
Showing posts from September, 2010

android - how to refresh layout when i press a button -

When I press a button to change a new language from the new string value but the layout is not changed, how do I Can i do This is my code: btnChangeLng.setOnClickListener (see the new OnClickListener () {@Override click on Public Zero (see V) {string language = "lo"; locale locale = new locale (Language); Locale.setDefault (Locale); Resource Resources = getBaseContext (). GetResources (); DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = resources.getDisplayMetrics (); Configuration Configuration = resources.getConfiguration (); configuration.locale = locale; resources.updateConfiguration ( Configuration, display metrics); Toast. Maketext (, "Laos", Toast. LNNHTLOS ). To show (); // refresh}}); When I open this app again, languages ​​will change, but when I press a button, I can not make any changes, now I want to refresh my layout. Have you tried to localize this Android? You can refresh your current activity.

c - Why does Valgrind report "Invalid read of size 2"? -

स्ट्रेट आइटम {int a; }; Int main () {item * a = (item *) malloc (sizeof (आइटम)); आइटम * b = (आइटम *) मॉलोक (आकारफ (वस्तु)); लघु * सी = (लघु *) बी; सी + = 3; Memcpy (a, c, sizeof (int)); नि: शुल्क (क); नि: शुल्क (ख); वापसी 0; } एको "आकार 2 के पढ़ने के लिए अमान्य" क्यों करता है? मुझे लगता है कि यह आकार 4 होना चाहिए। वालग्रिंड से उदाहरण संदेश: == 19134 == आकार 2 == 19134 == 0x4C2F7E0 पर पढ़ने के लिए: memcpy @ @ GLIBC_2.14 (/usr/lib/valgrind/ == 19134 == द्वारा 0x400625: मुख्य (main.cpp: 19) == 19134 == पता 0x51fd096 ब्लॉक के बाद 2 बाइट्स है आकार 4 आवंटित == 19134 == 0x4C2AB80 पर: malloc (/usr/lib/valgrind/ में == 19134 == 0x4005FC द्वारा: मुख्य (main.cpp: 16) मुझे malloc () एक 2x2 एकल चैनल बनावट (4 बाइट्स / uint8_t s)। मैंने मान लिया कि आवंटन बहुत छोटा था - प्रश्न में वास्तुकला पर शब्द का आकार 8 बाइट्स (64-बिट) है - इसलिए मैंने आवंटन दोगुना किया और वाल्ग्रिंड की शिकायतों को बंद कर दिया। चू

about one function that splits a string with several chars in python -

This is a function that I have found on the internet, but I'm not sure that the line s, res = res , [] Meaning, can anyone explain this to me? Thanks a lot! S: res + = seq .split (sep) in SEC for def my_split (s, seps): res = [s] sps in SSP: s, res = res, [] Returns s, res = res, [] < / Pre> tool s = res res = [] Replacement of variables in a row.

google apps script - Googlesheets - javascript - Hide columns after column 21 that do not equal a given cells value -

itemprop = "text"> My goal is to hide all the columns in all the Google columns based on the text / value of a cell. Range & amp; With column 22 ("U"), the code will hide all the columns in this category, without any line ROW 1 in "J812" (i.e. 812,10), which is a drop down list Is selected through (via data validation). I have been introduced to Java Script now, so please bear up on my innovation! Through search online, I have put my own solution together, the only problem is that when a script is completed, it shows an error ... in a red box, "call reference outside context". I do not know how this error has disappeared ... plz help A part of my code comes from here "" Here's my code: < / P> Hide function column () {var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet (); Var letter = ss.getActiveSheet (); // Get the data var data = sheet.getDataRange (); // Get the number of columns lastCol = data.getLastColumn ()

dns - SPF record won't validate -

See if our email is being distributed to Gmail in the spam folder, even if it is only with Gmail, we Any possible issue are investigating. Now, we are looking into the SPF record, which looks like this after a cleanup: v = spf1 includes: This includes: -all Test We run the result in the "many DNS lookups in the SPF record" error. As far as I know, there are only 2 DNS lookups in the SPF record ... and I examined other SPF records, such as Cendrand and they have more searches and they still have " Return "is the exam. My SPF record is both in the form of an SPF and TXT. Am I missing something? The domain is Sample SPF records are three mechanisms that have DNS lookups It may be required: "a" mechanism and two "include" mechanism; this is better than the range of 10 as defined by the latest RFC7208 version (See and this limit was already present in RFC 4408). The culprit here

wordpress - Featured image and og meta not showing up in Facebook -

I'm having a problem with thumbnail / featured image, headline and og meta, if I'm pasting a link FB with a specific post but not others. (Flushing the cache on the FB does not work). The WordPress and Yoost SEO plug-in on the site should solve OGY Meta tags if you enter your FB settings correctly in the correct section and I believe I have code in the functions of my subject Stuck. This is my most recent blog post where it has no image or title: - Although it works on other posts On This Debug Tool says: Of course: "D" and: Type 'property is necessary but does not exist'. But this is: It also says: "And the 'og: url' property should be clearly provided, even if the value can be estimated from other tags. "And here it is: Ozzy Meta is exactly at this post as I see As all other posts, the image and other meta information are specifically displayed in FB. I really appreciate it if someone knows why this is happening.

angularjs - How can I loop through values in my json file? -

Assume that I have a json file and I would like to loop through values ​​like this: "", "Date": "2014-10-28", "Zodiac": 1111, "Product ID": "2", "Details": "Cash" }; (Value in myModel) {// element (by.model (key)) clear (). SendKeys (value); } This is a part of a jasmine script , but this is not the point Question is how do I write per key through my model ie Can I 'id', 'date' etc. and their values ​​in angular JS? I think you need it: for (Key in myModel) {console.log ("key:", key) console .log ("value: myModel [key]}}

batch file - MSBuild.exe <Exec Command="call test.bat" /> fails with Cannot Find Path Specified -

I have a .proj file (build.proj) that I call using the .bat (build.bat) file Doing through the order window. build.bat: % SystemRoot% \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v3.5 \ MSBuild.exe projects \ build.proj / fl1 / flp1: logfile = build.bat It runs all the way through build.proj unless it tries to call any other .bat file. Here is the row in build.proj, where it says the .bat file (test.bat): & lt; Exec command = "call $ (batchir) \" Test.bat /> $ (batchdir) is defined at the top of build.proj and is equivalent to ".. batch" In the console output I can see that this is batch file trying to call: call .. \ batch \ test.bat "system can not find the specified path" test.bat fixed Directory structure: / MyProject build.bat / project / batch test.bat / Li> $ Try using full path to test.bat in) Variables. It looks like it is related to .. % SystemRoot% \ Microsoft.NET \ Framework \ v3.5 \ MSBuild.ex

Setting permissions on Apigee BAAS -

What is the best way to set permissions on an object in Apigee BAAS entities, such a collection is such that users who Can also make them, and others can read them? There may be a case of being able to edit everything for the administrator. I asked a similar question here that was around the acquisition of Ape ID / Incognito which would be necessary to update the permission to make calls, but I was thinking that from the mobile app like this There is no best practice about talking about or not. My initial idea will still be the service callout (not sure how Apigee-127 is that the previous question will be different for BAAS directly for the service callout because I think 127 like I used to use the edge console Instead of writing my episodes in node. JS), but I do not know whether it is easy in case of securing all institutions in specific institutions created by specific institutions. I think I can add one from the perspective of an app created by the column, but it can not pr

swift - Can not connect custom protocol delegate from storyboard in Xcode 6.1 -

I have upgraded Mac to 10.10 and Xcode from 6.1 so far, It's a strange thing Which is about the storyboard, My case is fast using the project, now the custom protocol can not add representative to the storyboard. The old connected that comes with the older version of Xcode is OK, but I can not Even after removing the attachment, Can not connect. Does anyone generate this situation ?? ============================= Updated ======= ======================= view class @objc Public Protocol Video View Rhesus Delegate {The Video View Reset Line (Video View: GVVideoView) - & gt; Boole; } @IBOutlet var resizeDelegate: VideoViewResizeDelegate?; ViewController class @Ibd designable public class ViewController: UIViewController, VideoViewResizeDelegate {...} interface builder interface builder The type of outlet does not have a protocol when connecting to an outlet in a swift file. Support declare the type of outlet as any object or NSBJT, using

python - Get the indices of N highest values in an ndarray -

Considering 100x100x100 histogram size, I want to find 2 highest values ​​A and b, and their index (a1, a2, a3) and (b1, b2, b3), such as: hist [a1] [a2] [a3] = a hist [b1] [b2] [b3] = b we hist.max ( ) Can get the most value easily, but how can we achieve X highest value in ndarray? I understand that one normally uses np.argmax to get the price index, but in that case: hist.argmax (). Size = () for single range (i) for i: hist.argmax (i) .shape = (100, 100) How do I get a shape (3) Can I do a tube with a dimension? You get the top k You can use previously, and then according to the size of the array according to those 1D index: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Arr = np.arange (100 * 100 * 100). Refresh (100, 100, 100) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Np.random.shuffle (arr) & gt; & Gt; & Gt; Index = N.P.gagepartition (arr.flatten (), -2) [- 2:]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; N. P. Vustack (N.P. Onwell_ Indics (Index, AR Shape)) T. Ere ([[97, 99, 98], [97, 99

solr - elasticsearch phraze term frequency .tf() containing multiple words -

I want to reach the frequency of combined frames with many words, e.g. "Green energy" I can see an example of "green" and "energy". Example: "function_score": {"filter": {"terms": { "content": [ "energy", "green"]}}, "Skript_skor": { "script": "_index [ 'content'] [ 'energy']. TF () + _index [ 'content'] [ 'Green']. TF () "," lang ":" groovy "}} This works fine, however, how do I get the frequency of one word" green energy " _index ['content'] ['green energy'] Tf () does not work I think that it's your data, depending on the index and you who are looking for when C requirements, for example, if you have "insufficient indirect green energy" (meaning "green" and other "energy" Is close) and you want your script to "match" to &q

Fire JQuery AJAX call after Kendo UI AJAX page load -

itemprop = "text"> I am trying to collect some AJAX value from the JSON file and display it in HTML element, Although it is firing from HTML that I have loaded it, I want to display it, because it is loading page content via AJAX due to the candy UI mobile which is happening after my AJAX call, thus saving the balance Not showing. My code is here: $ (document) .ready (function () {console.log ("start the console log"); $ .ajax ( {Type: "GET", Url: "data / staff.php", async: wrong, datatype: "Jason", success: function (response) {var balance = "$" & lt; p & gt; EEE (feedback, work (index, staff)) {Html HTML = = response. Staff [0]. Balance; console log (feedback staff [0]. Balance);}); balance html + = "& lt; / P & gt; "; console E.log (" balance HTML: "+ balance HTM L); $ ('# User-Profile .col-3'). Html (balance HTML); $ ("# DT1") HTML ('& lt; p & gt

Is there an API to retrieve Amazon Keyword volume data -

Hello all I'm looking for Amazon API that can be used to pull volume of a keyword from Amazon is? Is there an API available? This website is doing the same but it is not sure which service or API they will use. "post-text" itemprop = "text"> As Amazon does not publish these numbers, my guess is that the basis of distribution based on search / Amazon rankings Figures are applied and the way Amazon product ranking fluctuates

How to force R not to set a refference in ordinal data in coxph -

I am modeling Cox Regression and I have some independent variable order data and there is a problem with the Ferrous Group again. By default, the COXF package takes the form of a group in a variable group, i.e. female group reference in the female / male context. However, I have a gradual variable with three levels (1, 2, 3), I do not wish for a refund group in this successive variable, but I want R to give a total estimate for my total variable. What about as.numeric (your123factor) ? So R will treat your variable continuously.

c# - How to open link in a browser? -

सिस्टम। डायग्नोस्टिक्स। प्रोसेस। स्टार्ट (""); यह सही काम करता है, लेकिन कैसे बस '' के बारे में? मैंने इसे ऐसा करने की कोशिश की सिस्टम .Diagnostics.Process.Start ( ""); लेकिन यह एक ही लिंक के साथ काम नहीं करता है और एक अपवाद फेंकता है कोई सुझाव? प्रोटोकॉल ( http: // या उदाहरण के लिए> https: // ), फिर हेन्डलर जानता है कि क्या करना है: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (""); विंडोज फाइल एक्सटेंशन सूची की जांच करता है, और इसमें प्रोटोकॉल भी शामिल हैं I वहां आपके ब्राउज़र में http नक्शे मिलते हैं। आप 'भाग्यशाली' माना जा सकता है जो इसे www। का पता लगाता है, लेकिन मैं उस पर बहुत अधिक निर्भर नहीं होता।

How to hide Login when user is logged on in web2py? -

मेरे पास नेविगेशन के साथ ऐसा पृष्ठ है & lt; ul class = "नेविगेशन" & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "होम" href = "index.html" & gt; होम & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "के बारे में" href = "about.html" & gt; इसके बारे में & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "उत्पाद" href = "products.html" & gt; उत्पाद & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "संपर्क करें" href = "contact.html" & gt; संपर्क & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "बुकिंग" href = "bookings.html" & gt; बुकिंग & lt; / a & gt; & lt; / li & gt; & Lt; li & gt; & lt; एक वर्ग = "लॉगिन" href = "user.html" id =

c++11 - Friend methods in hierarchical structures using C++ -

I am currently implementing some kind of hierarchical structure and if I am attached to the child, then my parents The unit needs to be handed over to the parents. My question is if I can solve this problem by using a friend method in the original code and if it's a good coding style, I understand what I mean: class node {node * guardian; Node (): Guardian (Nalphter) {} Friend Zero Attachment (Constell Node and Child) Constance; Friend zero delete child (unsigned long idx) const; }; Class listnode: public node {std :: vector & lt; Node *> children; ListNode (): node () {the-> Childs = {}; } Zero Attach (node ​​* child) const {child-> parent = this; Childs.push_back (child); } Zero delete child (unsigned long idx) const {child-> Parent = nullptr; Child.erase (child.begin () + idx)}}; Class node: public node {}; Class nodules: public nodes {}; Class nodetry: public node {}; And one last tip: The institution of a child can be clearly a basic unit, whereas c

Are javascript functions synchronous or async? -

मेरे पास निम्न जेएस कोड है: & lt; स्क्रिप्ट & gt; प्रथम(); दूसरा(); & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; मुझे यह सुनिश्चित करना है कि दूसरा () को पहले () पूर्ण निष्पादन के बाद चलाया जाएगा। क्या यह अपेक्षित डिफ़ॉल्ट व्यवहार है? यह आपके पहले () और दूसरा () फ़ंक्शंस .. यदि आपके पास कुछ एसिंक कॉल हैं, तो पहले () दूसरा () के बाद समाप्त हो सकता है। < / P> उदाहरण के लिए फ़ंक्शन पहले () {console.log ("मैं पहले हूं"); } कार्य दूसरे () {console.log ("मैं दूसरा हूँ"); } प्रथम(); दूसरा(); प्रिंट होगा मैं सबसे पहले मैं दूसरा हूँ अब मान लें कि आपके पास पहले () फ़ंक्शन में एक एजेक्स कॉल है, जो 10 सेकंड तक समाप्त होता है: फ़ंक्शन पहले () {$ .ajax ({// - - blah blah सफलता: कार्य () {// --- सफलता 10 सेकंड के बाद console.log ("मैं पहले हूँ");}}}} यदि आप < / P> पहले (); दूसरा(); आप प्रिंट करेंगे मैं दूसरा हूँ मैं पहले आप एक और उदाहरण पा सकते हैं

perl - Propagate exit status across pipes -

I would like to use a small script to do some cosmetic work in the production of my GCC. So I use this command: mygcc foo.c 2> And 1. Actually my script works like this: $ error = 0; While (<> Unfortunately, the exit code from the GCC is not properly spread through the pipe. What I have to do, get the exit code from GCC and write it back with my script Without it, the construction process can not be stopped properly in case of error. How can I get it? Try to use a sub-shell: (Mygcc foo.c; "GCC returns $?"?). & Amp; (cmd) is created to launch cmd in a sub-shell, your current shell The decoy itself will be done, and the commands will be executed by the hair follicle. This is an easy way to run many commands and output to a pipe has been given. $? The variable is the exhaust position of the last command. cmd1 | & Amp; Cmd1 build cmd1 2> And 1. Cmd2

Execution time of a mysql query, slow in php than phpmyadmin . How I can overcome this -

I was running a query in phpmyadmin, it takes approximately 0.0012 seconds to execute. Show rows 0 - 29 (727,934 total, query taken 0.0012 seconds) may be due to the default limit in phpmyadmin but it is the total of the line The number is counted. But in php, I need the total number of lines. I was running the query without any limitation that takes 6-8 seconds to execute the query. / P> They have any way to solve this problem. I have such a problem and in my case this was due to the fact that I Was not using So, as long as I wanted to query the index field with my varChar type varichar, I have incorrectly prepared the query in such a way that I have interrogated it and with the int parameter. As a result the index is not being used, but a full table is being scanned. For example I did: SELECT * from table WHERE Indexfield = 015523; When I was supposed to do the following: SELECT * from table WHERE Indexfield = '015523'; Here's some other

java - jar to exe file created using launch4j not opening by double click -

Plaz Answer .... I have created a Java project in Netbeans. My executable jar file opens by double clicking the application, but I have created an xi file through Launch 4j and double clicking it does nothing (not open). I still edit the same problem in the file. My reveal Mf looks like this. Main-Class: mp3player.mp3gui class-path: lib / jl1.0.1.jar The MP3 player is mine's package name and MP3 GE is my main square I and jl1.0.1.jar additional jar file which I have dualed from the internet Jeller (jl1.0.1.jar) jar file is required to create MP3 player. Does your file use frames? If this happens, then you may have forgotten to select the GUI option under the Header tab in Launch 4J.

hibernate - @transactional, wildfly, mysql(innodb) ejb not rolling back -

I know that has been asked many times before but I could not find any answer to my problem. I have a webpack which uses Windfill 8 as the Confederate problem The problem is that if I remove an exception within my EJB, then the transaction is not brought back. I know that I annotate my ego with @style and @localbean, this is a per-transaction copy. < I have tried the following: It has been checked that DB rolls back a transaction if I write the SQL code in the workspace < / P> ; 'BookSevelop' VALUES ('firstname1', 'lastname1') in 'Author' ('First Name', 'Last Name'); Choose from; 'BookSevelop' VALUES ('firstname2', 'lastname2') in 'Author' ('First Name', 'Last Name'); Rollback; // Worked! I Throw an exception which increases the runtime exception and @development exceptions (rollback = True) The exception does not hold on to

ruby on rails 3 - Print a variable to console in Haml to debug Rspec -

has just landed on a Rail 3 app which uses HEMM I am running a test of rupees and one for console I am trying to print the variable value. In the ARB or in a .rb file, you just do: p my_variable.inspect or string interpolation: p "This is my variable # {my_variable}" I have tested my own Let me run, evaluating my variables get a good printout on the console. Now, how do you do in Hemel? Then use the bus at Hall: - p my_variable

javascript - Remove properties from rendered Less CSS -

Some patterns appear in the Kamass (1.7.x) that allow the processing of a CSS render (pre / post) Gives tree I was wondering if it was possible to use the visitor (I tried, but it could not work - or something else) to remove the presentation from the CDS output. As if the output happens a {font-size: 12px; - Some-uncover-property: value; } I would like to remove -some-arbitrary-property from CSS output when calling .toCSS I can not find any documentation about this, only the context of the upcoming version 2.0 - does anyone know that this is possible and if yes, how to do it, or point me to some example? From less v2, you can use. You can also use a visitor in your plugin. An example of using a visitor can be found here. Within your Visitor Plugin you can use some of the following types shown: visitRule: function (ruleNode, visitArgs) {If ( [0 ] .value! = '-some-aribitrary-property') {return ruleNode; } And {return []; }} Note that the

.net - How to store sensitive information on client side using wpf -

How to store sensitive information (for third party components) or file decryption keys on a client-side computer? Currently, this type of information is written in the settings file, in what is included in the DLL. But if you decompress DLL, you can search for values. This application is built in WPF and is mostly offline. If it is on the client side, it is impossible to be 100% secure without server verification: You can not encrypt the decryption key, you have to leave it in plain text. / P> At the same time, this bus is normally enough to add a verification to the license - such as a line in the certificate The certificate is a hash, and hard work is done in your application. If the user tries to edit their license, the hash will change and you can throw an error. With the decryption key, you should see the public / private key joints, but above You can not encrypt, decryption keys (at least, without storing encrypted keys)

php - Laravel With Wherehas -

I am using a query to get companies related to a city that is related to an event. $ Companies = Event :: Search ($ ID) - & gt; City-> Companies; Now in my opinion I am outputting to companies who work as the following by companies @forach ($ companies) $ Company as a) @foreach ($ company-> person $ as individuals) ... @andencheche@andenauch The only problem is to show me this also That companies that do not have a person So by any thought how can I identify myself only Those who have companies of individuals where I was thinking, but I can not wrap myself around the argument of combining two. Thank you! I'm not sure if this will work, but you can try it with: $ companies = event :: search ($ id) - & gt; City-> Companies () - & gt; Is ('Individuals') - & gt; (Get);

outlook - Best way to determine if simple or extended MAPI was loaded -

How can I determine whether the simple or expanded MAPI is loading or not? Because I want to add to my add, simple MAPI loads I am working with Add-in Express and Redemption Dell. The use of Windows "send" command actually integrates with SendMail.dll. AFAIK You can not stop these calls to do some custom, but you can add your own shortcut in the context menu:

PHP require once -

I have a problem with Auth.php . The file is located on that exact situation and it is located in my WWW is the root of the site. There is no problem specifying the $ config variable. My code: & lt ;? Includes Php (". /"); // Start a new session (required for Hybridauth) session_start (); // If necessary, change the following path $ $ config = dirname (__ FILE__). '/'; Need_once ("/"); My error: compilation error: require_once (): required to open the required '/ www. Bommachine '(include_path =' .: / Usr / share / php: / usr / share / pear ') (line 11 / var / www / www. To make sure this is the best and most secure solution. You can use the method

objective c - NSOpenPanel in Swift . How to open? -

I have this Objective-C code: - (IBAction) selectFileButtonAction: (ID ) Sender {// Open Open Panel ... NSOPanel * OpenPanel = [NSOPanel OpenPenel]; // NSLog (@ "Open Panel"); // Set restrictions / allowances ... [OpenPennel set component selection: No]; [OpenPennelCommunicationDirectories: No]; [OpenPennelCreate Directories: No]; [OpenPell SetCommunication Files: Yes]; // Allow images only ... [openPanel setAllowedFileTypes: [NSImage imageFileTypes]]; The // Open panel as a sheet on the main window ... [openPanel beginWithCompletionHandler: ^ (NSInteger result) {if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton) {// must be due to get URL (only sanctions) ... For (NSURL * [URL in the OpenPanel URL]) {// Self Redclose Overview 1. Url = url; _thepath = URL; CurrentSelectedFileName = [[URL Path] lastPathComponent]; // [_roundClockView1SatonAdsDisplay: 1]; [Self open editor]; }}}]; Now I want to write it fast in the same thing. Here's what I have so far: @IBAction funct

javascript - Save the actual date in a variable (only date, no time) -

I want to save the real time in one variable. Only date, time not var a = @Date (@Now ()); Data source.Relightmett ("variable", a) ` and var a = @ date (@ now ()); Var b = New date (a.get year (), a.getMonth (), a.getDay ()); Dataset. Returning Value ("Variable", B) Returning 28.10.14 00:00 var dt: NotesDateTime = @date (@ now ()); Datasource.ReliteWall ("variable", dt.getDateOnly ()); throwing me an error Is there no easy way to get actual dates only without time? set the time to remove the application () Use the metecode

ios - Retrieve images from parse before UITableVIew has loaded? -

In everything except look after a tense delay images in cell works fine. The table is too ugly to show a blank image I think that some time around 0.3 seconds after View Loading ... the I load only images since parsing show The tableView can be done (why not by the cache?). Or maybe I can hold the launch screen for a long time ..? Table initial view weave app queryForTable - (PFQuery *) queryForTable {PFQuery * query = [PFQuery queryWithClassName: self.parseClassName ]; // If any object is not loaded in memory, then we should first check the // cache to fill the table and then later against a query / network. If ([self.objects count] == ​​0) {query.cachePolicy = kPFCachePolicyCacheThenNetwork; } [Query order BIACC: @ "name"]; Return query; } cellForRowAtIndexPath - (UITableViewCell *) tableView: (UITableView *) tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath object : (PFObject *) objects {static NSString * simpleTableIdentifier = @ "cell&q

ios8 - iOS 8 UI Alert View -

UI warning view and toolbar being dislocated for iOS 8. This happens when we go for a portrait view from a horizontal view. ! [Screen shot Provides a new class UIAlertController in the IOS8 system, A UIAlertController displays an alert message to the user. This class replaces UIActionSheet and UIAlertView classes to display alerts. UIOctionSheet and UIAlertView are the UIView subclasses, I think the iOS 8 adjusted screen is a rotate logic, so you need UIAlertController in iOS8 and beyond. This one class will help you

ios8 - AFNetworking says "cannot parse response" -

I am sending a request to the server, which is going to get me on my app though is to handle requests and responsibilities: can not parse error domain = NSURLErrorDomain code = -1017 "response" UserInfo = 0x167668d0 {NSErrorFailingURLStringKey = https: // ***, _kCFStreamErrorCodeKey = -1, NSErrorFailingURLKey = https: / / *** /, NSLocalizedDescription = response can not parse, _kCFStreamErrorDomainKey = 4, NSUnderlyingError = 0x16731990 "response could not parse" the http request Accepting the field is enough. I can not even see when the message is coming, because the NSHTPRRPSpoint object is empty. What can be an issue and how can I see how a message that is not using things like wired shark is coming. / P> Thanks! GET Http method is required, and I need to pass a parameter, I send it with the following code: [request setHTTPBody: [postString dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; When I execute the request with the I GET method

How to update an Azure Cloud Service setting using Azure Powershell -

Is it possible to update the value of settings with Ezur cloud in Azure Cloud service? There is no way to update only one single setting (service management API does not allow it yet) - it only accepts the entire service configuration). Therefore, to update a single setting, you will need to update the entire configuration. And you can do it with PowerShell: # Add the first ezoor account - this will create a login prompt AD-ezoor account # when you have a subscription - you are clearly a # Updates your cloud service that you want to update, select-ezour membership "& lt; membership name with spaces goes here & gt;" # Then update the configuration for the cloud service - Set-Ezur Delegation - config-service name "& lt; cloud_service_name_goes_here & gt;" `- Configuration 'D: /tmp/cloud/ServiceConfiguration.Cloud.cscfg" `-Slot" output " I have provided the full local path for` - configuration' parameter New config

javascript - How Do I Call A Function from ViewModel inside bindingHandler -

I have a method that calls my visual model, from which I get an AJAX method to get all the items It happens. It all works right. Then I have one. The banding handler is used to inline the images through the Ajax service. It also works, but I have to duplicate this issue, which receives all the items of the matching handler, which uploads the images, or the image is used after uploading the image. Refreshing the page can solve this problem but I have to refresh the scene with the new image. So the real question is that it is possible to call the function under a binding handler from a module? Any help would be appreciated! Binding Handle: ko.bindingHandlers.imageInLineUpload = {update: function (element, value, usage, all binding, often, see modell, binding content ) {Var options = ko.utils.unwrapObservable (valueAccessor ()), property = ko.utils.unwrapObservable (; $ (Element) .change (function () {if (element.files.length) {if ((element.files [0] .type ===

javascript - Focus on jquery tokeninput element (Chrome and Opera) -

My problem with the token input element in Chrome and Opera (FF works) when one or more elements are selected in tokenput If it goes, then it can not loosen the focus, the cursor is still shining after the last element, if you click on other elements on the page then all of them are blocked. Simplified code element definition is as follows: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ("# filterYachtModel") "ID: 11, name:" Athena "}, {ID: 13, name:" Atlantic "}, {{id: 17}, name: {ID: 17, name:" Bahia "}, {{Theme},} { ID:: "Facebook", ShohintaSwitmark: True, Hit Text: "Enter the Boat Type", Norse Text: "No Results", Search Text: "Search ...", Duplicate Stop: True}};}); I searched the documentation pages and forums and found no such problem. Maybe it's a jQuery version conflict, I do not know. Any ideas? This is an issue with a previously fixed plugin. Update from the latest version (curr

Preserve git notes when rewriting history with git filter branch -

For some reasons, I need to rewrite the whole history of my GIT repository to change committer_id of every commit. However, I noted at least each of the commitments and to use the gitter-filter-branch to log the committer_id logically create a new commute, the notes would be left behind to make a copy of the notes Is there a new way? It starts asking similar questions, but there is no solution in 2011. Thank you for your help! The problem is that git-notes work for the way you want to do it There is a need for some additional configurations. You probably need this configuration variable git config notes. From the documentation: GIT_NOTES_REWRITE_REF writes the documentary RF / note / commit , which will copy the original copy For note does the copy. There should be a colon-delimited list of riffs or globes. If not set in the environment, the list of notes to copy depends on the notes. Basically, you should have permission to transfer notes to new people from th

python - Remove multiple items from a numy.narray without numpy.delete -

I am using a large nump.narray (11.000x3180) to develop an active learning algorithm (text mining) . In this algorithm, I have to delete every Ireshian 16 samples (line vectors) in my dataset, and then have to integrate them into the training set (this increment increases in 16 samples). After performing this process for 60 iterations (approximately), the same process is started from the beginning of the algorithm repeatedly starting from 100 In my data set, set of 16 elements To delete, I use the method numpy.delete (dataset [listfoundx], axis = 0) , where [ListifoIndex] indexes of selected objects to be removed Corresponds to This method works for the first time (1 out of 100), but again the algorithm starts again, I have the following error: new = Empty (newshape, arr .dtype, arr.flags.fnc) Random Obviously numpy.delete metod creates a copy of my database for each index (16x1.2GB), which is more than the amount of memory on my computer. The question is how can I

string - perl match whole word only with array list -

I should be able to match a user in the list of users, but only one exact match In the sample code given below: - If there is "information" in Strucer then there is a match and it is good. - If there is "theinfo" in Strucer, or "Infstrift" is a match and it is not good. I can not use the \ b modifier because the variable does not have only usernames, spaces, or word boundaries. #! / Usr / bin / perl $ strUser = "theinfo"; $ StrUsers = "(alpha | info | omega)"; If ($ strUser = ~ / $ strUsers /) {print "match \ n"; } Exit (0); Use borders within your regex ^ and \ Z : If ($ strUser = ~ / ^ $ strUsers \ z /) { Note, because you may be able to read literal strings Want to work with, I quotemeta : #! Using / usr / bin / perl, I will do more to build my regex; Use warnings; My $ strUser = "theinfo"; My @ user = qw (alpha info omega); My $ list_users_re = join '|', map {quotemeta} @user; I

c# - log4net custom appender message format is ignored -

I have implemented a custom Aepender ranging inherited from Apender skeleton. My logger instance is created correctly and the 'append' method is called when logging but the message is not formatted properly. I have used a different way by passing a StreamWriter example, but failed to write all its call streams. The second thing I've tried is using the RenderedMessage property but the returned value is the exact message without formatting the layout. protected override void attach (Log4netkCorekLoggingEvent Logingivent) {StreamWriter _writer = new streamers (new Memoristrym ()); RenderLoggingEvent (_writer, logging event); // logging persists position based on stream after writing event [Ba] [] Sndeshbfr = new byte [_writer.BaseStream.Position]; _writer.BaseStream.Read (MessageBuffer, 0, MessageBuffarLange); // Try reading from the stream reader made from the base stream; fails in var reader = new StreamReader (_writer.BaseStream); Var test = reader.ReadToEnd (); // v

java - Display Stanford NER confidence score -

I use the Stanford NER CRCCsififier to remove nominated institutions with news articles and apply for active education, Example of display: Status (0.20) person (0.10) Organization (0.60) Each label unit would like to know what are the confidence scores of classes. MISC (0.10) My code is for removing designated organizations with one text: abstractionexensifier & lt; Corelabel & gt; Classifier = CRFClassifier.getClassifierNoExceptions (Classifierfire_path); String annotated text = classifier. ClassifiedWindInlineXML (text); Is there an alternative solution to get thoses value with annotation? I have written it myself in the doctor of CRFCilifera, which states: The possibilities to be appointed by the CRF can be inquired either using the printProbsDocument () . Or getCliqueTrees () methods. The first method is not useful because it prints only on the console, but I want to be able to access it, so I have read this method how to codify this m

Haskell chain functions based on separate conditions -

Is there an efficient / easy way when a panel is applied to a argument, then only those tasks apply Are the applications that meet their needs in order to be applied? Eg: I have 1 argument 'Obj' and 3 functions: func1, func2, func3. Everyone needs their own needs, which can also result in logic. Like pseudo code: (if condition1 then func1). (If condition2 again func2). (If condition 3 then fun 3) Obj So if all the positions are eligible, then all 3 functions will be applicable in the ob. Is there any way that I can do it properly First, you have $ before obj . I feel that in answer to your question, you just else section: (if c0 then f0 another id) $ (if C1 then F1 another ID ) $ (If C2 then F2 other ID) $ Eg

Visual Studio: Execute custom code on build and/or publish -

Is it possible to execute my design code when building and / or publishing the build studio? The one I am trying to accomplish is what it does with web.config. I have a JSON file based on which some amendments are required based on which configuration is used, but it is not as simple as "replace file wi with file y", this is a conversion of JSON file Is doing itself. I have prepared a way to make changes, and I'm hoping that I can get the build studio to execute the code that makes this change as part of the building process. Is this possible? Edit Arrange for build.

c# - Checking data in sql while inserting values -

I wanted to know how to view data in the table before inserting it. For example: When I am inserting, I have to see that if the eventstart value is the same in the table, then StartDate and the same < If there is an error message, then enter the value (text, EventStart), [eventend], [repeat], [day], [room], [startdate] values, if it is with code> cell Insert in (text, EventStart, Event End, Event) , Day, room, start date) I just use a query like this having had. If the count is not 0, then at least one duplicate. SELECT COUNT (*) events where start = @startdate and cell = @ room and EventStart = @EventStart I put it in the context of your project (you believe that you are using SQL Commands etc.), but you did not include any of that code in your question. If you are asking how to check duplicates at the same time, then you are trying to insert records (and not immediately, in a different query), then I ' I'm not sure I would not be surprised if

c++ declare variable by size of type instead of type -

Is there a way to define a variable in C ++ by specifying the size instead of size? Or is there any way to return type from a function? template & lt; Typename T, int L & gt; Square vector {public: t * __vector; }; #ifdef USE_FLOAT typedef vector & lt; Float, 3 & gt; Vec3 #else typedef vector & lt; Double, 3 & gt; Vec3; #endif zero myFunc (vec3) {float a = vc 3. vector [0]; // AHHH But what if VC3 is a vector of doubles? // i type size can be obtained from int s = sizeof (vec3 [0]); // So can I just declare a variable by giving the size of the variable? } Alternatively, is there any accessor function in class, which can return the template typename? Any suggestion would be helpful. I know there are other ways around this issue, but I am particularly thinking that none of these two could be possible. (I have less hope for the second method.) I think the first path is possible using zero pointer and mauloking ... but I want to avoid using the heap

ios - Why Does the indexPathsForSelectedRows fail when I use reloadData and how can I fix it? -

इसमें - (शून्य) तालिकादृश्य: (UITableView *) तालिकादृश्य ने किया था SelectionRowAtIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *) indexPath विधि मेरे पास कोड का निम्न भाग है: यदि ([तालिका दृश्य है: चीज़टेबलदृश्य]) {सेल = [तालिका दृश्य सेलफोररौएटइंडएक्सपाथ: इंडेक्सपेथ]; अगर (cell.accessoryType == UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark) {सेल। एक्सेसरी टाइप = UITableViewCellAccessoryNone; } और {सेल। एक्सेसरी टाइप = UITableViewCellAccessoryCheckmark; } एनएसएलॉग (@ "सेलेकराउथइंडएक्सपाथ: चीज़टेबल वीव कॉल किया गया"); Self.cheeseIndexPath = [self.cheeseTableView सूचकांकपृष्ठ के लिए चयनित रोड]; } तालिका में निम्नलिखित क्षमताएं हैं: cheeseTableView.allowsMultipleSelection = YES; विधि के अंत में मेरे पास निम्न पंक्ति है : [tableView reloadData]; जब मैं कोड का उपयोग करता हूं क्योंकि यह [self.cheeseIndexPath count] खड़ा है हमेशा एक देता है लेकिन जब मैं reloadData विधि को निकालता हूं, मुझे उचित गिनती मिलती है, लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं दिखता है जैसा चाहिए मैं इसे ठीक से कैसे प्रदर्शित कर सकता हूं और

android - fixed range y axis scale in achartengine -

I am making a line chart using achartengine. I am drawing a real time graph and updating the value with a gap of 10 seconds My Y axis is changing on a scale which I do not want because my value always ranges from 10 to 180, so I always want to always specify the y axis. I renderer.setYAxisMin ( 10, 1) trying to work it out; Renderer.setYAxisMax (180, 1); In addition to this, I want to reduce my X-axis and also the bottom of the screen and the border. Thank you AchartEngine Provides an API to set limits for you Y axis And it's right, just you have to use it like this, renderer Set acessimin (-125, 1); Renderer.setYAxisMax (-10, 1); This is a minor issue but it takes time to recognize, I spent 15 to 30 minutes to understand it. I hope I am not late

How can I keep PII data out of Google Analytics / Universal Analytics? -

I would like to enable Site Search Reports, but I know of Google's strict TOS where they request that No PII has been captured within them. If I enable the Site Search report, and someone has typed in my email address in our site search, does this mean that I have violated Google's TAUs? If this is considered to be a violation of their ToS, can you post a source? If it is violating TOS, how can I enable Site Search without capturing PII? You can filter the site, go to the filter and use the Search and Replace filter or advanced filter Search the search term, where you choose the option to manipulate both the Site Search field. or

ruby on rails - Rails4 Strong parameters without database column -

I have problems with public assignment and strong parameters In my model I have many properties, which in my mysql database Are displayed through a column. I have a field too, it is not so. I need this to calculate the price I do not want to store it in my database. I have defined strong parameters in my controller: def timeslots_params params.require (: timeslot) .permit (: Employee_id ,: dienstplan_id ,: start_date ,: Start_time) But when I'm trying to use the start_time feature in my controller, I Start_time for #define method # Times: Lot 0x007fff2d5d8070> Error. There are other defined parameters with DB columns and filled with values. Do not I remember the strong parameters and I have to define something else? Edit: Here's the code, where I call Times Lightsparam: def create @e = Timeslot New (Times Lotus_Peram) @ E. Start_date = @E Start_date To_s + "" + @ e. Start_time TOS If @ current_user.timeslots & lt; & Lt; Do n

cuda - nvcc for Android, arm -

मेरे पास nvcc के साथ cuda-6.0 का एक लिनक्स (x64) संस्करण है जो < कोड> - लक्ष्य-सीपीयू-वास्तुकला एआरएम । दूसरी ओर, नवीनतम विंडोज़ nvcc एआरएम को नहीं पहचानता है क्या यह मेरी समस्या है, जैसे मैंने आवश्यक पैकेज स्थापित नहीं किए, या क्या एनआईवीआईडीआई केवल लिनक्स होस्ट के लिए ऐसे क्रॉस-कंपाइलर प्रदान करता है? किसी दिए गए ओएस के लिए क्रॉस-कम्पाइलिंग लक्ष्यों को संबंधित में सूचीबद्ध किया गया है। विंडोज़ और लिनक्स दस्तावेजों में क्रमशः 1 और 2 टेबल को देखें। आप एआरएम को विंडोज-आधारित सीयूडीए टूलकिट से लक्षित नहीं कर सकते हैं।

c++ - False "value computed is not used" warning -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 3 जवाब मैं कुछ बदसूरत बनाए रख रहा हूँ निम्नलिखित फ़ंक्शन के साथ विरासत कोड और मैं चेतावनी प्राप्त कर रहा हूं: नीचे दिए गए टिप्पणियों द्वारा चिह्नित पंक्तियों के लिए गणना की गई मूल्य नहीं है: शून्य ReadKeyValuePipe (char * बफर, char * key, char * value) {char * pos; Char key_str [1024]; Char * val = value; sprintf (key_str, "% s:", कुंजी); अगर ((pos = strstr (बफर, कुंजी))) {pos + = strlen (key_str); जबकि (* pos & amp; * pos! = '|' *) {* Val = * pos; * वैल ++; // यह वास्तव में प्रयोग किया जाता है * pos ++; // तो यह है} * val = 0; }} जब मैं उन पंक्तियों को निकालता हूं, तो कोड टूट जाता है जो समझ में आता है क्योंकि वे मार्करों को बढ़ते दिखते हैं मैं संकलक को यह समझने के लिए कैसे प्राप्त करूं कि ये गणना वास्तव में प्रयोग की जाती है? आप val और pos को हटा रहे हैं और फिर उन्हें बढ़ाना चाहते हैं, लेकिन आप dereferencing के परिणाम का कभी भी उपयोग नहीं करते हैं आप उन लाइनों को केवल इसके साथ बदल

javascript - AngularJS jasmine isolateScope() returns undefined -

I hope to get something from a different scope outside of my help-button instruction This should be a proper field based on properties, function () {var el = compile (' - Before each trial, it first (injection (function ($ collection, $ rootsecope, $ injector) {compile = $ compile ; Scope = $ RootScope $ New (); ... It prints: 'el: [object object]' 'isolated scope: undefined' The question is why am I coming back undefined even if there is nothing in a separate scope, then it is still empty object {item} } But anyway - the test is wrong - it does not show a separate scope, which (in fact) contains data. I'm stupid. But the answer to my own question will be because "stupid is stupid" - that is, once it can happen (or from future to me). The problem was in my helpbutton.html , which is using my directive (which I did not show / did not mention in this question). Therefore TemplateUrl was referring to helpbutton.htm

r - Read.dta not working on Mac OS X -

A project that usually works on my Windows 7 office machine now gives errors to my Mac OS X laptop , It is trying to run R Studio fails this part Library (foreign) basis & lt; Error in the read.dta ("myfile.dta") factor (rval [[v]], level = tt [[ll] [], label = name (tt [[ll [v]]])): Invalid 'label'; Length should be 1 to 3 or R and Rstudio are on the latest version, I already have update.packages Has run () . As I am starting on R itself, I fully know what to try to do next. Is it somehow related to OS X encoding? In the Stata file the German "umlaut" (that is, non-ISO characters) is in Instead of the package Use memisc . It is believed to be more flexible than the docks (found): Importer mechanism, comparing the SPS and read.dta to read "foreign" as the most parsing of the file commander Is more flexible and extensible in Is done in R. Then return the problem. First, load the following: Library (Latin) library

php - Search Nearby Lat/Long Query - Radius search works, but need to add another field -

I have a current location query that works on a known latitude / longitude basis. Finds matching matches within a certain radius. The query is working perfectly, but now I want to add another piece to it. Assume that I name = "Kennedy Middle School" in city = "Chicago" and state = "IL" This ax will create radius radius. If the results are not in the X-mile radius of Chicago, IL, then there is nothing to be discovered. I want to include the radius part, but there is also another section of the question that matches it originally: " from where [radius query stuff] or choose [city = "Chicago and state =" IL "] I want to ..." search for the dentist " This is what my query looks like: < / P> Code> Select * (SELECT, r.category, r._address, , Against r.state,, r.long, domaintable.domain, MATCH (name, category) ('Kennedy Beach School%') Pvt. In the form of sexuality, p

C++: Static keyword in non-class context? -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 9 जवाब क्या स्थिर नीचे का अर्थ है ( मैं एक जावा पृष्ठभूमि से आ रहा हूँ)? यह संकलित है, लेकिन सम्मेलन / मानक क्या है? #ifndef FUNC_H # परिभाषित करें FUNC_H int func (const और amp; x, const int & y); // कैश अक्सर इस्तेमाल किए गए मान स्थिर स्थिरांक a = func (2, 0); कॉन्स्ट स्टेटिक इंट बी = फेंक (3, 0); #endif // FUNC_H इस तरह के संदर्भ में, स्थिर कीवर्ड का मतलब है फ़ाइल दायरा , जैसा कि सी। सी में है - संभव है कि आप सार्वजनिक हेडर में क्या नहीं चाहते। आप चाहते हैं कि शायद आप extern , आपकी हैडर फ़ाइल में: बाहरी कंसल्टेट ए एक; बाहरी कंसोल ए एक; यह दो वैश्विक चर घोषित करेगा। फिर आपको कुछ । Cpp फ़ाइल में एक परिभाषा की आवश्यकता होगी: < कोड> कॉन्स्ट इंट ए = 42; Const int b = 43; फाइल स्कोप के बारे में, इसका अर्थ है कि इस तरह की घोषणा की दृश्यता उस फ़ाइल तक सीमित होगी, जिसमें इसे घोषित किया गया है लिंकर इस के लिए एक सार्वजनिक प्रतीक उत्पन्न नहीं करेगा। इसलिए यदि आप इसे किसी शीर्ष लेख फ़ाइल में उपयोग

google app engine - RESTful url in AppEngine dashboard -

Is the resource possible by a blank URL group in the APING Dashboard? It becomes very useless in the form of separate URL and error list / user / 1 and / user / 2. You can browse the logs with the label filter method, in this case path: / Anything like user /.* , you can get the method: and other filters.

c++ - getting lnk1104 error even when all dependencies removed -

I am very familiar with solving lnk1104 errors, though I have I earthquake github 3 source code is downloaded, vs2010 is compiled in pro. The custom built tool was to modify which calls included * .asm files to call the feet to be included on the Visual Studio because my paths are empty spaces in a parameter mismatch Pair fixed LNK1104: Can not open file ' Debug .bj ' It appears that some empty or misspelled compiler variable is being inserted into the input path, and generates this error even though I am not getting anything close to it. Even I have tried to eliminate and / or separate this issue, no luck: 1) Even if my linker input does not have a variable name, for some strange things I input Lib each around Parens imposed dependency section ... same error 2) Linker seen on the command line options, some do not even have that can match missing linker input: / OUT: ". \ Debug \ WinQuake.exe" / INCREMENTAL / NOLOGO ". \ Dxsdk \ Sdk \ lib \ dxguid

compression - Library to compress arbitrary data structures in Python -

I was looking at some libraries which could incorporate this data before proceeding further. I saw and other similar libraries I think they work on all strings. Why is it like this? Is there a limit to implementing LZ77 instead of the list of characters? Is there a dragon library what I have to do? You must first serialize the Python objects, which will convert it to a series of bytes after that You can use any compressor, as if to compress it then you can use zlib and pickle to convert objects back into objects. Both pickles and zlib can work perfectly in memory.

osx - Notification when the system is idle or not on OS X -

I know that there is a way to get system idle time with the IOKit framework on OS X, but I want to know If there are notifications available. I can make a timer to see that the idle time is higher than X, and that's OK. If a few seconds later detects the passive mode then it does not make any difference. The problem is that when Mac is no longer inactive, I want my app to show a notification as soon as possible, not a few seconds later. Is there a notification for this? (IChat has one) This is from (a note from the bills of the bill) < Former> - (zero) received soda note: (NSNotification *) note {NSLog (@ "receiveSleepNote:% @", [note name]); } - (zero) received note: (NSNotification *) Note {NSG (@ "Received note:% @", [note name]); } - (Zero) File Notification {// These notifications are filed at NSW Versus Notification Center, not the Basic Notification Center If you file from the default notification center you will not get sleep / esp

c++ - compiling flex and bison into cpp -

Usually, when we compile .l and .y files, then we should get .tab.h, .tab.c And .yy files are available, however, they need to be used in C ++ environments with these types which are only available in C ++, how can you modify your code so that it can be done? You can compile using your trusted files in the C ++ compiler, then you will get the whole thing Do not write again. If you want to go to "full C ++", then continue reading. For Flex , you need to specify % option c ++ in the file - yyclass = NAME You can also change the name of the generated C ++ lexer using line logic. For the Bison , just follow these instructions if you want to insert the C ++ code in the input file, then you can call it C ++ - such extensions (.ypp or . ++), then the Bison will follow you exten-sion to name the output file (.cpp or .c ++). For example, a grammatical description file named parse.yxx will generate the generated parser in a file named, instead of yacc

graphing multiple items with graphite -

I want to generate graphs directly, without asking the user to use griped UI buttons and methods without So far, I can graph all with a graph per graph: "some / path / per / Something / arbitrary / name date +% s code> | NC Graphite Server 2003 This graphically correct points The link on the server connects the graph on the graph after the era. I'm assuming (but do not know) that the above is not possible and that anyone You should use the graphite UI button. No? Yes? You can: http: //your.graphite-web.url/render? Target = metric1 & target = metric2

php - Completely hide form input value from non-admins without removing form data -

There is a problem with sensitive data in a client-mask form. Here's my problem: a form where I can edit some fields on behalf of a customer (as a site administrator), but that client should never see the data here. That is, it is: Set the field value of the disabled input field and "set by administrator". Problem: When the customer saves the form, these fields are wiped (as the "disabled" field is empty). Set the input field to "Read Only" and Type = "Password". It has been saved correctly, but these values ​​are still in the html source code Non-"with administrator set" text but below the road, the system still has these inputs Attempts to save prices for areas (even if they are not present) Therefore, whenever I see them as an administrator, they are still coming back empty. Since I am editing a WordPress plugin, I I like modifications to be light (in other words, I do not really want to dig through this code

activerecord - Rails: working with associations and join-table in a many-to-many relationship -

I have a model with a user model and a product I have "has_and_belongs_to_many" in many associations and in both models I understand that this allows me to work with relationships like this: user = User: The first user.Users and Shows all products purchased by product = product. The first product .Users # shows those users who have bought that product but there may be a product that has not been purchased by any user, so this product Products will be in the table, but user_products join-table How do I return only user-product organizations that are saved in the included table? Also, say I want to make a product as well as it defines that it has been bought - already and another user I thought of: User.all [0..1] .each {| Usr | Usr.product.create (name: "TV")} Is this the correct way to point out an affiliation and prepare a table that connects it to the record ? What will happen, as I said above, I have a product that is in

three.js - Sphere object does not rotate -

I have three JS is a scene where there is an air geometry between the scene. A camera has been added to the plane geometry. I also add a lightmap using this example and add it to my plane geometry. Psuedocode: planeGeometry.add (camera); PlaneGeometry.add (sphereGeometryLightMap); The problem is that when I try to rotate the regional geometry on any axis, nothing happens. I tried to set .rotation and matrix 4 . Why is it that I can not add to another object when I rotate this area object? How can I work around this? You plane In addition, I agree that sphereGemometryLightMap type three. Aries, in which case you have to add it to the scene. Not for aircraft gymetry If you want to relate hemispheric geometry to planeGeometry you can: var object = New 3 Object3D (); Object.add (aircraft gymetry); Object.add (spherical geometry); Before you add geometries to objects , you place them in the relative position. After this, instead of modifying plan