
Showing posts from February, 2015

Google Maps JavaScript API v3 changing marker and add satellite view -

I need help adding two things var image = '1368298974442034922 Android-car- Home-256-v. Png '; I would like to delete the red default marker and add this item and I do not know how to change from map to satellite view + '& Lt; H1 id = "first-hitting" class = "firstHeading" & gt; It is here! gt; 'Id = "bodyContent" & gt; + 'According to our records it seems like your item is located here with a few feet. & Lt; Br> ; & Lt; Br> More information is needed See this information & lt; Br> & Lt; A href = "" & gt; Http: //< / A & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; '+' & Lt; / Div & gt; '; Var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow ({content: contentString}); Var marker = new google.maps.marker ({status: myLatlng, map: map, title: 'where we have met here!'}); Google.maps.event.addListener (Marker, 'Click', fu

python - extra numbers showing up on my axes when i do multiple subplots in matplotlib -

Hi People First Dragon Question Here! Such a big picture, I have a panel with 4 dataframes. I wanted a function that plots the panel in just 4 subplots, with a small bit of data processing on it .. When I try to set up sub-stations, The two letters of my subplots get weird numbers 2 and more. I do not know where they come from, plain and simple, and no one seems to have the same problem any advice friends def plotAlexaPanel (getWebsiteListStatisticsOutput, select = 'gross', Defaultlookback = -200):? '' Properly formatted figs 'getWebsiteListStatistics plots', = plt.subplots axis (2, 2) #, sharex = true) fig.tight_layout () AX1 = fig.add_subplot (2, 2, 1) plotAlexaPanelSubPlot (AX1 , "ViewsPerU", getWebsiteListStatisticsOutput, Selection, defaultlookback) AX2 = fig.add_subplot (2, 2, 2) Plot AlexNapnSubBlot (ExC2, "View Pearm", GatewaySite ListTextput, Selection, Default Trackback) ax3 = Figs.Ed_Subplot (2, 2, 3) Plotelaxa pencilsbb

Writing a C++ Program to Search an Index File From the Linux Command Line -

I have written a program that reads in the data file and creates an index file sorted by the data in the original file. However, I want to write "M" again another program that allows that user to search for this index file from the Linux command line. For example, they should be able to type search 12382 Prog5.idx There is information for the command line and for that record. I do not know how to complete it. I wrote that index file (function) to create code: #include > KEY>> Name> Code> Code & gt;> Cost) {R record (name, code, cost); MyMap.insert (pair & lt; int, record & gt; (key, r)); } And {cout & lt; & Lt; "Error"; }} // What's stored in the map for print (std :: map & lt; int, record & gt; :: iterator x = myMap.begin (); x! = MyMap.end (); ++ x) {Cout & lt; & Lt; Setup (10) & lt; & Lt; X- & gt; First & lt; & Lt; ":" & Lt; & Lt; X- & gt; Second &am

How to convert a CSS3 2D animatuon to a 3D Transform -

I have worked on how to move the image using CSS3 in 2D However, how do I move the movement in 3D Can not work out to change. I have read the changes, although they are all about flipping and rotating. I want to take My 2D CSS is: . RoundBallMove {width: 20px; Height: 20px; Status: Relative; Range radius: 10px; Webkit-animation: Roundabell 20v; / * Chrome, Safari, Opera * / Animation: Roundabell 20v; } / * Chrome, Safari, Opera * / @ -WebKit-Keframe Round Golmaal {0% {background: white; Left: 295px; Top: 300px;} 50% {Background: White; Left: 295px; Top: 450px;} 100% {Background: White; Left: 10px; Top: 10px;}} / * Standard syntax * / @frameframe roundballmov {0% {background: white; Left: 295px; Top: 300px;} 50% {Background: White; Left: 295px; Top: 450px;} 100% {Background: White; Left: 10px; Top: 10px;}} shows that a ball starting with the pitcher is raised, then it is raised and then killed on the left side. Hit for the left field should be a fly ball (i.e., an arc in the 3D

Django-Haystack List of nodes should not include schema information (http://): '' -

At any time, I update my index to the Digengo-Haystack, I get the message "List of nodes Should not include schema information (Http: //): ''. " What it really means, and why I see it Am I You are seeing this because you have 'http: //' as part of your host is. You should not include it. Flexible-Pie Actually strips it out when it is present: If you had FTP . 9200 , then 'FTP 'Your plan will be () and the code will still close it and complain. I have not dug enough around this courage, but perhaps the motivation is that the right to start various schemas as required is safe.

rust - Dealing with C's Null terminating pointer (ffi) -

I remember that the function is array_each but now it's excluded whether it is replaced by any other function was given? If not, how can I use the C pointer as a correlation array in an array? extern {fn testing () -> * MyList} # [repr (c)] struct MyList; Fn Main () {insecure} {list = test (); // want to redo through the list}} Use: extern {fn get_some_list (lane: * mut u32) - & gt; * Mut u32; } Fn Main () {use std :: slice; Unsafe {Give: U32 = 0; Let's ptr: * mut u32 = get_some_list (& amp; forgive lane); Thrust! (Ptr.is_null ()!); Let's see: & amp; [U32] = fragment :: from_raw_parts (ptr, as usize); For & amp; V. View.iter () {println! ("{}", V); The resultant slice can have a arbitrary lifetime (including 'static ), so be careful about securing that piece out. (Note: Your original code uses some old syntax, which I have decided in this answer. For example, you can type const or mut after * now.)

java - GridBaglyout fill does not resize components inside container -

मेरे पास JFrame वाले दो पैनल हैं। पहला पैनल (< कोड> जेनपेल 1 ) का स्वागत संदेश है। दूसरा पैनल ( jpanel2 ) में JTable संलग्न है JScrollPane < / कोड>। जब भी JFrame का आकार बदल जाता है, मुझे अतिरिक्त स्थान का उपयोग करने के लिए JTable चाहिए। मेरे पास था यह c.gridx = 0 , c.gridy = 0 के लिए jpanel1 को प्राप्त करने के लिए GridBagLayout का उपयोग किया गया c.gridx = 0 , c.gridy = 1 , c.fill = both के लिए jpanel2 । मैं देखता हूँ कि jpanel2 बढ़ता है जब फ़्रेम आकार बढ़ जाता है। स्क्रॉलपाने को बढ़ाने के लिए क्या करना चाहिए और जब भी jpanel2 आकार बढ़ जाता है, तब तालिका आकार। अपने LayoutManager के। JSRrollPane के अंदर आकार आकार बदलने के लिए बॉर्डर लेआउट के लिए jpanel2 का उपयोग करें। Jpanel2 । c.fill = both के साथ आपको c.weightx = 1; c.weighty = 1; निर्दिष्ट करने के लिए कि कितना अतिरिक्त स्थान को घटक द्वारा पकड़ लेना चाहिए पढ़ें। यहां उदाहरण दिया गया है: आयात करें java.awt.BorderLayout; आयात करें java.awt.GridBag

Cannot call member function without object. C++ -

I am creating a merge sort class which works in a vector, sorts it and returns it . It looks like: class MergeSort {public: template & lt; Class T & gt; Static vector & lt; T & gt; Sort (vector & lt; T & gt; a) {if (a.size ()) & lt; = 1) {Return; } Other {// some code here (vector vector & lt; t & gt; left = sort (bytewake); // recursive call vector & lt; T & gt; right = sort (rightVec); // recursive call vector & Lt; T & gt; FinalVec; // This will be the last vector returned to FinalVec = Merge (left, right); // will merge and sort when all vectors // ^^^^^ FinalVec; } Private: Template & lt; class T & gt;; Vector & lt; T & gt; Merge (vector & lt; T & gt; left, vector & lt; T & gt; right) {// some code here last Return;}}; ** FinalVec = m (Left, right); The error I am getting is: Error: The member can not be called the function 'std :: vector MergeSort: : Merge (std :: vector, std

bash - Why does 7z create different files? -

I am using the 7z command in the backup scheme, to create a 7z archive for backup purposes. My script also checks to see if this newly created 7z archive is present in my backup folder and if this happens, then I see if the content is different. So if the archive file does not come out or the last md5sum Is different from, so I copy it to my backup folder. So I tried a simple example to test the script, but the problem is that sometimes I get different MD5 sequence for the same folder, which I am compressed. Why is that? Is there any other reliable way to check if the content of the file is different? Commands are simple: $ / file> $ file file $ / file ## * /} 7z a -t7z $ $ SourceFolder $ for the file in the $ sourcefolder sourcefolder = "/ home / user / {Localfile} .7z "" $ file "md5value =` md5sum "$ SourceFolder $ {localfile} .7z" | Cut-d "'-f1` ... copyinf files are from here ... It is a reliable way to check if two different

mysql - Best practices Boolean vs Integer in SQL -

I want to ask questions about the scenario of this matter. It is believed that I have 3 tables. & gt; Class events (models.Model): & gt; Square Meta: & gt; Verbose_name = _ ('Event') & gt; Verbose_name_plural = _ ('Event') & gt; & Gt; Def __str __ (self): & gt; Back self Name & gt; & Gt; Name = models.CharField (max_length = 255, faucet = true)> Description = Model Textfield (tap = true)> & Gt; Organizer = Model.carfield (max_length = 255, tap = true) & gt; Date_from = models.DateTimeField (tap = true)> Date_to = models.DateTimeField (tap = true)> & Gt; Address = model.agarini ('location.Address', null = true, blank = true, related_name = "event_address") & gt; Active = Model Boolean field (default = false) & gt; Class City Nomad (models.Model): & gt; Square Meta: & gt; Verbose_name = _ ('City Name') & gt; Verbose_name_plural = _ ('City Nomads')

Hidden Menu clicked, trigger main menu active states Joomla -

I have asked this question on Joomla official forums - but no one can help I need some help, I am new to Joomla, I have created a website for my friend - I am getting stuck in the active states, I use the preferred language I have created a hidden menu, it has category blogs, I have the main menu item active status Switch to is how to build, while hidden on one of the posts in the menu? For example - I click on the gallery, then I click on any item, this will redirect to an article post, but the gallery menu is no longer active. How do I activate it? The easiest way to keep hidden menu items in submenu - items from your view menu Like this: Main menu: Gallery item 1 items 2 other menu items ... Now, if you item 1 Gallery Gallery = will be activated, and you can use it in style. So what you have to do now is to make sure that two of your two menus are not being displayed. It can be done in many ways, it is easy to configure in modules, where you can set which l

c++ - Why var.constant is not allowed for an enum class? -

मान लें कि हमारे पास एक enum वर्ग है: enum class E {constant}; ई में गणक को संदर्भित करने के लिए, हम ई :: स्थिर लिख सकते हैं, जबकि निम्न अवैध है: ई ई; e.constant; लेकिन इस पर विचार करें: struct S {enum {constant}; }; दोनों एस :: स्थिर और s.contstant कानूनी हैं, यह ई को अनुमति देने के लिए अधिक संगत नहीं होगा एक enum वर्ग के लिए .content क्या जानबूझकर अक्षमता है?

How to extract 7z zip file in Python 2.7.3 version -

How to remove 7z zip file in python. Please tell me that there is no library for this. I have installed library library in Python 2.7.3 version. But I am not able to use that library. I command such as C: \ Program in my C ++ project file \ 7-zip \ 7z.exe x You can run it in Python: import subprocess subprocessation coal (r '"C: \ Program Files \ 7-Zip \ 7z.exe" x' + archive_name + '-o' + Folder_name_to_extract) or 32-bit version: (r '"C: \ Program Files (x86) \ 7-zip \ 7z.exe "x '+ archive_name +' -o '+ folder_name_to_extract)

xcode - How to create TLS Certificate and deploy in APNS server -

Latest News according to Apple "Only providers using SSL 3.0 will need to support TLS as soon as possible The Apple Push Notification ensures the performance is continuing as expected of the service. " I have created a TLS certificate and posted it to the server, but there is a problem while trying to send push to the server . I have followed the following link to create TLS certificate If any TLS file is created and posted to the server, please reply to my post. Thanks in advance

xcode4.6 - Can Xcode 4.6 run on Yosemite? -

I am working on a project that is running Xcode 4.6 on Maverick. I wanted to upgrade Yosemite, is YACOD 4.6 still running properly in Yosemite? Definitely not. I get the following crash report when launching Xcode 4.3.6 UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION (NSInternalInconsistencyException): Error in getting value for 'Rep' class of extension 'Xcode.IdiiPhoneOrganizer.MenuDefinition.Screenshots 'Plug-in' phone support ' UserInfo: {NSUnderlyingError = "Error Domain = DVTPlugInErrorDomain Code = 2" Loading a plug-in. \ "UserInfo = 0x4014c4520 {DVTPlugInIdentifierErrorKey =, DVTPlugInExecutablePathErrorKey = / Application / / Content / Developer / Platform / iPhoneOS.platform / Developer / Library / Xcode / PrivatePlugIns / IDEiPhoneSupport.ideplugin Any of the content / macro / IDEiPhoneSupport, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion = plug-in or one of its prerequisites plug-in may be missi

python 2.7 - errno 10061 no connection could be made because the target actively refused it -

I am using the following code to connect to the Twitter API using proxy. The following environment variables are set: http_proxy = https_proxy = if self.api.proxy_url: Proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler ({'http': 'http: //% s /'% Self .api.proxy_url, 'https': 'https: //% s /'% self.api.proxy_url} Print ('Proxy:% s'% Proxy) Opener = urllib2.build_opener (Proxy) resp = opener. Open (Req) Other: resp = urllib2.urlopen (req) Note that the user with whom I have created logon on other domains, for example, when I open a website I use a browser for this The returns and I login as Ugrdomen \ username and password. I get an error message that the host refused.

php - ZF2 segment route: only last element -

मेरे पास यह खंड मार्ग है: 'content' = & gt; सरणी ('प्रकार' = & gt; 'सेगमेंट', 'विकल्प' = & gt; सरणी ('मार्ग' = & gt; '/: शीर्षक {-} -: id', 'constraints' = & gt; सरणी ('शीर्षक' =) & Gt; '[a-zA-Z0-9 _-] *', 'id' = & gt; '[0-9] +',), 'चूक' = & gt; सरणी ('नियंत्रक' = & gt; 'सामग्री' , 'एक्शन' = & gt; 'इंडेक्स',),),), और यह ठीक तरह से यूआरएल को पहचानता है, "id = 20" के साथ: लेकिन यह इस यूआरएल के साथ "आईडी = 20" भी पहचानता है: मैं इससे कैसे बच सकता हूं?

wireshark dissector - On which layer openflow protocol works? -

I am new to openflow protocol, I want to know at what level the openflow protocol works. Thanks in advance. The protocol is sent between TSL / SSL, or the pure unencrypted TCP controller and the device is therefore A layer 7 application protocol, or TCP / IP model application layer. As you mark it with wiredhark-discoctor: You can see a screenshot of it here:

c# - Need to Run multiple HTTP Web Request in Parallel to a Web Service through another Web Service -

I need to run multiple HTTP web requests in parallel to a web service through another web service. I have found a relevant relevant solution here: My problem is similar to this problem. Earlier, I applied a C # WinForms application from my machine. At that time, my problem was resolved using ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit. Now, my requirement has changed. There is another application, which is now a Web service with only 1 webpage, which is called by many users in parallel. This web service calls other web services, so we have several parallel calls from a web server machine. I am a noon on the web, so I know that I limit the servicepoint manager to the DefaultConnection web service. (I was doing it in my Winfix app.) My problem is how do I specify ServicePoint Manager. Default connection limit ?? The Web service does not have the main (), it's only global. ASX, which has mostly code snippets and nozzles. /// & lt; Summary & gt; /// Essent

php - mysqli query returning wrong values -

I am creating a function that returns the requested fields of some users connected to a user ID, my current code is : & lt ;? Php function getUserData ($ id = "current", $ field = "user name") {global $ database; If ($ id == "current") {$ id = $ _SESSION ['userID']; } $ Query = $ Database-> Ready ("Select: Field from User" where `id` =: Id range 1;); $ Query- & gt; bindParam (": id ", $ id); $ Query- & gt; bindParam (": Area $ (Field); $ Query- & gt; executed; while ($ line = $ query- & gt; receive (PDO :: FETCH_BOTH)) {print_r ($ line);} // return $ username ;}? & Gt; If the $ id value is empty then it currently appears for the login ID, which works fine If this is empty, then for this code from $ field The only user name that appears is the problem that is in the $ query-> bindParam ("field", $ field); .. for some reason this does not work and when using it print_r I

linux - Xbee communication - blinking LED pin (ASSO/AN5) -

I purchased two XBee Series 1 adapters and managed to set up wireless communication between them (on ArchLinux). I set up the connection to be 9600 8N1 and whatever I write on an XBee, I immediately find it on another. It was a success. So I sent myself < Strong> / dev / ttyUSB2 , which has a free XBee slot, here's the slat's schematic: When I was connected to the XBB module in EA 3141, then the ON / Sleep LED lights up Started and ASSO / AD5 LED rebuffed. what does this mean? If XBees are already working on the minicom, how can this be? What device type (coordinator, router, or end device)? What is the rate of eyelid? Have you seen the XBI document for that PIN? Some blink rates just indicate that you are connected to a network or you have established a network. Are you still able to send data between nodes? It is described on the electronic stack exchange that what different eyelid patterns mean.

python - ValueError:invalid literal for int() with base 10:' ' -

I get this error in Python. I am reading from a text file, try to convert it to a variable and integer by adding value to it. This is my code fo = open ("HCTC3152_INF TXT "," r ") line1 = fo.readline () Part of the middle 52:56 year is always like 2013 or 2014 ChangeOperastStartdivaty YY = Intestine (Line 2 [52:56], 10) Change PrintOverStartDeti YY Then, always print out the years in the command prompt, and finally see the error. TI. got you exclude those lines: If not line.strip, then an empty line or at least one line less than 52 characters. (): To leave empty lines (only for white space), or for a minimal length test: < Code> if len (line)> = 56:

c# - DateTime.toString shows with time when output to Email -

EDIT: I know that, Ill interprets here. did not want to run time only, year, day and month // model public date time indent {get; Set; } // It is filled with a form with "01/01/2015" // Controller (date time) person. Indent). Ostring ("dd-MM-yyyy") What I failed to notice is that it only applies for that line code, I will place that line everywhere Missed on adding code html1ody = "& lt; tr & gt; & lt; td style = \" width: 225px \ "& gt; initial date project & lt; / td & gt; & lt; Td>: & amp; nbsp; " + Person Indent + "& lt; / td> "; It was my wrong line, I Forgot to add. ("DD-MM-yyyy") There too I solved it. Thanks for the Damien_de_nivalire, to indicate that it does not remember your format if you sometimes output it. It made me realize that I was told all the way. I just run this code and it outputs exactly what you want: You can also use whatever &l

tfs2013 - Code Review before checking in to TFS 2013 -

I am trying to apply a process so that developers can review the code of all developers, before the developer Check them out TFS 2013 Is there any process in human project to review the code? I am using TFS 2013 in Visual Studio 2013. After the TFS 2013 supports this out of the box, and is very straight forward to use. Go to Team Explorer Open pending changes Under "Action" menu, review the request Select Reviewer, and send it. The target user (in his case, manager) will be notified (if you have configured email settings on 'TFS), and Team Explorer> see review requests in my work You can. Reviewers can see all the changes made by the developer, com them ante, and send comments to the developer. The whole thing is inside the visual studio, and all comments are kept on TFS and can be reported later. Apart from this, on completion of the review, the reviewer can specify his / her idea of ​​change as "looks good", "with comment"

c# - Passing object from my Controller action method to my Repository method -

I am working on an mvc 5 web project and I have a repository Model class is created, and I am calling my repository with my verb method. For example, in my post editing methodology, I have the following code: - repository repository = new repository () ; [Http: post] [validAntiFergertin] edit public action result (security roll roll) {try (modelstate.ISIAGID) {repository.InstituteOrUpdateRole (role); repository.Save (); Return Redirect Action ("index"); }}} and there are repository model classes: - public class repository {Private teamTTS = new teammate}; Public Zero InsertOrUpdateRole (Security Role role) {role.Name = role.Name.Trim (); if (Role.SecurityRoleID == default (int)) // // New unit // code goes here {T. Entry (role) .set = EntityState.Modified;}} My question arises when I pass the object from my verb to my repository, how the entity framework will behave; will it make another copy in the repository, or will it keep track of the same object? Ent

php - URL management issues in Yii -

Hello, I am having problems in yii management in yii. I have a model vendor and the second model is the product. Both controllers have an action information now, instead of I want to make html my own URL. Instead of .html parameters are v. Name and P-name are parameters. I have written '& lt; V-name: \ w + & gt; & Gt; The seller / info ',' & lt; P-name: \ w + & gt; '= & Gt; ; 'Product / Information', But this does not seem to work as the first rule applies to the case of the product and in the end the exception is thrown. What should be done? Thanks a lot for help I use the more general rule I recommend: '& lt; Controller: \ w + & gt; / & Lt; Action: \ w + & gt; / Name / & lt; Name: \ w + & gt; = & Gt; '& Lt; Controller & gt; / & LT; Action

ios - Segue in UICollectoinView using Xcode 6 -

I'm new to Swift and iOS development. I'm trying to prepare a demo app that shows the details of an item in a new scene when clicked. I tried to use the storyboard but I found out that no one can create segments directly from SEZ in the storyboard because collection view is dynamically populated through the data source. So I did not trigger anything by clicking PerformSegueWithIdentifier: sender but I click on an item I have set the identifier for Segue in the storyboard. I do not know what is wrong (as I am very new and still do not understand the full flow). My first class is myFirstViewController.swift and second mySecondViewController.swift please ( prepareForSegue , showSegue function < / Strong> should be kept where?) I am using xCode 6 OS X Yosemite . Your myFirstViewController class UICollectionViewDelegate protocol implemented Have to do. Create a segue to your second view controller by ctrl-dragging from the viewcontroller1 icon - Catching event when a control loses child control -

Imagine this application in, I have 2 panels and several buttons. I I'm pulling the button (through catching drag and drop events) I see it. Now I am trying the following: Does a panel increase an event when this panel loses some child button (or control)? Thanks in advance. In the panel control, it does not seem that a fire sets when changes in its child's control archive it happens . The best thing to handle as a part of the drop event will be You probably have some code to determine if the button should be moved or not. If this is true, one panel loses one control, then you do a function call to do everything.

javascript - Make dropdown multi-select -

I have 2 dropdowns and one of them (the second one) is dynamic in such a way that its value changes according to the option Selected in first dropdown JSFiddle Result: Can anyone show me how can I make another dropdown to select each other? I'm really green in Jquery and HTML. JSFild: & lt; Select ID = "range_oder_cite" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; & Lt; Select ID = "auswahl" & gt; & Lt; / Select & gt; Var data = {"category": ["craft", "starship", "insurance", "risk",], "site": ["", " Https:// "],}; Var $ kategorien = $ ("# kategorie_oder_seite") ("Change", function () {var seiten = $ .map (data [this.value], function (seite) {return $ ("& lt; option / & gt;"). Text (seat);}) ; $ ("# Auswahl") blank

vba - Is it possible to have a function in another function -

Is it possible to have such a function: function first (test1 as string) Second, 'hello' .... function second (test 2 as string) .... and function ... and function I try to do this, but the second I am getting this error for the end of the function: Expected Termination Function function second (as test2 string) .... and function function first (test 1 as string) second 'hello' .... last function < / Pre> The function needs to be announced before it is called, which is why you have a second before the first.

php - Get Attachment Custom Field value -

I have a custom field in my attachment form for WordPress. I have this Android; Now the public would like to display values ​​at the end. By visiting this, it should help, but not: & lt ;? Php wp_get_attachment_metadata ($ attachment_id, $ unfiltered); array ([width] = & gt; [height] = Array ([Array ([file] => [width] = & gt; array ([file] = & gt; [width] = & gt; [file] = & gt; [size] => Gt; [height] => [mime-type] = & gt;] = & gt; [height] => [mum-type] => 2) [image_meta] => array [Aperture] = & gt; [credit] => [camera] = & gt; [caption] = & gt; [created_timestamp] => [copyright] => [focus_length] => [ Iso = => [shutter-speed] => [title] => gt;)) So, this attachment is datails but you want to get custom field You can use the same as the post: get_post_meta ($ post-> id, 'your_field_name', true); All of whom are avaible in attachment.php, in the attachment page, $ post

php - Yii 1.1: cross-controller variables (and even cross-view ones) -

For every request, at least I create an example of MyUser , which is the username, Some internal permissions include information, links to avatars and so on. The thing is that I need this information for each controller, and for most views (to render some controls or not depending on the user status and permissions). It looks like the need for a global variable, which is requested on time. What is the best way to solve this problem? Override sebbucer (which you call when you release Yii :: app () -> user) with its custom class web page (placed in components or other folders that contain its classes), and some are found, such as with getRole () example: & lt ;? Php class WebUser extends CWebUser {Private $ _model = null; Function getRole () {if ($ user = $ this-> getModel ()) {Return $ user- & gt; UserRole-> Name; }} Private event getModel () {If (! $ $- hg, ugh & $ this-> _model === faucet) {$ this-> _model = User :: model () - & gt; Find

c# - The conversion of a datetime2 data type to a datetime data type resulted in out-of-range value -

मैं सी # प्रोग्राम विकासशील स्टूडियो 2012 में एंटीटी फ़्रेमवर्क का उपयोग कर रहा हूं। मैं अपने डेटाबेस तालिका में रिकॉर्ड जोड़ना चाहता हूं रिकॉर्ड (ऑब्जेक्ट) में एक विशेषता (TRANSACTION_DATE) शामिल है जो शून्य मान की अनुमति नहीं देता है और यह दिनांकटाइम प्रारूप है। डेटाबेस में मैं इस प्रारूप के लिए लक्ष्य कर रहा हूं: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss.fff इसलिए मुझे वर्तमान तिथि और समय पर, मेरा कोड ऐसा है: newEntry.TRASACTION_DATE = दिनांक टाइम। पर्स एएक्सैक्ट (डेटटाइम.Now.ToString (), "yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss एफएफएफ ", कल्चर इन्फो। इन्विरियनटीकल्चर); लेकिन यह मुझे त्रुटि दे रहा है: एक datetime2 डेटा प्रकार को एक datetime डेटा प्रकार के रूपांतरण के परिणामस्वरूप आउट-ऑफ-रेंज मान दिया गया। < / P> मैं जानना चाहता हूं कि यह मेरे प्रारूप में परिवर्तित क्यों नहीं हो रहा है? बाधाएं: आपको डेटाबेस के बारे में किसी विशेष स्ट्रिंग प्रारूप में मूल्यों को संचयित करने के बारे में नहीं सोचना चाहिए - कोई भी इससे अधिक संख्याएं दशमलव या हेक्स के रूप में संग्रहित करती हैं।

drupal - How do I programmatically delete user profile picture? -

I have the following code to upload a program image in an existing user account (which I have found on the internet). I'm still getting the " Duplicate entry " error So I thought I should remove the existing photo first (if any) before uploading the first picture ) Or is there a better way to overwrite without getting the error? DOException: SQLSTATE [23000]: Integrity Constraints: 1062 For Duplicate Entry '' Key 'Yuri': {file_managed} (UID, Yuri , Filememes, files, status, timestamp, type) values ​​((db_insert_placeholder_0 ,: db_insert_placeholder_1 ,: db_insert_placeholder_2 ,: db_insert_placeholder_3 ,: db_insert_placeholder_4 ,: db_insert_placeholder_5 ,: db_insert_placeholder_6); Array ([: db_insert_placeholder_0] => 1302 [: db_insert_placeholder_1] => [: db_insert_placeholder_2] => image / png [: db_insert_placeholder_3] => 143769 [: db_insert_placeholder_4] => 1 [: db_insert_placeholder_5] => 1414500789 [: db_insert_place

ElasticSearch : Query multiple value in array -

I am trying to put the query / filter together for elastic search. Here is the structure that has the structure {_id: "0872300234", customers: [{name: "bob", priority: 1, type: "GoodUser"}, {name: "Dan" Priority: 10, type: "BadUser"}, {name: "sam", priority: 10, type: "good user"}, {name: "cam", priority: 2, type: "baduxer"}]} < / Code> then call it "profile" document / record. I would like to find all profiles that have a customer priority of 10 and it is a "good user" (the same customer), for example, Sam will match, but will not donate. I got a query that gives me a profile where a customer's priority is 10 and one customer (not the same) has a good user of type. Is there a way to fully query an array object? Thank you You need nested type for this about nested objects You can find more information, and in those situations why do you need those re

Mahout 0.9 on Hadoop 0.20.2 -

Can hard work at 0.9 hodop 0.20.2? I downloaded the 0.9 and I think it is based on Hadoop 1.2.1. thanks thanks < P> As far as I know, Apache Mahosh 0.9 Apache Hadoop 1.2.1 You can see: And according to that pom file, it seems that Hadoop 0.20.2 is not supported.

Sharing a user table between Rails and Django -

I have found a rail app as part of a project, for which only one app is available with users Compatibility must be created in the table in PostgreSQL (Rail app is planning for auth) I am inexperienced in Rail and want to create separate app in Django. Thanks >

sql - How to renumber a table column -

I have a SQLite table sorted by column id but let me call it runtime Need to sort by another numeric field named table pass_2 looks create table pass_2 As SELECT RunTime, PosLevel, PosX, Posy, Speed, ID is good, but I have to record the id column without recording it from 1 .. n . This is a principle of SQL database that is not a natural or guaranteed command in the underlying tables To enter SELECT ing from the table using the ORDER BY section for your records, you must specify the order in which you want to view. You can get your code from the SELECT * to ORDER using the runtime , and this is the correct and reliable way to do this in any SQL database. If you want to try to get the record in "code" for the "code" in runtime, you can call ORDER BY Use to create the table in SELECT , but remember: You do not guarantee to get the record back in the order in which they are included in the table . When can you get back the reco

python - Django - Using different models in different environments -

We have a demo application, which is at its root, a series of webpages with forms that our users In order to fill in. (We call a series of pages specifically on those pages "flow.") We will white-label this app for a partner - partners would like to add some areas to their own new Add some webpage to the form, the result can be a new order in which the form is filled. (In addition to changes in current form / model or new form / model, a new "flow".) To expand our existing, simple form-and-model structure to use differently What is the best way to form and model based on running instances of the application (for example an environment variable)? To use each model and form in the app, apply something like get_user_model, which will look at the current environment Store more common key-value so that we can implement the current implementation (I.e., the name of the data field is also part of the data) A data model that tracks the "flow" of thi

qt - Custom Widget stylesheet is not set with property -

I have a custom widget in the project and I'm trying to change the background color and label color with the click event. The color of the background varies but the label does not change color ... hopefully someone can help me find out where I am ... # #include "myframe.h" Main window: main window ( QWidget * Guardian): QMainWindow (parent), UI (new UI :: mainwondo) {UI-> SetupUi (this); MyFrame * frames = new MyFrame (this); UI- & gt; GridLayout_2- & gt; AddWidget (frame); SetStyleSheet ("MyFrame {pressed \" true \ "] {background-color: red;}" "MyFrame {background-color: yellow;}" "MyFrame QLabel {color: black; font: bold 12px;}" [Pressed = \ "true \"] QLabel {color: white;} "); } Main Window :: ~ MAIN WANDO () {DELETE UI; } My custom widget / header file #ifndef MYFRAME_H #define MYFRAME_H #include & lt; QFrame & gt; # Include & lt; QGridLayout & gt; # Include & lt; QLabel &a

html - C# HtmlEncode name only -

According to the table, I have to encode a string in C # in the following way: Encoded only the characters named HTML, with their HTML name in the link from the table (and the symbols that HTML name Do not keep the same, and should not be replaced with their HTML number ). For example: I get the string & amp; ' should be encoded ; ' , but the results I'm getting are giving it & amp; Amp; & Amp; # 39; , it is converting a symbol that does not have an HTML name. HttpUtility.HtmlEncode (); is encoding for both HTML name and HTML number. Update: Using Microsoft.Security.Application Trying to do Encoder.HtmlEncode () is also giving the same encoding results. Any suggestions for other solutions? Any suggestions for other solutions or a way of implementing Microsoft.Security ?? Have you tried adding the system? Security Dell Manually? Browse the reference folder in the solution, rightclick, add references, assembly, framework, system. S

ios - Create view hierarchy programmatically with Auto Layout -

I want to create a visible hierarchy of the program using automatic layout The following structure is in the hierarchy: UIView -> UIWebView I Some place for a UIToolbar at the bottom of UIView want to go The result should be in the form of this xib file: The code is still: - (zero) load view {UIView * view = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: [[UIScreen main screen] border]]; Self.view = View; Self.webView = [[UIWebView alloc] init]; Self.webView.scalesPageToFit = Yes; [Self.view addSubview: self.webView]; Self.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = No; Self.webView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = No; NSDictionary * nameMap = @ {@ "webview": self.webView}; NSArray * c1Array = [NSLayoutConstraint Visual Format with Hurdles: @ "H: | -0- [Webview] -0- |" Options: 0 metric: zero view: nameMap]; NSArray * c2Array = [NSLayoutConstraint Visual Format with Hurdles: @ "V: | -0- [Webview] -45- |" Options: 0 metric: zero view: nameMap

javascript - Why is document.GetElementById returning null -

इस सवाल का पहले से ही एक उत्तर है: < / P> 6 जवाब मैं दस्तावेज़ का उपयोग कर रहा हूं .GetElementById सफलतापूर्वक लेकिन कुछ समय से मैं इसे फिर से काम नहीं कर सकता। जिन पुराने पृष्ठों में मैंने इसका इस्तेमाल किया था, वे अभी भी काम करते हैं लेकिन इस तरह से सरल चीजें: & lt; html & gt; & Lt; शीर्ष & gt; & Lt; शीर्षक & gt; कोई शीर्षक & lt; / title & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / जावास्क्रिप्ट" & gt; Document.getElementById ("ThisWillBeNull")। InnerHTML = "यह रिक्त क्यों है?"; & Lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; / head & gt; & LT; बॉडी & gt; & Lt; div id = "thisWillBeNull" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & Lt; / body & gt; & Lt; / html & gt; मुझे "document.getElementById (" parsedOutput ") दे रहे हैं" अब हर समय शून्य है " अगर मैं फ़ायरफ़ॉक्स या क्रोम का उपयोग करता हूं या जो एक्सटेंशन मैंने बढ़ाया है या HTML के लिए क

__getitem__ overloading in python -

/ कोड> विधि और कॉल के लिए लूप: वर्ग ओवीएल: डेटा = [1,2,3,4,5] def __getitem __ (स्व, सूचकांक): वापसी "हाय" x = ओवीएल () एक्स में आइटम के लिए: प्रिंट वस्तु यह प्रोग्राम लूप प्रिंटिंग "हैती" के लिए अनंत में जाता है। मैं इसके पीछे कारण जानना चाहता हूं नोट के अनुसार, नोट: के लिए छोरों की उम्मीद है कि अनुक्रम के अंत की उचित पहचान की अनुमति < > & gt; & gt; & gt; कक्षा ओवीएल ... ... डेटा = [1,2,3,4,5] ... def __getitem __ (स्वयं, सूचकांक): ... यदि सूचकांक & gt; = 5: ... सूचकांक वृद्धि ('अंत') ... वापसी "हाय" ... ... & gt; & gt; & gt; X = ओवीएल ()> gt; & gt; & gt; & Gt; & gt; & gt; एक्स में आइटम के लिए ... ... प्रिंट आइटम ... हाय हाय हाय हाय हाय हाय

c# - Can't understand result of `a + c` when both are char -

I have programmed to add a pound symbol to the input value of the user through the command line. I can not understand the output of the console application code: Fixed zero main (string [] args) {char a = '\ u00A3'; // pound symbol Console.WriteLine ("Enter value"); Char c = Convert. Tochar (console. Read ()); For example // user type C console WrightLine (a + c); // this??? } Print Console.WriteLine (a + c) ? When you add two codes, you actually enter two integers ( int ). Therefore, '\ u00A3' + 'c' is (int) '\ u00A3' + (int) 'c' . ( c here as a sample, it depends on your input) \ u00A3 ( '£' ) = 163, c = 99. Then the end result = 262 . As a result int is ToString () printed on the ad and console.

c# - Execute UpdateAsync and DeleteAsync with WHERE clause in SQLite-net -

I am using the following libraries in my project: I looked at the document and I could not find any How to do UpdateAynyn or DeleteAsync with a WHERE clause, for example, in a gate method it looks like this: Wait sqlConnection.Table & lt; MyTable & gt; (). Where (v = & gt; v.Type.Equals (type)). ToListAsync (). ([T] => {...} However, with UpdateAsync or DeleteAsync From where do not there with the method. So far, I am using the query and handing the query in hand, but there is no point like this because I am using an ORM for this purpose, And I'm talking about something like an update or a command. Any thoughts on this? maybe You can try to do something like this: var current user = wait db.FindAsync & lt; user & gt; (u = & gt; u.UserName == user.UserName ); If (Existing user! = Null) {wait db.UpdateAsync (user);} (Where the user name is the primary key of my user table.) < / Div>

android - Create Drawable at Runtime and add into Resources -

I create a draft on runtime for my Android application These Drawables font icons are generated from FontAwesome. I'm looking for a way to add these droplets to the resources of my Android project. I want to generate a drob at the beginning of the application and access through resources and I would like to use them in the rest of the application. Is it possible to add a drobble object to project resources in Java code? You can not add a drawable to your project resources on the runtime when you create an app What you can do in the APK, make drawables at runtime and hold a reference for it as long as you need it, so that you can use the entire application in a lifetime (of course, make sure that if you If you choose this route then you can accidentally remove any memory B Do not leak).

regex Positive Lookahead failure -

मेरे regex में नीचे का निर्माण, & lt; ([AZ] [A-Z0 -9] *) \ ख [^ & gt;] * & gt;। (*) के & lt;? / \ 1 & gt; किसी भी HTML टैग के उद्घाटन और समापन जोड़ी से मिलान होगा, जबकि q (? = (& Lt; ([AZ] [A-Z0- 9] *) \ b [^ & gt;] * & gt; (। *?) & Lt; / \ 1 & gt;)) यह सकारात्मक lookahead निर्माण किसी भी HTML टैग की एक जोड़ी के बाद हर q मैच चाहिए। नीचे फ़ंक्शन रिक्त स्थान वापस आ रहा है। लेकिन मैंने सोचा था कि यह नहीं होना चाहिए। फ़ंक्शन regex ($ detail) {if (preg_match ('# q (? = (& Lt; ([AZ] [A-Z0- 9] *) \ B [^ & gt;] * & gt; (। *?) & Lt; / 1 & gt;)) # i ', $ विस्तार)) {वापस सत्य; } विवरण झूठा है; } $ Detail = 'q & lt; p & gt; यह मेरी पहली पोस्ट है यह मेरी पहली पोस्ट यह है कि यह मेरी पहली पोस्ट यह मेरी पहली पोस्ट है & lt; / p & gt;'; गूंज गूंज ($ detail); हालांकि यह संरचना नीचे मान्य है q (? = (Regex)) मुझे इसकी सराहना होगी अगर कोई हो मेरे रीजेक्स फ़ंक्शन संरचना में त्रुटि को इंगित कि

r - Scatterplot with trajectory across datasets -

I'm using ggplot2 in r to create scatterplots for two different positions (x, y ) Datasets are as follows: x1 y1 x2 y2 1 1.00000000 150.36247 0.50000000 133.27397 2 1.00000000 12 9.62707 0.50000000 120.79893 3 1.00000000 79.94730 0.62500000 78.98120 4 1.00000000 79.78723 0.62500000 81.93014 5 1.00000000 133.47697 0.72727273 192.86557 I would like to plot the plot on one plot (x1, y1) and (x2, y2), and draw the trapezoid line connecting two points for each line of the dataset example For sample data above (1,150) (1, 150) (0.5, 133) (data from 1 row) and adding a different line (1,129) and (0.5, 120) (data from the row) 2) and so on. Ideally, I would also like to make each line a different color. I tried to follow the instructions given below to create trajectories, but in my dataset it is according to column instead of grouping rows: and Currently, my script is a Generates two scatterplots on the graph, but there is no relation between the data points of the same line

If I want to get the thumbnail URL for a YouTube video, should I be using the "videos" API or the "thumbnails" API? -

There is a page and a page for the YouTube API, if I want a thumbnail for a certain YouTube video, Should use? I am willing to say thumbnail API, but I can not understand how information can be obtained about it? Can I set with it? The first bullet point on the thumbnail API docs indicates that I can get images from it: A resource snippet. Thumbnail property is an object that recognizes thumbnail images available for that resource. The only way available on thumbnail is ressource P> You can not retrieve the thumbnail of a video with the resource thumbnail with the compound snippet and the specific video ID Ressource videos.list is required to be used.

AngularJS Databinding Expression not working inside tooltip plugin template -

* संपादित करें: माइक ने एक प्रकार के साथ एक मुद्दा बताया। वास्तविक समस्या जिसे मैं हल करना चाहता हूं, जिसमें क्लाउटिप के साथ एक टेम्पलेट शामिल है I यह संशोधित plnkr देखें: मुझे यकीन है कि यह डायजेस्ट लूप और jquery प्लगइन क्लूइटीप से संबंधित है, लेकिन मुझे नहीं पता है कि डेटा को बाध्य करने के लिए मुझे क्या कदम चाहिए टेम्पलेट। मैंने यह स्पष्ट करने के लिए plnkr में साधारण उदाहरण दिया है कि मेरा क्या मतलब है। सवाल में कोड यह है: head> Cluetip - AngularJS & lt; script src = "//"></script> & Lt; link rel = "स्टाइलशीट" href = "jquery.cluetip.css" प्रकार = "टेक्स्ट / सीएसएस" / & gt; & Lt; script src = "" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; script src = "jquery.cluetip.js" & gt; & lt; / स्क्रिप्ट & gt; & Lt; स्क्रिप्ट प्रकार = "एप्

java - Manipulate a single element of vector -

I am currently trying to manipulate an element of a vector in Java. If I try to do this with element (A) or get (i) in a loop, then the whole vector still changes. I am still trying to do this by using vectors and trying to do it (as I use them throughout my program). I have tried to clone my vector in a temporary one, then remove all the elements of the vector except for tampering, but there is no benefit. Here is my code section: @ Override Public Empty Paint Coment (Graphics G) {super.paintComponent (g); Graphics 2DG2 = (Graphics 2D) G; For (int i = 0; i & lt; shapes.size (); i ++) {if (shapes .gate (i)! = Null) {g2.setColor (color-selected ()); If ( selected () & amp;! (String) shapes list.getSelectedItem () == "line") {g2.fill (shapes.elementAt (i)); } Other {g2.draw (figures. Element (i)); The problem that is happening is that I want to fill / draw / change the color of the next element drawn in my temporary paint program, but it changes every

php - Laravel limit with (not globally) -

I have the following query, which I want to execute with supernatural . (['User name']) with the $ restaurant = restaurant :: (['user' = & gt; function ($ query) {$ query}; // this $ query-> where the condition ('confirmation');}]) - & gt; Search ($ ID); I want to get a restaurant and it is related to user (they are related), but user usernames I $ hidden to the user model I can add to it, but then they will hide for every query (in the array / JSN form). But I only want to narrow it a bit more for this query. If I add (wrapping it in or without the array), I get the following result: {'id': 1, 'user': Null} However, if I remove that selection then I will not be able to enter the full user : {'id': 1, 'user': {.. json user data}} user exists and the username is not empty How can I go about this? The output can be found here. Edit: When I change the value of something that does

python - django url error in html href -

I followed the official site Django and now I am developing a new site based on Django. My schema is: / Home / ---- chart The template in my house has this code: < For option in code> {% Menu.options%}% lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A href = "{% url}" & gt; & Lt; I class = '{{option.class}}' & gt; & Lt; //}}</a> & Lt; / Li & gt; {% Endfor%} The menu is a word: = {"options": [{"link": "", " "Icon-dashboard", "icon", "class": "icon-dashboard", "{link}": "chart", "name": "chart", "class": "chart: chart"}] < / Code> But I do not know why this "{% url}" does not work Home / url (r '^ $', views.Home.as_view (), name = 'Home'), url (r '^ charts /', included ('charts.urls', namespace

wolframalpha - What is the constant term obtained when using Integration in Wolfram Alpha? -

I try to use wolfram alpa to calculate complex integral, < Code> integrated (0.0016 * V ^ (- 0.5) * (1-exp (- 0.0112 * v ^ 0.5)) 0.0036 * v ^ (- 0.5) * (1-exp (-0.0090 * v ^ 0.5))) I get the following result 0.285714 e ^ (- 0.0112 sqrt (v)) + 0.8 e ^ (- 0.009 sqrt (v)) + 0.0104 sqrt (v) + constant I'm wondering what it means stable ? The reason I am asking for is the same as I need to evaluate the result on certain points of v to get a certain integral. Cheers

python 2.7 - Bench marking of PyOpenCL programs -

I am trying to benchmark my FFT program on a GPU using PyOpenCL. When using OpenCL 'Profiling' and Python's 'Time' module, I see completely different results. To use profiling, I do something like this, queue = cl.CommandQueue (ctx, properties = cl.command_queue_properties.PROFILING_ENABLE) & lt; Other code & gt; In category (n): events.append (prg3.butterfly (qi, (lid (twid), none, twid_dev, & lt; buffers & gt;)) events [i] .wait () category For i (n): elapsed = elapsed + 1e-9 * (event [i]. Profile.and - event [i] .profile. Start) time Time can be used in such a way, for the category (n) k = time.time (): event = prg3.butterfly (line, twid) ), None, twid_dev, & lt; buffers & gt;) print time.time (s) - k Since both of these Do not give completely different results for = 20, (unless the answer is right and true!), I have the following question. What does event profiling really do and it is adding time spent in event.wait ()?

python - traced my code and it seems to be in a continous loop -

So I'm trying to write a program that takes positive, negative numbers and then once entered After it displays them at the end, pos1 = 0 neg1 = 0 all1 = 0 flt1 = float (raw_input ("Enter non-zero floating point number (decimal):") while (Flt1! = 0.0): if (Flt1 & lt; 0.0): neg1 = neg1 + flt1 all1 = all1 + flt1 elif (flt1> 0.0): pos1 = pos1 + flt1 all1 + all1 + flt1 print " Sum of all numbers ", all1," the all positive The sum of the numbers is "pause 1, print" and is the sum of all negative numbers ", neg1, My problem is that when I actually detect it (if I say 5.0 and trace it) I see that it gets stuck on the "elif" part of the code and is not really coming back to ask for the second number. I am trying to figure out what to do to get it back and ask for any other non-zero number. My goal is that the user enters the number in which he enters 0, then he takes all the negatives and combines them together and displays

windows - getchar() in c program - Eclipse Luna - Permission Denied -

पूर्णांक और फ़्लोट आधारित प्रोग्राम मेरे ग्रहण लुना में अच्छा काम कर रहे हैं किसी भी अनुमति विंडोज प्रक्रिया द्वारा बनाई गई समस्याओं के बिना, लेकिन एक स्ट्रिंग आधारित सी प्रोग्राम, त्रुटियाँ या कभी-कभी बनाता है लेकिन खाली कंसोल । मैं सी / सी + + डेवलपर्स संस्करण के लिए Eclipse IDE की एक नवीनतम प्रति रखता हूं : लुना सर्विस रिलीज 1 (4.4.1) - आईडी बनाएँ: 20140925-1800 और मिनजीव - मिंगव्यू संस्करण 0.6.2 विंडो 7 अंतिम 32-बिट ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम पर यह मेरा कोड होगा यह स्क्रीनशॉट पहले बिल्ड Ctrl + B के बाद होगा पहले बिल्ड कोई त्रुटि / अपवाद नहीं दिखाता है। लेकिन जब मैंने इसे चलाने की कोशिश की, मुझे खाली कंसोल मिलता है, मेरा मानना ​​है कि कम से कम getchar से शुरू होने पर स्ट्रिंग प्रविष्ट करें होना चाहिए था, लेकिन आश्चर्यजनक रूप से कंसोल खाली मैंने इसे पुनर्निर्माण करने की कोशिश की, संदेश के नीचे आया। मैंने इसे फिर से चलाने की कोशिश की Ctrl + F11 < P> यह फिर से खाली है। मैं अनुमति अस्वीकृत परिदृश्य को दोहराने में

java - How to change the M2_REPO of Maven in windows -

Currently, I have to change the device (laptop) to work-> I should be suitable to change the environment My project However, I found a problem with setting up the M2_REPO home. First of all, M2_REPO is being set locally by default in C such as: However, I want to change other local people like M2_REPOT such as: I have set up M2_REPO in the environment but they still do not work well Please tell me to configure them (Assume C I am using Iclipas for our project) Thanks. Oh, the easiest solution: check the following screen to check that you have a good setting, To go here simply type in the window-> priority and type filter

Python Changing a the value of a string variable -

I'm new to Python, and I want to know a way to change a set string variable. For example: For example: name = 'school' How would I go about changing it if I had a different I want to use name variables for George , Ben , jes , kt , etc. values ​​like You can assign a new value to a variable the way you originally assigned it one IS: Using the assignment operator, = . name = 'present value of the name' school 'print:', name is named = 'George' print 'is the current value of the name:', name Result: The name of the present value is: The present value of the school is: George

How to remove certain part of files with some conditions, sed or awk? -

Hello I am very new at the AWK or SED. But here I need it. I have dozens of files, including Do I need to find all the files together with this sn Ways to use awk or sed? Can anyone do the light, thanks in advance. Using GNU awk for multi-style RS: $ Cat file is now winter & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A class = "btn btn-success btn-xs btn-circle" style = "width: 10px; height: 12px;" & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Our dissatisfaction online . $ cat rmv & lt; Li & gt; & Lt; A class = "btn btn-success btn-xs btn-circle" style = "width: 10px; height: 12px;" & Gt; & Lt; / A & gt; Online . $ awk -v RS = '^ $' -v ORS = 'NR == FNR {str = $ 0; Next} s = index ($ 0, str) {$ 0 = substr ($ 0,1, s-1) substr ($ 0, s + length)) 1 'RMV file is now winter of our dissatisfaction < / Code>