
Showing posts from August, 2010

Toggle the notification bar in android -

I know that I can extend the notification bar by reflection class & Lt ;? & Gt; Situation Manager = Class. ForName (""); Method shows; If (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT> = 17) {showb = statusbarManager.getMethod ("Detailed NotificationPanel"); } And {showb = statusbarManager.getMethod ("extension"); } Showb.invoke (getSystemService ("statusbar")); However, is there any way to expand it, if it collapses, and it has already been expanded, then erased it? The toggle function for status management is Android Docs, but it does not work for me. Edit I am calling this function from within a bound service. I think you may have the necessary permissions disappearing. Make sure you have EXPAND_STATUS_BAR permission in your Manifest.xml: & lt; Usage-permission Android: name = "android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR" /> Look around, I found this code: object sbservice = getSystemServ

Couchdb replication file size -

I have a production couchdb server that gets compressed on a weekly basis. When compact it goes from 30 MB to 15 MB. But when I run it on a remote server, the file size on that server is 30MB. How is this possible? I copy a compact version so it should be 15 MB at the other end. Is this remote "compact" duplicate data on the remote server and both will not have "conflict"? Replication uses several _bulk_doc requests to send all documents. Each request will produce some "garbage" data, because the underlying B + documents are being rewritten to accommodate each new batch of the document. Replication is safe to summarize the goal. Compassion has no meaning effect on any of your data. You can run it safely any time.

javascript - how to get all values of object via coffeescript? -

मेरे पास एक वस्तु है: var temp = {d: 4, f: 4, g : 5}; क्या इसका कोई भी तरीका coffeescript का उपयोग करते हुए सभी मूल्यों को प्राप्त करने का है? बिल्कुल। मान = (स्वयं के लिए मूल्य, अस्थायी का मूल्य)

sql - Activerecord how to get all unique belongs_to attributes in a set? -

मेरे पास एक मॉडेल पोस्ट और मॉडेल श्रेणियाँ के साथ एक रेल आवेदन है। श्रेणी belongs_to पोस्ट मैं प्रति पृष्ठ 20 पदों को प्रदर्शित करने के लिए पृष्ठ पर अंक लगाना का उपयोग कर रहा हूं, और प्रत्येक पृष्ठ पर मुझे श्रेणियों द्वारा फ़िल्टर करने के लिए एक फिल्टर है। अब तक, मैं इस पर आधारित श्रेणियों की सूची मुद्रित करता हूं पदों का पूरा सेट, उप-समुच्चय नहीं, जो कि पृष्ठांकित पेज का गठन करता है। इसलिए जब मैंने अपनी क्रिया में पहले किया था: home do @posts = Posts.paginate (पृष्ठ: पैराम्स [: पृष्ठ], प्रति पृष्ठ: 20) @ श्रेणी = श्रेणी.ऑल respond_to do format | Format.html एंड एंड मैं श्रेणियों को कैसे वर्गीकृत कर सकता हूं जैसे कि इसमें श्रेणियों के संपूर्ण डाटाबेस की बजाय @ पोस्ट से सभी अनूठी श्रेणियों की सूची है। कृपया वर्ग के रूप में प्रयास करें। Joins (: posts) .paginate (पेज: params [: page], per_page : 20) .युनीक ।

Moxy/JAXB/Jersey marshal POJO to JSON when POJO already has a JSON String field -

I have a POJO that I want to return to JSON as a restful method. Poseo has a field string that is already formatted in JSON. When this method is martialed through JAXB / MOXY, the whole value is quoted and all internal quotes are preserved. Is there any way to tell JAXB / MOXY to use this field as a raw / formatless value instead of processing it as a normal string? Thanks

Cannot send jQuery ajax() request to php -

I have trouble using the AJAX () function. I have an HTML file with a form and it contains JavaScript code Is a section of: & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ("form"). Submit (function () {var url = "xxx.php /"; var param = $ ("# streetInput"). Serialize () + " Serialize (); htmlobj = $ .ajax ({url: url); & amp; , Data: Ultimate, Type: 'GET', Data Type: 'JSON', Success: Function (Output) {// Parsing Data Here}, Error: Function () {}});});}); & Lt; / Script & gt; I should create a URL, pointing to a specific php file with the GET method. However, I do not know how to recover the parameter sent through the URL in the xxx.php file. I do not know how to debug, I just type & lt ;? Php echo $ _GET ("streetInput"); Echo $ _GET ("cityInput"); ...... $ xml = simplexml_load_file ($ url); ? & Gt; But it was not working. Can somebody help me out? I want to give

ios - Processing all frames in an AVAsset -

I am trying to get a AVAsset through each frame and for each frame An image like the process I am unable to find anything from my searches. The task that I am trying to complete will appear in such a pseudo code frames as an image for each frame in the property and Convert a CVMAT process and store the data of the center points The only center of the phonematic code in the store center points in the array, I do not know how to write in each frame. And capture it in an image Ia being. Can anyone help? Use an answer. 1) Load the movie file into an AVAsset object. 2) Create an AVAssetImageGenerator object. <3) Pass the estimated time of the frame where you want to get an image back from the movie. to the AVAssetImageGenerator to the 2 properties requested timetire and requested timetableproperty to Setting up the ability to get individual frames, but processing time increases Although this method is slow and I have not found any fast way. Load

search - "stop" filter behaving differently in Elasticsearch when using "_all" -

I am trying to apply a search, and I have noticed that if I use _all Or if a specific string value enters the field name of my query To give some context, I have created an index with the following settings: {"standard": {"analysis": {"default": {"type": "If I create a document: {" {"Query": {"Standard", "Filter": "Standard", "Standard", " Match ": {" _all ":" hello "}}} 'http: // localhost: 9200 / myindex / mytype / _search this true Ma TCT Document (because I'm using the stop filter to split words on dot), lake If I execute this query instead: curl -d '{"Query": {"match": {"name": "hello"}}}' http: // localhost: 9200 / myindex / mytype / _search Nothing is being returned instead of How is this possible? Get the problem for / myindex / mytype / _mapping see more That w - How to highlight the navigation bar in master page? -

होम संपर्क जोड़ें संपर्क अपलोड करें संपर्क करें प्रत्येक लिंक को उजागर कैसे करें मुझे आशा है कि आपके मास्टर पेज में मेनू लिंक कुछ जैसा है। मास्टर पृष्ठ & lt; ul & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; asp: LinkButton आईडी = "lbtnHome" runat = "server" postBackUrl = "~ / Home.aspx" & gt; होम & lt; / asp: LinkButton & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; asp: LinkButton आईडी = "lbtnAdd" runat = "server" PostBackUrl = "~ / Add.aspx" & gt; संपर्क जोड़ें & lt; / asp: LinkButton & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; asp: LinkButton आईडी = "lbtnUpload" runat = "server" postBackUrl = "~ / upload.aspx" & gt; संपर्क अपलोड करें & lt; / asp: LinkButton & gt; & Lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & Lt; asp: LinkButton आईडी = "lbtnSend" runat = "server" Post

r - Using approxfun in a package -

लगभग और approxfun के लिए मदद में निम्न चेतावनी शामिल है: < / P> चेतावनी approxfun द्वारा दिया गया मान R के वर्तमान संस्करण में कोड के संदर्भ में होता है: इसे सहेजा और एक अलग आर सत्र में लोड करने का इरादा नहीं है। यह आर> = 3.0.0 के लिए सुरक्षित है। मुझे पूरा यकीन नहीं है कि इसका अर्थ क्या है, खासकर "आर> = 3.0.0 के लिए सुरक्षित" होने के बारे में अंतिम भाग। मैंने कुछ कोड लिखा है जिसमें approxfun के साथ बनाई गई फ़ंक्शन शामिल हैं I क्या अब उस कोड को पैकेज में रखा जाना सुरक्षित है? मैंने इसे परीक्षण किया है और यह काम करने लगता है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता कि मैं इस पर भरोसा कर सकता हूं या नहीं। यह विंडोज़ 7 64-बिट पर आर 3.1.1 के साथ है। सटीक कोड इस तरह से है मेरे पास फ़ंक्शन वैल्यू पर कुछ डेटा है, और मैं अंतर्निहित फ़ंक्शन (जो मेरे पास स्रोत कोड नहीं है) का अनुमान लगा देना चाहते हैं। .table & lt; - read.table (text = "xy 10,0 150 37,8 147 65,6 145 93,3 142", हैडर = TRUE) # धन मूल # इस समारोह पैकेज च & lt निर्यात किया जा रहा है में कई

ios - ScrollView not working programtically -

जेस्ट मैंने प्रोग्राम को ScrollView की कोशिश की। यह काम कर रहा है ViewController.m मैंने ऐसा करने की कोशिश की scroll = [[UIScrollView alloc] init]; Scroll.frame = CGRectMake (0, 50, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height); scroll.delegate = आत्म; scroll.scrollEnabled = हाँ; Scroll.contentSize = CGSizeMake (100, 525); Scroll.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor]; [Self.view addSubview: scroll]; Goo = [[UIButton alloc] init]; Goo.frame = CGRectMake (0, 50, 100, 100); Goo.backgroundColor = [UIColor brownColor]; [Goo setTitle: @ "अच्छा दिन" forState: UIControlStateNormal]; [Goo addTarget: स्वयं कार्रवाई: @ सिलेक्टर (ठीक है :) कंट्रोल ईवेंट्स: यूआईसीओन्ट्रॉलइवेंटटीचडाउन]; [स्क्रॉल ऐड एस्यूब्यूव्यू: goo]; काम अच्छा है लेकिन एक ही कोड SecondViewControl - (शून्य) ठीक में काम नहीं कर रहा है: (आईडी) प्रेषक {द्वितीय * सेकंड = [[दूसरा आलोक] initWithNibName: शून्य बंडल: शून्य]; [दूसरा सेटमॉडल ट्रान्सिशन स्टाइल: यूमोडल ट्रान्सिशनशैलीफ़्लिपहॉरिज़ॉन्टल];

android - launch native app from browser -

My problem is that in my Mobile Nexus 5 with Chrome browser, I can launch a native application with Schema Or if I fail to go to any other page, everything works fine but still with some other mobile phones in Chrome (in my case, there are mobile phones created by Chinese factories like Huawei, Systems and HTC Sumsung ), Browser schema looks like cure as an HTTP request and open it, and then shows that this page can not be displayed. And my JavaScript code in the previous page can no longer work. Is it a bug with chrome or because the Android system has been modified so that the chrome schema is not handled correctly.

clojure - how does the tempid number relate to the final :tempid hashmap? -

अगर मैं एक रिकार्ड को डेटामिक में रखना चाहता हूं: यानी < कोड> {: db / id # db / id [: db.part / user-1226692165],: पता / देश "ऑस्ट्रेलिया"} मुझे एक मानचित्र वापस मिलता है: {: db-before #db {1000 #inst "2014-10-28T05: 39: 40.413-00: 00"},: db-after #db {1001 #inst "2014-10- 28 T05: 39: 53.626-00: 00 "},: टीएक्स-डेटा [#datom [13194139534313 50 #inst" 2014-10-28T05: 39: 53.626-00: 00 "13194139534313 सच] #datom [17592186045418 67" ऑस्ट्रेलिया " 13194139534313 सच]],: tempids {-9223350047848912453 17592186045418}} के साथ -9223350047848912453 tempid की कुंजी है अब .... ये नक्शा कैसे करें एक दूसरे? # db / id [: db.part / user-1226692165] & lt; = & gt; -9223350047848912453 आप फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करके इकाई आईडी के लिए अस्थायी आईडी को मैप कर सकते हैं। इन पंक्तियों के साथ कुछ: (defn transact! [Conn tx] (चलो [{eids: tempids} @ (d / transact conn tx)] (नक्शा # (d / अन्यथा एक आदेश दिया है एक (पहले के साथ पहले

Error code -8969, -12909 while decoding h264 in iOS 8 with video tool box -

Follow this link for I have the H264 stream inAnnex B format and implements h264 decoding with iOS8 videoToolBox. I check OSStatus in every step. Use CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets with SPS and PPS data to create CMFormatDescription. (Status == noErr) Create a VTDecompression session using VTDecompressionSessionCreate. (Status == noErr) Ensure that the replacement code is replaced with a byte length code while capturing the NALUnit payload in a CMBlock Buffer. (Status == noErr) Create a CMSampleBuffer. (Position == noErr) Use VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame and get the error code -8969 (simulator) -12,909 (device) in the callback function. I suspect that I did something wrong in step 3, I'm not completely sure what the length code means I just follow the WWDC session video every NALUnit start 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00. Is this true or not? Or should i know something else ??? Thank you Finally, it is working now. So, how d

android - Different Listview divider after last item but before footer -

मैं my_list.xml सूचीदृश्य से डिफ़ॉल्ट विभक्त को निकाल कर अपने कस्टम विभक्त को सेट कर रहा हूं: & lt; LinearLayout xmlns: एंड्रॉइड = "" एंड्रॉइड: orientation = "ऊर्ध्वाधर" एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "match_parent" एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = " Match_parent "android: background =" @color / app_background "& gt; एंड्रॉयड: divider = "@ null" एंड्रॉइड: dividerHeight = "0dp" / & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; और प्रत्येक आइटम में my_item.xml के तहत देखें जोड़ना ( relativeLayout आइटम आइकन; रैखिक लेआउट आइटम टेक्स्ट धारण करता है): & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt; LinearLayout xmlns: android = "" एंड्रॉइड: ओरिएंटेशन = "क्षैतिज" एंड्रॉइड: layout_width = "match_parent" एंड्रॉइड: layout_height = "60dp" एंड्र

google app engine - Python-- Extracting http headers -

रिक = urllib2.Request var1 = req.get_header ('var1', default = None) ( Var1) var2 = req.get_header ('var2', डिफ़ॉल्ट = कोई नहीं) (var2) var3 = req.get_header ('var3', डिफ़ॉल्ट = कोई नहीं) (var3) var4 = req.get_header ('var4 ', डिफ़ॉल्ट = कोई नहीं) (var4) एचटीएम हेडर को निकालने के लिए उपरोक्त अजगर लिपि को लिखता है, लेकिन Google App Engine पर चलते समय त्रुटि हो रही है। & lt; टाइप 'अपवाद। टाइप एरर' & gt;: अनबाउंड विधि get_header () अनुरोध उदाहरण के साथ पहली तर्क के रूप में जाना चाहिए (इसके बजाय आरआर आवृत्ति मिला) ट्रैसबैक (सबसे हाल ही में कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "/ आधार / डेटा / घर / ऐप्स / एस ~ ############## / @######## / @@@@@@@@। पाइ ", पंक्ति 10, में & lt ; मॉड्यूल & gt; Var1 = req.get_header ('var1', default = none) एप इंजन के लिए पायथन विकास में नया है, इसलिए त्रुटि को समझने में असमर्थ। < P> आप ऐसा कुछ कर रहे हैं बहुत अजीब: आप अपने हैंडलर

iphone - IOS static library for complex designs and architecture -

I have created a ticket form with some fields and a table view controller to show the list of all tickets < P> Whenever a user clicks on any action item (such as a button, tab), then he should call only one function [[HelpShare Share Instance] showConversation: self withOptions: zero] ; Now this function should show the list of all tickets. How should I call my table view controller inside the showConversation method of the helpshift class? The helpline class has been extended from NSOBijet class. I want to distribute code like a stable library as you can see the video This is what I want to achieve. You can not include Xibs in your static library, but you can create a folder in which Static library myLib.a and a subfolder "header" that contains all the headers and the required Xib. You have to import all the headers in your project. You may also create a .framework that contains both but I'm not sure Can access xibs in .framework

javascript - Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded .. parameterized constructor -

$ (दस्तावेज़) .ready (function () {function कर्मचारी (प्रथमनाम) {this.firstName = firstName; } Employee.prototype.goToWork = function () {console.log ("मैं दफ्तर पर जा रहा हूं!"); कर्मचारी कर्मचारी। प्रोटोटाइप साइज = समारोह () {console.log ("हैलो, मैं" + यह .firstName);}; फ़ंक्शन डेवलपर (प्रथम नाम, प्रोजेक्ट) { (यह, प्रथम नाम); this.project = project;}; डेवलपर। प्रोटोपीप = ऑब्जेक्ट। बनाएं (कर्मचारी .प्रोटोटाइप); डेवलपर.प्रोटोटाइप.कन्स्ट्रक्टर = डेवलपर; डेवलपर.प्रोटोटाइपसैले = फ़ंक्शन () {// ओवरराइड कहते हैं हेलो () console.log ("हैलो, मैं डेवलपर हूं" + यह.पहला नाम + "। मैं" + this.project + "परियोजना में हूं। "(डेवलपर्स.प्रोटोटाइप.डिवेलकोड = फंक्शन) () {console.log (" मैं कोड विकसित कर रहा हूं। "); $ ("। डेवलपर ओके ") क्लिक करें (फ़ंक्शन () {var name = $ (" .developerName ")। Val (); var समर्थक अस्वीकृत = $ ( "। developerProject") वैल ()।; Var डेवलपर 1 = नया डेवलपर (नाम, प्रोजेक्

python - BeautifulSoup - TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable -

I need to make my code backwards compatible with Python 2 and Sunderscape 3. My code was written on Python 2.7 and in this case using BS4 but when I try to run it on Squeeze Server, I get this error (this has Python 2 and BS3): Try: Import from BS 4 Import Beautiful Soup: Beautiful Soup Import Beautiful Sunda gmp = Open (FNN, 'R') Soup = Beautiful Soup (GMP) P = Soup.INI.Div. Find_Old ('P') P = Soup. FINDand ('P') Typed: No 'type' object if I change it in: p = soup.body.div.findAll ('p') I get this error: p = soup.body.div.findAll ('p') P> TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not worth the corner Throwed error update file "/ home / user /openerp/7.0/addons/my_module/models/ ", line 401, parse_html_data in p = soup.body.div.findAll ('p') #used Search for previous compatibility for BS3 version instead of find_all All TypeError: 'NoneType' By the way, both approaches work with

R: How to find non-sequential elements in an array -

I have an array of numbers in it and I do not already know what the number will be. I want to separate which are not sequential to the previous number (except for the first number in the sequence). For example: array: 2 3 4 5 10 11 12 15 18 19 20 23 24 I would like to return 2 10 15 < / P> -text "itemprop =" text "> Try v1 & lt; -c (2: 5,10: 12,15, 18:20, 23:24) v1 [c (TRUE, diff (v1) = 1 )] # [1] 2 10 15 18 23 update If you want to get the final sequential number, try < Code> v1 [c (diff (v1)! = 1, TRUE)] # [1] 5 12 15 20 24

c# - Determine if a sql request returns zero records in application -

I have an application that requests my database, everything is working, but I know it Would I like to know from the number of requests received from the Oracle Reader. This is my code: OracleCommand command = connection.CreateCommand (); String SQL = "Select from Mackbelus MistilleMiefield"; Command.CommandText = sql; OracleDataReader Reader = command.ExecuteReader (); // While (reader.Read ()) {} Is the reader showing the number of records received by the requester a specificity? Thank you in advance, your help.

shopify - Display all variants from a collection -

I want to make a list of all the available forms for a specific collection. For example, I have a collection computer mouse, I want to display all the available variant of that collection. When I add it for the product in {}% {product.variants%} for the version% lt; Li & gt; {{Variant.option1}} & lt; / Li & gt; {% Endfor%} {% endfor%} It shows a list of available forms, but it is not showing to everyone, is there any reason why it is not working? See Shopify Docs for : All in one collection Returns the products. Note that there is a 50 products limit that can be displayed per page Use the paging tag to control how many products are shown on the page. You can try to do something like this: {% collection by% 1000.01%} { %%}} for product in the collection gt; {{Product.title}} & lt; / Li & gt; {% Endfor%} {% endpaginate%} But this is not an ideal solution ... There has been much discussion about this on

c# - Validation on hierarchical alike structure -

मान लीजिए कि नीचे डेटाटेबल है: प्रत्येक पंक्ति इस संयोजन के साथ (एन 1, एन 2, एन 3, एन 4) का एक संयोजन है: केवल एन 1, एन 2, एन 3 और एन 4 शून्य हैं प्रत्येक पंक्ति स्तंभ में एन (एन) शून्य हो सकता है अगर N (n-1) नल हो। (पदानुक्रमित संरचना )। (N1, N2, N3, N4) के प्रत्येक संयोजन पूरे सेट के भीतर अद्वितीय है। मैं एक समाधान की तलाश कर रहा हूं जिसके द्वारा पूरे सेट के लिए, "किसी भी संयोजन के उस मूल्य के कॉलम में कोई मूल्य नहीं होना चाहिए जो उसके उप संयोजनों के योग से कम है" ;. उदाहरण के लिए पंक्ति की राशि: 1 पंक्तियों की राशि से अधिक होना चाहिए: 2,10,11 और परिणामस्वरूप पंक्ति की राशि: 2 पंक्तियों की राशि से अधिक होनी चाहिए: 3,4,5,6, 7,8,9 (दिए गए मामले में दिया जाने वाला कोर्स मान्य नहीं है)। मेरा विकास वातावरण सी # .net है और लिनक का उपयोग करना पसंद है। पहले से धन्यवाद P> आप एक विधि को एक साथ खींच सकते हैं जो दो Tuple & lt; N1, N2 के लिए माता-पिता के रिश्ते का फैसला करता है , एन 3, एन 4 & gt; जैसी वस्तुएं आइडिया: बिट सरणी प्रतिनिधित्व और पाल

php - MySQLi issue: connecting but query not working -

I'm not sure what the problem is, but I am very basic with mysql and I'm still learning though I've been searching for over two hours on the internet and I did not understand what I did. & lt ;? Php $ id = 0; // Create Connection $ conn = new mysqli ($ servername, $ dbname, $ password); // Check connection if ($ conn- & gt; connect_error) {dead ("Connection failure". $ Conn- & gt; connect_error); } $ User_qry = "Choose * user WHERE id = $ id"; $ Result = $ conn- & gt; Query ($ user_qry); Echo ("& lt; ago"); Print_r ($ result); $ Conn- & gt; near (); ? & Gt; I have not found any connection errors, but I You have to achieve the result after performing the query: $ result = $ conn-> Query ($ user_qry) while ($ row = $ result-> fetch_assoc ()) {print_r ($ line); } Theft comment from another SO post, Regarding: $ result = $ conn- & gt; Query ($ user_qry) if (! $ Result) {new exception thr

ios - Xcode 6.1 Autolayout issue for 3.5in display -

I have a very strange problem with Autolayout Check the attack screenshot, I am the primary interested in that red topbar. Set up the barriers, and it works very well except for 3.54 of all sizes. How is it possible to do something like this? Is this an Xcode bug? Note: There are no barricades that are programmatically added, everything is well in the storyboard. In the end, there was some problem in the way I determined the barriers, removed all, And do it again, solve the problem.

matlab - Cannot change the dimensions of run-time parameter in Model block -

I have a simulac model with model block which I am using to avoid duplication of some functionality. When I try and run the original model, I get the following errors: Can not change the 'dimension' of run-time parameters Invalid setting in 'Translation Channel / Second-Order Filter / Model / Continuous / A * x / A11' for 'Translation Channel / First-Order Filters 1 / Model / Continuous / A' Parameter 'Advantage' < Li> The value of the parameter 'profit' in 'Translation Channel / Second-Order Filter / Model / Continuous / A * x / A11' Error appraisal '' 1111 '' non-existent field in terms of 'A11'. Invalid setting in the 'Translating Channel / Tilt / Modal / Continuous / A * x / A11' parameter for 'Advantage' 'Challenge / The reference to the 'non-existent' field 'A11' in evaluating the parameter 'profit' in the inclination / model / continuous / A *

ms access - Group by with UNION -

My code is not properly grouped, it still does not have a group with [Reden uitstroom2] and [Reden uitstroom3] [Reden uitstroom1]]. Counting works properly, but [Reden Uitstroom1] For example, duplicate your performance:. Reden uitstroom1 = 1x A / 2x B Reden uitstroom2 = 1x A / B 1x Unset Uitstroom 2014 - Reden Uitstroom1 1 - A1 1A - 2 BB1 - B which should be: select count (Hertoetsing. [Reden uitstroom1]) as, [Aantal Uitstroom 2014] in (Hertoetsing. [Reden uitstroom1]) Join Klantinformatie interiors from [Reden uitstroom1] as Klantinformatie.KlantID = Hertoetsing.Klantid on Hertoetsing Where (((year (Hertoetsing. [Datum uitstroom1]) = 2014) Group by Hertoetsing. [Reden uitstroom1] UNION SELECT ALL COUNT (Hertoetsing. [Reden uitstroom2]) as [Aantal Uitstroom 2014], (Hertoetsing. [Reden uitstroom2]) as [Reden Uitstroom1] from Klantinformatie Join Klantinformatie inner Hertoetsing .KlantID = Hertoetsing.Klantid ou (((Year (Hertoetsing. [Datum uitstroom2]))) 2014) Group b

ios - CBCentralManager not detecting nearby devices -

CBCentralManager does not detect nearby Bluetooth devices. - (zero) viewDidoadload {[Super Viewedload]; _centralManager = [[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate: self queue: zero]; _data = [[NSMUtableData Allok] Init]; } - (Zero) Central ManagerED update: (CBC Central Manager) Central {if (central .state == CBCEntertainmentPoideon) {NSDictionary * options = @ {CBCentralManagerScanOptionAllowDuplicatesKey: @NO}; [_centralManager scanForPeripherals with services: zero option: option]; NSLog (@ "Scanning Started"); } If (central.state == CBCentralManagerStateUnknown) {NSLog (@ "CBCentralManagerStateUnknown"); } If (CentralStat == CBCEntryManagerState Resetting) {NSLog (@ "C CB Central Manager Setting"); } If (central .state == CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported) {NSLog (@ "CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported"); } If (CentralStat == CBCEnmentalManagerState unauthorized) {NSLog (@ "CBCEntrealManagerStateUnited"); } If (CentralStat ==

Make A step in a SAS macro timeout after a set interval -

I am on SAS 9.1.3 (on the server) and looping a macro for a computational intensive feed. The set of modeling steps that are added to a table, I am thinking that it is possible to determine the maximum time for each element of the array. This is because it takes more than 3 minutes to run any element, and the next item is fed from inside. For example, I'm using proc nlin with a statement to create different models per class on a large data set, and one class has failed to unite; How do I leave that class? A bit of a niche requirement, hope someone can help! I can think that the only way to rewrite your code is to re-enter each group from the rest Can be played separately in one or more SAS / Connect sessions. Re-combine timeout and then the live output. Like Dome and who has said it is not a trivial task, but if you are sufficiently interested in learning about that aspect of SAS, then it is possible. A good place to start this type of thing would be this page: I

progress 4gl - What is ABL equivalent for SELECT IN statement -

Any help please help me for the selection for ALL equivalent, for example < Code> SELECT column_name (S) table_name WHERE column_name IN (value1, value2, ...); You can use the Lookup function like this : WC-sep = "," wc-liste = value1 + wc-> not defined as the wc-liste character with defined variables in the form of WC-sep character- Sep + value2 + wc-sep + value3 ... for each table_name where lookup (table_name.column_name, wc-liste, wc-sep) & gt; 0 no-lock: ... and But this is not a good idea for perfomances. You can also try: bcle: not for each table_name - lock: if lookup (table_name_name, wc-liste, wc-sep) = 0 Next Blake ... Finish

Is there any function readily available for calculating logarithm to the base 2 in Z3/cvc4? -

I want to prove a simplification that involves calculating logs on the basis 2. Any task for calculating z3 / Is this available in ccc4? The short answer is that the support is either unavailable for the integer in the device, for an unlimited integer Decision processes exist for Prescemberer Exponentation through a steady sustained existence. With this you can create the logarithm function (or vice versa). I am not an expert, but my understanding is that these are quite complex. For more information: I am unaware of any current implementation of these algorithms. For specific bounds, i.e. in x [a, b] where A and B numbers are there, there is no specific solvars support, but you can model it. First you make a squalcon construcion like integer after that you stress the interpretation of S. using a meaning: (and (=> (2 ^ 0 & lt ; = X & lt; 2 ^ 1) (= s0)) (=> (2 ^ 1 <= x <2 ^ 2) (= 1s)) ... (= & gt; ; (2 ^ i & lt; = x & lt; 2 ^ {i + 1})

IEnumerable<T> and IEnumerator - some clarification please -

नमस्कार, मैं वर्तमान में प्रो एएसपी.नेट एमवीसी 4 किताब अपेशन द्वारा प्रकाशित , और आई खंड पर जो विस्तार विधियों के बारे में बात करता है। मैं कोड के एक वर्ग को निम्न प्रकार से समझने के लिए संघर्ष कर रहा हूं: सार्वजनिक वर्ग शॉपिंगकार्ट: IEnumerable & lt; उत्पाद & gt; {सार्वजनिक सूची & gt; उत्पाद & gt; उत्पाद {प्राप्त; सेट; } सार्वजनिक IEnumerator & lt; उत्पाद & gt; GetEnumerator () {वापसी उत्पाद.गेटएनेमेटरेटर (); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () {वापसी GetEnumerator (); }} मैं समझता हूं कि शॉपिंगकैर्ट श्रेणी में एक उत्पाद IEnumerable है मैं समझता हूं कि हमने एक ऐसी पद्धति बनाई है जो उत्पाद के एक गणक को देता है। मुझे अंतिम पद्धति नहीं समझती, IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()। क्या कोई मुझे 'नौसिखिया' शब्दों में प्रकाशित कर सकता है? धन्यवाद अंतिम विधि को आपको कार्यान्वित करना होगा IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator () प्राचीन .Net संस्करणों का एक विरासत है। नेट जेनेरिक (और IEnumerator & lt; T & gt; )

java - how to add image to JButton -

OK, so I'm reading how to add images to the pocket button using Image Icon, but it still works I'm not doing it, my code is below, I'm using the Eclipse workspace and I think that with the help of the code block below, there is no imported program without importing Public Class Gui JFrame Provides {// JPanels Announces JPanel Left = New Zipel (Faucet); JPN = true zeppel (null); Zeppel Topad = New zipal (faucet); JPNL Write + new zipal (faucet); // declaration for right JPYNICAL IMAGIX IMG = New IMAGON ("buttoncon.bmp"); Jebton [] Case = New Payton [26]; Public GUI () {File Image Check = New File ("src / buttonicon.bmp"); If (imageCheck.exists ()) {System.out.println ("found the image file!"); For (int i = 0; i & lt; 26; i ++) {case [i] = new pocket (string.value ((I + 1)); Case [i] .setIcon (new imean ("src / buttonicon.bmp")); }} SetLayout (null); Add (left); (Right) add; Add (TopAd); Add (rightAd); Left Setbound (10, 20,

ios - Resizing a toolbar on rotate in iOS8 -

When I iPhones / iPod rotate so I'm trying to get the toolbar at the bottom of your app. The Navigation Controller automatically resizes the navigation bar in iOS8. It achieves the right height if this activity is already in the scenario, when the activity has started. As the picture of the same size it is rotated into landscape small because the activity began in Landscape Toolbar storyboard were added. @Iboutlet var Toolbar: UIToolbar! I willRotateToInterfaceOrientation (toInterfaceOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientation, period: NSTimeInterval) in the toolbar to try to change the reset In this way : override funk to Arotettointrfesorenteshn (interface Orianteshn: Uaiantiffaid orientation period: Anstiiiinintrvl) {var custom Tulbarfrem: Sijiarakt! If toInterfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientation.Portrait {customToolbarFrame = CGRectMake (0, self.view.bounds.size.height - 44, self.toolbar.frame.size.width, 44)} of {customToolbarFrame = CGRectMake (0, self.v

php - Can't add a CButtonColumn to CGridView -

I am trying to create a custom CGridView column with the Delete button. I use the CArrayDataProvider as a data container but nothing on the screen when I run the code below. $ the-> widget (' Zii.widgets.grid.CgrridView ', array (' id '= & gt;' My-model-grid ',' dataProvider '= & gt; $ arrayDataProvider,' column '= & gt; array (' name ',' Email ', array (' class' = & gt; 'zii.widgets.grid.CButtonColumn',)))); If I delete this part: array ('class' = & gt; 'zii.widgets.grid.CbuttonColumn',) < / Code> This will work. I am using CGridView to CJuiTab AJAX. You can customize the button to 2 ways to remove the buttons you want to delete. ( Second (for more customization for links) array ('class' = & gt; 'CBTToncolm', 'Button' = & gt; array (// Update 'Update' => Array ('url' => '$ t

CSS HTML Make a sentence/page-element start at a new line if the end of the sentence is forced to break up by browser scaling -

I got an ASP.NET application, but I need some help with html and css. So I got some text after some buttons and some text, now I want to move all these buttons to the next line when an element will exit the page. & lt; P & gt; Loram engine ... & lt; Asp: button id = "button1" allotherrequiredatts = "" /> & Lt; Asp: button id = "button2" allotherrequiredatts = "" /> & Lt; Asp: button id = "button3" allotherrequiredatts = "" /> More lessons & lt; / P & gt; I Manipulated code in & lt; Br> This final result by adding the tag In this way it is possible to make a good CSS or HTML move. White-space iPod should do this: & lt ; P & gt; Loram engine ... & lt; Span style = "white-space: nowrap;" & Gt; & Lt; Asp: button id = "button1" allotherrequiredatts = "" /> & Lt; Asp: button id = "button2" allotherr

scala - Can't get path to resource -

I'm trying to use Scala macro annotation with the library. I have a schema file to src / main / resources / avsc / FriendRequestAcceptedGson.avsc I thus refer to it in your code I am trying to do: @AvroTypeProvider ( "/avsc/FriendRequestAcceptedGson.avsc") @AvroRecord case class FriendRequestAcceptedGson () this is the error I get: [error] / home / Lee /Code/bigdata-friends/java/etl/src/main/scala/com/mxit/bd/friends/etl/Runner.scala : 64: Exception during macro expansion: [error] / avsc / FriendRequestAcceptedGson.avsc (Such a file or instruction [Error] (Native Method) on [error] on & Lt; Init & gt; ( on [error] Org.codehaus.jackson.JsonFactory.createJsonParser ( [error] at org.apache.avro.Schema $ Parser.parse (Skimakjawa: 9, 22) [error] [eRROR] com.julianpeeters.avro.annotations.AvroTypeProviderMacro at $ .impl (

save - Python PIL library - Saving an image from a RGBA array -

I am currently using the PIL library to manipulate pixel colors in an image. My problem is I do not know how to save a RGB array in a png file. image = (filepath) pixels = image.load () ... after changing RGB values ​​in pixels eg pixels [2,10] = 30, 40, 50, 60 Then if I try to save the pixels like this: pixel. Save (path) I get an error attributeError: 'PixelAccess' has no attribute in object' Save ' How do I save the pixels in a PNG file? (sorry in advance if this is a stupid question) Thank you! Andrew This is an image object that contains the save method, not the pixel access Object. (path) Modifying the pixel access object can also modify the image. Therefore saving the image is very similar to saving the pixel access object.

javascript - How to link css file to specific section of page without using iframe? -

I'm in the process of writing Chrome extensions for a specific web site. The Web site has already received its CSS. But my extension adds some content to the page and gives me a specific design - bootstrap.css and bootstrap-theme.css - for that content. So I just can not link my 2 CSS files, because they start affecting the whole page. I changed my code to & lt; Style scoped & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; but it affects all parent nodes except me & lt; Iframe & gt; It is impossible to use : I need to write content only in one page, so what do I need? This is: ` Write your CSS on each selector using a pedigree coordinator


सही मेवेन पर्यावरण चर नाम क्या है: MAVEN_HOME , MVN_HOME या M2_HOME ? मुझे MAVEN_HOME और M2_HOME के बारे में कुछ विवरण मिले हैं। लेकिन मैंने भी MVN_HOME के आसपास देखा है। मुझे व्यक्तिगत रूप से कभी नहीं मिला यह M2_HOME सेट करने के लिए उपयोगी है। आपकी $ पथ वातावरण क्या मायने रखता है Danix से उत्तर का हिस्सा अपहरण करना, आपको केवल सभी की आवश्यकता है: export PATH = / उपयोगकर्ता / xxx / sdk / apache-maven-3.0.5 / bin: $ path <

WSO2 ESB Asynchronous logging with better performance -

We are using WSO2 ESB 4.8.0. Debugging logging is enabled when ESB performance is decreasing. We need a solution to request and get response from the ISB via log moderator and send to asynchronous RST API and the response should be sent to the client with feedback during logging. Please suggest an intermediary or a sample tutorial. How can we do asynchronous logging with affecting any performance on the ISB Use clone intermediaries and manage logging in a dedicated target In this goal, just send your log message to a JMS queue or a JMS message Press in the collection (OUTONSE). Press this logging queue in a dedicated arbitration (if you use message archive, or define a JMS proxy while reading it, use the message processor queue) In your mediation, there is asynchronous, logging will be faster and if your REST API is down or slower, then you

Fetching a lot of urls in python with google app engine -

In my sub-category of RequestHandler, I am trying to get the URL range: class GetStats (webapp2.RequestHandler): Deaf Post (self): Last page for page in category = 50 (1, final page): tmpurl = url + str (page) response = urllib2.urlopen (tmpurl, timeout = 5) html = response (read) # some parsing HTML heap.append (result_of_parsing) self.response.write (heap) but it works with ~ 30 urls (page Is getting taller but it works). In more than 30 cases, I get an error: Error: Server Error The server encountered an error and did not complete your request Could go Please try again in 30 seconds. Is there any way to get too many URLs? Can be more optimal or mouth? To hundreds of pages? Update: I'm using prettySupup to parse every single page. I found this traceback in the GAI log: traceback (most recent call final): file "/ base / data / home / runtime / python 27 / python 27_ lib / version / 1 / Google / appenagine / runtime / ", line 267, h

three.js - CANNON.js custom rigid body -

I'm doing a little bit tanking with cannon.js and three.js, and I should have terrain. This will require a custom Cannon.RigidBody . I have seen predefined shapes, such as aircraft, box and area, but I can not seem to know where or how the cannon defines its shape; a from Cannon.RigidBody to a three . Geometry , or three. Is there a way of mesh making or defining poly by poly? If you want to create an area, you can use the class. . There is currently no way to feed an arbitrary polygon / trip in Canon.JS. More on the subject. Update: New trashships can be used for collision. It is currently limited by the conflicts of the region and the plane.

javascript - eventListener and attachEvent -

Event handling is working on a piece of code written by someone else. There are some sections of code that I am unsure and if possible, all of it want to clarify. addEventListener {div.addEventListener ("click", handle, click, wrong); } And if (div.attachEvent) {div.attachEvent ("click", handleClick); }; Function HandleClick (E) {var evt = e || Window.event; Var Target; If ( {target =; } And {target = evt.srcElement; } Alert ("You clicked" +; }; I understand that it is checking to see if there is an incident, but why is it attached twice to the enclosure twice along with the ventilist? Besides, why does anyone return the wrong value and why not another? I'm sure what the second part of the code is doing completely, any possible explanation? I know that this is the code that is said once on the event (s) If (div.addEventListener) {div.addEventListener ("click", handleClick, false); } And if (di

html - PDF doesn't load in a object tag -

PDF path This is okay, but the browser does not load the PDF in the object tag. Response headers: Accept-Category: Bytes connection: Keep-alive content-attachment: attachment; Filename = 1.pdf Content-Length: 234790 Content-Type: Application / PDF Date: Tue, 28 October 2014 14:26:16 GMT Last modified: Wednesday, July 09, 2014 14:00:55 GMT Server: nginx / 0.7 .67 set-cookie: session id = 1 c 64 bcn 9 5 5 5d d9f 075c 9a ddf 6 f3; Http; Path = / object code: object data = "" type = "application / PDF "& gt; & Lt; P & gt; File: & lt; A href = "protected / document / 7" target = "_ blank" square = "turkques" & gt; / Protected / document / 7 & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; / Object & gt; If I click on the fallback link, then I download the PDF, so the server is working correctly. So ... any thoughts? The problem is that content

c# - I get a "Edit level mismatch in CopyState" error in CSLA depending on where my BeginEdit is executed -

I am currently using CSLA 4.5 and running in a problem where I get an error copy paste What's odd is that if I enter execEdit () on a business object in one part of the code I do not have the problem, it does not have the problem, but if I put it in my popup window logic, then it throws an exception, and I Not sure why the main part is strange that it is the same purpose : MainControl.xaml.cs : Public Zero ShowPopup () {// ... var target = ...; //target.BeginEdit (); & Lt; == There is no problem if I get this var window = new popup window {DataContext = new confirmation ViewModel (target), IsApplyCancel = true, boss = this,}; Window.Show (); Public class popup window: Window {Private Static Zero ONSpeople Convert Connection (Object Sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs Args) {var window = as the sender window; If (window! = Null) {var context = window.CataLaviewModelBase as DataContext; If (context! = Null) {var target = context.Target; Target.BeginEdit (

android - Acivity back stack -

From 'A' I am saying activity 'B', I have three activities A, B and C to maintain the activity of the state of C. I <... "post-text" itemprop = "text "> 'In addition to the flag' FLAG_REORDER_TO_FRONT 'with the same flag and from' B 'to' C ', I'm dominating with' B 'to' B 'with FLAG_REORDER_TO_FRONT. Now, if I am pressing the back button on Activity A, then this activity is telling B and if the activity is pressed on the back button, it opens. B In this way it went into a loop, how can I correct this behavior and apply the proper backstack. Thanks

winapi - Clicking Menu of external application using pinvoke c# -

I'm trying to create an app that uses vinoop using pinovo, this app is notepad menu Reads the structure. Got the entire menu structure using "GetSubMenu" and get the text of MenuTut using "GetMenuString" Menu structure Based on the structure found in Notepad, I would like to create the functionality in my application such that when a user clicks on the menu in my application, he will click on the relevant menu in Notepad. How can I get it, I have tried many things, but nothing is working, I tried to use SendMessage , PostMessage , but Not sure about using it. Sorry if I have asked questions already asked, but a guide would be highly appreciated. Edit : As I said I'm creating a menu structure based on menu structure which I get from Notepad using GetMenuString, I get Menu Idam ID, I Do not want to click on specific coordinates, but on a particular menu.

oracle - SQL find rows not having duplicate column values -

I have a query select * from circuit where y = 'b'; I get the following results x | Location_A | Place_b Y ----------------------------------------- 1232 | Mexico | USA B1232 | Mexico | USA B1232 | Brasil | USA B 99 99 Brasil | USA B I need to know the x , which has no duplicated location_ and location_b. In this case the following data is printed. 1232 | Brasil | USA B 99 99 Brasil | USA B I am using Oracle 10G Please let me know if this is possible. (Separate / group will remove duplicate, but still a line I do not need) You can use the Analytical Function to calculate matches and then filter: select x, location_a, location_b, y (select c. *, Count (* ) Over (x, location_a, location_b) circuit as cnt) c where cnt = 1; Edit: More section introduces an analytical function to actually understand them, you can see the documentation (see) Can start with. This special function specifies a value for each row in the result set. The value is the n

html - Modify PHP code SocialEngine -

Good evening, I tried searching for answers but nothing was found on the site: How can I change the code (PHP, PHP, HTML, CSS) in SocialEngine? That's it: I bought a license from a company, but can not get it, for example, to change the homepage ( Thanks a lot. All pages are controlled through the "widget" in the admin panel. Under the Admin panel, go to the Layout menu> Layout, then select the page you want to edit. Perhaps you can run this page through Google Translate to convert this page to your native language?

ruby on rails - Separated threads according to url path -

I am using Puma and Engex to run my Rubyius app. I want to separate my url request The first API will be for requests, the second will be the second for the requests I think Puma is already threading But I want to make sure that the web request will not block a thread that stops during my API requests. I think if a thread is busy then Puma will make one more but I have to make sure that one is always available for API requests. My main point is a thread "Save" for the URL requests that most users need Thank you for your light. Since Puma considers each request within different threads, such threads use the database The only barrier to do is In addition, you can not guarantee a few threads better than others. Here's one of the possible solutions to be addressed by using nginx . Let's say that you are serving content on the app and API Is available within You can configure nginx for http://some_

c# - Storing custom .Net objects in Azure Redis Cache with StackExchange.Redis -

We are implementing all information about three e-commerce sites (approximately 18,500 products) to be stored. The information is stored in a SQL Server database, mapped to custom objects, and then added to the Ezur Radius cache using this key naming convention: : {0}: {1} (where 0 is the store identifier and 1 is the product identifier). I was able to read and get matching keys with urine: products: {0} . The problem we are experiencing is that lots of GetAllProducts List & lt; Products & gt; , GetAllCategories list & lt; Categories & gt; and then used by the LINQ function. Based on this: I have collected all the products (a list of custom objects) in a key ( variant: products: all ) Have tried, but what is the suggestion of this method in the Azeure RDI cache that arise at that time? Or is it better to store each product in different keys? I do not think every key is right in the loop to get every value. Is collection of keys / values ​​possible

lme4 - Calculating CIs of fixed effects using confint in R -

I want to bootstrap to obtain 95% CIS of my definitive effect in binary GLMM: m I've found that the confint () function is able to get it, so I specified the function Is: < was function I was walking before deciding to terminate more than 8 hours. At the end, I returned the following warning message (X10): Warning message: 1: in (function (Fn, equal to, bottom = (-Inf, n), My name is upper: 1) Do I need to worry about these warning messages? If so, how can I deal with them? 2) Since it was still going on after 8 hours, I have a clue It does not matter how long it takes to function. Therefore, there should be some kind of progress bar while doing this function. Logic from BootMer, so I gave the argument. Progress = "txt", resulting in: concept (m, method = "boot", boot.type = "basic", seed = 123, nsim = 1000, .progress = "txt" ") But this does not seem to work. Alternatively, if there are better ways t

javascript - Replace "templateUrl":path with "template":content for angular directives using gulp -

Looking for a SIP plugin to replace "Template-url": The path with "template": Content for angular instructions. Templates can be large and writing inline is not an option. Using the $ template cache is also not an option because it introduces additional dependencies already tried ngHtml2js and similar plugins, did not like it. You can use this plugin for angle 2: or for angular:

Java + Spring + Maven - AspectJ implementation instead of SpringAOP -

java + spring + maven application: Can someone provide me a link or someone to me Can advise on the implementation of the net aspect of proxy-based spring AOP? My application is only Spring + Maine based I have currently applied aspects with Spring AOP which is not solving my problem. If I type private method 2 () to public method 1 () same class A it is not supported . I would like to know: 1) How can intertext method write a factor with the point supporting the call? 2) How to configure it in the maven project with my current spring, AspectJ load time knitting? 3) How to configure Aspeque meen plugin for compiling-time weaving in Tomcat Server + Eclipse @ controller class A {public zero method 1} Method2 ("foo"); } Private string method 2 (string text) {return text; }} Expected output: log.entering (method1) log.entering (method2) print ABC Log.exiting (method2) log.exiting (method1) I recommend you To create a dummy project with Spring Rule

java - 404 Error while accessing -

Update : as of 29.10.204, 5:00 PM EST, The service is working properly We are trying to authenticate authToken and all requests fail with a 404 error. It is happening this morning (28-10-2014). This is happening from Europe (Germany) edit .> Now I am well in the United States I am seeing similar behaviors but the rate of failure is lower than in Germany. Sun.reflect.DeligatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance ( at .reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0 (pure method) on sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance (native constructor avsor impulsejava 39) .jpg.reflect.Constructor .newInstance At $ ( on the (Native Method) Net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getChainedException (HttpURLConnection.jav

java - Unable to deserialize list directly inside rootelement using Jackson XML -

I am unable to cancel a list which is a basic directory of the original element, I tried different things is. / P> My code: Private static class card {@JacksonXmlElementWrapper (local name = "card") Private list & lt; Cards & gt; Leaves; Public listing & lt; Cards & gt; GetCards () {new ArrayList back & lt; & Gt; (Card); }} Private Static Class Card {@JsonProperty ("name") The name of the private string; @Jasonproperty ("image") private string image; @Jesonproperty ("Cardtype") Type Private String Card; Private Last Maps & lt; String, integer & gt; Resources = New Hashmap & lt; & Gt; (); Private Boolean duplicate resource = false; Personal Final List & lt; String & gt; Duplicate Resourcenames = New Arrestists & lt; & Gt; (); @JasonAndNetter Private Zero addResource (last string name, last object value) {if (resources.containsKey (name)) {duplicateResources = true; DuplicateResourc

Postprocessing HTML in jekyll -

After changing the markup for HTML, is it possible to add post processing step (in Ruby) to run in jacail? I would like to add some HTML content, and can not see a way to do this normally in jacail files (although some of the markup can support it), so I think it has to be done by operating HTML after Jakeel changes it and before it writes it in _site / . EDIT: Clearly, I'm looking at Ruby and in the arbitrary dialects of markup to do this. /p> It seems that I can provide a liquid filter that can post HTML content, And changing {{content}} to {{content | My_postprocess}} _layouts / post.html and _layouts / page.html .