
Showing posts from May, 2011

ios - UITextView not scrollable - text changes when resized -

I am having a problem with UITextViews, especially I would like a text view that is not scrollable (only showing text , But the content that changes the size of the text view, changes are shown in: TextView is the same size (frame) in both images, but for some reason Re-sizing it Cut from a post load. Some background: 1) This problem is only in nested views (this view is directly in view view controller, it is fine) View Controller -> Custom SubView ----> Text View The problem was that when I first set the frame (But I did every other time) [ ] [textView sizeToFit]

objective c - Use of undeclared identifier 'GL_BGRA_EXT' error in iOS 8(Xcode 6)? -

I am using Integration 4.3.4f1. And yet when I was building the build for iOS they were working fine. I have just upgraded my xcode from v5.1 to v6. Now the same code is giving me the error like the following / Project DIR / Classes / Integration / 51: 122: Use of Undisclosed Identifier 'GL_BGRA_EXT' Can someone help me? Thank you You should try replacing glxt.h with gLxt.h which contains the file statement It contains the error in it Change the following: - #include & lt; OpenGLES / ES2 / gl.h & gt; With this: - #include & lt; OpenGLES / ES2 / glext.h & gt; Your included statement should look like this: - First: - #include "CMVideoSampling.h" #include " CVTextureCache.h "#include" GLESHelper.h "#includes & amp; OpenGLS / ES2 / gl.h & gt; #include & lt; AVFoundation / AVFoundation.h & gt; After changing : - # include "CMVideoSampling.h" # "CVTe

swing - GUI and MVC in Java -

I'm currently building a system that orders for snacks that the system has a GUI interface, in which There is an application code stored in a model package. So Ive done the main windows and it consists of three radio buttons and a sales button. So the radio buttons are "men", "sid", "drinks", I have the problem, how do I code the action listener for each button in the model package? What i have it import java.text *; Import java.util. *; Import model *; Import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Import javax.swing *; Import javax.swing.event. *; Public Square LeftPanel Extended JPanel {Private Button Group Group = New Button Group (); Private string group name; Public Left (Group Group) {Setup (); Construction (); } Private zero setup () {setLayout (new grid layout (3,1)); } Private Zero Build () {box box = box.centrector box (); Box.add (Box.createHorizontalStrut (65)); Plus (button ("main", new message listener ()); Add (Button (&

ios - Handoff action disappears after a period of time, need to call periodically? -

I am implementing handoff in an app. In the app I have made a handoff controller global for the entire application, so I only call [userActivity beCurrent] only once though, the problem I encountered is that the hand sign (lock) The app icon and app switcher in the screen will disappear after the duration of time (~ 10 minutes), and only when I will relaunch the app (i.e. call beCurrent again), hand Feature will be shown. I am not calling invalid during 10 minutes, I have verified it by setting a breakpoint. Is it necessary to call be required from time to time? This is not written in the documentation. Note: I have created a handoff controller in opposing the implementation of the protocol in visual control because many view controller handoffs should be allowed.

javascript - How to add a a dynamic row to table on click of a button, and make the existing rows editable on click using Ember -

I want to edit table rows, so for the click, I want to create the column as a text box so that I can edit, and save. Also, how to dynamically add rows on the click of the add button I know how to use jQuery, but there is no idea in Amber. Thank you! I want to emulate such behavior in Amber. This JSBN has a table, and has a button. Clicking on a button adds a dynamic row as a text-box in the table so that the user can enter the data, which can be saved by pressing another button. I think your table is bound to an ArrayController model. & lt; Table & gt; ... {{Element in Model #}} & lt; Tr & gt; & Lt; TD & gt; {{}} & lt; / TD & gt; ... & lt; / Tr & gt; {{/ Every}} ... Add an action to your controller inside the controller functions: {addElement: function () { Var element = this.get ('model'), // model contains data / list for rows NewElement = / * Here your object creation code * /; Elements.pushObject

html - jQuery On Load Children -

I have a set of items that are dynamically added because a user chooses an option from a side menu. The more options they choose, the more items are displayed. Some items will have a 'statistics' div and some items will not be there. What I want to do is check that the item has the 'statistics' divis, and if it does not, set the width of the 'more' div so that the empty space becomes empty from the 'stats' block. The HTML of the generated items is: & lt; Div class = "item" idse = "2116082" & gt; & Lt; Div class = "ico" & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "id" & gt; 2237 & lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "time" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; 00: 00 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; Period & gt; December 06 & lt; / Span & gt; & Lt; / Div & gt; & Lt; Div class = "event" & gt; & Lt; Span & gt; T

postgresql - Update single entry based on lookup in multiple sql tables -

I'm trying to update the entries in a table that I have been stored in the second table, it shows Oh, one item of which category is still in another table, oh, and my item is closed by both an alphabetic key (AKA) and numerical key (NKA). So far I have update itmHistory set ithLocation = items stor location, select storaky of storage (storage where ithAKey) and choose storNKey the (storage ithNKey) And storCategoryName = itmCategoryName; What is set on the ends of each instance of itmLocation the items table very last entry, where storCategoryName = itmCategoryName . Any ideas to be made as each update is found? In Edit: Table information: itmHistory: ithakey varchar (3) PK ithNKey int pk ithStart timestamp pk ithEnd timestamp ithLocation text items: Aitimke considered (3) PK Aitimankei Int PK Aitimsinetnam text storage: Stornam text PK stores Kantantonam text Strorokeshn text (PK = primary key) Depending on the information in your table, how about this?

ios, maintain single viewcontroller as android does? -

It looks like you can put only one instance of an activity using the following code in Android. intent .Setfag (int. FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK; intent. FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); How can you get the same effect in iOS? There is no standard way to do this, but you can see a singleton like this in your view controller Can create: + (instancetype *) Shared View Controller {Static Foo Visitor Controller * Shared View Controller = Zero; Static transmissions_access_one talk; Despatch_precha (& amp; one time token, ^ {shareViewController = [[[FooVuCentron alloc] init];)); Return shared view controller; } You will then be able to obtain the sharing requirement: FooViewController * fooViewController = [FooViewController shared view controller];

d - How to define a package's version in a DUB project -

I understand that the version requirements for the imported package in the D / DUB project using the list of dependencies in the dub.json file How to specify. But: How can I define a package version in the first place? It is automatically managed if you publish your Github repo in the DUB registry, This will get all your version tags from it. See:

Loading current location in Google Maps is not quick in android -

I am trying to load my current location in Google Maps V2. The problem is that when I load the app, I first see the default map which is loaded near Africa and then it animates in the current location after 1 or 2 seconds. Instead, I want to show my map directly on some existing places like Maps or Uber. I'm not sure where I am going wrong: Here I have done that: InTap () is said in the fragment of the onCreateView. Personal Boolean initMap () {if (googleMap == null) {SupportMapFragment MapFrag = (SupportMapFragment) getFragmentManager () FindFragmentById (; GoogleMap = mapFrag.getMap (); GoogleMap.setTrafficEnabled (true); If (friendslocationclicked == incorrect) {googleMap.setMyLocationEnabled (true); } GoogleMap.setMapType (GoogleMap.MAP_TYPE_NORMAL); GoogleMap.setOnMyLocationChangeListener (New GoogleMap.OnMyLocationChangeListener) {@OverrideMyLocationChange at position zero (location ARG0) {googleMap.animateCamera (CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLongZoom (new w

Codelite crashes after clicking new workspace or creating new project in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS -

I am at Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and I'm not entirely new to Linux A complete newbie has used me to use codelelight on Linux, and there is no problem running on Windows. However, its installation on Ubuntu installation is somewhere disturbed. Because, whenever I set fire to Codeleigh on Ubuntu, it looks fine (looks) and then if I try to create a new workspace or a new project, then without any alerts or message Stops. I have searched the Internet on this problem but it seems that there is no such problem, either I am doing something stupid or basically my Ubuntu is not well in any way, I Would be very grateful if someone could guide me and set me straight. thank you in advanced. It is not of you that its Ubuntu mistake is provided by Ubuntu, the codeleit is very ancient (2.8). Current version is 6.1.1 To fix your problem: Uninstall Code Lite sudo aptitude purge codelite codelite-plugins New codelight provided by the CodeLite team Note that we have filed a bug with Ubunt

How to count elements from list if specific key present in list using scala? -

मेरे पास सूची संरचना का पालन है - "disks": [{"name": "ए", "सदस्य नहीं": 1}, {"नाम": "बी", "सदस्य नहीं": 2}, {"नाम": "सी", "सदस्य नहीं": 3}, {"नाम": "डी ",}] मेरे पास सूची में कई तत्व हैं और 'सदस्य नहीं' के लिए जांचना चाहते हैं, यदि यह मौजूद है, तो मुझे सूची तत्वों में से गिनना चाहिए। उदा। आइटमप्रॉप = "पाठ"> पहले अपने इनपुट डेटा का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए क्लास बनाएं केस वर्ग डिस्क (नाम: स्ट्रिंग, सदस्य: स्ट्रिंग) रिपॉजिटरी (या अन्य डेटा स्रोत) से अगला लोड डेटा val डिस्क: सूची [डिस्क] = ... और अंत में गिनती < Pre> disks.count (d = & gt; विकल्प (d.memberNo) .isDefined)

matlab - Using Linear Prediction Over Time Series to Determine Next K Points -

I have a time series of data spots of sunspots and would like to infer based on a subset of these points Compare the points in the series and then the correctness. I'm just presenting for linear prediction using Multback and so I have decided that I will go to the path of using the following code segment within a loop so that each point given data There is a prediction outside the training set by the end of: % x is the number of data, training set X starts from the beginning of some subset% of 'unknown'% end of the training set From Point to expand predict when Uru does (ie training set and the difference in the length of the data vectors)% x_pred x start p = length (Prshikshn_set); Coeffs = lpc (training_set, p); For I = 1: unknown next value = -coffs (2: end) * x_preped (end-unknown -1 + i: -1: end-unknown -1 + i-p + 1); '; X_ Pred (end-unknown + i) = next value; End error = ideal (x - x_pred) I have three questions: 1) Is it fair that what I have describ

redis - Best way to model millions of exist checks in Aerospike? -

After going out for some data structure, I am looking at other discs with good disk / SSD display. I recently searched that seems to excel in an SSD environment One of the most memory hungry structures is approximately 100,000 Redis sets, which can be up to 10.000 stars in each. Each string is between 10 and 30 characters. These sets are used for existence / uniqueness testing What will be the best way for these models? I usually see 2 options: * A model is set as a model * Separate each value individually in one set In addition to this choice, 100.000 Redis set keys But it is possible to have a similar type of division / enrollment in the aerospeck for perhaps the reasons for the area. However, I am pretty sure that 'namespacing' concept in Aerospike is not for such kind of division. What would happen in the proper manner (if any) to do this in Aerospike, or is not it necessary? Aerospace divides its own for load balancing and high availability requirements na

ios - Adding UIButton to custom cell with auto layout -

I am trying to add a button through the IB in a custom cell at the top right corner of the cell. I am using auto layout to keep it correctly, but in the simulator I do not know why the button is not showing but if I make it program it shows it completely is. So my question is how can I use IB and I am saying it wrong. > I have made four obstacles on my button and fixed the width and height of the space behind and behind for the supervision. remove prevention of major location and lack of top position Fix for . I mean that the total width, height and fixed trailing will be the top position for the super space and this will work. If this does not work then you have not set your table view restrictions. Fix it in super view for the table, super, top, bottom, left and right.

sql - db2 set incrementing values using insert statement -

मेरे पास दो टेबल हैं: MYTABLE1 ID | Col1 | col2 | --------------------- .... 64 | 50 | 7000 | MYTABLE2 MY_ID | ------- 64 | 87 | और मुझे MYTABLE1 को 10,000 पंक्तियों की तरह डालने की आवश्यकता है, जहां आईडी = MY_ID कॉल 1 = 50 चींटी 2 बकाया है जब प्रत्येक पंक्ति पंक्ति डाली जाती है, तो MYTABLE1 ऐसा दिखेगा: आईडी | कॉल 1 | कॉल 2 | --------------------- .... 64 | 50 | 7000 | 87 | 50 | 7001 | मुझे यहां समान समाधान मिल गया है: लेकिन मैं अब भी यह नहीं समझ सकता कि MYTABLE2 से सभी आईडी कैसे लोड करें कृपया मदद करें, धन्यवाद आपके उत्तर के लिए। MYTABLE1 में डालें (id, col1, col2) my_id का चयन करें, 50 col1, col2 + row_number () my_id से (my_id द्वारा क्रम) से (MY_ID, m.col2 का चयन करें MYTABLE2 टी 2 से, (मैटैबल 1 से कोले 2 के रूप में अधिकतम (col2) चुनें) m) टी 2 - यदि आप सम्मिलित नहीं करना चाहते हैं आईडी जो पहले से ही MYTABLE1 में मौजूद हैं, जहां मौजूद नहीं है (मैथैबल 1 टी 1 से 1 का चयन करें, जहां टी 1.आईडी = टी 2। एमआई_आईडी);

Java detect pendrive in Ubuntu with file.listFiles() -

I am using a thread so that the pandroid has been condomed or not, between two states / / P> @ Override goes public zero () {running = true; While (current) {// always try {delay. DrivePath = getDrivePath (pathpath); If (isReady () & amp; Drive path == faucet) {Notify (DriveState.EMPTY); } Else if (! IsReady () & Drive path! = Null) {Notify (drivestate.reddy); }} Hold (exception e) {e.printStackTrace (); }}} Private string getDrivePath (string pathpath) {file file = new file (path path); If (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) {return file.exists ()? Route Path: Empty; } Else {for (File: file.listFiles ()) {if (! F.getName (.) Equal to ignoreCase ("cdrom")} {return f.getAbsolutePath (); // we 'cedorum'}}}} return the first folder other than blank null; } This works very well in Windows with rootpath = "E: \", but it does not work in Ubuntu rootpath = "/ media / Ubuntu", odd The point is that I still do not understand that if I open pend

c++ - SDL - Window data -

I was browsing the SDL documentation and found me the WindowData (and). What is the use of these works? It stores the zero pointer attached to the name, is it only to store my items, which I can use later? Or what is the significance of its SDL ? These actions should let you know arbitrary data with an indicator object (like a memory of your choice Buffer or an object): MyObject * object_ptr = new MyObject (); // Your custom object object_ptr-> Data = 42; // Your custom data SDL_SetWindowData (window, "mycustomdata", object_ptr); // elsewhere in your code where you have access to 'window' MyObject * object_ptr = SDL_GetWindowData (window, "mycustomdata"); This behavior mimics SetWindowLong (hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, indicator); Call the Win32 API.

html - CSS - Fixed percent size -

In CSS, if I set the width of an element to 50%, for example, when I change the size of the page, it will change, Is there a way to set the width of elements to a certain percentage of the page, but make sure that this change will not occur when the page is resized? set parent container to full position Like px and set your layout % inside the container

Neo4j creating relationships using csv -

I am trying to create a connection between the 2 types of nodes using the loaded csv file. I have already created all the movies and keyword nodes. I also create an index: movie (title) and: keyword (word). My CSV file looks like this: "title" | Year | "Word" / / header "in the wild" | 2007. "1990", // title with title, year and keyword "in the wild". 2007. "Deleter-Bus" / P> My query: with "files: / home / gdidil / temp csv" with loaders cd AS csv FIELDTERMINATOR '|' Match (M: Movie {Title: CSV Tetall, Year: toInt (csv.year)}), (K: Keyword {word: csv.word}) Merge (m) - [: is {weight: 1}] - & Gt; (K); The query runs for approximately one hour and shows error "unknown error" from whether the unnecessary error details. I thought it was due to 160 keywords and more than 1m movies and 4M lines in CSV. That's why I reduced CSV to just one line and it's still running

security - How do I stop IE11 offering to save passwords on edit pages that are not login forms? -

A part of our application allows the user to edit such entities that have passwords to save these passwords. They do not understand; Because they will never enter these types of users. When you edit one of these entities, there is a bit of trouble, IE11 asks "helpful" if you want to remember the password. It appears that on IE 11, & lt; Form autocomplete = "off" & gt; Ignore ; And yet Do you want to store your password for (hostname)? . How can we disable it? We do not pay attention to this login page; But it does not understand here, it's just an annoyance (note: if the user clicks on not for this site is not a good solution, since it will also stop working from the login page) . Have you seen IEInternational Discussion? (I'm not sure, but I think the post you are interested in is in the post later. I recommend working through various links, however, there are many different factors in it. .) Hope this helps ... - Lance

php - Invalid arguments for console cron route in Zend Framework 2 -

I am trying to create a cron app in my zf2 project but always gave me the following message: Failure reason: Invalid argument or no argument provided My code is: module.config.php 'controller' = & gt; Array ('Synchronization controller \ cron' = & gt; 'Synchronization controller \ console' = & gt; array ('route' => array ('path' = & gt; array ('user reset-password' = & Array ('option' = & gt; array ('path' => User reset password [- ('Controller' => Synchronization controller 'index', 'action' = & gt; 'password' );), 'Cron' = 'array (' option '=> array (' path '=> cron [full | center]' ',' error '=> array (' controller '=' & Gt; Synchronization CronController.php > Class CronController extstra CtActionController { public function full action () {$ request

ember.js - Unable to start ember-cli project because of git error -

When I try to execute ember new myproject I get the following: [... harvesting ...] Sellers / gitkeep package installed for tooling through NPM Failed to execute "Git ls-remote -tags -heads git: //", code exit exit of # 128 #: "git ls-remote -" executed Failed to tag tags --heads git: // "createError (# / usr / local / lib / node_modules / ember-cli / node_modules / bower / lib / util / createError .js: 4: 15) [... kick ... ...] So I tried to execute an unsuccessful order: $ Git Ls-remote - tags --heads git: // Fatal: Unable to connect to [0:]: errno = Operation git: // The syntax was new to me, so I tried a version with more familiar git @ github. Com: : $ Git ls-remote - tags --heads stefanpenner / ember-load-initializers.g

redirect - Redirecting from one route to another in my laravel 4 and angularjs app -

I'm using laravel4 and angular at front end. After submitting data from a form, I want to redirect to another route but I do not know if I submit data using the ANSEL $ http service The route is already defined in larval, but how do I redirect? Please give me some guidance through thanks. I think that when your form is accumulating, it goes through the controller Like the class SubmitFormController you can redirect just like this: return redirection :: from ('home'); If you are thinking of redirecting to a page with Javascript: window.location.href = 'home'; Perhaps I do not understand your question. In that case, please clarify your question.

ruby on rails 4 - How to write a common code block which can be used across multiple columns in index method of activeadmin -

Let's say I run all the necessary values ​​(for multiple columns) in a hash. I want to use this hash in many columns. I do not want to repeat the code for each column. Where and how to write this common code? Rail provides a solution that can be a solution: ActiveAdmin.register User Index Column (with ID) - Option Category: "Highlight" | opts | Opts.column (: name) opts.column (: Email) opts.column (: last_ip) End column ( : Created_at) and end

WPF C# - Bind Enum to ComboBox but don't use all enum values -

मान लें कि मेरे पास एक एन्यूम है जिसमें गुण हैं: सार्वजनिक enum MyEnum {हां , नहीं, कोई नहीं} मैं इन मानों को कॉम्बो बॉक्स में बहुत आसानी से बाँध सकता हूं। हालांकि, मान लीजिए कि मैं "कोई नहीं" मान को छोड़ना चाहता हूं - इस बारे में जाने का सबसे अच्छा तरीका क्या है? "post-text" itemprop = "text"> < P> आप उपयोग कर सकते हैं और फिर कास्ट को एक IEnumerable प्राप्त करने के लिए, फिर उन लोगों के आधार पर परिणामों को फ़िल्टर कर सकते हैं जिन्हें आप रद्द करना चाहते हैं, उदा: < कोड> var आइटम = Enum.GetValues ​​(typeof (MyEnum)) कास्ट & lt; MyEnum & gt; ()। जहां (ई = & gt; ई! = MyEnum.None);

xcode - Pressing enter just makes another line in input in C -

I am trying to do that when I enter the input, it will go to the next part of the code: int first int second answer printf ("Enter first number \ n"); Scanf ("% d", and earlier); Printf ("Enter second number \ n"); Scanf ("% d", and second); First + second = answer printf ("% d", answer); Return 0 This was just an example, but my code is: #include & lt; Stdio.h & gt; Int main () {int pennies; Full dollar; Printf ("How much money are in dollar dollars? \"); Scans ("% d", and dollars); Pennies = dollar * 100; Printf ("% d Pennies \ n", Panini); Return 0; } And when I run it on the terminal, it will ask "How much money are in dollar dollars?" Like it should be. The problem is that when I type in 7, it will just leave a line and will run forever. Where am I trying to get it that when I enter, it is 7 * 100 times and the output is "700 Pennies" help please. (Thos

AES encryption between Android and Arduino -

Hi I am working on the communication between Android and arduino through a Bluetooth module. And I must offer some protection I AES'm trying to put encryption but I have problems with my my Ardino code I can encrypt / decrypt using Diisielbi and sample code Davy Landman Enter the code here uint8_t key [] = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'J ',' A ',' i ',' j ',' kashmir ',' l ',' m ',' n ',' o ',' p '}; Four data [] = "0123456789012345"; // 16 characters == 16 bytes aes128_enc_single (key, data); Serial.print ("encrypted:"); Serial.println (data); Aes128_dec_single (key, data); Serial.print ("decrypted:"); Serial.println (data); and Android I can square up on the stack overflow with Aisaclpr encrypted using an example / decrypt do: code to enter the com. Example.bluetooth2; Import; Impo

active directory - Audit sessions to Dynamics CRM 4 -

I am looking for information about logging in Dynamics CRM 4. This is on a base site, and for the active certification, I am currently evaluating two options: 1- Create custom HTML handler and create a handler for the beginning_gation event of the http application class < / P> 2- Use the system policy to verify system authentication. Is there any other option? If it is not, then which of these would be better? Generally, both of these solutions have been suggested:

javascript - Json Object cannot be cast to Float using cloud function Android -

I'm following the tutorial to get cloud data on Android. The Java script code is given below: Parse.Cloud.define ("average star", function (request, response) {var query = new parse.Query ("review"); query. EqualTo ("film",; query.find ({success: work (result) for {var sum = 0; (var i = 0; i & lt; result; tall; ++ i) {Sum + = result [i] .get ("stars");} response.success (sum / results.length);}, error: function () {response.error ("movie lookup failed")}}) }}); The code on Android side is given below: @OrrideCreative on Public Zero (bundled saved instainstate) {super.onCreate (savedInstanceState); Get a view from // listview_main.xml setContentView (R.layout.listview_main); Hashmap & lt; String, Object & gt; Parameters = new Hashmop & lt; String, Object & gt; (); Params.put ("film", "matrix"); ParseCloud.callFunctionInBackground ("average star", par

Creating text files with %d id in c -

I was wondering how to create a text file like this: For example If I have: file * f; Int id = 1; F = fopen ("file \% d.txt", "a"); At the end of the file, I would like to add the ID number. I tried several things but nothing worked. Whatever you actually try to do, have failed to show it. The typical solution is to use sprintf () : char fnbuf [1024]; Int a = 1; Sprintf (FNBF, "file% d.txt", A); F = FOPAN (FNBF, "A"); Note that this is very safe, but with a more complexity in a real program it is a good idea to use, and of course to check return values.

subprocess - call command line from python class -

I have a class that takes a file, does a few processes, and output a tab-delimited file This output file needs to be sorted, the simplest way is the command line: sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n However, I want to apply it to Python class. I tried: import the import file from the subprocess call # class, do something, output a file, name 'tmp_output' class ClassA (object): def __init __ (self, Tmp_input, tmp_output): self.tmp_input = tmp_input self.tmp_output = tmp_output Automatically (DSP_input) def (self, tmp_input) dop: outputfile = open (auto.tp_output, 'w') #dosomething #thing = ... outputfile #tmp_output # This output is a file that is used to sort the tmp_output class sort (object) Is used for: def __init __ (self, tmp_output, output): self.tmp_output = tmp_output self.output = output def sort (self): call ('sort-1q-2 -2,2 n- 3,3 N SRTMP_ Output> Self U. Tput ') # This step does not work My question is that To type-k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n to call,

What makes a project publishable in visual studio? -

How do I create a project in Visual Studio? Clickable to say "right" Is there any idea / information this? < P> I know that the type of publication like the project console app, web application etc. should be clicked on the right. However, I am struggling to know which class library is It publishes, it is publishable. I have many class libraries that I have created, which is not available as a "publish" option when right click on the project file in Visual Studio, but I have another developer Is a class library in the project whose correct choice is P>

php - 2 MySQL Insert Statements and only the first one runs -

I searched high and low and can not find anything to address this problem. Apparently my first entry statement is going well and I can see the changes in the database. Despite the script completion, another fails to update the database. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you in advanced. "PropertyInfo (insert in DistrictNumber, PrimaryProperty, platBookPage, giftedDate, purchaseDate, retiredDate, yearBuilt, Affiliation, purchasePrice, primaryZone, primaryLandUse, propertyType, squareFootage, soldDate, soldPrice, lotSizeSqFt, I ('$ District_number', '$ primary_property', '$ plat_book_page', '$ gifted_date', '$ purchase_date'), pricing, '$ retired_date' '$ Year_built', '$ affiliation', '$ purchase_price' '$ Primary_zone', '$ primary_land_use', '$ property_type', '$ square_footage', '$ sold_date', '$ sold_price', '$ lot_size_sqft', '$ Iu

Retrieve message properties from Azure Service bus topics withn Python -

must acquire the property message me to use Python 2.7. I know that there are 3 properties in the message: CDID, Active and Alarm: I send messages to this client in C #; String Connection String = cloud configuration Mandkknetseting ( "Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString"); Subject Client Nucleus = TopicContact.CredFramConnected String (Connection String, "CDMsGues"); Var serviceMsg = New Brocade Message ("Alarm Dynamic"); ServiceMsg.Properties ["cdId"] = Message. Properties ["CDID"]; ServiceMsg.Properties ["active"] = Incorrect; ServiceMsg.Properties ["Alarm"] = Wrong; NewClient.Send (serviceMsg); How to get properties I've created a subscription and I am able to receive messages using Python but I do not have any indication that message. KEY_NAME = '******' key_value = '******' service_namespace1 = '******' SBS = ServiceBusService (service_namespace = service_namespace1,

vim - readonly option is set add to ! override - Windows 8.1 -

I was trying to change colorscheme to vimrc . But, when I try to say, I get the following error readonly option is added! Override , provided I am using Windows 8.1 . How can I fix this error? Thank you. vimrc You are editing your is not vimrc ; This is a system-wide vimrc that you should not edit all on your vimrc file on Windows 8 and The correct location for the vimfiles directory is: Any Viam version, 7.4 includes: & lt; Root & gt; \ User \ & lt; Username & gt; \ Vimfiles \ & lt; Root & gt; \ User \ & lt; Username & gt; \ _ Vimrc Only 7.4 and up: & lt; Root & gt; \ User \ & lt; Username & gt; \ Vimfiles \ & lt; Root & gt; \ User \ & lt; Username & gt; \ Vimfiles \ vimrc

MySQL optimize complicate query NOT IN (2 SELECT WITH JOIN) WHERE -

मेरे पास निम्न प्रश्न हैं: चुनें driver_id, first_name, last_name ड्राइवरों से WHERE driver_id नहीं (waybills से अलग w.driver_id चयन डब्ल्यू ड्राइवरों में शामिल हों डी पर d.driver_id = w.driver_id कहां w.waybill_owner = 1 और w.waybill_status = 'भेजा' और w.delivery_date = '2014-10-28') और नहीं driver_id और स्थिति = 'सक्रिय' और driver_owner (waybill_movements wm शामिल हों ड्राइवरों पर d से d.driver_id = wm.driver_id कहां wm.movement_owner = 1 और wm.delivery_date = '2014-10-28' DISTINCT wm.driver_id का चयन करें) = 1 ORDER द्वारा last_name एएससी मैं इस क्वेरी को कैसे अनुकूलित कर सकता हूं? प्रश्न अच्छी तरह से काम करता है और अपेक्षित परिणाम वापस करता है लेकिन मेरा प्रश्न यह है कि क्वेरी को अनुकूलित किया जा सकता है। / P> आपके समय और सहायता के लिए बहुत धन्यवाद। अपडेट: और, हाँ, मेरे पास ये है अनुक्रमणिका: waybills (waybill_owner, waybill_status, w.delivery_date) waybill_movements (wm.movement_owner, delivery_date) ड्राइवरों (प्राथमिक कुंजी

java - How to convert rgba(92, 184, 92, 1) to the color name? -

I have written the code below which is returning color code such as rgba (92, 184, 92, 1) < / Code>. driver.fix element ( ("userDetails-active")). GetCssValue ("background color"); System.out.println (Color.fromString ()). ASHX ()) convert to rgba (92, 184, 92, 1) using the name of the same color? Not all code codes as human readable names, however, this class is < P> It maps all existing human readable names, and maps the code to the nearest one. See if it suits your needs

javascript - What does d3.scale.ordinal() mean -

Can anyone explain what this block of code does: colorScale = (Options.colors)? D3.scale.ordinal () Range ( (function (d) {returns (is.Number (d))? ToHexColor (d): d;})): d3.scale.category20 ();

jQuery remove option from select list where variable has spaces -

On my page, when the user clicks on the 'Delete' button, an item from a selected list Matches has been deleted and DOM has been updated. It works fine unless there is no place in the variable. $ ('option [value =' + popup select ''] '). Remove (); If popupSelect = nospaces will work. If Popup SELECT = is empty it will not work and I will get the following console error: Unwanted error: syntax error, unrecognized expression : The option is [value = is empty] I have tried everything like a bidding system, but nothing seems to work < Popup select + '"]'). Remove ();

video - Faster alternative to Java Robot Class -

I forgot a lot, and I saw the same question on the stack, but I was not able to do some useful JNI or OpenCV), I am here: I am developing a simple streaming video application (with the Jugler library) which has a lot of screen capture. I tried with the Java robot class, but to take a screenshot of 120 mms (2800x1800) I think there is enough, so how can I improve it for a frame rate of at least 40 fps? Thanks,

gradle - How to enable multidexing with the new Android Multidex support library -

I want to use the new Multidix Help Library to break the law limit for one of my apps < P> With Android Lollipop Google introduced a Multidud X Support Library which makes it easy for Multidire X. What steps are needed to use this library and build your app with multidાઇx support? From December 3, 2014, the tool was created 1.0.0-rc1 I went. Now, you have to support your build.gradle : Android {compileSdkVersion 22 buildToolsVersion "23.0.0" default config {minSdkVersion 14/14 Multidex targetSdkVersion 22 Do not // multidex support enabled MultiDexEnabled true}} dependency {compile ''} If you are running unit tests, you can It would like to include it in your application class: public class increases the application of YouApication {@Override protected void attachBaseContext (reference base) {super.attachBaseContext (base) ; MultiDex.install (this); For more information, this

ios - RestKit 0.23.3: mapping same key twice (or even more often) does not work -

This case has not been found in any of the restkit documents yet, so I think it does not work: / P> This mapping, where I am using the key "theText" twice RK object mapping * mapping = [RK objectmapping mapping forex: [dmtext class]]; [Mapping add attributemapping freedoms: @ {@ "The Testide": @ "Headline", @ "The Text"): @ "Labels", @ "Some Else": @ "Hansiming Else"}]; will return the mapped textile object to the mapped, but the key is only with the title "theText" with the title, but the label is zero Is there any way How can I fill the value of a key in many destination attributes? I thought mapping has actually taken an exception if you try to configure it like this ... However, you can create a custom accessor method on your destination class and use the mapping to call that accessor. Method, then, in that method, set your 2 variables.

stm32 - STM32F205 SPI RXNE flag is not set -

I am using STM32F205 SPI1 in master mode and during the transaction the RXNE flag is never set here. SPI initialization Is a part of: SPI1-> CR1 = SPI_CR1_MSTR | SPI_CR1_SSI | SPI_CR1_SSM | SPI_CR1_SPE; SPI1- & gt; CR2 = 0; Then I am trying to get a single byte transmission: while (! (SPI1-> SR & amp; SPI_FLAG_TXE)) {} previous tx SPI1-> gt; DR = 0 xab; // While transmitting some bytes (! (SPI1-> SR & SPI_flag_RXNE)) wait for // byte UIT 8_T result = SPI1-> Dr; This code is waiting for the RXN flag. I tried to wait for the busy flag BSY = 0 instead of RXNE = 1 and the SPI began to work It seems that RXNE is never set up . Suggestion only: SPI1 - & gt; CR1 = SPI_CR1_MSTR | SPI_CR1_SSI | SPI_CR1_SSM | SPI_CR1_SPE; SPI1- & gt; CR2 = 0; You are naming the SPI before writing in the CR2 register. Enable SPI only after typing upside down or CR2.

html - Hiding text within a button depending on colliding elements -

I'm looking at creating a definitive navigation bar which is located within the view of my application. The bar will consist of 3 elements, a back button, a navigation dropdown, and an optional button section. These 3 elements have been aligned as the right of the left, center and navigation bar. The idea is that the "back" button will actually be listed in that list, in the previous section, "summary" or "personal details". Then this text will expand on the basis of the previous section, the navigation button will also provide a list of the segment in which you are back, see the same button as a back button. But this post is not really focusing on navigation or optional button elements. I have linked to a basic that gives you a general idea of ​​what I am doing. This idea occurs when the view port becomes small (below 215px width) and "back" and "navigation" elements collide, and the text located in the back button will hid

php - Imagick will not catch Notices or Warnings -

When information or warning occurs, the image fails. However, I am unable to catch the notice or warning. & lt ;? Php $ image = New Imagick ($ resource); {$ Image- & gt; Try setImageCompressionQuality ("no number should be string here"); } Grip (magic expense $ e) {echo "this is a catch"; // should catch here, but no! }? & Gt; The above code should be INT when the passed string must be caught due. The image fails but does not execute the catch. I still receive this message: Notice: The use of undefined continuous should be a number, not a string here - is considered 'd' in / var / www / class Line 15 warning on .php: Imagick :: setimagecompressionquality () parameter expects to be long, string is passed on /var/www/class.php on line 15 I have also tried (exception $ e as above, you should also see return image of $ image-> setImageCompressionQuality and notice with @. Notice can be changed in exceptions as described

Powershell script to delete files older than x days, but not folders -

I have a script that I thought was working, but I am receiving reports that instead of files Can it be removed from folders that help me adjust my script in the account for it? Do I need to add a one-file filter? $ path = "D: \ apeda \ download" $ limit = (get-date) AddDays (-6) Go-ChildItem- $ path Path - Refinancing-force | Where-matter {! $ _ PSIsContainer- and $ _ CreationTime -lt $ border} | Remove-item-review-force You do not work the most where-object segment Just like you expect it {! $ _ PSIsContainer- and $ _ CreationTime -lt $ border} should be {! $ _ PSIsContainer- and ($ _ CreationTime -lt $ border)} Brackets ensure that the second logical comparison is independently assessed. For more information see about_logical_operators The Windows PowerShell logical operators evaluate the only required statement to determine the true value of the statement. If the left operation in which there is an operator and is false in a statement, then the

Pointer to Structure -

I am trying to study a code that I have written. The code below is defined as a straight ICB_CMD_, and then * ICB_PCMD, ICB_PCMD pointer to ICB_CMD_ ?? Type-tof structure ICBCMD_ {UINT8 u8MsgId; UINT8 u8Addr; UINT8 u8Length; UINT8 u8MainCmd; UINT8 u8SubCmd; UINT8 au8Data [BUFFER_LENGTH-5]; // 5: NQAC / ACK / NACD ID # BETS CRCL BuffeelEmth = 200} * ICB_PMD; Even after this EXTERN ICB_PCMD icb_pRxCmd; EXTERN ICB_PCMD icb_pTxCmd; = "Text"> The "extern" keyword allows you to use the declared variable in any other source file. There is some useful reading material on this topic: Stack Overflow - Stack Overflow -

Azure - Scheduled Long Running Task - Scale Down Worker Role To Zero -

OK expert specialist, I have a task that's only run Needed once every week - this is a long lasting task that can take 2-3 days to run. I have to play a worker role on a queue based scale. The day we want to start the work - we populate the queue (using web jobs). During the remaining time, when the queue is empty, I want to shut down the worker's roles - but I can not reduce the examples. Basically, we wanted to do it with a web job, but the website closes from time to time - suddenly shutting down my webboy - should it be ? Even when Keep-Alive is turned on? Also, you can not stop a trigger Web Job from running - so if we want to stop the process - we have to close the web site - not ideal. How do I measure my examples to zero? * An alternative solution is also welcome. Here are trying to reduce the cost - why paying for a worker role is not doing anything? It is not possible to scale it down. At this time the worker role of 0 cases. Eve

ios - UISegmented Control ObjectAtIndex replacement for swift -

After switching to the swift, I can not find object on the object to control the segment this How do i [[fractured control subviews] objectAtIndex: 0] What is the equivalent in the swift for the above line? UISegmentedControl UIView is a line from SubView array, so Segment control. SUV View [0]

matlab - How to quantify pixel changes in a short video -

In the recent study, I'm using some (20) video excitation material. Now I want to compare the video That's how many movements are in each video. This is my code so far: VidObj = VideoReader (video_file); VidFrames = reading (VidObj); returns 4D matrix of 2D images = 2D array = one xb x c x window frames VidNoFrames = VidObj.NumberofFrames; VidHeight = VidObj.Height; VidWidth = VidObj.Width; K = 1 for: VidNoFrames k mov (k). Cdata = VidFrames (:,:,:,, k); % 720 x 1280 x 3 end Now I think the next step will be to create a loop for the correlation / SSD. However, CDAT is still 3D (height x width x 3) I do not know what this is the third dimension and how to compare images ... Thanks for your help! Thanks a lot! Christine You may want to use correlation to compare 2 images, or in your case I think computing is the square-intensity difference, which tells you in a more quantitative way that the intensity of how many pixels varies from one image to another, h

php - Combine queries to grab foreign key value from different able based on result in mssql -

I have to work with an mssql database on which I have no control, very sad, Can not change all. This database is setup so that 2 tables are entry and area . In the field table, there is a column sArea , which I need to look at by the value ixEntry I Entry In the table, I can do a look up (variables are PHP variables): Enter from SELECTle, ixCategory, ixArea WHERE ixEntry = '$ ixEntry' and then do another query from the field SELECT sArea WHERE ixArea = '{$ return [' ixArea ']}' Which Apart from the way in which network setup is done, there are two questions. With much higher overhead time. How can I add these two questions so that I have a result which is equal to SELECT sTitle, ixCategory, from entry WHERE ixEntry = '$ ixEntry' as if sArea were in the entry table, not ixArea? select from e.ixArea = a.ixArea at the entry area on the Join Area A. SArea WHERE e.ixEntry = '$ ixEntry'

c++ - How to debug shared object loading on ubuntu -

How do I get a better error message when developing shared libraries with Ubuntu? Due to my inability to make 100% evidence because of some shared objects loaded by our framework, sometimes external dependencies are added, which can not be found at the library runtime. . Error Message Things like this: The shared object can not open the file: The file or directory was not found. It is actually saying that something went wrong while loading the file. Is there a way to exit GDB which was actually missing? I have seen to use LDD that something big is missing, but she said that everything is found.

html - jQuery Mobile: Page redirecting to Previous Page after a few seconds of opening the new page -

When I click any link on a web page before the page is fully loaded, a new page appears But after a few seconds I am redirected to the previous page. I think this is because the first page is loading in the background and when it is fully loaded, the JQM redirects back to that page. Is there any way to stop this? Using: jQuery Mobile 1.4.4, jQuery v1.11.1, jQuery Migrate v1.2.1 and Multi Page WordPress Website. HTML: & lt; P & gt; & Lt; Iframe Src = "//" width = "1024" height = "700" frameborder = "0" allowed screen = "acceptable liquid" & gt; & Lt; / Iframe & gt; & Lt; / P & gt; & Lt; Div style = "text-align: right;" Gt; & Lt; An id = "skipContent" title = "home page" href = "" style = "color: #fff; font-weight: bold;" & gt; Skip video & gt; And & gt; &a

css - Background pattern repeat on table row -

I have trouble in the pattern-based background setting on table-line. On this screenshot, you can see that In the middle, there is a situation of some kind of situation in the background, which is strange because CSS is applied to table-row and table-cell . here is a JSfield: In the TR can not have more CSS properties with background property in the TR tag , Instead of TD. Here I have a solution, from which you have to use Callspain where you want to use the background. [see solutions in Jsfiddle] [1]

c# - How to pass Interface as parameter in WCF service? -

I have the following, but I'm not sure this is the right way to do it. Namespace WCFServices {[ServiceContract (Name = "IService")] [ServiceCanTypeAitrate (typewrite)] Public Interface Eyes {(OperationContract) Zero InstantTrited Parties (string name, INMemreble & lt ; IDATIMM & gt; data, INMEMERABLE & lt; string & gt; Module, INIMERABLE & lt; string & gt; states); }} This is the code using the interface. Namespace WCFServices {Public Class Service: IService {Public Zero InstantiateThirdParties (String Name, IEnumerable & lt; IDataItem & gt; Data, IEnumerable & lt; String & gt; Module, IEnumerable & lt; ; String & gt; States) {Process.ExecuteAll (name, data, module, state); }}} and this time my only object type is low. Namespace data object {[Serialzable] [DataContract] Public class datagram: IDataItem {public data system (); [Database] Public Customer Inbound Customers {Receive; Set; } [Datamember] Public Loan

Use CoffeeScript's class in AngularJS directive controller -

I was using this approach while making AngularJS instructions with the coffee script: < Code> angular Module 'MyApp', []). Directive 'Mary Directive', - & gt; Restrict: 'E' controller AS: 'ctrl' controller: - & gt; New class constructor: - & gt; @value = 3 This code works with coward 1.2.14 - but not with 1.3.0. I have no errors in the console, it just does not do anything, it appears that the controller is an empty object. I answered almost the same question in this thread:. I like to keep my concurrent objects as a proper coffee script class. The key is to wrap new directive () inside a function block. Class MyDirective constructor: (myService) - & gt; // Constructor content @ controller = microcontroller @ controller AS = 'ctrl' restricts: 'e' replaces: true field: attribute stuff: '=' link: (field, element, etter) - & gt; Angular Modules ('my_module') Director 'Directive

c# - TelerikMvcExtensions Grid filter when using ViewModels -

I am trying to figure out the easiest way to filter my grid. @ Html.Telerik (). Grid & lt; MyViewModel & gt; () .name ("grid"). Fillable (); I am using ViewModels in my View and DomainModels in my controller. The problem I am trying to map them between using Automapers is that the telephridge grid was not designed to work with view modals, so the filter logic is confused: ( [GridAction (EnableCustomBinding = true)] Public JsonResult SelectHandled (GridCommand command) {var items = _repository.AsQueriable () .where (command filtered descriptor) // & lt; -------- This will not work. Page (, command page page); var vms = Mapper.Map & lt; INN Merebel & lt; MyModel & gt ;, IEnumera Ble & lt; MyViewModel & gt; & gt; (item); var model = new grid model {data = VMS, total = // omitted}; Jason (model);} How do I map myViewModel to MyModel for filter decoders ? Essentially I want to implement my own. You can r

regex - Remove everything after a string in a data frame column with missing values -

I have a data frame similar to the essence of the bottom: Overview Identifier Value Objects ABC_2001 54 I would like to convert this data frame into a data frame, where the part after the string "_" . The signature will be removed: As illustrated below: Overview Identifier_Not Time Value ABC 54 Objacs2 ABC-2 Obback 3 1 Obscene 1 Obscene 1 Def < P> I tried using strsplit , gsub and sub with discussion here but appreciated the work of those people I can not do this for the fact that: The values ​​in the column can not be c I want to leave them and where they are The string "_" is located in different places text "> You can try the sub command below to remove all non-space characters from the _ symbol. sub _ matches a literal _ symbol. / Li> \ S * matches zero or more non-space characters. OR all of these characters Micro _ will remove the symbol, sub ( "_. Explanation: _ one

coldfusion - differences between verity and solr -

I'm searching for coldfusion 9 verity for coldfusion 10 solr but I'm getting some strange results. For example; If I search for "Fishing and Camping England" which contains quotation marks on the truth, then I get 7 results, and as you expected, the phrase "MICING AND CAMPING ENGLAND" in the result would be correct But when I search on the solar, I get 1 result, and as a result I did not get back to the first reference, about the fish ! Camping England and If I use different search terms to search the Sol collection, then I really want the result / document there. Does the quotes contain some strange things with SLR and search terms? I saw that the Adobe site is for the solter, and it seems that it should be fine. But it is not! I get the same strange results on our local development server and our remote server. For this example I have changed the actual search terms, but I hope you get this idea. There is a difference between the re

jquery - How to make action to a button inside tooltip in Highcharts? -

I have added a button inside the tooltip in HighThat and I have to take some action after the click event. config = {tooltip: {useHTML: true, formatter: function () {return "& lt; a href = \" # \ "id = \" button \ "& gt; asd & Lt; / a & gt; "; Unfortunately, jQuery does not seem to work well here $ (document) .on ('click', '#button', function () {e.preventDefault () ; Console.log ("ok");}); Click OK if nothing is wrong? I think the problem is SVG, right?

git - Force remove all commits ahead of HEAD? -

I have made a mistake in my GIT repo before, merging and adding tags and liking it. I have now reset my development branch to commit (in a bold), but still there is a mess in history ahead of that commitment: How do I get rid of those commitments (where branches split on 487ff69 for the first time) Not done? It is not necessary to be in SourceTree - the terminal commands are OK too. Thank you! Git tries hard to delete (with some exceptions) Which we can not pay attention to here). What do I think that you want it to be accessible , and it is quite easy, because context - mostly the branch and tag names (such as git's "hiding place" also reference We can, however, ignore it. In this way, to make the commission accessible, we only move or delete references. Developing your has already been moved: it now indicates the boarded commit As you wanted, you probably received a git reset or a GUI-equivalent. Unwanted commits are now referred to only 1

oauth - Spring social custom OAuth2Version -

I tried to interface a REFLL web service and after some research I found that to force the API The best way to relax with different safety mechanisms like OAuth1a / 2 out of the resource box. My problem is that the web service that I try to interface does not match all aspects of all OAuth2 in the spring, Spring Social 4Oth2 version BEARER_DRAFT_2: With header value of "Oauth2" DRAFT_10: Beer: With header value of "Bearer" DRAFT_8: with title value of "token token =" " and 3 token strategies with the title value of" Oauth " AUTHORIZATION_HEADER: Indicates that the EX The token should be taken as an OAuth2 bearer token in the authorization header ACCESS_TOKEN_PARAMETER: Indicates that access token should be done as a query parameter called "Access_token" OAUTH_TOKEN_PARAMETER: Indicates access tokens should be used as a query parameter named "oauth_token". So my problem is http: // base_ap

javascript - How to stop form fields from shifting in a Bootstrap form -

Hi This is using Twitter Bootstrap 2.3.2. I have a form setup that has a checkbox to the right of the dropdown. The idea is that if the user clicks on the check box, this dropdown will hide and show a new input field so that the user can enter a new status title. When a checkbox is clicked, it hides the div label and div in which the drop down occurs. The devel is displayed with the new input label, but the next line of the form is moved. Another strange thing is that I have another hidden div set. () But it is still looking at load time but on page load, you can still see it for a brief second. $ (function () {$ ('# NewPositionDiv'). (': Check')) ($ ('# newlabelPosTitle'). ($ '(': Check ')) $ ('# FCB Nupos'). Change (function () {if ($ ('$ fcbNewPos')) $ {$ ($ ('# LabelPosTitle'). $ ('# LabelPosTitle'). Hide (); $ ( $ ('# NewPositionDiv') Show (); $ ('# NewlabelPosTitle') Show (); $ ('

javascript - Why is this property defined on the prototype--not on the constructor? -

In the chapter, I found the following part of the code. I would like to know why the author has determined the name property on the prototype - not in the manufacturer. function input error (message) {this.message = message; This.stack = (new error ()). Stack; } InputError.prototype = Object.create (Error.prototype); = "InputError"; During the book, he is defining properties in protoptip on the creator and methods. Nicholas Jacques recommends doing this for web developers in the professional JavaScript ch6, because they say, if you define methods in constructor, then construct a new example of the method by calling each constructor the constructor. it happens. This is definitely the opposite position - a property defined on the property. To repeat: What should I know, Why can the author define 'name' property on prototype ? So far, I have read these two SO posts, not two benefits. - It tells me what I have already done in

node.js - Is there any way to have Express draw from two file system directories for one web directory? -

Say that I want a clear directory, via http: // which / images / / Code> But on the file system, it is actually both / users / me / www / images and / users / me / moreimages / . So if I request the http: //whatever/images/selfie.jpg , then it first searches for / user / iMA / www / images / selfie.jpeg , And if not found, serve / user / me / more / live / JPEG instead. I can think of some of the ugly ways of doing this, but I want to do it in "right" and hopefully straightforward way. Does the expression have some work, where I can do it to do this? Yes, this is possible. Just mounted on the / images in two instances: router.use ('/ images', express.static ('/ users / me / images /') ); Router. ('/ Images', express.static (' / user / mine / more images' ')); If the request in the first instance of the middleware is not satisfied, the second will be processed, and so on.

android - How to remeasure layout_weight? -

In the layout xml below I am creating horizontal linearLayout with two hair sequences LinearLayout The child is considered to be dynamically spread of its breadth, depending on the height of the parent it has width of ImageView . & lt; LinearLayout android: Layout_width = "match_parent" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: orientation = "horizontal" & gt; & Lt; LinearLayout Android: layout_width = "0dp" Android: layout_height = "wrap_content" Android: layout_weight = "1" Android: orientation = "vertical" & gt; & Lt ;! - Some children ... - & gt; & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; & Lt; MyAspectRatioImageView Android: layout_width = "wrap_content" Android: layout_height = "match_parent" Android: adjustViewBounds = "true" /> & Lt; / LinearLayout & gt; Now, what I am trying to achieve is a result like this: But what exac

shell - Python fabric How to send password and yes/no for user prompt -

I have created a fabfile with many hosts. I am automating my experiment New Unix Password Confirm Password. Full name Cell, pH, etc. Is this information accurate? Y / N I want to pass all this information as a part of the script without prompting the user. How can I do this? thanks You only use pipes Why not? For example, to accept an automatic auto, just use yes, which just displays a new stream of y. yes | In your case: local ('echo' your_super_password \ n '| esdu aducer - group thumbnail hduser') Code> - How do you migrate ExpectedException's syntax from NUnit 2.2.9 to 2.6.3 -

In legacy code, using anonoot 2.2.9, the expected expiry looks like this: & lt; Test (), Expected Exception (GetType (System.Exception), "Expected error message") & gt; Based on some research, which was finally answered, I have this: & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; Lt; Test (), Expected exception (GetType (System.Exception), expected message = "expected error message") & gt; This generates an error: 'expected message' is not declared. Due to its security level it can be inaccessible. I am using NUnit and am importing it like this: Import NUnit.Framework . The syntax is incorrect to access the named parameter. It should appear in VB.Net: & lt; Test (), Expected Exception (GetType (System.Exception), Expected Message: = "asdf") & gt;