
Showing posts from February, 2014

Using media queries to interchange content on Foundation 5 -

Thank you for helping me I am using Foundation 5 and I find out It does not matter how to organize the content systematically I have designed 10 accordions for mobile offers and in one duplicated index.html file I have created vertical tabs working for desktop resolutions. On Foundation 5 documentation, details about using interchangeable content are specific to images, which become interactive for larger offers. How can I set up my code so that I can display accordions on the mobile and vertical tabs on the desktop? Will be highly appreciated if anyone can help with this. Thank you, Mark Since accordion and tabs There is a separate markup, the suggestion I give is to use visibility sections, I do not interaction, and you can save some JS using only CSS (you can find them here).

mysql - SQL Query for a range of values and one single value -

I am trying to write a query in MySQL to select all the columns from a table where values ​​1 and 10 Are between or equal to 15. I know that this will look something like this, but it is not right: SELECT * from some of the factors where value_id between 1 and 10 ... and Value_id = '15 ' ... where (value_id between 1 and 10 ) Or (value_id = 15) Pantentes have been included for clarity.

syntax - Asterisk usage in variable naming -

I came across a solution to reserve a C-string string. Here's the code: zero reserve (four * str) {char * end = str; Four tmp; If (str) {while (* end) {++ end; } --End; While (str This is not Java You can not start the variable in Java with '*'.

How do I structure data to use R lmer -

I am trying to analyze the reliability data, a specific case should be determined that the specified plants on specified plants Whether the demand rate for 10-year trend is present or not. I am trying to generate a test case, but there is a bit confused about how to structure the data. The trend is happening from 2004 to 2013. In my trial, I have 10 systems each year for which the demands have been calculated. I usually calculate the distribution with different methods and variations each year. Of course, the probability of real data will not be calculated the same system every year, and the demand count is not necessarily distributed normally. The following R code generates a data frame (DF1) that I think is appropriate: yr < - 2004: 2013 y2004 & lt; - rnorm (10, 10), 3) y2005 & lt; - rnorm (10, 11, 2) y2006 & lt; - rnorm (10, 12, 1) y2007 & lt; - rnorm (10, 13, 5) y2008 & lt; - rnorm (10, 14, 3) Y2009 & lt; - rnorm (10, 15, 4) y2010 & lt; - r

ruby on rails - Application Controller level validation with redirect -

I'm sure, make sure that the best way to make some necessary properties of each user is not what And if they don 't want me to' new 'page like class ApplicationController & lt to redirect them; ActionController :: Base protect_from_forgery before_filter: authenticate_user!,: Valid_location def valid_location if (? Current_user.location.nil || redirect_to new_user_locations_path ( and true end end The above example is flawed because it creates a redirect loop. I can definitely use some advice about making this kind of recognition thanks cause that this is creating a loop, because valid_location method is also controller be called new_user_locations_path . To prevent this you need to make sure that the filter does not run with the controller ( skip_before_action in Rail 4). There is such a problem. Classroom Controller & lt; ApplicationController skip_before_filter: valid_location, only [New ,:

objective c - SQLite Temp view/table in background thread -

I am creating a temporary view / table on a database from a thread, so I use that temporary table in that background I try to thread and I can not use floating tables. I understood that the same process can look at the temporary tables, but I can not, I do not get any such table ... in ... How to use floating ideas / tables from other threads Can I do the same process? I am using the block, and opening a new connection while executing the block, closing the connection while running the query / statement. Temporary tables / views are local to database connections. You have to share a database connection (which will require additional synchronization), or another database file with a known name in each connection.

php - Email encoding with Amazon SES sendRawEmail -

I am trying to send the following raw e-mail message using PHPMailer 5.2.9 generated by SES SDK 2.7 sendRawEmail method: Date: Tuesday, 28 October 2014 03:34:18 from +0000: Reply: Message-ID: & lt; C738074625a476ed8e2793323ad0b3b2 @ * Dev & gt; X-priority: 3X-Mailer: PHPMailer MIME-version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart / Optional; Border = "b1_c738074625a476ed8e2793323ad0b3b2" Material Transfer-Encoding: 8bit to: subject: Test Subject (TID # 1, SID # 2) --b1_c738074625a476ed8e2793323ad0b3b2 Content-Type: text / plain; Test the email for Charset = us-ascii _Some One_! --b1_c738074625a476ed8e2793323ad0b3b2 Content Type: text / html; Charset = us-ascii & lt; I & gt; Some forests & lt; / I & gt; Test Email for! --b1_c738074625a476ed8e2793323ad0b3b2-- Here's to the raw produce email and send him used to the code: $ mail = new PHPMailer ( ); $ Mail & gt; AddAddress (for $); $

ios8 - Convert String to NSDate in Swift -

इस दिनांक को NSDate datestring = / दिनांक (147410000000) / // सर्वर प्रतिसाद से स्ट्रिंग अपेक्षित आउटपुट: 12/01/2014 < P> मैंने यह कोशिश की लेकिन मुझे शून्य हो गया। तिथि स्वरूप दें: NSDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter () dateFormatter.dateFormat = "dd / MM / yyyy" तिथि दें = dateFormatter.dateFromString (डेटास्ट्रिन्ग) वापसी की तारीख < 147410000000 ", मुझे लगता है कि यह समय है / -वास्तविक जिसे आप सर्वर से प्राप्त कर रहे हैं। आपके मामले में, आपको स्ट्रिंग ट्रिम करने और उसे / दिनांक (147410000000) / से 147410000000 var स्ट्रिंग: स्ट्रिंग = "1408709486" // (अपनी स्ट्रिंग यहां रखें) var टाइमइंटरवल: NSTimeInterval = (NSString के रूप में स्ट्रिंग) .doubleValue // इसे NSTimeInteral var dateFromServer = NSDate (timeIntervalSince1970: timeinterval) // में परिवर्तित कर सकते हैं। आप यहां से दिनांक ऑब्जेक्ट println (dateFromServer) // मेरे उदाहरण के लिए प्रिंट कर सकते हैं: 2014-08-22 12:11:26 +0000 // यहाँ मैं एक सरल तारीख स्

Dynamic add custome view and set it's property android -

मैंने जो जोड़ लिया है वह कस्टम दृश्य है इसकी XML properties है < कोड> & lt; com.example.testimg.SingleFingerView एंड्रॉयड: आईडी = "@ + id / तिव" एंड्रॉयड: layout_width = "fill_parent" एंड्रॉयड: layout_height = "fill_parent" pushtouch: centerInParent = "true" pushtouch: छवि = "@ drawable / ताज "pushtouch: IMAGE_HEIGHT =" 150dp "pushtouch: IMAGE_WIDTH =" 200dp "pushtouch: push_image =" @ drawable / push_btn "pushtouch: push_image_height =" 50dp "pushtouch: push_image_width =" 50dp "/ & gt; लेकिन मैं जावा द्वारा इस कस्टम दृश्य जोड़ने के लिए LayoutParams lparams = नए LayoutParams (LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); एकल फ़िंगरव्यू बीटीएन = नया सिंगलफिंगरिव्यू (MyActivity.This); btn.setLayoutParams (lparams); लेकिन मैं इसे जावा द्वारा pushtouch संपत्ति है स्थापित करने के लिए पता नहीं कैसे pushtouch: centerInParent = "true" pushtou

how to pass json dictionary as parameter afnetworking post -

I have searched many links which post Jason Dictionary as a parameter in the foreground. I have converted the Jason format string to a dictionary, unfortunately the nsdictionary value as the previous post parameter is allowed only in the server side Jason format dictionary is acceptable. My code is as follows, Please suggest me any way in Final Networking. Thanks FHttpRequest Operation Manager * Manager = [FHTMLTPAVEST Operation Manager Manager]; Manager.responseSerializer.acceptableContentTypes = [NSSet set with object: @ "Application / Jason", zero]; Manager.requestSerializer = [AFJSOnUrUt Certilizer Serializer]; Manager.responseSerializer = [AFJSONResponseSerializer serializer]; NSDictionary * params = @ {@ "email": txt_email.text, @ "password": txt_password.text, @ "platform": @ "iphone"}; NSString * str_url = [NSString stringWithFormat: @ "% @ do_signup", base URLlogin]; [Manager post: Stormer parameter: Parameters

Rails related models exits with "NameError uninitialized constant" -

My two models are user and leave class users & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base is has_many: Leaves ... Skip end class which are the basic models for the user's many cards and addresses are for the user but when I do I get this strange error in the users_controller <@ @leaves = @ user.leaves "uninitialized constant user :: leaf" but I do not I know that "where" is wrong all the migration and the shama Before this code checked by RB, I am calling @ pages2 = Leave.all and it is recovering, but when I do "@ user.leaves" it will break with "500 internal server error" on the console Gets, nameError. Can there be an error in catching this error or something similar to see where this error is coming from? Also @ console = @ user in train Leaves can not be found, it has been removed from the name ": Unused Stable User :: Lef" Active records look at the singular form of leaves that you can override by using the flags

python - Access to variables from outside function -

I'm quite new to Python, but I'm a little more experienced in C ++, this is the reason that the code below The example of me a little bit def foo (): y = x print yx = 5 foo () The value of this code prints the value 5. How the value variable X fu () is known inside? The above code will not run in C ++, it would be if we did: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; Int x = 5; Zero foo () {std :: cout & lt; & Lt; "X =" & lt; & Lt; X & LT; & Lt; Std :: endl; } Int main () {foo (); Return 0; } Because here x is a variable in the global variable that has been declared (and defined) before foo (). Is it working in Python because x is added to the global symbol table? Thanks for any help! itemprop = "text"> The real distinction is that how the variable lookup works in two languages. In C ++, the code is compiled in one pass when the compiler reads the code for foo , then it looks at x And it does not know how thi

visual studio - c# executable file AccessViolationException -

I'm close to ending my program. And this file works until I put it in the project folder. If I want to move the executable file to another location, it throws AccessViolationException. The picture below shows what I get in the console: If I try to debug an executable file with Visual Studio, I get this step, where I start an object Want to: When I I got the source code from my colleague, even me This problem was solved in B: The solution was strange for this, I copied and pasted files into the new Projects folder

CakePHP Ajax delete -

I am trying to delete cakepap data by AJAX. Here I click the PostLink button with the simple HTML button such as & lt; Button class = "del" id = & lt ;? Php echo $ user ['user'] ['id']; ? & Gt; & Gt; Remove & lt; / Delete & gt; I am able to get a user ID here by using the bellow code $ ('document'). Click Ready (function () {$ ('dell') (function () {var x = $ (this) .attr ("id"); alert (x);});}); I have successfully acquired the user's ID. I am now trying to send it to the removal action of the user controller. So I have coded $ ("document") ready (click the function () {$ ('dell') (function () {var x = $ (this). Attr ("id"); alert (x); jQuery.get ("function (data, state) {jQuery (" ###########============ ================================================== ================================== "Success"). Load ("success.ctp");});} );}

node.js - nodejs and mongodb adapter, quering using OR condition -

I am using nodes with Node Adopter, in this way or by using condition to query an archive Try: var itemFilter = []; ItemFilter.push ({View: True}); If (req.param ('s')) {itemFilter.push ({$ or: [{name: req.param ('s')}, {itemCode: req.param ('s'}}]}}) ;} GSDItem.find (itemFilter) .sort ({'name': 1}) .exec (function (error, response occurs) {item = responses; return callback ();}); Find () Always return an empty array. How can I correctly position OR?

javascript - How to handle item click on list generated from ng-repeat and load next page -

मेरे पास ng-repeat का उपयोग करने वाली एक html सूची है। & lt; div ng- दोहराने = "उत्पाद में store.products" & gt; & Lt; a href = "details.html" & gt; {{}} & lt; / a & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; सूची के लिए डेटा इस प्रारूप में मेरे app.js में json सरणी से प्राप्त किया जाता है: var items = [{"" ":" "नेक्सस 5", "आकार": "4.95 इंच", "कैमरा": "8 मेगापिक्सेल"}, {"नाम": "नेक्सस 6", "आकार": "6.0 इंच", "कैमरा": "13 मेगापिक्सेल "}]; मैं सूची आइटम पर क्लिक करना चाहता हूं और एक अन्य पेज पर जाना चाहता हूं जो एक ही जेसन सरणी से संबंधित विवरण दिखा रहा है। मैं उसको कैसे करू? सूची से सूचकांक का उपयोग करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं और इसका उपयोग अगले पृष्ठ लोड करने के लिए किया गया है, लेकिन अब तक असफल रहा है। मैं कोणीय के साथ ही जावास्क्रिप्ट के लिए नया हूँ कोई भी मध्यवर्ती कदम बहुत मददगार होगा। इसके अलावा,

c - Operator performance in loops -

C: operator ! = or & gt; ? I am asking if we have a large amount of weights and one of the above situations ( while (x! = - 1) or while (x> 0) ). Also about other languages. Processors on most modern ones will not make any difference This is usually a comparison Compiled in the form of instruction, which make some flags, after which there are branches on the combination of some flags. There is usually no time difference between the relational operator. Some customizable branches can leave the jump, but then it is not possible to tell which operator will be more demonstrative, if any. This probably depends on the context. Of course, if you really want to know, then you have to run some tests and / or code profiles.

eclipse - Findbugs marker still displays after fixing issue -

I have a project in Eclipse and recently it went searchbogs on it. After fixing a small problem and running running bugs on that class, the bug marker does not get rid of the left hand side. In the Findbugs perspective, I can also see that the number of search matches in total do not reduce the sender to make necessary changes. Displays markers on the root line of the problem Findbugs The default result is based on its results on the analysis of build folders created by the receiver. My project was compiled with custom ant builder and hence no change in source code was picked up by the findbugs tool.

echo - echoid.exe remote execution issue (wrong Locking Code output) -

I am trying to bring a form of locking code automatically. Therefore, I have every remote server echoid.exe and batch file. The batch file simply executes echoid.exe and writes its output to a text file that I can parse. The problem occurs when the .bat file is triggered by IM, instead of executing this code, Container Host (An example used to send execution commands via psexec Is executed on echoid Sounds like Exe. In remote host (meaning - locking code output is incorrect). If the same .bat file was executed locally (and manually), the result is OK. Any ideas why? Does anyone know how I can run AKOF remotely and get right results? I tried several remote actions and all failed and brought wrong results. (Please help! BTW All Remote Machines are Win OS.

c++ - Calling a function without explicitly refering to it that changes according to input -

I am trying to create a speed distance and time calculator which is as efficient as possible and calls to a function Want to mention the use of an indicator that changes according to the input, but I'm not sure how to do this. I have tried many different things: My best effort: // inside class math double capsapend (double distance, double time); // These functions return the double value of the formula (non-stationary) double-calc distance (double speed, double time); Double calcium (double speed, double distance); // Inside the main typedef double (Math :: * FuncChosen) (double first, double second); FuncChosen p = & amp; Math :: CalcSpeed; // It changes with the same parameter type and return type P (1, 2) in the mathematical class according to the input in various functions; // Not a function, how can I clearly not call the function? Is there any way to make this function explicitly without using pointers or otherwise making calls without it. According to the in

c# - Getting progress when filling datatabe -

I have to get the current record stored in DataTable because the database server is in second place and the connection is slow so sometimes the record is something It may take time and I want to know how many records are downloaded. This is a method of filling the data format: Public DataTable FillModetable (String SQL) {SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter; SqlCommandBuilder mySqlCommandBuilder; Datableable datatable; MyDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter (sQuery, this.connection); MySqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder (mySqlDataAdapter); MyDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 240; Datable = new datatelle (); MySqlDataAdapter.Fill (DataTable); Return DataTable; } In this way I call method above: Datatable DT = new datatale (); Private Zero FillData () {string sql = "SELECT id, code, diskette from my file"; Dt.RowChanged + = New DataRowChangeEventHandler (this.dt_RowChanged); Dt = fillMyDataTable (SQL); Dt.AcceptChanges (); } Zero dt_RowChanged (Object Sender,

meteor - How to use routeControllers in a package -

My app is made up of packages, if I set the path with an iron router in a package, then everything works the same way As it should be: router.out ('/ session', {name: 'ride_sessions.list', template: 'ride session list', action: function () {This.render ();}, data: function () {templateData = {riding session: ()} return template data;}}); But if I try to use a root controller like this: Riders list controller = root controller. Extension ({template: 'ride session list', action: function) {This.render ();}, data: function () {templateData = {ride session: ()} return template data;}}); Router.route ('/ session', {name: 'ride_sessions.list', controller: 'ridescenslist controller'}); I get this error: Error: Root Controller 'Ridestresslist Controller' is not defined. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong ? If I'm not in a smart-package then it works fine. You need to

javascript - How to stop the loop after same choices? -

My code looks something like this, but I have a problem. Whenever the options are the same, the game restarts. After finishing a game, I get an "undefined" warning, because the startGame () function again runs again with the first round parameter (where there were the same options). I'm new to this word, and want to keep it as simple as possible. Can someone help me by providing a solution to stop 'undefined'? ' // game starts here startGame function () {// user var user chaus = prompt (" Do you choose rock, paper or scissors? "); // if user input is invalid ("userChoice! =" Rock ") & amp; amp; userChoice! =" Paper ") & amp; (userChoice! =" Scissors ")) {userChoice = prompt Choose, right now! "); } Alert ("You chose" + User Choice); // computer var computer charge = math.rendum (); If (Computer Choice <0.34) {computerChoice = "rock"; } And if (Computer Choice <= 0.6

Handling multiple instances of same fragment - android? -

Scenario: I need to create with tabs / pieces, and to dynamically populate the scenes inside each piece. Apart from this, the user can navigate inside each piece based on server response. The one that I am trying to do now is setting the same piece for all the tabs and passing different model data according to the tab content. It is working. When I need to show a detail page inside the tab, I am showing the same piece with new data. But it makes issues (see mix) on other tabs because the container is same Can recommend any flow by using single slice for any new ideas and it also pops up with backstack Have to do.

api - How to reflect remote MP3 files by their url? -

I want to use some flash player and some streaming service (not my server) This service needs to reflect only MP3 The goal I run: Remove the load from my server. Example: source file link - .. mirror file link - In this situation, I link to @mirror file @ > ps I hope you And understand my curve :)

linux - GStreamer Get Exact Time of 1st Frame -

I am running gistemmer from the command line to record the video to H.264 AVI in this way. GST-Launch TVSRC FPS-N = 25! 'Video / X-Raw-UUV, width = (int) 720, height = (int) 576, framerate = (fraction) 25/1'! Vpuenc codec = 6! Avimux! Qi2 max-size-buffer = 1 max-size-bytes = 0 max-size-time = 0! Filesink location = output.avi By the time I actually start recording, GST-takes some time to launch. Is there a way to get the precise timing of the first frame output in the text file? Or better still, the exact timeline of every frame? Thank you.

gmail api - Identify whether message body has sequenced with image -

This message is the result of part body after being converted into a string Hi, Image: Inline Image 1] [Image: Inline Image 2] [Image: Inline Image 1] The first three lines have been written and auto generated text from the previous Gmail API. ...

Unexpected behavior while typing an unicode character for a button text in Visual C# 2010 Express -

Instead of using plain text or pulling an icon for it, I get a Unicode character to be the result of Visual C # 2010 Express Is that it appears only when the button has been enlarged, but when I scale it to its desired size, the process exits from the area of ​​the button during the process (it is not suddenly disappeared, only Continuous exit with downscrolling Is). Here are the images showing experienced behavior:, I'm a newbie for programming, but I'm not working to find out how it works. I did not experience a problem with ASCII characters I have not found any setting to offset the character. I can hope to anyone why he can post it, why is it, how to solve it without using any image. Or just lighten me up if using such Unicode characters for such purposes is a bad habit because of further problems, issues of dissonance, whatever. It behaves as if the actual line around the actual line of character is this. In the character map I get the same experience with othe

jelastic - How to upload a project more than 150 M -

How to upload over 150m projects on gelsticks? I have a project size 4g with resources and code. In addition, I can not upload it using FTP, because my login icon is '@' which is not right for the electronic uploading jellistic form. The use of FTP in the jellistic does not depend on the user name. The gelstick provides your user name for FTP, such as gelistic-FTP . More information about FTP help that you can find in the gelstick

javascript - canvas.height vs screen.availHeight shows different values -

मेरे पास कैनवास है.हाइट और स्क्रीन। यह मेरा कोड है: canvas.height = document.height || document.body.clientHeight; Canvas.width = document.width || document.body.clientWidth; जब मैं इसके साथ जांच करता हूं: चेतावनी ("कैनवास.विंड =" + canvas.width + "/ n canvas.height =" + कैनवास ऊँचाई + "/ एन स्क्रीन। वाउलहैइट =" + स्क्रीन। एवेल हाइट); मुझे मिलता है: कैनवास.विंड = 1904 जो सही लगता है; कैनवास। हाइट = 1 9 1 जो क्रम से बाहर है; स्क्रीन। AwailHeight = 1040 जो सही लगता है क्या मुझे कुछ याद आती है या क्या कुछ गलत है? यहां कैनवास.हाइट = दस्तावेज़.हेइट || document.body.clientHeight; Canvas.width = document.width || document.body.clientWidth; आप ब्राउज़र आकार में दस्तावेज़ सेट मामले में screen.availHyight लाभकारी संपत्ति उपयोगकर्ता की स्क्रीन की ऊँचाई, पिक्सल में, विंडोज टास्कबार की तरह कम से कम इंटरफ़ेस सुविधा देता है। आप Math.max (window.innerHeight, Document.body.clientHeight)

gwt celltable - Selecting text in TextinputCell in GWT -

I use a TextInputCell in a CellTable when I click on a cell, then I would like to select the text . I do not want it to be an EditTextCell Do you have any ideas? You can try the following approach: myTable AddCellPreviewHandler (new handler & lt; MyObject & gt; () {@Override CellProvision on Public Zero (MyObject & Event; Event) {if ("click" equals (event.getNativeEvent (.) GetType ()) ) {If event.getColumn () == table.getColumnIndex (myColumn)) {InputElement Input = (InputElement) getRowElement (event.getIndex ()). GetCells () GetItem (event.getColumn ()). GetFirstChildElement () GetFirstChildElement (); ();}}}});

css - susy - how to make it full width (no gutter)? -

I get a problem when I use SUSY using a grid. I set the following wrapper class: $ susy: (math: fluid, column: 12, gutter: 0.25, git-position: split,); There is a child element inside the problem cover, if I want to make a full column sometime then I try to do this @include span (full ); But this is not complete, there is a gutter difference and I try another @include span (full no-gutter); This element makes the drain, but it still leaves the gutter width. How can I complete this (no groove)? For only a few elements. Elements of the block level are full width By default, you There is no need for any pixels if you are overriding the last crop mix, then you can only use width: 100% . Or you can change this element to make sushi output to be used under no-gutter . @spain (full inside no-gutter); This works because the inside gutter handling is similar to split , but the element is for the outer width or column + garter duration.

ruby on rails - How do I stop a pry.binding conditionally on a symbol or string? -

I have a rail app running and I binding.pry symbol on a specific string , but I can not get the syntax here, here is my code: def? (Resource, operation, option = {}) binding. Credential (option [: as]). Do each. Credential | Can = credential.can? (Resource, operations, options) can refund until that can.nil? And Neil End I look at the break keyword in the docs, but I can not find this work in any way can anyone show me What is that syntax supposed to be? You can just add a < Code> What can DIF do? (Resource, operation, option = {}) binding. If your_condition_is_met credentials (option [: as]). Do each. Credential | Can = credential.can? (Resource, operations, options) can refund until that can.nil? And Neil End

java - Get the number of digits in an array in the place of 'X' -

I need to create a recursive function which gives the number of digits in the array. Is this far away from me public constant int rec (int [] arr, int size) {int numbers = 0; If (size> 0) {numbers = String.valueOf (arr [shape]). Length () + rick (arr, size-1); // the length of the digits in the array} return number; } But the problem is that when it goes there it crashes the debug. I think this is String.valueOf which makes this accident, by any idea how can I get the number of digits in the X-th position of the array? (Number of digits in arr [x] ) The issue is that You were using a 5 - size and you can have 5 elements in some elements, 5 (before editing your question). Every time you are recalling numbers resetting 0 with recursive calls. Try calling Call Rec (array, array.length - 1) from your main method: public static inte Rick (int [] arr, int size ) {If (size> = 0) {return 1 + (int) Math.floor (Math.log10 (arr [size]) + Rec (arr, size) - 1); // O

javascript - How to Disable the combobox values on selection in multiple comboboxes JQuery? -

I want to disable values ​​in combobox on selection for multiple compos boxes. As I have select , 1,2,3,4 and 5 with values ​​with a compab 1, combobox 2, combobox 3, cobobox 4. Now, if I select the value '1' from Combobox 1, then it should be disabled by all the other composites and then if I select '2' from the Kambox 2, then it will be in 'compartment 1' and 'combobox 3' 1 'should also be disabled in combobox 3. More explicitly: Combobox1 - selected - value '1' combobox 2 - selected - value '2' - Disabled Value - '2', '3' but 1/3/4/5 No ComboBox 2 - Disabled Value - '1', '3' but 3 / 4/5 No ComboBox 3 - Disabled Value - '1' 2 'But No 3/4/5 Cambobox 4 - Disabled Value - '1', '2', '3' but not 4/5 Edit If the comb Box 1 is selected with the "Featured" option, then it should disable all other combobox except combob

Drawing particle groups in box2d -

Is anyone using ParticleGroup s for JBox2d I have been able to define a particle group area, but I am unsure how to draw individual particles using OpenGL .. m_world Is .setParticleRadius (0.15f); M_world.setParticleDamping (0.2f); Polygon shape shape = new polygon size (); Size .Setbox (8, 10, new VAC 2 (-12, 10.1F), 0); Particle Group Def Pd = New Particle Group Group (); Pd.shape = size; M_world.createParticleGroup (PD); In this way I have to draw a normal class in my project, but it is not certain how to implement groups of particles. > Public Zero Draw (GlodraWrobal GLRLBable, VAC3 Status, Float Angle) {GLRLLAB.GGL (). IOGL 2 (). Glennable (GLGLBLANA); . GLDrawable.getGL () getGL2 () glEnable (GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D). GLDrawable.getGL () GetGL2 (). GlBlendFunc (GL.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); GLDrawable.getGL () GetGL2 (). GlBindTexture (GL2.GL_TEXTURE_2D, Texture Factor. GetTextureSelection ())); . GLDrawable.getGL () getGL2 () glPushMatrix () .; GL

ios - QuickType (Predictive Keyboard) not working with Subclass UITextInputBase and UIKeyInput -

In my application I have created subclass for UITextInputBase and I wrote all the methods like screen shot. Here my issue is in the textfield if I choose any word from quicktype without having to write any letter, method - (zero) substitution: Text with the category (UITextRange *): Calling (NSString *) text and I I can get there which is selected by Quicktype by the user. Problem But if I have type 'T', then promptly suggest me the word "word". Now if I select the word "the" from QuickType, the above method is not calling and I can not find the text, which has been selected quickly. Can anyone suggest that I have something wrong or can I get it in the second method of this sub-class? I want this text without the representative methods of the UIT ext file. Thank you.

javascript - Script for Pre Input Values for Forms for Third party website -

I need some setup for auto-fill user id, password and radio button select one. I is an environmental consultant and I have 1k to 1.5k number of user id and my clients' passwords. I use all the User IDs and passwords on this website's link - Is it possible that I click on any link or any type of bookmark or dragonop and then automate this webpage and Select the Industry radio button and then fill in the User ID and Password except the Captcha value.

Odoo How to develop a workflow in php for the invoice in XML-RPC? -

I try to eudge my invoice of my ecommerce platform. (Php - xml-rpc) invoice has been created but I do not know how to create a workflow to change the situation in Odu. I found something on the internet but I think it is old and does not work for 'ODU but OpenPoint v6 or 7. nb: Link: // validate invoice resonance "VALIDATE $ Conn- & gt; Workflow ('account.invoice', 'invoice_open', $ invoice_id); Do you have an idea? Thanks When I invoice in Odu, my code in XML-RPC // ************ shipping by service line / *********************** Line $ shipping_account_id; // ID of account shipping $ 626000 val = array ("invoice_id" => New xmlrpcval ($ invoice_id, "int"), "account_id" => new xmlrpcval ($ shipping_account_id, "int"), "company_id New = xmlrpcval ($ company_id, "int"), "product_id" => new xmlrpcval ($ odoo_products_id, "string"), "name" = &

javascript - data.match(var) not working it seems -

OK, I have this small block code, which is to scanned a number on the website, but for some reason There is a hip that it is not scanning at all. var regenges = / \ & lt; Span class = "currency-robux" data-to-"item-private-value-price" & gt; ([\ D,]) \ & LT; \ / Span \ & gt; /; Var ValueCiling = Data. Match (reggae); Value-song = number (value slicing location (",", "")); Is there anything wrong with that? This is related to the if statement if (value sling and lieutenant; = price watching) { < P> A function calls to move from there, but for some reason it does not seem to run at all. So I think the Regex is wrong but I'm not sure how. (There is a variable in PriceWinking , this is a snippet from the code.) On the website, I'm trying to remove it. & lt; Span class = "robux" data-plus = "item-privatesale-price" & gt; 115 & lt; / Span & gt; Keep in mind

jquery - How to select multiple options dynamically in chosen select -

I am selecting to choose Jquery on the HTML page where the user can choose multiple options and save the record. I need to present the update page to the user and I am trying to drop down selectively selected multi select items with archived options. The selected single selection can be done by triggering an update: $ ('# ns_StatusClass'). Val (2); $ ('# Ns_StatusClass') Trigger ("Chosen: Update") ;. But I am not able to understand how to be completed with the selected options selected. I tried to trigger the update after selecting such values: for (var i = 0; i & lt; $ PAGE.allStatus.length; i ++ ) {$ ('# Ns_StatusClass') Val ($ PAGE.allStatus [i] .id); //$ ('#ns_StatusClass').trigger("chosen:updated "); } $ ('# Ns_StatusClass') Trigger ("Selected: Updated"); But it only shows results with the last option in selecting the loop. Is not it possible to set many options in the multiple select dropd

python - Maya 2015 PyQt AttributeError -

import maya.OpenMaya PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, as omUI import sip UIC import Om import maya. as OpenMayaUI as Cmds RpIcons_rc import maya.mel import as maya.cmds mail DEF getMayaWindow (): # ptr = omUI.MQtUtil.mainWindow () return sip.wrapinstance (long (PTR) QtCore 'as an example QMainWindow Maya main window go '.QObject) def toQtObject (mayaName):' '' Given the name of Maya UI elements of any kind, relating QWidget or QAction lands. If the object does not exist, there is no return '' 'ptr = omUI.MQtUtil.findControl (mayaName) If ptr is not: ptr = omUI.MQtUtil.findLayout (mayaName) ptr if no: ptr = omUI.MQtUtil .findMenuItem (mayaName) If ptr No return sip.wrapinstance (long (PTR) QtCore.QObject) uiFile = ( 'D: /rpGUI.ui') form_class, base_class = uic.loadUiType (uiFile) class myUIClass ( form_class, base_class): def __init __ (self, parent = getMayaWindow ()): Super (myUIClass, self) .__ init __ (parent) self.setupUi (self) self.connectS

java - Apache & TomCat & SSL - App Not Working -

At this time, I am using Apache & amp; Tomcat is running on one of our clients' RHEL servers. We have 4 websites (all one) in the same server / machine (its single queue server). Example: http: // hostname http: // hostname https: // hostname https: // where redirects to an institutional page and https on an inappropriate page Redirects (/ servlet / CO) Where Apache handles HTTP, and redirects https to TomCat Problems Received it I that I could make it work for 1 http and 1 https (institutional page and app pages). But if I work 4 of them, then Evolution gives a young manuscript exposition during loading. And I do not know that host names / IP / FQDN is inspired by the redirection in / etc / hosts and ssl.conf and the app does not handle these configurations. Or if I'm doing something wrong Only significant changes were made, were adding to SSL. & lt; Location> Web-INF & lt; / Location> ... etc I do not

python - Django app on Apache throws "Address family not supported by protocol" -

I'm currently running a Django app on Apache. This app is a webservice that occasionally sends post requests (with Python "request" script) on an external server. I recently uses the Apache server Custom USS / local / apache was made in 2 pre-installed version (which is / etc / httpd, / var / www / ...). Since that time, those post requests always throws a: connection error / xxx / ( 'connection aborted. "Error (97, address not supported by the family protocol") ) for If I import the function which I ./ shell and run it, it works perfectly fine. I do not think it is related to Python because it was running properly before shutting down Apache server. I do not know exactly where it can come from, and none of my research has given me the answer. So I wait for you! config: OS: Redhelet 6.4 x 64 server: Apache 2.2.15 Python: 2.7.8 Jean ango: 1.6.6 < / Div>

cloud - How to upload file to Dropbox through php website -

I have a website form where users can upload files by simple post method form. How can the uploaded files be run from my web server in my Dropbox account? I try to use the PHP SDK listed in, but this library is not working as a web app. If (PHP_SAPI! == "cli") {new / exception ("This program was run from command line and not as web app. Bad value for PHP_SAPI. \ "Cli \" expected, given \ "." PHP_SAPI. "\". "); }

c++ - Accept lvalue ref or rvalue ref -

I want to write some functions that take a object as one of its arguments It does not matter whether it is by Lavalue or Rivalue referee - but definitely not by value and of course only one object seems like I have two options for it: void foo (object & amp; o) {// stuff} void foo (object & amp; o) {foo (o); } // It's okay for my use-case or using universal contexts: template & lt; Typename t, typename u & gt; Decays_to = typename std :: is_same & lt; Using std :: decay_t & lt; T & gt;, U & gt; :: type; Template & lt; Typename T & gt; Std :: enable_if_t & lt; Decays_to & lt; T, Object & gt; :: value & gt; But the more options I need in the first option, and the second option involves writing a group template stuff that I think is much more (I read something Also for o - oh, just joking, in fact only one object ) Is there a better way to resolve it or am I troubled by any of these? Do I feel less abou

How to refer to the new inserted row in TSQL Trigger -

I know that if you want to mention a new cast line in plpgsql, you can type " NEW ". How do I do this in T-SQL (Transcript SQL)? The following trigger is what I am trying to create: set to set rules_table trigger setAlertId INSERT AS DECLARE @max_id integer SELECT @max_id = (by rules Select the maximum (alert ID). Get the error message to: NEW.AlertId = @ max_id + 1 END I get the error message: < P> DML trigger statement two special Tables are used: deleted table and inserted tables. SQL Server automatically creates and manages these tables. You can use these temporary, memory-resident tables to test the effects of some data modifications and set conditions for DML trigger tasks. You can not modify data directly in tables

ios - List of characters in an NSCharacterSet -

What characters are you in a given NSCharacterSet ? An "informal" definition of this is what types of characters are in a certain set, but I am searching for an exact list. Docks also has a link, but the docs refers to things like marks category , and Unicode page does not actually reveal that place unless I'm completely missing it Ho. / P> This question has been asked. However, the "right" answer selected on the post only gives you back 871 characters: NSCharacterSet * charset = [NSCharacterSet upper litterresourceSat]; NSMutableArray * array = [NSMutableArray array]; For (int plane = 0; plane and lieutenant; = 16; plane ++) {if ([in the charset in the mail enplane: plane]) {UTF32Char c; (C = plus << <16; c & lt; (aircraft + 1) And in this view unlike the answer accepted on that post, there are additional benefits of not being processor intensive, which forced an animal to calculate the values Uses ways to do Hope it helps

sql - MySQL Pivot a table where columns are in a row of their own -

I have a form of WordPress site using the ARFs plugin that receives names, emails and telephone numbers, But layout in a stupid database. I have a MYSQL WordPress table like this: | Id | Entry_value | Field_id | Entry_ID | | 1 | John | 74 | 1 | | 2 | Smith | 75. 1 | | 3 | 555 1234 | 76 | 1 | | 4 | | 77 | 1 | | 5 | Sue | 74 | 2 | | 6 | Brown | 75. 2 | | 7 | 555 4321 | 76 | 2 | | 8 | Cyberline @mail dot | 77 | 2 | I am using another plugin export report to try and query this table and am receiving a report for all users who have filled out the form. I format it like this: | ID | Name | Surname Email | Telephone | 1 | John | Smith | | 555 1234 | 2 | Sue | Brown | Sbrown @ mel com | 555 4321 I have tried following the following by looking at some examples, but I am refunding the return of the tap. I need to filter it in any way and only smoke where the value Are there. Note: There are 2 additional fields in comparison to the above example

javascript - Beforeload event not firing when stores have a server proxy -

मेरे पास एक ओवरराइड है: // इन स्टोर लोड किया हुआ डेटा ठीक है ... Ext.define ('', {override: '', परप्रोक्सीलोड: फ़ंक्शन () {स्विच (this.storeId) {case 'store1': केस 'स्टोर 2': केस 'स्टोर 3': केस 'स्टोर 4': केस 'स्टोर 5': यूटिल .getCMP ('बटन [आइटम आईडी = मुख्य रीफ्रेश बटन]')। सेट डिसेजेड (गलत); Utils.getCmp ('button [itemId = refreshButton] (), सेट: निष्क्रिय (गलत); ब्रेक;} यह सीलपरेंट (तर्क);}, श्रोताओं: {beforeload: function (store, operation, Opts) {// debugger; स्विच (store.storeId) {केस 'store1': केस 'store2': केस 'store3': मामले 'store4': मामले 'store5': Utils.getCmp ('बटन [itemId = mainRefreshButton]')। SetDisabled (सत्य); Utils.getCmp ( 'बटन [Itemid = refreshButton]') setDisabled (सही)। Utils.getCmp ( 'बटन [Itemid = refreshAccountButton]') setDisabled (सही)। टूटना; } वापस सच; }}}); onProxyLoad ओवरराइड

Loading javascript in Span/Div in jquery -

I am trying to load the JavaScript script link in div / span. (The script has some pictures and links) The script should come when I run the page, SPAN happens I have tried with load (), $. Iscript but unfortunately I was unable to do this. My script should run as a document load without any click or action of any user. HTML & lt; Span class = "loader" & gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; Junkies: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; $ AJAX ({type: "GET", url: "test.js", data type: "script" success: function (strHTML) {$ (".loder") .HTML (strHTML);}); & Lt; / Script & gt; I also tried: & lt; Html xmlns = "" & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; Meta http-equiv = "content-type" content = "text / html; charset = UTF-8" /> & Lt; Title & gt; Home and lt; / Title & gt; & Lt; Script src = &qu

android - Search View not respond when click in AppCompat Toolbar -

I write a code like this, but it does not work. I just flipped the menu in Java, nothing I used the toolbar (v7) in any problem here I am doing (no click effect.) Try this because, it works for me ... Menu xmlns: android = "" xmlns: app = "http: //" & Gt; & Lt; Item android: id = "@ + id / action_search" Android: icon = "@ android: drawable / ic_menu_search" app: showAsAction = "always" app: actionViewClass = "" Android: title = "Search" /> & Lt; / Menu & gt;

Unit test a service with http request only angularjs -

I have a function called getFrame in a service. The function only gives the $ http call to the controller angular.module ('app') factory ('DemoFactory', function ($ http) {function getFrame (id) {var url = 'http : // localhost: 8080 / frame / '+ id +' / '; return $ http.get (url);} return {getFrame: getFrame};}); Now I have to write the unittest for this which I am doing: Description ('Service: DemoFactory', function () {// Service module beforeEach load; // Instant service $ httpBackend, DemoFactory; beforeEach (Inject (function (_ $ httpBackend_, _DemoFactory_) {$ httpBackend = _ $ httpBackend_; DemoFactory = _DemoFactory_ ;}), This {$ httpBackend.expectGET (function ('must send the proper http request from getFrame',) ('http: // localhost: 8080 / frame / 1 /') .sund (200); DemoFactory.getFrame (1); $ httpBackend.flush ();}); afterEach (function () {$ httpBackend.verifyNoOutstandingExpectation (); $ httpBackend.veri

gruntjs - Sass source maps with minified file (grunt) -

Using Sass with Sourcemaps works fine for me cached without CSS, but it does not do it using my minified CSS. This is my last line of my main * scss-file: / * # sourceMappingURL = * / < / Pre> I'm thinking; If I only make changes in the following, then it should work. But no! / * # sourceMappingURL = * / This is from my Gruntfile.js: < Pre> cssmin: {build: {files: {'sites / all / themes / mytheme / css / mytheme-full-min.css':' sites / all / themes / mytheme / css / mytheme- {sites / All / themes / mytheme / css / mytheme-full.css}: 'sites / all / topics / mytheme / sass / mytheme-full.scss'}}}, (see more). However, suffix-content-sauce and grunt-autofriver support source-map, so your best bet is probably to enable source-map on them and use nonproliferac CSS for debugging . To enable the script in Autoprefixer, simply set: option: {map: true}

gps - How to change the message 'Allow "App" to access your location ' in ios -

I know that the default message shown by iOS is in the form of a privacy policy to display this message if your app is GPS Location is My question is that I want to change this message with my message. If someone knows, please tell me that I can change it. For a better understanding of the following screenshot: Thanks Surja! I believe what you want to add to a row for your app's nostalgia NSLocationUsageDescription (Or if you are using formatted values, its privacy usage - location). Whatever your description should appear in the alert view on it since then.

c++ - boost bind or lambda functor that returns a constant -

Can I use the bind or boost lambda library to promote: that ignores its arguments and always Provides a stability? For example an abusive physician: complete return three (some type ARG) {return 3; } Sure, use boost :: Phoenix :: Val (3); See this #include & lt; Boost / phoenix.hpp & gt; Namespace P = Promotion: Phoenix; Namespace P: using arg_names; Int main () {auto p = p :: val (42); Return P () + P (/ * Ignored: * / 77); } which returns 84 as the exitcode.

r - Can dplyr join on multiple columns or composite key? -

I realize that dplyr v3.0 allows you to be included on various variables: left_join (x, y, by = c ("a" = "b") mail xa to yb However, is it possible to join the combination of variables? Or do I have to add the overall key before time? Something like this: < Code to match coincidence of [xa and xc ]> left_joy (x, y, by = c ("ac" = "beedi") yb and yd ] You can pass left_join () : Library (dplyr) d1 & lt; - A named vector of more than 1 length (X = letters [1: 3], y = letters [1: 3], a = rannomor (3)) D2 for by argument And lt; - data_frame (x2 = letters [3: 1], y2 = letter [3: 1], b = rnorm (3)) left_join (d1, d2, by = c ("x" = "x2", " Y "=" y2 ")) E

c# - Is there a reason / benefit to converting a generic list to array? -

I have a function that gives a list of strings. I can loop through that list as if it was an array. Should I convert it to an array before doing this? Edit: Because I am asking because I view the code online (and on it) / create a collection of strings using list (or other types), but then Call Back ToArray, why? Unless you have specific access cases where it is necessary, along with NAT, There are more options for listings / inventory along with arrays outside the box. If you are ever working on a memory-sensitive application, the array may have some minor footprint in the array, but I will not worry about the memory as long as one of your apps Not very sensitive issue.

categories from prestashop theme aren't displaing the corect names -

I recently bought a prestashop theme. The theme is great but I have a problem. I have created categories and they appear on the left column but different names are displayed at the top. I can not find this name and I do not know what to do. Here is a print screen: These are not my categories but I do not know where I can change any thoughts? I will use this simple method open phpMyAdmin Code> and all tables in this kind of store database : % YAMAHA% and then select all tables and Search The table name is easy to read and understand, for example if you have found a value in the ps_manufacturer , then you catalog Producer etc ... In addition, I have the previous objection I try to use the search function, though I tried it on my demo and when I searched for a manfacher, nothing happened

MySQL Query > Select future rows and check if specific column is filled AND matches variable > else take other column if it matches variable -

इस संरचना को कैसे पूछें: // तालिका स्तंभ 1 | स्तंभ 2 | Datetime_column मैं प्रत्येक पंक्ति (और उसके सभी कॉलम) को चुनना चाहूंगा जो कि अतीत में झूठ नहीं बोल रहा है और जहां उसका कॉलम 1 शून्य नहीं है + इसकी सामग्री $ मान से मेल खाती है। केवल अगर कॉलम 1 रिक्त जांच है, यदि कॉलम 2 सामग्री $ मूल्य से मेल खाती है तो अन्यथा पंक्ति नहीं उठाती है। यहां मुझे जो मिला है: SELECT * से तालिका WHERE datetime_column & gt; अब () और (स्तंभ 1 = "$ value" या column2 = "$ value") बेशक यह सभी पंक्तियों को लेता है जहां स्तंभ 1 या स्तंभ 2 $ मान से मेल खाता है। उदाहरण (जो कि कॉलम 1-2 नल योग्य है) // गतिशील चर $ value = 'foo'; स्तंभ 1 | स्तंभ 2 | Datetime_column row1 = foo | बार | 2013-12-01 10:00:00 पंक्ति 2 = नल | फू | 2013-12-02 11:00:00 पंक्ति 3 = बाज़ | फू | 2013-12-03 12:00:00 पंक्ति 4 = फू | बार | 2014-12-01 10:00:00 पंक्ति 5 = नल | फू | 2014-12-02 11:00:00 पंक्ति 6 ​​= बाज़ | फू | हटाए जाने योग्य तालिका यदि मौजूद है; तालिका बनाओ my_tabl

excel - MEDIANIF formula using months -

I have written the following "MEDIANIF" array formula to give average (percent return) values ​​to column B in column A The months are consistent. In other words, I want the middle of all prices according to January, February, March, etc. ... This formula works fully for all months except January. I have manually verified that it is working fine for all other months, but for any reason, it gives it 0 for now. It is not a formatting issue or anything like that (everything is formatted continuously). I can not understand why it will not work for January for my life. = MEDIAN (if (month (data! $ A $ 4: $ A $ 65536) = 1, data! $ B $ 4: $ B $ 65536)) < / Pre> I will post an image, but this is my first post and till I have at least 10 reputation, I can not post! Data passes in calendar B is arranged in calendar months (last business day of the month) and percentage return in column B (formatted as one percent). Any help is greatly appreciated! Excel will

android - Hangling touch events inside HorizontalScrollView -

I have a HorizontallScrollView and there are scenes inside it, what do I need to touch for each child with click and vertical speed it's possible? At the moment I set Ontechlistner and Onclick LeStner on the scroll inside every child, but On-Touch Alicher struggles with Horizontalcrossview. Try to put in the scroll view to see a gridview with your kids.

qt - Change a QML widget at runtime -

Is there any way to use different QtQuick widgets in a ListView based on the data type of QVariant? If my QVariant is a Boolean type, then the widget will be a checkbox if it is an integer, then the widget will be a spin box. If it is astrostring, then the widget will be a text box. ... etc ... I would like to load / save my application settings with queuing. For example: QSettings Settings ("userSettings.ini", QSettings :: IniFormat); SetAutoUpdate (settings.value ("auto update") toBool ().); SetAutoUpdateFrequency (settings.value ("AutoUpdateFrequency") toInt ().); SetLastFilePath (settings.value ("LastFilePath") toString ().); can be guessed as conversions, my auto update type is a boolean, my auto update incomplete is an integer And my last file path is a cast string I was hoping to populate a list within the Settings / Preferences dialog box without hard work and hope to present each value manually on the form was doi

Will the java process keeps the file open if the Scanner was not closed? -

I found out that a Java process throws this error: Reason: Java Net.SocketException: Too many open files I think it can be improved by increasing the open file range in Unix, however, I want to know why files are not being shut down The first is Java process. I checked the source code and the snippet given below is used to read data from files. string content = new scanner (new file ("../../ example / test.txt"), "UTF-8"). Usage delimiter ("\\ A") Next (); I think there is a problem because the scanner is not being closed after reading? Can this be the problem? Or because a scanner object is not created, do not need to close it? I think what's the problem here because the scanner should not be closed after reading Used to be? This is likely to be the most culprit if a garbage is available for storage then a scanner can be turned off. However, since the garbage collector will run it is impossible to predict, so you should not

sql server - Execute SELECT using SQLExecDirect -

I have the MSSQL database service in which the database created with ggg table t1 is trying to execute SELECT statement RetCode = SQLExecDirect (hStmt, wszInput, SQL_NTS); is the content of wszInput Content has an error: > [42 s 02] [Microsoft] [SQL Server Native Client 11.0] [SQL Server] Invalid Object Name 'Jug. 1 '(208) SQL COMMAND & gt; Db.jig Choose from 1 * Where's the problem? You can use the database, schema , and then the table for this particular syntax Need to isolate. Your code should be (assuming that the default schema of T1 dbo is SELECT * FROM ggg.dbo.t1 < / Code> If you type y , SQL assumes that you currently talk about tables or views in the default (usually DBO) schema of the connected database are doing. If you type xy , SQL assumes that you are currently y in the y schema of the associated databases. Talking about the table. If you type x.dbo.y , the x database in the dbo sch