
Showing posts from March, 2014

sql - Update table from query results -

मेरे पास एक क्वेरी है जो विभिन्न टेबल से डेटा प्राप्त करता है: qry_Values ​​(Rem_ID, Value ) और एक तालिका: tbl_reem (Rem_ID, value, other_value) मैं कैसे अद्यतन कर सकता हूं tbl_Rem.Value के साथ qry_Values.Value (जहां Rem_ID s मैच) SQL का उपयोग कर रहा है? मैंने सोचा था कि यह जैसे कुछ हो: UPDATE tbl_Rem INNER जुड़ें qry_Values ​​पर tbl_Rem.Rem_ID = qry_Values.Rem_ID SET tbl_Rem.Value = qry_Values.Value लेकिन यह अद्यतन कर रहा है tbl_reem संपादित करें मैं बेवकूफ हो गया है: क्वेरी के रूप में मुझे उम्मीद के अनुरूप नहीं चल रहा था और वह अतिरिक्त Rem_ID s लौटा रहा था जिस पर मैंने उठाया नहीं था! जैसा कि मेरे प्रश्न में संपादित करें में बताया गया है, यह मुद्दा मेरे update क्वेरी से नहीं था, बल्कि इसके साथ मेरा qry_Values ​​ क्योंकि यह बहुत अधिक रिकॉर्ड वापस कर रहा था क्योंकि मुझे कोई शामिल होना याद था मैंने खरोंच से qry_Values ​​ पुनर्निर्माण के द्वारा त्रुटि को देखा, और यह जो मैंने लापता था उसे हाइलाइट किया।

Counting number of vowels in a string in Python -

ठीक है, तो मैंने जो किया था def countvowels (st): result = st गिनती ( "एक") + st.count ( 'ए') + st.count ( "e") + st.count ( 'ई') + st.count ( "मैं") + st.count ( "मैं" ) + St.count ("o") + st.count ("ओ") + st.count ("u") + st.count ("यू") रिटर्न परिणाम यह काम करता है (मुझे पता है कि इस पोस्ट में गलत संकेत हो सकता है, लेकिन जिस तरह से मैंने इसे अजगर में दबाया है, यह काम करता है)। क्या ऐसा करने का एक बेहतर तरीका है? Loops के लिए प्रयोग? मैं कुछ ऐसा करूँगा def countvowels (एसटी): रिटर्न लेन ((सी के लिए सी में सी 'एलईईओ' में) सी) कम

jquery - To get Server's date and time to client machine -

I have 4-5 client machines and a server I want server date and time, but the customer's date and time No. If I need the customer's date and time then I could use DateTime.Now in jQuery in C # and var date = new date (). But I do not want it to be the server's date and time that I'm using jQuery or webservices or mvc. string URL = ""; System.Net.HttpWebRequest rq2 = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest) System.Net.WebRequest.Create (URL); System.Net.HttpWebResponse res2 = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse) rq2.GetResponse (); Date time date = date time Purse (res2.Headers ["date"]); Now, you can get server side date and time in your datetime variable

android - packageInfo.versionCode always return 1 -

If I change Manifest.xml from version 1 to 2, then Package Infocationcode always returns 1. I want to go back to 2, where should I fix it? Incidentally, packageInfo.versionName returns 1.0 in this case. PackageManager packageManager = getContext (). GetPackageManager (); Try {PackageInfo packageInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo (getContext). GetPackageName (), PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIES); DB_VERSION = packageInfo.versionCode; Logs. V ("b", "+ + packageInfo.versionName");} hold (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace ();} V ("a", "+ + package" Code> Manifest.xml & nbsp; Manifest xmlns: android = "" package = " Com.example "android: versionCode =" 2 "Android: versionName =" 1.1 "& gt; Change PackageInfo package INFO = packageManager.getPackageInfo (GetContext (). GetPackageName (), PackageManager.GET_ACTIVITIE

What are the current downsides of gradle? -

What are the current downsides of Gradel? I am researching different build tools but I have not seen anything to indicate problems with Gradal till October 2014. I have seen a few things that the grader user is on the bleeding edge. Is it still true or have Gradell reached the decent point of maturity? (As far as I know, in case of ide integration this can be more mature than others). Finding "Why not use gradle" really does not help and helps people "problem with shield" (more than one) shows that the equipment is compared and new people have compared it There is no listing of Gradal's defect. In fact, graderl is not being used except for lgdxx projects, I still can not confirm the issues present in the old comparison, but it seems like they do not. The problem I have seen can be that it is "slow". If the slowness is really an issue, please tell what is slow and what effect I and one more fair downside is that people have to learn to use it. T

java - Creating a thread via implementing runnable interface -

A thread can be created through implementing runnables implemented the public class program Does Runnable {public Zero Run} {System.out.println ("Thread in progress"); } Public static zero main (string arguments []) {program p1 = new program (); New thread (P1). Start (); // We can also use (new thread (new program). Start ();}} Is one like the other? program p1 = new program (); new thread (p1) .start (); // If the thread and the next thread share the same runnable frequency / share, they also share areas of the level of the level, thus one of them can change the status of the new thread (P1). Start (); // also Can use Start (); // This creates a new example of the program / runnab, so it does not share the same object.

sql - How to get distinct logins for particular month in MYSQL? -

I have data in a way: User edit log in_mail 2 login 1 2 Login 1 2 Login 1 5 Login 3 5 Login 3 9 Login 7 9 Login 7 I need output as a unique login per month: Userid action login_month2 can login 1 5 login 3 9 login 7 Can someone please suggest solutions in mysql? try it choose different from login *; This will complete your work.

sending mail using java from pc to mobile -

अंतिम स्ट्रिंग उपयोगकर्ता नाम = "& lt; mail_name & gt;"; अंतिम स्ट्रिंग पासवर्ड = "& lt; पासवर्ड & gt;"; गुण प्रोप = नया गुण (); Props.put ("mail.smtp.auth", "true"); Props.put ("mail.smtp.starttls.enable", "true"); Props.put ("", ""); Props.put ("mail.smtp.port", "465"); सत्र सत्र = सत्र.गेट इन्स्टेंस (सहारा, नया javax.mail.Authenticator () {सुरक्षित पासवर्डअधिकरण getPasswordAuthentication ()} नया पासवर्डअथिकेशन (उपयोगकर्ता नाम, पासवर्ड);}}); प्रयास करें {संदेश संदेश = नया MimeMessage (सत्र); Message.setFrom (नया इंटरनेट एड्रेस ("& lt; mail_from & gt; @")); Message.setRecipients (Message.RecipientType.TO, InternetAddress.parse ("& lt; mail_to & gt; @")); Message.setSubject ("टेस्ट विषय"); message.setText ( "टेस्ट"); Transport.send (संदेश); Println ( "पूर्ण&qu

javascript - Set Latitude and Longitude Parameters using Google Api -

im start to get javascript, api and so on. I'm trying to use the Google Maps API with some JavaScript, so my main idea was to create a button with the stored latitude and underlined values ​​to display in the map, but there is a hard time passing through the parameters of the IM. This is my code so far & lt; Script & gt; Function Load () {var mapOpt = {center: new google.maps.LatLng (, Zoom: 5, Map Typied: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP}; Var map = new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById ("googleMap"), mapOpt); & Lt; / Script & gt; As you can see, I am trying to pass the stored latitude and the LAN to work, how can I do this? If you want your function to provide different locations, then I think it's a Parameter function load (latitude, LNG) and then center: new google.maps.LatLng (latitude, LNG), see:

ios - Can hook +[NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration:delegate:delegateQueue:] but calling %orig gives "unrecognized selector" -

This is bothering me that I have no problem with the class methods on NSURLConnection Bent, but I have been configured with + [NSURL session session]: Representative Qi:] . I also tried class_copyMethodList (object_getClass ([NSURLSession class]), and entering all class methods with counting; and class method is actually there: Session Code: Representative Que: Initialize And weird thing is called hook, so I think we got it right. Calling % orig () And the only parameter below is yielding: end the application due to an incomplete exception 'N SInvalidArgumentException ', reason:' + [NSRL session with session session: Representative: Representative: statute]]: 0x1919932b8 ' has been sent to the unrecognized selector for the class: (Prefix) * (NSURLSession *) sessionWithConfiguration: (NSURLSessionConfiguration *) Configuration Rep , Queue); return origination;} Am I missing anything? Setup Details: Mac OS X 10.9.5 iPad Air 1 iOS 7.1.2 <

Arduino Yun - Uploading Sensor Data to Mysql on External Server -

Can Arduino Yun connect to MYSQL on external server and store sensor data about it. If so, then? Technically you can. You can write or port ARDOn to an MSSL driver, but small amounts of memory and process power will not be able to do this. With Yun, you can also install some libraries and programs, an app that is running on Linux side, which takes the data from the serial to its own database goes. Another option: Use intermediate app to save incoming data to your database Interface is a typical HTTP API or The publication / subscription can be done through the broker. For simplicity I recommend going for option three.

How to set new turtles direction from average of 2 angles in netlogo -

I am trying to set a new title for the agent by calculating the average of 2 angles between. The new title for the agent should be changed to 27. The following is the code I use, but the way I want it does not work: to change - turtle with leaders- [leader? ] if someone? Radius vision in the nearest leaders [Average-title-towards-the-leader-max-to-turn] End-Report Average-Title-per-Leaders Leaders Have Turtles with Leaders [Leader? ] Report the last-headline ([top]) report of the end-title [AB] report (A - (subtract-headings AB) / 2) Android 360 & Really Need advice on this, thanks for the help This removes trig but it works Average-order from the report [AB] Let's switch to H (A - (decrease-headings AB) / 2) mod 360 let S. (A + B) / 2 AFL HK LT; S-Report [H] [Report]] Termination In your code Average-Title-of-the-leaders report Average-Title (<[Code] - Turtles of nearby leaders [Title] [Top]] Top Mark II

How can I send SMS from one number to another number in android programatically? -

I'm developing an Android application for sending OTP (One Time Password) a text message (like SMS) to the user Is required so that he can enter the valid OTP code and enter the application. I was looking at the SMS Manager API provided by the Android Framework, which uses the application to send text messages. But I need to send a text message to the user from my registered number. How can we achieve this requirement? If you want to send an SMS through your application then this is the method. SmsManager.getDefault () - Get the default example of SmsManager sendTextMessage (string destinationaddress, string scanner, string text, pending anticipated Sent, pending presentation delivery) Use this to send the SMS SMS Manager SMS Manager = SMSManager.Get Default (); SmsManager.sendTextMessage (phone no, zero, SMS, empty, empty); Forget & lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.SEND_SMS" /> Check this for more information i

AngularJS ng-repeat directive, created dynamically does not work -

I tried to add ng-repeat instructions in the compilation method, but this is not work. Here's a demo: I was hoping that 'field' instructions are useful in three fields (input) but this is not happening here's my The code is: html: & lt; Div ng-app = 'myApp' ng-controller = 'testCtrl' & gt; {{Object.var}} & lt; Field value = 'object.var' plural & gt; & Lt; / Field & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; JS: app.controller ('testCtrl', function ($ scope) {$ scope.object = { Var: [1, 2, 3]}}); The app 'directive' ('field', function ($ paras) {returns} {restriction: 'AE', scope: {value: '='}, template: " , link: function () {}}}) app.directive ('plural', function ($ compilation) {return} {priority} : 1001, compiled: function (element, atri) {Element.attr ({'ng-repeat': 'track by $ index in eye object', 'value': 'object.var [$ ind

gnuplot: strptime and milliseconds -

I have some time data, such as 15: 46: 47.234 and interpret it with Want to strptime . But when I stripeime ("% H:% M:% .3S", strk (3)) , I always get this warning: Bad time format in the string . Does anyone know what is wrong? Thank you for your help! Do not assign any digits for the format % S format , Just use "% H:% M:% S" which handles milliseconds correctly: This print prints 56807.23 on screen.

visual studio 2012 - SOME Breakpoints not hitting in VS2012 / C# -

I have some strange problems. I have a solution Is. I have 6 projects in my solution, with some projects in my problem solving solution, there is no effect on the solution build up of any code changes. This is not just a new code, breakpoints are not even hit! I have done a thorough research in the net, nothing can be found useful And of course, I have tried Again Delete all binary and re-compile Check solution properties multiple times etc ... So, I think I Tried to do all the basics, but found no way. I collected some screenshots, but I noticed that I need at least 10 representatives, so I can not post them yet: (. Sihan Essen > Edit: After the responses, I see that I have added, two other people in my team Working on code, the same building environment. They do not have this problem. And yes, I The solution to build the solution in DEBUG mode is not released. I have a configuration in my system that can be remotely related to this, we are defini

php - phpBB3 - dont send activation email for certain mail services -

I am using phpBB 3.0.12 and have faced the problem: something Identifying mail services such as mail Aryu activation, my emails like spam messages and 550 error October 26 10: 37:02 26sp postfix / smtp [31754] : 33347587974: From = Orig_to =, relay = []: 25, Delay = 2.5, Delay = 0.01 / 0 / 0.08 / 2.4, DSN = 5.0.0, Status = Bounce (host mxs. [217.6 9] .139.150] said: 550 spam messages were rejected. Go to or report error code: 5C3FDA25B00D14B826C40363659E7A56430CA104C5F43E19FC440A77F1B9FEFDF7BDDFBE74B300DF9C44D6A29DD2515D.ID: 0000000A000095F42321AE00. (In response to the expiration of data command) 550 error Means that users marked as spam mailing from forums and classify a mailing in the form of spam. I am already sending requests to support the removal of a forum from the spam list but send emails to send email notifications to any email sent by the forum. Ru Question: If I have been entered by the user in

android - How to achieve ripple animation using support library? -

I am trying to add a wave animation to the click button. I was like below but it requires minSdKVersion 21. ripple.xml & lt; Wave xmlns: android = "" Android: Color = "? Android: colorControlHighlight" & gt; & Lt; Items & gt; & Lt; Size Android: shape = "rectangle" & gt; & Lt; Solid Android: Color = "Android: Color Score" /> & Lt; / Size & gt; & Lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Wave & gt; button & lt; Com.devspark.robototextview.widget.RobotoButtonAndroid: id = "@ + id / loginButton" Android: layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: background = "@drawable / rip" Android: text = "@ String / login_button "/> I want to make it backward backward compatible with the design library. How can this be done? original waveform setup < P> - Transliteration API for .net -

I am developing an intranet application using ASP.NET. This app will not have access to the Internet In this application, I need to translate proper nouns (name of persons) to one or more Indian scripts. Using the Google / Microsoft Transliteration API is not an option, as the application does not have access to the Internet. I have been told that transliteration of Google input tools can be accessed with the appropriate language pack () - but) I have not come into any examples and b) what is legal Is allowed by form? I also examined, but the quality of that transliteration requires a little improvement. Any other offline options available to use this scenario is thanks. Vikram

xpages - get the attachmentnames out of a form with 2 RTF fields -

I have 2 rich text fields (for exmaple rtf1 and rtf2) in each field 1 attachment will be uploaded. For each field, I would like to store the attachment name in any other field (for Xmlap name 1 and 2). When I get the name of the attachment of RTF 1 in the form for the name of @Subset (@ AttachmentNames; 1) , when I use the same for name 2 I am getting the name of RTF 1 which I do not want Eventually, if it's the way to do it with SSJs, instead of doing it in the form, it would be good. It seems that you can not use a simple formula here. Instead you can use related RTF through SSJS, get all the embedded objects (even only one connected) and get its name to store in your text field . Something like this should be done: The value of your text field, handling your data source, is document1: try {var rtf: NotesRichTextItem = document1.getDocument ( ). GetFirstItem ("rtf1"); Var EOS: java.util.Vector = rtf.getEmbeddedObjects (); For (x = 0; x & lt; e

java - Parameterized Selenium Tests in Parallel with TestNG -

First of all, sorry for my english, this is not perfect :) So I The following problem is facing: I am trying to run parallel tests in different browsers using the Selenium grid and TestGG and I pass the parameters in the @inestest method. My problem is that when every exam starts, it seems that they will use the final exam parameter so when I run the test, in this example, it will open two chrome instead of a firefox and a chrome. (Browser.zetdiver () method returns the remote webbraser) TestNG.xml: & lt; Suite thread-count = "2" verbose = "10" name = "test site" parallel = "test" & gt; & Lt; Test name = "nameOfTheTestFirefox" & gt; & Lt; Parameter name = "platform" value = "window" /> & Lt; Parameter name = "browser version" value = "32" /> & Lt; Parameter name = "browser name" value = "firefox" /> & Lt; Classes & gt;

AngularJS: Use array (multiple values) for a filter -

मेरे पास कोणीय फिल्टर में निम्नलिखित फिल्टर हैं: & lt; div ng-repeat = "नोड डेटा में | फिल्टर: {parentID: 12} "& gt; & lt; / div & gt; यह ठीक काम करता है (मुझे केवल डेटा मिलता है, जहां माता-पिता 12 है)। अगले चरण में, मुझे सभी डेटा प्राप्त करना है, जहां माता-पिता हैं उदाहरण के लिए) 12,13,25 या 30। मैंने निम्नलिखित प्रयास किए (इसका काम नहीं कर रहा है): फ़िल्टर: {parentID: [12,13,25,30] } क्या वर्णित के रूप में एक फिल्टर बनाने का कोई तरीका है? बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद! एक वर्ड फंक्शन आपकी आवश्यकताओं को अच्छी तरह से पूरा करेगा! से: फ़ंक्शन (मूल्य, सूचकांक): मनमाना फ़िल्टर लिखने के लिए एक वर्दी फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग किया जा सकता है। समारोह को सरणी के प्रत्येक तत्व के लिए कहा जाता है। अंतिम परिणाम उन तत्वों की एक सरणी है, जिनके लिए वास्तविकता वापस आती है। उदाहरण के लिए: & lt; div ng-repeat = "डेटा में नोड: फ़िल्टर: जांच parentID" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; और अपने नियंत्रक में $ scope.checkParentID = फ़ंक्शन (मान,

sql - To bifurcate integer value into HH:MM format -

I have a column with an integer datatype and it includes the time period in the format. I want to split these values ​​in the MM format: Time HHM ----------------- ---- 3 00 03 17 00 17 207 02 07 786 07 86 1234 12 34 with this string combination You can: select time / 100 hh, mod (time, 100) mm as If you They want zero-padded wire: choose the correct ('00 '+ cast (time / 100), 2) in the form of HH, right (' 00 '+ modern Time (time, 100), 2) mm as

c# - Compute method of Datatable not working -

Hello, I want to get the amount of the DataTable column I This is my expression. . But it throws the following exceptions. [System.Data.SyntaxErrorException] = {"Syntax error in the total argument: Expect a column argument with potential 'hair' qualifier."} If your column name contains spaces, include all column names in it square brackets object by object = tbl_reses.compute ("yoga ([service tax])", "");

caching - Is there a way to monitor the system's DNS cache on c#? -

I want to monitor the actual time of system's DNS cache requests in C #. My system is Windows 7 64 bit. What I have done has been done to capture DNS requests by creating a hearing UDP server at 53 of 53, but it monitors all DNS requests, which I am interested in, Only the local OS has been requested in the DNS cache. Is there a way to monitor system's DNS cache? THx You can get your DNS cache through this power function: And SO Post shows how to call powerhell function C #.

Using geometry variable in PostgreSQL/PostGIS statements -

I am trying to write a UPSER statement to include or update a line in a PostgresSQL database with geometry columns. My input is a KML piece and the following statement works for me until the KML is valid. UPDATE area SET size = ST_GeomFromKML ('{KML}') WHERE area_code = '{area}'; In the field, select Insert (regionicode, shape) 'field (region)', ST_GeomFromKML ('{KML}') where not present (Select area from area WHERE area_code = '{0}'); If this is relevant, then I am calling it from a C # ASP.NET MVC application using a SQL command object, but as long as the SQL statement is not correct It should not have any effect till I want to use the change and to ensure that the column is correct. Unfortunately, the experience of my recent database is mostly SEOLearers, in which some mysql and postgres do not seem to handle the same variables with SQL statements. For something like what I like: DECLARE @shape geometry; SELECT @shape = ST_Geo

python - Append string to some dataframe rows with Pandas -

This is my first question on stackoverflow! Please, be patient :) I want to add text to some lines in a data frame. The original dataframe looks like this: import into [p]: PD [2]: df = pd.DataFrame ({'name and room': ['excelibur: 1] [3]: DF out [3]: Name and room: room, 'room', 'John: 2 rooms', '1 room', 'Lukas: 5 rooms', '4 rooms', 'Jeremy: 1 room']}) [3] 0 Excalibur: 1 room 1 John: 2 rooms 2 1 room 3 Lukas: 5 rooms 4 4 rooms 5 Jeremy: 1 room As you are watching, there are few lines in the name Is missing I want to add certain strings (such as "whatever:", no strings make no difference) where no name exists (in this example, lines 2 and 4). The last dataset will look like this: <11> in [11]: df out [11]: name and room 0 Excalibur: 1 room 1 John: 2 rooms 2 Whatever: 1 room 3 Lukas: 5 rooms: 4 rooms: 4 rooms 5 Jeremy: 1 room I'm new to Pando / Python, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

ios - move tableview delegates to different class -

मेरे पास एक दृश्य नियंत्रक है जिसमें बहुत सारे कार्य हैं अधिकांश दृश्य गतिशील रूप से बनाए जाते हैं कोड को अलग करने के लिए मैंने myClass का NSObject के रूप में एक वर्ग बनाया जहां मैंने एक फ़ंक्शन बनाया showMyTableView । यह फ़ंक्शन एक tableview के रूप में उपदृश्य जोड़ता है। लेकिन मुझे tableview प्रतिनिधियों अंदर दृश्य नियंत्रक लिखना है मैं कैसे जा सकता हूं कि प्रतिनिधियों को माईक्लास के लिए जरूरी है? कल मुझे ऐसे बटन वाले सबव्यूज़ को जोड़ने की आवश्यकता हो सकती है जिसके लिए मुझे अलग कक्षा में कार्रवाई लिखनी चाहिए कैसे मैं इसे पूरा कर सकता हूं? ('तालिका दृश्य प्रतिनिधि' मेरा मानना ​​है कि आपका तालिका दृश्य का प्रतिनिधि और डेटा स्रोत ?) आप निश्चित रूप से इस सामान को दूसरे वर्ग में ले जा सकते हैं। आप अपने तालिका दृश्य के MyClass की एक उदाहरण के लिए, बस अपने दृश्य नियंत्रक में प्रतिनिधि / डेटासॉर्स सेट कर सकते हैं, जैसे: self.tableView.delegate = instanceOfMyClass; MyClass संभवतः तालिका दृश्य बनाने और इसे अपने दृश्य नियंत्रक के दृश्य में

Java regex (to me) unexpected behaviour -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 1 उत्तर मेरे पास निम्न जावा कोड है : पैटर्न p = Pattern.compile ("#। *,", पैटर्न। DOTALL); Matcher m = p.matcher ("# $ 0: = डिफ़ॉल्ट के साथ युक्ति (एक्स, वाई) {{\ \ system.out.println (x + y); \ n}};"); जबकि (m.find ()) {System.out.println ("मिला:" + () + "।"); } और मुझे मिल रहा है: मिला: # $ 0: = डिफ़ॉल्ट के साथ युक्ति (एक्स, वाई) {{System.out.println (x + वाई); }} ;. वही जो मुझे चाहिए लेकिन उपरोक्त पैटर्न से मुझे यह उम्मीद है कि यह # और पहले सेमीकोलन के बीच कुछ भी मैच करे, न कि पिछले एक I.e., मैं इसे $ 0: = Spec (x, y) को डिफ़ॉल्ट {{System.out.println (x + y) से मिलान करने की अपेक्षा करता हूं; । यह कैसे पिछले सेमीकोलन से मेल खाता है पैटर्न p = Pattern.compile (" #। * ?; ", पैटर्न। DOTALL); * * के बाद * जोड़कर अपना प्रतिमान न लालच करें अधिकतम कर सकते हैं।

ios - The correct beta entitlement for TestFlight Beta Testing in iTunesConnect with FlashBuilder -

I develop games with FlashBuilder with Action Script I want to use TestFlight beta test in iTuneConnect. But what I compile with FlashBuilder does not have the correct entitlement. I have prepared a new provision file, downloaded it and have compiled my app with it I have Adobe Air SDK 9 5 Olga P> In the -app.xml file Updating and adding the following code fixes this problem. & lt; Entitlement & gt; & Lt ;! [CDATA [& lt; Key & gt; Get-access-allow & lt; / Key & gt; & Lt; False / & gt; & Lt; Key & gt; Beta reports active & lt; / Key & gt; & Lt; True /> ]] & Gt; & Lt; / Eligibility & gt; Here was the code:

xml - Increase version of application.config automatically using powershell after every deployment -

I'm new to the powers and I wanted to change the version in an xml file after each deployment. I said. Below is the XML content: & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"? & Gt; & Lt; Configuration & gt; & Lt; Site & gt; & Lt; Add key = "ShowAppConf" value = "true" /> & Lt; Add Key = "site.IsCsrfCheck" value = "false" /> & Lt; Add Key = "EnableDeviceFileAuthentication" value = "false" /> & Lt; Add key = "EnableFileAuthentication" value = "false" /> & Lt; Add key = "AppVersion" value = "v0." /> & Lt; / Site & gt; & Lt; / Configuration & gt; And I'm trying to increase the value of the revision version of AppVersion: $ Test1QAMSBuildFile = 'D: \ test \ application.config.xml '[XML] $ Test1QABuildVersion = get-content $ Test1QAMSBuildFile $ node = $

scipy - Python: Interpolation from an irregular 2d grid to a regular one -

I want to map a distribution of values ​​of random grid to a regular one. I am trying with different interpreters but it seems I am not able to do this. Here I have written code: Import from NPP import as numpy SPP import matplotlib.pyplot plt N = 100 M = 10 lat = ((np) .random.rand (M, N)) * 2) +0.2 loan = ((np.random.rand (M, N))) * 3) +0.2 theta = ((np.random.rand (M, N) ) * 180) lat_min = np.min (lat) lat_max = np.max (lat) lon_min = np.min (lon) lon_max = np.max (lon) dlat = 0.1 # late [red] for dlon = 0.1 regular Step # LAN [Red] Regular Steps for # Grid Dimensions Nlat = (np.abs (lat_max-lat_min) / dlat) +1 NLON = NPNT (NP.ABS (LOnmx-Elon_mination) / DLLN) +1 #Lat -Lon Vector reg_lat = np.linspace (lat_min, lat_max, NLAT) # Regular location latitude vector reg_lon = np.linspace (Lon_min, lon_max, Nlon) # Regular distance vector #Lat-Lawn Regular Grid Reg_lon_mesh, reg_lat_mesh = np.meshgrid (reg_lon, reg_lat) I used: Theta2 = scipy.interpolate.grid data ((l

php - Alternative to foreach pass by reference -

I came from a case where the element is passed from context to modify, then the code Stage, some array is stopped again to make some calculations, but this time passes by the value of the value. The point is that PHP retains the context of the last element in the array in the first phase, then overwrites the element when the next fat starts then when the name of the local variable is the same. Example Code: & lt ;? Php $ a = array ("a" = & gt; "foo"); $ B = array ("b" = & gt; "bar"); $ X = array ($ a, $ b); Forex Currency ($ x & amp; y) {} print_r ($ x); Forex Currency ($ x $ Y) {} print_r ($ x); ? & Gt; This will generate array ([0] => array ([a] => foo) [1] => array ([b] => bar ) Array ([a] => foo) [1] => Array ([a] => foo)) This stupidity has been stated in the PHP manual P> Alert remains the reference of a $ value and the last array element even after the foreach loop. And

hadoop - How display two fields sums in the same query in HIve -

मेरे पास एक हाइव निम्न फ़ील्ड के साथ तालिका है: आईडी STRING, x STRING जहां x में 'c' जैसे मान हो सकते हैं। मुझे एक क्वेरी की ज़रूरत है जो पंक्तियों की संख्या प्रदर्शित करती है जहां स्तंभ x में मान 'c' और पंक्तियों की संख्या जहां x के मान हैं 'c' के अलावा अन्य हैं आईडी | गिनती (x = 'c') | गणना (x & lt; & gt; 'c') --- | -------------- | -------------- 1 | 3 | 7 मुझे नहीं पता कि क्या यह संभव है। आप कोशिश कर सकते हैं: SELECT sum (यदि (x = 'सी', 1,0)), राशि (यदि (एक्स! = 'सी', 1,0)) से तालिका_नाम; यह दो कॉलम प्रिंट करेगा। मुझे आपके नमूना आउटपुट में id फ़ील्ड नहीं समझा था

properties file - How to use ant expandproperties with windows pathseparator -

I tried to use ants: It works for simple text properties, but I get weird results when the property has a window path. & lt; Property name = "myAntFile" value = "$ {ant.file}" /> & Lt; Loadproperties srcFile = "" & gt; & Lt; Filterchain & gt; & Lt; Detailed Properties & gt; & Lt; / Filterchain & gt; & Lt; / Loadproperties & gt; & Lt; Echo message = "$$ {external} = $ {external}" /> The property file looks like this: external = $ {myAntFile} is the result: Buildfile: C: \ projects \ trunk \ build.xml ... [echo] $ {external} = c: projects \ trunkbuild.xml me I know that there are backslashes and special whitespace characters for property files, although I do not see how I can translate buildscript properties in that particular sense. Anyone can find out how to solve it or it is an ant bug (maybe there should be additional property to avoid the wide properties chai

ios - UIPickerView is getting disappear on updating label in didSelectRow method in iOS8? -

I'm facing a problem in UIPickerView iOS 8. When I select the value in the UILBL from the selector and update the price then my pickup is missing. The DidSelectRow method is working fine in iOS 7. // Add Picker to VisualWeather locationPickerView = [[UIPickerView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake (0,0, locationView.frame. Size.width, 90)]; LocationPickerView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clear collar]; LocationPickerView.dataSource = self; LocationPickerView.delegate = self; =; [LocationView addSubview: locationPickerView]; Here the location view is UIView which has been added to xib. - (minus) pickerView: (UIPickerView *) Select had thePickerView: (NSInteger) Contents in line: (NSInteger) component {cityNameLabel.text = [cityNameArray Objektatindaks: line]; ThePickerView.hidden = Yes; } If I note that that line picker does not disappear I but I need to update the label: ( cityNameLabel.text = [cityNameArray ob

javascript - select dynamically muiltiple element from a html table -

I want to dynamically select the value from the list coming from the database with JavaScript. My table & lt; Td> and & lt; Tr & gt; Dynamically created from a database I manage the "id" attribute with 0, for the loop in front of it. Also like the "ID" of the selection button & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; Td id = "pres0" & gt; Bear & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td id = "cod0" & gt; Ddfd & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td id = "id0" & gt; 23 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "button" value = "select" id = "id-but-select0" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; Td id = "pres1" & gt; Cat & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td id = "cod1" & gt; Ez & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td id = "id1" & gt; 121 & lt; / Td> & Lt; Td> & Lt; Input type = "button - How do I convert feet to inches in a string -

I have the following functions that detects and changes the inches and feet in a string. 'Invert the private shared function (value as string) in the form of string regex reges. Change (value, "([\ d.] +) ', Function (M) format (single purse (M. Group (1) .Val) (0.3048," Standard ")) End Function' Foot Private Sharing Function ConvertFeet (value as string) string as regex Regex. Replace (value, "([\ d.] + '' '', Function (m) format (single purse (m. Group (1). ) * 0.0254, "Standard") End Function Please I would like to add these functions together so that for example, I have 0.74 meters near 2'5 '' - Inches mean R '' - Leg means If there is any other way to do this, I would gladly appreciate it If you can guarantee that string input is in the right format, then it should work: string command strings string () = form of value Convert Private Shared Function to (Value as String). Convert as

c# - What is the correct RegEx to extract my substring -

मेरे पास इस तरह एक इनपुट स्ट्रिंग है $ (xx.xx.xx) abcde $ (Yyy.yyy.yyy) fghijk $ (zzz.zz.zz.zzz) मैं स्ट्रिंग्स के प्रत्येक सबसेट को $ से मेल खाते में सक्षम होना चाहता हूं (यहां पर कुछ भी), इसलिए ऊपर के उदाहरण के लिए मैं 3 सबस्ट्रिंग प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। ब्रैकेट के बीच के अक्षर हमेशा एक ही पैटर्न से मेल नहीं खाते हैं। मैंने निम्नलिखित regex का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की है (\ $ \ [[az] +। * \)) लेकिन यह पूरी स्ट्रिंग से मेल खाता है, इस तथ्य के कारण यह '$' से शुरू होता है, बीच में कुछ भी होता है, और '' के साथ समाप्त होता है) '' उम्मीद है कि यह समझ में आता है। मुझे यह भी ध्यान देना चाहिए कि मुझे regex का उपयोग करने में बहुत सीमित अनुभव है। धन्यवाद (\ $ \ ([az] +। *? \)) अपनी खोज को गैर-लालची बनाने के लिए ? का उपयोग करें। * < / कोड> लालची है और यह अधिकतम कर सकता है। ? से * को यह कोई लालची नहीं बना देता है और यह के पहले उदाहरण पर बंद हो जाएगा) । डेमो देखें।

How do I make sure my bash script isn't already running? - continued -

Continued with and with forgiveness: in the final solution, "ps" is sufficient or it should be "ps -ef" Show running processes? Sorry I do not have sufficient privileges to add a comment to the previous question. You can find this script like this: ps ax | Grep scriptname

Jquery Hidden selector or the remove attribute Halting the safari Browser -

The following is the code that is stopping the safari process. $ ('field') Find (": hidden") .remove (); How can I get it because I want to remove the hidden areas before submitting the form. Where . Field is the class name of a div with a hidden areas.

c++ - What exceptions does boost mapped_file_source throw? -

Boost map_file_source, for example, throws an exception file not found. Is the exception square really throwing it? It does not seem to say in the documentation, unless I miss something. Edit: Test case: #include & lt; Boost / iostreams / device / mapped_file.hpp & gt; Int main (int argc, char ** argv) {boost :: iostreams :: mapped_file_source file; (argv [1]); Return 0; If mapping fails, code < Code> mapped_handle_ = :: CreateFileMappingA (handle_, NULL, defense, 0, 0, zero); If (mapped_handle_ == NULL) cleanup_and_throw ("failed to create mapping"); Eventually will boost: iostreams :: detail :: throw_system_failure (msg); i.e. Sub-class of std :: exception In this case, it is std :: ios :: failure : BOOST_IOSTREAMS_FAILURE < P> should be std :: ios_base :: Failure to expand, and otherwise the std :: exception for the appropriate derived class. Reference:

php - Sending an email depending on % records that have a certain value -

Is it possible to send email to MySQL or PHP when% of people listed in the MySQL database, for example, I have 500 people listed in a MySQL DB, they are invited to participate in a brief survey, each time someone has completed their record, then updated to complete it is. What I see is a way of MySQL or some PHP scripts, to send me an email, when 10% responded to the survey. Create a trigger and connect to the table with the results if the user completes the full record, a mail queue table ( Add a record (using this trigger) in an example) with status "not processed". Create a chrono that checks the mail queue table for the "not processed" record and execute the calculation, then send an email you can only send email from PHP and not directly to MySQL.

osx - In ActionScript-3, The Timer would be become invalid when my app in the Mac -

My friend made an application with Adobe Flash by Action Script-3. App can be time App is normal when it runs on win7 / 8 but when I use it on Mac, there are some bugs in it. If I close the app window, the timer will shut down later. If I cover the other app in the app window, the timer will stop later. How can I fix this? _link = link; // timer _timer = make new timer (1000,0); _timer.addEventListener (TimerEvent.T.M.R., TimeHandle); // Time flow of the flow function It can give up to a second over time. Private event timing (event: timer event): zero {if (! HCTimer.allowTiming) {++ _ updateSecond; If (_updateSecond & gt; HCTimer.updateTime * 60) {setDate (); _updateSecond = 0; } Return; } ++ _OnLotodAssense; ++ _ updateSecond; If (_updateSecond & gt; HCTimer.updateTime * 60) {if (HCTimer.isLogin) {_link.updateTime (); } set date(); _updateSecond = 0; } ShowTodayTime (); ShowWeekTime (); ShowAvgTime ()}

html - How do I get tabbed content to 'push' other page content down instead of overlaying? -

I have some tabbed content that works very well, except that I want to put it down on my page ' There is no need to push 'when its height is higher than the page in it. You can see the problem while clicking on the tab. Need to change other layout of your website without me like this kind of easy solution? I can not do it works in the tab by adding statements in the content page, but this is not really a practical solution. Note that tabbed content "br" describes the tab labeled Tab 1 and Tab 2 content does not overlap the rest of my page. & lt; Ul class = "tabs" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" checked name = "tab" id = "tab 1" & gt; & Lt; Label = "tab1" & gt; Tab 1 & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Div id = "tab-content1" class = "tab-content animated feedin" & gt; It's ok < / Div & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt

ruby - How to use method calls within rjust? -

As part of learning my Ruby, I call the size method within Pass it as the first parameter to make sure how to do it. For example. 2.to_s (2) # = & gt; Now, I would like to use rjust on 10 passing : size + 5 As ***** 10 2.to_s (2) .rjust (how_to_get_size_of_10_and_add_5, "*") # = & amp; As the first argument to get; Do not know how failed, tried the following: 2.to_s (2). Tap {| S | Strong (s.size + 5, "*")} # = & gt; ... Undefined method for main `rjust ': object 2.to_s (2) .just (send (: size) +5," * ") # = & gt; ... Undefined method for main `size ': object I am trying to understand the method of referencing and using a method on one part of a series of call methods. In my example, I am trying to call rjust on 2.to_s (2) and within the rjust size the Refer 2to_s (2) . Sorry, if I am written I do not understand that you indirectly Why are you, but perhaps you have tried to do this: 2.t

import - Importing Flat Files in SSIS using @FileName as the destination table -

I am trying to import a large number of flatfiles using SSIS, but I want to use foreach , So that it can get the name of the file and it can be used as the table destination name. For example: flat file name: ExampleOfFile.txt Performs foreac, file name and store variable @ FileName Found in the destination table: [dbo]. [ Thanks! post text "itemprop =" text "> This post shows a great example To learn about doing anything in SSIS, check out other posts by Jema:

vbscript - Running a batch (.bat) file from a VB macro (.vbs) -

I'm getting a simple batch file (open command prompt) to run from a vbs macro, I know that The questions asked a lot and I have tried several differently suggested solutions for this without success, I am using Notepad ++ to run the script / VB code for testing. I have verified that the .bat file will execute correctly in itself, any suggestion about working properly on this will be greatly appreciated. VB code: sub-callback () Digg ARG double ARG = shell. In the form of "C": \ Temp \ cmdPrompt.bat "End Sub Batch File: Start cmd.exe / k Edit: The following is a .bat file that I intend to actually call: @echo OFF Title AutoCAD DWG Duplicate Color 0A: Set Set / P. TemplateName = Please enter the template name you want to copy: set / P NumberOfCopies = Please enter the number of copies, please enter it: set pathnam E = "& lt; Filepath & gt; CD / D% path name%: for / L %% F (1,1%% NumberOfCopies%),% TemplateName% .dwg in C: \ Temp \ %% f

java - Android AltBeacon Background Service Ranging -

I am working on the Bluetooth app using the AltBeacon library. It seems that only the application for BeaconManager is allowed. The problem I am facing is this: I want an ongoing moving background service which continuously sends notifications to Bluetooth. If I open my app (to bring it to the foreground) I wanted to stop the service, the foreground activity would again show the contents on the screen. The problem is that Beacon Manager (from Beacon Manager Beacon Manager = Beacon Manager .get InstanceFor Application (this); ) is the same example in activity and service. So when the activity stops, beacon manager. Unbund (it); and the range notifier in the service no longer fires. Can the two different examples beacon manager? If not, how can I continue in a continuous service and an activity? color activity @Override Creating a secure over zero (bundle saved instenstate) {... regionEstimote = new area ("estimate", empty, null, empty ); Beacon Manager.Getbac

ios - Call a segue in another class that the UI with swift -

I'm rapidly creating an iOS app. I have a UIViewController and a "UserManager" class that comes from NSObject . Basically, when the user opens the app, the UIViewController is executed within the code. UIViewController calls a function in UserManager when this function is finished, so I want to have a SEGU (a SEGU called "Connect SEJU" in my code). I'm starting a ... What I did (and did not work!): Here's my view controller: Import UIKit var profileUser = UserManager () Class view controller: UIViewController {override func viewDidLoad () {login ()} func login () - & gt; Zero {profileUser.createUser ()} func handleSegue () - & gt; Zero {self.performSegueWithIdentifier ("ConnectSegue", sender: self)}} Here is my User Manager class: Import Foundation class UserManager: NSObject {// some properties () - & gt; Zero {// some code var seguelihoodler = view controller () segueHandler.handleSegue ()}} How can I do this?

javascript - Missing glyphicons in Bootstrap 2.3.2 -

I downloaded glyphicons from, but some of these icons can not be loaded in BOSTAP 2.3.2. I tried to load the phone and chat icon, but the icon is empty without any errors in the browser console. How can I show these icons in bootstrap 2.3.2? & lt; One class = "btn btn-small" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-chat" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A class = "btn btn-small" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-phone" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; If you have CSS and png in the right path, then it seems that proper Uses: & lt; A class = "btn btn-small" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-large icon-chat" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A class = "btn btn-small" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-large icon-phone&

java - JPA/Hibernate how to join a particular field from an entity into a different entity -

Assume that we have unit A and unit B, with each corresponding table, A and B. The unit A is a hotel and its ID and many areas such as country, city, postal code etc. are included. Unit B is an ID in a description list (which is similar to that of unit A) and other 2 fields, languages ​​and descriptions. I am creating the following query in my DAO: query query = getEntityManager (). CreateQuery ("FROM" + Type.getSimpleName () + "WHERE city =: city paras and country =: countrymaps"); Query.setParameter ("city paragraph", city paragraph); Query.setParameter ("Countryprint", CountryNameParam); Query.setMaxResults (numberOfResults); & Lt; HotelDto & gt; HotelMap = query.getResultList (); ListResponseModel Results = New ListResponseModel (); Result.setHotelMap (Hotelmap); Return result. GetHotelMap () Size ()> 0? Results: zero; Entity A, the hotel unit looks like this: @taintyTable (name = "propertyList", unique

html - CSS media query for the shorter device-width (min-device-width not working?) -

People need help, in fact I have coded mobile first, then media Set Desktop Assignment with Query (Minimum Width: 601px), where I also hide and show the .mobileOnly class .desktopOnly In the iPad port, the mobile menu is found, unfortunately not in the scenario I want mobile settings in both landscape and portrait so I hope That's the minimum device-width: 601px for desktop device. I target the smallest goal of the device. Minimum-you know .. But in my tests It seems that the device-width changes to the minimum-device-width according to the width of the device. The only difference is if the keyboard is included - which will change the browser to width, but not device width Am I just stupid or what the minimum device-width does not work for the way I need it? What do I need to complete any thoughts? The bad news is: ( Device width is always targeted at the lower side of iOS Android 4.3, the latest Chrome on my Nexus 7 - So what do I do now? I did not find any

objective c - UITapGestureRecognizer causes app to crash -

The UITapGestureRecognizer crashes because the application crashes Swipe is not the cause of any problems made at very short distances, but You can show those errors made at a long stretch: - [UITapRecognizer name]: Non-accredited selector example sent for example 0x17ee27c0 Where 0x17ee27c0 is a random value *** Expected exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', due to reason the application ends: '- [UITapRe Cognizer name]:. Sent to unrecognized selector example throw 0x17ee27c0 '*** First call stack: (0x2cb7dc1f 0x3a328c8b 0x2cb83039 0x2cb80f57 0x2cab2df8 0x2feee1c1 0x2d7d01cf 0x3024822d 0x300671ad 0x30066bcd 0x3003d3dd 0x302b0c29 0x3003be39 0x2cb44377 0x2cb43787 0x2cb41ded 0x2ca90211 0x2ca90023 0x33e890a9 0x3009c1d1 0xdca87 0x3a8a8aaf) libc ++ abi.dylib: Type NSException ending with no exceptions UITapRecognizer * (0x17ee27c0) tape is GestureRecognizer._imp This is happening on many devices running iOS 8.1 . The source has been compiled at Xcode 6

ios - How do i get a CGBItmapContextCreate from a CIImage -

I have the following filter that is implemented when using UISlider. Exposure Filters = [CIFF filter filter name: @ "CIXPoserAdjet" keys and Payments: @ "Input image", ACImage , Zero]; [Exposure filter set value: [NSNumber Number for Explosion: _slider.value] KA: @ "input EV"]; Exposure value = _slider.value; Dispatch_Assic (Dispatch_Get_man_que), ^ {output image = [exposure filter output image]; The siege Image rf cgimg = [reference createCGImage: outputImage fromRect: [outputImage extent]]; _modifiedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: cgimg scale: 2.0 orientation: UIImageOrientationUp]; [_cropImageView setImage: _modifiedImage]; CGImageRelease (cgimg);}) ;;}) ; dispatch_async (dispatch_get_global_queue (DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^ {exposureDict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: (float) _sliderkvalue], @ "Exposure", null];}); } I want to be able to get raw data of the image created to app

javascript - jQuery toggle element class based on scroll percentage -

I want to convert var num to percentage instead of pixels in number. how can I do this? I need it for my site: but they work with pixels, and my website works with% (for example, autoselling on the HD screen or full HD screen) / * dynamic top menu position * * / var num = 150; // $ 150 ($) (window) .bind ('scroll', function () {if ($ (window) .scrollTop ()> number) {$ ('. Menu') pixels before modifying AddClass ('fixed');} and {$ ('. Menu'). RemoveClass ('fixed');}}); // Use scroll wheel for this Fridley demo First, let me know It is a terrific solution to hear every scroll event and call addClass () or removeClass () is expensive every time. // End Promotion Here is the answer to your question anyway: var baseHeight = $ (window). height (); // For the body, use $ ("body"). Height (); Var num = .25; // This is the percentage of vertical scroll $ (window). Bind ('scroll', function) (if ($ (window) .scroll

sql - Summing By Count -

I am trying to create a summation based on the calculation number for a particular column. If you look at the last line in the selection given below, you will see that I have tried to implement the case statement, however, it produces all the zero values believe I understand why (a unique set of values ​​in each row), but to me exactly how'm not sure that my problem SELECT TotalFilesProduced.ReviewDate, TotalFilesProduced. FileReviewedByUserID, TotalFilesProduced.FileSource, TotalFilesProduced.FilesIndexed Total Index, TotalFilesProduced.FileNumberFages total fleet Snkyaprishtprisht, TotalFilesProduced.FilesProduced, Ririveteduuaiaidiaidi case when COUNT (separate file) & gt; 1 Thomas SUM (TotalFilesProduced.FilesIndexed) END of (Cast (ibfp.FileReviewedDate as DATE) review date, Aibifpi. Smicshabuyuesaiaraidi file, file processing, COUNT (*) Failenutpadit, COUNT (aside Aibifkinboundfailaidi) Failenanukrmit, Syuem (case when IBF. = Ibfp.ToPage THEN 1 ELSE ibfp.ToPage-

SUM fields in SQL server depending on another field and using inner join -

The title may be slightly vague, but let me explain: I have a script that makes Create a database and two tables, one transaction and one for account: create table transactions (transactionID VARCHAR (10), description VARCHAR (70), account id VARCHAR (5) , Create Zero Zodiac Contract Contract Transaction PK Primary Key (TransactionIID) Table Account (Account ID VARARAR (10), Accountant VARCHAR (70) No, Bank VARCHAR (70) No, Tap Primary Account (Account ID) of contract accounts) I want to write a selection statement for a list of all fields in the account table, with a total collection. I thought I could use INNER JOIN to display only each account, but I'm not sure that DISTINCT will work better. Its purpose is for all transactions for each account, and that amount is the line for the account. I can get the product to list the amount of each transaction, but not SUM of all types of transactions for each account. Selection accounts .accountID, Accounts.accountName,

jquery - How to enable CORS in jBoss -

I'm developing an HTML5 application to get some value from legacy web services (JXW) to get feedback Ask these web services for I have tried the correctness of my requests with the SOAP UI, and they work properly. With my HTMLX client, I can not get SOAP responses from the server, because in response control-permission-origin header set * on. Therefore, the origin of the request is not acceptable, and the response to the server is an error response. Error message, firebug + is to debug my HTML5 project with Firefox: Lock Cross-Orland Request: does not allow reading standards on Genesis Remote processing can solve the problem by transferring the resources to a single domain or activating the CORS. How can I enable the Corrosion in jbr? You need to deal with your legacy web-services to fix the problem. As Macbill has said, you have the web. Need to add CORS filter to XML You can use a solution from Transaction Settings: web.xml: & lt; Filter & gt;

How Do I Nest Meteor Spacebars Templates? -

मैं ऑटोफ़ॉर्म नामक एक पैकेज का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। {{& gt; AfQuickField नाम = "propertyInfo.zipcode" प्लेसहोल्डर = "xxxxx" वर्ग = "फॉर्म-कंट्रोल ट्रैक-ऑर्डर-परिवर्तन"}} यह मूलतः एक लेबल और इनपुट तत्व प्रदान करता है। मेरे पास एक सत्र चर है: सत्र .सेट ("ज़िपकोड", // कुछ गतिशील); मेरे पास एक पंजीकृत सहायक है: हैंडलबार। रजििस्टरहाल्पर ("ज़िपकोड", फ़ंक्शन () {return Session.get ("zipcode");} ) मुझे काम करने के लिए ऐसा कुछ चाहिए: {{& gt; AfQuickField नाम = "propertyInfo.zipcode" value = "{{zipcode}}" प्लेसहोल्डर = "xxxxx" वर्ग = "फॉर्म-कंट्रोल ट्रैक-ऑर्डर-परिवर्तन"}} पहले आपको वैश्विक सहायक को ठीक करने के लिए पढ़ें: Template.registerHelper ("zipcodeHelper", function () {return Session.get ("zipcode");}) फिर afQuickField को थोड़ा तय करें: {{& gt; एफ़क्वैकीफिल्ड मान = ज़िपकोडहेल्पर वर्ग = "फॉर्म-कंट्रोल ट्रैक-ऑर्डर-परिव