
Showing posts from March, 2010

c# - Should I be using EF6 from a SQL CLR Function -

I have been hired to take some complex calculation code (C #) and research on going into the CLR function on SQL Server. I have the problem that the calculation uses the data layer which uses EF6. Obviously I have to remove a small part of the existing code for the CLR function (SAR), but I still have to fulfill all the dependencies. My question is how can I do this [which comes later :)] so should I will do this? Either way it is wrong to fill the entire EF in the database so that I am using it to calculate - it seems very bloated. Opinion, suggestions, please consider? Thanks Unless pressing lot To keep the code-base in sync between the application layer and this SQLLLR function, I would say: No, it does not seem like, if that is the case, it is useful to do this. You need some data points and using a simple SqlConnection for those simple string context connection = true; is very easy to use -process connection). And, seeing that the performance is a conc

objective c - iOS UIButton Selected State -

मैं निम्नलिखित चित्र बटन स्थिति को प्राप्त करना चाहता हूं। जब "शुरू होता है .." क्षेत्र को छुआ जाता है, तो क्षेत्र को हाइलाइट किया जाता है और एक डेडेक्कर पॉप अप होता है। मेरा दृष्टिकोण पूर्ण-चौड़ाई वाला बटन बना रहा है और दो लेबल्स को स्थानांतरित करता है, आज की शुरुआत में 12:00 पूर्वाह्न। जब उपयोगकर्ता बटन को छूता है, तो मैं डेटपाकर को खींच कर कार्रवाई का जवाब देता हूं। ये मेरे प्रश्न हैं। क्या यह दृष्टिकोण परंपरागत है? मैं एक बटन को "चुने हुए" राज्य में कैसे बनाऊं? मैंने पृष्ठभूमि की छवि को बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित की कोशिश की: UIImage * buttonImage = [[UIImage imageNamed: @ "btn_carrot.png"] resizableImageWithCapInsets: UIEdgeInsetsMake (18, 18, 18, 18)]; UIImage * buttonImageHighlight = [[UIImage imageNamed: @ "btn_light_carrot.png"] resizable चित्रमार्ग के साथ कैप्सइन्ससेट: UIEdgeInsetsMake (18, 18, 18, 18)]; [स्वयं। स्टार्टडेट बटन सेटबैकग्राउंड छवि: बटन छवि के लिए स्टेट: UIControlStateNormal]; [Self.startDateButton setBackground

twitter bootstrap - Anchor links are not working in android -

Web links are not clickable in Android Chrome and Firefox but this is working in Opera. It is built with Twitter Bootstrap: Even if in computer You change the size of the browser to work for the minimum width. In this there is something with the scallfolding jscrice T is something that makes the link easy and "#". However, if you maximize it on the desktop the link is working. Some scallfolding codes are removing hyperlinks with the Dumkinks. Just check if someone is doing javascript,

xamarin.ios - Xamarin is displaying photos with a random rotation -

I am working with the hybrid xamarin application. Pictures stored in my deviocasses (like pictures) are shown well, but when I display those pictures, photos (new photos or photos stored in my device) are displayed with rotation of 45 degrees or 90 degrees , But is very random only with photos and I tried to add the CSS code: rotation: 0deg; There is always a problem for the photo but some people have an idea about the problem?

for loop - For looping in MATLAB -

निम्न आंकड़ा ड्राइंग के लिए MATLAB कोड लिखें। मेरा प्रयास: आंकड़ा अक्ष बराबर अक्ष ([0 100 0 100]), [ 0], 'चेहरे का रंग', 'आर') मुझे समझ में नहीं आता कि रिक्त ऊपर कैसे भरें। मुझे पता है कि जिन मूल्यों को जाना चाहिए I के पिछड़े तत्व हैं, अर्थात्। [90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10] लेकिन इसे कैसे लिखना है? कृपया मदद करे। I = 10:10 के लिए आंकड़ा अक्ष समान अक्ष ([0 100 0 100]) : 90 आयत ('स्थिति', [i / 2, i, 100-i, 5], 'वक्रता', [0], 'फेस-कॉलर', 'आर') पर अंत ग्रिड

extract string using ruby regex -

I have a string "Fashion Project - Institute of Fashion Technology Project and Science " I need to remove the string as the name of the project and its description so that it can return an array. [0] = "Fashion Project" array [1] = "Project of Fashion Technology and Science" I With the split method, Array [1] returned the "Fashion Project", I did it "Fashion Project - Fashion-Technology and Project of Science - Institute" .split ( '-') You can also try 2.1.2: 007> S = "The Fashion Project - Project of Fashion-Technologies and Science Institute" = & gt; "Fashion Project - Project of Fashion-Technologies and Science Institute" 2.1.2: 008 & gt; S.split (/ \s [- \ b] \ s /) = & gt; ["Fashion Project", "Project of Fashion-Technology and Science Institute"] 2.1.2: 00 9 & gt;

ios - How to add animation in UICollection View -

I'm not sure whether the question title is an illustration, I have images The first image shows a UICollectionView. On the click of any cell, it should be converted to 2 image. That is, a new popup will occur, and cell 3 and cell 4 will go down from the bottom. Or can I say on the click of 3 cells, 5,6 cells will go down. How come? How can I show this animation? Please help more information? A solution, maybe, in the footer for a reusable scene, showing it and hiding it. But I need a more effective method. I also have to design this app for iPhone and iPad Just define several UICollectionViewCell classes, register them in your controller class and enter items for the model on user tasks. In that case the red cell on the "Image 2" would be just another UICollectionViewCell example.

php - How to use redis cloud for codeigniter session on heroku -

I'm new to it, I just reset its lock. I am using codeigniter to develop my application, I want to understand how I can handle session on redis server to do a search on Google, in the end I have found this link that it will rediscover me Is enough to handle the session or do something else. If this library is useful, then how can I use this library for session management thanks This works for me .... :) This library also handles the restart session again ... . thax for all of you ............

Camunda h2 database persistence -

We are using the camunda-bpm-jboss-7.1.0-final in our Java Web project. The UI part is built using JSF and the database is mysql. However, the Kyunda comes with the default H2 database, which does not carry data. Whenever we shut down the jboss server, we lost some process-id. So my question is, is there a way to configure H2 database, so that this data will continue? Cammunda currently supports H2, MySQL, PostGraceQL, DB2, Oracle, and MSSQL. If you do not want to use the default H2 configuration, you can change the data source in your payload configuration. Please refer to the installation guide:

angularjs - Speeding up page load time by delaying execution of directive link function -

Some of my instructions take enough time to execute the link function. So this page load time is delayed To make it fast, the window is intended to execute the linkfn. Load event The approach that I am planning to do directive ('Mydirective', function () (limited: 'a', scope: {}, link: function (Field, element, etters) {var unwatcher = scope. $ Watch ("$ viewcontentloaded", function () {unwatcher); // real link function that takes a lot of time to execute.}}}} BTW does not guarantee execution after window using $ timeout (linkfn, 0). checkout bindos and more Try this if you already have not instead of templateUrl: instead of your template html Template:

php - Dynamic menu bar in zend -

I am working on a project in the Zend for a wedding site. For this, I want to apply a dynamic menu bar specifically for logging and logout when the user logs in to the site, the login menu will be displayed and the login will be logged on to the user and the logout menu should be displayed. Can anyone help me find out how the following code is not working in my case if (zend_ith :: must () -> ydentity ()) // // ` Register 'and' Login 'link again. $ Controller- & gt; Layout ('Project / Login / Index'); $ Controller- & gt; Layout ('Project / Register / Index'); } Else {//} Submit your `logout` link $ Controller-> Layout ('Project / Logout / Index'); }

Correct type for getting analytical data in elasticsearch -

Elasticsearch में मेरे पास निम्नलिखित प्रकार (केवल इसका हिस्सा) है "diff" : ["नाम": "राज्य", "पुरानाव्यू": "ऑनलाइन", "नया मूल्य": "ऑफ़लाइन"}, {"नाम": "लागत", "पुरानाव्यू": 2000, "नया मूल्य": 5000}] भिन्न प्रकार का एक सरणी नाम , पुराने वैल्यू और newValue है। अब, पुराना वैल्यू में स्ट्रिंग मान और पूर्णांक मान हो सकते हैं मैं एनालिटिक्स जैसे टाइमरेंज चाहता हूं, जिसमें से cost 2000 या टाइमरेंज से ऊपर था, जिसमें से state ऑनलाइन था इस तरह की सैकड़ों विशेषताओं हो सकती हैं। समस्या यह है कि मैं केवल एक ही प्रकार का पुराना मूल्य और नया वेल्यू, स्ट्रिंग या पूर्णांक दे सकता हूं। मैं इस समस्या का कैसे समाधान करूँ? कुछ की सरणी के साथ यह परीक्षण नहीं किया है (क्योंकि आपने इसे नेस्टेड या वस्तु का उल्लेख नहीं किया है), / p> लेकिन मैंने एक साधारण फ़ील्ड के साथ किया: PUT / some_index {"mappings": {"some_type": {"गुण": {"name"

angularjs - Pass cookie created by API back to API from Angular app -

I have an API that creates a session cookie called 'web_api'. Then I would like to access that cookie in my augile app so that I can return it to the API for authorization purposes. However, yields undefined using $ cookies.web_api and $ cookiestore.get ('web_api'). Is it any way to pass this cookie back to my API with the Angiari app? My service code is as follows: app.service ('apiService', function ($ Http, $ q, $ cookies, $ cookiestore) {var host = ' Https:// 'function test_cookie () {console.log ($ cookies.web_api); console.log ($ cookieStore .get (' web_api '));}}); I access the API endpoint to access-control- credentials = true and when I made the request, I set the credentials: true on request, for example function getUserId () {var idPath = 'UserId 'Var request = $ http ({method:' get ', url: buildUrl (idPath), with credentials: true}); Return (request.then (handleSuccess,

c++ - How does Stack memory work Or How are function variables allocated and accessed on the stack -

When I read about it on the heap and heap for example, I had a question, for example, On the page, the functions put all their local variables on the stack, does the stack actually use different variables? Because a stack can usually only reach the top, it will only be able to access one variable of the function. Does this mean that the variable of a function is stored on a stack in a strait? Stack-pointer, as its name means, an indicator like any other, and This indicates the general standard memory. To access any area of ​​the stack, you add the pointer offset to the normal. If you think in terms of C-pointers, then you have a stack pointer char * Stack_pointer = some_memory; This pointer can be used as a normal pointers, in which to connect to offset to reach a specific location on the stat, like * (Int *) (StackPoint + 4) = 5; I recommend that you try to learn assembler code, then you can create a very simple program with some local variables, and it can be

How to alter view blocks content from controller in CakePHP 3? -

Layout / default. Inside TTP you will see on line 39 such as this: & Lt; Div class = "header-title" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; & Lt ;? = $ This- & gt; Lana ('title')? & Gt; & Lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; get suggests that this is a visual block, I do not find this visual block anywhere. Currently it only displays the capitalized plural form of the controller. If you are in / user / add , then fetch ('title'); gives you 'users' means to say I want to change it. So I tried the following: $ this-> Set ('title', 'login'); Gt; Assign ('Title', 'Login'); / user / login controller action in . I get this error message: Call the unchanged method App \ Controller \ UsersController :: assign () I read the document I found Assigning a block's contents is often useful when you want to convert a visible variable to a block. For examp

javascript - jQuery input number spinner -

मुझे jQuery स्पिनर अप-डाउन संख्या के लिए यह कोड है: HTML: < पूर्व> & lt; div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "इनपुट-समूह स्पिनर" & gt; & Lt; इनपुट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट" वर्ग = "फॉर्म-कंट्रोल" मान = "42" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "इनपुट-समूह-बीटीएन-ऊर्ध्वाधर" & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "बीटीएन बीटीएन-डीफॉल्ट" & gt; & lt; i वर्ग = "एफए-कैरिट-अप" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; div वर्ग = "बीटीएन बीटीएन-डीफॉल्ट" & gt; & lt; i वर्ग = "एफए-कैरेट-डाउन" & gt; & lt; / i & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / div & gt; जेएस: (फ़ंक्शन ($) {$ ('स्पिनर। बीटीएन: प्रथम-के-प्रकार')। पर ('क्लिक' Val (), 10) + 1);}); $ ('स्पिनर। बीटीएन: आखिरी बार' (स्पिनर इनपुट) ('स्पिनर इनपुट') ('स्पिनर

java - How to get start and end date for a specific month and year -

I am creating a report in iReport The user enters a date like 2014-09-14 Report 2014-09-01 and 2014-09-30 ("Selected month and first day of the year" and "last day" selected months and Of the year ") I'm trying to work with it new java.util.Date (new java.util.GregorianCalendar ($$). P {ds_endDate} .get year (), $ P {ds_endDate} .getMonth (), 1) .getTimeInMillis ()) // The end result should be java.util.Date but Try it out: Calendar abc = New gregorian calendar (); System.out.println (abc.get is real i Ximm (Calendar DAY_OF_MONTH) + "and" + abc.get Fixed Minimum (calendar. DAY_OF_MONTH);

Android: How to give custom font style to action bar title -

How do we optimize the font style of the title of the action bar Font style is also customized and Will have to import? Try it out: SpannableString s = New SpannableString ("My Title"); s. SSPS (new typefacespan (this, "mytipfaces.otf"), 0, S. lamps (), spanable. SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); // Update the Action Bar Title with TypefaceSpan Example ActionBar Action Bar = getActionBar (); ActionBar.setTitle (s); UPD: Source code for custom typeface div>

php - Call to undefined method mysqli_stmt::fetchColumn() -

I'm trying to get the number of rows returning from a SQL query Need_once ("inc / db_const.php"); $ Date = $ _ receive ['date_rdv']; $ Mysqli = new mysqli (DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS, DB_NAME); If ($ mysqli-> connect_errno) {echo " mysql error does not {$ mysqli-> connect_errno}: {$ mysqli-> connect_error} "; Go out(); } $ Query_check = "Select number (*) from plan_cl where date_plannig =?"; $ Statement_check = $ mysqli-> Ready ($ query_check); $ Statement_check-> Bind_param ('s', $ date); $ Statement_check-> Executed (); $ Rdv_verif = $ statement_check-> FetchColumn (); Echo $ rdv_verif; But this gives me this error r: call the undefined method mysqli_stmt :: fetchColumn () Anyone can give me some solution to solve this problem any Mysqli_stmt :: fetchColumn is not () View in MySQLi This is a PDO method. To use MySQLi $ rdv_verif = $ statement_check-> Mysqli_stmt_num_rows (); Echo

How to generate several files in C -

I want to generate 60 files, program0.txt, .., program59.txt how can I do this? My attempt: FILE * fp [60]; (I = 0; i & lt; 60; i ++) {FP [i] = FOPAN ("program.txt", "w"); Fprintf (fp [i], "zero = ["]; } file name [] using filenames below Four filenames [15]; Int i; (I = 0; i & lt; 60; ++ i) {sprintf (filename, "program% 02d.txt", i); // printf ("% s \ n", file name); / * Fp [i] = Fopen (filename, "W"); .... Falcos (FP [Ii]); * /}

objective c - iOS layout: push UIView below automatically -

मेरे पास कई सबव्यूज़ (यूआईवीयूआईयूआई, यूआईबुटन, यूआईमेज) के साथ एक दृश्य है। उदाहरण के लिए: यदि मैं किसी बटन पर टैप करता हूँ, तो एक यूआईवीयू्यूई का विस्तार होगा, और मुझे वाकई चाहिये कि इस दृश्य के नीचे के सभी घटकों को इस दृश्य के नीचे स्थानांतरित किया जाएगा। क्या कोई भी इस समस्या से पहले है? कोड द्वारा सभी सबव्यूज़ को स्थानांतरित करने के बजाय क्या कोई अच्छा दृष्टिकोण है? धन्यवाद आप ऑटोलेआउट और बाधाओं का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। UIView पर ऊँचाई बाधा सेट करें जो कि इसके फ्रेम और अन्य उप-दृश्यों पर ऊर्ध्वाधर स्थान की कमी का विस्तार करता है। ऊंचाई बाधा का निरंतर मान बदलें और अन्य उप-दृश्यों को अंतरिक्ष की कमी का सामना करना होगा।

ajax post to jsp receive null string -

I am using jquery to fetch data from a form and posting it to a .jsp file with ajax. When I try to get the data in jsp scriplet using the request.get parameter, I get zero. var value = {}; // Generate an empty javascript object $ ("select"). Select the value at each (function () {// iterative [$ (this) .attr ('name')] = $ (this) .find (": selected") .attr ('data-citcode'); Value "[addpicker1] = $ (" # datepicker1 div "). Date picture (" getFormattedDate ", format); value [" Datepicker2 "] = $ (" # datepicker2 div "). Recorder (" getFormattedDate ", format); // var url =" list_flights.jsp "; $ .ajax ({type:" GET ", url:" list_flights.jsp ", Async: false, data: {values: JSON.stringify (values)}, error: function (data) {console.log (data);}, success: function (data) {console.log (data); window .location = "List_flights.jsp";}}); and jsp written &a

php - How to have alias name for controllers in codeignitor -

I have to say the controller, products and of course ( But I want to enter the redirect with the same controller ( I know that we can only make a controller supporter and can redirect it to the product controller in the index function. But I think that the second controller is more straightforward than without making a pro. it's possible? This can be done using routing. $ route ['pro'] = 'product';

python - Run a Scrapy spider in a Celery task on Windows -

I'm trying to get a scary spider to run in celery work on Windows under Python 2.7. I have seen how it is to work normally, this is the latest question. I have the issue that in response to the use of the billiards package is used to get everything anywhere under the hood, Calling billiard socket.fromfd (fd, family, type [, proto]) method, which is not supported on Windows (Windows), it all gets separated. Is anyone working on this (or a similar twisted reactor process) on Windows?

javascript - MVC AJAX call url format -

I am working on a small MVC 5 application that contains some ideas and javascript files. The project structure is very standard, i.e. normal layout for controllers, views, scripts etc., but I am having problems with AJAX calls while deploying to client system - where the application is deployed in the virtual directory It is, e.g. http: // host / application / . The jquery AJAX call URL parameter does not resolve the problem continuously, for example, is happy with a script: $. Ajax ({url: 'Admin / Action' ....}); while another requires $ Ajax ({url: '../controller/action' ....}); and most recent one is required $ Ajax ({url: '../action' ....}); I do not know whether I have done something different for these scripts (or controllers or ideas), so are the URLs being generated differently? I can now work for this, but want to understand the cause of the problem, so I did not make any mistake later. I recommend that you generate URL

How to implement Shopware plugin providing both frontend and backend functionality? -

I want to implement a shopware plugin, which provides some changes in the frontend, as well as backend interface. . Is it possible or will I need to implement two different plugins? In the case of different plugins, how can I ensure that both plugins are installed and updated simultaneously? It is important to put them in your directory only Controller / backend controllers / Frontend There are also two separate classes to expand. The backend controller expands Shopware_Controllers_Backend_ExtJs, Frontend controller Enlight_Controller_Action increases

Intellij uexpected quote behaivor -

When I started typing a quoted text, I pressed the " key and I typed my text later I am again " What happens next is what bothers me. You see this picture that the closing quote is underlined To fix this, I have to type any letter to leave it. The typed characters are not printed and the underlined form " is gone. When I do not do this and now the cursor is placed in another place in the code, " is still underlined and it is " starting again the first letter in the position of the new cursor. " where it was removed The new cursor position was transferred to it or A common How can quote behavior? I did not find any other quote settings in config Btw inserted pair quote setting is disabled Intellij 13.1.5, MacOS 10.9 Normally I use the German layout for hacking an American layout and for anything else which is why I blamed it on intellj. I am always surprised that what is the real difference between American layout

Can gradle use latest.release as default dependency version? -

I want to write version: 'latest.release' somewhere build.gradle somewhere. Then the dependency can be simplified like this: 'org.jsoup: jsoup' compile Just like the spring boot: compiling 'org.springframework.boot: spring-boot-starter-web' < / P> Is it possible? Usually, best practice is always to make against the exact version, avoid unexpected scenarios. However, if you really want to build against the latest release, you can: dependency {myConfiguration 'group: module: latest release' } The latest (appropriate) way to apply. For all artworks, please write a resolution strategy, take a look at this:

javascript - Make TinyMCE Editor width fit the content dynamically -

When a full position is inside the container and also that the width is updated during editing, then TinyMCE How the content can fit. & lt; Div class = "container" & gt; & Lt; Textarea & gt; This is my very long text which should not be broken. This is my very long text which should not be broken & lt; / Textarea & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script src = "//"></script> & Lt; Script & gt; Tinymce.init ({Selector: 'Teddera', Plugins: "Autorizes"}); & Lt; / Script & gt; CSS: . Container {status: Absolute; Top: 10px; Left: 10px; Width: Auto; << Code> make width < If you make width to 98% in Bella, then it looks like no good. scroll bar. Currently, use one of the given answers to get the width of text entered inside texteria (now TMMEE container) (I have to go with the HTML5 canvas). After using that to resize

windows - Git mergetool with Perforce -

I'm using Perforce to solve file conflict in Git, to set it, I git config --global mergetool.p4merge.cmd 'p4merge.exe \ "$ base \" \ "$ LOCAL \" \ "$ REMOTE \" \ git mergetool has been generated after the conflict, p4merge issues the following error message: Errors: " ./myfile.BASE.7132.example "is an invalid file." /myfile.LOCAL.7132.example "is an invalid file" ./myfile.REMOTE.7132.example "is an invalid file" myfile.example is an invalid The file is it not c: \ users \ abc \ project \ path \ myfile.example , but it appears that they are inside the root directory. I am working on Windows. How can I force the files to take the right path?

c# 4.0 - String Conversation to DateTime -

I am facing a problem while converting strings into datetime. It does not recognize me as "string valid date time" Here is my input string 10/28/2014 3 : 13:12 am " code snippet datetime DT = date time. Purse AXact (" 10/28/2014 3:13:12 am "," DD-MMM-YY HH: I have gone through some stack overflow posts but still have the same problem. Referral Use this format string: "MM / dd / yyyy H: mm: ss tt" : datetime DT = date time. Purse AXact ("10/28/2014 3:13:12 AM", "MM / DD / YY H: Mm: ss tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); If you want to convert the resultant DateTime with a string in this format: dd -mm-yyyy hh: mm : < / P> String result = DT. ToString ("dd-MMM-yyyy HH: mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); Culture Info.InvariantCulture emphasizes the name of the English month instead of the local name.

android - Can't add Google Map to Navigation Drawer fragment -

I'm trying to create an app for Android and I'm looking to map in a navigation drawer. Drawer options open new pieces, but map pieces can not be used to work. sets this piece in the following manner: / ** * Selected binary list items * * / personal Displaying fragment view for zero display view {//} Change the main content by changing the fragments of the piece piece slice = zero; Switch (position) {case 0: piece = new homeframe (); break; Case 1: section = new polypegement (); break; Case 2: piece = new tilepha fragment (); break; Case 3: Section = New Dromolyagration (); break; Case 4: Segment = New XartisFragment (); break; Default: Break; } If (piece! = Null) {fragment manager piece manager = matching-fragmentation (); FragmentManager.beginTransaction () .replace (, fragment) .commit (); // Update items and titles, then remove drawer mDrawerList.setItemChecked (position, true); MDrawerList.setSelection (status); // setTitle (

matlab - State space system gives different bode plot then transfer function matrix -

I have a state space system with matrix A, B, C and D. I have either the sys2 = c * inv (z * I - A) * B + D , sys1 = ss (A, B, C, D) code > However, when I draw the board plot of both systems, they are different, when they are the same. What's going wrong here? Does anyone have a clue? I know that bodeplot generated by sys1 is correct. The system can be downloaded here: clear all; close all; CLC; Ts = 0.01; Z = TF ('Z', TS); % Discrete system A = [0 0 0; 0 0 1; 0.41 -1.21 1.8]; B = [0; 0; 0.01]; C = [7 -73 170]; D = 1; Set as state% sys1 = ss (A, B, C, D, SS); % Compute Transfer function sys2 = C * inv (z * eye (3) - a) * B + D; Calculate% actual transfer function [num, den] = ss2tf (a, b, c, d); Sys3 = tf (num, den, ts); Show% bode bode (sys1, 'b', sys2, 'r -', sys3, 'g--'); Edit: I made a small mistake, the transfer function matrix sys2 = C * inv (z * I - A) * B + D , Instead of sys2 = C * inv (z * I - A) * b - d , which I

javascript - Why does adding a parameter to DDO factory function break the app? -

I was under the impression (in the right way, my Googling shows) that Javascript functions can take parameters in any quantity . So it is weird that my instruction works here ... module directive ('A', function) (return {restricted: 'AE', replaced) Do: 'right', template: " High "};}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body ng-controller = "myController" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; {{Airport Ore ()}} & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div aye & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Body & gt; & Lt; / Html & gt; but not here module.directive ('aye', function (injectables) {return {restricted: 'AE', replace: ' True ', template: "& lt; p & gt; hi "};}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; / Head & gt; & Lt; Body ng-controller = "myController" & gt; & Lt; Div & gt; {{Airport Ore ()}} & lt; / Div

arrays - Count a variable in a while-loop in Java -

I have this piece of code: while (i> gt; 0) {System .out.println (M + i); Do nothing / i--; } and we found the input: i , m1 , m2 , ... we say : i = 2 , m1 = test , m2 = blabla I want m1 To be dependent on i , m2 and M3 should be printed when I = 2 "Blaala" when I = 1 "test" Must be printed. I tried m + i but the output is m1 , the value is not there. Can anyone explain why m + i does not work and why it costs m1 or m Not using? And anyone has the idea of ​​how to fix it? It looks like you're trying to do some types of switch statements like this: < / P> int i = 2; String m 1 = "test"; String M2 = "Blubber"; While (i & gt; 0) {System.out.println (i); // will print the number that I currently switch to (i) {case 2: System.Out.Println (m2); // If I have 2 breaks then the M2 variable will be printed; Case 1: System.Out.Println (M1); // If I have 1 break, then the M2 variable will print; De

java - Patterns about bean management in Spring Boot -

मेरे पास एक टास्क और टास्कहाँडलर है। हेडलर एक्सेस डीबी के माध्यम से DaoService । DaoService को स्प्रिंग कंटेनर द्वारा प्रबंधित किया जाता है लेकिन हेन्डलर new द्वारा उत्पन्न होता है, और स्प्रिंग कंटेनर द्वारा प्रबंधित नहीं होता है। इसलिए मुझे लगता है कि मैं नहीं कर सकता DaoService में Autowired द्वारा हैंडलर एक्सेस करें। इसलिए मैंने handler को DaoService पास करने का प्रयास किया। लेकिन मैं डॉन यह कैसे पारित करने के लिए पता नहीं है। मेरे वर्तमान उपकरण में: 1, मैं एक कार्य करने के लिए DaoService सेट सार्वजनिक कार्य जनरेटक (परम परम, दाओसेवा दाओ) {कार्य कार्य = नया कार्य (); task.setDao (DAO); task.setparam (getTaskParam (परम)); वापसी कार्य; } 2, में कार्य 's कॉल () , मैं DaoService को हैंडलर पर सेट कर रहा हूं क्लास टास्क औजार कॉल करने योग्य & lt; बूलियन & gt; {दाओसेवा दाओ; // मिलकर और सेटर सार्वजनिक बूलियन कॉल () {टास्कहैंडलर हैंडलर = टास्कहाँडलरमैप.गेटहैंडलर (); handler.setDaoService (DAO); वापसी हैंडलर। प्रोसेस (परम); }} 3, अंत में

postgresql - UTF16 hex to text -

I have a UTF-16 hex representation, such as "0633064406270645" in Arabic is "سلام". I would like to convert it to my text equivalent, is there a direct way to do this in postgrasqual? I can change the UTF code point as follows; Unfortunately it seems that UTF16 is not supported. Any ideas on how to do this in PostgreSQL, the worst case scenario I would write a function? Select Convert_frame (Decoded (E'D8B3D984D8A7D985 ',' HEX '),' UTF8 '); Select "سلام" Convert_frame (decode (E'0633064406270645 ',' hex '),' UTF16 '); Error: Invalid source encoding name "UTF16" ********** Error ****************************************************************************************** ********************************************* Post-Text "MadProp =" Text "> That's right, Postgreat does not support UTF-16. / P> However, it supports: SELECT U & amp;; 0633 \ 0644 \ 0627 \ 0

c - Segmentation fault on reverse string function -

I am trying to write a simple function that reverses the string: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include & lt; String.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Four * reverse SRR (four * s) {INSLLL = Stellen (S); Int i; Four floating; For (i = 0; i <(sLen / 2); i ++) {// swap temp = s [i]; S [i] = s [slen-a-1]; S [slen-a-1] = temporary; } Return S; } Main () {int num = 64; Four * str; Str [0] = 'one'; * (Str + 1) = 'B'; * (Str + 2) = '\ 0'; Printf ("% s% d% s", str, strlen (str), reverse str (str); } When I call this function for some reason, I get the error of the segmentation fault core dump. I can not see the place where it happened. Anyone? Your problem is how you are creating the string in the first place: four * str; Str [0] = 'one'; * (Str + 1) = 'B'; * (Str + 2) = '\ 0'; By declaring str , it returns an arbitrary so that it is str [0] undefined behavior . You can fix it w

objective c - IOS 8 : -[UIInputViewSet setRestorableResponder:]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x7d6659b0 -

This is only happening with the iOS 8 iPhone app, the app worked fine with the previous version. Coming to this issue, I have a table view, in which text fields and other cells are all representative representatives of the textfield. Now, when I click on the text area, the keyboard is displayed. While the keyboard is still visible, I click on another keyboard which takes me to see others, rejecting the keyboard. Now, when I click on the back button in this new scene to return to the previous scene, the application is crashing showing the error message mentioned in the title as. It used to work perfectly in iOS 7 and in previous releases. Please help asked as addind stack trace . & Lt ;. _NSCallStackArray 0x802a7b30 & gt; (0 ??? 0x15daa77d 0x0 + 366,651,261, 1 application 0x002e63f0 main + 0, 2 CoreFoundation 0x06e12fae _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 14, 3 UIKit 0x058bb318 - [UIPeripheralHost (UIKitInternal) _restoreInputViewsWithId: animated:] 701, 4 UIKit 0x054cdd7d - [UINav

google nativeclient - Calling asynchronous PPAPI functions from a ppapi_simple program -

मेरे पास ppapi_simple का उपयोग करते हुए एक NaCl सी प्रोग्राम है मुझे एसिंक्रोनस पीपीएपीआई फ़ंक्शंस जैसे कॉल करने की आवश्यकता है। जब मैंने इसे निष्क्रिय रूप से कार्यान्वित करने की कोशिश की, तो मैं अपडेटनेटवर्कलाइस्ट () को पास कॉलबैक कभी नहीं बुलाया। Ppapi_simple सोर्स कोड को देखते हुए, मैंने पाया कि ppapi_simple अपने आंतरिक संदेश लूप पर कभी कॉल नहीं करता है, जो शायद बताते हैं कि क्यों मेरे कॉलबैक कभी नहीं कहा जाता है। ppapi_simple प्रोग्राम में एसिंक्रोनस PPAPI फ़ंक्शन का उपयोग करने का सही तरीका क्या है ? क्या मुझे अपना धागा और संदेश पाश बनाना चाहिए? संपादित करें: संदेश लूप के दस्तावेज के अनुसार, केवल एक थ्रेड पर PPAPI कॉल करने के लिए आवश्यक है। इसलिए मैं CallOnMainThread () का उपयोग करके मुख्य थ्रेड पर UpdateNetworkList () को कॉल करने की कोशिश की और यह काम करता है - मेरे कॉलबैक को कहा जाता है। सुनिश्चित नहीं है कि यह सबसे अच्छा समाधान है। ppapi_simple मुख्य थ्रेड, और मानता है कि उपयोगकर्ता ब्लॉकिंग PPAPI कॉल का उपयोग कर रहा है। यह पोर्टिंग कोड सरल बनाता है मामले में जह

java - Delete characters between other -

I have too many sentences and "ga-te", "ga-te" etc. in this string. I do not need to change all words like "Gate" from "Ga-Te" and touch each other. I tried to use regexp but it failed. Can you help me with this? Sorry for my bad english You can place in the place you want to keep and see those groups in the replacement call . string s = "ga-te, ga - te, foo-bar"; S = s.replaceAll ("([a-z]) * - * ([a-z])", "$ 1 $ 2"); Println (s); // = & gt; "Gate, Gate, Fobar"

jquery - How can I pass a row as parameter to javascript? -

I want to get one line information to show in the tooltip. For example: & lt; Html & gt; & Lt; Table style = "width: 100%" & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Jill & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td onmouseover = "loadtooltip (parameter)" & gt; Smith & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; 50 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; TR & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; Eve & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td onmouseover = "loaderolite (parameter)" & gt; Jackson & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; 94 & lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; / TR & gt; & Lt; / Table & gt; & Lt; Html & gt; Therefore, when I put the mouse on the line, then I need the contents of the other columns. Thx in advance You have tagged your question with jQuery, so I'm assuming that a jQuery solution is acceptable is. First of all, do not inline your event operators, this is a bad

Is "class" is predefined class in Java? -

Can we say that java.lang.Class is the predefined class in Java? I'm really confused about this .. I'm new to Java so I'm not sure. Please tell me the correct answer. class is a class where as class Is a keyword. Type Examples of class squares represent squares and interfaces in Java running Keywords class () Class announcements define new context types and describe how they are implemented [...] A class The announcement specifies a new named reference type.

eclipse - Subclipse checking out as folder not Java project -

I am trying to import java projects from my subdivision stores. So I go through the imported GUI for subversion, select my repository and project, then choose to view it as a project in the workspace. However, this project is now Appears as a folder in my workspace: Trying to add a new class tells me "is not a source folder Java project", am I leaving something? Thank you. View as a project, only what you want if you have checked - Project in Eclipse, classpath files etc. Those files are checked out in that scenario and the Eclipse project is configured. Otherwise you are receiving just an eclipse "simple project", in which the Java tools are not configured. I think you do not have Eclipse files in that repository, so you want to use the other option which you run the Eclipse Project Wizard as part of the checkout. This allows you to choose a type of project and setup some configurations. See: You can skip most of the configuration because

html - Footer stacking in IE7 only -

I'm working on a website again for a customer at work, and it's going on brilliantly However, when I look at the page in Internet Explorer 7, I keep the footer stacks up to keep. It looks fine in all other platforms, but once viewed in IE 7. Can anyone take a look at the code and see if I'm missing something? This footer is HTML, I'm trying to attach CSS, but it says that it's too many letters? & lt;% Dim WebSession if isObject (session (" WebSession ")) then set WebSession = Session (" WebSession ") end if% & gt; & Lt ;! - #Vertual = "/ 4YSI no included /" - & gt; & Lt ;! - # Include Vertical = "/ 4YSI NO / Constant 4 YS H" - & gt; & Lt ;! - # include file = "../../ included / constants.h" - & gt; & Lt ;! - # include file = "../../ included / work .esp" - & gt; & Lt ;! - #Vertual = "/ 4YSI not included / CPCommonfunctions.asp" -

delphi - Automatically Decode GZIP In TRESTResponse? -

It is not possible to assign a compressor or interrupt TRESTClient. If I set TRESTRequest.Accept encoding to 'gsip, deflate', then I get a GPIP encoded response from a server that supports gzip. However, in TIdHTTP I think it will automatically decode it. In TRESTResponse.Content it is still gzip encoded and I have to manually decode it with TIdCompressorZlib.DecompressGZipStream (). Is there a way to decode TRESTResponse automatically? If you set the asset, then it is the default TCustomRESTRequest " gzip, deflate Accept "Value with encoding .

Inconsistent .NET Version Information in Windows 10 Preview -

वर्तमान एंटरप्राइज़ के लिए विंडोज तकनीकी पूर्वावलोकन (बिल्ड 9860) में .NET संस्करण की जानकारी । इसके अलावा यह व्यवहार दृश्य स्टूडियो 2015 / .नेट 4.6 पूर्वावलोकन के लिए भी उपस्थित है। ऊपर तक अब मैं कुछ पूर्व शर्त की जांच के लिए सीएलआर बिल्ड संस्करण प्राप्त करने में सक्षम था (जैसे कि यह सुनिश्चित करना कि कुछ KB अद्यतन मौजूद है अगर ज्ञात समस्याएं होती हैं जब सॉफ़्टवेयर एक पुरानी परिवेश में निष्पादित होता है)। यह देखते हुए कि .NET 4.5 एक ड्रॉप-इन प्रतिस्थापन है। NET 4.0 के लिए सभी संस्करण 4.0.30319 के साथ शुरू होते हैं और संशोधन फ़ील्ड में वास्तविक संस्करण के साथ समाप्त होता है। सबसे हाल के विंडोज पूर्वावलोकन से शुरू करना यह जानकारी गलत, असंगत या कम से कम अप्रत्याशित लगती है संपत्ति अब 4.0.30319.0 रिटर्न करती है जो संस्करण क्रम के मामले में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है। तुलनात्मक रूप से विंडो 8.1 का मेरा अपडेट किया गया संस्करण, 4.0.30319.34014 को दर्शाता है। बताता है कि या तो पर्यावरण। संस्करण या प्रोग्रामेटिक रजिस्ट्री एक्सेस को स्थापित .NET संस्करण निर्धारित करने के लिए उपयोग किय

java - Android Switch Button Get Text -

The question is quite straightforward ... is there any way to close the text of the Android switch button in the code? No, I do not mean switch control is being checked and then just click on the text / text of text. Reason, I need to draw the text, while the user is dragging the control to the on / off position. The one which I have recently shown should have a way to drag it because the change of state on the drag if I do not drag it on the check Will work on I have already tried mySwitch.getText (), but it is empty. Any help is appreciated or, if you have a solution in determining whether the user leaves switching on all the way to position or closing position. Again, uncheck is not using the listener because it is only triggered after the fingerprint emerges from the switch control. Just thanks when dragging the switch. To receive and receive text. He said, I do not understand why you need them and why you can not use uncheck changelistener - switch , "dragging&quo

parallel processing - Why launch a multiple of 32 number of threads in CUDA? -

CUDA took a course in parallel programming and I have seen many examples of CUDA thread configuration, where it is normal to round. The number of threads is required for the nearest multiple of 32. I think the thread is divided into Valps, and if you launch 1000 threads, then the GPU will run it any way up to 1024, so why is it obviously? The advice is usually given in the context of those situations, where you can solve the same problem Possibly you can choose different threadbok sizes. Let's add the vector as an example. Suppose that my vector length is 100000. I can choose to launch this 100 blocks of 1000 threads. In this case, there will be 1000 active threads in each block, and there will be 24 passive threads. My average use of thread resources is 1000/1024 = 97.6%. Now, what if I chose 1024-sized blocks? Now I just need to launch 98 blocks. The first 97 of these blocks is fully used in the case of thread usage - each thread is useful. In the 98th block, there are o

internet explorer - Jquery Colorbox Freezes IE when contained in a Bootstrap Modal -

On IE, I had a Colorbox popup contained in the bootstrap model. Whenever I open the popup, it opens, but then IE is freeze and I have to stop the process to shut it down. This bus is completely dead I am not sure why it does this, for example, works fine on IE, it only breaks me. Here is the division with my color box. It is contained within a bootstrap model. & lt; Div class = 'thumbnail-control' & gt; & Lt; A colorbox ng-href = '{{baseAssetUrl + userID}} / {{asset.asset_uuid}}' class = "preview-thumbnail" title = "{{property.asset_name}}" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-search" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; A ng-click = "deleteAsset (asset.asset_id)" href = "#" headline = "delete" category = "delete-thumbnail" & gt; & Lt; I class = "icon-trash" & gt; & Lt; / I & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Div

regex - HTTPS redirect for directory doesn't work correctly -

My goal is to emphasize HTTPS on the admin directory of my site However, normal methods Use from abnormal results. Here is the content of .htaccess : Reviving OnRightRound% {SERVER_PORT} 80 Restructured% {REQUEST_URI} Manager Rev. / admin / $ 1 [R, L] However, when I try to open Instead of redirecting to , , click on Sends admin / home.php . So such a sequence makes the admin / section of the URL twice. I tried to make the last change .htaccess to rev.title ^ (. *) $ Https://$1 [R, L] The line of (which does not understand me, but still tried to do it) and it redirected to the same wrong URL, which confuses me further. I am not sure that this should be the case, but I too have been doing this, and why is this the solution? This is due to / admin / in your target URL Change the rule to: Reviving OnRyRightCound% {SERVER

python - Unable to PUT to Nest -

मैं नेटी डेटा जैसे ambient_temperature_f या रीडायरेक्ट फ़ायरबेस यूआरएल को अक्षम करने में असमर्थ हूं। मुझे संदेह है कि नेस्ट के लिए कुछ विशेष है, जिसे मैं फायरबेज मॉड्यूल में उपयोग करने के लिए इस्तेमाल कर रहा हूं। ( से : @http_connection (60) def make_put_request (url, डेटा, पैरामीटर, हेडर, कनेक्शन): "" "हेल्पर फ़ंक्शन जो दिए गए फायरबसे समापन बिंदु पर एक HTTP PUT अनुरोध करता है। समयबाह्य 60 सेकंड है।` Url`: फ़ायरबसे एंडपॉइंट का पूरा यूआरएल (डीएसएन एडेड।) `डेटा`: जेएसओएन सीरियलाइजेट डिक्ट जिसे रिमोट स्टोरेज में संग्रहित किया जाएगा। 'पैरामीटर': पाइथन डिक्ट को यूआरएल से जोड़ा जाता है, जैसे कि एक क्वेरी स्ट्रिंग। 'हेडर': पायथन डिक्। HTTP अनुरोध हेडर। `कनेक्शन`: पूर्वनिर्धारित HTTP कनेक्शन उदाहरण। यदि नहीं दिया गया है, तो इसे` decorators.http_connection` फ़ंक्शन द्वारा प्रदान किया जाता है। वापसी मूल्य JSON डिकोडर द्वारा deserialized पायथन संकेत है। हालांकि, यदि स्थिति कोड नहीं है 2x या 403, एक अनुरोध। एचटीटीपीएआरआर उठाया है। Connection =

javascript - Strophe.js Notification Received (Composing) -

लिखते समय मुझे सूचित करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं & lt; script type = "text / javascript" src = "//">&lt ; / लिपि & gt; & Lt; script type = "text / javascript" src = "/ js / strophe.min.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; connection.addHandler (ऑनोटेशन प्राप्त, रिक्त, "संदेश", "चैट", रिक्त, रिक्त); फ़ंक्शन पर नोटिफिकेशन (msg) {var composing = $ (msg) .find ('composing'), रुका हुआ = $ (msg) .find ('paused' ), सक्रिय = $ (msg) .फंड ('सक्रिय'), जेड = $ (msg) .attr ('से'); यदि (composing.length & gt; 0) {$ ('चैट-प्रतिक्रिया')। सीएसएस ('प्रदर्शन', 'ब्लॉक'); चेतावनी (1); } अगर (पॉज़ेड. लैंघ & gt; 0) {$ ('चैट-फीडबैक')। सीएसएस ('प्रदर्शन', 'कोई नहीं'); चेतावनी (2); } अगर (active.length & gt; 0) {$ ('चैट-फीडबैक')। सीएसएस ('प्रदर्शन

c# - Dynamic number of rows in itextsharp -

I would like to use it to generate a PDF using my extrappap so that I can record the number of records According to the dynamic number of rows, for example, if I have 3 records in my stored procedure, then I would like to generate it like an Exchange P like this: (column 1) (column 2) ( Column 3) line 1 roti 1 $ 93215321 Punk 2 milk 1.5 $ 12345678 line 3 sausage 5 $ 54678 912 PDF for the next, if the stored function has 5 records, it will display 3 columns and 5 rows. . Is it possible to use the exchanges? Yes, this is possible. I have written a complete book about it. You probably want to use the PdfPTable class. This class is explained in the example, for example, for example, where I am using Loop on a number of film titles and screenings on these films. In the result tables, there is a PDF in which there are several rows, because there are records consistent with a given day: I think that you are using iTextSharp, so you can see it. / P> Creating a P

Bootstrap 3 Slide in Menu -

I am trying to create a responsive site that has a basic layout in the desktop view - Header, Lefnov, Main Content and The correct NAV, but when the site is viewed on mobile, the initial view is - headers and main content but I have to put a menu button, so when the left nav appears on the screen on the main app, it will not push. I used this responsive navigator for Left Navy to see visible-SAM upwards, but hidden- X and I have changed the size in Xs class to a width of 50% and a specific height and higher Z- Compared to index main content and with a button containing element by ID - Visibility - visible and vice versa to close the menu. I have a problem when I close the menu then increases the size of the browser when the left nav is on the screen then the area remains blank, i.e. visibility remains hidden, anyway i stop Can this happen? Thanks in advance - see the image for example. Strong Text! [Screen example] [1] Strong text [1]:

hadoop - pig script: count returns 0 on null field -

I have a dip script that loads a file with "company" json. When I count, then count 0 if the file is missing from the domain (or tap) how can I group it as an empty string and still count on it? File example: {"company": {"domain": "", "name": "test1 company"}} {"company {{"Domain": "", "name": "test1 company"}} {"company": {"domain": "test1 {" Company "} {{" company "}: {" domain {"Company": {"domain": "", "name": "test3 company"}} {"company": {"company"}: "" "Domain": "", "name": "test3 company"}} {"company": {"domain" "", "name": "test3 company"}} {"company": {"Name": "test4 co

css - Bootstrap 3 - align text to form-control items across grids -

What is the correct way to properly align the input and label in the grid in the bootstrap? I would like to be labeled as the first Colonel: See my hypocrisy: & lt; Div class = "row" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-sm-6" style = "border-style: solid; border width: 1px;" & Gt; & Lt; Form class = "form-inline" role = "form" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "email" class = "form-control" id = "exampleInputEmail1" placeholder = "email" style = "width: 80px;" & Gt; & Lt; Label & gt; OK & lt; / Labels & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Form & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "col-sm-6" style = "border-style: solid; border width: 1px;" & Gt; & Lt; Form class = "form-inline" role = "form" & gt; & Lt; Div cla

swift - Sprite Kit and type inference -

So I'm creating a Sprite Kit game and at a certain point I enable / disable gravity on some nodes Want to I managed to do it, but I was wondering if there is a better way of achieving this. Here's my code: Enable raw bubbles in the func container! Give children bubble = raw bubble as SKShapeNode bubble.physicsBody .dynamic = true}} While not using type mists on raw bubble, I get this error: < Code> SKPhysicsBody? I do not think there is a problem with the sprite kit, but there is more swift than this, is it possible to do it in another easy way? Thank you. Since container !. Child is an before you can make everything useful with them, before you put your content. The safest way I can think, is to put it in the [SKNode] statement for : func enableGravity () { For bubbles in the container !! Children as [SKNode] {bubble.physicsBody? .dynamic = true}}

MySQL unknown column using subquery -

मुझे इस क्वेरी को निष्पादित करते समय एक त्रुटि प्राप्त होती है: SELECT (SELECT count (cp_projeto_view) .ID) से cp_projeto_view जहां cp_projeto_view.id_projeto = और cp_projeto_view.id_pessoa = 467 LIMIT 1) एएस qtde_visualizacoes से cp_projeto WHERE qtde_visualizacoes = 0 त्रुटि है: # 1054 -?! अज्ञात स्तंभ 'जहां खंड' क्यों qtde_visualizacoes नहीं मौजूद है आपको बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद आप जहां खंड में एक स्तंभ उपनाम का उपयोग नहीं कर सकते हैं (जब तक कि आप एक subquery का उपयोग नहीं करते हैं)। MySQL एक विस्तार है जहाँ आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं होने है बजाय: चयन करें (COUNT ( का चयन करें) cp_projeto_view कहां cp_projeto_view.id_projeto = और cp_projeto_view से। id_pessoa = 467 सीमा 1) से cp_projeto होने qtde_visualizacoes qtde_visualizacoes के रूप में = 0 संपादित करें: क्वेरी आप शायद चाहते हैं कि और अधिक की तरह है: पूर्व < > का चयन पी। cp_projecto पी से * जहां नहीं मौजूद है (1 cp_projeto_view पीवी से चयन जहां pv

java - Get a list of changed files between two versions in maven -

मैं एक मेवेन प्रोजेक्ट को अत्यंत जटिल [/ strong> लीगेसी चींटी स्क्रिप्ट बंदरगाह के रास्ते पर शोध कर रहा हूं, और मुझे दो संस्करणों के बीच बदली गई फ़ाइलों की सूची प्राप्त करने के विकल्प की आवश्यकता है। एक छोटा (उदास) इतिहास: यह प्रोजेक्ट एप को एक विस्फोटित प्रारूप (अर्थात संकलित वर्गों) में आउटपुट डायरेक्टरी । उन संकलित फ़ाइलों को तब एसवीएन में संग्रहीत किया जाता है (मुझे पता है ...) यह अनुप्रयोग एक विंडोज सर्विस (उपयोग) के रूप में चल रहा है, और "तैनाती" प्रक्रिया केवल परिवर्तित क्लास फाइलों पर प्रतिलिपि बनाई जा रही है (उत्पादन सर्वर पर svn update चला कर) (मुझे पता है ... ........)। मेरा पहला और सबसे महत्वपूर्ण लक्ष्य है कि इस परियोजना को एसवीएन में बायनेरीज़ संग्रहीत करना और मैवेन का उपयोग करना शुरू करना है! हालांकि, जिस तरह से सब कुछ पहले से ही काम करता है, वहां 2 आवश्यकताएं हैं: मेवेन "विस्फोट" वर्गों को बनाए रखना है बीच "अंतर" पाने की क्षमता दो संस्करण रिलीज़ मुझे लगता है कि # 1 पहले से ही मेरे लिए मेवेन द्वारा किया गया है, मैं लक्

ruby on rails 4 - Login user without Capybara in request spec -

I am developing a Rail application and I am following Michael Hart's famous tutorial. I am using new versions of RSPC and CapBear and so I am running into a problem. Since Captain 2, you need to have RSPEC capachers working in the request space, giving the hartl, its solution is no longer working (it is giving all its tests in spec / requests). I need to enter the CapBar without any users in an examination exam (because the test "", which is only available in the request glasses). Other people have solved this with the same problem: posted login_path (session: {password: user.password, email:}) cookies [: remember_token] = user.remember_token But I get an error: Failure / Error: {valid_login_request (user)} before any method method: Undefined method `[] 'zero To: NilClass # ./app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb:7:in 'create' # ./spec/support/utilities.rb:13:in` valid_login_request '# ./spec/requests/authentication_pages_spec.rb

java - Invoking a method with generic parms using reflection -

मैं ज्ञात प्रकारों ( संचय फंक्शन , resultBindings ) नीचे दिए गए चिंतनशील इनवोक रूटीन में, लेकिन मुझे परेशानी हो रही है। क्या कोई मुझे यह समझने में सहायता करता है कि यह कैसे प्राप्त किया जा सकता है? पैकेज com.amir.method.compiler; // छुपा आयात आयात java.util.Set; पब्लिक क्लास संकलित रेफरींसेंटअटिटिविम विधि संकलित विधि (अंतिम कक्षा & lt;? & Gt; generatedClazz; // मैं इनवेस्टमेंट में नीचे दिए गए तर्कों को कैसे पारित करूं ?? अंतिम ज्ञातकामडेटा & lt; संचय फंक्शन & gt; accumulationFunction; अंतिम ज्ञात वर्क्सडेटा & lt; सेट & lt; निष्पादन योग्य & lt; इंस्टाससेट वैल्यू & gt; & gt; & gt; resultBindings; सार्वजनिक संकलित संदर्भित अभिलेख (अंतिम आंत हैश, अंतिम ज्ञातकरुकाडेटा, संचय फंक्शन & gt; संचय फंक्शन, अंतिम ज्ञातवर्कडेटा सेट करें & lt; निष्पादनीय & lt; इंस्टाससेटवैले & gt; & gt; परिणामबाइंडिंग्स) {this.generatedClazz = संदर्भित विशेषताप्रतिबंधक Generator.get ()। CompileMethod ("com.amir.hotspot.GeneratedGRAMethod "

c++ - Boolean function. Calling it and using True or false -

I need help with this function, it is true for those numbers, which are divided by only two numbers (1, and numbers themselves). This is a test function, then the user gets 3 numbers and they have to be typed if they are "divided by only two." I'm not sure how to call the function so that the user "yes" and "no" bool test_prastevil (int prastevilo) {int c = 0; For (int i = 1; i / * ------------------------------------------- ----- For example the function can be written in the following manner. I think that 1 (or -1) satisfies the condition. bool test_prastevil (int prastevilo) {unsigned int value = std :: abs (prastevilo); Unsigned int x = 1; Whereas (x * x & lt; value & amp; value% x! = 0) x ++; Return value! = 0 & amp; Amp; X * x == value; } -------------------------------------- ---------- * / If you need a function, to determine that there is a number theorem (which is 1 except) you can write < / P> Bool test_prast

html - Keep hover area from disappering -

- How to keep the displayed area from disappearing on the hover? Thanks You only provide very little code ( what I'm saying? I mean none ... ) and video does not help in code-wise, but I can suggest a solution to the problem which I think That you are doing, i.e. you are removing the hover image and so the hovered box is hidden. Instead of showing parents instead of showing child , show child on Children div while hovering on father and This means that when you delete parents and to child , but kids Just go to parents , appear. Example HTML & lt; Parent & gt; To show it ... & lt; Child & gt; Take on .. & Lt; / Child & gt; & Lt; / Parent & gt; example CSS guardian child {display: none; } Parents: Children, Parents Children: Hover {Display: Block; } As long as you do not hide child by leaving both elements, your hover will continue, so it will not trigger unless This is original .