
Showing posts from June, 2014

javascript - How to integrate jquery.fileupload-rails? -

I am trying to integrate the following gem: but it became an impossible mission. I've been trying for the past two days and it just does not want to load jquery.fileupload-jargon javascript. I tried this tutorial: Multi-file-upload-along-jquery-rails-4-and-paperclip / This is my application.js: // is essential jquery / / = Required jquery -ui // = Requires jquery_ujs // = jquery.fileupload / basic // Requires TurboLine // = require_tree Gemfile.lock: jquery-rails (3.1.2) jquery-ui-rails (5.0.2) jquery.fileupload-rails (1.11) .0) Have tried and it does not work. How do it work? Add a line to your jammfile. Gems 'Jquery.fileupload-rails' Now you can require JavaScript library in application.js: // = jquery.fileupload Requirements

C - Transposing a multidimensional array using pointer arithmetic -

I am trying to swap two dimensions using two-dimension (MxM) array using pointer arithmetic, but It does not seem to include the pointer magic to understand. Here's what I've got so far: typedef int marray_t [m] [m]; Zero shift (Marray_t A) {int i, j; Int * startAddress = & amp; A [0] [0]; For (i = 0; i Here's a slower version, trying to optimize: zero transfers (Marray_t A) {int i, j; For (i = 0; i you should rewrite the loops

python - Could NOT find PythonLibs (asking for 3.3 but I have 2.7.6) -

I'm trying to build the Age of Empires that has just started, to start writing code for it for. However, I'd receive this error when you try to configure run: on /usr/local/cellar/cmake/3.0.2/share/cmake/modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:136 CMake error (message): Python lib found was unsuitable version found "2.7.6", but at least "3.3 found" (Paithon_librri-Notfond) is required (most recent call first): / usr / local / Cellar / cmake / 3.0.2 / share / semicax / module / search packageheldsteredArgS Mekeः 341 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE) /usr/local/cellar/cmake/3.0.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindPythonLibs.cmake197 (FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS) CPP / Simkelist. Txt: 74 (find_package) The error I ran before getting the error is: ./config --mode = debug --cpp- compiler = Klang ++ and really be a link building to building an open project: Python 2.7 is very old already (though still widely used), but versi 3.4 is at least already out

c++ - Ellipse / Circle Detection on Blastomere -

Can someone advise me on the blastomere detection method? I should find multi alipes / circle on blastomerai. In the vitro fertilization process this image is very noisy. Can someone advise me which paper or methods should I look for? Thanks for advance. I used this domain, but I did not get a good result because I am still confused to validate the oval in the end result False oval detection and valid oval are used. I used several oval identities based on arc segments for main method, and I used to adapt this image to the adaptive threshold and Was pre-processed with the morphological process. Here I attach my experiment. I use c ++ and opencv for my use I find the goal of my research in this way in Blastomeré Is putting: Thank you for your help. This idea may help: Receive the edges (As I can do the thickness of the cell edges by more than 1 pixel, I am not sure adaptive threshold in this situation is the best solution), Using the operation of morphol

python - Is it "bad" to define closures at the top level, only to be called inside a function? If so: alternatives? -

I'm tagging this as a "language-agnostic" because I'm asking that a general theory, but I am using R and Python as my examples. I have written an R script on the basis of this MWE: # # does not work: Plus_I < - Function (X) X + I Times Ii & lt; - Function (x) x * i loop_i & lt; - Function (x) {for (i in 1: 2) {x & lt; - plus_i (x) x & lt; - times_i (x)} x} loop_i (3) but it failed in error by plus_i (x): object 'I' did not get '/'> RK lexical Due to scoping I could not stop my way around from eval . The Python equivalent also fails: ## does not work: def Plus_i (x): return x + i def times_i (x): return x * i Def loop_i (x): # Be careful in [1, 2] for # mutual objects i: x = plus_i (x) x = times_i (x) return x loop_i (3) In my understanding, these programs will work in a dynamically scopid language, but R and Python are both static / interpretive scods. If this is the case, then is there any type of anti-pa

configuration - How to configure Xcode to compile not supported language, e.g. Fortran? -

I want to use Xcode under Mac OS X to compile and run a program written in a language that is Not supported, e.g. Fortran Let's say I have a compiler installed, eg What are the steps in the Xcode project settings to make Gorterran or ifort possible to compile and run the program? Fortran is not supported (only selectable in C, C ++, Objective-C and SWIFT command line tool applications) I created a simple fortran file. But now I think that I will have to add many things to build tabs in project settings so that it can be compiled and run (it works from command line) What are these steps? Add external build system targets to your project External build system target / project lets you create projects in languages Xcode has not supported external build system in the other section under OS X on the left of the Target / Project Assistant section. When you click on the next button, you will be asked to place the build tool. Enter the path to your Fortran compiler when you crea

unix - Removing column in pipe delimited file when the text matches with search string -

I need to find a particular text in a separate file and remove the column that matches the text. ex: My file 1 | 2 | Test123 | 3 | 4 | 5 .... | 6 6 7 | 5 | Test123 | 10 | 11 ..... | N 6 | 7 | 1 | 9 | Test123 | 11 ..... | N Need to search the column that contains "test" and that removes the column the new file should appear < Pre> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 .... | 6 6 7 | 5 | 10 | 11 ..... | N 6 7 | 1 | 9 | 11 ..... | N I've tried awk 'BEGIN {FS = OFS = "|"} {$ 2 = $ 3 = ""; Gsub (/ [|] + ​​/, "|")} 1 'test.txt & gt; & Gt; Test5.txt Order where the column number is clearly difficult, but a script is needed which will search for the text and then delete the column. 2 | Test123 | 3 | 4 | 5 .... | N 6 7 | 5 | Examination 123 | 10 | 11 ..... | N 6 7 | 1 | 9 | Examination 123 | 11 ..... | N script: sed 's / test123 | // 'file.txt & gt; & Gt; File1.txt

c# - Use multithreading for multiple file copies -

I have to copy a large number of files (10000 files) Because more time in copying looks like . I have used this code: I have tried to use two thread instead of one thread, one of the strange number of files in the list ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem (New WaitCallback (this.RanFileCopy), object) but to make a copy and copy the second list, any significant There is no difference when using single thread and using two threads. What could be the reason for this? File copy is not a CPU process, it is an IO process, so multilevel or parallelism will not help you Can do it Multithreading will slow you down in almost all cases. If the disc is SSD then it has a limited speed for R / W and it will use it efficiently with single thread. If you use parallelism, then you will split your speed into pieces and it will be one for HDD The huge upper part will make Multithreading helps you with more than one disc case only when you read from different disks and write different

ruby - rails 4, globalize gem, how to setting default locale -

I am using a globalized gem to support multiple locales. The config / locales directory contains three files en.yml, ja.yml, ch-HK.yml and My routing file is . ... Root: from = & gt; 'Main # index' ,: locale = & gt; : N Scope ": Locale", Locale: /#{I18n.available_locales.join("|")}/ To name namespace (: API) {resource: badges} name space (: API) {resource: get event: list ,: On = & gt; : Archive end} end .... Setting my default path (/) default locale But I do not know the default locale in the API_controller How to set it me /api/events.json -> gt; & Gt; /en/api/event.json/ja/api/events.json - & gt; & Gt; /ja/api/events.json Is not it accepted in the rail project? Will add: locale / API ~~? Each request is passed through an administrator and it is the place to set the default locale You need to do this by setting I18n.locale =: locale . There are several ways to detect user locale, i.e. request h

transform - SQL SSIS pick and chose data to make a table row -

I have a table that is recording visitor's searches. Season ID selected from the date of the field 12345 2014 -10-12 Faucet 2014-10-01 13:00 12345 Newell Devon 2014-10-01 13:26 12345 Null Cornwall 2014-10- 01 13:28 I have been So, using the table above, I have to do something that looks like this: < Code> Season ID selected from date field 12345 2014-10-12 Cornwall 2014-10-01 13:28 So I'm choosing the column from one date to a special session ID And after that area Cornwall, because its zero I have selected the most recent date. Now, I'm not sure that this can be done using SSIS, but if you have any ideas then I am truly grateful. Cheers, Andrew select the top 1 t1. Session id, t2 [From], T1 Region, T. Datus table 1 has been selected from T1 (Select the severity, maximum ([from]) [Group by Session 1 to Session] t2.sessionid = t1.sessionid where T1 Field T1 is not an empty order. Date selected Result: | from session | region | dir

winforms - How to format textboxes in MDI child form in c# -

I am developing an application in which many MDIs are forms of children and forms of a parent. I want to add a format button to the menu toolstrip of the parent form, so the following changes should be applied when clicking on the Format button: Focus on the active form textbox. Please how do you have to do this? private zeros btnFormat_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {If (ActiveMdiChild! = Null) {Form TestForm = ActiveMDiBed; Control cont = testform.ActiveControl; If (textbox is textbox) {// ((Textbox) composite text = "Nasir Khan"; FontDialog fontdialog 1 = New FontDialog (); // Show DialogResult Results = fontDialog1.ShowDialog (); // Watch if OK If it was pressed (result == DialogResult.OK) {// font go.fonts font = fontDialog1.Font; ((textbox) cont.) Font = font;}}}} < / Div>

php - Yii 1.1.14 access control specify actions -

I leave one controller , So if I apply the code [-], then is it okay? Public Function Filters () {Return Array ('accesscontrol - actionId1, actionId2',); } Or there is some error in the code, and do I do it any other way? This will work but you array ('allow', 'Actions' = & gt; array (' actionId1 ',' actionId2 '),' user = & gt; array ('*'),) in acessRules ( ) for which you do not want a rule > Note: - 'users' = & gt; The array ('*') provides access to all of these tasks

c# - Transferring file using RAPI from Windows CE device to a desktop computer -

I have created a C # program for the Windows CE device, which tries to send a file using RAPI. But when the program has reached or this line below it, then it is windows. Using DLL version shows the error of the typeload exception (Remote Device Manager R = New Remote Device Manager ()) Apart from this, I saw that I added the RAPI DLL and after refreshing the dependence, I saw that another Windows.Forms DLL has been added. Now I had a version and My code for transferring this file is (RemoteDeviceManager r = new RemoteDeviceManager ()) { Using (Remote device Dev = r.Devices.FirstconnectedDevice) {if (dev == null) {// nop} else {string destFolder = dev.GetFolderPath (SpecialFolder.Desktop); String destFile = destFolder + @ "\ SharedFolder" + logfileName; RemoteFile.CopyFileToDevice (dev, destFile, localFilePath, true); }}} Can anyone tell me what happened wrong? Before I add these lines of code, everything is working perfectly, besides

c# - Check the textbox contains any characters and numbers -

I want the text to include characters after numbers in the text box entered by the user. Example: A1001 I have already got a solution using Regex and if the error box does not contain characters after the number in the text box, but once I have entered the text "A1" in the text box, error The message box still appears. Here is the code I am using: Zero Button 1_Click (Object Sender, EventArgs e) {ifge! (Regex.IsMatch (this.textBox1 .Text, @ "(a-zA-Z)")) {SystemManager.ShowMessageBox ("Please enter the characters after the characters for the product code. \ NExample: A1001", "Notice", 2); } Else if (! Regex.IsMatch (this.textbox1.Text, @ "(0-9)")) {SystemManager.ShowMessageBox ("Please enter the letters after the numbers for the product code. \ N Example: A - 1001 "," Notice ", 2); }} Your answer greatly appreciated! Thanks ^ [a-zA-Z] + \ D + $ Try it out. This a regex will validate your terms.

scala - how to create a new play project with sbt -

हाय मैं sbt (scala build tool) के साथ एक नाटक प्रोजेक्ट बनाने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं I अनुभाग के तहत "स्थापित किए बिना एक नया एप्लिकेशन बनाएं" मैंने एक ही अनुदेश का अनुकरण किया है यह मेरा प्रोजेक्ट / बिल्ड.scala फ़ाइल है import sbt._ import Keys ._ आयात PlayProject._ ऑब्जेक्ट ApplicationBuild विस्तार बनाता है {val appName = "playsbtproj" val appVersion = "1.0" val मुख्य = PlayProject (appName, appVersion, app निर्भरता, mainLang = SCALA)} और यह मेरा प्रोजेक्ट / प्लगइन्स.sbt फ़ाइल है रिज़र्वर्स + = "टाइपराफे रिपॉजिटरी" "" // पर Play sbt का उपयोग करें प्ले प्रोजेक्ट्स के लिए प्लगइन addSbtPlugin (""% "sbt-plugin"% "2.2.3") जब मैं अपनी परियोजनाओं में एसबीटी टाइप करता हूँ तो एसबीटी मुझे निम्नलिखित एरोर्स देता है [info] / opt / programs / play / playsbtproj / proje से परियोजना परिभाषा लोड हो रही है सीटी [info] 1 स्काटल स्रोत को /opt/p

java - How to install jboss-eap-6.1.0.GA -

I am installing jdk1.8.0 and I set environment variables JavaWid and Pat I Download Jboss-ap 6.1.0.jay (AS 7.2.Final) I set environment variable JBOSS-HOME I located jboss-eap-6.1 in the 'D' drive So I've set JBOSS-HOME = D: \ jboss-eap-6.1. After all these stand-alone.bat file. But I am not able to install the jboss server. It gives a black screen and gives it like launch JBoss EAP 6.1.0.GA (AS 7.2.0.Final Read Hat-8) Even after 1 hour it is giving only this. Jobs is not able to start the server Please give me a solution. Thanks According to RedHat's documentation, Java 8 is not supported. There are some plans for adding Java 8 to 6.3.x or 6.4 version support. (See)

Is there any ways to import MySQL database from Windows to Linux? -

I am using Ubuntu 14.04. I was hoping to import a SQL file that was exported from my Windows PC to Linux PC. I did it by command: mysql> Source / path / to / mesecelefile / name sql; After importing, I realized that all the table names in my database are lowercase and my app can not get data from them (I change the name of the uppercase to test a table and it is well ). So my question is: Are there any ways to auto import databases for windows (from lowercase to uppercase to table name change) from windows? Because we have hundreds of tables and it's a lot of time to change the name manually. You can set the lower_case_table_names option in your mysqld config file , Which will match the case-insensitive of mysql server object names. View article

Getting my own IPAdress from the viewpoint of my mysql server in C# -

So I have a server running (currently at the local host) and when I connect to the server (3 different- Using one of the different user accounts) I want to get the IP address from the server standpoint. Then I can say that I have a server run on the same machine, the IP should be - if the server is running in an intranet, then maybe the IP is probably some local IP like 10.10.10. * ** And then there is an external address if you are connected to another location Besides that, a computer will be able to connect to the same user credentials, so I do not know how I received Has anyone got an idea?

java - Conditional if evaulation with && -

तो हमारे पास: यदि (arguments.length! = 1 & amp; Arguments.length! = 2) {नई गैरकानूनी आर्चमेंट अपॉइंटमेंट ("स्ट्रिंग में" की गलत संख्या में "+ स्ट्रिंग"); } यदि तर्क लंबाई 1 का है, तो यह गुजरता है अगर ब्लॉक लेकिन क्यों । मेरे ज्ञान के बाद इस तरह के मूल्यांकन को काम करना चाहिए: यदि (args! = 1 == सच) और (args! = 2 == सच) अर्थ args.length = [0, 3, 4, ...] पारित करने के लिए वैध मान्य होना चाहिए। लेकिन यह अगर को छोड़ देता है तो यह args.legth == 1 के साथ होता है। यह कैसे संभव है? धन्यवाद। ऐसा लगता है कि यह होना चाहिए अगर (तर्क .length == 1 || आर्गुमेंट्स। लांघ == 2) {नई गैरकानूनीअर्जमेंट अपवाद फेंकें ("स्ट्रिंग में गलत तर्कों की संख्या"); }

jsf - dataTable inside a tabView using wrong dataType -

I'm trying to display a data table inside a tab view. Currently my code appears in my XHTML: & lt; P: tabView id = "tabView" value = "# {volumeController.shownSeries}" var = "serie" cache = "false" & gt; & Lt; P: tab title = "# {}" & gt; & Lt; P: DataTable value = "# {volumeController.findVolumesForSeries (}" var = "volume" & gt; & Lt; P: column & gt; & Lt; H: outputtext value = "# {volume.volumeNumber}" /> & Lt; / P: column & gt; & Lt; / P: DataTable & gt; & Lt; / P: Tab & gt; & Lt; / P: tabView & gt; So, now my problem is, I get the following error: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: /Volume/list.xhtml @ 22 , 89 value = "# {volume.volumeNumber}": class 'at.kirin.entity.Series' property is not 'quantity number' The problem is that it is my quantity controller My method

xml - How to generate my own create button in a form? -

मैंने कार्रवाई प्रकार का एक बटन बनाया है यह बटन एक कार्रवाई कॉल करता है, और यह कार्रवाई एक फ़ॉर्म कॉल करता है यह फ़ॉर्म पूरी तरह से मेरे द्वारा बनाया गया था, और बनाएं बटन है, जो कि orm.Model से सीधे विरासत में मिली बनाएँ फ़ंक्शन को कॉल करता है (मैं इसे छुआ नहीं था)। जब मैं बनाएं पर क्लिक करता हूं, तो रिकॉर्ड पूरी तरह से डेटाबेस पर संग्रहीत होता है, लेकिन तब मुझे यह त्रुटि मिलती है: फ़ाइल "/opt/openerp7/openerp_70_ocb_devel/ocb-server/openerp/osv/", पंक्ति 4342, बनाने में अगर vals.pop (f, कोई नहीं) कोई नहीं है: TypeError: पॉप () में सबसे अधिक 1 तर्क (2 दिया) लेता है मैं vals की सामग्री की तलाश में था, और जब मैं बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, बनाने विधि को दो बार कहा जाता है पहली बार, vals एक शब्दकोश (सभी अधिकार) में रिकॉर्ड के मूल्यों को लाता है, दूसरी बार एक सूची में उत्पन्न नए रिकॉर्ड की आईडी लाता है, और त्रुटि भड़कती है। मैं यह जानना चाहूंगा कि यह क्यों हो रहा है और यह कैसे हल करें। मैंने यहां अपना कोड छोड़ा: बटन जो क्रिया को कॉल करता ह

javascript - Add transition to dynamic DOM element -

I'm trying to add transition to the div element. Transitions have been successfully added to the previously added elements. When I add more divins by clicking on .container then this animation does not contain these new devices. How can I add transition to a dynamic device? Below is my code var transition = 1; Var x = 0; Var left = 0; Drew ('white'); Var $ rect = $ ('. Rect'); Var $ Container = $ ('Container'); Var arr = ['red', 'green', 'black']; Var calculation = 0; $ ('Body') On ('click', function () {draw (arr [count]); count ++;}); Function init () {setInterval (onEachStep, 1000/60); } ACHEST () {x + = transition; Left = left + infection; $ Rect.css ('left', left + 'px'); If (x & gt; $ container.outwidth () - $ rect.outerWidth ()) {transit = -10; } If (x> <0) {transit = 1; }} Function draw (color) {var rect = $ ('& lt; div / & gt;', {'class': 'r

Checking foreach loop list results C# -

I have a bit of code in a class: public class ticketsSummary { / All development tickets public list & lt; IncidentSummary & gt; get receive. Get All Development Tickets { Set; } Public listing & lt; String & gt; Ticket name () {list & lt; String & gt; V = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Foreign currency (all development tickets in all development tickets) {var TicketIIS = DevelopmentTicket.Id.ToString (CultureInfo.Inventarian Culture); V.Add (ticketIds); } Return V; }}} And I am trying to see if my API connection (plus all code) has done this job and has withdrawn the tickets and their information, especially ID I do not have any clue in my main program to check how this is a job. I tried something but it is not perfect and does not return anything (I know that I need a console. WrightLine) Fixed zero main (string [] arg) {Console .ReadLine (); Var Tickets = New Ticket (); Tickets.TicketNames (); While (ticket! = Null) {Console.WriteLine

How to Sort a list for a specific case c# -

Here is a sample code where I want to get the data sorted on the total charge property as desending order. // from the list & lt; RateStatus & gt; SortedList = objListOrder.OrderByDescending (O => O totalworld) .Oolist (); I see the code below and guidance Thank you how to sort the property of total charge in Williying static class Program {/// & Lt; Summary & gt; Main entry point for the application /// & lt; / Summary & gt; [STAThread] Fixed Zero Main () {List & lt; Retrastats & gt; ORateCollection = New List & lt; Retrastats & gt; (); RateStatus ortestats = new ratestats (); ORateStatus.StatusMsg = "OK"; ORateStatus.ErrorMsg = "none"; ORateStatus.RateDetails.Add (// new rate-description () (currently CCD = "GBP", the total charge = 20}); oRateCollection.Add (oRateStatus); I want something like this up / down / Switch & lt; Drstats & gt; SortedList = objListOrder.OrderByDescending (o = &

c# - How can I update object that contains other objects in lists with npoco? -

I have a class with some properties in which it has a list with other class objects. [Classname ("ITIMID", auto increment = false)] [explanatory columns] public class item {[column ("ITIMID")] Public Gide Id (get; set;) [column ("ITM_name")] public string name {get; set;} public list & lt; picturelink & gt; picturelink {get; set;}} [tagalname ("TBL picture line Link ")] [primary (" PIILID ", automatic incarimmment = false)] [clear column] Public String InformationType {get; set;}} P> I want to update with npoco like db.Update (item) - but then only the property ID and name is updated, how can I update the list with picture links in the same statement? Update for child object Add to loop: using (var scope = db.gettraination ()) {db.Update (item); Forash (links in various photo items, picture links) {db.Update (pictureLink); } Scope.Complete (); } Adding an update to the transaction, if something goes wrong,

javascript - send content from node.js to jade -

How can I return the contents of an existing view ('index.jade') document without reloading the entire page Am I content only of a div? This is a search and it is going to be updated on every keyword with which many sites will be updated in other cases, I am grateful for all help! node function pageist (item) {var db = db_login; Console.log (items) items.for each (function (item) {console.log (item) db.collection ('insight') FindById (item._id, function (error, document) {console.log (document) If (error || | document) {res.render ('error', {});} and {console.log (document.insightheader) // SEND BACK CONTENT}}}}}}

json - How to validate a pojo in play framework 2.3.x java application? -

I instantiate a pojo with incoming Jason data. After Pojo is generated, I want to validate that there are all the necessary fields of pojo I have marked the class using the game from @ mandatory annotation, but I am not able to trigger verification on it I am Is this the right way? The following model package is my pojo. public class employee {@ requirement (message = "name is required") private string name; @ Essential (message = "id is required") private integer ID; } In the controller class, I use the following code to pause my json request employee newUser = Json.fromJson (request). (). Ejason (), employee category); Now after this I want to validate pojo so that name or id is not lost by request. There is an entry in my routes post / say filter controller. Application. Hello () How to get it?

How to show a top bar message in Android -

After completing some background work, I want to show this type of message in Android top. How do I show this kind of notification? Thank you .. < P> This looks like a ticker text for a notification , assuming that this screenshot is above the screen, Code> Notification . Note, however, that the ticker text is no longer displayed as API level 21 (Android 5.0). Also keep in mind that after a few seconds the ticker text automatically disappears.

node.js - NodeJS project types missing in WebStorm -

I have installed full version of webstorm 9 for node development, but when I am going to create a new project Suggestions related to node are: I hope less Less a basic node template, and hopefully mentioned as an express template, I know that the NodesJS Boilerplate template looks, Ekin should still express template, no? Nodes and NPM are installed, and they are being configured properly: I think you should use scrollbar :) < P> Update Note: The problem has been solved for WS10 because the new project wizard.

How to overlap cell value from one cell to next cell in datagridview in window application -

I want to overlap a cell value in the next cell value when we resize the column in datagridview c # .net application . means that we want to merge two cells horizontally. The question is - 01111 | 22222 | 3333 The answer should be - 011112222 | 3333 Thanks in advance. If you work with WPF, you can get your data from Gridadext column to the text block and Set the following options: yourTextBlockInstance.TextTrimming = TextTrimming.CharacterEllipsis; Or just try it out: yourColumn.ElementStyle = new style (typefox); YourColumn.ElementStyle.Setters.Add (New Setter (Textbox, Text TrimmingProperty, TextTerming, Character Elips));

google app engine - Objectify: Datastore small operations for count queries -

Google दस्तावेज़ के अनुसार छोटे डेटास्टोर संचालन में डेटास्टोर आईडी या चाबियाँ आवंटित करने के लिए कॉल शामिल हैं- केवल पूछताछ, और ये संचालन स्वतंत्र हैं यदि निम्नलिखित क्वेरी रिटर्न 10,000; यह 'एक छोटे से ऑपरेशन' या '10, 000 पठन कार्य 'होगा। int count = ofy ()। लोड ()। प्रकार (कर्मचारी। वर्ग) .फ़िल्टर ("स्थान", "यूएस ") .keys () सूची () आकार ()।। आपकी क्वेरी के लिए क्वेरी के लिए 1 रीड ऑपरेशन और परिणामों के लिए 10,000 छोटे ऑपरेशन होंगे । int count = ofy ()। Load ()। प्रकार: यह अधिक स्मृति कुशल (डेटास्टोर संचालन के मामले में कोई भिन्न नहीं) होगा। (कर्मचारी। वर्ग) .फ़िल्टर ("स्थान", "यूएस")। गिनती ();

ruby - Send "json_event" from logstash plugin to JAVA -

I was trying to create a logstash, I wanted to send the "event" to Java completely, I can do full processing in the Java project. I was able to send the individual "string", but to send the complete "event_json" You can try and use exec output to run a script that will do this for you and send the @ message field to the required destination.

php - .htaccess issue with /home/ in my URL from my controller -

I'v एक समस्या है जब मैं के साथ काम कर रहा हूं। समय मैं एक विशिष्ट यूआरएल पर जाना चाहता हूं, मुझे इसे / घर / इसमें डाल देना होगा (क्योंकि नियंत्रक का नाम है, क्योंकि) लेकिन, मैं नियंत्रक का नाम निकालना चाहता हूं। तो मुझे लगता है कि .htaccess इसे हल करने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका होगा? तो ऐसा है कि हर चीज की तरह दिखता है: तो यह विशिष्ट" घर "है, जिसे मैं url में निकालना चाहता हूं। (यदि कोई अन्य ऑब्जेक्ट है, तो मैं भी उन्हें गायब करना चाहता हूं)। यह मेरी .htaccess है: विकल्प -मल्टीइव्यूस रीव्रेटइन्गइन ऑन ऑप्शंस -आईडेक्स रीवाइटबेस / # सामान्य पुनर्लेखनों के नियमों को पुनर्लेखन% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -d रिक्राइटकॉन्ड% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -f पुनर्लेखन कन्वर्ट% {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -एल रिवेराइटियम ^ (।) $ Index.php? Url = $ 1 [क्यूएसए, एल] < बस नियंत्रक का नाम बदलें और इसके माध्यम से विज़िट करें?

ios - How to use UIRemoteNotificationTypeVoIP? -

setKeepAliveTimeout for documents from: Handler: Method of UIApplication: IOS 8 and later In, voice-over-IP (VoIP) applications are registered for UIRemoteNotificationTypeVoIP push notifications instead of using this method. Using push notifications terminates the need for a timeout handler to check with the VoIP service. Instead, when a call comes to the user, the VoIP service sends VoIP push notifications to the user's device. Upon receiving this notification, the device launches or appes as required so that it can handle the incoming call. But I do not know anything about it. Is this the only thing? If anyone is confused with this documentation, then this probably means pushkit framework < / Strong> and PKPushTypeVoIP presented in WWDC 2014, writing energy efficient code, part 2

comparison in php using == and === operators -

In my application, values ​​like x, 1x, 2,1 etc. are created when running. I need to compare these: As we know, x == 1 is false '1x' == 1 true '1' = = 1 is true For my application, first, other matters should be false and the third needs to be correct. If I use ===, then x === 1 is wrong '1x' === 1 is false 1 '=== 1 is false < / Pre> So I can not compare these two I think converting it into a string and then using strcmp would be the best option for me. Please share your thoughts Any answers are appreciated. strcmp would be appropriate for this. But you should be aware of its return values Returns & lt; 0 if str1 is less than str2; & Gt; 0 If str1 is larger than str2, and 0 if they are equal Or you can also use Regex

normalization - How do I normalize and denormalize data in R? -

I have data that includes 14 columns of predictors and 1 column of solution variables (y). I wanted to know that R. Whether there is any inbuilt functions to normalize and denormalize data in Thanks {Rmisc} can be used in the package of the standard data package : Otherwise the following methods can be used: (variable-mean) / sd The following code can be used for data. Frame: mydata $ myNormalizedVar & lt ;-( mydata $ myvar-mean (mydata $ myvar)) / SD (myvar) logs (logs) 10), log2, and square root (SQLT) normal magnitude generalization or normal volume change. Try: quantNorm = function (x) {qnorm (rank (x, ties.method = "average") / (length (x) +1))} hist (quantNorm (1 : 10000), 100)

c++ - Setting a dynamic tooltip for QHeaderView item -

I want to do a dynamic tooltip for one of my header items in a QtableView. Tooltip changes with content Alt key press I found some code related to using delegates in the following site: In the same lines I tried the following part of the code: / P> Class HeaderToolTipDelegate: Public QStyledItemDelegate {Q_OBJECT Public: HeadToolTipDialGate (QObject * inParent); ~ HeaderToolTipDelegate (); Public slot: bool helpEvent (QHelpEvent * inEvent, QAbstractItemView * keeping in mind, constant QStyleOptionViewItem & inOption, constant QModelIndex & amp; inIndex); }; Bool HeaderToolTipDelegate :: helpEvent (QHelpEvent * inEvent, QAbstractItemView * Keeping in mind, constant QStyleOptionViewItem & inOption, constant QModelIndex & inIndex) {if (inEvent = keeping in mind!) Return false; If (inEvent-> gt; type () == QEvent :: ToolTip) {QVariant Tooltip = (Qt :: DisplayRole); If (QApplication :: keyboardModifiers () == QT :: AltModifier} {QToolTip :: showT

c - Linked list - Is this the correct way to refer to the next to next node of the current node -

Currently the 'L' is pointing to the current node. Using the Pointer 'L' I want to make the oldp equal to the node. So what I'm trying to say is that oldp = node where 'L' is currently indicative of the current node I oldp = l-> gt; Next-> Next; oldp = l-> next; is enough ...

extjs - Sencha Touch removing inline styles? -

I am loading a mask to cover my container which is working fine, though I have noticed that Inline styles in my I am using my mask: Code> container.setMasked ({xtype: 'loadmask', Id: 'mymask', message: ''}); And when I look at the element in the browser, the output is: & lt; Div class = "x-mask x-loading-mask x-size x-floating x-paint-monitor x-size-monitor" id = "mymask" style = "top: 0px! Important; left: 0px! Important ; Correct: 0px! Important; bottom: 0px! Important; z index: 10! Important; "& gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Update: Then after playing around, I managed to learn how to change inline styles. It seems that elements are setter methods, so I was able to run Ext.getCmp ('myMask'). SetZIndex (20); You can remove custom classes such as mask clocks from the mask. xtype: 'loadmask', id: 'mymask', msg: 'please wait ...', mask curl: 'microscope

apache - FastCGI URL cannot contain spaces -

I read about HHVM / Hack and thought that I would look into it. Especially stable typing is something that I liked in PHP for ages. I compiled HHVM from source, since Fedora's binary is too old. I had setup Apache for Route PHP requests through FastCGI and it seamed to work just fine until I tried to access the script within a sub-folder, which had empty space. For any reason whenever local host / sub% 20 folders / files in the URI. If something happens to PHP, then I receive 404 messages while localhost / sub-folder / file. My Apache line looks like below for fastcases ProxyPassmach ^ / (. * \ .php (/.*)?)$ "fcgi: // 9000 / var / Www / $ 1 " I also proxypass / FCG: // 9000 / var / www / / P> / blockquote> But I got the same problem. My guess is that I've been removed from the way% 20 has been removed, but not to make sure how to do it

html - Explore style element in GWT client code -

I have a GWT code that creates a list (as a result grid) and I have a style like a CSS class .test tr {height: 26px; } Now ... if the code requires me to get "26px" when the render is not complete or when there is no element in the grid? Can I get that value? I know I can obj.getElement (). GetStyle () GetProperty ("height"); How to get some style attributes, but how can I get sub-element tr related values? style property, - It does not automatically pick up CSS that it has been applied to, or CSS has been applied to parent nodes and it has been inherited, etc. To do this, you need to get the 'calculated' style of the element. This is some expensive operation, so should be done carefully, and will not work in earlier versions of IE, so A completely different code should be written. Some libraries like GSTT have a built-in feature for you to do this ( XElement.getComputedStyle (...) ), if you are not using a library like this, then yo

ruby on rails 4 - Kaminari paginate return nothing with non-empty data in params? -

I am installing Mani Kinaburi bus to endorse my rail app I used it like this: & lt;% = paginate @ topic% & gt; & Lt; Div id = "topics" & gt; & Lt;% = Render @ Subject% & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; In my view, view / topic / index.html.erb / P> DIF index @top ics = theme.order (Score :: desc). Page (Param [: Page] || 1). (20) End Works on page () and per (). Partial works of topics , my topics are shown, but nothing is included for the paged instructions. & lt;% = paginate @ topics% & gt; Back "" (empty string)! What's the problem? OK, in fact, if you have less than "per (x)" number in db , Then nothing has been shown. I thought that there is always "1" number, but not ...

Android v21 Theme.Appcompat color accent is ignored, no padding on dialogs -

I am using actionbusiness activity from the Android 5 SDK and these are my topics X 21 But the colors are ignored, and they are replaced with the default tail color and all the dialogs appear without padding. : The padding problem was due to the fat system system and I was determined to use it. But the pronunciation color problem is still there, and it does not affect the dialogue only, but the entire app You are using an AppCompat theme for the color of accent so that you can let Android Remove from the namespace inside. & lt; Style name = "Aaptim_Lite" parent = "theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "color primary" & gt; @ Color / abc1 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "color primary dark" & gt; @color / abc2 & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "color clock" & gt; @ Color / abc3 & lt; / Item & gt; & L

Unable to create netlink socket in centOS — protocol not supported -

I am using the CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (core) I'm of kernel version 3.10.0-123.el7 I am using. X86_64 When I am creating a netlink socket, it fails. int sock_fd = socket (PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, 1) sock_fd has a value of -1 When I was using 3.1 kernel version of CentOS , Then the socket function was working above. I want to create a netlink socket on kernel version 3.10.0 I am getting "Unable to create netlink socket - protocol is not supported"

JavaScript upload size limit -

So I am trying to set the upload size limit, but it has failed. I have included the code with explanation, please take a look and if you can help me, I would be very grateful. I need help with more information "//" after the code is: ` & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; P id = "check" & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; // OK then this part's & lt; Script & gt; User "email.html" & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Function getFile () {document.getElementById ("file"). Click (); } Function sub (obj) {var file = obj.value; Document.myForm.submit (); } & Lt; / Script & gt; // Here is the button to upload a file (or image in my case)

c++ - Fatal signal 11 error in Cocos2d-x Android pass a variable to a global variable? -

I defined a global variable outside of the formatting in the .cpp file. Like the rule below, I want to pass a variable for the rules in SetRulesFunc . But I got the error Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) 0xe72d2d24 (code = 1), thread 26592 (thread-61675) . Does this have the right to do? I found that if the extreme passage to pass the rules is small, then it is all right. But the error occurred when the variable was too late. I got the "libc deadly signal 11" error. My environment: Cocos 2D-X 2.1.5, the use of Android application NDK CLuaScriptReader.cpp #include "LuaScriptReader.h "String rules; CLuaScriptReader :: CluaScriptReader () {...} CLuaScriptReader :: SetRulesFunc (CCString * Rules) Cancel {CCLog ("SetRulesFunc (CCString * Rule)"); Rule = string (rule-> getCString ()); } Update: My full LuaScriptReader.cpp is. help please.

Trying to delete a file with Powershell script ran by a service but issues with uac -

I am having problems with a script that will delete the file on a server's C-drive script looks like this $ StrFileName = "C: \ Program Files \ NSClient ++ \ nsclient.log" $ LogLocal = "$ string =" $ string " C: \ Nagios \ naf_delete_nscp_log_file.log "$ date = gate-date-format" yyyy-MM-dd hh: mm: ss "" $ date: $ NSCLINT logfile deletion request is requested on hostname | out-file-filepath $ Loglokal -appen (te St-path "$ strFileName") {Remove-item $ strFileName- Forage $ date = date-get-date-format "yyyy-MM-dd hh: mm: ss" "$ date: $ NSCLIT logfile deleted on hostname" | Out - File-FilePage $ LogLock-Append} The script is started with Nagyoz Quick Action, which will use NRP to pass the host as a parameter and create the NSCP service , The local system, run it on the server Yes, that UAC is not capable, but I can not work with the UAC on the server. I have tried many options, but no one seems to be doi

java - Synchronized Classloader calls from Hibernate -

Text after " The way we start generating hibernate (in the least parts) is having a display problem in our project Uses classloader's It was discovered in Java thread dump which was taken during high load testing on our internal environment. JVM Throwed Weblogic's JVM managed server which runs the application, and until the monitoring dashboard thread alone and the user request is pending, the dump has been moved Example:. "[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '126 to' queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)" daemon prio = 10 TID = 0x00007f2fe9486000 NID = Waiting for entry to monitor 0x663b [0x00007f2faeae6000] java.lang.Thread.State: -; 0x000000078c0d76b0 & gt; java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ( waiting on lock lock (on object monitor); On weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericClassLoader.loadClass ( on java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ( (a weblogic.utils.classloaders.GenericCl

ios - UIPanGestureRecognizer not accepting UIView target -

itemprop = "text"> I have a simple demo app, where I dynamically add a UIT Type Weave directly with a UIView view I am trying (as a background). But every time I compile and check the pan gesture, I get this error: - [UIView detection pan:]: 0x17e7fc30 sent to unknown selector for example Here is my sample code where I create UIView and assign to UIPanGesture: CGRect textFieldFrame = CGRectMake (0, 44, 320, 44) ; // Create a TextField UITextField * textField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame: textFieldFrame]; TextField.userInteractionEnabled = NO; TextField.layer.zPosition = 100001; [Self.view addSubview: textField]; // Text Background View UIView * textBG = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: textFieldFrame] Create; TextBG.layer.zPosition = 100000; [Self.view addSubview: textBG]; Self.panRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget: textBG Action: @Selector (Detector Page :); and my address PIN method: - (zero) finder pin: (UIPanGestureReco

c - Performance penalty on misaligned data -

As a CS student, I am trying to understand the basics of computer. As I stumbled across, I wanted to test the penalty for that performance on my own. I think what he is talking about and why this happens / should be. Anyway, this is my code that I wrote the tasks that he wrote: int main (zero) {int i = 0; Uint8_t alignment = 0; Uint8_t size = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10MiB uint8_t * block = maulok (shape); For (align = 0; alignment and lt; = 17; alignment ++) {start_t = clock (); Munge8 (block + alignment, size) for (i = 0; i & lt; 100000; i ++); End_t = clock (); Printf ("% i \ n", end_t - start_t); } // repeat, but next time the mug 16, the mung 32, the mangle 64} I do not know what my CPU & amp; RAM is very fast, but the output of all four functions (Mung 8, Munje 16, Mung 32 and Mung 64) is always 3 or 4 (random, no pattern). Is this possible? 100,000 iterations should work a lot, or am I wrong? I'm working on a Windows 7 Enterprise X64, Intel Core i

iphone - TableView and CollectionView position & size automatically gets change in Storyboard in iOS -

I searched a lot but found nothing on this issue ....: ( I've added a view archive and two table view in a storyboard. Everything was working perfectly. The problem table is both now and CollectionView automatically changes its position and size and moves to the left upper corner of the storyboard. Almost open To hide. When I pull them one by one, I change the layout / position, Here is the screen shoot, I just take my storyboard. / P> I have removed / removed the storyboard and started it again but the problem is the same: ( all this is happening ... I do not know What to do here? Please help me on this Please sign in ssue. The collection view is just showing the table view in the wrong place in the upper left corner of the storyboard. There has not been much work with XCode version 6, but this problem may be due to autolayout Or encoded 6 & amp; up. Try disabling automatic layout.

php - Handling no results returned from a prepared select statement -

I am trying to create a basic login system. Username Username = password that is posted in the form that is in the following code: if (isset ($ _ POST ['submit']) {$ sql = " SELECT username, password with tbl_users WHERE user name =? And password =? "; $ Stmt = $ mysqli- & gt; Ready ($ sql); if (! $ Stmt) {dead (" Preparation failed: (" MySqli-> errno. ")". $ Mysqli-> Error);} $ Username = $ _POST ['Username']; $ password = $ _POST ['password']; var_dump ($ user name); var_dump ($ Password); $ Bind_result = $ stmt- & gt; Bandwidth ("ss", $ user Name, $ password); if (! $ Bind_result) {echo "binding failed: (". $ Stmt-> errno. ")". $ Stmt-> error;} $ Execute_result = $ stmt- & Execute_result {echo} "Execution failed: (". ($ Return_username, $ return_password); while ($ stmt-> fetch)} {var_dump ($ return_username); var_dump ($ returned_password); if ($ username

nsdocumentdirectory - iOS8 Document directory path -

समस्या ios8 दस्तावेज़ निर्देशिका पथ का पता लगाने में: < P> मेरे एप से दस्तावेज निर्देशिका पथ डाउनलोड करने के लिए डाउनलोड करने के लिए निम्नलिखित कोड का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ। // - दस्तावेज़ फ़ोल्डर में डेटा स्टोर करें NSString * resourceDocPath = [[ NSString alloc] initWithString: [[[[NSBundle मुख्य बंडल] संसाधनपैथ] स्ट्रिंगबयडेलिंगटिंगपाठकंपनी] स्ट्रिंगबैपिंग पाथकंपनी: @ "दस्तावेज़"]]; NSString * filePath = [sourceDocPath stringByAppendingPathComponent: [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @", फ़ाइलनाम]]; [Self.downloadedMutableData writeToFile: फ़ाइलपथ परमाणु: हाँ]; NSString * दस्तावेज डायरेक्टरी = [पथ वस्तुऑटइंडएक्स: 0]; हरितिग में अच्छा काम करता है ios7 सिम्युलेटर & amp; डिवाइस। लेकिन इसका सही पथ ios8 डिवाइस में & amp; भी सिम्युलेटर में भी। कृपया किसी को भी स्टोर करने में सहायता करें & amp; ios8 में एक दस्तावेज़ को पुनर्प्राप्त करें। आवेदन दस्तावेज़ निर्देशिका, यह हर आईओएस संस्करण पर काम करता है:

Format code for a date with time zone in excel -

मेरे पास समय क्षेत्र के साथ दिनांक मान है। 24 नवंबर 2005 जीएमटी + 05: 30 Excel में इस कस्टम प्रारूप के लिए प्रारूप कोड क्या है? मैंने dd MMM yyyy के साथ z कोड>, zz , zzz , और Z पर एक्सेल उन विकल्पों पर ध्यान नहीं देता। निश्चित नहीं यदि संभव हो मैं सिर्फ कस्टम प्रारूप सेल में प्रत्येक पत्र के माध्यम से गया हूं और कुछ भी सही नहीं दिखता। मुझे जो सुझाव है वह शायद कुछ कोशिकाओं में विभाजित हो रहा है और फिर उन सभी को एक साथ लाता है। पहले कॉलम में (ए 1) आपके पास तिथि हो सकती है, आप किस तरह से प्रारूपित हो (डीडी एमएमएम याय)। दूसरा (बी 1) आप अपने समय के विभिन्न समयक्षेत्र के लिए खाते (प्रारूपित कैसे हो सकता है आपको पसंद है, यानी hh: mm: ss। तीसरा (सी 1) परिभाषित करता है कि क्या टाइमज़ोन प्लस / माइनस साइन के साथ आगे या पीछे है। चौथा (डी 1) आप सेट कर सकते हैं समय के अंतर (यानी आपका उदाहरण +5: 30)। कक्ष एच के रूप में प्रारूप करें: मिमी। पांचवां (ई 1), सूत्र दर्ज करें: = IF (सी 1 = "+", बी 1 + डी 1, IF (सी 1 = "-", बी 1-डी 1))। एचएच: मिमी:

c++ - Thread safe increment of static local variable -

शून्य foo () {स्थिर इंट आईडी = 0; Const int local_id = id ++; // local_id के साथ कुछ करें; } एकाधिक थ्रेड फू को समानांतर कई बार कॉल कर सकते हैं। मैं चाहता हूं कि foo का उपयोग स्थानीय_आईडी के "अद्वितीय" मान का उपयोग करें क्या यह ऊपर कोड के साथ ठीक है? मुझे आश्चर्य है कि यदि दूसरा थ्रेड स्थानीय_आईडी को आईडी का मान निर्दिष्ट करता है इससे पहले कि पहले धागा से मान बढ़ जाता है। यदि यह सुरक्षित नहीं है, तो क्या इसका कोई मानक समाधान है? आपका कोड धागा-सुरक्षित नहीं है क्योंकि कई थ्रेड आईडी एक साथ पढ़ सकते हैं, और local_id के समान मूल्य का उत्पादन कर सकते हैं। यदि आप एक धागा-सुरक्षित संस्करण चाहते हैं, तो Std :: atomic_int , जो C ++ 11 में उपलब्ध है: void foo () {static std :: atomic_int id; Const int local_id = id ++; // local_id के साथ कुछ करें; }

java - maven resource filtering not working for lines with @ in it -

I have a strange case where the Maven processing plug-in does not filter the @ lines in both of them So I have defined this property in pom.xml, then and one of my resources is in this line @ (description = (failure = at) (ADDRESS = (host = $ {trial Heuser .servername}) The expression has not been replaced. I tried to remove @ from the line and it works properly. Is it a bug or The escape sequence has a form of The default delimiter is '@', '@' and '$ {'} , '}' Just use it separately:. Project & gt; ... & lt; Build & gt; & lt; Plugins & gt; & lt; Plugin & gt; & lt; Group & gt; org.apache.maven Plugins & lt; / group & gt; artifactId & gt; Maven-processing-plugin & lt; / artifactId & gt; & lt; version & gt; 2.7 & lt; / version & gt; & lt; configuration & Gt; ... & lt; delimiter & gt; & lt; delimiter & gt; $ [*] & lt; / delimiter

java - combine two JavaPairRDD -

मैं स्पार्क में java के साथ काम कर रहा हूं। मेरे पास एक JavaPairRDD Out1 आउट 1: IDCLIENT | INFO | 1 | एक | 1 | C | 1 | H | 5 | R | 2 | बी | और मैं Out1 के नाम पर Out1 नाम वाला एक नया JavaPairRDD बनाना चाहता हूं पहली पंक्ति: आउट2: IDCLIENT2 | INFO | 1 | C | 1 | H | 5 | R | 2 | बी | इसके बाद, मैं इन दो JavaPairRDD को इस तरह से जोड़ना चाहता हूं: आउट3: IDCLIENT | जानकारी | IDCLIENT2 | 1 | ए, सी | 1 | 1 | सी, एच | 1 | 1 | एच आर | 5 | 5 | आर, बी | 2 | 2 | बी | | नोट: हम groupByKey का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते क्योंकि हमारे पास एक से अधिक पंक्ति में एक ही कुंजी हो सकती है। मैं चाहता हूं इसे zipWithIndex का उपयोग करके और सूचकांक द्वारा जुड़ने से संपर्क करें। यह बहुत भारी है लेकिन काम पूरा हो जाएगा: val indexed1 = out1.zipWithIndex val indexed2 = {(k, v) = & gt; ((K-1), v)} वेल शामिल = इंडेक्टेड 1 में शामिल इंडेक्टेड 2 वैल out3 = {case (k, (v1, v2)) = & gt; प्रारूप (v1, v2)} // जहां प्रारूप को वांछित आउटपुट लेआ

c# - How to center a popup in window store app -

I have user controls with custom popups (UserHelperButton). I have set up vertical and horizontal offset manually to show the popup on the right position. Now I need to update the position of the center. I am unable to focus it on X axis and vertical. I add UserHelperButton to different places on the root windows & Lt; Column width = "50" /> & Lt; Column width = "50" /> & Lt; Column width = "120" /> & Lt; Column width = "50" /> & Lt; Column width = "*" /> & Lt; Column width = "120" /> & Lt; Column width = "50" /> & Lt; /Grid.ColumnDefinitions> & Lt; UserControls: UsernameLabel Text = "Vernost We Dwayne" Grid. Column = "0" /> & Lt; UserControls: UserCheckBox x: name = "cbxDouble" grid. Column = "1" cbxClick = "cbxDouble_cbxClick" /> & Lt; UserControls: UserHelperButton Grid.Column = &qu

node.js - Sails call one controller from another controller -

मेरे पास दो नियंत्रक हैं, SocketController और ProjectController SocketController में विधि मिलती है (डेटा) ProjectController विधि addProject (डेटा) है - मुझे getData () विधि से addProject () कॉल करने की आवश्यकता है। sails.controllers.ProjectController.addProject (डेटा) का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की लेकिन मुझे निम्नलिखित त्रुटि मिली: अपरिभाषित विधि जोड़ने की प्रक्रिया नहीं पायी जा सकती मैंने वैकल्पिक खोज की सेवाओं का उपयोग करते हुए दूसरे नियंत्रक को कॉल करने के तरीके, लेकिन यह मेरे लिए कोई मदद नहीं थी क्या यह काम पाने का कोई अन्य तरीका है? नियंत्रक सिर्फ नोड मॉड्यूल हैं जो सार्वजनिक विधियों का निर्यात करते हैं आप की आवश्यकता उन्हें और कुछ पसंद कर सकते हैं इसलिए अपने तरीकों को मानते हुए module.exports के साथ सही ढंग से संपर्क किया जाता है, यह काम करेगा: / * ProjectController * / module.exports = {addProject: function (डेटा) { // ...}}; / * SocketController * / / मान लें कि ProjectController.js उसी निर्देशिका में मौजूद है (सैल के लिए डिफ़ॉल्ट) var projec

How i can get the parent id in html code. In selenium webdirver using java -

How do I get the original ID inside the HTML code? I want to get the ID of that div using the description class name. Here the name of the card-box class for all cards and boxes is normal and is generated at run time. & Lt; Td width = "50%" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td width = "7%" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; Td width = "20%" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Tbody & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "verb" & gt; & Lt; Form method = "post" data-remote = "true" action = "/ commitments / get_view" accept-letterset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Div st