
Showing posts from April, 2015

Ruby/Rails - Using a symbol or string to define model -

मेरे पास निम्न कोड है: यदि पैरामीटर [: reviewable_type] == 'प्रस्ताव 'समीक्षा योग्य = ऑफर.फंड (पाराम [: समीक्षा योग्य_आईडी]) एल्सफ पैरामीटर [: समीक्षा योग्य_प्रकार] ==' अनुरोध 'समीक्षा योग्य = अनुरोध। खोज (पैरामीटर [: समीक्षा योग्य_आईडी]) क्या मैं params [: reviewable_type] जैसे कुछ करने से इसे सरल करें। ढूँढें (पैरामीटर [: reviewable_id]) , अनिवार्य रूप से मॉडल के नाम के रूप में परम में निहित स्ट्रिंग का उपयोग? आप बाद में हो। हालांकि, आपको वास्तव में सिर्फ आँख बंद करके उपयोगकर्ताओं को मनमानी के उदाहरणों को इन्स्तांत करने की अनुमति नहीं देना चाहिए कक्षाएं। आपको हमेशा यह देखने के लिए जांचना चाहिए कि क्या आने वाले परम में सफेद उम्मीदवारों में से कोई एक श्वेत-सूची है: यदि% w (प्रस्ताव अनुरोध)। शामिल करें? (पैराम [[reviewable_type]) समीक्षा योग्य = Params [: reviewable_type] .constantize.find (params [: reviewable_id]) समाप्ति

swift - NSTask with defaults and killall bash commands -

I am trying to run the following two bash commands in the coco app: default Using NSTask, I have the following SWIFT code to execute the command when clicking on the button: command = ["-a Let's write "kill, findall", "-c", "killall finder"] task = NSTask () task.launchPath = "/ bin / bash" task.arguments = commands = task.launch, "error, CreateDesktop false", "-c", "killall finder" () I did not get any error while running the code but nothing really Does not happen when the button is clicked on any suggestions? Are you sure nothing is this? You can not run many -c arguments for this way, but when I try I execute my first order. echo foo '-c' echo bar 'afu In this particular case, the workaround is simple; $ bash -c 'echo foo; Echo Bar 'FU Bar' / 'Code' More generally, the individual commands you were passing in the Bash did

ios - IOS7 verify iap receipt, What's the in_app filed mean? -

The app does an IAP, and send the receipt to my server, to verify my server receipt, Sends on / P> IOS7 has changed return data Now, such returns data: {u'environment ': u'sandbox', u 'Receipt': {u'adam_id ': 0, you' ap_item_id ': 0, you' application_version ': u'i.0', you 'bundle_id': you 'com Mjitiims Songuintrneshnl 'U' Daunlod_aidi ": 0, U'in_ap ': [[U'ais_trial_prirod': u'false ', u'original_purchase_date': u'2014-10-24 06:54:20 Etc / GMT" u'original_purchase_date_ms': u'1414133660000 ', u'original_purchase_date_pst': u'2014-10-23 23:54:20 US / Los_anjls, U'riginl_tronjhakshn_aidi ': U'l000000l28944402' U 'Product_id': u'com ', u'purchase_date': u'2014-10-28 01:56:45 ET / GMT, U'purke_data_ms: U '1414461405000', 'Buy_date_pst

ios - when app run it crash and the main function is not call -

When I run my app on iOS6 or IOS7 device, then it crashes but on iOS 5.1.1 Do not do this. Int main (Int Arjik, char * argv []) {@autoreleasepool {Anselog (@ "---- ---- Home"); // It has not run! Return UIApplicationMain (argc, argv, zero, NSStringFromClass ([AppDelegate square])); }} And it runs fine in the simulator. Clear the project and does not help to reinstall the application. log below: malloc pile recordings for disk using XXXX_test_ios (243) malloc: standard recorder XXXX_test_ios (243) malloc: heap log / private / var / being written in mobile / applications / 2E60A0A0-AA10- 4CD6-AB74-85901B5D9D53 / tmp / Stak- logs.243.XXXX_test_ios.index XXXX_test_ios (243) malloc: issue: cp / private / var / mobile / applications / 2E60A0A0- AA10-4CD6-AB74-85901B5D9D53 / tmp / stack- / tmp / 2014-10-28 10: 58: 31.529 ktplay_sdk_test_ios [243: 907] *** - [CFString release]: deallocated examples sent 0x1cd78950 Send anyone give

python - Pymongo Or Condition To Filter Queries -

So I'm having a slight problem that I'm going through mongoDB with pongo or using the status I am here. All looked at the same posts, but for some reason, I do not seem to be working. "{{" Tag ":" zombiegem "," meta.lolestate ":" NORMAL_MODE "," $ or ": [{" Meta.zombiesInLOS ": {' $ Gt ': 0}}, {"Meta.zombiesInSLOS": {' $ gt ': 0}}, {"Meta.helpersInLOS": {' $ Gt ': 0}}, {"Meta.helpersInSLOS": { 'Gt':}}}} goodShot01 = coll.find ({"tag": "zombiegem", "meta.lolestate": "NORMAL_MODE", "Meta.zombiesInLOS": {"$ gt": 0}} ) GoodShot02 = coll.find ({"tag": "zombiegame", "meta.llevestate": "NORMAL_MODE", " in SLOOS": {"$ Gt":}}) goodShot03 = coll.find ( {"Tag": "zombiegame", "meta.llevestate": "norm

java - Extra variable or existing variable -

I want to ask that there is any effect (such as performance) between these two types of code. Method 1: object object = new object (); // different variable object object2 = new object (); . . . Method 2: object object = new object (); . . Object = new object (); // Repeat the same variable Is it different from coding style or any other reason, such as reserve memory, better performance? In Method 1, you are creating two references and collecting two different objects . Both objects are not eligible for garbage collector. On Method 2, you are creating a reference and you can allocate a new object and then you create a new object and allocate it in context. Now there was no reference in your first object, so this garbage collector is eligible. Good luck !!!

java - don't repaint or revalidate -

When the program is running, the button has been made 10X10. I changed the button 20X20 by the modified menu, however, the button is not visible. Appears when you move the mouse to the button Do not be a repetition, it is not even modified. package com.test; Import java.awt.CardLayout; Import java.awt.Dimension; Import java.awt.GridLayout; Import java.awt.Toolkit; Import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; Import java.awt.event.ActionListener; Import javax.swing.JButton; Import javax.swing.JFrame; Import javax.swing.JMenu; Import javax.swing.JenuBar; Import javax.swing.JMenuItem; Import javax.swing.JOptionPane; Import javax.swing.JPanel; Public class MenuTest JFrame (private dimension Dimen, Dimenl; private brick exposed, Waips; private Jebtn [] [] Bitian = null; private Jepinl P; private Gridleaut grid; private Kardleaut cards, personal Int Runm; private Int colnum; private Aianel Level ;;); Public () "Main" () {Super ("Game"); P = New ZipLine (); Grid = New Gridl

java class main error for crontab -

When I try to run the exe jar file in Unix: $ Java Jar /tnpm_pm_test.jar it runs fine without any errors, but when I try to add it in the crontab * / 15 * * * * / Usr / bin / java java-java / home / user1 / tnpm / tnpm_pm_test.jar & amp; & Gt; / Dev / null I am getting the error below: formula exception "main" JavaklangkNoClassDefFoundError: because the Java Version .lang.ClassNotFoundException: low ( on $ ( (Native method) least version java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass sun.misc.Launcher not $ AppClassLoader.loadClass ( on java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass ( ( Could get main category: the version will exit the program I'm not sure What is the difference between running a freedom and using a crossnote? Does anyone know whereis Java

javascript - how to get object value on button click in angular? -

I am displaying a list view in angular using ng-repeat. I was able to display the list. Actually a radio button is on each line and I have a button on the screen. I want to get the object of the selected radio button when clicking the button. In other words, if I select the first line radio button, if I click on the button If I click, I want this object how do I get it? Here's my code & lt; Table & gt; & Lt; Tr id = "$ index" ng-repeat = "one in data" ng-click = "mix-selection road (a)" & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; {{A.condidateID}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; {{A.condidateName}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; {{A.territory}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; {{A.voteCount}} & lt; / Td> & Lt; TD & gt; & Lt; Input type = "radio" name = "chicken euget" value = "egg" ng-model = "checkered" & gt; & Lt; / Td> & Lt; / TR & g

java - Shifting Parts of an Array and NullPointerException -

This is the piece of the overriding method, which adds to ArrayList. I intend that to keep the list alphabetically For comparison (by comparing strings, compare is defined in a different method), this will use comparisons. To determine whether the elements should be moved correctly (to find the list or string "smaller" than string arg0), and then insert an arg0, until one goes wrong in one position. There was no error while adding the first element, but when a second element was added to ArrayList then a NullPointerException was raised. How do I fix the NullPointerException problem, but still there are problems within the method. Given that an arr arr [] is already defined (with length of 20), and arg0 already passed already: int example = This.size (); While (example & gt; 0 & amp; amp; and amp0.compareTo (arr [instance-1]) gt; 0) {arr [example] = arr [Example - 1]; Instance--; } Arr [example] = arg0; Back true;

html - How to scale image out of div? -

I am trying to scale the image on the hover using CSS, this is my Code is HTML: & lt; Div class = "cli-wrap" & gt; & Lt; Ul class = "clearfix" id = "ci-list" style = "width: 2640px;" & Gt; & Lt; Li style = "margin-left: 0 pixels;" Class = "zoomage" & gt; & Lt; One goal = "_ blank" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Img border = "0" src = "image / 1.png" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li style = "margin-left: 0 pixels;" Class = "zoomage" & gt; & Lt; One goal = "_ blank" href = "#" & gt; & Lt; Img border = "0" src = "picture / 2.png" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; / Li & gt; & Lt; Li style = "margin-left: 0 pixels;" Class = "zoomage" & gt; & Lt; One goal = "_ blank" href = "#"

Setting connection parameters in iOS-Corebluetooth Framework -

According to the Core Bluetooth Framework Context, there is an option argument on the CBCentralManager.connectPeripheral method, but there is no document that describes < P> In addition to mentioning that its "a dictionary to adapt the connection behavior." I assume that the caller will specify the initial connection interval and slave latency, please provide the dictionary description (ie the key of the dictionary). Please inform me, how to give the key and value of the connection parameter dictionary (referred to above). Thanks and Regards - Ibrahim Suleman are in the document. CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnConnectionKey CBConnectPeripheralOptionNotifyOnNotificationKey and to control the creation of those alerts they are - To launch when there are related Bluetooth events and you have not specified a Bluetooth background mode. You can not change connection interval from an iOS app, only one peripheral can request a change. See the last paragrap

computer vision - What is the number of Hash functions needed in Bundle Min Hashing for Logo Recognition? -

लोगो के संदर्भ में लोगो मान्यता के लिए बंडल न्यूनतम हैशिंग: मान लीजिए कि हमारे पास बंडल {2,5,18,444,678} और {2,5,79,368,841} हैं और शब्दावली का आकार 1M है यदि हमारे पास केवल 1 स्केच प्रति बंडल है तो हमें 1 हां फंक्शन की आवश्यकता है जो 1 एम पूर्णांक को [0,1] में समान वितरण से मूल्यों के निर्धारण के लिए निर्धारित करता है। प्रत्येक कॉल के लिए हैश फ़ंक्शन को निश्चित बीज होना चाहिए। 4-स्केच के लिए हमें 4 बीजों के साथ ही हैश फ़ंक्शन की आवश्यकता होती है। क्या विचार सही है? या हम बेतरतीब ढंग से सेट (बंडल) से न्यूनतम हश शब्द के रूप में एक संख्या चुन सकते हैं, क्योंकि वे सेट के यादृच्छिक क्रमबद्धता का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं? कागज में आवश्यक हैश फ़ंक्शंस? क्या मुरमुरहेश 3 काम कर सकता है?

javascript - Issue with fancybox -

When I click on the image, I can not find a fancy box. I am new to using it, and can not understand what is wrong. I have not used javascript much, is there anything wrong with calling jQuery function? & lt; Script & gt; Fancybox ({type: 'iframe', autoize: false, beforeLoad: function ('Id') == 'item1') {this.width = 500; this.height = 200;} and (this.wind = 200; this.height = 500;}}}); & lt; / script & Gt; & lt; / head & gt; & lt; body & gt; & lt; div class = "pure-u-1 net-u-md-1-2" & gt; div class = " El-box "> Meet with our partner << HR class =" header-after "> gt; & lt; Div class = "member" & gt; & lt; p & gt; members of the diligent group! & Lt; / p & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt; h4 style = "font-size: x- Big; padding-left: 40px; "& gt; Harvard University & lt; / h4 & gt; & lt; a id = "item1&q

multithreading - Inter-thread communication in Swift? -

itemprop = "text"> My goal is to parse a large XML file (20 GB) with swift. There are some performance problems with NSXMLParser and Swift Bridging the object, so I'm looking at multi-threading. Specifically lower division: The main thread - purse data The worker submits the thread-type type in SWIFT and sends it to 1. Casting of ObjC NSDictionary [String: string] is the biggest obstacle, it is also the main reason for isolating it on multiple threads. Worker thread - Parsing XML in OBC types - and sends 2. NSXLL parse is a push-parser, once you start parsing, you can not stop it. The data should be parsed sequentially, so the input order should be maintained. I think allow two parallel processing of non-blocking to run an NSRunLoop on both 1 and 2. According to the documentation of the apple, communication between the thread can be obtained by calling. However this symbol is not available in Swift. I do not think GCD will fit in the form of a solution

How to dump byte array to INSERT INTO SQL script (Java + PostgreSQL) -

How can I add a Postgradge SQL base to a SQL script, which contains the following Java Entity Class based data collection? The problem is how can I write the contents of the byte array as STD script on INSERT INTO value This means that this data is sent through the Java application Can not feed, according to the requirement to populate the data base present on the production environment, some row SQL Script is needed. Thank you. Entity class @Antity @Table (name = "image_table") Public class ImageData applied serializable {@Id @GeneratedValue @Column ( Name = "id") private integer ID; @column (name = "content") private byte [] content; } Row sql script is required to be generated Insert image_title (id, content) value (' 1 ',' & lt; content of byte [] & gt; '); Insert Image_table (id, content) values ​​('2', '& lt; content of byte [] & gt;'); To answer your question literally: You can wri

javascript - Setting Default value of input textbox in Jquery EasyUI dialog -

I have googled and looked in the entire document and could not understand why the value of the input text is not shown. I am using the latest version of Firefox and everything I did below is by now. & lt; Input name = "amount" class = "easyui-validatebox" id = "d_amount" value = "" & gt; In the regular html or php page we can assign value = "300" to set the default value, but in EasyUI, this is not possible. So I was thinking of the possible options as below: Nothing has been shown and I am not getting any errors Any EasyUI expert, please help me. Note: This input field is inside the dialog < P> To set the default value, you must set the value attribute, however, it does not necessarily update the value property so that you both need to. Then given: & lt; Input name = "zodiac" class = "simple-recognized box" id = "d_amount" value = "" & gt; var

calling oracle stored procedure using custom data types in perl -

I have a stored procedure defined in Oracle whose parameters are objects defined in the oracle. I need to allocate it through Perl I have seen, but no reference could be found about it. Can someone help me? Thank you, Why do not you write another Oracle process in which you Can you use Oracle objects and call your target process? You can then call this new process by using Perl with standard parameters. Bad architecture should work but ... (sorry just can not comment)

Java error: class, interface or enum expected? the pointer points at import java.util.Scanner;? -

वर्ग Xyz {सार्वजनिक शून्य सरल संदेश (स्ट्रिंग नाम) {System.out.println ("हैलो" + नाम) ; }} यहां एबीसी वर्ग है: import java.util.Scanner; सार्वजनिक वर्ग एबीसी {सार्वजनिक स्थिर शून्य मुख्य (स्ट्रिंग [] आर्ग्स) {स्कैनर में = नया स्कैनर (; ज़िज़ तॉब = नया ज़्याज़ (); System.out.println ("नमस्ते आपको नाम दर्ज करें:"); स्ट्रिंग का नाम = in.nextLine (); tob.simpleMessage (नाम); }} आपको परिभाषित करने से पहले फ़ाइल के शीर्ष पर आयात स्टेटमेंट को स्थानांतरित करने की आवश्यकता है वर्ग xyz।

ios - UIAlertController disables all Touch events on screen -

I have to show a view using the UIAlertController with a picker, canceled and made button here. : UIAlertController * alertController = [UIAlertController WarningControllerWithTitle: @ "" Message: @ "" Favorites: Style: UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet]; UILArtactation * Alert Action = [UILArtaction Action Vitalality: @ "" Style: UIAlartActionStyle Default Handler: Nile]; [Add WarningAdministrator: Alert Action]; [AlertController.view addSubview: pickerView]; [AlertController.view addSubview: cancelBtn]; [AlertController.view addSubview: doneBtn]; [AlertController.view Setbowns: CGRactMake (0, 180, Self v. Euphr. Size.width, 400)]; And so on, I call current view controller method: UIPopoverPresentationController * popover = alertController.popoverPresentationController; If (popover) {popover.sourceRect = CGRectMake (0, 0, 320, 550); Popover.permittedArrowDirections = UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny; } [Self-present ViewController: Animated Alert C

c# - ASP.Net - Maximize and Close icon allignment issue with RadWindow -

I am using telewheel radwindow to display a PDF. The window is working fine and an alignment problem is the max and the close icon is expected to be in one line, but presented as two columns. I am attaching screen shots. Nearby and restoring icons were not properly aligned at the end of the window. As I tested HTML, I found that One element of it. I tried, increase Changing the new square added with the width of the main device, the square with the different property values, etc. But still I can not decide any ideas or suggestions were highly appreciated thanks avance Remove all the CSS from the page where you announce this radwindow. Most likely, some of these are interfering with red-window elements. Details of this troubleshooting is available here. In addition, it does not look like an underlying skin, so try to use any one of the underlying if it's okay then some things in your skin break down. So that you can fix it. The third idea - switch to lightweig

How to get a string value in Xcode from ashx page? -

I have in my Xcode waxing is a TextField now requires me to get value from an ash page. When I open the ash page in the browser, I can see that it is only showing a value I need to show the value in TextField This is ashx page: somelink / Export. Ashx f = GetClientBalance & amp; Pin = rsbtest & amp; IncludeCurrency = true help me.? Out ... You can use NSURLConnection to string data. Here's the code: NSURLResponse * reaction; NSError * error; NSData * data = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest: [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @ ""]] returningResponse: & amp ; Feedback error: & amp; Error]; NSString * string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData: data encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding]; NSLog (error.description); NSLog (string);

mysql - SQL 2 Summations giving out incorrect results -

I am doing a query where I summarize 2 but giving it a strange result What is currently happening indicates that there are 3 rows in the payments that match the selection criteria and only 1 statement, the total_ plus number is multiplied by 3 , But the pay_size is correct and then says that there are 2 items in the description that match the criteria and only 1 in payment, the pay_out number is multiplied by 2, but the total_animate is correct, any sign will be great, thanks! Schema Invoice ID name .... Description ID fk_invoice_id Name Value Quantity Payment ID fk_invoice_id zodiac_pad More information: I was trying to simplify my post, but just to add customers have many invoices I have only one In the context of the customer, therefore the customer. There is a foreign key in the invoice, I am trying to get all the invoices for a particular customer. Whatever you want to do, according to some things from DETAILS and pay per invoice. But you are joining all rela

css - Min-width datatable column Primefaces -

I have a data tab displayed in the full screen columns by default to customize their width in the screen width. This is right. But when the screen is small, I would like to set a minimum-width in a column of the dataset. Not to hide my selectors on column headers. I have tried to set the minimum-width CSS property in the column but it does not work. My existing work-on-javascript is used to take the current width, if it is smaller than a certain number of px, then I set the width of a fixed value. Is there any clean solution? Thank you. Try this: # I have read somewhere that adding 'important' behind CSS is so much that it will take that piece of code above any other low-width width specification.

java - Architecture/Technology advice for pipeline using Hadoop/Hive -

My architecture has been created in a few steps. 1 The ETL is putting files on the HDFS file system. 2. Run the hive on the top of the hypoglasses, prepare the SQL script and the results table. 3. The table is changed to XML 4. XML is being uploaded to another location using HTTP post. We got our own logic on the argument on the hive SQL and Bash script. I'm looking for a pipleline framework to help me in organizing this architecture (java / spring or any other). Any suggestions? Examples? I tried pig, but we have complexities in it. Thank you, Ray.

c# - "DLL not found error " could not be fixed although I downloaded missing related-DLLs -

I have created a Dll file from C ++, I called it in a C # file. It is working fine. But then when I tried to export the files to another computer I was getting the exception: DLL was not found. To remove the bug, I downloaded Dependency Walker because I thought that my DLL was dependent on other DLLs which disappeared on another computer; Dependency walker also gives me this message: failed to start the application because its side-by-side configuration is wrong Do you think it could be a clue? Please help please + Runtime must be installed The VC ++ runtime should match with bitness (32-bit or 64-bit) and the service pack you are using (see About dialog box - Left side , not the right side (which is. You can use the / MT compiler option to get all dependent DLLs in your DLL (or EXE) If you are using MFC, use 'MFC in Static Library'

ruby - Dynamic CSS generation doesn't work in Rails4 -

The following code is not working, according to me 'read-more-105', 'more -106 etc., tale According to .id's vale and lt;% = simple_format truncate (plot.description, length: char_counter) {link_to "Read more", "Category:" Read-more- & lt; % & gt; '}%> You need string projection here: & Lt;% = Simple_Format Trunket (Plot Discription, Length: Charles), {link_to "Read more", "Category:" Read-more - # {narration}} "}% & Gt; As you <%%> a and <%%> or & lt;% =% & gt; < / Code>.

ios - Navigate to details view controller from subviewcontroller of present view controller -

I have UIView A, a visible panel view is in the form of a subview. See B is the table view that will navigate this description on the table's view queue. See C. When it is rejected, it should return to Main View A. A & gt; B & gt; C > a & lt; B & lt; C . But it's coming for B . This view is on B class > [current current model view controller: see detail in animated: yes]; See C [Self buffer model vid controller permission: Yes]; Should come to see it. It is not working. Instead of rejecting the Model Viewer Controller, you can use :

java - Not able to read Properties File using Backward Slash -

I am not able to read the properties file using Java. This means that the previous slash in this property file is not working. It is showing, like this destination: C: Usersxxx.a string file name = "D: //Desktop//"; Is = new FileInputStream (file name); Properties PRO = new properties (); Prop.load (is); System.out.println ("Destination:" + prop.getProperty ("Destination")); is the property file: destination = c: \ user \ xxx.a \ is the result < / Code> But I want to show the destination: C: \ Usersxxx.a \ Can you please recommend me? \ is a surviving character. Forward slash / is used as a path separator in the Unix environment. Slash \ is used as a path separator in the Windows environment. , you need to use \\ or / as a path separator, you do not use \ directly in java Can. Since, it is a surviving character. So, you need to do the work of your program to make changes to your properties file.

osx - Array formula on Excel for Mac -

I need to call LINEST in Mac for Mac 2011, I would say - it was a secret story, my laziness, My curiosity, all were here! To use LINEST, I had a homework from university course. I also stopped trying to do this on the Mac, because after googling I could not find any solution how to do it. (I tried each and every combination of Fn Ctrl Alt CMD return Is!) Finally, I found a solution here on stack overflow! I want to mention it again, because it was a long time I spent exploring the solution I have spent 4 days outside the house, just to use the Windows PC where it is a pie As easy - F2 , CTRL + SHIFT + Enter . If you tell the truth - type in Excel for Mac, type the array formula, find LINEST and look at the combination of solutions! Solution: select the category, press Control + U and then ⌘ + Press RETURN . Here is the link to the original post: Press Range, Control + U and then press ⌘ + Back .

mysql - Can't disable SQL parenthesis auto-complete in Eclipse -

I've been through preferences in Eclipse, and I can not understand how the methods for completing the code for files such as .sql Take it for example: where `key '=' 'and key_expier & gt; CURRENT_TIMESTAMP When I edit the WHERE section, I get: WHERE () `key ' = '' Or `key` is null) and key_expier & gt; CURRENT_TIMESTAMP I have tried to shut down every option for the feet, but there is no benefit. Data Management in Preferences -> SQL Development -> SQL Editor 'Typing Click on the tab, uncheck 'Close off brackets' and click Apply / OK > I hope that works for you, it does it for me.

linux - Include binary from relative path in bash script -

मेरे पास project / bin / निर्देशिका है जो कि PATH < / code>। इसमें बाइनरीज़ project / bin / one और project / bin / two शामिल हैं। एक बास स्क्रिप्ट project / shell / script1 / । अब, मैं project / shell / script1 / स्क्रिप्ट में project / bin फ़ोल्डर से बाइनरी का उपयोग करना चाहता हूं। मैं एक वैश्विक स्क्रिप्ट चाहता हूं जो स्रोत डी हो सकता है, और उन बायनेरिओ को अपने आप में शामिल कर सकता है। तो, मैंने एक स्क्रिप्ट project / bin / load_bin < कोड>: #! / Usr / bin / env bash $ local_bin_one = '। / One' $ local_bin_two = '। / Two' इन में मेरा project / shell / script1 / मैं स्क्रिप्ट निष्पादित करता हूं: #! / Usr / bin / env bash source '../../bin / Load_bin ' हालांकि, जब मैं $ local_bin_one का उपयोग करने की कोशिश करता / करती हूं तो मुझे कोई फ़ाइल नहीं मिली त्रुटि मिलती है इसका कारण यह है कि $ local_bin_one को ./ one के बजाय ../../ bin / one को इंगित करता है। प्रश्न: मैं परियोजना / बिन / स

c# - Return value from async Method -

I have asmx webservice and I am using it in PCL, so we all know that now PCL is now using asmx webservice Does not support, it supports WCF webservices; I somehow manage to call the asmx webservice via PCL using the Silverlight plugin. But it creates async method and converts WSDL to wcf. The problem now is that I have to return some values ​​from webmoots which are now async method if someone finds its solution then please help me. I am using the following code, public class PerformLogIn {string temp; Public string checktip (string code) {ServiceReference1.WeatherSoapClient obj = new ServiceReference1.WeatherSoapClient (New BasicHttpBinding (), New Endpoint Address ("")); Obj.GetCityForecastByZIPCompleted + = getResult; Obj.GetCityForecastByZIPAsync (code); Return temporary; } Zero getResult (object sender, GetCityForecastByZIPCompletedEventArgs e) {string error = zero; If (E. error! = Null) error = E. Error. message; Els

ios8 - XML Parser issue in iOS 8 -

I'm working on XML parser, I am at the same time I bring many URL data server iOS 6 and iOS 7 Its work is fine, but parsons have been blocked in iOS 8. Please see screenshots. I'm using dispatch_queue_t (app.forgroundQueue). code here check Up AppDelegate * app = (app delegate *) [[Uaiapisikrn Seyranupryog] delegate]; App.isSerialQueueRunning = Yes; Dispatch_Associate (app.forgroundQueue, ^ {[self setDelegate: aDelegate]; self.responseArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; NSURLRequest * request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [url stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding]]; NSURLSession * session = [NSURLSession sessionWithConfiguration: [NSURLSessionConfiguration defaultSessionConfiguration] representatives: self delegateQueue: nil]; NSURLSessionDataTask * work = [session dataTaskWithRequest: request completionHandler: ^ (NSData * data, NSURLResponse * reaction, NSError * error) {if (error!) { } other {if ([_dele

html - unexpected token error in jquery -

Hello, I am currently receiving these errors on the Chrome console. The one I want to solve is an error syntax error. It shows the line in my javascript as 'use css' and I do not know why everything works fine. Failed to load resource: net :: ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND file: /// c: / js /plugins/jquery.fitvids.js Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token: VM107 index2.html: 17 in loading resources Failed: net :: ERR_CACHE_MISS & lt; Script & gt; $ (Document) .ready (function () {$ ('bxslider'). BxSlider (); Video: true, use CSS: wrong, pager: wrong, control: wrong}); & Lt; / Script & gt; Can anyone see why I found this unexpected token error? Thanks That's because your javascript is malformed. It should probably be: $ (document) .ready (function () {$ ('.bxslider'). BxSlider ({video: true, use CSS: wrong, pager : Wrong, control: false});});

wpf - ItemsControl of UserControls with ViewModels -

I would like to make a very simple thing (I think) with XAML. Show a list of I want a "UserControl B user controllers' UserControl A 'to host a ItemControl in (' ViewModels' with ViewModel A '). There is a property in 'ViewModel B' which is a 'UserControls A'. 'in Ctor the UserControls A', I set: Me.DataContext = New ViewModelA () , I set it up, but with 'View MODEL B'. Two points (integer) 'Row' and 'Colonel' in 'View Model A'. What I want to do is to force the values ​​of 'userControl A' and 'kernel' and 'line' in the hosted grid in 'UserControl B'. > Here's what I did: UserControl B: & lt; Items Controlled Items Source = "{Binding ListOffice Control_A}" margin = "1.5" & gt; & Lt; ItemsPanelTemplate & gt; & Lt; Grid & gt; & Lt; Grid.RowDefinitions & gt; & Lt; Roadfinition /> & Lt;

scope - PHP IF ELSE issue, can not get correct answers -

I wrote a PHP function to get the weekend, this " $ data ['project'] " It's not empty, but it's $ end = date ("ymd", strtotime ('next Sunday')); function weekendignSet (if {empty ($ data ['project'])) {$ end = $ data ['project'] [0] - & gt; Week_and_day; } And (if (($ _GET ['week_ending'])) {$ end = $ _GET ['week_ending'];} and {$ end = date ("Wi-M-D", strotome ('next What is the error? Thank you You have to go through the $ data to work, it will check if () otherwise try if you are always in the second position function weekendignSet ($ data) { when calling: - weekendignSet ($ data);

javascript - How to render an element on top of every other element on page without depending on the structure/styles used in the page? -

I want to display a button on a fixed position (sticky) on the page and it should always be at the top of other elements On the page, assuming that I do not have any knowledge of the structure and styles used on that page. Solution can not use Javascript (no jQuery), CSS3 and HTML5 only The solution should be dynamic / adaptive i.e. should not be directly dependent on the Z-indicator values ​​used on the page. demo: CSS: < Pre> .a {status: fixed; Correct: 10px; // Optional Top: 10px; // Optional z-index: 1; Background: Gray; // Optional Color: # 000; // Optional padding: 20px; // Optional} HTML: & lt; Div & gt; - content - & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "a" & gt; Fixed & lt; / Div & gt; // Fixed Div & lt; Div & gt; - content - & lt; / Div & gt; .... Using jQuery for dynamic z-pointer: highest = -999; $ ("*") Each (function () {var current = pert ($ (this). Css ("z-index"

How to Consume a SOAP Web Service with a local WSDL in CSharp, Java or Python? -

मैं एक सार्वजनिक वेब सेवा का उपभोग करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूं: वेब सेवा SOAP संचार का उपयोग करता है वेब सेवा WSDL का पर्दाफाश नहीं करती है निर्माता की वेबसाइट से इसे डाउनलोड करना संभव है। वेब सेवा केवल "श्वेतसूचीबद्ध" स्थैतिक आईपीएस के माध्यम से कनेक्ट करने की अनुमति देती है। ग्लासफिश पर वेब सेवा होस्ट की गई है, इसलिए मैं अनुमान लगा रहा हूं कि यह जावा में लिखा गया है। वेब सेवा विनिर्देश अधिक लंबा है और इसमें कई अनिवार्य क्षेत्रों हैं। मैं Hackathon चुनौती के दौरान वेब डेवलपर्स के विभिन्न प्रकार के डेवलपर्स को बेनकाब करना चाहूंगा, जो कि अजगर, जावा, सी # या अन्य प्रोग्रामिंग भाषाओं का उपयोग कर सकता है। मैंने वेब सेवाओं का परीक्षण करने के लिए SOAPUI का उपयोग किया था और यह बल्कि आसान था जब मैंने पायथन (एसओएपीपी) और सी # में मानक पैकेजों का उपयोग करने की कोशिश की, तो मुझे कई समस्याएं थीं। जावा और सीएक्सएफ का उपयोग करते समय, यह अनुरोध वस्तु बनाने के लिए एक दुःस्वप्न था। आप वेब सेवा को ऐसे तरीके से कैसे उजागर करेंगे, जो डेवलपर्स के अनुकूल है? ">

php - XML replace content to other -

मुझे यह स्क्रिप्ट है: $ dom = new DOMDocument (); $ एक्सएमएल = '.. / आस्तियों / local.xml'; $ Dom- & gt; लोड ($ एक्सएमएल); $ Cdata = $ Dom- & gt; createCDATASection ('95 .55.4.2 '); विदेशी मुद्रा ($ dom- & gt; getElementsByTagName ('कनेक्शन') $ आइटम के रूप में) {$ item- & gt; getElementsByTagName ('होस्ट') - & gt; आइटम (0) - & gt; एपेंडबल्ड ($ cdata); } $ Dom- & gt; सहेजें ($ xml); और मेरा XML है: & lt; कनेक्शन & gt; & LT; मेजबान & gt; स्थानीय होस्ट & lt; / मेजबान & gt; & Lt; / कनेक्शन & gt; और मुझे सीडीटाए से "लोकलहोस्ट" को "" में बदलना होगा। मैं इस शेयर की कोशिश करता हूं लेकिन वह गलत है ... इसका नतीजा है: & lt; कनेक्शन & gt; & LT; मेजबान & gt; & lt; / मेजबान & gt; & Lt; / कनेक्शन & gt; "> आप नोड मान को सीधे सेट करने के लिए nodeValue का उपयोग कर सकते हैं: $ dom = new DOMDocument

Setting up home page in spring -

I am new to the Spring Environment. I have created a small test spring project through STS. Project Name: SPTest Base Package Name: When I run and open this project browser via eclipse It works well, but puts the URL in the browser xx.xx.xx.xx: instead of 8080 / ifTest /, //xx.xx.xx.xx:8080/SPTest/ I think, add this base package name Used to be. Is there any way I can open a project? Thanks refers to ifTest to SPTest to refer you to the server Need to change your reference path. This answer will help you identify how to do this:

xpath - XML Namespace, can not select nodes -

मेरे पास यह XML है: & lt;? Xml संस्करण = "1.0" एन्कोडिंग = "यूटीएफ -8"? & Gt; & Lt; ArrayOfFileInformation xmlns: xsd = "" xmlns: xsi = "" xmlns = "http: //"> & LT; डाटा & gt; ...... जब मैं "xmlns =" ​​ " को एक्सएमएल में छोड़ता हूं, तो निम्नलिखित नहीं होता है कोई नोड्स: CString टैग = एल "// डेटा"; MSXML2 :: IXMLDOMNodeListPtr pDataTag = pXMLDocument- & gt; चयन करें नोड्स ((_ bstr_t) टैग); < P> जब मैं विशेषता हटाता हूँ, तो सब कुछ ठीक काम करता है। क्या आप मेरी मदद कर सकते हैं? XPath में नामपेटेड नोड को चुनने के लिए आपको अपने एक्सपैथ लाइब्रेरी द्वारा प्रदान की जाने वाली सुविधा का उपयोग करने के लिए प्रासंगिक नामस्थान यूआरआई पर बाइंड करने के लिए, और उसके बाद नाम से नोड्स का चयन करते समय उस उपसर्ग का उपयोग करने की आवश्यकता होती है। चयन करें नोड विधि में, कुंज

rest - Unable to use the PUT HTTP method -

I currently use the jpmml opens the REST API ... I have successfully Maven has installed the Uber-JAR file I am also able to reach the local host: 8080 / OpenSocoraning / Rule. PMLM is in the postman rest client in Chrome (Rules.pmml is a pmml file in which the scoring rule I want to apply) But, I only use post and GET methods Mitigation am able. When I try to apply other methods, I am getting a 403 error. Please tell me how I can use other methods like Put. PS: If I have used the wrong terminology then I am sorry I am new to REST and openscoring HTTP status code 403 means "forbidden" Simply put, you do not have sufficient privileges to execute peat and execution methods that modify the position of the opening service. You have two options here: Login on the server where the opener is running and try your orders again Apply your own authentication and authorization filters. This information is also available in the file.

android - I want to import a list in app inventor 2, so that i use its length. But how do i do this? -

I am using an FTP server and we want to change the file name of the file which we upload to the length of the list Are + 1 The name gets its name in the last part of the file, the part which gets lighter Does anyone know this solution? As I can see, you are trying to adjust to me ... The filename for the uploading file is global variable Strfilename in is defined before uploading Image Picture 1. EppPicking Event, you can change the file name in the name of your choice. And if you want to store uploaded files in the list, you should learn that this app also helps in knowing the basics of the inventor, to add an item to a list, just enter the Add item to list block, also see. Add item to list Adds item given at the end of the list. The difference between this and the list has been added that to add to the list the item should be added as a list, while adding item to the list in the form of personalized logic. This block is a mutator.

c++ - Eclipse CDT conditional breakpoint not working when checking for double expressions -

I am using Eclipse CDT 4.4.1 (Luna). When it comes to setting up a conditional breakpoint, it seems that Eclipse can not handle Float / Double Expressions. For example, I do a test for an expression like "t> 1", but when I try to check "t> 1.55" then everything goes fine, the Eclipse dumps the failing error: "Breakpoint installation failed: number 1.55 is invalid". In addition, when using the "Undiscovered Count" feature, I get different results different times, Eclipse jumps over breakpoint more than always set in breakpoint properties. Anyone know the reason for this behavior? Thanks in advance.

nsmanagedobject - Core Data check if property has never been set -

Is there a way to check whether the NSManagedObject property, for example a float NSNumber, in which the default value is = 0, is already Setter in Setter? I tried to do something like this: - (zero) setQuantity: (NSNumber *) Quantity {if (self.quantity == zero) NSLog (@ " Property never been determined "); Other NSLog (@ "property is already set"); [Will Will Changewellfall: @ "Quantity"]; [Self setmimicity: volume]; [Aunt Keweckenzvlevforki: @ "Volume"]; } But "Quantity" is never started because the default value is started with. Thanks! If the attribute has a default value set during is Start. You have 2 options: Mark the attribute as optional and do not provide the default value. You can check for zero Make sure the default value is unique and to determine that the value has been changed since the initialization, check the contrast eg, otherwise the positive number For, use -1 . Warning for 1: Make sure t

javascript - If IE tag not working for IE11 -

I found a script for a volume box, where you can add or remove items. Although it is not working in IE possibly because there is a button inside an anchor tag, which I wanted to do, it uses an onClick function that a user used when using IE goes. It will do this, I thought but I found out that it is not working as IE11. Anyone know an alternate solution? I want to use an onClick function when IE is used because the quantity box works fine in other browsers. & lt ;! - [If lt IE 11] & gt; & Lt; [Endif] - & gt; If it helps someone, then this is the code, which I am talking about which does not work in IE. & lt; A href = "? Del = '. $ Key.' "Class =" minus "& gt; & Lt; Input type = "button" class = "zero" value = "-" id = "least" & gt; & Lt; / A & gt; & Lt; Input type = "text" class = "input-text qty text" title = "volume" value =

javascript - How to create a password login modal, click submit button and open another modal containing links using bootstrap 3 -

I'm trying to create a password login model, click Submit button and link using Bootstrap 3 Open another model and I'm stuck and can use some help. I have already made the login modal (just a password input and BTN - this is # modal6 submit) and with a written link Model (this is # modal7 ) that is when the password is correct (only one pass Rd, no user login, etc.) to pop up. Since it seems relatively simple I'm trying to do this without javascript / jquery and mysql or php. Well I'm stuck ... I did not know that once the correct password is entered then to bring the modal window containing the link. I know how to do it with a login model and you will click on the right and bring the link with the correct password if it is an html page Example: I did not know that this link How to accompany an html page in opposition to a model. I had a similar challenge to use a model to add / edit an item And the result of that action (success / error) had to be dis

android - Building LibVLC for x86 -

I am trying to use Libweck for Android and I followed the instructions and it was completely for ARM Got to work from However, when trying to compile it in x86, I set: export ANDROID_ABI = x86 and then it has been compiled similarly, but now I There is a problem because it fails to compile. Here is a shortened log: ~ / vlc- android $ sh VLC source found Building Tools You are ready for VLC and its contribution. EGL to generate PKG-config file Creating contribs for GLESv2 pkg-config file estimate creation system ... Creating x86_64-linux-gnu configuration file ... config.mak bootstrap completed. ... config.status: execute libtool commands Type "make; install" to install and install Speex cd speexdsp & amp; Amp; Install [1]: Creating libspeexdsp in creating `/ home / user / vlc-android / vlc / contrib / contrib-android-i686-linux-android / speexdsp 'in directory: [2]: Directory / Home / User / Vlc-android / vlc / contrib / contrib-android-i686-linu

javascript - Why is event handled by jQuery's .on() with selector much faster than regular .on()? -

For a while I'm unhappy with the "pure JavaScript vs. jQuery" performance. But there are things I do not understand. I'll show it on my test code: I have this simple HTML structure: & lt; Div id = "div_regular" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div_live_wrap" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div_live" class = "target2" & gt; & Lt; Div id = "div_live_target" class = "target" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; Then I attach 3 empty event handlers: var div_regular = document.getElementById ('div_regular'); Var div_live = document.getElementById ('div_live'); Var div_live_target = document.getElementById ('div_live_target'); Function Handler () {} // Regular Event Attached $ ('# div_regular'). On ('click', handler); // Representative Event Attached $ ('# div_live') (&#

windows - How to import a pfx using certutil without prompt? -

I want to import a PFF using CMD. I am using the certificate for this but I am asking for immediate relying on the certificate. I want to automate the import, so I want to leave the warning signal. How can I do this? I am command certutil -f-user -p PASSWORD -importpfx c: \ cert.pfx That you are trying to add a "CA certificate" in the "Trusted Root Certification Authority" store. In fact, when you use "certutil -f -user -p PASSWORD -importpfx c: \ cert.pfx" to import a PFX certificate, then there are two actions: Add a personal certificate (which includes the private key in the "Private" store. Add a CA certificate to the "Trusted Route Certification Authority" store. This is the second The action tells UAC the reason for making a warning dialogue, because you "provide reliable root certification The "Rights" are trying to add a CA certificate to the store and this means that any web host holding thi

How to push array in stdClass array in php -

I have an array that is getting from my database, for example: $ Db_record = $ this- & gt; Search_model- & gt; Search_app (); Forex Currency ($ db_record as $ db_data) {echo $ db_data- & gt; Phone_number; } In the above example, I am able to fetch the record without any issue, but I want to add other data later in $ db_data . foreach ($ db_record as $ db_data) {echo $ db_data- & gt; Phone_number; $ Db_data [] ['NEW_VALUE'] = 'Pacific'; } but $ db_data [] ['new_value'] = 'Pacific'; throwing error down can not use the object in the form of the array type stdClass It would be great that someone called me 5 hours Can help in the form of straglings more than time. Try $ db_data-> New_value = 'prashant';

children - ReactJS: how to access all child components in parent component? -

Suppose I have comments with list component comments components have got it. I want to apply the method that will return all the comments components. I have been referred to each comment component: & Lt; Comments & gt; & Lt; Comment ref = "mycomments" text = "abc" /> & Lt; Comment ref = "mycomments" text = "efg" /> & Lt; / Comments & gt; I thought that I can access all my components through this.refs.myComments but this does not work - it only gives the final comment element < / P> All the comments What's the way There is no right way to do this. Your view is a representation of your data, so if you want text for all comments, see the data. If you want to update comments, update the data. Adding the data out of view, or manually adding the view manually, defeats the purpose of the reaction.

html - How to crop / margin a website? -

I am currently struggling with a CSS3 / HTML 5 problem. I use Bootstrap to make it properly responsive. I set up a pager, though I am struggling with the following problem: My website "overlaps" at the right border, here it is the perfect external range of my website: There is an overdose amount of about 5px on my whole website and I do not know that I How can I "crop" or how to reduce my website? Any chance you get some code Can you post? My first thought would be: html, body {margin: 0; Padding: 0; } In CSS.

mysql - DISTINCT one column -

हैलो, मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं: < सीज़न श्रृंखला शीर्षक शीर्षक शीर्षक शीर्षक श्रृंखला: आईडी नाम मुझे पसंद है आखिरी गयी एपिसोड प्राप्त करने के लिए (श्रृंखला दोहराए बिना) उदाहरण के लिए: मैंने दो एपिसोड को चलना डेड और हाउस एमडी में एक एपिसोड में जोड़ा है इसलिए, परिणाम होना चाहिए: प्रकरण 2 - चलना मृत एपिसोड 1 - हाउस एमडी इस समय मेरी क्वेरी है: SELECT *, के रूप में एपिसोडआईडी, एसआईएसआईएस सीरीज एडीसोड से ईएसईईएफईएस सीरीज के रूप में एस एस ईरीजरीज एसडीआईडी ​​ORDER BY E.ID DESC LIMIT 25 MAX ( का उपयोग करने का प्रयास करें SELECT MAX ( AS episodeId , एसआईडी एएस सीरीज एपिसोड से ईएसईईईईटी जॉइन सेरी के रूप में एस एस ई एसरीज = एसएड ग्रुप द्वारा यदि आपको अधिक कॉलम की आवश्यकता है तो एक जुड़ने का उपयोग करें SELECT * FROM एपिसोड एपी जॉइन के रूप में (चयन करें MAX ( एएसपीआईआईडीआईडी ​​एसडीआईडी ​​एएस सीरीजआप से एपिसोड के रूप में ई एसरीज़ = ग्रुप द्वारा पर) temp.episodeId = ep पर temp आईडी

java - Spark data processing with grouping -

I need a group group of CSV lines through a specific column and do some processing on each group. JavaRDD & lt; String & gt; Rows = sc .textfile ("somefile.csv"); JavaPairRDD & lt; String, string & gt; PairRDD = lines.mapToPair (new SomeParser ()); & Lt; String & gt; Keys = pairRDD.keys (). Distinct (). collection (); (String key: keys) {list & lt; String & gt; Rows = jodi rdd Lookup (key); NoOfVisits = rows.size (); Country = COMMA.split (rows.get (0)) [6]; AccessDuration = getAccessDuration (rows, time format); Click the & lt; String, integer & gt; Calculation = gets (rows); Whitepapers = counts.get ("white paper"); Tutorial = counts.get ("Tutorial"); Workshops = Calculations ("Workshop"); Accidental = Calculations ("Concise"); Product page = Calculations ("Product page"); } Private Static Long Dade Pursure (String Destestering) throws ParseException {Simple Data Format Format =

c# - Unity3d WWWForm only works from Start() -

I have the following code that works fine and sends the data as needed: IEnumerator start () {Diffculty d = Diffculty.getInstance (); Int level = d.getDiffculty (); WWWForm form = new WWWForm (); Form.AddField ("Highest Score", 1000); Form.AddField ("name", stringToEdit); Form.AddField ("Level", Level); WWW download = new WWW (URL, form); Yield returns download; If ((string.easynearction (download.air)) {debug. Log ("Error downloading:" + download.error); } Else {Debug.Log (download.text); DoWindow0 = false; }} However, now I want to trigger this code on a button press in a gyindo so that the code below is below. IEnumerator senddata () {Diffculty d = Diffculty.getInstance (); Int level = d.getDiffculty (); WWWForm form = new WWWForm (); Form.AddField ("Highest Score", 1000); Form.AddField ("name", stringToEdit); Form.AddField ("Level", Level); WWW download = new WWW (URL, form); Yield returns download;

php - concrete5 custom block not passing array to view -

I have a custom block made in Concrete 5, it gets an array of all workers from the database and pass it in the view Does it. This block also uses the parameter which is blocked when the block is added to a page (its a part of the WHERE sql statement, i.e. parent_id = 261) Here my task is in Block Controller: public function view () {$ db = new mysqli (WP_SERVER, WP_USERNAME, WP_PASSWORD, WP_DATABASE); If ($ db-> connect_errno & gt; 0) {echo '& lt ;! - Unable to connect to database ['$ db- & gt; Connect_uper '] - & gt;'; } Other {$ SQL_ENTRIES = "SELECT * FROM` wp_posts`]" where post_type = 'page' and " Post by replacing $ query. "(Post_ title, 'pound', 'lz')" ACC "; If (! $ Entries_result = $ db- & gt; Query ($ SQL_ENTRIES)) {echo ' ft_sock ()) $ entries [] = $ line; $ SQL_META = "SELECT post_id, meta_key, meta_value fp wp_postmeta WHERE in post_ id (select` wp_posts` id where

Array arithmetic bash shell -

I have a number of files ( nTotal ), with a column of each length < Strong> L Float numbers, I want to enter all these files in line I_th and add them at the end. Calculate my average and standard deviation I had read each file before, then I try to add this array to an array which gives me a syntax error: (standard_in) 2: syntax error . I hope that now all the files in the suma [i] contain the amount of all entries on the line I_th, after which I think the average edit for loops changed Has been suggested as it has been. ((n = 1; n & lt; $ nTotal; n ++)) IFS = $ '\ N' arr1 = ($ (. / .out file name | sed ' S (/ i = 1; i & lt; $ L; i ++)), for [i] = `resonance '$ {amount [i]} - $ {arr1} [I]} "| | Done for BC '((i = 1; i & lt; $ L; i ++)) or = $ (echo -1 * $ {sum [i]} | bc) aveSum = $ (echo $ ya / $ N Total BC-L) done Edit: ./a.out produces file with a column of float numbers. However, I read again data files and store the

javascript - Unit testing angular/Ionic project -

I have a very easy controller that looks like this. timeInOut.controller ('TimeInOutController', function ($ radius, $ filter, $ ionicScrollDelegate) {...}); Whenever I try to create a unit test for this ... (function () {'use strict'; var Before the scope, the controller first ('TimeInte Controller', function) () (filter) = $ filter; controller = $ (before each (injection (function ($ rootscope, $ controller, $ filter) {scope = $ rootsecope. Controller ('timeInOutController', {$ scope:}}})); Description ('# Date setting', function () {...});}); }) (); I get an error: [$ Injector: unpr] Unknown Provider: $ ionicScrollDelegateProvider & lt; - $ ionicScrollDelegate Obviously in my example, I'm not trying to inject the $ ionicScrollDelegate in the test, because it's a success Also tried to do the method and failed to include the address failed attempt. In addition to my karma.conf.js file, I type ionic.bundle