
Showing posts from June, 2010

How to create a macro for creating a symbol in Julia -

I am trying to create one in Julia to create a symbol so that S is equal to "x" is : x . It does not work: Julia & gt; Macro S_St (P) Symbol (P) and Julia & gt; S'x 'error: s not defined Julia & gt; S "X" error: x Not defined The reason is that you < The pre- macro s_str (p) coat symbol ($ p) can end and , which is easy to read or more complex, but equivalent. macro s_str (p) esc (: (symbol ($ p)) end

javascript - Push notification to web browser using nodejs -

Whenever there are any database changes, I am working on real-time information projects. I am able to achieve a half success by now, but unable to resolve some issues. Currently, my code reads a static client.html file and displays the database changes in the file. What is okay, however, what I want to achieve is that instead of reading a static file, my server.js file should be in my project URL such as http: // localhost / dashboard / < / Code> instead of http: // localhost: 8000. My code is: Server.js Client.html ; Body & gt; & lt; time & gt; & lt; / Time & gt; & Lt; Div id = "container" & gt; Loading ... & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script src = "" & gt; & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Script & gt; // Create a new web site var socket = io.connec

Retrive related data in a collection of array php -

I am preparing a small application using pure PHP. I'm not going to use the frameworks. This is my ER diagram. Users can add one or more user notes. And each note can be tagged by the user. Users can also search by title, content and note tags. When I'm going to show all the notes in one page, I can get user details and note details in a query. But after that I will have to retrieve the tag in a foreach loop using any other query. Is this a good way to implement? I have noticed that when I am using some frameworks, they retrieve data in the array's collection. How can I get it? I'm trying to give the sorting feature using tags. I'm confused how do I sort notes using a set of tags? Is there any way to achieve this too?

file - how while loop is incremented in feof( ) to read in C -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है। जबकि (! Feof (fp1) & amp; amp; ;; Feof (fp2) {fscanf (fp1, "% s", नाम); fscanf (fp2, "% s", usn); fprintf (fp3, "% s% s \ n", नाम, usn);} इसमें मैं समझता हूं कि एफओएफ फ्लैग सेट होगा जब ईओएफ पढ़ा जाता है। लेकिन फ़ाइल में किसी और के बाद स्ट्रिंग कैसे पढ़ती है? मैंने लूप में ऐसा कोई कोड शामिल नहीं किया है। यह दोनों फाइलों में अंत तक सभी तार पढ़ता है और एफपीओ को लिखता है। कृपया जांचें पिछले IO ऑपरेशन। जबकि ((fscanf (fp1, "% s", नाम)! = EOF) & amp; amp; (fscanf (fp2, "% s", usn)! = EOF)) {fprintf (एफपीई, "% s% s \ n", नाम, usn);} विस्तार से: "फफफ फ्लैग सेट होगा जब EOF पढ़ा जाता है "गलत-अग्रणी है। EOF नहीं है कुछ पढ़ा है यह ऐसी स्थिति है जो तब होती है जब इनपुट का प्रयास होता है, लेकिन विफल रहता है क्योंकि कोई अधिक डेटा संभव नहीं है सी में, कोड यह नहीं जानता है कि अगले char इनपुट को पढ़ने से पहले उपलब्ध है या नहीं। fscanf (fp1, "% s", नाम) कोड की वापसी

ios - How do I add an clear/redo button in a UIToolBar? -

I have the "clear" button, it returns 2 text fields to be empty When the user clicks on the "Clear" button once, then I want to change it or become another button which was cleared of it. Like "Re" button How can I go about doing this? So far it is my "Clear" button: - (IBAction) clearButton: (UIBarButtonItem *) Sender {_inputTextField.text = @ ""; _outputTextField.text = @ ""; _characterCount.text = @ "0"; _characterCount.textColor = [UIColor blackColor]; } I used to be able to use shake-to-eggs, but after updating the iOS8 and xcode, it does not matter if I move it, then again The menu does not pop up, it was back in iOS 7, but it did all the application crash. Is there a way to fix this? I have enabled it but it does not appear anymore. Please do not bend my question. I tried to search but I did not find it for the toolbar for iOS. Hello, I have created a new project on your need, take a look

c++ error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘distances’ -

I get an error on the first line of the following code is an error Error: Before 'distance', '', 'or' ... 'is expected and I do not really get it wrong with it. I am using ideone, if he helps, but I do not think that is causing this problem. vector & lt; String & gt; For most (beatset and lieutenant; 4> treasury, gap distance, string path, ntp, int [] distance, string [] path) {for (int i = 1; i ++) { If (100 & gt; = distance [p] * 4 + 1 + i] + distance [i * 5 + 1]) (most (treasure, distance + distance [p * 4 + 1 + i], path .append Path [p * 4 + 1 + i]), i, distance, path);}} vector test; return exam;} << Code> Change these parameter declarations int [] distance, string [] path to integer Prior [], string path [] Syntax usage is valid in C ++ in C ++. Are you sure the function is valid? Returns an empty vector and note that the original object will not be used as the logic path because it is passed by th

angular amd - angularAMD: view does not wait for loading js -

मुझे angularAMD के साथ समस्या है Main.js: need.config ({baseUrl: "/ संपत्ति / स्थिर / ऐप", पथ: {ऐप: 'ऐप', कोणीय: '../angular/angular', AngularAMD: '../require/angularAMD', कोणीय मार्ग: '..//algular/angular-route', कोणीयरेक्टर: '../कांगुलर / घनाकार- रेचक', कोणीय अपलोड: '../कांगुलर / घनत्व-अपलोड', कोणीयसैनिटाइज़ः '../कांगुलर / घन-पुल-संकीर्ण', कोणोत्तरी: '../कांगुलर / घनत्व-परमाणु', कोणीयबुटस्ट्रैप: '../angular/angular-bootstrap', jquery: '../jquery/jquery.min ', बूटस्ट्रैप:' ../bootstrap/bootstrap.min ',}, शिम: {बूटस्ट्रैप: [' jquery '], एन्जिलआमडी: [' कोणीय '], कोणीय मार्ग: [' कोणीय '], कोणीयबुटस्ट्रैप: [' कोणीय ' , 'बूटस्ट्रैप'], एन्जिलअनिमेट: ['कोणीय'], एन्ज्युलरसनीटize: ['कोणीय'],}, डीप: ['ऐप']}); App.js: परिभाषित करें (['angularAMD', 'angularRoute', 'angularbootstrap', 'angularSanit

node.js - Print unicode string from NodeJS application -

The team, I'm working on the Node.js application. In my billing application, I need to print some unicode texts, numbers and English lessons using the dot matrix printer (24 pin) in the sorted page. I am trying with Mac PDF, where the entire bill format will be converted to PDF and PDF Printer will be sent directly. There is a problem with the Mac PDF that the Unicode string is not visible in the PDF, instead I see the empty space in the PDF. When I send a PDF to the printer, Unicode is not printed too. Question 1) Is my attitude correct? Or is there a better way to do this? Question 2) What should be done to print Unicode string in PDF document? Thanks Sen.

sql - How to filter a measure based on another measure -

मेरे पास DimUser नामक एक आयाम तालिका है, जिसमें प्रति पंक्ति 1 पंक्ति है। मेरे पास "USER COUNT" नामक इस आयाम के आधार पर एक उपाय है, जो कि DimUser तालिका की पंक्तियों की संख्या है। मेरे पास "सक्रिय दिन" नामक गणना की गणना भी है, जो किसी भी दिन उपयोगकर्ता को सक्रिय नहीं करता है। अब, मैं इस 2 उपायों के आधार पर एक और गणना उपाय बनाना चाहता हूं, जहां मैं केवल उन उपयोगकर्ताओं की गिनती करता हूं सक्रिय 5 दिनों से अधिक मेरे उपयोगकर्ता तालिका में कुल 5 उपयोगकर्ता हैं और मेरे तथ्य तालिका में 2 उपयोगकर्ता हैं जो 5 दिन से अधिक सक्रिय हैं। मेरा MDX अभिव्यक्ति 2 वापस करनी चाहिए। यह मैंने जो लिखा है FILTER ([उपाय]। [उपयोगकर्ता संख्या], [उपाय] <[सक्रिय दिन]> 5) लेकिन यह मुझे 2 की बजाए उत्तर के रूप में 5 देता है। मैं क्या कर रहा हूँ गलत? अगला मैंने यह कोशिश की, लेकिन यह संकलन में विफल रहता है कि अभिव्यक्ति में दो उपायों की अनुमति नहीं है ([उपाय]। [उपयोगकर्ता संख्या], [उपाय]। [सक्रिय दिन]> 5) < / प्री> अगला, मैंने [इसाइक्टिव] नामक एक नया गणना करने

c# - perform a task in parellel -

I have to read from a queue (received from the queue) and the result = dvok (received msg) and then the result is a Other queues (send queue) messages keep coming in the queue. I want to do it in parallel, because every received message is independent of sending old messages or messages, I want many threads to work in Parelel. Also get queue along with what is the way to do it in C # and the dispatch queue has been fixed for all rows. How to lock them ???

android - How to have a auto scrollable TextView -

I'm trying to scroll an automated Android app. Suppose I have an XML code like this: & Lt; ScrollView Android: layout_width = "fill_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" & gt; & Lt; TextView android: layout_width = "fill_parent" android: layout_height = "wrap_content" android: text = "@ string / text" android: id = "@ + id / textView1" /> & Lt; / Scrollview & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; In this XML code I have a button at the top of the screen and a TextView, which is wrapped by ScrollView. This means that my TextView is scrollable. This works correctly, because when the user touches the screen and swaps up or down, TextView can be scrolled up and down. But ... I intend that with an auto-scrollable text view and auto I mean, I need a scrollable text body, which is 10 seconds Scrolls after 10 seconds after I know that I want to use some threads in my applicati

html5 - WOWZA Media server Change protocol from rtmp to http. -

Our customer has used Wojja Server with JW Player for MP3 service. But they want to replace RTMP with HTTP and IE is played in the html5 audio tag in the browser. Original url -> rtmp: // 1935 / vod / fixed / mp3: mu_mp3 / 00/06/27 / 0000090005d280ec77d3.mp3 < P> then I change the url -> but both IE and JWL did not play. 1) Is this possible in the audio tag in the IE browser? 2) If this is possible, then do the WCO server need a chain chain? Please, tell me how to change

python - Pandas: how to match multiple pattern (OR) with np.where -

I would like to know whether it is possible with NP. For example, I try to create a new column in my dataframe called 'type' and fill it with "test" for each row. If the value is labeled in any other column named 'label', then df ['kind'] = np.where (df ['label'] = = 'B85_C', 'test', 'control') And it's working well with 1 pattern What I see is Like this Something is: df ['kind'] = np.where (df ['label'] == 'B85_C'OR' B85_N ',' test ',' control ') How do any ideas or if there are options? Thank you You can either use bitwise or: (Df ['label'] == 'B85_C') | (DF ['label'] == 'b85_n') Or you can use the method: df ['label' ]. ['B85_C', 'B85_N'])

Python package sharing name with other packages -

I am setting up a new development project using Python. For our code we have a top-level package with the same name of our company, e.g. Acme . We have some file io classes, so we have created a sub package which contains some modules. But when I try to run my code in my code, I get errors. A package is already called IO which is imported in the example . We have made the top-level package amy to avoid this problem, since our package will be , which will not be confused with any other package named io . . How do I work on this?

emacs - Elisp: simple function to split window and move cursor to new window -

I find it dumb in posting but I do not know why this function does not commensurate: (defun dc / split-window-below-and-move-cursor () (interactive) (split-window-bottom) (other window 1)) Do I overlook something super clear? There is an error message here: The function definition of the symbol is zero: partition-window-bottom Tried the second file (on a fresh Macs session) and it worked fine. (Bypassing progn and entering it in (interactive) did not fix it - I have updated the above code to show this change.) Update 2: OK, it's just silly the following code works fine but I still can not get the defun code above to work. If someone thinks, then still it will be very eager to understand. (global set-key (kbd "----") (lambda (interactive) (partition) -window-bottom) (other window 1))) progn , but you interactive : is required (defun dc / split-window-below-and-le-cursor () (interactive) (partition-window-bottom) (Other Window 1))

linux - windows 8 data lost while installing ubuntu 14.04 -

मेरे पास विंडोज ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम था मैंने विंडोज 8 लिखकर उबुंटू 14.04 ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम स्थापित किया है। लेकिन मैंने 5 जीबी डेटा खो दिया है जो बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण था। मैंने डेटा को पुनर्प्राप्त करने के लिए टेस्ट डिस्क उपकरण की कोशिश की। लेकिन यह डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त नहीं कर सका। कृपया इस समस्या को हल करने में मदद करें। क्या लिनक्स डेटा वसूली उपकरण के लिए NTFS पार्टिशन से डेटा पुनर्प्राप्त करना संभव है? > अग्रिम में धन्यवाद अगर आपने W7 विभाजन पर शीर्ष पर उबंटु सही स्थापित किया है तो संभावनाएं अधिक हैं कि डेटा में से कुछ खो जाता है इससे पहले कि आप ज्यादा करें और अधिक डेटा को नष्ट करें: 1) अपने आप को एक और मशीन प्राप्त करें। 2) इसे डिस्क संलग्न करें और इसे डीडी के साथ बैकअप के रूप में या निष्कर्षण प्रयोजनों के लिए प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ 3) कॉपी और SleuthKit और ऑटोप्सी के साथ इसका विश्लेषण करें।

neo4j - auto multi-level tree with cypher -

I am currently doing this Neo4j schema: A node is connected to another by a relation "content". Suppose I do not know how much level I want. For now, I have this question: MATCH (P: keywords) Alternate match (P) - [: content] - & gt; (P1) Alternative Match (P1) - [: Content] - & gt; (P2) Alternative Match (P2) - [: Content] - & gt; (P3) P4 with optional match (P3) - [: Content: PTI, P1, P2, P3, {UID: P4, UID, Name: P} P1, P2, {UID: P3.UID, Name: P3) .name, children: P1 as Parent, P1, (UID: P2UID, Name: P2Name, children : Collect (child 3)} as child with P 2, {uid: p1.uid, name:, children: Submit (child 2) as a child {UID: P. UID, name : P. Names, Children: Submit as Bal Returns (Child 1)} {Tree: Deposit (Children)} What I'm doing is the result, but in this way, I limit my results to 5 levels. How can I set up this question multiple-level without any help? Thank you for your help :) fully understand what the desired output of y

c - Pointer manipulation -

वर्ण विवरण [1052] = "test", * a = inet_plus (phdr- & gt; ip_src); चार सी [20] = "1"; Strcpy (ग, एक); Char * b = inet_plus (phdr & gt; ip_dst); Snprintf (कथन, 1052, "टीबीएनएएन (आईपी 1, आईपी 2) In फिल्ड ('% s', '% s')", सी, बी); Printf ("% s \ n, कथन); यह सही ढंग से काम करता, लेकिन में दूसरी होता, तो बी का मान अएक में मुद्रित होता अनुवाद करें. . inet_ntoa को दूसरा कॉल पहले के परिणाम को अनुवाद करें अपने खुद के For more information, click the एक और b उसी पते पर इंगित कर देगा, जो कि Inet_ntoa कार्यान्वयन के स्वामित्व वाली स्मृति में.

mysql - Eliminate empty string values in databound combobox C# -

I have more than 30 combobox in my application, which I am bound with the MySQL database, but every Cambobox data and Below the empty string it shows both. How can I ignore empty strings and just show string values? This is my code: zero-cumBox () {string constring = string.format ("datasource = {0} '; port =' {1} '; Database = '{2}'; user name = uwloanmanmain; password = ********* 180 ", dbserverip. Text, curport.Text, currentdb.Text); String query = "choose wqrtiff.customconditions; *"; MySqlConnection conwaqDatabasecc = New MySqlConnection (constring); MySqlCommand cmdwaqDatabase = New MySqlCommand (query, conwaqDatabasecc); MySqlDataReader myreader666; Try {conwaqDatabasecc.Open (); Myreader666 = cmdwaqDatabase.ExecuteReader (); While (myreader666.Read ()) {string sName = myreader666.GetString ("50079"); 50079combobox.Items.Add (SNAME); String sName2 = myreader666.getString ("bouth"); Bauthcombobox.Items.Add (sNam

how to unselect the normal button in jquery -

I am trying to dynamically add and delete columns and I have seen some stackoverflow answers, Adding the end of each line to remove. But I do not like the approach because the table does not look good $ (function () {$ ('# CreateTableControl tr') and also created by selecting the table grid .click (function () {$ (this) .css ("background-color", "# ff3700"); $ (this) .FadeOut (400, function) {$ ( This) .remove (); back in the wrong;});}); $ ("# Three"). Unbind ("click");}); Once the deleted button is pressed, then on any click on the line, that row is removed, tried to use Unbind (), but did not work. Therefore, please suggest some other methods to dynamically delete a line. Click the button Do not unbound, click the rows once clicked. : $ (function () {$ ('# CreateTableControl tr'). Click (function () { $ $ (This) .css ("background-color", "# ff3700"); $ (this) .Fa

gson - Sort json fields by field name -

I have the answer to json {"bField": "some data", "Some data", "cffield": "some data", "defined": {"b1 field": "some data", "c1 field": "some data", "a1 field": "something Data "}} and I think Jason wants to sort by the name of the field {" aField ":" some data ", "Some data", "cffield": "some data", "defined": {"a1Field": "some data", "B1 field": "some data", "C1 field" ":" Some day Received "}} I use Jissn on the server to make Jesnsn am, so my first question: what can Jison sort field names? Sorry for my bad english UPDATED: I am modifying the 'sort object' to sort the nested object fields @driogrifo function: function sort object (o) {var sorted = {}, key, a = []; (Key in o) {if (o.hasOwnProperty (key)) {if (o

if statement - Perl - skipping second if in a foreach loop -

अगर मेरे पास 2 यदि एक पर्ल में loops foreach पाश, मैं अपना पहला अगर ? उदाहरण मेरी $ में प्रवेश करता हूं तो दूसरी अगर को कैसे छोड़ सकता हूं? Var1 = 1; मेरा $ var2 = 1; मेरी $ आइटम ('...') के लिए {if ($ var1 == 1) {प्रिंट "पहले IF \ n"; } यदि ($ var2 == 1) {प्रिंट "द्वितीय IF (मैं यह नहीं चाहता कि पहले अगर सही है तो मुद्रित होगा) \ n"; }} एक के साथ: यदि ( Pred1) {...} एल्सफ़ (pred2) {...} 2 और ब्लॉक [एनबी: नहीं "पाश" 1 को true के मूल्यांकन करता है।

r - How do I plot contour plot for the given data -

How do I create a Contour for this data set? WiFi not 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 100 0.5772 0.5762 0.5757 0.5752 0.5747 0.5747 0.5737 0.5716 0.5657 0.5594 300 0.5767 0.5761 0.5754 0.5747 0.5736 0.5728 0.5718 0.5682 0,565 0.5492 500 0.5763 0.5755 0.5748 0.5746 0.5732 0.572 0.56 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.55 0.5750 0.5755 0.5752 0.5742 0.5739 0.5723 0.5709 0.5689 0.5658 0.559 0.5422 3000 0.5753 0.5747 0.574 0.5737 0.5717 0.5707 0.5687 0.5652 0.5575 0.5419 5000 0.5749 0.5743 0.5738 0.5734 0.5714 0.5698 0.5679 0.5647 0.5566 0.5401 0.0, 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0, 5,0.6,0.7, Phi values ​​ just contour () function. You also need to organize your data so it depends if you have numerical vectors n and p1 and a numerical matrix x (your data to be stored, the use of indexing with [ to select the appropriate rows and columns, and possibly as.matrix () in the matrix of a data frame To convert. Summary (N) ## min 1 r Average Mean Teaser Qua

css - HTML Select Option Need to Be Highlighted -

मैं एक HTML ड्रॉप-डाउन बना रहा हूँ यहां मेरा कोड है HTML & lt; चयन करें & gt; & Lt; विकल्प वर्ग = "प्रथम" शैली = "प्रदर्शन: कोई नहीं;" & gt; एचएच & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; option class = "green" & gt; हैलो & lt; / option & gt; & LT; विकल्प & gt; पत्रिका & lt; / विकल्प & gt; & Lt; / चयन & gt; मैंने विकल्प को डिस्प्ले: कोई भी नहीं दिया है ताकि यह ड्रॉप डाउन सूची में दिखाई न दे। थेट्स वर्किंग कूल !!!!, लेकिन मैं इस पहले विकल्प के लिए रंग देने में सक्षम नहीं हूं इसलिए यह ड्रॉप डाउन का शीर्षक है, कृपया मुझे जवाब ढूंढने में मदद करें विकल्प 1 आप select पर रंग सेट कर सकते हैं और उदाहरण चुनें {रंग: लाल; } विकल्प का चयन करें {रंग: काला; } विकल्प 2 यदि पहला विकल्प (हैलो) विशुद्ध रूप से एक शीर्षक है और आप इसे नहीं चुना जाना चाहते हैं, तो आपको उसे अक्षम । आप तब तदनुसार यह शैली कर सकते हैं। उदाहरण & lt; चयन करें & gt; & Lt; विकल्प वर्ग =

Can't connect to SQL Server using instance name -

I have installed SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012, I can only connect to the server when I Write in the server name field But I can not connect using the server name MSSQLSERVER . I use the same machine I'm trying to connect to using SQL Server Management Studio. I checked that TCP / IP is enabled, IP2 is enabled, port 1433 is configured for all IPs, inbound rule for one port 1433. In addition to this, trying to start SQL Server service and SQL Server browser service several times, but no luck. Could this be the cause of the problem but any thoughts? This is a common problem just using cliconfg.exe to create nickname with tcp / ip protocol Do the same alias for 32 and 64 bit is unsure. 64 bit version: C: \ Windows \ System32 32 bit version: C: \ Windows \ SysWOW64 TCP / IP enabled in normal tabs Please. In the alias, create a new nickname, name the name you like (with named Istanas) and select TCP / IP as network libraries. The server name ha

sql - write query in codeigniter -

का चयन करें @ myLeft: = lft, @my राइट: = rgt, @myWidth: = rgt - lft + 1 FROM नेस्टेड_मार्क जहां नाम = 'एमपी 3 प्लेयर'; नेस्टेड_मार्क से हटाएं जहां मेरे लेट और @ माइराइट के बीच की लंबाई; अपडेट करें नेस्टेड सेगमेंट SET rgt = rgt - @myWidth WHERE rgt & gt; @मेरा अधिकार; अपडेट करें नेस्टेडगेट SET lft = lft - @myWidth WHERE lft & gt; @मेरा अधिकार; अनब्लॉक टेबल्स; मेरे codeigniter कोड: फ़ंक्शन deletecategory ($ id) {$ $ Q = $ this-> db-> क्वेरी ('का चयन करें * श्रेणी से जहां cat = "'। $ Id ($ Q- & gt; परिणाम_अरे ($ पंक्ति के रूप में) {$ rightextent = $} पंक्ति [ 'rightextent']; $ Leftextent = $ row ['leftextent']; $ चौड़ाई = $ rightextent- $ leftextent + 1; }} और {$ rightextent = 0; } $ This- & gt; db- & gt; जहां ('आईडी', $ आईडी); $ इस- & gt; db- & gt; हटाना ( 'categorymaster'); $ चौड़ाई = $ rightextent- $ leftextent + 1; $ Q2 = $ this- & gt; db- & gt; क्वेरी ('अपडेट कैटेगरीमास्टर सेट द

How to print an arrayList in Java, printing "last in - first out" -

Then this is my problem / question: The assignment is to write a program that takes in N string The quantities, which are words or sentences, then print the strings by "the last, first out" - in this sentence, counting words and counting it is my code so far, but how can I print the previous X inputs Am I Import static javax.swing.JOptionPane. *; Import java.util.ArrayList; Public class Moment2 {Public static zero main (string [] Args) {String Indet; integer number; Indicate = ShowInputDialog ("Who Megaga Stranger Ska Rockes?"); Count = integer Paracet (Indet); String handwriting last word = null; While (true) {ArrayList & lt; String & gt; Manning = new arrelisted & lt; String & gt; (); String ord = showInputDialog ("Skip to item or Manning Ennar, cancel" 'Cancel'.); If (ord == null) {break; } And {// calculation ++; Mening.add (ord); Last word = new string handler (ord); }} Print (last word, count); } Public static void Pr

CSS selector based on element text? -

संभव डुप्लिकेट: तत्व पाठ के आधार पर सीएसएस में एक तत्व का चयन करने का कोई तरीका क्या है? अर्थात्: li [text = * foo] gt; foo & lt; / li & gt; ; & Lt; li & gt; बार & lt; / li & gt; यह शायद काम नहीं करता है .. मुझे उम्मीद है कि उत्तर नहीं है, लेकिन धन्यवाद अग्रिम में। संपादित करें: इसके अलावा केवल आवश्यकता है क्रोम का समर्थन करने के लिए। सीएसएस के साथ सीधे नहीं, आप आंतरिक सामग्री के आधार पर जावास्क्रिप्ट के माध्यम से सीएसएस गुण सेट कर सकते हैं लेकिन अंत में आपको अभी भी सीएसएस की परिभाषाओं में काम करना होगा।

How to prevent user from executing javascript code from console? -

I am storing some sensitive data on Javascript. How can I stop these data from tampering? I can not do this on the server side with AJAX or something else, as the smoothness of the animation is concerned Make any javascript inaccessible to anyone using function scope etc. This is not correct, but it can definitely make things that are very difficult, for example, if you define: var f = function () {return "test"; } F (); Then it is easy to call window.f () Instead you define yourself as the implementation function, So you just created it to call someone very hard: (function () {return exam;}); This principle can be enhanced - within any variable defined within the function it will only get the scope, but it will be difficult to catch (but probably not impossible). >

angularjs - In Angular, what's the point of a service? -

इसमें, मैं इस कोड पर आया: कोणीय मॉड्यूल ('myServiceModule', [])। नियंत्रक ('MyController', ['$ scope', 'notify', फ़ंक्शन ($ दायरा, सूचित करें) {$ scope.callNotify = function (msg) {सूचित करें (msg);};}]) फ़ैक्ट्री ('सूचित करें', ['$ window', फ़ंक्शन (जीत) {var msgs = [], रिटर्न फ़ंक्शन (msg) {msgs.push (msg); if (msgs.length == 3) {win.alert ( Msgs.join ("\ n")); msgs = [];}};}]); मेरा प्रश्न यह है, क्यों नहीं यह बहुत आसान है और सिर्फ यह परिभाषित करता है कि $ scope.callNotify फ़ंक्शन के अंदर समारोह को सूचित करें? यदि सेवाओं को सिर्फ कार्यों को कहीं और परिभाषित किया गया है, क्या एक ही चीज़ को पूरा करने के बहुत आसान तरीके नहीं हैं? बस किसी दूसरे नियंत्रक में उस कोड को पुन: प्राप्त करने के बारे में सोचें; आप इसे करने में सक्षम नहीं होंगे। लेकिन अगर आप इसे किसी सेवा में रख देते हैं, तो इसे इंजेक्ट किया जा सकता है और फिर हर जगह पुन: उपयोग किया जा सकता है।

assembly - x86 OpCode Instruction Decoding -

I'm looking at the software developer's manual of x86 architecture trying to brush my reverse engineering skills. I know that architecture is complex and is backwards compatible with previous generations. Parts of old documents are abandoned with new generations. But one of the disturbing explanations and misinterpretations was such as: 80/2 ib then the instructions on the following 80 will be followed by a MOD / RM / REG byte by OpCode. On the one hand, there is an impact on the exclusion of old material, I have no clue about the different versions, which MOD / RM / RAG byte but I always believed that due to the fact that the Vaastu roots are 8/16-bit their difference Was there. Thankfully, I stumbled on the dissection of MOD / RM / REG byte during the original introduction of architecture. The instructions are given as follows, which are in accordance with the forward slash number given above, within the RM offset of MOD / RM / REG byte, value 2 will be hono

jquery - Using AJAX to delete/edit items from a list -

I have a list of tickets that are being displayed using the loop running through my viewold Until I am using Ajax. Benefit but I want to change it so that I can use junkery and AJX. How do I create it so that I can use the right values ​​from JQUERY I know that this naming scheme has something to do with the schema, but it can not remember how to do it (it was done when I took up my web development class some time ago). Below is the code for my table / ticket list output. < @forach (variable ticket in model ticket) {& lt; Tr class = "viewTickTr" & gt; & Lt; Td class = "viewTickTd" & gt; & Lt; Label id = "ticketId" & gt; & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td class = "viewTickTd" & gt; & Lt; Label id = "dateCreated" & gt; @ Ticket.dateCreated & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; / TD & gt; & Lt; Td class = "viewTickTd" & gt; & L

javascript - ajax response does not use currently loaded resources (php + jquery) -

I am using some CSS files and JS libraries (bootstrap, packetry etc.) in my master page. On the page there is a button, when you click on it, it sends an Ajax request and prints the response on a single page in the current page: ("index.php "," Some_post_data ", function (data) {jQuery ('# mydiv') .html (data);}); The page I'm calling on needs the libraries I've already included on my master page, but when I print the feedback inside the div Even JS shows errors and styles-less objects. If I add those resources to the second page, then it will work, but I do not want to do this. Do I have to refresh the latest printed HTML code, or something like that? Am I doing wrong here? When you dynamically add HTML content to a page. Any script files loaded in the header section (or elsewhere for that matter) will not be loaded and registered in your domain. I assume that the style sheet you add to the dynamic page will apply to it

Android delete all files starting with particular word -

I have a problem and I hope you can help me. In my wallpaper app, I am saving an image in the SDCard so that the user can share it online through the action share share function. Here is the code that saves: URI bmpUri = null; {File file = new file (try the Environment GateInstinstoraz Public Directory (Environmental DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS), "share_image_" + System.currentTimeMillis () + ".png"); File.getParentFile () mkdirs () .; FileOutputStream Out = New FileOutputStream (File); Bmp.compress (bitmap.compress format.png, 90, out); Out.close (); BmpUri = Uri.framefile (file); } Hold (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace (); } Return BMPURI; Now, I am trying to remove the image when the user leaves the activity (meaning that he has already shared the image or did not decide to share / P> I'm trying to remove it from this code (the click method on its button is ATM, but will change later) Case : // file folder = (Environment.getExte

Change blank spaces with underscores in Bash -

I would like to write a script in Bash: moves a file In the form of input. If the file name has an empty space, then it changes with an underscore. My first question is whether a script is running through script commands, when a bidding script can take arguments as input or provided an input can go? The second question will be how to use the mv command to point 2. Your script may be simple: #! / Bin / bash mv "$ 1" "$ (sed 's / \ {1, \} / _ / g' <<" $ 1 ")" Use this as file \ name . The file file name will be renamed to file_name . As mentioned in the comments (thanks), it is also possible to use underlying character substitution if you are using bash: mv "$ 1" "$ {1 //}" Its behavior is slightly different, because it will replace each individual location with underscore, while in the approach that uses SAD In a single underscore, the group of spaces is also rotated. If yo

javascript - keep state of collapse and expand after page reload -

Inside the ASPX page, there are five field elements inside each field next to the mythological element, you can find table rows of several rows. You can. I've added toggling functionality to the element of each legend, so that when you click on the legend element, this table will fall or spread. The problem occurs when you reload the page, all the tables are expanded when the page is reloaded so I want to keep the status of each table. Any kind of advice would appreciate. There are several solutions to this answer, such as the server to save the status of your table, and when Also reload the client, then redirect it back to the client. My knowledge of ASPX pages is non-existent, so I am coming with a different answer. HTML5 web store You can use HTML5 web storage, some information can be found here: For example, when you have a table Expand or collapse, then it must be stored with javascript every time: // localStorage.setItem ("table_" + table element.r

Shipyard v2 for Docker fails to login -

I installed the Docker v1.3.0 and the latest Shipyard v2.0.3 Linux Mint 17 and modified < Code> / etc / default / docker DOCKER_OPTS = "- H TCP: // 4243-H Unix: ///var/run/docker.sock " Renewed firewall / etc / default / ufw DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY =" ACCEPT " sudo ufw 4243 / tcp and I can use the web UI on http: // localhost: 8080 / I am But for some or magical unknown reasons I can not enter through the CLI WiR3D @ PC & gt; / Data / Projects / Docker-NGN-PHP $ Pseudo Docker Run - RM-IT Shipyard / Shipyard-Clay Shipyard CLI & gt; Shiprade Login URL: http: // localhost: 8080 Username: admin password: shipyard I am getting this all: FATA [0010] Post http: // localhost: 8080 / atit / login: Dial TCP Connection refused I have done this: $ Docker Run-IT - RM - Link Shipyard: Shipyard Shipyard / Shipyard-CLI Echo" Login URL for use : Http: // $ SHIPYARD_PORT_8080_TCP_ADDR: 8080 &qu

python - What is "module" in the docstring of len? -

& gt; & gt; & gt; प्रिंट (len .__ doc__) लैन (मॉड्यूल, ऑब्जेक्ट) अनुक्रम या मैपिंग की वस्तुओं की संख्या लौटाएं। & Gt; & gt; & gt; लेन (ओएस, 1) ट्रैसबैक (सबसे हाल की कॉल अंतिम): फ़ाइल "& lt; stdin & gt;", पंक्ति 1, & lt; मॉड्यूल & gt; TypeError: len () बिल्कुल एक तर्क (2 दिया) लेता है डॉसस्ट्रिंग की पहली पंक्ति में दो पैरामीटरों को नोट करें। आप कब लैन में दो तर्क पारित करेंगे? क्या डॉकस्ट्रिंग गलत है? मैं पायथन 3.4.0 का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। यह एक बग 2014-04-18 पर सबमिट किया गया था। इसके बाद से इसे 3.4.1 में तय किया गया है। बग रिपोर्ट के मूल लेखक, वेदारन सककिक का हवाला देते हुए: से हाल ही में, मदद (लेन) लेन के गलत हस्ताक्षर देता है। मॉड्यूल में निर्मित बिल्ट-इन फ़ंक्शन लैन पर सहायता: लेन (...) लेन (मॉड्यूल, ऑब्जेक्ट) ^^^^^^^^ अनुक्रम या मैपिंग की वस्तुओं की संख्या लौटाएं।

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library Cpanel -

I have a hosted site on a shared server and I used CPANL to upload files and perform little configuration I mean, I do not have access to root folders. The uploaded site is up, then it goes down for a reason that I am not sure about. I saw the following error in the error log file: [27-Oct-2014 08:16:16 Africa / Johannesburg] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Dynamic Library ' Unable to load /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ '- / usr / local / lib / php / extensions / no-debug-non-zts-20090626 / Can not open the shared object file: There is no such file or directory in the unknown in line 0 I am searching the net, but I am not actually getting it I'm watching. I can not see ImageMagick installed on your server and for this reason you are getting these problems please Try Installing it Install yum Image Magazine-Deewell ImageMagic-C ++ - Devel ImageMagic-Perl

jquery - Drop down menu to display and hide input fields -

I am trying to create a form where a user selects his preferred method of contact and only for that method Required / visible, therefore the email and phone input fields are hidden initially, when they select a phone or email, then only that field is displayed below. & lt; Script & gt; $ ('# Contact-method') Change (function () {var selected_item = $ (this) .val () if (select_item == "email") {$ ('# email'). Val ("") .removeClass ('hidden'); $ ("#"). Val (""). RemoveClass ('required');} if (selected_tym == "phone") {$ ('# phone'). Val ("") .removeClass ('hidden' ); $ ('# Email'). Val (""). RemoveClass ('Required');} and {$ ('# Phone'). Val (selected_item) .addClass 'hidden'); $ ('# Email'). Val (selected_item) .addClass ('hidden');}}); & Lt; / Script & gt; & Lt; Label & gt; Contact's pr

arrays - php split string based on words -

After a 1 therefore $ string like a PHP string = "now in a hotel The biggest diagnostic environment, the developers have graduated only in a beverage antioxidant: Time of Sale Center: Unfortunately nec tristique itself refinance. Tomorrow carrot tracking lorem '. (array acceptable I'm doing 1 so that my first string before the sales center hours everything and the second string Trying to divide the key center hour and everything is done, trying to split this string into 2 after 1 p.m. are you looking for something like this? Yes, you can use the following code: .. array ([ 0] = & gt; Now Arrow is the largest diagnostic environment in clinical fuselage, only a beverage antioxidant graduates graduated [1] .] => Sales Center hours while neither is sad nor refinance tomorrow carrot tracking lorem) Code for: . & Lt; Php $ string = "Arrow in clinical quiver now." The largest diagnostic environment, only a beverage antioxidant develop - How do I replace the checkboxes in my C# excel export to ones and zeros? -

In a C # application I have created a GridView dynamically and exported it to Excel is. The problem I'm having is that since the three fields have bit columns in the SQL, they export as checkboxes and not the zero. I have searched something on Google for similar issues and found this solution. However, it will not work after right or left click on the object, because it checks or unchecks the box I have information about exporting the beat field from C # to 1 and 0 Attempted to get and nothing is found. Here is my export script: stringwriter author = new stringwriter (); HtmlTextWriter htmlWriter = new HtmlTextWriter (author); Gridview Gridview = New Gridview (); GridView.DataSource = sdsResults; GridView.AutoGenerateColumns = True; GridView.DataBind (); GridViewHeaderRow.Style.Add ("background-color", "# 003c74"); GridView.HeaderRow.Style.Add ("Color", "#ffffff"); {GridViewRow line = gridView.Rows [i] for (Int i = 0; i & lt; g

xml - CFChart Lower Limit Issue -

Working in ColdFusion and trying to run this chart and I have gone into a strange bug. I'm not sure how or why, but the low-axis range of zero is being set to -1000 instead of zero. None of my data below is below 0. In the picture I have it set to seriesplacement = stacked . But it was just to test. Otherwise here's my code. & lt; Cfchart title = "# variableables.ReportName # Ordered transplantation" style = "../SO_R_overall.xml" format = "PNG" paisley style = "solid" show 3D = "no" showBorder = "yes" showLegend = " Yes "tipStyle =" mouseover "chartHeight =" #definedChartHeight # "chartWidth =" #definedChartWidth # "font =" arial "fontsize =" 12 "font ball =" yes "scaleFrom =" 0 "& gt; & Lt; Cfchartseries type = "bar" series labels = "target" query = "getDivisionGoalsDivision" valueColumn

PHP Rename all files using subdirectory as the new file name -

नीचे इस फाइल का नाम कैसे बदलें? / categories | / सेलिब्रिटी | | / एलिसा मिलानो | | | 1.jpg | | | 2.jpg | | | 3.jpg | | | 4.jpg | | | 5.jpg | | / ब्रिटनी स्पीयर्स | | | 1.jpg | | | 2.jpg | | | 3.jpg | | | 4.jpg | | | 5.jpg | / गायक | | / रीहाना | | | 1.jpg | | | 2.jpg | | | 3.jpg | | | 4.jpg | | | 5.jpg | | / कैटी पेरी | | | 1.jpg | | | 2.jpg | | | 3.jpg | | | 4.jpg | | | 5.jpg मैं 1.jpg , 2.jpg , 3.jpg का नाम बदलना चाहता हूं , 4.jpg , 5.jpg से एलिसा मिलानो - 1.jpg, एलिसा मिलानो - 2.jpg, एलिसा मिलानो - 3.jpg ब्रिटनी स्पीयर्स - 1. जेपीजी, ब्रिटनी स्पीयर्स - 2. जेपीजी, ब्रिटनी स्पीयर्स - 3. जेपीजी रिहाना - 1. जेपीजी, रिहाना - 2. जेपीजीजी, रिहाना - 3 Jpg कैटी पेरी - 1.jpg, कैटी पेरी - 2. जेपीजीजी, कैटी पेरी - 3. जेपीजी हाय @ गॉडडीबी, मैं नीचे इस कोड को बदलता हूँ, लेकिन कुछ भी नहीं होता & lt;? Php / ** * गस डे बोएर द्वारा निर्मित * 28-10-2014 * स्टैकवॉवरफ्लो * / फ़ंक्शन स्कैनपारेंटडिर ( ) {$ श्रेणियां = स्कैंडर ('श्रेणियां'); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ श्

android - How to resolve error message: "This AVD may not work unless you install...first"? -

I am trying to create AVD for Android 5, but this is giving me a warning < Blockquote> This AVD can not work unless you first install the Google API Intel Atom (x86) system image for Android 5.0 (API 21). But I have installed it - it's a screenshot installed with the correct system images of my SDK manager: And in this way I am configuring my AVD: Am I doing something wrong? How can i work it Install Android SDK build-tools 21 or higher and check Use host GPU

excel vba - range.value = [combination string and cell reference] -

I have a paragraph that is included in the spreadsheet. There is also a cell reference within my paragraph. I referenced cell reference in the spreadsheet To '& amp; Operator, but I need to format it with VBA. This is inside my subroutine: range ("A53"). Value = "'= quoted prices" & amp; amp; amp; Q3 & amp; nbsp; days from the date of quotation for delivery within 6 months, unless specifically the "" I Have tried many variations on this with many fate, do anybody know why I am going wrong? range ("A53") value instead of .value on the Formula category. = "" "= Quoted value" "is firm; Q3 and "" from the date of quotation for delivery within 6 months, unless specifically "" " In addition, double quotes (" ") when already A single quote in these quotes. It sounds bad to you, so you can use the chr (34) like: range ("A53") Value =

Android application crashing after configuring ProGuard -

I was trying to configure my application with progress, it was successful when I decompressed my apk I, A, B, C etc. This means that my progress is working well but the problem is that when I install that apk in my device, my app crash is ANR with the exception my projector- project. Txt includes: -dontskipnonpubliclibraryclassmembers -dontwarn ** - Dogwarn ** - DARTUNNATION ORGANIZATION. ** - Dentworn Android ** -Dondorn Comm LATAMATRICS.Fundation. ** -Downwort Comm. Gath. ** -Dr tonnaw ​​Jawax. Circlet ** I'm just saying that I warn the files of my jar above are the package names of my jar files. And in the project. Using Properties: proguard.config = proguard-project.txt So people help me, what is the reason behind the app is crashing And when I remove the provider, it works fine .. Note: I am exporting my project and after giving the password and whatever I am creating an APK, let me know Should I do or should I just compile the

c# - Azure WebJob - No functions found. Try making job classes public and methods public static -

I'm using an Exclusive WebJob, but now I get the following error message: No work found Try to make the job classes public and stable. My code is very simple: Fixed zero main () {var host = new JobHost (); Host.RunAndBlock (); } Public static async Task BlobTrigger ([BlobTrigger ("test / {name}") Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlockBlob Input, TextWriter log) {// code} Also, I create a zip file from my debug folder and upload it, and configure the job to run continuously. So sorry, the error is so simple, I added public access to class and it's okay ( I am using the last version of web jobs), but I have some work with Web Jobs Prerelease and the public. Thanks for all, regards.

c# - Embed button control into existing Direct3D application -

I would like to overlay my content above a direct 3D v 9 game (created by a third party). Overlay Interactive Button Specifically, I would like to overlay a clickable button control, such as steam, for example, though I try hard to interface I am here. Ideally, I want to overlay A WPF button or a Windows Form Button or a full user control will be enabled, but if this is not possible, then creating a functional button from priority will suffice as well. Text Overlay is working on SharpDX SharpDX with a button or user control Over but Area to <> Is it possible? If not, are there any samples to draw a clickable button from scratch? Please be aware that I am a newbie in DirectX world :) Your biggest problem is not to render a top DX scene; It's getting them to answer input later on. You can probably make a way to get the sequences copied to the surface of DX, but I do not know how you capture the input, it will translate it And will bring it

.net - Can't attach database to SQL Server 2012 reason not found .log -

मैं अपने एसक्यूएल सर्वर 2012 डाटाबेस में AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf डेटाबेस फ़ाइल संलग्न करने का प्रयास कर रहा हूं। < / P> मुझे यह त्रुटि मिल रही है: TITLE: माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एसक्यूएल सर्वर मैनेजमेंट स्टूडियो सर्वर 'USER-PC' (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo) मदद के लिए, क्लिक करें: अतिरिक्त जानकारी: एक Transact-SQL कथन या बैच निष्पादित करते समय एक अपवाद उत्पन्न हुआ। (Microsoft.SqlServer.ConnectionInfo) भौतिक फ़ाइल "C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER \ MSSQL \ Data \ AdventureWorksDW2012_log.ldf" को खोलने में असमर्थ। ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम त्रुटि 2: "2 (इस त्रुटि के लिए पाठ पुनर्प्राप्त करने में विफल रहा है। कारण 15105)"। (माइक्रोसॉफ्ट एसक्यूएल सर्वर, त्रुटि: 5120) शायद संदेश स्पष्ट है कि मेरे पास .log फ़ाइल नहीं है और हाँ, मेरे पास यह नहीं है । लेकिन क्या यह आवश्यक है? या फिर एक और बात है? मैं यह कैसे हल कर सकता हूं? यह एक आम त्रुटि है, जब कोई भी नहीं हो सकता है आपके कोड के लिए AdventureWorks डेटाबेस से कोई भी

c# - Why can't I pass List<T> to a generic constructor parameter although all contraints are met? -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: लोक क्लास नमूना क्लास & lt; T, टीकॉलक्शन & gt; जहां टैक्लुलेशन: क्लास, आईएलआईटीआईटी & lt; T & gt ;, IReadOnlyList & lt; T & gt; {निजी रीडोनली टीकॉलक्शन _collection; सार्वजनिक नमूना क्लास (): यह (नई सूची & lt; T & gt; ()) {} सार्वजनिक नमूना क्लास (TCollection संग्रह) {_collection = संग्रह; दुर्भाग्य से, डिफ़ॉल्ट कन्स्ट्रक्टर सार्वजनिक नमूना क्लास () युक्त रेखा: यह (नई सूची & lt; T & gt; ()) {} संकलित नहीं करता है त्रुटि संदेश कहता है: तर्क 1: 'System.Collections.Generic.List' से 'TCollection' में परिवर्तित नहीं किया जा सकता। ऐसा क्यों होता है? वास्तव में TCollection जेनेरिक पर दिए गए सभी कंटेंट्स को पूरा करता है: यह एक ऐसा वर्ग है जो IList & lt; T & gt; और IReadOnlyList & lt; T & gt; । आपकी मदद के लिए बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद। संपादित करें: अपडेटेड कोड क्योंकि इसमें त्रुटियां हैं। < P> ऐसा क्यों होता है? समस्या यह है कि मैं इस तरह कोड लिख सकता हूं: कक्षा X: आईआई

c++ - Linux find object for glxext.h functions -> cannot find correct .so -> "undefined reference" -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> My application is using functions found in glxext.h (former /usr/include/GL/glxext.h) , It seems still I am not connecting with the correct library Which library / compilation unit matching functionality includes I am already connecting with the following libraries :? -lopengl -lcuda -lcudart -lGL -lglut -lGLEW -lGLU -lX11 -lXNVCtrl -lXxf86vm -lXi -lxmu -lXext output Undefined reference to glxEnumerateVideoCaptureDevicesNV 'glXLockVideoCaptureDeviceNV for undefined reference' I just link it with the correct lib It can be a matter of finding. I found LWJGL which can contain the right components Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> This action is part of the GLX extension. If you try to link to them and receive reports that this work is not found in the -lGL , then it is most likely that this GLX extension is not there. You can make sure with glxinfo | The exte

sitecore7 - How to configure target of sitecore link to "Custom" -

SiteCore provides a choice to set the goal of a link item to "custom" if the user targets the target " ", He will have to give the target window details in the custom text box. So can you please help me to customize the custom window in the custom window? I think that the custom textbox formname should be taken as a value if you have frame frames on your goal page. You can use frames in custom textboxes. Note: Frame tags are not supported in HTML5.

jvm - Java Memory Management - java web start "Error: could not create the java virtual machine" -

मैंने एक jnlp फ़ाइल को initial-heap-size = "512m" max-heap-size = "" के साथ परिभाषित किया है एक मशीन पर 1024 एम " जो 12 जीबी के साथ 16 जीबी उपलब्ध है। मूल पुस्तकालयों की वजह से जेवीएम चलना 32-बिट जेवीएम है। मैं समझता हूं कि मेरे पास अधिकतम 1 जीबी उपलब्ध होना चाहिए जो कि मैक्स के आवंटन के लिए उपलब्ध है। अगर मैं अधिकतम-हैप-आकार को 768 तक कम करता हूं, तो यह सामान्य रूप से चलता है, और कभी-कभी मुझे इसे कम करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है। दो प्रश्न: जेवीएम शुरू होने से पहले मैक्स-हेप-साइज शुरू करने से पहले मशीन की जाँच क्यों की जा रही है? क्या वहाँ जो दावा किया जा रहा है? अगर मुझे 12 जीबी उपलब्ध है तो मैं पूरी तरह से 1 जीबी को आवंटित करने में सक्षम क्यों नहीं हो सकता - यह मानते हुए कि 1 जीबी ब्लॉक उपलब्ध है? यदि आप 64-बिट जेवीएम ... अगर 32-बिट जेवीएम का इस्तेमाल करते हुए विंडोज पर, आपको "बड़े पता जागरूक" (JVM संकलित / लिंक / LARGEADDRESSAWARE विकल्प से लिंक किया गया है) शोध करनी होगी। यह आपको 32-बिट के साथ बड़ा स्मृति पदचिह्न का उपयोग कर

Wcf rest service - how to use service contract namespace -

I have a wcf service, which I have made a rest, but in intereface and webconfig editing interface, I have the following: [ServiceContract] Public Interface ITSMAP {[Operation Contract] [Webinwohok (Eurytaplet = "No / Not Organization", Request Format = WebmailFormat.Jason, Response Format = Webmail Format.axm, Method = "Post") ] String Get Organizations (Customers not Inpo ); } I would like that if I call the webservice function like this: I want the URL link to work It does not look like: - Meaning that I do not want to do SVC extension. Is this possible? I suspect that I have to use the service contract namespace, but I do not know what the process is?

javascript - How do I open the Microsoft Office Web Viewer with a search term already applied? -

I want to be able to open an excel sheet using the Office Web Viewer, HTML View component (this is called "Office Web App Viewer ".) The viewer component is actually the best HTML document document presentation engine, but for that I can not find any documents online at all. It is also hard to understand what is his true name (does anyone have the details of the API?) I should be able to load the document and will have to call a Javascript function immediately to do a search So that the document is already open with the highlighted search results. Even better, it would be able to set the search term in the query string for the duration of the viewer. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how? I can say with certainty that there is no such API because the viewer is used for such use is not. Yes, I know, the answer you wanted to hear, but not again, this is just this way. It is only an audience, not any component used as part of the application. Dysk &a

import - Importing files into R: skip missing files -

Within a longer script, I am importing R in the file. Unfortunately, the file is missing sometimes (because other programs do not perform well within a loop and sometimes other programs do good). So I get the error: "Can not open connection ... file" xy.z "can not open: no such file or directory", and prevents the whole script In this case, I just want to leave this round Do not read this file and continue the script. How can I do that? Thank you!

Node.js, For loop -

I'm using to loop on server.js but it is not working and error Reasons var myEasyrtcApp = function (err, appObj) {for (i = 0; i <10; i ++) {appObj.createRoom ("room" + i, null, Function (err, roomObj) {}); }; } Recommend how many times you can use app ozes to open different coverage rooms. How to use for loop to make credit call And to use it you can: To learn more about this, simply click "Recursive Car "Google. (I can not post more than 2 link XD) Hope this works for you;)

java - Restful Web Services generate rsdl document -

I am developing a cool web service app using Java. I want to create an RSDL document such as the WSDL document in SOAP WS. I read a lot of tutorials about wsdl, wadl and rsdl, but I did not find any tools to create an RSDL file from Web service Maths, Parameters, Annotation. As a last resort, I think about using Java's MyClass. Class Methods Is there a way to make this description XML document? What is your suggestion? If you are using jersey, then you can generate WADL - this is a SOAP WSDL is compliant, although it is not really intended for REST services, as you will see in this related answer

automatic ref counting - ARC-related build failure for OS X Yosemite, XCode 6.1 -

I have a project that is non-ARC, uses core data, and Meverix is ​​on XCode 6.1 Makes it exactly the same way. However, when I try to build on Yosemite with XCode 6.1, I get build errors related to ARC in core data structure. I ARC Semantic Issue - Pointer in non-constructive type 'id' without any ownership These are in NSET description, NSFetchRequest.h, NSManagedObjectModel.h, etc. I have tried: Removing and adding the core data structure XCode errors except XCode ...) < Li> Run product -> Clean before building Delete project derivative data in the organization "Objective-automatic reference count is not set to" set " / Li> Any thoughts? Thanks! I was able to correct this error by resetting framework search path in build settings. Step: 1) Find and create search paths 2) In that section, double click on the Framework Search Path. I have seen this for my project: $ (legacy) $ (PROJECT_DIR) $ (DEVELOPER_DIR) / Play

Reading CSS file using c# -

I'm a bit new to C # and want to know that can be found below: < P> i have a css file in my local drive and when I run the program, it should read the css file and search for some styles like "line-height" font-size etc. and tell me that they are present in css. Please give me an example code so that I can work on it like a CSS parsing library Example: var parser = new pars (); Var stylesheet = parser.parse (". Some classes {color: red; background-image: url ('/ images / logo.png')"); Var imageUrl = Stylesheet.Roylets. Selectmany (R = & gt; R Depleration). FirstOver Default (D => D.N.M.AQWALZ ("background-image", string compiler. Inventory culture Ignore case)) .Term.ToString (); // URL ('/ images / logo.png') finds the image URL

excel - Get data out of a webpage with VBA -

I try to get some data from this webpage: P> I have to put the entire table on the right site for every smartphone type and every contract type. One time payment for the setting: Anschlusspreis One time payment for the phone: Smartphone Total amount: Gesamt Monthly payment for: BasisPariz Monthly payment for mobile phones: Smartphone-Zuzhlung It is stored in all JavaScript part, which is a very large letter. I'm trying to use Excel VBA: sub-button 1_Click () 'Error in Error Günter Hülller Slow Object, as Object, Object Doc in form, RNG as an object, ticker in the form of a string, string set as quote, i.e. = CreateObject ("InternetExplorer.Application") i = 1 'application.StatusBar = "Loading your request. Please wait Do ... "Ie.navigate" "'ie.navigate Ticker to DoEvents Loop ie .readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE set doc = ie.document bid = d

Vagrant Windows Box takes forever to start after 'vagrant up' -

I'm running on a Mag OS X Mavericks which is trying to run a recurring Windows 7 box. In addition to this, I have installed the plug-in of the immigration-windows and you have configured the Wmf file with the following properties: PS: Do not consider the syntax below. It's just what is configured in my file, to represent it. GUI = true memory = 2048 cpu = 2 So when I run the 'Vaginal Up' command I get this output: gyo-macbook: Bring the machine 'default' with Win7 gyo $ vagrant up provider 'virtualbox' ... = = & gt; Default: Importing the base box 'win7' ... takes it forever and I do not see any progress nor any change in the VM folder related to the virtualbox is not. Have I forgotten any steps? Thanks, Gyo Ambiguous box first Once you download vagrant up . After downloading it, the box is unpacked and it is imported into virtualbox. Windows boxes are big enough 5+ GB, so expect the first time to take the time t

playframework - How to reference exported assets in a multi-module play project -

I have a multi-module play framework project with two modules, normal which is a standard project It's playable with reusable codes and assets, and the app that I'm trying to run. By using the SBT-Web plugin, I can create and modify assets in the normal / src / main / public folder which is the folder app / target / web / web-modules / main / web browsers Every time the app reloads / libs / normal my problem is that these assets are referred to in my play view. My route file contains lines received / property / * file (path = "/ public", file) GET / webjars / * File controller. (file) and in my index.scala.html file app by example < Pre> & lt; Link rel = "stylesheet" media = "screen" href = " (WebAssets.Letate (" General / CSS / Directive CSS ")) This file exists at the app / target / web / web-module / main / webabs / lib / common / css