Primefaces switches between multiple dialogs -
I am using Prime 4.0 I have three communication components (Dialogue 1, Dialogue 2, Dialogue 3) and three The button is a page with components (button 1, button2, button3), click on dialog 1 will be shown from button 1, dialog 2 will be shown by click button 2, and dialog 3 will be shown with click button 3. User can be the same In time, these three dialogs can open, this means that user users will be able to access these three conversations. Can do some work with all the show, like: When the user does some work in a dialog, then I need to change Bean to change some values and update some components for the first time, and when the user has a button Clicking displays a dialog, then there is no problem and when the user clicks on the button , But when the user changes the active dialogue from dialogs and click dialogs shown to three: How can I change active dialogue dialog to 'Dialog 2' from e-dialog? Here is my XML code: & lt; P: Command links onclic ...