
Showing posts from April, 2011

java - POJO Property change listener - Ideal way -

I am developing a REST based web application that uses asynchronous third for some data (using websites) The system will call. So the browser -> rest -> my webpages -> other apps -> my webpage-> browser communication between my webpage for other web apps is asynchronous and I can track responses to a request using only some identifiers I am Therefore, I will call & lt; Counter & gt; Request and response & lt; Counter & gt; Response will be , where both the counter will be the same. To map the answer to the request, I am setting a command, counter, flag with a bean. I keep a loop for a while, whether it is setting the flag or not, it keeps on checking. Once I receive a response, set the flag, while the loop leaves and I know that the data is available. Is this the right way? The class is set to be below the bean, Public Zero set AllProperties () {bean.setCommand (commandString); Bean.setCounter (counter); Bean.hasResponse (wrong); } Sni

javascript - Problems with CKEditor dialog on top of Bootstrap modal window -

I've included a plugin to include code snippets on your site using CeAdetator. With it, I came to know that people have problems with the CeEdit dialog box and bootstrap modal window. None of the opened dialog boxes are centered, and text can not be entered. A solution was found, it fixes my issues with other dialogue boxes, but it does not open any of the code pieces that this former tag plugin works with in CKEditor and bootstrap Any advice for? $ Fn.modal.Constructor.prototype.enforceFocus = function () {modal_this = this $ (document) .on ('focusin.modal', function (e) {if (modal_this $ element [0] == & amp; ;! & Amp;!! Modal_this $ element.has ( .length & amp;!! ( .hasClass ('cke_dialog_ui_input_select') & amp; amp ;! ( .hasClass ('cke_dialog_ui_input_text')) {modal_this $ element.focus ().}}}}; After the solution was condition & amp; & Amp; ! $ (

go - goinstall is not recognized as internal or external Command -

I'm trying to install "goinstall" but it does not work is. The following error is giving. goinstall 'goinstall' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operative program or batch file. And I also tried with a git clone, but it is not making the exact structure. git clone git: // Installing it in "$ GOPATH" To be clear, goinstall has been used to exist (now " ). As told in "": In the last few years we changed people by getting the goinstall command (now available) Gone) and reminded about its conventions: First, the import path that is received in a known way is the URL of the source code; Secondly, the location of the source files stored in the local file system is obtained from the import path in a known manner; Thirdly, each directory in a source tree matches a package; And fourth, this package is built using i

read multiple struct from binary file in c# -

I want to insert data into a binary file. The data is 50 structure. I want to save the features of soft music files in binary. The file that the database can use. I have created a straight for every song, and put it in the file. The structure is: public structures {public byte class_no; Public int sample_no; Public byte [] template; } Where the template is a 1-D array, my file of 4410 now has 50 structures and I want to read it using the binary file and make the straight of all strings in the file I will answer many structs from the file. Defines a structure to hold this example None of these is designed for your specific needs but how to save it in a normal form And to read a list of the structure that you define yourself Full code you can copy and paste into a refreshing console app project: System use; Using System.Collections.Generic; Using System.Linq; Using System.Text; Using System.IO; // where the magic keeps using the system. time to time. Serializatio

ios - Can 300dpi screens be captured in XCode? -

Do anyone know that it is possible to capture screen from my app in 300 dpi? I want to create a script that takes a screen for print use. Run (retina) simulator (s), CMD + S to save screenshot on desktop. There is a difference between the DPI.

jquery - My SQL query to display most helpful reviews from users review -

I want to run an ecommerce website and go to sales products. I want to get ratings; To improve quality review from each user, on a different page, I have to get ratings; Reviews from users so other users can mark the review is not useful or helpful. So whenever the selection of reviews posted by users is useful, I will make a DB entry in the new table. So I need to, on a new page, I want to list the reviews based on the most helpful reviews from the selection of users. So I want to show the number of results first on the basis of order (in order of order) My table structure is as follows. Rating_review table: rating_review_helpful table I query my SQL query below. is selected, rating_reviews_helpful.rating_id, rating_view on `rating_review-to-answerable 'as COUNT (*) rating_views on views_views_short_id = rating_revual_hollic_deal_id user on user Include. User_id = rating_reviews.user_id WHERE rating_reviews_helpful.review_helpful = 1 and rating_reviews.rating_stat

jquery mobile's popup widget doesn't play well with Chrome -

Unfortunately, I can not reproduce this problem in jsfiddle, but this test file will reproduce this issue Is: Actually, I have a standard popup and a close button inside that popup. I can open the popup I can stop the popup I can do this again without any problem again. However, when I pop up the "popup formulaus" event, which reopens the popup after receiving that event. Now something strange happens after the second shutdown, on my iPhone 5S chrome (v38.0.2125.67), the page goes back to the popup and goes back to the previous page, as if it was killing "back" twice. This only happens on the Chrome of my phone. The test page works fine on my phone safari, it works fine on my Mac's Chrome (v38.0.2125.104). I suspect that this may be some kind of bug prevention mechanism (such as to prevent many popups or unlimited ends), but wanted to confirm that I just got something in my code I am doing wrong. If you comment on the "Post-Popup" event,

c - Program execution stops when run in background -

I have a simple program that runs an application ("flute-stationary") twice (with the help of loop ) This application is interactive using Kanka () and execl (), meaning that the user uses the shell to take input and print out the output. If I run the program then there is usually no problem. But when I run a program from the background, the main program stops there. The program is here. int main () {int i, pid; For (i = 0; i <2; i ++) {pid = fork (); If (pid == -1) {printf ("\ nerror, fork (failed)"); } Else if (pid> 0) {} other {/ * we have children * / execl ("./flute-static", "./flute-static", "-send", "-a192.168.190 1 "," / "," 6666 "," JFLit .1.2.tar.gz ", NULL); Exit (1); }} While (1) {} return 0; } The output of running the program is: [root @ localhost flute] # ./a.out& [3] 2643 [Root @ Localhost flute] # [3] + Shut down / A.out Why is this happening? And how can

ruby on rails - Capture ParentID param in nested resources -

I want to capture the parent ID param (foreign key) before saving a new hair record. I have two setups as nested resources in the route setup file and the new child controller action link correctly shows the Nested Parent ID. When I enter data for the child and the "create" record is made, though I can not capture the parent ID. Edit I use the nested set model to relate to the table itself so that there is no FK column. Because there is no FK, I have to capture the parent ID before saving the record and the other LTF of other records is updated; RGT fields accordingly Routes: Rails.application.routes.draw do resources: area resources are: end of areas < / Pre> new form The following links to create a new child area in the area list include: The Stakeoverflow will not allow me to post the form field, But I think my problem is that it is posting on the field @ field, which is scrambling to the resources before taking the resources. Is. The Rake

c++ - How should I create a files just for functions? -

I am creating a BST class and I want to put transceral functions (inser, preder, post order, levelcane) separately File. I am unsure about how to go about this. I tried to make an .h file but it was not working since it is not really a definition of a class, should I still make a traversal class ? Or go straight to the function definitions? #ifndef TREETRAV_H # Define TREETRAV_H #Include "TreeNode.h" #includes & lt; Iostream.h & gt; # Include & lt; Stdlib.h & gt; Template & lt; Class T & gt; Class Treatment {Buddy class Binistry & lt; T & gt; Public: Order zero before (treenode * t, zero travel (t and item)); Zero InOrderVisit (TreeNode * T, Zero Travel (T & amp; Item)); Zero post order visit (tree node * t, zero travel (t and item)); Zero LevelScan (tree node * t, zero travel (t & amp; item)); }; #endif Since trace is a class template, This class can not apply to different CPP files. This will not work. The template will

c# - Can adding new ProtoInclude attribute be made to not break backwards compatibility -

We have been running in the compatibility problems of the back, where we have added a new sub-class of a Protokufed interface, but This means that this object can not be opened in previous versions. The general is right, all our deserialized objects that are so different, so not pull everything else so failure to deserialize Unfortunately, the interface is arranged in a list, so that The full list of the presence of new type of objects in the class will arise due to not being deserialized. Is there a way to mark a category or list Older version in Current version will leave those items which can not be satisfied. Still clear, we are thinking about this: serializing modify this side of the problem. A test to repeat exceptions: using System.IO; Using NUnit.Fraamework; Using ProtoBuff; Namespace UnitTest.ProtoBuf {[ProtoContract] [ProtoInclude (1, typeof (ImplementorInV2))] internal interface IInterfaceV2 {} [ProtoContract] internal interface IInterfaceV1 {} [ProtoCon

ruby on rails - Debug a specific test/spec in RubyMine -

I am using Ruby Mani and RSPEC as a test framework for ROR development. I often use the "debug speck" configuration to run the specs and I find it very useful. But it takes too long for all the tests to end the walk, especially with the process-related debugger. How can I debug specific tests / imagery in RubyMine? Right click on the individual test that you want to run (do this "xxx" ), Or describe the reference / description. Select 'Play XXX ...'

xml - Select only one node to be processed -

When I come to programming with xpath or xslt I am notibb. Im is just trying to try to process the specified node and in this process, make folders for each element. Here my test xml im is working: XML: & lt; Sandbox & gt; & Lt; Unknown name = "unknown" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Unknow" Value = "Uncono" /> & Lt; / Unknown & gt; & Lt; See name = "object" & gt; & Lt; Element name = "first" value = "1" & gt; & Lt; Property Name = "Great" value = "10" /> & Lt; Element name = "detail" value = "3" & gt; & Lt; Property name = "luminous" value = "30" /> & Lt; Element name = "dot not" value = "0" & ​​gt; & Lt; Property name = "non" value = "0" /> & Lt; / Element & gt; & Lt; / Element & gt; & Lt; / Element & gt; & Lt

php - mysql_fetch_assoc supplied argumment -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 2 9 उत्तर मैं बहुत नया हूँ Php mysql प्रोग्रामिंग mysql_fetch_assoc (): आपूर्ति की गई दलील पंक्ति 9 और 21 पर मान्य नहीं है I ने अपने उपयोगकर्ताओं की प्रोफ़ाइल जानकारी को पुनर्प्राप्त करने के लिए लिखने का कार्यक्रम दिया है, यहाँ मेरा कोड है लेकिन दूसरी तरफ यह दूसरे डेटाबेस पर काम कर रहा है। मैंने एकल उद्धरण संपादित किया है लेकिन यह अभी भी एक ही त्रुटि संदेश देता है। क्या आप कृपया मुझे एक समाधान दे सकते हैं या यदि आपको यह प्रोग्राम स्वयं के द्वारा बनाया गया है, तो इसकी तुलना करना और मेरी कमी की पहचान करना अधिक उपयोगी होगा। & lt;? Php शामिल ("config.php ")? & Gt; & Lt;? Php फ़ंक्शन getUsersData ($ id) {$ array = array (); $ परिणाम = mysql_query ("चयन करें * FROM 'उपयोगकर्ता' WHERE 'id' = '"। $ Id); जबकि ($ पंक्ति = mysql_fetch_assoc ($ परिणाम)) {$ array ['id'] = $ row ['id']; $ सरणी ['नाम'] = $ पंक्ति ['नाम']; $ सरणी ['उपयोगकर्ता नाम

android - OpengGL es 2.0 render to texture with fully/partial and null transparency -

I want to render pictures with all kinds of transparency. Unfortunately I can not understand how. The rendered textures are made from OpenGL points and I am looking for their transparency. Then I apply stigma to the texture. (It still looks similar without blurring) If I provide a structure with a completely transparent background and this setting with GLES20.GL_RGBA GLES20.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE Partial transparent part is not showing. It looks (black blobs) If I do not rendered images In completely transparent background, the photos under the sung image become yellow, so there will not be completely transparent parts. And if I do not have transparency on GLES20.GL_RGB GLES20.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 , but I see it like this, but with transparency. (This image is made using the same code, but with the separate render for texture settings, there are also those circles in the second picture.) If you are loading those textures through the Android bitmap class, then you

javascript - Target the slide after next in jQuery Cycle2 -

My purpose is to load the previous and the subsequent slides ( & lt; img & gt; ) before and after each After the current slide, in Cycle2 I can not get any problems with the previous slide, I do not get much later. My HTML is as follows: & lt; Section & gt; & Lt; Div class = "slider appears" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; // Previous slide (1.jpg) goes here & lt; Div class = "banner_images" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "1.jpg" & gt; & Lt; Img src = "2.jpg" & gt; // Recent Slides ... & lt; Img src = "n.jpg" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "slider next" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; // Next slide (3.jpg) should go here, & lt; / Section & gt; and my jQuery: var cycle = {first: function (e, optionHash, outgoing slideslame, incomingslide EL, forward flags) {// Works! $ ('. Slider preview') Html ($ .clone (OutgoingSlideEl));

wso2is - How to define list of user claims for OIDC /userinfo request -

I have a custom userstore manager who is running as a secondary user archive in the WSO2 identity server 5.0.0. It works perfectly to authenticate users when using it with OpenID Connect authentication, / userinfo? In response to the request Schema = openid , the required claims are not returned to the customer. Logging in the Custom Userstore Manager shows that the method getUserPropertyValues ​​() applies with the names of the following claims: ["postalcode", "mail", "locality name" Reaction for "SN", "CN", "Code" / userinfo actually returns, "Rick-name", "telephone number", "gender", "given name", "url" , "Country"] claims only from that list, it is not possible to return the other claims. What I do not understand is from where this list comes from. Configure claim mapping for "" defines "postcode" for example "default = suppo

jquery - Stepwizards in a laravel app -

Please want to use a phase wizard with larval and jazzery in my UI. The problem is in each step interface. There is a form with the same validator error with at least 3 or 4 com fields. The problem is: I am in and when I submit the form (in the first phase), I see it in the second step which is valid even in the other phase even though I have disabled Anyone can solve this problem How can I help? Thank you very much earlier.

uicolor - Swift- animate CAshapeLayer stroke color -

am I tried to find a way to stroke that I make color conscious I circleLayer = CAShapeLayer () circleLayer.path = circlePath.CGPath circleLayer.lineCap = kCALineCapRound circleLayer.fillColor = UIColor.clearColor (). Fill CGColor CABasicAnimation = CABasicAnimation CircleLayer.strokeColor = UIColor (red: 0.4, green: 1.0, blue: 0.2, alpha: 0.5) .cg collar layer.lengthwidth = 20.0; circleLayer.lineJoin = kCALineJoinRound // Add circleLayer do not start circleLayer.strokeEnd = 0.0 // sublayers visual layer layer.addSublayer (circleLayer) circle What is the I want while it is being built (I'm making over a period of 1 second), the color will enliven themselves Enjoy explored solutions. You definitely take a CAShapeLayer: to animcolor = CABasicAnimation (keypath: "strokeColor") animcolor.fromValue = UIColor.greenColor () CGColor animcolor.toValue = UIColor.orangeColor () .. CGColor animcolor.duration = 1.0; Animcolor.repeatCount = 0; animcolor.autoreverses =

java - How to call requestWindowFeature inside Fragment -

मैं कॉल करना चाहता हूं: requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); लेकिन नीचे दिए गए कोड काम नहीं कर रहे हैं: @ ओवरराइड सार्वजनिक देखें क्रिएटिव्यू (लेआउटइफलटर इन्फ्लाटर, व्यू ग्रुप कंटेनर, बंडल सहेजे गए इन्स्टेंसस्टेट) {requestWindowFeature (विंडो.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS ); रूटव्यू देखें = inflater.inflate (R.layout.fragment_login, कंटेनर, गलत); वापसी रूट दृश्य; } // end onCreateView कोई व्यक्ति हाथ दे सकता है, pls धन्यवाद यह फ्रेगमेंट getActivity () requestWindowFeature (Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS)।

python - how to make email existence check faster? -

I agree that an email address exists or not. This process takes a lot of time. I tried to use it to reduce the time taken by each email address waiting for a timeout response. This method worked out of the Django, but inside the Django, I could not call the interpatch because it was the main thread And I have tried many ways to solve it, but failed. Secondly, I tried threading several processes, the thread just the way I wanted it is going but I can not get the return value from the thread. For which I tried to apply a queue, which was not quite helpful. I want to ask for any supplement of validate_email or want the process called by validate_email ("", Verify = true) / Code> To run faster, I have to process approximately 20 emails at a time Any suggestions or help is most welcome < I usually remove celery from outside processes, it is an industry standard for such things Aug I need to run a background function for a project

javascript - 'this.variable' doesn't change? -

I will create a group of new objects from the function below, then from within a loop, I loop through each one and Call methods toggleValid () and toggleErrMsg () in ToggleErrMsg (), it assumes that the value of object.errMsgStatus is correct, but it is not. Why? InputField (field, cssTarget, value, error message, verifier) ​​function {var self = this; This.field = Area, this.cssTarget = cssTarget, this.value = value, this.valid = false, this.errMsg = errMsg, this.errMsgStatus = false, this.validator = validator, this.toggleErrMsg = function () { If (self.valid === false & self-Erstestus === false) {self.errMsgStatus = true; RenderValidationError (auto, incorrect); } And {self.errMsgStatus = false; RenderValidationError (auto, true); }} This.toggleValid = function () {self.validator (); If (! Self.valid) {self.cssTarget () AddClass ("inputInvalid"); } Else {self.cssTarget (). RemoveClass ("inputInvalid"); }}}} Perhaps you have to do with the way to

C++ Access Violation while Reading from File -

Just started at C ++ I get access violation errors while reading from the binary file. Here are the classes included: class staff {// base class public: staff () {} Virtual Employee {}} One of these Derived Classes: Class Scheduler: Public Employee {Public: Scheduler () {} // Define Any Destruction} and then the code in the code using these codes: ifstream in ("Scheduler.dat", ios :: in | ios : En: Basic); Scheduler; (reinterpret_cast & lt; char * & gt; (& s), sizeof (scheduler)); The moment I read the statement, the access violation exception triggered, and points for the virtual ruin in the VS 2013 class staff. Is it because I have not clearly created a destructor in class scheduler? Or is it something else? scheduler is not a trivially copyable class, Can not read from or write it. An articulately classified class is A non-trivial Constructor is not There is no non-comparable copy structure Any non-trivial

html - How to change Bootstrap 3 default column number in less file -

I would like to know how I can change the default number of columns (12) in Bootstrap 3. @grid-column: 12; And I think what I want is The problem is that I do not know which is. << Code> The file is included. And apart from this, I do not know how the next process will be? I am getting a background but I have heard that there is no precomcamil? So if I change values ​​in unknown-other files, will it already work? I really appreciate if someone can guide me. Thank you Note: I know that there is a custom builder, but I have an overview of the components of Bootstrap 3 and when I Just want to change a number very quickly since then do not want to rebuild. Low file: is less found and it is < Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> If you're not familiar with 'again, you can create a custom download of the source compiled from the page. Just edit the grid column on that page, you want to modify any other option and c

javascript - Playing multiple one shot sound effects at the same time on mobile browsers? -

When I click on a button in my web app to the user, I am trying to run sound effects. I tried this method for the first time: var sound = new audio ("soundeffect.ogg"); Function clickhandler () { (); } However, if the user presses the button twice in quick succession, the sound is played only once. I am assumed that sound play has not ended, and therefore has not been rewinded. Then I tried this solution. var sound = new audio ("soundeffect.ogg"); Function clickhandler () {sound.currentTime = 0; (); } However, before the next sound is played it causes the first sound to be cut. I then tried this version, which causes a new sound effect every time a button is clicked: function clickhandler () {var sound = New audio ("soundeffect.ogg"); (); } This works perfectly on my developer machine, but using the Android Chrome on mobile data, the sound effect is loaded every time it seems that the clicked butt

python - Django Incorrect integer value: 'True' for column 'is_superuser' at row 1 -

I have used the library to implement history tracking in one of my Django projects and I have not changed To start transferring my project to the Google application engine with Cloud SQL, now the Boolean field with the following warning appears to be unsuccessful: / admin / at the wrong integer value Warning: 'is_s in line 1 'True' line 1 for uperuser '' Below this code, there is a problem in the simple_history / file, which breaks into model if there is no boolean field in the model Is: Def create_historical_record (self, example, type): history_user = getattr (e.g., '_history_user', none) manager = getattr (e.g., auto.management_name) attrs = {} example In the field for. _meta.fields: attrs [field.attname] = Getattr (example, field.attname) manager.create (history_type = type, history_user = history_user, ** attrs) on my machine Works but Google app engine breaks please suggest. Update: Resolved The MySQLdb library was optim

google chrome - socket.close() sends malformed packet -

When I close the browser window, I get this off-packet (which considers the VirarShork and libwebockets) WebSocket 1 ... .... = Fin: True .000 .... = Reserved: 0x00 .... 1000 = Opcode: Close connection (8) 0 .... ... = Mask: false .000 0010 = payload length: 2 close payload: 03e9 Close: going away (1001) When I socket.close ( ); (under the latest Chrome Windows) I get this packet which neither understands Wireless nor libwebockets. WebSocket 1 ... .... = Fin: True .000 .... = Reserved: 0x00 ... 1000 = Opcode: Close connection (8) 1 ... .... = Mask: true .000 0000 = payload length: 0 masking-key: close 1e45aadf payload: & lt; Missing & gt; Unmask Payload [Disksector Bug, Protocol WebSocket: TVBuff: 699: Unfair Claim "DISSECTOR_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED"] Technically, nothing really is wrong. On the closed frame, a body (frame of "application data" part) indicates a reason for shutting down , such as Closing the end point, one end of the en

android - When I set the ringermode to RINGER_MODE_SILENT, the phone still vibrates and the icon in the menu is set to the 'vibrate' icon -

जब मैं इस कोड को निष्पादित करता हूं: mAudioManager.setRingerMode (AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT); शीर्ष पर मेरे मेनूबार में आइकन को कंपन आइकन पर सेट किया गया है और कंपन सेटिंग को कंपन करने के लिए सेट किया गया है और चुप नहीं है। क्या मैं 'मौन से अपेक्षा करता हूं 'ना-कंपन, नो-ध्वनि है। यह एंड्रॉइड 4.4.4 पर मेरे फोन पर है इसे आज़माएं: ऑडियो मैनेजर ऑडियो = (ऑडियो मैनेजर) getSystemService (संदर्भ। AUDIO_SERVICE); audio.setRingerMode (0); एंड्रॉइड मेनिफेस्ट फ़ाइल: & lt; आवेदन & gt; & Lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS" / & gt; & Lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" / & gt; & Lt; उपयोग-अनुमति एंड्रॉइड: name = "android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" / & gt; & Lt; / आवेदन & gt;

javascript - THREE.js OBJLoader - load to Geometry, manipulate, then save to BufferGeometry -

I am trying to make the shade loaded loaded with ozlogslider not gemetry. Var loader = new three Ob J Loader (manager); Loader.load ('/ manmodel / js / man.obj', function (object, content) {console.log}; console.log (content); man = object; man.traverse (child) {if (Child.geometry.computeFaceNormals (); child.geometry.computeVertexNormals (true); child.material = New THREE.MeshPhongMaterial ({color: 'white', Cinematography: Three. Microscoding // & lt; ------ ----- this is the problem}};}}); man.position.y = -10; view.ed (man);}); The result is: If I line computeFaceNormals () Removes the model, the model renders it to itself If I provide computeVertexNormals (true) with a light (black) - then I know that it is doing something. If I change the color attribute of MeshPhongMaterial in this code, So the color changes, so I also know that it is working. I have tried to use the top and general assistants to establish the problem, but they have failed B

python - Directories with space at the end are only traversable in Cygwin -

In the office, they were facing some mysterious errors which failed to deal with missing folders and files. After some deep digging, I came to know that: Finally a directory with a space was created in OS X, and after syncing it using BitRourter sync, the directory was finally made with space. Unfortunately, due to a place at the end of the file and folder names, there are all kinds of problems in Windows, and the fix was simply to remove the space at the end. Really using the CMD or Explorer in Windows has proved to be quite difficult, so I thought I would leave the problem by writing a Python script. Unfortunately, oswalk was the same problem in Python: it will not be included in directories containing one location at the end, then I tried to run the same script under Sigwin, And it worked fine! It runs in all directories without problems. So my question is just: Can I write a dragon script which is successfully installed in a normal Python (non-siguen) Windows? - For r

jquery - css overflow hidden does not conform to the rules of z-index -

I have a problem about devital status I created this to be If you click on the demo, you can see the 3 image. When you rotate the image, the bubble will open the door. But this is not shown to me outside. .bubble {position: absolute; Width: 345px; Height: auto; Padding: 3px; Background: #FFFFFF; -Vibit-boundary-radius: 2px; -max-boundary-radius: 2px; Boundary-radius: 2px; Limit: # d8dbdf Solid 1px; -WebKit-box-shadow: 1px1px1px px rgba (216, 219, 223, 0.52); -MOZ-BOX-SHADOW: -1 PX1 PX1 PX0 PX RGBA (216, 219, 223, 0.52); Box-Shadow: 1px1px1px px rgba (216, 219, 223, 0.52); display none; Margin-left: -345px; } .bubble: after {content: ''; Status: Completed; Border-style: solid; Threshold width: 10px 0 10px 10px; Border color: transparent #fff; Display area; Width: 0; Z-index: 1; Correct: -10 pixels; Top: 16px; } The problem is that the overflow does not correspond to the hidden Z-index rules. Something outside the hidden box is considered out of the document.

jpa - Alternatives to EntityManager's merge() method -

I was thinking that there is a way to update other than using the merge () method, in many cases In which I need to update a field on the database, and to do this, I have to call the merge method to bring the entire object from DB with my relationships, set new values ​​and go through the modified object. It works fine, but it is causing some functionality issues, because I have to take some data from the database unnecessarily before updating. The way I see it is better to execute the update without bringing any data into memory. Has anyone already thought about it and is an alternate and more effective way to do this?

using non-linear lookup operation in VHDL -

I want to take a 4-bit input and define it as a 4-bit output by the replacement function . / P> Output & lt; = Option (Input) The replacement function can be implemented using a table table operation using large memory components One of our co-developers needs Fast Hashing Function Based on this fact, we decide to implement a mechanism to improve the performance of modified whirlpool hashing functions. Non-linear operations used in the hashing algorithm use parallel 4-bit non-linear operations, where input nabal (4-bit) is in any other non-linear 4-bit value Is mapped. All non-linear operations use only one byte input Non-linear conversion that includes SBB1 and S-2 box, given as 16 values ​​of 4-bit input Goes and 16 values ​​of 4-bit output for each sbbox. The use of S-box-2 of 16-bit input (LSB) and S-Box-1 (MSB) is used in the issuance. How do I apply a case / selection statement to do this? with here. / select . with statements, such as case statem

actionscript 3 - Incorrect calling of external mp3 file -

I'm getting the error: # 2044, so I assume that my code is wrong to call the voice functions but I I can not guess where I am making the mistake. Package {import flash.display.MovieClip; Import Flash. Media. Sound channel; Import Flash. Media. Sound; Import; Expands public class tile movie clips {public function GetAndSwitchKey (): string {// some code // // create sound // ------------ & gt; Start here var b sound: sound = new sound (); Var BRQ: URLRequest = New URLRequest ("B.mp3"); Var oSound: sound = new sound (); Var oReq: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("O.mp3"); Var m.sound: sound = new sound (); Var MERC: URRACC = new URRACC ("MMPE"); // Load sounds b.sound.load (bReq); OSound.load (oReq); M.sound.load (mReq); // & lt; -------- end here // some code // switch (temporary) {case "B": (); break; Case "O": Osand. Play (); break; Case "M": (); break; } // some co

linux - How to use to make a file executable on Openshift server after pushing it via git -

gets the original puzzle. I want to make sure that my index.cgi is set to 755, even I can press git to file. This is not happening and the file permissions based on UMs, which I understand is getting set to 700 I am unable to create a post-update script on the server, due to the relatlफ्ट / hook space, fixed permissions so I tried to use to work. I created a file named in my action hook local folder. After this I pushed my index file to the server. My index file still shows permission as 700. How can I solve it? Try updating permissions in git git update -index --chmod = & lt; Permissions & gt; & Lt; Your_file & gt;

Regex to ignore commented lines C++ -

I am trying to use regex to find all the variable initializations or assignments in the code. Currently I have (\ w + | \ [_]) \ s * = \ s * (\ d + \. \ D + .. *) which works but also comments like code like // a = 100; which I do not want to do I have tried ([^ /] \ w + | \ [_]) \ s * = \ s * (\ d + \. \ D + .. *) ` Which I thought was to ignore strings which starts with / but it does not work. Edit: For example I want to find it like b = 200; but // c = 3; I try to take it if necessary. ^ (?!!! / / /). * [Az] [a-z0-9 \ _] * \ s * = \ s * [0-9] + ; View the demo:

objective c - Suppress Xcode Warnings -

मेरे पास वर्तमान में ये दो चेतावनियां हैं: चेतावनी: उपेक्षित प्रतीक का पता चला था इस बिल्ड में कुछ मामलों में अनदेखी प्रतीकों में गलत अंतिम रूप देने का कारण हो सकता है। यह एक ही प्रतीक युक्त विभिन्न स्थैतिक पुस्तकालयों के कारण हो सकता है। यह चेतावनी बिल्कुल भी मेरा ऐप बदलती नहीं है, इसलिए मैं इस चेतावनी को कैसे दबूँगा? < Blockquote> चेतावनी: निष्पादन योग्य में कोई डीबग प्रतीकों (- arm arm7) यह चेतावनी केवल तब प्रकट होती है जब मैं "रिलीज़" के लिए निर्माण करता हूं, वैसे भी मैं यह चेतावनी ठीक कर सकता हूं या इसे दबा सकता हूं? धन्यवाद

java - How to add Material Design on my app -

I have a big problem with Eclipse (I have the latest API and SDK for Android 5.0) The design was trying to change with. The problem is that the eclipse code seems unable to recognize. I will try to be very detailed: this is my principal code: main activity. Java enhances the implementation of the main activity activity of the public class OnClickListener {Private Final Static String RADIO_STATION_URL = ""; Personal progress intact sports club; Play the private button button; Private button buttonclothplay; Private mediaplayer player; /** Called when the activity is first created. * / @ Override Crate on Public Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. Contents (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout.activity_main); InitializeUIElements (); InitializeMediaPlayer (); } Private Zero initializeUIElements () {playSeekBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById (; PlaySeekBar.setMax (100); PlaySeekBar.setVisibility (View.INVISI

jquery - Stop moving div with page before footer -

I am using this tutorial so that my scrolls can proceed with the page, while the user scrolls. It works like a magic, but as long as you do not reach the bottom of your web and the div still has a situation and still runs from its native div to the footstep. Javascript: $ (document) .ready (function () {var top = $ ('# comment'). Offset () top-parseFloat ($ ('# comment'). Css ('margin hat'). (/ Auto /, 0) replace; $ (window) .scroll (function) {// the y position of scroll is var y = $ (this) .scrollTop (); / / If it is below the form then (y> = top) {// If so, add an ad to a fixed class $ ('# comment') AddClass ('fixed');} else {// otherwise Remove it $ ('#comment'). RemoveClass ('fixed');}}};}); CSS: # comment Fixed {location: fixed; top: 0;} This is my page, so you can see what my problem is: Sorry for my english and thanks for your reply :) < P> I did this after using it on css property transfo

math - maple cant calculate my function -

Let me start for my bad english I am trying to do some math in Mapple. My Function func (x) = x * e ^ (- x) -0.06064 I f (0.05) * F (0.06) & lt; 0 bn: = 0 mn: = 0.06 a: = 0.05 (evalf (subs = Lieutenant; 0 then bien: = mn; But maple says: This expression is not right or wrong, can not determine: (0.6000000000e-1 / e ^ 0.64692635994760e-1-0.6064e -1) * (0.5-1 / E ↑ 0.64692635994760e-1-0.6064e-1) & lt; 0 Can I do something to calculate it? The main difficulty is that the notion of maple is done in the power by the natural logarithm, exp (-x) and do not like it, / P> e ^ (-x) Note the presence of the name e in the error message you received. There is no special meaning in the 1D maple notation input of the name e in maple. Perhaps you stuck in those calls to evalf because you were trying to solve your problem with e in your example floats There is enough sexual intercourse to call unnecessary calls to evalf . You may be interested

matlab - Error in MuPAD command: An arithmetical expression is expected. [exp] -

मैं द्वारा दिए अभिव्यक्ति लिखना चाहता था: इस में calculate_dk और calculate_T फ़ंक्शन हैं इनपुट तर्क ii और jj । मैं theeta चर के संबंध में इस समीकरण को अधिकतम करना चाहता था लेकिन, इस उद्देश्य के लिए मैं आवश्यक अभिव्यक्ति के रूप में असमर्थ हूं मैं symsum फ़ंक्शन sys ii jj f = symsum (symsum (nchoosek (15, ii-1) * nchoosek (15, jj-1) * ऍप (थीटा * गणना _ डीके (ii-1, jj-1) + सिग्मा * गणना की गणना (ii-1, jj-1)), जे जे, 1, 16), ii, 1,16); लेकिन इसकी त्रुटि दे रही है म्यूपैड के उपयोग में त्रुटि म्यूपैड कमांड में त्रुटि: एक अंकगणितीय अभिव्यक्ति की उम्मीद है [एक्सपा] sym / privateUnaryOp में त्रुटि (पंक्ति 845) सीएसएम = मपाडमेक्स (सेशन, एल्ग्स {1}।, Varargin {:}); सिम / एक्सपी में त्रुटि (पंक्ति 6 ) वाई = निजी यूनिवर्सिओप (एक्स, 'सिम्बोज् :: मैप', 'एक्सपी'); एनाका _मॉडेल_फंक्ट में त्रुटि (रेखा 24) एफ = सिम्स्यूम (सिम्सम (एनोकोसेक (15 , Ii-1) * नॉकोसेक (15, जे जे -1) * एपीपी (थीटा * गणना / डीके (ii-1, jj-1) + सिग्मा * गणना की गई टीटी (ii-1, j

c# - Execute Stored Procedure With Nameless Parameters -

I was thinking that there is a way to execute a stored procedure with the naming of parameters. Which means that C # resolves the parameter in order, which is declared within the stored procedure. Public stable datatable GetRelatedResources (string stored procedure, object [] parameter) {var result = new datatile (); Use {SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection ()) ({SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand (ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings ["MK3Entities"]. ConnectionString)) {conn.Open (); Cmd.Connection = conn; Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; Cmd.CommandText = Archived Processes; If (parameter! = Null) {foreach (var param in paragraph parameter) {// I want to do something like this CMD Parameter. AddWithValue (Ultimate); }} SqlDataAdapter Adapter = New SqlDataAdapter (CMD); Adapter.Fill (result); }}} Hold (ex before) {MMSLogger.Instance.WriteToLog ("Exceptions stored procedure:" pre-message); } Return results; } Execute an command , and pa

android - Play website videos on mobile native video player -

I am struggling to run a video on a mobile phone's native player. I searched the web a lot and found many answers, but they are still not working for me My code is here This is playing on the same page, but what I have to do is to choose how the player of my original player should play the video. try it & lt; Video id = "video" autobuffer height = "240" width = "360" & gt; & Lt; Source src = "/ img / VID-20141027-WA0003.mp4" & gt; & Lt; / Video & gt; Click in and JS (optional) var video = document.getElementById ('video'); Video.addEventListener ('click', function () { ();}, false);

Batch script to copy all files but those in a list -

I want to write a script to copy all files, but contained in a list I am new to it But I found the opposite of what I want ... @echo off set src_folder = c: \ source \ set dst_folder = c: \ for destination / f "token = *" %% i In the (list.txt) XPi / S / E / U "% src_folder% \ %% i" "% dst_folder%" I am backing up the folder with the file It is necessary to leave something, because they are for me Are unimportant. I thought that something like this would work but I should have an error ... @echo off set src_folder = c: \ source \ set dst_folder = c: \ C: \ c: \ list.txt in the exit / f "tokens = *" %% i for the destination \ xcopy / S / E / U "% src_folder% \ %% i"% dst_folder% "/ / please try xcopy .... / exclude: List.txt See xcopy /? from the prompt for the document

Joomla show content article in a other article -

Does anyone know if it is possible to show the content of an article in another article? I found a page for visitors and I found a page for members (both different templates). Both have a link to the same article, it is possible to keep their own template and link it in the same article I think to show the contents of the original article It is possible to create a new article, but I do not know. Please help! Please try creating two menu items and set up template selection there.

osx - Weird error with compiling, since switching to Yosemite -

I stopped Yosmith, and whenever I try to run my program, I get this error: OS X Deployment Target '11.0 'for architecture' x86_64 'and' normal 'version is higher than '10.9' for OS X 10.9 SDK. Command / Applications / with exit code failed 1 I do not really know Trying to see such errors, no good solution was found, I tried to restore XCode (5.0.2), nothing changed.

There is not field about company name in itunesconnect for first ios application -

I have a personal apple developer account I tried to upload a new iOS application, but I had a problem. An error message "Please enter the name of a company to use in the iTunes Store.", But there is no area for the company name. This app will be the first app of this personal account. Here's a screenshot: Thank you for helping ... You have to do some trick once you have an error In the screen, you have to keep the HTML Inspector and in the field of search for "Company" will be the "NG-hide" class. In the HTML view, delete it ("ng-hide"), then you can see the company name field, fill it and it works;)

c++ - Qt memory leak using QPixmap -

I'm getting a strange memory leak somewhere in this code. The method is a slot connected to the method in another thread. It does 2 things: 1 It updates a text box as it moves, which is on the second thread 2 It updates the image shown on the GUI in the picture corresponding to that recycling. It works great for 10-30 iterations, then it is moving upwards. Looking at its memory usage in the task manager, I can see that it is already stable, then using every instance RAM increases up to about 10%. What can I do to remove the leak? Infection :: Infection (CDUDATE * Parent): Q Menine (Parent), UI (New UI :: Infection) {Yuri-> Setup UI (this); This- & gt; File = files; ImageObject = new QImage (); View = New QGraphicsScene (this); } Transition: ~ infection () {delete UI; Delete ImageObject; Remove view; } slot in question: zero transition: onCounterChanged (QString counter) {ui-> ImageCounter-> Set text (counter); Folder = ui - & gt; Folder name- & g

c# - Encrypt or obfuscate parameter in .net and decrypt in SQL -

I am using MVCReportViewer in my application to show some invoice to my users. By default, MVCReportViewer embeds the report using an iframe. Unfortunately, this allows the user to see the invoice for anyone to view the source and change the customer ID. Which is a problem. I was thinking that in a way I can encrypt or encode the parameter in .NET before I send it to SQL, then decrypt it or restore it in the query. > Database Data is formulated as a Note 3 party program, so I can not edit it unfortunately and use some other method to get the customer. I need to look at it with customer ID, so I'm counting on a client side and query solution. MVCReportViewer: I will establish SRS without anonymous entry. Login users to see their invoices and only allow them to view your reports with access controls. If they change the ID, they will get an access denied error. You can set it to use custom authentication and call it on the form authentication in your web app to va

fstream - Binary file not working in c++ -

I am trying to create a binary file to store student class items. But the writing () function does not seem to work. When I call the function to write the data in the file, it accepts the data. But, when I query to display the content of the file, the data is not shown. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here. Below is my code: #include & lt; Iostream & gt; # Include & lt; Fstream & gt; using namespace std; Class students {int marks; Public: get zero () {cin> & Gt; Icon; } Zero show () {cout & lt; & Lt; Icon & lt; & Lt; Endl; }}; Zero rit () {offstream F1; ("record.dat", ios :: application | ios :: binary); Student ob Ob.get (); F1.write ((four *) & amp; ob, sizeof (ob)); F1.close (); } Zero () {ifstream f2; ("record.dat", ios :: in | ios :: binary); Student ob While (F 2. Reid (four *) and ob, psychof (ob)) { (); } Cout & lt; & Lt; "EOF \ n"; F2.close (); } Int main ()

c# - MVC Posting an Ajax call multiple times -

I have a MVC project with partial views. I now want to update the partial view with the AJAX call to the controller. Javascript: $ ('body'). On ("click", "# btn_add__row", function () {$ ("# div_partial_view"). Load ("/ subcodes / ador");}); Operator's action: [HTTPGet] Public Action Result AddRow () {var Model = GetFullModel (); Model subcodes.Add (new db.moles.model.previousrouncingSubcode {param1 = null, paragraph2 = faucet, id = zero, paragraph3 = null}); Return partial view ("~ \\ visual \\ administration \\ _ subcodes.cshtml", model); } ... Forms in partial view @using (Html.BeginForm ("index", "AddRow" "The action just adds an empty line," admiration ",, new {id =" form_subcodes ", name =" form_subcode "}) {...} table . However, this is working only once because the party is not refreshing the submit form button is not wo

jsf - Jquery dialog textboxes value binding is not working -

I am not able to get the text box value from jquery dialogue, my code below is < Code> $ ("# Printbutton"). Click (function () {$ ("# print"). Dialog ("Open");}); $ ("# Print"). (Effect: "fade"}, open: function (type) , Data) {$ (this) .Parent (). AppendTo ("form");}}); JSF code & lt; H: form & gt; & Lt; H: Panel Group Layout = "Block" id = "Print" & gt; & Lt; H: Input Text = "# {bean.text1}" id = "text1" /> & Lt; H: Input text = "# {bean.text2}" id = "text2" /> & Lt; H: Input text = "# {bean.text3}" id = "text3" /> java code P> string text1 ; String text2; String text3; Public string getText1 () {return text1;} Public Zero SettyST 1 (string text 1) {this.text1 = text1;} public string getText2 () {return text2 public zero set test 2 (string text 2) {this.text2 = Text2;} public st

java - Passing value from helper thread to main thread -

I have a thread with an attempt-blocking block inside the try block I have HTML stored in the variable I have to load in the webview. Now Android / Java does not allow web thru to go anywhere as the main thread. How can I pass this string variable value outside of the thread? . Announcing that the string variable does not help finalizing and threading out public class MyCustomView LinearLayout {// UI element extends Private WebView mWebView; Last activity activity = (activity) this.getContext (); New thread (New Runnable) {@Override Public Zero Run (try using {// thread} because network URL obj = new URL (adrequesturl); HttpURLConnection thief = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection (); con SetRequestMethod ("GET"); if (con.getResponseCode () == 200) {// ***** Main thread string dataToLoad = "some_custom_html" requires the value of this variable; // mWebView is the web view that I have created and can not implement the supporting thread below: //mWebView.l

erb - Ruby Rescue block fails to catch Template missing code -

There is a small method to add partial to a Pedro Assistant. There are two main uses for this: Enable an easily enabled / disabled system through a config file for components. Choose a language specific layout IF The requested layout is not found. This is the code, I'm using: module SZHF App.helpers def add_component component if disabled (component) "" partial again (Component) rescue language is used- specific (component) end-end def partial_exists? (Component) File.file? (File.expand_path (".. .. .. .. / views / # {component} (component) name = component split (" / ") final configuration [" _ _ {{}} ".s_sim] == wrong end DIF language language (sample) name = component split ("/"). Final prefix = (name) partial prefix + I18n.locale.to_s + "/" + + name end end But instead of being caught in a rescue block anyhow, the error; page indicates an error: Undefined method safe_concat 'for zer

c# - DbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery error handling -

When I use DbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery () in .NET, it will return a scalar. Is this the only information that I will get from this order? Or is there any exception, for example if the command is wrong, or some time is over or something else? If the command time comes out, or if you have a bad SQL, then ExecuteNonQuery () is an exception Will throw. Return method is the number of rows that affect the value. It is sparse on, but if you look at some of these, then it becomes more pronounced.

javascript - Font is not applied on image -

I am doing D3.js and html5 . When the image is displayed, the custom font is applied to it, but when I save the image as a png, the font does not apply to that image below. My code is below CSS < / Strong> @ font-face {font-family: "calligraffitti"; Font style: normal; Font-weight: 400; src: local ( "Calligraffitti"), local ( "Calligraffitti- regular"), url ( "") format ( "WOFF "); } js $ ('. SavePNG'). Click (function () {saveSvgAsPng (document.getElementById ( "Street"), "tree2.png", 3); out.saveSvgAsPng = function (L, name, scaleFactor) {out.svgAsDataUri (L, scaleFactor, function ( uri) {var image = new image (); Fig. src = uri; image.onload = function () {var canvas = document.createElement ( 'canvas'); canvas.width = image.width; canvas.height = image .height; var co

Java Swing: Get text value from JOptionPane -

I would like to create a new window that is used in POS systems. The user input is for the amount of the customer and the window has to display the exchange amount. I'm new with the JOHNptionPan feature (I am using JAVAFX and this is different). This is my code: public static zero main (string [] argv throws exception {string newline = System.getProperty ("line.separator"); Int cost = 100; Int zodiac = integer PRIIENT (JOPEPANGANG.GATE TEXT) ()) / This is wrong! It needs to come from the user input box in the same window. Jeffre Frame = New Gefram (); String message = "Enter amount of money" + Newline + "Money is money:" + zodiac-cost; String text = optionpane.shownputdialog (frame, message); If (text == faucet) {// the user has clicked then canceled} Is there any suggestions? Use InputDialog for user input received public stable Zero main (string [] argv throws exceptions {// JFrame frame = new JFrame (); //frame.setVisible(tru

java - How writing list from servlet to .txt -

I created the servlet that sorts 10 random values ​​and prints this value. This value is adding Linkedlists when I close the application so how can I save the link of the file to LinkedList in file.txt? I try to write the file in the servlet and make some but my code is not making the file. Protects Zero ProcessRequest (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws, ServletException, IOException {response.setContentType ("text / html; charset = UTF-8"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter (); {/ * Try Todd Output on your page. You can use the following sample code * / out.printline ("& lt; html & gt;"); Out.println ("top> gt;"); Out.println ("& gt; Title & gt; Servlet NewServlet & lt; / Title & gt;"); Out.println ("& lt; / head>"); Out.println ("k & lt; body & gt;"); Out.println ("& lt; h1 & gt; Servlet Newsletter" + request.getContextPath (