
Showing posts from July, 2014

html5 - Why are double hyphens invalid in HTML comments? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब टिप्पणियों में मानक मोड HTML। & lt;! - यह पूरी तरह से मान्य टिप्पणी है - मुझे लगता है। - & gt; & Lt;! - अमान्य टिप्पणी - निश्चित रूप से - & gt; इन अमान्य उदाहरणों के आधार पर तीन अतिरिक्त प्रतिबंध हैं: & lt;! - & gt; अमान्य - & gt; & LT;! --- & gt; अमान्य - & gt; & Lt;! - अमान्य --- & gt; इन सभी छोटे किनारे मामलों को निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए परेशान क्यों? विशेष रूप से, दोहरी हाइफ़न क्यों रोकें? [परिभाषा: टिप्पणियां अन्य मार्कअप के बाहर दस्तावेज़ में कहीं भी दिखाई दे सकती हैं; इसके अतिरिक्त, वे व्याकरण द्वारा अनुमत स्थानों पर दस्तावेज़ प्रकार घोषणा के भीतर दिखाई दे सकते हैं। वे दस्तावेज़ के चरित्र डेटा का हिस्सा नहीं हैं; एक XML प्रोसेसर, लेकिन इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है, टिप्पणी के पाठ को प्राप्त करने के लिए किसी एप्लिकेशन के लिए यह संभव है। संगतता के लिए, स्ट्रिंग "-" (डबल-हाइफ़न) टिप्पणियों के भीतर नहीं होनी चाहिए।] पैरामीटर इकाई संदर्भों को टिप्पणि

angular routing - Angularjs : [$injector:modulerr] error -

I do not understand what my fault is when I load the root URL, then this unicode error [ $ Injector: Modular] shows, and "/ ssh" is also not working, I'm using 1.3. Here's my code: & lt ;! DOCTYPE html & gt; & Lt; Html ng-app = "hiren" & gt; & Lt; Head lang = "en" & gt; & Lt; Meta charset = "UTF-8" & gt; & Lt; Base href = "/" /> & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-sm-1" ng-view & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script src = "lib / angular / angular.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "lib / angular-route / angular-route.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "src / hiren.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; hiren.js: Angular Modules (

algorithm - Meaning of Big O notation -

हमारे शिक्षक ने हमें बिग ओ संकेतन की निम्नलिखित परिभाषा दी: O (f (n)): एक समारोह जी (एन) ओ (एफ (एन)) में है ("एफ (एन) का बड़ा ओफ़") अगर वहां मौजूद स्थिरांक c & gt; 0 और एन जैसे कि | जी (एन) | ≤ सी | एफ (एन) | सभी के लिए n & gt; एन। मैं इस परिभाषा के विभिन्न घटकों को अलग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं। सबसे पहले, मैं जी (एन) के लिए में O (f (n)) के लिए इसका क्या मतलब है, मैं उलझन में हूँ। में क्या मतलब है? अगला, मैं बयान के पूरे दूसरे हिस्से से भ्रमित हूँ। ऐसा क्यों कह रहा है कि सभी के लिए जी (एन) से कम या बराबर एफ (एन) के सभी एन> एन का अर्थ बिग ओ नोटेशन के बारे में कुछ भी नहीं है? मेरे सामान्य अंतर्ज्ञान के लिए क्या बिग ओ नोटेशन का मतलब है कि यह एक एल्गोरिथ्म के रनटाइम का वर्णन करने का एक तरीका है। उदाहरण के लिए, यदि बुलबुला प्रकार सबसे खराब स्थिति में ओ (एन ^ 2) में चलता है, तो इसका मतलब है कि एल्गोरिथम को पूरा करने के लिए यह एन ^ 2 के संचालन (इस मामले की तुलना में) का समय लेता है। मुझे नहीं पता कि यह अंतर्ज्ञान ऊपर की परिभाषा से निम्नानुसार है।

php - Not Able to use ORDER by RAND() LIMIT 4 after users.user_id=".$_SESSION['user_id'] -

I'm not able to use order by rand () border 5 ['user_id'] Is there any way to do this, please help. $ sqlstate = "Choose from questions *, where users.category_id = questions.category_id and users.user_id =". $ _ Session ['user_id'] Order by rand () Border 5; You need to fix the string and the containeration. $ sqlstate = "Choose from the questions *, where users are users.category_id = questions.category_id and users.user_id =". $ _ Session ['user_id']. "RAND () Range 5 by Order"; Alternatively, since you are using PHP, you can only use the variable within double quotes: $ Sqlstate = "Choose from questions *, where users.category_id = queries.category_id and users.user_id = $ _ session ['user_id'] rand sequence () range 5";

java - Changing Label provider of Jface tree viewer giving exceptions in MAC -

I am facing a significant problem using the cell label provider for the Jefface Tree Viewer in Mac. In windows systems, there is no problem. I have a scenario to dynamically change the label provider, for that I have created a tree viewer before using content provider and label provider (cell label provider). After that I'm trying to change the label provider of the set label provider option to the tree viewer, but I'm having a null pointer exception. Exception:. Org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledCellLabelProvider.measure ( java.lang Org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledCellLabelProvider.getViewerCell ( / 30) Hole on org.eclipse.jface.viewers.OwnerDrawLabelProvider Org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sendEvent ( at $ OwnerDrawListener.handleEvent ( org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent ( on Org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent org.eclipse.swt

jquery - Form input boxes are tab-able but not clickable Adobe Muse Website -

I recently created a small website in Adobe Muse and I'm using their Forms widget I am I have not changed any settings by default and the input boxes are not clickable. I can tab through them, but this is the same. How can I fix this? I have tried to change the z-values, put onclick on all the labels and also turning around divs The problem can be seen at the URL below: /members.html > member.css stylesheet, you can either use this CSS from the members.css stylesheet Remove or lower CSA at the bottom of your stylesheet You can add: div # u183 {z-index: 0! Required; } Doing this will solve the problem.

ssl connect not work on Rails but works in standalone ruby script -

I remove the code from the service object in my Rail app. Error me # & lt; OpenSSL :: SSL :: SSLError: SSL_connect SYSCALL = 5 errno = 0 state = read SSLv3 server Hello A & gt; Under the railway I think the error is with the rail app setting, because I can run this code completely out of the rail. requires 'rest_client' module server DRA rest_query (server_url, header, content) start resp = (Server_url, content, header) {code: resp.code, header: Resp.raw_headers, body: resp.body} rescue exception => E return {code: @@ unknown_error_code, header: nil, body: @@ unknown_error_msg} and start server df in end and class portal @server_url = "" @header = {"Accept "= & Gt; "App / Jason", "Content-type" = & gt; "Session / id = Raw_content.squeeze ('') if: rest == conn_type return rest_query (@server_url, header, content) elsif: curl == conn_type return curl_que

php - inserting date from form to mysql -

This is my form code * use my database date format I'm sure there is no error in my code, but as soon as I click the upload button, the date is only 0000-00-00 & lt; Form action = "imageupload.php" method = "post" enactepe = "multipart / form-data" & gt; & Lt; Label = "date" & gt; Date & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Input type = "date" size = "60" name = "date" id = "date" /> & Lt; Input type = "submit" value = "upload file" /> & Lt; Input type = "reset" value = "clear" /> & Lt; / Form & gt; Here's my image upload. Php code fclose ($ handle); // Commit the image on database $ date = htmlentities ($ _ POST ['date']); Insert $ Query = 'user_post (date) values ​​(' 'date' ');; if (! (Mysql_query ($ query, $ link)) (die (' (ld; p & gt; image in database) Typing err

php - laravel 5 controller not visible via browser -

I know that Larval 5 is not yet in the developmental stage but I am trying and trying to understand it I do this how it works. Using the Home Controller, I added another method in contact and when I try to view it through the browser, it shows only 404 pages What am I doing wrong? Disabled by default routes and passed through all the controllers. & lt; Php namespace App \ http \ controllers; Use the Illuminated \ Routing \ Controller; Class Home Controller Controller {Public Function Index () {$ data = array ('fname' = & gt; Circman ',' lname '= & gt;' b '); Return view ('pages.home') - & gt; Together ('data', $ data); } Public Work Contacts () {Return 'Contact Us'; }} In AP / Provider / Route Service Provider this line requires app_path ('hpp / routing.fp'); is commented. So I removed it and put it in my path. Php $ router-> Receive ('Contact',

google apps script - Copy row values to a new sheet if it exist in another sheet -

I am new to Google Script and I have a script that is meant to be created. I have found this, where it should be removed in the row in any other sheet in the row. Now, my position is different here in my Google Spreadsheet, I have 3 sheets, the unique value that will be compared to the first two sheets, the first column is the "id number". Looking at the values, 784 | John Steip | IT department is present in the first 2 sheets, so the entire line should be copied to Sheet 3. It is equivalent that if ID ID is present in sheet 1 and 2, then it should be copied to sheet 3. I tried to modify the script, but I can not work: function copyRowtoSheet3 () {var s 1 = SpreadsheetApp.openById ( "1RlQTLZyPLasoJGplKemKg9qgcLcvCZZ_tPn6lWXEePw "). GetSheetByName ('sheet1'); Var s2 = SpreadsheetApp.openById ( "1RlQTLZyPLasoJGplKemKg9qgcLcvCZZ_tPn6lWXEePw") getSheetByName ( 'Sheet2'). VAR S3 = SpreadsheetApp.openById ( "1RlQTLZyPLasoJGplKe

sql server - Query Returns diffrent result When datatype is time -

मेरे पास दो कॉलम हैं जहां डेटा प्रकार नीचे है और क्वेरी नीचे निकाल दिया जो परिणाम नीचे देता है और अगर मैं नीचे क्वेरी चलाता हूँ फिर नीचे के रूप में भिन्न परिणाम लौटाएं

ios8 - iOS 8 Local Notifications Expire -

After some time local notifications may end, say 5 minutes? The best I could do was to check the local notification and if any proceedings were "expired", but is there any way to remove it from an information center? This is my check: - (zero) Application: (UIApplication *) Application Received Local Notification: (UILocalNotification *) Notification {BTLOG (@ "Notification: % @ ", Notification If ([[Date of NSDT] Time Interval Censor: Notification. FireDate) <300) {** Code **}} But as I said, I have notified I want to disappear from the notification history completely, it just stops the action and blocks it. Thank you.

javascript - Jquery event in the end of setting a text to an input -

I want to customize a JQuery event as a fact of the end of the set of text inputs. This idea is to set up a warning dialog when I have finished setting up the text. I have tried to do this but I should not do such things as I need any help. PS: # id of # input ("# Geocomplete") keyboard (function () {var x = $ ('input [name = "lat"]'). Val () ; Alert (x);}); A keyboard event occurs when a keyboard key is released. Keep () method triggers key events, or attaches a function to run when a keyboard event is over. When an element loses focus then a blurred event occurs. $ ("# geocomplete") .blur (function () {var x = $ ('input [name = " Lat "] '). Val (); Alert (x);}); Try it

android - RecyclerView ClassNotFound -

I tried to add Recycle Viv and Cardvive to my project Dependency {compile 'Com v7: 21.0.0' compile '' compile '' compile 'com .android Support: recyclable-V7: 21.0.0 'compile' com. Virapreindicator: Library: 2.4.1 @ AR 'compile project (': Facebook ')} It compiles, but exceptions should be found on the device I got it > by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: "android.view.RescyclerView" class on the path was not found: DexPathList [[zip file "/ data / jav.lang at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass (, the original library directory = [/ data / app-lib / xxxx, / vendor / lib, / system / lib]] ap / xxxx.apk "] Java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (classloader .j Clasloder on android.view.LayoutInflater.createView on or 457). Load class (Classloader.javaike 97) on Android.view.La

regex - Find word and replace word after that in string using c# -

नमस्कार, मेरे पास इस तरह की स्ट्रिंग है: string values ​​= ..... Href = "http: //" http: // ..... और ऐसा करने पर < P> मुझे "mynewsite: keyword" और फिर "कॉम" को "नेट" के साथ बदलने की आवश्यकता है। स्ट्रिंग में मौजूद कई "कॉम" मौजूद हैं, इसलिए मैं केवल मानों का उपयोग नहीं कर सका। रीप्ले विधि। इसके अलावा, कई अन्य साइट "माइस्साइट" के अलावा प्रस्तुत करता है, इसलिए मैं http के आधार पर नहीं खोज सकता ... (? & Lt; = http: \ / \ / mynewsite।) (\ W + \। Com) इसे आज़माएं। $ 1net । डेमो देखें।

uinavigationcontroller - UISplitViewController: Show masterViewController after navigation in detailViewController on iPhone -

I'm just playing with the new functionality of UISplitViewController in iOS8. Now I am looking for a solution to the following problem. In my case, I want to show some main menu inside the masterview controller. If you select an entry in the menu, the content changes to the view controller in detail, now you can navigate within the changes in the extension area. And here's my problem: The divided VIPI controller on the iPad behaves like this: You can navigate through the area in detail in any area controller. But you can still swipe in the masterviewcontroller in the main menu. But the masterview controller on the iPhone is the rootview controller of just one navigation controller. So when you are in the N-level level within the expansion area, you have to navigate back through all the previous view controllers to regain access to the main menu. Are you the controller to see the navigation stack in the area of ​​any solution to enter any main menu? Best regards, Sli

c# - How can I show dialog on UI thread from another -

I am using Show.Dialog on multiple threads, but there is a problem. When the dialog box that was called from the UI thread closes, the main window is active, even when there are some dialog boxes that are called from another thread. To avoid this, I want to show the dialog boxes to another on the UI thread, but how is this possible? Or is there any other way for me to avoid this problem? Public partial class custom message box: window {// implements this method that automatically closes the window of the CustomMsgBox after the specified time Public CustomMsgBox collapsed (string message ) {InitializeComponent (); Owner = application Present. main window; // Many Essential Operations ...} Show Public Stable Zero (String Message) {var customMsgBox = New CustomMsgBox (Message); CustomMsgBox.ShowDialog (); }} Public Class Message Display {// Public Representative Zero MsgEventHandler (String Message) on UI Thread; Private Event MsgEventHandler MsgEvent = message = & gt; CustomMs

java - Lucene: Overwrite Term Frequency at Index Time -

I am very new to Lusen's index structure, please let me know if it makes sense or if I use it Trying to drill holes to drill a hole main point / observation I believe that I need to overwrite the frequency of Lusen with a number of my own (I.e. a value [0,100] that represents a probability (i.e. [0,1]) or any other number which acts as an evidence proof that can replace the period of time. It is possible to overwrite the word frequency value so that the number In reality: I have such a kind of lucene index (using the word Lucene instead of the normal word frequency)? Most of the digital artifacts (or supposedly), with meta information instead, are files that contain text or very little text. This meta information learns perceptual possibilities, which are derived from classifier and other machine learning methods (e.g. Based ON object recognition, color histogram, or a combination of evidence). Here is a very simple example where an image was classified (with high pr

Why are Fortran pointers always variable -

Started using pointers in Fortran and recently stumbled on the fact that pointers in Fortran could not be stable. This means, nothing is possible: process (proc_type), pointer, parameter :: fPtr = & gt; MyFunc I tried to know why this is not possible. But the only thing I found was in "Modern Fortran explained": Also keep in mind that there can not be a continuous indicator [..] because they are always variable. But this does not explain the reason behind it, does anyone know about this? Because Fortran rules say so Fortran 2008 (ISO / IEC 1539- 1: 2010): 5.3.14 Multiplier Properties During the execution with 1 units, various data objects or processes can be linked to an event indicator or So there is a data pointer or a process indicator. Process indicators are described in It is not compatible with constants. Why are the rules in this form? Because the authors of the standard have done this. Why did they do this? The answer is oft

ios - Folder specified in "./configre --prefix" stays empty -

Try to use ios_webkit_debug_proxy to create libimobile_device I am doing I am following this tut: Since I do everything right to do this ~ / download / libplist- $ 1.11 /prebci/install/bb-conditioning-prefix = / & lt; Home-folder & gt; / Ios-proxy / check ... / usr / bin / install -c Check whether the building environment is enriched ... Yes [....] Configure: create.config.status config.status: Makefile config.status : Create libcnary / makefile config.status: create / createfile config.status: create / createfile config.status: create Cython / makefile config.status: create test / makefile config.status: create Libplist.pc config.status: create libplist +. Pc config.status: make doxygen.cfg config.status: config.h config.status: Config H is unchanged config.status: config.status to implement depfiles commands: configuration for libplist 1.11 to execute libtool commands : ---------------------------- --------------- Install prefix: .. .......: / & lt; Home fo

php - How to get a specific array value from an XML File? -

I have written an XML-parser to read an XML-file XML-file is not mine, so I change the structure not can. Unless I am not getting to this particular point, the work is very good. I want to read one value but I do not have any key to access this value. I have the values ​​(red) in the screenshot below Is marked, which I want to access. I dump PRAT-> VALUE ), then in return I get: Object (simple explanation) # 31 (3) {["@attributes"] = & Gt; Array (5) {["nr"] = & gt; String (1) "1" ["unit"] = & gt; String (3) "bar" ["unit_id"] = & gt; String (4) "3103" ["vo"] = & gt; String (0) "" ["vo_id"] = & gt; String (0) ""} [0] = & gt; String (2) "20" [1] = & gt; String (1) "2"} As seen, the values ​​I want to reach at the end of the dump are presented. I tried to use it as an array, but that does not work, value is not part o

c# - Cell background color affects the color of other lines -

I am creating a PDF where I add some text to each page as well as 2 lines which use the following method Are: private zero-less lines (document pdfDoc, PdfContentByte cb) {cb.MoveTo (0, 562); Cb.LineTo (pdfDoc.PageSize.Width, 562); Cb.MoveTo (0, 561); Cb.LineTo (pdfDoc.PageSize.Width, 561); } On a specific page, there is a table where I am using the following code to change the background color for a particular cell: Header = new PDFPCL (new phrase (market_data_list [i], grid_data_harding)); Header.Colpan = 2; Header. Herbal alignment = iTextSharp.text.Element.ALIGN_CENTER; Header.BackgroundColor = new baseclosure (238,233,233); Market_table.AddCell (header); // Add cell to table Now I am specifying the color in the background which I have specified (gray), but the lines change from black to gray ... I attract those lines There are two problems with your code: The problem # 1: Method Draw Line () does not attract any line. It creates paths for two rows, but

javascript - How can I calculate the size of an outer rectangle when it is rotated and must encompass an inner rectangle totally -

I have many answered questions, explaining how to calculate the bounding box of the curved rectangle But what i need to do is reverse Red Rectangle A is described as: var box = {x: 0, y: 0, w: 100, h : 200}; And the dimension of blue rectangle b is exactly , when it is rotated not . Given that the rectangle B has been rotated around its center point and given in the angle of radians, I use the minimum size Rectangle <<> B may occur when rectangular A should always fit inside it while maintaining its original aspect ratio (as previously mentioned, rectangular A similar) If you label edges of rectangles and attract an extra line (green in the diagram), you can see what you need to calculate: then c = a * Cos (θ) + b * sin (Θ) and d = b * c / a

c# - Is there a way to create programmatically something similar to the Visual Studio 'Go To Implementation' functionality? -

I see a way to read the contents of a method / function call, performance like some Visual Studio 'Go-like implementation (Or F11 in debug) but using the code. For example, if I have C #. Cc file that contains the following code: var characters = "AAAAAABBBBBBCCCCCDDDDD"; Var position = 0; Var newPosition; // Example # 1 myObject.FirstSixCharacters = characters.SubString (position, 6); Position + = 6; // Example # 2 myObject.SecondSetOfSixCharacters = Atatic object.form (character, position, 6, newpox out); Position + new position; I want to know what is the method to 'drop' the program and read the code in the 'Ameth' method of the 'atheistic object' object? To keep the question in context, I have a big enterprise solution that, in essence - parses a large string of characters in many DTO areas, I am thinking of writing something which is called 'parser' . To open the C file, reads the contents of the code, then determines th

python - Flask-login AttributeError: 'User' object has no attribute 'is_active' -

I have problems with flask-login after filling the login form and clicking on 'Submit' I get this error Is: Flask-Login Attribute: There is no attribute in 'User' object 'is_active' Some test users are created. And any problem with the login template Traceback: Traceback (most recent call final): The file "C: \ flask_prj \ project \ venv \ lib \ "C: \ flask_prj \ project \ venv \ lib \ site-packages \ flask \", line 1820, in the site-packages \ flask \ expose ", line 1836, __call__ return self-vio_ app (environment, start_proc) Response = self.make_response (self.handle_exception (e)) in the wsgi_app file "C: \ flask_prj \ project \ venv \ lib \ site-packages \ flask \", line 1403, handle_exception reraise (exc_type, exc_value, tb ) In the file "C: \ flask_prj \ project \ venv \ lib \ site- Packages \ flask \ ", line 1817, in the wsgi_app response = self.full_dispatch_request () file"

Passing a FORTRAN object to C and vice versa -

मेरे पास मेरा फ़ॉर्तोरन ऑब्जेक्ट है यह% ऑब्जेक्ट% a this% object% b यह% ऑब्जेक्ट% c मैं इसे सी में लिखे गए कोड में देना चाहता हूं, मैं एक फोरट्रान प्रोग्रामर हूं और मुझे सी के साथ बहुत कम जोखिम मिला है। मैं Iso_c_binding पूर्णांक और सरणियों को पार करने के लिए, लेकिन अब मुझे ऑब्जेक्ट पास करना होगा मैं निम्नलिखित वस्तु में ऑब्जेक्ट को परिभाषित करता हूं TYPE ऑब्जेक्ट INTEGER :: एक INTEGER :: b INTEGER :: c end TYPE ऑब्जेक्ट "post-text" itemprop = "text"> आप इंटरऑपरेट करने योग्य प्रकार कर सकते हैं: का उपयोग करें iso_c_binding प्रकार, BIND (सी): : ऑब्जेक्ट INTEGER (c_int) :: एक INTEGER (c_int) :: बी INTEGER (c_int) :: सी एंड प्रकार ऑब्जेक्ट प्रकार (वस्तु) :: ओ मानक में प्रतिबंध हैं ऑब्जेक्ट पर उदाहरण के लिए, इसमें ऑलोकेटेबल या पॉइंटर घटकों को शामिल नहीं किया जा सकता है। जब आप इसे एक इंटरऑपरेबल प्रक्रिया में पास करते हैं: शून्य उप (c_object * x) {} सबस्ट्रैनेट उप (x (सी, नाम = "उप") प्रकार (ऑब्जेक्ट), आशय (अंतराल) :: एक्स एंड स

html - CSS display none and opacity animation with keyframes not working -

I have display: none; is a very basic piece of HTML with the purpose of animating display: block with opacity changing from 0 to 1. I am using a Chrome browser, which uses -webkit to make prefix animation as priority as possible -webkit-keyframes Transition Set Although, it is not working and simply changes display without vanishing. I have JSFiddle. & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Style type = "text / css" & gt; #myDiv {display: none; Opacity: 0; Padding: 5px; Color: # 600; Background color: #cc; -Winkit-infection: 350 ms display-any infection; } # Spinach: hover & gt; #myDiv {Opacity: 1; Display area; } # Parent {background-color: # 000; Color: #fff; Width: 500px; Height: 500px; Padding: 5px; } @ -webkit-keyframe display-no-infection {0% {display: none; Opacity: 0; } 1% {display: block; Opacity: 0; } 100% {display: block; Opacity: 1; }} & Lt; / Style & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; Div id = "paren

Excel VBA Array (3d) Novice -

I am trying to populate a 3D array and (at this point) just return it to msgbox, The data I want is in the colums of the array 9, 15 and 16 and will be like ... 2342341234, 01/01/1969, 18:00 I Keep an eye out for mismatch or not, why fathom, please help, you can, welcome all suggestions as I am a novice on this thing Integer in global form Purna CINO Global LastOrOfData option as the Global NumberOfRows Integer Global FirstRowOfData as the integer 'line loop global HospNo () integer global TRCDate as I date (date) as the global TRCTime () date Global MonthArray (HospNo , TRCDate, TRCTime), with the sub CreateMonthArray () FirstRowOfData = 1 ActiveSheet LastRowOfData = Range (.arange ("A1"), Range ("A65535"). (And xlUp). For the end calculations (HospNo, TRCDate, TRCTime) with the slow MonthArray, do I do the FirstArrayOfRo numberOfRows = for MonthArray = (ActiveSheet.Cells (i + 1, 9. Value) Let's MonthArray (TRCDate) = ( ActiveSheet.Cells (i + 1,

How to remove all cookies in Angularjs? -

I can set a cookie like this: $ cookiestore.put (' Mycookie ',' I'm a cookie '); and I can remove it from $ cookieStore.remove ('mycookie'); But how can I remove all cookies? OK, obviously this can not be the best solution, but I got a workaround Is: Angular. ForEach ($ cookies, function (v, k) {$ cookiestore.remove (k);}); But I still appreciate if there is a better solution. I'm really curious about why not an underlying $ cookiestore.removeAll () method ... < / P> ngCookies module is not required to install. Editing With version 1.4, the $ cookiestore has been deprecated. Instead, you can use the $ Cookies service to get all cookies with the $ cookies.getAll () and each with the $ cookies.remove (' Key '). var cookies = $ Cookies.getAll (); Angular For each (cookies, functions (v, k) {$ cookies.remove (k);});

html - WordPress : Genesis Framework Custom Nav CSS Class -

I am using a custom custom theme with the Genesis Framework. I am not trying to change the default menu with my own, I only want to add the name of a custom class to the existing element, which currently displays header (Header from my menu is in the widget) How can I achieve it? I have tried to use the nav_menu_css_class filter without success in my child's function.php file. From the menu menu that will be created in WordPress, the first menu name will be applied as follows. So if you have a menu with the top menus name, then that UI will be a menu-top-menu, so that ul is this and lt; Ul id = "menu-top-menu" class = "menu" . You can target the menu using ID. Alternatively, if you create a menu called 'Top Menu', then you can call it directly in the theme file using the wp_nav_menu . Using this technique, you can add a class. In the example below I'm adding a class named "code" to the top-menu . Wp_nav_menu (array (&

java - if statement in JSTL -

I want to make a statement in JSTL. Here's what I want to do: & lt; C: set var = "sex" value = "$ {}" /> & Lt; C: If test = "$ ( == 'male')" & gt; // Set gender to zero & lt; / C: if & gt; & Lt; C: If test = "$ ( == 'female')" & gt; // Set gender to one & lt; / C: if & gt; And then use sex in this section / P>

Releases stuck in 'Rejected' state -

I wanted to delete an old release template that we used to test to clean up release management. But when I tried to disable the template, I found the following message: To disable this release template, from any of the following situations in any release that uses this template One should be: released, abandoned < / P> OK, this message makes sense ... by completing this process or leaving it to me G must be incomplete release that I have to accomplish. When I went to the list of pending releases, one of them was inclined rejected in the situation that I can neither try nor leave it for example: Now I have an old, obsolete template Can not be deleted because I can not find any way to skip these unapproved releases. What should I do to delete the template? Ensure that you are in the group or are responsible for verification of the forum. I had such a problem, even though I am a release manager, but when I made myself a verifier of the forum, which failed /

java - Spring transaction management txAdvice -

I have got some problems while configuring the Spring Transaction Manager on which I am working, there is a layered architecture. Therefore there is a service level with all transaction services in it I wanted to rollback the transaction for spring when there was an investigation (application specific) exception. I was doing this by annotation: @ Transactional (value = "transaction DDS", for rollback = "throbable") This fix But since I have so many services, I want to transfer this configuration to XML (Spring DAO Reference File). I did this: & lt; Tx: advice id = "txAdvice" transaction-manager = "transactionManagerDds" & gt; & Lt; Tx: blames the account & gt; & Lt; Tx: method name = "*" read-only = "false" promotion = "required" rollback-for = "throwable" /> & Lt; / Tx: Explains responsible & gt; & Lt; / Tx: Advice & gt; & Lt; Aop: config & gt; &a

Are serial fields in NEW variable inside a before insert trigger function in postgresql initialized? -

In PostgreSQL 9.1, I have to enter another field in a table with the same value as the ID column, which is the serial . For now I am adding the returning part to the INSERT command and a consistent UPDATE record in the same transaction Command to update I really want to do this operation in this transaction and preferably only one SQL command (without the need to take support after the inclusion trigger). My question is before the included trigger on the same table, it is the new variable which is considered to contain the record, which is already starting with the value back Is the next code ('seq_table') for the id field or not? Can I assign this value to any other field in a similar trigger function? Is this valid? NEW.custom_field: =;

objective c - Sending 'MKPointAnnotation *__strong' to parameter of incompatible type 'id<NSCoping>' -

I have a MKMapView in this view I made some comments When the user clicks the Annotation Disclosure button, I want to push to see in detail. When I make annotations, I still have the key to store item to be able to fill the NSMutableDictionary. Mkpoint Annotations * Point = [[Mk Point Annotation Elok] Init]; CLLocationCoordinate2D AnnotationCoulder; Annotation Cord.Latitude [[Store Store Latitude] Float Value]; Annotation code. Langlit = [[store store longitated] float value]; Point.coordinate = annotationCoord; NSString * title = [store storeName]; Point.title = Title; Point.subtitle = Location; // Refer to the object to store the object with the annotation point as [Key] [AnnotationStoreEcturation Set Object: store forKey: point]; When the user chooses annotation, I want to call DetailViewController and pass the object: - (zero) mapView: (MKMapView *) MapView AnnotationView: (MKNotationview *) Visual CalloutExecution Controls: (UIC Control *) Control {DetailsviewContro

excel vba - How to copy cells from multiple sheets, that do not exist yet, in on master sheet? -

I am quite naïve with macros, but I have a job that is very difficult in my opinion and could not be found. .. I'm sure that you can help me here is the problem: I have a workbook with 2 unhearded sheets ('sector 1' and 'report') and 1 hidden ('main'). 'Sector 1' has a command button, which is pressed when a new sheet called 'Sector 2' (a copy of 'Main'). If I press the command button in 'Sector 2', then it puts a new copy of 'main' named 'Sector 3' and so on. The second non-shead sheet has been named 'Reports' and it is to include several rows in the 'work' report, since the areas are finally, and to copy the specific values ​​of cells from all the contained sheets, e.g. The 'code' should have a copy of the cell * A8 * from 'Report' 'Sector 1' to * B5 *; In cell 'B8' there should be a copy of 'D46' from 'Sector 1' with 'Report'; '

ruby - Return a query with nested results with Rails ActiveRecord -

I am trying to get a list of active tasks for a workflow tool, in this way with structured data has_many projects has_many subprojects has_many tasks has_many TimeLogs I am trying to display this complete structure as the main page, but at only a few levels show an active working parent structures. So far I've tried: On any of the four tables included, which produce fake rows A statement somewhere , Which only gives to relevant users, but when I try to reach my children, WHERE has not retained the clause The nested level of problem due to This can be quite complex. As I understand, you want to leave the user. Projects | Subproducts, which do not have any active functions, are not an ordinary SQL that will get you: users.each do | User | User.active_projects.each do | Project | Instead, I first query for functions, i.e. @tasks = Task.includes (: subproject => [: project =>: user]] ). Where ("not in status ('full')") . After

windows store apps - How to authenticate the user in offline mode in Azure Active Directory? -

Developing a Windows Store 8.1 application using C # and xaml. In the app, initially log on to the app using the Azure Active Directory Single Sign (with an internet connection) on user login but when the user is not connected to the internet How to authenticate the user in the Azure Active Directory? I want my app to work in offline mode too .. How can I get it? When you 'log in', then there should be a built-in object. In the case of openID connection, there is an id_token, ohth creates an access key. If they have been captured and stored safely, then there will be evidence that the user had authenticated AAD at one time. It is time to conclude the artwork of 'log in'. Backups, when a user logs in, how is this identity used? Do you manage secure resources or do you reach for them?

three.js - three js get tangent/intersection of sphere and segment -

मेरे पास vector3 ए और vector3 बी : मुझे वेक्टर 3 सी (गोलाकार और खंड एबी के प्रतिच्छेदन) को जानने की आवश्यकता है। इस वेक्टर को पाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? मुझे केवल एक वेक्टर की आवश्यकता है, सटीक या रेंज के बारे में कोई माटर नहीं। इसमें छः-कोड dAB [1] = B [1] - ए [1] डीएबी [2] = बी [2] - ए [2] डीएबी [3] = बी [3] - ए [3] आरडीएबी = 1.0 / एसकेआरटी (डीएबी [1] ^ 2 + डीएबी [2] ^ 2 + डीएबी [3] ^ 2) सी [1] = ए [1] + आर * डीएबी [1] * आरडीएबी सी [2] = ए [2] + आर * डीएबी [2] * आरडीएबी सी [3] = ए [3] + आर * डीएबी [3] * आरडीएबी जहां डीएबी ए से बी , आर से एक वेक्टर है जो गोल का त्रिज्या होता है, और rdab वेक्टर डीएबी की उलटा लम्बाई है।

jquery - How do you refresh an HTML5 datalist using JavaScript? -

I'm loading the options dynamically in an HTML5 daatist element However, browser options Attempts to show the daistist before being loaded. This result is not being displayed or sometimes a partial list is being displayed. Once the options are loaded, what is the method to refresh the list via javascript once? HTML & lt; Input type = "text" id = "component" list = "content" & gt; & Lt; Datalist id = "content" & gt; & Lt; / Datalist & gt; JavaScript $ ("# element"). ("Keyword", function (event) {var value = $ (this) .val (); $ .ajax ({url: "/ API / content", data: {search: value.length & gt; 0} Values ​​+ "*": ""}, success: work (content () ($ ("# content") for blank (); (in content var i) {$ (" ) .html (content [i] .name) .appendTo ("#content");} // One of the datalists to be rendered}}}}; Note: In Chrome and Opera

elasticsearch - UPSERT function for elastica? -

I want to update batch in elastic search using elastica. The data comes from a Postgrascill DB and the SAD is similar to the PQ ID. After an operation in SQL DB ID and its data can be changed, removed or inserted. When an ID batch is updated in an ID, which is not in existence, then an exception is thrown - bad. When trying to destroy an ID, which is not present, even a removable is of the following type - it is also bad. Is there a great and efficient solution to avoid sold updates? elastica can not say about, but you can use elasticsearch + on curl It looks very bad but should work. mvc - "The specified path, file name, or both are too long" URL within a web application -

We are developing a web application using EPIServer 7.5 MVC. During the testing phase, we have searched when an editor publishes a page with a long URL, so we get an error given below: "The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified filename should be less than 260 characters, and the directory name should be less than 248 characters." If the URL is small, then the error is not showing. The recommended fixes for this are 'relaxUrlToFileSystemMapping' in the web.config to be set to true. It works, however, I am unsure about the effect of this and by enabling it within a web application, what is the security risk. First of all, 'relaxedUrlToFileSystemMapping' is a recommended approach to decide? Has anyone applied any different to get this issue? Thanks Scott Hanselmann (Microsoft employee, ASP.Net and blue team I do believe). She describes it as "a security shutdown" though it does not go into specific

delphi - DataSnap: update client dataset on updating server data -

In my server application I have some datasets, which are connected to TDataSetProvider in customer eder, I use TClientDataSet < / P> On some server methods, I am changing the SQL property of the query, and reloading the data in the server module. But there is no change in the client app. How can it solve the best way? Thank you.

java - Handling Huge number of POST parameters -

I am passing around 1000 parameters to my server and I got the error "detected by the maximum number of POST standards" error I increased MAX_COUNT values ​​in my local server and it was working fine But in my production environment, the server administrator is not ready to increase the count above 512, it is seeing DOS attacks as the reason. / P> Is the best way to pass these 1000+ parameters on the server? I tried to split the page into sections and saved the available buttons for each section. But if this is not possible, then what would be the best practice to send a large number of parameters to the server? You can find around it by posting XML or JSON documents with all parameters, it needs a little change But you will get around the ban without dealing with Sisdomin.

c# - ieframe.dll and shlwapi.dll lack in dependency walker -

I try to run a .NET desktop project on Oracle VM but it has not run. I tried to see missing resources on "Dependency Walker" Ieframe.dll and shlwapi.dll have been marked as red. When I added these resources, I had to face warnings for some other DLLs. Resources. How can I solve this problem? This is not a problem, this dependency is just a false positive from walkers. You should ignore it and do not attempt to redistribute these DLL packages. Just Dependency What Walkers Neglect Neglect The loading of your application will not be affected by these particular false positives. Keep in mind that Dependency Walker is designed for unmanaged executables. This is less useful for .NET executables. You may need to find a different tool to diagnose your problem.

Switching to Safari for Facebook login terminates iOS app -

I am preparing a Facebook-enabled app and I am testing Facebook login. I am using Pars (1.4.2, latest) with ParseFacebookUtils (1.4.2, latest). Here's how I enter: [PFFacebookUtils logInWithPermissions: @ [@ "user_friends"] Block: ...]; However, at this time I tap the button, my app goes to Safari to login to Facebook, and immediately ends I confirm this behavior because both Debugers are separated and an app representative - applicationWillTerminate: is called a method. I noticed that some other strange behavior is that applicationWillEnterForeground: not is being dialed but applicationDidEnterBackground: The handler is already being called. I am on the iOS 8.1 simulator. How do I solve it? apparently in the background named info.plist file Not moving . This is a lending project, and I have not seen the key before. I've removed that key and the problem is over.

c++ - Reflect camera in translated plane -

I have an aircraft z = 0 and want to reflect my camera in this camera. My code works well, as long as I do not translate the plane with the z-axis. My current endeavor looks like this: // changes the plane in the world. Vec4 varies to the atmosphere Plane = modelMatrix.inverse (). Transpose () * vec4 (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Calculation reflection matrix mat4 mReflection = mat4 (1.0 - 2.0 * waterplan.atx) * waterplane.tex (), -2.0 * waterplane.tex () * waterplane.gte (), -2.0 * waterplane.tex () * Waterplane.Getji (), -2.0 * Waterplane.etx () * Waterplen.GLL (), -2.0 * Waterplane.etx () * Waterplane.GTV (), 1.0 - 2.0 * Waterfall.), -2.0 * Waterplane.GTE () * Waterplane. Jez (), -2.0 * waterplane.GTE () * waterplane.GLL (), -2.0 * waterplane.atx () * waterplane Jez (), -2.0 * waterplane.GTE () * water plane.tages (), 1.0 - 2.0 * waterplane.ziz () * waterplane.ziz (), -2.0 * waterplane.ziz () * waterplane.atl () , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); // Set the new camera position camera .from

python - apply a function to each pair of rows of an array -

I have a numpy array of sizes 4x400 . I want to apply the function to all pairs of rows of this narrow array. Function: def func (vector1, vector2): ... ... return x where X is a Float value Then in the end I will get a vector of 10. Is it anyhow efficiently (fast) without using loops? Imported itertools as imported into arr = numpy.random.rand (4,400) Transposed = arr.T values ​​= [ (i, j) i, j (transposed, 2)] print value in it.comb

python - Unable to convert to datetime using pd.to_datetime -

I am trying to read a CSV file and use it as a time frame to convert it into datafree I am CSV file of this type: # on time CO_T1_AHU.01_CC_CTRV_CHW__SIG_STAT 0 NaN NaN% 1 Nain Nain cooling coil Hydronic Valves Status 2 2014-01-01 00:00:00 0 3 2014 - 01-01 01:00:00 0 4 2014-01-01 02:00:00 0 5 2014-01-01 03:00:00 0 6 2014-01-01 04:00:00 0 < / Pre> I have read using this file: df = pd.read_csv ('filepath / file.csv', sep = ';', parse_dates = [[0 , 1]] produced this result: #Date_Time FCO_T1_AHU.01_CC_CTRV_CHW__SIG_STAT 0 no, 1% Ninan cooling coil Hydronic valve position 2 2014-01 - 01 00:00:00 0 3 2014-01-01 01:00:00 0 4 2014-01-01 02:00:00 0 5 2014-01-01 03:00:00 0 6 2014-01-01 04:00:00 0 To change the string in datetime and continue to use it as an index: pd.to_datetime (df.values ​​[,, 0]) df.set_index ([Df.column [0]], inplace = true) get: FCO_T1_AHU.01_CC_CTRV_CHW__SIG_STAT #Date_Time nan nan% nan nan Cooling Coil Hydronic valve po

java - Android closes on login screen when backspace pressed on login activity -

There is a login page on which I am working, where users enter their credentials, and log in . For any reason, if the user presses the backspace key while typing the password, the application stops back on the main screen of the phone The only lockout result shown on the press is: / P> 4332-4332 / com.etc.etc W / IInputConnectionWrapper: showStatusIcon on passive input connection I was looking around but there is no fix for this Could get it - maybe I forgot something. Thank you! Edit: I have received this code which was responsible for this. I do not know what the developer remembered, but after commenting there were no other issues. Inveraride Public Boolean (Int kikod, Key Event Event) @KeyDown {Finnish (); Return super.Condondon (keycode, event); } The back button, by default, terminates an activity if you Override the press function if you do not want to finish: Override public null at @BackPressed () {// whatever you want or do nothing}

mysql - Issues setting up a N-M relationship -

Using MySQL, I try to install multiple relationships from 1 by using already uploaded data in the database I am doing For example, say I have a list of names in a table and I want to add them to the lists of places that they are, obviously 1 person can go to many different places, but let me set up this set up There is a problem taking place. ----- Name ----------- ID --------- John Smith 1 Random 2 Seth Boy 3 ---- -------------------------- I have another table which will look like this: ------- City --------- ID --- ------ New York 1 Chicago 2 Orlando 3 La 4 ------- ------------------------ I am looking for something like this: -------- name -------- city ---------- John Smith Chicago John Smith Orlando John Smith New York Seth Guy Chicago who randomized LA - ----------------------------- ------ I know That John Smith has been in all three places because the original file I upload tells me so much, but I want the database to make that connection and accordingly

comments - Stata do file /// Execute (do) error -

I have a .do file where I have some long lines that are on several lines It is a way to handle this using the /// command at the end of the line, however, it does not work in the following applications: local ABC " The reason for some is in the file editor, the first /// is black and the second is green when I use the code Select this part and call it Execute (do) Butt Extend presses run Steta, I get an error. What to be done See the results of running these snippets: Local ABC now / // cd /// ef Performance "ABC" and local ABC Ab / * * / CD / * * / Ef display " `ABC '' and local ABC now /// cd / ef.f show" ABC '' In all three, the strat understands the desire to continue on the next line. Do not like the strait, do you like the string surrounded by several lines from " Dne are trying. Check, which may contain useful references.

ruby - How can I create a database browser on a Rails site idiomatically? -

I am trying to create an interactive web database browser as a component on a Rail Website. What is the most idiomatic way to implement it in railways? Although I have worked with Active Records, I'm not sure that the database is the best way to create a searchable table of records where you can select the filter, depending on the field, and the user specified per page Can see the record number of Actually, something like this: Is there any idea about how I should go about setting it up? I gave ActiveAdmin a try, but the interface is meant to be public; Not just for site administrators. Check out some gems in this way.

java - Adding values to array list with constructor from another class, error message -

I'm having an error saying that the symbol can not be found and it's bold The area is mentioning card.ed (new card (Suite: SPADS, I)); I have the following manufacturers in the 'card' category: card (suit suit, int rank) {this.suit = suit; This.rank = Rank; } I have declared some enumeration in that class: Public Enum Suits {Spades, Hearts, Club, Diamonds} The deck square is the place where I add to the album. Array list card = new arrelist (52); Deck () {// array list = new array list (52); For (int i = 0; i It appears that the suit is located inside If you have to use Card.Suit.SPADES or card class outside of the card class.

c# - List of points should result in a polyline with different strokes -

I have a list of points. They should be drawn as a line in which different colors for each line segment Are likely to be In addition, the shape should fit within a given area (grow up if the area becomes bigger, if larger). I have already tried to use a grid with several overlay polyline, one for enlarging / shrinking each color, I set the stretch property of each polyline to uniform and horizontal and vertical alignment for the center. But it works only when each polyline is of the same size. & lt; Grid & gt; & Lt ;! - Positive example - & gt; & Lt; Border borderchurch = "2" borderbrush = "rad" margin = "120,50,120,200" padding = "3" & gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Polyline horizontal alignment = "center" vertical element = "center" stroke = "black" strokectination = "2" stretch = "uniform" number = "0,0 10,0 10, -10, -10" /> & Lt; Polyline

jquery - getOrgChart font size change -

I am using getOrgchart and trying to change color and font size in a getOrgChart so that the name in the box Got shortened. I also like to change the background color and box color of the page background thanks html, body {margin : 0 pixels; padding: 0 px; height: 100%; Hidden flurry; } # People {width: 100%; Height: 100%; } Div.get-org-chart.get-darkred {background color: white; } Div.get-org-chart .get-text {font-size: 20px! Important; } Div.get-org-chart.get-darkred .get-oc-c .get-box {fill: blue; Stroke: Dark; } & lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' src = '// /ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js'></script> & Lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text / css" href = "//"> & Lt; Script type = 'text / javascript' src = "//"></script&

qt - QtPositioning 5.3, QML PositionSource Returning no Data on ios 8.1? -

I am creating a simple photo app and the GPS coordinates of the current photo are required. I have followed the basics of creating and checking the PositionSource element in CPML (and it looks fine). But when I use coordinates and timestamps, I give invalid time and no nan. I import QtPositioning 5.3 to QT + = qml in qml and .pro file quick positioning Here is my situation processing element Status resource { Id: src Active: True Favorite Promotion Methods: Status Resources Setrite positioning method component. Contained: {src.start () src.update () var supPos = "unknown" if (SRC. Supported promotion methods == position Snsadnknhin promotion method) {supPos = "NoPositioningMethods"} if (SRC. Supported PositioningMethods == state resources. AllPositioningMethods) {supPos = "AllPositioningMethods"} if (src.supportedPositioningMethods == PositionSource.SatellitePositioningMethods) {SupPos = "SatellitePositioningMethods"} if (src.supported

html - Need SQL query (MS) to indicate status transition time -

I am very smart with T-SQL, but I have not been confused with spaces and partitions, and I doubt that Something is needed I have a table with two columns, datetime and status, in which the status is "on" or "off". I'm looking for a query that will give me the result of an infection offset or off. To clarify, I have the process of reporting the status of an external object is the interval), so the factors of the OF position will be multiples of 'OT status' - I am only interested in the changes . Alternatively, the last transition and this one (like how, I do not see any way to do this without cursor. Thanks to! What version of SQL? 2012 is the Lead and Lag Operator Supported for, which should work. Select Leg (field) over [[field by [field [, field]] field [, field] by order]

TableSorter filer functionality -

I am thinking that when filing on the first column of the first table example, I can have the option of "Peter" I should be able to get all the other options! Peter? Thank you in advance, Aparna you The demo is linked to you ! Peter will not be allowed to enter and search because: You enter in another code! Peter , but it will not return to any result because the column is set to only match exact. I have set up any of those restrictions, and if you any of the first two columns In, the expected results will be shown. Now, if you mean that you want to change the selected element options, then you should see the document for it.

oracle11g - Concatenating records when id is the same in Oracle -

I have an Oracle 11g database. My table CHATUSERS looks like this: UserId - Identifier SeqNum - Chat conversation order chat text - Added chat text date - DateTime chat conversation occurred. A user can have multiple chat sessions in one day. I want to combine all per person per chat. Example: UserId SeqNum added date ChatText --------------- ---------- ------- 1 1 28-October -14 Hey, how are you? 1 2 28-OCT-14 Do you have a minute? 1 3 28-Oct-14 wanted to talk to you about something 1 1 25-Oct-14 Congratulations! 1 2 25-OCT-14 on your promotion will return the selected query results: UserId, added date and full text 1 28-OCT - Hey, how are you? do you have a minute? Wish to talk to you about something 1 25-Oct-14 Congratulations! code> UserId, datedaided, LISTAGG (chat text , '') Choose;

function - When to use globals (or at least file wide) variables in Python -

As a Javascript developer *, I avoid global Also of type, but I can not help but am surprised that many times they are "ok". For example, I have a file of utility classes used on my app and they often use "Pretty Print" for debugging. So I should include it: pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter (indent = 4) It would be OK to declare it in almost every oracle Just above the file above the import so that all the fanks use it ?? To be a frank, I'm still learning that " Pythonic " means and is well respected that we, a community As, it is better to follow very similar styles. So, I appreciate all the approaches. * I'm a JavaScript developer who embraces greatness with insanity and enthusiasm, which is a dragon!

r - Objects aren't recognized unless manually created -

मेरा सर्वर। आर फ़ाइल शुरू होती है: लाइब्रेरी (चमकदार) स्रोत ("स्क्रिप्ट / 0-तैयार-इनपुट। आर ") स्रोत (" स्क्रिप्ट / 1-विश्लेषण- फ़ंक्शंस। आर ") shinyServer (फ़ंक्शन (इनपुट, आउटपुट) {}) अगर मैं मैन्युअल रूप से निष्पादित करता हूं दो सहायक स्क्रिप्ट, फिर runApp () वांछित के रूप में काम करता है हालांकि, अगर मैं पर्यावरण को साफ़ करके शुरू कर देता हूं और फिर स्क्रिप्ट चलाने के लिए source () कमांड की अनुमति देता है, तो 0-Prepare-Inputs.R aren ' टी पाया त्रुटि इस प्रकार दिखाई देती है: & gt; चमकदार :: runApp () पर सुनना त्रुटि: (obj, function (val) {}: ऑब्जेक्ट की टेबलाइट्स 'नहीं मिला sTableTypes 0-Prepare-Inputs.R : sTableTypes & lt; - सूची (दौड़ = c ("सभी",) के भीतर निम्न तरीके से उत्पन्न होता है। "व्हाइट", "ब्लैक", "हिस्पैनिक", "एनएचएच व्हाइट", "एनएचब्लैक"), लिंग = सी ("कुल", "पुरुष", "महिला")) केवल इस लाइन को runAp