
Showing posts from May, 2015

php - Class 'Validate' not found in Laravel Validation process -

I am now studying Laravel and I have a problem with the verification messages displayed in my page. I have this error after clicking submit button Symphony \ component \ debug \ exception \ FatalErrorException (E_ERROR) class 'valid' not found ----------- - ---------------------------------- Open: C: \ wamp \ vhosts \ flax_order \ app \ routes. Php 'Lastname' = & gt; Minimum: 2 | Maximum: 15 ',' first name '= & gt; Minimum: 2 | Maximum: 20 ',' midlnum '= & gt; Minimum: 10 | Maximum: 20 ',' password '= & gt; 'Required | Min: 8 | Maximum: 30 ',' cpassword '= & gt; 'Required: A: Password'); $ Validator = valid: create (input :: all (), $ rules); If ($ validator-> fails ()) { I've put the verification process in my path here. Here's my sample code. Here's the form @if ($ error- & gt; is) $foreach ($ errors-> All $ ($) as $ Error) {{$ error}} @ adverburn @ adi

java - Hashtable returns value for wrong key -

मेरे पास हैशटेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, हैशटेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; जहां मैं चाहता हूं एक कुंजी के साथ हैशटेबल प्राप्त करें, लेकिन यह अन्य कुंजी के लिए मान देता है। यहां कोड है: हॅशटेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, हैशटेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; & gt; TestFormProperties = formProperties.getFormProperties (); हैशटेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt; ट्रीपॉप्स = (हैशटेबल & lt; स्ट्रिंग, स्ट्रिंग & gt;) testFormProperties.get ("क्लस्टरट्रीइटम"); अब treeProps freeTextLabel = {GUIType = TreeItem, label = freeText, पथ = / डेटा [at0001] / आइटम [openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.cluster_test_data_types.v1] / आइटम [at0001]} के बजाय क्लस्टरट्रीआईटीम = {guiType = TreeItem, label = फ्री टेस्ट, पथ = / डेटा [at0001] / आइटम [openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER.cluster_test_data_types.v1] / आइटम [at0001]} यहां डिस्बगर के अनुसार testFormProperties हैशटेबल की सामग्री: {freeTextLabel = {GUIType = TreeItem, label = freeText, पथ = / डेटा [at0001] /

how to take average of two text box values C# -

I used this code, but it seems that it does not work. Private zero txtBfrLeft1_Leave (Object Sender, EventArgs E) {If (txtBfrRight1.Text! = "" || txtBfrLeft1.Text! = "") {Int befrAvg1 = (convert. (TxtBfrRight1. Text) + Convert. Repeat (txtBfrLeft1.Text)) / 2; TxtBfrAvg1.Text = BIFVG 1.ToString (); }} Try it out: double bef 1 = (new [] {double. Purse (txtBfrRight1.Text), double. Purse (txtBfrLeft1.Text)}). Average (); Or if you want the result as an integer then it: int befrAvg1 = (int) ((new [] {double. Parse (TxtBfrRight1.Text), Double Percy (txtBfrLeft1.Text)}). Average ());

python - Write a very basic copy from one file into another using command line arguments -

I am new to Python and am trying to create one file of the original file in another file program. My code now import sys if len (sys.argv)! = 3: Print 'Usage: File Source Source Destination' Otherwise: Try: infile = open (sys.argv [1]) Outfile = open (sys.argv [2], 'w') except for IOError: print 'source File does not exist 'getline (infile, line) infile.close () outfile.close () As you can expect that I am trying to output that if the program If the tries to misuse, then why the program will not work. I have just written a C ++ program, and it worked fine, but now I have to transfer the same logic to a different syntax. I am trying to write a line of infile in the string line and then output it I write in the file. Do not try "c ++" to write in Python. For work in hand: import sys if len (sys.argv)! = 3: print ('use: filecopy source destination') else: try: open with (sys.argv [1], 'r') as inf, open (sys.argv [2]

vba - Excel macro to transpose data from one sheet to another based column name and cell content -

I have a worksheet 1 in which there are columns with labeled labels and columns containing 1-20 labels (experiment ID number). There is another workbook 2 with the data of my participant (column) and those experiments (columns). In cells under the experiment column, there are several experiment ID numbers because participants have participated in many experiments. For example, a cell can read, "1,4,5" What do I need to do? In the cells related to worksheet 2 on worksheet 2, for example "X" for example, read a cell for "003" participant from worksheet 2 "1,4,5" worksheet 1 In the column called 1, 4, 5, there will be an "X". I hope this is clear. I'm completely new to macros, but need help with this as soon as possible. This is your lucky day. I'm going to walk you with some code, how to do this. But you have to understand the concepts to take advantage of it. If you do this, you can apply these ideas in many projec

android - Center a progress bar vertically -

I have a ProgressBar inside a relative layout and some Look at the elements with others and I am unable to focus progress bar vertically. I tried android: layout_centerVertical = "true" , android: layout_gravity = "center_vertical" , android: layout_gravity = "center" , and < Code> Android: gravity = "center" but it will not work! This is my layout: & Lt; TextView android: layout_width = "wrap_content" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: text = "random number:" android: id = "@ + id / lbl" Android: visibility = "gone" /> & Lt; TextView android: Layout_width = "Wrap_content" Android: Layout_height = "Wrap_content" android: id = "@ + id / rndNum" Android: layout_toRightOf = "@ id / LBL" Android: visibility = "Gone" / & gt; & Lt; / RelativeLayout & gt; & Lt; / Scrollview & gt; Edit :

node.js - What type of GUID on Mongoose -

Currently, I used MongoVUE to import from existing SQL Server database but uniqueidentifier My question is how is the schema for this structure on Mongoose? I can not see the Gang / UUID datatype on the Mongoose docs For more , H I get some validation IDs like verification db.Validations.find ({ValidationID: '1389AB5E-56BD-46FD-9A8A-258C7BDE4251'}); This does not give any returns, although this guide is similar to the SQL Server record. Thanks. MangoView is obscuring things Bit is here, but it makes it easy to read well. Here's your example Validation ID of '1389AB5E-56BD-46FD-9A8A-258C7BDE4251' Looks like in the Stave - it's Type 3inindia : {"Validation ID": BinData (3, "E4mrXla9Rv2aiiWMe95CUQ ==")} The viewer is converting you into a more readable format. It is doing this by converting it to hex and adding dashes. For proof: & gt; Var Bar = Binadata (3, "E4 MRXLA 9 RV2BAIMMMMTCUUK ==") &am

python - Is there a pythonic idiom for changing the normal flow of execution based on a percentage? -

Edit - I am creating a data generator which allows users to specify specific fields as optional And the percentage fields do not return any returns instead of one option if the field is optional In other words, most of the time functions will return the priority value, but if the user wants this function, then without any abnormal form Some returns according to Rtist, then he can do it. Currently: import random def foo (Val, PCT): Return Values ​​if random.random () & lt; class = "post-text" itemprop = "Text"> You can use a decorator, especially if you need to do this for a group of functions def sometimes (pct): def wrapper ( FN): Def F (* Args, ** kW): Return FN (* Elgs, ** KW) if random Random () & gt; PTT Any other returns F returns cover sometimes (PPT = 0.3) def foo (val): return value

excel - "Open an existing file in Spreadsheetgear using VB.Net -

I am trying to open an existing file in WorkBookView (named WkbMain in the code given below) I have been using the following code on my windows form: Private sub MenuItemOpen_Click (as the object, in the form of e EventArgs Try slow lObjDialog New OpenFileDialog () as wkbMain.GetLock () then try lObjDialog.ShowDialog () = DialogResult.OK then wkbMain = SpreadsheetGear.Factory.GetWorkbook (lObjDialog.FileName, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) East In the end, try wkbMain.ReleaseLock () end end as the exception but if the job wkbMain = SpreadsheetGear.Factory.GetWorkbook (lObjDialog. FileName, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) `) throws an exception: to type 'SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Forms.WorkbookView Unable to cast a type of 'ᢷ' type. Please suggest a solution Setting a Workbook View Will happen. The property property obtained by Factory.GetWorkbook (...), not your own example on the workbook item: wkbMain.Acti

Chomsky Normal form removing epsilon transitions -

I am working to convert CMG to Chomsky normal form but I am having some problems. I have this CFG A-> BAB. B Epicelon B - & gt; 00 | Epsilon OK, I add a new start state S -> AA- & gt; Baab | B Epicelon B - & gt; 00 | Epsilon Then I have to remove the episode infection so that I can start with B S ->. AA- & gt; Baab | B AB BA A. Epsilon B - & gt; 00 How do I remove epistoline from A? Initially it can be an epsilon? And I have A-> A? You can not change this grammar in ε. , And therefore this chomsky can not be written in general. The reason for this is that all presentations can be reduced to ε, so there is a valid sentence in the ε language.

javascript - Firebase authWithOAuthPopup to log into Facebook gives warning -

मेरे कोड में इसका प्रयोग करना: ref.authWithOAuthPopup ("facebook", फ़ंक्शन ( त्रुटि, authData) {...}); मुझे दिखाई देने वाले डायलॉग के निचले भाग में निम्नलिखित चेतावनी मिलती है, जो एक ऐप के लिए है जिसे पहले चलाने की अनुमति नहीं मिली है: आप एक बड़े ब्राउज़र विंडो या टैब में एक प्रदर्शन प्रकार 'पॉपअप' का उपयोग कर। एक बेहतर उपयोगकर्ता अनुभव के लिए, एक स्पष्ट प्रदर्शन प्रकार निर्दिष्ट किए बिना हमारे जावास्क्रिप्ट एसडीके के साथ इस संवाद को दिखाएं। प्रत्येक पर्यावरण के लिए एसडीके सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन प्रकार चुन लेगा वैकल्पिक रूप से, अपने विंडो पर ऊँचाई और चौड़ाई सेट करें। ओपन () इस संवाद को ठीक से आकार के लिए कॉल करें यदि आपके पास एसडीके का उपयोग करने से पहले विशेष आवश्यकताएं हैं यह संदेश केवल आपके ऐप्लिकेशर के डेवलपर्स को दिखाई देता है। मैं मान रहा हूं कि यह फ़ायरबेज में एक बग है क्या मैं ग़लत हूं? [अग्निबाय में इंजीनियर] यह कार्य-के-इरादा है फ़ायरबसे एपीआई मैन्युअल रूप से फ़ोटोज़ पॉपअप के डिस्प्ले पैरामीटर को कॉन्फ़िगर करता है ताकि आप उस प्लेटफॉर्म और

numpy - Reset cumsum if over limit (python) -

The following oval snippet will return a cumsum of the input array, which each time encounters a NaN. v = np.array ([1., 1., 1., np.nan, 1., 1., 1., 1., N. P. Annan, 1.]) N = np.isnan (v) a = ~ nc = np.cumsum (a) d = np.diff (np.concatenate (([.], C [n]))) v [n] = -d result = Np.cumsum (v) In a similar way, how can I calculate a cumsum using cumsum vectorized pandas or numpy operations to exceed some value? For example, for range = 5, = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] in, out = [1,2,3,4,5] , 1,2,3,4,5] If the numbers in your array are all positive, then This is probably Cumsum () and then the modulo operator: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = np.array ([1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Limit = 5> gt; & Gt; & Gt; X = a.cumsum ()% range & gt; & Gt; & Gt; X array ([1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0]) Then you can set back any zero value to the limit Desired array: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; X [x == 0] = range> & gt; & Gt; X

nlp - Extract clauses from sentence in python -

I have a list of sections from the given sentences. I am implementing the rules of my own grammar by parsing the sentence out of sentence. The result I get is: **************************************************** ************** (S (section (VP (VP they were / PRP / VBD / VBN immediately / RB) and / cc (VP a / dt lot / RB)) (NP (NP good / JJ price / NN) and / cc (NP excellent / NN))) (section (VP all / dt) in / (NP (NP around (NP shoe / NN)) (NP with / in ( NP traction / NN))) ./. ********************************************************************************************* **************************************************************************************************** *** ********* Results listed above, section out To result in the following statements should be. were immediately distributed and very good value and excellent With all traction near some slippers. I've tried using flat and chomsky_normal_form but could not get the desired results. Tags How

c++ - gtk_init hangs in a thread -

I have a C ++ app, which is to create gtk based popups on some events. Currently, I call that event as _displaytask and thread a thread on that thread call gtk_init () . The call is hanging on gtk_init and never returns. Someone knows why the phone is hanging? The Gtk version is gtk + -2.0. void * Gui :: displayTask (zero * data) {IDC_TRACE ("Gui :: Performance Task"); Gui * obj = (Gui *) data; If (obj! = NULL) {if (! G_thread_supported ()) g_thread_init (NULL); / * Safe gtk * / gdk_threads_init (); Gdk_threads_enter (); IDC_TRACE ("gtk init"); Gtk_init_check (0,0); Obj- & gt; Start (); Access to control gtk_init () , but it never goes to launch

java - Socket Programming - CipherStream -

I am doing file transfer (socket-java) programs where I am sending an encrypted version of the file to the customer. The customer will decrypt it and store it in its drive. I am using the CipherOutputStream ANF cipher inputstream for encryption and decryption. When my problem is encrypted, I have to close seeperoptrast and the file is not getting to the client. I need to get the receipt from the customer after sending the file, because I am closing the cipher output stream in the server, this message from the client Is not receiving Its throwing socket closure exception. Is there another way to send a file in an encrypted format to the client so that the client will decrypt it and store it in its repository. Please require some advice. Once the stream is closed, you can not send as My comment has been written, You can send the length of the file first to the customer, so that the customer will know how much byte he has to read. Once the client reads this amount of data

c# - How do I have an Async function that writes out to a service bus queue? -

Using the Ezur Webbash SDK, I want to create an async function that will receive the servicebus queue input and a servicebase queue output . Async methods can not have parameters, which are used for the examples of blobstorezes, instead of streams and text writers. However, when I try to do this with the servicebase parameter, I get an exception. String Input, [ServiceBus ("% OutputQueue%")] TextWriter Output, TextWriter Log) / Pre> Error indexing method 'FilterCurrentCpesToNewCpes' The service can not force to type' system. IO.TextWriter ' I get the same message for the stream. Async functions can not contain parameters, so you send a message to ICollector & Lt; T & gt; or IAsyncCollector & lt; T & gt; and add () operations. ICollector WebJobs is defined in SDK. The following sample shows this. String Input, [ServiceBus ("% Output Queue%")] IAsyncCollector & lt; String & gt; Output, Static Input, [

rest - CURL vs Apache-HttpClient : variance in size of data received -

I am using 2 agents to consume one reuse websearch: Apache HTTP Client and Curl Both customers receive different sizes of data for the same reinst webservice, besides curls are receiving incompatible amounts at all times while Apache HTTTP client is consistently. The access log snippet has been received with the number of bytes given below. "POST > HTTP / 1.1" 200 10083053 "-" Apache-HTTP client / 4.3.1 (Java 1.5) "" Mail " & Lt; Url & gt; HTTP / 1.1 "200 10083053" - "" Apache-HTTPPLAT / 4.3.1 (Java 1.5) "" Post < & Lt; Url & gt; & Gt; HTTP / 1.1 "200 10083053" - "Apache-HTTPPLAT / 4.3.1 (Java 1.5)" "post HTTP / 1.1" 200 10128377 "-" "Curl / 7.1 9.7 (x86_64- Redhat-linux-gnu) "post <" & Lt; Url & gt; & Gt; HTTP / 1.1 "200 10128674" - "" curl / 7.1 9.7 (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) "post url>>

c# - Accordion - button click event not working -

I have a Ajax Ardi, in my page I bind data with dataset which works fine, but I value it within the selected Ardi There is a need to receive when a button is clicked inside the imperantian. But when the click is done then the onclick event is not firing. My .aspx code. & lt; Cc1: Accordion ID = "accRcvDetails" runat = "server" selectIndex = "- 1" ContentCssClass = "AdWords-content" Requirementspanpan = "false" headercssclass = "avionian-header" header selected class = "idrarselected" & gt; ; & Lt; HeaderTemplate & gt; & Lt; / HeaderTemplate & gt; & Lt; ContentTemplate & gt; & Lt; Asp: button id = "btn service" cssClass = "searchbutton accbtnsave" runat = "server" commandname = "save" text = "save" /> & Lt; / ContentTemplate & gt; Public void accRcvDetails_ItemDataBound (Object Sender, AccordionItemEventArgs e)

java - Hadoop MultipleOutputs checksum -

I am using multiple outputs to write several files in Reducer. However, when I'm viewing in the target folder, I think the files have been successfully written, but the checksum file is empty (though made) is there any way to write checksum to multiple outputs? I'm adding named output to the 'Run' method Multiple output. AddNamedOutput (job, "fld1", TextOutputFormat class, text class, text class); ... and write multiple outputs in reducers: output = new multiple output (reference); ... output.write ("fld1", key, new text (arrays.toString (myData))); Any ideas? It appears that multiple optup object is required to be explicitly closed after typing. The following calls solve the problem: output.close ()

linux - OS X alternative to eventfd -

Linux specific I need a library port written on Linux that uses OS X to use this event notification system. Is there any way to accomplish this? two options a pipe and kqueue S EVFILT_USER . It depends on how the eventfd is being used.

service - Update when something changes in the website Angularjs -

I have a question, I have two different controllers, such as: & Lt; Div ng-app = 'demoApp' & gt; & Lt; Div ng-controller = 'FirstCtrl' & gt; {{Date | Date: 'yyyy-MM-dd hh: mm: ss'}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div ng-controller = 'secCtrl' & gt; & Lt; Button type = "submit" ng-click = "update ()" & gt; Add & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; When I click on another controller's button, I want to update the date in the first controller. This is jsfiddle: If you type $ = New date () , then you do not track it in your reference property property second controller. You have to cache the context of your update service in the $ scope.model property to correct this problem. angular.module ('demoep', []). Controller ('firstcurrent', function ($ scope, update) {$ scope.model = UpDate;}) Controller ('SecCtrl&#

php - See check ins on Facebook -

I want to check customers in my page / place and discount them to check in some time. Is it possible to get a list of everyone checked in my local business page? In the Facebook API, I have learned something about check in. But I do not know whether it still works or how it works. Edit Unfortunately this is no longer available in the latest Facebook API

ios - How to keep the width of 4 items to always fill the UIView parent container -

I have 4 items in a UIView that should always fill UIView for all screen sizes. It does not matter which Auto Layouts I apply, they will not even fill the view for a 5.5-inch iPhone for the photo (each item will not have the same width) . and iPhones for 4 inches As you can see, the last icon is no more visible in the 4-inch screen. Is a flexible, draggable layout in the interface builder? Do I have to see and modify barriers to code? I have terminated it code. I implemented width barriers and changed the size in viewDidLoad () . For x-positioning I only combine an item next to the second (horizontal spacing).

How to performance test a desktop application using Visual Studio Ultimate load test -

I need to perform a demonstration test of the Windows desktop app with Visual Studio Ultimate. I I have to compute the add-on I wrote coded UI tests, [it usually imports a file, fills the input on a form, clicks on the button, it will calculate and generate the desired output in a few seconds] I need to measure (input Files and values For various sets): 1. The use of CPU count. 2. Memory Usage 3. It took time to calculate it for every input file I have written coded UI tests, have configured load tests to measure # 1 and # 2, time to execute # 3 In addition to the transaction to measure the test data are operated. How can I get a good performance report for this? What are the added counter? And how to export it in a nice simple xlsx report format? I am going through MSDN articles but they could not find very helpful for this particular reference. Note: There is no network call. It's purely a standalone app, and only one user is going to use it.

Pentaho Data Integration - How to loop csv file column and each column will create a table -

I'm new to Pentaho Data Integration. How do I loop the CSV file column, and when I create a table on each column, help / Need guidance. I was able to generate CSV file via text file input and CSV input speed. My problem is that I do not know what steps the loop is through the CSV column. I tried to search the internet but I could not find any such problem. Example: Account, Contact, Location Act-01, "Name 1", "Location1" Act-02, "Name 2", "Location 2" Act-03, "Name 3 "," Location 3 "Act-04," Name 4 "," Location 4 " Output must be created 3 tables which have account, contact, and location. Thanks in advance. First of all, you Header Row Current . Now, your first line requires your name. To get only the first line, you can use the sample rows step to get it (just provide line number threads). Now you have to isolate some line in three rows with three rows. You can first use the co - edit two database from different sites with same form with ASP -

I am writing some ASP pages for the following purpose. I have two websites related to each other. In the first one, I have a form in which I put some information. Those information is stored in the first site's database. Since I am making the field of database of another site similar to the table that I want to edit, there is a way to send data to other sites and after they have been stored in the database first. Insert in another database? Database Connection Set = Server.Creative Object ("ADODB.Connection") Con.Open "Driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)}; DBQ = "& amp; Server.MapPath ("/ writable / mdb-database / mydb.mdb") Just open a new connection on the second database server and insert the same data. Use questions (or linq expression or etc) with new connections only. I do not know how to connect with you before, but you can connect with the same method to another, just change the address.

mysql - mobile model number detection in php -

I am a PHP developer and I am preparing a WAP page for mobile. I need some php code to find the model of mobile phone from where the request is coming, so depending on that information, I can upload the appropriate CSS for my page. If you can give me some hints then it will help me to go even further. All I am capable of bringing the user agent is mobile but not able to find specific models of mobile $ _ server ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; Check against this list of user agents: (~ line343 to ~ line610 starting)

c# - Get changed text from rich textbox -

Therefore, I am looking for the best way to get the text using keyboard events, possibly a text-sync incident . What I see is what has been changed. I have a program that sends the event in another window and populates rich textbox with one color. I tried to use the key pressed event: Private Zero Rich Textbox 1_cap (Object Sender, KeyPressEventArgs e) {char keyChar = (char) e.KeyChar; If (four .asltorrodit (chicchar)) four. Isoperator (four) four. These whitespace (key customer) {string changedText = keyChar.ToString (); VinduEventArgs ve = new VinduEventArgs (colorDialog1.Color, changed text); Vindu Andrerett (it, V); }} But this does not really work because it is a buggy, does not show all the signs, and looks like a bad solution.

jquery - How to set password and username in javascript for a form placed inside a bootstrap modal -

I entered the login model using Bootstrap 3 as explained in the link < / P> How to set the username and password for a particular value for the login form in the javascript code. I'm still learning HTML and CSS. I do not have much information about javascript. $ ('input [name = "username"]') Val (. '); $ ('Input [name =' password ']'). Val ('password') Although I'm not sure whether setting up a password directly is best idea.

java - How to open popup in spring mvc application -

मेरे पास वेब अनुप्रयोग संरचना का पालन किया गया है: अंदर addTerminal.jsp मैं निम्नलिखित लिखता हूं: .... & lt; a href = "#" वर्ग = "ओपन-मैप" ऑनक्लिक = "शोमैप (55,22)" & gt; नक्शा दिखाएँ & lt; / a & gt; ... फ़ंक्शन शोमैप (lat, lng) { ('map.html lat =' + + अक्षांश '& amp; lng =' + lng, 'map', 'width = 600, height = 400'); } .... लेकिन चूंकि ग्राहक WEB-INF फ़ोल्डर में प्रवेश नहीं कर सकता I <40> जब href पर क्लिक करें आप सलाह दे सकते हैं कामकाज कैसे मेरी समस्या को हल करें? मुझे लगता है कि मैं map.html को वेबएफ़ फ़ोल्डर में रख सकता हूँ, लेकिन मुझे लगता है कि एक और समस्या मौजूद है। अनुप्रयोग प्रौद्योगिकी स्टैक: टोमक + हाइबरनेट + SpringMVC web.xml: & lt; web-app id = "WebApp_ID" संस्करण = "2.4" xmlns = "" xmlns: xsi = "http: / / "xsi: स्कीमा स्थान ="

excel - How do I write from a Multi-Dimensional Array? -

I have a multi-dimensional array that is populated by using a line of code: ArrayName = Worksheets ("SourceDetWareKascat"). Range ("A18: BM 174") Instead of counting cell-by-cell loop count, the advantage of filling the array using this method is that it fills in less than a second - Even for such a large data array. Is it possible to write data quickly? Currently, I am writing a suitable location (after looking after) to paste the cell with the cell through the loop system, and it is actually slowing down the whole process. What is my goal? Is able to paste the second dimension of the array into a column in the worksheet destination sheet (where it has a loop to determine where). In other words, once the destination line has been found for Array (1, X), I want to paste the value of x into range (H20: AB20) (enough for the former), but I use the looping cell values How can I paste without doing You can type it in the same way - you need to use

javascript - Two pages, one jQuery script, error on one site -

I am stuck on this problem for a while. I have a developing environment, where I have a lazy load script A large file was added to the site which was developed by an external party for the site. Everything works on all pages, but one- many actions on that site are not suddenly defined, and I am concerned about the least say. One of the work pages is: (Site removed for local developing environment) Page where I get an error in the console: (site is available in local development environment The reason has been removed) The file that is jquery.main.js, is that we have upgraded from 1.8.3 to 1.11.0 jquery - but because it works on all other sites Does, I would wonder if this was the problem. Any help would be very appreciated. You have 2 jquery.min (v 1.10 and 1.11) your page Delete the files loaded in, the oldest Another tip, to load a head box, load your script at the bottom of the page. Update: Here are your jquery files: In the top: & lt; Script type =

javascript - Why should "this" be assigned to variable in jQuery? -

In some jQuery code I often think that this is assigned to the variable in jQuery and I do not understand the reason for this approach? This is an example of a jQuery plugin builder: // constructor function Nullpoll (element, option) {var widget = this; Widget.config = $ .extend ({}, default, options); Widget.element = element; Widget.element.on ("click", function () {alert ("test")}; ("change", function (e) {widget.element.find ("button"). RemoveProp ("disabled");}); This.init (); } The value of this is determined by how < or (more commonly) to give it a more informative name so that value one different Function , which can reach the scope of the first function In this particular case, () Near anonymously function call this call to call Nullpoll . If it tries to use the this keyword, then it will get a different value (how the value depends on whether a

mvvm - WPF InputBinding in UserControl doesent work until focused -

I have the main view (window) as a shell in which I have different "pages" or "views" Users loading the userstrokes Navigate the application I change the view by setting a view model on a content property on the menu. A DataTemplate selects the correct view based on ViewModel. I want to use an F1 keyboard shortcut to trigger the command on current UserControl. If I add inputbidding to UserControl I will have to select something in UserControl before I can kill F1. If I add inputbidding to the window then I do not have the right datacontext (viewodal). I have also tried to set up CommandTarget in the contents property of ViewModel & lt; Window.InputBindings & gt; & Lt; Keying key = "F1" CommandTarget = "{binding element name = content control}" command = "{binding show info comand}" /> & Lt; /Window.InputBindings> I have also tried setting the focus manager. FocusAlment = "{binding element name =

XPages Navigation - Updating Panels with Link onclick Events -

I am trying to deploy "Configurable and Extensible XPages Navigation Buildings" . . My design is very basic and traditional: two panels in the left panel as a custom control link with navigation. Left panel in right panel In order to display XPages as a result of the onclick event of the link "Page Include "Control". Problem: The correct panel can not be found to update. Tried, in vain: Passing session SSJS, partial update, with partial update Scope parameter with PostScript. My code: My "almost" working version - Really need to manually refresh / reload to appear in the actual "The page included" control of the desired panel. Link On Click Do: sessionScope.showPage = "xspByYear.xsp"; Partial update of the right panel. "Include page" on the right panel - PageName and OnLlite Loud (with Home by default): var tmp = sessionScope.showPage; If (tmp == faucet) {"xspHome.xsp"; } Else {tmp; } Not

Page jumps in ipad on hide of the search bar with skrollr -

I'm a new scholar, I want to disable the sculler in the width of the mobile device, which is less than 768 pixels, (Window). Dam ("resize", resizing); Resize the function () {var newWindowWidth = $ (window) With (); If (new windhighth <= 769) {skrollr.init () Destroyed (); } And {var s = skrollr.init (); }} This works fine for me when I open it in an iPad or iPhone, when the search bar hides to indicate page jump. I am appreciated any help "Meta name =" apple-mobile-web-app-enabled "content =" yes "" in the header and it is still the same problem

Reusable DropDownChoice in Wicket Form -

I have more than 50 forms in my project, and they are very similar to each other and similar DropDownChoice I use the component to create a separate panel , where I define my DropDownChoice , and after that I will use that panel < / Code> will use? Otherwise, how can I apply that situation? For example form1 has the following fields: Name (< Code> text field ) alias ( TextField ) city ( DropDownChoice ) form2 has the following fields: Code ( TextField ) Amount ( TextField ) City (Again same dropdown choice ) I want to have a beautiful solution for that approach . DropDownChoice with its predefined parameter is better to enhance, and not With the panel real dropdown choice . This approach has at least two advantages: You do not need to create a separate markup file, because it comes with panel Is -approach You can directly use the DropDownChoice methods Otherwise, you should forward such methods as methods of

regex - NGINX: check whether $remote_user equals to the first part of the location -

I did not know how $ remote_user is equal to the first part location < / Code> of space / {auth_basic "elastic search"; Auth_basic_user_file / etc / nginx / search_passwords; Location ~ / ([^ /] *) / {# Named Capture if either ($ $ remote_user = $ 1) {# Error: unknown variable: $ 1 / $ NAMEDWHATEVER did not break; }}} My use-case: I'm trying to secure an "ElasticSearch-Cluster" using a nginx-reverse proxy for authentication I am I want to allow multiple users, but the new user should make the modifications as simple as possible; Best Condition - Just Change the HTMLPDD File I'm trying to adopt but it failed to check whether the remote_name and index-name Are similar. This should be possible and you can also define a name of a variable when matching with regex Are there. At the bottom of the code here, I assign the regex result to the $ username variable. So I can see it and if it matches $ remote_user (make sure it's

openstack - How to install packages in cirros OS -

How to install a package in Cyrus image? I do not have any installer available in the Siros image that comes with devstack installation. As @Harik Krishnan commented, cirros does not include a package manager in cirros More useful for the fact that the clouds are working correctly, that VMs are being started properly and things like network, security groups and key pairs are working relatively well. If you are a package manager Want a Linux VM with, you should see a different distribution . Ubuntu is a good place to start the cloud image -

javascript - Unable to access hidden field values in java script -

जेएसपी: & lt; इनपुट प्रकार = 'छुपा' id = '& lt; बीन : नाम लिखें = "शैक्षणिक GoalLevel" property = "contentId1" / & gt; ' नाम = '& lt; बीन: लिखें नाम = "शैक्षणिक GoalLevel" property = "contentId1" / & gt; मान = '& lt; बीन: लिखित नाम = "शैक्षणिक GoalLevel" संपत्ति = "गतिविधि 1" / & gt; / & Gt; जावास्क्रिप्ट: // id 30 केवल var x = document.getElementById ('30 ') मान है; चेतावनी (x); अगर (x.length! = 0) {चेतावनी ("कृपया एक स्कूल वर्ष 1 दर्ज करें"); विवरण झूठा है; } पहली बार जब मैं पेज पर जाता हूं और पाठ फ़ील्ड में डेटा दर्ज करता हूं तो मैं जावास्क्रिप्ट में वैल्यू प्राप्त करने में सक्षम नहीं हूं। जब मैं आऊंगा दूसरी बार मुझे छिपे हुए खेतों मिलते हैं। मैं इसे कैसे हल कर सकता हूं?

javascript - jQuery click handler not executing AJAX POST -

ध्यान दें: मैं jQuery के बजाय $ को पसंद करता हूं ; यह अधिक टाइपिंग है लेकिन मुझे इसे और अधिक पठनीय मिलता है। मेरे पास एक सरल रूप है, जो उपयोगकर्ता को अपना पहला / अंतिम नाम और ईमेल पता दर्ज करता है। इसमें "सहेजें" बटन है, जब क्लिक किया जाता है, तो निष्पादित होता है: jQuery ('# saveButton')। क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {चेतावनी ('के बारे में सर्वर पर सहेजें'); Var validated = validateContact (); यदि (! मान्य) {चेतावनी ('मान्य नहीं था!'); वापसी;} और {चेतावनी ('मान्य!');} JQuery ()। एजेक्स ({url: "saveContact", टाइप करें: "पोस्ट", डेटाटाइप: 'जेसन', डेटा: {संपर्क: {प्रथमनाम: jQuery ('# पहलेनाम')। Val (), अंतिमनाम: jQuery ('# अंतिम नाम')। Val (), ईमेल पता: jQuery ( ("# पहलेनाम")। वैल (""); jQuery ('# अंतिम नाम')। Val (""); jQuery (' ("सर्वर में सहेजा गया");});) जब मैं "सहेजें" बटन पर क्लिक करता हूं, मुझे "वेलिडेटेड" सहित कई

iOS SpriteKit How to make stroke color transparent? -

Now I play something simple using the spritekit. There is a problem with the stroke color in the drawing process. I have to make my colorful shape node transparent, but my stroke color remains the same every time I have tried various techniques to make my node completely transparent: 1) for stroke color Setting alpha component 2) Setting the alpha component to the entire node did not help it, is there any way to get around this or get it? Build my node CGMutablePathRef = CGPathCreateMutable (); CardWidth = cardWidth + Card Alpha; CGPathAddRoundedRect (Arc, NULL, CGRectMake (-Cardview / 2, -CardHight / 2, Cardwidth, CardHight), RoundRadis, RoundRadis); RoundRect = [SKShapeNode node]; =; CGFloat linewidth = 2.0; CGPathRef strokedArc = CGPathCreateCopyByStrokingPath (Arc, Zero, Linewid, KCG LynePabet, KCGLenzoMeter, // Default10); // 10 limit of the default mixer roundRect.path = strokedArc; [Self-combined: round-piece]; Then I try to change color an

javascript - OpenLayers 3 - Zoomify - Tiles - Getting started -

I'm new to open layers and want to switch from Google Maps API. Now I am trying to put a big image in the open layer, like I can do with the Google Maps API: I think dependency with open layers Is zoom wise, is not it? Now I can not find a zoom how to start or start over the zoom. Is there a good start at Open Layers and Zoommi, which I should know? How do I piece the image into the tile? Can I name the tiles while doing Google Maps? I downloaded the OL3 but the examples are not working. Do I need to do some compilation? There is a good start over open layers and zoomast that I should know ? and How should I slice the image into a tile? Yes, there are different possibilities using PHP, Python and Ruby. See PHP and Python links and ruby ​​on it. Can I name tiles while doing Google Maps? No, Google Maps uses specific Tiles Bentwang and ZoomEst. I downloaded the OL3 but the examples are not working. Do I Need to Compile Some? No, just go

aem - CQ5 multifield configuration service -

I am trying to create a CQ5 service with a Multifield Configuration Interface. It will be something like this, but at the click of the plus button it will add not just a new row but rather a group of N rows. property field 1 + field 2 .... FieldN Any advice? As far as I know there is no such possibility in Apache Felix < P> Based on your actual need I would consider reducing the configuration. If you try to move all the fields (groups of fields that you want to add through the plus button) in a different configuration, you will have a configurable factory approach near the slf4j.logger configuration. A simple configuration function may look like the following @Component (instant = true, configurationfree = true, metatip = true, policy = configuration policy. = "Com", label = "multiple configuration providers") @ service (serviceFactory = false, value = {MyConfigurationProvider.class}) @Propertie

objective c - HTML to NSMutableAttributedString not working in ios 6 -

I am using code to convert HTML text to NSMutableAttributedString and display it in UITextView. - attributedStringTitle = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithData: [TitleString Dataupting Encoding: NSUnicodeStringEncoding] Option: @ {NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType} documentArbute: zero error: zero]; It is working fine for iOS 7 or above but is not working on iOS 6. help please. NSHTMLTextDocumentType is not available in iOS 6: From Apple Docs: NSHtml Text Document Type Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) document. Available in iOS 7.0 and later.

c# - I am conflicted about using new with struct in .net -

I try to know about GDI + and to make a brush or pen, in most cases I have a color structure , So I try to know about it but now I have a disputed point, first of all, some people declare colors such as brush b1 = New solidbrush (Color. Form ARBB (255, 0, 0)); or color myColor; MyColor = Color.FromArgb (255,0,0); Brush B2 = New Solidbrush (Michael); So anyone can tell me how to use Stranger without any color to call the default constructor of the new operator Sorry This simple question but I tried to search about it and I'm new to programming. Thanks Anything that's going on here is that the interesting creator is non-public, and you still Pyogita method will create value through which you can get as trivial as your own code: struct {indirect personal Reedonli ET value; Private indirect (difference value) {this.value = value; } Make public static indirect (int value) {Return new indirect (value); }}} Straight direct {private readonly at value; Publ

c++ - how to terminate a string using null charector -

I have created a new string using the existing string. Assume that the initial string is string a = "sample"; and newly created string string b = a; Now I have put an empty character in the second index. b [2] = '\ 0'; When I try to exclude B string The output is shown as saple . I want to end the string after index -1. Is this behavior normal? If this is normal, then how to eliminate the string after the first index. Thank you .. operator & lt; & Lt; is too overloaded if you do so this behavior will be different: four A [] = "sample"; Four b [size (a)]; Strakpy (b, a); B [2] = '\ 0'; Std :: cout & lt; & Lt; B; or std :: cout & lt; & Lt; B.c_str (); (which calls surcharge instead of std :: string ) The difference between the two overloaders is that how many surcharges for const char * calls On the other hand, the use of the overload str.size () for std :: string is set to pr

Output top level nodes in Umbraco Razor navigation -

I am struggling with a very simple Umbraco 7 navigation. In fact, I have several "sites" in one solution - or, one site, but their home page for different countries and languages ​​are top-level nodes, and all sub-pages are nested in level 2 and below. It works fine for individual sites (output of children in level 1 node). However, I want to create a second menu which outputs only the top-level nodes, where I can switch between different sites. This, for some reason, I can not. @ Inherits umbraco themepage @ {var homepage = current page Ancestors Orsulf (1). first (); Var subitems = homepage children; Var rootItems = homePage.Siblings; } & Lt; Ul & gt; @Forrench (various items in sub-item) {& lt; Li & gt; @ Item.Name & lt; / Li & gt; } & Lt; / Ul & gt; & Lt; Ul & gt; @forchange (item in root items) {& lt; Li & gt; @ImageName & Lt; / Li & gt; } & Lt; / Ul & gt; This first list displays completely, but

python - Are there instructions for installing Kivy on cygwin? -

I failed to run the following Hello World on Kiwi: With the following errors: $ dragon hello1.pi [INFO] Kivy v1.8.0 [INFO] [Logger] Record log in /home/Administrator/.kivy/logs/kivy_14-10-28_1.txt Traceback (most recent call final): File "", line 5, & lt; Module & gt; "/home/rbarakx/python/kivy/kivy/" from line import application file, line 321, & lt; Module & gt; Kivy.base Import from RunTouchApp, StopTouchApp file "/home/rbarakx/python/kivy/kivy/", line 28, I suspect that there is a lack of installation of my Kiwi signin May be. There are no instructions for setting Kiwi on (no results from doing ghogal to common suspects The error tells you that Sigwin's python is = posix . You can finish it to recompile yourself ... Alternatively you can use MinGW to use it instead, as a document, or simply to use it.

java - render whole Wicket Header in Body -

I am rendering my wicket page (version 6.x) in a PortletContainer - which Actually works fine (with some restrictions) One of these is that I can not use any Ajax because there is no html in my html markup and head is tag, it is only the content Body tag What am I doing rendering I tried to use a headerresponsecontainer which works - As long as there is a head tag in the markup when there is no iHeaderResponseDecorator will not be set in RequestCycle . I'm not sure whether the best way to render everything will be to do something in the body in head Tag in the tag, even if there are no head tags. It looks like a hack but it works. If any cleaner can come up with the solution, then post it here. Otherwise it can help in similar cases: In your application class: @Override protected WebResponse newWebResponse (WebRequest webRequest, HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) {New MyWebResponse ((ServletWebRequest) webRequest, httpServletRespons

java - How to create a Json Object with empty strings and send it as a Web Service Response -

I was receiving data from the database using the spring jdbctemplate rowmapper and was getting the data. Once I get the data, I was mapping it to a Java object and converting it into a Jason object. My JSON object contains an object with 2 field code status When I received data from the database I had to pass successful data for fields above 200 and above 2 And Jason was passing the object as a web service response My real question even if I did not find any data, then I am in the form of a JSN object web service response but " 404 "ADD Message Fee In the form of no data as "no data" and other fields are empty string (""), similarly if there is no exception, the json object needs to be sent with empty string, but with this 503 code < / P> How can I do this? My code code snippet: userdtls = userDaoimpl.getUserdetails (userId); If (userdtls == faucet) {Response builder builder = Response. (Converttoosson (UserDTL), MediaType.APILICANGSA

Git-init creating a visible directory when executable present -

When using a repository to start, it creates a hidden directory called .git - I got this far. But when I tried to use the command on a directory, in which the executable file was included, which I compiled from the source in that directory, it would be a second, visible directory Made, which simply git , contains several hundred files what is this directory, and what does it do? I am using Bash with the Linux mint. The best thing about post git is that it puts all its information in one place: the root of your project in your .git directory. P> may also be useful, because it tells you: The entire repository content is stored in the root folder named .git in the project folder:

javascript - AngularJS Multi-Step Form Using UI-Router (With Navigation Links) -

I followed this tutorial to apply my own multi-step form: here The problem works only if your page is only a form page and nothing else is currently an SPA that has four pages, one of which is the registration form. Home Registration Mechanics Rules & amp; Terms My index.php & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "container-liquid" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "navbar-header" & gt; & Lt; Class = "navbar-brand" ui-sref = "home" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "assets / img / logo.png" alt = "" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Nav class = "navbar navbar-default" role = "navigation" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "nav navbar-nav home" & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A ui-sref = "home" & gt; Home & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li & gt; &a

smartgwt - Possible to insert some text String into filter text area -

I have ListGrid and above each column of data, is a filter box. I can read from there and suppress the filter to filter out. How can I add some text to a text box with any method of code? I want to get a filter box on top of a column, then enter a certain string text in it so that the user can press the filter button instead of typing it Steps to follow: Use ListGrid.setShowFilterEditor to show the filter on the grid Use ListGridField.setFilterEditorProperties (textItem) to show the filter on a specific column Example To: TextItem TextItem = New Textime (); // set default value list grid field.Set filterAditor properties (textItem); Use the ListGrid.addFilterEditorSubmitHandler () (if necessary) to submit the filter editor. Follow

r - Convert FIX message format ("Tag=Value") into CSV -

I have a CSV / log file of 35 = S (quotation message; "tag = value") and remove me Need rates for data mining in a proper CSV file. This is not strictly related to fixes, it is more about R related questions about how to clear this dataset. The raw messages look something like this: 190 = 1.1204, 1 9 1 = -0.000029,193 = 20141008,537 = 0, 631 = 1.12029575,642 = 0.000145,10 = 56 190 = 7.20425,191 = 0.000141, 537 = 0, 631 = 7.2034485,10 = 140, 190 = 1.26237,191 = 0, 537 = 1, 10 = 068,, < / Pre> I need to get the first intermediate data set that looks like this where the same tags are allocated. 190 = 1.1204, 1 9 1 = -0.000029,193 = 20141008,537 = 0,631 = 1.12029575,642 = 0.000145,10 = 56 190 = 7.20425,191 = 0.000141, 537 = 0,631 = 7.2034485, 10 = 140 190 = 1.26237,191 = 0, 537 = 1,, 10 = 068 In turn, it will need to be changed: 190, 191, 193, 537,631, 642, 10 1.1204, -0.000029,20141008,0, 1.12029575,0.000145,56 7.20425,0.000141,, 0, 7.2034485, 140 1.262

user interface - Creating event triggers dynamically with Unity 4.6 UI tools -

I'm having trouble with the new UI tools of Unity 4.6. Canvas I have a list of toggles that are dynamically created at runtime (I am following or following the instructions in this tutorial). I am trying to add the triggers to each of the toggles, which will call the ListManager.LoadModel (int) function when click on the toggle. Each toggle event has a different entry (first one load model (0) , second load modell (1) and so on). It is easy to manually create a toggle list and it is difficult to call each one of them in the inspector but I did not know how to add the toggle toggle because I dynamically created them with the script I am making Any suggestions?

unity3d - Data structure for irregular grid -

I'm wondering what is the best data structure for the grid in which different size rectangular / square game map sectors are. I need an XIG object which is within the grid by simple Xyz coordinates. searched for KdTrees, but they get the closest thing I also get trees / gaps in the segment, but there is some information about Cheers. This is you can use an octree, you can start with a rectangular parallel pip In which the entire region is ((0, 0, 0), (x, y, z)) (this is the root of the tree). In the next step, divide it into 8 rectangular parallel pipid ((0, 0, 0), (x / 2, y / 2, z / 2)), ((0, 0, z / 2), (x / 2, y / 2, z)) and so on). These are 8 rectangular parallel piped children of origin. Repeat the tree for each of them when a rectangular parallel is completely within an area, then recursion should be stopped (hence it becomes the leaves of the tree). To answer a question, start with the root of octree and go to a proper child until you reach the leaf. It is po

ios - Create new Core Data model -

Please tell me the next information I have an app with CoreDataModel1, and now I am making CoreDataModel2. And I have to use CoreData model 2 in my app. I have read about the work of migrations and TI. But I do not need previous data from CoreDataModel1. How should I do this when I transfer all my previous data to Coreadata model 2, but I do not need it. Normal core data migration is not required because there is no copy in the migration process continuously Updates to keep the same file to use the model. There is no old file to delete. If you have implemented a custom migration plan that copies the data into a new file, then you are yourself, whatever old file (s) you leave behind your plan, You do not need any more.

What exactly needs to be PROTECTed when writing C functions for use in R -

I thought it is very easy, basically, type any SEXP I protected Stay, but when using the linked lists and CAR / CDR etc. this little blurry is starting (for me). With this comment I : The security of an R object automatically protects all R objects pointing to the related SSPPEC, for example a protected list All elements of this are automatically protected. and it is from: A SEXPREC is a compound that has the 32-bit header described above, the three points ( Attributes, previous and next node) and node data ... LISTSXP: Indicators for a ser, CDR (usually a LISTSXP or tap) and tags (a SYMSXP or tap) So I understand that, if I do something like this: SEXP s, t, u; Defense (S = Algorithm (2)); SECACR (S, Scalarological (1)); SETCADR (S, Scalarological (0)); T = CAR (S); U = CADR (S); Then objects are protected on the basis of the t and u points that contain the protected list s (Proportional question: Is there any way to get a protected position of a

c# - Mef instance creation -

I am currently involved in designing an SOA application using the mef. That example can be made in two ways: (i) Container matches import with available export and makes an example (ii) Using getexportedvalue also creates an example, so what approach do I need This means when the service example is complete If I live for a lifetime then I can take the first approach because the object is available in the container. And when the service is used for a short time, I can use another approach and have to deal with it.

LiveCode 7.0 (rc 2) standalone compile (strange error) -

I am using LiveCode 7.0 (RC2) and compiling my stack as a standalone for Windows 7 I am here. I got a detailed error (with many numerical data) in the context of the stack "ResistStandardLone" and subdirectory / TutsalSet / RivestoneSetting. I have tried to highlight my standalone settings without any profit. I have never really had this problem before any suggestions? Livecode 7.0 is now available as a stable release, (RC2) is a pre-release test Version, so I recommend downloading the latest version and try again. Without numbers it is difficult to say that is related to error, so if you can try again using the latest version and report back with all the details, if it still fails If so, then anybody can be able to help.