
Showing posts from January, 2010

algorithm - Changing letters of a string to obtain maximum score -

You are given a string and can change the maximum number of characters in the string. You have also been given a list of substrings (two characters long), with a corresponding score. Each opportunity of the object within the string adds to your total score. What is the maximum possible receipt score? string length & lt; = 150, Q & lt; = 100, the number of substrings & lt; = 700 Example: string = BPDCG Q = 2 Substring: Bez - Score: 2 zd - Score: 5 DM - Score: 7 NG - Score: 10 This example In, you can get the maximum score by changing the "p" in the string, with a "z" and "c" with "n" on this, your new string is "bzdng", in which 2 + 5 + 10 = 17 Score is. I know that a string has been given that the letters have already been changed, the score may be a dictionary matching algorithm such as eh-coarsic (or slightly wrong complexity, rabin Carp) was checked in linear time. However, it will take a lot

nginx - Magento seperate PHP-FPM group for admin -

I run a Magento webstore with traffic levels, running on NGINX with PHP-FPM. The server environment is very powerful over land, so hardware is not a factor. While running memory intensive operations in the backend, we are getting timeouts and errors, such as exporting and some custom indexes write more efficient code and ignore the increase in pool size across the site. To do this, we want to find ways to allocate more resources backend, without reducing the size of the concurrent connection across the entire site. It has been suggested that we have split the administrator of the site into a separate server / IP with different configurations. This will solve our problem, but can be very expensive, and seems like a big leap to solve a non-critical problem. Is it possible to associate a different PHP FPM config with something like www.example? Com / Admin, ranging from different capabilities of different URLs to users? Yes, this is possible. In this example, we specify

ajax - How to implement infinite scroll, endless pagination using the zinnia blog app from Django -

This is my first question I apply an infinite scrolling (or pointing to an infinite page number) Want to do a blog powered by the app from the DJ My blog structure is similar to the Ziny blog, I have not coded anything except this. I tried to use "django endless pagination" because this documentation says that I can make one but I can not solve the code snippets from it. I do not mind if the DNS can be resolved using endless endorsement. My pipe freeze looks like this: Django == 1.5.1 Pillow == 2.3.1 Argroup == 1.2. 1 Sundersoop 4 = 4.3.2 Dejego-Blog-Zenia == 0.13 Djenne-endless-pagering == 2.0 django-filebrowser == 3.5.6 DJENGOGO-GREPELI == 2.4.10 DJGENGO-Freed == 0.6.0 DJENGOGO- Tagging == 0.3.2 Dzego-Tinnimex == 1.5.2 Dzego-XLLPC = 0.1.5 Easy-thumbnail == 1.3 FeederPerser == 5.1.3 Pipersing == 2.0.1 PITES == 2014.2 Raven == 4.2.1 wsgiref == 0.1.2 I appreciate your suggestions I do. PD: Tell me if you need something else to give me the correct answer

c# - Drawline with same pen width, but the line widths are different in result -

I draw a line with the same pen, but why is the line width of the result different? Bitmap B = new bitmap (400, 400); Graphics G = Graphics. Framesize (b); G.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point; G.Clear (Color.White); Pen pen = new pen (color. Red, 1.2f); G.Dispose (); B.Save ("I" D: /temp/test.png ", ImageFormat.Png); B.Dispose () Here is the result: < P> That's because you are working with numbers and not pixels and the difference in the width of the lines is the result of a round errors in the line place and how to provide it in pixels in the final productE is the width of the line in relation to it. If you do not care about printing the image, it is best to stick to the pixel. Edit : If you want to continue using the points, / P> Bitmap B = new bitmap (400, 400); Graphics G = Graphics. Framesize (b); G.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Point; G.Clear (Color.White); pen pen = new pen (color. Red, 1.2f); for (float i = 20f * pen. Wide; I & lt;

MySQL result is 0 even though I can see it in the table -

Hi all I have found an interesting problem which I have never seen, but it appears that there is some crop here It is often so often, but no one is equal to my saturation. I have a table that is the supplier data which is Imported from CCV Then I match the product However, I do not find a match in doing this, even though I can see the expected result in the table . Here is my query: SELECT `Dealer`, WHERE from supplier_import_all` supplier_id` = '13' and` supplier_code` = 'DIGITAL 979' limitations 0 , 30 and MySQL result message: MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero lines). (The query has taken 0.0027 seconds) This is not correct, I can see the entry in the table in PHPMyAdmin: Any ideas on this would really be appreciated because I'm stumped. The following is added before entering the database and this problem is fixed: $ supplier_code = str_replace ('', '', $ supplier_code) ; $ Supplier_code = preg_replac

database - Time series extraction from ghcn data vault -

There is a lot of data in this link I want to take out daily rain time The series for all the years was ASN00014508196703 PRCP represents the names of each row different information as presented at PRCP intervals. My one-year data is that I need extract. 03 represents the month, and represents the year 1967. Can I remove the time series for this station, but I tried but failed in all the efforts. Have you tried to extract the data you need?

sql - How do I store Subquery result in variable and use in master query -

I need to put in the subquery result variable and in the master query to save the execution time of the query Otherwise I would have to use the same subquery code for this: Select different conversions (DataTime, Authoring (O transact Time, 0 to 9), 112) + convert (Dettaim, authoring (o. Tronssettaim, 10, LAN (O.transacttime)), 114), o.clordid, ack.strategyid, o.Account, o.AllocAccount, o. Symbol, o.price, ISNULL ((order Select the top 1 L.orderqty order_msgs_incoming1 L where o.clordid = L. Clordid and these (17,18, 1 9, 22, 59, 44) Order by L Tronsstakt time Diissi), o. Orktiti) Orderkit, O Incorporated, (Select ISNULL (Order (Top 1L Order Order_Jays_Ining1L), where O.Clordid = L. Clustid and LMM_ID in (17,18, 19, 22, 59, 44) L. Tronsekttaim order by Diissi), o. Orktiti) -sm (ex., Aisanyuelel ((LAC Tronsakttaim Diissi the order-Mjis_ining 1 L in order by the Okclordid = L. Clordid and (17,18, 19, 22, 59, 44) In order to select the top 1 L orde

python - How to use IPython.parallel for functions with multiple inputs? -

This is my first attempt to use IPython.parallel , so please support me Take it. I read this question and are having trouble implementing a simple example in this way: import gmpy2 as GM import IMIthon from np Import as Parallel Import Client RC = Client) Lview = rc.load_balanced_view () lview.block = True a = 1 def L2 (ii, jj): Out = [] out.append (gm.fac (ii + jj + a)) Nloop I have problems: a is defined outside of the loop and I think I need to do something like "push" but it is getting a bit confusing. Do I need to "pull" later? There are two arguments required for the function and I do not know how to pass them correctly I tried things like zip (ii, jj) but some errors were found. . In addition to this, I believe the fact that I should not affect a random library gmpy2 things are correct? Do I need to do something special for this? Ideally I would like your help so that this simple example runs the error code free of charge. If you t Push on Android in Xamarin -

Is it possible to receive push notifications from parsing on Android via Xamarin? I am looking around online, but what I have seen is suggesting that this is not possible. I am registered to use the REES service for push notifications on iOS, but on Android I am not able to understand how to register correctly on paras. I received messaging, and a device ID, on my Google Developer app, so I know that this part should be able to work, but I can not use that device on any parsing installation Unable to register with Thanks in advance! You can always use it in the Android app. Then they do the same thing which force the original pars SDK for iOS using the original sharpness. That's how we are working for this app to answer our initial question: Yes, it is possible to get a push notice using Parmesa on Android using Zammarine!

How float variable stores negative values which are not in their range in c++? -

The range of float values ​​is 3.4 e-38 to 3.4 e + 38 Float variable negative values ​​should not be stored. But float variables accumulate negative values. Please explain to me Includes # lt; Iostream.h & gt; Zero main () {float ab = -3.456; The court's & lt; & Lt; Now; } Output: -3.456 Thanks in advance. range 2 -126 ≈ 1.18 × 10 for an exact float < Sup> -38 (2-2 -23 ) for positive values ​​and equals × 2 127 ≈ 3.4 × 10 38 And reverse for negative values: -3.4 × 10 38 -1.18 × <10>

Add properties to project in Gradle plugin -

I am trying to add some properties in a project, which is configured with custom plugin. Class MyPlugin Applicable plugin & lt; Project & gt; {@Override void apply} { ("my_property", "123) println ( (" my_property "))}} I What am I missing here? Here's how to set additional properties: class MyPlugin applicable plugin & lt; Project & gt; {@Override void apply} {project.ext.my_property = 123 println (project.my_property)}} And how can you find out the entire section of the properties that work with the gradient.

android - How to change back button in material design? -

We use this feature in the styles by a new one to replace the back icon in the action bar : & lt; Item name = "android: homeAsUpIndicator" & gt; @drawable / up_indicator & lt; / Item & gt; But the same approach does not work with the toolbar: & style; Name = "toolbar" Parent = "@ style / widget.AppCompat.Toolbar" & gt; & Lt; Item name = "android: windowNoTitle" & gt; True & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item name = "title" & gt; @ Null & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; Item Name = "HomeAspect Indicator" & gt; @ Null & lt; / Item & gt; & Lt; / Style & gt; Do you have a solution for this or can you share a link to the source code with these styles? To change the icon in the toolbar I used to do it as an actionbase I did not find by Mesele, you can use something like this About you: & lt; Style name = "theme" guardian = "t

c# - How to make autogeneration of buttons in a form by getting labels and button names from database? -

I want to get labels and button names from the database and make the autogeneration of buttons in one form. I'm coding in C # Visual Studio 2013.WinForms, the device's direction of how to obtain the label name and code in C # is sufficient. You say that text boxes and label names in writing List & lt; String & gt; Label = new list & lt; String & gt; (); & Lt; String & gt; Text box = new list & lt; String & gt; (); Then you simply infiltrate through them, make controls and put them on your form like this: For (int a = 0; a & lt; label; count; a ++) {label l = new label (); L. location = new point (5,5 + one * 20); L.Text = Label [A]; This.Controls.Add (L); } For (int a = 0; a & lt; textboxes.count; a ++) {text box T = new text box (); Tl.Location = new point (100,5 + one * 20); T. Text = text box [A]; This.Controls.Add (t); }

HTTPS via CURL and SSL -

Curl has good timing information I use -w @ curl-format.txt And write the time results in a CSV file. It works fine I request a HTTPS, there is a way of looking at time for SSL steps eg. For OCSP or for each certificate check phase? The curl parameter -k accepts any SSL certificates, but mean -a) that does not check the curl certificate or B) which is the certificate of the curl Checks but can ignore the result?

android - RadioButton.setText() is not displaying the text -

I am creating radio boots and dynamically adding them to the radio group. But when I run the application, the text of the radiobutton is not showing on the screen. This is my code for radiobutance else if ((items.get (i) .ostosting (). Equals ("rade")) {radio group Bg = new radio group (getApplicationContext ()); Int baby = 0; For (int h = textlen; h & lt; text.size (); textlen ++) {if (text.get (textlen) contains ("(")) {s = text.get (textlen). Replace ("(", ""); if (s.contains (")")) s = s.replace (")", ""); } Else if (include text.get (textlen). (")")} {S = text.get (textlen) .replace (")", ""); } And s = text.get (textlen); RadioButton Radio Button = New Radio Button (getApplicationContext ()); Bg.addView (radiobutton); // / radioButton.setName ("RBT"); If (s.contains ("{on}")) // // radio button.setselected (true); RadioButton.setChecked (true); S =

node.js - NodeJs :Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED -

I am working with nodes. The website was working just fine before we have enabled https Now I have changed the code to send an AJAX request instead of HAB .. When I have it chrome Checks it gives me the following error Failed to load resource: pure :: ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED but it's working fine in Firefox Any reason

c# - SQL Server 2008 and Unicode Character comparison -

It seems that SQL Server 2008 removes some Unicode characters while comparing two wires. Consider the following table: Make Table [DBO]. [Test] [Navigator] (50) Faucet, Contract [PKHTist] Primitive Closed ([Text] ASC)) And now if I have some lines with Unicode characters Insert the test value (N'it ᧠ ') into the test value of' this') I get a unique handicap exception , Even if the price is different. I am using default database collation here, which is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS violation of primary key constraint 'PK_Test' can not include duplicate key in item 'dbo.Test' Note that this is not for all Unicode characters, but only for a few characters, but I did not recognize which unicode range is actually problematic, for example, dingbat 0x2757 Removed from (❗) Ia is, but 0x2764 (♥) is not. I think this is due to having some new Unicode standard with 0x2757. So the question is, is SQL Server 2008 any way to work with these characters,

How to choose among CSS modular methods like BEM, OOCSS, AMCSS, SMACSS, SUITCSS and others? -

There are a lot of modular solutions for CSS. I have listed something in this topic but probably already higher. Which one do you choose for your new project? Is there any comparison? Many of them are designed so that you can choose the parts of your choice, leave it Do not participate if you are working with a team, then see what is comfortable with everyone. A popular mix is ​​creating components or "objects" from the OOCSS point, according to the SAMCSS, the files are inactive and using BEM naming conventions.

edge detection - CIImage(IOS): Adding 3x3 convolution after a monochrome filter somehow restores color -

I, monochrome'm converting ciimage CICrop with clipping and bottom edges using running detecting section #if Sobel To display the results, CIIE * CI = [[CIMAZ ALOOC] INIT WITCHIGIIMAGE: ui image. CGImage]; CIImage * Gray = [CIFilter filterWithName: @ "CIColorMonochrome" keysAndValues: @ "inputImage", CI, @ "inputColor", [[CIColor alloc] initWithColor: [UIColor whiteColor]], minus] .outputImage; CGRCT Rect = [CI extent]; Rect.origin = CGPEx; CGT CropList Lift = CGRactMake (0, 0, Rectate. EyesWith * 0.2, Rink Eyes. Hight); CIVector * cropRect = [CIVector vectorWithX: rect.origin.x Y: rect.origin.y Z: rect.size.width * 0.2 W: rect.size.height]; CIImage * left = [Gray Image BackcropTarget: Croppy Left]; Seafield * crop filter = [cif filter filter: @ "cecof"]; [CropFilter setValue: for left for: @ "input image"]; [Crop Fielder Set Value: For Crop Cut Key: @ "InputContext"]; // Sobel Kandoloutian will produce an image tha

nsattributedstring - How to apply color for underline style in NSAttrbutedString (ios)? -

Assume that I'm adding the style that is outlined in NSAttributedString: [attrStr addAttribute: NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName Value: @ (NSUnderlineStyleSingle) Category: Category]; Is it possible to apply color (not just the highlighted style) to underline the text color without changing it? Yes. Use NSUnderlineColorAttributeName to set the underline color.

c# - Order list by value with maximum sequence appearance -

मेरे पास निम्न सूची है (सरलीकृत): नाम | ब्रांड शर्ट0 | एडिडास शर्ट 1 | नाइकी शर्ट 2 | एडिडास शर्ट 3 | एडिडास शर्ट 4 | एरिमा शर्ट 5 | नाइकी मैं इसे ब्रांड द्वारा आदेश देना चाहता हूं, और क्रम में एक ब्रांड के दो (अधिकतम) प्रदर्शित करता हूं इसलिए मैं पहले सभी 3 एडिडास उत्पादों को प्रदर्शित नहीं करता, लेकिन केवल दो! परिणाम: Shirt0 | एडिडास शर्ट 2 | एडिडास शर्ट 1 | नाइके शर्ट 5 | नाइके शर्ट 4 | एरिमा शर्ट 3 | एडीडास इसलिए यह प्रत्येक ब्रांड के दो उत्पादों को लेता है, और जब कोई और उपलब्ध नहीं होता है तब से शुरू होता है। कोई भी विचार LINQ के साथ कैसे प्राप्त करना है? < / Div> मुझे लगता है कि आपके उत्पाद वर्ग में निम्न गुण की तरह कुछ है: सार्वजनिक स्ट्रिंग ब्रांड {प्राप्त करें; } मैं निम्नलिखित दृष्टिकोण का प्रयोग करूंगा: ब्रांड संपत्ति उत्पादों को समूह से लपेटें प्रत्येक समूह में अतिरिक्त आदेश संपत्ति के साथ गुमनाम कक्षा में परिणाम दें और अगर यह समूहीकरण के भीतर का सूचक 2 और 1 से कम है, यदि अन्य (पहली और दूसरी वस्तु के लिए आवेदन करेंगे) हमार

javascript - print date object as an object instead of the overwritten tostring method -

How can I print as an object instead of a string in the console? I tried Object.toString (MyDate); command but this does not work I need this because I have increased my date object with prototype and the object is to see if it's right. Looks like you console.dir (MyDate); Displays an interactive list of properties of the specified JavaScript object. The output is presented as a hierarchical list, in which there are manifest triangles that you see the contents of the hair object.

java - making a double/int out of Point.getX() and .getY() -

I'm trying to calculate the distance between 2 points with Java point, as long as I for example I'm not sure: double point1x = Point1.getX (); The reason when I do, I get an error, can someone help me find the problem in my code? Click the public class and apply the JLFL JFrame MouseListener {public ClickAndCalc () IOException {addMouseListener (this); } Public static zero window () throws IOException {string path = "kakphoto .jpg"; // imported image file file = new file (path); Buffet image image = (file); Int width = image.getWidth (); Int height = image.getHeight (); JAlabel label = new JLabel (new image); // Add image to JLabel system.out.println ("height:" + height); // Print the height and width of the image System.out.println ("width:" + width); ClickOurCall Frame = New Click and Callback (); // create a new frame frame. Set default close operation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); . Add frame.getContentPane () (label); Frame.setSi

Suggestion for optimization mysql query -

Desc: Complaint_stats contains several lines for special complaints, which are closed by the user (status = 2 and value IN ( 1, 2)) Pain point: YEAR (cs.created_at) = year (curdate) and month (cs.created_at) = months (curdate) Take about 5 minutes on the local and 1.5 minutes on the server select, COUNT ( stop as closed C3 From, Complaint_Status CS, Assignment A3, User U3 WHERE = cs.complaint_id and a3.complaint_id = and = a3.SineredTo and U 3.User_type = 14 and A3. Expiry taps and CISID in (Complaint_States WHERE complaint_ID = and condition = 2 and value IN (1,2)) and year (Cs.created_at) = year (curdate ()) and month (cs.created_at) = month by curdate ()) group by order COUNT ( DISE First, you should correct the join position. Second, the inside position: YEAR (cs.created_at) = year (curdate) and month (cs.created_at) = months (curdate ()) Use: cs.created_at> gt; Curdate () and cs_created_at & l

java - The structure of the xml file -

मैं एक पाठ फ़ाइल है: engMusic अनास्तासिया-Te_Iert.mp3 Calvin_Harris_and_Alesso_ft_Hurts-Under_Control। एमपी 3 ओशियाना-Endless_Summer_Remix.mp3 The_Wanted-Show_Me_Love.mp3 rusMusic बस्ता-करतब-smoki-मो maks-barskih-zdes-ए-seychas.mp3 मैं SAX का उपयोग करके इस फाइल को पार्स करता हूं और मुझे इस तरह XML फ़ाइल प्राप्त करना चाहिए & lt; संगीत & gt; & LT; CATALOG_NAME & gt; engMusic & lt; / CATALOG_NAME & gt; & LT; FILE_NAME & gt; अनास्तासिया-Te_Iert.mp3 & lt; / FILE_NAME & gt; & LT; FILE_NAME & gt; Calvin_Harris_and_Alesso_ft_Hurts-Under_Control.mp3 & lt; / FILE_NAME & gt; & LT; FILE_NAME & gt; ओशियाना-Endless_Summer_Remix.mp3 & lt; / FILE_NAME & gt; & LT; FILE_NAME & gt; The_Wanted-Show_Me_Love.mp3 & lt; / FILE_NAME & gt; & LT; CATALOG_NAME & gt; rusMusic & lt; / CATALOG_NAME & gt; & LT; FILE_NAME & gt; बस्ता-करतब-smoki-मो-kamennye-cvety-sol

How do I get results from MYSQL query and store it in a variable using C? -

I used "selection" for my mysql query. Now, I do not know how to find out the results and store it in user-defined variables. I am using C programming language thanks I will check it out < P> OpenSqlFilestream should open the query by opening the database Read

java - Using enhanced for-loop to retrieve data from two ArrayLists -

I have a question about one of the (possibly many) simple problems involved in this. The idea of ​​code is to list all customers with their accounts, such as my example: Customer 1 account 1 remaining account 2 remaining customer 2 account 3 remaining account 4 Balance .. and so on. The problem is that the code that is used (shown below) works with the intention of the customer first, showing all of its accounts, but it closes there, even if customer 2 is present in the database Will not print. public string allAccounts () {for (Customer customer: Customer) {String clientInfo = ""; ClientInfo = clientInfo + client.getCust () + "\ n \ n"; (Account account: customer.accounts) {clientInfo = clientInfo + account.getAccinfo () + "\ n"; } Return customer INFO; } Return "not in use"; } I can add that the customer The customer gets the name of the customer, and that account. GetAccinfo account-number and balance of account get. And sinc

sql server - How to use custom display using pivot query -

I am currently using this question using PIVOT as the table: Name | Total. 01-10-2014 | 02-10-2014 DD | 500 300 200bb. 400 200 | 200 FF | 150 | 100 | 50 Choose from such a question from (Select Colesus (name, 'NO NAME'), name, total, convert (varchar ( 10), date as 1, 105) is date from #temp, where date 1 & gt; = '2014-10-01' and date 1 & lt; = '2014-10-02') D. PIVOT In the form of P (<01-10-2014], [02-10-2014]) for the date of SM (BILAMT) in the form of me order by RNAME < / Code> is required. And on the total end .. Any help would be appreciated ... < P> If you know the column list then try it again and you need to convert it to dynamic pivot.

ruby on rails - How to subscribe a Pubnub channel asynchronous? -

I want my rail app to subscribe to a global channel, so everything happens on the client, Will be published in I want it to be asynchronous because there will be a lot of messages through that channel, and I want to run it with the rail process. Currently, I can not get it to work, I can call it the initializers / pubnub Rb is inserted: $ pubnub.subscribe (channel: 'global', callback: -> (envelope) {do_something}) I do not get any incoming messages. Just one usage example in my test app: $ pubnub = (: subscribe_key = & gt; "demo" ,: publish_key => demo ",: heartbeat => 10,: logger = & gt; Rails.logger) ActiveRecord :: base.establish_connection $ pubnub .subscribe (: channel = & gt;: demo) {| e | Message.create (: content => e.msg)} This works just fine. Trying to run the code in the callback?

Check column if duplicate record exist in VBA-excel -

I am new to VBA macros in Excel, and would just like to ask if anybody to check duplicate records in Excel The function is. This line of code below removes the duplicate while talking to column A, but I do not really want to delete it without user confirmation, if I want, ask for user confirmation If it wants to be removed or not, like a popup, and then this line will be executed simply, but I do not know that there is a function to check the duplicate I ActiveSheet Range ("$ A $ 1: $ D $ 38 "). Remove the Outlook Column: = 1 Thank you in advance for your help Please try the following code. I have defined the script to empty the duplicate cell, but you can insert your own code. FindDuplicates () I dim slow Long J. Long dim lDuplicates as long dim dim rngCheck as RangeCell as RangeCell range RangeDuplicates (RangeCell) Set your range as 'range' (!!!!!) set rngCheck = ActiveSheet.Range ("$ A $ 1: $ D $ 38") 'Number of duplicates found in

ms access - SQL Nested Select with faculty members -

SELECT FacSSN, FacLastName, संकाय से facDept जहां फ़ॉस्सेन (जहां से ऑफ़सेट = 'शीतकालीन' मेरे पास एक सवाल है जो परीक्षा के लिए संशोधन के लिए है, यह सवाल है: नाम की सूची बनाएं। (पहले और आखिरी) और संकाय विभाग, जो केवल सर्दियों की अवधि 2006 में पढ़ रहे हैं हालांकि एक व्यक्ति जिसकी सर्दियों 2006 और गर्मियों 2006 में व्याख्यान है, सवाल उस व्यक्ति की सूची नहीं करना चाहता है < इनके बजाय EXISTS खंड का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करें: SELECT FacSSN, FacLastName, फैकल्टी से फैसिलिटी जहां मौजूद है (जहां से ऑफ-ट्रिम = 'शीतकालीन' और ऑफइया की पेशकश का चयन करें आर = 2006 और FacSSN = फैकल्टी। FACSSN) और नहीं (जहां से (ऑफ़टर्म & lt; & gt; 'शीतकालीन' या ऑफयोर & lt; & gt; 2006) और FacSSN = Faculty.FacSSN) का चयन करें < P> वहाँ भी subqueries में DISTINCT का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है।

sql server - Can you automatically parse JSON into an SQL Sever? -

I have a JSON file that I API and I I would like to dump this data into a SQL Server The specific reason for SQL Server is that the database already exists for the current project. I have spent time searching for it on googleing and here, but could not find anything useful so far. I am familiar with Python but I am open to any solution. TLLR: I am interested in which language and package are easy solutions available to automate JSON in a SQL Server table, do you have any suggestions or any packages already available? I know? You can use something to accomplish it (you already have one) By writing the job it can do custom parsing and load it into the correct table. It can be easily automated I refer to SSIS because it is very easy to add work in future, if you ever need to. Alternatively, you can create a script outside the database (i.e. Python) that parses JSON, writes database and records through ODBC / OLEDB, this task scheduler or something similar Taxes can be

graph - delete nodes at random in an adjacency matrix in matlab -

I have some problem tests. I want to remove the nodes at random, so to see how strong this model is, nodes (randomly)? My proximity matrix is ​​ adj How can I remove nodes on random in matlab? is quite good, but I have some reservations < P> Putty can return the same pointer more than once, for example & gt; & Gt; Randy (10,1,5) ans = 6 3 10 6 2 Returned 6 twice because of elements of the n Compared to less may be lower. What is the element in the matrix? It is more efficient to compare the composition of creating the complete matrix and relinquishing its elements: You actually copy large parts of the matrix in each command. Therefore, my solution will use: n = size (adj, 1); Copy the current number of nodes / n = n; % // n is the number to extract idx = randsample (N, toKeep); Without replacing% // sample newadj = adj (idx, idx); % // Only copy the relevant elements

javascript - Get index or value of clicked option from multiple select -

I have more than one selection in which I want to click on the option on which I was cliked. If I click on the first option then display the first option index or value . HTML code & lt; Select class = "founder_designation" rel = "designation" placeholder = "designation" multi = "multiple" name = "designation" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "" & gt; - Choose a Designation - & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "president_management" director & gt; President & amp; Amp; Managing Director & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option selected = "selected" value = "director" & gt; Director & lt; / Option & gt; & Lt; Option value = "whole_time director" & gt; Full-time Director & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "Other" & gt; Other & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select &

Sharepoint - Download editable file from url in chrome -

We are stuck in using Internet Explorer in my company for the same reason: When you send a document to a SharePoint In IE, in IE, it opens the file as editable so when you save it, it is automatically saved on the server. On the other hand, with Chrome or other browsers, it downloads an copy of this file, so users can loose the changes because they think that the file is server But it is not really ... Anyone thinks about its solution? Thank you! Here's a common solution question: Give it a shot!

ssl - .htaccess - two conditions – for https and for non-https subdomain -

is the SSL certificate for my site. I'm using htaccess to redirect everyone to my site's https url any typing or simply www .... will be redirected to https address. All this works well. But now I have created a subdomain This SSL is not protected so I do not need this URL Do not redirect to https . As in my present form my HTACE: Header set strict transport-security "maximum age = 31536000;" Rewighting On Rewriting% {HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] Reiteral Raul (. *) Https: //% {HTTP_HOST}% {REQUEST_URI} [L, R = 301, NC] rewrite% {HTTP_HOST} ^ [NC] RewriteRule ^ (. *) $ Http://$1 [R = 301] Tried some things but does not work here but looking for other questions but their Solution to work Are there any help? Try thanks : Header set strict transport-security "max-age = 31536000;" RivetInign On RewriteConnect% {HTTPS} RevokedConvert% {HTT

http - POST method for Clickable URL -

We have a simple user database with user email contacts to verify the email. We send a verification code as a clickable URL, which users can click to verify their email. Clicked URLs yield results in a GET call, while instead we need to create a POST. Is this possible? In simple words: The user looks at a normal http: // .... URL, which clicked the result in a post instead of a normal GET. No, unfortunately the server can not retrieve the verification code. My only suggestion header ("location: x"); On the page where they click on the footer; D

antlr3 - Antlr - multiple lexer imports -

I am trying to create a joint interpreter grammar that has multiple lacquer import but it does not work I have two laser files that are being imported into a composite grammar file. But I'm getting this error: Error (103): Parser rule is not allowed in the lixar. Lesser grammar LSUB; place: ''; Laser grammar l; Letter: 'A' .. 'J'; // space: ''; Number: '0' .. '9'; Parser grammar p1; Letter: Letter; Spaces: SPACE +; Grammar c; Import L, LSUB, P1; Accessories: (letter blank) +; Letter: 'A' .. 'J'; In addition, if I try this two levels of laser import, then I think that I have two Laxers L1 and L2; If I imported L2 in L2 import L1 and joint grammar After this, I get Nalpinetrexception in the test class. Lesser grammar LSUB; place: ''; Laser grammar l; Import; Letter: 'A' .. 'J'; // space: ''; Number: '0' .. '9'; Parser grammar p1; Letter: Letter; Spaces: SPACE +

javascript - Using JQuery to open multiple other tabs on initial page load [MobileSafari] -

I created a webpage, which loads two more webpages when loaded, works fine on Safari (pop- Up enabled) However, when I use this page through Mobile Safari (with Pop-up enabled) on iPhone Simulator, new tabs will not open. Has anyone found a way to allow webpages to open new webpages before loading inside the mobile safari? & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" src = "jquery-1.11.1.min.js" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Top & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body & gt; & Lt; One class = "site" href = "BBC News / / news / index.html" target = "_ blank" & gt; New tab & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; One class = "site" href = "ebay / / index.html" target = "_ blank" & gt; New tab & lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; $ ('A'). Each (function () {var clk = document.createEvent (&quo

wpf - Make VS2012-compatible a VSIX extension developed for VS2013 -

As the title, I developed a VSIX package based on the "Visual Studio Package" template project in VS2013. This is a very simple extension that adds decoration layer to text editor, and has code. I am trying to add consistency for VS 2012, no luck. I have modified the install target in .vsixmanifest and in fact, as I launch the installer, it asks me if I want to install VS 2012 too, the extension itself is well-established Does, but I get a problem because it is activated on IWpfTextViewCreationListener (as soon as I open a text file for editing), and it appears that the context in the project The relation is related to the DLL version. I found the activity log: This refers to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.UI.Wpf.dll which is 12.0, I have tried to mark the reference with the "Speype version" = false, But the problem remains. As a side note, I am not able to run VS 2012 in the experimental mode that loads the extension. I have changed Visual Studio 1

c# create class inside another class -

यहां कोड है: सार्वजनिक वर्ग अल्फा {सार्वजनिक अल्फा () {बीटा बीटा = नया बीटा (); } सार्वजनिक वर्ग बीटा {}} मैं अल्फा को इस तरह इन्स्तांत करता हूं: अल्फा अल्फा = नया अल्फा (); मैं अल्फा से बीटा क्यों नहीं पहुंच सकता? जब मैं "अल्फा" टाइप करता हूं। दृश्य स्टूडियो एक विकल्प के रूप में "बीटा" नहीं दिखाएगा। और मैं अल्फा या बीटा के लिए "सार्वजनिक" का भी उपयोग क्यों नहीं कर सकता? आपका चर बीटा केवल स्थानीय रूप से आपके अल्फा श्रेणी के निर्माता में बनाया जाता है और जैसे ही कन्स्ट्रक्टर खत्म हो जाता है, तब तक वह क्षेत्र से बाहर निकल जाएगा, ताकि आप बाहर से बीटा चर तक नहीं पहुंच सकें। वर्ग ए के बाहर चर तक पहुंचने के लिए, आपको सार्वजनिक एसेसर के साथ ए में किसी सदस्य की संपत्ति को परिभाषित करना होगा, जैसे: सार्वजनिक वर्ग अल्फा {// संपत्ति से बाहर के सदस्य बीटा का उपयोग करने के लिए बाहरी बीटा बीटा {प्राप्त; निजी सेट; } सार्वजनिक अल्फा () {// एक नया उदाहरण बीटा = नए बीटा () के साथ सदस्य को आरंभ करना; } सार्वजनिक वर्ग बीटा {}}

ruby - Patching a Rails application (Redmine) from plugin -

I am trying to write a validator plugin for Redline 2.5.0 which is on Rail 3. The plugin should check the conditions under a certain value and circumstances of a digit are not done. I have written the plugin code, but in any way I can not accept the changes made to me by Redmond. I have the following plugin projects: product_release_control | _ Config | _ Lib | | _ Patch | | _ Issues_patch.rb | _init.rb In my isssues_patch.rb I have the following code: Module Product Component Control Module Issue Patch def Self.included (Support ) Base.send (included, instaem method) base.clash_real is unloadable: check_related_task and end module instant deed check_related_task "**** product release patch method" # code here is the end of end End Action Dispatch :: Callback and release.Continue.and (: includes , Product Release Control :: Issue Patch) and and init.rb as follows: #encoding: utf -8 requires' patches / issues_patch '' redm

django - how to use mysql regexp in django1.4 -

क्या यह संभव है django 1.4 SELECT * से तालिका WHERE columname regexp 'a | z | एफ ' मैंने कई फ़िल्टरों की कोशिश की' या 'ऑपरेटर < P> आप किसी भी एसक्यूएल क्वेरी का उपयोग करके Django का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। आपका उदाहरण कुछ ऐसा होगा: item.objects.raw ("SELECT * FROM table WHERE स्तंभ नाम regexp 'a | z | f'") में लेकिन आपको इन्हें सावधानी बरतने की आवश्यकता है क्योंकि भविष्य में अपना डेटाबेस इंजिन बदलना इन प्रश्नों को तोड़ने का कारण हो सकता है अगर नया इंजन अलग सिंटैक्स का उपयोग करता है या कुछ ऐसे फीचर का समर्थन नहीं करता है जो आप उपयोग कर रहे हैं। आप की तरह कुछ की आवश्यकता होगी का उपयोग: आइटम के लिए मैं। Object.filter (columname__regex = r'a | z | f ')

wpf - binding selectedItem from listbox to property not working ObservableCollection type -

I try to bind property (with my selection model) with selectItem, I should say that The translator has been completely tied to the observerial selection and it is displaying the list, but when I try to print on the mailbox, I get a blank object. This is my observation. ObservableCollection & lt; Building & gt; _building installs = new Observe Collection & lt; Building & gt; (); Internal observable collection & lt; Building & gt; BuildingInstock {get {return _buildingInstock; } Set {_buildingInstock = value; If (property changed! = Null) {property changed (this, new asset changing event event ("BuildingInstock")); }}} This is xaml: & lt; Listbox X: Name = "listview1" grid. Row = "11" selected item = "{binding path = chosen house, mode = two}" item template = "{static resource listbox templates}" & gt; & Lt; / ListBox & gt; I have the View code in: List_Of_Buildings temp = New List

javascript - Cant animate image with jQuery -

Can I animate the image on the left side of any photo, a smooth animation is required < P> How do I do this without animation I found CSS-WebKit-Filter: Brightness (1000%); < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> Just copy one image to another's OT And use it as fadeOut () HTML & lt; Div class = "container-relative-state" & gt; & Lt; Img1 & gt; & Lt; Img2 style = "status: absolute;" Id = "img2" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; JS $ ('# img2'). FadeOut (1000); For the JS function, you can use any trigger like click , 'hover' etc. And html is just a plan that you have to do, not actual code.

user interface - Unity GUILayout.TextField Refresh -

I have a GUILayout.Textfield that I use to enter a new player name. However, the text in the text file is never refreshed, although the price console varies according to log. How to get a text field to refresh any thoughts? private bool createProfile = false; Private string player name = "player name"; Zero OGUI () {// to enter the display window player name if (creator) {Rect BuildProfileWindow = New Rect (Screen with / 2 - 100, screen.height / 2 - 35, 200, 70); CreateProfileWindow = GUIlayout.Window (2, createProfileWindow, CreateUserProfile, "new player"); }} Zero CreateUserProfile (int windowID) {// popup window to apply the player name. Add 'Create' button GUILayout.BeginVertical (); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace (); Player name = GELAout Textfield (player name, 50); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace (); GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace (); If (GUILayout.Button ("create") {P

amazon s3 - Correct permissions for AWS remote copy -

I'm using files to sync to a server and an S3 bucket. In particular, I am using the sync order, however, it is not working correctly because I can not get the right permission to specify the user who is setting up my setup. Almost everything is working, but I get an error from the S3cmd sync command to the static "Remote copy failed" This is my current policy: { "Version": "2012-10-17", "statement": [["sid": "some sid", "effect": "allow", "action": ["s3: catalog", "resource" ":" S3: Listbasket "," S3: Put Object "," S3: Putt " ObjectEkl "," S3: Deliobject "]," Resource ": [" RS: A VS: S3 ::: Miebacket / Something / Path "," ARN: Aws: s3 ::: mybucket / some / path / * "]}]} Does anyone know what permissions do I need to make a remote copy possible? I test permissions to be provid

[RAILS][sql] query to get the sum for unique values -

रेल संस्करण: @most_valueable_clients = current_user.clients .find_by_sql ("SELECT vorname, nachname, क्लाइंट्स से पहले से उपचार में उपचार शामिल हों। क्लाइंट .id") एसक्यूएल संस्करण: चयन करें वोरमेन, नचननाम, क्लाइंट्स से पहले से उपचार में उपचार लें। क्लाइंट_आईड = WHERE user_id = 1; इसे एक तालिका में बनाता है: vorname | नाच नाम | प्रीस ------------ + -------------- + ------- हेलो टेस्ट | में? | 500 हेलो टेस्ट | में? | 87 लीजकीज | Lkjöljkölkjö | 50 केविन | मार्सेल | 50 हंस | ब्लै | 50 हंस | ब्लै | 100 मैं अद्वितीय मानों के लिए फ़िल्टर के लिए अलग-अलग उपयोग कर सकता हूं। मैं एक उप-क्वेरी कैसे बनाऊँगा कि हर उपयोगकर्ता के लिए प्रत्येक प्रीिस (राशि का मतलब) कहलाता है? अपेक्षित परिणाम: निचला हुआ मूल्य के साथ अद्वितीय ग्राहकों की जरूरत है। कोई सुझाव? खुशी है कि यह आपके लिए काम करती है: आप क्या करना चाहते हैं एसक्यूएल द्वारा उपयोग समूह है रेल के लिए, यह प्रयास करें: current_user.clients.includes (: उपचार)। ग्रुप (: vorname,: nachna

reporting services - Display ssrs report data vertically in columns -

I am battling a simple data system issue. I have 2 columns of data - location and area. By default data is displayed as: area 1 location 1 area 1 location 2 area 2 location 3 region 3 location 4 I I would like to display the data as follows: Sorry about formatting, I hope this makes sense. Thanks Edit This is the actual query that I used to get the data: select a_location_area_code, joining stock_valence_level as l.location_code as L As stock_location at L.location_code = a.location_code where l.branch_number = '99' and a.suspended = 'N' group by a.location_area_code, ordering the SUM (l.physical_quantity) = 0 in l.location_code a. Location_area_code, l Location_code In your example, the position of only one location is equal to 1 location 3 and 4 is that they are the first place in their respective field. Add it to your dataset. Row_num as the form [area] ORDER BY [location]] by row_number () over (grouped by new row_num field and area fie

c# - Is wrapping System.Math a bad idea? -

I have my Math library and I call it "mathematics" (I call it "mathematics"). It's in its own name space, but the class name "Math" is still a struggle with the system. Math What I did to solve it, to add the cover for everything in the system. That's just the system in my library. The Math function explicitly calls, and then I have to add to use Math = Yushuite .Libraries.Math; In every file that uses math. * Functionality I do not think that is the best way to do this, and I also fear that wrapping will cause additional upper part, and there is nothing like where you want it upwards .. Advice? Is there a better way of "extension" system? Math? Is this just a bad idea and should I go back to "math"? Any suggestions at all? : P Example of the wrapped method: Public Fixed Decimal ABS (decimal value) {return System.Math.Abs ​​(value); } This answer is now in three separate parts. While the use of the Usag

depth first search - DFS and BFS trees related to undirected connected simple graph -

In view of an unrestricted linked simple graph, TD should be a DFS tree and be a BFS tree of TBB Peak If TB and TD are similar then G is an esical graph, is it always true? I worked on the following example: TD and TB: (A, B) (A, C (B, D) (B, E) (C, F) (C, G) and then the graph can be: (A, B) (A , C) (B, D) (B, E) (C, F) (C, G) (C, A) Am I thinking the right direction? Because this problem The answer given for is true which should be wrong according to me. Please help

php - Reverse the way of function output -

I am having difficulty retreating this loop. Atm, Loop is showing the latest post first, because it seems that I get added to the top of any other array, while I want to show it first of all. So my question is, how to show the oldest posts first, and finally the latest show? This is the code that shows the latest posts first, while loop in some time: while ($ portfolio-> is_pos ()) {$ Portfolio- & Gt; The_post (); $ Post = get_post (); $ Output = '& Lt; One square = "w-portfolio-item-anchor" href = "javascript: zero (0);" Data-ID = "'$ Post & gt; Id.' '& Gt; } Return $ Output; Regards, Patrick Reverse it For example, add your theme somewhere, before your loop: query_posts ($ query_string. "& Amp; order = ASC"); < P> Or at present it is being asked where it is and make sure that and command = ASC are used. Or, like @ ɴ -ᴀ -ᴛ-में is mentioned in a comment, change it: $ output.

python - How can I make two telnet instances interact with each other? -

My goal should be two Telnet clients, which together with pipe data, through a python I manually Telnet Client Connected to My Team Speak Server Other Telnet Clients Connect to IRC Server How Can I Pull / Pipe By Using Python? My code is in this Zithub project: Doing so much with dragon It will be challenging if you should use the python for any reason, then whatever you need is that which is to steep a subprocess about pipping about the other's studin. My recommendation to solve your problem would be to use Linux and it would be as simple as: $ mknod backpip p $ telnet team. Speak.server 8080 & lt; Backpipe | Telnet ERC Acaravar 8080 & gt; Backpipe is a slightly modified version of the command given in . - onClick Event For Picturebox -

I have more than 30 picture boxes, as a window to the name PictureBox1 PictureBox2 PictureBox3. I have to write the same procedure for each one of them for the click function. I want to be able to write only one handler which will be used for all pictureboxes. To handle the click event and call the same function. For some technical examples. Sorry for the JavaScript format picturebox.onclick () {var a = get_index (this); // Some of the clickboxed pictureboxes (A); } If you are using the keyword handles , For example, can add multiple event names to the handles section: Private sub-OnClick (sender in the form of object), events such as ARGs) handles picturebox 1.Click, PictureBox2. Click, PictureBox3 Click 'Click' Handles for Picture Box 1, Picturebox 2 and Picturebox 3 and subs. Alternatively, you can declare event handler method without the Handles section, and then the manual Attach it yourself to events automatically, such as: Private Sub

Allow staff to edit email data via django admin site? -

I would like to give employees the ability to manage fields, topics and bodies when the Html file is not ideally edited They will be able to do this through the admin site. My thought process is: Create an e-mail table with the requested areas Add send_email to classes when they take a certain action when they do, So by receiving the object from the e-mail table based on the primary key, I can get the value to send the email. I have not come to any document to set it up and I am worried that it is considered bad that I do not remember anything special about this thing why it is a terrible idea Is ... Anyone can comment on such cases when it will be blown up, or is it weird but should not be an issue? Most email staff will be editing static text Any suggestions / comments / criticisms have been greatly appreciated. I use personally in the admin area for personal purpose such as email editing. This is simple and you can save your existing template to the DB

c# - Owin IAppBuilder.Map unexpectedly handling all requests -

स्ट्रिंग पथ = "/ कुछसबपैथ"; App.Map (नया पथस्ट्रिंग (पथ), (एप्लिकेशन) = & gt; {app.Run (ctx) = & gt; {Debug.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", पथ, ctx.Request.Path) ; वापसी कार्य.फ़ॉर्मरसल्ट (0);});}); (Async (ctx, next) = & gt; {var watch = नया स्टॉपवॉच (); घड़ी। स्टार्ट (); आगे की प्रतीक्षा करें; घड़ी। रोकें (); डीबग। लिखें ("अनुरोध {0} में संभाला [एमएस] ", घड़ी। एप्पल मिलीसेकंड्स;)); App.Use (async (ctx, next) = & gt; {Debug.WriteLine ("{0}: {1}", "/", ctx.Request.Path); अगली ();} प्रतीक्षा करें; उपरोक्त पाइपलाइन कॉन्फ़िगरेशन पर विचार करें। मेरे स्टार्टअप क्लास में, मैं "कुछसबपैथ" को एक विशेष मिडलवेयर हैंडलर पर मैप करना चाहता हूं। अर्थात। कुछ विशेष मिडलवेयर द्वारा "/ कुछ एसबपैथ" से शुरू होने वाले अनुरोधों को संभाला जाना चाहिए, जबकि अन्य सभी अनुरोधों को पाइपलाइन के बाकी हिस्सों से नियंत्रित किया जाना चाहिए। मैं IAppBuilder.Map एक्सटेंशन का उपयोग कर रहा हूँ जैसा कि पाया गया है। मेरे आश्चर्य की बात है,

ruby - RSpec argument match array of hashes -

I would like to use logic matchers provided by rspec to match an array of hash The code is: reference 'entering the stock level' subject (double: stock_logger, stock_expected: zero)} (go to: stock_importor) {description_clash.New (logar: subject) }} Before (: each) {stock_importer.import} it is { (Recovery): (with array_including (hask_only ('sku', 'count_on_hand'))}} This error happened to me with a logic mismatch. The only working solution I can come up with is: Reference 'Level of logging stock' topic {double (: stock_logger , Stock_expected: zero)} (let's stock_importor) {described_class} new (wood: subject)} before (: each) {stock_importer.import} this (to get: stock_ updated) do | stock_levels | Expectancy (stock_level) to include ('scooo', 'count_on_hand')) What was I doing something wrong? Try array_including but with the hash key (included in "squa") ), ("Bar&

Installing a php application in a windows server 2012, 2008 or 2003 -

I have had a lot of problems installing applications in a local network. I use the wampserver as the local server (only in my computer) for my application I want to install the application to use a Windows Server 2012,2008 or 2003 so that it works in the network I created And different users can use it for it. Can you please also provide me a link which clearly and informs the steps stated in the details? You can download and install Microsoft's web platform < / P> It will work with the IIS on the server and on the local desktop with IIS Express. After installing it, you can add PHP as your Fast-CGI application host.

Is there a way to append/extend a list with another list at a specific index in python? -

In other words, I want to complete something like the following: a = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8] B = [4, 5, 6] # There is a list on index 3 to include List B in some magic lists so that one = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] you type a Only: & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8] & gt; & Gt; & Gt; B = [4, 5, 6]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; A [3: 3] = B & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] & gt; & Gt; & Gt; [3: 3] may seem strange, but it is necessary to enter the item b in the list one < / Code> Otherwise, if we are assigned an index of a , list b , then it will be inserted: & Gt; & Gt; & Gt; A = [1, 2, 3, 7, 8] & gt; & Gt; & Gt; B = [4, 5, 6]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; A [3] = B & gt; & Gt; & Gt; A [1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6], 8]> gt; & Gt; & Gt; I tried to find a docs link that explicitly mentions this behavior, but fail (if you can find it, feel free to add one Please). So,

what is the main reason of using malloc() in C -

I am currently using C / C ++ but instead of declaring something var on stack, malloc / new What is the main reason to use Such as: int a; Or any other example: int * a; // then use it to track an array int a = (int ) malloc (sizeof (int)); Responsibility comes with that flexibility: When you end up with them, if you try to hold on a raw pointer and do it yourself, then it is difficult to correct; So learn (C ++), and use smart pointer and ready-made management type like container to work for you.

More C# to VB conversion woes when working with Mediator helpers in wpf -

Work through the entire concept of mediated model and use it in wpf, and people who have assisted in this way I I have been able to follow the logic of my argument and stumbled (but has done nicely) in an article in Sacha Barber on the code project in which he takes the arbitrator, but it Makes a bit more versatile. Almost all your C # examples change well for all times of course! And this is an example of how you actually register for the arbitrator. Those who have not seen this article can refer to it. The fragment of C #, which causes problems, inside of the example given below, < Code> using the system; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.ComponentModel; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.Windows.Input; Namespace moderator demo {public class reader view model: see modellbase {private string readText = String.Empty; Public Reader Videodel () // // Register for the user to moderator some message mediator. Instruction. Registrar (// Callback

android bluetooth, what is the difference between bonded and paired -

I am busy to add my Samsung Galaxy S4 to an Android project with Bluetooth from another Bluetooth device in Bluetooth. I want to start with a HTC Incredible S My question is: What is the difference between bonded and coupled? Because Android says that this is the same, but in my application they are not doing the same thing. I have red when you start discovery (). You can see all coupled devices that work well, but if I call the device. GetBondState (); So it indicates that the device is not binding. And if the device is not locked, then I can not connect to the device.

Edit header in Typo3 -

I have a website running on Typo3 CMS, it was all setup by our developer, the problem is that Now, what I want to do is change the URL of our company's logo located in the header section, I have basic knowledge of HTML and CSS, I manage to move things in backend. I do, but I do not know how to take us Change the URL of Go. It is possible that your developer has set it to: < Li> Tipploscript (such as page TS) Template-File (index.html in / file mirror or file current / template) as content element (tree on top) CSS A mix of all possibilities ... Probably a solution: type the current URL of the image, the search box at the top of the backend. Another way to find out via firebug (Firefox).

c++ - How to get consistent responses from fstream? -

When I read the information through FSTR, then two separate programs have come twice, that my The input given to the program is static, even if no given file changes. In my most recent program, which is related to audio-reading, I am doing a simple check on the first four letters in the file. These letters are considered as RIFF, which are they - I checked is. Therefore, to see the format of a given binary file, I buffer the first four characters and see if they are similar to 'RIFF'. Four buffers [4]; Std :: ifstream in (fn, std :: ios :: binary); (buffer, 4); If (buffer! = "Riff") {// Always Wrong ATM Stud :: COAT & LT; & Lt; "INVALID WAV file:" & lt; & Lt; Buffer & lt; & Lt; Std :: endl; } When I made the program for the first time, I remember this work properly. Now though, I get an error through my own cot: INVALID WAV FILE: RIFFýfK Do anyone have any ideas Which has gone wrong? Perhaps the way to make