
Showing posts from July, 2011

python - save currencies to pandas store with precision (as Decimal?) -

I work a lot with currencies in pandas till this point I am using default floats, but lack of precision Dealing with is troubling and error prone. I'm trying to switch to using decimal for a few pieces, whereas when this is probably very slow, it is accurate but when I try to save in the Pandos Store (Such as hdf5store via pytables) I find: TypeError: can not serial column [O] because its data content is [mixed] object DTP What do I do There is a small sample of am trying to: import as import Import pandas as decimals by decimals by teststore = pd.HDFStore ('teststore.h5') df = pd.DataFrame (data = {'o': [decimal ('5.1')]} TestStore ['Test'] = DF .. which raises the exception. df.convert_objects (convert_numeric = true) help Is there a way to save a decimal in a Pond's shop, and if not, then a recommended method is to store currencies in the Pandos Store I python 2.7.8, panda 0.14 .1, and I'm using Paitable 3.1.1

Error in R. Error in gsub("(?<=\n)(?=.|\n)", continue, x, perl = TRUE) : -

I am facing an error in R, that I do not know if I can create an R. Markdown document Where I am using this code I read in a CSV table. iati & lt; - Using the following code - read.csv (file = "/ filepath / IATI_NGOS.csv", head = true, sep = ",") and then using ggplot2 Makes the plot figure_one & lt; - Ggplot (iATA $ reporting IRG) + GOm_bar (fill = "blue") + ELILB ("Total Activity") + XLAB ("NAO Reporting Organization IATI") + ggtitle ("Compared to each NGO Reporting The total number of activities in the organization of IATI ") + coord_flip () When I try to call figure_one in R markdown, I get the following error: < Pre-> leaving lines from -55 (NGO_IATI.Rmd) error in gsub ("(? & Lt; = \ n) (? = | | \ N)", continue, x, pe Rl = TRUE): Input String 1 is invalid UTF-8 call: & lt; Anonymous & gt; ... paste - & gt; Comment_out - & gt; Line_protect - & gt; Paste - &a

c# - Scrape JavaScript array data with CsQuery -

The page that I want to scrape is within JavaScript. It looks like this pattern: & lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Array name ["field 1"] = 12; Array name ["field2"] = 42; Array name ["field 3"] = 1442; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script type = "text / javascript" & gt; Array name ["field 4"] = 62; Array name ["field 5"] = 3; Array name ["field 6"] = 542; & Lt; / Script & gt; It is mixed with the hell of many other JavaScript I need to get these values. I started this: var dom = CQ.CreateFromUrl (""); CQ script = DOM ["script [type = 'text / javascript']"]; But I can not think of how to increase this data. Is this the only way to make a rajx and loop on everything else or is there any other way that is performing better? How can I use CSS selectors for the actual Javascript code? Should I try a diff

regex - matching and counting strings (k-mer of DNA) in R -

I have a list of strings (DNA sequence including AN, T, C, G) I can find all the matches and In the table whose columns are all possible combinations of those DNA alphabets (4 ^ k; - Kashmir mer - "K" is the length of each match and should be specified by the user) and represent the number of rows Match the sequence in a list Let's say 5 members in my list include: DNAlst & LT; -List ("CAAACTGATTTT", "GATGAAAGTAAAATACCG", "ATTATGC", "TGGA", "CGCGCATCAA") me k = 2 (2-mer) , So the 4 ^ 2 = 16 combinations are available including AA, AT, AC, AG, TA, TT, ... Then my table will have 5 rows and 16 columns . I want to calculate the number of matches between my K-Mers and the list members. My desired result: df: AT AC AG TA TT TC lstMemb AA ... 1 2 1 1 0 0 3 0 2 ... 3 4 5 Can you help me implement it in R? If you are looking for speed, then there is a clear solution package for calculation

c# - MVC Identity - split register into two views -

New in MVC I try to duplicate two different models (student and teacher) for the current identity register. I am having the underlying identification model inherited to the ApplicationUser. I did this so that I have different students and tutor models to use in the application, but submit them in one place and the same identification of the user and the role of the functionality take advantage of. I modified the Account Administrator. Register the register method as a basis for creating CCS, Registration () and Register Tatore () methods of action. The only difference is that I have changed all ApplicationUser references with reference to the respective model. I manually copied the register view and changed the register and registertuator by changing the name, changing the HtmlHelper BeginForm reference. When I navigate those paths, I can not find a "resource." This indicating error is https: // localhost: 44301 / account / registrar . I do not like the path, when

android - setListAdapter multiple items? -

Is it possible that SimpleCursorAdapter recover many items and display them? This is from Android Notepad Tutorial (slightly edited) and when I call it ASCOresDbAdapter.KEY_COL2_NAME, ASKORADAPEATOR KEY_COL1_DATE then it only displays in TextView Is there a reason for it or am I forgetting something? Private Zero fillData () {// Get all notes from database and create item list cursor c = scoresDbAdapter.fetchAllNotes (); StartManagingCursor (c); String [] from = new string [] {ASCOresDbAdapter.KEY_COL2_NAME, AScoresDbAdapter.KEY_COL1_DATE}; Int for [] = new int [] {}; // Now create an array adapter and set it to display using our line SimpleCursorAdapter Notes = New SimpleCursorAdapter (this, R.layout.shots_row, c, from, to 0); SetListAdapter (Notes); } OK, I think it has misled me earlier that array And it's probably putting a to with a int , so I added another TextView above and above: New code from string [] {ASCOresDbAdapter.KEY_COL1_DATE,

javascript - jQuery modal execution meteor -

I have a jQuery model, I am trying to execute the meteorite code like this: & lt; Template name = "group list" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "noGroups" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "jambotron" & gt; ... & lt; Button class = "BTN BTN-Primary BTN-LG Modal-Toggle" & gt; Create a group & lt; / Button & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; {{& Gt; CreateGroup}} & lt; / Template & gt; & lt; Template name = "createGroup" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "modal fade" id = "createGroupModal" tabindex = "- 1" role = "dialog" aria-labelbedby = "myModalLabel" aria-hidden = "true" & gt; ... & lt; Input type = "submit" value = "create!" Class = "BTN BTN-Primary Model-Toggle" /> ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Template & gt; When I add jQuery to the top-level co

regex - How to escape the second capture group the first time in javascript regular expression -

This would be useful if someone could recommend a way to avoid another capture group for the first time. The expression is as follows: (\ d) (? = (\ D {3}) (\ d {2}) + (?! \ D)) I want to leave the second capture group (\ d {2}) for the first time and evaluate this group (\ d {3}) just one time. This idea is to find the position of the number. Now, 1000000000 as of 1,00,00,00000 is being evaluated, I want it to be 1,00,00,00,000. It looks like this should work for you: "1000000000" .replace (/ \ d (? = (?: \ D {2}) * \ d {3} (?! \ D)) / g, "$ I removed all unnecessary capturing groups, and instead of capturing \ d, use $ & amp; to reference the main match .

python - Declared list raises NoneType exception -

I have a snippet from someone else's Python module which is taking exception ( AttributeError: 'NoneType' object No specialty 'append' ). The snippet is: def generates stragames: tr = self.deviceTransform () if tr is none: returns pts = np.empty ((2, lane ( [' X ']))) Pts [0] = [' x '] pts [1] = [' y '] pts = fn.transform kordinate (tr, pts) self.fragments = [] pts = Np .clip (Points, -2 ** 30, 2 ** 30) ## Prevent QT Segmentation Fault ## However, however, will not be able to render properly. For Xrange (len ( rec = [i] pos = qtcore.QPointF (number [0, ii], number [1, ii]) x, y, w, h = rec ['FragCoords'] rect = QtCore.QRectF (y, x, h, w) self.fragments.append (QtGui.QPainter.PixmapFragment.create (pos, rect)) and The exception message is: [14:35:59] Ignored exception: | =============================> & gt; & Gt; | Traceback (most recent call final): | The file

objective c - iPad Orientations in ios 8 and xcode 6.1 -

The iPad orientation is not working, // Add a view of the navigation controller in the window and display . (Add window sbewview: navigation converter: preview); (BOOL) must be the AtorotetTontfaceArmentation (UINPference Orientation) Interface Orientation {@ NSLog (@ "We are here"); Yes, } And I have completely setup information.plist. I have 4 items in that array, one for each orientation. - There is a bug around the auto rotation in Xcode 6.1. Here is the answer to your question for reference:

android - Writing SQLite statement to retrieve all contacts information -

After the I need to write a SQLite statement to retrieve all HAS_PHONE_NUMBER columns and _ Id to contact table (where all phone contacts reside). I hope this will look something like this: Do I contact HAS_PHONE_NUMBER, _ID from me in fact Code is required, where I can get the record from the Android Phonebook (an array or list through the above statement) like this: if (integer parseInt (cur.getString (cur.getColumnIndex (ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER))) gt; {cursor pCur = cr .query (ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI, Null, ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Ph One.CONTACT_ID + "=?", New string [] {id}, tap); While (pCur.moveToNext ()) {// Do something with the phone} pCur.close (); }

javascript - additional params in Jquery autocomplete -

I'm using. I am trying to send additional parameters in the Ajax option by using issue : This AJAX does not send the correct input value on request. Instead it sends the initial state value of the form input except for autocomplete input. I have tried the second thing ) {$ ('# Doctor'). Autocomplete (). SetOptions ({params: $ ("form"). Serialize ()}); } Manual onSearchStart: function (query) {} is called before the AJAX request. It is bound to the input element. The parameters 'parameters' should be an object: On-site Start: Function (query) {$ ('# Doctor'). Autocomplete () Set option ({params: {parameterA: $ ("form"). Serialize ()}}); }

SQL - have a result from one select into another select -

I have two subqueries that I want to select two different columns, but I do not know how now Trying for a long time. In other words, I need to do this: Choose from a different A, B (selectstatement 1 to * select *, selectstatement 2); What do I have I get two tables, table 1 and table 2, three columns of three types. I have: selectstatement 1: from Table 2, select Table 2; Selectstatement 2: Specific Table 1. A, Table 1. B, Table 2. A, Table 2. Select the table B-1, Table 2 (Table 1. A & gt; Table 1. B and Table 2. A & gt; Table 2. b) or (Table 1. B & gt; Table 1A and Table 2 .b & gt; Table 2a.); Whatever problem I have now, I have selected columns A and B from this select statement such as choose from A, B (selectstatement 1 to select *, selectstatement 2); But whatever I have tried, it is not working. It does not work: specific PA, PB, TA, (separate table TB 1. A, Table 1. B, Table 2. A table 2. B, table 1, select the table 2 (table 1 AA

unity3d - Strange unity quirk with playerprefs? -

So whatever I value is either a mess or a voice of unity that I do not understand. I have the following script: Highscore = Player Prefs.GetInt ("Player Score"); Debug. Log ("high" + highest score); GUI.Box (Rectangle (Screen With / 2 - 150), (screen .ighइट / 2 - 25), 300,55), "Welcome Target Limit!" + "\ N High Score:" + PlayerPix GetInt ("Player Score") + "\ nSelect the difficulty:"); However, it displays: Welcome to the target category! High Score: 10 Select Difficulty This would be OK, except for the debug log, the highest score is a different number (720p). Does anyone know why this is? (This is not a big issue, because it was resolved by changing the playerprepers to the output with the highscore, but I would still like to know what is happening < P> Actually, you are using different keys ( s in score focus Give Player: Player Player ("Player Score"); // Previously This PlayerPri

Checking the correct answer from the database by a checked radio button in PHP -

I'm creating an online assessment I randomly display all the questions in a question. I have difficulty in checking the correct answer in the database for the radio button that checks me. I do not know what to do and how to do it logic. This is my PHP code to display randomly, $ view_questions = mysql_query ("Order order by rand () from selection"); This is my html code with php code, Div class = "post-text" itemprop = "text"> It is very easy Store questions in the value of the radio buttons and checkboxes, only those values ​​are stored which are checked Let's compare your code after submitting the form to the next page, I hope you will understand what I am trying to say.

iphone - Coreplot build failed issue in ios -

While building applications with core plot library I am facing the following problem. It was working 2 days ago. But it stopped running suddenly libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a (2 slices) undefined for architecture x86_64 symbols: "_CPTDecimalFromFloat", refers to: -. [GraphView generateLayout] refers to, "_CPTDecimalFromInt" in GraphView.o: - [GraphView generateLayout] refers GraphView.o, "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CPTAxisLabel" in: ObjC- class referee GraphView.o "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CPTBarPlot "referenced: GraphView.o ObjC- square-ref" _OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CPTColor in "refers to: GraphView.o ObjC- square-ref" _OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CPTConstraints ", refers to: ObjC- class referee "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CPTFill in GraphView.o", referred to in ObjC- class referee GraphView.o "_OBJC_CLASS_ $ _ CPTGraphHostingView", refer to: _OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ Grafwu. Grafwuko "_OBJC_CLASS _ $ _ CPTMutableLineStyle", refers: GraphView.o

R Studio change pandoc .tex template -

I want to use a separate latex template for R markdown version 2. I found the following: A) The location of the template system.file ("rmd / latex / default.tex", Package = "rmarkdown") b) Changes to the case facing YAMML --- ... Production: pdf_document: template: mytemplate. Tex --- However, it does not find the correct template location for R Studio / Pandok, because I get the following error message: pandoc .exe: Data file templates could not be found \ mytemplate.tex

How to programmatically create MS Office .doc or .docx files on a linux server -

I used to read .doc files in the past, but now I have to type them. What is the best way to go about this? I do not need to accurately or completely portray it. There will be a quick and dirty method, to write your file in HTML and to doc the file Save as a form - Because the word can open HTML, you will have a Word file ^^ Be careful that if you have the file sometimes with the word "web-view-mode" selected

android - OnTouchListener,the code jump and, method doesnt run -

I have a simple code, just do not understand why my method is math kordanadas imagine (motion event e ) Do not work The listener first called that method View.OnTouchListener clickPinta = new View.OnTouchListener ( } {} @ Override Public Boolean On Touch (see V, Motion Event Event) {Log. ("Clickbint", "ontouch"); If (event.getAction () == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) {Log.i ("ClickPint", "ACTION_UP"); // This log calculusCoordenadasImagen (event); // This method is not executed Log.i ("onToucn", "Pasa Callua Cord"); // This log works in Gardado Cordandas (Last Touch X, Last TouchView); Back true; } return false; }}; // This is a way that is not going and I can not understand why. Zero mathCondardadus Imagen (Motion event e) {log. ("CalculcaCoordenadas", ""); // This log does not work float [] M = new float [9]; Matrix.getValues ​​(m); Float transax = m [matrix. MTRANS_X] * -1; Float trans

matlab - Correlation of column vectors -

मेरे पास दो डेटा सेट हैं ( D1 और D2 )। डी 1 (1440,5) और डी 2 (1440,5) दोनों में NaN विभिन्न स्थानों पर है 5 दिनों (कॉलम) के लिए डी 1 और डी 2 1min डेटा (पंक्तियाँ) हैं मेरा इरादा डीएनए और डी 2 के प्रत्येक कॉलम से NaN s को निकालना है, और फिर प्रत्येक कॉलम के सहसंबंध गुणांक आर और गणना करें। इसलिए मेरे पास प्रत्येक कॉलम के लिए 5 आर और पी मान होने चाहिए। डी 1 = reshape (डेटा 1, [1440,5]); % D1 और D2 के विभिन्न स्थानों पर NaNs है D2 = reshape (Data2, [1440,5]); आर = शून्य (1,5); पी = शून्य (1,5); दिन = 1: 5 अच्छा = अदनान (डी 1) + अदनान (डी 2); [आर, पी] = corrcoef ((डी 1 (अच्छा (:, 1: 5) == 0)), (डी 2 (अच्छा (:, 1: 5) == 0))); अंत मैंने उपरोक्त विधि से यह करने की कोशिश की, हालांकि मैं प्रत्येक कॉलम के लिए आर और पी के 5 मान प्राप्त करने में असफल रहा हूं। क्या इसका कोई तरीका है .. कृपया मदद करें कोई सुझाव बहुत उपयोगी होगा। बहुत धन्यवाद .. एस

qt5.3 - Qt 5.3.2: Screen tearing after running a Quick 2.0 app by eglfs on TI AM335x -

We are tearing a screen example clocks minute 10 on Qt5 eglfs. Looks practice good first 10 minutes, but then warning message continues to appear: wait for vsync could not be We we work because this message is seen: export QT_QPA_EGLFS_FORCEVSYNC = 1 QSurfaceFormat information: format QSurfaceFormat (version 2.0, alternative QFlags (), depthBufferSize 24, redBufferSize -1, greenBufferSize -1, blueBufferSize -1, alphaBufferSize -1, stencilBufferSize 8, samples 1, designed to swapBehavior reference 2, swapInterval 1, profile 0) Of With config: EGL_BUFFER_SIZE: 16 EGL_ALPHA_SIZE: 0 EGL_BLUE_SIZE: 5 EGL_GREEN_SIZE: 6 EGL_RED_SIZE: 5 EGL_DEPTH_SIZE: 24 EGL_STENCIL_SIZE: 8 EGL_CONFIG_CAVEAT: 12344 EGL_CONFIG_ID: 8 EGL_LEVEL: 0 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_HEIGHT: 2048 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_PIXELS: 4,194,304 EGL_MAX_PBUFFER_WIDTH: 2048 EGL_NATIVE_RENDERABLE: 0 EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_ID: 0 EGL_NATIVE_VISUAL_TYPE: 0 EGL_SAMPLES: 0 EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS: 0 EGL_SURFACE_TYPE: the 7 EGL_TRANSPARENT_TYPE: 1

jquery - Javascript won't change page content -

This code was working fine when I was using the JavaScript Window prompt to input the length Has changed this to use a if statement and a dropdown window, and it does not seem to work? It is trying to figure out where the problem is for a few hours, so if someone can tell me in the right direction then be truly grateful! HTML: & lt; Choose the name of the name "parasis" id = "parasis" & gt; & Lt; Option value = "small" & gt; Small & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "medium" & gt; Medium & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; Option value = "big" & gt; Big & lt; / Options & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; javascript: var getRekt = function () {var ipsumLength = 0 var number paragraph = document.getElementById ("paragraphs"). value; Var paragraph size = document.getElementById ("parasys"). Values; Var startRektIpsum = document.getElementById ("

java - SyncAdapter is not considering static variables set by Main thread -

The Android Syncadapter is not considering static variable values ​​defined by the main thread. Since the stable variable continues through the application, it is likely to be shared in threads. But SyncAdapter is not considering the main values ​​that are fixed by the main thread and are taking default values. Help me find a solution for this. I need to use my constant values ​​to sync the cameras. Android can stop your process at any time and you are not guaranteed that when your SyncAdapter starts So, the process will go live, therefore, you should use other options to store your values ​​for SyncAdapter: You pass your values ​​with the bundle when you are using ContentResolver. Request sync with requestSync () Share references and syncAdapter to them Read Save values ​​to SQL databases and query them SyncAdapter.

gmail api - python, how to write a desktop application without sharing the secret client credential? -

I'm writing an open source app in Python after this example: I have correctly client_secret Json generated and successfully participated for that example. Now .. consider I'm starting to write my code and according to google doc: Alert : Your customer is private Keep a secret If someone receives your client secret, they can charge it against your quota, consume your quota against Google API Console, and request access to user data. So, how do I share my app's code and keep client_secret.json secret at the same time? OK, I found the answer here: < Blockquote> This flow is similar to shown in the use of OAuth 2.0 for web server applications, but with three differences: When you create a Client ID, you specify That your application is an installed application, the result is a different value for the redirect_uri parameter. Client ID and Client Secret from the Developer Console are embedded in your application's source code. In this cont

ruby on rails - Undefined <fieldname> error for ActionItem -

मुझे निम्न त्रुटि मिल रही है: अपरिभाषित विधि `comments = 'के लिए & lt; क्रिया इटेम: 0x0000010643cb80 & gt; नीचे दिए गए कोड: correspondence_controller.rb कक्षा के संहिता नियंत्रक & lt; ApplicationController protect_from_forgery def जोड़ना पत्राचार = correspondence.event_id = params [: event_id] correspondence.comments = 'cccc' # त्रुटि पत्र correspondence.user_id = params [: user_id] ## त्रुटि देता है अगर पत्राचार। पुन: प्रस्तुत: json = & gt ; {: स्थिति = & gt; : ठीक है} फिर से प्रस्तुत करना: json = & gt; {: स्थिति = & gt; : असफल} अंत अंत समाप्ति पत्राचार.आरबी वर्ग के संहिता & lt; ActiveRecord :: बेस एंड माइग्रेशन फ़ाइल वर्ग CreateCorespondences & lt; ActiveRecord :: माइग्रेशन डीफ़ बदल make_table: correspondences do | t | T.integer: event_id t.integer: user_id t.text: टिप्पणियाँ t.timestamps एंड एंड एंड परिवर्तन पत्राचार = से पत्राचार = संवाद। नया ।

javascript - how to make vmousemove work like mousemove -

I'm trying to write a small web app where users write that the coordinates of a letter onscreen (mouse or touchscreen) Writes the drawing saved in an array I have the time now that I want to do in a desktop browser, though what they are doing on touchscreen vmousedown and vmouseup, but vmousemove different behavior Seems to be Will someone please tell me how can I create vmousemove on a touchscreen, the way it works in the browser? Thanks $ ("#pad"). ("Vmousemove", function (e) {if (e.which === 1) {var strokeX = e.pageX var stroke Y = e.pageY if (strokex - character [stroke] [strokepavant] [0]> ; Resolution; character [stroke] [strokepavant] [0] - strokex; resolution || stroke wai - character [stroke] [strokepavant] [1]> resolution || character [stron] [strokepoint] [1 ] - stroke Y & gt; resolution) {ctx.lineTo (strokex, stroke); ctx.stroke (); character [strono] .pash ([strokex, stroke]] $ ("#coor S ")." X: "+ E. PageX

jquery - How can I get all elements of the selected form -

Hello we say that I have two forms on one page. Now I want to get all input elements (even if they are hidden). Now I see such a code: $ ("form.prev,"). Submit (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var input = $ (this) .filter (': input'); console.log (input); var value = {}; inputs.each (function () { Value [this .name] = $ (this) .val ();}); console.log (value);}); I hope to see the list of input elements with their keys and values, but the result of console.log (value); is an empty object What's going wrong here? Do not have to do it yourself - for this purpose serialize () The function was invented. $ ("Form.prev,"). Submit (function (e) {e.preventDefault (); var data = $ (this) .serialize (); // data is a key / value string, you can now use it in AJAX requests for example });

c# - Getting TimeZone from string containing DateTime -

I have a date time string "2014-10-09T07: 01: 39Z" . I want to get the time zone from this string. "2014-10-09T07: 01: 39Z" means 10/9/2014 7:01 : 39 AM + 00: 00 "2014-10-09T07: 01: 39" Meaning 10/9/2014 7:01:39 AM +/- Local Timezone var dof = DateTime Offset Purse ("2014-10-09T07: 01: 39s"); Console.WriteLine (dof.Offset); // 00: 00: 00 dof = DateTime Offset Purse ("2014-10-09T07: 01: 39"); Console.WriteLine (dof.Offset); // XX: 00: 00

Create issue of type Epic with Jira C# SDK -

I'm using CIRCA C # SDK 2.4.0 Let me first create a new epic I am making my problems, so I can allocate epic links to them. Cumin Zera Connection = New Cumin (URL, User, Password); Issue Issue = Cereal Connection Crete iSue (projectkey); Issue Type = "epic"; Issue Summary = "My first epic"; Issue.SaveChanges (); This gives me the following error, telling me that "epic name" is necessary. com.atlassian.jira.rpc.exception.RemoteValidationException: {Customfield_10008 = Epic name is required.}: [] It is understandable This is the required field in the cumin seed. I then added the following line issue ["customfield_10008"] = "epictest"; // epic name field and I get the following error Custom field with name 'customfield_10008' could not be found on Jira server. While editing this issue make sure this field is available. For more information see JRA-6857 "Epic Name" property is not visible

Can't create SQL Server 2012 database from Visual studio 2010 (SSDT) on my local PC -

I am a new SQL Server programmer and this is my first question that can help you on the stack overflow ... I have installed them in my pc: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 + SQL Server 2012 Enterprise + Visual Studio 2010 (SSDT that came with my SQL Server 2012) What I want to do is create a database from SSDT . In Server Explorer, I clicked on the data connection -> Create a new SQL Server database After inputting my server name and choosing "Use Windows authentication" (which is my SQL Server 2012 In case), I got this warning: This server version is not supported. Only server supported by Microsoft SQL Server 2008. What do I do? Will I upgrade to Visual Studio 2013 or have other options? Visual Studio is not really the issue here and you did not say that You VS Why did you install 2010 (are you really developing the app with it?) If you actually have VS I will remove it and just install the latest SSDT. It will install VS Shell, in which SSDT will have suffici

c# - Check if file exists on FTP - Don't know the name of the file -

I get a file on the FTP server, the name of the file is dynamically generated I have a program on the server I am trying to write a program to see whether or not I have. string userName = Dts.Variables ["User :: SFTPUsername"]. Value.ToString (); String Password = Dts.Variables ["User: SFTPPassword"]. Value.ToString (); ** string filename = Dts.Variables ["User :: FilePattern"]. Value.ToString (); ** string ftpURL = String.Format ("ftp: //11.11.11/upload/ {0}", filename); WebClient Request = New Webclient (); request. Credential = new network credentials (username, password); FtpWebRequest ftpRequest = (FtpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (ftpURL); FtpRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.GetFileSize; FtpRequest.Credentials = New network credentials (username, password); (FtpWebResponse ftpResponse = (FtpWebResponse) using ftpRequest.GetResponse ()) {byte [] newFileData = request.DownloadData (ftpURL.ToString ()); String fileString = System.

java - Jbosss fails to start with jdk1.7 -

jboss 5.1 के साथ शुरू करने में विफल jdk1.7.0_25 , लेकिन यह jdk1.6 के साथ jdk1.7.0_25 के साथ ठीक शुरू होता है, निम्नलिखित त्रुटि के साथ jboss शुरू करने में विफल रहता है। < कोड> JBoss बूटस्ट्रैप पर्यावरण JBOSS_HOME: /home/zaman/jboss/jboss-eap-5.1/jboss-as जावा: /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_25//bin/java JAVA_OPTS: = - सर्वर -Xms1303m -Xmx1303m -XX: MaxPermSize = 256M -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning = सच -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval = 3,600,000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval = 3,600,000 -Dsun.lang। ClassLoader.allowArraySyntax = सच = सच CLASSPATH: /home/zaman/jboss/jboss-eap-5.1/jboss-as/bin/run.jar:/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_25//lib /tools.jar ============================================== =================================== थ्रेड में "मुख्य" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org / jboss / bootstrap / baseServerConfig पर org.jboss में अपवाद .bootstrap.AbstractServerImpl.doInit (Abstrac org.jboss.bootstrap.

c++ - How to fix time presentation from 23:7:42 to 23:07:42 -

क्या मुझे इसे string करना चाहिए? या int ? वर्ग TimeFixer {निजी: int seconds = 0; के साथ रहने का एक आसान तरीका है इंट मिनट = 0; पूर्णांक = 0; सार्वजनिक: टाइमफिक्सर () {cout & lt; & lt; "घंटे, मिनट, सेकंड दर्ज करें:"; Cin & gt; & gt; घंटे; Cin & gt; & gt; मिनट; Cin & gt; & gt; सेकंड; } शून्य तय समय () (जबकि (सेकंड & gt; = 60) {सेकंड - = 60; मिनट ++; } जबकि (मिनट & gt; = 60) {मिनट - = 60; घंटे ++; } जबकि (घंटे & gt; = 24) {घंटे - = 24; }} शून्य प्रदर्शन समय () {cout & lt; & lt; घंटे & lt; & lt; ":" & Lt; & lt; मिनट & lt; & lt; ":" & Lt; & lt; सेकंड & lt; & lt; endl; }}; Int main () {int value = 0; Cout & lt; & lt; "मान दर्ज करें:"; Cin & gt; & gt; मूल्य; टाइमफिक्सर * फिक्स 1; तय 1 = नया टाइमफिक्सर [मान] (); (इंट I = 0; i & lt; मान; i ++) के लिए {fix1 [i] .fixTime (); fix1 [i] .displayTime (); } वापसी 0; } आप डेटा को प्रदर्श

ios - Passing Image captured with UIImagePickerController -

मेरे पास यह कोड है: - (शून्य) जोड़ {if ([UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeAvailable : UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera] == नहीं) {NSLog (@ "कैमरा नहीं"); } और {cameraUI = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init]; cameraUI.delegate = आत्म; cameraUI.allowsEditing = हाँ; cameraUI.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera; [आत्म वर्तमान ViewController: cameraUI एनिमेटेड: हाँ पूरा: शून्य]; }} - (शून्य) छवि पिक्चर कंट्रोलर: (UIImagePickerController *) पिकर किया था FinishPickingMediaWithInfo: (NSDictionary *) जानकारी { = [जानकारी वस्तु के लिए: UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage]; अब मुझे इस फ़ील्ड में सेग्यू के बिना SaveViewController नामित एक और दृश्य में पास फोटो की आवश्यकता है: @property (कमजोर, Nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView * imageField; आप UIImage * passImg बना सकते हैं हेडर फाइल। ImagePickerDelegate पद्धति में असाइन करें self.passImg = [जानकारी वस्तु के लिए: UIImagePickerControllerOriginalImage]; और फिर जब आप पुश करते ह

html - Can I change the value of PHP variables in CSS hover selection? -

I have a problem using CSS and PHP. Here is the code: .book {width: 100px; Height: 50px; Background-image: url (out2.png); Status: Completed; Left: 557px; Top: 70px; }. Book: hover & gt; .right {Visibility: visible; Opacity: 1; Transition delay: 0; & Lt ;? Php $ pos = 1? & Gt; } .right {width: 300px; Height: 200 pixels; Background-image: url (r2.png); Status: Completed; Left: 100px; Top: -50px; Visibility: hidden; Opacity: 0; Transition: Visibility 0 S. Linear 0.2 s, Opacity 0.2 S. Linear; } I have to change the value of variable $ pos to 1 when users will move their mouse over the mouse. but $ pos is always 1 is not a place where my mouse is. Do I use the wrong way to design this website? I think you have two options to change the value with a javascript and then it's ajax Submit with The second is to change the value with javascript in a hidden field and then submit it with the form.

php - Grab a specific value from MySQL database -

I am trying to get a value from a MySQL database. I need to catch value for a special item and here's how my table looks: I'm not sure how to go about this and only one thing that I think of getting value from the table Query where it only takes the result that matches domain_address I type the function & lt ;? Php echo getPageURL () ;? & Gt; which is (which should match the database entry. // The table which calls the function Is & lt; td bgcolor = "# 999999" align = "center" & gt; Value: & lt;? Php echo getprice (?);? & Gt; & lt; php function getPrice ($ {$ Con = mysqli_connect ("host", "user", "pass", "db"); $ value = mysqli_query ($ con, "domain selection value domain WHERE domain_address = '& lt ;? php echo GetPageURL ();; & gt; ''); mysqli_close ($ con); return $ value; // domain_address unique}? Thi

sitecore - How to generate a uCommerce Sitemap XML -

I am trying to find the simplest way to generate a sitemap XML for a great site. I am using it with Sitcom, but I think any solution that works for Umbro can be useful as a startup. My last idea is to crawl the site (or to use the tool to do so), but I would like to be able to trigger this programmatic (our products are updated by a remote feed, So I can not stop any pipeline to update sitemap) and it can without update each product by crawling the site every time. I can find many sitemap generators for Sitcom, but have to put UAM products outside the main material tree so that they do not include UX products and categories in the sitemap. P> Is there an easy way to generate URO Sitemap / Crawler without custom code? As shown in the comment in Zakari, you items: saved or items: saved: remote should be able to hook into the pipeline. If it is not, you can consider creating a <.de> agent , which you can create in web.config's scheduling node ( Or joi

java - Custom Spellcheck generating errors -

I am loading a file that contains approximately 80,000 words. This will be used as a primary spell check dictionary, the sequence of words has been randomized. There is another file I am loading which has misspelled words that I have to check. In addition, it provides suggestions for misspelled words. Public invalid spelling check document (Arrayist & lt; string & gt; dictionary) {start long timeCrack = System.currentTimeMillis (); (String word: archive for paragraphs) (String word: Edit words. ("[^ A-zA-Z_0- 9 '] +")) {int index = collections.binarySearch (dictionary, word.toLowerCase ()); If (index & lt; 0 & amp; amp; amp; length;) (gt) From the documentation of: Otherwise, (- (entry point) - 1) . The insertion point is defined as the point on which the key will be put in the list: index of element before key, or list.size () if all the elements in the list are specified by the key Less. This means that you sometimes get an indicato

How do I append a range of JSON data to my HTML using Javascript or Jquery? -

What I am trying to do is to capture it from my JSON file. For example, my JSON data looks like this: {"Pictures": {"Painting": [{"Title": "Boardwalk 5", "Artist": "Ernie Palmer "A Piece of Piece", "Artist": "Arni Palmer", "Image": "AP2. JPG": "Ape 1. JPG", "Price": 850}, {"Title" , "Price": 450}, {"Headline": "Surf in High Tide", "Artist": "Arni Palmer", "Image": "AP3. JPG", "Price": 950}, {"Title ":" Games I want , "Artist": "Arni Palmer", "Image": "ap4.jpg", "price": 850}]}} & Lt; div class = "area1" Add the first 2 items in my JSON array to item 3 and 4 Here I have explained all my data How to pull: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ .ajax ({type: 'GET', url: 'data.

javascript - How to ignore case in $.each -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < 8 जवाब मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: / p> var डेटासब = []; $ .ईईच (डेटाओबीज। एम्प्लियर डिटेल्स, फ़ंक्शन (आईडीएक्स, ओबीजे) {$ .ईईच (कॉलम डीबी, फ़ंक्शन (आईडीएक्स 1, ओजीजे 1) {डेटा एसब पीश (ओजज [ओजेजे 1 डाइटले]);});}); में dataObj.EmployeeDetail मेरे पास ऐसा डेटा है: - वस्तु 0: {Address1: "123", पता 2 ऑब्जेक्ट 1: {पता 1: "456", पता 2: रिक्त, श्रेणी: 1, बच्चे: 0, शहर: "एबीसी"} < मेरे पास इस तरह से डेटा है: - ऑब्जेक्ट 0: शीर्षक: "ADDRESS1" ऑब्जेक्ट 1: शीर्षक: "CITY" में columnDb कोड> जैसा कि आप देख सकते हैं columnDB में डेटा अपरकेस (डायनामिक डेटा) में है, मेरा dataSub हमेशा खाली रहता है क्योंकि शीर्षक < / Code> यह dataObj.EmployeeDetail से मेल नहीं खा रहा है। इस समस्या को कैसे हल करें? इसे आज़माएं: var dataSub = []; $ .each (डेटाऑब। एम्पायरिडेट, फ़ंक्शन (आईडीएक्स, ओबीजे) {var सरणी = $ .मॅप (ओबीजे, फ़ंक्शन (मान, इंडेक्स) {रिटर्न [वैल्यू;}}); डेटा

c++ - Force GCC not to optimize away an unused variable? -

One of the namespaces in my program provides an "engine" that is spread between two files; the other "command" Uses to follow different orders. All initial "engine" is done on the side, which includes caching parameters from the setup library. Therefore, with engine.cpp : #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include "ns.h" name space mines {unsigned character variable = 0; Zero init () {variable = 5; Printf ("Init: var =% d \ n", variable); } Zero handler () {// printf ("handler: var =% d \ n", variable); }} can never be used again, but it is large in commands.cpp Used on scale. #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; #include "ns.h" name space mines {extern four unsigned char; Zero command () {printf ("command: var =% d \ n", variable); }} After compilation and adding, I get: init: var = 5 order: var = 1 Now, if I want to delete the printf () in handler () : engine: var = 5

python - Using xml.etree.ElementTree.find() with custom tags -

I am using Tembo to get weather for an address at Yahoo. Since this XML code returns, so I'll add custom yahoo tags & lt; Yweather: condition / & gt; I'm using ElementTree.find () to search . But when I run the program, I get the following error: Syntax error: The prefix 'yweather' was not found in the prefix map How do I use Custom XML tags with ElementTree.find () ?

javascript - BootstrapValidator; Validators? -

I am using BootstrapValidator and if the file is a validator for the name, was he injured? I use extensions and types, but want to specify the file name is this correct? I am searching for the net. This is what I have so far received: JS: Field: {File: {validators: {file: {extension: 'xls', type: 'application /', message: 'wa: lkbkom.xls'}}}}

Create New Users using JIRA REST API -

I am trying to use new users with the cumin seed REST API. However, when I am checking, the post method syntax details are empty. Does anyone know the JSON syntax and REST handles to create a new user? JSON object is to use: "username": "user name", "password", "user name @ local", "emailAddress" Html>

vim - forcing >> to use spaces, not tabs -

मेरे पास ये मेरी सेटिंग्स है। Vimrc: सेट करें softtabstop = 4 set shiftwidth = 4 सेट टैबस्टॉप = 4 सेट विस्तार टैब मैं भी tpope के sensible.vim प्लगइन का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। जब मैं इंडेंट के लिए उपयोग करता हूं, तो यह एक टैब का उपयोग कर रहा है रिक्त स्थान। कैसे हो सकता है >> रिक्त स्थान सम्मिलित करें? यहां का आउटलुक है: set : set --- options - - ambiwidth = डबल द्विआधारी इतिहास = 1000 nrformats = हेक्स scrolloff = 1 smarttab tabpagemax = 50 ttyfast autoindent प्रदर्शन = lastline incsearch संख्या shiftwidth = 4 softtabstop = 4 tabstop = 4 ttymouse = xterm2 autoread noendofline laststatus = 2 शासक showcmd suffixesadd = .js ttimeout wildmenu पृष्ठभूमि = अंधेरे हेलप्लांग = एन नामोडलाइन स्क्रॉल = 20 साइडस्कोरॉफ = 5 नोस्पाफ़ाइल टी timeoutlen = 100 t_Co = 16 बैकस्पेस = मांगपत्र, EOL, पूरा = शुरू करते हैं।, डब्ल्यू, बी, यू, टी fileencodings = UCS-bom, UTF-8, डिफ़ॉल्ट, latin1 fileformats = यूनिक्स, डॉस, मैक guioptions = aegimrLt listchars = टैब : & gt; , ट्रेल: -, फैली:

Netvox Zigbee end device not joining my zigbee coordinator -

I am using ZStack for home automation with Ziggy Gateway TIcc2530 SOC and I want to integrate various NetWox tools like Z211 IR transmitter with our gateway. But I have a problem getting involved in these gadgets in my Jigby network created by my device by my gateway. I have been able to join the association permit in my entrance, but these devices are unable to connect to the Ziggy network. We check with the packet sniffer that: Devices keep searching the network with beacons, and found that this association sends the request for which we will get an association permit from Gateway If the feedback is sent, the transport key command (the default AR security key) is sent from the gateway but it keeps repeating the process of resending the association request and unable to join again. Has anyone tried to connect with these NetWox and devices with the CC 2530 coordinator and can provide solution or dependency Netvox device required ridge Thankful if the help can be provi

oracle - Sent Email process not working -

I have a question about my application created in Oracle Apex 4.2. This is the process of sending an email to the application (when a user changes their password or requests a password reset). When I run this application online on my "" account, then it's running fine. But when I run it on my home computer (Windows 7 is running), the email process does not work, maybe this is because my home server is not an email server. Can anyone help me so that my home computer can send emails through my above mentioned application? Thanks in advance. You have several options: Configure a local SMTP The server can send more emails using Apex. Connect to a remote server - like Google - and sends an email like this (you have to open a new account and connect with it and there are some certificates here.) < Li> Use the htmldb_mail package (I have not tried this one) In the first options, you will need to create a process that does all the work

analytics - Page metadata in -

I have a quick question about best practices for adding metadata to our deep .io pageview event. Intrinsically we use 3 different keyword categories to identify a piece of content, and these keywords reside in a tag on each page. A good example would be: & lt; Meta name = "Namespace: tier1" content = "programming" /> & lt; Meta name = "Namespace: tier2" content = "web development, web operations" /> & Lt; Meta name = "Namespace: tier3" content = "javascript, Analytics, jQuery, HTML, CSS" /> We want to be able to divide our users on the basis of those theories, and ask questions like this: divided by tier 1 keyword See all traffic View the most popular tier2 keywords related to a specific tier1 keyword . Here's my question: It seems we could only send this metadata with a pageview event, but we will eliminate many unnecessary data which could For example, if we scrap keywords for ou

advanced installer - JAVA - > EXE Package not working in windows server 2008, why? -

I have created a Java program using Eclipse and I try to pack eclipse work space using the advanced installer 11.6 mark , So that .exe create a file for my program. That's why I've generated those files (including setup and cache files) and I've copied them and pasted them into Windows Server 2008 R2 Desktop. Then I tried to run the .exe file and it did not work, he gave me the following error message: Failed to get module path To add to my program, I have added the path in which the list of files will be processed in that program. The file was working on Windows 7 but not on the server. Do I have to download Java or Eclipse again in Windows Server? Double check file path in an .ini file with the same name as .exe. C: \ Program Files \ vs. C: \ Program Files (x86) \ [Application] Application Type = Go Failure Check = Yes Override is working like something might be stupid Working = Yes pair product = C: \ Program Files \ .... exe [class path] clas

containers - Matlab: Overwrite "nameless" add-key-value-pair method -

I want to inherit the superclass containers map and change the behavior of add-ons . Syntax for adding a new key value pair for the -key-value-pair method containers. Map myMap = containers.Map (); Mimp ('mike') = myValue; I do not know which method to overwrite , as any explicit method name shown above has not been used. Thanks in advance, MMM Update: My latest approach is classdef The carmap & lt; method function A = subsystem (A, S, B) Disp ('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! '); A = subsign @ containers. Map (A, S, B); But when myObj ('someKey') = some value but not subsasgn goes; Any advice?

Trying to pass information from 4 fields in an Android app to a String in java for testing connection prior to saving the information -

I am programming an Android app that connects to a MySQL server, so far I am sure that the user Can enter the IP, database name, username and password and store it on the phone. Before trying to save .txt files, I am trying to create a string of information entered by the user to test the connection. I know that this is right in front of my face but after a day of this day I am stuck, please help !! The problem is located in 'TestButtonListener' Expands public class AppInfo activity {public static final string DEBUGTAG = "this is broke"; Public static final string DATABASEPASSWORD = "pinfo.txt"; Public static final string server = "sinfo.txt"; Public static final string databaseAsser = "ninfo.txt"; Public static final string database = "dinfo.txt"; Public static final string FILESAVED = "files saved"; @ Override Protected Zero (Bundle Saved Instantstate) {Super. NET (Saved Instantstate); SetContentView (R.layout

has many through - Rails 3 can't perform validation for persited object when use collection_singular_ids=ids method -

Is there a way to avoid saving the object while specifying the collection attributes (archive_community_id = id method)? For example, I have the following tests and package models, there are many tests in the package, the user can create package bundles with the number of tests. # test.rb class test & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base End # package.rb class package & lt; ActiveRecord :: Base has has_many: package_tests has_many: tests ,: through = & gt; : Package_tests belongs_to: Validate Category: at_most_3_tests Personal # The calculation of the exams will be different depending on the category. Def at_most_3_tests errors.add (: base, 'this package should have a maximum of three trials') if test_ids.count & gt; 3rd End # package_test.rb class PackageTest & lt; Code> 1. 9.2: 001 & gt; Package = Package.New (: name = & gt; "Sample" ,: Cost => 3.3,: test_ids = & gt; [1,2,3,4]) = & gt; # & Lt; Package ID: Zero, N

ios - sectioning and indexing uitableview -

What character would you take that is the best Plist layout for supplying table view with alphabetical actions? For UITableView data source set and representative of UITableView, the section headers for reusable table cells and The indexes are provided. In your data source category, you can work to determine the number of squares and cells tableView: numberOfRowsInSection: tableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath: And you can define the following two functions to set the header view for the section. tableview: heightForHeaderInSection: tableView: viewForHeaderInSection: and for the footer view: HeightForFooter Insemination: Table View: ViewForFooter Insulation: Use BTW, about the entire table's header and footer view, tableview setHeaderView | SetFooterView The header / footer is only a string if the following is used: tableview: titleForHeaderInSection: tableView: titleForFooterInSection:

android - Add a "," in a string where in it there is this: "}{" -

I am working in an Android app and I am in the "jsonstring" in the first "} {" between "," I can work with string # split () for example I have: {"field1": "a", "field2": "abcbab", "field3" : "Field1": "field2": "field2": "faff", "field 3": 25} {"field 1": "A", "field 2": "fede", "field 3" : 12} How can I do that? Try this: string newJsonStr = yourJsonStr.replaceAll (" \\} \\ s * \\ {","}, {");

android-fb-sdk email is always null -

I have a big problem with Android-Facebook-SDK 3.19.1. There is no problem obtaining public information about the user, but it is not possible to get this email address. I know that my post is very close to the following thread ==> But I have no solution now. Then my code is My connection activity. I have a button R.F.B.B. connected in Java Private list & lt; String & gt; Permission = arrays.asList ("email"); @ (RDFB_connect) protected void fbConnect () {Ensure open session (); } Confirm Private Boolean Open Session () {session session = session. Gate active session (); If (session == zero ||! Session.ioopid ()) {LOGD (tag, "call session. Open activation"); Session Open Activation (this, true, permissions, new FB-callback ()); return false; } Back true; } The public class applies the FbCallback session. Status Callback {@ Override Public Zero Call (Session Session, Session Session, Status Exception E) / / / Request for API Request. New Mei re

removing what was added in previous layer in docker -

I am trying to reduce the size of my docker image in my Docker file, I do this: Crystal / Centes Maintainer Crystal AdD ./rpms/test.rpm/rpms/ RUN from yum -y --nogpgcheck localinstall / rpms / test From Rpm I understand that the ADD command is in its own layer, and then the run is in another layer, so after installing RPM, I started the initial / rpms Use this technique < Pre> run curl http: // someaddress / test.rpm & amp; Amp; Amp; \ Yum -y --nogpgcheck localinstall /rpms/test.rpm & amp; \ Rm test.rpm

haskell - Stuck in recursion in rangeProduct function -

I am starting in Haskell and I am stuck in a simple recurrence function. I'm trying to define a function range for the product that is given when natural number is given and n product m * (m + 1) ... (n-1) * n should return the function when n is smaller than meter Whatever I have tried: rangeProduct :: int - & gt; Int - & gt; Int Range Product m n | M & gt; N = 0 | Otherwise = M * N * Category Product (M + 1) (N-1) But this is incorrect because in another protector, when the meter grows up and at some point , Will get bigger than zero and it will get zero, which is how much it has done to multiply zero, resulting in the function of 0 every time I will run. I know the answer is simple but I'm stuck. Can anyone help? Thanks! Why is the growth and decrease at the same time? Just go in one direction: Category Product m n | M & gt; N = 0 | I == N = N | Otherwise = M * Category Product (M + 1) n Although you can not easily define it

Create new user for free MySQL database hosted on Azure (root access) -

मैंने नि: शुल्क "मर्करीय" मूल्य स्तर का उपयोग करके "अतिथिबुक" नामक एक नया MySQL डाटाबेस बनाया है Azure Portal और मैं इसे MySQL Workbench का उपयोग Azure पर दिखाया गया यूज़रनेम और पासवर्ड का उपयोग करते हुए किया है। बस जोड़ने से काम ठीक है, लेकिन ऐसा लगता है कि उपलब्ध उपयोगकर्ता के पास नए MySQL उपयोगकर्ताओं को जोड़ने का अधिकार नहीं है । एसक्यूएल क्वेरी: यूएसई गेस्टबुक; उपयोगकर्ता 'जीबी-वेबसर्वर' @ 'लोकलहोस्ट' की पहचान '& lt; PASSWORD & gt;'; === & gt; त्रुटि कोड: 1227. प्रवेश अस्वीकृत; मैं एक नई MySQL उपयोगकर्ता को एक MySQL डाटाबेस पर कैसे बनाऊँगा जो Azure पर होस्ट की गई है? ऐसा लगता है कि यह नया बनाने के लिए संभव नहीं है उपयोगकर्ता या ऐज़्योर पर होस्ट किये गये MySQL डाटाबेस तक रूट एक्सेस प्राप्त करते हैं, कम से कम जब फ्री "मर्करी" मूल्य स्तर का उपयोग ।

graphhopper reverse route not found -

Text after "<" post = "itemprop =" text "> I want to get a matrix of travel times between road distances and more points. I get a problem between the two points for the issue: - 51.081297772562586, -4.06079346786545 and 51.54113829438801, -0005337596804528456 Grpahhopper get one route from one to B but one Can not B. P> Another example is for these things 51.0813193, -4.0607013 and 51.54,16,01, -0.00,04,748 I've tried adjusting all types of "ready.minOnewayNetworkSize" and combining. Chaudhary and algorithm I have also tried using MapQuest, with the status of it fails in exactly the same route 602 ("root matrix failed - unknown error in path calculation") < / P> There osm data, my configuration or problem? There are other ways to work properly It definitely should find the route as you can see. My guess is that you have to try minOnewayNetworkSize again and make sure that this route is accessible to

intervals - How to prove greedy algorithm optimality -

After the s has a set of intervals (n numbers of intervals) having two natural The numbers that can be found together and a list of n h numbers (containing n numbers of numbers) I want to put the smallest subset of each number for such that SK (P) calls in our list N, at least one gap in P which is included in it Overlapping intervals in P is allowed. Trivial Example: S = {[1..4], [2..7], [3 .. 5], [8..15] , [9 .13]} N = [1, 4, 5] // so P = {[1..4], [2.7]} show me below Given the solution to this problem N = MergeSort (N) upper, lower = infinity, -1P = empty set for each q (; = less and q & lt; q & Gt = upper) If for every R in S = false max_interval = [-infinity, infinity] if r in r then .rightEndPoint> gt; Max_interval.rightEndPoint max_interval = r P.append (max_interval) cum = max_interval.leftEndPoint upper = max_interval.rightEndPoint S.remove (max_interval) I have found this solution, but I completely I'm not. How to prove the optimality o