
Showing posts from September, 2013

Center a character in svg -

I am looking to create a SVG file containing a single askie character ('g' or 'w') It will be closest to the centrifugal font centered within a 100 x 100 window, but it is not perfect ... & lt ;? Xml version = "1.0" standalone = "no"? & Gt; & Lt ;! DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "- // W3C / DTD SVG 1.1 / n" ""> & Lt; Svg viewbox = "0 100 100" xmlns = "" version = "1.1" & gt; & Lt; Text x = "50" y = "50" font-size = "100px" text-anchor = "middle" alignment-baseline = "medium" & gt; G & lt; / Text & gt; & Lt; / Svg & gt; SVG does not have automatic vertical layout capabilities; You need something else to calculate the height of the box, such as Javascript or ... It seems that you are embedting it inside a web browser, if so, you can

Deliberate Blocking in Akka Actors -

I understand that the actors should not block the actors to be responsive, but how I structured my service Do I want to monitor the ongoing process for an indefinite period? For example, we are using the Amazon Keynes Connector Library. You create a connector with a configuration, which is obtained from runnab, and then call the run () method. The connector runs indefinitely, is pulling data from konasses, and it is writing in Amazon S3. In fact, if runner returns returns, then this is an error, and it needs to be restarted. Approach (1) Just make a child actor running for each courier connector, and if the run () method returns, you throw an exception, supervisory actor exception notice and child actor resuscitation The approach (2) will be for the actor to wrap the Kinesis connector in a future for the child, and if the future returns, the actor connector will resume in another future and it appears that a single actor has many coordinators Can manage, but what does it mean

Oracle SQL Output to Excel - Date format issue -

I have run a SQL query for Oracle, which includes the date of the invoice and the date of the check. As Excel is copied to the spreadsheet, it has been given as pre: "13-10-31" (October 31, 2013). However, when the date format is changed, it is displayed as "10/13/1931". I have tried various types of dates, but it is always the first part of the text as the day, month, Then recognizes as the year. I need to set these values ​​as a date format because I need to calculate the days payable and other related ratios. Is there any way to convert these values, so that Excel can identify days, months and years correctly? Will there be a macro that can automate this process for existing data and data in the future? Thank you in advance. First of all, I hope the data type of your date column is DATE is. Second, the date is always the year as YYYY and not just YY . The world has already learned from Y2K bug. If the above two digits are found, use the to_char

html - tab views with bootstrap and angular -

I have created a tab view using a bootstrap for an angular template. But when I click on tab, this tab goes to angular link router instead of content. This can be because I take them as a link, but at this time I do not really have any idea how to solve it & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Label class = "col-sm-2-control-label" & gt; To: & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Div class = "call-sm -3" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" name = "email" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "form-group" & gt; & Lt; Label class = "col-sm-2-control-label" & gt; Time: & lt; / Label & gt; & Lt; Div class = "call-sm -3" & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "form-control" name = "jobTitle" /> & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = " - Specifying return type of a Public Function is necessary or not? -

I have a snippet here: dimmed as an integer = 10 & Lt; - - 10A = bioferonephone (A) '& lt; --- Calling the calling function and assigning return value is a functional variable by function F integer = 30 '& lt; - 30 return to function calling function They do not have any return type specified in the function but it works fine and return integer and string value; My Question is that it is necessary to specify the return type of public function or not? Or cause the function to return the value This is necessary in this sense It is not that you can close the option strictly, but it is considered the worst practice to tighten the option (unless you do not know why you are doing this ...) If you decide to strictly close the option and add it as a section on your function, then your function is an 'o' Junk 'will return, which is obtained from the base objects, and you can type to type that object you are typing it to. The only prob

python - Disable Tkinter button while executing command -

After execution of the command I want to disable the tk difference button after executing the command I have tried this code , But it is not working. Import from Tkinter import command execution runs well But every time I execute the command, I click on the button, after the run function is over, the 'test' appears in the console, which means that the button is executed The button is being disabled when the button has not been disabled. Any suggestions to fix this problem? Thank you in advance You object .config (state = 'disabled') b1.update () time.sleep (5) object.config (state = 'normal') b1.update () button to update For further execution, bring back the tাকanter.

mysql - issue when running update on a table -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रश्न हैं: UPDATE p SET p.isShown = 1 से ` दुकान_पिक्चर 'पी इनर जॉइन `दुकान` एस ओ पी। शॉप_आईड = एस.आईडीड WHERE p.`isShown` = 0 और p.` डिलेटेड एट `है नील और पी।' लॉक` = 1 एंड एस। 'लॉक` = 1 एंड एस। एक्स्पिरिडेट & लेफ्टिनेंट; '2014-10-28 00:00:00'; इसे चलाने का प्रयास करते समय मुझे हमेशा एक त्रुटि मिलती है: आपके एसक्यूएल वाक्यविन्यास में एक त्रुटि है; मुझे समझ नहीं आ रहा है कि मैन्युअल जो आपके सिस्टेक्स के लिए MySQL सर्वर संस्करण से मेल खाती है, के पास 'FROM shop_picture' पी के पास का उपयोग करें। त्रुटि है कोई भी सुराग देने की देखभाल करता है? अद्यतन करें 'shop_picture' p इननर जॉइन 'दुकान' ON p.shop_id = SET दिखाता है = 1 जहां पी। 'सा शो' = 0 और पी। 'हटाए गए एट' शून्य है और पी। 'लॉक` = 1 और एस।' लॉक` = 1 एंड एस। Expirydate` & lt; '2014-10-28 00:00:00';

xcode - Can you automatically embed a iOS framework in your executable? -

I have an iOS app, in which "Framework A" is placed as a subproject and it has a target dependency Has been included as. "Framework A" has a subproduct in "Framework B" and it is included as a Target dependency. In the end, "Framework B" is a sub-project in the form of "Framework C" and it has been included as a target dependency. This project fineens and works perfectly in simulator but instant error dyld: Library has not been loaded: @ rpath / framework.frameworkwork / framework A . The problem is that the "framework afframe" file is not automatically copied to the executable of the file app. You can add a "copy file" build step to your app target and you can specify that the "Framework Aframework" should be embedded in the executable, but this solution is not on the scale. You are still missing the "Framework Breathe Framework" and "Framework Seich Framework". For example, i

How to highlight an object using mouse pointer over it in tcl/tk? -

I want to bind an object when the mouse pointer is over it. . C bound $ object & lt; Enter & gt; [List% W Items Possible $ Object-Method 4] But how can it be changed in the previous step while leaving the mouse pointer? You can use & lt; Leave & gt; can force the event: . C bound $ object & lt; Skip & gt; [List% W items are likely $ item-1] If you have objects with different line width then you need to store the previous width anywhere or & lt ; Leave & gt; Proper width event: . C bound $ object & lt; Enter & gt; [Subst {% W bind & lieutenant; Skip & gt; [List% W item encoded object object-width [% W itemCact-width]] Configure% W items object-width 4}]

how to get the current date and time of the system in java -

मुझे सिस्टम की वर्तमान दिनांक और समय प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है I जावा में और एक शर्त डाल दी है कि अगर इसकी 12 PM तो कुछ लोगों को मेल भेजें। असल में एक टाइमर । तो मैं इसे कैसे प्राप्त कर सकता हूं? मैं क्वार्टज टाइमर या crontab अभिव्यक्ति का उपयोग नहीं करना चाहता, लेकिन इसे केवल जावा में करना है। कृपया एक उदाहरण की सहायता से समझाएं। आप समय के साथ तिथि प्राप्त कर सकते हैं आयात करें java.text.SimpleDateFormat; Import java.util.Calendar; और कोड कैलेंडर चालूडेटा = कैलेंडर.जस्ट इन्स्टेंस (); SimpleDateFormat formatter = नया सरलडेटफ़ॉर्मेट ("डीडी-एमएम-वाई वाई वाई वाई-एचएच: मिमी: एसएस"); स्ट्रिंग दिनांकनौ = formatter.format (currentDate.getTime ()); Println (dateNow);

objective c - Cloudinary SDK in Swift project -

Is there any way to use Obje-C SDK in a swift file? I have tried to add a Clandery SDK to my project. I found a way to add libcloudinary.a for my project framework but it is not working. UPDATE : Cloudinary has now published new SDK written in Swift language (Swift 3 and Yes, you can. first, you'll need to set up your Akskod projects according to their instructions. after a bridging will need to make the header file. example #ifndef Fun_Bridging_Header_h #define Fun_Bridging_Header_h #import "Cloudinary.h" #endif I had to work to create a factory class in Objective-c for < p> interface (Claudiarifactor H) #ifndef Fun_Wrappy_h #define Fun_Wrappy_h #import "Cloudinary.h" @ interface CloudinaryFactory: NSObject + Create (CLUploader *): (CLCloudinary *) Clauderini representatives: ( ID & lt; CLUploaderDelegate & gt;) Representative; @end #endif Implementation (CloudinaryFactory.m): #import "CloudinaryFactory.h"

javascript - Create multiple objects of module pattern -

कृपया नमूना कोड को नीचे देखें: var sample = (function () { Var a, b; var नमूना = समारोह (एक्स, वाई) {a = x; b = y;}; वापसी {add: function () {a + b;}}}) (); क्या इसमें कुछ गड़बड़ है? मैं नमूना वस्तु के कई ऑब्जेक्ट कैसे बना सकता हूं? मुझे कन्स्ट्रक्टर कैसे लिखना चाहिए? < / P> मैंने ऑब्जेक्ट को बनाने का प्रयास किया: var s = नया नमूना (1, 2); लेकिन, यह एक त्रुटि फेंकता है! मॉड्यूलर पैटर्न एक एकल ऑब्जेक्ट केवल प्रदान करता है इसलिए, आप इसके उदाहरण नहीं बना सकते हैं। हालांकि, एक वैकल्पिक हल है। उपरोक्त कोड में थोड़ा बदलाव आपको ऑब्जेक्ट बनाने में सक्षम कर सकता है। var नमूना = समारोह (x, y) {var a = x; Var बी = वाई; वापसी {add: function () {return a + b; }}}; अब, मैं कॉल कर सकता हूँ var nine = नया नमूना (4, 5); Var पांच = नया नमूना (2, 3); चेतावनी (nine.add ()); चेतावनी (five.add ());

php - Laraval migration reset fails -

I have created some migration files in Laravel. When I type php artisan migrate in my terminal, everything goes fine if I want to rollback all the migration, then I type php artian migrate: refresh , And I get an error: include in [ErrorException] (/ application / XAMPP / Xamppfiles / htdocs / api-dashboardv2 / app / database / migrations / 2014_10_03_113254_create_groups_user_table.php) : Failed to open the stream: There is no such file or directory The name was a file 2014_10_03_113254_crea Te_groups_user_table.php but I changed it to 2014_10_03_113254_create_group_user_table.php ('s' by group). After I changed the file name, I manually deleted my database and made tables again with the magazine files. I do not understand why I still got this error Did you try the musician dump ? Files need to be reloaded because you have changed the migration files.

java - Reading a file from a Res folder -

I have inserted a file "template.html" inside the RAW folder and I want to read it in the inputstream. But it is returning me nonsense. It does not understand what is wrong with the code given below The file name passed in the form of the parameter "res / raw / testtemplate.html" public string getFile (string filename) ) {InputStream input = this.getClass () is. GetClassLoader (). GetResourceAsStream (fileName); Return GetStringFromInputStream (Input); } In addition, these files can be a better solution by putting them in a particular subfolder and putting it in the Asset folder but then I believe that I have to pass the reference in the Asset Manager. I do not understand the solution, sorry I'm new to Android development. Edit I have started implementing this solution with assets. getFile ("template.html") // I'm sending extensions at this time > getting the GetAssets error Problem is undefined . public string getFile (s Pagespeed and remove query strings from static resources -

Text after "div class =" itemprop = "text"> Then after successfully uploading pictures through Filepicker we use the given URL and images in most places Change the call <. With fair enough - / strong> passed certain standards we Amazon S3 CloudFront uses front filepicker as a CDN filepicker states is not as strong <> convert high traffic sites. The problem I'm experiencing with it is that I convert, though it is increasing our page speed and we are all "FilePicker files found" message remove query string "static resources" . The reason for the warning? "Some resources in the" URL "are not cached by the proxy caching server." Is there a way to avoid using query parameters while still maintaining the ability to convert function? I would love to improve my PageSpeed, but can not see that to fix this particular issue, while still using Filepicker. give other similar change there JavaScript file

Multiplying floats in python -

In my Python Code I search for a specific format that floats again, i.e. . (Data ',' P '): Float (Data Enhanced [6]),' PE ': Float {Data ID: Int (Datinigud [0],' MIDx ': Int (Data Enabled [2]) - 1, Phase ': float (Datinugud [8]),' E ': Float (Datinugud [9]),' M ': Float (Datinagad [10])} I want to do some line 'Pt.': Math.sqrt (float (datinigud [6] * data enzad [6]) + float (datainjud [7] * data engine [7])) but this returns 'Pt.': Math.sqrt (float (dataynge [6] * data engined [6]) + Flow T (DataINgood [7] * DataIngeud [7])}} Type Error: 'str' Can not multiply the sequence by non-intittance of any kind? thanks Because dataINGood is a String list . You must change the values ​​in float : : 'pt': math.sqrt (float Data Engine [6]) * Float (DataInd [[6]) + Float (Dataindex [7]) * Float (Dataindex [7])

swift - UIColor in xcode 6.1 (extra argument in call) -

I recently updated the encoded 6.0 to 6.1 and after updating, click on UIColor Receives an error related to The error says Additional logs in the call 'blue' . This problem is not present in Xcode 6.0. This is my code: Texture = SKTtexture (Image: UIImage (named: car.carType.spriteName). McGlowith Collar ( I have tried to convert them to CGFloat etc. without any success ... Clearly open the optional value by adding ! UIColor (red: 1, blue: 0) , Green: 1, alpha: 1)!

Titanium : View click event not working after flip left animation -

I am new to titanium and I was just checking with visual animation, I probably did not get the concept correct, but This is my code I have tried so far mainfunction Some Test Method = Functions (Sender) {var cardDetailsView = Titanium.UI.createView ({backgroundColor: "red", name: "cardDetails",}); Var card imageview = titanium.u.cent electricity ({background color: "pink", name: "card image",}); Var containerview = titanium.u.createview (); ContainerView.backgroundColor = "green"; Var card animation = titanium.u.cent animation (); CardAnimation.view = cardDetailsView; Card animation.transition = tiu.iiphone Animation style FLIP_FROM_LEFT; CardAnimation.duration = 2500; //cardImageView.animate({opacity:1,duration/200000,}); //cardImageView.animate (cardAnimation); // When you press the view of the card, click on the event you will see the card information page card IMAGEView.addEventListener ("click", function (e) {Ti.AP

javascript - On click Ipad browser back button -

All I have is a small problem in my gallery page I have a function that shows small loader GIF on the link load, loading The page is redirected to show the process of. And then I click on the back button ipad browser which loads the page with that loader, plz help. Handle visibility on page load, it will be done on all pages. I. Hide GIF Image On Jif's Page Load Event

Can I Increase Vector Precision in THREE.js? -

In THREE.js, sometimes I congratulate myself for better control over vector precision, especially when large Working with floats, like in a solar system, is there any way to do this? In the linked example, I am creating a simple solar system in which the planets are realistic numbers for the size and distance. To emulate the orbit, the whole system rotates on the axis located on the planet's position. When the camera is brought closer to the horizon of the planet, the transit is appearing along the terrifying side. Can I increase the accuracy of the rotation applied to the axis and its child objects, so this jittery win 't be clear? Or do I just need to work with small numbers? When a small number is used for the following numbers, the jar becomes less. sun.position.set (50000000, 0, 0); Planet. Position.set (-50000000, 0, 0); After a lot of research, the short answer to this question is "Can I increase vector precision?" three. J. "Yes, but

ios - SWIFT code dataWithContentsOfFile broken with update to XCode 6.1 -

Since the following two lines of code are compiled errors in the latest update of XCode, do I re-compile and run the program Can advise to make adjustments for? var view data = NSData.dataWithContentsOfFile (path, option: .dataReadingMappedIfSafe, error: zero) var archiver = NSKeyedUnarchiver (forReadingWithData: sceneData) archiver.setClass (for self.classForKeyedUnarchiver () Classname: "SKNN") Any help would be appreciated, thanks. you (iOS <8.0) NSData.dataWithContentsOfMappedFile (Path) can use or (iOS> = 7.0) var ViewData = NSDTA (contentoffile: path, option: .dataindingmapIsF, Error: Zero) If you create a new Spritekit sample project in XCode 6.1, you will see the change.

Slide the popup in libgdx not work -

I am trying to develop a libgdx game. I want to apply a selection screen. So far I've implemented a horizontal scrollpan and it's working fine. Now I want to apply scrolling when I click on the button. You can see the attached image < Try to use Jason Pack This works for me: _skin = New skin (); Texture Atas Button Atla = New Texture Atla ("Picture / Button. Pack"); _skin.addRegions (buttonAtlas); _textButtonStyle = new TextButtonStyle (); _textButtonStyle.font = _game.getFont (); _textButtonStyle.up = _skin.getDrawable ("button-orange"); _textButtonStyle.down = _skin.getDrawable ("button-blue"); buttons.pack: buttons.png Size: 234195 Format: RGBA8888 Filter: Closest, Closest Repeat: Any button-orange rotate: False xy: 0, 0 Size: 236, 67 Split: 25, 25, 14, 14 Origin: 236, 67 Offset: 0, 0 Index: -1 Button-Blue Rotate: Wrong xy: 0, 67 Size: 236, 67 Split: 25, 25, 14, 14 Origin: 236, 67 Offset: 0, 0 Index: -1 Button-Naval Rotat

java - Prevent file channel from closing after reading xml file -

For more detailed information about the motivation behind this goal (and my efforts to solve it) see mine Decided to ask it as a new question as I thought it was sufficiently developed for the ability to do this. In essence, I intend to use JDOM in conjunction with NIO: Get a special file lock on an XML file. File the document object. Make unchecked changes (still active with lock!). Write changes back into the XML file. Release the file lock. The problem I'm having is that the underlying code closes the channel to read the XML file in the document object (and therefore releases the lock), as seen below Gone: import *; Import java.nio.channels.Channels; Import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; Import javax.xml.parsers *; Import org.w3c.dom.Document; Import org.xml.sax.SAXException; Public class test4 {string path = "test 2.xml"; Private document filterfinder dbftff; Private Document Builder Debuilder; Private document doctor; Public Test 4 (Tr

ruby on rails - functional test: NomethodError -

"itemprop =" text "> I am starting Rails on Rails (and English :)), and I try to use functional testing I'm doing, but test_should_get_new (MicropostControllerTest) NoMethodError: 'microposts' the undefined method for zero: NilClass I fist my micropost_controller_test.rb 1) There was an error in the error requires the 'test_helper' class MicropostControllerTest & lt; ActionController :: testcase test should get "new" tax: new assert_response: success end end my micropost_controller.rb class micropostController & lt; (: Content = & gt; parameter [: content]) ApplicationController def new @post = @posts = current_user.microposts.all end DEF @post = current_user.microposts.create create logger.debug "new post: # { @ Post.attributes.inspect} "logger.debug" post should be valid: #{@post.valid} "If @post redirect_to micropost_new_path any other end end end In tried Microposts.

java - 403 error while fetching content from URL -

I am attempting to automate a process, for that I have to kill a URL and bring XML multiple times in 1 time. Need, and then parse it for 1 run of the program, the URL can hit anywhere from 4 to 25 times. <40 p> Interestingly, 403 always comes for every 5th or 6th time when the URL gets hit. I am using JDOM to parse XML response I tried the code: document doc = builder.bild (new input source (url.openstream ()); and HttpURL Connection Kanan = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection (); Conn.setRequestProperty ("User-agent", "Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; N-GB; RV: Geico / 20101203 Firefox / 3.6.13 (Net CLR 3.5.30729)") ; Document Doc = Builder. Build (conn.getInputStream ()); I get an exception with the other: org.jdom.input.JDOMParseException: Error on line 1: white spaces between public spaces Requires systemid. Can anybody please help me get rid of 403? Please note that there is no control over the source if it

java - Serialization and write object -

I wanted to know that we can change the method of serialization in Java, like say we have two fields in the class And we make an object of the class. Can we change the order in which the field of the objects are ordered? It is also related to writing in any way () the method that is used to write data in a .ser file .. ?? Please help Thank you in advance .... I wanted to know how to do custom serialization .. Interpreting the interface will give you more control over your serialization and de-serialization process. [Code example] from Docs [code example] The class of only one excibrius image is written in the serialization stream and it is the responsibility of the classroom to save and restore the contents of its examples. Externalizable foreign and foreign learning methods of the interface are implemented by a class so that the complete format of the stream and format of the stream can be given to an object and its supertops. These methods should co-ordinate with Super

C function syntax -

I'm new to C and started to look through Learn C (). In the Function section, if the user requests the exercise to print x bigger if x 10 My point is that the official answer is int print_big (int number) {if (number> 10) {printf ("% d big \ n", number); }} Why is not a int of the output and there is no zero type? Also, can anybody please explain that the type of output is a integer when the function is printing x large text? Is that because the x bigger is too small to fit in the text memory "container" will fit an integer? In addition, can anyone please explain how the function is printing? Is there a bigger text when the type of output is an integer? Output and return values ​​are two completely different things; The caller of the text function is not being reverted, it is being written only on the standard output stream In writing, the caller of nothing function can not be undone. Used to be. It will be used as: zer

Laravel disable controller action layout -

Is there a way to disable layout for some controller method? I have $ this-> Layout = zero , it still presents the layout Visual IM rendering is clearly a layout associate Square Buyer Controller Expands \ BaseController {Public Function Index () {$ this- & gt; Layout = zero; See Return: Creating ('purchasers.index'); }} View: @extends ('layout.master') @section ('content') content @stop I just use Laravel 4 just delete < Code> @edads ('layout.masters') From your view it will be prevented from seeing the load. In addition - if you are using @ededs - you really do not need $ this-> layout () in your controller < P> Edit: "I am still surprised that it is possible to disable the layout within the controller method without the need to modify the blade file" The idea is that you completely do it with the controller or blade file completely. Not both together

javascript - Java Script var answer size -

Any way to resize javascript popup text? The following does not work: var Reply = Confirm ("Have you checked your basket? \ N \ nYou are actually making sure Are you checking your basket? ") Var answer = str.fontsize (7);

oracle11g - Release unused space of USERS tablespace in oracle -

I have many tables in Oracle 11g with many records (more than 2 billion) to implement a few questions And after making some indexes, I'm close to the insufficient disk space. Now for every query to run, the error appears for the ORA-01652 users table space. Due to insufficient disk space, I can not add more data to the tablepages of the file users. I'm sure there are so many unused spaces available on this table space which are not usable in some way. I (I deleted some tables and indexed Nothing happened) My question is how can I leave this place? Thanks a lot. I do not know that you can do it for a complete table space, but a table The command is: ALTER TABLE MY_TABLE enabled rage movement; - When you create a table, the defiant Row movement is disabled Optional table MY_TABLE SHRINK SPACE CASCADE; Do not use the optional table; You may need to loop on ALL_TABLES in your schema. Then you can get disk space by rescheduling your index. ALTER INDEX THE_INDEX

Hive and Mahout Integration -

I have a situation in my project where I need to get data from the HIVE table, to create recommendations Process data, and then save these recommendations in the HIVE table. This is sample code for getting recommendations with the help of Mahavit. Public static zero main (string [] args throws exceptions {DataModel Model = New FileData Model (New File ("Data / TestData CSV")); User equality equality = new peer sense adjustment (model); Println ("Equality" + similarity); UserNeighborhood neighborhood = new closest venture suburb (5, similarity, model); Println ("neighborhood ::" + neighborhood); UserBasedRecommender recommender = New GenericUserBasedRecommender (model, neighborhood, likeness); Println ("recommender:" + recommender); & Lt; RecommendedItem & gt; Recommendations = recommender.recommend (2, 5); Println ("recommendations" + recommendations); (Recommended This Tip: Recommendations) {System.out.println (Recomme

Infinite for-loop in perl -

Can anyone tell me, why do I get infinite loop? Although it will not be an infinite loop with a loop. #! Use / usr / bin / perl strict; Use warnings; My $ i; My $ ipv4 = 0; My $ ipv6 = 0; ($ I = 1; $ i> $; + i ++) {print "$ i \ n"; If ($ ipv4 eq $ ipv6) {$ i = 0; }} The third description for the loop $ i ++ Is executed at the end of each block and the second statement $ i> 0 is executed in the beginning. (You are using string comparator eq instead of a numeric one == .) Whatever you , It's equal to: $ i = 1; While ($ i> gt;) {print "$ i \ n"; If ($ ipv4 == $ ipv6) {$ i = 0; } $ I ++; } You should use a last statement instead: $ i = 1; While (1) {print "$ i \ n"; If ($ ipv4 == $ ipv6) {last; } $ I ++; }

php - Attempted conditional constraint is not an indexable operation issue in dynamodb -

My query in DynamoBib is not working with the comparative operator in addition to EQ in PHP $ response = $ client- & gt; Query (array "(" TableName "=> gtk; tableName," IndexName "= & gt;" Topeting ", // GSI Index name" capacitance "=> array (" Rating "=> Array (" comparison operator " "=", "NE", // only 'EQ' works "attribute value list" => array (array :: type = STRING = & gt; "1186") // sample value)), "Scanned endforward" = & gt; true; "border" => 5)); When I see the rating at topRating GSI Fatal error: unblocked ovs \ dynamo debe \ exception \ validation exception: AWS error code: validation exception, status code: 400, AWS request ID: XXXXXYYYYZZZZ, AWS error type: client, AWS error message: The conditional barrier attempt is not an indexable operation; User-agent: AAS-SDK-PP2 / 2.7.0 Ghazle / 3.

symfony - Symfony2 how to get data from a specifique field of an entity to make a form? -

I have a size object that is available with a different size (which is an array) (eg: S, M, XL). But the same size of all items is not available. I fill this field in this form => -> Add ('size', 'like', array ('option' => array ('xs = = & gt;' x ',' s' => gt; 's',' m '= & gt; 'M', 'L' = & gt; L ',' XL '=> XL),' Multiple '=> true,' extended '= & gt; true)) So now I would like another form where the user can choose an available size (for the object). Type unit is not working in my case because I do not look for a complete unit. I'll try it $ builder-> add ('size', 'like', array ('class' = & gt; 'MyWesShopbundle: size' , 'Property' = & gt; 'name', 'extended' = & gt; wrong,)); But this is not working if you had any ideas that I really appreciate!

Serve static content from a base URL in Dropwizard 0.7.1 -

It was easy Dropwhecker 0.6.2, but with a move of 0.7.x it has become much more difficult. I can get it to work, but in a way completely not suitable. I would like to look for my strong API to be available at my "/ api / *" point, and the static content available from the root URL "/". The best I present In 0.7.1 "API / " is the service of API content, and there is static content of "/ API / asset / ". It is not terrible, but if I originally asked the target So, things will get very good from it. I have configured my AssetBundle () I have tried, I have tried, whatever has seen in the source, and tried to create my own dedicated static assets bundle class, everyone has no advantage. I did the right thing Is now (which manages to manage my static content with "/ api / assets / *") as follows: Public Zero Start (Bootstrap .. and in my configuration file I have ... Server: Type: Simple Connector: Type: Http port: 8458 appl

ios - Create ABPersonRef that is local only - i.e. not synced to exchange -

I am working on a contact management application that syncs contact data with Microsoft Exchange. I would like to be able to make contacts in the IOS address book which are only local contacts - i.e. they will be present only on the device and will not be synchronized in the Microsoft Exchange. I was under the impression that I can make it as a contact using ABPersonCreateInSource , although it has been found that the function is a special source is needed. Although it is not possible to create a source (i.e. you can not create a "local" source) You need to calculate the existing sources on the device. I am finding out that if you are syncing the device with the exchange then you will have one or more kabsourceTypeExchange source, but there will be no local sources though If you do not have any Exchange source, then you have kabSourceTypeLocal as your source. Do anyone know how to make this as a local contact only, and in that case will not be synced with Mic

backbone.js - Collection change event on an attribute which is a model itself -

I have created a backbone. (Say) Select ModelA and I model a special feature of those people. It is straightforward, ... but ('change: attr1'). This phenomenon is removed at the right time when this is needed, the problem occurs when this feature is another model (model B), which has its own characteristics, if one feature of Modelbie has changed, then the collection is on that event Will not be able to capture (and it is true, the model's attribute has never been changed, "attributes have changed properties"). One idea is from model-B to the model A's wire-up listener and then in the collection. It can work, but we are now adding many listeners to create this series of events. I also suspect that when we do not need them, those listeners will have a pain to open them. Is there a better way (or alternative) way to do this? Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you I think the clear way forward is through the Guardian model See incidents from my exa

javascript - Save data into sql server using custom method in lightswitch html client -

How to save data on a button click (not using the save icon given by the popup screen) I like the custom The method tried to use but the data is not saving in the SQL database myapp.AddEditApplicantDeclaration.SubmitMethod_execute = funcation (scree) {msls.application.commitChanges (). Then (empty, function fail (e) {alert (e.message); msls.application cancel (); throw e;}); }; I created a button and typing _execute method but saving it in the data base is not something I am missing. Its a simple table and trying to update the "applicant" table in the auspicious column. I just myapp.commitChanges (); .. It can be included as verification above under the button _execute

How to verify the number of search results with Selenium IDE? -

I am using the Selenium IDE Firefox extension and I have to know how I can verify that The correct number of elements from the field For example, I must verify that the number of displayed search resell is equal to 20. * Information updated: no table, results are "ul" tags in the middle ("li"). So I think a command will work fine to count the number of "li" from that "ul". How the code looks here: & lt; Ul class = "test class" & gt; & Lt; Li class = "search-results" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "search-results" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li class = "search-results" & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; / Ul & gt; Thanks!

javascript - Undefined colour profile -

I am trying to remove color profiles from a document. As far as I know, the color profile file name must either be a string or empty (if it is not assigned) However, if it is later, I can not specify it in a variable (line 3). Is there a way on this without trying / catches? try {var cp = app.activeDocument.colorProfileName; } Catch (eek) {warning ("no color profile associated with image added"); Cp = null; } If (cp! = Null) {cp = Assign Collar Profile (CP); If (cp == faucet) {Warning ("now color profile has been removed"); I only have access to Photoshop CS5 and color details profile name says: Valid only when the color profile = type = color profile Custom or working. So maybe it's a good idea to check in advance: var CP = null; If (app.activeDocument.colorProfileType! = ColorProfile.NONE) CP = app.activeDocument.colorProfileName; Michael / Hamburg

java - Using SAX parser for a large xml file without a handler -

Therefore I am in the midst of developing a program that parses through any XML file and accurately its data Gives it in order. The problem is that I am doing this that the program should be capable of handling different XML files (i.e. different elements, different structure etc.). I am able to use this DOM because I can only make a recursive method which has thomps through the tree and returns the values ​​of the nodes, but it is not the most effective method according to the size of my XML files, so SAC Parser I'm interested in using, but I'm sure you know it's not easy to use because it does not generate a data structure. Indicating information may be included. It seems like a silly question (recently learned programming), but does anyone have any examples or suggestions about how I can go about controlling it? Even take a look at StAX which is a better way to go! Thanks

tsql - In SSMS is there a way to export a list of job steps in a SQL Server Agent job? -

Is there a way to export a list of job steps in a SQL Server Agent job in SSMS? The reason I am asking is that I have been asked to organize a long list of job steps placed in three separate jobs. This is something I want to share with my team in Excel document so that we can make notes, create groups and sort ideas, argue about it, etc. Can I export it, or print it at least? I could have done a screenshot, except that the list spread before the screen? Thanks for any thoughts. You can query the server; Choose, steps.step_id, steps.step_name, steps.command from MSDB.dbo SysJobs Job includes steps on MSDB.dbo.SysJobSteps steps.Job_Id = job.Job_Id, where job.enabled = 1 command 1, 2

java - AspectJ Spring Boot catch method with boolean parameter -

I use ASTJ and spring boot when a method (boolean value) is called, then I log in a message Trying to do The aspects are working in normal form, but to catch, my expression should be wrong It is working with (but due to catching in every way): @Before ("execution (* DFF .. * (..))") Also working (catching with only one parameter) < ("* Execution (* DFF .. * (*))") Now the problem: @ first (" Execution (* DFF. * (Boolean)) ") or @ First (" execution (* dfh ... * (H Waklang. Bullion)) ") it does not work any help? Must be between fault execution (* DFHB .. * (( my error I think )) My files here (letter & amp; amp; amp; ;): pojo: package de.fhb.showcase; @Getter @Setter Show public square {Private string name; Private Boolean Live; Public Zero makeShowLive ( Boolean value) {Live = value;}} Aspect: package de.fhb.aop; import javax.inject.Named; import lombok Extern Java.log; Import org.aspectj.lang.ann

iphone - How do I retrieve the coordinates used to create an iOS MapKit MKPolygonView? -

I am using Apple Mappit to create a 3D mapping on a map What I want should be a tap gesture identifier for getting coordinates from each polygon. Is this possible? If so, some sample code will be appreciated You have MKPolygon Objects (either your own reference or collection of overlay MKMapView objects) And MKPolygon is MKMultiPoint subclass, which provides digits , pointsCount and getCoordinates is. For example, if you use getCoordinates , you get an array of CLLocationCoordinate2D , which you can use to convert again to You can: toPointToView: To convert to a CGPint which you can refer to in the gesture identifier.

c# - Retrieving an element from a created list -

I created a list called 'PTNList', and whatever I needed was just properly added . Now I am trying to write code to get every list from that list and run it against the SQL query. I'm feeling a bit I'm not sure about how this really is about The CompareNumbers.txt file generates, but nothing is printed for it using (filestream FS = new filestream ("C: / temporary)" /CompareNumbers.txt ", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write)) using (StreamWriter SW = new streamers (FS)) foreach (various Pitian in Pitianelais) {// variables as user of SQL to count using "Ptn" / / Call with SQL / query with call DB; write it in a file; Nsolkprkash CMD line ( "Running Kviri"); String query 2 = @ "SELECT COUNT (PRODUCT_TYPE_NO) AS NumberOfProducts dbo.PRODUCT where PRODUCT_TYPE_NO =" + ptn; SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand (query2); 2. Connection = Con; Rdr = cmd2.ExecuteReader (); while (rdr.Read ()) {sw.WriteLine (rdr [ "NumberOfProduc

sql server - SQL Get Last DateTime for Each Day -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 9 जवाब मेरे पास एक मेज है, वह डेटटाइम द्वारा हमारे सिस्टम में प्रत्येक विज्ञापनदाता विज्ञापन के आंकड़े शामिल करते हैं। डेटा प्रति घंटा अपडेट होता है, इसलिए प्रत्येक उपयोगकर्ता के विज्ञापन के लिए हमारे पास प्रति घंटा इंप्रेशन डेटा होता है। मैं एक एसक्यूएल क्वेरी चलाने में सक्षम होना चाहता हूँ जो हर दिन के लिए प्रत्येक विज्ञापन के लिए अंतिम घंटे निकालता है। अब मैं क्वेरी है, केवल अंतिम प्रविष्टि अवधि निष्कर्ष निकालता है ... मैं उस प्रत्येक विज्ञापन प्रति विज्ञापन के लिए अंतिम प्रविष्टि निकालने के लिए कैसे संशोधित करूं, उस दिन के लिए इंप्रेशन की कुल संख्या की गणना करने के लिए ... अभिलेख @ एडिड IAD SEAD @idid = 596749 SELECT t1। * आंकड़ों से T1 WHERE t1.datadded = (SELECT MAX (dateadded) आंकड़ों से T2 WHERE = और विज्ञापनदाता आईडी = @adid किसी भी मदद की सराहना की जाती है !!!! < पी <>> सीटीई के रूप में (SELECT *, RN = ROW_NUMBER () पर (कन्वर्ट द्वारा भाग (VARCHAR (8), तारीख के समय में जोड़

php - Get the current view in a Laravel controller -

What do I try to do : I want to create a PDF of the current view More details: : I have found many customers and I want to create a button on each page so that I can generate a PDF of each client description. Laravel Package: What have I done so far : I added DomPdf to my application I added a print controller to an root :: resource ( class print controller extended \ BaseController {Public function show () {$ Pdf = PDF :: loadView (''); Return $ pdf-> Stream ();}} My view contains a link (2 versions) {{HTML :: linkAction ('printcountry @ show', 'pdf', array (), s Queen ('class' => 'BTN BTN primary bridge-right aggregate 10'))}} & lt; a href = "{{URL: from ('Imprimer /' $ Client-> ID)}} & gt; Pdf2 & lt; / a & gt; My question : Controller current view (example : Client / 1) How to pass the code so that the controller can generate a PDF of the existing page?

mysql - Updating SQL Database Using VBA ADODB Connection -

"postprint" itemprop = "text"> I have been using ADODB to return SQL queries data and for a while and for a workbook from a recordset it Copy is to update the new work record, but I do not have any clue about how to update a record This is an example of my code:. DIG REAL ADODB.Connection as the REIN ADODB.Recordset set thief = NEW ADODB.Connection set REC = New ADODB.Recordset as the string with slow SQL thief. Provider = "MSDASQL" .ConnectionString = "DSN = ukfast" .Open termination with SQL = "update crm_clients" & amp; _ "SET check_number = '" & amp; Chuck & amp; "'" & "Amp" _ "Where ID = '' ' For data selection it was as easy as recordset.copyFromRecordset , but I have to back There is no clue about an update push database. I tried the .update method but it only works for the record, does not set the database. I also implement the method but less

Is Ruby Array#[]= threadsafe for a preallocated array? Can this be made lockless? -

I wrote some code in Ruby to process the items in a thread. In this process, I have undo a result array which is the same size as the pass-array. Within Threadpool, I'm specifying items in the already assigned array, but those items are guaranteed to be indexed unique. Keeping this in mind, do I get to Mutex # Synchronize ? Need to surround the assignment with an example? Example: size = 1000000000 def collect_via_threadpool (item, pool_count = 10) processed_items = (items.count, zero) index = -1 length = item.lampion mutex = mute x New Items_Mutex = Mute x. New [Pool_Cent, Length, 50] Thread.min.times.collect On startup (i = mute x.synchronize {index = index + 1}) & lt; Length is processed Iitems [i] = yield (item [i]) # ^ I need to synchronize around this? `Processed_items` interval end end end I want (and: included) processed_items end items = collect_via_threadpool (SIZE.times.to_a, 100) what do we do. Items | Item.to_s do not extend till the end of the

How to put first element in list to last place, python -

I have two lists and I want to know how I can put the first element of men in the list to the last place. The lowest difference between these two lists will be remembered and remember that every time we put men in the first place in the last place, I hope that you understand the question .. The woman remains the same, I am only the first place Put the last place and first element in the first place Do I want to change the men's list. For example - men [172, 181, 166, 172, 174, 165, 169, 16, 185, 168], after the first change ... __ author == ' Majky 'female = [158, 166, 150, 158, 152, 160, 172, 15, 158, 162] male = [168, 172, 181, 166, 172, 174, 165, 16 9, 16, 18, 185 ] The largest _ zip for X (male, female): print (X, Y, AB) (xy) if the largest_base & lt; ABS (XI): The largest _ ABS = ABS (XI) print ("The Biggest Badger", Najvekja_Abus) male = male [1:] + [male [0]] What will I do? It slices up the list that you have everything but the first e

delphi - SQLite FireDAC trailing spaces -

I am using Delphi XE7 with FireDAC to access SQLite. When I enter the data in text field, any trailing spaces or # 0 characters will be smaller / The following spaces do not come back / command the SQLite. FFireDACQuery.ParamByName (kSQLFieldScriptCommands) .AsString: = 'Command'; Disable property This property is described as: TFDFormatOptions.StrsTrim Removes the trailing values ​​from the string values ​​and zero bytes of the following empty spaces. / P> And it seems that you want to store binary data instead of text. If this is correct, then better define your area data type as a fixed length binary string of 255 bytes (255 is the maximum length you use). Parameter values ​​for fields that you will access in this way: Var data: Robeastressing; Start ReadByteDataSomehow (data); FDQuery.FormatOptions.StrsTrim: = False; FDQuery.SQL.Text: Include 'MyTableField values ​​(MyBinaryData)'; FDQuery.ParamByName ('MyBinaryData'). AsBy

triggers - WPF Label IsMouseOver style doesn't work after click -

My UI has a label and there is a style for it. & lt; Style x: key = "change color label" target type = "{x: type label}" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "font size" value = "13" & gt; & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; Setter Property = "Foreground" Value = "# FF 676767" & gt; & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "background" value = "white" & gt; & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; Style.Triggers & gt; & Lt; Trigger Property = "Ismouth Over" Value = "True" & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "background" value = "# FFEIEEEE" & gt; & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; Setter property = "foreground" value = "#ff 20067b0" & gt; & Lt; / Setter & gt; & Lt; / Catalyst & gt; & Lt; /Style.Triggers> & Lt; / Style & gt; Also mouseover trigger I do

.htaccess - htaccess multi domain redirect -

How we can set it up. For multiple domains for different domains Htacess This is what I've got so far. Rewrite / rewritecode on rewitbank% {HTTP_HOST} ^ (www)? $ RewriteRule ^ (/) "$ domain [L] then redirect to Now I want to delete the folder so that I only need Next I need it for 3 domains. -> / domain www -> / foo -> / bar : rewit signing on above rebase / rewritten% { THE_REQUEST} \ / + ([^ /] +) Relateconded% {HTTP_HOST} //% 1 ^ (www \.)? (. +) \ .com // \ 2 $ [A C] Rev. Rule ^ ([^ /] +) (. *) $ / $ 2 [L, R] rewrite% {HTTP_HOST} ^ (www \.)? (. +) \ .com $ [NC] rewrite angle% 2 // $ 1! ^ (. +) // \ 1 $ rewrite rule ^ ([^ /] +) (. *) $ /% 2 / $ 1 $ 2 [L]

java - Data not saving to different tables/objects -

I am using service for an Android app (using Eclipse ATT) Students are trying to collect data from M users and are pushing them into two separate tables / classes (both respectively built in pars dashboard). The form is normal, but the details of the student goes to the table enrolled students, and the text fields with the marks 'marks' in the class / table However, the code is not in the second table Is left. Although it saves in the first table please help. The code part is self explanatory. Here is my code: Java file package com.parse.starter; Import android App Importroid.os.Bundle; Import android.view.View; Import android.view.View.OnClickListener; Import android.widget.Button; Import android.widget.EditText; Import android.widget.Toast; Import com.parse.ParseAnalytics; Import com.parse.ParseObject; OnClickListener {Private EditedText et1, et2, et3, et4, et5, et6;) on the implementation of the public class ParseStarterProjectActivity Activity.

java - How to implement context sensite help for dialogs in Eclipse RCP? -

I've already read it. However, it does not include a subject - how to create side-pop-up help for dialogue (like one in the screenshot) and integrate it with the rest of the help system. Surprisingly, let me describe this matter. No content found. Get the org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TrayDialog to get your dialog Support for side tray and help button. You may need to call TrayDialog method setHelpAvailable (true) A title and message at the top of the dialog To get a dialogue with the area you can also base your class on the TitleAreaDialog (which increases the TrayDialog ).

spring mvc - Resolving order of execution among multiple HandlerMapping(s) -

If there are several handler mappings in one application, in what order will they be given preference to execute them? . Yes you You can set a handlermapper order with the ordered interface. From the doctor: Note: Implementation can enable the ordering interface to specify the sorting order and thus the preference for the DispatchTravior implementation. Un-ordered examples are considered to be the lowest priority.

ios - Why Does This Not Produce an Animation? -

I'm using SpriteKit to animate the character jump. I know what is the correct code, but I do not know why my last code was wrong. Correct: Let's move actionMove = SKAction.moveTo (CP point (x: size width * 0.1, y: size. * 0.85), duration: 0.3) Let's go to ActionFalls = SKAction.Movete (CP point (X: Size with * 0.1, Y: Size. * 0.3), Duration: 0.3) ActionMiveMingMode = Action Flat in SKAMingMode. TeamingMode = SKActionMingMode.Soat if CACRRTMTEE (Time) - Time & GT; 0.7 {player.runAction (SKAction.sequence ([actionMove, actionFall]) time = CACurrentMediaTime ()} incorrect: func jump () { Let's say = sction.movato (cp point (x: size. With * 0.1, y: size. Hight * 0.85), duration: 0.3) take action, take action = SKAction.moveTo (CP point (X: Wide * 0.1, y: Size.height * 0.3), Duration: 0.3) Action above. TM.Mode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseIn actionFall.timingMode = SKActionTimingMode.EaseOut player.runAction (SKAction.sequence ([actionMove, actionFall]) if

performance - Netty TrafficCounter -

मैं वर्तमान में io.netty.handler.traffic.ChannelTrafficShapingHandler और amp; Io.netty.handler.traffic.TrafficCounter एक netty ग्राहक और सर्वर भर में प्रदर्शन को मापने के लिए मैं लगातार क्लाइंट पर सर्वर पर वर्तमान लिस्ट और चालू रीड के लिए वैल्यू देखता हूं। लिखने / पढ़े जाने के KB / s पर विचार करने के लिए मैं इस अंतर के लिए कैसे खाता कर सकता हूं। 2014-10-28 16: 57: 50,0 99 [टाइमर -4] जानकारी पेर्फलॉगिंग 130 - नेटी यातायात आँकड़े लिखें सीमा के साथ TrafficShaping: 0 पढ़ें सीमा: 0 और काउंटर: मॉनिटर ChannelTC431885482 वर्तमान गति पढ़ें: 3049 KB / s , लिखें: 0 KB / s वर्तमान पढ़ें: 90,847 KB वर्तमान लिखें: 0 KB 2014-10-28 16: 57: 42,230 [ServerStreamingLogging] डीबग cfsrlServerStreamingLogger: 115 - सीमा लिखें साथ यातायात सांख्यिकी WKS226-39843-MTY6NDU6NTAvMDAwMDAw TrafficShaping: 0 पढ़ें सीमा: 0 और काउंटर: मॉनिटर ChannelTC385810078 वर्तमान स्पीड पढ़ें: 0 KB / s, लिखें: 3049 KB / s वर्तमान पढ़ें: 0 KB वर्तमान लिखें: 66,837 KB क्या क्लाइंट और सर्वर के बीच कुछ प्रकार की संपीड़

python - How to get text from browser that is hidden in the html using selenium? -

How can the text be found by going to the page, but where is it not in the HTML code? Many times, I'm the only driver to get the text from the page. I can use Pagesource, but I have a case where I can see the text, but when I download it, it's not anywhere in the html file. The code may be present on the iframe , and you can Special syntax should control the objects inside the iframe. In addition, you can use javascript to view the element.

html - JavaScript: How to check if second column of a table contains certain text -

I want to use javascript to loop through an HTML table to see if a cell in the second column In "code> order no " (this can not be displayed only once or in specific columns). I tried the following but it does not work. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here or do I know another way for this? Search for my JS: $ (objIE ("# trans_log_table '). (" Td: eq (1): "(+ "++" '' ') ". Length Many thanks in advance, Tim After thinking a bit about your case, the problem is probably in the jQuery selector, because you all apply in your table and then: eq (1), you probably only Take the first row in the second column before applying the filter. Try typing as $ ("# trans_log_table tr"; td: eq (1): includes ('"+ orderNum +"' ') ") < / Pre>

javascript - Find what functionality is bound to a child through event delegation -

If I assign an event to an earlier pastor $ (" # Container ") .on (" click "," .distant_child ", function () {// ...} When I look at developer tools in Chrome For which events are bound, I only see the incidents of # container . Is there any special element to see a specific method? assuming that I Do not misunderstand your question, as specific element your meaning is not clear, this is the entrusted is only the # container element The jQuery selector is run at the time of the event to filter the Babelable-Event Elements. The events assigned are changing the element of a non-ancestor. Then < / Em> implements the jQuery selector against the elements, so that the event was fixed Which NST run element function. For an ancestor, this delegation allows you to take action on the incidents of those elements which are not even present on event registration time (a very useful thing). Chrome has never had any event handlers in th

How to enable libcurl to decompress gzip data on windows? -

मैंने openssl और zlib बनाया और फिर libcurl निम्न कमांड के साथ : nmake -f makefile.vc6 CFG = release-dll-ssl-dll-zlib-dll आउटपुट में मुझे वह Zlib को libcurl वर्गों के संकलन के दौरान सक्षम किया गया है। लेकिन जब मैं libcurl का उपयोग करते हैं, तो निम्न के साथ एक संकुचित पृष्ठ प्राप्त करें सेटिंग्स, प्रतिक्रिया असंपीड़ित नहीं है। curl_easy_setopt (संभाल, CURLOPT_ENCODING, ""); Curl_easy_setopt (संभाल, CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING, 1 एल); CURLOPT_ENCODING को CURLOPT_ACCEPT_ENCODING के रूप में परिभाषित किया गया है Libcurl संस्करण 7.35.0 है। Zlib संस्करण 1.2.8 है और openssl संस्करण 1.0.1i है वास्तव में इसकी सराहना करते हैं कि कोई ऐसे व्यक्ति है जिसने libcurl का इस्तेमाल विंडोज़ को डेटा को हटाना और अपना अनुभव साझा करने के लिए किया है। धन्यवाद। CURLOPT_HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING एक वैध libcurl विकल्प नहीं है! आप शायद इसका मतलब है, लेकिन आपको इसकी ज़रूरत नहीं होगी। बस "" के लिए सेटिंग पर्याप्त है, लेकिन आवश्यकता होगी कि libcurl को ज़ेबब सक्षम ब

BigQuery - saving query with complete non flat schema -

I am trying to run a filter on the existing table (say table A), and want to save the result to the destination The table (table) with the same schema. The tableA has a complex schema, which has many nested hierarchies, I am using the "not adjusting the results" and "not allowing the big results" option on the following questions: < Pre> select from the table where the property & gt; 100 Is it possible to save a complex schema? Or will I be forced to flatten the result using the Flaton keyword (suppose that table has nested elements that are not nested in any other)? I get a clear error for this specific test: unexpected Please try again. Job ID: 507322187707: Job_r8hHPaz7Qiv7eMP89nbAsq46MzY Yes, you should be able to save this set of options With a table with an arbitrary complex schema. In order to calculate the size of your results, we are hitting the limitations in some of its supporting functions, due to the size of the resulting

java - Changing contact image programmically is working for some devices and not for others -

I'm trying by updating your contacts picture Contact ID, but when I tested the code on a Samsung S3 It is implemented properly but no changes have been made on the device. This works perfectly on my Nexus 4, does anyone know what's going on. This is my code: public void setContactImage (bitmap img, string contactUriId, string rawID) {ArrayList & LT; ContentProviderOperation & gt; Ops = new arreelist & lt; Content provider operation & gt; (); Try {bitmap bitmap = scaleDownBitmap (img, 500, getApplicationContext ()); Bytereon output stream image = new byteOnputstream (); Bitmap.compress (bitmap.compressformat.jpeg, 100, image); ContentProviderOperation.Builder contentOp = ContentProviderOperation.newUpdate (ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI); contentOp.withSelection (ContactsContract.Data.CONTACT_ID + "=?" + "and" + ContactsContract.Data.MIMETYPE + "=?", new String [] {String.valueOf (contactUriId), ContactsContract.CommonDataK

Java plugin classpath gradle -

(सेकंड 8.3) में जावा प्लगइन वर्गपथ परिभाषित। Gradle निर्भरता में विन्यास में समूहीकृत किए जाते हैं एक विन्यास बस निर्भरता का एक नामित सेट है हम उन्हें निर्भरता कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के रूप में देखेंगे। आप अपने प्रोजेक्ट की बाह्य निर्भरताओं को घोषित करने के लिए उनका उपयोग कर सकते हैं। जैसा कि हम बाद में देखेंगे, वे भी आपके प्रोजेक्ट के प्रकाशनों को घोषित करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। क्या यह जावा क्लासपाथ के समान है जिसे हम export CLASSPATH = ... < / कोड> एक उदाहरण के साथ उत्तर के रूप में टिप्पणी जोड़ना यह उस से अधिक है उस बाल्टी के रूप में सोचें जो निर्भरता को संभालती है जावा प्लगइन से, हम संकलन, रनटाइम, टेस्ट कॉम्पाइल आदि जैसी कॉन्फ़िगरेशन प्राप्त करते हैं, जो संबंधित तरीके से निर्भरता को संभालते हैं। आप अपना स्वयं का कॉन्फ़िगरेशन कर सकते हैं और किसी निर्भरता के लिए उस कॉन्फ़िगरेशन का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। अब आप उस विन्यास के साथ क्या करते हैं कि आप उस कॉन्फ़िगरेशन के अंतर्गत निर्भरता कैसे प्रबंधित करते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, यहां एक नमूना विन्यास सेटअप है जो एक ज़िप सं