249 Netmask 1: Gateway: 1 9 02.168 211.2 DNS1: #second Interface Interface 2: AT2 bootproof2: Static IP address 2: Netmask 2: Playbook - include_vars: /tmp/ip.yml-name: Configuring Interface Lineline File: State = Create = Yes dest = / etc / Sysconfig / network-scripts / ifcfg - {{interface1}} regexp = "{{item (Regexp: '^ BOOTPROTO =. *', Line: 'BOOTPROTO = {{interface1}}'} - {regexp: '^ IPADDR = . * ', Line:' ipadrr = {{ipaddress1} '} - {regexp:' ^ NETMASK =. * ', Line:' netmask = {{netmask 1}} '} - {regexp:' ^ gate = * ', Line:' GATEWAY = {{gateway}} '} - {regexp:' ^ PEERDNS =. * ', Line:' PEERDNS = no '

ios - How can i implement the same behaviour as in cluster pattern by apple (NSString and NSCFString) -

मैं परीक्षण प्रयोजन के लिए बस निम्नलिखित कोड लिख रहा हूं: NSString * aStr = [ [NSString alloc] initWithFormat: @ "Foo"]; एएसटीआर = [एएसटीटी इनटविथ फॉर्मेट: @ "बार"]; // यहां क्रैश हो गया मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है: *** प्रारंभिकरण विधि - InitWithFormat: लोकेल: तर्क: वर्ग के एक सार वस्तु को नहीं भेजा जा सकता __NSCFString: एक ठोस उदाहरण बनाएँ! अगर मैं निम्नलिखित कोड लिखता हूं तो ऐसा ही होता है NSString * aStr = [NSString alloc]; AStr = [aStr initWithFormat: @ "Foo"]; AStr = [aStr initWithFormat: @ "बार"]; // यहाँ दुर्घटनाग्रस्त Google से मुझे पता चला कि initWithFormat वापस NSCFString ऑब्जेक्ट वापस करेगा। मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि यदि NSCFString को NSString वर्ग से प्राप्त किया गया है, तो मैं initWithFormat विधि को NSCFString पर क्यों नहीं ला सकता? यदि दृश्यता को रोकना संभव है तो मैं कोड में बिना किसी कोड को कैसे लागू कर सकता हूँ NSCFString (डिवाइटेड क्लास)। सरल शब्द में यदि NSCFString NSString तो क्यों मैं उस आधार

java - GSON: Is there any way to return 2 different date formats while marshalling -

Gsonbuilder.setDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-dd एचएच: मिमी: एसएस") जोड़ रहा है केवल 00:00:00 तारीख के लिए फ़ील्ड क्या इस व्यवहार को ओवरराइड करने का कोई तरीका है क्योंकि आवश्यकता को समय के साथ ही तिथि के साथ ही तारीख को दिखाना है। यदि आप "दिनांक" को java.util.Date को परिभाषित करते हैं, तो घंटे, मिनट और सेकंड शून्य के बराबर होते हैं, और "दिनांक के साथ दिनांक" एक दिनांक जहां वे हैं नहीं। आप उस तरह कुछ कर रहे हैं: जीएसएन्यूबिल्डर बिल्डर = नया जीएसएनबिल्डर (); Builder.registerTypeAdapter (Date.class, नया CustomDateJsonSerializer ()); के साथ CustomDateJsonSerializer इस तरह से परिभाषित: सार्वजनिक वर्ग CustomDateJsonSerializer JsonSerializer & lt; तिथि & gt ;, JsonDeserializer & lt; दिनांक & gt; {निजी स्थिर अंतिम समयक्षेत्र UTC_TIME_ZONE = टाइमज़ोन.गेट टाइम ज़ोन ("यूटीसी"); निजी स्थिर अंतिम पैटर्न DATE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile ("\\ d {4} - \\ d {2} - \\ d {2}"); निजी स्थिर अंतिम पैटर्न DATE_TIME_PATTERN = Patte

cocoa touch - What are the numbers in the square brackets in NSLog() output? -

What's the content between the [] in the log message below? I get it in my iPhone app, and I do not know where the message comes from. My first estimate will be a line number, but who will this file be? 2010-10-19 08: 56: 12.006 Encore [376: 679] The first number is the process ID, the second is the Mac port of the logging thread. A desktop example: 2010-10-19 17: 37: 13.189 NC_Init [28617: AF] NC & Lt; CFNotificationCenter 0x10010d170 [0x7fff70d96f20] & gt; - Default & lt; CFNotificationCenter 0x10010d2a0 [0x7fff70d96f20] & gt; (GDB) current status in thread 1 "Wait" Mac port # 0xa0f (GDB Port # 0x4203) Frame 0: Main () is on NC_IITM: 10 Pathrad ID: 0x7fff70ebfc20 System-wide Unique thread ID: 0x167b49 Remittance queue name: "" sending queue flags: 0x0 total user time: 13232000 total system time: 16099000 enhanced CPU usage Percentage: 0 Scheduling policy effect: 0x1 runs state: 0x3 (waiting) Flags: 0x0 sec

jQuery - Close iFrame Popup from within (close parent from within child) -

/ P> & lt; Div id = "iframe popup" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "content" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Button id = "popit" & gt; Show & lt; / Button & gt; JQuery ('# iframePopup'). BPopup ({content: 'jquery' ('# popIt'). Iframe ', contentcontainer:'. Content ', loadUrl:' http: // ', Opacity: 0.4, iframeAttr :(' scrolling = "Yes" '}});}); It works fine, but if I click on a particular button in the IFrame, then it should be able to close the popup. Close popup with Bipop Docs / API State I: jQuery ('# close-btn'). Click (function () {var bPopup = jQuery ('# iframePopup'). BPopup (); bPopup.close ();}); But this only works when the button is on the HTML page, not in the iframe. How can I target #iframePopup from within the iframe?

vba - List all instances of the "Heading 1" style -

I'm trying to list every example of the "Heading 1" style within my document (in the end, In the blanket The following code appears to find examples of "Heading 1", because the correct number of entries listed in the instant window, but .text nothing returned What am I doing wrong? Thank you. Blund as BlindFound Do not slow me as this document with integer i = 1. Search .Style = "Top 1" blnFound =. If exaggeration check blnFound then Print I & amp; "" & Amp; < I do not believe you have the item The text property selection contains a text image. Try it: Sub FindHeadings () 'October 28, 2014 Dim BlnFull as Setting Boolean Dim I set the' I = I 'integral search criteria Homecanet: = wdStory selection. With ClearFormatti selection Ng Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles ("Heading 1"). Choose. Find out Text = "" .install. Text = "" .pad = wdFindContinue .form = true .Matc mvc - DNOA Errors only on Live Production Servers -

I have a problem in the login process which is only on the live server which is very strange to solve this issue. I am also a little worried I think this is why it is only on the live server, as well as the problem. I have three examples of the system, I am developing in Visual Studio and using ISExpress for Dev and debugging, I have a wrong "staging" example that I have a local SSL protected IIS web site And then I have a live production environment of the web hosting company in a virtual dedicated server. I only is an OAuth protected app hosted in a separate IIS site on an MVC4 web site and server in the site. The problem When the logging process has to be entered on the production site, then the user shows twice on the login screen. One click login has been logged properly by the user again. DNOA error message DotNetOpenAuth.Messaging.ProtocolException: Unexpected OAuth authorization response with callback and client received state that does not match

jqGrid row selected but not highlighted -

I want to select and deselect a row multiple times. My code is so far: ( last selected is a global var ): first selection Do: Function (id) {if (lastSelected! == id) {grid setSelection (ID); Final selected = id; Return; } And {grid.reset selection (ID); Final selected = faucet; }} The code works fine, but the row is highlighted only after the first click. Click the second time to highlight it and when I click it next time, and it is clicked after 3 times, 5th, then it is undeclared ... it behaves like the ones (I have Modal is the row that is selected, then the crop occurs), but is not highlighted. without grid.getSelection (id) This will not be highlighted at all, but it is still working as though it was selecting and unselecting. It looks like the main error in your code first select return If the value is not returned to << code> false , the standard processing will continue and the line you previously selected from the setSelection is to be uns

Swift/Objective c - rotate/spin CAShapeLayer on the spot -

I'm trying to animate / spin a circle around I have to try, but full Moving on the screen .. I do not need to move it, I need to spin at the place Let's Circle Layer: CashPlayer! \ Method out vlet rotate = CABasic animation (Home: "transform.rotation.z") rotate.fromValue = float (0.0) Gumaagiktol = float (2.0 * M_PI) rotate Rotate .duration = 1.0. Revolution = true is rotate.repeatCount = 1 rotate.removedOncompletion = false rotate.fillMode = kCAFillModeForward Circle Layer. AddAnimation (rotate for: to "transform.rotation.z": "transform.rotation.z") Any idea why running and spinning / rotating on the spot to do? solution found, I just rotate the same scene with different animation: UIView.animateWithDuration (0.95, delay: 0.0 options: UIViewAnimationOptionskCurveLinear, Animation: {() - & gt; zero self .circleView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation (self.sumer)}, perfection: zero) Enjoy

java - Reverse engineering image crop and resize -

I have two images, a high resolution image. BA has a narrow low resolution version. I need a library or library set which can allow me to search for crops + Change the size of the information given to these two images. There is a pseudo code to help explain the scenario: cropped-cins = searchCop (original image a, loras imageb) There will be a bonus, if the library Jvm! Use OpenCV to help you: Here's OpenCV in Java :

php - Config Zotero Server -

I want to run according to the Zotero data server In the installation of the Zotero Data Server step, I get the command $ sudo ./test_reset and it is successful to reset me to now run ./test_setup when I run this command $ Sudo ./test_setup This shows this error PHP malignant error: line in the class 'Z_CONFIG' /srv/http/ZoteroDataServer/include/ Not found in 91 and this is my server php -v PHP 5.5.9-1 Ubuntu4.4 (created: September 4, 2014 06:56:34) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 PHP Group Zend Engine v2.5.0, Copyright (C) 1998-2014 Zed OCACH v7.0.3 with Z Technologies, Copyright (C) 1999-2014, by Jade Technologies What can I do to resolve the problem? You have to modify config / and "& lt; \?" Let's change the first line. "& Lt; \? Php" (include here to bypass html parsing in StackOverflow) ... then you need to modify and set the password correctly for mysql, Make sure to &

javascript - swfobject video (embedded YouTube) overrides z-index in Safari staying on top no matter what -

मैंने इसे wmode: अपारदर्शी जोड़कर और swfobject का उपयोग करते हुए इसे अन्य ब्राउज़रों पर हल किया है वेब के आधुनिक पक्ष पर बने रहने के लिए सफ़ारी अभी भी सब कुछ के ऊपर इसे प्रस्तुत करता है क्यों? & lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Var url = '', atts = {id: "ytplayer"}, पैराम्स = {allowScriptAccess: "हमेशा", wmode: 'opaque', rel: 0, सक्षमजस्पी: 1}; Swfobject.embedSWF (url,, "640", "390", "9.0.0", रिक्त, रिक्त, पैरामीटर, एटीटी); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "youTube" & gt; & Lt; div id = "ytplayer" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; ध्यान दें कि मैंने संबंधित को देखा है; लेकिन यह प्रश्न फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स-विशिष्ट है, और मैंने वास्तव में उस प्रश्न का स्वीकार किए गए उत्तर को कोई भाग्य के साथ करने की कोशिश नहीं की है। < P> wmode यूआरएल में पहला विकल्प होना चाहि

android - Handle 500 internal server error while sending SMS using twilio in PHP -

I am using Twilio sdk to send SMS in my PHP based application, I have an array of phone numbers And to send an SMS in each loop in the loop ..... The problem is that if there is an invalid number then the loop is running, then the TileLio API returns 500 internal server error and this loop Prevents the remaining number in the array without trying to send SMS. This is the code I want to send an SMS to: public function sendSMSAction {$ userphones} {foreach ($ user $ $ as $ User_phone) {$ message = 'Thank you for coming'; $ This- & gt; Twiliosms ($ user_phone, $ message); }} Private Function twiliosms ($ phone_num, $ message) {Requires Mage :: getBaseDir () "/ Twilio-php-master / services / twilio.php"; $ Accountseed = "XXXXXXX"; $ AUuthToken = "XXXXXXX"; $ Client = new service OtvVyVali ($ accountseed, $ AUTHToken); {$ Message = $ client- & gt; Account-> Message-> Create (Arrays ("from" = "gtc:" + 1XXXXXXX

python 2.7 - How should I have one process blocked until another process writes a line to a file? -

I have a process (AGCP) that receives the data and writes them a file and sends data to the other process. When agoxyip is started, then it should produce some output immediately. I want to block the main process unless the first row of output is displayed by the exgp in the file. I'm checking that the file is written in the first row while comparing the status of the file, but they are always the same. So I got stuck in the loop. Why does this happen rvListen_AGX = "tibrvlisten -service" + agxService + "-network" + agxNetwork + "-daemon" + domain agxf = open (self.AGX_logFileName, 'mou') agxstat = os.stat (self.AGX_logFileName) agxp = subprocess.Popen (rvListen_AGX.split (), stdout = agxf, bufsize = 0) while os.stat (self.AGX_logFileName) == agxstat: Print os.stat agxstat print (self.AGX_logFileName) stxf .flush () sleep (0.1) to wait for hair to process your Stdaut for Writes a line in and save the child's standout in a fil

c# - How I can use Global.asax for storing the authentication for separate user? -

मैंने global.asax में एक स्थिर वैरिएबल बना दिया है सार्वजनिक स्थिर सदस्य प्रबंधक। सदस्य _CurrentUser ; मेरे लिए समस्या यह अन्य अनुरोध के साथ साझा की जाती है (अन्य उपयोगकर्ता प्रमाणीकरण चोरी कर सकता है अगर वे किसी दूसरे के समान समय पर ब्राउज़ करते हैं)। मैं इस कोड को अन्य अनुरोध के साथ साझा न करके कैसे ठीक कर सकता हूं। इसे अनुरोध करने से पहले और रिक्त अनुरोध के बाद सदस्य को साफ़ करने के लिए मैं थिंग को ठीक करने के लिए। this.BeginRequest + = ClearMember; This.AuthorizeRequest + = MvcApplication_AuthorizeRequest; यह। एंडरिवेट + = साफ़ मेम्बर; शून्य ClearMember (ऑब्जेक्ट प्रेषक, EventArgs ई) {_CurrentUser = new MemberManager.Member (); } अनुरोध करने और अनुरोध की शुरुआत के बाद इसे हटाकर काम करने के लिए मुझे कुछ भी नहीं है। मैं अनिश्चित हूँ कि यह काम करेगा कोई यह सुनिश्चित कर सकता है कि वह काम करेगा मैं अनुरोध के बीच मेरी वर्तमान उपयोगकर्ता चर को साझा नहीं करना चाहता था। क्या यह कोड इसे काम करता है या नहीं। इस के लिए स्थिर फ़ील्ड का उपयोग न करें स्टैटिक क्लास फ़ील्ड सभ

regex - Processing text of SQL script -

I want to develop tools which will cover SQL scripts - all special words and commands (select, join , From, etc.). Upper lower; Add square brackets; And some other things (yes,) I'm going to implement it as an extension of my IDE or external device - I have not been decided yet. I was going to split a script from spaces, brackets, commas, and periods - different words - and check each word to match the keyword. If it matches - then capitalize the word / lowercase by the settings-if not, then leave it. But then I thought it could be another solution. I'm RegEx (Unfortunately I do not know much about it). I think this will work more efficiently and so it will be more like. Is RegEx the best way to achieve my goal? Or is my initial approach also reasonable? Is there any other way? P.S. I know that similar devices already exist. And if you share them I would appreciate it. But I want to implement my own tool for self-education reasons.

shell - Bash: Reading variables containing single or double words from a file -

I'm trying to read the content of a file using the whip v4.1.x in the input file May look like: 1373232436 785907701 "ABC 245" 0 1 1373232436 1048824909 "DEFPCR" 1 1373232486 785907701 "UVUHN" 0 1 1373232486 1048824909 "110 9xyz" 1 0 If I cat & lt; Filename & gt; | , Then read col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 ... ... done I should get 3 basic values ​​ "Abc 245" "def pqr" "uvw ghn" "110 9xyz" while reading-R line; [[$ $ Line = ~ ^ (*. *) \ (. *) \ (\ ". * *" \). (* * * * *]] Col1 = $ {BASH_REMATCH [1]} col2 = $ {BASH_REMATCH [2]} col3 = $ {BASH_REMATCH [3]} col4 = $ {BASH_REMATCH [ 4]} col5 = $ {BASH_REMATCH [5]} did & lt; File.txt

ios - Using GLKMath from GLKit in Swift -

So I am using a book called iOS Game by Tutorial from Ray Wenderlich and using some objective code I was trying to make a character's accelerometer control in my game work, but instead of Objective-C, I want to use Swift to try to create a var of GLK vector 3 in a problem Ran away A represents 3D vector when I type: var raw: GLKVector3 = GLKVector3Make (irrelevant content) I get the following error: Use the module as GLKVector3 type. I have an import at the top of my swift file for GLKit: import GLKit Any ideas I have How do I get the functionality of GLKMath files to be used in the program? Swift added union support in version 1.2 Imported unions in the field are read-only, even if It has been declared with var , but the C function can be passed further. Release notes for Swift 1.2 mean that the fields may not be accessible at all, but they are still readable for at least the GLKit type: / P> Swift can now import partially unions, a setfield with b

internet explorer - Javascript window.scrollTo Behavior On Different Browsers -

I am facing a problem with scroll to function when there is a dir = rtl feature in my body here Is for. HTML: window.scrollTo (-200, 0); & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body dir = "rtl" & gt; & Lt; Div width = "100%" style = "width: 3000px; height: 200px; overflow: hidden" & gt; & Lt; Div style = "width: 1000px; height: 100px; range: 2px solid black; display: inline-block" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div style = "width: 1000px; height: 100px; range: 2px solid red; display: inline-block" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Window.scrollTo (-200, 0); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; If I pass a positive value for the xpos parameter, then it normally works on IE (type) it scrolls to the right of the screen for the amount of 20

python - NumPy vs Cython - nested loop so slow? -

How I am confused how NumPy for 3D array is much slower than nested loop Cython I wrote trivial example. Was there. Import Python / MPI version: as np def my_func (a, b, c): z = xrange for z (401): xrange (401) for x: xrange (401) for x: if a [z, y, x] == 0 and b [x, y, z] & gt; = 0: c [z, y, x] = 1b [z, y, x] = z * y * xs + = 1 return b = np.zeros ((401,401,401), dtype = np.float32) b = np .zeros ((401,401,401), dtype = Np.uint32) c = np.zeros ((401,401,401), dtype = np.uint8) s = my_func (a, b, c) Sithonized version: NP Simon Sethon @ cython.boundscheck as Simply P.P. (wrong) @ cython.wraparound (False) def my_func (np.float32_t [:,:, :: 1] A, np.uint32_t [:,:,:: 1] b, np.uint8_t [:,:,, :: 1] c): border for CDF np.uint16_t z, y, x cdef np.uint32_t s = 0 In range (401): For range y (401): For the range in range (401): If a [z, y, x] == 0 and b [x, y, z] & gt; = 0: c [z, y, x] = 1b [z, y, x] = z * y * xs = s + 1 return s my_func () The synthesized version of run

linux - PostgreSQL to MySQL conversion of large tables -

I need to convert a table from PostgreSQL to MySQL. The size of the table is 5.2GB . I am doing it on the workspace, but after some 3minutes I get errors like the following. HY001: 14: Out of memory to allocate the item buffer. I tried to change innodb_log_file_size, innodb_log_buffer_size, query_cache_size, key_buffer_size and some other variables, but none. Can anyone help me do this? Is there any other conversion tool to do this? If I also solve the above error then it would be great. The problem is that running out of the workspace is not only memory and databases. I will try any other tool like

uiviewcontroller - Instantiating and pushing view controller programmatically with custom initializer swift -

I want to present a detailed view controller in much like faster go to detailController = MyDetailUIViewController (nibName: "MyDetailUIViewController", Bundle: NSBundle.mainBundle (), Data: MyData)? Self.navigationController .pushViewController (detailController, animated: true) The issue I am doing is how to write my initiator for MyDetailViewController: class MyDetailUIViewController: UIViewController {Private data on: MyData init (nibName nibNameOrNil: string !, bundle nibBundleOrNil: NSBundle !, Data: MyData) { = data super.init (nibName: nibNameOrNil, bundle: nibBundleOrNil)} required init ( Coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {super.init (coder: aDecoder)} An error I'm getting my data Property has not been started on super intra call. Can anyone explain how I can complete it? I'm sure that I can make my data assets optional and pass that in after the initialization, but there is definitely a way to do this work. After the If you declare your

c# - Error during deserialize JSON windows phone 8 -

I have an API that got the JSON code returns: [{ "STARTDATE": 1409553000000, "ENDDATE": 1409570100000, "moduleCode": "# SPLUS0EBB2C", "activityDescription": "user interface design (Tjuna)", "staffMembers": [], "location": [{ "id": "E404A902125255D3330455204193CC29" "name": "HAA-H1-21", "key": "14124", "potential": 24, "url": null, "avoidConcurrencyLocationIds": []}], "studentSets": [ "INF3s", "INF4a"], "ActivityTypeName" "other" "ActivityTypeDescription": null, "Note": null, "highlights": false, "timetableKeys": [ "! 2013 studentsetgroup 9EEA55042B995043A2BC5739BF428E07"]}] < / Pre> I deserialize this code: RespondObject = Wait on JsonConvert.DeserializeObjectAsync & LT; Apicalls.Rooster & gt; (J

html - Bootstrap 3: Header creates horizontal scroll -

सबसे पहले यहाँ लिंक है: HTML कोड: & lt ; हैडर आईडी = "हेडर -10" & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & lt;! - /.header-10-top - & gt; & Lt;! - मुख्य नेविगेशन - & gt; & Lt; div class = "header-10-main" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "कंटेनर" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "पंक्ति" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "हेडर -10-लोगो कोले-एलजी-3 को-एमडी -3 को-एसएम-3" & gt; & Lt; a href = "#" & gt; & lt; img src = "img / logo.png" alt = "होम 10 मुख्य लोगो" & gt; & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & lt;! - /.header-10-logo - & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "हेडर -10-एनओयूएल-एलजी-9 कर्नल-एमडी -9 कर्नल-एसएम-9" & gt; & Lt; nav class = "navbar navbar-10 नेविगेशन -10" भूमिका = "नेविगेशन" & gt; & Lt; उल onClick = "" class = "zetta-menu zm- प्रतिक्रिया-स्विच zm-effect-slide-top" & gt; &a

for loop - Bulk rename files ascending in number -

I have a file named 5000.swf and one of the .swf files in another folder The group is random name now I want to change the name of each file in the folder with random names (for example word.swf 5001.swf to otherword.swf to 5002.swf and so on. Is it possible with .sh script? This is a method using BASH: # ! / Bin / sh counter = "$ (Basename /path/to/file/5000.swf" .swf ")" for I /path/to/random/files/*.swf; Switch to ((counter ++)) MV "$ i" "$ counter.swf"; a

javascript - Show list of co-ordinates in google map using geolocation in html5 -

For a small school project, I need something like this Bella So I created a html file test.html and added all the code of Bella below. But when I open the html page in the browser, I do not get any output. How can I make this work? Thanks in advance. & lt; Div id = "map" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; Var map; Var elevator; Var myOptions = {Zoom: 12, center: new google.maps.LatLng (-33.950198, 151.25 9 302), map type EID: 'terrain'}; Map = new google.maps.Map ($ ('# map') [0], myOptions); Var marker = []; Var Beach = [['Bondi Beach', -33.890542, 151.274856, 4], ['Kogi Beach', -33.923036, 151.25 9 52, 5], ['Cronula Beach', -34.02824 9, 151.157507, 3], ['Manly Beach', -33.80010128657071, 151.28747820854187, 2], ['Maroubra Beach', -33.950198, 151.259302, 1]]; Var range = new google.maps.LatLngBounds (); For (in beaches x) {var data = beaches [x]; Console.log (data) var lat = be

detect when youtube video ends - javascript - not working -

I have youtube video db (URL only) i are in this form: < / P> Now, I have to find out that when the video is over and there is something more to show in place of the video container. I tried these steps: 1 The above YouTube URL has been changed to: 2 Videopage.html Added this JS code to var player; Function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady () {Warning ('API ready!'); Player = new YT.Player ('player', {event: {'ontet change': onplayerstate change}}); } // When PlayerSteet Changes (Event) ends on the video {if ( === 0) {Warning ('done'); }} but I am not "API is getting ready!" and "done" alert. What am I doing wrong? It was easy: var tag = document.createElement ( 'Script'); Tag src = ""; Var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; FirstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore (tag, firstScriptTag); Var player; YouTube IFr

c++ - assignment operator by value not compiling with explicit copy constructor -

I want to understand that the correct parameter type should be used in a clear copy constructor (Co.). As defined below, the assignment code will not compile, using "clear". Generates assignment lines in the main: 'No matching constructor for initialization of CCAT' Removing "clear" from the first copy constructor fixes the problem, but I do not understand Why Is the compiler obviously doing some subtle underlying molding? Class CCat: Public Candidate {Public: Clear CCAT (string name, UIT noelgs, bull fur, bull house, string breed); Clear CCAT (Constant CCuit and Oktat): Canmil (Old Cat) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "\ NCCat :: CCAT (Const. CCAT and Old Cat) \ n"; } Clear CCAT (CCAT and Old Cat): Canmil (Old Cat) {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "\ Nexplicit CCAT :: CCAT (CCAT and old cats) \ n"; } ~ Cecity (); CCAT & amp; Operator = (ccat old cats) {//. Assignment content return * This; }}; Int main (int argc, const

rust - Creating a new &str -

I want to map on a vector of strings so that it can be repeated to other values: let's v = vec! ["Str1", "str2", "str3", "str4"] race = v.map_in_place (| x | x + "__") / error: binary operation `+` can not be applied to type ` & Amp; Str Note that I do not need Change x , give me a New & Str by adding a new string to x . How can I do this? Before you x to string before You can do + , like x.to_string () + "__" , but there is another problem with your code: V type Vec & lt; & Amp; Str & gt; and map_in_place the type of type expects the size (and alignment) of the original size, and the and str size string < / Code>, so it fails in sequence -. There are several possible changes to this task: If you really want to use map_in_place , then you v < / Code> can be declared: let's v = vec! ["Str1" .to_string (), "str2" .to_stri